
Minister Angelkova meets in Seville with Thomas Cook Group CEO Peter Funkhauser

03 April 2019

Cooperation with major international tour operators is extremely important for the sustainable development of Bulgaria and we as an institution will continue this policy actively.

Minister Angelkova talks in Seville with Huyong Ge, Chairman of the Board of UnionPei International

03 April 2019

Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova talks to Huyong Ge, chairman of UnionPay International. They held a work meeting within the 19th Global Summit of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), held in Seville, Spain.

Minister Angelkova held a workmeeting with the Greek Minister of Tourism in Spain

02 April 2019

Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova held a work meeting with Elena Kountoura, Greek Tourism Minister. The two spoke at the 19th Global Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) Summit in Seville, Spain.

Minister Angelkova delivered a lecture at the Moscow State Institute for International Relations (MGIMO)

11 March 2019

Tourism is an essential factor in the business relations between the two countries, Russia is among the generating markets for the destination Bulgaria, the Bulgarian Minister told students and professors


Minister Angelkova: An agreement with the Altai region on cooperation in tourism is to be signed

10 March 2019

In Russia, the Minister spoke with the Deputy Prime Minister of the Altai region and the Minister of Economic Development Pavel Dityatev


Minister Angelkova held a work meeting in Moscow with Sergey Krivonosov, State Duma deputy chairman of the Committee on Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism

10 March 2019

The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova held a work meeting with Sergey Krivonosov, State Duma deputy chairman of the Committee on Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism and Youth Affairs, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Tourism.


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