At a bilateral online forum, Bulgaria presented its readiness to welcome Russian tourists during the upcoming summer season
This week the second digital forum Bulgaria - Russia: Multifaceted Regional Partnership was held. The topic of the event was Tourism and Culture.
The project is implemented jointly by the Industrial Center of the Republic of Bulgaria in Moscow, the National Tourist Representation of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Russian Federation and the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Moscow.
The main goal of the forum was to present the readiness of our country to welcome Russian tourists during the summer season as a safe, quiet and attractive destination. New programmes and proposals prepared by the Bulgarian tourism business for guests from Russia, as well as a number of Bulgarian municipalities with their attractive sites for tourists and holiday events were presented during the conversations.
At the bilateral meeting were exchanged good practices of companies from Bulgaria and Russia, interesting areas that are currently being developed by the Russian tourism business were also presented.
The forum was attended by over 80 representatives of federal and regional administrations and tourism organizations, Bulgarian and Russian tour operators, hoteliers, universities, interested structures from Russia and Bulgaria, who presented their organizations and expressed interest in mutually beneficial cooperation.
The topics for future partnership in the field of business tourism, balneology and health tourism, the partnership between municipalities and regions in Bulgaria and Russia as a basis for intensifying tourism exchange and cultural activities, strengthening contacts between higher education institutions, including those teaching tourisms, activating the exchange of organized children's groups, etc. aroused strong interest.
An information package with the contact information of the participants and the presentations made during the online event will serve as a good basis for facilitating future contacts and the preparation of joint meetings and events.