The Ministry of Tourism has successfully completed the implementation of a project funded by OP Good Governance 2014-2020

12 October 2023
Министерството на туризма успешно приключи изпълнението на проект, финансиран от ОП „Добро управление“ 2014-2020

The Ministry of Tourism has successfully completed the implementation of the project ‘Cohesion Support to Address Migration Challenges Arising from the Military Aggression by the Russian Federation in Ukraine for Refugees Arriving in Bulgaria through a Measure Implemented by the Ministry of Tourism’ under the 2014-2020 OPGG.

For the purpose of publicity and transparency, the Ministry of Tourism presented the implementation of the activities of the Project BG05SFOP001-6.001-0001-C01 of 23 September 2022, aimed at supporting the cohesion to address the migratory challenges posed by the military aggression by the Russian Federation in Ukraine for refugees who arrived in the Republic of Bulgaria.

The project is implemented with the financial support of the Operational Programme Good Governance 2014-2020 (OPGG 2014-2020), co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Republic of Bulgaria.

The project fulfils the objectives of providing accommodation (overnight accommodation) with breakfast and a hot lunch to each displaced person who arrived from Ukraine to Bulgaria and received temporary protection.  This is in line with the measures implemented by the Ministry of Tourism under the Humanitarian Assistance Programme for persons seeking temporary protection in Bulgaria.

As a result of the project, EU funds have covered the costs of 960,800 overnight stays including breakfast and hot lunch per refugee accommodated in a place of accommodation/shelter in the period from 01 to 17 May 2022.

The project has addressed 62,704 displaced persons from Ukraine, of which 25,666 are children under the age of 18.



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