Nearly 1,500 signatures have ensured the smooth running of the tourist sites for the current summer season
Minister Miloshev coordinated all programmes for the organisation of water rescue activities on Bulgarian beaches.By the Decree of the Council of Ministers of 4 June 2024, adopted on the proposal of Minister Miloshev, the concessionaires and tenants of sea beaches were given the opportunity to conduct the summer season in peace, as they had programmed and prepared it in their programs. In this regard, with haste and responsibility, by 7 June 2024, Minister Miloshev coordinated all submitted programs of the sea beaches, laying nearly 1,500 signatures, which will allow the normal and peaceful operation of tourist sites during the current summer season.In addition to the water rescue programmes, Minister Miloshev also coordinated the schemes for the placement of movable objects and facilities on the beach area, thus ensuring their lawful use.All the backlogged documents from the beginning of the year have been processed and duly served on the interested parties. The organisation of work in the Ministry of Tourism, which Minister Miloshev established, aims precisely at timely and fast processing of the files. Concessionaires and beach tenants, all operators in the tourism sector, including representative associations, and all members of the public are given the opportunity to address the Minister's office directly with questions, views and opinions.In addition to the activities related to the sea beaches, Minister Miloshev also paid special attention to the acceleration of all procedures for the processing of documents for the categorization of tourist sites and for all other types of regulation of activities and professions in the tourism sector.Minister Miloshev signed 46 updated certificates with the determined type and category of accommodation and catering and entertainment establishments, in connection with changes in the circumstances of legal entities engaged in tourism activities and registered in the Commercial Register of the Registry Agency, as well as 98 temporary certificates for categorization and certification of tourist facilities. It is expected that 20 new accommodation and catering establishments will be opened after Minister Miloshev signed an order to open a procedure for their categorization.The administration of the Ministry of Tourism makes every effort to be of benefit to the citizens and the tourism sector and to resolve pressing issues within its competence. We wish everyone a successful summer season.
Minister Miloshev met with tour guides regarding the CPC decision
The Minister of Tourism Evtim Miloshev held an official meeting with the associations of tour guides, in relation to the existing regulatory framework, which determines the requirements for the exercise of the tour guide profession and the recommendations given by the decision of 9 May 2024 of the Commission for Protection of Competition.The meeting was attended by representatives of the Association of Tour Guides in Bulgaria, the Union of Tourist Guides in Bulgaria — Varna and the Southeast Union of Tourist Guides ‘Vanya Raykova — Burgas’.Minister Miloshev stressed that the guiding profession is extremely important for the quality of the Bulgarian tourism product and the promotion of our country as a tourist destination.‘You, the professional tourist guides, are the ambassadors of destination Bulgaria to the world and your mission is to defend the national interests while staying true to the facts about our culture and history. The correct interpretation of the facts and information about Bulgaria and the tourist sites, which a tour guide presents to our guests, directly influences our image and the sustainable development of Bulgarian tourism’, Minister Miloshev stressed, addressing the representatives of the profession.The Ministry of Tourism supports the tour guides and will form a working group with the participation of representatives of the branch organisations to review and analyse the existing legislation related to the exercise of the profession of tour guide and its improvement.
Water quality at the Black Sea coast is excellent, a joint inspection involving three ministers shows
Minister Miloshev visited Shkorpilovtsi beach together with his colleagues and teams from the Ministry of Environment and water and the Ministry of Health‘We are holding this meeting here on the beach today on the joint initiative of both Minister Kondeva and Minister Dimitrov, precisely to send our message to everyone. We have three ministers standing — with their authority and all the technical means necessary, of course, to show: our water is clean, our sea is beautiful and guests are welcome on our Black Sea coast. Welcome to the Bulgarian Black Sea coast!’ This is what Minister Evtim Miloshev said on Shkorpilovtsi beach during the joint inspection of the cleanliness of the sea waters at the beginning of the summer season together with the Ministers of Health Dr. Galya Kondeva and of Environment and Water Petar Dimitrov.Minister Miloshev pointed out that the date is not accidental — exactly on 6 June a year ago, when the ‘Nova Kakhovka’ dam in Ukraine was destroyed, a campaign of fake news, unfounded fears of pollution on our Black Sea coast and speculation about the quality and purity of the sea water broke out, which caused serious damage to Bulgarian tourism and caused a serious outflow of mostly foreign tourists for the last summer season. Minister Miloshev warned that tourism is very sensitive to such news and called for objectivity.‘We are strictly monitoring the condition of the coastal sea waters and so far we have not found any deviations from the quality standards’, Environment and Water Minister Petar Dimitrov was adamant after the joint inspection. He explained that Shkorpilovtsi beach was chosen as a sampling site for a reason. ‘There are both bathing and coastal marine areas here. Our colleagues from the Regional Health Inspectorate take samples from the bathing area, and we take samples from the coastal sea water area’, said Minister Dimitrov and stressed that the structures of the Ministry of Environment and Water constantly monitor not only the water quality indicators, but also illegal discharges into the sea and if such are detected, measures are taken immediately.The sampling of the coastal sea waters is carried out by specialists from the Basin Directorate ‘Black Sea Region’ — Varna, the ‘Regional Laboratory — Varna’ at the Executive Environmental Agency and the Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water — Varna. The sampling on Shkorpilovtsi beach is the second for the day, previously samples were also taken from Bolata beach. The samplings will continue, with a total of 20 planned for today and tomorrow.At Shkorpilovtsi express water analyses were also performed. The results of the field test for Ph, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, oxygen saturation and salinity of the water, which became clear within minutes, unequivocally show that the indicators are fully within the quality standards. The results of the physico-chemical analysis will be ready and announced within 24 hours for some of the indicators and within 5 days for others.After the event in ‘Nova Kakhovka’, the Ministry of Environment and Water made a very serious monitoring program, which is coordinated with all institutions, Minister Dimitrov recalled. ‘Every day we looked at likely contamination contributors in a model that showed where we could expect contamination and whether we could expect contamination at all. The Naval Academy in Varna monitored the situation by satellite. We have saturated the monitoring stations in many more places, and now we were also monitoring for floating pollutants, which were never detected’, Minister Dimitrov said.The director of the Black Sea Basin Directorate in Varna, Yavor Dimitrov, confirmed that no illegal discharges into the sea have been detected on its territory so far.Dr. Galya Kondeva said that the regional health inspectorates in the country continuously monitor the quality of bathing water in the sea, with a focus on microbiological indicators.23 bathing areas are subject to monitoring and control in Regional Health Inspectorate-Varna (RZI-Varna). The duration of the bathing season is from 1 June 2024 to 30 September 2024. One sample was taken from each bathing area in May, before the start of the season. The results show ‘excellent’ quality of the coastal marine waters, except for the bathing area ‘Varna — Ofitserski beach’, where the water quality is considered ‘good’. The positive trend of improving bathing water quality in Varna region compared to 2022 and 2023 is maintained.The next sampling will take place in the period 10—11 June 2024.Two samples will be taken during the bathing season in June, July, August and September from each bathing area. From bathing waters adjacent to urban beaches: Ofitserski, Central, South and Asparuhovo will be tested one additional sample each during the summer months, according to the Ministry of Health.Minister Miloshev recalled that this year we have a record number of beaches with blue flags.
Minister Miloshev opened a specialized conference within the three-day forum ‘Erlebe Bulgarien’ / ‘Experience Bulgaria’
Representatives of the tourism industry from Germany, Austria and Switzerland got acquainted with the opportunities for tourism in our countryTourism is a priority and an important sector in our economy and you are welcome here — this message was delivered by the Minister of Tourism Evtim Miloshev at the opening of a specialized conference within the three-day forum ‘Erlebe Bulgarien’ / ‘Experience Bulgaria’. The Expedition Tour takes place between 5 and 7 June in the resort of Sunny Beach. The Ministry of Tourism, in partnership with the concessionaire of Burgas Airport and Varna Airport — Fraport Twin Star Airport Management AD, the Association of Incoming Agencies in the country (AIA) and Libena Resorts (Melia Hotels) organized the large-scale event on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast to present and promote to the leading tour operators and travel agents in German-speaking countries, product managers, industry organizations, journalists and other Bulgarian tourism product innovations. Representatives from Germany, Austria and Switzerland took part in the expedition tour - the three countries that are among the largest and most important markets for the development of tourism in our country. The conference was moderated by Klaus Hildebrandt, editor-in-chief of the world-famous German media fvw TravelTalk, and Dirk Rogl from Travel Commerce. On the Bulgarian side there were many representatives of the tourism sector and local authorities. The forum was opened by the Minister of Tourism and the Mayor of Nessebar Nikolay Dimitrov, who welcomed the participants. Minister Miloshev, who held numerous informal meetings and talks, congratulated the industry, friends and partners of Bulgaria at the opening of Experience Bulgaria:‘I'm here to tell you: Our country has a priority in tourism development. Tourism as a traditional sector in our economy is a priority. ‘Minister Miloshev emotionally addressed the guests at the forum: ‘At least two generations of German tourists keep their memories of the sunny coasts and golden sands of Bulgaria. Our goal today is for the children and grandchildren of these generations to come to our country and understand why their parents carry this unforgettable memory of our country. Let's bring that emotion back!’Minister Miloshev highlighted the great traditions in the development of Black Sea tourism and pointed out the diversity of opportunities related to the rich cultural and historical heritage, natural resources and delicious food.He paid special attention to the geothermal wealth of Bulgaria, the modernization of the hotel facilities and the work with the German health insurance companies, which for several years allows German tourists to practice health tourism in Bulgaria, taking advantage of the opportunities for recreation, recovery and rehabilitation in the Bulgarian sea and SPA resorts. ‘It is important to know that Bulgaria is adapting, changing and developing its tourism product’, Minister Miloshev stressed. He added to the palette by pointing out that the Black Sea coast is home to some of the world's leading golf courses, and the sports infrastructure provides many opportunities for mass sport.Minister Miloshev delivered his important messages to the foreign participants in the expedition tour, stressing in conclusion that hospitality is genetically inherent in Bulgarians because of the crossroads on which our country is located. Bulgarians are hospitable, humane and extremely tolerant people, he said and urged: ‘Come to rediscover Bulgaria! You are welcome here!’After the official opening, AIA Chairman Ivan Groshev and the CEO of our maritime airport operator Frank Quante kicked off the working sessions. They joked that in terms of emotional belonging, the German Quante is now Bulgarian and the Bulgarian Groshev is more German. The two made an attractive presentation of the most famous Bulgarian resorts, presenting curious facts from our ancient and modern history and finding many common and intersecting points between Bulgaria and Germany.The packed programme gave guests the opportunity to create engaging original content that will promote the Bulgarian tourism product to the multi-million audience in our country's important tourism markets positioned in Central and Western Europe.The event was part of the Ministry of Tourism's overall marketing strategy aimed at establishing the country as a preferred summer holiday destination in the region.
Minister Miloshev: Austrian citizens would be able to benefit from the natural riches of our country all year round
The Minister of Tourism and the Ambassador of Austria Andrea Ikić-Böhm discussed the possibility of carrying out recovery procedures for Austrian citizens in Bulgaria‘Austrian citizens would be able to benefit from the natural riches of our country all year round. Medical tourism in our country is an extremely positive opportunity for Austrians. Bulgaria ranks second in Europe in terms of mineral springs, these geothermal waters have enormous healing potential and have been exploited in our lands for centuries’, said Minister of Tourism Evtim Miloshev during his meeting with the Ambassador of Austria H. E. Andrea Ikić-Böhm.At the meeting, opportunities for cooperation in the field of spa and medical tourism between the two countries were discussed. Minister Miloshev highlighted the exceptional opportunities that Bulgaria presents in the field of balneology and SPA tourism. ‘I believe that any effort that is motivated by good intentions always finds a good result. The Bulgarian state has created the conditions for private initiative in the country to create exceptional hotel complexes that are linked to cultural heritage’, the tourism minister added.‘I can assure you that Austrian citizens value Bulgaria highly. I myself am convinced of the great prospects that Bulgaria offers in the field of health tourism. We have presented your proposals to the relevant authorities in Vienna, who are considering this possibility very carefully. I well understand that this concept is aimed at year-round tourism, but it will take time to get the opinion of the Austrian authorities’, emphasised Andrea Ikić-Böhm.Already in 2019, Bulgaria was included in the official list of countries with which the Association of German Health Insurance Funds recognizes the costs of rehabilitation in our country. The ambition now is for Austrian citizens to also get the opportunity to benefit from recovery procedures in our country.
The Ministry of Tourism, in partnership with Fraport Twin Star Airport Management AD and the Association of the Incoming Agencies in the country (AIA), are planning a large-scale event on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast
The Ministry of Tourism, in partnership with the concessionaire of Burgas Airport and Varna Airport — Fraport Twin Star Airport Management AD and the Association of the Incoming Agencies (AIA), are planning a large-scale event on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast — ‘Experience Bulgaria’ / ‘Erlebe Bulgarien’. The event will take place between 5 and 7 June in the resort of Sunny Beach. More than 180 representatives of the tourism industry from Germany, Austria and Switzerland will take part in the event. The aim of the organizers is to promote the Bulgarian tourism product among representatives of the three countries, which are among the largest and most important markets for the development of tourism in the country.The most popular and authoritative tourism media in Germany — fvw | TravelTalk, which is also one of the key media partners of the Ministry of Tourism for the German market, also participated in the organization of the forum ‘Erlebe Bulgarien’ / ‘Experience Bulgaria’. With their assistance, professionals from the tourism sector will have the opportunity to learn in detail about the advantages that the Bulgarian Black Sea coast offers to its guests: the recreational conditions, the cultural and historical heritage of the region, the opportunities for SPA and wellness, the possibilities for practicing various sports, as well as the authentic local cuisine, interpreted through the modernist currents of world cuisine.The forum will include a number of meetings, as well as a specialized conference moderated by Klaus Hildebrandt (Editor-in-Chief of fvw|TravelTalk) and Dirk Rogl (Travel Commerce), which is expected to be attended by the Minister of Tourism — Evtim Miloshev. There will be a workshop for travel agency representatives, tours of some of the most beautiful spots on the South Black Sea coast, as well as visits and events at some of the best hotels in the region.The event is part of the marketing strategy of the Ministry of Tourism, which aims to strengthen the image of Bulgaria as a destination with excellent opportunities for summer tourism. The Ministry believes that the joint efforts between the public and private sectors increase the chances of attracting more tourists to the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, making the country a preferred choice for summer tourism in Europe.
Minister of Tourism Evtim Miloshev took part in the 121st edition of the Rose Festival in Kazanlak
Minister of Tourism Evtim Miloshev took part in the 121st edition of the Rose Festival in Kazanlak, which this year coincided with Botev's Day. On Sunday, the lavish culmination of the month-long festival dedicated to the Bulgarian rose took place in the heart of the Valley of the Roses.‘This is something extraordinary, we see what emotion and what energy there is at the Rose Festival. Everything is very impressive’, said Minister Evtim Miloshev in Kazanlak and pointed out that this day is a great celebration, as it is also the Day of Botev. After the silent hearing of the sirens of tribute, Minister Miloshev addressed the public saying:‘I am extremely happy that today we are all together — on the Day of the Rose, on the Day of Botev and of all those who gave their lives for this country. Today, to celebrate our national symbol — the rose — is above all a symbol of identity, of thousands of years of history, right here — in the Valley of the Thracian Kings, in the valley of great civilizations, in the heart of the world and of Bulgaria on the Day of the Bulgarian Rose.’According to the Ministry of Agriculture, there are currently 2,947 producers registered in Bulgaria who grow Damascena and Alba roses, and the area under oil rose has increased since last year to over 50,000 hectares.The event was attended by thousands of tourists from all over the world, and according to the information of the Kazanlak Municipality, the bed base in the town was fully booked for the holidays already in March.Among the official guests were the Minister of Education and Science prof. Galin Tsokov, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Ass. Prof. Deyan Stratev, the Mayor of Kazanlak Galina Stoyanova, MPs, MEPs, directors of state and municipal institutions, mayors of municipalities and towns, as well as the archaeologist prof. Nikolai Ovcharov. Guests were also ambassadors and representatives of almost the entire Diplomatic Corps, as well as delegations from twin cities of Kazanlak, from countries such as Vietnam, South Korea, China, North Macedonia, Greece.In the early hours of the day Minister Miloshev participated in the traditional ritual ‘Rosober’ near Kazanlak in the rose gardens near Kran, where part of the centuries-old tradition of the Valley of the Roses is reproduced.The most spectacular part was the culmination, when along the central boulevard 56th Queen of the Rose Nedelina Nedelcheva and her runners-up led the traditional carnival parade, which this year passed under the motto ‘The charms of the Valley of the Roses’, and in it took part over 5 thousand participants, children, folklore groups and guests of the lavish festival.Within the framework of the event, an International Folklore Festival is held in the City of Roses, where groups from Kazanlak's twin cities show their folklore and customs. During the festival days the guests had the opportunity to visit the Rose Wine Expo in the halls of the People's Community Centre ‘Iskra — 1860’ in Kazanlak.
Polish travel influencers toured Bulgaria with a camper van under a project of the Ministry of Tourism
Pawel and Justyna Ślęczka, Polish travel influencers behind the popular Instagram account @couple.away, toured Bulgaria, promoting our country to more than 146 thousand people on social networks. At the invitation of the Ministry of Tourism, the couple arrived in Bulgaria on 6 May in their own camper van, coming from Krakow, Poland. For more than a week they visited different towns, villages and landmarks all over Bulgaria, sharing their daily journey with their fans with curious original footage.The invitation to the popular travel bloggers was initiated and realized with the cooperation of the Bulgarian Tourist Attaché in Warsaw Nikolay Kostov. The promotional tour is part of the Ministry of Tourism's large-scale campaign to promote destination Bulgaria among foreign audiences, introducing them to the diverse opportunities for recreation and adventure that our country offers. In this case, however, Paul and Justina are not travelling according to a prepared program, but enjoying their tour without a strict schedule, discovering the possibilities of hiking in the country with their own camper.The young influencers choose which sights to see, and you can follow their entire journey in our country via their Instagram account ( They visited Belogradchik Rocks, Koprivshtitsa, Rila Monastery and Rila Lakes, Bansko, Lovech, Devetashka Cave, Krushunsky Waterfalls and Emen Canyon.Since their arrival in Bulgaria, the couple has been posting beautiful original shots of the Bulgarian countryside on a daily basis, often taken with a drone, while sharing their impressions of the places they visited and giving advice to future Polish tourists. In some of their publications they tell interesting facts about the visited sights, such as - for example — the processes of how the Belogradchik rocks were formed and what happened to the bats in the Devetashka cave. In other posts, influencers share their experiences at local restaurants and their conversations with locals they meet along the way. This is how they accidentally learned about the Krushuna Falls, which they decided to visit later, say Pavel and Justina.The content of the young influencers is focused on nature and cultural tourism in the country, and so far there has been high engagement from their audience.
Minister Miloshev: The Danube connects Vidin to the heart of Europe
The town has potential for the development of cultural, historical, SPA and adventure tourism in the regionThe Minister of Tourism Evtim Miloshev was a guest of the most north-western regional center — Vidin to discuss current issues and problems related to the development of the tourism sector in this part of Bulgaria. The progress of North-West Bulgaria and Vidin goes through the development of tourism and, above all, through the improvement of road infrastructure and transport connectivity — especially with the advantages provided by the ‘water highway to the heart of Europe — the Danube’. This is what Minister Evtim Miloshev told the participants in the round table on ‘Tourism in North-western Bulgaria’, organized by Vidin Governor Ani Arutyunyan, with the participation of mayors of municipalities and representatives of the tourism business in the region. The meeting was also attended by the Speaker of the National Assembly, Rositsa Kirova, who was among the initiators of the visit to Northwest Bulgaria, inviting the caretaker Minister of Tourism during a parliamentary scrutiny.‘Vidin is special for me because I have visited the city many times in connection with the filming of the series ‘The Tree of Life’, which is a very successful project of high cultural and artistic value. Historically Vidin was the gateway of Bulgaria, through which all the novelties from Europe entered. And now the city has a lot of potential in a cultural, historical and archaeological context.’With these words Minister Miloshev opened the discussion.Vidin has many assets — cultural and historical sites, authenticity and natural phenomena in the vicinity such as the Belogradchik Rocks, it is only necessary to create the specific national tourist product for the region to give a real boost to the development of tourism in this unique place, Minister Miloshev further said.He pointed out that last year tourist registrations for Vidin were 25% more than the previous year and significantly exceeded the data from 2019.Vidin region is the second in the country after Plovdiv in terms of cultural and historical attractions, said the regional governor Ani Arutyunyan. With its rich cultural program and concert activities, such as the summer festival ‘Opera on the Peaks’ at the Belogradchik Rocks or the summer musical evenings of the Vidin Symphony, the town has a great future for the development of cultural and festival tourism.In Vidin is located the second largest church in Bulgaria — the Orthodox Church of St. Dimitar Solunski’, named after the patron saint of the city, as well as the mosque and library of Osman Pazvantoğlu. In this regard, it was stressed that the region has a great potential for the development of religious tourism.Special emphasis was placed on the development of spa, wellness and health tourism.‘Bulgaria and your city in particular have a very great balneological potential and this is a huge wealth, commensurate with the mountains and the sea, which will give a different perspective and great opportunities for the development of your city’, the minister said.He pointed out that the cruise ships, which connect Vidin with the heart of Europe, are also a perspective that should be seriously worked on. The destination is favoured by Romanians, Germans, Poles and Hungarians, and the minister encountered American tourists visiting the city.The position was expressed that the Mineral Baths of Vidin could be the centre around which the town could develop and give year-round livelihood to the whole region. Medical tourism will provide new opportunities and attract many new tourists who will not only disembark from the cruise ships to admire the sights for a short time, but also stay for a complete stay.A major investment related to the healing springs will also boost eco and rural tourism.During the meeting the possibility of developing sports and adventurous adventures on the river as a promising form of tourism was also discussed. There is exceptional year-round potential in this — such as cycling, regattas and other water sports, and a campsite could be created along the river.‘This is inspiring, it has its potential as natural resources and I encourage you not to waste this energy, but to work in this direction’, Minister Miloshev said.After the meeting, the Minister visited Vidin's city garden, the renovated synagogue, the Baba Vida fortress and a number of local landmarks together with the Governor of Vidin Ani Arutyunyan and the Speaker of the National Assembly Rositsa Kirova. During the tour they commented on how to better manage and protect the tourist sites and treasures, which are a real asset for developing modern and authentic tourism.During the day Minister Miloshev visited the town of Kula. He was welcomed by the mayor Vladimir Vladimirov with bread and traditional local colourful salt, called here ‘myashano’ — and got acquainted with the preservation and care of the local landmark — the fortress ‘Castra Martis’, whose tower gives its name to the town.The tour continued with a visit to the fortress ‘Kaleto’ and the impressive Belogradchik rocks, together with the mayor of the town Boyan Minkov.The Minister also visited a modern local winery, which is successfully developing culinary and wine tourism on the Danube.The Ambassador of Mongolia H.E. Mrs. Lhagvasuren Sayanaa also attended some of the meetings.
Minister Miloshev gave a working breakfast for the representatives of the Diplomatic Corps
Bulgaria is at the forefront of the growth of tourists in Europe compared to 2019 according to the European Tourist BoardTourism Minister Evtim Miloshev hosted a working breakfast on Saturday morning with the representatives of the Diplomatic Corps, guests of the opening ceremony of the summer tourist season Summer 2024. Special guest at the informal working breakfast was the President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rumen Radev, accompanied by the Secretary for Culture, Education and Tourism at the Presidential Institution and former Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov. The breakfast was attended by the Minister of Health Dr. Galya Kondeva, Yordanka Chobanova — Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Bulgaria, ambassadors and diplomats from over 20 foreign missions.At the beginning of the breakfast, prepared only with traditional Bulgarian high-quality products, Minister Miloshev himself presented gastronomic details to his guests related to the products, the regions of their origin, Bulgarian traditions, noting also the famous Bulgarian hospitality.The minister also sent important messages, saying that Bulgaria is ready and waiting for its tourists.‘As institutions we are ready for a calm and safe summer. The Ministry of Tourism, our institutions and control bodies are always open for assistance, so do not hesitate to contact us’, said Minister Miloshev.‘Tourism is an emotional product, we wait for our tourists and as a country we will work to make them feel safe and filled with only good emotions. I would like to assure you that we have a very clear task and ambition in our face that the state provides all the necessary conditions and control to make a successful summer season happen.’Bulgaria is a safe destination and a safe country and we live at a crossroads and this makes us hospitable and tolerant, the minister told the diplomats.‘That is why, beyond the modern notions of a tourist product, I want to say to you — come here, because we have carried hospitality in our DNA, in our genes for centuries’, Minister Miloshev said. He expressed the hope that our foreign guests — tourists will become the best ambassadors of the dream Bulgaria, who will take with them the memory of this paradise place.At the end of the breakfast, the Ambassador of Romania, Brândușa Predescu, thanked her gracious host on behalf of everyone and predicted that in just a month there will be a real invasion of Romanian tourists on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. ‘I am truly impressed — by the food and the gastronomic knowledge of the minister, by the taste and finesse of the selected authentic Bulgarian dishes’, she said.According to the European Tourist Board, for the first 3 months of 2024 Bulgaria is at the forefront of the growth of tourists in Europe compared to 2019 according to the data- an increase of 39% compared to the first 3 months of 2019.
In Nessebar, the Minister of Tourism Evtim Miloshev officially launched the tourist Summer 2024
We are expecting a good and stable season with a growth of over 10%, the Tourism Minister stressedAt an official ceremony in front of the gates of the Ancient City of Nessebar, President Rumen Radev, Minister of Tourism Evtim Miloshev and the host - the Mayor of Nessebar Nikolay Dimitrov officially launched the summer tourist season. For the first time, the Summer 2024 welcoming ceremony was held with the participation of the Head of State.The event took place under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rumen Radev and his wife Desislava Radeva, in the presence of ministers, mayors, representatives of the diplomatic corps, the tourism business, citizens and guests of the seaside town.Among the official guests of the event were the Ministers of Interior Kalin Stoyanov, Regional Development and Public Works Violeta Koritarova, Health Dr. Galya Kondeva, Agriculture Georgi Tahov and Youth and Sports Georgi Glushkov, as well as ambassadors and representatives of missions from over 20 countries, the Governor of Burgas Prof. Maria Neykova, as well as former ministers of tourism.The ceremony began with the performance of the magnetic Bulgarian kabagaidi and the ritual ‘Mother Bulgaria’ at the gates of the Ancient City. The statesmen were greeted according to an old Bulgarian custom with a pita and the symbol of our country — the Bulgarian rose.‘We Bulgarians have always believed that we live on a piece of land that is a paradise’, Minister Miloshev said and recalled the ancient parable.‘We live at a crossroads — geographically, between Europe and Asia, culturally and spiritually. And that is what makes us recognizable and authentic. This has made us over the centuries hospitable and humane — we Bulgarians are an ancient civilization of emotional, artistic and tolerant people. And in today's times of complex geopolitical relations and more and more global crises, these qualities are becoming increasingly scarce and, therefore, more and more valuable’, Minister Miloshev said.I am convinced that several generations of modern Europeans cherish the memory of our Sunny Beach, our sunny sandy beaches and their exciting Bulgarian summer, Minister Miloshev said, addressing the representatives of the diplomatic corps and the guests of Nessebar and the Bulgarian Black Sea coast.President Rumen Radev stressed the importance of Nessebar as part of the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List. The mayor and his team have done a great job here, hopefully more Bulgarian municipalities will look like this, the Head of State said.‘Nessebar represents all those well-known features of Bulgaria — here the millennia-old history of our lands coexist with the comfort of modern tourist services; the splendour of our nature with the famous hospitality of the local people’, the President said and thanked the Secretary for Culture, Education and Tourism at the Presidential Institution and former Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov for the initiative, the Minister of Tourism Evtim Miloshev for the support and the host and ‘motor of the event’ — the Mayor of Nessebar.Minister Miloshev reminded the journalists that the caretaker cabinet has a clear time horizon and its task is to ensure fair elections and the smooth running of the summer tourist season. He expressed his optimism for a good and stable season in the upcoming Summer 2024 with a clear commitment of the institutions to ensure good control and calm work for the business, and the most important subject in the tourism product - the tourist to leave happy and only with positive and beautiful emotions.‘We will have done our job — as a country and a nation, and as a sector, if everyone leaves with the memory of their happy Bulgarian summer. I dream for Bulgaria to be associated with sun and beauty, ancient civilization and rich culture; with hospitality, with authentic Bulgarian products and its unique nature. And above all to be associated with warm and smiling people, ready to help’, Minister Miloshev further emphasised.After a short tour along the cobbled streets of the landmarks, the guests attended a concert of local folklore groups at Messambria Square in Nessebar.
As part of a government delegation, Minister Miloshev is visiting Zograf Monastery St. George the Great Martyr in Mount Athos (Sveta Gora)
Minister of Tourism Evtim Miloshev is part of the traditional Bulgarian pilgrimage delegation to the Sveta Gora for the feast of the Zograf Monastery St. George the Great Martyr led by Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev.The delegation also included the Minister of Education and Science prof. Galin Tsokov, Minister of Culture Nayden Torov, Minister of Agriculture and Food Georgi Tahov, as well as MPs.During the visit to Mount Athos on 10 and 11 May , the members of the Bulgarian delegation will meet with the spiritual leadership of the Holy Mountain and will participate in the evening and night services, the Holy Mass, as well as in the procession with the icon of St. George the Great Martyr — Zograf.
On Europe Day, 22 light works transform Sofia's most famous facades, parks and squares during the LUNAR Festival of Lights
The third edition of the cultural event takes place with the institutional support of the Ministry of TourismTwenty-two light works will transform Sofia into an open-air gallery in the evenings from 9 to 12 May 2024. Video and static 3D projections on buildings, light installations, immersive experiences and a laser show will create a parallel reality on a number of the capital's favourite landmark buildings and parks. For the first year, the Lunar Lights Festival is held with the institutional support of the Ministry of Tourism, together with the support of the European Parliament in Bulgaria, the Representation of the European Commission in Bulgaria, Sofia Municipality and the National Culture Fund.Over 20 artists from around the world will present their art in the event's 4.5 km route and new designated festival area, South Park 2, completely free to all residents and visitors, and the lights will be on between 9pm and 12am on each of the four nights.Some of the locations are the National Gallery ‘Square 500’, the City Garden, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the State Agency ‘Archives’ and the Sofia Largo, Slaveykov Square and the monument to Petko and Pencho Slaveykov, which will come to life, the underpass between the Vasil Levski Blvd. and Rakovski street.At the beginning of the light journey, the audience will be greeted by a projection on the facade of the Hyatt Regency Sofia of the surrealist work ‘Traveller’ by Polish artist Ari Dykier, which will recreate the beauty and enjoyment of the journey — no matter the destination.One of the highlights of this year's Lunar Festival is the final of the international 3D video mapping competition, organized by MP-STUDIO with the support of the Ministry of Tourism. The significant competition is held for the second time in Bulgaria, and the theme of this year's edition ‘Myths and Legends’ challenged twenty-nine artists and artistic collectives from all over the world to tell through light art the stories that accompany their cultures. Authors from 18 countries took part in the championship, inspired by one of the most beautiful buildings in Sofia — that of the Regional History Museum — Sofia, on 1 Banski Square, The nine finalists from Bulgaria, Great Britain, Indonesia, Taiwan, Thailand, Poland and Ukraine were selected by a five-member jury and their works will transform the former Central Mineral Bath in the days between 9 and 12 May. The three big winners will be announced on the last night of the festival.The full programme can be found at:
Minister Miloshev discussed prospects for the development of the Strandzha region and the Southern Black Sea coast with representatives of the local industry
Climatotherapy and digitalization of tourism are among the directions worth working onThe prospects for Bulgaria to develop climatotherapy as part of health tourism were discussed by the Minister of Tourism Evtim Miloshev together with the representatives of the ‘Association ‘Raphael — info, culture & tourism’. The meeting was attended by Deputy Ministers of Tourism Irena Georgieva and Pavlin Ivanov, as well as the Deputy Chairman of the Tourism Committee in the National Assembly Lyuben Dilov.The association presented its idea, also an initiative of the Bulgarian Association for Climatotherapy and Health Tourism, to create a digital map of climatic resorts in Bulgaria as a tool for year-round sustainable development of tourism in Bulgaria and of local communities. According to them, this could also be a step towards implementing a new advertising and marketing brand for combined year-round green tourism. The restoration of former sanatoriums and hospitals for pre-treatment can also attract new European markets with a focus on health tourism and forms of prevention and treatment. Climatic treatment can successfully complement the balneological and health-recreational centers with mineral and thermal springs, places with sea lye, with beautiful untouched nature, ancient customs such as Nestinarstvo in Strandzha and other authentic local festivals, which together form a rich and diverse tourist product.‘This is a big concept that requires serious long-term work. In order to establish climate therapy as a type of tourism and to enshrine it in law, there must be very clear criteria and standards’, Tourism Minister Evtim Miloshev stressed, but added: ‘I think it's worth working in that direction.’There are nearly 90 climatic mountain and sea resorts in Bulgaria, about which little is known, but they hide huge potential, the association stressed. These are places with an absolutely clean environment, beautiful nature and healing air, which are easily accessible but are not listed in the Tourism Act. They gave examples such as the regions of Strandzha, Sandanski and Petrich, Yundola, Kotel and other little-known points on the map. At the same time, these places often have a demographic collapse and turning them into year-round destinations for green and health and recreational tourism will have a great social and economic impact on local communities, stressed the ‘Association Raphael’. They presented more interesting facts that are a prerequisite for the development of various forms of eco and environmentally friendly tourism: Strandzha is the mountain with the oldest oak forest in Europe and with the most protected areas, with a huge potential of undiscovered archaeological wealth and with the only bamboo plantations in Bulgaria. And only two places in our country, one of which is located there — in Malko Tarnovo and in St. Vlas are the so-called. ‘climatic oxygen funnels’ or the natural process of natural ozonation, which brings exceptional health benefits and is a prerequisite for the healing effects of air.
A familiarisation tour on tourism opportunities in Bulgaria launched in Poland
The first day of the initiative took place under increased interestGdansk was the first stop of the familiarization campaign that put the spotlight on Bulgarian tourism for another year on the Polish market. The opportunities of Bulgaria as a tourist destination were presented to nearly 40 representatives of various local tour operators and agents in the presence of journalists. The Bulgarian companies expressed their satisfaction with the interest shown and the many specific questions asked during the opening event.During 4 days — from 22 to 25 April, business representatives are meeting in the cities of Gdansk, Poznan, Wroclaw and Warsaw to exchange ideas and proposals on how to maintain the trend of optimism that is observed in this market. This is the third consecutive initiative, which is realized thanks to the joint actions of the National Tourist Office in Warsaw and the Association ‘Bulgarian Black Sea Alliance’. During the series of events and the meetings with the business community, Nikolay Kostov, Attaché for Tourism at our Embassy in Warsaw, as well as Milena Todorova from the association will present their concepts. The event is an excellent example of the partnership between the state and the private sector in their joint efforts to increase interest in our country.This summer is expected to continue the trend of growth of Polish tourists, who, despite the difficult geopolitical environment, recognize Bulgaria as one of the five most preferred countries for their holidays. Major Polish tour operators are enjoying increased interest and the level of early bookings continues to be high. Another positive factor is the improvement of transport connectivity of the two countries. Nikolay Kostov reports that the Bulgarian Embassy and the National Tourist Office continue to work on their initiative to achieve a year-round direct flight connection between Gdansk and Burgas, not just for the summer season. Meetings with the new local government representatives are also forthcoming.Along with the attractiveness of our Black Sea coast, more and more Polish tourists are heading inland. There has been increased interest in the capital Sofia, which has benefited from an increase in the number of flights from a number of Polish cities.Plovdiv's cultural attractions are also becoming a trademark for Polish tourists. In recent years, nearly half a million Polish citizens have been heading to Bulgaria, successfully taking advantage of its facilities in all seasons of the year.
The Minister of Tourism Evtim Miloshev accepted the post from Zaritsa Dinkova
At an inauguration ceremony on 9 April 2024, Minister of Tourism Evtim Miloshev took over the reigns of the ministry in the 103rd Government of the Republic of Bulgaria from the outgoing Minister Zaritsa Dinkova.Minister Miloshev arrived at the building of the Ministry of Tourism on 1 Saborna str. together with his predecessor, after the two had previously attended the transfer of power between the Denkov-Gabriel cabinet and the Glavchev caretaker cabinet at the Council of Ministers.They discussed the top priorities and projects that are key for the sector.Evtim Miloshev is the seventh Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria.‘I believe in teamwork and we will continue with best practices. We have a lot to do in a short period of time. Success goes through consolidation and understanding. The first thing I will do is to meet with the people who represent the tourism sector so that we can work fully’, Minister Evtim Miloshev stressed.The former Minister of Tourism Zaritsa Dinkova thanked her team and wished the new Minister success. ‘The Ministry of Tourism, throughout the three quarters of this Cabinet, has held the lead in administrative management and implementation of the management programme. Over the past months we have managed to put this ministry on a completely different level and I have the assurance of Minister Miloshev that the work will continue in the same way’, said Zaritsa Dinkova.
Minister Zaritza Dinkova met the EU Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton
They discussed priority issues for tourism staff and the slowdown in the sector's recovery in the country due to the war in UkraineIn Brussels, Tourism Minister Zaritza Dinkova held a meeting with EU Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton, where they discussed the difficulties facing the tourism industry in the country. Minister Dinkova stressed that the Ministry of Tourism, in a very short time after the start of the work of the regular government in the summer of 2023, has managed to develop a new approach to support and promote the Black Sea municipalities, which are among the most affected by the negative impact of the war in Ukraine.‘We have developed a programme that has allowed foreign tour operators, airports and municipalities to join forces to promote the Black Sea region. This is an active and purposeful partnership with meaningful management of resources dedicated to promoting our tourism. We will measure the results after the summer season, but the participation of really small and unpopular municipalities in this program shows that it is very well planned and useful for the development of tourism at the local level,’ Minister Dinkova said,Minister Dinkova also pointed out that additional resources for digital and green transition are needed for the development of the tourism sector as tourism as a sector has been left out of the Recovery and Sustainability Plan. ‘Bulgaria has not yet recovered its inbound tourism to 2019 levels, which is why we are considering and discussing with the European Commission options for targeted measures to support the sector,’ the Tourism Minister noted. This includes the need to review the removal of reduced VAT rates for tourism services.Furthermore, Minister Dinkova also stressed that: ‘One of the most serious problems facing the Bulgarian tourism industry is providing the sector with trained staff to meet the ever-growing needs of tourists.’‘The lack of qualified and promising staff in the tourism sector is a problem in many EU countries at the moment. The European Commission is actively working and has new initiatives in this direction. There is a need to raise the profile of the sector as a promising and career-building sector. Tourism is a very interesting field to work in and we will encourage young people to choose it’, Thierry Breton replied.The Commissioner also pointed out that the fragile recovery of tourism in Bulgaria shows the real need for further efforts to highlight the importance of the sector at national level. His team will discuss in more detail with the relevant directorates the issue of extending the reduced VAT rates as a recovery measure from the COVID-19 crisis.Commissioner Breton expressed interest in Minister Dinkova's initiative to promote joint projects and closer cooperation in the tourism sector between Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Italy and Spain.He pointed out that the presented reform in the promotion of Black Sea municipalities promotes social sustainability and is a good example of the implementation of the European transition path in tourism.
Minister Zaritza Dinkova: Bulgaria is a safe tourist destination and is ready to welcome Israeli tourists
Israeli Tourism Minister Haim Katz has extended an invitation to Minister Dinkova to visit the country‘As a safe tourist destination, Bulgaria is ready to welcome Israeli tourists. Israel is an important market for our country for both summer and winter tourism,’ Minister Zaritza Dinkova said during her meeting with her Israeli counterpart, Haim Katz, at the FITUR international tourism exhibition in Madrid.The total number of registrations of Israeli tourists for the period from 1 December 2022 to 31 March 2023 was over 51,000. This ranks Israel fourth among Bulgaria's inbound tourism markets after Romania, Greece and the United Kingdom, Minister Dinkova noted.Haim Katz said that the first destination he will visit after the Gaza conflict subsides is Bulgaria and invited Minister Dinkova to visit Israel to learn about the country's rich history and cultural heritage. Minister Dinkova accepted the invitation to visit Israel and stressed that it was crucial to discuss possible ways of increasing cooperation in the field of tourism between the two countries. ‘The situation in Israel does not cancel our plans for cooperation in tourism, but postpones them in time. Israeli tourists are among the most desirable in Bulgaria,’ Minister Zaritza Dinkova added.In May 2023 The Ministry of Tourism in Bulgaria has organised a business forum in Tel Aviv. It was attended by over 50 Israeli tour operators and 12 representatives of the Bulgarian tourism business. During the forum the representatives of the Bulgarian tourism industry presented the opportunities for sea and winter tourism in Bulgaria, as well as for spa, wellness and specialized forms of tourism. ‘This year we can organize a second business forum in Bulgaria, which will support our efforts to increase tourism exchanges between our countries,’ Minister Dinkova said.The Minister of Tourism noted that the cooperation in the tourism sector between the two countries in recent years, has undergone significant development, and proof of this is the signed Agreement between the two countries on cooperation in the field of tourism. ‘Bulgaria attaches great importance to the bilateral relations with Israel, which have historical roots and today are already at a strategic level,’ Minister Dinkova further pointed out.
Zaritza Dinkova: Bulgaria will host meeting of tourism ministers of Italy, Spain and Greece
Italy's Minister of Tourism, Daniela Santanchè, said that her country is working extremely well with the Ministry of Tourism in Bulgaria and Minister Dinkova ‘We are planning a meeting at the end of May to discuss security, cooperation and the development of tourism between Italy, Spain and Greece. Minister Daniela Santanchè has already confirmed her presence, stating her willingness to take part in the flamenco festival organised by the municipality of Shabla, which will take place in early June,’ Tourism Minister Zaritza Dinkova said after the meeting with her Italian counterpart Daniela Santanchè.Santanchè added that cooperation under the southern flank of Europe — the Mediterranean cooperation — is extremely important for all countries in the region. ‘We see Bulgaria as an important partner and we will work together for security and peace because this is very important for tourism. I will be in Bulgaria at the end of May. I underline that we are working extremely well with the Ministry of Tourism in Bulgaria and in particular with the Minister of Tourism Zaritza Dinkova,’ Daniela Santanchè, Minister of Tourism in Italy said.Santanchè showed great interest in the spa services offered by Bulgarian tourism, saying that she would personally get to know them. ‘First of all, we have the advantage of having an exceptional number of mineral springs. And secondly — thanks to the development of business and the efforts made by the industry our country is presented as an increasingly better spa destination, and thus Bulgaria is increasingly competitive on the European market,’ Minister Dinkova stressed.As a reason for the great interest of Italian tourists to Bulgaria, Zaritza Dinkova pointed to the good air connectivity, but after our accession to Schengen by air and water, interest in our country is expected to grow. ‘Our data for the period January — November 2023 shows that 138,641 Italian tourists have visited Bulgaria, which is 36.5% more than in the same period in 2022. Provisional results for December 2023 show a more than 45% increase in Italian tourist arrivals compared to December 2022,’ the Tourism Minister further pointed out.Minister Dinkova stressed that in addition to the incoming tourist flow, the Ministry's data clearly show that Italy is among the preferred destinations for Bulgarian tourists. More than 247 thousand Bulgarians visited Italy from January to November 2023, which is ahead of the levels before the Covid pandemic.This year the Ministry will open the first national tourism office in Spain, which will also be responsible for the Italian market.
Minister Zaritza Dinkova: This year we will open our first national tourism representation in Spain
Minister Dinkova held a meeting with the Spanish Secretary of State for Tourism, Rosana Morillo ‘Due to our excellent bilateral cooperation, which Bulgaria and Spain enjoy in many areas, as well as the increasing number of Spanish tourists visiting our country, this year we will open our first national tourist representation in Spain,’ Minister Dinkova said during her meeting with Spain's Secretary of State for Tourism Rosana Morillo. Our tourist attaché in Spain will also cover the markets in France and Italy.‘We need to work together, in close cooperation, to increase tourism between the two countries. The tourism industry has overcome the Covid crisis and this is clearly visible in the number of tourist trips made. What Spanish citizens need to know is that Bulgaria is a country that offers many opportunities and deserves to be visited,’ Rosana Morillo said.The Minister of Tourism and the delegation she leads are visiting the Kingdom of Spain in the framework of the international tourism exhibition FITUR 2024 in Madrid, which will start tomorrow – January 24 and will last until Sunday – January 28. FITUR is one of the largest tourism exhibitions in the world. Minister Dinkova said that this year 17 representatives of the Bulgarian tourism industry — tour operators, travel agents, municipal administrations — will take part in the event and will have the opportunity to present their tourism products. Bulgaria will be presented as a destination for year-round tourism, offering opportunities for winter, cultural, eco, SPA and wellness tourism.The Spanish market is extremely important for Bulgaria, Minister Dinkova further stressed. In the last year, a serious growth of tourists of nearly 42% has been recorded.A series of initiatives aimed at Spanish tourists are planned. Such is the project of the municipality of Shabla, for a flamenco festival, which is funded under the programme for marketing activities of tourist services in the Black Sea municipalities. ‘The municipality of Shabla has contacted a local Spanish tour operator so that as many tourists from the Iberian Peninsula as possible can visit the event,’ the Minister of Tourism added, stressing that an official invitation to visit the festival has also been received by Secretary of State Morillo.For the period January-November 2023, the number of Bulgarians who visited Spain was 175,377. During the same period, 72,591 Spaniards visited Bulgaria for tourism, and the Tourism Minister pointed out that due to our country's entry into Schengen, we expect this number to increase. ‘The Spanish tourists are an indicator that when you have good air connectivity you also have tourist flow. It is for markets like this that our entry into Schengen is extremely positive news because they come mainly by air and for them it is an opportunity to use Sofia as a starting point for other destinations,’ Zaritza Dinkova stressed.
Bulgaria's Schengen membership will boost foreign tourists' interest in our country
Minister Zaritza Dinkova held a meeting with our tourist attachés in Germany, Poland and Turkey Bulgaria's Schengen membership will increase the interest of foreign tourists to our country, this became clear after an online working meeting between Tourism Minister Zaritza Dinkova and our tourist attachés in Germany, Poland and Turkey.‘The role of tourist attachés abroad is extremely important for us. You are the proactive side of Bulgarian tourism abroad. We are a team.’ This is what the Minister of Tourism told our representatives in Germany, Poland and Turkey.‘The positive effect of Bulgaria's admission by air and water to Schengen will have a direct impact on 80% of the passenger traffic from Germany to Bulgaria, which depends heavily on air transport,’ Tihomir Patarinski, tourist attaché in Germany, said. He stressed that the abolition of border controls and increased safety measures have a long-term image effect on the perception of Bulgaria as a European tourist destination.Along with the German market, the Polish market also offers exceptional opportunities for development after our entry into the Schengen area. ‘Around 300,000 Polish citizens are expected to feel the positive change of our entry into Schengen in the upcoming summer season. This will contribute to increasing Bulgaria's credibility as a tourist destination. Our country is the closest destination by air to Poland where Polish citizens travel for their summer holidays,’ our tourist attaché in Warsaw, Nikolay Kostov said. He pointed out that the feedback in Poland from the easing of travel to and from our country has been extremely positive.After our country's accession to Schengen, it is expected that foreign tourists, holders of Schengen visas, visiting Turkey, for whom there will be no other visa restrictions, will also take the opportunity to visit our country. This is according to the data from Turkey, our attaché Teodora Taskova noted. ‘More than 80 thousand Turkish citizens who hold Schengen visas will be allowed to visit Bulgaria for tourism purposes. To this number can be added the holders of Schengen visas of tourists arriving in Turkey from non-EU countries, who, if they wish, can also take the opportunity to visit our country as part of joint tourist packages, given the proximity of Turkey to Bulgaria,’ Taskova stressed.
Zaritza Dinkova: The last six months were extremely dynamic and busy, but the efforts were worth
In recent years, it has been continuously said that a strategic goal in the tourism sector is its sustainable development, and that Bulgaria should establish itself as a four-season destination.When I took over as Minister, I found that Bulgaria had lost the confidence of important inbound tourism partners such as Germany, which is our main market, because of a number of promises made but not kept by previous governments. Trust is hard to gain, but it is quickly lost, so my focus internationally over these months has been precisely on rebuilding trust with our key partners, as well as creating new strategic partnerships for Bulgaria.The last six months have been packed with important international events, meetings of the bodies of international organisations of which Bulgaria is a member, as well as a series of my meetings with line ministers in key markets for our country, including the UK, Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Austria, Poland, the Czech Republic, Belgium and Sweden. My team and I have met with business representatives from the Nordic market, Austria, Turkey, Greece and Spain to present to them in person the opportunities offered by our reform to support Black Sea municipalities.Very dynamic and busy months, but well worth the effort. We now have 21 approved projects that will not only attract more tourists in the 2024 summer season, but also guarantee the multiplication of government investment in marketing and advertising Bulgaria. Thus, for the first time, the state is pooling its resources with those of local authorities and businesses.It is high time to understand that tourism is also an international policy and an important tool for soft diplomacy. We cannot expect that we will increase the number of foreign tourists in our country if we do not show that our country is safe as a destination and that it is a reliable business partner. When tour operators make the choice between competing destinations and choose to invest in bringing tourists to Bulgaria, they take the risk of that choice. Attracting tourists is not easy in an increasingly competitive market, especially with years of political instability. That is why it was crucial that the state found a way to make its support clear and that I, as tourism minister, helped the business. Such a step was desired and awaited by them. Working with our political and business partners is key because it is necessary to work in parallel at both levels.Tourism is not a service that is presented and delivered seasonally and campaigning. Developing a sustainable tourism product is not just a matter of national or local policy, but also of active international partnership.Bulgaria's accession to Schengen will further increase interest in the opportunities our country offers for year-round holidays. In the coming months, I will work purposefully with local authorities to extend the scope of the reform. I will be FOCUSED ON WORKING with the large and established chains, as well as the small family-run hotels and guesthouses, which invest a great deal to offer tourists not just a holiday, but a real sense of home and warmth.I would like to thank the team at the Ministry of Tourism for their professionalism and willingness to work even on their days off. Thank you to the representatives of serious business who believed in our ideas and offered us partnership. I believe that it is in this way, when we work as a team, that we will face a new and much more successful 2024, during which Bulgaria will take the place it deserves among the preferred tourist destinations.
Ministry of Tourism gave out the annual tourism awards for 2023 at a ceremony
Minister Zaritza Dinkova hosted the annual tourism awards event ‘We have gathered to honour everyone who contributes to the promotion of the wonderful tourism sector, because this is our country's calling card. Bulgaria has a lot — culture, art and beautiful nature. All of you who care and continue to make efforts for the development of Bulgarian tourism deserve not only a prize, but also an incentive. We will work together for better sustainability of the sector. Action is an important priority for me and my team. This leads to achieving targeted results.’ With these words, Tourism Minister Zaritza Dinkova welcomed the guests at the annual Tourism Awards ceremony, which took place in Sofia.The event was held under the patronage of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria, Acad. Nikolay Denkov, who in a special video address congratulated the Ministry of Tourism and all those present. Among the dignitaries were the Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Tourism, Erten Anisova, MPs, prof. Nikolay Izov, Rector of the National Sports Academy, prof. Rumen Draganov, Director of the Institute for Analysis and Evaluation in Tourism, ambassadors, mayors, representatives of the academic community, business, tourism organizations, media, etc.The winners in all categories — 4 professional, 4 artistic and the traditional grand prize ‘The Choice of the Bulgarians’, received the traditional statuette, a trademark of the competition and a symbol of our country — the Bulgarian rose, made by Dimitar Germanov, and the second and third place winners — diplomas of the Ministry of Tourism.The ceremony of awarding the statuettes was opened by Minister Dinkova, who presented the grand prize ‘The Choice of the Bulgarians’ together with the student from the Sofia Professional High School of Tourism Dimitar Tsvetkov to Dimo Dimov, Mayor of the Municipality of Provadia, for the Ovech Fortress.The first prize in the category ‘Tourist Attraction/Project/Event’ was awarded by Erten Anisova to Gagik Arakelyan for the complex ‘The Inn’. Prof. Nikolay Izov presented an award for Tourist destination to Petar Dobrev, Mayor of the village of Neofit RilskiThe Specialized Tourism category was awarded by Professor Mariela Modeva – Advisor to the Minister of Tourism and the prize was received by Boris Borisov from Bulgarian Golf Tours. The statuette in the category ‘Innovation’ was taken by Tsanko Kolev from Yurt Camp ‘Naedno’, which was presented by prof. Rumen Draganov.The second part of the ceremony was dedicated to the achievements of the media covering tourism. Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva presented a statuette for ‘Journalistic material on TV’ to Zhivko Konstantinov. Nikolay Vasilkovsky presented a prize to Antoaneta Tityanova-Milcheva in the category ‘Journalistic material in print media’. For the best journalistic appearance in online media by the voters was named Kristian Ivanov, and the award was presented by Christina Hristova from BNT. In the category ‘The publication on the topic: Tourism in Bulgaria in an Internet Blog’ the award went to Kristina Patrunova by Chef Ivan Manchev.The Minister of Tourism Zaritza Dinkova awarded honorary prizes for special achievements and innovations in the field of tourism. Awards were received by Mirosveta Encheva on behalf of Albena AD, Jason King, CEO of Yettel, Ventsislav Venev, Chairperson of the Bulgarian Tourist Union, Rene Detzen, General Manager of Kempinski Grand Arena Bansko, Elitsa Stoilova, co-founder and manager of, Dr. Siyka Katsarova, Chairperson of the Board of the Bulgarian Union of Spa Tourism, Blagoy Ragin, Honorary Chairperson of the Bulgarian Hotel And Restaurant Association, Dr. Meglena Plugchieva, Ambassador of Destination Bulgaria to the German, Austrian and Swiss markets, Ladislav Tsvetkov, multimedia reporter at bTV, Ruslan Yordanov, journalist and owner of the news agency.
21 projects will be funded under the new support programme for Black Sea municipalities
21 projects will be funded under the new programme for the support of Black Sea municipalities. The introduction of the first-ever reform changes the way state money is spent on advertising tourism services. It is a step in the direction of more transparency and efficiency in line with the recommendations of the EC Annual Report on Bulgaria.On 18 December 2023 at 10.00 a.m. an official ceremony will be held in Grand Hotel Sofia, Triaditsa Hall, where the representatives of all approved municipalities will sign their contracts for the financial support.The work of the Evaluation Committee of the Ministry of Tourism was completed on 12 December 2023, after having examined, evaluated and ranked the submitted project proposals under the Selection Procedure of the ‘Programme for financing of marketing activities of tourist services in the Black Sea municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria’.Within the application deadline, 21 project proposals were submitted through the Management System of National Investment (NIMS).The evaluation of each of them took place in the period 29 November 2023 – 12 December 2023 in two stages: Administrative Compliance and Eligibility Check, and Technical and Financial Evaluation.As a result of the evaluations carried out and on the basis of the points obtained, the following 21 proposals have been approved for funding, in descending order:BG-176789478-2023-01-0003 ‘Promotion of the Municipality of Shabla on the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany as a means for the development of inbound tourism’ with beneficiary the Municipality of Shabla;BG-176789478-2023-01-0016 ‘Pomorie — the unknown tourist destination in Bulgaria’ with beneficiary the Municipality of Pomorie;BG-176789478-2023-01-0006 ‘Varna — the magic of the sea’ with beneficiary the Municipality of Varna;BG-176789478-2023-01-0011 ‘Promotion of the Municipality of Balchik on the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany through effective communication campaigns in order to attract the interest of tourists to Bulgaria’ with beneficiary the Municipality of Balchik;BG-176789478-2023-01-0017 ‘Pomorie — the salty road of happiness’ with beneficiary the Municipality of Pomorie;BG-176789478-2023-01-0008 ‘DISCOVER THE PAST, EXPERIENCE THE PRESENT in Dalgopol, Provadia and Dolni Chiflik: Integrated Marketing Model for the Promotion of Tourist Services in Remote Black Sea Municipalities (DISCOVERY)’ with beneficiary the Municipality of Dalgopol;BG-176789478-2023-01-0021 ‘Tourist Employment 365: Increasing employment in tourism in Sozopol municipality’ with beneficiary the Municipality of Sozopol; BG-176789478-2023-01-0007 — ‘Varna destination of four seasons — the undiscovered treasures’ with beneficiary the Municipality of Varna;BG-176789478-2023-01-0018 ‘Promotion of the South Black Sea Coast Destination on the Czech Tourist Market’ with beneficiary the Municipality of Primorsko;BG-176789478-2023-01-0001 ‘Promotion of the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast and Aksakovo municipality on the tourist market’ with beneficiary the Municipality of Aksakovo;BG-176789478-2023-01-0002 ‘Promotion of the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast and Aksakovo Municipality on the German Tourist Market’ with beneficiary the Municipality of Aksakovo;BG-176789478-2023-01-0015 ‘Promotion of the destination ‘Burgas’ on the tourist market Poland’ with beneficiary the Municipality of Burgas;BG-176789478-2023-01-0013 ‘Promotion of the Southern Black Sea Coast destination on the Central European tourist market (Germany and Czech Republic)’ with beneficiary the Municipality of Malko Tarnovo;BG-176789478-2023-01-0005 ‘The Wonderful Nessebar — Your place for a holiday among ancient sights’ with beneficiary the Municipality of Nessebar;BG-176789478-2023-01-0014 ‘Promotion of Burgas destination on the UK tourism market’ with beneficiary the Municipality of Burgas; BG-176789478-2023-01-0010 ‘Promotion of Black Sea destination Burgas and Nesebar on tourist markets’ with beneficiary the Municipality of Nessebar; BG-176789478-2023-01-0012 ‘Promotion of the Municipality of Balchik and the Municipality of Primorsko on the territory of Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland, as a means of developing inbound tourism on the territory of the two municipalities’ with beneficiary the Municipality of Balchik;BG-176789478-2023-01-0004 ‘Flamenco Festival Shabla 2024’ with beneficiary the Municipality of Shabla;BG-176789478-2023-01-0009 ‘Byala — part of the cosmic history’ with beneficiary the Municipality of Byala;BG-176789478-2023-01-0019 ‘Devnya — Promotion of tourism in the municipality’ with beneficiary the Municipality of Devnya;BG-176789478-2023-01-0020 ‘Suvorovo — Unique Tourist Experiences’ with beneficiary the Municipality of Suvorovo.
Minister Zaritza Dinkova: EU countries must show that tourism is more than a service, it is also diplomacy
Minister Dinkova was among the speakers at the first International Tourism Forum in Italy, focusing on peace and security Minister of Tourism Zaritza Dinkova was among the keynote speakers at the first International Tourism Forum in Italy, focusing on peace and security and realized under the patronage of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. The Bulgarian Minister's theses on the role and future of tourism were supported by her EU colleagues. Dinkova once again defended Bulgaria's entry into Schengen and outlined the prospects for the sector. ‘Solidarity is of core importance. This is the model of our common success in the sector. Let us focus on what binds us together and act united. Together in Schengen, the Eurozone, the expansion of the single European market. Our history is interconnected, our future is interdependent,’ Dinkova stressed.In her words, tourism is a very effective tool for influence and positioning, for building on a country's military and economic strength through so-called soft diplomacy. ‘There is no tourism without peace and security. Capturing people's hearts with authenticity, culture, archaeology, cuisine — that is real power. The power of tourism. We need to build on our national brands, but also work towards creating combined products, to increase the attractiveness of the EU as a brand in an increasingly competitive global environment,’ Minister Dinkova said. She was adamant that the development of a sustainable tourism product is not only a matter of national or local policy, but also of international partnership, and the development of a common EU branded tourism product will significantly increase the number of tourists.The event, which was also attended by leading ministers from the Italian government, who are closely involved in training new tourism professionals, marks the positioning of the sector at the centre of government policies, with a corresponding major increase in its funding. ‘Because the interconnectedness and influence of tourism on other areas of the economy, and on relations between countries, is enormous,’ Zaritza Dinkova told them.Vision, action, future are the three key words of this event, Minister Daniela Santanchè noted. ‘We need to shine the spotlight on the achievements in our sector, but also start planning together for the present and the future, taking into account the challenges and opportunities,’ Santanchè stressed.The forum was also attended by tourism ministers from leading destinations, Senate President Ignazio La Russa and Piedmont Region President Alberto Ciro, as well as representatives from the business world and various
Bulgaria attended the international tourism exhibition Touristik & Caravaning
The main focus is on sea holiday tourism, family holidays and city toursBulgaria was a participant in the international tourism exhibition Touristik & Caravanin, which this year takes place from 22 to 26 November 2023 in Leipzig, Germany.The exhibition has been organized since 1990 and is one of the largest tourism events of its kind in the territory of central Germany and the former East German states. It is intended for a mass audience and has an exhibition area of over 70,000 m².The fair is in separate exhibition halls thematically divided for international tourism, camping/caravanning, cycling tourism and gastronomic tourism.The main focus of the Bulgarian presentation is seaside holiday tourism, family holidays and city tours.On the information stand of Bulgaria this year participated Varna Municipality, Sofia Metroplitan Municipality, OP Tourism, Albena AD.
Bulgaria and Greece signed a Programme for Joint Action in the field of Tourism
Minister Zaritza Dinkova opened the 38th edition of Philoxenia Expo in Thessaloniki as guest of honourBulgaria and Greece signed the 2024-2026 Programme for joint actions in the field of tourism. The agreement was signed before the official opening of the International Tourism Expo PHILOXENIA 2023, where Bulgaria is the guest of honour and participates with a stand of 100 square meters.‘The signing of the Programme will further strengthen bilateral relations. It will launch new joint projects and initiatives, create common tourism business networks, develop projects to promote investment and the development of tourism products,’ Minister Dinkova said.In the framework of the meeting with her Greek counterpart Olga Kefalogianni, Zaritza Dinkova pointed out that mutual political trust has been deepening in recent years. ‘Trade and economic relations are developing, including at the regional level. Cooperation in the field of culture and education is fruitful. We also appreciate your support for Bulgaria's Schengen membership,’ she added.Tourism is a sector that offers new economic opportunities, and our cultural heritage connects people, Minister Dinkova said. ‘Our bilateral cooperation is developing more and more intensively. The number of Greek tourists in Bulgaria continues to grow and Greece remains one of the most preferred destinations for Bulgarian tourists,’ she added.An event like Philoxenia Expo is a modern opportunity to create a platform aimed at exploiting our tourism potential and strengthening cross-border partnerships, the Bulgarian Tourism Minister noted at the opening of the exhibition. ‘We are changing the growth model to a new one that is more sustainable, environmentally friendly, digital and inclusive to enable the sector to face the challenges ahead,’ Zaritza Dinkova stressed.
Bulgaria attended the World Travel Market international tourism exhibition in London
Minister of Tourism Zaritza Dinkova attended the world's largest exhibition for tourism industry professionalsThe Ministry of Tourism, together with 23 representatives of the tourism sector, is participating in the international tourism exhibition World Travel Market (WTM) in London, UK, held in the period 06-08 November 2023. Tourism Minister Zaritza Dinkova is also participating in the world's largest exhibition for tourism industry professionals.The cultural and historical heritage of our country – the medieval masterpiece Boyana Church, Heraclea Sintica, Tsarevgrad of Asenevtsi, Samovodska Charshia of Tarnovo, Wine of Bulgaria, Magic of Magura Cave, Ancient Villa Armira, etc., will be presented through VR equipment and rich VR content in Bulgarian and English.Guests at the Bulgarian stand will get acquainted with the opportunities for wine and culinary tourism in Northeastern Bulgaria, the Thracian Lowland and the Rose Valley, Southern Sakar, the Struma Valley, Western and Central Danube Plain. Each of the regions will be promoted with a quality, typical for the terroir wine, as well as through their maps illustrating the wine route and related tourist attractions.This year Bulgaria is represented with a stand of over 304 sq. m. in the Europe Hall. The Bulgarian national stand was represented by the following representatives of the tourism sector – Rila Travel EOOD, Bohemia OOD, EN-Vision Services Group OOD, Varna Municipality, World Travel Bulgaria OOD, AVATAR TOUR OOD, Plovdiv Municipality, Penguin Travel OOD, Fraport Twin Star Airport Management AD, Thracian Tourist Region Management Organization, Sunny Travel EOOD, Samokov Municipality, Aleksia Auto EOOD, Boyana – MG EOOD, Bulgaria Air AD, Sofia Metroploitan Municipality, OP Tourism, Balkan Tourist Region Management Organization, Pi Group Plovdiv EOOD, International Leisure Projects EOOD, INTENSO OOD, Albena AD, Villa Ambrosia EAD, Bulimpex AD, Velina EAD.WTM is the largest marketplace for travel industry professionals and the world's second largest travel trade show after ITB – Berlin. In 2023, London hosted the 43rd edition of WTM. In four decades, the exhibition has changed its vision and location, with global business gathering at the ExCeL Centre since 2002.
Bulgaria attended the World Travel Market international tourism exhibition in London
Minister of Tourism Zaritza Dinkova attended the world's largest exhibition for tourism industry professionalsThe Ministry of Tourism, together with 23 representatives of the tourism sector, is participating in the international tourism exhibition World Travel Market (WTM) in London, UK, held in the period 06-08 November 2023. Tourism Minister Zaritza Dinkova is also participating in the world's largest exhibition for tourism industry professionals.The cultural and historical heritage of our country – the medieval masterpiece Boyana Church, Heraclea Sintica, Tsarevgrad of Asenevtsi, Samovodska Charshia of Tarnovo, Wine of Bulgaria, Magic of Magura Cave, Ancient Villa Armira, etc., will be presented through VR equipment and rich VR content in Bulgarian and English.Guests at the Bulgarian stand will get acquainted with the opportunities for wine and culinary tourism in Northeastern Bulgaria, the Thracian Lowland and the Rose Valley, Southern Sakar, the Struma Valley, Western and Central Danube Plain. Each of the regions will be promoted with a quality, typical for the terroir wine, as well as through their maps illustrating the wine route and related tourist attractions.This year Bulgaria is represented with a stand of over 304 sq. m. in the Europe Hall. The Bulgarian national stand was represented by the following representatives of the tourism sector – Rila Travel EOOD, Bohemia OOD, EN-Vision Services Group OOD, Varna Municipality, World Travel Bulgaria OOD, AVATAR TOUR OOD, Plovdiv Municipality, Penguin Travel OOD, Fraport Twin Star Airport Management AD, Thracian Tourist Region Management Organization, Sunny Travel EOOD, Samokov Municipality, Aleksia Auto EOOD, Boyana – MG EOOD, Bulgaria Air AD, Sofia Metroploitan Municipality, OP Tourism, Balkan Tourist Region Management Organization, Pi Group Plovdiv EOOD, International Leisure Projects EOOD, INTENSO OOD, Albena AD, Villa Ambrosia EAD, Bulimpex AD, Velina EAD.WTM is the largest marketplace for travel industry professionals and the world's second largest travel trade show after ITB – Berlin. In 2023, London hosted the 43rd edition of WTM. In four decades, the exhibition has changed its vision and location, with global business gathering at the ExCeL Centre since 2002.
Zaritza Dinkova: Working for the sustainable development of tourism in Bulgaria, with special emphasis on public-private partnerships and working with local communities
Minister Dinkova participates in the Informal Meeting of EU Tourism Ministers We are working for the sustainable development of tourism in Bulgaria, putting special emphasis on public-private partnerships and working with local authorities. This is what Minister Zaritza Dinkova said at the opening of the Informal Meeting of EU Tourism Ministers, which is taking place today in Palma de Mallorca.‘We have created a targeted programme to finance marketing activities of tourism services in the Black Sea municipalities in Bulgaria, which aims to attract more attention to these regions,’ Dinkova said.The competitiveness of the sector depends on the willingness to meet the rapidly growing demand for more sustainable and environmentally friendly tourism products. ‘The challenges are there, but for us they are an incentive to implement innovative solutions,’ Minister Dinkova added.The demand for authentic experiences spans every sector of the hospitality and tourism industry, the Tourism Minister added. In this respect, she said, the EU should stimulate new business models that provide them. This will support local communities and the development of the economy.Well-trained and skilled tourism professionals are the foundation for the sustainable development of the tourism industry. The development of new technologies is also extremely important. Unfortunately, Bulgaria is lagging behind in terms of the development of digital skills among employees in the sector, Minister Dinkova added and insisted that within the EU Pact they should be promoted, both within educational programmes, in the qualification and re-qualification process and in the continuing education of employees in the sector.The informal meeting of tourism ministers in Palma de Mallorca ended with the adoption of a Declaration entitled ‘A Path towards Social Sustainability of Tourism in the EU’, which was supported by Bulgaria. The aim of the Palma Declaration is to put tourism at the heart of the EU agenda and to request a specific budget for key activities for the twenty-seven EU Member States.
Ministers Dinkova and Gvozdeikov discussed with Boeing representatives the development of the aviation and tourism industry
Minister of Tourism Zaritza Dinkova and Minister of Transport and Communications Georgi Gvozdeykov met with the Director of Civil Aviation for Europe and Asia of the Boeing Corporation Mario Ebsim and representatives of the American Chamber of Commerce. The main topic of the talks was the development of the aviation industry and tourism in Bulgaria.‘We are working at a fast pace within the mandate and we have the vision for long-term development,’ Minister Dinkova said. She specified that the implementation of the programme for financing marketing activities of tourism services in the Black Sea municipalities in Bulgaria has been underway since September. In this way, a comprehensive marketing policy is being implemented in order to attract more tourists, which also contributes to the realisation of a greater passenger flow by air. This is a serious prospect for adding value and improving the quality of the country's tourism product.‘Increasing the number of airlines operating to and from Bulgaria is of great importance for the development of the airline industry in our country,’ Minister Georgi Gvozdeykov said. He pointed out that encouraging airlines to develop distant destinations where many Bulgarians live or are interested in travelling to will give a serious boost to the sector and increase the number of travellers.‘Should an air carrier wish to operate scheduled flights between Bulgaria and the US, we will immediately take steps to launch direct air connectivity between the two countries,’ Minister Georgi Gvozdeykov pointed out.Bulgaria is part of the comprehensive Air Transport Agreement between the European Community and the United States, removing all trade barriers to flights between any point in the European Union and the United States. The air services market between the US and the EU, including Bulgaria, is fully liberalised, it became clear during the meeting.
Zaritza Dinkova: Tourism is an engine of economic development and we will work for the development of the sector
Minister Dinkova attended the 120th session of the Executive Board of the UNWTOMinister of Tourism Zaritza Dinkova attended the 120th session of the Executive Board of the UN World Tourism Organization, which is held within the 25th session of the General Assembly of the UN World Tourism Organization in Samarkand, Republic of Uzbekistan.‘Bulgaria is motivated to work for the prosperity of the sector by implementing a pragmatic, effective and inclusive approach to realize the objectives of the Organization. We will continue to work towards more sustainable and accessible tourism, which will enhance the efficiency of the sector. Tourism is an engine of economic development and a bridge between different peoples and cultures around the world,’ Minister Dinkova said.On behalf of Bulgaria, she expressed gratitude to UNWTO and its Member States for the good cooperation over the past few years during difficult times for the industry. ‘I also thank our gracious and dedicated host Uzbekistan and the team for the wonderful welcome and organization,’ Minister Dinkova further stated.During the session, the new members of the Executive Board were officially welcomed and new members to the Budget and Programme Committee, the Associate Members Committee, the Statistics Committee, the Tourism and Competitiveness Committee, the Tourism and Sustainability Committee and the Online Training Committee were formally confirmed.
Ministry of Tourism holds workshop on the situation in the Middle East
On the initiative of the Ministry of Tourism, a working meeting was organized with representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs /MFA/, the General Directorate of Civil Aviation Administration /CAA/ and tour operators in connection with the complicated situation in the Middle East and the extraordinary dynamics of events in the region.During the meeting, the potential security implications and optimal safety, health and life of Bulgarian citizens planning to travel to Israel's neighbouring countries were discussed.During the talks, various aspects of the dynamic situation in the countries for which tour operators have prepared travel programs were discussed, as well as the particularities of the destinations and places where travel takes place were assessed.The CAA advised that there is currently no flight ban and airlines are carrying out their trips. Programmes organised by tour operators are able to take place. Group travel on charter flights, including to the resorts of Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada in Egypt, has been organised and may continue. Tour operators and customers are able to act according to the package travel contracts concluded between them. During the meeting, it was specified that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for its part, published an update on the world situation on the ministry's website. Anyone wishing to travel can inform themselves and make their own decision when visiting the respective tourist destination.The meeting was attended by the Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva, the Head of the Cabinet of the Ministry of Tourism Mariana Kordova, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Tourism Miroslava Nikolova, the Director General of DG Civil Aviation Administration Anelia Marinova, the Director of the Situation Centre, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tiana Dimitrova and the Executive Director of ZD Euroins AD Rumiana Betova. The tourism industry was represented by Future for Tourism, Association of Bulgarian Tour Operators and Travel Agents, Tourism Association, as well as outbound tourism companies.
Tourism Minister Zaritza Dinkova is in Uzbekistan to attend the 25th session of the General Assembly of the UN World Tourism Organization
Minister of Tourism Zaritza Dinkova is on a working visit to Samarkand, Uzbekistan to participate in the 25th Session of the General Assembly of the UN World Tourism Organization, as well as the 120th Session of the UNWTO Executive Board.The World Tourism Organization (WTO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations and a leading international organization in the field of tourism. It has 159 member countries and over 500 representatives from the tourism industry.The General Assembly will also approve the new composition of the UNWTO Executive Board, to which Bulgaria was elected for the 2023-2027 mandate in a competition of 11 candidates.At the opening of the session, the Secretary General of the organisation, Zurab Pololikashvili, outlined the leading international trends in tourism. Emphasis was placed on the recovery of the tourism sector after the COVID-19 pandemic, the impact of regional conflicts, and new opportunities for sustainable tourism development.The proposal of the Regional Commission Europe for a new Agenda 2030 for Europe – Tourism Leads Change was also presented, which will work towards transforming the sector towards compliance with the environmental standards being imposed globally.Minister Dinkova held talks with UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili and Spain's Secretary of State for Tourism Rosana Morillo.Potential partnership opportunities in the field of tourism were also discussed during the meeting with Gulnora Rakhimova – Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance of Uzbekistan.Minister Dinkova also held talks with Peleg Levy, Advisor on Foreign Affairs to the Minister of Tourism of Israel. She expressed her empathy for the human tragedy unfolding in Israel. She declared her readiness to agree on a new date for her visit to Israel to meet the Minister as soon as circumstances allow.
Zaritza Dinkova: Tourism may and should be not just a shop window but a calling card, not just a reception but a front office for our country
Tourism may and should be not just a shop window but a calling card, not just a reception but a front office for our country. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism Zaritza Dinkova at the opening of the 8th edition of the Hotel Forum 2023 in Sofia. It was attended by over 400 hotel owners and managers, tour operators, representatives of airlines, airport operators and suppliers.‘We want to work with every region, every municipality, every professional community to solve staffing problems, the crisis in staff training, the trap of average incomes, average quality and average results. As an institution, we also want to be useful to those who are currently creating new conditions, new services, new solutions. They are creating new projects and developing new sub-destinations. ‘Minister Dinkova said.These policies can be supported with the adoption of the Programme for the financing of marketing activities of tourist services, which has already been launched on a pilot basis in the Black Sea municipalities, Minister Dinkova stressed.‘This is a step towards an active partnership with you — the representatives of real business, with tour operators, with municipalities and airports. It will remove the burden of intermediation. We show political will to increase competitiveness and real development towards decentralisation,’ Dinkova said.In her words, with the introduction of this programme, the Ministry of Tourism is responding to the European recommendations to Bulgaria to fight corruption, namely the proper allocation of funds for state advertising by taking real action. Minister Dinkova specified that this is also a decisive step to regain the trust of our foreign partners. The good news is that extremely positive feedback is being received, including from HTIF 2023 3 diplomats of countries representing important markets for our inbound tourism.It should not be forgotten that tourism is also politics, the Tourism Minister added.‘A powerful tool for soft state diplomacy. We see how successfully our neighbours use it. It is also a function of security. It is important to realise that diplomats from our most important markets are closely monitoring what is happening in the sector in our country,’ Zaritza Dinkova concluded her address.
The Ministry of Tourism has successfully completed the implementation of a project funded by OP Good Governance 2014-2020
The Ministry of Tourism has successfully completed the implementation of the project ‘Cohesion Support to Address Migration Challenges Arising from the Military Aggression by the Russian Federation in Ukraine for Refugees Arriving in Bulgaria through a Measure Implemented by the Ministry of Tourism’ under the 2014-2020 OPGG.For the purpose of publicity and transparency, the Ministry of Tourism presented the implementation of the activities of the Project BG05SFOP001-6.001-0001-C01 of 23 September 2022, aimed at supporting the cohesion to address the migratory challenges posed by the military aggression by the Russian Federation in Ukraine for refugees who arrived in the Republic of Bulgaria.The project is implemented with the financial support of the Operational Programme Good Governance 2014-2020 (OPGG 2014-2020), co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Republic of Bulgaria.The project fulfils the objectives of providing accommodation (overnight accommodation) with breakfast and a hot lunch to each displaced person who arrived from Ukraine to Bulgaria and received temporary protection.  This is in line with the measures implemented by the Ministry of Tourism under the Humanitarian Assistance Programme for persons seeking temporary protection in Bulgaria.As a result of the project, EU funds have covered the costs of 960,800 overnight stays including breakfast and hot lunch per refugee accommodated in a place of accommodation/shelter in the period from 01 to 17 May 2022.The project has addressed 62,704 displaced persons from Ukraine, of which 25,666 are children under the age of 18.
World Tourism Organisation will prepare Culinary Tourism Guide for Bulgaria
The UN World Tourism Organisation will prepare a Culinary Tourism Guide specifically for Bulgaria. This was announced by Zurab Pololikashvili – Secretary General of UNWTO during his official meeting with the Minister of Tourism Zaritza Dinkova, in Madrid. He thanked for the panel participation of Minister Dinkova in the 8th Global Forum for Gastronomic Tourism in San Sebastian, Spain.‘The talks we had in San Sebastian and the presentation you made on Bulgaria motivated us to promote your country. Its culinary and wine tourism. I have personal impressions of Bulgaria and I know that you have a lot to offer in the field of gastronomy,’ Zurab Pololikashvili said.Culinary tourism is one of the fastest growing industries, the UNWTO Secretary General added. ‘Bulgarian e-culinary offerings are impressive. They are developing very dynamically and we are ready to present them to the world,’ Pololikashvili added.Minister Dinkova expressed gratitude for the appreciation. ‘Such promotion of Bulgaria is our top priority. My team and I are focused on promoting eco-culinary, cultural, spa and even golf tourism. With the development of these segments, our country will actually establish itself as a year-round destination,’ Minister Dinkova said.The guidebook will be distributed in all 159 member countries of the UN World Tourism Organization, as well as at presentations at the organization's events.
Zaritza Dinkova: Security for our foreign tourists is of core importance
The Minister of Tourism was on an official visit to the Spanish Confederation of Business Organisations‘We are following with concern and attention what is happening in Israel, the Bulgarian government has taken timely action for the security of Israeli tourists in our territory. This attitude is key for all our foreign visitors. Bulgaria is a safe tourist destination.’ This is what Tourism Minister Zaritza Dinkova said during a working meeting with the Director of International Relations and Cooperation, Marta Blanco, from the Spanish Confederation of Business Organisations (CEOE) and her colleagues in the tourism sector.‘Only by deepening cooperation together within Schengen will we contribute to increasing security within the Union,’ Minister Dinkova was adamant.Bulgaria ranks among the countries with the fastest recovery of inbound tourism, Dinkova added. ‘Our country has a tourism potential that does not only include the sea. We have unique mountains, remains of fortresses from Thracian and Roman times.’Huge, but not fully realized potential have eco, adventure, wine and culinary and golf tourism, Minister Dinkova stressed.She added that Bulgaria and Spain could cooperate in a number of areas of mutual interest in the field of tourism. Marta Blanco also showed interest in the Black Sea Municipalities Financing Programme, which for the first time applies a partnership instrument with businesses, municipalities, tour operators and airports and takes decisive steps to restore confidence to work together. ‘I see that Bulgaria and Spain share common challenges in the areas of digitalization, destination sustainability and the promotion of tourism in both countries as year-round destinations,’ Marta Blanco said.The meeting was also attended by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Bulgaria to the Kingdom of Spain Aleksey Andreev.
Vladimir Zografski becomes the new face of winter tourism and symbolic ambassador of destination Bulgaria
During her working visit to Poland, the Minister of Tourism Zaritsa Dinkova met with Vladimir Zografski, who is a Bulgarian ski jumper and world champion. They discussed a wide range of topics related to tourism and sport."I believe that the best ambassadors for Bulgaria are the people who carry it in their hearts. Whose eyes see it with love," Minister Dinkova stressed. "Tourism provides immense opportunities for the growth of our economy. It is also one of the most powerful and successful tools for soft diplomacy. Bulgaria should enter the hearts of many people around the world with its beauty, hospitality and the warmth of the sun and its people," added Zaritsa Dinkova.For his part, Vladimir Zografski said that he is happy to have the opportunity to prepare for competitions in Poland, but he is always happy to return to Bulgaria. "I will be happy to take part in promoting our country on the Polish market," he said.Vladimir Zografski is a Bulgarian ski jumper who has won many competitions and world championships. He is highly recognizable and loved by Poles. In September this year, he finished sixth in another start of the summer Grand Prix circuit, keeping the first place in the overall standings.
Zaritza Dinkova: Bulgaria is a top destination for Polish tourists
The Minister of Tourism also met with Polish President Andrzej Duda at the second European Congress of Sport and Tourism in PolandBulgaria is among the top five destinations for Polish tourists, with more than 250,000 visitors since the beginning of this year, an increase of 19% compared to the same period last year. This was said by the Minister of Tourism Zaritza Dinkova during a meeting with Andrzej Gut-Mostovi, State Secretary at the Ministry of Sport and Tourism of Poland.Minister Dinkova is on a working visit to Poland on the occasion of the 2nd European Congress on Sport and Tourism and the 3rd bilateral meeting of tourism experts. She stressed that this year 21 Bulgarian beaches and 1 marina have been awarded the Blue Flag global standard and 11 Bulgarian hotels have been awarded the Green Key certificate. Another good example is Albena, one of the oldest and leading Bulgarian resorts, presented as a best practice for waste management, local food sourcing and renewable energy at the informal meeting of EU eco-ministers in Stockholm this April. "These few examples clearly show the transformation of the Bulgarian tourism industry towards a more competitive, sustainable and digital one," Minister Dinkova added."Tourism is of great importance not only for the economy, but also for establishing and strengthening ties between our peoples and cultures. Traditionally, Bulgaria is a place many Poles prefer for their holidays," said Andrzej Gut-Mostovi.Minister Dinkova also held a meeting with Polish President Andrzej Duda, who also attended the European Congress on Sport and Tourism. It was also announced that Poland will bid to host the 2036 Summer Olympics.
Cooperation between Bulgarian and Vietnamese tourism businesses is encouraged
The Minister of Tourism Zaritza Dinkova discussed with Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam Ta Quang Dong ways to promote cooperation between Bulgarian and Vietnamese tourism businesses.Minister Dinkova said that Vietnam is a traditional and important partner of Bulgaria in Asia and the efforts are aimed at achieving mutually beneficial cooperation in a number of key areas such as tourism, trade, culture and science.Bulgaria is a sustainable year-round destination with world-renowned winter and seaside resorts and among the best European spa, medical and cultural destinations.I believe that the signing of the new Tourism Cooperation Plan between the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam for the period 2024-2026 is a great opportunity to strengthen and further develop our successful cooperation, Minister Dinkova said.During the meeting, the topics of personnel training were discussed, as well as the upcoming organization of a B2B tourism forum between representatives of Bulgarian and Vietnamese tourism business.
The Ministry of Tourism presented the Programme for financing the Black Sea municipalities
For the first time, a partnership tool is being implemented with businesses, municipalities, tour operators and airports and decisive steps are being taken to restore confidence to work together. This shows a political will to increase competitiveness and to develop towards decentralisation. The funding is linked to public investment to promote Bulgarian tourism and through this reform the state, local authorities and the private sector are brought together. In this way, spending is controlled through greater transparency and efficiency.With the opening of "Programme for financing of marketing activities of tourist services in the Black Sea municipalities in Bulgaria", the government makes a clear statement for a reliable and committed partner of the business. This is what the Minister of Tourism Zaritza Dinkova said at a press conference."Co-funding by the business community enables funds to be pooled and increased, meaning taxpayers' money is directed towards business development and more revenue. This is an important advantage set in the Programme and the resources are not wasted", Minister Dinkova pointed out. The Ministry of Tourism has reacted to the European recommendations regarding Bulgaria and this is precisely the correct allocation of funds for state advertising by taking real action. The aim is to make Bulgaria a modern and preferred destination.Currently, the target group is the Black Sea municipalities, but it is planned to extend and develop the reform according to the specificities of other regions such as the Rhodope Mountains, the Rose Valley and others.The total amount of funds for the implementation of the Procedure is BGN 5,000,000, financed from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Tourism. The state finances 60% , up to BGN 400,000, 40% is co-financed by businesses and municipalities. Actions are aimed at expanding the active tourist season on the Black Sea coast, as well as working with the markets of Germany, Poland, Hungary, Scandinavian countries and the UK.
Zaritza Dinkova: We are ready to attract more Chinese tourists with the creation of new tourist routes
We are ready to attract more Chinese tourists by creating new tourist routes. This is what the Minister of Tourism Zaritza Dinkova said at a meeting with the Governor of the Chinese province of Jiangxi Ye Jianchun."For me and my team it is an exceptional priority to increase the tourism flow between Bulgaria and China," said Minister Dinkova. She noted that for the period January-July 2023, the total number of visits of Chinese tourists in Bulgaria is 6,806, which is an increase of 138% compared to the same period of 2022.Minister Dinkova pointed out that Bulgaria is a year-round destination with its famous winter and seaside resorts, beautiful sandy beaches, mineral springs, spa centres and golf courses. Analyses of the Ministry of Tourism show that Chinese tourists in our country show increased interest in cultural tourism, with the most visited Bulgarian cities being Sofia, Plovdiv, Veliko Tarnovo and Varna."We are working on the preparation of tourist packages that are for combined visits to several Balkan countries. In this way, Chinese tourists are given the opportunity to get to know the culture and history of the region," said Minister Dinkova. She added that the possibility of opening a direct flight is also being considered.Governor Ye Jianchun said that Bulgaria is enjoying growing interest from Chinese visitors. "It is important for people to have contact with Bulgarian culture and history, in which they show serious interest, so I welcome the idea of creating special tourist routes and I believe they will be a success," he said.Ye Jianchun invited Minister Dinkova to pay a working visit to Jiangxi province, which is home of 45 million people, to discuss ways for joint partnership.
The partnership between Bulgaria and Turkey is an example for the region
The partnership between Bulgaria and Turkey is an example for the region agreed the two countries during the 4th session of the Bulgarian-Turkish Tourism Committee in Istanbul.The Minister of Tourism Zaritza Dinkova said that it is necessary to use the logistical possibilities of a centre like Istanbul, on which Bulgaria also relies. The proximity of the two countries allows tourists to visit in 1 day sites from both countries.Zaritsa Dinkova noted that Bulgaria is an increasingly popular destination for winter tourism and that last winter the number of guests from Turkey was nearly 50,000. She pointed out that the resorts of Bansko, Pamporovo and Borovets are attractive destinations and that in recent years they have hosted world and European ski and snowboard competitions.Zaritsa Dinkova expressed her impressions of the sustainability and diversity of the Turkish tourism product, which is of prime interest also for the Bulgarian citizens. There is a serious potential for the development of tourist exchanges between Bulgaria and Turkey, for which purpose the less known destinations of both countries should be promoted on a reciprocal basis.During the conference Minister Dinkova said that the integration of NGOs in the sector generates additional added value for bilateral relations in terms of agreements between Bulgarian and Turkish stakeholders.The exchange of good practices in improving the skills of the tourism workforce was also discussed during the meeting. The aim is to work on training and development programmes for young staff.Minister Dinkova declared her full support for discussion in the Committee of any fruitful initiative which has the potential to deepen bilateral relations in this area.
Minister Zaritza Dinkova in Istanbul: Better transport connectivity between Bulgaria and Turkey means more tourists
The Minister of Tourism Zaritza Dinkova met with her Turkish counterpart Mehmet ErsoyPromoting Bulgaria as a year-round destination among Turkish tourist consumers is among the priorities of the Ministry of Tourism. This is what Minister Zaritza Dinkova said during the bilateral meeting with the Minister of Culture and Tourism of Turkey - Mehmet Nuri Ersoy, which is taking place in Istanbul."Bulgaria has the full palette of seasons and experiences needed for top quality tourism. We are extremely proud of our rich cultural heritage, which is the third largest in Europe. Sustainable cultural tourism is a vital part of regional development strategies," said Minister Dinkova.In recent years, Bulgaria has had a successful dialogue with Turkish transport officials, individual carriers and airport operators to improve transport connectivity between the two countries. Minister Dinkova expressed confidence that a regular flight service between Sabiha Gökçen Airport and Sofia Airport will be opened soon. "There is no doubt that good connectivity means stability," Minister Dinkova stressed. According to the latest data for the first six months of 2023, the number of Turkish tourists visiting Bulgaria increased by 16% compared to the year before 2019.Increasing transport connectivity is also extremely important for Turkey, noted also the Minister of Culture and Tourism Mehmet Nuri Ersoy. He expressed his satisfaction with the completed activities on the expansion of the capacity of the Capitan Andreevo BCP."The increase in flights of Bulgarian airlines will contribute to the increased tourist flow. If there are any requests from the Bulgarian side in this direction, I commit to address them personally," Minister Ersoy said.The bilateral meeting between the Ministers of Tourism of Bulgaria and Turkey is part of the official visit of Minister Zaritza Dinkova to Istanbul. The occasion for the visit was the opening of the 4th session of the Bulgarian-Turkish Tourism Committee. The delegation, led by Minister Dinkova, includes representatives of the Bulgarian tourism business - Union of Tourist Business-Bansko, Pamporovo AD, Albena AD, Suntours BG, Future for Tourism Association. During the Committee, participants will engage in discussions together with their Turkish counterparts.
Bulgaria is a Country of Honour at the 87th edition of the Thessaloniki International Fair
Bulgaria is a Country of Honour at the 87th edition of the Thessaloniki International Fair. The Minister of Tourism Zaritza Dinkova attended the opening of the forum and said that the development of bilateral cooperation in the field of tourism at institutional level is among the priorities of the Ministry.The Ministry of Tourism is represented at the International Fair with a special stand and a photo corner. Our country shows its opportunities for spa, wellness and wine tourism, with around 60 Bulgarian companies and organizations from different sectors presenting the possibilities for assistance in the field of new technologies and innovations.Minister Dinkova noted that the partnership between Bulgaria and Greece is closer than ever and that in recent years mutual political trust has been steadily deepening. She pointed out that Greece is a priority market for Bulgaria. Last year, Bulgaria registered 806,000 visits of Greek tourists, and for the first six months of this year, 544,000 guests from Greece visited Bulgaria.
Bulgaria and the UK have built a strategic partnership and our country has the potential to attract more British tourists
Bulgaria and the UK have built a strategic partnership and our country has the potential to attract more British tourists. The Minister of Tourism Zaritza Dinkova and H. E. Rob Dixon, UK Ambassador to Bulgaria.Ambassador Dixon thanked for the assistance provided by the Ministry of Tourism to prof. Bethany Hughes, who is a British historian and presenter of the TV show "Treasures of the World", broadcast in 120 countries. He offered cooperation in the presentation of the movie, which the team of prof. Hughes filmed in order to reveal the unknown treasures of Bulgaria to the international audience. We remind you that prof. Bethany Hughes and her team with the assistance of the Ministry of Tourism are working on the filming of the movie "Treasures of Bulgaria" - dedicated to our cultural and historical heritage. Ambassador Dixon also applauded the opportunity to make a film specifically about the Valley of the Roses.Promoting Bulgaria as a year-round destination is a priority in our advertising campaigns on the British market, which will include various forms such as road shows, digital advertising and cooperation with tour operators, Minister Dinkova said. She stressed that our country is distinguished by diverse cultural and natural attractions that arouse the interest of tourists from the UK and can be visited not only in the summer and winter season.During the meeting were discussed the possibilities for better access of British tourists to medical services to prevent the payment of exorbitant fees, which are reported by tourists visiting the Black Sea coast.Minister Dinkova committed to seek assistance from the Ministry of Health and in case of specific signals from tourists suffered from such fees, the cases to be checked, as well as to strengthen the control of the implementation of the concession contracts, according to which the provision of an equipped medical station on the beach is mandatory.The two sides agreed on the need to continue their fruitful cooperation in the field of tourism and identified concrete steps to attract tourists all year round.
Minister Zaritza Dinkova held a working meeting with H.E. Kenneth Merten, US Ambassador to Bulgaria
Bulgaria has the potential to attract more American tourists. Around this opinion agreed H. E. Kenneth Merten, US Ambassador to Bulgaria, and the Minister of Tourism Zaritza Dinkova. Our country has many cultural and natural attractions to offer that will pique the interest of American tourists. There are still untouched places in Bulgaria that need to be shown and preserved, Minister Zaritza Dinkova said.The team of the Ministry of Tourism is considering a new marketing strategy, which will also be aimed at expanding the markets, Minister Dinkova further stressed.The USA is a promising and desirable tourism partner and market for Bulgaria. In 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 104,000 American tourists travelled to Bulgaria. For the first 5 months of 2023, the number of U.S. citizens visiting our country was 30,469, an increase of 41% over the same period in 2022.Combined travel products have great potential, as traditionally American tourists prefer to combine visits to as many tourist sites as possible with one trip. In this sense, combining the main summer and winter tourist products with opportunities for spa and wellness tourism, as well as visits to cultural and historical sites, would be an increasingly significant factor in shaping the preferences of American tourists to our country. Minister Dinkova added and suggested that Bulgaria be presented as a destination on the American market or B2B forum as early as next year, if this is of interest to the American market.The development of the Bulgarian tourism sector is a national priority, Minister Dinkova further said. According to the WTTC (World Travel and Tourism Council), last year the contribution of the travel and tourism sector grew by 25% to BGN 10 billion, representing 6.5% of Bulgaria's economy, approaching the 2019 high of 9.9% of the economy.
Minister Zaritza Dinkova: Bulgaria and Greece should develop a common tourism product
The development and certification of joint cultural itineraries within the Council of Europe cultural itineraries, the exchange of experience in the field of education and training in the field of tourism were among the main topics discussed by the Minister of Tourism Zaritza Dinkova and the Ambassador of Greece in Bulgaria Alexios Liberopoulos."Both Bulgaria and Greece are working for the development and promotion of our countries as a year-round destination. Bulgaria is developing very successfully in the field of mountain and spa tourism," said Minister Zaritza Dinkova.Work is underway for the signing of a Joint Action Programme between the Ministry of Tourism of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Tourism for the period 2024-2026 in the framework of the upcoming 87th Thessaloniki International Fair. At this year's edition of the Fair our country will be awarded. It is also planned to organize various thematic panel discussions of Bulgarian experts in the field of digital transformation of the tourism industry.Greece stands firmly behind Bulgaria's accession to the Schengen area, Greece's Ambassador to Bulgaria Alexios Liberopoulos said. "It is unacceptable that connectivity is so difficult between two neighbouring EU Member States."The two countries are expected to organize the first session of the Bulgarian-Greek working group on tourism in Sofia by the end of this year.
Prof. Bethany Hughes is ready to make another film dedicated to the Rose Festival in Kazanlak next year
The invitation was made by the Minister of Tourism Zaritza Dinkova.The Minister of Tourism Zaritza Dinkova met in Varna with the British historian prof. Bethany Hughes, best known as the presenter of the popular TV show "Treasures of the World", broadcast in 120 countries. Bethany Hughes and her team are in Bulgaria with the assistance of the Ministry of Tourism and are working on the filming of the movie "Treasures of Bulgaria" - dedicated to our cultural and historical heritage.The popular TV presenter and author of films with an audience of many millions said she was amazed by our beautiful nature, rich culture and amazing archaeological finds. Her team managed to capture exciting footage of the painted bride Gelina in Ribnovo, Heraclea Sintica, the Bishop's Basilica in Plovdiv, the Varna Golden Treasure, Nestinarians in the village of Kosti, the Seven Lakes of Rila and the Rila Monastery, the Tomb of Sevt 3, the Kazanlak Museum, the National Archaeological Museum and the Panagyurishte Treasure.Minister Dinkova invited prof. Bethany Hughes and her team at the Rose Festival in Kazanlak next year to make a film with the assistance of the Ministry of Tourism. Minister Dinkova noted that the festival, with its 120-year history, represents an important part of Bulgaria's cultural heritage and tradition. Bethany Hughes accepted the invitation with great inspiration and said that she herself is obsessed with the rose scent, her perfume for years has been the scent of the queen of flowers.
Minister Zaritza Dinkova: We will strengthen Bulgaria's advertising presence on the Israeli market
The creation of combined tourism products for Israeli tourists is also being consideredThe possibility of creating combined tourist products for Israeli tourists - cultural and health tourism combined with the Jewish heritage in Bulgaria, was discussed by the Minister of Tourism Zaritza Dinkova and the Ambassador of the State of Israel, H. E. Yoram Elron.Bulgaria will increase its advertising in the Israeli media, relying on the digital campaign, Minister Dinkova said. It is planned to promote opportunities for mountain, eco, spa and wellness tourism."The creation of special itineraries to promote the main Jewish landmarks will spark serious interest and increase the flow of tourists. I have already spoken with the Ambassador of Bulgaria to the State of Israel - Slavena Gergova to start the implementation of this project," Minister Zaritza Dinkova emphasized.Offering one-day packages that include destinations close to the main place of stay of Israeli tourists in Bulgaria will be extremely well received, Ambassador Yoram Elron emphasized. "Bulgaria is becoming an increasingly popular tourist destination for Israeli citizens and a serious alternative for holidays instead of Greece," he added.In May 2023. The Ministry of Tourism made the first ever presentation of destination Bulgaria to representatives of the Israeli tourism industry. The forum was held with the support of the Embassy of Bulgaria in Israel and the Israel Association of Travel Agents and Consultants.
H.E. Maciej Szymanski: Bulgaria is the most preferred destination for Polish tourists in 2023
The Minister of Tourism Zaritza Dinkova met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to the Republic of Bulgaria"The Polish market is extremely important for us and I have your full support to make Polish tourists feel comfortable in Bulgaria." This was stated by the Minister of Tourism Zaritza Dinkova during her working meeting with H.E. Maciej Szymanski - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to the Republic of Bulgaria. Our country has much more to offer than the traditionally strong summer and winter seasons. "Along with summer tourism, Bulgaria is becoming a preferred destination for skiing, cultural and historical, wellness and spa tourism, as well as a preferred place for digital nomads to work," Minister Dinkova added and stressed that alternative tourism is beginning to play a key role in the development of national tourism in the countries, contributing with its added value and increasing interest in the combined tourism product.This year there has been a very strong interest in Bulgaria, noted H.E. Maciej Szyszmanski. "The latest data shows that Bulgaria is the most preferred destination in 2023, and our forecasts are that this year we will surpass the levels of the pre-Covid 2019."The issue of providing more security for tourists who choose Bulgaria and the possibility of sending Polish police officers to take care of the security of tourists in their most preferred resorts was also raised. Minister Dinkova expressed her readiness to cooperate at all levels to make such a step possible as soon as possible.Bulgaria's participation in the Second European Congress for Sport and Tourism, which will be held in the town of Zakopane, in the period 26-28 September 2023 was also discussed.Due to the great interest, another road show is to be organized in Poland, where representatives of the tourism sector in Bulgaria will meet their potential partners.
Minister Zaritza Dinkova brought together education and business
Today an agreement was signed between the Ministry of Tourism and the Association of Schools of Restaurant and Hotel Management in BulgariaThe Ministry of Tourism will financially support 28 culinary competitions, conferences and trainings in all districts of the country. This will give young people from vocational schools of tourism the opportunity to express themselves and facilitate their contacts with employers in order to remain working in Bulgaria after graduation.The Ministry of Tourism will also launch a Pilot Programme with employers to support the training of young staff. "This is a policy that is extremely important for the development of the sector. The government's job is to support it," said Minister Zaritza Dinkova. A meeting with the Minister of Education Prof. Galin Tsokov is also to be organized, to clarify the upcoming changes in the list of professions for vocational education and training in relation to the Vocational Education Act and the Recovery and Sustainability Plan. The forthcoming changes will amend the entire documentation of the specialised schools, the state standard, the National Examination Standard, the curricula and syllabuses. Ideas are being considered for flexibility of internships and the possibility for students to train through work during the summer, which will facilitate their initial career development and will seriously support businesses.  Raising the prestige of tourism professions among young people and promoting dual education in secondary vocational schools are the main priorities set out in the agreement signed today by Minister Zaritza Dinkova and the President of the Association of Schools of Restaurant and Hotel Management in Bulgaria - Malinka Marinova. The Association of Schools of Restaurant and Hotel Management in Bulgaria is an organization that represents 58 Vocational Schools of Tourism and Secondary Schools. It is a key partner of the Ministry of Tourism and actively works for the development of quality training and its practical application in the restaurant and hotel industry.
Minister Zaritza Dinkova gathered the tourism attachés for a discussion on foreign markets
German tourists are looking for sustainable environmental offers and adventure tourism opportunitiesThere is no decrease in the number of tourists from Germany, Poland and Turkey. This was reported to Minister Zaritza Dinkova by the tourist attachés who represent the Ministry of Tourism in these countries. "You are Bulgaria's ambassadors abroad and I will rely on your expertise to increase the number of tourists from these key markets," said Minister Zaritza Dinkova.The current season is a challenge for the German market, said our attaché in Germany Tihomir Patarinsky. There is currently a slight retention of Last Minute bookings but this can be compensated for. German tourists' expectations of their desired holiday are changing. Many of them are looking for sustainable environmental offers and adventure tourism opportunities. This is also the reason why many hotels in Bulgaria are currently well filled with German tourists, while others are reporting an outflow. Data from tour operators in Germany show that up to 5% growth is expected this summer season compared to 2022.The mass tourists from Poland are families with several children, and the interest in Bulgaria this year is traditionally high, said our tourist attaché in the country Nikolay Kostov. The number of trips is also increasing, but to own homes that Poles have bought in the country. For them Bulgaria is a favourite and safe destination. They prefer our country, even though this season several new tour operators have entered the Polish market and are literally offering deals that dump packages in our country. The expected growth of tourists from Poland this season is up to 20%.Real data from Turkey show that the intensive tourist flow will remain at last year's levels. Despite the fact that due to the weakened Turkish lira people are reducing their travel, Bulgaria remains an attractive destination. This was stated by Teodora Taskova - tourist attaché in Turkey.
Minister Zaritza Dinkova was an official guest at a concert marking the beginning of the Spanish EU Presidency
With a concert of the Vienna Chamber Orchestra conducted by Pedro Halfter, in Varna, the Embassies of Spain and Sweden in Bulgaria celebrated the transition of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union from Sweden to Spain, marking the beginning of the upcoming six-month Spanish Presidency.The event was held under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria. Among the official guests there were nearly twenty senior diplomats and ambassadors who came to Varna for the event.It was held under the motto of the Spanish Presidency "Europe closer", a message that wants to bring the institutions closer to the people and raise their awareness of the benefits of membership in the European family, as well as the ways in which it makes life easier for citizens.The idea to do the rotating transmission through a cultural event highlights another important aspect of the presidency under which it will pass - the concept of unity of peoples and cultures.
On the website of the Ministry of Tourism you can find up-to-date information on the clarity and temperature of the sea water on the Bulgarian beaches
There is no evidence of contamination in the Bulgarian Black Sea region There is no sign of contamination in the Bulgarian Black Sea following the leak from Ukraine's Nova Kakhovka dam. This is based on daily information exchanged between the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Environment and water.Bulgarian authorities are exchanging information with their Ukrainian, Moldovan and Romanian counterparts on potential contamination of the Black Sea waters. The Black Sea Basin Directorate (BSD) and the Executive Environment Agency (EEA) are also monitoring additional indicators of potential impacts following the incident. Monitoring is also being carried out by the Regional health inspectorate. Satellite observations and mathematical modelling of water currents in the Black Sea do not currently give cause for concern. If a potential risk is identified, preventive measures will be implemented and the public will be informed in due course.Today's sea water temperature near Varna is 21.2°C, and 22.0°C in Burgas. Silistar has the lowest temperature of 20.8°C.The data will be updated periodically, in the designatet section "Information on the condition of the sea water on the beaches of the Bulgarian seaside".----------Aucune preuve de pollution dans la zone d'eau bulgare de la mer NoireIl n'y a aucune preuve de pollution dans la mer Noire bulgare après le déversement du barrage de Nova Kakhovka en Ukraine. C'est ce que montrent les données issues des échanges quotidiens d'informations entre le ministère du tourisme et le ministère de l'environnement.Les autorités bulgares échangent des informations avec leurs collègues ukrainiens, moldaves et roumains sur la pollution potentielle des eaux de la mer Noire. La Direction du bassin de la mer Noire (BDCHR) et l'Agence exécutive pour l'environnement (IAOS) surveillent également d'autres indicateurs d'impact potentiel à la suite de l'incident. Le contrôle est également assuré par l'inspection régionale de la santé (RZI).Les observations par satellite et la modélisation mathématique des courants d'eau dans la mer Noire ne suscitent actuellement aucune inquiétude. Si un risque potentiel est identifié, des mesures préventives seront prises et la population sera informée en temps voulu.La température de l'eau de mer près de Varna est aujourd'hui de 21,2°C, près de Burgas de 22,0°C. La température la plus froide est à Silistar — 20,8°C.Sur le site web du ministère du tourisme, vous trouverez des informations actualisées sur la clarté et la température de l'eau de mer sur les plages bulgares.
Minister Dinkova presented her team, priorities and vision for the development of Bulgarian tourism to the Tourism Committee in the National Assembly
The Minister of Tourism Zaritza Dinkova presented her vision for the development of Bulgarian tourism, the priorities in her work and her team during the first hearing in the Tourism Committee in the National Assembly. The head of the political cabinet is Mariana Cordova and Irena Georgieva remains deputy minister. Minister Dinkova thanked for the warm and collegial welcome."My working style has always been in the direction of partnership and in listening to all parties and seeking the most successful, optimal, mutually beneficial solutions to problems. I have been looking for continuity as well as new energy and new potential to solve the problems facing the sector and, above all, to realise its opportunities," the Minister of Tourism Zaritza Dinkova told the MPs. "This sector provides enormous opportunities for the growth of our economy, and it can also be used very successfully as a tool for soft diplomacy so that Bulgaria enters the hearts of many people around the world with its beauty, its hospitality, its warmth," said Minister Dinkova.In the first short week of the new cabinet's inauguration, the work done was not small at all, Minister Zaritza Dinkova summed up. The main objective was to secure the work and there was not a single day in the Ministry of Tourism when it was stopped or the document flow was interrupted, the Minister stressed.In the first days, BGN 17,567,340 were disbursed under the Second Humanitarian Programme for persons from Ukraine granted temporary protection and the processing of the payment lists for the period April-May 2023 is ongoing.The development of the Third Humanitarian Programme was launched with the experts from the MoT.A number of meetings were held and planned with representatives of the sector.It has been agreed to maintain the 9% VAT rate for restaurants, catering services and the general tourist service in the draft state budget for 2023, and this is important to remain as a permanent measure, Minister Dinkova stressed.Among the problems of the industry, the minister highlighted the shortage of personnel. She informed MPs from the Tourism Committee that a new programme to address staff turnover and up-skilling and training was under discussion, including options for the effective implementation of dual training.Continuation of the work of the MoT in the main activities such as rhythmic categorization and certification of tourist sites, as well as work with concessionaires to ensure a smooth running of the summer season, continuation of the process of legislative initiatives of the MoT and the establishment of the Guarantee Fund were also among the highlights.Minister Dinkova also stated the need for the introduction of a law on lobbying to make the existing practices transparent and predictable.She thanked the MPs, who adopted with full consensus on the day of the hearing the amendments to the Tourism Act, which allows the Ministry of Tourism to promote the country as a tourist destination directly on global platforms without a PSO, efficiently, quickly and transparently.Among her strategic objectives, Minister Dinkova pointed out the provision of a favourable business environment for the development of sustainable tourism, the development of the competitiveness of the tourism sector through its preparation for digital transformation and the related improvement of the quality of the national tourism product and the successful positioning of the brand Bulgaria, as well as the balanced development of tourist regions.Minister Zaritza Dinkova informed the MPs about all urgent actions taken to ensure a calm summer season in the context of the risks of pollution of the Black Sea waters after the incident with the Nova Kakhovka dam in Ukraine.
Ministry of Tourism on Standby for Action if Needed in Connection with the Destroyed Dam in Ukraine
Minister Zaritsa Dinkova held a working meeting and sent a letter to the concessionaires of beachesTourism Minister Zaritsa Dinkova sent a letter to the concessionaires of beaches, informing them about the actions taken in relation to the situation created after the destruction of the dam wall of Kakhovka and calling on them to take an active position in any situation in which they consider that they need assistance.Minister Dinkova held a working meeting on Friday at the Ministry of Tourism, during which an organisation was set up for coordinated action with the Ministry of Environment and Water in relation to the concerns expressed about the potential danger of pollution of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast.For this purpose, the Ministry of Tourism requested daily information from the Ministry of Environment and Water, which receives summarized data on the state of the waters in the Black Sea, as well as a weekly summary from the Ministry of Interior on the safety of the beaches along the Bulgarian coast.‘There is no evidence of contamination at this time. For a successful and peaceful summer season it is of utmost importance to keep intact Bulgaria's tourist product and all Bulgarian Black Sea beaches clean and safe for tourists. We rely on our partnership with you and we invite you in any case in which you deem it necessary, without hesitation, to submit alerts so that we can work together to respond promptly to any signs of pollution on our coastline,’ reads the letter with which the Minister addressed the concessionaires and tenants who manage Bulgarian beaches. Alerts can be submitted to the Green Line of the Ministry of Environment and Water: 0887 088440 or 02/9888205, and by e-mail: The competent teams of the Ministry of Tourism are ready to assist.There is no evidence of contamination and exceedances to date in the Bulgarian Black Sea coastal area following the destruction of the Nova Kakhovka dam located on the Dnieper River in Ukraine. This is according to the data from the enhanced monitoring, which the Minister of Environment and Water commissioned on June 8 in connection with the incident. The monitoring tracks the potential impact of the waters along the Dnieper River on the Black Sea. So far, no exceedances have been detected for any of the indicators tested — petroleum products, metals, the radionuclides caesium-137 and tritium.However, the Ministry of Tourism and the competent institutions — the Ministry of Environment and Water, the Black Sea Basin Directorate (BSBD) — Varna, the Executive Environment Agency (EEA) and the Varna Regional Administration are ready to respond promptly to any potential alarming situation related to pollution of the Bulgarian coastal sea waters.According to the current official data of the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Kyiv Regional State Administration, the main indicators of the ecological situation are within normal limits, and no elevated pollution levels have been found due to the flooding caused by the terrorist act against the Kakhovka dam. From the official information portal of ‘Khersonvodokanal’ and ‘Infoxvodokanal Odessa’ it is reported that drinking water in the mentioned cities meets the required standards. Daily samples show that there is no contamination.There is no evidence of direct adverse effects in Moldova.The Bulgarian diplomatic and consular missions in Ukraine, Romania and Moldova are monitoring the situation with caution. The Bulgarian Ministry of Environment and Water receives daily information on developments in the case and is in constant contact with the Ministry of Tourism.We would like to remind you that the Ministry of Environment and Water commissioned mathematical modelling of the potential spread of the slick to the Bulgarian Black Sea coast.Daily information on the water status in the Black Sea can be found on the website of the Regional Health Inspectorate HERE and HERE .
Minister of Tourism Zaritsa Dinkova Accepted the Post from Dr. Ilin Dimitrov
At an inauguration ceremony on June 6, 2023, Minister of Tourism Zaritsa Dinkova took over the reigns of the 102nd Government of the Republic of Bulgaria from the previous caretaker Minister Dr. Ilin Dimitrov.Minister Dinkova arrived at the Saborna 1 building together with her predecessor, after the two had previously attended the transfer of power between the caretaker cabinet ‘Donev’ and ‘Denkov-Gabriel’ at the Council of Ministers.They discussed the top priorities and projects that are key for the sector.Minister Dinkova said that she will use her international experience and contacts as an ambassador of ‘destination’ Bulgaria to continue the work to establish our country as an attractive tourist brand. ‘Tourism is an indispensable tool for the international positioning of a country through the so-called ‘soft diplomacy’, Minister Dinkova emphasized.Zaritsa Dinkova is the sixth Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria. She holds a Master's degree in Diplomacy and International Relations from the Complutense University and Diplomatic School of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Spain, Madrid. Zaritsa Dinkova is Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria in the two caretaker governments in 2021 and Chief Political Adviser in the European Parliament. She has experience as a manager of large international projects for the UN and the EU.The former Minister of Tourism Dr. Ilin Dimitrov, who led the ministry in two consecutive terms, thanked his team and wished courage and success to the new minister.
The Caretaker Cabinet Held a Meeting during Which She Adopted a Report on the Work Done during the Term
Minister Dimitrov: We finish 6th in the world in tourism recoveryThe Minister of Tourism Dr. Ilin Dimitrov participated in the extraordinary open session of the Council of Ministers, at which the Prime Minister Mr. Galab Donev presented a report on the work done during the second term of the caretaker cabinet, which was adopted by the Council of Ministers.‘We may have plus or minus 24 hours until the end of our responsibilities as interim authority. When I announced that we were ready for the second season of the political ‘Survivor’, I did not expect such ingenuity in the trials,’ the Prime Minister noted at the opening of the meeting. ‘We have returned the decision-making centre to where it belongs — in Bulgaria,’ said the caretaker Prime Minister Galab Donev, after which he presented some of the work done by the Council of Ministers since February 3. He stressed that accountability is a principle of good governance and no government since 2009 has presented such an account of its activities.During the ten months of governance of the two caretaker cabinets, significant progress has been made, closer cooperation with the business community and undeniable successes backed by data — the pre-pandemic tourism growth levels have been exceeded in the current winter season and Bulgaria has returned to the top of the world tourism with its election to the Executive Board of the World Tourism Organisation. WTO's ranking of countries' post-pandemic recovery, for the first months of this year, ranked Bulgaria 6th in recovery and in the top ten in tourism revenue growth.For more information on the tasks set and the objectives achieved, see the attached report of the Minister of Tourism Dr. Ilin Dimitrov:SummaryAccording to the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) rankings of the world's top performing destinations for inbound tourism in the first quarter of 2023, Bulgaria ranks 6th with a 27% growth of foreign tourists’ registrations compared to 2019. This is the main indicator of the performance of any tourism minister — how they promote their country.We have recorded the most successful winter season since statistics have been available — tourist arrivals are 23% above the pre-pandemic Winter 2019/2020 and 24% above last year, despite the adverse weather conditions this winter. The growth of Greek tourists compared to the previous winter season is over 100%.We have secured a successful 2023 summer season, with an expected growth of around 5% over the pre-Covid 2019.Bulgaria was awarded the ‘Destination of the Balkans 2023’ award by the Pacific Association of Tourism Journalists (PATWA), writing about tourism, and Minister Dimitrov was honoured as the ‘Minister of the Balkans 2023’ by PATWA, with the awards being presented during the world's largest tourism exhibition ITB Berlin.Instead of our country being ashamed of its participation in exhibitions, we are already winning awards from the look of our stands — we have organised the presentation of our country at 12 international tourism exhibitions, with the number of co-exhibitors exceeding 235. The stand and the animation during our participation at the largest international tourism exhibition ITB Berlin were assessed by the industry and in a number of media publications as our best presentation in years. This was a key event in the recovery of the position of the Bulgarian tourism product on the German market.After the highly successful road trip for B2B meetings in autumn 2022 in Poland, a second one was successfully held in Germany to restore our position on the German market. We had a road trip to Israel this month and are preparing one to the UK in the autumn.We prepared and successfully hosted our country at the 68th Session of the Regional Commission Europe of the WTO in the period 31 May—02 June 2023. This enabled the Bulgarian tourism product to be presented to an extremely wide and professionally oriented audience — more than 20 ministers and government officials from more than 40 delegations, representatives of business, academia, etc. At the same time, during the meeting Bulgaria was elected as a member of the Executive Board of the WTO for the full term, which covers the period 2023—2027. The meeting was perfectly organised and was described by the WTO management and delegates as ‘historic’ because of the large number of participants and the weight of the decisions taken. Prior to the forum, the caretaker minister of tourism put forward Bulgaria's candidacy and conducted an active diplomatic campaign to secure support for it from a number of European countries, which led to the logical success of our country to take one of the vacant seats for the region of Europe.We supported the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the collection and sharing of data relating to short-term accommodation rental services and amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1724 for the purpose of achieving a common approach. This will help to lighten the business and protect fair competition.A Concept Paper on a mandatory Guarantee Fund as an element of national insolvency protection for tour operators in line with Directive 2015/2302 of the European Parliament and of the Council on package travel and related travel services was developed and was presented and discussed with the national associations of tour operators and travel agents. Work is already underway on the second stage — the formulation of a model for the Tourism Guarantee Fund itself. This will lead to overcoming the problems of securing the activities of tour operators and better guarantee the interests of citizens.Tourism business awareness of EU funding opportunities through joint meetings and active work with the Minister for Innovation and Growth improved. As a result of the good coordination of the two ministers, the Tourism sector has been prioritized in several thematic areas of the ISIS 2021—2027 and under the announced programme for renewable energy in enterprises under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.We managed to do a 2-year job within 8 months — we categorized over 1,400 tourist sites with delayed and expired categorizations. Almost 150 categorisations and certifications have been made in the last two months alone. Without them, the hotels would have closed and they could not sign contracts with tour operators.The actions taken to ensure publicity and transparency in the procedures for the rental of beaches by strengthening the internal control mechanisms and the provision of supervisors from the State Agency ‘National Security’, the Commission for Counteraction to Corruption and Confiscation of illegally Acquired Property and the Ministry of Interior have led to an increase in confidence in the work of the Ministry of Tourism and to the protection of the rules of free and fair competition. There has been a trend of significant growth in the annual rental price offers, with some sites being offered at prices exceeding the minimum rental prices by several times.As a result of the increased control activities on the beaches during the previous term of office, the coordination and interaction with concessionaires and tenants of beaches has been improved, and a massive information campaign for strict compliance with the requirements of the concession and lease agreements was prepared and launched before summer 2023, and the concessionaires and tenants themselves have declared their willingness to work to improve the quality of services on the beaches.This year, as a result of the active work carried out, a record number of beaches — 21 and one marina — received the eco label ‘Blue Flag’, which undoubtedly raises the prestige of the destination and is a guarantee of the cleanliness of the beach and the high quality of the tourist service offered.Together with the Ministry of Health, adequate and prompt medical assistance was ensured on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast in the upcoming summer season 2023. We have found a lasting solution to a significant problem on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast by signing a multilateral memorandum of cooperation between the concerned agencies, several maritime municipalities and the Multi-profile Active Treatment & Emergency University Hospital ‘N.I. Pirogov’ EAD.A campaign for increased cooperation with specialised schools of tourism is underway (meetings have been organised in a number of cities in the country — Targovishte, Stara Zagora, Varna, etc.) to address the urgent issues of the shortage of trained tourism staff.The interest of the consumers of the tourist service has been protected by cancelling the registrations of 101 tour operators without the mandatory insurance during the previous term of office and for the period February— April 2023 the registration of 98 more tour operators was cancelled for the same reason. At the same time, 17 tour operators and travel agents are registered.There has been flawless coordination and interaction between the Ministry of Tourism, the Commission for Consumer Protection, the Executive Agency Automobile Administration and the Regional Directorates of the Ministry of Interior, Economic Crime Prevention Sector on the implementation of the control activities — a number of checks of the border check-points for unfair practices and ‘illegal excursions’ have been carried out since the beginning of February and the inspections will continue throughout 2023. The industry has repeatedly expressed its appreciation of this MoT initiative and continues to view it extremely positively.Together with the National Operations Staff (NOS), we have found a solution to the key problems in the humanitarian programmes for persons hosted in Ukraine and the regularity of payments will be fully restored.Most importantly — we have returned normality in the work of the ministry and the sector felt that we have a good partner working for its development.
Success for Bulgaria: Our Country has been Elected as a Member of the Executive Council of the World Tourism Organization for the term 2023—2027
Bulgaria has been elected as a member of the Executive Council of the World Tourism Organization for the period 2023—2027. Our country thus occupies one of the vacant seats for the ‘Europe’ region of the WTO Executive Board. Bulgaria was chosen after a controversial vote — at the beginning it was among the 5 countries with the highest score, but with the same number of points with Azerbaijan — 19. It came to the second round of the elections, where our country received 24 votes against 14 for Azerbaijan.Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Italy and Lithuania are the new members of the Executive Board who received support today.The Executive Board is the operational governing body that ensures that the WTO delivers its work programme and adheres to its budget. A total of 35 countries are members of the EB (10 of them European), 34 of which are elected for a four-year term, while Spain remains a permanent representative.Bulgaria was a member of the Executive Board of the Organization for the periods 1982-1985, 2004-2007, 2010-2013 and 2013-2017, and was currently among the candidates for membership in the new Executive Board for the period 2023-2027.Our country is currently the Vice-Chair of the Europe Regional Commission of the WTO, with a term expiring in 2023.Bulgaria's participation in international structures contribute to the country's image as a tourist destination that shares the Organization's vision in promoting competitive and sustainable tourism policies that define tourism as an engine for economic growth, inclusive development and environmental sustainability.
The 68th Working Session of the Regional Commission "Europe" of the GTC started
Record number of ministers and votes during the meeting in Sofia The Minister of State Dr. Ilin Dimitrov and the Secretary General of the UN World Tourism Organization Zurab Pololikashvili gave the official start of the 68th Session of the Regional Commission ‘Europe’ of the World Tourism Organization. It is being held in Sofia and the working session is attended by a number of ministers, deputy ministers and heads of the tourism sector in their countries, along with other representatives from the delegations of 40 countries. Until 2 June, Bulgaria is hosting the key international event in tourism, during which Bulgaria will be the focus of top-level discussions focused on the future of European tourism.‘We are going to have an intensive programme in which we will discuss the policies, measures and solutions for the development of tourism, which is one of the most important industries on our continent. Undoubtedly, this is the sphere where Europe has a leading role’, Minister Dimitrov said at the opening and declared our country's ambition to continue playing a key role and making a significant contribution to the formation of the main messages and policies in tourism at European level. For his part, Secretary General Pololikashvili stressed in his meetings so far that Europe is the continent with the greatest importance and weight in world tourism.He congratulated the Ministry of Tourism on the excellent work on the organization of the forum. The presence and support of the institutions in Bulgaria shows that tourism is very important for the country, there are many projects that are being worked on and I am convinced that this visit and the presence of the commission here will be a big step forward for Bulgaria and an opportunity to support tourism here, Zurab Pololikashvili said.Recent years have brought many challenges and issues to be addressed in tourism, and the sustainability of the industry has suffered immensely from the pandemic, the military conflict in Ukraine, and the subsequent economic effects — disrupted supply chains, inflationary processes and the outflow of labour into the sector. However, Minister Dimitrov expressed optimism and highlighted the fact that according to various criteria, in the latest WTO rankings Bulgaria has shown enviable and somewhat unexpected results against the backdrop of the global crisis, entering the top 10 of the best recovering countries after the pandemic worldwide.Dr. Ilin Dimitrov emphasized on the work on strengthening the workforce and the human potential that will lead to the improvement of the quality of the tourism service and the setting of the right messages during the discussions and the meeting with the European partners. Here are some of them: to nurture the vitality and resilience of tourism against the enormous European and global challenges; to work actively for the modern face of tourism on a European scale; to practise environmentally friendly tourism and to care for the sustainable development of the sector; to make tourism a fruitful field for integrated industries, initiatives and projects, with care for the European economy. Another aspiration is for tourism to be a vehicle for the successful implementation of policies to protect cultural, natural and economic resources.In the framework of the World Tourism Organization and in the process of preparation of the event Bulgaria was identified as a responsible and predictable partner, which actively works for the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals with a horizon of 2030. Secretary General Pololikashvili noted that our country has untapped potential, which can be developed through even more active interaction with the WTO and European partners.Our country's hosting of the 68th session of the Regional Commission ‘Europe’ is a serious international recognition for us, as it will give the Bulgarian tourism product the opportunity to be presented to an extremely wide and professionally oriented audience — ministers, government officials, representatives of the business, academia and others.At the same time, Alessandra Priante, Director of the Europe Department of the WTO, described the meeting in Sofia as a WTO forum of historic importance because of the record number of participants and the important decisions that are being voted.So far, a total of two congresses have been held in the capital city under the auspices of the WTO, in 2016 and 2018, dedicated to World Heritage and Ancient Routes.
The Ministry of Tourism Processed Payments Totalling BGN 17,988,378.65 under the Second Humanitarian Programme for Temporary Protected Persons from Ukraine
The Ministry of Tourism is proceeding to the Ministry of Finance for approval of humanitarian aid payments totalling BGN 17,988,378.65 including VAT under the Second Humanitarian Programme.The payments were verified after a full recalculation of the amounts due for all reporting periods under the Programme from 01 June 2022 to 31 March 2023, based on the work of the Inter-agency Working Group formed by experts from the Ministry of Tourism and the agencies that provide information on displaced persons from Ukraine ex officio — the General Directorate of Border Police and the Migration Directorate of the Ministry of Interior, the State Agency for Refugees and the National Revenue Agency.The recalculations have been made after comparing the data on the displaced persons from Ukraine accommodated in the accommodation/shelter facilities, provided by the Unified System for Tourist Information (ESTI) and declared in the Secure Electronic Delivery System (SSED), with the actual and consolidated data provided by the General Directorate of Border Police and the Migration Directorate of the Ministry of Interior, the State Agency for Refugees, the National Revenue Agency, with appropriate adjustments and deductions.The payments will be made following a decision by the Council of Ministers to approve the aid under the terms of the Programme.
Minister Ilin Dimitrov and the Secretary General of WTO Zurab Pololikashvili Held Meetings with the President and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria
Zurab Pololikashvili and Prof. Alessandra Priante, Director of the Europe Department of WTO, were awarded with high state honors by President Rumen RadevThe Minister of Tourism Dr. Ilin Dimitrov and the Secretary General of the UN World Tourism Organization Zurab Pololikashvili held joint meetings with the President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rumen Radev and the Prime Minister Galab Donev. The meetings were attended by Alessandra Priante, Director of the Europe Department of the WTO and Alexey Andreev, Ambassador of Bulgaria to Spain and Permanent Representative of Bulgaria in the WTO. The two representatives of the World Tourism Organization are in Bulgaria on the occasion of the 68th Meeting of the Regional Commission ‘Europe’ of the World Tourism Organization, which will be held in Sofia in the period 31 May—2 June. Bulgaria has been the vice-president of the Commission since 2021 and for the second time hosts the prestigious event, which contributes to the promotion of our country's image as a tourist destination, being the focus of discussions at the highest level on the future of European tourism. The key international tourism event brings together more than 20 tourism ministers and delegations from nearly 40 countries.At a solemn ceremony in the Coat of Arms Hall at Dondukov 2, President Rumen Radev awarded the Order of Cyril and Methodius, First Class, to the Secretary General of the WTO, Zurab Pololikashvili, who has headed the Organization since 2018, for his great services to the promotion of the Bulgarian cultural and historical heritage and culture, and the Order of Cyril and Methodius, Second Class, to Prof. Alessandra Priante for the promotion of Bulgarian heritage and culture.At the award ceremony President Radev highlighted the hard work of Minister Dimitrov and the team of the Ministry of Tourism and called the Secretary General a true friend of Bulgarian tourism.Under the leadership of Zurab Pololikashvili, the relations between Bulgaria and the World Tourism Organization have significantly intensified, which puts our country among the leading countries working to develop policies for the development of the tourism sector in Europe.On the recommendation of the Secretary General, Bulgaria submitted its candidature to host the 68th meeting of the Regional Commission ‘Europe’ (RCE) of the WTO, which was approved at a meeting in Yerevan, Armenia.Earlier, Minister Dimitrov and his guests also met with Prime Minister Galab Donev.During the meeting they discussed Bulgaria's state priorities in the field of tourism.Prime Minister Donev stressed that the government's priority is to restore and return tourism to the path of growth and competitiveness. In this regard, it was noted that according to WTO Bulgaria is among the best recovering destinations in the first quarter of 2023 compared to the pre-pandemic year 2019 — in 6th place in terms of number of tourist arrivals — with an increase of 27%.Prime Minister Donev also stressed that Bulgaria shares the vision of the WTO on tourism as an engine of economic growth, inclusive development and environmental sustainability and the promotion of competitive and sustainable tourism policies and confirmed that our country is a strong advocate of the promotion of tourism as a tool for strengthening international peace and development in the context of unprecedented global challenges that affect all nations of the world.‘It is a pleasure for us to work with good professionals and partners,’ said Zurab Pololikashvili, adding: ‘We highly appreciate that tourism is a top priority for the Bulgarian government.’ He expressed hope that the work of our country will soon lead to increased international investment in Bulgarian tourism. Within the framework of the forum a meeting of the Secretary General of the WTO with the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivan Kondov is also planned.Since its accession, our country has actively participated in the work of the World Tourism Organization and has been a member of its senior governing bodies on numerous occasions over the years. The WTO is a specialized agency of the United Nations and is the most significant and influential international organization in the field of tourism, of which Bulgaria has been a member since 1976. Our country is strongly committed to supporting the Organization in promoting competitive and sustainable tourism policies and tourism as an engine of economic growth, inclusive development and environmental sustainability.Over the years, Bulgaria has hosted a number of prestigious events of the WTO, including the 6th Session of the General Assembly, the 75th Session of the Executive Board, the International Congress of World Civilizations and Creative Tourism, the International Conference ‘On the Western Silk Road’, the International Congress of World Civilizations and Historical Routes and many others, as a result of which our country was further promoted as a tourist destination.
Minister Ilin Dimitrov Discussed the Opportunities for Promoting Destination Bulgaria to the Global Audience, in Partnership with a Highly Successful British Production
Prof. Bettany Hughes is ready to film a documentary series ‘Treasures of Bulgaria’The opportunity to promote Bulgaria among the global audience, in partnership with a highly successful British production, was discussed by the Minister of Tourism Dr. Ilin Dimitrov and Prof. Bettany Hughes — historian and author of documentary series that lift the veil on remarkable achievements of civilization by tracing the history of humanity. Her television company Sandstone Global is an award-winning producer of remarkable, historically-focused documentaries that are broadcast on top international and UK television stations and platforms.The Minister of Culture Nayden Todorov, H. E. Rob Dixon, Ambassador of Great Britain in Bulgaria, Deputy Minister of Tourism Prof. Mariela Modeva and Petar Todorov — Executive Director of the National Film Centre Executive Agency. The meeting is a continuation of the talks that Minister Ilin Dimitrov had with Bethany Hughes during the UNWTO FESTA Forum in Tirana in April 2023.The possibilities to create a special series to present the treasures of Bulgaria were discussed. ‘Our country has an exceptionally rich history, which intertwines Thracian, Greek and Roman history and the unique cultural identity of Bulgaria. I am convinced that all this will be extremely attractive for your viewers’, Minister Ilin Dimitrov emphasized.‘Treasures of the World’ is broadcast in 120 countries around the world and enjoys particular success. The first episodes of the documentary series featured Greece, Malta, Gibraltar, Jordan, Cyprus, the Mediterranean, Turkey East, Turkey West, Istanbul, Albania and Azerbaijan.‘It would be a great pleasure for us to be able to tell the story of Bulgaria in the next episode, to showcase your rich history and cultural wonders of which you are justly proud,’ said Bettany Hughes.SandStone's films are broadcast in primetime on the BBC, National Geographic, Viasat History, Discovery, Amazon and Netflix and are watched by hundreds of millions of viewers around the world to great critical acclaim. Each edition includes the expert contributions of local scholars who present the historical sites of the country they represent.
Minister of Tourism Dr. Ilin Dimitrov Officially Opened the Tourist Season SUMMER 2023
On the day of Sts.  Constantine and Helena the 115th birthday of our first seaside resort was celebratedWith the wish for a cloudless, happy and successful summer, the Minister of Tourism Dr. Ilin Dimitrov declared the SUMMER 2023 season open. This happened in the oldest Bulgarian seaside resort — ‘Sts.  Constantine and Helena’, with much symbolism, on the very day of the saints of the Equal Apostles who gave it its name. On this day is the culmination of the solemn celebration of the 115th anniversary of the founding of the resort 'Sts.  Constantine and Helena.’The opening ceremony was attended by the Ministers of Regional Development and Public Works Ivan Shishkov, of Health Dr. Assen Medjidiev, of Energy Rosen Hristov, Deputy Minister of Agriculture Georgi Sabev, Deputy Ministers of Tourism Irena Georgieva and Prof. Mariela Modeva, MPs and members of the Tourism Committee in the National Assembly, His Eminence Metropolitan Johan of Varna and Veliki Preslav, the Governor of Varna Region Mario Smurkov, the Deputy Mayor of Varna Kosta Bazitov, diplomats, many guests, officials and representatives of the tourism industry. The day began with the celebration of Holy Mass and a festive water service in the monastery ‘Sts.  Constantine and Helena’ and continued with the official opening ceremony of the summer tourist season.We are in an extraordinary place, green, with beautiful beaches, healing climate, wonderful modern infrastructure and high-category hotels, said Minister Dimitrov in his address to the large audience and guests at the event. He congratulated the hosts and the management of the seaside resort — the executive directors Elena Koseva and Ivelina Shaban and presented them with an icon of the holy Equal Apostles Constantine and Helena and a diploma ‘for overall contribution to the sustainable development of the region as a year-round destination for seaside and specialized tourism and commitment to the initiative for positioning and promotion of the destination and Brand Bulgaria’.Minister Dimitrov stressed that besides its attractiveness because of its modern vision and good management, the place is saturated with history and magic. There are legends that as early as the 14th century a monastic brotherhood lived here, and then the monastery of the same name and the first grape hospital were established, which can be said to be the beginning of modern wine tourism in the region.‘Our ancestors also talked about expanding the wings of the season back in the 1930s, a topic we haven't stopped talking about since. They have tried to do it — by offering healing and spa procedures,’ Minister Dimitrov stressed.Among the most curious facts is that the first ‘hotel’ in the area that gave the name to the resort became the wine school, whose classrooms were renovated and adapted to receive tourists.Minister Dimitrov recalled that the first high-ranking visitor in the 19th century after the Liberation was the Bulgarian Prince Alexander I Battenberg. After the first holidaymakers arrived in 1908, this event marked the beginning of the resort and of sea tourism in Bulgaria. There are 7 mineral springs in the resort, which have no analogue in Europe, and the warmest one has a temperature between 40 and 60 degrees. It is no coincidence that the largest children's sanatorium on the Balkans was located here, which cured thousands of children from serious diseases. Already at the end of the 19th century, the founder of the sea and mud therapy in Bulgaria, Professor Paraskev Stoyanov and Dr. Alexander Nedyalkov — the manager of the Tsaritsa Eleonora State Children's Sea Sanatorium in the resort — made a significant contribution to the prestige of the resort.‘Grape therapy, good local wine and sea food, healing mineral waters and the beginnings of sea tourism in Bulgaria are intertwined in one, in this very place, and become the trademark of the first Bulgarian sea resort,’ said Minister Ilin Dimitrov. And stressed: ‘We can safely say that in the Sts.  Constantine and Helena’ you can heal both your spirit and your body’.The celebrations are held with the support of the Ministry of Tourism and the Municipality of Varna and under the patronage of the Ministers of Tourism and Foreign Affairs. On behalf of Minister Ivan Kondov, the guests were greeted by Radka Balabanova-Ruleva, Director of the Foreign Economic Relations and Development Cooperation Directorate at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.The day continues with celebrations on the seafront on the outdoor stage with a rich concert and show program, various activities for children and many culinary surprises on the ‘Street of Chefs’, as well as a rally car demonstration.
For Green and Sustainable Tourism: The Ministry of Tourism Signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Association ‘Tourist Business Union — Bansko’
The Minister of Tourism Dr. Ilin Dimitrov and Malin Bistrin, Chairman of the Tourist Business Union — Bansko, signed a framework agreement for cooperation and partnership between the Ministry of Tourism and the association. With it the parties commit to join their efforts and cooperation for the development of green and sustainable tourism for the Bansko region.In the conversation during the meeting the representatives of the Board of the Tourist Business Union — Bansko and Minister Dimitrov discussed specific opportunities for promoting the two-day festival ‘Unique Bansko’. Traditionally, in September the Fellowship of Bansko Taverns organizes a culinary feast where tavern owners present unique dishes they are proud of and folklore groups reenact old customs. The 12 taverns, members of the initiative, cook according to old family recipes and present traditional cuisine with their unique flavours at the culinary festival ‘Uniquely Bansko’. Eco ideas for the development of sustainable tourism and for making Bansko a cleaner and greener city were also discussed in the conversation. Among them — replacing hotel vans transporting tourists with electric ones, installing filters on the chimneys of the buildings — collectors for fine particulate matter, and to produce electricity and bio fertilizers by collecting excess food waste.‘Bansko is developing extremely well, and I am very pleased to see how it is turning into an increasingly green resort, which is the main goal,’ Minister Dimitrov added: ‘By working to reduce harmful emissions, offering delicious local food, the city will become an increasingly beautiful and green global resort that offers an increasingly quality product. This is the right way — connecting with nature, the mountains closer to the people and preserving the natural flavours and aromas.’The future joint work of the Ministry of Tourism and the Association will focus on the implementation of projects and ideas aimed at offering a sustainable tourism product in the Bansko region, based on resource efficiency and circular economy measures, raising the qualification of tourism employees in the Bansko region and promoting early career guidance of children in the tourist resorts of the country with a focus on tourism education. The exchange of information, knowledge, experience, ideas and best practices in the field of tourism, including the participation of European and third countries, underlying the cooperation agreement, will also help to turn Bansko into a year-round destination at the global level.As concrete steps in this direction, the document envisages holding and mutual participation in various forums, conferences, seminars, round tables, trainings, workshops, programs and festivals related to the promotion of the Bansko region as a year-round tourist destination.Cooperation in initiatives for updating and streamlining the national regulatory framework in the field of tourism, as well as assistance for the introduction and implementation of new technologies, materials and standards in the industry are also among the important goals and objectives set out in the agreement.
The Forum in Israel, which Presents Bulgaria's Tourism Potential, Is Taking Place with Great Interest
The Bulgarian-Israeli Business Forum was held in Tel Aviv in the B2B format, with exceptional interest from the Israeli business community. Over 50 Israeli tour operators and 12 representatives of the Bulgarian business took part in the event on 16 May. The delegation from Sofia is led by the Deputy Minister of Tourism Prof. Mariela Modeva. During the forum the representatives of the Bulgarian tourism business presented the opportunities for sea and winter tourism in Bulgaria, with the main focus on the spa and wellness and specialized forms of tourism.During the visit Prof. Modeva held a meeting with Tali Laufer, Executive Director of the Israel Association of Travel Agents and Consultants.‘Bulgaria offers an extremely diverse palette of opportunities for year-round tourism. There is still untapped potential in a number of niches, which could lead to an increase in bilateral tourism flow,’ Deputy Minister Modeva said.  In recent years, Bulgaria has built an extremely modern and competitive base in the field of SPA tourism, which is considered one of its greatest advantages in the industry.‘We are second in number of mineral springs in Europe after Iceland and recently we have witnessed many successful investment ventures in this area,’ said Prof. Modeva. She assured Laufer that Israeli guests are welcome in our country, which is hospitable, safe and offers excellent value for money.‘We will do a study on additional possibilities to promote targeted trips,’ Tali Laufer said.Part of Professor Modeva's program was a meeting with representatives of the academic community of Ben-Gurion University. She spoke with Associate Professor Dr. Amir Shani of the Department of Hotel and Tourism Management at Ben-Gurion State University in Negev /Educational and Research Centre for Tourism Management Training/. The main focus of the talks was the intensification of the policy of personnel exchange in the sector. During the meeting the good practices and opportunities for exchange of students and lecturers as well as for joint implementation of projects within the European university networks were discussed.‘Bulgaria has an excellent and rich experience in organizing large-scale events in the field of winter sports, has great winter resorts that enjoy an excellent reception in the Israeli market,’ said Prof. Modeva and stressed that our country can provide successful practices and development policies in a number of areas of tourism.
World Tourism Organization: Bulgaria is Among The Best Recovering Destinations in The First Quarter of 2023
After the pandemic: Experts report 27% growth, which ranks us 6th in the worldThe latest barometer of the UN World Tourism Organization (WTO) presents positive news for the European tourism industry and Bulgaria in particular. According to WTO data, Bulgaria is among the best recovering destinations in the first quarter of 2023 compared to the pre-pandemic year 2019 in terms of: the number of tourist arrivals — with an increase of 27%, which ranks us 6th in the world, and in revenues from international tourism, where an increase of 21% is reported, which places Bulgaria in 10th place in the world.According to published data, twice as many people travelled in the first quarter of 2023 than in the same period in 2022. The reason for this is the strong demand within the European continent and the recovery of a number of the world's leading emitter markets.The data shows that 2023 is off to an exceptional start for Mediterranean European destinations, which have surpassed 2019 levels and prove the resilience and attractiveness of the European tourism sector.According to a WTO survey, nearly 70% of industry experts expect the upward trend of European destinations to continue in the upcoming summer season. This forecast brings optimism and reinforces the belief in the successful recovery of the European tourism industry.
31.9% Growth of Tourists’ Numbers in March Compared to 2022 Reported by National Statistical Institute (NSI)
Nearly 5% more tourist registrations were reported compared to the pre-pandemic year 2019.According to official NSI data, 453 thousand tourist registrations in accommodation establishments were recorded in March 2023, with a growth of 31.9% compared to March 2022. The results are again above the pre-pandemic level, with a 4.7% increase compared to March 2019.In March 2023, the highest number of registrations of Bulgarian tourists — 327 thousand and an increase of 31.2% compared to March 2022. Interest from abroad is also increasing, with 126 thousand foreign tourist registrations and 33.7% growth compared to March 2022.Within the month of March 2023, the reported registrations of foreign tourists from our main markets [sic] as follows:of British tourists — over 15 thousand, with an increase of 21.5% compared to March 2022;of Israeli tourists — over 14 thousand and an increase of 61%;of Romanian tourists — over 10 thousand and an increase of 55%;of Turkish tourists — over 9,800 and an increase of 48%;of Greek tourists — over 8,800 and an increase of 29%;of German tourists — over 8 thousand and an increase of 73%.The total number of overnight stays by Bulgarian and foreign tourists in March 2023 is over 1 million and an increase of 29% compared to March 2022, and the revenue from overnight stays is BGN 79.6 million, which is an increase of 53%.Expectations for the summer seasonFor the upcoming 2023 summer season, the forecast is for at least 4.5 million tourist registrations and an improved summer season compared to summer 2022. It will bring in at least BGN 4.5 billion in revenue, experts at the Ministry of Tourism predict. Traditionally, most Bulgarians will make trips with a stay in accommodation — more than 2 million tourists, there are also good forecasts for tourists from the Romanian market — more than 600 thousand. The situation on the Polish and German markets is also developing very favourably. Strong interest from the UK (over 150 thousand tourists) and the Czech Republic is also expected.
Minister Ilin Dimitrov: We Can Create a Unified Ecosystem with the International Association of JRE Chefs to Support the Development of the Sector
The creation of a unified ecosystem with the international association JRE (Jeunes Restaurateurs) to support the development of the sector in Bulgaria was discussed today by the Minister of Tourism Dr. Ilin Dimitrov with Hans van Manen, Director of the association Jeunes Restaurateur D`Europe and Gasper Puhan — sommelier and owner of a renowned A la carte restaurant in Slovakia, which in addition to its incredible cuisine, offers its visitors a wine list with over 400 local and foreign labels. The meeting was also attended by the leading Bulgarian chefs Tsvetomir Nikolov, Veselin Kalev and Vladislav Penov.JRE-Jeunes Restaurateurs is an international association founded in 1974. Today, the Association has become the leading professional body of young and talented chefs with more than 350 restaurants and 160 hotels in 15 countries worldwide.‘The cooperation with the JRE professionals will help us a lot in the process of training young staff in Bulgaria. They will have the unique chance to experience the craftsmanship of prominent names who will be involved in their training, with best practices demonstrated by top chefs who are proven names on the European scene and thus we will increase our culinary culture,’ Minister Dimitrov said.‘We have young, ambitious and searching chefs in our association. This creates an extremely strong bond between our members, which contributes to the stability and overall development of the culinary arts. We will be glad if we can share our experience with our Bulgarian colleagues", emphasized Gasper Puhan. In their culinary creations, JRE chefs combine their passion for tradition with sustainability and local produce to create amazing new dishes. Their craftsmanship is a mark of high standard and quality worldwide.Minister Dimitrov expressed his conviction that this is another step that will bring us closer to the moment when Bulgarian restaurants will get the prestigious Michelin stars.
Tourism Minister Dr. Ilin Dimitrov and Deputy Prime Minister Lazar Lazarov Outlined Measures to Overcome the Shortage of Personnel in Tourism
Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labour and Social Policy Lazar Lazarov held a meeting to discuss measures to overcome the shortage of staff in the tourism sector before the start of the active summer season. They praised the coordination and cooperation between the two ministries and identified measures for its development in the future.Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva and the Executive Directors of the Employment Agency Polina Marinova and the General Labour Inspectorate Ekaterina Asenova participated in the discussion.Actions have already been taken to increase the teams of the Employment Agency and the Migration Directorate of the Ministry of Interior, engaged in processing employers' applications for access to the Bulgarian labour market of non-EU workers, which will lead to faster issuance of the relevant permits. Organizational measures are also envisaged to improve coordination and streamline the procedure for the exchange of documents between the responsible institutions, which will facilitate and speed up the recruitment of staff for seasonal employment in the tourism sector.Minister Ilin Dimitrov expressed his satisfaction with the undertaken legislative changes, which enable hotel owners to relocate their employees to their own establishment in a summer resort after the end of the winter season. ‘This measure will greatly facilitate business because employers will thus be able to rely on well-trained and highly qualified staff. We have reached a stage of development where we should talk not only about the number of tourists, but also about the quality of the product we offer and here the staff is of great importance,’ Minister Ilin Dimitrov emphasized. He added that efforts are underway to expand cooperation between the Ministry of Tourism and vocational tourism schools to organize school competitions in all 28 regional cities in order to give young people in the sector a platform to showcase their skills and encourage contacts with employers.Minister Lazarov presented the conditions and benefits for the employment of foreign workers, regulated in the agreements on the regulation of labour migration, which Bulgaria has signed with Georgia, Moldova and Armenia. He stressed that the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy will continue to work to identify other countries for cooperation in this area. A simplified procedure for employers to submit documents when applying to employ a larger number of foreign workers is also being considered.
Memorandum of Cooperation between the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Health Provides Additional Medical Assistance on The Black Sea Coast
This year, additional medical teams will be provided along the North and South Black Sea coasts during the active summer season. This is an initiative of the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Health, together with the local authorities along the Black Sea coast and the academic community in the seaside towns.To make this happen, today a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the line ministries, Pirogov Hospital and Burgas Region with the municipalities of Sozopol, Primorsko and Tsarevo. The official ceremony of signing the Memorandum was attended by the Minister of Tourism Dr. Ilin Dimitrov, the Minister of Health Dr. Assen Medjidiev, the Governor of Burgas Prof. D.Sc. Maria Neykova, the Executive Director of the Multi-profile Active Treatment & Emergency University Hospital ‘Pirogov’ Dr. Valentin Dimitrov, the mayors of Sozopol — Tihomir Yanakiev, of Primorsko — Dimitar Germanov and of Tsarevo — Eng. Georgi Lapchev and Dr. Georgi Pazderov, Director of the Regional Health Institute Burgas.The aim is to provide additional teams to ensure even more adequate medical assistance to tourists and Bulgarian citizens during the busy summer season, thus meeting the expectations of tourists who prefer to travel to resorts where there are good conditions, peace and security, including medical service at a high level. ‘The safety of tourists and the provision of adequate medical care are fundamental in any tourist service,’ Minister Ilin Dimitrov stressed and added: ‘We cannot talk about tourism without talking about healthcare and here I want to thank Minister Medjidiev who helped us last summer with additional medical teams on the Black Sea coast and now we have a long-term solution. He is a true friend of tourism.’In recognition of the contribution and the urgent actions taken, Minister Dimitrov awarded his colleague, Dr. Assen Medjidiev, with the symbol of the Ministry of Tourism and Bulgaria — the Golden Rose award.The Ministry of Health, together with the Ministry of Tourism, managed in a very short period of time to create the necessary organization for the outreach teams of the Emergency Medical Care to start functioning on the territory of the town of Primorsko. This will provide an additional opportunity to provide fast and quality emergency medical care in the Black Sea resorts, which in the active season significantly increase their numbers.Currently, branches in the towns of Tsarevo and Sozopol have been opened to provide emergency care on the southern Black Sea coast. In order to shorten the arrival time of the ambulances, the Emergency Medical Care Branch in Primorsko, which was opened yesterday, 3 May 2023, by a decision of the Council of Ministers, will have two teams — one mobile and one stationary, which will work around the clock.The signing of the memorandum today means a joint commitment of the state and local authorities to make maximum efforts to contribute to the development of outpatient medical care on the territory of the municipalities of Tsarevo, Sozopol and Primorsko. The document is also a kind of declaration, which shows that only with the joint efforts of the institutions can the quality of the health services on the Black Sea coast be improved in the active summer season.The opening of an Emergency Medical Care Branch in the town of Sarnitsa at the Emergency Medical Care Centre — Pazardzhik is also planned.Providing additional teams was one of the first steps taken by the caretaker cabinet when it took office last summer. At the beginning of August, ten emergency medical teams were dispatched to the Golden Sands resort, Nessebar and Primorsko to assist their colleagues on the Black Sea coast in providing round-the-clock emergency medical care.
Minister Ilin Dimitrov Inaugurated The Start of The National 2023 Tourism Professions Competition in Albena resort
MoT to organise 28 regional competitions for young future tourism professionalsThe Minister of Tourism Dr. Ilin Dimitrov participated in the official opening of the National 2023 Tourism Professions Competition, which is held in the Albena resort.Minister Dimitrov stressed that in the spirit of good-natured competition and in the elevated atmosphere of this event many talents can find inspiration, motivation and meet their future employers in the face of business and the professionals who evaluate them. The Minister addressed the participants — students from vocational tourism schools, saying:‘Today you are not only facing professional challenges, but also building the future of Bulgarian tourism. Allow yourself to dream and achieve your goals by staying in Bulgaria. Because you are tomorrow's face of destination Bulgaria, of the professions that will raise the prestige of our sector and enable its sustainable development.’The national competition is organized by the Association of Schools of Restaurant and Hotel Management in Bulgaria and the Ministry of Education and Science, with the assistance of Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association (BHRA). The Professional School of Tourism ‘P. К. Yavorov’ in Dobrich is hosting the event.The Minister of Education and Science Prof. Sasho Penov also sent a welcome message to the participants.  The largest competition among tourism schools involved 183 students from a record number of vocational tourism schools — 48 in total, nearly 130 teachers, representatives of universities, professional associations and business representatives. The competitions are held in 6 categories of professions in the fields of Hotel Management, Restaurants and Catering and Travel, Tourism and Leisure. Participants will compete for ‘Best Young Chef’, ‘Best Young Waiter’, ‘Best Young Baker-Pastry Chef’, ‘Best Young Hotel Manager’, ‘Best Young Entertainer’ and ‘Best Young Bartender’.  The minister stressed that in addition to attracting and retaining staff, it is important to focus on the quality of the tourism product. In front of the young competitors and their teachers, Minister Dimitrov also announced that the Ministry of Tourism will organize a total of 28 competitions for young future tourism professionals on a decentralized basis — in each region of Bulgaria, in order to encourage them to stay in their chosen profession.Minister Dimitrov handed over a diploma with an award — a replica of Bulgarian golden treasure to the organizer and driving force of the national competition — Malinka Marinova, President of the Association of Schools of Restaurant and Hotel Management in Bulgaria. She was awarded by the Ministry of Tourism for imposing a high standard and modernization of the education and qualification systems for personnel in the field of tourism and commitment to the initiative to position and promote Brand Bulgaria.After the long tiring day, the gala dinner and the most awaited part lies ahead — the ceremony for the announcement of the winners and the awarding of the prizes to the winners in the sections.
Global Chain Hyatt Ready to Consider Training Partnership with Bulgaria's State-run Restaurant and Hotel Management Schools
The global chain Hyatt is ready to consider a training partnership with the public schools of restaurant and hotel management in Bulgaria. The proposal for such cooperation was made by Tourism Minister Ilin Dimitrov, at a meeting with Javier Aguila, Group President — EAME, who is responsible for leading the strategic growth and overall operations of Hyatt's portfolio in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.‘It is important for us that young people have the opportunity to be trained in the spirit of the high standards you set. This will open up completely new horizons for them, which will help them to realize their potential in their profession by being trained by the best in the industry,’ Minister Dimitrov emphasized.This proposal is another step in the Tourism Ministry's attempt to attract more young people to the sector. A campaign aimed at cooperation with specialised tourism schools is already underway and is key to solving the staffing problem. A series of meetings are being held in vocational tourism schools in the country, which are fully in the context of the European Commission's 2023 European Year of Skills. Among the Ministry of Tourism's upcoming plans is to support a competition for secondary school students studying tourism. Another important area of work is the cooperation with universities, which are the backbone of tourism in Bulgaria.The problem with qualified staff is serious, the representatives of the global chain in Bulgaria admitted. This is the reason why they accept Minister Dimitrov's proposal with readiness for implementation in the shortest possible time.‘We highly appreciate when big brands set foot in Bulgaria because it raises the prestige of the destination and puts it on the world map in a different way,’ Minister Dimitrov emphasized.
Minister Ilin Dimitrov in Tirana: We Rely on Education and Specialised Forms of Tourism for Its Sustainable Development
The Minister of Tourism Dr. Ilin Dimitrov took part in the main discussion of the international forum for the region of Southeast Europe, held under the auspices of the UN World Tourism Organization, FESTA — The Future Environmental and Sustainable Tourism in Albania.The conversation entitled ‘The Role of Governments in Determining Future Tourism Policies", moderated by the Director for Europe of the World Tourism Organisation Alessandra Priante, was a major highlight of the forum's dynamic programme.‘It is clear that the world will return to pre-COVID-19 levels of tourism, but what will we do differently?’ With these opening remarks the Bulgarian minister started his speech at the panel on sustainable tourism under the auspices of the UNWTO in Tirana.The Minister stressed that the education of personnel in preparing successful and motivated future professionals in the various segments of tourism is key in building its sustainable future.‘Skills, staff training and quality of service — this is important, this is the key to develop modern and sustainable tourism,’ Minister Dimitrov told the participants in the forum.Minister Dimitrov stressed the need for the Balkan countries, with the support of the WTO, to work on strengthening the skills of the personnel in the sector. He also advocated the development of joint packages and promotional activities at supranational regional level.We should make the best use of the opportunities given by the European funds for education and exchange, programmes like Erasmus Plus, he declared. Bulgaria will support its partners from the EU and the Balkans with its accumulated expertise, at the same time we are working on the idea of establishing a UNWTO academy in Bulgaria, Minister Dimitrov told his colleagues.Staff skills will be the focus of a thematic seminar during the 68th Regional Commission ‘Europe’, he announced together with WTO Secretary General Zurab Pololikashvili and WTO Europe Director Alessandra Priante.In Bulgaria, we also rely heavily on specialized forms of tourism — such as wine routes and culinary tourism, wellness, health and SPA, cultural, eco, rural and adventure. These are all forms that can be practised at local level, taking into account the richness and specificities of the different parts of destination Bulgaria, the Bulgarian minister pointed out and stressed that this is an essential prerequisite and condition for the future development of sustainable and environmentally friendly tourism. He placed special emphasis on the development of Bulgaria as a leading SPA destination. The mineral springs, which place our country second in Europe in this natural resource, are a real treasure that we are developing, because this can guarantee the construction of year-round tourism.The sector has always been a priority for Bulgaria, Minister Dimitrov stressed. Tourism contributes significantly to the country's GDP and provides an alternative for development, especially for smaller regions. It is important that all participants in the formation of the vision and policy in tourism at the national level join efforts to tackle the current problems and challenges, called in his speech Dr. Dimitrov.In his words, tourism undoubtedly has a huge economic, social and cultural importance for the development of Bulgarian society. The state should encourage foreign direct investment, which leads to the improvement of the tourist base, the tourist infrastructure and the Bulgarian tourist product. We need to adapt to modern realities, to use the achievements of technology to generate additional added value in the sector. We will be happy to see the number of our guests from abroad grow, but it is more important to offer a meaningful and enriching experience, Minister Dimitrov said.The panel discussion was also attended by Mirela Kumbaro, Minister of Tourism and Environment of Albania, Goran Djurovic, Minister of Economic Development and Tourism of Montenegro, Federico Pedini Amati, Minister of Tourism, Post, Cooperation and Congress of the Republic of San Marino, Husein Memic, Minister of Youth and Tourism of Serbia, Stasa Kosarac, minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kreshnik Bekteshi, Minister of Economy of the Republic of North Macedonia, Rosetta Haidari, Minister of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade of Kosovo, Tonci Glavina, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of Croatia, as well as the relevant Deputy Ministers of Greece, Turkey and Lithuania.The opening ceremony of the FESTA Forum in Tirana took place last night, and among the dignitaries who addressed the heads of state in the field of tourism were the Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama, Frans Timmermans, Vice-President of the European Commission, Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary General of the WTO and Mirela Kumbaro, Minister of Tourism and Environment of Albania.Late last night, Minister Dimitrov held a working meeting with the Secretary of State for Tourism of Croatia Tonci Glavina, in which they discussed opportunities for future deepening of cooperation between the two countries, as well as the exchange of useful practices. Among them — the exchange of experience for training purposes, the structure of the unified branch organisation of Croatia on the Austrian model, the dynamics of tourism indicators between the two countries, as well as details of the marketing strategies of Croatia and Bulgaria. They also commented on successful practices under the Recovery and Resilience Plan.The two countries are extremely close in terms of language and culture and this is a bridge to creating even closer ties in the field of tourism, Minister Dimitrov and Tonci Glavina pointed out.
Ministry of Tourism Presented a Conceptual Draft of a Mandatory Tourism Guarantee Fund
The Ministry of Tourism has presented a conceptual draft of the first ever mandatory Tourism Guarantee Fund, which will compensate travellers in cases of non-fulfilment of commitments by tour operators and secure the liability of tour operators — as protection against their insolvency and bankruptcy. The task of the state and our goal is to create fair conditions for business for the benefit of all interested parties and at national level to realize better protection for the end users of package tourism services, emphasized the Minister of Tourism Dr. Ilin Dimitrov and Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva, who presented the developed concept of the Guarantee Fund. The conceptual project was created in cooperation with representatives of the Bulgarian Actuarial Society and presented to the organizations representing the segment of tour operators in the tourism sector — Association of Bulgarian Tour Operators and Travel Agents (ABTOTA), ‘Future for Tourism’ Association, ‘Tourism’ Association and Bulgarian Association of Travel Agents.One of the priorities of the Ministry of Tourism in the past months was the continuation of the work on the development of a model of a Guarantee Fund to cover the liability of tour operators under Directive (EU) 2015/2302 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015, including the development of a proposal for a conceptual framework for a mandatory guarantee fund.‘This fund is a small step in the direction of brightening the sector, which is part of our policy,’ Minister Ilin Dimitrov said. ‘This is another fulfilled promise of the priorities we outlined when we took office as a caretaker cabinet, it was important to make a start, because for years it has been said how important it is for the business to have such an instrument as an element of national protection against the insolvency of tourist organizations,’ added Minister Dimitrov. The need for such a fund has been particularly discussed during the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis. The Ministry carried out a study of the foreign experience of Poland, Germany, Denmark and the UK, on the basis of which different options for the design of the Guarantee Fund were considered. The available information for actuarial analysis was collected and provided with the assistance of the National Statistical Institute and the National Revenue Agency. A Task Force was formed and a series of stakeholder meetings were held. The Bulgarian Actuarial Society supported the work of the experts at the MoT with its expertise and specific analysis, and the result in the form of a conceptual framework was presented at this meeting. The conceptual draft envisages the creation of three pillars and the introduction of a mandatory Tourism Guarantee Fund (TGF) will build on the existing collateral regime through the mandatory insurance ‘Liability of The Tour Operator’. This third pillar should provide additional national protection against insolvency for tour operators, and this would be a realistic mechanism to build, in the experts' assessment. With such a structure and by introducing appropriate mechanisms and additional requirements — including for the prior and ongoing control of the activity and accountability of package tour operators and the adequacy of the compensation they provide — it could be possible in the reasonable short term to ensure at national level the necessary protection for consumers arising from the requirements of the Directive, said Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva. It is necessary to restructure the business model and the regime of operation and regulation of the activities of tour operators, which will lead to an improvement in the quality of services provided and better protection for consumers, she stressed. Initial mathematical models show that in order to accumulate financial resources in the fund, the contribution of the tour agencies will be 0.1% of their turnover, which at this point will mean a contribution of between BGN 80 and BGN 1,000. The idea is that the fund will cover the payment of benefits over the insurance limit of liability in cases of insolvency, temporary bankruptcy (liquidity problem) and possible unavoidable and exceptional circumstances.‘The introduction of a functioning guarantee fund is a serious decision that requires legislative changes and close future cooperation with business representatives,’ Irena Georgieva stressed.Given that the introduction of a guarantee fund requires a change in the legal framework and the existing institutional framework, a broad public consultation with all stakeholders and institutions is foreseen after the development of a proposal for legal changes.
Bulgaria Participates in the International Tourism Exhibition Ferien in Vienna
The Ministry of Tourism is participating in the Ferien international tourism fair in Austria, which after a three-year break is taking place from 16 to 19 March 2023 in Vienna. The exhibition is designed for the general public and professionals in the sector.The Bulgarian stand, organized by the Ministry, presents 6 tourist companies and municipalities. Visitors to the stand can learn about the opportunities for tours in the country, the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, mountain resorts, rich history, cultural attractions, preserved nature, spa and quality wines.The Ministry of Tourism and the representatives of the industry and local authorities present the Bulgarian year-round combined tourism product in its full diversity, presenting our country as a peaceful, safe and preferred destination for rest and recreation.On the very first day, the Bulgarian stand enjoyed great interest. The official opening of the event was attended by the Ambassador of Bulgaria to Austria H. E. Desislava Naydenova and the Head of the Office for Trade and Economic Affairs Desislava Stoyanova. They visited our national stand, congratulated all the participants for the good organization and wished them success, expressing their support and readiness to cooperate with the aim of more fruitful development of bilateral relations and promotion of destination Bulgaria.
For Sustainable Tourism: Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva Participated in the 10th Arab Aviation Summit in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE
Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva participated in the 10th Arab Aviation Summit in Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates. The forum is dedicated to the challenges facing the aviation and tourism sectors and their involvement in the development of sustainable tourism. The initiative is supported by Arab governments and held in conjunction with the Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Authority.On behalf of the Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism, Deputy Minister Georgieva offered a special welcome to the guests and delegates at the summit.'The success of the Middle East countries in the field of innovation and their vision for sustainability in the sector is undeniable, and aviation and tourism should work together hand in hand in building the bridge that crosses borders and connects nations,' Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva underlined in her address.She said passenger transport, which includes airlines and airports, trains, cruises and other modes of travel, is part of the overall tourism ecosystem and one of the essential factors for successful tourism development of regions. 'The success of the transport sector and of airlines in particular means success for tourism, as the reverse is also true. Therefore, the continuation of our active joint work is of utmost importance,' the Deputy Minister emphasized.Irena Georgieva noted that Bulgaria is famous for its hospitality and high quality services, which make our country an attractive place for guests from all over the world. The Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria has had a successful dialogue with representatives of transport associations, individual carriers and airport operators and other stakeholders in recent years, discussing current issues and future development opportunities to improve connectivity, because good connectivity means stability. Bulgaria is positioning itself as a good logistics hub that has great potential for strategic partnerships with third countries. The representative of the Ministry of Tourism at the forum recalled that Bulgaria has a great infrastructure in terms of its connectivity to any point in Europe. However, work can always be done to improve the quality of tourism services, increase passenger traffic and the frequency of flights.Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva stressed that Bulgaria has a great desire to develop the market for inbound tourism among the Middle East countries, and the opportunities we offer as a year-round destination are many and more joint work in this direction is promote Bulgaria as a year-round destination that has gathered in its palm the whole palette of seasons and experiences necessary for top quality tourism. We offer great opportunities for cultural, spa, eco and gastronomic tourism. 'Bulgaria is a small country, but we are extremely proud of our rich cultural heritage, which is the third largest in Europe. Sustainable cultural tourism is a vital part of regional and macro-regional development strategies. Culture is both a driver and a prerequisite for sustainable development. All this is in line with Bulgaria's aspiration to become a competitive destination and an innovative example of sustainable tourism,' Irena Georgieva said during the 10th summit in Ras Al Khaimah.For the first time, the event showed how carbon emissions are calculated and discussed practices to offset them, taking a proactive approach to climate-related topics.
Deputy Minister Modeva Held a Working Meeting with the Ambassador of Italy H. E. Giuseppina Zarra
Deputy Minister Mariela Modeva held a working meeting with H.E. Giuseppina Zarra, Ambassador of Italy to the Republic of Bulgaria. The two parties discussed the deepening of bilateral relations in tourism and specific joint initiatives on projects in different formats — such as the World Tourism Organization (WTO), the European Commission (EC) and the OECD. They outlined the main areas in which they will work together — such as the digital transformation of the sector and the training of tourism personnel.Professor Modeva congratulated Ambassador Zarra and said that ‘Italy is Bulgaria's primary partner in the field of tourism. Italy is also one of the most popular and loved destinations among Bulgarians, with 326,406 Bulgarians having visited it in 2019, according to WTO statistics. According to NSI data, 156,564 Italians visited Bulgaria in 2019 and 115,486 Italian tourists visited us in 2022.’ The Deputy Minister pointed out that according to the data of the border checkpoing, we have seen an increase of 107% in the number of Italian tourists visiting Bulgaria in 2022 compared to 2021.Professor Modeva noted that Bulgaria has a rich cultural and historical heritage. Our country has been inhabited by ancient civilizations and each of them has left part of its traditions and heritage here, which makes destination Bulgaria even more interesting for tourists. Our country has over 40,000 historical artefacts, which puts it in third place after Italy and Greece.Successful practices in the tourism sector and policies to address the challenges in the sector were discussed at the meeting, focusing on the good bilateral relations and strengthening the cooperation between the two countries. Deputy Minister Modeva and H.E. Giuseppina Zarra discussed promising niches for bilateral cooperation in tourism in the fields of spa and wellness, cultural tourism and eco-tourism (rural, mountain and other). In the conversation it became clear that there is a great prospect for joint work on the digital transformation of the sector and the training of personnel in tourism. Bulgaria and Italy will exchange information related to projects administered by the EU and regional development programmes that support the sector and the tourism industry. Deputy Minister Modeva said that the Ministry of Tourism, on the initiative of Minister Ilin Dimitrov, is working on the development of a digital map of destination Bulgaria, the aim of which is to allow tourists to log in from their phones and get acquainted with the combined Bulgarian tourism product in a convenient and easy way — such as attractions, routes, festivals, etc.Ambassador Zarra said that Italian tourists have a great interest in the complete cycle of rural tourism, in cycling routes, such as those along the Danube, for example, in the cultural and historical sights and the beautiful nature of the Bulgarian mountains. According to her, more and more young families with small children choose Bulgaria for holidays and vacations.According to the data, the leading destinations for Italian tourists in Bulgaria in 2022 are Sofia — with just over 40 thousand visits, followed by Plovdiv, Varna and Nessebar. Italian tourists are very interested in visiting Bulgarian cultural sites. Our natural attractions such as the mountains of Vitosha, Rila, Pirin, Rhodope and others are also popular for them.During the meeting, Deputy Minister Modeva extended an informal invitation to the Italian Minister of Tourism Daniela Santanche to visit Bulgaria during the 68th session of the Regional Commission Europe of the WTO, which our country will host in the period 31 May — 2 June 2023.
The Successful Presentation of Bulgaria at the ITB International Exhibition in Berlin is Over
The successful participation of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Tourism in the world's largest and most prestigious tourism exhibition — Internationale Tourismus Börse /ITB/ — Berlin, Germany, which took place last week, has ended. For the past three years, the show has only been held in a digital format due to the pandemic, and as of this ITB has returned in a new format designed just for travel industry professionals.Bulgaria presented itself with one of its best national stands so far — with the most modern vision according to the general business assessment, located in an extremely communicative place in one of the 35 chambers of Messe Berlin. Despite the participation of a huge number of exhibitors, the Bulgarian stand was next to the partner country of this exhibition — Georgia, which organized the opening gala evening; it was next to the stand of Poland, which is one of our top priority markets in tourism and in the same exhibition hall with the host Berlin.Our stand received special attention from the Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization at the UN Zurab Pololikashvili, who congratulated the Bulgarian Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov. They visited the stands of Bulgaria and Georgia, held informal talks during the exhibition days and discussed Sofia's upcoming hosting of the 68th session of the Regional Commission for Europe of the WTO in the first days of June.Travel is back, the world unites for peace through tourism, let's turn crisis into opportunity — these were some of the messages of the Secretary General of the WTO to the participants in the exhibition. Zurab Pololikashvili said that by the end of the year, the UN World Tourism Organization expects a full recovery from the pandemic with projected levels of 80—95% by the end of 2023.The Bulgarian stand, prepared by the Ministry of Tourism on an area of 500 square meters, was located in the new Hub 27 hall of the Berlin Expo Centre. It gave 44 Bulgarian tourism companies and municipal administrations the opportunity to make contacts and hold business meetings in a friendly working environment. At the stand, besides the digital mobile screens and the large advertising visions of destination Bulgaria, presenting the unique and diverse Bulgarian nature, there was an opportunity to take a virtual tour, a coffee bar was located, and in the afternoons Bulgaria was professionally presented with high quality Bulgarian wines, which guests could taste at specially organized wine tastings. Part of the feeling of Bulgaria was created by the world-famous jazz musician Vladimir Karparov, winner of numerous awards, who has been part of the multicultural artistic jazz scene of Berlin for two decades. Away from his homeland, where he has collaborated with a number of famous musicians, he has made Bulgarian folk music an essential ingredient of his improvisations and his trademark. This was discreetly presented at the Bulgarian stand as well as during the Bulgarian participation in the traditional Danube Salon at the Baden-Württemberg representation in Berlin, on the second evening of the exhibition.In the packed programme during ITB Berlin, Minister Dimitrov held over 25 meetings with some of the biggest representatives of the tourism business in Germany: with the leadership of the Association of German Tour Operators DRV, which represents the largest and most influential tour operator association in Germany, with a number of tour operators, including all major ones operating on the Bulgarian and German market — such as Der Touristik, FTI Group, Alltours Flugreisen GmbH, Schauinsland Reisen, etc., as well as with air carriers, with whom opportunities for increasing flights to Bulgaria were discussed. All shared optimism that enrollment numbers are on an upward trend, albeit so far below pre-pandemic 2019 levels. The aggregate growth figure expected for summer 2023 compared to last year, based on bookings to date, is over 20 per cent. The meetings were also attended by our country's tourist attaché in Berlin, Tihomir Patarinski.The Acting Minister of Tourism Dr. Ilin Dimitrov also held a meeting at political level with the representative of the state responsible for tourism in Germany — he discussed topical issues of mutual interest with Dieter Janecek, Coordinator for Tourism at the Federal Ministry of Economy and Climate Change, accompanied by his team.In the series of talks Minister Dimitrov pointed out that Germany is Bulgaria's most important trade partner and one of the top markets in the tourism sector. Our country is consistently working to restore it through the organization of a number of activities to promote destination Bulgaria and the rich opportunities we offer — such as the recently completed ‘roadshow’ in a series of German cities, conducting expedition and journalist tours, institutional contacts and business-to-business communication (with a series of B2B meetings) between the two countries. Bulgaria's participation in all the major popular and specialized exhibitions in Germany is also an important part of the work, and by the end of the year they will become five in total — all this is done with the ultimate goal of bringing back an increasing number of German tourists to our country, after the serious crises that have changed the traditionally good numbers of tourism — the pandemic, the proximity of the war in Ukraine and the economic consequences of them.Minister Dimitrov stressed that German tourists are important for Bulgaria because they stay the longest, fill the wings of the seasons and have a good culture and consumer attitudes. The focus of the Ministry of Tourism is to work on rebuilding trust and a different and more aggressive approach in promoting Bulgaria, and this change is already producing results that will be best felt in the long term next year.In the talks, at a meeting with a representative of the management of CMT Stuttgart, Bulgaria stated its intention to apply as a partner country at the largest tourism exhibition for mass audiences in Europe CMT Stuttgart for 2024 or 2025 — and respectively at the three tourism fairs they organize during the year — in Stuttgart in January, in Hamburg in February and in Leipzig in November, each with a different focus in the industry.Minister Dimitrov also discussed the possibility of presenting Bulgaria as a destination for alternative tourism with the representatives of ATTA — the International Adventure Travel Trade Association. Minister Dimitrov presented Plovdiv's ambition to host a forum for alternative and adventure tourism in 2024.During the visit to Berlin, a special event was held at the Bulgarian Cultural Centre, where the cooperation in the field of health tourism and the rich opportunities that Bulgaria offers as a leading spa destination and the country ranked second in Europe in the number of mineral springs was presented.'To drive transformation’ that was the motto of this year's ITB Berlin 2023 international trade fair, after the travel industry's buzzword 'change' was key for the past year.
Minister Dimitrov Participates in the Official Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of the Rescue of the Bulgarian Jews
The Minister of Tourism Dr. Ilin Dimitrov participated in some of the official events marking the 80th anniversary of the rescue of the Bulgarian Jews. He participated in the opening of a documentary exhibition at the National Library ‘St. St. Cyril and Methodius’ and offered flowers at the memorial plaques of the saviours of the Bulgarian Jews next to ‘St. Sofia’ church during a wreath-laying ceremony.The events dedicated to the anniversary were attended by President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rumen Radev, Vice President Iliana Iotova, Prime Minister Galab Donev and ministers from the caretaker cabinet, Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, representatives of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, organizations of Bulgarian Jews, diplomats and citizens.The exposition at the National Library ‘St. St. Cyril and Methodius’ displays photographs and valuable documents from its collection, manuscripts, old and rare books, as well as the awards posthumously given to King Boris III by international Jewish organizations. The guest of honour at the event was the famous historian and public figure in Israel Prof. Michael Bar-Zohar. He and his family were among the thousands of Bulgarian Jews rescued from Nazi death camps during World War II.‘Bulgaria has been good to us, I love Bulgaria. It's good that in Bulgarian there are two words for Motherland — Rodina and Otechestvo. So we have them both, on both sides,’ the professor said in his moving words to the guests present at the National Library.
Bulgaria Participates in the Traditional Danube Salon at the Berlin Fair
In the framework of ITB Berlin, every year the province of Baden-Württemberg organizes a Danube Salon together with the national representation of the partner country of the event, which this year was Moldova. The Danube Salon represents the community of the countries along the largest European river and is traditionally held on the second day of the exhibition, at the Baden-Württemberg representation in Berlin, and this year our country was represented at this special event.The Bulgarian stand was placed in a prime location. Guests traditionally include representatives from the diplomatic corps in Germany, leading international tourism and other media, the academic community in Berlin, as well as a number of participants from the tourism industry.Bulgaria was professionally presented with high quality Bulgarian wines, which the guests could taste, and a special highlight of the event was the performance of the internationally famous saxophonist Vladimir Karparov, who won the audience with his original performances and improvisations, which elegantly combined jazz and elements of Bulgarian folklore.
ITB Berlin: Bulgaria Awarded 'Best Destination for the Balkan Region' for 2023
Within the framework of the exhibition Bulgaria received an extremely prestigious recognition from the Association of Pacific Tourism Journalists. Our country was awarded the 'Best Destination for the Balkan Region' for 2023 and Minister Dimitrov received the 'Minister for the Balkan Region 2023' award The award is a testament to the successful policies that our country is pursuing towards the recovery and growth of the tourism industry, which has suffered immensely from a number of negative events in recent years. The two awards were presented today to the Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism at a special ceremony at Messe Berlin.
Bulgaria Will Apply for a Partner Country at One of the Most Important Exhibitions in Germany — CMT Stuttgart
Bulgaria will apply for a partner country at one of the most important exhibitions in Germany — SMT Stuttgart. At a meeting with a representative of the management of CMT Stuttgart the future application of Bulgaria for the symbolic hosting of our country at the largest tourism exhibition for mass audience in Europe was discussed.  The three events they organize each year are in the company’s portfolio — the different in profile and focus travel fairs in Stuttgart in January, in Leipzig in November and in Hamburg in February.At the meeting, the conditions for Bulgaria to be a partner country of all three tourism exchanges as early as 2024 or 2025 were presented, as well as the opportunities for promoting the destination and the advantages of the partnership. Our country traditionally participates in the CMT Stuttgart exhibition.  Bulgaria was last a partner country at the Stuttgart fair in 2007.
ITB Berlin: Minister Dimitrov Discussed Opportunities for Cooperation with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Change
In the framework of the ITB international exhibition in Berlin, the Minister of Tourism Dr. Ilin Dimitrov held a meeting with the German political representative responsible for tourism — Dieter Janecek, coordinator of tourism in the Federal Ministry of Economy and Climate Change of Germany, and his team. The meeting was also attended by the Bulgarian tourist attaché in Berlin, Tihomir Patarinski.Minister Dimitrov pointed out that Germany is Bulgaria's most important trade partner and one of the top markets in the tourism sector. Our country is consistently working to restore it through the organization of a number of activities to promote destination Bulgaria and the rich opportunities we offer — such as the recently completed 'roadshow' in a series of German cities, conducting expedition and journalist tours, institutional and business-to-business communication (with a series of B2B meetings) between the two countries. Bulgaria's participation in all the major popular and specialized exhibitions in Germany is also an important part of the work, and by the end of the year they will become five in total — all this is being done with the ultimate goal of returning an increasing number of German tourists to our country, after the two serious crises that have changed the traditionally good numbers of tourism — the pandemic of COVID-19, the proximity of the war in Ukraine and the economic consequences of them.Minister Dimitrov outlined to his host the main objectives of the Ministry of Tourism on the German tourist market — a faster recovery to the pre-pandemic levels and an increase in the average stay of German tourists in Bulgaria. 'We can attract them with the rich opportunities to practice cultural and alternative forms of tourism, by activating the wings of the season, using the opportunities of congress tourism (MICE) and last but not least by working with the German health insurance companies in the direction of rehabilitation and spa treatment,' Minister Dimitrov stressed. This can be done by rebranding the tourism image of our country with specialized types of tourism: health — under the agreement with the German State Health Insurance Funds and various forms of cultural tourism and popular sightseeing tours, which combine various elements of the tourism product.Minister Dimitrov and Dieter Janecek exchanged experiences on useful practices on current topics related to sustainable tourism, its further digitalization and the promotion of little-known aspects of the Bulgarian tourism product. They talked specifically about the practices and coordination of tourism policies and the possibilities for applying successful examples in Bulgaria. The German Tourism Coordinator expressed his willingness to introduce potential partners and interested parties from Germany to the opportunities for cooperation under the projects financed by the European Structural Funds.The current challenges facing the industry in both countries were also discussed. Minister Dimitrov sent a clear message to his host that Bulgaria is a safe and beautiful destination that has a long tradition of hospitality towards German tourists. In turn, Dieter Janecek said that he had visited Bulgaria as a tourist and had wonderful impressions of our country and its beautiful nature.
The Ministry of Tourism Presented Destination Bulgaria at the International Fair for Tourism and Leisure in Wroclaw, Poland
The Ministry of Tourism and OP Tourism at Sofia Municipality celebrated our national holiday in Poland by presenting destination Bulgaria at the International Fair for Tourism and Leisure, which took place between 3 and 5 March 2023 in Wroclaw, Poland.Destination Bulgaria—Sofia was presented with an information stand of 12 square meters and on the opening day of the exhibition on 03 March 2023, OP 'Tourism', together with the Embassy of Bulgaria in Warsaw and the National Tourist Representation held a meeting-presentation with representatives of local tour operators, travel agents, media and government representatives. About 40 people took part in the event and were introduced to the opportunities for tourism and recreation on the territory of Sofia Municipality, as well as the advantages of Bulgaria as a year-round tourist destination. The meeting was hosted by H.E. Margarita Ganeva, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Bulgaria to the Republic of Poland, and among the guests were Dariusz Kusz, Chairman of the Management Board of the Nicolaus Copernicus Airport in Wroclaw with his two deputies — Mrs. Alicja Wójcik-Golembiowska, Regional Manager CEE and Baltic States of Ryanair, a team of the regional television TVP Wroclaw, journalists from regional and specialized publications and others. At the event, the Ministry of Tourism, Sofia Municipality, together with the Embassy of Bulgaria in Warsaw promoted the air connection between the Polish city of Wroclaw and Sofia, which starts on 27 March 2023. Flights will be operated every Friday and Monday. Thus, residents of Wrocław and Lower Silesia, who traditionally travel to Bulgaria for summer holidays, will have the opportunity to travel to Sofia for weekend visits.Ambassador Ganeva welcomed the guests and expressed her satisfaction that the talks with the Marshal of the Voivodeship of Lower Silesia on the need to ensure additional connectivity between our countries were already a fact. The low-cost airline's seasonal service provides additional opportunities to increase tourism in both directions. The Chairman of the Management Board of the Nicolaus Copernicus Airport in Wroclaw — Dariusz Kusz emphasized the unique opportunity that opens through the creation of new direct flights for weekend trips of Polish citizens to Sofia, and why not sightseeing tours in Bulgaria as well. Dariusz Kusz pointed out that Wroclaw Airport is ready to support initiatives to present the destination of Sofia on the territory of Wroclaw and Lower Silesia Voivodeship, as well as their presentation in Bulgaria.Alicja Wójcik-Golembiowska, Ryanair's Regional Manager for Central and Eastern Europe and the Baltic States, addressed the journalists present with an appeal to join the promotion of the Sofia destination in the media they represent, noting that the airline has ambitions to expand its network of connections with Bulgaria. And this year for the summer season two new lines to our sea capital Varna open.After the greetings, Alexander Serafimov from OP 'Tourism' made a presentation of the Bulgarian capital and the Bulgarian Tourist Attaché in Poland — Nikolay Kostov presented Bulgaria as a year-round tourist destination. Poland is one of the main leading inbound tourism markets for Bulgaria. Last year, more than 353,000 Polish citizens travelled to our country for tourism.Nikolay Kostov stressed that with the opening of the direct connection between Wroclaw and Sofia, the number of Polish tourists visiting our capital would increase and Bulgarian citizens would have the opportunity to visit one of the most beautiful Polish cities, which is Wroclaw.
Minister Ilin Dimitrov and the Ministry of Transport Team Participate in the ITB International Exhibition in Berlin
The Minister of Tourism, Dr. Ilin Dimitrov, together with a team from the Ministry of Tourism, are attending the ITB international exhibition in Berlin, which officially opens tonight.The Ministry of Tourism organizes the participation of Bulgaria at the largest international tourism exhibition in the world Internationale Tourismus Börse /ITB/ — Berlin, Germany, which takes place in the period 06—09 March 2023. During his visit, the Bulgarian Minister Dr. Ilin Dimitrov will meet Dieter Janecek, Coordinator for Tourism at the Federal Ministry of Economy and Climate Change. Minister Dimitrov's program includes a number of meetings with some of the biggest representatives of the tourism business in Germany — a meeting with representatives of the Association of German Tour Operators, air carriers, etc. is planned.In the framework of ITB Berlin, every year the Province of Baden-Württemberg, together with the national representations of the respective partner country, organizes a Danube Salon, which takes place on the second day of the exhibition at the Baden-Württemberg representation in Berlin, and our country will be represented at this special event. Traditionally, the guests are representatives from the diplomatic corps in Germany, leading international travel and other media, the academic community in Berlin, as well as a number of participants from the tourism industry.ITB—Berlin is the most prestigious event for the travel industry worldwide, with over 10,000 exhibitors and 113,500 professionals from over 180 countries taking part in the pre-pandemic year 2019. For the past three years, the show has been held in a digital-only format because of the COVID-19 pandemic that changed everyone's agenda. Starting this year, ITB returns, taking place in a new format designed just for industry professionals — as a B2B platform that will give travel companies and destinations from around the world the opportunity to present themselves within the tourism exchange. The Bulgarian stand, which the Ministry of Tourism has prepared this year, is on an area of 500 square metres, located in the new Hub 27 hall of the Berlin Expo Centre. 44 Bulgarian tourism companies and municipal administrations will present themselves there: Tandem Travel OOD, Ulpia Tours OOD, Travel Style OOD, Avatar Tour OOD, DM Travel OOD, World Synergy Travel Bulgaria OOD, N-Vision Services Group OOD, Rila Travel EOOD, Prestige Property LTD, Tanchev I Co OOD, Rila Megatur OOD, Tourist Agency SOLVEX LTD, Varna Municipality, SOF Connect AD, Boiana — MG OOD, Upass OOD, Plovdiv Municipality, IDS Bulgaria EOOD, Sunny Travel Club EOOD, Stara Zagora Municipality, MEGA-T EOOD, Tempora Travel EOOD, Fraport Twin Star Airport Management JSC, Alexia Auto Ltd, MPM Hotels Ltd, Albena Tour EAD, City Tour Ltd, Teteven Municipality, Bansko Municipality , Tsarevgrad Tarnov EOOD, Silistra Municipality, Sv. Sv. Konstantin i Elena Holding AD, Fanagoria Travel Ltd, OP 'Tourism', Orthanna SPLtd, Holiday Chop Ltd, HOTEL MEDITE EOOD, Hotelsko Menidgerska Kompania EOOD, Samokov Municipality, Destination Touristic Services Ltd, Club Magellan OOD, SLR-HOLIDAY SERVICE EOOD, Pi Group Plovdiv EOOD, Apollo Tourist Services EOOD.
Minister Dimitrov Held a Meeting with Vietnamese Ambassador Do Hoang Long
The caretaker Minister Dr. Ilin Dimitrov held a meeting with H. E. Do Hoang Long, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Vietnam to Bulgaria.The two parties agreed to intensify work on signing a document on cooperation in tourism between the relevant institutions in the sector in the spring of 2023. The tourism cooperation plan between the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam and the Ministry of Tourism of Bulgaria is in the process of being finalised and will be signed once the text is agreed between the two parties.Minister Dimitrov expressed his readiness to visit Vietnam to talk with the tourism authorities about the human resources of the sector, given the large number of Vietnamese citizens who have lived, studied and worked in Bulgaria.There are good prospects in terms of deepening cooperation in the field of tourism, such as expanding tourism exchanges between the two countries, holding events aimed at mutual promotion of the tourism product and exchanging experience in the field of training professional staff for the tourism industry. It is also planned to hold a webinar for businesses from both countries to exchange best practices.
Deputy Minister Modeva Took Part in a Cultural and Tourism Forum Representing the Resources of the Cities of Beijing and Ningbo
Deputy Minister Mariela Modeva took part in a cultural and tourism forum representing the resources of the Chinese cities of Beijing and Ningbo, which was held in Sofia. The Deputy Minister congratulated the organizers and the guests on behalf of Minister Dimitrov and said that she is happy that we have the opportunity to welcome in Sofia the first Chinese delegation that arrives after the beginning of the pandemic. Bulgaria and China have traditionally maintained good bilateral relations in all areas. The Deputy Minister said that the new mutually beneficial policies and initiatives will contribute to deepening cooperation and understanding, thus strengthening the traditionally friendly relations between our peoples.'The cooperation between our two countries in the field of tourism is developing intensively and by 2020 the number of Chinese tourists visiting Bulgaria was growing steadily,' said Prof. Modeva. In her words, Bulgaria is not only part of the western branch of the Silk Road, but also has the potential to be a year-round destination with its winter and seaside resorts, beautiful sandy beaches, mineral springs, spa facilities and golf courses. Our country is the heir of ancient civilizations — Thracians, Romans, Byzantines and Proto-Bulgarians, who have left in these lands more than 40,000 historical sites classified as cultural values. 'Bulgaria is third in Europe in terms of cultural and historical heritage. Besides these riches, our country is proud of its beautiful nature and incredible biodiversity. The Bulgarian combined touristic product attracts people from all over the world through hospitality and high quality service,' stressed Professor Modeva.The Ministry of Tourism is committed to strengthen the mutual dialogue with China in the field of tourism and expand our joint initiatives with a view to further enhancing tourism exchanges and investment. The world is in challenging times for the global tourism industry, but also times of great opportunity. The Ministry of Tourism is actively working to create the conditions for the opening of a direct air route, which will contribute to the intensification of bilateral economic cooperation, including by increasing the flow of tourism between Bulgaria and China, and is following with attention and welcomes the development of all initiatives and projects in this direction. 'We look forward to working closely together to meet both the challenges and opportunities in the future,' Prof. Modeva stressed.The forum was organized by the Beijing Municipality and the Ningbo Municipality under the guidance of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China. The focus of the forum is 'The Maritime Silk Road and the importance of China's Grand Canal connecting Beijing with the port city of Ningbo'. Bilateral agreements for cooperation were signed at the event between the private sector representatives of the two countries, new trends in marketing and advertising were discussed, as well as good practices related to the visa regime, which could facilitate the process and increase the tourism flow between Bulgaria and China.Bulgaria was invited to participate in the international exhibition CHINA-CEEC EXPO 2023. For the first time, tourism services will be offered at the exhibition.The delegation from Beijing was led by Mr. Shi Anping, First Rank Inspector of the Culture and Tourism Bureau of the City of Beijing and Vice Mayor of Tongzhou Municipality (Beijing). The delegation from Ningbo was led by Mr. Xu Xiaoshi, Deputy Director of the Culture, Television, Radio and Tourism Department of Ningbo Municipality, Mr. Dong Xiaojun, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China and other representatives of the local administration, as well as representatives of the tourism sector.The data on the dynamics of relations between the two countries shows that the highest interest of Chinese tourists is in cultural and urban tourism in Bulgaria. About 22% of Chinese tourist arrivals are for business tourism in 2022.Leading destinations for Chinese tourists in Bulgaria in 2022 are Sofia — over 2,800 Chinese tourists, Varna Municipality — about 475, Plovdiv — 375, Nessebar — about 240, Veliko Tarnovo — nearly 200 according to data from ESTI (Unified System for Touristic Information).From 01 January to 17 February 2023, about 500 registrations of Chinese tourists were reported in accommodation. Most of them — about 300 — are in Sofia, followed by the municipality of Bansko, and in addition, visits of Chinese tourists have been reported in the municipalities of Plovdiv, Samokov, Varna and others.According to UNWTO data, the number of trips of Bulgarians to China in 2019 is 21,098, which is much higher than the 4,619 trips reported by the NSI.
Bulgaria's Participation in the International Tourism Fair in Munich Ended with Great Interest and Focus on the Black Sea Coast, Nature and Cultural Treasures
Another international tourism exhibition, at which our country enjoyed great interest — the exhibition in Munich — has ended.The Ministry of Tourism organized the participation of Bulgaria at the international tourism exhibition in Munich, Germany, which took place in the period 22—26 June 2023. The Bulgarian information booth was on an area of 30 sq. m., with the Varna Municipality, Odysseia-In Sport and Travel Ltd, Sunny Travel Club EOOD, Rhodope Extreme Adventure EOOD.This is the largest and most important tourist event in the state of Bavaria, which is characterised by one of the highest average per capita incomes. The exhibition is profiled to professionals and end customers and was held for the first time after the pandemic. In the 8 exhibition halls there were mainly forms of alternative tourism, such as camping and caravanning, motorcycles, cycling, water sports, fitness, active holidays and tourism. After the successful roadshow in Germany and the active participation in a number of exhibitions in the country, Bulgaria once again emphasized the priority importance of the German tourism market.Traditionally and according to the interests of the local audience, Bulgaria focuses on summer sea tourism, cultural tours, hiking trails in the mountains, spa, wellness, etc. Traditionally, the interest in our country as a destination is in the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, cultural, historical and natural treasures.We would like to remind you that the International Tourism Fair, which is held annually in Munich in the second half of February, is one of the strong regional fairs that are international in nature but attract an audience from the respective area in Germany that hosts the event.The exhibition is representative of southern Germany and specifically attracts the attention of the public from the provinces of Bavaria, Hesse, Baden-Württemberg as well as from the Salzburg region in Austria.
The Ministry of Tourism Participates in the International Tourism Exhibition TTR in Romania
Deputy Minister Mariela Modeva participated in the opening of the international tourism exhibition TTR, which takes place in Bucharest, Romania, in the period 23—26 February 2023. The exhibition is open to both professionals and the general public and presents the latest and most interesting tourism offers from the country and abroad.Prof. Modeva congratulated the organizers and guests of the event on behalf of the Bulgarian Minister of Tourism Dr. Ilin Dimitrov and stressed that Romania is one of the most important destinations for inbound tourism in Bulgaria.‘We are peoples with similar cultures and ways of life. We walk together in our goals and aspirations at all levels — of course, our most pressing goal is to become part of the Schengen area. It is very important that the Romanian guests know our country well, they prefer to come back again and again — which only proves our attractiveness to our neighbours,’ Deputy Minister Modeva said in her opening remarks. She stressed that in economic terms Romania is currently our second largest trading partner in the EU with a trade volume of more than BGN 14 billion last year and this determines the country's role in the field of tourism, which is a sector with many related industries. At the same time, Romania is a leading market — Bulgaria is traditionally among the most preferred destinations for Romanian tourists. Last year Romanian tourists in our country were over 1.2 million, and with the transit tourists reached about 1.8 million. With the exception of the first year of the pandemic, the number of Romanian tourists has been growing steadily, Prof. Modeva stressed. The Ministry of Tourism is actively working to promote our country more and more, an example of which is Bulgaria's active participation in the TTR exhibition in Bucharest.‘Bulgaria is advertised with a variety of videos as we aim to have sustainability in advertising our country and let's not forget that this series of videos has won international awards. This was a successful joint campaign with a Romanian media outlet. We strive to be innovative and apply original ideas, while respecting a number of constraints, including financial, legal, etc. Our good partnership with the TV channel continues and we are currently working towards other good initiatives. The country is a very important partner in our cross-border cooperation programmes — INTERREG EUROPE 2021—2027 and the EU Danube Strategy. We are willing to look for partnership under the Erasmus+ programmes, as well as other opportunities for projects with European funding,’ Deputy Minister Modeva said.Within the framework of the exhibition, the Bulgarian Deputy Minister held meetings with the State Secretaries at the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism of Romania Tudurica Lungu and Lucian Ioan Rus. They discussed opportunities for deepening cooperation in the context of the BSEC, the Danube Strategy and the OECD. On 24 February the Bulgarian stand was personally visited by Ambassador Radko Vlaykov, who together with Prof. Modeva and the Head of the Office for Trade and Economic Affairs in Romania Ivaylo Marinov went to the stands of the Bulgarian participants in the national representation and talked with them.  Everyone expressed their satisfaction with the size of the national stand this year and the excellent organization of the Bulgarian participation at TTR.The Bulgarian stand this year is really impressive. In response to the exceptional interest from the tourism industry in Bulgaria, the stand organised by the Ministry of Tourism during the spring edition of the exhibition has been increased to 250 sq. m (compared to 150 sq. m in 2022). This year, 32 companies and municipalities such as Silistra Municipality, Bansko Municipality, Museum ‘House of Humour and Satire’, Regional Ethnographic Open-Air Museum ‘Etar’, Gabrovo Municipality, Museum of the Architectural and Historical Reserve ‘Bozhentsi’, as well as other representatives of the administration and the private sector have registered their participation.On the first day of the exhibition, it was already clear that TTR guests were impressed by it. Our Romanian neighbours are showing increased interest in seaside, spa and wellness, cultural, wine, gourmet, ECO and rural tourism.Romanian tourists like our Black Sea coast, but they also visit the whole country, data shows.For the period 1 December 2022 — 11 February 2023, which includes the Christmas-New Year holidays, about 35,000 registrations of Romanian tourists in accommodation have been recorded (the data on Romanian day-trippers and transit tourists has not been published, and with it the number of Romanian tourists in our country would increase significantly).In 2022, an increase of 24.7% was recorded compared to 2021 in terms of accommodation and number of registrations of Romanian tourists. When it comes to non-transit visits for 2022, we see an increase of 52.1%. The total growth of all visits with and without transit was 44.2%.In recent days, many Romanians chose for their children's school holidays a family holiday in Bulgarian winter resorts.
Bulgaria and Serbia Will Jointly Promote Themselves through a Common Balkan Product
Bulgaria and Serbia to jointly promote themselves through a common Balkan product on third markets. This is what the Minister of Tourism Dr. Ilin Dimitrov proposed to his Serbian counterpart Husein Memic during their meeting in Serbia. Serbian Minister of Tourism and Youth Memic agreed with the proposal and expressed the opinion that advertising the two countries together would attract more tourists.Minister Dimitrov's talks with the Serbian minister in Belgrade are part of his two-day visit to our western neighbour. Among the topics were the opportunities for tourism businesses to be supported by the state institutions of both countries to strengthen their partnership. Minister Dimitrov invited his colleague to visit Bulgaria at the end of May this year, when our country will host the 68th session of the Regional Commission for Europe of the World Tourism Organization. The voting of the vacant seats in the Europe region by the members of the Executive Board of the UNWTO for the period 2023—2027 is also scheduled for then. For his part, Minister Dimitrov assured his counterpart that Bulgaria is ready to support Serbia's candidacy, and Belgrade in particular, to host EXPO 2027.The focus of the meeting was on the opportunities for more active cooperation under the INTERREG 2021—2027 programme and ERASMUS+. Bulgaria and Serbia have agreed to exchange lists of influencers to promote both countries online as well.Serbia is traditionally the fourth most popular destination for Bulgarians after Turkey, Greece and Romania. Tourist flows are balanced, statistics shows, with each country sending half a million tourists to the other on an annual basis in the periods before the pandemic. Sofia, Bansko, followed by Nessebar, Plovdiv, Varna and Samokov are the most popular destinations for Serbian tourists in recent times.
Looking to 2022: The Ministry of Tourism Works Very Actively to Promote Bulgaria as a Destination on International Markets
In the past year, the Ministry of Tourism has been working very actively to promote our country as a destination on the international market. Our efforts were aimed at offsetting the negative effects of the current geopolitical and economic challenges.There was a positive trend of active recovery of the sector, with the level of foreign arrivals and revenues approaching the parameters of the pre-crisis 2019. Romania, Turkey and Greece were the top countries in terms of inbound tourism. The interest of tourists from some Central European countries, which are traditional for our country, was extremely high.A particularly significant example in this respect is Poland, which has firmly established itself as one of our top 5 generating destinations. Awareness of Bulgaria on the Polish market was supported by the promotional event organized at the end of October 2022 in four Polish cities — Wroclaw, Katowice, Krakow and Warsaw, in order to establish and expand existing contacts between the representatives of the public administration and the business. At the same time, 2 working visits of senior tourism officials to Bulgaria and Poland were held during the year on an exchange basis, which provided an opportunity to discuss a number of joint initiatives and projects.Our activity on the Polish market also found deserved recognition in the award of Mr. Nikolay Kostov, Attaché for Tourism in the city of Warsaw, who was in the top 100 most influential persons in tourism in Poland for 2022. The year also brought us more good news — Bulgaria has confidently started to regain its position in the UK, with British tourists now generating a significant part of the revenue in our winter resorts. An important prerequisite for this was our fruitful participation in one of the largest tourism exhibitions in the world in early November 2022 — WTM London, during which Minister Ilin Dimitrov held more than 20 meetings with representatives of state authorities of priority tourism partners, as well as with representatives of tourism companies, tour operators, airlines.Our country's partnership with established international tourism formats has also led to very good results. The most important recognition was undoubtedly the election of our country as the host of the 68th session of the Regional Commission for Europe of the UNWTO, which will take place in the period 31 May—2 June 2023 in Sofia. This is a great opportunity for Bulgaria to present its rich opportunities in tourism to the highest possible audience. Our country has already demonstrated its ambition to play a leading role in global policy-making in the sector with its candidacy for membership of the NWTO Executive Board for the period 2023—2027. In September of this year, the country will also host the 107th meeting of the Board of Directors of the European Tourism Commission, a forum that is an excellent platform for the discussion of marketing and other important initiatives in tourism.2023 has also begun to be extremely active internationally. Minister Dimitrov conducted a working visit in the period 8—15 January 2023 to markets with great potential to generate added value for the sector — Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. These countries can be both a significant generator of tourist arrivals and provide opportunities for meaningful exchange and training of staff and development of best practice in the sector.Bulgaria turned out to be the first destination that the Minister of Tourism of the State of Israel Haim Katz visited after his inauguration. During his working visit, the ministers in charge of tourism of Bulgaria and Israel signed an agreement on cooperation in tourism. The two sides also had the opportunity to talk with business representatives, and Bulgaria is going to promote itself even more actively in Israel. Minister Katz was impressed by the excellent conditions for tourism provided by one of our most renowned resorts, namely Bansko. The landmark visit was made in the light of another important anniversary — 80 years since the rescue of the Bulgarian Jews, a fact that was noted by the guest with gratitude and special attention.And one more highlight — one of our main goals for the year 2023 is to restore the interest of German tourists, which has been strongly influenced in a negative way by the military actions in Ukraine. An important step in this direction is the organisation of a roadshow-type promotional event in some of the largest German cities — Berlin, Leipzig, Munich, Frankfurt and Düsseldorf. The series of hundreds of business meetings held was extremely well attended and is sure to bring added value and mutual benefit to businesses here and beyond.
The Ministry of Tourism Participates at the International Tourism Exhibition in Munich, Germany
The Ministry of Tourism organizes the participation of Bulgaria at the international tourism exhibition in Munich, Germany, which takes place in the period 22—26 February 2023. The Bulgarian information booth is on an area of 30 sq. m., where the Municipality of Varna, Odysseia-In Sport and Travel Ltd, Sunny Travel Club EOOD, Rhodope Extreme Adventure EOOD are also represented.The International Travel Trade Fair, which is held annually in Munich in the second half of February, is one of the strong regional fairs that are international in nature but attract an audience from the respective area in Germany in which they are held.The exhibition is representative for southern Germany and attracts the attention of the public from the provinces of Bavaria, Hesse, Baden-Württemberg as well as from the Salzburg region (Austria) Munich is the largest and most important travel trade fair for the province of Bavaria, which is characterised by one of the highest average per capita incomes. Traditionally, the interest in Bulgaria is in the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, the cultural, historical and natural riches that our country offers.
Meet World-Famous Stars John Malkovich and Sandro Miller
The Minister of Tourism Dr. Ilin Dimitrov met with world-famous artists John Malkovich and photographer Sandro Miller during the opening of their joint exhibition at the Square 500 Gallery. He invited them to come back to Bulgaria and made a gesture — a reference to the ancient history and rich culture of our lands, which attract so many tourists from all over the world.Minister Dimitrov surprised John Malkovich by giving a present to the world-famous Hollywood actor — a replica of part of the world's oldest worked gold — the Varna Treasure, which marked half a century since its discovery. Minister Dimitrov wished John Malkovich his third visit to Bulgaria to be by the sea. The actor has already shot a film in Bulgaria years ago, and his current participation in the performances of the play 'In the Solitude of Cotton Fields' at the National Theatre caused real excitement and huge public interest.'Every visit of a star of this calibre helps Bulgaria's popularity,' the Minister of Tourism stressed.Today, however, John Malkovich played the starring role in an unusual exhibition by Sandro Miller, who in 2014 was honoured for his achievements with the title of International Photographer of the Year. American photographer Sandro Miller and Hollywood actor John Malkovich recreate the most iconic images in the 20th and 21st-century photography in their joint project, 'Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich: A Tribute to the Masters of Photography'. The exhibition includes 61 colour and black-and-white photographs in which John Malkovich impersonates celebrities.
The Ministry of Tourism Took Part in the International Tourism Exhibition IMTM 2023 in Tel Aviv, Israel
The participation of the Ministry of Tourism at the International Tourism Exhibition IMTM 2023 in Tel Aviv, Israel in the period 14—15 February 2023 ended with great success.The interest in Bulgaria by Israeli tourists has been growing in recent years, with tourists now focusing on summer and winter holidays combined with spa programs.In view of the importance of the Israeli market and the traditionally increasing number of Israeli tourists, as well as in order to increase the interest of Israeli tourists in the opportunities that our country offers for the development of various forms of tourism, the Ministry of Tourism is organizing the presentation of the country as a year-round tourist destination with emphasis on winter and summer holidays, opportunities for spa treatments, cultural and sightseeing tours, leisure travel and more at the International Tourism Exhibition IMTM 2023. The national stand was enlarged this year and covered an area of 100 square meters. Co-exhibitors of the Bulgarian stand were OP Tourism — Sofia Municipality, Varna Municipality, Samokov Municipality, Bansko Municipality, MAXI PARK HOTEL PLtd. and International Leisure Projects EOOD.The participation in the exhibition aims at presenting the country in an image-building way, raising the visitors' awareness of the various tourism opportunities, making contacts with foreign tour operators and agencies to include Bulgaria in their programmes for 2023/2024 or to enrich them.IMTM is the oldest travel trade show in the Eastern Mediterranean region of Israel. In terms of importance, IMTM ranks as one of the top international trade fairs in the region, with a steady increase in the number of exhibitors, professional visitors and end-users, as among the countries in the region Israel has the highest number of tourist trips per year. At the 2022 exhibition, 1,288 exhibitors from 38 countries took part on an area of 5,200 square meters, and more than 15,100 people attended, including 9,900 professional visitors.
Minister Dimitrov: The Ministry of Tourism to Hold Roadshow in UK and Israel
A series of working bilateral meetings with the business sector, or the so-called. ‘roadshow’ in the UK and Israel is to be held, in connection with the next summer tourist season, announced Minister Ilin Dimitrov during the annual meeting of the National Tourism Board within the 39 edition of the International Tourism Exhibition ‘Holiday & SPA EXPO 2023’. The meeting was held in the format of a discussion on: ‘New challenges for the tourism sector and solutions through public-private partnership’ and is organized with the partnership of the Ministry of Tourism.‘We asked the branch organisations what should the priorities in the second term of the caretaker government be and the majority pointed out that these are more advertising of tourism and overcoming the problem with the staff. Where we have indications that there is a problem, we will react very quickly so that we can help the business,’ Minister Dimitrov said. He pointed out that the tourism sector is changing, businesses know best how to advertise and steps have been taken to cooperate as actively as possible with the industry. ‘After the successful holding of a series of bilateral business meetings between German and Bulgarian representatives of the tourism sector, the Ministry of Tourism will also hold a roadshow in Israel and the UK, where there is a decline in tourists, so we need to be active,’ the Minister said. According to him, the Ministry of Tourism is changing its policy and focusing its efforts on nearby markets that are in the same geopolitical situation. The forecast is for growth of Bulgarian tourism in the coming years after the geopolitical situation calms down.Minister Dimitrov described the offered tourist product as more than good. Over 450 thousand more registrations in 2022 of Bulgarian tourists compared to 2019, despite the possibility of free travel after the fall of restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. ‘We need to enforce a positive way of talking about our product because that is key for us,’ the Minister emphasised.The Minister also announced a new opportunity to support tourism businesses to build new self-consumption RES in combination with local energy storage facilities at businesses under the National Recovery and Sustainability Plan. Tourism businesses will be prioritised when applying for the funds.The Minister also commented on the upcoming summer tourist season, reporting good rates of early holiday bookings. ‘For Germany, an increase of 30 percent was announced, but we still cannot catch up with the big decline,’ the minister said and expressed hope that this would be overcome with more advertising activities.During the meeting best practices and protection of consumer rights and security in tourism were discussed as well as methods for assessing consumer satisfaction, presentation of a joint initiative of the Ministry of Tourism, the Commission for Consumer Protection and the National Tourism Board.
Holiday and Spa EXPO 2023: Minister Ilin Dimitrov Officially Opened the 39th Edition of the Largest and Most Prestigious Tourism Exhibition in Bulgaria
The organizers of the exhibition were awarded the Golden Rose for their contribution to tourismThe Minister of Tourism Dr. Ilin Dimitrov officially opened the 39th edition of the largest and most prestigious exhibition in the field of tourism in Bulgaria — ‘Holiday and SPA EXPO 2023’.‘In these 39 years, two regimes have changed, Bulgaria left the socialist bloc, entered NATO, became a member of the EU, our money was denominated, we experienced crises, we experienced COVID-19, a number of world cataclysms happened... And during all this time, one thing remained certain — and that is that there will be a Holiday and SPA.’ With these words, Minister Ilin Dimitrov launched the initiative, a symbol of sustainability and tradition in tourism in Bulgaria for nearly 4 decades.He highlighted the contribution of the organizers in the face of the driving force behind this landmark event — Biserka and Vihra Ognyanov and thanked them for their perseverance and consistency over the years in the name of the common cause — the work for the sake of Bulgarian tourism. With these words, Minister Dimitrov presented the organizers with a diploma and a Golden Rose — a symbol of the institution and of Bulgarian tourism for their contribution and perseverance over the years while pursuing their dream, raising the prestige of Bulgarian tourism. At the opening of the exhibition Minister Dimitrov stressed the fact that tourism is the intersection and sphere of activity that touches almost every area of public life, reflects or is influenced by it and finally unites the efforts of each of us in a common whole, which we call the image of destination Bulgaria. In his words, this is the only way to raise the prestige of our country and the professional image of the tourism sector. He pointed out that this exhibition is key for tourism and highlighted this year's highlights in the accompanying forum program — the quality of service and personnel in tourism. For the grand opening of the prestigious international exhibition, the incumbent ministers responded positively to the invitation of the Ministry of Tourism. The Minister Dr. Ilin Dimitrov expressed special thanks to his predecessors and stressed that with their presence they support the important message that tourism is a process that should not be interrupted and politicized. After giving a symbolic start to the eventful three-day exhibition, which attracts the public, journalists and many renowned tourism professionals, Minister Dimitrov made a tour of the stands and personally greeted the participants in ‘Holiday and SPA EXPO 2023’.
The Ministry of Tourism Held a Series of Bilateral Business Meetings in Germany
A series of bilateral business meetings between German and Bulgarian representatives of the tourism sector was held successfully and with great interest on the German market in order to strengthen and develop the ties between the two countries and to promote Bulgaria as a tourist destination. The initiative was carried out from 6 to 10 February by the Ministry of Tourism, starting in Berlin and touring a total of six German cities, including Leipzig, Munich, Frankfurt am Main, Duisburg and Düsseldorf. This is the second such so called ‘roadshow’, following the success of the one held in Poland at the end of last year.At the opening H.E.  Elena Shekerletova took part, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Bulgaria to the Federal Republic of Germany, who emphasized the importance of the German tourism market and the huge potential between the two countries in this area. The delegation, composed of 15 representatives of the tourism sector — tour operators and hoteliers, is led by the Bulgarian Tourist Attaché in Berlin and representative of the Ministry of Tourism in Germany Tihomir Patarinski. On the business side, the cooperation took place with the assistance of Dr. Frank Kwante — Chairman of the Board of the Bulgarian Black Sea Alliance and CEO of Fraport Twin Star Airport Management AD. ‘This is news that shows the benefits of collaboration between the Ministry of Tourism, the NGO sector and real businesses. Something that we are not only talking about, but also doing.’ With this comment, Minister Ilin Dimitrov expressed his satisfaction with the success of the initiative and thanked everyone involved.Bulgarian companies participating in this series of meetings held working discussions with over 300 potential German partners. The proposals of the Bulgarian business, mainly focused on sea holidays, were met with interest. An additional focus of the talks was the opportunities for sightseeing tours, medical and health, hiking and other specific types of tourism. The German travel agencies and tour operators expressed hope and positive expectations regarding the programmes to Bulgaria this year. It was stressed that the expansion of the flying programme and the provision of additional seats to Bulgaria is essential for the realisation of a successful season.Currently, early bookings at individual tour operators are up by 20% compared to a year earlier.  Press conferences with representatives of the tourism media were held in Berlin and Munich to present Bulgaria's potential as a tourist destination.  The meetings also discussed opportunities for year-round tourism in our country, connectivity between the two countries and potential development trends. The Consulate General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Munich Dragomir Dimitrov and the Honorary Consulate in Leipzig Heiko Schmidt also actively participated in the individual locations, as well as the heads of our local trade missions Aneta Gruycheva, Stefan Yonkov and Rumen Bonev in the B2B meetings.  Germany is one of the main and priority tourist markets for Bulgaria, with the number of visits and overnight stays increasing over the last two years, but still below the pre-crisis levels of 2019. Germans are among the tourists with the longest average stay in the country — 4.5 to 4.7 days, which is due to the organized nature of their trips for sea holidays, sightseeing tours, health, spa and wellness tourism, as well as their tendency to arrive for early and late visits to our coast, which successfully seal the wings of the season.  All participants in the business meetings shared the opinion that such initiatives are extremely useful and help to realize the potential in the field of tourism between the two countries.A third ‘road show’ with a series of professionally oriented meetings of a business delegation in Israel is coming up.‘We are going to schedule such presentations in 5 countries next year. The idea is for our tourist attachés to organize this type of events annually in target markets abroad,’ said Minister Ilin Dimitrov.
The Council of Ministers Approved New Payments of More than BGN 14.9 Million to Hoteliers Who Accommodated Ukrainian Refugees
The Council of Ministers adopted three decisions on the approval of assistance to applicants under the programmes for the use of humanitarian aid for persons seeking temporary protection in Bulgaria as a result of the military operations in Ukraine. The decisions of the Council of Ministers concern a first payment for the months of November and December under the second programme and a supplementary payment for the period of the first programme. The total payment is BGN 14,908,887.40. The first payment decision covers the sixth reporting period and the period from 01 November 2022 to 15 November 2022, for which the provision of assistance in the amount of BGN 2,807,802.45 million including VAT for accommodation and food or accommodation only under the Programme for Humanitarian Aid to Displaced Persons from Ukraine with Temporary Protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (List No 14) has been verified. This is aid for 192,451 overnight stays, including accommodation and provision of breakfast, lunch and dinner to persons from Ukraine granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria, based on 206 applications submitted by accommodation and shelter facilities.The second payment decision is for the seventh accounting period and covers the period from 16 November 2022 to 31 December 2022. For the period, aid in the amount of BGN 6,389,579.25 including VAT for accommodation and food or accommodation only under the Programme for Humanitarian Aid to Displaced Persons from Ukraine with Temporary Protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (List No 15) has been verified. The funds were allocated for a total of 391,147 overnight stays of persons from Ukraine granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria, based on 179 applications submitted by accommodation and shelter facilities.The third decision is about the additional payment under the first programme for the period since the beginning of the hostilities in Ukraine, when the aid amounted to 40 BGN per person — from 24 February 2022 to 31 May 2022. The provision of aid in the total amount of BGN 5,711,506.00 including VAT for accommodation with food under the Programme for the Use of Humanitarian Aid for Persons Seeking Temporary Protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (List No 13) has been verified.With the adoption of the Act, a total of 160 applications submitted by persons providing humanitarian aid, amounting to 133,879 overnight stays and meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) for refugees, will be paid.
Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva Participates in the 107th Meeting of the Board of Directors of the European Travel Commission
Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva participated in the 107th meeting of the Board of Directors of the European Travel Commission (ETC). The event took place in Malta and was opened with a welcome by the island country's Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo.Policies on tourism and climate change were discussed at the meeting. The main topic of the discussion was the deepening of relations between the ETC and the European Commission. Among the first joint initiatives on which the two institutions will work is the development of an action plan to combat climate change and its consequences.The European Travel Commission has committed to assist Member States in implementing the plan to support the tourism industry. Deputy Minister Georgieva supported the idea and said that Bulgaria appreciates the efforts and will be part of the joint project for more sustainable tourism.Among the topics discussed at the highest European level was the organisation of the upcoming Destination Europe Summit 2023 event, which will take place in the first week of July with the participation of Thierry Breton — European Commissioner for Internal Market.
The Ministry of Tourism Processed Three More Lists of Humanitarian Programmes for Ukraine, under Which a Total of BGN 15.1 Million Is to Be Disbursed.
The Ministry of Tourism has processed three lists for payment under the two humanitarian programmes to assist displaced persons from Ukraine — a first payment for the months of November and December under the second programme and a supplementary payment for the period of the first programme. The payment is to be confirmed by a decision of the Council of Ministers.  The first of the three payments covers the sixth reporting period and the period from 01 November 2022 to 15 November 2022, for which the provision of assistance in the amount of BGN 2.8 million including VAT for accommodation and food or accommodation only under the Programme for Humanitarian Aid to Displaced Persons from Ukraine with Temporary Protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (List No 14) has been verified.The second payment is for the seventh reporting period and covers the period from 16 November 2022 to 31 December 2022. During the period, aid in the amount of BGN 6.4 million including VAT for accommodation and food or accommodation only under the Programme for Humanitarian Aid to Displaced Persons from Ukraine with Temporary Protection in Bulgaria (List N 15) has been verified.With the third processed list, the additional payment under the first programme for the period since the beginning of hostilities in Ukraine, when the aid was in the amount of 40 BGN per person — from 24 February 2022 to 31 May 2022, is to be made. The provision of aid in the total amount of BGN 5.9 million for accommodation with food under the Programme for the use of humanitarian aid for persons seeking temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (List No 13) has been verified.The Ministry of Tourism reminds all applicants for the second Humanitarian Programme for the period from 16 November 2022 to the end of 2022 that, in connection with the administration of the list for the disbursement of funds to applicants and the changed requirements, it is necessary to complete and submit a declaration of compliance under paragraph 11.2 of the Programme between 30 January 2023 and 06 February 2023.The Declaration of Compliance shall be submitted via the Secure Electronic Delivery System (SEDS) to: Https:// When completing it, applicants should follow the instructions in the SEDS carefully, paying particular attention to the following: before completing and submitting the declaration itself, they must download, complete and attach the table with the data of the persons.The declaration shall be signed with a qualified electronic signature by the legal representative of the applicant.
Minister Dimitrov Participated in the International Business and Investment Forum 'Bulgaria: Investment Destination' in Istanbul
Minister of Tourism Dr. Ilin Dimitrov participated in the International Business and Investment Forum ‘Bulgaria: Investment Destination’ in Istanbul. The forum, which is organized by the Bulgarian Investment Agency (BIA) at the Ministry of Industry and Trade, is attended by the Minister of Innovation and Growth Alexander Pulev and the Minister of Health Dr. Asen Medjidiev, and from the Turkish side — the Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology Dr. Çetin Ali Dönmez.The conference includes two thematic panels dedicated to promising areas of cooperation between the two countries — automotive and spa and medical tourism. In his speech during the opening ceremony, Minister Dimitrov stressed that Bulgaria and Turkey are developing extremely fruitful relations in tourism, one of the most important sectors of our economy.The Minister announced the forthcoming 4th session of the Bulgarian-Turkish Joint Tourism Committee between the two line ministries within the framework of the EMITT exhibition /8—11 February/ in Istanbul.‘This is an excellent opportunity to build on what we have achieved so far. Turkey has consistently been in the top three of our country's tourism in recent years. These statistics clearly show that the market has very serious dynamics, but it is important to take into account that there is still serious potential for development,’ said Minister Dimitrov.Minister Dimitrov announced that in February a Bulgarian Tourist Representative Office in Istanbul is expected to open. This is clear evidence of our targeted policy in this market, the Minister said. We can cooperate with Turkey in a very diverse number of areas of tourism and it is important to support even more active contacts between businesses, Minister Dimitrov said further.In this regard, one of the solutions to attract more tourists to our country is the development of transport connectivity — and Istanbul is the best logistical point for our country in this aspect. ‘Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ambassador Angel Cholakov, who is a great friend of Bulgarian tourism, for his personal dedication and efforts to promote Bulgaria as a tourist destination on the Turkish market,’ the Minister added and gave as an example of the fruitful actions of our diplomatic team the upcoming opening of a direct flight connection between Istanbul and Plovdiv.‘Another great news is the construction of a new BTA office in Ankara, which will certainly contribute to working in a more fruitful information environment. At the same time, it will play an important role in establishing new cultural ties between our two friendly nations,’ Minister Dimitrov said in his exposition.The conference is organized by the Bulgarian Investment Agency in cooperation with our diplomatic missions in the country. The Forum is distinguished by an extremely high interest from the business community. Many mayors of Bulgarian municipalities, investors, representatives of the media and educational institutions, etc. participated in it. The participants, more than 200 in number from the automotive, engineering, healthcare and tourism sectors, were welcomed by our Ambassador in Ankara, H. E. Angel Cholakov.During the event, the Bulgarian Minister had the opportunity to hold an informal conversation with Çetin Ali Dönmez, Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology of the Republic of Turkey, in which the two discussed the integration between tourism and other business sectors and the prospects for our bilateral relations in this context.Minister Dimitrov also held talks with representatives of the tourism business in Turkey, with whom he discussed the possibilities of providing state support for the establishment and expansion of their activities in Bulgaria.Bulgarian exports to Turkey are increasing by over 32% in 2022 and trade is growing. Direct Turkish investment in Bulgaria exceeds EUR 1 billion, almost half of which have received some form of state support through BIA. This was announced by the Minister of Innovation and Growth Alexander Pulev, who opened the business forum. In his words, over 2,200 Turkish companies have chosen Bulgaria as a preferred place to do business, they are also one of the largest employers in the country.We remind that a month ago a historic agreement was signed after the summit between the two presidents Rumen Radev and Recep Erdogan.During the forum, the Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology of the Republic of Turkey, Dr Çetin Ali Dönmez, pointed out that the two countries have very good neighbourly and partnership relations in NATO. In his words, Bulgaria and Turkey are an example of good cooperation both economically and politically. He stressed that a new airline line and new border crossings are being opened, which will facilitate connectivity between the neighbouring countries.
Minister Ilin Dimitrov and Minister of Tourism of the State of Israel Haim Katz Signed an Agreement in the Field of Tourism
The Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria, Dr. Ilin Dimitrov, and the Minister of Tourism of the State of Israel, Mr. Haim Katz, signed, at an official ceremony, an Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the State of Israel for cooperation in the field of tourism.The agreement provides for Bulgaria and Israel to promote the exchange of expertise and knowledge related to the organization, management and operation of special forms of tourism, such as seasonal tourism, spa and wellness, adventure, cultural and historical, religious tourism. The two countries will deepen their cooperation within the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) as well as with other international organisations. According to the document, the countries shall promote cooperation and exchange of good practices to attract investment in tourism.Israel's Minister of Tourism Haim Katz is on a two-day working visit to Bulgaria. 'My colleague Minister Katz chose Bulgaria for his first visit abroad since taking office as Minister, and this is also the first visit of an Israeli Minister of Tourism to Bulgaria. We understand this as an unequivocal sign of the importance of our bilateral relations and the desire to develop them,' Minister Ilin Dimitrov said. He stressed that Israel is among the top markets for Bulgaria.Minister Ilin Dimitrov announced that in March he will lead a delegation to Israel, composed of representatives of the tourism sector, which will hold bilateral B2B meetings.The guest stressed that as the son of parents who survived the death camps, he is deeply grateful to the Bulgarian people for all they have done to support his countrymen in the worst part of their history and reminded that this year marks the 80th anniversary of the rescue of the Bulgarian Jews. 'On behalf of the Israeli government and on my own behalf, I would like to thank the Bulgarian people,' Minister Haim Katz said. 'In my family, I was taught that when you receive, you must also give. We will do everything possible to send more tourists to Bulgaria.’ Minister Haim Katz added that he hopes that Israeli tourists in Bulgaria will be at the levels of the pre-COVID year 2019, over 200 thousand tourists. For his part, Minister Dimitrov expressed hope that in ten years this figure will increase many times.Before the signing ceremony, the ministers held a bilateral meeting to discuss topical issues and questions. After the signing of the document, the Ministers of Tourism of Bulgaria and Israel, together with the members of the delegations, held talks with representatives of the Bulgarian tourism business. The topics of the talks were the continuation of the good cooperation in tourism between the two countries and concrete initiatives for cooperation and development of the sector. The possibility of deepening the successful practices in spa tourism and the development of health tourism, similar to the cooperation with the German health insurance companies, was discussed. A significant part of the talks was devoted to the possibilities for better transport connectivity, as well as to improving the effectiveness of advertising and the opportunities for investment in tourism. Bulgaria is among the preferred destinations for tourism in Israel, assured Minister Katz.In mid-February, the Ministry of Tourism and Bulgarian tourism companies will take part in the IMTM international exhibition in Tel Aviv.Israeli citizens mainly travel to Bulgaria for holidays and recreation. Annually, most of their trips are registered in July and August, followed by June and September. There is a growing interest in winter destinations in Bulgaria. In the past year, nearly 200 thousand Israeli tourists came to our country, which is an increase of about 300% compared to 2021. The most popular Bulgarian destinations are Sofia — with 37 thousand Israeli tourists, Nessebar and Varna with over 26 thousand each, Bansko — 16 thousand, Samokov — 4400, Plovdiv — 3700.On Tuesday, Minister Katz will visit Bansko in order to personally get acquainted with the excellent conditions for holidays and winter vacations in the Bulgarian ski resort.
FITUR, Madrid: Looking to Asia — Deepening Cooperation with Azerbaijan and Georgia
Within the framework of the international exhibition in Spain, Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva held a number of bilateral meetings. A look to the East and a deepening cooperation within Asia — this was part of the focus of the meetings held. The Bulgarian Deputy Minister discussed with Fuad Nagiyev, Chairman of the State Agency for Tourism of Azerbaijan, the possibility of opening a direct air route between Bulgaria and Azerbaijan. In the conversation the two noted the traditionally good relations between Bulgaria and the Asian Caucasian country. They discussed the development of tourism after the pandemic of COVID-19, the changed structure of the flow of tourists visiting Bulgaria and the opportunities for increasing bilateral tourism, part of which could happen with the resumption of direct flights.Deputy Minister Georgieva also pointed out that Bulgaria will be a partner country at the Azerbaijan International Tourism Exhibition in Baku in 2023. For his part, Fuad Nagiyev announced that he will participate in the 68 Session of the Europe Regional Commission of the UNWTO.Another country with which there is potential for the development of bilateral tourism is Georgia. In the framework of the International Tourism Exhibition FITUR in the Spanish capital, Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva met with Maya Omiadze, Chairman of the Georgian National Tourism Administration and Tamat Koriauli, First Deputy Chairman. During the talks, they discussed the state of the tourism sector in the two countries, what are the problems and challenges after the global pandemic and the share of tourism in GDP in each country. Information was exchanged and commented on target markets and priorities for the tourism sector in both countries. Irena Georgieva and the representatives of the Georgian Ministry of Tourism shared their views and ideas on easing the visa issuance process and agreed that the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria and Georgia should be informed about the issues raised for follow-up. The readiness to develop bilateral cooperation in the field of tourism, including within the framework of the Intergovernmental Joint Commission on Economic Cooperation, was noted in the talks.Omiadze and Koriauli expressed their readiness for further contacts at the highest level with the Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism during the Berlin ITB and in May 2023 at the 68 Meeting of the Regional Commission Europe of the UNWTO in Sofia.
Bulgaria Participates in One of the Largest European Exhibitions — the International Tourism Exhibition FITUR in Madrid
The Ministry of Tourism participated, representing Bulgaria, in one of the key international exhibitions in tourism and the largest on the Spanish market — the FITUR exhibition in Madrid. It is the first of the calendar year, taking place from 18—22 January 2023 and is intended for both professionals and the general public, with a number of political figures and tourism ministers in attendance.On the Bulgarian side, a Bulgarian delegation from the Ministry of Tourism, led by Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva, took part in the exhibition. She attended the official reception for the heads of delegations participating in FITUR, which was held by the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism.During the event, Deputy Minister Georgieva met with the Secretary General of the UNWTO, Zurab Pololikashvili, the Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism of Spain, Reyes Maroto and the Director of the Regional Department ‘Europe’ at the UNWTO, Alejandra Priante. In the talks were discussed topical issues of mutual interest related to the development and expansion of cooperation in the field of tourism. Special emphasis was put on the upcoming hosting of Bulgaria at the 68 session of the Regional UNWTO Commission for Europe, which will be held in Sofia at the end of May — beginning of June this year.Within the framework of the exhibition, Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva held a bilateral meeting with Mariana Oleskiv, Head of the State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine. At the beginning of the meeting, Deputy Minister Georgieva offered her condolences to the representatives of the Ministry of Interior of Ukraine who died in the crash of the Ukrainian helicopter.In the course of the talks the traditionally good bilateral relations between Bulgaria and Ukraine were discussed, especially in the field of tourism. The perspectives for their development and expansion through the completion of the contractual and legal base in the tourism sector were discussed. Last summer, Mariana Oleskiv was on an official visit to Bulgaria, but the war undoubtedly changed the course of plans in bilateral cooperation.Irena Georgieva and Mariana Oleskiv exchanged ideas on good practices and new opportunities. Deputy Minister Georgieva noted that the establishment of cooperation between universities from both countries, exchange of students for internships in tourism is also a form and an opportunity to expand cooperation.Mariana Oleskiv noted that she plans to visit Bulgaria in the framework of the 68 session of the Regional UNWTO Commission for Europe, as the two countries unanimously agreed to mutually support each other's candidacies for membership in the Executive Board of the UN World Tourism Organization.The Ambassador of Bulgaria to the Kingdom of Spain Aleksey Andreev attended the official opening of the tourism forum, he visited the national stand and congratulated the Bulgarian companies.The Ministry of Tourism participates with an information stand on an area of 100 square meters, where 10 representatives of the Bulgarian tourism sector present their products. Along with the Ministry of Tourism, the national stand will be attended by Balkania Tour OOD, Filiptour 1 OOD, Tandem Travel OOD, World Synergy Travel Bulgaria Ltd, Odiseya Insta OOD, Ltd, Gloria Tours OOD, the airport operator of the capital's airport SOF Connect AD, Tsarevgrad Tarnov EOOD, My Story Travel EOOD, Varna Municipality, Evroprogram Konsult EOOD (Plovdiv Municipality) and Sofia Municipality OP ‘Tourism’.During the five days of FITUR, a total of 8,360 exhibitors will present themselves on an area of several tens of thousands of square metres, with an estimated 82,000 participants expected to be present with business.
Bulgaria Participates in the Largest Mass Audience Travel Trade Fair in the World — CMT in Stuttgart
From 14 to 22 January, the CMT (Caravan — Motor — Touristik) international travel trade fair takes place again after a two-year break in Stuttgart, Germany. For nine days, the exhibition is visited by an average of about 300 thousand visitors, which ranks it in the leading position among the world's travel exhibitions designed for the end customer. According to the organizers, this year the interest from the exhibitors is huge: over 1,600 from 100 countries, with all 120,000 square metres of exhibition space booked. This year's partner country is Mongolia. The tourism fair, dedicated to camping, caravanning and leisure, is complemented by accompanying exhibitions for cycling, hiking, golf, wellness and cruise travel.The Bulgarian stand is on an area of 40 sq. m., where Albena Tour EAD, Varna Municipality and Camperisimo participate together with the Ministry of Tourism. During the first weekend of the exhibition the interest in Bulgaria is huge. Enquiries are mainly for seaside holidays, sightseeing opportunities, cycling, hiking, rehabilitation and wellness, etc.The CMT tourism fair is traditionally held in mid-January, when early bookings for the upcoming summer season are still open and many Germans plan their holidays during this period.The Germans’ desire for journeys and travel is huge. The audience that stops at the Bulgarian stand, for the most part, does not know Bulgaria and wishes to visit it this year. There is targeted interest from the families with children and 55+ segment who wish to combine a seaside holiday with day cultural itineraries or sightseeing trips. Enquiries abound for camping, golfing, cycling, wine tasting, spa and wellness opportunities. The Belogradchik Rocks are depicted on a part of the stand's decoration, which arouses great interest among the German audience.
MT supports the proposal for a European Regulation on the collection and sharing of data relating to short-term accommodation rental services
The Ministry of Tourism has prepared our country’s position on the proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the collection and sharing of data relating to short-stay accommodation services and amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1724.The position states that we support the objectives set out in the proposal presented by the European Commission in all these areas. The proposal for a regulation requires public authorities requesting data on short-term rentals to operate registration systems for those providing such rentals, so-called hosts, including by providing a unique registration number for their registration.These registration systems can be managed at national, regional or local level, but must comply with an EU model which contains procedural and substantive requirements.Public authorities should also provide a single digital entry point that offers the information platforms and hosts need and allows hosts to register online.Platforms will be required to display registration numbers and share (via a single digital entry point) a closed data set with public authorities that implement registration schemes. Small platforms and micro-platforms with limited activity will benefit from more relaxed data sharing requirements.
Minister Dimitrov participated in the official opening of the ski season in Pamporovo
The Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov, PhD, took part in the official opening of the ski season 2022/23 in the resort of Pamporovo. The event was held on the eve of the Christmas holidays on the ski area in the Studenets area, which was covered by fresh snow, sun and freezing temperatures. The opening of the season was also attended by the regional governor of Chepelare Stefan Sabrutev and the mayor of Smolyan Nikolay Melemov.Minister Dimitrov stressed that he expects a good ski season, despite inflation and high prices, and forecasts are for a strong winter in the resort, during which hotel occupancy will return to pre-pandemic levels. He wished for plenty of snow and suitable weather conditions. The rest needed for a successful ski season has been done, Minister Dimitrov stressed and recalled the maintained low VAT rate of 9% in tourism and the introduced fuel cap.The first charters for the season with Irish tourists have already arrived in Pamporovo, the resort said, there is an increase of 30% in bookings compared to the pre-pandemic 2019. Artificial snowmaking guns have been working around the clock in recent days and temperatures have dropped below minus 3 degrees.The resort has announced that for the Christmas holidays, from 23 to 28 December, the price of the daily lift pass will remain at last year’s value.
Bulgaria will host the 68th session of the WTO Regional Commission for Europe, which opens at the end of May
The dates when Bulgaria will host the 68th Session of the Regional Commission for Europe of the World Tourism Organization at the United Nations have already been specified. The session will take place in Sofia in the period 31 May - 2 June 2023. Voting for the vacant seats in the Europe Region of the WTO Executive Council for the period 2023-2027 is also scheduled for then. As we reported to you yesterday, in 2023 the terms of four of the European countries that are members of the WTO Executive Council - France, Italy, Portugal and Türkiye - will expire, as will the Russian Federation, which has terminated its full membership of the organisation. Bulgaria pays special attention to the upcoming hosting, which will strengthen our image as one of the most proactive WTO members. The hosting and the vote are of utmost importance for Bulgaria, as it has a real chance to stand in one of the seats after the Minister of Tourism officially submitted Bulgaria’s candidacy yesterday. This act clearly stated Bulgaria's ambition to take a leading role in tourism processes, as well as to raise significantly the awareness of its international partners about its vision in defining regional and global policies in this key sector for the world economy.We would like to remind you that the election of Bulgaria as host country of the 68th meeting of the Regional Commission for Europe is an act of unconditional support at the highest institutional level by the most renowned format for cooperation in the sector. This is also a great opportunity to present the Bulgarian tourism product to an extremely wide and professionally oriented audience, including ministers, government officials, business representatives, academics, etc. At the same time, the prospect of being part of the Executive Council of the Organization is a prerequisite for Bulgaria to contribute to shaping the modern construction and ecosystem of tourism at a time when it is intensively changing and developing.
Bulgaria nominated to the WTO Executive Council
The Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov, PhD, presented Bulgaria’s candidacy for participation in the WTO Executive Council with an official letter to the Secretary General of the UN World Tourism Organization (WTO) Zurab Pololikashvili. The aim is to fill one of the vacant seats for the Europe region on the WTO Executive Council for the period 2023-2027.The Executive Council is the operational governing body that ensures that the WTO implements its work programme and adheres to its budget. A total of 35 countries (10 of them European) are members of the Executive Council, 34 of which are elected for a term of four years, while Spain remains the permanent representative.  Among the main powers of the Council are to take all necessary measures, in consultation with the Secretary-General, to implement the decisions and recommendations of the Assembly; to prepare and submit recommendations and proposals to the Assembly; to consider the regular reports received from the Secretary-General on the state of the Organization, etc. Bulgaria is an active member of the WTO, having previously served on the Executive Council in the periods 1982-1985, 2004-2007, 2010-2013 and 2013-2017.In 2023, the mandate of four of the European countries that are members of the WTO Executive Council - France, Italy, Portugal and Türkiye - will expire, as will that of the Russian Federation, which has terminated its full membership of the organisation. Voting for the vacant seats will take place at the 68th meeting of the Regional Commission for Europe (RCE Europe) to be held in Bulgaria in 2023.  Our country’s candidacy is yet another proof of Bulgaria’s ambition to raise significantly the awareness of its international partners on its vision for regional and global policies and processes in this key sector of the world economy. At the same time, Bulgaria’s election as host country of the Regional Commission Europe meeting is an act of unconditional support at the highest institutional level by the most renowned format for cooperation in the sector.
Minister Ilin Dimitrov participated in the official opening ceremony of the ski season in Bansko
Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov, PhD, participated in the official opening ceremony of the ski season in Bansko, which was held on the central square “Nikola Vaptsarov”. The event was hosted by the town’s mayor Ivan Kadev, who gave a symbolic start to the 2022/2023 winter tourist season.Minister Dimitrov discussed with representatives of local businesses and local authorities’ topical issues related to the upcoming season. The focus was on security and the provision of additional medical assistance for tourists in the mountains.The ceremony was attended by the Minister of Youth and Sports Vesela Lecheva, the Rector of the National Sports Academy Professor Nikolay Izov, with the special participation of ski legends Maria Höfl-Riesch - three-time Olympic and two-time world ski champion and Marc Girardelli - five-time World Cup winner and honorary citizen of the Bulgarian resort town. With their presence and support they not only work for the cause of Bulgarian tourism and winter sport, but also clearly declare the world level of our beloved and preferred by many resort - Bansko. From the stage, the participants reminded that in just a month’s time, the World Cup Snowboarding starts will take place, which will put Bulgaria and Bansko in the spotlight at the beginning of 2023.In his address, Minister Dimitrov thanked the hosts - the mayor and the citizens of Bansko - for their tireless work in raising the prestige of the landmark for Bulgarian tourism and winter sports resort town. He wished a successful season and more snow.Minister Dimitrov highlighted the diversity of the tourist product offered by the resort town - a majestic mountain with picturesque views and exciting adventures throughout the year - for travelers, mountaineers and adventurers, photographers and golfers and lovers of various extreme sports, warm healing mineral waters and clean air, which are the basis for the development of balneology and health tourism, unique and exceptionally delicious cuisine, which combined with wine tourism, authentic atmosphere, architecture and folklore give the experience a special power.The event was accompanied by a presentation of culinary delights and tasting of traditional dishes from the region, united under the title “Unique Bansko”. The celebration was joined by the ensemble “Chinari”, who immersed the audience in the authentic atmosphere of Bulgarian folklore. The guests also witnessed a beautiful fire show.
Sofia Airport symbolically opened the ski season
Today, a regular flight of EL AL airline from Israel arrived at Sofia Airport with the first tourists arriving for ski holidays in Bulgaria, with which the airport symbolically opened the winter season 2022/2023 in Bulgaria. The flight was welcomed with a traditional water salute.The first tourists - 159 passengers on board, including Israeli media and bloggers, were welcomed by Deputy Minister of Tourism Prof. Mariela Modeva, by the Consul of the State of Israel in the Republic of Bulgaria, Mrs. Orly Dafna Sona, who praised the beauty of Bulgaria and the opportunities it offers, by the CEO of the airport operator “SOF Connect”, Jesús Caballero and Kobi Golan, Vice President Global Operations of EL AL. Deputy Minister Mariela Modeva congratulated the organizers and the guests, saying that Bulgaria and Israel have traditionally good relations and she is glad that today the ski season opens at Sofia Airport with the arrival of tourists from this pre-growth country. According to estimates, the number of Israeli tourists who will visit destination Bulgaria for this winter season will be around 30 thousand.Mariela Modeva stated that for the first ten months of the year we have recorded more than 130 thousand registrations of Israeli tourists in the accommodation facilities in the country, and Israeli guests are interested in our winter resorts, cultural tourism in big cities and Bulgarian spa resorts.According to prof. Modeva, in the last winter season 2021/2022, more than 1.2 million registrations of Bulgarian and foreign tourists were recorded in the accommodation facilities, and this winter season is expected to be even better. According to the data of the municipalities, in Bansko an increase of tourists of about 12% is expected, in Pamporovo - about 14%, in Borovets also good results are expected.The Deputy Minister pointed out that both countries have a wide range of tourism products that attract tourists from all over the world. “Bulgaria is a beautiful country with a diverse combined tourism product and our joint work in promoting it will contribute positively to the tourism flow of both countries. At the same time, airports are the first thing tourists see when they arrive in their chosen destination, this is the reason why good relations and fruitful work with airport operators is among the priorities of the Ministry of Tourism,” Deputy Minister Modeva said.The airline pointed out that over the past few years there has been a large increase in the number of passengers booking flights to Sofia and this trend is sustainable in the winter season. Therefore, EL AL considers Sofia as a strategic route.Sofia Airport CEO Jesús Caballero also shared his optimistic expectations for the upcoming winter season. A new route between Sofia and Tel Aviv will start operating at the beginning of the year, which will provide more travel opportunities and additional revenue for the tourism industry, he stressed.
Winemaking was declared intangible cultural heritage
Winemaking was officially inscribed as an intangible cultural heritage element. In addition to putting Bulgaria on the wine map, this represents an important step towards the placement of special signage and opens new horizons for wine tourism.Deputy Minister of Tourism prof. Mariela Modeva attended the official ceremony at the Ministry of Culture for the awarding of the certificates for inclusion in the National Representative List “Living Human Treasures – 2022”. This year, six new items were inscribed on the National Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage, some of them related to wine production. All of them are an important resource for the development of sustainable cultural tourism that promotes the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of Bulgaria.   The event was attended by the Deputy Ministers of Culture Prof. Borislava Taneva, PhD, and Assoc. Prof. Plamen Slavov, PhD, Plamena Zayachka, PhD, Adviser to the Minister of Tourism, members of the National Council for Intangible Cultural Heritage to the Minister of Culture and the Regional Expert Network for Intangible Cultural Heritage, the Secretary General of the National Commission for UNESCO Emanuela Tomova, district governors and mayors.Traditional winemaking, wine traditions and local culinary products are the basis of the wine and culinary destinations developed by the Ministry of Tourism as a significant part of our lifestyle and culture, as well as for the development of wine tourism. This was also the main topic of the round table organized by the Ministry of Tourism, with a broad representation of the industry and business, as well as of the joint working group established between the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works and experts, which continues to work on opportunities for the promotion of Bulgarian tourism, culture and agriculture at home and abroad.
Ministry of Tourism presented at a ceremony the Annual Tourism Awards - 2022
“The world is digitizing, optimizing and willing to travel and experience. With these words, the Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov, PhD, opened the ceremony of the seventh Annual Tourism Awards - 2022, which for the second consecutive year are held under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rumen Radev. Minister Dimitrov pointed out their importance and symbolism, saying that for the seventh time in a row with this ceremony we are sending off the year and uniting around the cause of Bulgarian tourism, which has already “become a real tradition and gives the winners the credit they deserve. Winners because they have shown grit, faith, perseverance, ingenuity and have managed to survive the last two difficult years for our sector,” the Minister underscored.Ilin Dimitrov, PhD, added that attention is needed to what messages we send and how we present our tourism, “We, those working in the sector, are the best ambassadors of our homeland and through our attitude we show it to the world.”Among the dignitaries were President Rumen Radev, the Ministers of Economy and Agriculture. The event was attended by MPs, ambassadors, mayors, representatives of the academic community, business, tourism organizations, media, etc.The winners in all categories - 4 professional, 4 artistic and 1 specially designed for the Bulgarian municipalities, as well as in the category for the grand prize “The choice of the Bulgarians”, received the traditional statuette, a trademark of the competition and a symbol of our country - the Bulgarian rose, made by Dimitar Germanov, and the second and third place winners - diplomas of the Ministry of Tourism. More than 64 thousand unique votes were submitted online on the special website for the awards for the more than 115 participants in all sections.The ceremony of awarding the statuettes was opened by Minister Dimitrov and the grand prize was personally awarded by the President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rumen Radev in the main category – “The Choice of the Bulgarians”. The President said that he attended the awards because he was driven by the conviction that tourism in today’s world is not just fun and enjoyable, it is not just part of the economy. “Tourism in the modern world is the foundation without which other sectors of socio-economic life cannot develop. How will we have investments, how will we have exchange of technologies, how will we retain these investments, how will the world know about us at all if we do not have strong, meaningful tourism activity and opportunities here in Bulgaria,” President Radev said. The Head of State pointed out that our country invests very little in advertising its tourism sector compared to other countries. At all levels - the state institutions, the executive and local authorities - we should unite our efforts in the best way so that we create conditions here in Bulgaria to make it much more interesting for ourselves, more pleasant, to spend our time fully, but also to show Bulgaria as it is - rich, beautiful in history, culture, achievements, people, nature to all our partners from all over the world, the President further said.The President presented the award to the winner “Historical Park”, village of Neofit Rilski, Varna. The award was received by Ivelin Mihailov - Executive Director of the project.First place in the category “Tourist Destination” went to the municipality of Ardino. The award was presented by Minister Dimitrov and the prize was received by Eng. Izet Shaban - Mayor of the municipality.One of the most contested categories was “Tourist Attraction/Object”. The statuette for the first place was again won by “Historical Park”, village of Neofit Rilski and was presented to Ivelin Mihaylov - Executive Director of the project, by Tsoncho Ganev, Chairperson of the Tourism Committee at the 48th National Assembly.In the category “Innovation” the first place was taken by Travel Line-Bulgaria Room Mix Innovation 2022 and the award was presented by the Minister of Economy Nikola Stoyanov.The Minister of Agriculture Yavor Gechev awarded the rose for “Specialized Tourism” to the Chairperson of the Tourism Council - Plovdiv Lyubozar Fratev for the first position in the category - Festival “Young Wine Parade”, Tourism Council in Plovdiv.The Deputy Chairperson of the Tourism Committee at the 48th National Assembly, Nebie Kabak, handed the statuette to the favorite in another very attractive category – “Tourist Municipality 2022”, which went to the municipality of Vetrino and was received by Dimitar Dimitrov - Mayor of the municipality.The second part of the ceremony was dedicated to the achievements of the media covering tourism. The Chairperson of the Council for Electronic Media Sonya Momchilova gave the first award for “Journalistic material on tourism in Bulgaria for 2021 in TV” to Georgi Krumov, founder and manager of TV Tourism.Voters chose Magdalena Todorova from TV Medical University – Varna as the best journalist in online media. The award was presented by Anton Kutev, spokesman of the Council of Ministers.The winner in the print media category was Poli Ivanova with her article in Destination Bulgaria magazine. She received her award from Milen Mitev, Director General of Bulgarian National Radio.The photographer Vladislav Terziyski handed over the rose in the contested category for internet blog to Lyubomira Velikova from event was also honoured with a greeting from Alessandra Priante, Director of the Regional Department for Europe at the UN World Tourism Organization, who sent a video message dedicated to the annual awards.The real surprise of the evening was the presentation of special awards by Minister Dimitrov for internationally recognized achievements and sustainable development in tourism in Bulgaria. The Minister awarded the Municipality of Plovdiv and presented the statuette to Plamen Panov - Deputy Mayor of Plovdiv with the portfolio of Culture, Archaeology and Tourism. The awards went to Hexaya Health & Wellness/Intercontinental Sofia and Happy Bar & Grill. The award for contribution to the positioning and promotion of Brand Bulgaria went to the climatologist prof. Georgi Rachev and journalist Nikolay Vasilkovski. The prestigious award was presented by the Deputy Ministers of Tourism Irena Georgieva and prof. Mariela Modeva. The special award for long consistent efforts in promoting the beauty of destination Bulgaria was given to the photographer Vladislav Terziyski.
The National Tourism Council adopted the Annual Programme for National Tourism Advertising 2023
National Tourism Advertising 2023. The Council was opened by the Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov, PhD. According to him, tourism is recovering and we can judge this not only from the good numbers but also from the success of international exchanges. “Tourism is coming at a furious speed; it is coming back. It depends on our actions or inactions where we will be, whether we will be in the first or the last carriage of the train,” the minister said in his address.“On August 2, we took office as a caretaker cabinet and our main idea was to continue the good policies of the previous cabinet. The constant interruption of the management of the ministry leads to the impossibility of implementing longer-term policies. I hope to find a formula to have a stable management at least for a few years to move tourism in the right direction,” Minister Dimitrov said.The Minister gave a report to the members of the Council on the work done in the last five months. He said the main difficulty was accountability for the Ukrainian refugee programmes. The payment rate has doubled, almost all certified payments have been cleared, and about 5% are disputed payments. One by one, all complaints submitted by hoteliers were being checked, the minister said, adding that the ministry had obliged and proved to be a good partner to business in difficult times.The focus of the ministry’s work was also the problem of delayed categorisations of sites. 1,226 inspections and categorisations have been carried out in the last few months of the caretaker government, and less than 70 more categorizations are expected, the minister said. In his address, Ilin Dimitrov, PhD also touched upon the issue of beach inspections, which in summer 2022 stood at 413. “Beaches are our face to the world, our big struggle has been to convince concessionaires that the international eco label Blue Flag for our beaches is important, we expect the number of Blue Flag beaches to double from 19 to 40 next year,” the minister said. Among the priority topics are international contacts and an advertising campaign to promote Bulgarian tourism, as well as preparations for the upcoming winter season.Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva presented an analysis of the Summer 2022 season, which shows a growth of nearly 20% compared to the summer season of 2021. Bulgaria is one of the countries in Europe with the highest growth and with the greatest speed of tourism recovery compared to the pre-pandemic 2019. Over 4.3 million tourists stayed overnight in accommodation with 10 beds or more in the summer season, this figure does not include Ukrainian citizens. The overall level of tourism recovery is 93%, assuming a summer season 2019 of 100%. Last summer, the number of trips of Bulgarians in the country passed 2 million, we note an increase in domestic tourism of 7% compared to 2021. Inbound tourism is also recovering, the total number of registrations of foreign tourists is over 2 million, excluding accommodated Ukrainian citizens. The increase compared to 2021 in absolute numbers is over 500 thousand. “However, in 2025 at the earliest, we expect inbound tourism to reach the level of summer season 2019, one of the factors being the war in Ukraine,” said Deputy Minister Georgieva. For the period May-September 2022, 697 thousand Romanian tourists chose Bulgaria for their holidays and this puts them in first place, followed by Poland and Germany. The other important markets for Bulgaria are the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Israel, etc.During the meeting, Deputy Minister Georgieva also presented the expectations for the 2022/2023 winter season, which at this stage are optimistic. The forecast is that again the domestic market will lead our winter resorts. Traditionally, Bulgarian tourists make around 1 million trips staying in accommodation with 10 beds or more. Inbound tourism is expected to continue to recover, with interest from the UK, Romania, Israel, North Macedonia, Serbia and Greece.During the meeting the Deputy Minister of Tourism Mariela Modeva presented the Annual Programme for National Tourism Advertising 2023. Among the main objectives of the Ministry of Tourism’s marketing activities for 2023 are to strengthen the brand recognition of Bulgaria as a developed European tourist destination, to enforce a positive image of our country through the full mix of marketing activities, strategic partnerships and the planning and implementation of enhanced advertising campaigns targeting both domestic and priority international markets. An optimal mix of marketing tools will be applied, enhancing digitalisation and maximising the effectiveness and efficiency of all advertising activities.The campaigns for the 2022/2023 winter season and the 2023 summer season applied a qualitatively new approach to the way advertising is bought in target markets - pre-set parameters to achieve certain goals, as well as maximising audience targeting and engagement. The focus is to scope campaigns on leading national TV media in target and prospect markets to promote the 2022 summer season. The target groups are aged between 18 and 60, taking into account the specifics of each individual market.Campaigns have already been launched in Bulgaria, Austria, Germany, Israel, Poland, North Macedonia, the Czech Republic, and are coming to Greece and Serbia for the 2022/2023 winter season, to extend the wings of the seasons, to promote specialized types of tourism, and to prepare for the 2023 summer season.In 2022, the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria organized the presentation and participation of our country in more than 25 international tourism and specialized exhibitions and forums in major and promising markets, including a road show in Poland and a number of high-level meetings, Deputy Minister Modeva said. The Ministry of Tourism annually plans the presentation of Bulgaria at international tourism exhibitions with representative stands - nearly 30, an integral part of the Annual National Tourism Promotion Programme. In 2023, the Ministry of Tourism and Tourism will present the annual programme of the National Tourism Programme. Bulgaria will be a partner country at the AITF exhibition in Baku, Azerbaijan. In view of the dynamic situation on both the international and domestic market and the efforts made by the Ministry of Tourism to support one of the most affected sectors of the Bulgarian economy, the measure of preferential fees (50% of the regular fee) for participation at Bulgarian national and information stands will be continued in 2023.Various topics and ideas were discussed at the meeting regarding the promotion of the country, the supply of different types of tourism products and the marketing and advertising budget. The meeting of the National Tourism Council was held amidst keen interest from institutions and businesses. Of the 48 members of the Council, confirmed by order of the Minister of Tourism, 40 were present, which has not happened before.
Bulgaria participated at the International Exhibition IBTM 2022 in Barcelona, Spain
The Ministry of Tourism, together with representatives of the tourism sector, participated in the International Tourism Exhibition IBTM - Incentives, Business Travel & Meetings in Barcelona, Spain, from 29 November to 1 December 2022.The exhibition is specialized for business travel and convention tourism professionals, event and conference organizers. IBTM is one of the most significant events in the field of MICE tourism, with more than 1,500 exhibitors from 70 countries in 2022, more than 30,000 professional meetings planned and more than 7,000 professionals registered in the field of business and incentive tourism, which is gaining in popularity.In order to strengthen the position of Bulgaria as a destination for congress tourism, our country participates in IBTM with an advertising stand on an area of 50 sq. m., where along with the Ministry of Tourism are presented Travel Time Bulgaria Ltd, Municipal Enterprise “Tourism” at Sofia Municipality, “Tsarevgrad Tarnov” EOOD, Varna Municipality and Association “Bulgarian Congress Bureau”.Group meetings with nearly 70 “buyers” are held at the Bulgarian stand, twice a day, presenting Bulgaria as a year-round destination and the opportunities for business and business tourism in the country.Our participation in this international tourism exhibition helps to promote our country as a destination for congress tourism. At the same time, incentive and reward trips - one of the most effective methods of expressing gratitude to employees, customers and collaborators - are gaining momentum as part of this segment. Incentive trips both express appreciation for a job well done and are an incentive for future success.Often combined with team building, they provide many opportunities to practice a variety of activities - from outdoor sports tournaments and recreational games to forms of adventure tourism.
Minister Dimitrov participated in the Global Leadership Summit of the World Travel and Tourism Council
Sustainable development of tourism in the context of current global challenges and policies was among the topics in the speech of the Minister of Tourism, Ilin Dimitrov, PhD, during the Global Leadership Summit of the World Travel and Tourism Council, held in Saudi Arabia.The basis of future actions and policies in the sector in our country are to promote the implementation of innovations, attract new investments and optimize business processes in the sector, Minister Dimitrov said.“Generating added value is key to the development of the Bulgarian tourism product. Our country should be promoted as a year-round destination, including all the possibilities of the tourism industry,” the minister said. He stressed that Bulgaria will make the necessary efforts to provide all tourists with a complete and, above all, safe experience.Bulgaria has excellent specialists in the field of information technology and this will contribute to a more effective digitization of our tourism product. The development of a digital map of Bulgaria in the near future is a great opportunity to increase our visibility. It will enable consumers to use a modern and easily accessible service in terms of identifying a wide range of sites, destinations, dining and entertainment venues, Minister Dimitrov said. “Crises have given us many lessons, but also opportunities for improvement and development, he said in the Global Leadership Dialogue session. We are actively working with internationally renowned organisations and platforms of interaction such as the WTO and the World Travel and Tourism Council to support businesses and consumers. One of the most important elements of the sector that needs serious investment is the training of tourism personnel. Bulgaria should be very active in this aspect,” Minister Dimitrov further said. The Global Leadership Dialogue is attended by a wide range of government officials, ministers, business representatives from different parts of the world. It is supported at the highest level by the WTO in the person of Secretary General Zurab Pololikashvili.On the sidelines of the forum, Minister Dimitrov met with his Cypriot counterpart Savvas Perdios, held an informal conversation with the Minister of Tourism of the Hellenic Republic, Vassilis Kikilias. We will work on joint products for consumers from distant markets, Minister Dimitrov announced, adding that the relations between Greece and Bulgaria in the sector are balanced, fruitful and extremely intensive. The two sides also agreed to develop a new joint Tourism Action Programme, to work actively within common formats such as the EC, WTO, BSEC and many others, to develop cross-border regional development projects to enhance the welfare of border areas.During the Global Summit, Minister Dimitrov also met with representatives of the Saudi tourism authorities. He was received by H.E. Princess Haifa Mohammed Al-Saud, Adviser to the Minister of Tourism of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia H.E. Ahmed Al Khateeb, and today, he also held talks with the Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources Bandar bin Ibrahim Alkhorayef. During the meetings, Minister Dimitrov underscored that Saudi Arabia is one of our country’s promising partners in the sector. The Arab country is particularly interested in Bulgaria as a destination that offers rich opportunities for spa tourism and has many mineral springs and beautiful mountains. In the spring of 2023, the first direct flights between Sofia and Riyadh are expected to start, which will greatly encourage bilateral tourism. The investments that Saudi Arabia plans to make for the development of its tourism sector are really significant, Minister Dimitrov reported. He invited potential Saudi investors to invest in the development of tourism projects in Bulgaria. “We have a predictable and fruitful environment for investment in the sector,” Minister Dimitrov said.During the Global Meeting the Minister also met with representatives of tour operators and airlines operating on the Bulgarian market. The topic of discussion was the optimization of visa regimes in cooperation with the responsible institutions such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which will bring serious economic benefits to our country. Bulgaria is becoming more and more recognizable and popular as a destination, with good prospects for 2023, noted the discussants.
Bulgaria participated in the new travel fair “Berlin Travel Festival”
In the period 25-27 November in the German capital Berlin was held for the first time the “Berlin Travel Festival”, which is part of Germany’s largest exhibition for yachts, motor boats and outdoor activities Boot & Fun. The venue was Messe Berlin.Bulgaria participated with a stand of 10 sq. m., where Tihomir Patarinski, the Bulgarian Attaché for Tourism in Germany presented the opportunities for tourism in our country to the Berlin audience. Highlights of Bulgaria’s presentation were the opportunities for year-round tourism - summer, winter, cultural, balneology, climate therapy and others. The interest in the Bulgarian camping sites, the opportunities our country offers for travelling with caravans, as well as the sightseeing trips for the next season was very serious.The time positioning of the exhibition, at the end of November, on the one hand strengthens the focus on early bookings for the next summer tourist season, and on the other - for last minute bookings for the current winter season, as well as emphasizes the year-round forms of tourism - health, spa, cultural, city weekends, etc.The portfolio of exhibitors ranged from destinations, tour operators, hotels and airlines. The organisers also presented themselves with a rich supporting programme with a series of panel discussions attended by experts and specialists from the tourism industry.As from next year 2023 ITB Berlin will also focus in future on the B2B segment, the BERLIN TRAVEL FESTIVAL is not only intended for specialists and professionals in the sector, but also for the general public.
Bulgaria participated as a partner country at the international tourism exhibition TT WARSAW, held in Poland
Bulgaria is a partner country of the international tourism exhibition TT WARSAW, which was held in Warsaw, Poland, from 24 to 26 November 2022 with an advertising stand on an area of 321 square meters. Advertising and marketing activities were carried out on the territory of the exhibition, billboard campaign, radio advertising and activities in the social channels of the exchange.Every year our country participates in the international tourism exhibition TT WARSAW with an independent stand in a key place in the exhibition hall with increased interest from Bulgarian branch associations, regional tourism structures and tourism companies.The Bulgarian stand was co-exhibited by 15 branch associations, regional tourism structures and tourism companies: Galaxy Investment Group Ltd, Franga Ltd, Onholidays Bulgaria EOOD, E TRAVELS EOOD, Seve Travel Ltd, Bulgarian Union of Balneology and Spa Tourism, Tourist Agency SOLVEX EOOD, CREDO-Joanna EOOD, STROYTRANS 2011 EOOD, Varna Municipality, Prestige Property EOOD, LOT-TA OOD, ALBENA TOUR EAD, Balkan Holidays Services EOOD and Landis Ltd.TT Warsaw is one of the most significant events in Poland related to the tourism industry. The event provides an opportunity to establish contacts with business partners, tourism organisations and administrations.National and regional tourism organisations from around the world, hotels, tour operators, travel agencies, airlines, cruise lines, hotel equipment suppliers, media representatives and industry bloggers traditionally take part in the international tourism exhibition.The period in which the fair is held is tailored to the opportunity to present the results of the past summer season, present new catalogues and proposals for the coming year.Our country is known among Polish citizens as a destination offering mainly sea holidays, religious tourism, but there is an exceptional potential to increase the number of trips from Poland also for mountain holidays, cultural and sightseeing tours, spa and wellness, wine and culinary and other specialized forms of tourism.
Ministry of Tourism with an award for the most representative stand at PHILOXENIA tourism exhibition in Greece
The Ministry of Tourism was awarded an honorary prize for the most representative stand during the PHILOXENIA International Tourism Exhibition in Thessaloniki, which took place in the period 18-20 November 2022.The PHILOXENIA exhibition is a major event in Greece with a direct tourism focus, presenting the latest and most interesting offers from travel agencies and tour operators, accommodation and leisure establishments, as well as various tourism service providers, local and international tourism organisations and various destinations. The event contributes to the promotion of destinations and their services at a high level. The three-day tourism exhibition is attended by companies and organizations from across the tourism spectrum - Greek and international travel destinations, hotels, travel agencies, travel agents, specialized press and media.This year the Bulgarian information stand, together with the Ministry of Tourism, was attended by four representatives of the tourism business and municipal administrations: the Tsarevgrad Tarnov EOOD, Rila Travel EOOD, New Sun Travel Ltd and Bansko Municipality.
Bulgaria participates at the international tourism exhibition PHILOXENIA in Thessaloniki, Greece
The Ministry of Tourism, together with representatives of the tourism sector, participated in the international tourism exhibition PHILOXENIA in Thessaloniki, Greece, in the period 18-20 November 2022.The PHILOXENIA exhibition is a significant event in Greece with a direct tourism focus, which presents the latest and most interesting tourism offers from travel agencies and tour operators, accommodation and leisure facilities, as well as from various tourism service providers, local and international tourism organizations and various destinations and contributes to the promotion of destinations and their services at a high level.The three-day tourism event is attended by companies and organizations from across the tourism spectrum (Greek and international tourist destinations, hotels, travel agencies, travel agents, specialized press and media).This year, the Bulgarian information stand, which has a total area of 100 sq. m., together with the Ministry of Tourism, was attended by 4 representatives of the tourism business and municipal administrations: Tsarevgrad Tarnov EOOD, Rila Travel EOOD, Bansko Municipality and New Sun Travel Ltd.
Malaysia shows interest in Bulgarian ski and spa resorts
Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov, PhD, held a meeting with a representative of one of the leading and largest tour operators “Asian Overland Services”. The meeting with Mr. Nur Ismail was initiated by the Honorary Consul of Malaysia in Bulgaria Mr. Peter Kouroumbashev.For consumers from distant destinations such as Malaysia, Bulgaria is part of Europe and the Balkans and can be seen as part of a combined tourism product that we are discussing with neighboring Greece and Türkiye, Minister Dimitrov said."Bulgaria needs to open up to distant markets and the successful formula for this is the creation of a common Balkan product," Minister Dimitrov said.In this context, Nur Ismail said that Malaysia has traditionally close ties with Türkiye, often choosing it as a preferred destination and the logistical possibilities of the megalopolis of Istanbul can contribute to increasing tourism to Bulgaria.According to the guest, the Malaysians, who have an extremely diverse nature and a sufficiently developed market of sea tourism, Bulgaria is an interesting destination with its winter resorts. “On their bucket list, every Malaysian wants to go on a skiing holiday at least once in their lifetime,” Nur Ismail said. In response, Minister Dimitrov gave the example of Bansko as an established and preferred European winter resort and added that Bulgaria is second in Europe in the number of mineral springs, our services in spa tourism are world-class and are also a good reason to choose a holiday in Bulgaria.Malaysia is one of the preferred by Bulgarians destinations for high-end holidays and this builds a good foundation for the development of bilateral relations in tourism, said the Honorary Consul of the Asian country in Bulgaria. In 2019, there were nearly 3.6 thousand visits of Bulgarian tourists to Malaysia. At the same time, the representative of the tour operator company pointed to the months of March and September as preferred for travel and as periods in which significant tourist events are organized in Malaysia.According to Minister Dimitrov, there is a good potential in the exchange of professional experience and personnel between the two countries, and this will lead to an intensification of bilateral contacts and travel.
Deputy Minister Modeva participates in the European Tourism Forum
Deputy Minister Modeva participated in the European Tourism Forum organised by the European Commission within the framework of the Czech EU Presidency. The Forum took place in Prague, Czech Republic, from 14 to 16 November 2022.The aim of the event was to exchange valuable know-how related to tourism policies – short-term rentals, package travel directive and other topical issues. Each of the member states presented their vision for a unified policy in the field of short-term rentals related to the tourism sector, aiming to achieve a uniform regulation in this aspect to give more predictability to businesses and consumers.Prof. Modeva congratulated the organizers and guests of the event, presented Bulgaria and noted that we are one of the few countries in the EU that have adopted a law on short-term rentals and we are ready to pass on our experience to our international partners in the EU in this topic. She underlined that Bulgaria supports the revision of the EU Directive 2015/2302 on package travel related to travel services. “We need to find the balance between supporting the rights of customers and supporting the private sector in tourism,” said prof. Modeva. The introduction of specific rules on vouchers as an alternative for refunds in case of cancellation of packages, including due to unforeseen situations beyond the control of the final customer, is reasonable and it is to the benefit of the sector to be introduced in the short term. The effect of using vouchers in situations requiring cancellations has proven to be beneficial, helping to overcome bankruptcies for tour operators during the COVID-19 pandemic and at the same time compensating end-users.The Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism supports working mechanisms to prevent bankruptcies in the sector and a working compensation system for the end user, such as the idea of establishing a national guarantee fund in Bulgaria. She said that the creation of a fund at European level to minimize the risk of bankruptcies of companies operating in the tourism industry in times of crises is an example of good practice, which shows responsible and statesmanlike behavior of the institutions in providing support for the tourism industry. According to Deputy Minister Modeva, the introduction of a fund to support the sector in the event of cancellations under the Directive (EC 2015/2302) enables the period of reimbursement to the final customer by private entities operating commercially to be extended to 14 days. This is a wonderful idea that should be implemented, she noted. There is a need to implement workable regulations and rules in platforms such as Airbnb and Booking to enable them to remove content that is not in line with the laws and legal norms of EU member states, and to have the ability to report irregularities to the authorities.During the general meeting of the ETC member states, topics and organizational issues such as the 2023 Action Programme, budget and membership fees were discussed. Future cooperation between the ETC and the European Commission was also discussed during the meeting. Regarding short-term rentals policy, the vision of private sector leaders such as Expedia, Airbnb and others is to be presented.In the coming year, Bulgaria will host the autumn session (19-21 September 2023) of the ETC Board of Directors.
Bulgaria participates in the international exhibition “Touristik & Caravaning” in Germany
Bulgaria participates in the international tourism exhibition “Touristik & Caravaning”, which this year takes place from 16 – 20 November 2022 in Leipzig, Germany. Tihomir Patarinsky, Bulgaria’s Tourist Attaché in Berlin, will take a special part in the exhibition. The event is designed for the general public in Germany and attracts around 30 thousand visitors. Messe Stuttgart is the organizer of the exhibition for the fourth time in a row.Traditionally, the “Touristik & Caravaning” event is held in the second half of November and marks the start of bookings for the upcoming summer season. It is the largest and most important tourism exhibition in the eastern German states. This year, Bulgaria is enjoying exceptional interest – both in sea and spa tourism. Germans are looking for camping opportunities, sightseeing trips, wine tastings and hiking routes.On the Bulgarian stand on an area of 30 sq. m., together with the Ministry of Tourism, this year participate Albena Tour EAD, Varna Municipality and Sts. Constantine and Helena Holding AD.Bookings for the 2023 season have already started, and our country is also included in the special offers of German tour operators valid at the fair itself.
Bulgaria participated in the international tourism exhibition “The Romanian Tourism Fair”
Deputy Minister of Tourism Mariela Modeva also participated in the large exhibition in our northern neighbourThe Ministry of Tourism, together with 12 representatives of the tourism sector, has participated in the international tourism exhibition “The Romanian Tourism Fair” (TTR) in Bucharest, Romania (10 – 13 November 2022). One of the most significant events in the field of tourism in our northern neighbour is also attended by the Deputy Minister of Tourism, prof. Mariela Modeva.Prof. Modeva held a meeting with Alina Ştefania Gorghiu, President of the Senate in the Romanian Parliament. “Romania continues to be one of the most important markets for Bulgarian tourism and the Ministry of Tourism of Bulgaria is making consistent efforts to ensure the best conditions for Romanian tourists and Romanian tour operators offering Bulgaria as a priority destination,” the Deputy Minister said.   The overnight tourist arrivals from Romania exceeded the pre-holiday level of 2019, indicating increased interest from Romanian tourists to Bulgaria. According to statistics, the number of Romanian tourists in 2019 is 1,287,252, in 2020 – 625,656 and in 2021 – 821,856. Since the beginning of this year until August, 821 651 tourists have visited our country, which is an increase of 27%. Among the highlights of the talks between Deputy Minister Modeva and State Secretary for Tourism Tudorita Lungu was the deepening of bilateral cooperation in the field of tourism between Bulgaria and Romania.  The Deputy Minister also held a working meeting with Dumitru Luca, President of the Romanian National Association of Travel Agencies, where they discussed the holding of joint events in the tourism industry and the opportunities to encourage Romanian companies to present their products on the Bulgarian market.The Deputy Minister congratulated the Bulgarian participants at the exhibition. At the information stand of the Ministry of Tourism the co-exhibitors are twelve – Albena Tour EAD, New Sun Travel Ltd, Varna Municipality, Club Magellan Ltd, Beach Resort EOOD, TA Solvex EOOD, Renaissance EOOD, Silistra Municipality, Galaxy Investment Group, Tsarevgrad Tarnov EOOD, BSA Ltd and Teddy Kam EOOD. Many tourism companies and representatives of Bulgarian destinations are also in the Romanian capital as visitors to organize their meetings with their local partners.
Minister Dimitrov participates in a ministerial summit at the WTM exhibition in London
It is important to achieve sustainability in three main pillars of tourism – environmental, social and economic. They are the cornerstones of the Bulgarian vision for the future development of the sector and I am convinced that we will find many committed international partners and friends in our efforts to achieve our goals. This is what the Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov, PhD, said in his address to the participants of the ministerial meeting in the framework of the London exhibition, organized under the banner of the World Tourism Organization of the United Nations and the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC).The summit was held on the second day of the World Travel Market (WTM) international travel trade show in London, UK.“Instead of striving to “return to normal” it is time to rethink the goals, business models, value chains of the tourism industry in a more pragmatic and systematic approach,” Minister Dimitrov said. He highlighted Bulgaria’s rich tourism opportunities: “We are here to present the possibilities of our country, its hospitality, traditions. Digitisation, innovation, social responsibility remain the main priorities for the future tourism product. Our country should be an example of a sustainable tourism model”. He further noted that we should pay attention to every tourist, both those in 5-star hotels and those in smaller categories, because they use the same amount of resources.A highlight of the speech by Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary General of the World Tourism Organisation, was what the tourism sector of tomorrow should look like. According to him, the crises have affected the sector a lot, but in the future, we need to work on human capital, especially for the youth. Pololikashvili noted that new technologies need to be developed in the sector and tourism needs to be taught in schools. It is in educational institutions that we can teach the youth to protect resources, the Secretary General said.Julia Simpson, President and CEO of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), addressed the participants saying that tourism needs new leaders and investment. “The sector must face up to its climate action responsibilities while generating growth to drive economic development. To provide opportunities for all, the sector must embrace new voices and new ideas,” Simpson said. Before the start of the meeting, Minister Dimitrov held informal talks with the Secretary General of the World Tourism Organisation Zurab Pololikashvili and Nikolina Brnjac, Minister of Sport and Tourism of Croatia. Minister Dimitrov extended an invitation to his Croatian counterpart to visit Bulgaria for a meeting between the businesses of the two countries.
WTM London: Ministry of Tourism to hold major roadshow in Germany
Minister Ilin Dimitrov held working meetings with representatives of the German tourism business – with Sören Hartmann, Chairperson of the Federal Association of the German Tourism Industry and CEO of DER Touristik Group and with Vladimir von Schnurbein, Head of Regional Policy of Lufthansa Group and Eurowings. In the meetings, which took place during the World Travel Market (WTM) in London, the strategic importance of the German tourism market for Bulgaria was highlighted and opportunities for joint cooperation in the field of marketing and better positioning of our destination were discussed.Minister Dimitrov underscored that next year the Ministry of Tourism plans to hold a large-scale “roadshow” in Germany for on-site B2B meetings with a wider range of representatives from the tourism business.Lufthansa and Eurowings plan to apply a more moderate policy to European destinations next year, with flights to Bulgaria expected to have a slight increase compared to 2022.In October, the catalogues of German tour operators came out, with discounts for early bookings currently reaching up to -50%. Many of them continue to apply an extremely flexible policy regarding cancellation conditions.Next week Bulgaria will take part in the international tourism fair in Leipzig (16-20 November) and at the beginning of next year in Stuttgart, Munich and Berlin.
WTM London: A packed programme of meetings to boost Bulgaria’s presence in foreign tourism markets
The UK market is expected to recover in 2023 and grow by 30% in 2024.On the first day of the exhibition in London, Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov held more than 10 high-level meetings with leading representatives of the tourism industry as part of his busy programme. The focus of the meetings were talks with airlines and leading tour operators on the Island, such as Flynas, Jet2holidays, Fraport and Lufthansa Group.  In his talks with Flynas, the minister assured that Bulgaria is seeking to enter new markets like Saudi Arabia by promoting the destination and tourism opportunities. In response, the company’s representatives assured that they want to establish themselves in the Bulgarian market and have a specific interest in our country, which they said has everything – mountains, sea, cultural and historical sites and many other opportunities for tourism. They are particularly interested in mineral waters – a rich resource with great potential.  Nearly 30% growth in British tourists to the Bulgaria market is expected for 2024, with pre-pandemic levels to be reached next year. This was announced by the number two tour operator in the British market, Jet2holidays, at a meeting with the Bulgarian Tourism Minister. The company already has 64,000 places booked for Bulgaria for 2024. It was reported that they expect to double their fleet in two years. A number of marketing activities were discussed to attract British tourists and rebuild this market. Minister Dimitrov encouraged family travel from the UK, assuring that our country offers great conditions for this type of holiday. The letter sent by the Ministry of Tourism to the European Commission to reinstate the subsidy of 35 euros per seat, similar to the measure that expired and provided substantial support to tour operators during the pandemic, was also the subject of the talks.At the Bulgarian stand, Minister Dimitrov also held a working meeting with the representatives of the English organization of tour operators - ABTA, where they presented their activities and discussed promotional activities between the professional organization and Bulgarian tour operators, as well as how the state can facilitate and assist this communication process. The Association of British Tour Operators and Travel Agents has over 4,300 members providing a wide coverage of services in the business and holiday travel sector.According to border checkpoint data for the period January – August 2022, Bulgaria has been visited by 252,266 tourists, which is an increase of 8.5 times compared to the period January – August 2021.By comparison, last 2021 the total number of visits by British tourists to accommodation and own properties was around 30 thousand for the same period, January to August 2021, a fall of 62%.Leading destinations for British tourists are the capital, the municipalities of Nessebar, Varna and Plovdiv.In 2020, more than 90 thousand visits of British tourists were reported and a decline of 81%. Not all British tourists stayed overnight in accommodation, with some staying in their own properties, particularly in Bansko and on the Black Sea coast.During the World Travel Market in London, the chairperson of the World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association Jason Ferguson visited Bulgaria’s stand. He was welcomed by the Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov, PhD. They discussed the opportunities for sport and tourism in one. Among the topics of conversation was the European Snooker Championship, which will be held from 4 to 17 June 2023 in the resort complex Albena. They also discussed the possibility of our country returning to the world snooker map by hosting a major ranking tournament, which will be an image-building event for our country.On the first day of his visit, Minister Dimitrov gave a special interview to the world media “Euronews”, in which the main topic was Bulgaria’s recovery from the crises. He also commented on the vision for modern tourism and development policies – especially through the prism of climate change.
Bulgaria and Türkiye strengthen cooperation in the tourism sector
Minister Dimitrov held a working meeting with Mehmet Ersoy, Minister of Culture and Tourism of Türkiye Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov and Mehmet Ersoy, Minister of Culture and Tourism of Türkiye, discussed the possibility of creating a common Balkan tourism product aimed at third and distant markets at a joint working meeting. They held the talks in London during the World Travel Market (WTM) international tourism exhibition. They discussed the possibilities for more intensive contacts between the business representatives.Türkiye is a priority partner of our country in the field of tourism, we need to strengthen contacts between representatives of the private business, because our countries are not real competitors and will only benefit from cross-border cooperation in tourism, said Minister Dimitrov.The two sides agreed to organize the 4th session of the tourism committee between ministries in charge in 2023 in Türkiye. We are willing to discuss agreements between major Bulgarian tourism industry associations and the Turkish TÜRSAB, TÜROB, etc., which will be the basis for joint implementation of various initiatives to promote tourism, the minister said.Among the highlights of the talks were the development of joint products for distant markets based on our cultural heritage and the cooperation of the two countries under the Interreg 2021-2027 programme.Türkiye is in the top 3 markets for inbound and the number 1 market for outbound tourism. Statistics show that more than 1.4 million Bulgarian tourists travelled to Türkiye in 2021. The same number will be reached in 2022 according to preliminary data. In 2022, more than 359,527 Turkish tourists came to Bulgaria, a 59% increase compared to 2021.
Bulgaria participated at the international travel trade fair World Travel Market in the UK
Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov, PhD, also participated in the world’s largest exhibition for professionals in the tourism industryThe Ministry of Tourism, together with 20 representatives of the tourism sector, participated in the World Travel Market (WTM) international tourism exhibition in London, UK (7 - 9 November 2022). The world’s largest exhibition for professionals in the tourism industry is also attended by the Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov. PhD, who, in addition to his packed programme of bilateral political and business meetings, is also part of the ministerial meeting on the second day of WTM, organised under the sign of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation.With his arrival, Minister Dimitrov, together with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Bulgaria to the UK, Marin Raykov, greeted the Bulgarian participants in the forum. The two, together with the Head of the Offices for Trade and Economic Affairs (OTEA) – London, Krasimir Kiriakov, commented on the current picture of bilateral relations in the field of tourism and discussed future opportunities to boost the UK market. Ambassador Raykov said that there are about 15 thousand Britons in Bulgaria. Digitisation of services is the future way to establish and promote Bulgaria as a preferred and safe destination in the UK market. A series of high-level business meetings with the participation of the Ministry of Tourism was also planned for February.On the first day of Minister Dimitrov’s visit a meeting with the Minister of Culture and Tourism of Türkiye Mehmet Ersoy, representatives of airlines and the British and German tourism industry is scheduled.This year, our Bulgarian national stand, which covers an area of nearly 300 sq. m, together with the Ministry of Tourism, 20 representatives of the tourism business – tour operators, travel agents, municipal administrations – Albena Tour EAD, Rila Travel EOOD, World Synergy Travel Bulgaria Ltd, Evroprogram Consult EOOD (Plovdiv Municipality), Varna Municipality, OP Marketing, Tourism and Tourist Activities (Samokov Municipality), Avatar Tour Ltd, Municipal Enterprise “Tourism” at Sofia Municipality, Tsarevgrad Tarnov EOOD (Veliko Tarnovo Municipality), Sunny Travel Club EOOD, Tandem Travel Ltd, N-Vision Services Group Ltd, Fraport Twin Star Airport Management AD, Aleksia Auto Ltd, Sts. Constantine and Helena Holding AD, Ulpia Tours Ltd, Pi Group Plovdiv EOOD, I D S Bulgaria EOOD, Galaxy Investment Group, Palms Royal Sofia.Both visitors and exhibitors represent a wide variety of companies and sectors, products and services operating in the tourism industry. World Travel Market was first held back in 1980 at London Olympia. Over four decades the show has changed its vision and location, with global business gathering at the ExCeL Centre since 2002. The B2B event currently hosts around 5,000 exhibitors from 182 countries and is attended by over 51,000 attendees.
Minister Dimitrov Welcomes Participants at the 17th World Meeting of Bulgarian Media in Jerusalem
The World Meetings of the Bulgarian Media are an event of great importance and publicity. These events are an excellent platform for promoting the results achieved in various areas of the Bulgarian economy, including one of the most dynamic and promising industries, such as tourism. This is what the Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov said in his address to the participants in the 17th World Meeting of Bulgarian Media in Jerusalem, organized by the Bulgarian Telegraph Agency (BTA).Tourism is one of the areas that show in practice the power and importance of the messages that are being sent. “The media is our salvation because we are currently fighting a battle for our image. We are relying heavily on you, our media partners and friends, to reinforce our country’s image as a welcoming, relaxed and safe tourist destination, a place of natural, spiritual strength, of strong connection and continuity between tradition and present, history and future,” he added.According to him, every month in the media appear between 150 and 170 negative headlines regarding tourism. “These are clickbait headlines and they damage our tourism. Here I would urge to really rethink the way we talk about our tourism, the way we treat it,” Dimitrov said.Despite the difficult situation in recent years, including in the tourism sector, the Bulgarian tourism industry is performing very well. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, more than 12 million foreign tourists visited Bulgaria in 2019, 9.3 million of them were registered in accommodation facilities, and tourism revenues reached 3.7 billion euros, he added. The sector’s contribution to the country’s gross domestic product is 10.8% and its share in total employment is 10.6%, Minister Dimitrov added.In the period January – August 2022, the number of foreign tourists visiting Bulgaria is 4 222 094, an increase of 61% compared to the same period in 2021.The Ministry of Tourism is working fruitfully with the State of Israel, the Minister added. The country is an increasingly popular destination for Bulgarian tourists, and in 2019 Bulgaria was visited by 244 thousand Israeli tourists, the minister said. After the decline during the pandemic, in just the nine months of 2022. Bulgaria was visited by more than 116 thousand Israeli tourists, an increase of 2.9 times compared to the same period in 2021. Between April and August 2022, 4,417 Bulgarians travelled to Israel for tourism, he added.Minister Dimitrov announced that the advertising and organization of the upcoming tourist 2023 is already being prepared.The participants of the 17th World Meeting of the Bulgarian Media were welcomed by Vice President Iliana Iotova, Chairperson of the Culture and Media Committee in the National Assembly Ivan Chenchev, Ministers of Culture and Tourism Velislav Minekov and Ilin Dimitrov, Ambassador of Bulgaria in Tel Aviv Rumyana Bachvarova and Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the State of Israel Dimitar Tsanchev and representatives of 20 Bulgarian media from 13 countries. At the beginning of the forum, the Director General of BTA Kiril Valchev addressed the participants.The World Meeting of the Bulgarian Media started with a prayer at the Holy Sepulchre on Tuesday. The theme this year is “Media and Salvation”. The forum will continue until November 3 in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.For the first time, a prayer service in Bulgarian was celebrated on Golgotha by Metropolitan Anthony of Western and Central Europe and Protopriest Konstantin Tsankov, in communion with clergy from the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, brothers of the monastery, which is located on the Holy Sepulchre.
Ministry of Tourism held a series of bilateral business meetings in Poland
Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva participated in a series of bilateral meetings of the tourism business in Poland during the week. In the period 24-27 October 2022, a delegation led by Deputy Minister Georgieva and composed of representatives of the Bulgarian tourism sector held bilateral Bulgarian-Polish business meetings in the cities of Wrocław, Katowice, Krakow and the capital Warsaw.After the successful summer season 2022 for the Bulgarian-Polish tourism and after talks with representatives of industry organizations in the tourism sector, the Ministry of Tourism decided to organize the series of meetings in Poland. The Bulgarian Black Sea Alliance with its chairman Frank Quante, who was part of the delegation, actively joined the initiative.The aim of these meetings was to take the business relations in the tourism sector between Bulgaria and Poland to the next level and to strengthen and develop the ties between the business representatives from both countries.Bilateral meetings between Bulgarian tour operators and hoteliers and Polish tour operators were organized in each of the locations. After the ceremonial opening of each of the meetings by Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva, the Honorary Consuls of Bulgaria in Poland in the cities of Wrocław, Katowice and Krakow gave a welcome speech. At the opening of the meeting in Wrocław Mr. Jarosław Obremski, Voivode of the Lower Silesian Voivodship, delivered a welcome address, and H.E. Margarita Ganeva, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Bulgaria to the Republic of Poland, actively participated in the meeting in Warsaw.   Bulgarian companies participating in this series of meetings had the opportunity to hold working discussions with nearly 100 of their potential Polish partners. The proposals of the Bulgarian businesses, focusing mainly on sea holidays, were met with interest. Local representatives, on their part, expressed the hope that Bulgaria will be presented more and more often with tourism opportunities in all seasons, and particular interest was shown, besides winter holidays in ski resorts, for mountain tourism, bicycle tours in the mountains and spa tourism.Bulgaria ranks third in the Polish tourism market with a share of around 8.8% after Türkiye and Greece. On the other hand, Polish tourists visiting Bulgaria in the period January – August 2022 are about 270 thousand, which represents an increase of 53% compared to the same period of 2021. The data on the number of passengers landing at our sea airports show that Burgas Airport served more tourists from Poland this year than in the pre-pandemic 2019.All participants in the meetings shared the opinion that with the existing capacity, Bulgaria could receive in 2023 twice as many tourists from Poland.
Experts from eight countries share experiences at a conference on digital transformation in tourism in Sofia
A single digital guidebook will welcome foreign tourists to BulgariaAn international conference on digital transformation in tourism is held in Sofia under the patronage of President Rumen Radev. Participants from eight countries share their experiences on best practices in the digitalization of the sector and the future tourism product in the Balkans and the countries of the Danube region.“Digitisation of tourism is an irreversible process of modernisation of the sector. We have the vision, the ideas, the specialists and the innovations for which the representatives of the scientific community inspire us. These ideas will be successfully implemented by the tourism business, in the service of consumers,” Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov addressed the participants in the forum. According to the minister, digitisation can find an excellent manifestation in the countries of the Danube region and the Balkans.Minister Dimitrov pointed out among the priority tasks in the field of innovations in tourism, which will make our country a year-round attractive tourist destination, the development of a single digital guidebook to welcome every tourist visiting Bulgaria.This virtual map of Bulgaria will bring together different elements of the tourism service and product – such as cultural and wine routes and festivals; farmers’ markets, developing local communities; significant natural sites and landmarks of our cultural and historical heritage that are of interest to every visitor to the destination.The tourism industry, which is extremely important for the economy of Europe and the world, is undergoing dynamic transformation and change. These have been accelerated by several major crises, the Minister added. “They have been felt by all who work in tourism and I hope that with joint efforts we will overcome them successfully. There are many negative effects of the current challenges facing us, but let us not forget something else – a crisis can also mean a path for development,” Minister Dimitrov said.In an address by President Rumen Radev, read during the forum, the Head of State expressed his firm belief that the digital transformation in all sectors should be accelerated, while at the same time strengthening the sustainability of our economy. According to him, our country should take advantage of digitisation to improve its operational efficiency and competitiveness. Digital technologies will contribute to positioning Bulgaria as a competitive destination, he further said.Travellers’ confidence is increasing in the wake of the COVID pandemic. According to one of the major online travel booking platforms participating in the forum, there is increased interest in destination Bulgaria. It has reported a 140 per cent increase in the number of searches for destinations in our country compared to last year. Over 50% of travellers from Europe want to visit little-known places, which is a great chance for countries like Bulgaria to attract more tourists.The international conference is implemented within the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR), Priority Area 3 “Culture and Tourism”, coordinated jointly by Bulgaria and Romania.The event is a platform for high-ranking representatives of the partner countries of the Republic of Bulgaria in the field of tourism. The focus of the conference programme is on the digital transformation in the tourism sector in the context of innovation development, new trends in marketing and best practices in Europe and the Danube region.Partner of the event is Burgas University “Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov”. A team of the university presented robots that in the future can and are expected to increasingly support the work in the tourism business.
The Ministers of Tourism, Culture and Agriculture discussed common actions for the promotion of Brand Bulgaria and the creation of a unified digital destination guide for Bulgaria
Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov, PhD, Minister of Culture Prof. Velislav Minekov and Minister of Agriculture Yavor Gechev agreed on the creation of a common strategy and a common platform for the promotion of Brand Bulgaria at a working meeting hosted by the Minister of Culture. Deputy Ministers of Culture Plamen Slavov and Agriculture Georgi Sabev also took part in the discussion. As part of the immediate work on the united actions of the three ministries is the creation of a single digital guide that will welcome everyone who enters our country – an electronic map of Bulgaria. It will bring together various elements of the tourism service and product – such as cultural and wine routes, farmers’ markets, developing local communities, significant natural sites and landmarks of our cultural and historical heritage that are of interest to every visitor to the destination.A drop-down menu on the map will integrate a variety of features and options to access more information to allow easy planning of short visits – transport connectivity, making reservations, purchasing via QR code tickets for museums, galleries, concerts and various events, virtual video tours prepared by tour guides or bloggers, photographers and travelers, and many more options that can be built upon over time and in the longer term. In addition to the three ministries, various institutions and the public media will be involved in the project.                Ministers of Tourism, Culture and Agriculture Ilin Dimitrov, prof. Minekov and Yavor Gechev discussed how to present destination Bulgaria through the map in the best, effective and attractive way. Minister Gechev suggested that traditional foods and Bulgarian wines with protected designations of origin, which often coincide with the names of places, should be included in the map. They will also include products that, according to the idea of the Ministry of Agriculture, will be branded as monastic and with the identification of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. This, in turn, could become a huge magnet for attracting tourists and regional development, as according to the Ministry of Agriculture, demand for traditional local food is an extremely stable trend in Bulgaria.In continuation of previous talks, the ministers also discussed the unification and branding of protocol gifts - specially labelled, typical for Bulgaria wine, replicas of ancient Thracian treasures and other valuable artifacts from our lands, the oldest processed gold in the world - the Varna gold treasure, etc., which will represent the rich cultural and historical heritage of our country.Replicas of these remarkable objects, as well as images of cultural tangible and intangible heritage sites under the auspices of UNESCO, will also greet guests at our international airports. That was an idea that Minister Dimitrov presented to his colleagues after it was discussed earlier with the airport operators of Sofia, Varna and Burgas airports. The Ministry of Culture is preparing a catalogue of the 100 national sites, which will also be integrated into the idea of promoting brand Bulgaria.The ministers also agreed to create a common, richly illustrated calendar for 2023, which will present different aspects of Bulgaria’s wealth - the most visited destinations, natural and tourist attractions, museums and cultural and historical artifacts, national parks, forests, hunting tourism opportunities, wine routes and gastronomy. The idea is to make the calendar trilingual to cover the linguistic diversity of all countries - Bulgarian, English and Spanish.
The Burgas Regional Tourist Chamber with an honorary plaque and diploma of the Ministry of Tourism on the occasion of 30 years since its establishment
The Minister of Tourism,  Ilin Dimitrov, awarded the Burgas Regional Tourist Chamber with an honorary plaque and diploma of the Ministry of Tourism on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the organization.The distinctions are for overall contribution to the sustainable development of the region as a year-round destination for maritime and specialized tourism and empathy for the initiative to position and promote Brand Bulgaria. Minister Dimitrov took part in a solemn event dedicated to the chamber's birthday, which took place this evening in Burgas.In his congratulatory words, he emphasized that 30 years in the service of the cause of Bulgarian tourism is by no means small. "I congratulate you because, in addition to protecting the interests and supporting the development of your members, for 3 decades you have been doing much more than that. BRTC has always worked in harmony with institutions and businesses, with the aim of improving the living environment and infrastructure, for environmental protection with the construction of treatment plants at destinations and the overall construction of a single ecosystem in tourism." With these words, the minister turned to the hosts.He emphasized that the organization raises the image of the Bulgarian tourist product by fighting against the gray economy through its priorities - solving the problems with illegitimate tourist companies and unlicensed transport companies, carrying out joint control with the Consumer Protection Commission regarding the quality of the tourist product and regulatory acts in the field of tourism, close cooperation with local and state authorities, advertising and preservation of our cultural and historical heritage, etc. As a special emphasis, Minister Dimitrov pointed out the work of the chamber in the field of education and personnel development, following the trends in the digital environment, as well as the high international quality standards. He emphasized that the Burgas and Varna Chambers are fraternal organizations that are successful precisely because of the relationships they maintain - in his words, the most important are the relationships between people, and they prove it with their daily work, with their academic connections and with their work on building young professionals and future leaders in tourism. Minister Ilin Dimitrov offered special congratulations for the energy and dedication to the chairman of the organization, Delyana Tsoneva, and to the honorary chairman of BRTK - Ivan Ivanov, who has been the head of the Burgas Chamber for many years.Burgas Regional Tourist Chamber started with only 38 members, and at the moment they number officially 105.
Minister Ilin Dimitrov participated in the opening of Deep Technology Innovation Port Varna
The Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov participated in the opening ceremony of Varna Deep Tech Innovation Port at the University of Economics - Varna.Among the official guests were the Minister of Innovation and Growth Alexander Pulev, the Regional Governor of Varna Mario Smerkov, the Mayor of Varna Ivan Portnih, representatives of the academic, business and startup community, regional administration and European ecosystems. Maria Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, gave a video address to the attendees.Deep technological innovation port Varna, a project of the University of Economics - Varna and Junior Achievement Bulgaria, is aimed at creating and developing sustainable technological innovations.In his speech, Minister Dimitrov congratulated the creators of the initiative, wishing them to turn Varna into a European center of attraction for the creation and implementation of deep technological innovations that would help improve the socio-economic development not only of the region, but also of Bulgaria as a whole.According to him, the benefits of such a project will also support tourism with the development of innovations with concrete practical implementation, support of talents and the birth of sustainable businesses."We are currently at a crossroads as to which direction to take. The Covid crisis and the situation in Ukraine posed many problems for tourism. It is up to us where we go - whether we seek help and expect funding or change processes. In tourism, people serve people and this should not be changed, but in the field of marketing, in the technologies for the production of food and services, we can very seriously emphasize innovation," stressed Minister Dimitrov.
Information day at the Ministry of Tourism for the launch of OPIC, OPDU and OPOS projects
An information day was held at the Ministry of Tourism, dedicated to the launch of the implementation of 3 projects for grant financial assistance of the department under operational programs of the EU for the period 2014-2020. They are aimed at financing already incurred costs for accommodation and feeding of displaced persons as a result the war in Ukraine persons.The event was moderated by Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva, who presented the main goals and expected results of the projects. Deputy Minister Mariela Modeva, experts, representatives of the governing bodies under the relevant operational programs, regional information centers (OIC) and other interested parties were invited to participate in the event.Deputy Minister Georgieva briefly introduced the event's guests to the process of allocating funds under the two humanitarian aid programs administered by the Ministry of Tourism. Georgieva drew attention to the fact that in the beginning, in order to urgently solve the problem of housing and feeding a huge number of refugees and the insufficient capacity of the bases for initial reception, it was decided to shelter and feed them in the places of accommodation and shelter. In this regard, the administration of the process was entrusted to the Ministry of Tourism, since according to the provisions of the Law on Tourism it maintains the Unified Tourist Information System (USTI), containing the name information of the persons accommodated in the accommodation and shelter and the number of nights realized for each of them. The very allocation of funds to accommodation and shelter is preceded by their application by submitting applications for reimbursement of costs monthly through the National Investment Management System (NISM)."The disbursement of funds under the humanitarian aid programs is carried out after verification of the reported number of accommodated persons with temporary protection for each previous calendar month and control checks from numerous other registers. And as a final result, the Minister of Tourism, based on the work of an evaluation commission, submits a draft Decision of the Council of Ministers (CMM) for their inclusion in the list of approved candidates," explained Irena Georgieva.The financing of the two humanitarian aid programs administered by the Ministry of Tourism is arranged through a complex mechanism with advance allocation of funds by the state budget and their subsequent reimbursement from unspent amounts under separate EU operational programs."Today I have the honor to inform you about the launch of three projects under OPIK, OPDU and OPOS with 100% non-grant financial assistance planned, the ultimate goal of which is the financial provision of already provided accommodation and food under the Program for the use of humanitarian aid for persons seeking temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria as a result of the military actions in Ukraine", said Deputy Minister Georgieva. According to her, however, in order to recover the funds from the European funds, a long process of application by the Ministry of Tourism as a potential beneficiary through the Information System for Management and Monitoring (ISUN 2020) under the relevant operational programs, the subsequent approval of the project proposals, conclusion of administrative contracts for non-grant financial assistance, reporting to the governing bodies and disbursement of the projects.Given the urgency of securing sufficient financial resources to ensure the humanitarian assistance programs, the Ministry of Tourism, in partnership with the governing bodies of the relevant operational programs, proceeded in extremely short terms to announce procedures and prepare the necessary project proposals. As a result, already on 14.07.2022, the Ministry of Tourism concluded an administrative contract for the implementation of Project BG16RFOP002-7.001-0001-C01 "Support to meet the basic needs of refugees from Ukraine" under the Operational Program "Innovations and Competitiveness" 2014-2020 (OPIK) in the amount of BGN 62,889,120, which will be sufficient to reimburse expenses for 1,572,228 overnight stays with breakfast and a hot lunch per refugee, assuming that the total number of persons who received support will exceed 42,000 people, among which no less than 16,800 children under 18 years of age. At the moment, the implementation of the project is in an advanced stage of reporting. The project has a deadline of 1 year, but our expectations are that it will be completed ahead of schedule by the end of November 2022.The second project, on which the Ministry of Tourism is working hard, started its implementation officially on 23.09.2022 with the signing of administrative contract BG05SFOP001-6.001-0001 under the Operational Program "Good Governance" 2014-2020 (OPDU) and is named "Support along the lines of convergence to address the migration challenges caused by the military aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, for the refugees who arrived in the Republic of Bulgaria, through a measure implemented by the Ministry of Tourism". Its total value is BGN 40,000,000, enough to cover 1,000,000 overnight stays with breakfast and hot lunch included, and it is expected that 68,544 people will be assisted, incl. 27,768 children. This project is being worked on intensively, with all our efforts directed towards its successful completion, reporting and payment within the current month of October 2022.The third project launched by the Ministry of Tourism is BG16M1OP002-7.001-0001 "Support to meet the basic needs of refugees from Ukraine" and is financed under the Operational Program "Environment" 2014-2020 (OPE). It is worth BGN 30,588,236.53, and it is planned to reimburse expenses for 764,705 overnight stays with breakfast and a hot lunch per refugee, and the indicators to be achieved through the implementation of the project are: total number of the persons who received support - 72,300 people, including 29,900 children under 18 years of age. The project implementation period is 14 months, but we plan to successfully complete it by the end of November 2022."I use the opportunity once again to express my immense gratitude to the teams from the governing bodies of OPIC, OPDU and OPE for their responsiveness and timely support in providing funding for the Humanitarian Aid Programs for refugees from Ukraine," Deputy Minister Georgieva said at the end.The representatives of the governing bodies of the operational programs congratulated the employees of the Ministry of Tourism for the huge amount of excellent work done on the projects.
The Ministry of Tourism participates in the international forum "Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe" in Greece
The Deputy Minister of Tourism Prof. Mariela Modeva participated in the eleventh annual meeting of the international forum "Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe" in Chania, Crete.This year, the forum is under the title "Protection of European values, heritage and dialogue". The participants in the event were representatives of the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Council of Europe, the European Institute of Cultural Routes, the Ministry of Culture and Sports of Greece, the Ministry of Tourism of Greece, the Greek National Tourism Organization, the Municipality of Chania, the Historical Coffee Routes and others.The event was thematic and specialized, which provides more effective guidelines for the development of individual components of the tourism industry. In front of the participants, Prof. Modeva outlined the cultural-historical map of Bulgaria, our architectural heritage, the route of the Roman emperors, the Danube wine map, the cultural-historical route "Cyril and Methodius", the route of women writers, the European routes of industrial heritage as part of the cultural-historical map of Europe. She emphasized that Bulgaria has a rich history and is third in terms of cultural and historical landmarks in Europe. Our country has the potential to be a globally recognized tourist destination, but it needs better positioning of its combined tourism product and targeted advertising."Our joint work and exchange of experience in the preservation of our cultural sights and the advertising of this sector plays an extremely important role in the development of cultural and historical tourism in Europe," said the Deputy Minister of Tourism.The professor took part in a discussion panel on "Development of creative industries, cultural tourism, innovative technologies for sustainable development of tourism". Within the framework of the discussion, Deputy Minister Modeva presented the successful practices in the development of Bulgarian cultural and historical tourism, in accordance with the Plan for Cultural Tourism approved in 2019. Prof. Modeva presented the opportunities of our country in this priority tourism sub-sector by providing specifics for successfully developing our native destinations, such as Koprivshtitsa, which a year ago received recognition from the WTO under the BEST TOURISM VILLAGES initiative, when it was among the awarded villages in one of the categories.The routes are an important platform of interaction, within which many European countries participate, united by their common cultural, historical, geographical and other values. They have the potential to exist as attractive tourist products to attract consumers from distant markets – those outside Europe. Cultural routes are the foundation of the sector's sustainable development, because they are based on years of traditions, contacts and successful practices.The congress took place within the framework of a three-day conference, during which the participants held a number of informal meetings where state policies in the field of tourism and culture were discussed.
Bulgaria participates in the largest and most significant event in the field of adventure tourism for 2022 - Adventure Travel World Summit
Bulgaria participates in the largest and most significant event in the field of adventure tourism for 2022 - Adventure Travel World Summit, which takes place from 03-06.10.2022 in Lugano, Switzerland. The event is part of the Adventure Travel Trade Association /ATTA/ portfolio.The Adventure Travel Trade Association was established in 1990 and brings together over 30,000 tour operators, mountain guides, hotels, guesthouses and chalets, tourist boards, travel equipment and sportswear companies, media and freelance journalists, mainly oriented to the development of sustainable and adventure tourism.More than 700 leading representatives of business, destinations and the media from more than 50 countries participate in the forum, with a real contribution to the dynamic development of adventure tourism worldwide.The Ministry of Tourism is a partner of the Adventure in Motion conference. The various opportunities for adventure tourism in our country were presented to the delegates. This is an excellent opportunity for the destination to showcase an authentic and quality-oriented product with high added value on the international market.Adventure tourism is one of the fastest growing industries in tourism and is distinguished by its contribution to the economy of destinations and host local communities. Over 65% of what travelers spend stays in the destination, compared to an average of 15-20% in mass tourism.In Bulgaria, lovers of nature and adventure tourism can fully enjoy its richness thanks to the wide network of trekking and mountain bike routes, there are many opportunities for practicing kayaking and rafting, rock climbing, wildlife watching, horseback riding, paragliding, and in winter - ski and snowshoe treks, all combined with culinary and wine experiences, festivals and an introduction to our rich cultural heritage. By visiting and practicing these forms of tourism, tourists have access to unique places and natural attractions, and the routes are varied in length and difficulty and are suitable for people of diverse interests and ages.
On the day of the national holiday of Germany, the Ministry of Tourism signed a key strategic partnership document with GBITK for the promotion of Bulgaria
The Minister of Tourism Dr. Ilin Dimitrov, the President of the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (GBCIC) Tim Kurt and the General Manager of the organization Dr. Mitko Vassilev signed an agreement on a strategic partnership in the field of tourism.The signing was also attended by H.E. Irene Plank, temporary manager of the German embassy in our country. "The Bulgarian and German countries concluded a strategic partnership agreement and this provides an opportunity for the confirmation and wider promotion of the Bulgaria Brand. The signing of this document emphasizes the importance of the German market for Bulgarian tourism. There is also symbolism in setting the signatures today, because October 3 is a national holiday of Germany," Minister Dimitrov pointed out. According to him, the agreement builds on and expands the document signed in 2021 by the previous acting minister Assoc. Dr. Stella Baltova.According to Dr. Mitko Vasilev, chief manager of the chamber, the potential for cooperation between the two countries in the field of tourism is huge and should be developed.During the ceremony, it became clear that the goal is to unite the efforts of the public and private sectors, bearing in mind the important role of the partnership between institutions and non-governmental organizations in creating favorable conditions for the recovery and prosperity of one of the most affected sectors in the Bulgarian economy.  The scope of the agreement includes promoting the exchange of information between Bulgarian and German tourism institutions and companies. The document provides for assistance from the chamber in organizing bilateral round tables and other events with a specific thematic focus. GBCIC, whose management is 30% owned by the German state, will provide support to the Bulgarian tourism attaché at the Bulgarian embassy in Berlin in meetings with the tourism industry, press conferences, organization of tourism information evenings.In addition, the chamber may be invited to participate in trade shows of the Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism in Germany to present Bulgaria as a four-season destination. The non-governmental organization can assist in marketing activities and in the strategic orientation of the offer of health services, for example with medical associations, at medical congresses, for the preparation of publications in German health journals and others for the promotion of health services in Bulgaria.Additionally, sustainable cooperation between government institutions will be developed through joint bilateral delegation trips.
The Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov, PhD discussed common actions for brand Bulgaria with the airport operators of Sofia, Varna and Burgas
Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov, PhD met with the airport operators of Sofia, Varna and Burgas to discuss common actions for the promotion of destination Bulgaria. He spoke with Jesús Caballero, CEO of Sofia airport operator SOF Connect, and Dimitar Bikov, Head of Marketing and Business Development at Sofia Airport. The meeting, which took place in a hybrid format, was joined online by Frank Kwante, CEO of Fraport Twin Star Airport Management AD, operator of Varna Airport and Burgas Airport.Minister Dimitrov and the two CEOs agreed on joint coordinated actions to promote Bulgaria as a destination and brand. A tripartite partnership agreement will be signed between airport operators and the ministry to send a common signal and build a unified image of our country to the rest of the world and tourists arriving at our international airports.“The only way to build the right positioning of Bulgaria on the world map is when the state actively works with the business and NGO sector,” Minister Dimitrov stressed. “We believe in this project and in order to establish brand Bulgaria, we need to send out a common message,” underscored Sofia Airport Director Jesús Caballero.The idea of cultural artifacts and replicas of Bulgarian treasures welcoming arriving passengers was discussed. All representatives agreed that the focus should fall on cultural tourism in all its forms. The Minister commented that the development of cultural and spa tourism ensures year-round travel and interest in destinations. He also reported that he would be asking for more advertising funds in next year’s budget.  “From my many trips to the country, I have seen a steady trend - in the cities where cultural and historical tourism, adventure, wine and spa tourism are actively promoted and worked, the recovery is serious and the levels of visits significantly exceed those of 2019,” said Minister Ilin Dimitrov.Jesús Caballero and Frank Kwante assured that as airport operators they will be willing to take part in the promotion of destination Bulgaria and the establishment of unified messages, visuals and branding.
The Ministry of Tourism will advertise destination Bulgaria at the Snowboard World Cup in Bansko in 2023
The leading ski resort Bansko will host for the third time the FIS Snowboard World Cup and FIS Snowboard Alpine Junior World Championships, which returns to the country with races in the parallel disciplines on 21 and 22 January 2023. For the third time, the best snowboarders will compete under Todorka Peak, five seasons after Radoslav Yankov’s unforgettable victory in the Snowboard World Cup in front of a home crowd at Bansko Ski Centre in 2017 and four years after the last Snowboard World Cup organized by the Bulgarian Ski Federation. In the 2022/2023 season Bulgaria and Bansko will again host - not only the FIS Snowboard World Cup, but also the FIS Snowboard Alpine Junior World Championships (parallel disciplines).Given the significance of the upcoming sporting event, its importance and the opportunities it offers to promote our country not only as a sporting but also as a tourist destination, referring also to the extensive media coverage of this type of world competitions; the Ministry of Tourism will participate in the Snowboard World Cup with a number of promotional activities.“This is a top event in our winter calendar, it deserves our very serious, I would even say key support, as it will bring prestige and popularity to Bulgaria as a destination and works for brand Bulgaria,” is convinced the Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov.Expectations are that the grandstand of the final, located on the Banderishka meadow, against the backdrop of the picturesque scenery of Pirin, will be filled to the brim because of the participation of the star Radoslav Yankov and the young talents in snowboarding, headed by the bronze winner in the parallel slalom at the World Junior Championships in Valmalenko, Italy - Tervel Zamfirov.In the period since the first World Cup in Bansko in 2009, our country has gained significant experience in the organization and hosting of 8 World Cups in alpine skiing, 2 World Cups in snowboarding, as well as the Youth World Ski Championships in 2021 and that is why FIS once again trusted the Bulgarian Ski Federation to hold starts in the parallel disciplines in snowboarding.The 2009-2021 World Cups held in the Bansko Winter Centre were watched by a cumulative worldwide television audience of over 700 million viewers, undoubtedly the biggest advertisement of Bulgaria’s opportunities for winter sport and tourism. More than 10,000 spectators are expected in Bansko again for the Snowboard World Cup starts to support Radoslav Yankov and the other elite competitors in the parallel disciplines.According to the Nielsen report, the Snowboard World Cup in the 21/22 season had a 93% increase in cumulative audience, a 97% increase in broadcast time compared to the 20/21 season and extremely strong TV and media coverage of the Bansko starts is expected.Among the promotional activities planned by the Ministry of Tourism are combined top advertising positions on the starting gate and finishing gate constructions, award and interview areas, which will enable the presence of destination Bulgaria on both race days.A very extensive additional advertising presence in all areas and venues associated with the event is also planned, as well as all promotional material for the event, including programmes, posters, brochures, leaflets, website, event social channels etc. A major PR campaign will also be carried out between December ’22 and January ’23, including major electronic media, outdoor advertising, etc. In the upcoming winter season, Bansko will also host another Alpine Ski World Cup start at the end of February in 2023. The great honour for our popular winter resort at home and abroad is no surprise after the perfectly held races on the slopes above Banderishka Meadow in recent years.
“Rethinking tourism”: Celebrating the 42nd World Tourism Day – 27 September
Address by the Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov, PhD  DEAR COLLEAGUES AND PARTNERS,DEAR MADAMS AND SIRS,DEAR GUESTS WHO HAVE CHOSEN DESTINATION BULGARIA,I congratulate you on the special occasion for all of us dedicated to the cause, World Tourism Day - September 27, which we celebrate for the 42nd time under the auspices of the UN World Tourism Organization!After almost two years of difficulties, today we find ourselves in a time of change, of rise and of rethinking - rethinking values, rethinking how to approach the realization of modern tourism in a digital age and the creation of a successful tourism product that will bring us back to normality.“Rethinking tourism” - this year, the UN World Tourism Organization has not accidentally set this leitmotif as a key and coded message to understand the processes taking place at the global level.I would like to wish all of you who have dedicated your lives to the cause of tourism development, fortitude, creativity and a lot of courage to overcome difficulties and realize your goals and plans.I can assure you that we, for our part, as a ministry and a caretaker cabinet, are doing our utmost to help the sector, to prepare the necessary legal frameworks and to implement the crisis policies that do not tolerate delay and require decisive measures. We are helping, despite the extraordinary events that the year 2022 has brought us, to take modern tourism to a new level and to establish brand Bulgaria as a synonym of beauty, security, diversity of the tourist product and a unique experience throughout the year.There is something else that will give us the key to success. When we talk about brand Bulgaria, rethinking tourism, we should also rethink our behaviour towards it; rethink our attitude towards everything that surrounds us. Because if we ourselves do not become the biggest advocates and defenders of our own product and work, we will not succeed and we will not be able to convince others that Bulgaria is a destination worth choosing. I am convinced that the only way to succeed in the long term is to work with heart and commitment, and for the state and business to be partners in this endeavour.In rethinking tourism, let us also not forget that it is first and foremost an entertainment industry, where good cheer and good news, hospitality, positivity and a smile are of the highest value.Beyond the numbers, data and analysis, following the motto “Rethinking Tourism”, there is much, much more to do... to live in the digital age and to do what is necessary to promote Bulgaria as a global destination with culture and natural riches that can only make us proud. A country that can claim to be one of the cradles of civilisation, with the world’s oldest worked gold having an anniversary this year. A country that has the oldest history in Europe and has given birth to one of the world’s languages. A destination that can offer abundant riches - second in the number of mineral springs, with the hottest geyser in Europe and many ambitions to develop this segment in the context of wellness and health tourism, and third in cultural and historical sites on the old continent after Italy and Greece. An intersection of majestic mountains, a sea with golden sandy beaches and an almost magical healing climate. A land where you can adventure, actively rest, play sports or be a bohemian who enjoys delicious culinary delights, wine tourism, rich festival and city life, be a modern digital nomad or go back in time and immerse yourself in history.I wish you ambition and courage to realize the most desirable for yourself, and all of us together to turn our beautiful homeland into a better place to live, a dream destination for tourism and rest for more and more tempted tourists and travellers!Stay healthy!Happy celebration! ILIN DIMITROV, PhDMinister of Tourism
Minister Ilin Dimitrov held a working meeting with H. E. Željko Jović, Ambassador of Serbia to Bulgaria
Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov met with H. E. Željko Jović, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Bulgaria.Minister Dimitrov extended an official invitation to Serbian Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić to visit Bulgaria to participate in a conference on digital transformation in tourism. The forum is scheduled to take place at the end of October. The invitation, extended through Ambassador Jović, is a continuation of the conversation that the Bulgarian minister had with his Serbian counterpart in the framework of the Sixth Global Wine Tourism Conference of the UN World Tourism Organization in Alba, Italy. “Bulgaria and Serbia have traditionally good relations; our western neighbour is part of our top 10 tourist markets. The Serbs love our winter resorts, but it is important to work to promote Bulgarian summer tourism,” Minister Dimitrov said. “Serbs really like Bulgarian resorts and know that Bulgaria offers an extremely attractive product in terms of price and quality. I hope more of my compatriots will explore the holiday opportunities,” underscored H. E. Željko Jović. He noted that it was important to keep close contact between the two nations. “Bulgaria has never been better advertised in our country. My advice is to invite journalists and bloggers to see how easy it is to get to the sea from Serbia”, said H. E. Željko Jović.     The meeting discussed the possibility of exchanging experiences and working together to promote the two destinations and joint initiatives between the countries in the context of the region.
The Ministry of Tourism held a number of bilateral meetings in the framework of the Sixth UNWTO Global Wine Tourism Conference in Alba, Italy
Minister of Tourism, Ilin Dimitrov, PhD, held a number of bilateral meetings in the framework of the Sixth Global Wine Tourism Conference of the UN World Tourism Organization in Alba, Italy.Minister Dimitrov held a meeting with the host - the Minister of Tourism of the Italian Republic Massimo Caravaglia. The importance of the tourism industry for the economies of both countries was discussed. Italy is Bulgaria’s third most important trading partner in the EU and an important destination for inbound tourism, Dimitrov said. He informed his colleague that more than 250,000 Italians had visited Bulgaria before the pandemic, and for the first half of 2022 their number is close to 60,000. Minister Dimitrov highlighted the opportunity for both sides to work on strengthening the human resources of the sector.Students, employees in tourism, academics are among the best ambassadors of the sector, Minister Dimitrov pointed out. The capacity of programmes such as Erasmus Plus should be used in this aspect of university cooperation and student exchange, he declared. A willingness was expressed to set up working groups and share experiences between the two countries.The Minister underlined the fact that after Italy and Greece, Bulgaria is the third country in Europe in the number of cultural and archaeological artifacts and can use the rich experience of the hosts in the cooperation between the two countries for the development of cultural tourism in Bulgaria. He expressed the readiness of the team of the Ministry of Tourism to work with their colleagues from Italy on joint projects and initiatives within the formats such as EC, WTO, OECD, etc.For his part, Minister Caravaglia pointed out that it is important for the two countries to jointly promote each other in distant destinations such as the USA, Japan, South Korea, Australia, etc., as we represent Europe to them. He expressed the readiness of the representatives of private and public institutions in the sector, such as the Italian National Tourist Board, to cooperate with their Bulgarian counterparts. At the meeting, Minister Caravaglia asked for Bulgaria’s support for Italy’s bid to host Expo 2030.During the forum, Minister Dimitrov discussed the opportunities for more active cooperation in tourism with his Serbian counterpart Tatjana Matić, focusing on cross-border cooperation. They expressed satisfaction with the excellent interaction between Sofia and Belgrade. Previously, the Bulgarian Deputy Minister prof. Mariela Modeva, who is part of the conference delegation, held an official meeting with the Serbian Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić.Prof. Modeva pointed out that it is important for both countries to continue working under the motto “The Balkans - a safe destination for tourism” and stressed that Serbia has traditionally been in the top ten of the top tourism markets for Bulgaria. Both sides expressed their readiness to work on joint cross-border projects in the field of tourism. Prof. Modeva invited Minister Matić and a delegation from Serbia to participate in the 68th meeting of the Regional Commission Europe of the WTO, which will be held in Bulgaria next year. The good cooperation and the importance of the joint platforms of interaction between the countries, such as the WTO, the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organisation, the EU Danube Strategy, etc. were underlined.Mutual participation in exhibitions, fairs and other similar events was mentioned as a fruitful field of interaction. The Serbian side invited Bulgaria to join common wine routes between Albania, Serbia, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Romania, thus enabling the development of various joint cross-border projects. It is important for Serbia to have good relations with its neighbours, Matić stressed and said: “Our relations are traditionally good, we have many common interests in tourism with Bulgaria.”Another key meeting was that of Minister Dimitrov with the representatives of Greece and Deputy Minister Sofia Zacharaki.He congratulated her on the remarkable recovery of our southern neighbour’s tourism industry after the COVID pandemic. We are extremely pleased to register more than three times more Greek tourists in Bulgaria in 2022 compared to last year, Minister Dimitrov said. He stressed that “Bulgaria and Greece are not real competitors as our tourism products are very different and specific to each country. There is a lot we could learn from each other”, Minister Dimitrov underscored. He further added that we could start thinking about a common Balkan product, common advertising and promotion of our common Balkan destination. “We need to act as a united front”, Sofia Zacharaki also said. She shared successful practices in the post-COVID recovery of the local industry in the sector, such as those related to advertising, the role of business and government and the structuring of activities in relation to it, the use of tourism vouchers, etc.Zacharaki said that Greece is preparing major infrastructure projects to improve traffic across our common border. They exchanged information with the Bulgarian minister, discussing the potential of new forms of tourism and cooperation, such as pilgrimage and religious tourism, which is seriously developing in our southern neighbour, or gastronomy and travel in this regard. The two stressed that cultural tourism is very important for both countries and Sofia has a serious potential to be part of the gourmet map, attracting guests for short city trips. Sofia Zacharaki shared the good impressions of many of her compatriots who were pleasantly surprised by the rapid progress and positive changes they have noticed in the Bulgarian capital.In the informal atmosphere of the forum, Minister Dimitrov also held meetings with his counterparts responsible for tourism in Portugal, Georgia and San Marino, as well as with the Minister of Culture of Moldova. Some of them responded to Minister Dimitrov’s invitation to visit Bulgaria for the planned conference on digitalization in tourism at the end of October.Minister Ilin Dimitrov is in Alba at the invitation of UNWTO Secretary General Zurab Pololikashvili. “We have a great dialogue with him and have discussed setting up a training centre with the UNWTO ACADEMY brand. We need to improve the quality of our service and this is part of the way”, said Minister Dimitrov, who spoke informally with him.In connection with the theme of the Sixth Global Wine Tourism Conference in Alba, Minister Ilin Dimitrov gave a special interview to Italian television. According to him, Bulgaria has ancient traditions in the production of wine, but for many it remains a surprise and that is why there is still a lot of work to be done to promote this type of tourism in Bulgaria so that our country takes its rightful place.
A delegation of the Ministry of Tourism and Minister Ilin Dimitrov participated in the Sixth UNWTO Global Conference on Wine Tourism in Alba, Italy
A delegation of the Ministry of Tourism, led by Minister Ilin Dimitrov, participated in the Sixth Global Wine Tourism Conference of the UN World Tourism Organization in Alba, Italy. Minister Dimitrov took part in the central discussion - “Future of Wine Tourism”, where he expressed Bulgaria’s readiness to host one of the next wine conferences of the World Tourism Organization.During the discussion within the forum, he presented his vision for the development of wine tourism in Bulgaria to the delegates of the forum and high-ranking political figures from established wine destinations such as Italy, Portugal, Georgia, San Marino, Moldova and Greece, with whom they were together on stage. Minister Dimitrov expressed the readiness of our country to present the best practices and products of our wine tourism and to show its great potential in this niche. Bulgaria attaches great importance to this event, which is a prime opportunity to present our tourism opportunities at the highest level within Europe.“Bulgaria is in a unique position,” said Minister Dimitrov - “each of the countries represented in the panel has its own merits, but we combine almost all of them - we have the sea, beautiful mountains, good wine and many other wonderful things nearby that could attract many tourists and are a good reason to come and visit us,” the minister stressed. The fact that many do not know the advantages and prerequisites for the development of good wine tourism in Bulgaria is just a great opportunity to surprise you, said Minister Dimitrov.During the talks, the main focus was on the fact that the development of wine tourism brings added value and contributes to the sustainable development of regions and communities, impacting all processes and elements of the chain. It is also a form of social communication. The main accents and messages in all discussions within the forum were precisely on sustainable development in tourism, the introduction of innovation and digitalization, as well as the interconnectivity of wine tourism and other hospitality-related industries.Wine tourism and the consumption of the drink is part of the culture and all the rituals - it was commented that for the Italians wine is part of communication, for the Spaniards - part of the food culture, for the Greeks it is a symbol and part of the ritual.Nevertheless, everyone agreed that it is part of the experience during a tourist trip, and when making wine, one of the most important things is the story behind it.The main day of the Sixth Global Wine Tourism Conference ended with wine tastings and a trip on an old steam locomotive train to one of the famous wine locations located in the hills with vineyards around Alba.The conference venue is one of Italy’s landmark venues, popular for its geographical association with the production of specific varieties of local wine and the extraction of truffles, which have become part of the local gastronomic tradition and a symbol of the Alba region.
Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva participates in a meeting of the Board of Directors of the European Travel Commission
Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva participates in the 105th meeting of the Board of Directors of the European Travel Commission (ETC) The event took place in Rome, Italy. As part of the Board of Directors, with a mandate until the end of 2023, Bulgaria will take part in solving important subject matters, issues and problems for the industry, accepting new members, approving the action program and the budget.The main topic of discussion during the meeting was the recovery of the tourism sector in Europe, with the motto “Results Summer 2022”. Each country shared the positive results of the season. Deputy Minister Georgieva pointed out that the efforts of the Ministry of Tourism are aimed at exploiting all opportunities for the recovery of Bulgarian tourism, as it is in constant contact with all stakeholders to achieve cooperation between institutions and business.The deputy minister also shared the latest data for our country, which shows that by the end of the summer season Bulgaria will have reached 80% of the 2019 results. The leading markets are Romania, Poland, Germany, Czech Republic, UK, Israel, etc.Despite the optimistic prospects for tourism recovery, the ongoing challenges facing Europe’s tourism sector, including global inflation and the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian military conflict, cannot be ignored.Deputy Minister Georgieva stressed that peace is a fundamental prerequisite for the development of tourism. The unprovoked aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and the ongoing military actions have an extremely negative impact on the tourism sector in Bulgaria.Bulgaria is adapting to the international environment and the new trends, and the efforts of the Bulgarian tourism business are focused on every tourist, Georgieva said.ETC’s strategy for the development of tourism in Europe until 2030 was discussed. An important emphasis was placed on the work of the organisation to raise the image of the tourism sector and its professions.
New MoT unit makes it easier for businesses to apply for Recovery Plan programmes
A unit has been launched in the Ministry of Tourism to deal with opportunities for tourism sector businesses to apply for Recovery and Resilience Plan programmes. For ease, clarity and accessibility, a brochure has been prepared that will introduce hoteliers and all tourism enterprises to the opportunities to participate more actively in the absorption of EU funds under this unique support mechanism. With the help of the new unit and information materials, businesses will be helped to integrate into European programmes and frameworks, correctly identifying opportunities for support under the Recovery and Resilience Plan.  The aim is to make the position of the Ministry of Tourism clearer and more visible on this important topic. (function() { var scribd = document.createElement("script"); scribd.type = "text/javascript"; scribd.async = true; scribd.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(scribd, s); })();
Minister Ilin Dimitrov held a working meeting with H. E. Baia Bensmail, Ambassador of Algeria to Bulgaria
Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov met with H. E Baia Bensmail, Ambassador of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria to Bulgaria“Bulgaria and Algeria have very good relations. This year we celebrate 60 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries. According to the latest data, trade between us has increased by more than 55% on an annual basis, which shows that the two countries maintain increasingly active relations with each other.” Minister Dimitrov stated.He noted the priority areas of cooperation in cultural, historical, balneo and SPA tourism and outlined the main parameters of joint work. Minister Dimitrov underscored that Bulgaria is second in number of mineral springs after Iceland in Europe and offers a high-quality combined tourism product.“The Algerians are looking for new destinations to explore and there is a great interest in Bulgaria in particular,” expressed H. E. Baia Bensmail. She noted that Algeria has great potential in the tourism sector. The country has more than 280 mineral springs, 1,600 kilometres of sea, historical sites under the auspices of UNESCO and many other interesting tourist sites. Bulgaria and Algeria have signed an agreement in the field of tourism, which is a prerequisite for both countries to work harder on its implementation. The ambassador invited the ministry’s representatives as well as Bulgarian tour operators and business representatives to attend the 21st edition of the tourism exhibition “International Tourism and Travel Show”, which will be held in Algeria in a month’s time.The meeting discussed the possibility of exchanging experiences and working together in the field of promoting the two destinations and the common initiatives between the countries related to the development of cultural and historical, balneo and SPA tourism.
For the first time the working group for the creation of a single branch organisation in tourism held a meeting
The first meeting of the working group between experts of the Ministry of Tourism and representatives of the tourism business was held for the elaboration of a law for a unified branch organisation. Deputy Minister of Tourism Prof. Mariela Modeva, who chaired the meeting, emphasized on conducting a constructive dialogue in the work for the creation of a nationally representative organisation to consolidate the industry. On behalf of Minister Ilin Dimitrov Prof. Modeva underscored that the goal is to make the unification happen without the Ministry of Tourism carrying out imperative actions or administrative coercion towards the participants in the working group.“Over the years, attempts have been made to create a single industry organisation and the partnership of the sector has always been sought. The idea is to create preconditions for a normative act to be submitted to the future National Assembly,” the deputy minister said.The concept of creating a single industry organisation involves collaboration with business and with higher education centres. “There are already models developed on the basis of projects, best practices abroad have been studied, which can be built upon and the best option for Bulgarian tourism can be found,” underscored Prof. Modeva. It was agreed that the Ministry of Tourism should provide the participants with a vision for a model for a single sectoral organisation in the short term, which should then be discussed by sector and proposals made. According to the participants, the model of unification sought should be based on the directions in the industry.The working group with the participation of representatives of the sector was formed to implement short-term policies set out in the programme of Minister Ilin Dimitrov in the mandate of the caretaker government. By the end of September, a law for a unified branch organisation should be drafted, which should be submitted before the National Assembly convenes and support should be sought from the political parties.
Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov held a working meeting with the General Manager of the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce Mitko Vasilev
The Minister of Tourism Dr. Ilin Dimitrov held a working meeting with the General Manager of the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce Dr. Mitko Vasilev. It was in continuation of the policies led by the Ministry of Tourism and the good contacts established with Germany. The two discussed the Chamber’s cooperation so far with representatives of government institutions, as well as future joint initiatives.Minister Dimitrov and Mitko Vasilev, who is also the representative of Bayern in Bulgaria, analyzed the visit to Berlin in May of a Bulgarian delegation, which included Dr. Ilin Dimitrov as chairperson of the Parliamentary Standing Tourism Committee. At the meeting, the two discussed follow-up activities and initiatives, such as the invitation extended in the spring to representatives of the German Bundestag to visit Bulgaria and specifically to the Chairperson of the German Tourism Committee Jana Schimke for the autumn, as well as visits of German tour operators and representatives of tourism organisations in Bulgaria.Another important emphasis was placed on national advertising and the promotion of our country as a desirable destination. The German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce sent an official letter to the Minister of Tourism with specific proposals for promoting Bulgaria on the German market, mainly in the field of health tourism and joint work with German health insurance funds.Mitko Vasilev highly appreciated the active cooperation of the brick-and-mortar business - with the Bulgarian Tourist Attaché in Berlin and stated his intention to continue this.At the meeting it became clear that an invitation has been extended to the German Association of Tour Operators DRV to organize a tourism forum in Bulgaria next year 2023 with a broad participation of the business.Minister Ilin Dimitrov and the General Manager of the Chamber Dr. Mitko Vasilev expressed their readiness to continue the active dialogue and promised positive news in a very short time.
Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov held a meeting to promote the Blue Flag initiative
Tourism Minister Ilin Dimitrov held a working meeting with the Chairperson of the Board of the Bulgarian Blue Flag Movement Stanimir Georgiev to promote the initiative and increase the number of beaches with guaranteed cleanliness and impeccable conditions for tourism. 18 Bulgarian beaches and one marina bear the prestigious label.“This is a long-term action that we can initiate right now and start with small steps, despite the limited horizon of the caretaker cabinet. Our goal is to double the number of Bulgarian beaches with the blue flag, as this will raise the prestige of the Bulgarian tourism product and ensure the safety and health of beachgoers,” Minister Dimitrov underscored.The representative of the international organisation for Bulgaria, Stanimir Georgiev, defined the doubling of this number as a fully achievable goal.The cleanness, safety and mainly the quality of the water is the most important condition for the application and is proven by tests of accredited private laboratories or Regional Health Inspectorates on the Black Sea coast.The Blue Flag Award is the most established eco-label and standard in tourism with a 35-year history, honouring the world’s top 5042 beaches, marinas and tourist vessels, including those of the prominent Bulgarian resorts. Thanks to the Bulgarian Blue Flag Movement, blue flags have been flying on Bulgarian beaches since 1995, the first of which was given to Sunny Beach after a serious two-year study. The label is considered proof of the commitment of concessionaires and beach managers to offer an excellent tourist service through quality, successful and reliable management in balance with a wise and environmentally friendly use of natural resources.Stanimir Georgiev said that in recent years, due to increased competition, more blue flags are flying on beaches along the southern Black Sea coast. Minister Dimitrov stressed the need for more beaches on the northern coast to receive this guarantee of cleanliness and quality.As a full member and representative for Bulgaria of the international Foundation for Environmental Education /FEE/ - the world’s largest environmental organisation with members from over 75 countries, the Bulgarian movement “Blue Flag” also promotes the less known program “Green Key”.“Green Key” is an eco-label for hotels, tourist and leisure facilities such as campsites, restaurants, attractions and other environmentally managed venues that use only sustainable methods and technologies to operate. The aim is to make the hotel service offering an environmentally friendly and responsible business that strives to reduce the use of resources, water and energy, as well as the use of local products, resulting in a significant cost savings.“The effect for the hotels is impressive, because in the end, they find that all their costs have gone down. Miracles are achieved at the cost of introducing a few small changes and measures,” Stanimir Georgiev pointed out.He said that currently one hotel in Bulgaria is in the process of Green Key certification, but 11 are participating in a pilot project, and another 46 accommodations are likely to appear on the map very soon, as the largest English tour operator requires the hotels it works with (4,600 worldwide, including 46 in Bulgaria) to pass a Green Key audit.There is a direct link between the level of tourism development and interest in an area or a country and the number of Blue Flags awarded. This is exemplified by the champions in the ranking – Spain /729/, Greece /602/, Turkey /572/, France /536/, Italy /509/, Portugal /431/, which have the most flags and enjoy an enviable attendance.In 2022, among the best beaches and marinas in the world, the Bulgarian beaches of White Lagoon, Albena, Kranevo - North, Golden Sands, Sunny Day, Obzor - Central, Sveti Vlas - New beach are also worthy of the award, Sunny Beach - North, Sunny Beach - Central, Sunny Beach - South, Nessebar - South, Pomorie - East, Chernomorets Camp, Sozopol - Central, Sozopol - Harmanite, Dunes, Dunes - South and Arkutino and the only awarded marina in Bulgaria – Marina Dinevi.As every year, the nominations for the grand prize “Blue Flag” for clean and safe beaches, marinas and tourist vessels were reviewed first by the national jury of the Bulgarian movement in February, and then by the International Jury in Copenhagen, Denmark, where the organisation’s headquarters is.
The Minister of Tourism awarded a plaquette and a diploma to Apollonia Foundation for its overall contribution to the development of the cultural tourism
Tourism Minister Ilin Dimitrov participated in the official opening of the 38th edition of the Apollonia Arts Festival in Sozopol, which was launched with a festive ceremony on Sunday evening, August 28. In his speech, he emphasized that every year Apollonia adds a unique charm to the passing summer and turns Sozopol into a cultural seaside capital for ten days.“Sozopol, Apollonia Amphitheatre”, Archaeological Museum, Otets Paisii Community Cultural Centre, Art Gallery, Summer Cinema… even as we list the locations where the events will take place in the coming days, we realize that we are talking not only about contemporary art, but also about the rich layers of time, saturated with centuries of history and culture.He further added that if we look back at the last decades, it is not by chance, but to a large extent thanks to the Apollonia art festivals, Sozopol has been a favourite place for generations of musicians, poets and writers, artists, bohemians and guests from all over Bulgaria and different parts of the world.According to him, all this happens in the unique atmosphere of the architectural and archaeological reserve, around which the sea stretches with friendly sandy beaches and picturesque rocky shores, in “Ancient Sozopol” – one of the oldest Bulgarian towns, heir of the Greek colony of Apollonia.Minister Dimitrov expressed his gratitude to the hosts and the organizers of the festival days for the good example in the development of the sustainable tourism. On behalf of the Ministry of Tourism, the Minister presented a plaquette and a diploma to the organizers of the cultural celebrations – Apollonia Foundation, for their overall contribution to the development of cultural tourism, preservation of traditions and commitment to the initiative to position and promote Brand Bulgaria.The 38th edition of the Apollonia cultural festivities was opened in the Amphitheatre in Sozopol with a concert of the children’s brass band at the Emilian Stanev Secondary School, Veliko Tarnovo. The opening ceremony was attended by the Minister of Culture prof. Velislav Minekov, the Mayor of Sozopol Todor Yanakiev and the Executive Director of Apollonia Foundation, Margarita Dimitrova.Apollonia Arts Festival is the largest, longest-standing art festival in Bulgaria. Its organizer is Apollonia Foundation, established in 1991. The first edition of the festival was held in 1984. Every year the stages of Apollonia in Sozopol attract hundreds of artists and thousands of art lovers from Bulgaria and the world.Before the official opening, Minister Dimitrov held a working meeting with the Mayor of Sozopol, Tihomir Yanakiev, with whom they discussed current issues related to the development of tourism in the town and the region.
Bulgaria and the United Arab Emirates will cooperate in the field of tourism
For the first time a legal framework for cooperation in the field of tourism will be established between Bulgaria and the United Arab Emirates. This is provided for in the draft Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Economy of the United Arab Emirates approved by the Government.The document reflects the readiness of the two countries to create the most favourable conditions for a mutually beneficial partnership in the sector. They will promote investment in it and participate in international tourism and investment fairs organised on their territory. The Memorandum also focuses on stimulating initiatives for the promotion of cultural and historical monuments for the bilateral development of cultural tourism.Bulgaria and the UAE will also exchange information and experience in the administration of hotels and resorts, in the organisation of training programs and techniques for training personnel in tourism, in the collection of tourism data and statistics, in the licensing of tourist facilities, as well as in the development of health tourism.The two countries will also deepen their cooperation in the framework of international forums and international formations such as the UN World Tourism Organisation, etc.
Interdepartmental group will work to promote Bulgarian tourism, culture and food
A joint working group between the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Agriculture will discuss opportunities for promoting Bulgarian tourism, culture and agriculture in our country and abroad. This became clear at a meeting between the ministers Dr. Ilin Dimitrov, Prof. Veislav Minekov and Yavor Gechev.Minister Dimitrov highlighted as a priority the need for full coordination between the institutions to promote Brand Bulgaria. “I am convinced that tourism, agriculture and culture should go hand in hand. We are launching a good cooperation with a roadmap for work over the next few months,” Minister Dimitrov said.Participants in the meeting agreed to urgently set up an interdepartmental group with the participation of the three ministries, which will meet on a permanent basis. Part of her work will be to unify the protocol gifts of all ministries and institutions to promote our cultural heritage.The working group will look at joint organisation of festivals and events related to culture, food and wine.To support the digitization of tourism, an interactive map will be developed to combine all types of tourism, local food markets where every visitor can navigate. The unified tourism map will be part of the next improvement of the national tourism portal The three ministers agreed that the project will be joint.The meeting was hosted by the Minister of Tourism, the next conversation between the three ministers will be at the Ministry of Culture.
A Ministry of Tourism working group will help unite the tourism sector
A joint working group between experts of the Ministry of Tourism and the tourism business will develop a legal framework to regulate the unification of associations in the tourism sector and the creation of a single industry organization.In implementation of the priorities set out in the programme of the Ministry of Tourism and on the basis of the Tourism Act, we announce the start of enrolment of members of the working group.The criterion that should met by the associations applying for participation in the working group is the presence of 50 or more members of the association at the time of enrolment in the working group or registration in the National Tourism Register for a period longer than 5 years.Associations wishing to participate in the work of the Working Group should nominate a representative and an alternate member by 5:30 p.m. on Friday, August 26, 2022, at
Minister Dimitrov discussed with Deputy Prime Minister Atanas Pekanov and Minister of Innovation Alexander Pulev the possibilities of applying for the Tourism Sector Recovery Plan
Deputy Prime Minister for EU Funds Management Atanas Pekanov, Caretaker Minister of Tourism Dr. Ilin Dimitrov and Minister of Innovation and Growth Alexander Pulev held a working meeting on funding opportunities for the tourism industry under the Recovery and Sustainability Plan and European programmes.At the suggestion of the Minister of Tourism, it was agreed that experts from the Council of Ministers and the line ministries should join efforts and in a short period prepare explanatory information on the opportunities and deadlines for funding under the Recovery and Sustainability Plan and the European and operational programmes. Each of the ministries will issue its own statement.To facilitate the tourism sector, the Ministry of Tourism will distribute an information brochure with the latest information for hoteliers on the active programmes they can apply for.“Currently there is a perception that the tourism sector is excluded from the Recovery and Sustainability Plan as well as from European programmes. We will provide explanatory information to reach the business community. This is one of my tasks in the next two months”, Minister Dimitrov said.During the meeting, special emphasis was put on the upcoming application of the tourism business until the end of the year under the measures for energy renovation of non-residential buildings. Eligible beneficiaries cover micro/small, medium and large enterprises at a maximum of 50% grant intensity. The planned resource is BGN 617.7 million from the Recovery and Sustainability Facility alone, excluding additional national and private co-financing.
Over 260 sea beach inspections have been carried out
Since the start of the 2022 summer season, the number of on-site inspections of beaches carried out by the Ministry of Tourism teams is 261, with no serious problems identified. So far, 81 warnings have been sent to tenants and concessionaires in connection with the violations found. 16 penalties have been imposed for repeated breaches of contractual obligations.Since the beginning of the summer season, 5 administrative offence acts have been issued under the Black Sea Coast Planning Act.As of 15 August 2022, the number of protected sea beaches with concession and lease agreements for the 2022 summer season is 137. Of these, 88 have been awarded a concession and 49 have been leased.There are 94 unprotected sea beaches, 3 are beaches for nature tourism.The Directorate for Control and Inspection Activity continuously carries out comprehensive control over the fulfillment of the obligations of the concessionaires and tenants under the current concession and lease agreements for the sea beaches. Control shall also be exercised over the unprotected sea beaches referred to in Article 7, paragraph 7 of the Black Sea Coast Planning Act, as well as on marine beaches for nature tourism or their adjacent water area.  Both planned and unannounced inspections are carried out, initiated following publications in the media or alerts.  The schedule of planned on-site inspections for 2022 has been approved by the Minister of Tourism. There are two planned at each beach, and unscheduled ones are regularly carried out. To date, some beaches have been inspected more than twice. In addition to the implementation of the schedule approved by the Minister, control inspections are being carried out to remedy the infringements already identified.Additional information:The Ministry’s teams ensure the provision of mandatory activities, including water rescue and securing of the adjacent water area, health and medical care and sanitary maintenance.The Statement of Inspections must include the presence of signage, compliance with the obligations to ensure unrestricted and free access to the beach, the area provided for free placement, which should not be less than 50% of the active beach area, as well as the areas for paid accessories.Compliance with the requirement that relocatable sites and facilities (for health, medical and sanitary services, for water rescue and sports and recreational activities, for fast food and for the maintenance of the sea beach) should not occupy a total area of more than 2% of the sea beach, as well as the non-admission of relocatable sites and facilities beyond those agreed in the scheme.Other general obligations, such as ensuring access for people with disabilities, preventing illegal construction, and protecting natural landmarks, must also be reflected in the Statement of Inspections.In the event of irregularities, depending on the contractual provisions, letters shall be sent with a time limit for rectifying the irregularities, invitations for voluntary performance, penalties shall be imposed and, if necessary, the competent authorities shall be informed.
Information for summer season 2022
For the period 1 June - 25 July 2022, the total number of tourist registrations in accommodation facilities exceeds 1.8 million.The domestic market is leading with over 990 thousand registrations of Bulgarians in accommodation facilities, followed by Romania - over 260 thousand, Poland - over 98 thousand, Germany - over 70 thousand, Czech Republic - over 56 thousand, UK - over 50 thousand, Israel - over 33 thousand, Moldova - over 29 thousand.The Ministry of Tourism expects the 2022 summer season to finish at just over 80% of the 2019 summer season results. The war in Ukraine and the rapid increase in COVID-19 cases, as well as the situation at airports in Europe with cancelled flights, have had an unprecedented impact and continue to have a negative effect on the travel and transport industry worldwide. Due to the combined impact of these negative factors, it is not entirely unlikely that overall tourism growth for the summer season will be below 10%. Despite these circumstances, growth from many major foreign markets is forecast to be double-digit. Markets such as the UK, Israel, Slovakia, Norway and others are expected to report strong growth compared to the 2021 summer season. For this summer season, better performance of scheduled flights at sea airports is expected for Poland with 38% growth, Czech Republic - 44% growth, Germany - 18% growth, Israel - 2 times growth and UK - almost 4 times growth of scheduled flights (according to data as of 27 July).The number of scheduled flights remains dynamic due to various factors.Data shows that the 2021 summer season was very strong for the domestic market. In summer 2022, the opportunities for Bulgarians to travel abroad are increasing, but many still choose to holiday in our country and the domestic market remains leading.
Priorities, objectives and work programme of the Ministry of Tourism during the 8th caretaker cabinet
The Ministry of Tourism, within the 8th caretaker government with Prime Minister Galab Donev, will be guided in its work by principles such as continuity, expertise and maximum transparency in its actions in support of the sector.The urgent goals and tasks, the solutions of which will be sought in the short term, are the following:1. The correct administration of the measure on humanitarian aid to asylum-seekers.The aim of the caretaker minister, Dr Ilin Dimitrov, is that every hotelier who has opened its accommodation base and has received asylum-seekers receives the correct amount of money.The Ministry of Tourism received several hundred complaints and some of the payments were delayed for various reasons. Minister Dimitrov’s intention is this case to find its solution as quickly as possible, and where there is a discrepancy in the data, the cases to be checked to establish the cause. In the first week of the inauguration of the caretaker minister, active work has been carried out in this direction and a proposal for a Decision of the Council of Ministers on the payment of the delayed funds is to be submitted. Currently, the Ministry of Tourism has received more than 500 complaints for tens of millions of leva.2. Solving the problem of delayed categorisation of tourist sites and companies.This is a serious problem, as negotiations for the next season are currently underway, contracts are being concluded and these documents are necessary for the normal functioning of the sites. There are currently over 780 delayed files and 180 items/sets of documents for assessment or a total of 960 applications.The aim is to reduce this number to the minimum possible.3. Undertaking measures for a successful run for the summer 2022 and winter 2022-2023 season under COVID-19 conditions.The work of an intergovernmental working group continues, on Tuesday morning a meeting was held between the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Health together with the tourism industry. In the active work with the institutions and the representatives of the sector, the right balance will be sought, not to hinder business, but not to endanger the population. If business closures are necessary, mandatory compensation will be sought.Actions planned for summer 2022:1. Ensuring the smooth running of the summer season. On Thursday and Friday Minister Dimitrov is scheduled to visit the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. He will hold meetings with the business community in Varna, Burgas and Dobrich, together with the mayors and regional governors to discuss current issues and the quality of the tourist service offered.2. Measures to improve the visibility of destination Bulgaria.Following an analysis of the ministry’s activities, a serious backlog was identified in the institution’s online advertising channels.- Smart digital advertising campaign.- The Minister is preparing roadtrips to nearby markets (Macedonia, Serbia, Romania, Turkey, Greece) as well as to the Middle East (Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland). The aim is to support and improve through high-level meetings the visibility of our country, to demonstrate readiness and willingness to welcome tourists to support the season.- Journalist tours are also planned, we expect representatives of DRV (Germany).- Reinforcing the work of the visa regimes group.Actions to be taken during the winter season:The key words are predictability and certainty.Optimising all processes in the supply chain.- green corridors for incoming tourists in the event of adverse pandemic developments;- facilitated passage through border checkpoints;- reciprocal agreement on the cancellation of green certificates with Romania and neighboring countries in the event of the development of the COVID-19 pandemic;- readiness of airports to welcome tourist flow;If necessary, the removal of green certificates will be agreed on a reciprocal basis. Bulgaria needs to send a very strong message that it is welcoming and safe, open to visitors and tourists.Short-term policies:- Formation of a working group with the participation of representatives of the sector to develop a law for a single branch organisation. The aim is to develop it before the convocation of the National Assembly and to seek support from the political parties;- Establish a working group to draft a law on the Guarantee Fund;- Drafting of an Amendment and Supplement Act to facilitate advertising on international digital platforms;- Preparation of an Act amending and supplementing the Tourism Act to adopt the Regulations on tourist signage in the mountains.
Ministry of Tourism prepares active marketing actions to restore the German market
Caretaker Minister of Tourism Dr. Ilin Dimitrov met with the Bulgarian Tourist Attaché in Germany Tihomir Patarinsky to discuss the current situation and the presentation of destination Bulgaria on the German market.The two commented on the undertaking of active marketing actions related to the organization of expedition and journalistic tours, with the help of which to strengthen the presence of Bulgaria in one of the leading markets for our country - the German market. An agreement in principle has been reached for a group of 40 representatives of the German Association of Tour Operators to visit Bulgaria together with expatriates and representatives of the most influential travel publication fvw in order to promote destination Bulgaria. In the autumn it is planned to invite journalists and influencers to participate in the coverage of events related to medical and spa tourism. They should present our country’s readiness to participate in health programs, cultural and historical tourism, as well as intensify activities to prepare for a successful summer season next year.
Caretaker Minister Dr Ilin Dimitrov took office
At an inauguration ceremony, caretaker minister Dr Ilin Dimitrov took over from outgoing minister Hristo Prodanov in the 100th government of the Republic of Bulgaria.“Today, I accept the position of caretaker Minister of Tourism with the job ahead in mind and with a clear understanding of the responsibilities and important tasks ahead, the challenges facing the tourism sector and the expectations with which our team is charged.” With these words Minister Dimitrov addressed his predecessor, extending his gratitude for the work done so far and for the good institutional cooperation with the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Tourism, which Ilin Dimitrov headed in the 47th National Assembly.In his opening remarks, the caretaker minister outlined some of the most urgent tasks ahead. In his words, everything possible should be done as a matter of urgency to speed up the accountability of the Humanitarian Assistance Programme for Displaced Persons from Ukraine. The other priority task is to solve the problems with the delayed categorization of tourist sites. We must also be ready to secure the work of the tourism sector in case of a strong wave of COVID-19 in the autumn, Minister Dimitrov stressed. There will be active work in preparation for the winter season and helping the industry to negotiate for summer 2023.The caretaker minister said he is planning concrete measures and actions on a number of topical issues and policies that will support and strengthen businesses in the tourism sector - such as active work and meetings with industry organisations, a smart digital advertising campaign, partnerships with international organisations and many other concrete steps.The outgoing Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov wished success to the caretaker minister and stressed that he leaves in good hands an orderly ministry.“I am very pleased to welcome Ilin Dimitrov, who until recently was the Chairman of the Tourism Committee. I believe that we will have continuity in our sector. The tourism industry knows him and accepts him well. I am happy to leave the ministry in safe hands,” the outgoing minister said.He handed Minister Ilin Dimitrov an icon of St. George with the wish to protect him and help him in the important mission he is undertaking.
Highlights of the activities of the Ministry of Tourism during the mandate of Minister Hristo Prodanov (December 2021 - July 2022)
In his work, Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov focused on reducing the consequences of the military actions in Ukraine, the negative effects of the pandemic, disrupted supply chains and the resulting inflation.The Ministry of Tourism with the administration of the Accommodation Task Force has assisted the Council of Ministers throughout the war crisis in Ukraine and the accommodation of displaced persons since 24.02.22 and the programme is ongoing and will continue until 30 September /to date, some 26,000 persons continue to be accommodated in our hotels/. Value of aid paid to hotels and accommodation - nearly BGN 150 million.As a result of the measures, in the first quarter of 2022 tourism reached a level of 82% compared to the pre-pandemic period.  The growth of Bulgarian and foreign tourists is about 48%, while the growth of foreign tourists alone is about 2.9 times.We have set policies to promote all types of tourism. Along with the traditional sub-sectors - sea and winter tourism, it is extremely important for us to use the potential of cultural tourism, spa tourism, wine and culinary tourism, health tourism, etc.
Minister Prodanov participated in a commemorative ceremony in Sarafovo
Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov visited Sarafovo Airport, where he participated in a commemorative ceremony in memory of the victims of the 18 July terrorist attack.It is the 10th anniversary of the Burgas attack. A commemorative ceremony, candle lighting, wreath, and flower laying were held to honour the memory of the victims.“Even today, 10 years later, I am shocked by this atrocity committed in a European country in the heart of one of our most beautiful cities. Such an act cannot be justified in any way”, Prodanov was adamant.According to him, all of Bulgaria will not forget and mourns the victims of this inhuman act, which forced us out of our normal way of life and tried to impose on us a life of fear and insecurity.“Terrorism and radicalism do not belong only to one religion and one region. We all have to fight them and the only way is to be more inclusive, more open to the world, more tolerant, not to betray the values for which we stand against terrorists,” Minister Prodanov further said.Deputy Minister Prof. Mariela Modeva also took part in the commemorative ceremony.
Minister Prodanov: The control on the beaches is more intensive and stricter
The COVID hysteria and the disinformation are obstacles for tourismThe control on the beaches is more intensive and stricter. The inspections are sudden and none of the concessioners and the people renting the beaches know when they will be inspected. Only for the first two weeks after the beginning of the active season, more acts for violations have been drawn up than the last summer. This was said by the Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov in the show called Questions on TV1.“The violations are most often related to the non-implementation of the concession contracts – larger area for the paid zone compared to the free-of-charge area, no warning signs, no lifeguards or medical teams. It is very important for us to have clean beaches, lifeguards and specified areas in accordance with the signed contracts”, said the Minister.The assigned inspections of the concessions of the beaches have shown that “for over 90% of the concession procedures, there are ongoing legal proceedings and the court has issued a verdict that everything is right”. Since the beginning of the mandate, the Government has not signed any concession contracts but only lease contracts.The officials dealing with the concessions at the ministry have been changed and we have reformed the structure because one and the same directorate used to conduct both the procedures and the inspections. We split the activity into two directorates in order to guarantee transparency”, added Minister Prodanov.There are signs indicating the recovery of tourism, people have started travelling more and more after the elimination of the restrictions, based on the statistics of the Ministry. “The season is currently better than the summer season of 2021”, said the Minister.In his opinion, we will have to learn to live with COVID and the hysteria related to this subject and the disinformation impede tourism: “I truly hope that the COVID pandemic will not be so severe. We are causing a damage to the business and we are also damaging people’s minds because they are tired of constantly being informed about the number of sick people and the number of hospital beds”.With reference to the reservations for the season, Minister Prodanov explained that the war in Ukraine has mostly reflected the northern Black Sea resorts owing to the lack of Ukrainian and Russian tourists. “The Ministry of Tourism is doing its best to compensate for the smaller number of tourists from Ukraine and Russia by redirecting the funds for advertising to other markets. This has had a beneficial effect and we expect a substantial increase in the number of tourists coming from Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic”, added the Minister. Bulgaria is advertised on all leading European markets and we have also participated in fairs and Bulgaria is advertised as a destination in 25 countries.Most of the institutional facilities have been vacated and the officials working in the institutions can spend their holidays in them. At present, about 25 000 Ukrainian citizens continue to reside at the places for accommodation, as 3 000 of them are still at the institutional facilities, said the Minister. Some of those seeking shelter because of the war in Ukraine have already found jobs and, according to Minister Prodanov, there are experienced specialists who have successfully socialized in Bulgaria.
The Ministry of Tourism and the business will popularize the vouchers for tourist services
Minister Hristo Prodanov had a working meeting with representatives of the tourist organizations and the Association of Food Voucher Operators. “Over the next few weeks, we will launch a campaign advertising the possibility to use the food vouchers for tourist services among the consumers and the employers. 1,2 billion levs is allocated for vouchers and even if one fourth of them is used by people for tourist services, it will be a serious support for this industry”, said Minister Prodanov.  Upon the update of the state budget for 2022, the food vouchers can be used for the payment of tourist services in accordance with the Tourism Act. “We need to be active in the promotions of vouchers because it is a good opportunity for stimulating the internal tourism. Out ambition is to show that vouchers can be useful for Bulgarian tourists and the business in order to include them in the next budget as well”, added Minister Prodanov. It also became clear at this meeting that there is a huge interest from hotel and restaurant managers and tourist service providers.The food vouchers can now be used to pay for services in accordance with the Tourism Act – accommodation, food and transport, health, SPA and wellness services as well as services related to trips, entertainment, sport and recreation, events and other activities of cultural and educational nature, congresses and business events and other services offered and used by tourists during their journey and stay.All the tourist service providers that have been registered to perform trading activities on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and have also been registered under the VAT act, can sign a service contract with an operator of food vouchers.The meeting was attended by the Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva and representatives of the Bulgarian Association of Balneological and SPA Tourism, the Guest Houses Association, the Bulgarian Association of Establishments, the Future for Tourism Association, the Alliance of Tourist Industry in Bulgaria, the Tourism Association, the Association of Bulgarian Tour Operators and Tour Agents, Rafael – Info, Culture and Tourism Association and the Association of Food Voucher Operators in Bulgaria.
Minister Prodanov had a meeting with Bulgarian Jews and their descendants
The Minister of Tourism will also try to organize routes of the memory which are related to our history and our friendship with Israel.The Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov had a meeting with 40 Bulgarian Jews and descendants of emigrants, who are currently visiting Bulgaria. Before I became a minister, I was a Deputy Chairperson of a group for establishing friendship with Israel in the Bulgarian Parliament. The emigrants from Bulgaria and their descendants are respected in Israel as hard-working, honest, responsive and generous people. I am very determined to extend the relations between us because our history has made our peoples very close”, said Minister Prodanov.He said that Israel is a very important and prospective partner of our country. We expect that all the efforts made will strengthen our good cooperation and will increase the number of tourists between the two countries, added Minister Prodanov.In 2022, we will mark the seventy-ninth anniversary of the rescue of the Bulgarian Jews. The Minister of Tourism will try to organize routes of the memory, which are related to our history and our friendship with Israel. This was said at the meeting by Deputy Minister Mariela Modeva.The former ambassador of Israel in Bulgaria David Cohen said that such routes will be useful for the Jews born in Bulgaria and their descendants who are so keen on their belonging to their home country.
Minister Prodanov held a meeting with Spanish investors in tourism
The Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov had a meeting with Spanish investors and consultants interested in investing on the Bulgarian market. Gonzalo Sivate from the Mediterranian Capital Partners Investment Fund and Alberto Lopez Rodo were deeply impressed by the opportunities for developing SPA and balneological tourism in Bulgaria which were presented by Minister Prodanov.They confirmed that this corresponds to their analyses, especially when taking into account the fact that SPA tourism is practised all the year round. Based on the presentation, it has become clear that the plan of the investors is to purchase several high-class hotels in Sofia and Plovdiv and also to develop a project for balneological tourism in combination with vines, wine and eco-tourism in the Rose Valley region.The Spanish investors will open an office in Sofia by the end of the year. The activity will be focused on the study of investment projects in tourism and also in the sphere of real estates in the two countries and the provision of legal and financial advice and consultations.Minister Prodanov emphasized that tourism is a leading industry for both Spain and Bulgaria. The foreign investors play an important part in compensating for the decline resulting from the coronavirus crisis.
The food vouchers will be valid for tourist services as well
The food vouchers will also be valid for tourism. This measure was adopted almost unanimously by the members of parliament when updating the budget. Thus, the people will be able to pay for the tourist services using food vouchers but only on the territory of Bulgaria.This measure is among the key initiatives of the Minister of Tourism and is aimed at encouraging internal tourism and increasing the revenue obtained from tourist activities. By using vouchers, we will be able to pay for all tourist services that are described in the Tourism Act.1,2 billion levs has been allocated in the budget for 2022. It is expected that about one fifth of this money will be used for tourist services. Over half a million officials receive food vouchers every month. The next step in the introduction of this measure will be the conclusion of contracts with the companies offering tourist services.
Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva participates in the 21st Annual Meeting of the Association of Bulgarian Tour Operators and Travel Agents
Opportunities to support the tourism sector were discussed by the Association of Bulgarian Tour Operators and Travel Agents (ABTTA) at its twenty-first annual meeting in Bansko. At the official opening, Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva summarized the problems and challenges in the sector and the measures being taken to address them.At the start of summer, the biggest challenge facing the sector remains the global crises - the military actions in Ukraine, the negative effects of the pandemic, disrupted supply chains and the resulting inflation. “The Ministry of Tourism has assisted the Council of Ministers throughout the war crisis in Ukraine and the accommodation of displaced persons. Currently, more than 27 000 displaced persons are accommodated in Bulgarian hotels and the value of the aid paid to the hotels and accommodation facilities is more than BGN 70 million,” the Deputy Minister said.The 35 euro per seat measure to stimulate inbound tourism has also been restored, with 25 million BGN earmarked in the budget for tour operators that use air carriers licensed for charter flights to Bulgaria for tourism purposes, Georgieva said. In recent months, financial aid worth BGN 60 million has been implemented under two schemes to support the tourism sector and BGN 6 million for tour operators to overcome the effects of COVID-19, the Deputy Minister said.As a result of these measures, tourism in the first quarter of this year has reached levels of 80 percent compared to the pre-pandemic period. The number of Bulgarian and foreign tourists grew by about 40 percent, and the growth of foreign tourists alone was about two and a half times compared to last year. The number of planned flights for the 2022 summer season is more than 8,500 for the airports in Varna and Burgas, which is also an increase compared to 2021, Deputy Minister Georgieva said. Tourists are expected from Romania, Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom and Israel, as well as other markets, she added.According to her, it is important to continue paying attention to the Bulgarian tourist. “As you know, our Black Sea resorts in the past two summer seasons were mostly full of our compatriots and we need to work together to keep them here - not only on the sea, but also to show them all the beauties and opportunities that Bulgaria offers,” the Deputy Minister said. At this stage the forecasts are that Bulgarians will make at least 2 million trips for the summer season with accommodation in Bulgaria, and probably more.
A delegation of the Ministry of Tourism participates in the presentation of the Roadmap for Bulgaria’s accession to the OECD
A delegation of the Ministry of Tourism participated in the presentation of the Roadmap for Bulgaria’s accession to the OECD, and the meeting took place in the wine and spa complex Starosel.The Ministry of Tourism was represented by Prof. Mariela Modeva. During the meeting, Deputy Minister Modeva held informal talks with representatives of the OECD mission, which is visiting Bulgaria, led by Mr. Ulrik Knudsen, Deputy Secretary General of the Organization.Our country’s membership in the OECD will provide an excellent opportunity to develop policies for inclusive growth in tourism, to share successful practices in the industry, to promote staff support in the sector. The OECD is an extremely important platform for the interaction of the most developed economies in the world.The Ministry of Tourism has a successful tradition of working with OECD bodies, in particular the Committee for Tourism. The adoption of the Roadmap for Bulgaria’s membership in the OECD will enhance our country’s status in the Committee, as this is another proof of the Ministry’s commitment to promoting the international expansion of the sector. This is a chance to attract more investment in tourism, within a competitive and dynamic business ecosystem. Adopting the highest standards of tourism policies will support Bulgaria’s ambition to be a leading tourist destination in the South-East Europe region.
Minister Prodanov: We are expecting around 6 million tourists this summer
In the upcoming summer season we expect between 5.5 million and 6 million tourists. Most visits will come from Poland, Hungary, Romania, Germany, the United Kingdom, Serbia, Czech Republic, Israel, etc. We expect no outflow of domestic tourists because many Bulgarians like the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. This is what the Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov said during a press conference in Golden Sands resort on the occasion of the official opening of the summer tourist season.“We want to send a clear message that Bulgaria offers excellent conditions for holidays and at the same time is a safe destination - our Black Sea is a safe and calm zone and we have a long tradition of quality and hospitality in tourism,” Minister Prodanov said and added that he is optimistic about the upcoming summer season despite the crises in recent years.He said that the promotion of all types of tourism must be a very high priority. Along with the traditional sea and winter tourism, it is extremely important for us to use the potential of cultural tourism, spa tourism, wine and culinary tourism, health tourism.In the update of the budget, which is to be considered by the National Assembly, it is envisaged that the food vouchers will also be valid for workers to go on holidays, Minister Prodanov announced.The summer tourist season was officially opened with a festive parade along the promenade of the Golden Sands resort. The event coincides with the 65th anniversary of the Black Sea resort.At the invitation of Minister of Foreign Affairs Teodora Genchovska and Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov, more than 30 heads of diplomatic missions accredited in the Republic of Bulgaria are visiting the resort to become acquainted with the tourism potential of our country.The two ministers and the representatives of the diplomatic corps in Bulgaria participate in conferences dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the establishment of the seaside resort and the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Union of Hotel Owners in Golden Sands. The programme of the event includes a visit of the heads of diplomatic missions in Varna.
Institutions are improving their information connectivity to speed up the processing of visa documents
An external portal for electronic consular services is installed in the Serbian cities of Niš and BelgradeImproving information connectivity between institutions by the end of the year. This was agreed by representatives of the institutions, part of an interagency working group “Optimization of visa regimes” at the Ministry of Tourism. This will contribute to shortening the deadlines for processing the documents for access to the labour market of foreigners under the seasonal employment procedure and will relieve employers in the tourism business.It is foreseen to start issuing electronic visas in the Schengen Community after 2025. This could become another prerequisite for limiting the competitiveness of our country. That is why Bulgaria will insist to the European institutions to be part of the countries that will join the issuance of electronic visas by the Schengen community in order to increase the tourist flow.In order to shorten the deadlines and simplify the procedure, it remains to comment at the institutional level a legislative change on the possibility to exclude the Employment Agency from the process of issuing permits to which the Agency has no specific legal relation.In order to speed up the issuance of documents, an external portal for electronic consular services has already been installed in the Serbian cities of Niš and Belgrade, which is in the final stages of testing, it became clear during the meeting. In order to increase the incoming tourist flow, agreements are signed for the use of an external service provider and optimization of the activities of the consular posts.In the working group participate representatives of the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Interior, the State Agency for National Security, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy - Employment Agency.Visa policy is one of the main priorities of the Ministry of Tourism, as an important tool to facilitate tourism and business. According to the World Economic Forum, entry visas are “one of the worst bureaucratic bottlenecks for travellers” that can deter people from visiting a destination.There is some data that countries that have improved visa facilitation processes have seen an increase in international visitor numbers of between 5% and 25%, with a positive economic impact on the overall economy.
A working group will support the development of wine tourism in Bulgaria
The Ministry of Tourism organizes the first ever broad discussion on the topicA joint working group between experts from the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Agriculture and business will discuss and address wine tourism issues. This became clear at a round table entitled “Prospects for the development of wine tourism. Wine as part of the Bulgarian tourism product”, organized by the Ministry of Tourism.In his address to the participants, Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov stressed that this is the first ever broad discussion on the topic. In his words, wine tourism as part of the tourism industry is extremely important for our country, for the development of sustainable tourism in four seasons and a year-round destination. “There are over 200 wineries in Bulgaria, which is a diverse offering. This discussion is the beginning for the creation of a plan for the development of wine tourism to be developed jointly with the Ministry of Agriculture and other institutions. The state and representatives of wine organizations will create a working group to work on the issue,” Minister Prodanov announced.Addressing the participants, Deputy Minister of Agriculture Momchil Nekov stressed the need to protect wine tourism as an intangible cultural heritage so that wine routes could be added to the brown signposts. He added that 130 wine producers have been identified who have made château-type wineries suitable for wine tourism. The aim is to separate them into eight wine regions with protected geographical indication with their specificities for their promotion. The meeting focused on best practices, issues and trends in wine tourism. The aim of the discussions was to focus on the questions that are looking for answers, as well as on the opportunities for cooperation between the different stakeholders in order to increase the competitiveness of wine tourism in Bulgaria.The round table was also attended by Ilin Dimitrov - Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee on Tourism, Irena Georgieva - Deputy Minister of Tourism, advisors to the Minister of Tourism, experts, representatives of the Bulgarian Association of Independent Wine Growers, Bulgarian Association of Wine Professionals, National Vine and Wine Chamber, Institute of Viticulture and Enology, who presented important initiatives and experience.
Minister Prodanov in Varna: There will be 16 less unguarded sea beaches this year
“There will be 16 less unguarded sea beaches this year compared to last year, for another four beaches the legal procedures are to be completed and then they will also be managed.” This was announced by Minister Hristo Prodanov at a meeting in Varna with regional governors, mayors of municipalities and settlements, at which measures were outlined for the smooth running of the summer season on the Black Sea coast.As of the moment, the regional governors of Burgas, Varna and Dobrich have awarded public procurements under the schemes approved by the Minister of Tourism for 40 unguarded sea beaches.Among the most frequent problems encountered by regional governors and mayors of municipalities is unregulated camping, which leads to littering around the sea beaches. Currently the municipalities are spending money on cleaning the beach and the area around the unauthorized campsites.In the coming months a round table will be held on the development of an ordinance on regulated places for free pitching of tents, caravans and campers, Minister Prodanov announced. The introduction of the new regulation will provide additional funds in the budget of the municipalities for the maintenance of the beaches.Minister Prodanov also held a working meeting with concessionaires and tenants of beaches. “One of my goals is to establish a constructive dialogue and together identify measures to improve the quality of the tourist service in order to preserve Bulgaria’s image as a seaside destination,” Minister Prodanov said.The new leadership in the Ministry of Tourism has introduced changes in the management of concessions on sea beaches through the new spatial regulations. Control in tourism will go to a new Directorate for Control and Inspection Activity, which will also control concession activity. “Concession, Rental and Regulatory Activity in Tourism” remains in a separate Directorate. “Until now, the two activities were focused in one common directorate, which united the procedures for concessions and rental of beaches and at the same time controlled them, which was incomprehensible to me”, Minister Prodanov commented on the reform.Among the proposals made by the concessionaires are simplification of the administrative procedures for the annual programmes for water rescue activities in the absence of changes and circumstances, the possibility for students at the beaches to provide medical assistance due to the lack of sufficient doctors, and on how to conduct controls on the beaches.
Minister Prodanov: We are increasing the promotion of balneo tourism in Poland
“We are deepening the partnership between Bulgaria and Poland because the tourism potential of both countries is extremely high. Immediately after the end of the active summer season, we will launch a campaign to promote health tourism in Poland and make Bulgaria a year-round destination. This is a policy for the country, a business opportunity and health for the people.” This was announced by the Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov at a briefing after a meeting with the State Secretary at the Ministry of Sport and Tourism of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Gut-Mostowy.“Over the years there was an outflow of Polish tourists, then this changed and last year there was a serious increase in visits. According to preliminary forecasts, charter flights will be operated from 12 Polish cities to the Black Sea coast,” Minister Prodanov announced and added that he expects a double increase of tourists.On his part, Gut-Mostowy noted that hard work is being done to exchange tourists between the two countries. According to him, the Bulgarian mineral springs will be promoted among Polish tourists and expectations are for an increase in visits between the two countries. Minister Prodanov and Minister Gut-Mostowy opened a Bulgarian-Polish Business Forum and participated in an expert meeting of the two ministries in Sofia. Secretary of State Gut-Mostowy highlighted the opportunities for Polish tourists for holidays in Bulgaria, which not only offers a good holiday on the Black Sea, but also has many other riches in other areas - the mountains, healing mineral waters and active tourism, as well as a very rich culture and history, which adds a perfect complement to the tourists’ stay in Bulgaria.Minister Prodanov sent a message to the tourists from Poland that Bulgaria is a safe and peaceful place for holidays. Secretary of State Gut-Mostowy noted that the security of tourists is one of the fundamental factors that we want to highlight so that tourism in our two countries can be safe and secure.Bulgaria will use the Polish experience to introduce a voucher system for holidays. “We are in complete agreement with our coalition partners that the voucher system should be introduced in our country and we are actively working to make it happen. Another important topic is the creation of a unified tourism organisation, because business and the state need to work together to achieve good results. At the moment there are more than 200 organizations in the tourism industry,” the Bulgarian minister said.Among the topics discussed by the two delegations was the introduction in Bulgaria of a guarantee fund to compensate tourists in case of failed trips and holidays. Minister Prodanov was adamant that during the coronavirus crisis the need for the creation of such fund was proven, especially with the sudden suspension of travel and in cases when tour operators fall into difficulties.In the talks of the expert group, apart from Minister Prodanov and his colleague Andrzej Gut-Mostowy, took part Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva, Ilin Dimitrov - Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee on Tourism, Nikolay Kostov - Attaché for Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria in Poland, Karol Biedrzycki - Advisor to Secretary of State Gut-Mostowy, experts from the Bulgarian and Polish side.
Bulgaria has won the hosting of the 68th Session of the Regional Commitee for Europe of the World Tourism Organisation in 2023.
Bulgaria has won the hosting of the 68th meeting of the UN World Tourism Organisation, which is planned for 2023. Our country received the prestigious vocation during the session of the European section of the WTO, which takes place in Yerevan, Armenia, between 2 and 3 June 2022. The Bulgarian hosting will be an excellent opportunity to showcase our country’s advantages as a year-round tourist destination. At the event in Yerevan, Bulgaria was represented by prof. Mariela Modeva, Deputy Minister of Tourism.During the program she had the opportunity to hold meetings with Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary-General of the WTO, Sisian Boghossian, Chairperson of the Committee for Tourism of Armenia, Mehak Apresyan, Chairperson of the Tourism Federation of Armenia, Sofia Zaharaki, Deputy Minister of Tourism of Greece and partners in the sector.During the meeting with the Secretary-General of WTO Zurab Pololikashvili Deputy Minister Modeva stressed that Bulgaria remains a proactive member of the WTO, with the ambition to develop extensive cooperation with the organization in numerous tourism initiatives and projects. Hosting the 68th meeting of the Regional Committee for Europe is a great recognition and responsibility for our country, Professor Modeva stressed. On his part, Pololikashvili expressed his appreciation for our country and the efforts made by the Ministry of Tourism to support the tourism sector. He added that he expects the meeting of the Regional Committee for Europe in Bulgaria to lead to fruitful ideas and decisions that will benefit tourism on a European scale.Professor Modeva extended her consideration to the Chairperson of the Armenian Committee for Tourism Sisian Boghossian for the excellent organization of the event in Yerevan and said that she expects Bulgaria and Armenia to actively interact in the field of tourism. This could include marketing initiatives, joint participation in events, common tourism products, updating the legal framework in the sector. Boghossian welcomed the proposals and said that Bulgaria is an important partner of Armenia in organisations such as WTO and BSEC. Together with Mehak Apresyan, Chairperson of the Tourism Federation of Armenia, Deputy Minister Modeva discussed the opportunities for cooperation between the private tourism sector of Bulgaria and Armenia, where there is a serious untapped potential.With the Deputy Minister of Tourism of Greece Sofia Zaharaki the planning of a new Joint Action Programme for Tourism between Bulgaria and Greece, with a horizon from 2022 to 2024 was discussed. The two countries have extremely close cultural, religious and social similarities, Professor Modeva stressed. She stated that it is important to develop successful cross-border projects with Greece within the new programming period 2021-2027. Bulgaria is not only important for Northern Greece, it is our main market, Zaharaki said. Both countries should be an active generator of tourism policies in the EU, the Greek deputy minister added, and Professor Modeva fully shared this position. Within the framework of the working visit to Yerevan, Deputy Minister Modeva held a meeting with H. E. Kalin Anastasov, Ambassador of Bulgaria to Yerevan. Bilateral relations between Bulgaria and Armenia in political and economic terms were discussed. The meeting was also attended by Armenian tour operators who stated that they are more actively including Bulgaria in their programs.
Minister Prodanov: The German tourism industry is interested in a combined product in Bulgaria - a good experience with health care
Germany is a priority tourist market for Bulgaria. Before the Coronavirus crisis, German tourists reached 1 million a year and were the third largest group after Romania and Greece. Our country is known as a seaside destination, but we have potential for winter, cultural, spa and rural tourism. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov during a meeting with Claudia Müller, Commissioner for Tourism of the Federal Government and Member of the Bundestag.He stressed that Bulgaria ranks third in Europe in terms of cultural and historical landmarks and second only to Iceland in the presence of mineral springs. “The Bulgarian SPA Association has signed a contract with the German Association of Health Insurance Funds and our wish is to offer this service to more health insurance funds in order to reach more Germans,” the minister added.During the meeting were discussed the advantages of the Bulgarian winter resorts, which are not inferior in quality to the Austrian resorts and offer a good price for the service. “We have very good and healthy Bulgarian cuisine and more than 200 wineries with quality wine at a good price and all this we want to provide to the German citizens, the minister added.According to Commissioner Müller, there is great interest in this type of tourism in Germany. Moreover, the capacity of their resorts is not sufficient and they cannot provide service to all Germans in need. Opportunities for the development of cruise tourism between the two countries on the Danube were also discussed.Minister Prodanov was on a working visit to Germany with the Bulgarian MPs Dr. Ilin Dimitrov, Chairperson of the Committee on Tourism, and Snezhana Apostolova - Deputy Chairperson of the Committee. Minister Prodanov and Ilin Dimitrov invited Commissioner Müller for an official visit to Bulgaria. The purpose of the visit is to assure the German side that Bulgaria is a safe destination and offers a quality complex tourism product.A meeting was held in Berlin with the President of the German Travel Association (DRV) Norbert Fiebich and the General Manager Dirk Inger. According to the Association, the desire of German tourists to travel to safe and friendly countries like Bulgaria has increased. “There is fake news that Bulgaria is close to military action. This is one of the reasons why I am in Germany to assure our German guests that the situation in Bulgaria is extremely calm and secure,” Minister Prodanov said.According to him, the Ministry of Interior of Bulgaria will again ensure the safety of tourists, and this year the police will be increased in the resorts.Part of the agenda of the delegation was a round table with representatives of the tourism industry in Germany. Bulgaria’s marketing campaign to attract tourists from Germany was presented at the meeting and future work with German tour operators was discussed. The tourism industry is interested in the possibilities of a combined product in Bulgaria - a good experience with health care, which is not known enough on the German market.
Minister Prodanov in Germany: Bulgaria is a safe country with a quality tourist product at a good price
Better known to tourists from Germany is the sea tourism. The main mission of my visit is to assure the German tourists that Bulgaria is a safe and peaceful country. Bulgaria offers a quality tourist product at a good price. My goal is to make Germany our first partner in terms of tourism revenue. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov at a working meeting with Jana Schimke, member of the German Bundestag and Chair of the Committee on Tourism.Minister Prodanov emphasized that Bulgaria has three tourism attachés and one of them is exactly in the capital of Germany - Berlin, as the country is an important market for Bulgaria. Among the topics of the talks were the consequences for the tourism sector after Covid and the other major challenge - the war in Ukraine. “The government and the industry have taken necessary measures to make tourists feel at ease with us,” the minister added.At a meeting with Brigitte Goertz-Meissner, President of the German Spa Association, which manages mineral springs, the Minister stressed that Bulgaria is the second country in Europe in the presence of mineral springs. “As a minister, I have high hopes for the development of balneo tourism. In this regard, I see great potential in wellness and SPA tourism in Bulgaria. The mineral springs in Bulgaria are numerous and healing. Their benefits for the treatment of various diseases have been known since ancient times. We have regions, such as Sandanski and Strandzha, which are favourable for the treatment of lung diseases,” Minister Prodanov pointed out.  They are preferred because of their beneficial effects on post-covid diseases.The attractiveness of the combined tourist product was discussed. “Bulgaria has the opportunity to offer such a product due to its natural resources. We will look forward to deeper relations between our associations, further said Minister Prodanov. Serious work in the field of marketing and well-targeted advertising on the German market is forthcoming.At the meeting with Olaf Luecke, General Manager of the German Hotel and Restaurant Association (DEHOGA Brandenburg), the best practices of the German Hotel and Restaurant Association such as the “Brandenburg Hospitality”, the seal for hotels and restaurateurs as well as the help they provide to their members were discussed. “We know that the German market is interested in sea tourism, but we can give them the opportunity to benefit from the quality of our products and services all year round,” Minister Prodanov reminded.The meetings were also attended by Ilin Dimitrov, Chairman of the Committee on Tourism at the National Assembly, Tihomir Patarinsky, First Secretary of the Embassy and Tourist Attaché in Berlin, and Mitko Vasilev, Manager of the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce.
Minister Prodanov held a working meeting with H. E. Mrs Harangozó, Ambassador of Hungary to our country
The Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov held a working meeting with H. E. Mrs Tekla Harangozó, Ambassador of Hungary to Bulgaria. During the conversation, opportunities for tourism development between the two countries were discussed. “Hungary is a very important market for inbound tourism in our country. We hope that this year the relations between our two countries will be built upon and be even more intensive,” said Minister Prodanov.He recalled that in 2020, the two countries celebrated 100 years of diplomatic relations. “No political decision can bring peoples together as much as the good feelings between them. We have extremely great potential to develop the bilateral relations. According to the latest data, our trade turnover exceeds 1 billion euros,” said Minister Prodanov. He added that there has been an increase in bookings of Hungarian tourists this year.H. E. Mrs Tekla Harangozó extended her gratitude for the good relations between the two countries and expressed her readiness for cooperation and support in the implementation of future initiatives. H. E. Mrs Tekla Harangozó added that tourism in Bulgaria is well developed and her compatriots know about the opportunities for the various forms of tourism and would be happy to go on holiday in Bulgaria.Among the topics of discussion was Minister Prodanov’s upcoming visit to Hungary in June to promote tourism opportunities and joint initiatives between the countries. As well as the signing of a tourism cooperation agreement between the two countries.
Minister Prodanov: Bulgaria is advertised in 25 countries in Europe
Forthcoming on June 11 is the symbolic opening of the summer tourist season with the participation of the Diplomatic Corps.“The Ministry of Tourism has launched an advertising campaign for Bulgaria in 25 countries in Europe and the airing of video clips on national and leading TV channels is already underway.” This was stated by the Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov before journalists in the National Assembly.The symbolic opening of the summer tourist season is forthcoming on June 11 and 12. At the invitation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Teodora Genchovska and the Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov, heads of diplomatic missions accredited in the Republic of Bulgaria will visit the Black Sea coast on a study visit to get acquainted with the tourist potential, announced Minister Prodanov. “The aim is to convince all ambassadors that Bulgaria is a safe and peaceful destination and to invite their compatriots on vacation,” the minister said.He commented on the upcoming summer tourist season in Bulgaria and said he was moderately optimistic. “The war has a negative impact in two aspects. The direct aspect is that a large part of those who are further away from Bulgaria believe that the Black Sea is tempestuous, which is not the case. The Black Sea is a calm and safe zone and I try in every way to say what the truth is and to urge our guests from abroad not to worry and to visit the Bulgarian Black Sea coast,” added Minister Prodanov.At the National Assembly Minister Prodanov participated in the opening of the photo exhibition “65 years of resort “Golden Sands”, which is part of the initiatives organized by the “Union of Hotel-keepers in the resort “Golden Sands”. “For 65 years now, resort “Golden Sands” is developing to remain a modern destination. The resort’s unique combination of sea, beach and forest is attractive to people from all over the world. I hope that more and more tourists will visit the resort and have good memories of this beautiful place,” Minister Prodanov said.  Guests of the event were Atanas Dimitrov - Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board of the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association and the Honorary President of the association, Blagoy Ragin.The photo exhibition is being presented in the building of the National Assembly from May 26 to June 6, and then it will be exhibited at Sofia Airport.
Hristo Stoichkov invites foreign tourists on holiday in Bulgaria
Football legend Hristo Stoichkov is one of the new ambassadors of tourist destination Bulgaria. The USA ‘94 legend filmed a video address for a Romanian lifestyle show on a major TV channel as part of a campaign to promote our country.In the video, Hristo Stoichkov invites Romanian tourists to visit the country in the upcoming summer season. “You know how hospitable we are, you are always welcome in Bulgaria. I’ve been to Romania many times and I know how you welcome me, that is why this year we expect you on our Black Sea coast”, says the great talent and winner of the most prestigious football awards.In addition to focusing on the summer resorts, Stoichkov emphasized the various tourism products that can benefit Bulgarian and foreign guests - spa and balneo treatments, gourmet and wine tourism. The legend also draws attention to the winter holiday opportunities in our resorts. “Bulgaria is a preferred destination both by me and by millions of tourists from all over the world. We look forward to welcoming you,” further says the football legend.The aim of the campaign is to strengthen and maintain the visibility and presence of Bulgaria in the most important target markets which generate tourists. The personality of Hristo Stoichkov is of world scope and brings the much sought after added value to the promotional activities carried out by the Ministry of Tourism. The video was filmed for free.The Ministry will continue to cooperate with prominent and well-proven Bulgarians who glorify our country worldwide in all spheres of public life - science, culture, art, sports, innovation, to contribute to the positive image of Bulgaria as a safe and rich destination.
Romanian journalists and influencers get to know Bulgaria
Influencers and representatives of some of the most popular tourism media in Romania are visiting Bulgaria at the invitation of the Ministry of Tourism.The initiative aims to promote Bulgaria’s opportunities for the development of both traditional maritime tourism and a number of specialized forms of tourism such as cultural, balneo and spa, adventure, golf, wine, culinary, etc., on the eve of the starting summer season 2022.From May 20 to May 24, Romanian journalists, bloggers and vloggers are visiting cultural and historical sites in Kavarna, Balchik, Varna and other regions.Their journey passes through the resorts “Albena”, “Golden Sands”, “Saints Constantine and Helena”, the golf complexes on our Northern Black Sea coast. They will enjoy wine tastings and other attractions in the region. The visit will also mark the 65th anniversary of the resort “Golden Sands”.
Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva participates in the 104rd meeting of the Board of Directors of the European Travel Commission
Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva participates in the 104rd meeting of the Board of Directors of the European Travel Commission (ETC) The event took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia. As part of the Board of Directors, with a mandate until the end of 2023, Bulgaria will take part in solving important subject-matters, issues and problems for the industry, accepting new members, approving the action program and the budget.The main topic of discussion during the meeting was the state of the tourism sector in Europe and the risks for its restart after the pandemic. Deputy Minister Georgieva pointed out that the efforts of the Ministry of Tourism and the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria are aimed at using all opportunities to preserve the tourism sector in an emergency epidemic situation and its recovery after Covid-19. The Ministry is in constant contact with all stakeholders to achieve cooperation between institutions and business to restore Bulgarian tourism.The topic of short-term rentals and platforms was discussed during the general meeting of the member states. Discussions are underway to standardize the measures and vote on a unified legal position on the legalization of this type of accommodation. Bulgaria is among the few Member States that already have a law on short-term rentals. Deputy Minister Georgieva presented a summary of the law to be used as a basis for future uniform regulation in the European Union.The event took place before the summer, which will be critical to the recovery of the European tourism sector after the pandemic. According to the ETC survey, there is optimism in the expectations of the travel sector as 77% of Europeans have travel plans between April and September 2022. Over half (56%) of them plan to visit another European country, while 31% opt for domestic travel.Despite the optimistic prospects for tourism recovery in the upcoming summer, the new challenges facing Europe’s tourism sector, including global inflation and the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian military conflict, cannot be ignored. ETC has committed itself to widely promoting the most affected destinations in the conflict in Ukraine in order to attract tourists, with the message of restoring travel and the normal rhythm of life.On the agenda was the ETC's Industry Forum on Sustainable Tourism. Participants agreed that the implementation of sustainable practices in tourism should remain a key focus in the sector amid the current crises. Deputy Minister Georgieva stressed that Bulgaria seeks not only to restore maritime and ski tourism, but also to develop mountain, eco, rural, nature and other forms of tourism. The main advantage of mountain, eco, rural and nature tourism is that they are not associated with a concentration of tourists in one place and are environmentally friendly.
Minister Prodanov: By the end of May the hotels will receive the money for the accommodation of the Ukrainian refugees for the period from 1 to 31 April
The accommodation facilities have received all funds for accommodating Ukrainian asylum-seekers from 24 February to 31 March, with the exception of 27 facilities due to duplication of persons or errors in the submission of documents. This is what the Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov said in the program “Hello, Bulgaria” on Nova TV. He added that the business will receive the funds for the period from 1 to 31 April until the end of May.The Minister explained that the programme for accommodation of people seeking protection from the war in hotels is for three months and ends on May 31. “I guarantee that we will not leave anyone on the street after the end of the programme. We will take care of everyone by relocating them to state and municipal bases,” Minister Prodanov added.“The Ministry of Tourism does not manage the refugee crisis, it is managed by the headquarters and the State Agency for Refugees. The Ministry of Tourism has the task of paying the accommodation places that helped and hosted Ukrainian citizens. We are also making an effort to integrate most of these people and provide them with employment,” the minister said. According to the Employment Agency, some of them have started working in hotel complexes or are ready to join the labour market.Regarding the transportation of the Ukrainian citizens to the state bases, the minister announced that he would insist to the joint group of the Council of Ministers to have a clear timetable for the relocation, because most of the hotels already have reservations for holidays from the end of May.The Minister used the occasion to thank the hotel-keepers for their help and honesty in a difficult period of unprecedented crisis for both the state and the Ukrainians.Regarding the possibility to continue the accommodation programme, but with less funds, Minister Prodanov commented that it would be proposed for discussion.“All state bases will be open to handle this force majeure,” the minister asserted. There will also be a discussion on the issue of government employees who have received vacation cards for hotel accommodations as compensation.
Deputy Minister Modeva participated in the international conference “Contemporary Challenges in Tourism”
 “Our ambition is to establish destination Bulgaria as a year-round, safe and attractive not only with the traditional types of tourism - sea and mountain, but also with the specialized ones such as cultural, congress, balneo and spa tourism, health and others, through which not only to overcome the seasonal nature of tourism in Bulgaria, but also to deconcentrate the tourist flows from the sea and mountain resorts to the interior of the country.” This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Tourism Prof. Mariela Modeva in an online welcoming speech at the opening of the international scientific conference “Contemporary Challenges in Tourism”.“We are changing our marketing and advertising campaigns to find the best solutions to increase inbound tourist flow despite the crises. We are also introducing new approaches to improve the national tourism advertising, through communication activities in domestic and external target markets against set outcomes committed to economic, social and environmental sustainability objectives,” the Deputy Minister said.Prof. Modeva welcomed the organizers and participants in the conference on behalf of Minister Hristo Prodanov. This year’s event is attended by more than 160 representatives of the scientific community from 28 countries around the world, making it the largest in the field of tourism in Bulgaria. Foreign participants are over 70%. Among them are a number of distinguished professors and scholars of great prestige in the academic community.The organizer of the conference is St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, in partnership with the National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography - BAS.
Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov opens Bulgarian-Polish Business Forum in Warsaw
Bulgaria will be one of the three countries that Poland will promote on its tourism marketMinister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov opened a Bulgarian-Polish business forum with a focus on tourism in Warsaw. Minister Prodanov was on a visit to Poland, during which he met with Andrzej Gut-Mostowy, Secretary of State for Tourism in the Ministry of Sport and Tourism of the Republic of Poland.“I hope COVID-19 is now behind us and never comes back so we are free to work and travel. An additional negative impact in our region is the war in Ukraine. My main mission today is to assure the Polish people that Bulgaria is a safe destination. I assure that your compatriots will spend a peaceful and memorable holiday,” Minister Prodanov said in his address.“We have always been happy when Polish tourists visit us. As a result of the bilateral agreement signed in 2021 and the opening of our tourist office in Warsaw, our bilateral relations are developing well. I see the potential for good prospects for development,” the Bulgarian minister added. He invited Secretary of State Andrzej Gut-Mostowy to visit Bulgaria, during which a business forum will be held.On his part, Gut-Mostowy expressed readiness to conduct an extensive media and advertising campaign for Bulgaria in Poland. He added that he would make efforts to develop trade and tourism relations successfully. Bulgaria will be one of the three countries to be promoted on the tourism market in Poland. “Thank you for the invitation, we are ready to participate in a tourism and economic mission to Bulgaria,” said Secretary of State Gut-Mostowy. Minister Prodanov added that Bulgaria could draw experience from Poland regarding a fund to guarantee trips and the introduction of a voucher programme for children’s holidays, which is also part of the government’s management programme. According to Gut-Mostowy, Poland’s guarantee fund is one of the most efficient in the tourism industry. “The decision to introduce holiday vouchers has no equivalent. The amount earmarked for tourism vouchers amounts to more than EUR 1 billion. Every Polish child can use a tourist voucher throughout the year,” the Secretary of State added.During his visit to Warsaw, Minister Prodanov awarded the Honorary Consul of Bulgaria for the Katowice region Janusz Zaton with the honorary sign “Ambassador of Destination Bulgaria” for his contribution to the development of the bilateral relations in tourism. The forum was also attended by H. E. Margarita Ganeva, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Bulgaria to Poland, Deputy Minister of Tourism prof. Mariela Modeva and Nikolay Kostov, Tourism Counsellor at our Embassy.
Deputy Minister Georgieva: The applications of 328 applicants have been examined and 313 have received funding from the State under the Humanitarian Aid Program
“313 applicants have received BGN 10 509 867, VAT included, funding from the State under the Humanitarian Aid Program for people seeking protection from the war in Ukraine. 241 052 overnight accommodations have been paid for under the aid rules”. This was announced at a briefing by Deputy Tourism Minister Irena Georgieva.For the first payment under the Program, 395 applications were submitted by applicants - persons operating in 506 sites (hotels, guest houses, etc.) within the meaning of the Tourism Act, and 15 sites owned by government institutions and municipalities, the Deputy Minister announced.Of these 395 applications, 13 were withdrawn by the applicants or cancelled due to resubmission. Another 54 have been submitted with invalid data /including invalid electronic signature, applicant’s UIC/ and have therefore not been processed before the first payment, but are currently being clarified and completed.Under the Program, 328 applications of applicants for funding have been processed, of which 15 are for state and municipal facilities and the funds for these will be disbursed in the third and final payment under the Program in June. BGN 10,509,867.20, VAT included, were paid under the remaining 313 applications.Of these 313 applications, 85 applicants received aid at the amount requested and the remaining 228 received less than the amount requested. The most frequent reasons are requested overnight accommodations for the whole period until the end of the Program, not only for the period 24.02-31.03.2022. This was observed for 100 applicants, the Deputy Minister further announced. There is also a complete match of the identifying data of 3700 Ukrainian citizens and their periods of stay in different establishments.Specific questions have been prepared and are now being sent to 115 of all applicants, including persons with both pending and partially assisted applications, for further clarification of their cases.“Our aim is, after clarification and verification of the data, to prepare a Decision of the Council of Ministers for additional payment of amounts due to applicants before the second payment cycle in May. If a total of more than 85 000 overnight accommodations are verified, more than BGN 3.7 million, VAT included, will be paid,” Deputy Minister Georgieva further said.
Deputy Minister Modeva took part in the national conference SMARTOURISM.BG
“Our joint efforts will succeed in establishing Bulgaria as a destination with a competitive price-quality ratio, offering high-quality year-round tourism products.”  This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Tourism prof. Mariela Modeva in an online address at the opening of the fifth national conference SMARTOURISM.BG.“Tourism has long been more than just a shelter and sustenance for guests. It is not only an economic lever and one of the richest and most turnover businesses in the world that survives despite global crises. Today more than ever tourism is much more about information, philosophy, psychology, communication and sharing, and why not the art of making new friends. Only through constant dialogue with each other and joint efforts can we solve the challenges facing the tourism industry,” the Deputy Minister said.Prof. Modeva welcomed the organizers and participants in the conference, under the patronage of the Ministry of Tourism, on behalf of Minister Hristo Prodanov.The organizer of the event is HVH Consulting, in partnership with the Association of Schools of Restaurant and Hotel Management, the National Board of Tourism, the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association, the Department of Geography of Tourism and the Faculty of Economics of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Architecture and Faculty of Construction of the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Civil Institute, ProActivePersonnel and ProActive Solutions.
Minister Prodanov: Spa tourism and balneology will receive support under the Recovery and Sustainability Plan
“Spa tourism and balneology can apply for support from grants and financial instruments for millions of leva within the Recovery and Sustainability Plan”. This was stated by Tourism Minister Hristo Prodanov during a round table on the topic, which was held in Hisarya.He stressed that such options are available and the plan is generally structured for funding by objectives rather than by sector. It includes the pillars “Green Bulgaria”, “Innovative Bulgaria”, “Connected Bulgaria” and “Fair Bulgaria” - all this with a better activity on the part of the industry, it can benefit from these projects, the minister said.The Plan foresees investments of BGN 2.937 billion in the form of grants and financial instruments to Bulgarian enterprises to facilitate their transition to a digital, low-carbon and resource-efficient economy. The funds are mainly earmarked for technological modernisation and energy efficiency. It is expected that applicants from SPA and balneology will be eligible for funding, Minister Prodanov explained.Then he added that there are funds earmarked for energy renovation measures for non-residential buildings, including buildings across the entire sector “Tourism”, including balneotourism. Eligible beneficiaries cover micro/small, medium and large enterprises with a maximum intensity of 50% for the grant aid. “Funds will also be invested in e-administrative services and registers, including the digitization of such in the field of tourism,” the minister added.With regard to the Program for the accommodation of Ukrainian refugees in hotels on the Black Sea coast, the minister announced that by the end of this week, the funds would be paid to the hotel owners for the period from 24 February to 31 March.
Minister Prodanov: The development of camping tourism is a prerequisite for the economic revitalization of less developed areas
“The draft strategic framework outlining the activities of camping tourism will be ready by the end of May. Official regulation is also being worked on to regulate the interrelations and rules of practice.” This was announced by the Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov in front of journalists at the opening of an exhibition for camping tourism, caravanning and outdoor activities Camping & Caravanning Expo. Then there will be a public discussion with the representatives of the camping industry and the institutions, the aim being to regulate this type of tourism, the minister added.He expressed the hope that within this year there will already be clear rules in place with the cooperation and agreement of all those who love and practice this type of tourism and the business sector itself.Minister Prodanov said that there are 12 certified campsites in the country that meet the European requirements and gave France as an example, where there are more than 8000 sites. “The development of this type of tourism is a prerequisite for the economic revitalization of the less developed regions of Bulgaria, where there is no potential for other activities besides tourism,” the minister said.Minister Prodanov announced that on Monday or Tuesday next week at the latest, the Ministry of Tourism would start the payments to the hotelkeepers who have accommodated people seeking protection from the war in Ukraine for the period from February 24 to March 31. “Final checks of the information and documents submitted by the hotels are being carried out. There are over 800 hotels willing to accommodate Ukrainians, and currently there are just under 500 establishments that have already accommodated these citizens,” Prodanov specified.A request is being prepared under the European solidarity, the funds for the measure to be reimbursed from the European budget, the minister further said.
Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva on BTV: We expect a difficult summer with moderate optimism
“We expect a difficult summer with moderate optimism. Data show that the interest in summer vacations from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania and our neighbours is recovering. There is interest in bookings from the UK and Germany, but we should not neglect the domestic market on which we have rightly relied over the past two years.” This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva on BTV.According to her, our vacations will hardly be cheaper this summer, but one of the advantages of our Black Sea coast is the offer of options to suit every pocket. “The hotel-keepers, who have gained a lot of experience, unfortunately also because of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, are well oriented in the market and I believe there will be good offers for everyone. It is normal to expect some rise in the prices, but it is too early to commit to an exact percentage of higher prices,” the deputy minister said.Mrs Georgieva also commented that the loss of Russian and Ukrainian tourists after the war could not but have an impact: “These were very important markets for us, but with an active advertising campaign we will be able to compensate for their lack to some extent.”Asked whether free umbrellas and sunbeds would be offered at the seaside this year, the deputy minister did not rule out the possibility of providing them. “Some of the concessionaires of the sea beaches have asked for support measures to be implemented, but we do not envisage them at the moment,” Georgieva said.Anti-epidemic measures will be implemented according to the health recommendations of the Ministry of Health, as they are mainly related to self-discipline and precaution. “I have to say that the measures lifted by the Minister of Health’s latest order from yesterday, 13 April, are a very good prerequisite to make us a preferred destination by our traditional markets. Because tourists from neighbouring countries, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Israel and Egypt can enter the country without presenting a certificate. This is a long and joint activity between the health and tourism ministries,” the Deputy Minister summed up.
Deputy Minister Modeva participated in the tenth edition of the Forum for the Promotion of Tourism in Poland
Deputy Minister of Tourism Prof. Mariela Modeva participated in the tenth edition of the Forum for the Promotion of Tourism, which was held in Lodz, Poland.  The theme of the main panel was “How do national tourism organizations present themselves in Poland?” and was attended by Andrzej Gut-Mostowy, Secretary of State for Tourism in the Ministry of Sport and Tourism of the Republic of Poland, Savvas Perdios, Deputy Minister of Tourism of Cyprus, Jan Herget, Director of Czech Tourism and Václav Mika, President of Slovakia Travel.In her exposition Prof. Modeva drew attention to the activities Bulgaria undertakes on the Polish market, for the presentation of our country as a safe and interesting destination. “Poland is a priority market for Bulgarian tourism, which was reflected in the opening of a representative office within the Bulgarian Embassy in Warsaw and the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of tourism,” Deputy Minister Modeva said.After the discussion panel Prof. Modeva held a working meeting with Secretary of State Gut-Mostowy. The two discussed the possibility of organizing a business forum with the participation of representatives of the tourism business of the two countries in the near future in Warsaw, as well as the initiation of activities to ensure air connectivity of Sofia and Bratislava with Warsaw.Within the forum, Prof. Modeva also held working meetings with leading Polish tour operators and representatives of the largest tourism associations.
Minister Prodanov met with the Algerian Ambassador H. E. Baia Bensmail
Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov met with H. E. Baia Bensmail, Ambassador of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria to Bulgaria.“Tourists are the best ambassadors of the countries, when people travel they learn about cultures and make friends. In times of war we must do everything possible to improve cooperation, and tourism is the basis of good relations,” Minister Prodanov said. He added that in the last two years, connections have been difficult and visits have been severely limited. “Our joint task is to increase the number of tourists between our two countries. There is potential for an increase in visits,” the minister was categorical. For his part, the ambassador thanked for the meeting and specified that the diplomatic mission to Bulgaria aims to revive the connections between the two countries in the field of tourism. Н. E. Baia Bensmail shared the opportunities for Bulgarian investments in places for accommodation in Algeria. According to her, visitors to the country are interested in various visits such as desert and health tourism. “During the short time I have been in Bulgaria, I have noticed the closeness of the two countries in terms of crafts. I like Bulgarian embroidery,” the ambassador concluded.During the meeting, the possibility of exchanging visits with the Algerian counterpart of Minister Prodanov Yassin Hammadi was discussed.
Minister Prodanov held talks with the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea H. E. Li Ho-shik
The Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov talked with the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to our country H. E. Li Ho-shik. The two discussed the bilateral relations between Bulgaria and Korea and ways to increase the tourist flow between the two countries.“Tourism creates good relations and helps people to get closer, despite the great distance that exists between Bulgaria and Korea. We can achieve good results by jointly promoting bilateral cooperation and tourist visits,” Minister Prodanov told the Ambassador. He pointed out that in 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic, about 11,000 tourists from the Republic of Korea visited Bulgaria, which is a good prerequisite for increasing the number of Korean tourists. According to him, Bulgarian citizens increasingly prefer distant destinations for tourist trips and there is a good potential for increasing the number of Bulgarians choosing Korea as their next destination.The minister also said that the Ministry of Tourism is currently focusing its efforts on the summer season, expressing hope that visitors from neighboring countries will largely compensate for the lack of Russian and Ukrainian tourists. “Of course, we also hope for larger influx of tourists from distant destinations like Korea,” he concluded.For his part, Ambassador Li Ho-shik said that Bulgaria has a charm that attracts Korean citizens and also expressed hopes that more Koreans will choose Bulgaria as a tourist destination. “I hope that under your leadership Bulgaria will develop a stronger tourism sector,” the ambassador added. According to him, it is important to make more efforts to increase advertising and to rely on attractive package offers.
Deputy Minister Modeva held a working meeting with Minister of Tourism of Israel Yoel Razvozov
Deputy Minister of Tourism Prof. Mariela Modeva held a working meeting with the Minister of Tourism of Israel Yoel Razvozov. The two talked at the International Tourism Exhibition - IMTM 2022 in Tel Aviv.  Prof. Modeva emphasized that Bulgaria and Israel have traditionally good relations in historical terms, which is a good basis for building on and increasing tourism in both countries. For his part, Minister Razvozov said that Bulgaria is a promising market and thanked for our country’s participation in the exhibition. During the meeting, they discussed the possibility of concluding an agreement between Bulgaria and Israel for cooperation in the field of tourism, as well as the organization of a joint business forum. Deputy Minister Modeva also handed over a letter of invitation to Minister Yoel Razvozov for an official visit to Bulgaria this year on behalf of Minister Prodanov.During the working visit to Tel Aviv, Deputy Minister Modeva held working meetings with representatives of the business community in the tourism sector, and the delegation led by her held a meeting with the Ambassador of Bulgaria to Israel H.E. Rumyana Bachvarova and her team. Future prospects for Bulgarian tourism in Israel were also discussed at the meeting at the embassy, outlining specific steps and an action plan.  The delegation took part in the conference “Innovation and New Technologies in Tourism” organized by the Ministry of Tourism of Israel.IMTM is the oldest tourism exhibition in the Eastern Mediterranean region of Israel. In terms of importance, IMTM ranks among the top international trade fairs in the region, with a steady increase in the number of exhibitors, professional visitors and end users, as among the countries in the region Israel has the highest number of tourist trips per year.Bulgaria participates in the exhibition with an information booth of 49 sq.m., as the Ministry of Tourism organizes the presentation of the country as a year-round tourist destination with emphasis on winter and summer holidays, opportunities for balneotherapy, cultural and sightseeing tours, leisure travel, etc.
Minister Prodanov in Velingrad: We are holding negotiations with countries from the Arab League to present Bulgaria as a spa destination
The Ministry of Tourism is holding intensive negotiations with most of the Arab League countries to present Bulgaria’s potential as a spa destination. This was stated in Velingrad by the Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov during a working meeting with representatives of the local government and business. “These countries have introduced a very high national budget for prevention and treatment with spa procedures. Our goal is to show our potential as a country that ranks second in terms of mineral springs in Europe, after Iceland, and to offer high quality services,” the minister explained. He recalled that there is a contract with the German Health Insurance Fund, which because of the pandemic has suffered some stagnation, but according to him, the relationship with Germany will soon be resumed in the direction of medical tourism.Hotel-keepers from the resort raised issues before the Minister related to the promotion of tourist destinations and improvement of infrastructure. The working meeting was attended by the Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Tourism Ilin Dimitrov, MPs, the Regional Governor of Pazardzhik Ivan Vasev, the Deputy Regional Governor of Pazardzhik Petya Tsankova and the Mayor of Velingrad Dr. Kostadin Koev.
Minister Prodanov met with Chinese Ambassador H. E. Dong Xiaojun
Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov met with H. E. Dong Xiaojun, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Bulgaria. “I am in favour of our relations to develop well and to deepen more and more”, Minister Prodanov said. He added that it is important for the Ministry of Tourism and the Embassy to work together and thoroughly in this direction. According to him, tourism is at the heart of the good relations between Bulgaria and China and “for this reason I believe that the more efficiently we work, the better results we can achieve”, the minister was adamant. For his part, the Ambassador thanked for the meeting and specified that he highly appreciated the relationship between the two countries in the field of tourism and expressed hope that the joint efforts will build on the cooperation established so far. Dong Xiaojun shared ideas for promoting Bulgaria to Chinese tourists through popular social networks in China. According to him, guests from China are interested in various tourism products, as well as various festivals and activities. “It is good to consider joint routes between Bulgaria and neighbouring countries to attract even more tourists from distant countries like China,” he concluded. During the meeting, the possibility of launching a direct Sofia-Beijing air line and easing the visa regime for Chinese tourists was discussed.
Minister Prodanov and Minister Tatjana Matić united around the motto “The Balkans - a safe destination for tourism”
The Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov held a working meeting in Belgrade with the Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications of Serbia Tatjana Matić. He proposed specific ideas to develop the potential of the region in the field of cultural, congress, pilgrimage and sea tourism. The two countries agreed to work together under the motto “The Balkans - a safe destination for tourism”.“I am in Belgrade because I see potential in the relations between the two countries in the field of tourism. Before the pandemic, 500 thousand Serbs visited our country annually, the same number of Bulgarian tourists in Serbia. Your citizens know our ski resorts very well. We hope that through our participation in the ITB Belgrade exhibition and through joint initiatives Bulgaria will be rediscovered by more Serbian tourists for summer holidays and sea tourism,” Minister Prodanov said.He informed his colleague that the Ministry of Tourism is planning to organize an information event on the Southern Black Sea coast in May for Serbian journalists and travel bloggers and vloggers to get acquainted with the conditions for tourism in Bulgaria, and invited Minister Matić to attent.During the meeting, the parties agreed to maintain more intensive contacts at working level, as Bulgaria and Serbia will initiate the creation and promotion of joint tourism products and routes to attract tourists from distant countries such as China, Australia, etc.Tatjana Matić proposed that the two countries work together for the development of tourism in the Balkan Mountains, which is an important geographical link between Bulgaria and Serbia. According to Minister Prodanov, this can be done through the cross-border cooperation programmes because our countries share not only the mountain but also the Danube.Minister Hristo Prodanov encouraged Serbia to support us as the host country of the 68th Session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe in 2023.
European Commission approved re-introduction of state aid scheme for €35 per seat
The European Commission approved the re-introduction of state aid for tour operators using air carriers with a valid operating license to carry out charter flights to the Republic of Bulgaria for tourism purposes.The resumption of the State subsidy measure of €35 per seat under Article 26 of the Act on the Measures and Actions During the State of Emergency SA.102193 (2022/N) - Bulgaria COVID-19: State aid for tour operators (re-introduction of scheme SA.58050, as amended by SA.60082 and SA.63497) was approved by European Commission Decision C(2022) 1846 of 22.03.2022.The measure is a grant aid to provide operating capital for tour operators who carry out organised tourist trips by air to the Republic of Bulgaria.The subsidy of EUR 35 is for each seat occupied by a person using a tourist service in the Republic of Bulgaria, only for flights with a capacity of at least 100 seats.The state aid is provided for flights carried out from 01.06.2021 to 14.05.2022 and applications will be accepted from the launching of the scheme on 30.03.2022 to 31.05.2022.Applications for state aid will be submitted electronically by completing a web-based application form through the Management System of National Investments (NIMS), via the “E-application” module.The application guidelines for this scheme will be published in Bulgarian and English in the Management System of National Investments.
Minister Prodanov held a working meeting with the Ambassador of Pakistan H. E. Mariam Aftab
Minister Hristo Prodanov held a working meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Pakistan to Sofia, H. E. Mrs. Mariam Aftab. The main highlight of the meeting was the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation, outlining the main directions of future cooperation in the sector between the two countries.“I would like to express my gratitude to the Embassy of Pakistan and your personal commitment in making this initiative a reality. I believe there is potential for the development of our bilateral relations in tourism. We will send a statement on the document provided to us through diplomatic channels as soon as possible.” This is what Minister Prodanov said and added that the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and Pakistan was recently celebrated and this can be used as a good basis for future cooperation between the countries.For her part, Ambassador Mariam Aftab thanked for the meeting and stressed that Pakistan attracts foreign tourists with diverse tourism opportunities such as attractive beaches and mountains and is also known as a mountaineering destination.  During the meeting, they also discussed the opportunities the two countries have to promote each other as heirs of ancient cultures.
Minister Prodanov took part in the “Informal Meeting of EU Tourism Ministers” in Dijon, France
Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov participated in the “Informal Meeting of EU Ministers of Tourism”, held on 17 and 18 March in Dijon, France.Minister Prodanov discussed with his European counterparts the future of tourism in Europe and making Europe a leading global destination for sustainable tourism within the working session “Tourism for Europeans in Europe”.  The Bulgarian position shared at the forum supports the inclusion of a wider range of social groups of tourism service users. There are also tourism niches with untapped potential such as cultural and historical tourism. Its development will enable European tourists to get to know the history, traditions, way of life and customs of Europe better. Our country is ready to partner with other EU Member States in developing and promoting tourism packages and routes based on similarities between countries. Minister Prodanov also paid special attention to the introduction of innovations and increasing the speed of business processes in Europe. He focused on goals and guidelines for the digitization of the industry by 2030 - one of the goals is to have three quarters of tourism offers online and by means of digital applications.The meeting also addressed messages on the need to ensure the safety of tourists and travellers, putting the tourism sector in the focus of the sustainable economic development of EU countries and supporting it. An important prerequisite for the successful functioning of the sector and its recovery from the negative effects of the pandemic is the promotion of destinations within the continent less known to European tourists.  The need to adapt tourism to the new realities after the crisis and to reopen it among the countries in Europe was emphasized.  It was suggested to look for untapped niches for the development of cultural, ecological tourism and active presentation of the historical values and monuments of the old continent. The staffing of the sector was also more actively discussed. Tourism professionals should have the ability to adapt and respond to the current expectations and needs of tourists seeking a modern and attractive tourism product. The process of human resource development should be closely integrated with the support of small and medium-sized enterprises in the sector. They underpin the competitiveness of the tourism offer.Participants from EU member states united in the message to work together for the development of tourism in Europe and the document “Tourism Transition Pathway” will outline its current guidelines and policies. Within the framework of the forum in Dijon, Minister Prodanov held a short informal meeting with his counterpart, the Minister of Tourism of Greece Vassilis Kikilias. The ministers discussed a future joint programme for cooperation between the two countries, as the current one is effective until the end of 2022. Greece is among the priority partners in the field of tourism, Minister Prodanov pointed out. For his part, Minister Kikilias expressed readiness to welcome his Bulgarian counterpart at a working meeting in Athens.
Deputy Minister Modeva held talks with the Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova H. E. Anatol Cebuc
Deputy Minister Prof. Mariela Modeva held talks with the Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to Sofia H. E. Anatol Cebuc. The highlight of the discussion was increasing the tourist flow between the two countries and future joint initiatives.“Moldova is a priority tourism market and partner of Bulgaria,” said Prof. Modeva, presenting data according to which the total number of tourist visits from Moldova to our country in 2021 amounts to 84,291. According to her, the opportunity for good international relations lies in the cultural diversity and stressed that Moldovan tourists are welcome guests in Bulgaria, despite the uncertain situation in the region.With regard to the spread of COVID-19, Deputy Minister Modeva explained to the Ambassador that more and more districts in Bulgaria fall into the so-called green zone, which is a prerequisite for the gradual lifting of the introduced anti-epidemic measures.  “As we approach the summer season, I hope more and more of the measures will be removed. Our insistence is also for a lighter regime for entering the country so that the incoming tourist flow increases,” she said.For his part, Ambassador Anatol Cebuc said that the bilateral relations in the tourism sector are extremely important for Moldova. According to him, most of the Moldovan citizens who have chosen Ukraine for their holidays and vacations will travel to other destinations, including Bulgaria.During the meeting, the creation of common cultural and tourist routes together with Romania was also discussed.
Minister Prodanov discussed the opportunities for the development of health tourism with ambassadors of Arab countries
At the invitation of the Libyan diplomatic mission to Sofia, the Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov discussed the opportunities for the development of health tourism between Bulgaria and Libya. Minister Prodanov pointed out that one of the priorities of the ministry is to facilitate the process of issuing visas for third-country nationals and is actively working on the issue. Deputy Minister Mariela Modeva added that working meetings are already being held and an inter-ministerial working group on the issue has been established, as it is an important prerequisite for increasing the tourist flow to Bulgaria.    Specific steps and actions for the preparation of an Agreement on Development of Health Tourism between Bulgaria and Libya were discussed. The foreign diplomats shared their impression that Bulgaria has a well-developed practice in health tourism and its traditions in the field are well known.At the invitation of the Head of the Libyan diplomatic mission - Moftah Dareni, the meeting was attended by the Ambassador of Qatar - H. E. Fahd bin Ibrahim Al Mushiri, the Ambassador of Iraq - H. E. Lina Omar, the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia - H. E. Khalid Kamal Fakih and the Ambassador of Palestine - H. E. Ahmed Al-Madbuh, who welcomed Minister Prodanov and expressed their support and readiness for cooperation in the field of tourism and its development between Bulgaria and the countries of the Arab world.Zhivko Ivanov from the Bulgarian Union of Balneology and SPA Tourism shared the experience of the association and emphasized that Bulgaria is an internationally recognized destination in the field of health tourism, rehabilitation and recreation, that complies with the highest criteria and standards of work. He also expressed the organization’s readiness to cooperate and collaborate with tourism organizations from the Arab countries.
Minister Prodanov and Minister Sabev discussed transport connectivity in the country and neighbouring countries with the National Board of Tourism
The Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov and the Minister of Transport and Communications Nikolay Sabev discussed transport connectivity in the country and neighbouring countries with representatives of the National Board of Tourism.“Unfortunately, this year we cannot expect a large influx of tourists from Russia and Ukraine and for this reason we have to pay more attention to the neighbouring countries,” Minister Prodanov explained. According to him, it is important to advertise Bulgaria as a safe and peaceful place for both foreign visitors and Bulgarian tourists. “The nearby destinations - Serbia, Romania, Poland, North Macedonia, Turkey and the domestic tourism are the main backbone of the sector and we should pay serious attention to them,” he was adamant. For his part, Minister Sabev expressed his readiness to assist business in improving Bulgaria’s transport connectivity.The representatives of the National Board of Tourism explained to the two ministers their ideas for boosting tourism with North Macedonia through educational exchanges between the two countries and the creation of a common sports calendar.  “It is important for us to have connectivity on both sides of the border as this creates an opportunity not only for tourism and recreation but also for work,” they informed. According to them, tourism in Bulgaria cannot operate without transportation being provided.During the meeting, future advertising and marketing activities for the neighbouring markets were also discussed to be launched as soon as possible.
Important information from the Ministry of Tourism on the accommodation of persons from Ukraine seeking temporary protection
By decision of the Bulgarian government, all fugitives from the military actions in Ukraine, who entered the territory of Bulgaria on February 24, receive temporary protection, according to Council of Ministers Decision No 144 of 10.03.2022 for granting temporary protection to displaced persons from Ukraine and amending of the National Action Plan for Temporary Protection in the Republic of Bulgaria.The control for entering the Bulgarian territory at all border checkpoints has been eased, as additional capacity has been provided for reception 24/7.All Ukrainians who left the country after 24.02.22 have the right to temporary protection, and the persons must register by 31.03.22 in order to be issued a registration document (laminated card) with a photo and a QR code. The registration takes place at the border checkpoint.The necessary conditions are provided for information, meeting urgent needs, assistance for adults and children, security, mobile communication, secure transport area and referral to places for accommodation.Recipients of temporary protection are entitled to assistance for accommodation and meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) in places for accommodation - a total of 40 levs per day without VAT (the condition also applies to persons under 18 years), including tourist tax for a period of 3 months. The same assistance is received by persons who have expressed a desire to access the labor market in our country, but for a period of 1 month from the date of application.The amount will be provided to hoteliers providing accommodation and meals for displaced persons from the Republic of Ukraine in categorized or registered accommodation places entered in the National Tourism Register. The aid is also planned to be used at the sites of the National Social Security Institute, hospitals, medical centers and rest stations owned by the state and municipalities. If possible, school and university student dormitories, personal development centers, sites of the Ministry of Education and higher education institutions will be used for accommodation.All accommodation places, entered in the National Tourism Register, must enter the data in the accommodation registers according to Article 116, para 1 and para 5 of the Tourism Act in the Unified Tourist Information System (UTIS), given that when requesting funds, verification will be carried out through the system.The funds will be paid monthly from the budget of the Ministry of Tourism after approval by the Council of Ministers, on a proposal from the Minister of Tourism on the basis of actual expenditure incurred.The applications for disbursement of funds will be submitted electronically through the Management System of National Investments (MSNI), and admission will start as follows:For the reporting period from 24.02.2022 to 31.03.2022, it will start at 10:00 on 01.04.2022 until 16:30 on 05.04.2022.For the reporting period from 01.04.2022 to 30.04.2022, it will start at 10:00 on 01.05.2022 until 16:30 on 05.05.2022.For the reporting period from 01.05.2022 to 31.05.2022, it will start at 10:00 on 01.06.2022 until 16:30 on 05.06.2022.
Minister Prodanov before the Ukrainian Ambassador: The government is doing everything possible to help the citizens of Ukraine who need accommodation and support
The Government of the Republic of Bulgaria is doing everything possible to help the citizens of Ukraine who need accommodation and support. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov during his meeting with the Ambassador of Ukraine H.E. Vitaly Moskalenko.“Currently, the Ministry of Tourism is in contact with all places for accommodation, including hotels that are willing to provide their bases for a fee, but it is also important to prescribe the rules for the manner of allocation of these funds and their correct accounting,” said Minister Prodanov.According to him, the institutions are constantly working to coordinate the process of accommodation of Ukrainian refugees, adding that a platform will be created in which those who want to stay longer in Bulgaria to be included in the labor market.Ukrainian Ambassador Vitaly Moskalenko expressed Ukraine’s great gratitude to the Bulgarian state for the humane and friendly welcome of Ukrainian citizens. “It is important for us that Bulgaria gives them accommodation and we understand that the situation for your country is not easy either, as it causes the respective financial and economic difficulties,” he said.
Minister Prodanov held a working meeting with the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco H.E. Zakia El Midaoui
The Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov held a discussion with the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco H.E. Zakia El Midaoui.  “It is important to work on joint projects aimed at increasing the bilateral tourist flow,” the minister said. According to him, before the pandemic of COVID-19 there was interest in both countries, but the restrictive measures introduced in Morocco and Bulgaria have disrupted this rhythm. He expressed hope that the pandemic will end and we will soon be able to live, work and travel normally.“I believe that the situation will be restored so that we can cooperate and work together for tourism,” said Minister Prodanov.For her part, H.E. Zakia El Midaoui said Morocco is an international tourist destination but has been hit hard by climate change. According to her, the coronavirus has affected tourism and many other economic sectors in the country, but the embassy is still open for joint projects. “Moroccans value Bulgaria as an attractive destination for ski and spa tourism. It is important for us to stimulate tourists from both Bulgaria and Morocco to get to know the landmarks in both countries,” said the ambassador.During the meeting, future joint initiatives and marketing activities were discussed, which would contribute to the restoration of tourist exchange.
Minister Prodanov held a meeting with the Ambassador of the Republic of Albania to Bulgaria H.E. Donika Hoxha
The Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov held a discussion with H.E. Donika Hoxha, Ambassador of the Republic of Albania to Bulgaria.  “It is important to discuss the possibilities for cooperation between Bulgaria and Albania in the field of tourism, because regardless of all the events that are happening, we need to boost tourism between our two countries. “Bulgaria and Albania are close geographically, but also in terms of the temperament of the two nations,” the minister said.Minister Prodanov expressed hopes that the COVID-19 pandemic will end soon and that both countries will have the opportunity to start developing joint cultural routes, with the help of which to attract guests from distant destinations. “We can offer joint packages so that we become more attractive as destinations,” he added. According to him, it would be a good idea to consider extending the Sofia-Skopje line, which was renewed a few days ago, to Tirana as well, in order to facilitate and increase tourist exchange.For her part, H.E. Donika Hoxha explained that based on the Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of tourism signed in Sofia in 2020 between the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Albania, it is important to have specific projects and ideas to work on. “The data on the tourist flow between our countries from before the pandemic shows that there is interest and we must do everything possible to restore it,” she said.
Minister Prodanov: We will also count on European solidarity to help the Bulgarians evacuated from Ukraine
“We are collecting offers from hotel owners who are willing to provide their accommodation to the Bulgarians evacuated from Ukraine.” This was said by the Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov in the program “Wake up” on Nova TV. He explained that there are no restrictions and that offers can be provided by hoteliers from all over the country who want to provide accommodation and support. We have turned to the branch organizations and the National Association of the Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria, which also have accommodation. A coordination center will be located in the Council of Ministers, which will distribute those arriving from Ukraine.The state is currently covering the costs of accommodating the refugees. “We want to offer accommodation and full board with meals. We will also count on European solidarity, because as the closest country to Ukraine, it is normal for those fleeing military action to turn to us. The leading factor should not be money when helping people fleeing war,” said Minister Prodanov.According to the Minister of Tourism, the imposed sanctions will affect small countries such as Bulgaria. Bulgarian tourism will particularly suffer, he stressed. He added that sanctions do not work and do not have the impact that is expected and that military actions must definitely stop. “We had the potential to welcome about 500,000 Russian tourists and over 200,000 Ukrainians, not including those who own real estate in Bulgaria – over 1 million citizens to come in the summer and spend their money in the country,” said Hristo Prodanov.According to him, the winter season was twice as successful as last year. It is only the high price of electricity that overshadows the good results, because the profits made by most tourists go to pay for electricity.Regarding the summer booking, he said that until last week the booking was going relatively well. However, we cannot expect thriving tourism in an area where military conflict is taking place, Hristo Prodanov said.
The Ministry of Tourism has initiated a working meeting on visa policy issues
At the initiative of the Ministry of Tourism, a meeting was held to discuss the visa policy for foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria, as well as opportunities for a facilitated and digitized process for issuing visas for third-country nationals.“At the beginning of my term as Minister of Tourism I held numerous working meetings with representatives of the tourism industry, in which the main problem of the business was the lack of staff in the sector and visa policy for foreigners to work in the Republic of Bulgaria. The subject-matter of issuing visas electronically and quickly is extremely important and it affects the tourism sector the most. It is often raised with us by ambassadors of third countries outside the European Union. In Bulgaria, we have the potential for a year-round tourism business, but it needs to be secured with staff. Absolutely, we have the political will to facilitate the process of issuing tourist and work visas as much as possible”, Minister Prodanov opened the meeting. The working meeting was attended by the Minister of e-Government Bozhidar Bozhanov, the Deputy Minister of Tourism Mariela Modeva, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Velislava Petrova, the Chairman of the Tourism Committee Ilin Dimitrov, MPs, Directors of Directorates from the Ministry of Tourism, National Employment Agency, Ministry of Interior and Migration Directorate, advisers in the political cabinets of the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of e-Government.Deputy Foreign Minister Velislava Petrova said that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs expects to launch a single online portal through which to optimize the process of submitting applications and payment of visa fees for Bulgaria, and by the end of the year, it must be applied almost everywhere in consular posts and be widely available to citizens. Currently, online services are used, but only in the part of submitting documents and with the mediation of accredited tour operators.An important issue on which the decision was made is the need to create a single electronic platform that would unite the efforts and activities of the various agencies responsible for the visa issuance process - Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Employment Agency, Ministry of Interior and the State Agency for National Security. This will optimize and facilitate the process of submitting documents.The meeting also discussed a proposal for bilateral agreements between EU member states, which Bulgaria should use to issue visas in countries where there is no permanent diplomatic mission.As a result of the meeting, a decision was made to establish a working group of experts from the departments involved, which will work until real results are achieved to facilitate the visa issuance process. The changes in the visa policy will create preconditions for increasing the tourist flow to the country and solving the problem with the lack of staff in tourism, especially in view of the upcoming summer season.
Minister Prodanov before the Romanian Ambassador: We have good neighborly relations and we must do everything possible to encourage travels in both directions
We have always had good neighborly relations and cooperation, and we must do everything possible to encourage tourist travels between the two countries. The Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov stated this during his meeting with H.E. Brândușa Predescu, Ambassador of Romania to Sofia.“We cannot imagine the summer season without Romanian tourists on the Black Sea coast. It is for this reason that our relations and ties are so important and I hope to continue them in the future, so that we can quickly and efficiently solve the emerging problems,” Minister Prodanov said.Ambassador Predescu congratulated the minister for the stable government Bulgaria currently has, wishing Minister Prodanov a successful job and informing him that the political dialogue between the two countries is exceptionally good. “Romanians continue to choose Bulgaria as their first destination due to the high quality of service, not only on the Black Sea coast,” the ambassador explained. She added that in recent years, Romanian tourists are starting to visit our winter resorts for their vacations, as well as spa tourism, which is also at a very good level.In the context of the upcoming summer season, the topics of the transit of buses through Romania with Ukrainian, Moldovan and Polish tourists wishing to spend their holidays in Bulgaria were discussed, as well as the passage of Romanian tourists through Bulgaria and the payment of the so-called toll fees.
Minister Prodanov: We aim to make tourism a leading economic sector in Bulgaria
The Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov invited his colleague Ahmed Al Khateeb, Minister of Tourism of Saudi Arabia, to visit Bulgaria and get acquainted with its opportunities for diverse recreation and entertainment on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, winter ski resorts, cultural and historical heritage, balneo- and spa tourism at a meeting with H.E. Khalil Kamal Fakih, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Bulgaria.Tourism in Bulgaria is developing rapidly and among our priorities is to continue to develop and upgrade bilateral cooperation with Saudi Arabia, said Minister Prodanov. Bulgaria provides excellent conditions for balneo-spa and rehabilitation tourism, and nature has given our country a great asset - natural mineral springs.  Minister Prodanov said that the expected opening of the first regular Sofia-Riyadh airline, which will later be upgraded with air flights from other cities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, will contribute greatly to accelerating the ties between the two countries.H.E. Khalil Kamal Fakih shared with the Bulgarian Minister that there is a serious business interest expressed by Saudi Arabia for investments in domestic tourism. He added that he has very good impressions of Bulgaria and sees great potential in the tourism sector. The Tourism Act entitles the Bulgarian Minister of Tourism to support the activity of attracting investments, and it also assists in the implementation of projects for sustainable and balanced development of tourism at national, regional and local level, including the construction and development of the infrastructure related to tourism, stressed Minister Prodanov.The Ambassador of Saudi Arabia proposed a Cooperation Agreement to be prepared and signed in the field of balneo and spa tourism between the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Health of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.An important issue discussed at the meeting was the facilitation of visa issuance procedures, which will also help the development of air transport and the successful operation of airlines between Bulgaria and Saudi Arabia.Minister Prodanov also shared that he was impressed by the Saudi “Vision 2030” project, launched in 2016, which aims to diversify the economy in Saudi Arabia so that it has other sources of profit besides oil, and tourism to be the leading sector. “We also aim to make tourism a leading economic sector in Bulgaria”, the minister added.
Minister Prodanov: We attach great importance to the development of the bilateral relations between Bulgaria and Spain in tourism
Bulgaria and Spain have always enjoyed excellent partnerships in a number of key areas of mutual interest, including tourism. We attach great importance to the development of our bilateral relations and I will be happy for the future cooperation between Bulgaria and Spain to be mutually beneficial, to work for the realization of specific goals and ideas. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov to H.E. Alejandro Polanco, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Spain to Bulgaria.The Minister shared that the ambition of the Ministry of Tourism is to restore the tourist flow between the two countries from the levels before the Covid-19 pandemic. “The Ministry of Tourism is actively working for the smooth running of the winter tourist season and is preparing for the summer in 2022, so that we can welcome our tourist guests and business partners from Spain”, said Minister Prodanov.H.E. Alejandro Polanco said that the Spanish side is preparing to launch another airline of the air carrier “Iberia” with direct flights Madrid - Sofia, which will increase the opportunities for tourist connections and travel. He emphasized that he would be happy to cooperate with the Bulgarian Ministry for the development of specialized forms of tourism, for which Bulgaria has great opportunities - golf tourism on the Black Sea coast and Mallorca and Málaga on the Spanish side.  He also sees potential for hunting tourism, which falls within the scope of the high price sector.Minister Prodanov and the Ambassador also discussed the issue of organizing and conducting journalistic tours in both countries, cooperation in training personnel for tourism and working meetings of tour operators from both countries.Bulgaria expects to receive Spain’s support for its candidacy to host the 68th meeting of the WTO Regional Commission for Europe in 2023.
Minister Prodanov discussed the development of the tourist flow with Russia with Ambassador Eleonora Mitrofanova
The Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov discussed the development of the bilateral tourist flow between Bulgaria and Russia with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Bulgaria H.E. Eleonora Mitrofanova.“I truly believe that our relationship should be good, it should deepen and our two nations should maintain a close relationship. This will guarantee the successful future cooperation in tourism,” said Minister Prodanov. According to him, the Ministry of Tourism will work actively to promote the destination of Bulgaria to Russian citizens, but also to restore the interest of Bulgarians in the Russian Federation.He raised the issue of renewing the regular lines from Russia to Bulgaria, as well as charters between the two countries. “I sincerely hope that the Russian government will review the restrictions on air services, and I assure you that my team and I are working together to help resolve this case. It is important for us that tour operators have security and can safely plan tourist trips”, explained the Minister.For his part, H.E. Eleonora Mitrofanova expressed her satisfaction with the meeting. She stressed that there are good opportunities for the development of cultural, historical and pilgrimage tourism in both countries with the presence of numerous cultural buildings, religious sites and places of worship. It is necessary to intensify the established channels of interaction and cooperation, including the bilateral intergovernmental commission, where tourism is invariably a working topic. The pandemic has had a negative effect on the tourism exchange between the countries and a number of steps will be taken to restore the bilateral cooperation, one of which is to intensify promotional activities in the Russian market.During the meeting, the topics of the accelerated issuance of visas for Russian citizens wishing to go on vacation in Bulgaria were discussed, as well as the importance of restoring the practice of participation of Russian cities and regions in tourism exhibitions and events related to tourism in Bulgaria. The importance of strengthening Bulgaria’s participation in Russian tourism forums was also emphasized. “This will help to strengthen closer interaction between the tourism businesses of the two countries, to present the great tourism potential of Russia and Bulgaria,” Minister Prodanov concluded.
Minister Prodanov before the Ambassador of Azerbaijan: You are an important partner, we must continue our cooperation
Azerbaijan is a very important and strategic partner for us and I am optimistic for our future cooperation. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov to H.E. Hussein Husseinov, Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Bulgaria.The Minister clarified that Azerbaijan is a promising tourist market for Bulgaria, and most often, our country is a preferred destination for family vacations by Azerbaijani tourists. “The Covid crisis has had a negative impact, but we still need to keep working to achieve results,” he said.H.E. Hussein Husseinov clarified that the main priority in his work is to strengthen the contacts between the two countries. As for tourism, he believes that this is the best way to bring the nations together, as it gives people the opportunity to become acquainted in more detail with foreign culture, customs and cuisine. “We have many opportunities for joint cooperation, the only barrier at the moment is the pandemic,” he further added and talked about the initiatives organized by the embassy to promote Bulgaria in Azerbaijan, and vice versa.Minister Prodanov and the Ambassador also discussed the issue of the rate of vaccination in both countries, as well as the possibilities for holding a future joint meeting with the tourism business. The two also united on the topic of restoring the direct line Baku-Sofia-Baku, which was terminated at the onset of the corona crisis.
Minister Hristo Prodanov talks with H.E. Christoph Eichhorn, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany
The Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov talks with H.E. Christoph Eichhorn, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany. They discussed the promotion of our country among German tourists and future joint initiatives.“I consider our cooperation as extremely important for both our countries. This has been proven historically and my task will be to continue it so that our two nations can feel closer and closer,” said Minister Prodanov. According to him, everything possible should be done to stimulate tourist travel and business between the two countries, so that common good results can be achieved.The Minister clarified that the potential of Bulgaria is enormous, but the German market is mainly familiar with our seaside and winter resorts, while cultural, wine and spa tourism still need a serious advertising and marketing campaign. “We will count on your help to have a well-developed and balanced product throughout the year,” he added. According to him, the Bulgarian climate and mineral springs have many healing properties and it is these products that we must distribute, because they are not only beneficial to the economy, but they also have numerous health benefits.For his part, the Ambassador assured Minister Prodanov that the Embassy is ready to gladly support this concept of the Bulgarian government to promote tourism opportunities in Bulgaria. The Bulgarian Embassy in Berlin also has an important active role in this. “We need to work on the marketing concept, as well as on the better presentation of your country to the strategic markets, such as Germany,” he was adamant and expressed the Embassy’s readiness and that it would lend a helping hand to any good Bulgarian idea that would benefit the tourism industry. This is a great opportunity to promote the wonderful Bulgarian wines, as well as the spa tourism. One current, key factor is that German tourists on holiday in Bulgaria want to feel safe in the situation of the coronavirus pandemic. Therefore, an accelerated immunization campaign, as well as the practical implementation of hotel and restaurant concepts, would be very helpful.The two also discussed the possibility of German insured citizens to use products for health tourism in our country through the funds. Thanks to the help of the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce /GBCIC/ and the Bulgarian Union of Balneology and Spa Tourism, in September 2019, Bulgaria was included in the list of countries of the German National Association of Health Insurance Funds (GKV-Spitzenverband), where the costs of medical outpatient services for prevention and rehabilitation will be recognized. “I will do everything possible to develop this policy,” concluded Minister Prodanov.
Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva participated in the 103rd meeting of the Board of Directors of the European Travel Commission
Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva participated in the 103rd meeting of the Board of Directors of the European Travel Commission (ETC) The event took place in Engelberg, Switzerland. As part of the Board of Directors, with a mandate until the end of 2023, Bulgaria will take part in solving important subject-matters, issues and problems for the industry, accepting new members, approving the action program and the budget.The main topic of the discussion during the meeting was “The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on tourism in Europe. Measures for its recovery and resilience.” Deputy Minister Georgieva pointed out that the global pandemic is changing the travel attitudes and placing a strong emphasis on human health. This change in tourist demand will continue to affect the tourism product and preferred destinations in the next few years. The COVID-19 pandemic provides an opportunity to restart tourism in a more sustainable way.The expectations of a number of analysts are that there will be a change in tourists themselves, highlighting the trend of the tourists who practice “conscious travel”. They will be looking for more safety, less negative impact on the environment and a more personalized, intelligent and maximally contactless product. Deputy Minister Georgieva stressed that it is important to ease the restrictions on travel in Europe, ETC to re-emphasize the promotion of European destinations for European tourists with the message: “Travelling in Europe is interesting, safe and easy.”
Minister Prodanov at a meeting with the Serbian Ambassador: We are friendly nations and we have great potential for joint work
We are friendly nations and we have great potential for joint work in the field of tourism. The Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov stated this during his meeting with H.E. Prof. Željko Jović, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Sofia.Minister Prodanov suggested considering the establishment of joint tourism products, as Bulgaria and Serbia have many cultural, historical and economic similarities. “In this way we can attract tourists from distant countries,” he explained, adding that one of the promising sub-sectors is pilgrimage tourism, which has serious potential for development.The Minister also expressed the hope that the current COVID-19 wave will be the last so that we can return to our normal way of life and free movement.For his part, the ambassador specified that Serbian tourists prefer Bulgarian winter resorts, but according to him, a more intensive advertising campaign of our Black Sea coast is necessary. “We do not have a language barrier, and this is very important for Serbs,” he stressed. According to him, it is necessary to develop common projects and initiatives in order to achieve specific results. According to the ambassador, steps should be taken to speed up the passage of bus transport across our common border.The two sides also agreed to organize joint meetings between Bulgarian and Serbian tour operators and representatives of the tourism business.
Minister Prodanov held a working meeting with the Ambassador of the State of Israel, H.E. Yoram Elron
The Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov held a working meeting with the Ambassador of the State of Israel, H.E. Yoram Elron. The two discussed the bilateral relations between Israel and Bulgaria, as well as the ways to improve tourist flows between the two countries.The Minister told the Ambassador that our relations are extremely friendly and he will be happy to continue the close cooperation in the future. “I hope this is the last COVID-19 wave so that we can return to our normal lifestyles and free movement,” he said.  For his part, H.E. Yoram Elron pointed out that our country is an extremely popular destination among the citizens of Israel and thanked Minister Prodanov for the fact that the Bulgarian government removed the restrictions on entry from Israel. According to him, the number of Israeli tourists coming to our country is constantly increasing. “Bulgaria is a strategic partner and we have the potential to expand the areas of cooperation,” he said. According to him, there is room for the development of health and spa tourism - tourist products, which the citizens of Israel are also interested in recently.Minister Prodanov and Ambassador Elron also discussed the possibility of signing a Memorandum of Understanding between the two ministries of tourism.
Minister Prodanov and the Georgian Ambassador discussed the possibility of establishing a direct airline between Bulgaria and Georgia
The Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov and the Ambassador of the Republic of Georgia to Bulgaria H.E. Tamuna Liluashvili discussed the possibility of establishing a direct airline between Bulgaria and Georgia.During the conversation, Minister Prodanov said that the opening of such an airline would undoubtedly increase the potential for tourist exchange between the two countries. “I fully support the idea and would do everything possible to make it happen, because any such opportunity provides a serious prerequisite for improving relations between Bulgaria and Georgia, as well as increasing bilateral tourist flows,” he said.According to H.E. Tamuna Liluashvili, our countries have a lot in common and such a line would help the development of the tourism sector. “It is very important for me that Bulgarians recognize Georgia as a tourist destination and vice versa,” she stressed. According to her, Georgia is rich in natural resources and landmarks and in this regard, many efforts are being made to advertise them to Bulgarian citizens.Minister Prodanov and the Ambassador also discussed the opportunities for journalistic tours in the two countries as well as future joint ideas and initiatives.
Minister Prodanov before the UAE Ambassador: It is important to develop the tourist flow between the two countries
In recent years, there has been a considerable increase in the tourist flow between Bulgaria and the UAE and I will be happy if we develop this potential together. In this regard, I look forward to a fruitful and successful cooperation with you in the future. The Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov stated this during his meeting with H.E. Sultan Rashid Sultan Alkaitoob Alnuaimi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Arab Emirates to our country.Minister Prodanov assured the Ambassador that despite the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the Ministry of Tourism is working to ensure the smooth running of the winter season so that we can welcome guests from the UAE. He explained that talks were held with the management of Sofia Airport, according to which there is a serious potential for a double increase in the number of flights from the Middle East. “One of our main priorities is to introduce electronic visas, because this is a perspective we can develop,” the minister further specified.For his part, Ambassador Sultan Rashid Sultan Alkaitoob Alnuaimi said that the United Arab Emirates sees Bulgaria as a strategic partner and hopes that 2022 will be a good year and will contribute to the development of the relations between the two countries, especially in the field of tourism.  According to him, Bulgaria offers very good conditions for tourism and wonderful places to visit and currently many UAE citizens choose our country to practice winter sports. Their preferences are related to the large winter resorts of Bansko, Pamporovo and Borovets.The two also discussed the possibility of signing a Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of tourism with the UAE Ministry of Economy.
Minister Hristo Prodanov presented his political cabinet at a meeting with the Parliamentary Committee on Tourism in the National Assembly
Minister Hristo Prodanov presented his political cabinet at a meeting with the Standing Committee on Tourism at the 47th National Assembly. Irena Georgieva - Deputy Minister, Mariela Modeva - Deputy Minister, Diana Tonova - Head of Cabinet and Mihaela Demirevska-Beluhova are in the political cabinet of the Minister. They are experts with many years of experience in tourism, culture, law and marketing communications. “Joint work is extremely important for the tourism sector,” Prodanov said and shared that he is open for dialogue in this regard. “Some of our main tasks are the unification of the industry and constant contact with it, easing the visa regime for inbound tourists, the implementation of aid for the sector, control, food vouchers to be used for vacations, solving the problem of staff shortage, development and introduction of new marketing strategies and plans, as well as building an entirely new brand of tourism in Bulgaria. Joint work and mutual trust with state institutions in the country is extremely important for the sector. This will not only improve the services offered to tourists, but will also open the doors for a completely new tourism in Bulgaria. The constant contact with the sector is also extremely important,” Minister Prodanov further said.
Minister Prodanov held a meeting with the Organization of Expert Managers in Tourism, with Frank Quante – Chief Executive Officer of Fraport Bulgaria and Martin Zahariev – Deputy Chairman of the National Board of Tourism
Minister Hristo Prodanov held a meeting with the Organization of Expert Managers in Tourism, with Frank Quante – Chief Executive Officer of Fraport Bulgaria and Martin Zahariev – Deputy Chairman of the National Board of Tourism.The meeting discussed issues of the industry related to the personnel in the sector, insecurity, infrastructure and advertising. The natural features of Bulgaria were discussed and how they can be used to attract more tourists and how to improve the quality of the services offered.Hristo Prodanov stated that he agrees with the representatives of the branch and according to him, it is necessary to change the overall perception of Bulgaria by tourists. A new logo, slogan, and an overall new marketing and advertising strategy is needed. It is necessary not only to increase the budget for advertising and marketing of the Ministry, but also to change both the marketing and advertising strategies and implementation channels in order to achieve maximum effect. At the present time, digital advertising has remained in the background, and this should change as well.Minister Prodanov said that it was very important for him to unite the sector and said that in the future, the marketing and advertising strategies should be consulted with the industry in order to maximize the outcome of the campaigns. The idea is not only for the Ministry of Tourism, but also representatives of all types of tourism in Bulgaria to get involved. “In this way, as a result, we will have better quality target groups of potential customers and will be able to provide them with the information they want to receive in the most appropriate way,” he said. It is appropriate to have experts in the ministry to be responsible for segmentation in tourism, the minister stressed.More meetings with the tourism industry are forthcoming. The working groups will be formed as soon as possible in order to start work on business problems as early as possible.
Minister Hristo Prodanov held informal meetings with the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association and the National Board of Tourism
The meeting discussed the main problems of the industry related to the method of calculating aid, its effectiveness, the problems of the policy for seasonal workers, the lack of e-visas, the lack of staff in the sector, advertising, green certificate, uncertainty arising from policy of the Ministry of Health when issuing last-minute orders without a grace period, infrastructure and many other problems that affect not only the sector but also the economy of Bulgaria as a whole. “The tourism sector is the fastest and easiest conduit for financing our economy, which is why other ministries must help the Ministry of Tourism as much as possible,” the business representatives said.According to the industry, the definition of “tourist” must be changed, as well as amendments in the Tourism Act must be made in order that the competitiveness of the Bulgarian product be increased and the measures become effective for everybody in the industry.The Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association suggested also that Bulgarian journalists rest, at their expense, in their facilities for periods of several days, so that they can safely prepare their materials to promote our local attractions.Minister Prodanov said that he fully understands and supports the industry. He gave the example that while he was an MP, he asked several times for food vouchers to be used when buying tourist products, but so far, it has not been accepted. Despite the obstacles from previous governments, he will continue to work on his proposal, as well as in support of the tourism sector. Minister Prodanov pointed out that it is important for the tourism sector to be united so that it can have more authority to help. He fully understands the situation and supports the industry. The Minister proposed the establishment of a tourism committee, which would include representatives from all associations, so that the sector could really be helped.“The procedure for the implementation of the first measure of 30 million euros, which supported tourism, has already been completed, and the last payment order was issued today,” the minister said. The second measure for EUR 30 million is underway, for which a decree of the Council of Ministers has already been adopted and notification to the EC is expected. The Minister assured the business that an organization for work has been established in the Ministry and after receiving the approval from the EC, the procedure will be followed as soon as possible.Minister Prodanov also said that the work in the ministry will be optimized, the non-functioning practices will be changed and the capacity will be increased, because the prosperity of the sector is its priority. From the daily meetings with the industry he expects to get first-hand information on which measures will be most appropriate so that the sector can start working calmly and see a reliable partner in the face of the Ministry of Tourism.
Minister Prodanov held working meetings with the Association of Incoming Agencies in Bulgaria and the Association of Bulgarian Tour operators and Travel Agents
On 06.01.2022 and 07.01.2022, at the invitation of the Minister of Tourism, informal meetings were held at the Ministry of Tourism with the representatives of the tourism business in our country.On 06.01.2022, the meetings with the Association of Incoming Agencies in Bulgaria and the Association of Bulgarian Tour operators and Travel Agents were held. The problems of the branch and the joint future work were discussed.Minister Prodanov said that it is important for the sector to be united, because in this way, both the sector and the industry will be stronger and more authoritative and it will be easier to achieve the common goals. In this regard, it is particularly important that decisions are taken in common forums and supported by all. It is important for the ministry to have a clear idea of ​​where and how it can help, and the aid should focus on really significant business issues. It was agreed to organize a small working group with representatives of the sector and the ministry in order to be able to solve problems faster and better. The countries agreed that Bulgaria’s advertising be in accordance with the needs of the market and the opinion of the sector.The model of the guarantee fund, the aid under measure 60/40, as well as the 35 euros per seat, which is currently suspended, were discussed at the meeting. Minister Prodanov said that all efforts will be made to restart the measure, and it is expected that by the end of this month, the bills submitted to the National Assembly will be adopted and the payment of the promised aid will be launched as soon as possible.On their part, the industry representatives shared concerns about the insecurity and unpredictability in the country. They expressed their opinion that the orders issued by the Minister of Health in connection with restrictions related to the pandemic situation must have sufficient time for enforcement. When the deadline is at the last moment, without a grace period, the industry is extremely negatively affected. This uncertainty on the one hand has a negative effect on the country’s image and on the other hand leads to serious financial losses. Some of the problems to be solved are the lack or poor quality of the infrastructure, the aggravated visa regime, the representation abroad.Minister Prodanov said that the purpose of these informal meetings is to hear first-hand about the problems in the industry so that the Ministry of Tourism can know how to most effectively help the sector. Meetings with the representatives of the tourism sector are forthcoming.
Minister Prodanov and Hristo Stoichkov discussed the future cooperation to promote our country as a tourist destination
The Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov held a meeting with Hristo Stoichkov. The two discussed the future cooperation between the ministry and our football legend to promote our country as a tourist destination. Stoichkov agreed to be one of the faces of the Bulgarian tourist advertising to the world.Hristo Prodanov said that our country should use the resources of our athletes and their achievements and would be happy for a man like Stoichkov to become one of our symbols in the field of tourism, because prominent and proven personalities like him can only contribute to the positive image of our country.
The Ministry of Tourism and the Bulgarian Development Bank signed a memorandum of cooperation in support of the hotel and restaurant industry
Minister Prodanov: The program “Support for Tourism” will provide an opportunity to improve the liquidity of the companies so that they are more competitive and work more calmlyThe Ministry of Tourism and the Bulgarian Development Bank have signed a memorandum of cooperation, which will provide direct financing to micro, small and medium-sized companies in the hotel and restaurant industry affected by the pandemic. The signatures were affixed by the Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov and the executive directors of BDB Vladimir Georgiev and Zhivko Todorov. The Minister of Innovation and Growth Daniel Lorer also attended the event.To provide greater access to liquidity in difficult situations, BDB is creating a new program “Support for Tourism”, which will help hoteliers and restaurateurs, including start-ups, to meet their needs, manage overdue debts and alleviate their current payments to financial institutions and suppliers.The volume of the program is 60 million levs, and the bank will offer two products – “Liquid aid for restaurateurs” and “Liquid aid for hoteliers”. The advantage of the new terms is that they provide access to financing for companies overdue for up to 90 days according to the CCR (up to 5% of the total wallet) and up to 60 days (up to 45% of the total wallet), refinancing their liabilities. Refinanced loans can be rescheduled for up to 2 years, easing the burden of their repayments.This new program is of direct benefit to about 25,000 micro-, small and medium-sized companies in the sector, with grace periods of 18 months for hoteliers and 12 for restaurateurs. The projected interest rates will be 2.82%, according to the profiles of borrowers.Minister Prodanov said that tourism was the worst affected sector of the COVID-19 crisis and that is why many economic sectors found themselves in an extremely difficult situation. “Commercial banks, given their difficult situation, distrust the representatives of the tourism business. For this reason, during the coalition negotiations with the coalition partners, we decided to create a special product for the tourism business with BDB,” he said. According to him, the product will provide an opportunity to improve the liquidity of the companies so that they are more competitive and work more smoothly.On his part, Minister Lorer said that the Bulgarian Development Bank will continue to work with Bulgarian business to support it where it is really needed.BDB’s Executive Director Vladimir Georgiev clarified that the main problem in tourism is the lack of working capital and that is where the bank will try to help. “This is where the role of the BDB is to intervene and support the sector, which is going beyond the normal lending in other banks,” he concluded.At the end of the meeting, Minister Prodanov thanked the BDB leadership for the constructive talks and for the fact that the pre-election promises are being fulfilled one by one.
Minister Hristo Prodanov signed an order to support the tourism sector worth 30 million levs
2 220 are the enterprises approved for fundingThe Ministry of Tourism approved for funding 2220 applications under Scheme BG-176789478-2021-05 – Support for enterprises operating in one of the following codes under the Classification of Economic Activities (NACE.BG-2008) of the National Statistical Institute – 55, 56, 79, 82.3, 86, 90, 93, and 96.04 worth 30 million levs. The measure is a state aid scheme in the form of direct grants according to section 3.1 of the State Aid Temporary Framework to support the economy during COVID-19. The application and evaluation of aid applications took place in the Management System of National Investments (NIMS).The grants are awarded once and are distributed proportionally according to the number of applications submitted and admitted for support and realized turnover excluding VAT in 2019, but the individual maximum amount of aid for eligible applicants must not exceed 20% of this turnover.The total number of applicants who submitted applications under the scheme within the established period is 2799. The grant that each company receives is 1.14% of the turnover for 2019. The funds will be transferred by bank transfer within the first week of 2022.In connection with the completion of the work of the Evaluation Committee for review and conformity assessment of applications submitted under Scheme BG-176789478-2021-05 – Support for enterprises operating in one of the following codes of the Classification of Economic Activities (NACE.BG-2008) of the National Statistical Institute – 55, 56, 79, 82.3, 86, 90, 93, 96.04, the Ministry of Tourism publishes on its institutional page a list of assisted enterprises under Scheme BG-176789478-2021-05, which can be found in the attached file:
Minister Prodanov in Bansko: Both Bulgarian and foreign tourists are interested in our winter resorts
“The registrations are going well at the moment, and both Bulgarian and foreign tourists are interested in our winter resorts.” This was stated by the Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov during the opening of the winter season 2021/2022 in Bansko.The Minister clarified that the Bulgarian tourists are always a priority for the country and are of great importance in both summer and winter tourism and added that it is a great advantage for the tourism business, money made around the world to be spent in the country, which is a prerequisite for a prosperous and rich country. “The state will fully cooperate with the business so that there are fewer obstacles and a more successful season,” he said.The marketing director of the concessionaire of the Bansko ski resort, Ivan Obreykov, explained at the start of the season that the resort already has tourist groups from Great Britain, Serbia and Macedonia.Currently, all ski slopes in the resort are open and treated with natural snow. All anti-epidemic measures are observed in order to ensure the health and safety of both the employees of the resort and all guests.The opening was attended by the Chairman of the BSP parliamentary group Georgi Svilenski and the mayor of Bansko Ivan Kadev.
Minister Prodanov in Pamporovo: I am optimistic about the upcoming winter season
I am optimistic about the upcoming winter season. There are two main criteria for it to be successful – the first is to have a lot of snow, and the second – to have many tourists. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov during the opening of the winter season 2021/2022 in Pamporovo. According to him, the resort has created conditions for anti-epidemic measures to be observed.The executive director of “Pamporovo” AD Marian Belyakov also expressed hopes for the current winter season, as for the first time in years there is so much snow in December. According to him, from tomorrow, the whole ski area will be operating.Currently, all the lifts in the resort are working, as well as the slopes “Snezhanka 1”, “Snezhanka 3”, “Snezhanka 6”, “Snezhanka 8”, “Snezhanka 13” and “Stoikite 2”.Additional stations for contactless receipt of lifting cards by scanning a QR code have been installed on the territory of the complex.With the opening of the winter season in the building of one of the largest hotels will work and a laboratory for rapid and PCR tests
The Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov accepted the post from the caretaker Minister Stela Baltova
At the inauguration ceremony, Minister Hristo Prodanov took over the office from the caretaker Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova.Hristo Prodanov thanked for the warm welcome and said that in a spirit of continuity he will rely on the opinion and expertise of Assoc. Prof. Baltova.The former Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova wished success to Minister Prodanov and expressed hope that everything that has been done so far will be continued and upgraded so that our country can establish itself as a year-round tourist destination.
Minister Discusses Winter Tourism in Bulgaria with Czech Representatives
Tourism Minister Stela Baltova had a working meeting with representatives of the Czech Tour perators  Association led by its CEO Michal Weber. The meeting was also attended by Deputy Tourism Minister Irena Georgieva.Minister Baltova said Czechia is among the leading inbound tourism markets for Bulgaria. Some 34,000 holiday-makers from the Central European country visited Bulgaria in the summer of 2020,  and 88,000 came in the summer of 2021, she said.The Minister noted that her country boasts the best winter resorts in the Balkans, and encouraged Czech tourists to come and see for themselves. She added that Bulgaria also offers other types of tourism such as cultural, historical, SPA, wellness, wine and food tourism. She singled out thepossibilities for health tourism, including balneotherapy, climate therapy and post-COVID recovery, golf and other tourist packages. Baltova underlined the possibility to combine a ski holiday with SPA, cultural and historical tourism.The minister assured the Czech tour operators that Bulgaria is taking all necessary precautions against COVID. She stressed that local COVID vaccination levels are going up.The guests raised questions about advertising Bulgaria on the Czech market, free movement and tourist site accessibility. They  asked for more information from the Tourism Ministry aboutsummer 2022. The sides discussed Bulgarian marketing initiatives  for the Czech market and measures to support the tourist business, including emergency legislation.Emergency legislation may target the reinstatement of an aid scheme under which tour operators received 35 euro for every occupied seat on charter flights to Bulgaria. The scheme wasterminated on September 16 after Bulgaria revised its state budget for 2021. As the scheme was redesigned, it requires a new  procedure for notification to the European Commission.
Three ministries are joining forces to develop the cultural, creative and recreational industries
The Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova, the Minister of Economy Daniela Vezieva and the Deputy Minister of Culture Borislava Taneva held a meeting to discuss the possibility of signing an agreement to unite the efforts of the three ministries for the development of cultural, creative and recreational industries.Its aim is to develop a framework for long-term administrative relations, mutual exchange of information and the creation of an effective mechanism for coordination between the parties. At the meeting, concrete steps and actions were agreed for the implementation of joint activities for prioritization of these industries, which would improve access and funding opportunities in the cultural, creative and recreational sectors.“We offer an innovative approach to the cultural, creative and recreational industries. The idea is to make a working mechanism with concrete steps and actions in order to prioritize these industries”, said the Minister of Economy, host of the meeting. According to her, they are a priority in the next programming period, as well as in the Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization 2021-2027, in which the potential for growth is greatest and support should be directed there.“The innovative strategy for smart specialization must take on new dimensions. Digitalization, artificial intelligence and innovation open up completely new opportunities for development – such as building a virtual reality that recreates our cultural and historical heritage,” said Minister of Tourism Dr. Stela Baltova.She pointed out that we have a large resource and variety of tourist products, many archaeological, ethnological, historical sites, religious sites and cultural institutions – museums, galleries, community centers, and many events related to intangible heritage, which are held throughout the year.“In Bulgaria there is a rich cultural, event, festival tourism, which attracts many visitors and at the same time covers a wide range of activities in the field of art, cultural heritage and cultural and creative industries. Within this environment, with their participation, tourists and the local population themselves create culture and become a real part of it, bringing added value to this “creative” tourism,” said Minister Baltova.During the meeting, the parties expressed the conviction that the intensive interaction between economy, culture and tourism is an engine for the economic growth of Bulgaria and it is necessary to strengthen the coordination between them. An agreement is to be signed, with the three ministries making a clear commitment, based on an integrated approach, to ensure sustainable conditions for current and future cultural, creative and recreational industries.
London: Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva discussed with the Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey Mehmet Ersoy the readiness of the countries to cooperate even more closely in tourism
During the 41st edition of the international travel exhibition World Travel Market in London, the Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva met with the Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey Mehmet Ersoy. The two discussed opportunities for joint actions and initiatives between the two countries in support of tourism.Minister Ersoy raised the issue of the accelerated issuance of visas for Turkish tourists visiting Bulgaria. Deputy Minister Georgieva assured that the Bulgarian winter resorts are ready to welcome their guests from our southern neighbor, offering safety and secure conditions. For his part, Minister Mehmet Ersoy expressed readiness to increase the tourist visits of travelers from Turkey to destinations in Bulgaria, not only during the upcoming winter season.During the meeting, Turkish Minister Mehmet Ersoy and Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva discussed the prospects for joint marketing activities between the countries, as well as Bulgaria’s upcoming participation in the EMITT exhibition in Istanbul, which will take place in February 2022.
The Ministry of Tourism participates in the international travel exhibition World Travel Market in London
Today the 41st edition of the international travel exhibition World Travel Market in London was opened, which this year is held in a hybrid format – present from 1 to 3 November 2021 and virtually in the period 8-9 November. A total of eight co-exhibitors – tour operators and two municipalities – Sofia Municipality and Varna – are presented at the national stand together with the Ministry of Tourism. The United Kingdom is one of the priority markets for our country, and Bulgaria’s participation is in line with the National Tourism Advertising Program in 2021. A team of the Ministry of Tourism, led by Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva, took part in the exhibition. meetings with some of the leading tour operators on the UK market.World Travel Market / WTM / is the largest exchange for professionals in the tourism industry and the second largest tourism exhibition in the world after ITB – Berlin. Traditionally, the forum gathers tens of thousands of visitors – professionals in the field of tourism. All participants – both visitors and exhibitors represent a wide variety of companies and sectors, products, services of workers in the tourism industry.Our country is known among the citizens of Great Britain as a destination offering mainly vacations at sea and ski vacations. In 2021, the trend was confirmed among British tourists vacationing outside their country to choose a well-known destination, with 53% of them believing that testing for COVID-19 when traveling abroad is very important for their safety ( In this regard, Bulgaria has great potential to increase the number of trips from the UK for cultural tours, spas and wellness, combined sea and mountain tours and other specialized forms of tourism such as eco and rural tourism, adventure, golf, business and congress tourism / MICE /, festival and others, which will be presented on the Bulgarian stand in front of the thousands of spectators during the tourist exhibition.
Minister Baltova discussed the health protocol with the winter resorts and presented the rules for application of anti-epidemic measures
At an online meeting with representatives of winter ski resorts in Bulgaria, the Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova presented the Rules for implementing anti-epidemic measures in carrying out tourist activities during the winter season 2021/2022 and discussed the drafted Health Protocol for the winter season. Its coordination with the Ministry of Health is forthcoming and it will be finally approved within days.“The measures for the winter tourist season are in line with the anti-epidemic measures introduced by the orders of the Minister of Health, and the key goal of the protocol is to ensure maximum protection of the health of tourists during the winter,” said Minister Baltova. She presented to the participants the main measures that the accommodation must take, namely the wearing of a mask by employees and visitors, regulation and control of the flow of guests in the hotel, the placement of information boards and others.“It is necessary to follow the orders of the Minister of Health and the prescriptions of the respective RHI,” explained Minister Baltova.The protocols clearly set out the rules for gondola lifts, chair lifts and ski lifts. At this stage, the season is expected to begin without the requirement to present a green certificate for access of tourists to ski facilities.During the meeting the practices in foreign winter tourist destinations were presented and discussed, as well as the procedures in case of coronavirus viral infection in a guest at the accommodation.For their part, the representatives of our winter resorts thanked Minister Baltova and her team for listening to their ideas and recommendations. They expressed their concerns in the context of the pandemic, shared practices and assured that this year they will take all measures and actions that will benefit the health of tourists and that would allow them to work without restrictions.During the meeting, the participants were presented with the results of a representative survey of the attitudes of Bulgarians towards the upcoming winter season and their intention to rest. 74% of the adult population of Bulgaria assesses the potential of our winter tourism as good – according to nearly a million and a half Bulgarians the conditions for accommodation, infrastructure and specialized facilities offered in our country are “definitely good”, and according to 2.7 million the assessment is “rather good.” A little over half of the respondents – 54.6%, are of the opinion that the Bulgarian winter resorts are making progress and improvement in the offered conditions for tourism.In the midst of the fourth COVID wave, 730 thousand adult Bulgarians (12.8%) say they plan at least one tourist trip or vacation in the upcoming winter season 2021/22.The findings also show that traditionally travel as a “tourist” is more prevalent among residents of the capital and regional cities. The main concerns are related to the financial factor and the COVID-19 virus to a relatively close degree.Nearly 5 percent of Bulgarians have the inclination to travel abroad, regardless of the pandemic situation in which we are.Regarding the duration and the allocated budget for winter vacation, for the season 2021/22 the intention is on average for 6 days to use a tourist service of some type with a budget of BGN 1,330 on average. About 260 thousand Bulgarians are looking for vacations within BGN 1,000, and a little over 70 thousand are looking for a budget of over BGN 2,500.The greatest potential for the tourism sector at the moment is represented by people aged 18-44, who form 80% of the category of actively seeking suitable offers. 37% of them are in the category with 2-3 thousand BGN monthly household income.In general, when planning their vacation, the Bulgarian is largely guided by his direct impressions – 36% indicate as an important factor in choosing a recommendation from relatives and acquaintances, and 34% rely on direct, personal impressions of a particular place.
Minister Baltova held a working meeting with leading Polish tour operators before the start of the winter season
The Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova held a working meeting with leading Polish tour operators. The talks were attended by Deputy Ministers of Tourism Irena Georgieva and Maria Belkoleva.Minister Baltova stated that tourism has been raised as a priority by the Caretaker Government and is constantly working for its development, despite the COVID-19 pandemic. According to her, Poland is among the top 10 countries for inbound tourism in Bulgaria. She cites data according to which in 2019 about 421 thousand Polish tourists visited Bulgaria.After the overall decline in 2020 due to the pandemic, Poland was one of the surprises last summer, after ranking in the top 3 in foreign markets and recorded a growth of 96% of Polish tourists in Bulgaria compared to summer 2020.At the same time, for the summer season 2021 our country was third in sales on the Polish market for organized trips through tour operator services.“Even in October we have flights from Poland. You know that Bulgaria is a well-known destination for Polish citizens and we would like to invite them to our ski resorts, as well as spa and wellness destinations,” the Minister told the leading tour operators on the Polish market. According to her, the citizens of the Central European country can become acquainted with our centuries-old history, rich culture or enjoy a spa and balneal vacation, as our country has more than 600 mineral springs.Minister Baltova assured the representatives of the Polish companies that the Ministry of Tourism maintains constant contact with the health authorities and monitors the development of the pandemic. She assured that Bulgaria is taking all necessary anti-epidemic measures in order to provide optimal support for the sector, as well as to ensure maximum safety for the guests in the conditions of the ongoing pandemic.Deputy Minister Georgieva acquainted the Polish tour operators with the current conditions that came into force with the introduction of the green certificate and explained that within days the so-called Health protocol for work in tourist sites.The Polish representatives announced that they currently offer various tourist packages – ski vacations, spa vacations, as well as many other different opportunities for tourism. They also shared that this year the summer season was long, lasting until mid-October, and the registrations for the upcoming winter season are going very well. Tour operators expressed optimism and confidence that next year’s season will be even more successful than summer 2021.Another important topic of the meeting was the ways to enter the country – according to them, it is extremely important that the rules are not changed so that there is predictability and registrations are not interrupted, as well as the outflow of tourists.During the discussion, upcoming marketing activities that the Ministry of Tourism is planning for the Polish market were discussed, as well as the measures that are being taken to support the tourism business.
The Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova and the leading Russian tour operators discussed the upcoming winter season and current issues for tourists from the Russian market
The Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova held a nearly two-hour meeting with leading Russian tour operators operating in the Russian market. The talks were attended by Deputy Ministers of Tourism Irena Georgieva and Maria Belkoleva.“This meeting is being held at a difficult time for all, but we are determined to work together to deal with the problems during the pandemic,” said Minister Baltova at the beginning of the meeting. The topic of conversation was the upcoming winter and summer season 2022.“In the last 10-15 years, there has been a tendency for the tourism sector to develop rapidly, making Bulgaria a preferred year-round destination offering a high quality and diverse tourism product, and Russia has always been a priority market and partner,” said Minister Baltova.From the beginning of the year to the end of September, over 31,000 Russian tourists have visited Bulgaria, 85% of them during the summer season. Leading destinations were Sofia and Varna – with about and over 6900 tourists from Russia, followed by Nessebar – with over 4 thousand, Balchik, Burgas and Plovdiv. For the period from January to August, however, according to border authorities, the number of Russian tourists visiting our country is significantly higher – over 85 thousand. Minister Baltova pointed out that the most important task before us is to restore the flow of tourists to the levels before the pandemic, when in 2019 their number was 450 thousand. Of the winter destinations, the most preferred for Russian guests are Bansko, Sofia, Samokov, Smolyan and Chepelare, the minister said. She assured that Bulgaria is taking all necessary anti-epidemic measures in order to provide optimal support for the sector, as well as to ensure maximum safety for the guests in the conditions of the ongoing pandemic. Minister Baltova acquainted the Russian tour operators with the current conditions that came into force with the introduction of the green certificate and announced that next week the Health Protocol for work in Bulgarian tourist sites will be fully ready.Russian officials expressed satisfaction with the resumption of flights between the two countries, but requested charter flights, including to Plovdiv airport for the winter season. Optimism was expressed regarding the upcoming winter season. Another important topic of the meeting was the visa regime – it was requested to be eased, as well as the introduction of multiple three-year visas. Russian tour operators have expressed concern and asked for details on how to enter the country and the use of the green certificate for access to various sites and public places in the country. The representatives of the leading tour operators expressed a desire for even closer cooperation in the field of marketing in positioning Bulgaria on the Russian market.
Bulgaria has been selected as an Honored Country at the 8th Athens International Tourism & Culture Expo 2021
Bulgaria has been chosen an Honored Country at the 8th Athens International Tourism & Culture Expo 2021, which will be held in Athens, Greece from November 25-27, 2021.For the first time the Ministry of Tourism organized the participation of the Republic of Bulgaria with an information stand on an area of 88 sq. m. The interest of the Bulgarian tourism sector to participate in the stand of Bulgaria is great, as seven companies, municipalities and organizations have so far: Bansko Municipality, Festivals in Bulgaria Association, Prevention, Rehabilitation and Recreation EAD, Ravadinovo Castle – In Love with the Wind, Rila Travel EOOD, Grand Hotel Bansko and Hotel Regnum – Bansko.8th Athens International Tourism & Culture Expo 2021 is the largest international tourism exhibition in Athens, which annually features exhibitors from all tourism sectors in Greece and abroad.This year over 120 exhibitors from Greece, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark and others will take part, and 150 international buyers from 50 countries (Europe, the Balkans, the Middle East, Russia, Turkey, the USA and Canada) will take part in b2b meetings with exhibitors. The exhibition will offer an opportunity for all participants to increase their contacts, build new business partnerships and discover new destinations. The event will cover the tourist categories: Leisure, Luxury Tourism and Business Tourism (MICE) with an emphasis on cultural tourism.Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the exhibition will be held in a hybrid form – on site and online. Through a virtual stand, each online visitor will have the opportunity to make a one-click teleconference meeting with exhibitors.Bulgaria and Greece are developing active cooperation in the field of tourism. Greece is the main target market for Bulgaria, and in 2019, it ranks second in the number of tourist visits in our country (over 1,100,000). Given the pandemic and anti-epidemic measures, visits from all markets, including Greece, have decreased significantly since the beginning of 2020, but are gradually recovering in 2021. Greece continues to be in the top 10 markets with the largest inflow of tourists to the country us.Bulgaria attracts Greek tourists mainly with winter holidays (skiing and snowboarding) and balneo and spa combined with health tourism. Summer vacations are also among the choices of our neighbors, followed by visits to acquaintances, as well as the practice of eco and rural tourism.        In 2020, the Ministry of Tourism launched an integrated communication campaign on the Greek market with a horizon of 2021, and in the period January – March 2021 a television and digital advertising campaign was implemented on the Greek market. Next month there will be a new TV and online advertisement of Bulgaria in Greece with a focus on the upcoming winter season and the safe conditions for vacation in our country.
Bulgaria participates in the largest golf exhibition IGTM, which opened today in the UK
The Ministry of Tourism organizes the national presentation of Bulgaria at the International Tourism Travel Market / IGTM /, which takes place in the period 18-21.10.2021. This is the largest event in the tourism golf industry and is held every year in a different destination.  Since 1998, the event has been held in 10 countries, including the Dominican Republic, France, Italy, and South Africa, in various locations in Spain, Mexico, Portugal, Turkey, the United States and Morocco.Golf tourism is among the fastest growing market niches in the world and among the leading specialized types of tourism in Bulgaria, aimed at solvent tourists from neighboring markets, Germany, the Scandinavian countries, Finland, Russia, Benelux and other target markets. Our country has great potential for development and is increasingly mentioned as one of the good destinations for golf tourism in Europe.This year’s International Golf Travel Market (IGTM) is being held at Celtic Manor Resort, Newport, Wales, and UK. The Bulgarian information stand of the Ministry of Tourism and the interested exhibitors has an area of 48 square meters.This is another step in support of the sustainable policy of the Ministry of Tourism to respond to the changes in the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and to work to support the sector, promoting the benefits of destination Bulgaria. At the same time, it promotes the various types of tourism and the opportunities that Bulgaria offers as a safe, secure and sustainable destination with a security seal from the World Tourism Council.
Minister Baltova discussed the upcoming winter season for tourists from Great Britain with Balkan Holidays
The Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova and a team from the Ministry of Tourism held an online meeting in which they discussed the upcoming winter season and the conditions for entry into the country of tourists from Great Britain with representatives of Balkan Holidays.Minister Baltova highlighted the importance of Great Britain for winter tourism in our country and stressed that Bulgaria will present itself as a safe destination, in terms of providing good conditions and compliance with all anti-epidemic measures in the resorts.“We look forward to English tourists coming to our country. We have instructions for the operation of the winter resorts in the conditions of COVID-19, and next week the so-called Health Protocol developed by the Ministry of Tourism,” she added. The health protocol will be available on the website of the National Tourist Portal with up-to-date information on travel conditions, measures in accommodation and meals, which will ensure the safety of tourists.Representatives of the big tour operator Balkan Holidays, which this year marks 55 years of presence on the Bulgarian market, also said that the UK market is extremely important for Bulgaria and over the years our country has been used as the most affordable destination for skiing and snowboarding. “Our price-package-service has always been at a fairly high level, and most of our customers are tourists who return year after year in Bulgaria,” they said. According to them, thanks to word of mouth advertising, our ski resorts have managed to become even more popular. Destination Bulgaria is a preferred place mainly by young people and families with children who come to study in winter sports, said the representatives of the tour operator.During the meeting, the advertising and marketing campaigns undertaken by the Ministry of Tourism in the UK market were also discussed, in relation to the current epidemic situation and the opening of our borders to tourists from the island. The Ministry will participate in the upcoming major exhibitions – The International Golf Travel Market (IGTM) and The World Travel Market (WTM). Large-scale advertising campaigns are also being undertaken on BBC, National Geographic and 24 Kitchen, as well as on their digital platforms.Minister Baltova and the experts from the ministry discussed with Balkan Holidays the measures in support of the business that the Bulgarian government is taking to deal with the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic.They also discussed the place and ways to support the tourism sector in the Recovery and Sustainability Plan, which the cabinet approved today and Bulgaria will submit to Brussels tomorrow.
The Ministry of Tourism organizes an online business meeting with the tourist attachés of Bulgaria
A team of the Ministry of Tourism organized an online meeting with the business, where they presented the work of the tourist attachés of Bulgaria. The current tourist representatives of our country are Katya Zhekova – Attaché for Tourism in Russia, Plamen Bakalov – for Germany and Nikolai Kostov, who is responsible for the Visegrad Four and works in Warsaw.In her words to the participants, Minister Baltova expressed the readiness of the Ministry to assist in the implementation of these important business contacts and assured that the tourist representatives of our country are ready to serve the business, calling on its representatives not to hesitate to take advantage of this opportunity.One of the main tasks of the tourist representation is to regularly and systematically provide reliable and useful information to the tourist business, as well as to end users and tourist offices. This was assured by Katya Zhekova and informed the participants in the virtual meeting that our representative office in Moscow is an associate member of the prestigious Russian organization of tour operators ATOR and actively works to promote the Bulgarian tourist product. At the end of November, there will be a webinar dedicated to the winter season, focusing on the combination of skiing, spa and cultural tourism.Plamen Bakalov announced the preparations for Bulgaria’s upcoming participation in the international tourist exhibition Touristik & Caravaning, which will be held in Leipzig in mid-November, he also spoke about the upcoming plans, trends and innovations. The business was informed that a press release will be distributed in leading German media, which will promote the opportunities for different types of tourism not only in our winter resorts, but also in smaller Bulgarian cities and municipalities.Nikolay Kostov informed that the interest of the Polish market in Bulgaria is great and it is being transferred to the winter season. This summer our country was third in sales on the Polish market for organized trips through tour operator services. The realization of a complete image television advertisement of Bulgaria in Poland as an attractive and safe destination for tourism and investments is currently being prepared.The representatives of the business expressed satisfaction with the meeting, which is initiated in a similar format for the first time and asked for the joint work to continue, expanding in the direction of interaction with the trade attachés. They also asked travel agents to share with them information on how other competing countries are advertising in foreign markets.
On the eve of the winter season, the Caretaker Minister of Tourism Assoc. Prof. Stela Baltova and the Head of State Rumen Radev talked with the tourism business in Bansko
Bansko is one of the faces of Bulgarian tourism. Therefore, it is of great importance to preserve the nature in the area so that it can be most effectively used for the development of tourism and the economic opportunities of the city. This was stated by President Rumen Radev during a meeting with the Mayor of Bansko Ivan Kadev and representatives of his team, which was attended by the Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova and the Regional Governor of Blagoevgrad Nikolay Shushkov. Later, they participated in a meeting with representatives of local authorities, businesses and members of the public from the region.The financial investments in tourism are insignificant against the background of the investment policy of the state, but they are of great importance for the development of many economic spheres, the President emphasized. According to him, in addition to establishing Bansko as a European destination for winter sports, the region has huge potential for the development of cultural, historical, spa, culinary and mountain tourism.Tourism was one of the sectors most affected by the pandemic, but it can become an engine for the country’s economic recovery, said Minister Baltova. She stressed that the recovery of the sector continues thanks to the efforts of business and socio-economic measures taken by the state to support it.Representatives of local authorities and businesses pointed out the significant limitations in the conditions of a pandemic as the main problems. One of the negative consequences of them is the significant increase in unemployment in the region, due to the quarantine and blockade imposed last year on the city, which is the economic center of the region. They also called for the timely announcement of the health measures that will be applied during the upcoming winter tourist season, as well as for the access of foreign tourists to Bulgaria. The issues of providing timely assistance to the business due to the increase in electricity prices, as well as the construction of a second line of the gondola lift of Bansko in compliance with all environmental requirements were also raised.Easing the visa regime for foreign citizens, charter flights and stepping up the fight against unfair competition in the tourism sector were also among the measures proposed by the business during their meeting with the head of state, Minister Baltova and representatives of municipal and regional authorities.Minister Baltova stated that the Ministry of Tourism maintains constant contact with the tourism business and makes every effort to bring the sector out of this unprecedented situation in which it is placed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to her, Bansko is a leading destination for ski tourism in Bulgaria and a year-round place for recreation and vacation. She cites data according to which from the beginning of 2021 to the beginning of September inclusive, more than 170 thousand tourists from Bulgaria, Romania, Israel, Northern Macedonia, Serbia, Greece, France, the Czech Republic and etc., and the number of nights during the summer months exceeds the same period of 2019.The Ministry of Tourism is launching an active campaign in the markets from which tourists are expected during the winter season, as well as frequent online meetings with leading tour operators. The campaign focuses on Bulgaria’s opportunities for a safe vacation and the combination of mountain / winter tourism with specialized forms of tourism such as cultural, health, balneal and spa tourism, wine and culinary tourism and others, said Minister Baltova at the meeting in Bansko.She expressed hope that Czech tourists will return, tourists from neighboring countries are expected, as well as from Israel, Great Britain, Germany, Poland, Ukraine and others. “We are currently working actively to achieve reciprocity with the Israeli market, and the responsibility for the final decision lies with the health authorities,” the minister said. Rescue measures must continue for the sector as they continue to evolve as a function of the rapidly changing epidemiological situation and the respective restrictive conditions imposed by destinations and markets. The official cabinet is working very intensively in this direction, said Minister Baltova.At the same time, in response to a question posed by business, the head of state called for strengthening control over European funding in the tourism sector after the disclosure of abuses in the construction of guest houses, but to preserve the potential of this financial instrument for the development of sector.
The Ministry of Tourism participates in the International Tourism Travel Market / IFTM TOP RESA / in Paris
Ministry of Tourism participates in the international tourism exhibition International French Travel Market / IFTM TOP RESA / in Paris, France, which takes place from 5 to 8 October.At the exhibition, our country is presented with a stand of 44 sq. m., with the participation of two tourism companies together with the Ministry of Tourism.The exhibition is being held for the first time since 2019, after a break due to the pandemic.In 2021, destinations such as Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Ireland and others are participating.France is one of the important markets for the tourism sector in our country, and the data show that from the beginning of 2021 to September 10 in the accommodation in Bulgaria spent about 40 thousand French tourists, their growth compared to the same period in 2020 is about 90%.
With great interest the largest autumn tourism exhibition UITM in Ukraine, Bulgaria was opened, with an award for the most creative stand
Today, with great interest, the largest autumn tourism exhibition UITM was opened in Kiev, Ukraine. The event has been held since 1993, and since 2007, Bulgaria has participated in the stock exchange annually.At UITM 2021, our country is presented with an information stand with an increased area of 54 sq.m. Apart from the Ministry of Tourism as the main organizer of the Bulgarian stand, two tour operators will also take part. On the first day of the exhibition, the Bulgarian stand was awarded for the most creative design.The traditional exhibition continues to advertise Bulgaria on the Ukrainian market as an attractive tourist destination and a place for year-round recreation, and the focus of Bulgarian participation this fall is “ski vacation in Bulgaria” and “New Year’s programs”.Our presentation at this international tourism exhibition helps to promote the innovations in the Bulgarian tourist offer and to strengthen Bulgaria’s position as a tourist destination on the Ukrainian market, as the main demand from Ukrainian tourists is for summer and winter holidays, spa treatments and cultural trips.Ukraine is a generating market for Bulgaria, as for the period from January to mid-September 2021 the number of Ukrainian tourists spending the night in accommodation in Bulgaria is over 100 thousand, and their increase compared to the same period in 2020 is more than 2 times.The policy of the Bulgarian government in recent years is aimed precisely at creating favorable conditions for the tourism business to find adequate market approaches and meet consumer expectations. We also expect the large tour operators that offer on the Ukrainian market to find appropriate mechanisms to expand the offer and offer the full range of opportunities provided by our country.
The Ministry of Tourism participates in the International Tourism Exhibition “EXPOTRAVEL 2021” in Ekaterinburg, Russia
The Ministry of Tourism participated in the International Tourism Exhibition “EXPOTRAVEL 2021”, which was held in Ekaterinburg, Russia in the period 1-2 October 2021.The EXPOTRAVEL 2021 exhibition is the largest autumn exhibition in the Ural Federal District, with the participation of leading tour operators from Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, the Ural Federal District, as well as national tourist representations of other countries in Russia. The exhibition included 100 participants from 10 countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Italy, Abkhazia, and the Dominican Republic) and 15 regions of the Russian Federation.The Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria was represented by the Deputy Minister of Tourism Maria Belkoleva, who participated in the official opening ceremony of the International Tourism Exhibition “EXPOTRAVEL 2021”. She presented Bulgaria as a safe and sought-after destination by Russian tourists, as well as opportunities for recreation, health promotion and active recreation throughout the year. This happened during the Plenary Session, at the International Conference for the Development of Balneotourism Thermal Travel SPA, as well as at the Round Table for the Development of Active Tourism.The Deputy Minister of Tourism talks with the Deputy Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Pavel Krekov. The two stated the desire of their countries to intensify the tourist exchange between Bulgaria and the Sverdlovsk region, outlining future joint actions.During her visit, Belkoleva also held a working meeting with the Deputy Minister of International and Foreign Economic Relations of the Sverdlovsk Region Lyudmila Berg. The two discussed various topics related to charter flights, vaccination and the possibility of opening additional consulates in Russia.During her meetings held within the exhibition, Deputy Minister Belkoleva presented the Ministry of Tourism as an important factor in establishing Bulgaria as a calm and safe tourist destination, the measures it takes and the control it organizes, to create a safe and comfortable environment for recreation of the guests, who have chosen Bulgaria as a place for recreation in 2021.
Urgent actions of the Ministry of Tourism in connection with the suspended “State aid for tour operators who use air carriers with a valid operating license to perform charter flights to the Republic of Bulgaria for tourism, for the period from 01.06.2021
As promulgated in the State Gazette No.77 of 16 September 2021 the Amendments to the Law on the State Budget of the Republic of Bulgaria for 2021 forced the Ministry of Tourism to terminate the application process under Phase III of the procedure for granting “State aid for tour operators who use air carriers with a valid operating license to perform charter flights to the Republic of Bulgaria for tourism, for the period from 01.06.2021 to 31.12.2021”The Ministry of Tourism envisages the resumption of the scheme by the submission of a proposal from the Council of Ministers for a legislative change, which would repeal the text of Art. 26 para 1 promulgated on 16.09.2021.This foreseen change will restore the scheme for tour operators that use air carriers with a valid operating license to operate charter flights to the Republic of Bulgaria for tourism purposes, without the requirement for the use of Bulgarian airlines.Despite the termination of Phase III, the period for which the state aid was notified (01 June - 30 November) will be included in the renewed scheme after the legislative change to the Law on the Measures and Actions during the state of emergency, announced by a decision of the National Assembly of 13 March 2020 and to overcome the consequences. In this way the negative consequences of the currently amended text of Art. 26 para 1 will be overcome.The Ministry of Tourism will use all possible means to maintain and implement the state aid for tour operators that use air carriers with a valid operating license to operate charter flights to the Republic of Bulgaria for tourism purposes because the scheme is an important part of the overall package of measures to encourage the travel to Bulgaria and to restore the position of your country as a preferred all-year-round destination.
Tourism for Inclusive Growth 2021: we celebrate September 27 – World Tourism Day
DEAR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,DEAR COLLEAGUES AND PARTNERS,DEAR GUESTS OF BULGARIA,I congratulate you on the World Tourism Day – September 27, which is celebrated for the 41st time under the auspices of the World Tourism Organization at the United Nations. For the second year in a row, we celebrate the holiday during a global pandemic, challenges and unprecedented pressure on the entire tourism sector.As Minister of Tourism, I stand behind everyone working in the tourism business, so that we can work together to minimize the negative consequences for tourism in the most favorable way and to continue to build on what has been achieved before COVID-19.I take this opportunity to thank all Bulgarian and foreign tourists who, despite the restrictions, chose our country for their vacation. Despite the dynamic and unpredictable environment, we can say that we end the summer season 2021 with optimism and hope that the viability of the sector is restored. Only in the period May – 10.09.2021, over 4 million tourists preferred our beautiful Bulgaria, which combines a palette of natural resources, ancient and rich cultural and historical heritage, hospitality, healing power and true diversity of the tourist product. 2021 is far more difficult for tourism than 2020. With the support of the state in preserving employment and supporting the tourism sector, and through the professionalism, dedication and entrepreneurial risk of the Bulgarian tourism business, we managed to restore 70 percent of the levels before the unprecedented crisis in tourism caused by the COVID-19 pandemic which we had in the summer of 2019. We have also achieved growth for summer tourism of 70% compared to 2020. A challenging winter season 2021/2022 awaits us, but with joint efforts, discipline and dedication we will ensure a safe and healthy environment on which our success depends.The achievements of the Bulgarian business in the sector in this difficult period are only a small step on the way to building a modern, green, vibrant, innovative image of the Bulgarian tourism. I am convinced that we can and we will make more important and decisive steps on the existing path.Because the main goal of tourism is to create emotion and experiences, to create beautiful and exciting memories for a lifetime in the life of each of us and to give us health and a sense of fulfillment. Moreover – because our homeland is extremely rich and beautiful.The tourism industry is among the most powerful levers to stimulate the planet’s economy and I am sure that it is the tourism sector, although the worst affected by the pandemic, that will revitalize the economies and help create a better and more sustainable way of life. It is no coincidence that this year World Tourism Day is marked by the motto “Tourism for Inclusive Growth” – with the message that by developing tourism, we help every business – from the smallest in the community to the most global company on our beautiful planet. Finally yet importantly, tourism is what can bring curiosity and peace to even the most opposing cultures and societies. Thank you for your efforts during this difficult year. I believe that better times are ahead and together – business and state, we will find the right way to deal with each challenge. To say with a smile and pride to our future guests: “Welcome to my Bulgaria!”I WISH YOU HEALTH AND HIGH ACHIEVEMENTS!HAPPY HOLIDAY!STELLA BALTOVAMinister of Tourism
Minister Baltova talked to Patricia Schultz, American writer and author of the bestseller “1,000 places to see before you die”
The Minister of Tourism Stella Baltova talked to Patricia Schultz, American writer and author of the world bestseller “1,000 places to see before you die”. The book has been translated into dozens of languages and sold millions of copies.Patricia Schultz has traveled around the world as a journalist for more than 25 years and has published her experiences in various travel magazines and travel guides. She invests all her experience so far in this book, which took her 7 years to write.Minister Baltova presented before her guest the opportunities for tourism in Bulgaria, highlighting some of the most interesting facts about Bulgaria.Our country is very rich in mineral springs and offers opportunities for spa treatment, which is why many visitors come to us, the minister explained. Bulgaria has the hottest geyser in Europe – in Sapareva Banya, which is 103 degrees and the highest mountain peak in the Balkans – Musala, she told about the climatic treatment in Bulgaria. The Rose Valley is one of our symbols and that is why our tourist logo is a rose, and for several years, Bulgaria has been a world leader in lavender production. And more interesting facts that Minister Baltova shared with her interlocutor about our cultural and historical heritage and its preservation, about the oldest gold field in the world, discovered in Varna, about the delicious typical local cuisine, and that Bulgaria offers wine tourism, such as in all parts of the country there are conditions for wine production, and the varieties Mavrud, broad Melnik vine and Gamza are very typical for Bulgaria.Many young travelers choose Bulgaria as their destination, commented Patricia Schultz. According to her words, many influencers and bloggers from the United States have chosen Varna and Bulgaria as their destination this year. Schultz pointed out that for them, here is paradise, because they have “the whole package” – culture, archeology, food, attitude, and a very affordable price, which allows them to stay for a longer period of time. Patricia Schultz commented on her latest book, in which she talks about the reasons why she travels. “Everyone travels for different reasons and for me, these reasons are many. Having something in your heart and mind is one thing, but try to write it on a piece of paper, it’s a great challenge,” said the author of the world bestseller, a real travel guide.During her conversation with the Bulgarian Minister, the world-famous writer revealed that she likes the Balkans but only now she encountered Bulgaria. Her trip to our country has inspired her with new ideas to present and promised surprises in her future book.
Tourist zoning: Minister Baltova held a working meeting with Rafal Szlachta, President of the Polish Tourist Organization and Jan Mazurczak, President of the Regional Tourist Organization of Poznań
During her participation in the Fair of Regions and Tourist Products Toursalon 2021, the Minister of Tourism Assoc. Prof. Stella Baltova met with Rafal Szlachta, President of the Polish Tourist Organization and Jan Mazurczak, President of the Regional Tourist Organization of Poznań. The focus of the talks between them was the way of organizing tourism at the local level.The Polish side presented its DMO – Destination Management Organization and the process of cooperation between regional and local organizations and local authorities. Information on the organization of the processes in the two countries was exchanges. On her part, Minister Baltova spoke about the work of the Bulgarian side on the concept and policy for tourist zoning of Bulgaria, which is being actively worked on. The objective is to give a boost to the local economy through new huge opportunities for the development of the destination as a collection of areas with their specific appearance and tourist products. The hosts offered assistance in this area and invited Bulgaria to join the Congress of European Organizations in 2022, which will be held in the Polish city of Poznań.
Bulgaria was presented as a destination with a rich history and cultural traditions during the International Exhibition Toursalon 2021 in Poznań
Within the framework of Toursalon 2021, an official presentation of the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Poland was held under the title “Bulgaria: a year-round tourist destination”. The event, which was attended with great interest, was opened by Minister Baltova, and the presentation was made by Nikolay Kostov, Bulgaria’s tourism attaché in Poland. Our country was presented as a destination with a rich history and cultural traditions, offering great opportunities for cultural, spa, rural, gastronomic and wine tourism.Earlier, Minister Baltova held a bilateral meeting with her host, Andrzej Gut-Mostowy, Secretary of State for Tourism at the Polish Ministry of Development and Technology. She assured him that the Poland market is among the most successful and important markets for Bulgaria during the end of the summer season. The Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism annually implements an integrated communication campaign on the Polish market and thanks to the constant efforts, as for the period from May to early September 2021 we register an increase of over 90% in tourist visits from the Central European country compared to 2020. As a main priority of the Ministry of Tourism, the Minister pointed out the positioning of Bulgaria as a year-round tourist destination by promoting the diverse Bulgarian tourist product on the Polish market.During the meeting, Minister Baltova extended an invitation to her colleague Gut-Mostowy for an official working visit in Bulgaria, as well as for intensifying the activities of the Joint Working Group for Tourism between the two countries.During her working visit to the fair of regions and tourist products in Poznań, Minister Baltova held a number of other meetings with representatives of local business and regional organizations. Issues in the field of bilateral cooperation and the possible holding of a Congress of the Union of Polish Journalists were among the topics of conversation with Mr. Rafal Chaia, President of the Wielkopolska Tourist Chamber, Marek Traczyk, publisher of TTG and President of the Warsaw Chamber of Commerce, as well as with business representatives.The future cooperation between the Wielkopolska Chamber and the Varna Tourist Chamber was discussed at the meeting.
Minister Baltova signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Tourism between Bulgaria and Poland during the International Tourism Exhibition in Poznań – Toursalon 2021
The Caretaker Minister of Tourism Assoc. Prof. Stella Baltova attended the opening of the International Tourism Exhibition in Poznań – Toursalon 2021, which takes place in the period 24-26 September. Minister Baltova participated in the special inauguration ceremony together with Andrzej Gut-Mostowy, State Secretary for Tourism at the Polish Ministry of Development and Technology. During the ceremony, the two signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Tourism between the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Development and Technology of the Republic of Poland.“The signing of this Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Tourism of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Development of Poland will further strengthen our cooperation in the field of tourism and will build on our efforts to expand our tourism partnership. Proof of the strong will for further development of our partnership in this area is the opening of a national tourist office of Bulgaria in Warsaw after a 30-year break”, said Minister Baltova in her welcoming speech.In the last few years, there has been a tendency to increase the tourist visits of Polish citizens in Bulgaria, as this summer the Polish market reached second place among the top markets for inbound tourism. Throughout 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic, a total of 420,980 Polish tourists visited Bulgaria. In February this year, the Ministry of Tourism opened a national tourist office in Warsaw in order to promote our country as a year-round tourist destination on the Polish market.With the signing of the Memorandum, the two countries will exchange practical information and statistics related to tourism, they will promote cooperation between business stakeholders – hoteliers and tour operators and will exchange information related to the development of various tourism programs implemented in the two countries.
The Minister of Tourism, Mrs. Stella Baltova, received at a working meeting H. E. Mrs. Zakia El Midawi, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to Sofia
The main topic of conversation was the upcoming 24th General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization, which will be held in Marrakesh, Morocco, between November 30 and December 3. Minister Baltova stated that our country attaches great importance to the forthcoming session and the preparations for it are already underway.The Assembly will be a great opportunity to present the opportunities for tourism in Bulgaria, to establish new partnerships and to build on what was achieved during the 66th meeting of the Regional Commission “Europe” of the World Tourism Organization, where Bulgaria was elected Vice President of the Commission with a horizon until 2023.Minister Baltova pointed out that due to the significant damage to the tourism sector, efforts are continuing to encourage and support it in the most efficient way possible. She declared that she maintains constant communication with the representatives of the tourism business, as well as with other stakeholders, in order to make the most appropriate decisions and implement the necessary measures.Minister Baltova assured Ambassador El Midawi that Morocco is among the promising partners of our country in the field of tourism in the region of North Africa. In order to encourage bilateral relations between public and private tourism counterparts, she proposed signing a Memorandum of Understanding between the Bulgarian and Moroccan tourism authorities.Her Excellency Mrs. El Midawi welcomed this initiative of Minister Baltova and declared the readiness of the Moroccan Mission in Sofia to assist in the implementation of the necessary contacts and procedures between the parties. Ambassador El Midawi added that Morocco takes its mission to host the 24th General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization very responsibly. She extended a kind invitation to Minister Baltova to visit Morocco.
Minister Baltova held a working meeting with His Excellency Yoram Elron, the Israeli Ambassador to Sofia
The Minister of Tourism Stella Baltova held a working meeting with His Excellency Yoram Elron, the Israeli Ambassador to Sofia. The two discussed the COVID-19 situation in the two countries, the measures taken and the pace of the vaccination process.The Minister informed that in 2019, 244,953 Israeli tourists visited Bulgaria, and from the beginning of 2021 to August, the visitors from Israel exceeded 36,000. According to her, September and October are extremely suitable for tourists from Israel who can enjoy the upcoming sunny days on the Black Sea coast. The Minister also explained to Ambassador Elron the ways in which Israeli tourists enter our country, depending on the color zone of the country.On his part, H. E. Yoram Elron reminded that Bulgaria is extremely popular destination among the Israeli citizens and it is important that the measures be eased so that more Israeli tourists have the opportunity to travel to our country and get acquainted with its history and landmarks.The two united around the idea of taking the necessary steps so that the two countries update their lists of countries in the red zone and, respectively, Bulgaria and Israel to move to a zone with a lighter regime of crossing state borders.
Minister Baltova talked with Alejandro Polanco Mata, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain to Bulgaria
The Minister of Tourism Stella Baltova talked with Alejandro Polanco Mata, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain to Bulgaria. The development of bilateral cooperation in the field of tourism and the opportunities for deepening the cooperation between the two countries were the topics of the discussion.Sofia is a leading destination for visits by tourists from Spain to Bulgaria, followed by Plovdiv, Varna, Bansko, Veliko Tarnovo and Burgas, said Minister Baltova and explained that we are already working on preparing for the winter season in Bulgaria. According to her, the summer tourist season has been extremely good for the business, reaching 70% of the levels of the sector from 2019.Minister Baltova and the Ambassador stressed that Bulgaria is a traditional participant in the FITUR exhibition, which took place this year in the period May 19-23 in Madrid.Ambassador Alejandro Mata expressed hope that Bulgaria will continue to participate in it in the future, and commented that our country is a well-known tourist destination for Spanish citizens, as traditionally about 90 thousand people visit it annually. He added that many Bulgarians also travel to Spain. The Ambassador informed Minister Baltova that the Embassy is participating in the organization of an event where the opportunities for golf tourism in our country will be promoted. From the words of Alejandro Mata it became clear that the diplomatic mission supports the issuance of travel guides that promote the destination Bulgaria.The forthcoming session of the General Assembly of the United Nations World Tourism Organization, based in Madrid, was also discussed during the meeting. Minister Baltova pointed out that it is within the organization that the two countries have a successful partnership and expressed hope that the good cooperation will be maintained in the future.
The Ministry of Tourism participates in the international tourism exhibition Leisure 2021 in Moscow
Following the implementation of the Annual Program for National Tourism Advertising for 2021, the Ministry of Tourism organizes Bulgaria’s participation in the international tourist exhibition Leisure 2021, which is held in Moscow in the period 07-09.09.2021. Among the main goals for participation in the exhibition “Leisure” are the presentation of the Bulgarian tourist product, the exchange of information about Bulgaria as an attractive tourist destination and holding business meetings with Russian representatives of the tourist media. Within the framework of the Bulgarian participation, the Deputy Minister of Tourism Maria Belkoleva is also on a working visit.The exhibition is the largest event in the second half of the year on the Russian market and is an official event of the Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation. In the current 2021, on a total area of 17,000 square meters, 450 companies from 20 countries and 41 regions of Russia are participating, more than 30 business public events are planned to be held. The exhibition is expected to be visited by over 15,000 people over the three days.Owing to the great importance of the International Tourist Exhibition “Leisure” for the domestic tourist market, Bulgaria has been present for the last twenty-seven years with an independent stand, which is traditionally attended by interested Bulgarian companies. The information stand of our country covers an area of 80 square meters. Among Russian tourists, winter and sea tourism, children’s camps, adventure trips, recreation programs and many other forms of recreation are of interest.Today in the Metropol Hotel, Moscow, a cultural and information event is held, which is of key importance and is part of the integrated communication campaign of the Ministry of Tourism on the Russian market, which aims to promote Bulgaria as an attractive tourist destination. Among the guests of the event are representatives of leading Russian print and online media, tour operators and tour agencies, congress tourism agencies (MICE), popular influencers and bloggers with a tourist focus. During the event, guests have the chance to get acquainted on the spot with the various opportunities for tourism in Bulgaria, to discuss good practices and to enjoy the Bulgarian spirit and folklore.
The Ministry of Tourism and the operator of Sofia Airport have launched cooperation in support of Bulgarian tourism
The Minister of Tourism Stella Baltova held a meeting with Jesús Caballero, executive director of the Sofia Airport Operator – “SOF Connect” AD. The two discussed the possibilities for supporting winter tourism in Bulgaria through various upcoming initiatives, such as the opening of new lines and promotion of destination Bulgaria throughout the whole year.“We are working hard to expand travel opportunities and open new routes which to bring more tourists to the winter resorts of Bulgaria”, said Jesús Caballero. He shared with the caretaker Minister and the experts of the Ministry of Tourism the plans of the new management to turn Sofia Airport in a modern and competitive European airport, by improving the environment and the experience for passengers and tourists. In the meantime, it has the potential to develop and become a regional hub.Sofia Airport is also developing a new corporate website, which will present the logo with a hyperlink to the national tourist portal of Bulgaria“Bulgaria is a beautiful country and has something to show all year round. Promoting it as a destination in Europa, the Middle East and North America is our common goal”, said the executive director of the airport operator.Minister Baltova pointed out that the exchange of data and information between the Ministry of Tourism and Sofia Airport would be extremely useful cooperation. The talks also discussed how, in the light of the pandemic, to ease the visa regime for travelers from third countries outside the European Union, especially those from the Middle East.
Minister Baltova took part in the International Forum “Culture and Business – Together in the Digital World”
The Minister of Tourism prof. assoc. Stella Baltova took part in the first International Forum “Culture and Business – Together in the Digital World”. The event, which took place in Sofia, focused on the new opportunities for digitizing the cultural heritage of Bulgaria for future generations. The forum is held under the aegis of the Wonders of Bulgaria Campaign and the largest non-governmental organization for cultural heritage “Europa Nostra”, whose honorary chairman is the world-famous opera singer Placido Domingo, who tomorrow will give a spectacular concert in downtown Sofia together with the opera prima Sonya Yoncheva.Minister Baltova opened the afternoon second panel of the one-day forum presenting the vision and achievements by the Ministry of Tourism for the digitalization of our cultural heritage – an essential part of the tourism sector that determines the image of destination Bulgaria.The digitalization contributes to the innovative presentation of the cultural and historical heritage, to its appropriate promotion, to the collection of in-depth information about the sites and their preservation for the future, said Minister Baltova. “We continue to consider the possibilities of cultural and historical destinations to be upgraded and digitally presented, namely in response to the growing demand of tourists for authenticity and preserving their identity,” said the Minister and assured that the online presence is leading in the marketing strategy of the Ministry of Tourism.During the forum a number of interesting platforms and sites for the rich heritage of Bulgaria and the unlimited new opportunities for tourism that are opening were presented. Three municipalities were also awarded for achievements in the digitization of cultural, historical and architectural heritage – Sofia Municipality, Petrich – for the restoration and socialization of the ancient city of Heraclea Sintica and Burgas Municipality, whose award was personally presented by the Minister of Tourism to Deputy Mayor Denitsa Savateva.The forum was attended by representatives of business and non-governmental organizations, the university and scientific community, architects, museum workers and archaeologists, mayors and representatives of municipalities with projects in digitalization. Among those present were EU Commissioner Maria Gabriel, the Minister of Culture Prof. Velislav Minekov, Europa Nostra Secretary General Sneška Mihailović, ambassadors and other guests.
The Ministry of Tourism is implementing the Integrated Tourist Offer Project
The Integrated Tourist Offer Project is under the Transborder Cooperation INTERREG-IPA CBC Bulgaria – Serbia Programme 2014-2020. It is implemented under specific objective 1.3 “People for people”. The total budget is EUR 117,431.27, and the part for the Ministry of Tourism amounts to EUR 59,944.92. The implementation period is 15 months from the grant agreement.With the implementation of the project and by increasing the tourism income, the local population will regain higher motivation to participate in the development of the region and its resources.The route of tourists and visitors who regularly travel to Sofia and Nis will also be enriched by the implementation of the Integrated Tourism Offer and will bring more specific opportunities for both local businesses and interested visitors who wish to extend their stay or to take advantage of the offers presented.The main target group of the project are tourism professionals, organizations related to the tourism sector, local authorities and the population in the cross-border region of Nishava Pčinja, Kyustendil and Pernik.The project had two main objectives:∙ To create sustainable networks and partnerships in the cross-border region between tourism organizations, local authorities and other interested parties and those working in the tourism sector, through training and a common integrated tourism offer.∙ To improve the visualization and public awareness of the tourism potential of the cross-border region through the use of a multimedia application.The project helped train 16 representatives of the tourism sector in the stages of creating and marketing an integrated tourism product, presented in 8 concepts. After evaluation by a committee, the creators of 4 concepts continued with training to work in a digital environment – with online platforms and publishing on the Internet. Another interesting stage was the Round Table with representatives of national and local authorities from Bulgaria and Serbia, as well as local tourist organizations. The Integrated Tourism Offer Project was presented at two tourism festivals on the two sides of the border.Within the initiative, a study of the cross-border region, a project website with a mobile app, and a video about the destinations of the final four concepts were developed. In order to promote the project and the cross-border area to future guests and potential tourists, promotional and information materials have been prepared, including a book on local legends and myths. With its implementation, the project puts the cross-border region stable on the tourist map of Serbia and Bulgaria.
Minister Baltova held an online meeting with the Minister of Tourism of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Mr. Ahmed Al-Khateeb
The Minister of Tourism Stella Baltova held an online meeting with the Minister of Tourism of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Mr. Ahmed Al-Khateeb. The main focus of the conversation was the impact of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic on the tourism sector and the role of the World Tourism Organization.“The summer tourist season in Bulgaria in 2021 is significantly better than last year, as from some tourist markets we report an increase of over 200% in arrivals,” said Minister Baltova. Bulgaria is a safe and secure destination with an excellent tourist product. However, she pointed out that the situation is very dynamic and the uncertainty before the sector remains.Minister Al-Khateeb pointed out that since the beginning of the pandemic, more than 60 million people in the field of tourism have lost their jobs. Although countries such as France, Greece, Saudi Arabia and Bulgaria are regaining their position in the global tourism market, many other countries are still experiencing serious difficulties in overcoming the negative effects of the pandemic on the sector. Minister Al-Khateeb noted that the United Nations World Tourism Organization (WTO) should play a key role in this regard. In this regard, it was shared that Saudi Arabia plans to present a development program for the organization, which includes the investment of significant financial resources by the Kingdom in the WTO. Saudi Arabia’s program will be presented and put to the vote at the next meeting of the WTO General Assembly, which will be held in Marrakesh in December 2021.Minister Baltova welcomed the initiative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and stressed that the WTO is an extremely important international organization for tourism and that the initiative of Saudi Arabia is extremely ambitious and will expect to receive more information about the Kingdom’s plans for WTO development.Both parties reaffirmed their intentions to continue their fruitful cooperation.
Optimistic for Summer 2021: Over 2.5 million tourists have chosen destination Bulgaria since the beginning of May
More than 2.5 million tourists have travelled in the country since the beginning of the summer season, show the statistics from the Unified Tourist Information System. The main share of them are Bulgarians, reaching over 1,680,900 for the period from May 1 to August 8, 2021. In the same period, foreign visitors were 887,629.In the three summer months – May, June and July 2021, tourists in the accommodation facilities were over 2.2 million, which is an increase of about 2.2 times compared to the same period in 2020. Nearly 1.5 million of them are Bulgarians. Main travel destinations are Nessebar, Varna, Sofia, the SPA resort Velingrad and others.Approximately 750 thousand are foreign tourists during these summer months. Most of them are from the Romanian market – with 288 thousand tourists, followed by Poland – 74.7 thousand guests and Ukraine – 58.3 thousand. The Czech Republic and Germany rank after them, with 44 thousand and 43.8 thousand tourists, respectively.In the period from 01.07.2021 to 31.07.2021 only, over 1 270 000 tourists spent the night in our country. Of these, 738,277 were Bulgarians, and the other largest markets are ranked as follows:1. Romania                             222 9662. Poland                                59 2113. The Czech Republic          37 1264. Germany                            34 4615. Ukraine                              33 6116. Israel                                  14 4907. France                                9 9238. Turkey                                8 5159. Russia                                 7 36010. The USA                          5 33811. Serbia                               4 44812. Italy                                  4 11413. Great Britain                    3 80814. Northern Macedonia       3 38515. Greece                              3 120
Minister Baltova and Mariana Oleskiv, Head of the State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine, discussed opportunities for expanding cooperation in tourism
The Minister of Tourism Stella Baltova held a work meeting with Mariana Oleskiv, Head of the State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine. The event, which also included business representatives, is part of a working visit of Mrs. Oleskiv to Bulgaria at the invitation of the Caretaker Minister and it is no coincidence that the visit takes place on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, in the sea resort of Sunny Beach.The main purpose of the visit is the opportunity to expand and deepen the bilateral relations between Bulgaria and Ukraine in the field of tourism.Minister Baltova announced that Ukraine is a desirable and promising market, as the country is in third place in terms of tourist visits with a growth of 377% since the beginning of the year, according to the Unified System for Tourist Information for overnight stays of tourists in accommodation, compared to 2020. She assured that since June, the recovery of the tourism sector is a lasting tendency and the Ministry of Tourism is working closely with the health authorities to ensure the safety of the guests of the Bulgarian resorts.Those arriving from Ukraine travel mainly by car and bus, there are also regular flights to Burgas every week.Mariana Oleskiv who is visiting our country for the first time, expressed confidence that Bulgaria is one of the favourite destinations for Ukraine tourists because of the hospitality and the feeling of being at home. She assured that her country can also offer a diverse and interesting tourist product, especially in the region of Bessarabia, where there is a Bulgarian community with rich historical roots and cultural traditions. Oleskiv said that wine and culinary tourism can be practiced in the region and a big autumn festival with such a focus is currently being prepared.The participants in the forum agreed on the need for active cooperation in the field of experts, staff training and priority raising the image of professions in the field of tourism – an issue that is relevant in both Bulgaria and Ukraine. Representatives of the tourism sector confirmed that hoteliers are most satisfied with Ukrainian seasonal workers on the Black Sea coast. According to business data, more than 20 thousand foreign workers are currently working on the Bulgarian coast, and more than half are from Ukraine. Many of them improve their skills, love Bulgaria and often return as tourists.It was proposed that a business forum for children and youth tourism be held in Bulgaria in 2022, as there is active work with children from Ukraine who come to camps on our Black Sea coast.Representatives of the business thanked again the Ministry of Tourism for the assistance provided in resolving the problem with the Ukrainian buses with tourists, which were prevented from passing through Romania in May.According to Vitaliy Moskalenko’s words, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Bulgaria, who was part of the delegation of guests, the discussions were interesting, important and timely, and the dialogue – productive and professional.After the discussions, the guests visited tourist sites and accommodation facilities, where the Ukrainian children are placed, and made sure of the excellent quality of the tourist product offered.
Minister Baltova held a work meeting with Abdulla Shahid, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Maldives
The Minister of Tourism Stella Baltova held a work meeting with Abdulla Shahid, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Maldives. They talked during his first work visit to Bulgaria. The discussions focused on the possibilities for deepening cooperation between the two countries, as well as current data on the development of the Covid-19 pandemic and the two countries’ strategies for dealing with it.“The Maldives is an attractive destination for Bulgarians, as it attracts high-class visitors,” said Minister Baltova. According to her, from November 2020 to May 2021, a total of about 10,000 Bulgarians traveled to the country. She added that, according to her, the trips will remain in the future, as the interest will grow.Minister Baltova presented to her interlocutor the current data on the development of the pandemic in the country. She explained that we have introduced health protocols, and a very strict control is carried out. Minister Baltova also explained that the government is constantly monitoring the distribution of new variants of Covid-19, which may require the implementation of new measures – both health and social and economic. The minister stressed that since the beginning of the pandemic, accommodation facilities have not been closed, even during periods of the most severe restrictions.“Bulgaria ranks 17th among inbound tourism markets for the Maldives,” Minister Shahid informed. He also commented that he hoped the interest would continue in the future. The Minister gave an update on the spread of the coronavirus in his country and outlined the measures being taken to limit the pandemic. He explained that they are actively working on a campaign for vaccination of the population, which is hoped to reduce the disease. “Over 98% of first-line workers have been vaccinated, we want tourists to feel safe and secure,” said Abdulla Shahid.During the meeting, specific initiatives to promote the bilateral partnership were discussed.  The ministers discussed the possibility of signing the memorandum of understanding with an emphasis on joint marketing activities in the field of tourism. They also agreed that the opening of a direct airline between Sofia and Mali will contribute to increasing the number of tourists.The meeting was also attended by Her Excellency Eleonora Dimitrova, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Bulgaria to India and the Republic of Maldives.
The Ministers of Tourism of Bulgaria and Iran signed a Cooperation in the Field of Tourism Program up until 2024
The Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria Stella Baltova and the Minister of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ali Asghar Mounesan signed a Cooperation in the Field of Tourism Implementation Program for the period 2021-2024. The ceremony was held online and before that, the two ministers diplomatically put their signatures on the executive document.“In recent years, our partnership in the field of tourism has contributed significantly to the cooperation between Bulgaria and Iran,” Minister Baltova said and expressed hopes that the signing of this program will serve as a platform to discuss the opportunities that can be explored, the benefits that can be shared, as well as the obstacles that need to be overcome to strengthen cooperation in the field of tourism.Minister Baltova stated that the country has a potential to be a year-round destination with its famous winter and seaside resorts, beautiful sandy beaches, mineral springs, spa facilities and golf courses. “Tourists can practice various forms of tourism – cultural, spa, health, golf and food tourism, ecotourism and other opportunities. Bulgaria is proud of its beautiful nature and amazing biological diversity. We attract people from all over the world through hospitality and offer high quality service,” the Bulgarian Minister said.According to her words, by signing this program, Bulgaria and Iran will have the opportunity to identify new opportunities for mutual cooperation to support the tourist flow between the two countries.On his part, Minister Ali Asgar Mounesan said that the signing of the document will contribute to deepening the partnership in the sector. He explained that Iran has an ancient culture and history and many artefacts, with more than 7,000 museums in the country. He said that Iran attracts many visitors with rural and cultural-historical tourism, and medical services are a reason to visit guests from neighbouring countries. Many problems that exist in the world are due to the lack of closeness, he added. According to Minister Munesan, “the COVID-19 crisis has distanced us from each other, but he believes that we will soon overcome the distances and the pandemic.”
Minister Stella Baltova discussed the possibilities for promoting Bulgaria in China with the co-founder of TRIP.COM GROUP James Liang
The Minister of Tourism Stella Baltova discussed the possibilities for digital marketing solutions for the promotion of the tourist destination Bulgaria on the China market with James Liang, co-founder and chairman of the board of directors of TRIP.COM GROUP, who is visiting Bulgaria. Before James Liang, Minister Baltova presented the opportunities for tourism in Bulgaria - cultural, winter and sea tourism, spa and wellness, adventure, golf, culinary and wine tourism, etc., and pointed out that Bulgaria is popular for the richness of its artifacts and mineral springs.“Promoting this wealth is a priority in our work and we will be happy if more Chinese tourists visit Bulgaria and get acquainted with its sights”, she added. According to her, our ancient history would be of interest to tourists arriving from China and this type of tourist products should be emphasized in planning future marketing activities.For his part, James Liang explained that in the next six months, Chinese tourists will start planning their vacations again. He noted that more and more Chinese citizens choose to organize their own excursions and travel alone or in small groups, so it is important to present different travel options, focusing on individual and small groups. The two agreed to explore various possibilities for cooperation and agreed that the promotion of destination Bulgaria on the Chinese market should start right Group, formerly International, founded in 1999, is one of the most famous travel groups whose shares are offered on the NASDAQ (2003). The company has over 400 million members worldwide and approximately 33,400 employees. Group is a leading travel service provider consisting of major brands such as:, Ctrip, Skyscanner and Qunar. The group holds over 60% market share in China. On its platforms, Group enables local partners and travelers around the world to make informed reservations for travel products and services, by combining comprehensive travel information and resources, as well as an advanced mobile transaction platform. applications, internet websites and 24-hour customer service centers.
Actress Maria Bakalova was named “Ambassador of Destination Bulgaria” at a meeting with Minister of Tourism Stella Baltova
At the invitation of the caretaker Minister Assoc. Prof. Stella Baltova, the first Bulgarian actress nominated for an Oscar - Maria Bakalova, was a guest today at the Ministry of Tourism, immediately after her participation in the Cannes Film Festival. At the meeting, Minister Baltova praised the success of Maria Bakalova that in such a short time she managed to do so much - not only for young people who dared to go on her way in the world of cinema, but also by directing the spotlight to Bulgaria, to her hometown Burgas and to our part of Europe.Brand Bulgaria already has its new face to make our country even more popular and recognizable, after Minister Baltova presented a badge of honor to the young actress “Ambassador of Destination Bulgaria” and congratulated her on the success and high peaks she has achieved at her fragile age. “My team and I would be happy for you to accept this symbolic role of an Ambassador and to embrace as your cause the promotion of the diversity of the tourist destination Bulgaria”, said Minister Baltova, presenting the badge of honor.Maria Bakalova thanked and shared how excited she is, saying that she accepts the honor given to her responsibly. She stressed that Bulgaria is a wonderful country and its beauties, delicious food and ancient history should be promoted. “It is an honor and pride for me to call myself a Bulgarian and I have always loved Bulgaria. I sincerely hope that the new, young generation will be happy and proud to be Bulgarians”, because they know their history and despite the difficulties, it builds their character, said the young actress. According to her, our nature and architecture are extremely beautiful and she rediscovers them every time she happily returns home.“We must allow people to feel Bulgaria”, Maria Bakalova urged.The Minister expressed confidence that the young and successful Bulgarians are our Ambassadors around the world, and the success for Maria Bakalova is yet to come.
The tourist portal has an updated vision in the section for COVID-19
The tourist portal has an updated vision in the section “Information and recommendations regarding COVID-19”. Visitors can now much more quickly and easily get acquainted with the current information for entering the Republic of Bulgaria, as well as with the Guidelines for the operation of accommodation and catering establishments in the conditions of danger of infection with COVID-19. The Rules for application of the anti-epidemic measures in the tourist sites in the summer season 2021 are also presented in a more accessible place through the active link “Tourism in the conditions of COVID-19: health protocol”.The information on the site is updated in a timely manner, including useful links to the site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Single Information Portal for COVID-19 and RE-open EU, which provide information on the various measures in force, including quarantine and testing requirements for travelers.In the new vision of the site special attention is paid to #DiscoverBulgaria - Share the beauty of Bulgaria, where you can see various photos of landmarks in our country, published on the social network Instagram.
Minister Stella Baltova talks with the Ambassador of Romania to Bulgaria HE Brandusa Predescu
The Minister of Tourism Stella Baltova talks with the Ambassador of Romania to Bulgaria HE Brandusa Predescu. The two discussed the state of the tourism sector in Bulgaria and Romania.“Our friendship is very important for tourism, as we are neighbors and it is extremely important to maintain good relations”, said Minister Baltova. She pointed out that our northern neighbor is in first place in terms of inbound tourism in our country in recent years and expressed hope that this trend will continue in the future. “We continue our integrated marketing campaigns for the Romanian market”, explained the Minister of Tourism, and the Ambassador confirmed that these activities are visible in Romania and affect the choice to travel to Bulgaria. For the period January - April 2021, over 103 thousand visits by Romanian tourists in Bulgaria were reported, and only from May 27th to June 17th, 2021, according to unconfirmed data, over 20 thousand Romanian tourists spent the night in accommodation in Bulgaria. In this regard, the caretaker minister assured Ambassador Predescu that the measures taken in our country in connection with the epidemic situation are clear and strictly observed.For her part, HE Brandusa Predescu said that Bulgaria and Romania have excellent bilateral relations and praised the work in line with the authorities in the two countries in the recent opening of the borders and the removal of border restrictions.At the meeting, Minister Baltova used the occasion to thank Romania for the support it has provided to Bulgaria in its election as Vice-Chair of the Regional Commission for Europe of the United Nations (UNWTO) for the period 2021-2023.Romania has also stated its readiness to partner with Bulgaria on the common path to full membership in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The two countries will join forces for joint future work within the influential organization to improve the results of the tourism industry.Good cooperation and readiness for fruitful work were also highlighted in the framework of the Working Group on Tourism of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization, where Romania is a coordinating country until 2022.According to Ambassador Predescu, it is important for the two countries to continue working together - both to stimulate the tourism business and for other sectors of the economy. She also informed that Romania offers many opportunities for tourism that would be of interest to Bulgarian tourists.The meeting discussed bilateral initiatives such as the offer of joint products and cultural tourist routes with the idea of attracting guests from distant tourist markets, especially after the end of the global pandemic of Covid-19.In the context of the intensification of the season, the topics of the transit of buses through Romania with Ukrainian and Moldovan tourists wishing to spend their holidays in Bulgaria, as well as the passage of Romanian tourists through Bulgaria in the direction of Greece were discussed.
Minister Baltova welcomes the opening of an expedition tour for some of the largest and most influential representatives of the German tourism business
Minister Stella Baltova participates in the official opening of an expedition tour in order to present Bulgaria as a risk-free destination with a quality tourist product to some of the largest and most influential German tour operators and travel agents. The event takes place in Varna and the resorts on the North Black Sea coast, between June 20th and 22nd - at the beginning of the astronomical summer and just before the resumption of charter flights from Germany.The caretaker minister welcomed the guests, assuring them that the Bulgarian government is taking all necessary measures for the safe and smooth running of the summer season. The health and comfort of the guests and the staff in the tourist sites are a priority, and for days Bulgaria has permanently entered the green zone on the map of Europe, in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, she said.Minister Baltova pointed out that the German market is extremely important for the tourism sector in our country, as in 2019 Germany took third place in inbound tourism with its 761 thousand visitors.The business, represented by many directors of companies at the highest level, during the three-day tour will be demonstrate the readiness to welcome tourists from Germany and the measures against COVID-19 in hotels and resorts in order for the guests to get personal impressions on the spot, useful discussions will be held between tour operators and the trends will be discussed. Over 120 representatives of German agents and tour operators, including directors of DER Touristik, LMX Touristik, FTI Touristik, Invia Group Germany, TUI and many others, discussed the recovery of the business after the long closure and expressed optimism about the destination Bulgaria. They united around the thesis that vaccination will return to normalcy, and now there is an increase in bookings and the effect of catching up is observed. During the event, Minister Baltova discussed with a number of business representatives the challenges facing the sector and discussed possible solutions for the resumption, promotion and development of the German market.The initiator is the main charter airline from the German market for Bulgaria - European Air Charter, and the media partner of the event is the most authoritative professional magazine for tourism in Germany - FVW, which largely sets the current topics and agenda in the German tourism sector. The presence of FVW will allow the coverage of the expedition tour and the messages broadcast from the destination to reach all nearly 11,000 passenger offices in Germany, as well as all German tour operators. At the same time, caretaker Minister Stella Baltova gave a special interview to the media, in which she once again highlighted the advantages and key role of destination Bulgaria - as the only country in the EU that did not completely interrupt work in the tourism sector during the pandemic, and so proved to be a sustainable tourist destination.A call for long-term investment for year-round tourism was called for. The participants wished that the corona crisis would be overcome quickly, and that Bulgaria would not be perceived as a cheap destination, but as a country worth visiting.
Minister Baltova talks with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Jakub Kulhanek to intensify the tourist flow between the two countries
Minister Stella Baltova participated in plenary talks within a bilateral meeting between the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria and the Czech Republic - Svetlan Stoev and Jakub Kulhanek. Together with the Deputy Minister of Health Toma Tomov, the conditions for the easiest and safest travel of tourists between the two countries were discussed.The possibility of Czech tourists being able to enter the territory of Bulgaria 22 days after the first dose of vaccine was discussed, without having to remain in quarantine or present a negative test. A solution in this direction is being considered.Minister Jakub Kulhanek announced that about 50% of the population of his country has received the first dose of vaccine and expressed hope for soon measures to facilitate the travel of Czech tourists to Bulgaria. "This will be very good news for those Czechs who are preparing for their vacation and are hesitant, news that will convince them to choose Bulgaria as their destination," he said.Before the pandemic, in 2019, Czech tourists visited our country, 189 thousand, and last year - only a quarter of that number. It was hoped that the levels from 2019 would be exceeded. Minister Baltova announced that 160 flights to Varna and about 700 to Bourgas Airport are planned between Bulgaria and the Czech Republic for the summer.Minister Baltova assured the guest that Bulgaria remains a safe and hospitable destination, and the relations between the two countries are based on long traditions and closeness. She informed him that the vaccination process of the staff in tourism is active and everyone working in the sector has a choice among 4 provided types of vaccines. The Ministry of Tourism is taking a number of initiatives - such as two upcoming journalistic tours, as well as digital activities to promote destination Bulgaria on the Czech market. In February a tourist representation of Bulgaria was opened in Warsaw, which also serves the Czech Republic. The participants in the meeting expressed their satisfaction with the achieved results.
The good example: Albena Resort received the first sticker "100% vaccinated"
Albena Resort became the first resort on the Black Sea coast and in all of Bulgaria, which received a sticker "100% vaccinated". The sticker was prepared by the Ministry of Health and today was presented and symbolically pasted by the Minister of Tourism Stella Baltova. Prior to that, the caretaker Minister, together with the Chief State Health Inspector Dr. Angel Kunchev and the Director of the Regional Health Inspectorate - Dobrich Dr. Svetla Angelova got acquainted with the anti-epidemic measures in the resort and visited the temporary vaccination center there.At the moment, Albena is the only complex that has found a successful solution for providing accommodation for quarantined contact persons in case of detection of a person infected with COVID-19. Minister Baltova visited the designated villa part, where people, despite the isolation, will be able to continue their vacation and enjoy their holidays. The quarantined will be accommodated in separate villas, where they will receive the necessary assistance, ready meals or will be able to prepare it themselves.During the visit it also became clear that the central unit’s staff of the complex is 100% vaccinated and the average percentage for all staff is 75%. The aim is for it to become 80% by the beginning of July, and for entire hotels to be 100% vaccinated. For today, the number of vaccinated in the resort is expected to reach 140 people, among whom there are both Bulgarian and foreign workers on an employment contract with the status of permanent residents. On-site vaccinations are also available for guests who wish to vaccinate.Currently, the complex has 6 open hotels, and by the end of the week the number of guests is expected to reach 4,000. In addition to Bulgarian tourists, many Romanians, Ukrainians, Czechs and French are staying in the accommodation."We are where the best example in Bulgaria is," said Minister Baltova and shared her excellent impressions of the incredible harmony that reigns in the Albena complex, as the measures taken are unobtrusive but tangible. According to her, every stage of the tourists' stay is designed so that they feel safe and protected, but at the same time enjoy their vacation.The Chief State Health Inspector Dr. Angel Kunchev also expressed his good impressions of the preparation of Albena for Summer 2021. "Please do as Albena", he called on the entire tourism business in our country.Dr. Kunchev announced that Bulgaria has submitted a request for participation in the European fund of 100 million euros for the provision of free tests at border crossings at airports for entry and exit of tourists from the country.
Athens: Meeting of Minister Stella Baltova with Ahmed Al-Khatib, Minister of Tourism of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
During the 66th session of the Regional Commission "Europe", of the  World Tourism Organization (WTO), of the United Nations, Minister Baltova met with his counterpart Ahmed Al-Khatiib, Minister of Tourism of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He congratulated Minister Baltova on the achieved success and recognition for our country, after Bulgaria was unanimously elected Deputy Chairman of the Regional Commission "Europe" of the WTO for the upcoming two-year term of the commission. In turn, the Bulgarian Minister congratulated his colleague on the opening of the first regional office of the Organization in Riyadh.During a working visit, by His Royal Highness Prince Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, brother of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the two countries reaffirmed their readiness to implement specific joint initiatives and projects in the context of the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2016 for cooperation in the field of tourism between the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Saudi Tourism and National Heritage Commission.It was also stated at the working meeting that the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the aviation administrations of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a step in the right direction and that there will soon be a direct flight between the two countries.Ahmed Al-Khatiib said organizing a joint forum would help foster contacts and partnerships between the two countries' tourism industries. Minister Baltova stressed that Bulgaria has a variety of tourist resources and can offer tourists from Saudi Arabia a high quality and diverse tourist product.The two discussed the possibility of a working visit of representatives of the tourism sector from Saudi Arabia to Bulgaria in the near future to get acquainted with the potential of the destination Bulgaria. The two ministers agreed that concrete actions are needed to promote business contacts between the two countries.
Athens: Minister Stella Baltova met with Mariana Oleskiv, Chair of the State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine
During the forum of the World Tourism Organization in Athens, Minister Stella Baltova met with Mariana Oleskiv, Chairlady the State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine. Minister Baltova issued an official invitation to Ms. Mariana Oleskiv, Chairlady of the State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine, to visit Bulgaria. The two agreed to hold the meeting in the coming weeks, before mid-July.Minister Baltova pointed out that Ukraine is an important tourist market and partner for Bulgaria. In 2019, Ukraine ranks 6th of all countries in the number of tourist visits in our country - over 471,000 have visited our country for tourism, which is an increase of 24% compared to 2018 and a kind of peak for the last 10 years .The Bulgarian Minister pointed out that since 2018 two communication campaigns have been conducted aimed at the Ukraine market, the second still lasting until September 2021.Minister Baltova and Mariana Oleskiv discussed the start of regular sessions of the joint working group on tourism. Bulgaria can host the first attendance session if the epidemic situation allows, the Bulgarian minister said. If the situation does not allow it, the two agreed that the session will be organized online. The proposal for organizing a bilateral tourist forum in Bulgaria was also renewed.In a conversation with the chairman of the State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine, the situation with the difficult transit of Ukrainian tourists through Romania was also discussed. Earlier, in search of a solution, Minister Baltova also discussed the issue with Romanian Secretary of State for Tourism at the Ministry of Economy Paul Ene.
Athens: Meeting of the Ministers of Tourism of Greece and Bulgaria
Within the framework of the forum of the World Tourism Organization in Athens, Minister Baltova held a working meeting with her Greek counterpart Harry Theocharis. Minister Baltova reported that Greece is traditionally one of Bulgaria's best partners in the field of tourism and thanked its host for its readiness to strengthen and develop this cooperation.At the meeting, the two commented on good practices, current and future projects. The fact that Greece supports tourism, which is the leading sector with a share of 25% of the GDP of our southern neighbor, is very impressive.At the meeting, the Bulgarian Minister discussed with his colleague initiatives and projects within the joint action program for the period 2020-2022.Minister Baltova shared that Bulgaria is interested in expanding its partnership in EU-funded projects. Currently, both ministries are implementing the Tourism-e project, related to the promotion of cultural heritage in the cross-border area.The vision for the creation of common tourist products to be offered on the distant markets was also discussed.The Ministers of Tourism of Greece and Bulgaria commented on the fact that our country is a preferred destination for many Greek business representatives, tourists and students. The Bulgarian Ministry plans to invite leading Greek media to tourist tours in our best resorts as part of the marketing campaign for the Greek market in 2021.The two agreed to start organizing the first session of the Joint Working Group on Tourism.
Athens: Meeting of Minister Baltova with Paul Ene, State Secretary for Tourism at the Romanian Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism
During the forum of the World Tourism Organization in Athens, Minister Stella Baltova held a number of bilateral meetings. In a conversation with Paul Ene, State Secretary for Tourism at the Romanian Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, she stressed the importance of the tourism sector and the excellent relations between the two countries. The two commented that for several consecutive years, Romanian tourists remain the most numerous in Bulgaria. More than 1.3 million tourists from Romania arrived in Bulgaria before the crisis with Covid-19. Even through the pandemic year 2020, the Black Sea resorts of Bulgaria have traditionally received a large number of Romanian tourists.These positive results are due to the joint efforts and partly to our successful campaign aimed at the Romanian market, said Minister Baltova.Minister Baltova and Mr. Paul Ene expressed satisfaction that the restriction-free travel between Bulgaria and Romania has been restored and described it as an important step towards a return to normalcy.Among the important topics of the meeting, the two discussed the difficulties with the transit of Ukrainian tourists to Bulgaria, and Minister Baltova expressed hope that a solution would be found soon.A number of bilateral initiatives were also discussed at the meeting, such as the offer of joint products and cultural tourist routes with the idea of ​​attracting guests from distant tourist markets, especially after the end of the global Covid -19 pandemic.
Meeting of Minister Baltova with Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization
At a meeting with Secretary General Zurab Pololikashvili, Minister Baltova noted that the World Tourism Organization is an extremely important partner for Bulgaria. "We strive to maintain and strengthen our useful cooperation and welcome the leading role of the Organization for Reconstruction in the tourism industry after the pandemic with COVID-19, illustrated by the new initiatives and projects," said Minister Baltova.At the meeting, the two discussed the possibilities for cooperation, among which emphasis was placed on the importance and great potential of digital joint marketing initiatives. Minister Baltova noted that the Ministry of Tourism aims to stimulate the digitalization of tourism and to create an ecosystem for innovation and entrepreneurship, which will increase the sector's potential in terms of economic growth, job creation and sustainable development. That is why Bulgaria would like to explore the possibility of establishing a National start-up hub in tourism in cooperation with the WTO. "In this regard, we would like to consider the possibility of financial assistance from the World Tourism Organization in developing a national strategy for innovation, digital transformation and investment to build a more sustainable tourism sector," said Minister Baltova.She stated interest and readiness for Bulgaria to participate in the second stage of the package to support the recovery of tourism from the WTO and to implement joint projects, both with the organization and with other member states.Minister Baltova took the opportunity to personally congratulate Mr. Pololikashvili on his impressive achievements during his first term as head of the organization, recalling their conversation during his election campaign in Berlin in 2017, where the two met for the first time and discussed future joint initiatives.
Success and recognition for Bulgaria, which was unanimously elected a Vice-Chairman of the Regional Commission "Europe" of the UN World Tourism Organization
Bulgaria was unanimously elected as a Deputy Chairman of the Regional Commission for Europe of the United Nations Tourism Organization (WTO) for the period 2021-2023. The vote took place this afternoon during the 66th session of the Regional Commission for Europe in the Greek capital, Athens. The participants in the forum congratulated the Bulgarian Minister of Tourism Stella Baltova for the success of our country.The tasks for Bulgaria are to take all necessary measures for the implementation of important, global decisions in the field of tourism, protecting the interests of all countries, both in the region and around the world. The regional commission, in the management of which our country was elected, consists of 42 countries.
The Minister of Tourism Stella Baltova in the forum of the World Tourism Organization in Athens
Today, the Minister of Tourism, Dr. Stella Baltova, is in Athens, Greece, to take part in the 66th session of the Regional Commission for Europe of the United Nations Tourism Organization (WTO). The meeting will provide an opportunity for the European members of the organization to discuss the current situation in the tourism sector in the light of the pandemic. The event was opened by Mr. Harry Teoharis, Minister of Tourism of Greece, Mr. Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary General of the WTO, Mr. Margaritis Shinas, Vice President of the European Commission and Mr. Kyriakos Mikotakis, Prime Minister of Greece .In his greeting, Mr. Shinas pointed out Bulgaria as one of the first countries in the EU, provided a technical opportunity to issue a digital European certificate.Meetings are scheduled with Mr. Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary General of the WTO, Mr. Harry Teoharis, Minister of Tourism in Greece, Ms. Mariana Oleskiv, Chairman of the State Agency for Tourism Development in Ukraine, Mr. Paul Ene, State Secretary for Tourism at the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism in Romania, Ms. Renata Pinjo, Deputy Minister for Tourism at the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications in Serbia, and Mr. Ahmed Al-Khatiib, Ministry of Tourism of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The Minister of Tourism Stella Baltova and the Deputy Minister Daniela Stoeva took part in a virtual round table together with water German tour operators
The Minister of Tourism Stella Baltova and the Deputy Minister Daniela Stoeva talked in a virtual forum with representatives of the leading German tour operators operating on the market in Bulgaria. The meeting in a working format was organized jointly by the Ministry of Tourism and the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, which called itself an "intermediary" and "ambassador" in tourism in Bulgaria.Minister Baltova is always a participant in forums, as the main priority of the Bulgarian government is to preserve the health of both guests and employees in the tourism sector, who offer a sustainable and high quality tourism product.The round table was organized in order for the interested German tour operators to receive specific and up-to-date information about the situation in Bulgaria - current controversial measures, the conditions for the arrival of German tourists and the conditions to be met when leaving Bulgaria and arriving in Germany. Participants receive information about the readiness of Bulgarian resorts and hotels to welcome German tourists, who then have to calm down that in Bulgaria they will be able to spend a safe summer.We would also like to know about the idea of ​​the Ministry of Tourism to organize in June an expedition tour for tour operators and travel agents with a focus on summer tourism, spa and wellness, health tourism, cultural tourism, gourmet cuisine and wine. The purpose of the trip is key for a market of partners from Germany, together with their own journalists, influencers and bloggers, to get acquainted with different types of tourism and the opportunities that Bulgaria offers, and then to share first-hand impressions with their audiences.After the last and specific presentation of Minister Baltova, the participants in the forum had the opportunity and assignment for a number of questions, which received comprehensive and specific answers. The round table is held on the day when Germany officially takes out Bulgaria from its list of risk areas and allows its citizens to travel freely to the country.
Bulgaria in the green list of Germany from May 30th
Bulgaria got into the German green list on May 30th. This became possible after the Robert Koch Institute removed our country from the list of risk areas for travel. Information about the changes is published on the official website of the German institute. According to current data released today, the bans and restrictions related to Covid-19 when traveling from Germany to Bulgaria are lifted. On the official portal of the Institute can be found complete information about the destinations for which visits are not allowed and for those that are included in the list as risk-free areas.
From today, the citizens of Romania will be able to freely enter the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria
By order of the Minister of Health from today, May 27th, 2021, the requirements that were an obstacle for Romanian tourists to travel to Bulgaria fall off. Romanian citizens will be able to enter our country without having to present at the border checkpoints documents for vaccination, a positive result certifying past illness with Covid-19, a negative PCR or a negative antigen test.At the beginning of the summer season Bulgaria offers excellent conditions for tourism, sustainable, diverse and high-quality product as a safe, secure and preferred tourist destination.
The European Commission has approved state aid for tour operators
The Ministry of Tourism received a notification from the European Commission for approval of targeted subsidies to tour operators. A decree of the Council of Ministers to specify the procedure for applying for and paying state aid is to be agreed upon in an extremely short period of time.With an amendment to the Law on Measures and Actions during the State of Emergency, announced by a Decision of the National Assembly of March 13th, 2020 to overcome the consequences, a state aid scheme was created for additional financing of tour operators with other liabilities to their clients, with grants amounting to 15 percent of their turnover without VAT in 2019, but not more than the amount due for travel packages for unrealized trips.The aid can only be used to reimburse customers for travel not made between 01.03.2020 and 31.12.2020 due to the outbreak of COVID-19.
Minister Stella Baltova discussed the need for joint actions and measures with Frank Quante, General Manager of Fraport Twin Star Airport Management AD and with representatives of the tourism business
Minister Baltova and the representatives of the business expressed readiness to work together in the name of the restoration of tourism - not only by naming the problems, but also by coming up with practical solutions on how to overcome these problems. It is important how the measures are adequately promoted, stressed the General Manager of Fraport Twin Star Airport Management AD Frank Quante and raised some of the pressing issues - a relaxed regime for tourists to enter Bulgaria, priority vaccination of employees in the sector, the conditions for applying for aid of 35 euros per seat.After discussing the need for urgent joint action to save one of the most affected sectors in the Bulgarian economy, at today's video conference it was agreed to establish an expert working group of representatives of the state, business and Fraport Twin Star. The meeting was also attended by the Chief State Health Inspector Dr. Angel Kunchev.
Bulgaria with first prize for the video “Bulgaria - Find Your Story” at the FITUR exhibition in Madrid
Bulgaria received first prize in the category for best video promoting a tourist destination, at an official ceremony today, May 21st, 2021, during the 41st edition of the International Tourism Exhibition in Madrid - FITUR. This is one of the most important tourist exhibitions in the world, which involves the largest Spanish tour operators and travel agencies and is held from 19 to 23 of May.The International Forum aims to help restart tourism in this difficult time and makes FITUR an event of particular importance for the recovery and stimulation of the tourism industry.The national presentation of Bulgaria is prepared and organized by the Ministry of Tourism, and the event is especially important for the promotion of innovations in the Bulgarian tourist offer and for strengthening the position of our country as a tourist destination on the Spanish market.This year Bulgaria was nominated in two categories - for the best international video promoting a tourist product and the best video promoting a tourist destination. The winning video “Bulgaria - Find Your Story” can be seen here:
At a bilateral online forum, Bulgaria presented its readiness to welcome Russian tourists during the upcoming summer season
This week the second digital forum Bulgaria - Russia: Multifaceted Regional Partnership was held. The topic of the event was Tourism and Culture.The project is implemented jointly by the Industrial Center of the Republic of Bulgaria in Moscow, the National Tourist Representation of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Russian Federation and the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Moscow.The main goal of the forum was to present the readiness of our country to welcome Russian tourists during the summer season as a safe, quiet and attractive destination. New programmes and proposals prepared by the Bulgarian tourism business for guests from Russia, as well as a number of Bulgarian municipalities with their attractive sites for tourists and holiday events were presented during the conversations.At the bilateral meeting were exchanged good practices of companies from Bulgaria and Russia, interesting areas that are currently being developed by the Russian tourism business were also presented.The forum was attended by over 80 representatives of federal and regional administrations and tourism organizations, Bulgarian and Russian tour operators, hoteliers, universities, interested structures from Russia and Bulgaria, who presented their organizations and expressed interest in mutually beneficial cooperation.The topics for future partnership in the field of business tourism, balneology and health tourism, the partnership between municipalities and regions in Bulgaria and Russia as a basis for intensifying tourism exchange and cultural activities, strengthening contacts between higher education institutions, including those teaching tourisms, activating the exchange of organized children's groups, etc. aroused strong interest.An information package with the contact information of the participants and the presentations made during the online event will serve as a good basis for facilitating future contacts and the preparation of joint meetings and events.
Minister Stella Baltova at a working meeting with the tourism business: The mission of the Ministry of Tourism in this official cabinet is to restore the viability of the tourism sector in Bulgaria
At a working meeting with the tourism business, the Minister of Tourism Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stella Baltova presented the priorities and goals of the official cabinet and the Ministry of Tourism. The discussion focused on the problems, threats and challenges facing the tourism business. The possibilities for their fastest and most adequate solution are also discussed.The priorities and tasks set by Minister Baltova are in line with the ones outlined by the official government. It will work to strengthen the state through integrity, transparency and professionalism; will implement the agreements reached with the business as a result of the dialogue, especially with those affected by Covid-19; will make the transition to the 46th National Assembly; will ensure the proper functioning of the state until the next regular government and will ensure the holding of free, fair and democratic elections.In this light, the mission of the Ministry of Tourism in this official cabinet is to restore the viability of the tourism sector in Bulgaria in the conditions of an emergency epidemic situation and to make tourism a national priority of the government. For this purpose, as her main priorities, the official Minister Stella Baltova outlines two things: first, the improvement of the policies for regulation of the tourist market and for administration of the tourist activity while preserving the health of the guests and workers in the sector and second, development of the national tourist advertising. and international cooperation in tourism to encourage tourists to choose Bulgaria as their destination.There are several operational objectives for achieving the priorities. The Ministry of Tourism is already working actively to present Bulgaria as a safe, hospitable destination, using all communication channels; to provide adequate, accurate and relevant information necessary for business and institutions; to create conditions for a calm and secure environment for the functioning of the business and will place emphasis on active joint work with the Bulgarian foreign representations.Within the budget at its disposal, the Ministry of Tourism will carry out and upgrade the planned digital marketing activities aimed at 18 target markets, will focus on zero-budget marketing and digital campaign on social media and google adds to the markets of Germany, Great Britain, Poland and Romania.Especially important for the support of national tourism is the promotion of measures related to tourists. Bulgaria is part of the tourist destinations with a Safety and Hygiene Travel Stamp issued by the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC). The stamp is a guarantee for tourists that Bulgaria is a safe destination in the conditions of Covid-19. It is important for tourists to have access to clear instructions for the operation of tourist sites in the conditions of danger of infection with Covid-19 in Bulgaria, agreed with the Ministry of Health and the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency. The rules for applying anti-epidemic measures in the tourist sites during the summer season 2021 will be observed. Priority vaccination of people employed in the tourism sector is also particularly important. Among the latest measures that will significantly relieve tourists is the Order of May 18th, 2021 of the Minister of Health, which allows children up to 5 years of age to enter the territory of Bulgaria without a PCR test, as well as the announced on May 19th, 2021 invitation for submission of tenders for public procurement with the final beneficiary the Bulgarian guides, conclusion of the contracts until June 15th and the subsequent advance payment of 50% under the contracts.In her work, Minister Stella Baltova will rely on the expertise and competence of the team of the Ministry of Tourism, the creativity, strength and wisdom of the tourism business, the experience of municipal and regional administrations, as well as the support of the Bulgarian media.
Tourism in Bulgaria
The new cabinet sent a clear signal that it focuses on the development, support and promotion of Bulgarian tourism. A new banner with an active link “Tourism in Bulgaria” on the official website of the Council of Ministers will now forward each visitor of the government's website to the National Tourist Portal, thus facilitating access to it.This new communication channel will focus attention and increase the transparency of the National Tourist Portal, which presents not only the opportunities for tourism in Bulgaria and the unique nature of our country, but also the latest information useful for all travelers.The idea was implemented on the initiative of Minister Stella Baltova. The well-known banner, which with its stylized rose is a trademark of Bulgaria, is located in the upper left corner of the page of the Bulgarian government.
Minister Stella Baltova met with the Ambassador of Ukraine: We work for the trust of tourists
“Ukraine is one of the priority markets for tourism in our country and as a government we take our friendly relations very seriously”. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism Stella Baltova during her meeting with the Ambassador of Ukraine HE Vitaly Moskalenko. She commented that the main task of the official government is for businesses to work calmly in the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to ease the conditions for entering the country.Minister Baltova said that according to the latest order of the Minister of Health, citizens of Ukraine can now enter the territory of our country with a negative PCR or antigen test, with a document for completed vaccination scheme or with a document showing a positive PCR test or rapid antigen test - for persons who suffered from COVID-19 for the period from the 15th to the 180th day, as of the date of the study. This means “welcome to Bulgaria”, said Minister Baltova.The official Minister assured Ambassador Moskalenko that the measures taken in connection with the epidemiological situation are clear and strictly observed. “Our inspections are regular, and the responsibility of the tourism sector is at the highest level”, explained the Minister. She also pointed out the fact that Bulgaria is part of the tourist destinations with a Safe Travels Stamp, issued by the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC). According to her, the Ministry of Tourism is developing a very active digital campaign for the Ukrainian market in social networks, which will be upgraded this summer.For his part, HE Vitaly Moskalenko thanked Minister Baltova for the meeting and clarified that a large number of tourists from Ukraine want to visit Bulgaria and expressed hope that their number will be higher than last year.
At a high-level forum, EU tourism ministers discussed current issues and prospects for the development of sustainable tourism and the creation of the strategic “Agenda 2030/2050”
Minister Stella Baltova outlined the restoration of the tourism sector as a key priority, emphasizing the need to stimulate the sustainable development of the tourism ecosystem by improving skills, green growth and promoting digitalization and innovation. The importance of national recovery and sustainability plans as a fundamental tool for achieving the competitiveness and sustainability of tourism was emphasized.Minister Baltova pointed out as key pillars of tourism the green transition, the digital transformation and the multidisciplinary framework based on knowledge and skills, ensuring the integration of tourism in other related EU policies. With regard to the sustainable challenges and emerging problems related to the liquidity of entities in the tourism sector, specific activities were called for to promote a favorable environment for the development of the tourism sector, including the support of financial resources.  Another critical point for tourism, highlighted by Minister Baltova, is the restoration of mobility and connectivity, where the application of internally compatible tools such as the digital green certificate is considered an important building block.At the High Level Forum on Sustainable Tourism, organized by the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, EU tourism ministers discussed the challenges ahead for the tourism sector and the need for a strategic instrument at EU level to boost the sustainability of the tourism ecosystem and that will increase the competitiveness of destinations in the European Union.The forum was attended by Mr Pedro Siza Vieira, Minister of State, Economy and Digital Transition, Mr Thierry Breton, European Commissioner for the EU Single Market, Ms Elisa Ferreira, European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reform, and Mr Virginijus Sinkevicius, European Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries.Ministers agreed on the idea of creating an “EU 2030/2050 Agenda” based on shared priorities, objectives and actions to stimulate the green and digital transition of the tourism ecosystem and increase its competitiveness, sustainability and endurance, focusing on key strategic challenges such as:- green transition of the tourism industry and destinations as an integrated and holistic system focused on sustainable and responsible tourism;-  digital transition of the tourism industry and destinations, using the value of data and all available digital tools;- developing multidisciplinarity, knowledge base and necessary skills of the tourism industry and all other stakeholders targeting value-added services, contributing to the prosperity of local communities;- strengthening the resilience of the tourism industry in the light of the lessons learned from COVID-19, while increasing global competitiveness;- reflecting tourism in wider EU policies, such as transport, health, consumer protection, environment and culture.A number of Member States called for special attention to be paid to small and medium-sized enterprises, employment, the various regional and local challenges, islands and outermost regions, the EU periphery, the economic and social role of less developed regions, tourism pressures and other areas, facing specific challenges.A key finding of the Sustainable Tourism High Level Forum is the need for an integrated approach to tourism policy, with input and support from industry and civil society, in order to meet the opportunities and address the multilateral challenges, facing the tourism sector.
The official Minister of Tourism Stella Baltova took office
At an inauguration ceremony, Minister Stella Baltova took over the governance from Mariana Nikolova. „The main priorities in my work will be to provide a favorable environment for the activities of hoteliers, restaurateurs, tour operators, transport companies, tour guides working in the tourism sector through honest and open support and ensuring financial stability while protecting the health of tourism workers and tourists. Marketing efforts will be focused so that at the time of improving travel conditions, tourists are convinced that they should choose Bulgaria as a destination for their vacation “.Stella Baltova stressed that in the spirit of the team of the new cabinet, she will work in the conditions of transparency, integrity and professionalism. She assured that she will rely on the professionalism of the people in the sector and in the ministry, and will continue the good that has been done, and if there are problems and inaccuracies, they will be eliminated and will work to build on what has been achieved. Together with other institutions and through active communication on the international market, Bulgaria will be presented as a safe destination for recreation and entertainment.The former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism Mariana Nikolova wished success to Minister Baltova and expressed hope that everything that has been done so far will be continued and upgraded so that our country can establish itself as a year-round tourist destination for four seasons. Mariana Nikolova pointed out that she leaves the management of tourism in good hands, as Stella Baltova has extensive expertise in the sector and in diplomacy.
Deputy Prime Minister Mariana Nikolova before the British Ambassador: The Ministry of Tourism will make every effort to ensure the comfort of British citizens vacationing in Bulgaria
On the eve of the summer season of 2021, I would like to assure you that the Ministry of Tourism will make every effort to ensure the comfort of British citizens vacationing in our country, for whom Bulgaria is a well-known and diverse holiday destination. I give a clear message that our country has taken all necessary measures to strengthen its image in a safe place for tourist visits. This was stated by the resigned Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism Mariana Nikolova during her conversation with HE Rob Dixon, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.Minister Nikolova clarified that traditionally hundreds of thousands of British tourists enjoy every year on our Black Sea coast, in our winter resorts, in Sofia and our largest cities. “Taking into account the above and the fact that Bulgaria is coming out of the third wave of coronavirus and the number of newly infected is decreasing with each passing day, and that the pace of vaccination in our country is accelerating, I believe that the British authorities will classify our country as a “green destination” with the forthcoming easing of measures in the United Kingdom”, the minister said. According to her, this will be an extremely useful solution in the direction of increasing the tourist flow, and another indisputable act of friendship and solidarity by one of the most important partners of Bulgaria.The Deputy Prime Minister explained that the United Kingdom is one of the most important markets for tourism and explained the possibilities for entering Bulgaria during the upcoming summer season. “I hope that the authorities of the Island will also facilitate the ways for Bulgarian citizens to enter the UK. That would be a very useful solution”, she said.The Minister also drew attention to the fact that great progress has been made regarding the vaccination of workers in the industry, which gives great hopes for a calm and safe summer. “The local health authorities and the Ministry of Tourism have taken the necessary measures in Bulgarian resorts and tourist destinations to extend the holiday period without the risk of infection with COVID-19 for guests”, she explained.For his part, the British Ambassador Rob Dixon said that the situation in all countries is changing very dynamically, and it is expected that on May 10th the British authorities will announce the so-called Traffic Light System, according to which the different countries and, accordingly, the ways of entering the United Kingdom will be classified. „ This system will be updated every two weeks”, he said. According to him, Bulgaria is traditionally visited by a large number of British citizens and he hopes that this trend will continue in the future.
In a telephone conversation, Deputy Prime Minister Mariana Nikolova informed Elena Lysenkova, First Deputy Head of the Federal Tourism Agency of the Russian Federation, about the possibilities for Russian tourists to enter Bulgaria
Resigned Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism Mariana Nikolova informed in a telephone conversation Elena Lysenkova, First Deputy Head of the Federal Tourism Agency of the Russian Federation about the possibilities for Russian tourists to enter our country. She thanked for the awards received by the two largest tourism exhibitions in Russia - MITT and Intourmarket.“Our most important task at the moment is to restore the bilateral tourist flow, which has suffered greatly from the global pavidemic of Vovid-19”, said Minister Nikolova. She explained that today at a meeting with Prime Minister Borissov, with the participation of the Minister of Health Professor Angelov, three possibilities for entering Bulgaria were announced - a vaccination certificate covering all vaccines recognized by the World Health Organization, with a negative PCR test or with a negative antigen test, with a document for getting sick in the last 6 months.The Deputy Prime Minister also clarified that great progress has been made regarding the vaccination of the tourism industry. According to her, no tourist in our country - both Bulgarian and foreign, has fallen ill with Covid-19 since the beginning of the pandemic, and this gives us great hopes that we can have a calm and safe summer.Minister Nikolova also announced that the Bulgarian Embassy in Moscow is organizing a meeting on April 29th with all accredited tour operators working for the destination Bulgaria, where they will be promptly informed about the travel requirements. She added that she would continue to work, in accordance with her powers, to strengthen bilateral co-operation.For her part, Elena Lysenkova expressed her gratitude that the Russian Federation is the first country that Bulgaria informs about the ways of entry of tourists. “We are very happy that you are giving three possibilities and we are sure that this will make travel from Russia to Bulgaria safe”, she said. She added that Russia is open to partnership and cooperation with Bulgaria.
The Ministry of Tourism has launched an advertising campaign entitled “Safe Summer 2021 “
The Ministry of Tourism has launched an advertising campaign entitled “Safe Summer 2021”. For this purpose, advertising videos were made in four languages - Bulgarian, English, German and Hebrew, which will be distributed in all structural and priority markets for our country.Bulgaria takes all necessary measures for the highest security so that guests feel protected and safe during their stay with us.  And the observance of the sanitary-hygienic prescriptions is one of the key conditions for our country to keep the green Safety and hygiene travel stamp, issued by the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC).The advertising videos will be distributed through the main communication channels in more than 18 priority markets, Bulgarian embassies and tourist offices, so that they reach the widest possible circle of people. You can find the videos at the following links:BG:
The National Tourist Information Center is already in the National Palace of Culture
„As of today, the National Tourist Information Center (NTIC) at the Ministry of Tourism has a new home. Information about the opportunities for different types of tourism in Bulgaria is now in a much more accessible, communicative, recognizable and favorite place in Sofia - the National Palace of Culture (NPC)”. This was said at the opening of the center by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism Mariana Nikolova. She thanked the management of the National Palace of Culture for the implementation of the joint initiative.For his part, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Palace of Culture Borislav Velkov stressed that the Ministry of Tourism and the National Palace of Culture share a common vision for the development of modern tourism and large congress and cultural centers as an integral part of it. “Modern tourism is integrated, and the National Palace of Culture in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism and as part of the Bulgarian Congress Bureau and the Confederation of Tourism can count on the joint efforts of the sector and institutions to attract major global congress initiatives in Sofia. At the same time, the National Palace of Culture gets the opportunity to position itself as one of the main congress destinations in Sofia and the region, to develop its international activity much more actively and to advertise events from its programme”, said Borislav Velkov.„The National Palace of Culture is the largest cultural center in our country and it can be said that we managed to move tourist information to people where they like to walk and would look for it. And the National Palace of Culture and the space around it are the heart of our capital”, Mariana Nikolova also commented. According to her, the opening of the center is just in time, two weeks before the official start of the tourist season on May 1st, 2020.“With the offered information we will contribute to the popularization of the various tourist product that Bulgaria offers”, said the Deputy Prime Minister. Shee pointed out that its opening is another implemented initiative, for which a commitment was made to the sector in August last year. The center will support the implementation of the advertising strategy of the Ministry of Tourism and will establish our country as a year-round destination offering high quality services. The space will be upgraded and developed jointly between the two institutions through joint initiatives.“Bulgaria has a huge potential in the development of congress, festival, cultural and concert tourism and with the overcoming of the pandemic, life in the National Palace of Culture will return”, she is convinced.NTIC is located at Entrance A4 of the National Palace of Culture, which was renovated for the Bulgarian Presidency of the EU. The National Tourist Information Center is expected to perform three main functions. The first is to provide in a modern way information for Bulgarian tourists; to provide attractive and diverse information for foreign tourists, and to have an entertainment function - an opportunity to create visitor experiences through modern digital technologies and other modern activities.From today in NTIC, on specially developed two touch screen platforms, visitors have the opportunity to get acquainted with attractive videos and other advertising formats for specialized types of tourism, such as eco, adventure, SPA, golf, the so-called slow tourism, wine and culinary, pilgrimage, etc. There are also video materials that present the measures taken for safe holidays of foreign and Bulgarian guests in the country, as well as to find other useful information for their stay. The NTIC can also host various types of promotional events advertising various tourist products and services.Until now, NTIC was located on a small and quiet street in the capital, but remained away from the tourist flow.
Over 300 tourist offices in Germany, 27 specialized media and 77 tour operators were informed about the security and safety measures in Bulgaria
Over 300 tourist offices in Germany, 27 specialized media and 77 tour operators were informed about the security and safety measures that Bulgaria is taking in relation to tourists. Among them are the largest and most important for Bulgaria on the German market tour operators, such as DER Touristik, TUl, Schauinslandreisen and others. The popularization of our country is due to the cooperation between the Ministry of Tourism and the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce. Dissemination of a message about the measures of our country is one of the steps that the chamber takes in the framework of the cooperation with the ministry.In an official letter, the organization informs about the initiatives it has implemented so far to promote the country, as a safe destination and up-to-date information for the upcoming summer season. They point out that they have disseminated information to the target group of tour operators and travel agencies on the development of security measures to limit the epidemiological situation in Bulgaria for the summer tourist season, starting from May 1st, 2021, and their legal provision in Bulgaria.We have appealed to the German partners to pass this targeted information to their clients in order to create more transparency and security in this time of pandemic, the chamber's letter reads. It also states that with its support for ensuring the safety of travelers in Bulgaria, the Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism makes possible holidays in the country for German tourists.In mid-March, the Ministry of Tourism selected the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce as a partner and ambassador for information exchange related to the security of German citizens traveling to our country for tourism. Our common goal is for the information to arrive on time and correctly to the institutions in Germany - the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Robert Koch Institute, responsible for publishing information related to COVID-19 when German citizens travel abroad in the coming months.
The Deputy Prime Minister Mariyana Nikolova held a conversation with the Secretary General of UNWTO
The Deputy Prime Minister of Bulgaria and Minister of Tourism Mariyana Nikolova had a conversation with Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary General of UNWTO.‘We highly value your active approach in achieving sustainability, promoting innovations, attracting investments and attaining digital transformation in the tourism industry’, said Minister Nikolova. Further she confirmed her support in regard to all efforts of UNWTO to cope with the consequences from the Pandemic in the tourism sector through new and innovative projects, initiatives and constant support, provided by the member countries. The Secretary General of UNWTO, Mr. Zurab Pololikashvili tweetted after the meeting: ‘Speaking with Minister of Tourism of Bulgaria Mariyana Nikolova, we strengthen our bilateral ties as we work together to restart tourism. Very pleased with the Bulgarian commitment to resume safe travel. You have UNWTO’s full support as we rebuild a greener and more innovative tourism.’ During the meeting Zurab Pololikashvili stated that Bulgaria is a country dear to him as he has visited it on many occasions. He expressed his satisfaction that the Bulgarian Minister of Tourism is also a Deputy Prime Minister, which only proves the significance of the industry. Further he stated that the world tourism organization is involved with many projects related to innovations and digitalization.‘For us, as well as for Bulgaria, it is of vital importance to restart tourism’, said the Secretary General and added that the EU should find a way to keep its borders open for EU citizens, as well as for visitors from all over the world.During the conversation, the Secretary General assured the Bulgarian minister of the willingness of UNWTO to provide financial support for dealing with the heavy consequences from the pandemic, for the economic recovery, and for adequate promotion of the industry, which needs to widen its professional capacity.The Deputy Prime Minister stroke the cord that at the beginning of March, Bulgaria has raised its application for the renewal of the country’s membership in the Executive Board of UNWTO for the period of 2021-2025.‘This is evidence of our determination to strengthen our mutual dialog and widen our relations in search for new and adequate opportunities under the new conditions in the world’, said Minister Nikolova. She added that the Bulgarian key priority would be the solid establishment of policies that will transform the tourism industry in the post-Covid era, based on innovations, proper investments and competitiveness.‘We will continue to support the successful projects of the world tourism organization in the education field, like the UNWTO Academy, and also in harmonizing regulations in regard to fast and active measures, when rescuing tourists and in creating an International Code for Tourist Protection’, said minister Maryiana Nikolova.Mr. Pololikashvili was pleased that Minister Nikolova expressed her active support in regard to creating the so-called Green Travel Certificate, so we could all see free travelling people across all borders.
Mariyana Nikolova, Deputy Prime Minister: The Health Certificate will facilitate safe travel, which will revitalize the tourist ecosystem
‘The European Health Certificate will facilitate safe travel and thus give an important incentive to the revitalization of the tourism ecosystem.’This was stated by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism Mariyana Nikolova at the round table on "European Digital Green Certificate", organized by Elizabeth Koestinger, Federal Minister for Agriculture, Regions and Tourism of Austria.‘Safe, hassle-free travel and maintaining open borders is essential for the revitalization of the tourism sector. This is why mutual coordination, support and solidarity is needed both within the EU and internationally. We should actively establish the necessary environment for the development of the tourist industry in accordance with the fundamental right of free movement’, said Deputy Prime Minister Nikolova. She added that the Bulgarian government is supportive of the ‘Green Corridors’ for vaccinated people, with a negative PCR test, and for people who have already recovered from the virus, aiming to provide free travel for all. Minister Nikolova was confident that the certificate should lead to the revival of the tourist ecosystem and restore international mobility, providing freedom of movement and eliminating the possibility of restricting non-essential travel.During the meeting, Mariyana Nikolova confirmed that Bulgaria was among the initiators for the introduction of a Health Certificate, and that all people, who need to travel internationally should find a solution in the very near future.
Minister Nikolova talk to the President of the Bulgarian National Community in Croatia – Mr. Rashko Ivanov
The Deputy prime Minister and Minister of Tourism Mariyana Nikolova met with the President of the Bulgarian National Community in Croatia – Mr. Rashko Ivanov. The conversation took place in the Croatian capital – Zagreb – where the Bulgarian Minister is on a working visit.Minister Nikolova expressed the support of the Bulgarian state for the preservation and development of the identity of the Bulgarian National Community in Croatia. She clarified that the programmes in the field of culture, language, religion and education in the mother language are of special importance.Mr. Ivanov said that a more aggressive campaign is needed to promote Bulgaria in Croatia, as well as to advertise ourself as a four-season destination. For more than 10 years he has been the publisher of the Rodna Rech magazine for Bulgarians in Croatia, which has a special column “Discover the beauty of Bulgaria”.On her side, the Deputy Prime Minister undertook the Ministry of Tourism to send photos and text to be published in the magazine so that more of our compatriots learn about the opportunities for tourism that our country oggers.
The Deputy Prime Minister Mariyana Nikolova in Zagreb: Covid pandemic put the tourist sector to a serious test
We highly appreciate the relations and the political dialogue between the two countries. We are ready for them to continue even more actively with the exchange of high-level visits. This was stated in Zagreb by the Deputy Prime Minister Mariyana Nikolova at a meeting with Branko Garchik, chaitman of the Croatian Parliament Tourism Commission. The Bulgarian Minister of Tourism is on a working visit to the country.The Covid crisis and related protective measures were discussed in detail at the meeting in the Croatian Parliament. The pandemic has put to a serious test not only the tourism and transport sectors, but also the economics on a global and European scale, said the Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister. Minister Nikolova emphasized that despite the strong negative effect of the epidemic, Croatia has managed to have a relatively good summer season. We take into account that the structure of Croatian tourism is different from the Bulgarian one and we are interested in specific measures of the government, which contributed to the good result in the summer, the Deputy Prime Minister emphasized.Authorities of both countries have taken urgent measures to limit damage from the pandemic and from the closed to the tourism sector borders. In Bulgaria, they were broad-spectrum and included legal changes, financial support and social changes. Our country remains among the least infected countries in the Balkans, which makes it a safe tourist destination. The timely and strict anti-pandemic steps and the strong sanitary control contribute to this, the Minister of Tourism pointed out.There are no universal solutions to the crisis, said Branko Garchik. Each country takes different measures, but the exchange of information and experience can help limit the negative consequences. Due to the collapse of air transport, we mainly welcomed tourists by car, we did not have distant destinations, arriving by plane. It is time to start talks on opening air connections on the basis of common safety protocols. Bulgaria and Croatia are competitors, but in the field of health tourism we can be partners. We should establish contacts at different levels so that our people get to know each other, added the chairman of the Croatian Parliament Tourism Commission.
The Deputy Prime Minister Mariyana Nikolova and the Croatia Minister of Tourism and Sports Nikolina Brnjac signed a Memorandum of Cooperation
The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism Mariyana Nikolova and the Croatia Minister of Tourism and Sports Ms. Nikolina Brnjac signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Expanding Cooperation in the Field of Tourism. They initialed the document today in Zagreb, where the Bulgarian Minister is on working visit.The Deputy Prime Minister said that she highly appreciated the development of friendly relations between the two countries and the expansion of the strategic partnership in all areas of cooperation. In the conditions of the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19, I believe that it is crucial to continue working together, said Minister Nikolova. She added that the signing of the Memorandum is an important step to promote bilateral relations in the tourist sector.The Bulgarian Minister also said that the two countries will work for the better positioning of tourism at the European Union level, for the development and promotion of special type of tourism, such as winter, health, sports and cultural tourism, as well as for education with practical orientation.Minister Nikolova pointed out that they had discussed with Ms. Brnjac the possibility of promoting a good bilateral partnership between the tour operators of the two countries, as well as joint promotion of third markets. I welcome the decision of the Croatian national carrier Croatia Airways to start regular weekly flights between Sofia and Zagreb – at a time when the necessary conditions are in place, said Deputy prime Minister.
Deputy Prime Minister Nikolova: Croatia is a priority tourist market and a partner of Bulgaria.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism Mariyana Nikolova held a work meeting with Nikolina Brnjac, Croatia`s Minister of Tourism and Sports. They discussed the possibilities for joint initiatives between the two countries. Some of them envisage the creation of common tourist products for third markets and the development of health, cultural, winter and sports tourismWe highly appreciate the active dialogue at the highest level in recent years, the relations between Bulgaria and Croatia are based on long-standing historical traditions and friendly relations between the two peoples, said Minister Nikolova during the meeting. Every year the number of Croatian guests visiting Bulgaria increases. In 2019, the growth was 31,1%.At Minister Nikolovas` suggestion, the topic of resuming the activities of the Joint Working Group was also discussed. The first meeting will be held online, and in the spring of 2021 an opportunity for a face-to-face meeting in Sofia will be sought. Minister Nikolova invited Croatia to participate in tourist exhibitions in Bulgaria.Before her homologue, Minister Nikolova presented the measures taken by the Bulgarian government in support of the tourist sector to overcome the difficulties caused by the global pandemic.Minister Brnjac pointed out that the decline in the tourist sector in Croatia is about 60%, and this year the country was visited by only 7.4 million tourists. On her opinion, Croatia has achieved good results against the background of the crisis caused by the spread of COVID-19 and the earthquake, which caused material damage in some areas of the country.Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Demographic Policy and Minister of Tourism Mariyana Nikolova is on a working visit to Croatia.
The Ministry of Tourism has started broadcasting commercials to promote less-known places
The Ministry of Tourism starts broadcasting the first three commercials, made together with representatives of the Association of Bulgarian tour guides. The initiative for popularization of less-known places and tourist sites is in fulfillment of the commitment made by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism Mariana Nikolova to the tour guides during a work meeting with them at the end of July. The aim is to encourage the work and demand of local tour guides, who are one of the most severely affected professions in the sector due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Through the videos with their participation we will acquaint the tourists with what a good tour guide would contribute to their full experience. We will show the faces of those who know and preserve our history, traditions and landmarks.The campaign includes 20 videos, presenting less-known destinations and cultural and historical monuments in our country, but with great development potential. In the videos, tour guides tell us interesting facts about places and landmarks that are less attended by Bulgarian and foreign tourists.The first video shows part of the unearthly beauty of the Eastern Rhodopes – the canyon and the Arda river valley. This is one of the most picturesque places in our country, which is beginning to gain popularity in the last two years.The second video is dedicated to the St. George Rotunda in Sofia. Hundreds of residents and guests of the capital pass by it every day, but few have entered it to see the five layers of frescoes. The Rotunda is considered to be the oldest preserved building in Sofia, which was built in the early IV century.The third video in this series is dedicated to a less-known tomb near the Haskovo village – Alexandrovo. Its size is impressive and the frescoes in it are well preserved. Next to it is the Museum of Thracian Art which houses one of the first processed gold in the world.This campaign will create an intriguing series that is interesting on its own. Over time, it can be supplemented with more episodes from different locations and in different seasons. The sites were filmed in a professional and beautiful way. In this way, the goal is to strengthen the image of Bulgaria as a magnificent place filled with many places to travel. The sites and places for filming are chosen in close coordination of the tour guide guild.The project is implemented by the production company IVAN RADEV STUDIO. The company brings together professionals with over 10 years of experience in television and advertising. The company`s activity includes the development of concepts and scenarios for TV shows, series and commercials, organizing and conducting events of various kinds. Over the years, the team has worked on over 60 different shows and series, has developed scripts for some of the funniest and most watched reality formats and shows in Bulgaria, as well as some of the most successful and memorable TV commercials and events. The total value of the whole project is BGN 29,940.The campaign was launched first on the social channels of the Ministry of Tourism. The videos are in Bulgarian and with English subtitles. They are marked below with the corresponding active links:Official website of the Ministry of Tourism in the section Video Gallery:Eastern Rhodopes – the canyon and the Arda river valleySt. George Rotunda in SofiaThe Alexandrovo Tomb Facebook page of the Ministry of Tourism:Eastern Rhodopes – the canyon and the Arda river valleySt. George Rotunda in SofiaThe Alexandrovo Tomb Facebook page of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism – Mariana Nikolova:Eastern Rhodopes – the canyon and the Arda river valleySt. George Rotunda in SofiaThe Alexandrovo Tomb Official tourist portal:;Facebook page – Bulgaria Travel;Group in Facebook  - Rediscover Bulgaria;Instagram – bulgariatravelorg; YouTube Channel– Bulgaria Travel:Eastern Rhodopes – the canyon and the Arda river valleySt. George Rotunda in SofiaThe Alexandrovo TombHashtags we use: #ПреоткрийБългария #DiscoverBulgaria #FindYourStory
The Deputy Prime Minister Mariana Nikolova talked with the Minister of Tourism of Israel Asaf Zamir
The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism Mariana Nikolova had a telephone conversation with the Minister of Tourism of the State of Israel Asaf Zamir. In the conditions of the continuing pandemic, the government is making serious efforts to ensure the smooth running of the tourist season, said Minister Nikolova. She stressed that all necessary measures are being implemented to ensure the safety and health of tourists. On the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, the spread of the virus is the lowest and it can be considered a safe area, as so far there is no infected tourist, said the Deputy Prime Minister.Israel is a priority tourist market and a strategic partner of Bulgaria, the minister said. In 2019, nearly 245 thousand visits of Israeli tourists to Bulgaria were registered. Negotiations were held for the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the governments of Bulgaria and Israel for the adoption of special measures to support civil aviation in the conditions of COVID-19. The Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications agreed on the project without any notes, and the Ministry of Health provided notes on the medical aspects, the Deputy Prime Minister informed his interlocutor.Israel is expected to ease the travel regime from August 16, and a week earlier a meeting will be held between the ministers of health, foreign affairs, transport and tourism to discuss how to travel, Minister Zamir said. He specified that he would participate in the council, as his position would be for Bulgaria not to have restrictions that would affect tourism, and for the country not to be included in the red list of countries for travel.The Deputy Prime Minister thanked for the conversation and stressed that Bulgaria attaches great importance to good relations with Israel in a number of key areas, including tourism. She also added that despite the ongoing pandemic, the Ministry of Tourism is working actively for the smooth running of the upcoming winter season and summer 2021 and assured that we rely on Israeli guests, who increasingly prefer Bulgaria as a destination.
The Deputy Prime Minister Mariana Nikolova presented the possibilities of the destination Bulgaria as a safe place for travel and vacation to a representative of the German tour operator Schauinsland-Reisen GmbH
The Deputy Prime Minister Mariana Nikolova held a working meeting with Iliya Iliev, a representative of the German tour operator Schauinsland-Reisen GmbH. The main focus of the discussions was the opportunities to present the destination Bulgaria as a safe place for travel and vacation."The country is a safe and healthy destination, complying with all anti-epidemic measures against Kovid-19. All restaurants, entertainment venues and hotels strictly follow the instructions and measures for work in a pandemic. I have personally checked them and I have made sure of that”, stressed Minister Nikolova. She also pointed out that Bulgaria has very good prospects as a health destination on the German market, emphasizing that the German market is leading for the sector in our country.In the period from January to May this year, Germany ranked 9th among the state for inbound tourism, and last year there were more than 761 thousand tourists from there.The Minister presented to his interlocutor the decision of the government to grant state aid of 35 euros, which the state has developed as an anti-crisis measure to overcome the effects of the pandemic and explained that all necessary documents and guidelines for applications are uploaded on the official website of the Ministry of Tourism. “I am grateful for the fact that the Bulgarian state managed to do something for us with one breast ahead, this is very important and we appreciate this subsidy that is provided”, said Iliev.“The intensive work for this summer season continues, and for the first time this year we offer tourist packages for the winter season”, he added. He added that the company works with good partners in Bulgaria and offers high quality products to its tourists for holidays in our country. According to him, the main focus in presenting the destination Bulgaria is the opportunities it offers for SPA tourism.We have also developed a special marketing campaign for the German market, developed according to the needs and demands of German tourists, said Minister Nikolova. She explained that it is planned to promote the possibilities for providing medical, outpatient, preventive and wellness services in Bulgaria, as last year the first edition of a catalog with more than 20 certified for the German market sites in Bulgaria in German was published.
Minister Mariana Nikolova: We are expanding the dialogue to attract more tourists from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova
We are expanding contacts with companies working with Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, for us they are very important destinations for inbound tourism. This was stated by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism Mariana Nikolova at a working meeting with leading companies that operate in Russian-speaking markets and meet most of the tourist flow from them. Among the participants in the discussion were representatives of "Bon Tour"/"Biblioglobus", "Go to Holiday"/"Annex Tour", "Solvex", "Teddy Kam" and "Tural".Minister Nikolova noted the huge losses suffered by inbound tourism due to the coronavirus crisis, especially in relation to countries for which there are restrictive measures for travel and other restrictions. The Ministry of Tourism has urgently taken initiatives to support business and through dialogue with tourism managers, diplomats and other experts is doing everything possible to ease the conditions for tourism exchange and encourage business. However, the situation is dynamic and depends reciprocally on the epidemic situation in the countries concerned. The opening of the borders is a key prerequisite for the resumption of tourism activities and is an essential priority for our joint work, she said.Among the first steps in this direction, the Deputy Prime Minister pointed out the conference conversation with the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Bulgaria Anatoly Makarov, as well as with the Ambassador of Ukraine Vitaly Moskalenko. Bulgaria reacted very quickly and on my initiative the restriction for Ukrainian tourists to present a 72-hour PCR test when entering our country on July 16 was lifted. With regard to Moldova, its citizens have been allowed to enter Bulgaria since July 28, but such a test is needed, she stressed.The Minister recalled that the European Commission recommends extending the restriction on non-essential travel in the EU and introduces an approach to gradually lift the restrictions from 1 July 2020. Russia and Belarus are third countries, for which, unfortunately, at this stage there are no exceptions to the temporary ban on non-admission in our country.She promised assistance through the Ministry of Health to assess the possibility of dropping the requirement for a negative PSR test for incoming tourists from Moldova and Belarus. With such a change, it is possible that nearly 80,000 Moldovan citizens will choose Bulgaria for their holidays in August and September. According to the participants in the conversation, Russia has been opening its airlines since August 11, and it is very important that the dialogue between the two countries helps to exchange tourists. The Deputy Prime Minister also confirmed the importance of travelers from the Russian Federation for tourism in Bulgaria in the upcoming winter season and stressed the importance of sanitary measures that are taken to ensure the safety of our destination.At the same time, efforts are continuing through diplomatic channels to facilitate the issuance of visas, which will stimulate the flow of tourists, it became clear from the words of Minister Nikolova. She drew attention to the government's support for the tourism industry, which is among the most affected in the economy. The measure for financing the tourist charters with 35 euros per seat, the pilot project for a grant scheme of BGN 10 million under OPIC for tour operators and travel agents, the 80:20 scheme and others are of direct benefit to the business. Despite the coronavirus, our work on anti-crisis advertising and marketing activities to the countries with which you partner does not stop, said Minister Nikolova.
Minister Nikolova talked with York Schuegraf, Deputy Head of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
The Bulgarian side will take the necessary steps before the German media in order to give the right of reply to the reports they broadcasted with false information. This was stated by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism Mariana Nikolova during her meeting with York Shuegraf, Deputy Head of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany. The two discussed the broadcast from the Golden sands resort, where anti-epidemic measures introduced by the Bulgarian authorities were not observed during organized entertainment in outdoor nightclubs."This is a single case that is currently being investigated and we believe that some of the shots used for illustration are from previous years," the Minister said. She added that this year, since the beginning of the season, all establishments have been ordered to comply with the measures recommended by the Ministry of Health, at the entrance to each nightclub temperature is being measured, and in our resorts on the Black Sea coast there is not a single registered case of infected with COVID-19 disease.The Deputy Prime Minister pointed out that the Ministry of Tourism is ready to assist the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in the investigation of the reliability of the received signals for the Golden Sands resort and from all other tourist destinations and resorts, if any.Minister Nikolova pointed out that Bulgaria and Germany have traditionally excellent bilateral relations at the political and expert level and that Germany is a priority market and partner of our country. "Every year, German citizens choose Bulgaria as a destination for tourism and relaxation, recognizing the great diversity and qualities of the Bulgarian tourist product, and in 2019 the total number of tourist visits from Germany is 761,156," she said.Mr. Sheugraf thanked for the meeting and announced that Bulgaria is loved by German tourists. According to him, the coronavirus pandemic is a problem that we must all deal with together. He also shared that the German government has decided not to include our country in the red lists with travel restrictions.
Corendon chose Bulgaria for its first charter, 189 tourists from Amsterdam arrived in Burgas
The company highly appreciates the measures of the Bulgarian government against COVID-19 and the possibility of subsidizing tourist flights, this is its first flight in more than three months  We have not performed a single flight with tourists for more than three months, we are glad that our first flight is to Bulgaria.An important reason for choosing your country as a first destination is the information from your government that flights will be subsidized. We immediately informed our customers and filled out this flight. This was stated in Burgas by Sjoerd de Kort, Director of Product, Yield & Contracting at Corendon (Touroperator), who arrived in Bulgaria together with 189 tourists from the Netherlands on board, including families with children.He expressed his satisfaction that he is here and stressed that Bulgaria is one of the most important destinations for the company. “Tourists do not worry. Everyone wanted to come. We have explained to them in advance that they should follow the local protocols. They are almost the same as in the Netherlands, so there should be no problems with mutual trust”, De Kort added. In addition to him, his colleague Rene Oue Groeniger, Purchasing manager, also arrived on the flight.Among the greeters of the first charter guests were the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and the Mayor of Burgas Dimitar Nikolov.I welcome the tourists from the Netherlands who have chosen Bulgaria for their summer vacation. The planned flight of Corendon, which we talked about 2 weeks ago, has come true and we hope to be lucky as the beginning of the active summer season.“In Burgas we expect 4 flights from Germany on Sunday, said Minister Angelkova. Thus, we gradually forecast the restoration of part of the charter program at the airport. The company will fly 4 times a week and we hope that with this 35 euro subsidy for an airplane seat for tourist flights we will be able to expand the flight program, it is already planned with this company until October 5. Our partners appreciate the timely and effective measures taken by the Bulgarian government, we expect with their strict observance to implement the summer season, which will be different and difficult given the global pandemic”, she added.“At the meeting with the managers of Corendon, we emphasized that Burgas and the Black Sea coast are a safe destination for tourists. According to a study on the spread of COVID-19 in the region, which was conducted by the municipality of Burgas, less than 1% of people here have encountered the coronavirus. The measures are observed, the water is clean and the weather is with us, said Minister Angelkova. We really hope to have a good season, despite the difficulties and the crisis. The company's program is until October 5, but a possible increase is planned depending on how the registrations develop”, became clear from the words of the Minister of Tourism.The representatives of the company explained that for this and each subsequent group the measures are explained in advance. Everyone is familiar, they are strictly committed to following them.“We do not expect to have problems in this regard. People accept everything extremely calmly. We have explained to them in advance that they should follow the local protocols. They are almost the same as in the Netherlands and there should be no problems with mutual trust”, said the tour operators. On the Bulgarian side, the hotel teams are prepared to provide additional information.The mayor of Burgas Dimitar Nikolov explained that the campaign for the region was presented at the bilateral meeting. “We will expand our study at the end of the season, we will expand the circle of people who will be tested for the spread of the virus, so as to help both the Ministry of Tourism and business. We commented with our Dutch colleagues that we will intensify the promotion of the Southern Black Sea coast through bloggers. We are already working with Dutch bloggers, they will help us increase this network. The Ministry of Tourism will assist us to increase the information. We take this opportunity to invite these guests to the island of St. Anastasia and to see for themselves how many wonderful places there are in the area”, added the mayor of the municipality Dimitar Nikolov.
Minister Angelkova together with the mayor Dimitar Nikolov, Associate Professor Kunchev and Professor Kantardzhiev in Burgas: We are a safe territory, we are working according to the world health rules
Study data show extremely low circulation of the virus in the region and extremely low risk for residents in the coming weeks “The region of Burgas, on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast is a safe tourist destination in the current crisis with COVID-19, we are working according to the world health rules and this will continue with the necessary discipline.”This was stated by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova from Burgas, the Mayor of Burgas Dimitar Nikolov, the Chief State Health Inspector Assoc. Prof. Angel Kunchev and Prof. Todor Kantardzhiev from the National Operational Headquarters in presenting the results of a study on the distribution of COVID-19 in this part of the country.Minister Angelkova stressed the importance of the study made, which is evidence that timely and effective measures taken by the government prove their effectiveness. “The data are extremely important for tourism”, the minister commented. They show that in the Burgas region the cases of coronavirus are below 1% and the region is an example in this respect.“We will continue to apply these measures even more strictly to ensure a smooth season for tourists and those working in the sector. This topic was among the leading ones at my meeting with the representatives of the business in Sunny Beach”, said Minister Angelkova. She expressed satisfaction that all hotels where tourists are accommodated strictly follow the measures and instructions of the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Health and the World Health Standards. “A difficult summer awaits us, which will be different from the previous ones, and that is why we need to be extremely disciplined and mobilized. The first charter with foreign tourists from the Netherlands is scheduled for tomorrow, the active summer season starts in July”.The Minister of Tourism assured that everything possible is being done to support the industry and the gradual recovery of the tourism sector, which was stopped by the global pandemic. The measure in support of business 60:40 will continue to operate, a measure 80:20 will be introduced, in addition, employers and self-insured in tourism will receive compensation of BGN 290 per month if their income is reduced by not less than 20 % to maintain employment.In order to administratively facilitate entrepreneurs and investors in tourism, yesterday the government adopted changes to the ordinance for categorization and re-categorization of tourist establishments, from which some requirements have been dropped without compromising the quality of the tourist product.“We are in constant contact with the major tour operators and my colleagues to show that Bulgaria is a safe destination, complies with all sanitary and hygienic requirements. Our country is among the first to open its borders to 29 countries on June 1, since June 20 Bulgaria has been accepting tourists arriving from 35 countries.”Experts involved in the study indicated it aimed to establish the epidemiology of the virus. The covered territory is Burgas district and the neighboring 5 municipalities. 2 300 people took part in the period June 2-22, randomly selected but related to tourism, as well as people from the first line. They were divided into 4 groups, parity men and women. The reported results suggest that the spread of infection is not expected in the future, the findings show.“Burgas was chosen for the study because it is one of the most beautiful places and many people want to stay here for the next few months, there is also active local government”, said Assoc. Prof. Kunchev. “The data show extremely low circulation of the virus and extremely low risk for residents in the coming weeks”, said the chief state health inspector. “We must maintain these good results through constant prevention - with distance, discipline, disinfection and control”, he was very clear.„The risks for the population and the people working here are comparable and smaller compared to the people working in the country“, added Prof. Kantardzhiev. He predicted a second phase of coronavirus infection only after the end of the season and stressed that foreign tourists want and expect safety and they would like to see the smiling faces of the receptionist and the waiter behind the mask. „The beaches in the area are clean, the water is clear, our territory is safer and more secure, welcome to an unforgettable vacation“, said the mayor of Burgas Dimitar Nikolov. "We will take care to guarantee it," he concluded.
Minister Angelkova before the start of the active season on July 1: From June 26 we expect the first charter flights with foreign tourists
With the support of the charters we expect tourists on the Black Sea coast for balneal and SPA until the end of October, the focus of the advertising campaign is the low spread of COVID-19 in our country. We expect the first charters with foreign tourists on June 26 at Bourgas Airport from Amsterdam, the others will be from different cities in Germany. On June 27, TUI and Der Turistick flights from Germany will follow. The first flights to Varna will be also from Germany, but on June 29. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova during a briefing before the start of the active summer season on July 1 in Bulgaria.At the moment, the planned flights at our sea airports until the end of September are about 10,600 in Bourgas and 6,400 - in Varna, she said and recalled that Bulgaria was the first to open its borders without quarantine for foreign tourists on June 1, and from June 15 there are already 34 countries with access. We have maintained continious communication with my fellow ministers and the leading tour operators that work with the Bulgarian market, and I expect a gradual restoration of the flight program from our main tourist markets, said the Minister. The anti-crisis measure for subsidizing 35 euros per seat in the charters is positively accepted among our partners. This allows charters with tourists for health, balneo and spa tourism to extend the season until the end of October. The flights are expected to be confirmed in mid-July for October, she clarified.  Preliminary meetings have already been held with all control bodies and local authorities to ensure the safe stay of tourists in the new situation. I appeal to every representative of the sector to make every effort in their work. It is important to follow the laws, because any illegal action leads to damage to the image of the country. The control will be uncompromising, the minister warned.I would like us to be positive despite the unusually difficult situation. We had a good season last year and that's why I focus on flights. It is difficult to make a comparison. The fact is that there is a decline at the airports, and in early January we expected 10 percent growth in the sector. The hotels that will open for the season are currently about 60-70% according to information from the business in Sunny Beach and Golden Sands, but the situation is dynamic, the minister stressed. Another important point, which she drew attention to, is the epidemic situation in the respective countries, which we must take into account when receiving their tourists and pointed out as an example one of our important markets, Russia.There is still a movement in the tourism and this is shown by the data of Uniform Tourim Information System. From May 22 until today, more than 91,000 tourists have spent the night in accommodation places, of which 93% are Bulgarians, said Minister Angelkova. The ministry has been working continuously on the anti-crisis advertising campaign for Bulgaria. The first events started at the end of April on social networks and other channels. A campaign is being implemented for the neighboring countries, Germany, the Visegrád Four and others for one year. An important focus is the balneo and spa tourist services. A separate campaign for our country is being conducted under the signed agreement with the German health insurance funds. We hope that these contacts will greatly support the charter program in October with tourists for health and spa tourism. Our integrated campaigns will start for all target markets on Monday. The focus of the campaign is that Bulgaria is one of the countries with the lowest spread of COVID-19 and this is reported by the international community. Our country has received and can now use the Safe Travels stamp, adopting the health and hygiene protocols of the World Travel and Tourism Council WTTC. This initiative makes it possible to globally identify destinations with enhanced standards for safe travel, the minister stressed.She also spoke in detail about the measures related to liquidity and employment taken by the government and the ministry to promote businesses. The 60:40 measure should be transformed to 80:20, as the ministry suggested, and the details of the change are currently being analyzed with the European Commission and the Ministry of Labour and Social Politics . BGN 50 million will be allocated for tourism to attract the unemployed registered in the labor offices thus, the employers will be additionally supported. A grant scheme for medium-sized enterprises in the sector will also start operating with specific assistance from BGN 30,000 to BGN 100,000 for faster overcoming of the crisis.
Bulgaria will use a stamp for safety and hygiene from World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC)
Safe Travels stamp allows to differentiate destinations with enhanced standards for safe travel. As per a statement from the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) Bulgaria is part of the tourism destinations with safety and hygiene travel stamp.The organization designed the special Safe Travels stamp to enable travelers to identify destinations and accommodations around the world which adopted high standards of safety and hygiene.The World Travel and Tourism Council has launched the first of a number of new global measures as part of its Safe Travel protocols, providing guidance to travel providers and tourists on hygiene, disinfection and physical distance.The purpose of these protocols is to introduce action plans to optimize business efforts for the  recovery of the sector after the COVID-19 crisis. Currently, the protocols cover various areas - hotels, restaurants, aviation, airports, tour operators, outdoor shopping, congress centers, taking into account the recommendations of the World Health Organization, and will be updated in the event of a change in the epidemiological situation.Our country is part WTTC’s initiative due to the elaborated by the Ministry of Tourism Guidance for accommodation and catering establishments, which corresponds to the WTTC protocols. The initiative is also supported by UNWTO, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and etc."The stamp is vital to restoring consumer confidence worldwide so that passengers can be assured that there are enhanced hygiene standards and travel safely," said Gloria Guevara, President and CEO of WTTC. She expects more destinations to join in the coming days and weeks, demonstrating the success and importance of the WTTC Safe Travels stamp.The website of the organization features a statement by the Bulgarian Minister of Tourism: "Tourism is a cause that brings a better future for all, and together we can solve crises and challenges. We welcome the initiative for safe travel from the WTTC, which will ensure a rapid recovery of the tourism sector after the global pandemic with COVID-19 and will restore the confidence of travelers" said Minister Angelkova. What has been achieved in Bulgaria in the fight against COVID-19 demonstrates that effective measures taken by the government in a timely manner and the joint efforts of institutions, businesses and citizens can achieve serious results in limiting the spread of the virus, she added.
Minister Angelkova in Cairo: The exchange of experience and good practices in the field of digitalization will contribute to the sustainable development of tourism in Bulgaria and Egypt
Bulgarian Minister and her Egyptian colleague Dr Rania Al-Mashat opened a business forum in tourismThe focus of today's forum is the exchange of good practices in the field of tourism, in particular in the field of digitalization. The event is also a platform to promote our cultural and historical wealth and to share experiences for the sustainable development of the sector. This was stated by Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova at a business forum in Egypt. The Minister is on a working visit to Cairo, accompanied by a group of delegates, including representatives of local government and business, as well as members of the Parliamentary Committee on Economic Policy and Tourism. The discussion was opened by the Bulgarian Minister and the Minister of Tourism of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Dr Rania Al-Mashat. The forum was hosted by representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, local government, the heads of many industry associations and companies operating in the sector.During the meeting, we had the opportunity to comment on the twinning between Bulgarian and Egyptian cities, which would further support the regional growth of the sector, said Minister Angelkova. She added that it is planned to hold thematic days of Bulgaria in Egypt and of Egypt in Bulgaria, which will help to increase the tourist visits in both countries.I am glad to be here and I believe that today's forum will have a positive impact on the development of the sector in both countries, said Minister Angelkova. She also noted that in the recent years Bulgaria has achieved excellent results in tourism, and for the first time last year we reported more than 9.2 million foreign visits. She thanked Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and his cabinet colleagues for the assistance they provided to the sector. Minister Angelkova congratulated her colleague Dr Rania Al-Mashat on the achievements of Egyptian tourism last year.During the forum, Minister Al-Mashat announced that Bulgaria could be an example in the management and growth of various tourism products. A very good model for progress is balneo and spa tourism in Bulgaria, so we would like to learn from your experience in developing and promoting it, she further informs. And he commented that in both countries tourism is structurally determining.We could cooperate in the field of categorization of accommodation, said Ahmed el-Vasef, chairman of the Egyptian Tourism Federation. He stated that they were interested in our gourmet and culinary tourism products. It became clear at the forum that the introduction of uniform requirements for the all-inclusive is being prepared in Egypt.The Chamber of Private Companies congratulated the ministers on the good work and the increase in the number of tourists in both Egypt and Bulgaria and reiterated the importance of the sector for GDP of both countries. They pointed out that Varna has been a well-known destination for Egyptian tourists over the years.Egypt is a key country for us and I am glad that after some delay our economic relations are recovering, said Zhelyo Boychev, MP from the Committee on Economic Policy and Tourism. He added that tourism is a major economic sector for both countries and therefore it is crucial to work consistently to increase visits to the country. The deputy also said that there is a very good dialogue between the two ministries, which is the basis for beneficial work between Bulgaria and Egypt.Member of Parliament Ivan Mihovski emphasized the fact that tourism in Bulgaria is a national priority and is supported by all government representatives.Galina Stoyanova, Mayor of Kazanlak thanked for the opportunity to be among the delegates and to improve the economic relations of the municipality with Egypt. She presented to the participants in detail the tourism opportunities in the city and the sights in the Kazanlak region.A further working visit was discussed during the forum to conduct a broader discussion on the exchange of experience and good practices, with investment as the main focus. Minister Angelkova invited all participants to be guests within the second investment forum, which the Ministry of Tourism will organize in Sunny Beach next year.
Minister Angelkova met with Egyptian Tourism Minister Dr Rania Al-Mashat in Egypt
The Bulgarian Minister is on a working visit to Cairo together with deputies and representatives of the local government and businessMinister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova held a working meeting with the Minister of Tourism of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Dr Rania Al-Mashat. The two spoke during Minister Angelkova's working visit in Cairo. She is accompanied by a group of delegates, including representatives of local government and business, as well as members of the Parliamentary Committee on Economic Policy and Tourism.The deepening of the partnership between the two countries will contribute to the development of tourism, which is a key economic sector for both countries, said Minister Angelkova. She emphasized that Bulgaria and Egypt have a long-standing good partnership in tourism and expressed confidence that it will continue to exchange good practices in promoting the culture and history of the countries, thus contributing to increasing interest in both countries and attracting guests from other markets.The two ministers also discussed the possibility of establishing a permanent mechanism for tourism co-operation between the two countries. The host Minister Rania Al-Mashat highlighted the importance of tourism to the economies of Egypt and Bulgaria and expressed her admiration for her visit to Bulgaria in May this year. The Egyptian Minister of Tourism was among the participants in the International Forum for Sustainable Tourism and Investment, which was held at the end of May in Sunny Beach. At the meeting today, she was formally invited to attend the second edition of the International Tourism Investment Forum, scheduled for 2020. Ministers Angelkova and Al-Mashat also discussed in Cairo the possibility of organizing a Bulgarian-Egyptian tourist forum with representatives of the industry from both countries. Meetings in Egypt of Bulgarian representatives continue.
Minister Angelkova talked with executives of the Corendon tour operator and the Beautiful destinations company in London
Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova held a working meeting in London with top executives from Dutch tour operator Corendon, which has a strong presence in Benelux and owns an airline. She offers charter flights to Bourgas from Amsterdam, Maastricht and Brussels, with some of the longest summer seasons in Bulgaria with 9 flights per week. The interview took place at the 40th WTM International Tourism Exhibition in the British capital.In the summer of 2018, over 20,000 tourists travelled to Bulgaria via Corendon, but the opportunities are much greater among families and young couples. The company proposes a joint marketing campaign for our country in Benelux and forecasts an increase of its trips to Bulgaria for the summer of 2020 to 40,000.Minister Angelkova assured that there is potential for expanding the cooperation to other cities in our country as well as in the wings of the seasons, because the aim is to establish Bulgaria as a year-round destination.Speaking to the representatives of the Beautiful Destinations management team, Jeremy Jonesy, CEO, and Elizabeth Linder, CEO, Minister Angelkova presented the rich potential of our country as a destination for four seasons and recalled that despite the challenges this year, very good results in the sector are reported. In the first nine months of 2019, national statistics recorded over 7.8 million foreign visits to Bulgaria, which is a decrease of only 0.8% compared to the record for tourism in 2018.Bulgaria is becoming more and more attractive to foreign tourists not only with its well-established summer and winter vacations, but also with various offers for cultural, historical, balneo and spa, culinary, golf, adventure, eco and rural tourism, the minister emphasized. Our country is an increasingly preferred place for doing business, and especially for tourism the opportunities are extremely promising. In the spring of this year, an international forum for sustainable investment in the sector was held in our largest tourist complex in Sunny Beach. The aim was to attract the attention of leading brands in the tourism industry to the potential of Bulgaria and Southeast Europe. A second edition of the conference is to be held.Managers from Beautiful destinations have presented their operations in a number of markets in Europe, the Middle East, Africa. Of interest to them is Bulgaria, which they like very much as a route, they shared and expressed their willingness for active cooperation in the field of digital transformation, contacts with social networks, online marketing, etc. Beautiful Destinations has wealth of experience with its Egypt marketing destination campaign.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corendon is a leading tour operator, airline and hotel chain in the Dutch and Belgian tourist markets. Corendon Airlines flies to 45 countries and 145 airports, carrying around 2.5 million passengers annually. The airline also offers charter flights to leading European and Asian tour operators.Beautiful destinations is a worldwide travel organization brand. The company has created the world's largest social media travel community. More than 20 million people in 180 countries contact Beautiful Destinations on various international platforms every day.
Minister Angelkova held a working meeting in London with Ahmad Al-Khateeb, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage
The Bulgarian Minister discussed new initiatives with the President of the Polish Tourist Organization Robert AndrzejczykTourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova held a working meeting in London with Ahmad Al-Khateeb, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage, at the 40th World Travel Market (WTM) Tourism Exhibition in the British capital.The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is an extremely important partner for Bulgaria and we strive to develop good relations in areas of strategic importance for our countries, explained Minister Angelkova. She thanked for the warm welcome during her visit to the capital Riyadh last year and added that Bulgaria offers both very good conditions for tourism and for investment.It is important to continue to implement the commitments made in the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation in Tourism between the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Ministry of Tourism, said Minister Angelkova. In this regard, she invited Mr Al-Khateeb to participate in the second international investment forum, which will be organized in 2020 in our country, and a proposal for holding a bilateral business forum was discussed. Minister Angelkova said that improving the air links between Bulgaria and Saudi Arabia would contribute to increasing the flow of tourists, which is extremely important for both countries.During the world's largest tourist trade fair for professionals, Minister Angelkova also spoke with the President of the Polish Tourist Organization, Robert Andrzejczyk. Poland is an important and desirable partner for Bulgaria and we need to strengthen our bilateral relations in order for more Polish citizens to recognize Bulgaria as a year-round destination, said Minister Angelkova. She added that our country is a place not only for sea and winter tourism, but also for cultural, historical, balneo and SPA and that it is important for visitors from Poland to get to know our natural and cultural wealth.Last year our country welcomed over 425 thousand Polish tourists, which is an increase of 7.9% compared to 2017, and the Bulgarian citizens who have visited Poland are almost 74 thousand - an increase of 10.5%. In 2019 from January to September the number of tourist visits from Poland amounted to over 391 thousand.The Bulgarian minister told Mr Andrzejczyk that she is planning an official visit to Poland early next year to discuss concrete proposals for deepening cooperation between the two countries and national tourist associations.Minister Angelkova also participated in a high-level meeting organized by the World Tourism Organization at the United Nations 'Rural Development Technology' as part of the World Travel Market (WTM) program in London. The focus of the forum was on tourism and agriculture policies that enable communities to develop through innovation.Tourism, as an engine of the regions, supports their development not only through direct revenues, but also through new, modern investment projects that lead to the sustainability of local production, is the position of Minister Angelkova. Using its tourism potential and establishing the country as a year-round destination, the conditions for economic growth of local communities are created. We have seen concrete results from these initiatives. Today we are proud to say that regions such as the Valley of the Thracian Kings, the Rose Valley, Old Nessebar - a UNESCO site - are very well-known brands internationally.
Minister Angelkova held a working meeting in London with Egyptian Minister of Tourism Dr Rania Al-Mashat
Within the World Travel Market, the Bulgarian Minister of Tourism also talked with her Greek colleague Harry Theoharis and Taleb Rifai, Secretary-General of the WTO until 2017.Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova held a working meeting with the Minister of Tourism of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Dr Rania Al-Mashat. The two spoke at the World Travel Market (WTM) in London. The main focus of the debate was the discussion of measures to encourage tourism exchanges between the two countries.The organization of an official visit to Egypt, involving representatives of the state administration, the Bulgarian tourism business and local authorities, is being discussed, said Minister Angelkova. B2B meetings are expected to be held between delegates from both countries to comment on initiatives to increase travel in Bulgaria and Egypt. The working visit will be in continuation of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Tourism of the Arab Republic of Egypt signed in May in Bulgaria.Minister Angelkova and Dr Rania Al-Mashat also discussed the possibilities of organizing a Bulgarian-Egyptian tourist forum with representatives of the industry from both countries. At the meeting, Minister Angelkova also raised the issue of setting up a joint working group, whose first session would be held in Bulgaria next year. This will deepen cooperation and allow for the exchange of experience and good practices that contribute to the sustainable development of tourism.During her working visit to London, Minister Angelkova also met with the Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Greece, Mr. Harry Theoharis.Greece is a key tourist market for us, with the number of visits from our southern neighbour ranking it second among the top destinations for inbound tourism, said Minister Angelkova.For the period January-September 2019 tourist visits from Greece to Bulgaria are over 892 thousand and increase by 4.7% compared to the same period a year earlier.The two ministers discussed the creation of joint projects to attract tourists from distant markets such as China, Japan and the US. Minister Angelkova emphasized that an important accent in our work is to encourage visits from those countries that traditionally choose to travel to several neighbouring countries.Minister Angelkova also spoke with Taleb Rifai, Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization at the UN in 2009-2017. They commented on the progress in tourism as well as initiatives that could contribute to even greater achievements in the sector.
Minister Angelkova congratulated the participants of the Bulgarian stand at the World Travel Market (WTM) in London
Bulgaria presents its diverse tourism opportunities at a booth of 296 square meters with the participation of municipalities, tour operators and hotels on the world's largest professional exchangeMinister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova congratulated all participants of the Bulgarian booth at the World Travel Market (WTM) tourist exhibition in London, which began on November 4 and will last until November 6. The Exchange is the largest for the professional world, and this year is its 40th anniversary edition.Bulgaria is a traditional participant in the exhibition, including in this edition a national booth with an area of ​​nearly 296 square meters. The main emphasis in the presentation of the country is cultural and historical tourism, and all visitors will be able to get acquainted with our specialized products. in the field of balneo and spa, eco and rural tourism. The booth will also provide information on basic services related to travel and vacation opportunities at sea and skiing.The slogan BULGARIA - A DISCOVERY TO SHARE is one of the symbols of the Bulgarian booth on the London Stock Exchange, and advertising visions of the country are welcomed by guests and participants at the entrance of the hall. During the days of the World Forum at the booth of Bulgaria there is also a diverse animation program that presents traditional crafts and elements of our authentic folklore.In addition to seeing Bulgaria, everyone who visits the national booth will be able to “taste it”. Daily tastings of traditional specialties and native white and red wines are planned, which will be presented by the sommelier.In addition to the Ministry of Tourism, the Bulgarian booth features 26 participants, including representatives of municipalities, tour operators, travel agents and accommodation establishments.WTM is the largest exchange for professionals in the tourism industry in the world. In 2018, the number of participants increased by 3% to over 51,400 compared to 2017 (about 49,680). The total number of visits in the three days of the professional exchange reached nearly 89,000. International media representatives have increased to 2,700. This year's edition of the World Travel Market is expected to attract even more interest.
Ministry of Tourism awarded by the Bulgarian Association of Advertisers - BAAwards
The country's UK marketing campaign has received new recognitionThe Ministry of Tourism was honoured with silver by the Bulgarian Association of Advertisers (BAA) during the sixth edition of the BAAwards competition.The Bulgarian Tourism Campaign in Great Britain The Great Swap has won the prize in the category "Brand activation campaign for a product or service to achieve a specific business objective". This is another award given to the Ministry in connection with this initiative. Earlier this year, the project was honoured with two awards in the 19th edition of the PR Prize 2019 Influencing the Influencers and two honours from the prestigious PHARE 2019 Advertising and Communication Festival.The Great Swap campaign is part of our country's communication as a travel destination, which began in September 2018 and ended on April 15, 2019. It was conducted in two waves and in various communication channels.The project is one of the most distinctive features of the British - their sense of humour. To that end, we offered them the best deal - the barter. Therefore, the game The big bargain was a trade - sunny weather in Bulgaria for English humour. For this purpose, the site was developed. Any UK citizen could tell a British joke on the site, in return for playing for 3 one-week winter or 3 one-week summer vacations of their choice in sunny Bulgaria. Thus, in the exchange of "good time for English humour", the campaign managed to achieve excellent results according to the set goals.Even if they do not win, the consumers are acquainted with the numerous opportunities and variety of tourist products that Bulgaria offers. Thousands of jokes are uploaded to the site and there are hundreds of thousands of visits. Online advertising reached over 20 million impressions and outdoor advertising reached over 9 million.Last year, tourist visits of UK citizens to Bulgaria amounted to over 389 thousand, which is an increase of 15.2% compared to 2017. For the period January-August 2019, 362 127 visits from the UK were recorded, which is an increase by 21.3% compared to the same period of a record 2018
Minister Angelkova talked with Dr Ingo Burmester, Executive Director of DER Touristik for Central Europe, in Frankfurt
Emphasis is placed on the opportunities for increasing tourists in Bulgaria, representatives of the tour operator are expected next week in Bulgaria for the preparation of the 2020 seasonTourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova held a working meeting in Frankfurt with Dr Ingo Burmester, Executive Director of DER Touristik for Central Europe.The Minister is on a working visit to Germany, where he and representatives of the international tour operator discussed initiatives to increase tourists to Bulgaria and redirect tourist flows to our country in the situation following the bankruptcy of the world's oldest tour operator Thomas Cook.Germany is a key market for Bulgarian tourism, it ranks in the top 3 of the countries from which Bulgaria welcomes the most guests. It is extremely important for us to attract German visitors through a variety of products and services so that we can increase tourists in May, June and September, said Minister Angelkova. She also said that our country is known as a stable destination for organized tourism and it is very important that DER Touristik tour operators direct their programs to Bulgaria for the 2020 season and for the coming years.Summer tourism forms about 60% of the total tourist visits in Bulgaria, said Minister Angelkova and emphasized that tourism is a national priority and thanks to the support from the Bulgarian government for 2020 will act as a special mechanism for promoting organized tourism through marketing and advertising to the structure-determining country tourism markets.Representatives of DER Touristik are expected in Bulgaria next week for the preparation of the 2020 season, it became clear at the meeting.For his part, Dr Ingo Burmester stated that Bulgaria is a very important market for the company. Your country is beautiful and friendly, we want to work with it and stabilize the charters to Bulgaria, he said.Minister Angelkova thanked for the useful meeting and emphasized that she expects future fruitful joint work to increase significantly the German tourists in Bulgaria in the coming and coming years.A week ago, Minister Angelkova made a working visit to Berlin, where she held working meetings with Ulrich Nussbaum, State Secretary in the Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy in Federal Republic of Germany and representatives of the TUI Group and Schauinsland-Reisen GmbH leaderships.…………………DER Touristik Group is a European market leader in travel sales and serves over 7 million customers each year. To meet this demand, the company includes 16 brands, such as Dertour, ITS, Kuoni, Apollo and Exim Tours, and 25 specialized tour operators, among who are Kirker and Manta Reisen. In the markets of Germany, the United Kingdom, Eastern Europe and Switzerland, the DER Touristik Group has a network of 2400 travel agencies. The program of the tour operator includes 205 thematic and market catalogues.
Minister Angelkova had a workshop in Berlin with Thomas Ellerbeck, member of the Executive Committee of TUI Group regarding the preparation for season 2020
The focus is aimed at increasing the tourist flow; the forecasts of the world tour operator indicate sustainable growth of the market of Bulgaria and more tourists for our country Preparation of season 2020 and the possibilities which Bulgaria has to achieve a serious rise of the tourists from abroad was the topic of the workshop in Berlin between Minister Nikolina Angelkova and Thomas Ellerbeck, member of the Executive Committee of TUI Group and Group Director Corporate & External Affairs. The minister is on a working visit in Germany“Following the bankruptcy of Thomas Cook  - the oldest international tour operator, it is of extreme importance for us to have Bulgaria positioned successfully and to strengthen its positions of a stable destination for organized tourism”, said the Bulgarian minister. “Germany is the main tourist market for our country. We are working on the organization of a large Bulgarian-German tourist business forum. The main focus in it will be on summer and winter tourism as well as the possibilities of the Bulgarian historic and cultural, and balneo and SPA tourism” Minister Angelkova pointed out. “Our aim is to lengthen the active seasons, to increase the number of the tourists and their stay in our country and thus to win recognition for Bulgaria as a four-season destination”, commented Minister Angelkova. She presented the possibilities of our country to support the organized tourism via direct advertising aiming at the leading tourist markets.     Minister Angelkova informed her interlocutor that on 27 September – the World Tourism Day, it was officially announced in Sofia that an agreement had been signed between Bulgaria and the German health insurance companies which had been subject of years of hard work. This agreement will allow the German citizens who have health insurance to undergo treatment in our country.Thomas Ellerbeck said that the forecasts of TUI Group indicated a sustainable development of the market of Bulgaria. He emphasized that the company worked very well with the Bulgarian business and that the country was very well accepted among their clients. According to him an increase in the number of the tourists who will visit Bulgaria with TUI Group can be expected  next year.……………………………TUI AG with its hotels, air lines, cruise ships and tour operators is the biggest tourist enterprise in Europe. The abbreviation TUI means Touristik Union International. The company has 27 mill. clients/tourists on 31 target markets all over the world. It has 150 air planes under the brands of TUIfly, TUI Airways, TUIfly Nordic, TUI Airlines Belgium, Corsair International and TUI Airlines Nederland. The company also possesses 330 own hotels with a total of 11 696 rooms and 241 207 beds, as well as 16 cruise ships sailing under the brands of TUI Cruises, Hapag-Lloyd Cruises and  Marella Cruises. The turnover of the company as of the end of last year amounted to 19,52 billion EUR. The total number of the employees in the group is 69 000.
Minister Angelkova had a workshop in Berlin with Adnan Eken, head of cooperation and sponsorship of Schauinsland-Reisen GmbH
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova had a workshop in Berlin with Adnan Eken, head of cooperation and sponsorship, Schauinsland-Reisen GmbH. She is on a working visit in Germany where today she has a number of meetings with regards to the negotiations for season 2020 and the situation in the sector following the bankruptcy of the tour operator Thomas Cook.During her discussion with Mr Eken, Minister Angelkova said that in view of the current situation and expected challenges in the forthcoming tourist season, the Ministry of Tourism had initiated measures to overcome them by seeking possibilities to increase the number of tourists going to Bulgaria and cooperation for the preparation of season summer 2020. She pointed out that part of the measures was the mechanism to stimulate the organized tourism via advertising which would stimulate the tourist sector in Bulgaria. “With the help of the Bulgarian government, the tourist sector has become a priority and I believe that the state, business and local authorities will manage to overcome the international challenges and crises by acting together”, said the minister.She also explained that Germany was one of the most important markets for the Bulgarian tourism and that we would do our best to attract even more German tourists to choose our country for their holiday and vacation.In his turn Adnan Eken thanked minister Angelkova for the Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism directing their efforts toward Germany. “Now is the time to act and think for the future”, he concluded.The data shows that from January to August this year the number of the visitors from Germany to our country amounted to 588 897, and during the summer months from June to August, 469 641 citizens of the Federal Republic spent their holiday in Bulgaria.Schauinsland-Reisen is a tour operator, established in 1918 with main office in Duisburg, Germany and presently takes 6th place with regards to vacation packages + flights. The total turnover for the company for 2018/2019 is 1.37 billion EUR and the number of the tourists who travelled with the company is 1.64 million. The tour operator has approx. 480 employees in Duisburg and almost 1000 employees around the world. The company offers to its clients vacations and trips to various destinations, including Bulgaria.
Ulrich Nussbaum, State Secretary in the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, before Minister Angelkova: “I would like to thank the Bulgarian government for their reaction following the bankruptcy of Thomas Cook”
“The country is an extremely important market for us, within Top 3 for inbound tourism’’, said Minister Angelkova who is on a working visit in the Federal Republic. “I would like to thank the Bulgarian government for their reaction. You were one of the few countries who acted this way following the bankruptcy of the tour operator Thomas Cook”. These were the words of Ulrich Nussbaum, State Secretary in the Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy of the Federal Republic of Germany during the meeting with the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova. She is on a working visit in Germany where today she is having a number of meetings with regards to the possibilities for negotiations for season 2020 and the circumstances following the termination of the activity of the world tour operator.“We reacted in good time, a working group was formed in the ministry for the purpose of continuously following the situation,” Minister Angelkova pointed out. “Experts from the ministry were sent to the Black Sea coast to assist the tourists and the business and to help for the fast solution of any arising difficulties. It was important for us not to let the tourists from Germany and the other countries experience additional difficulties following the bankruptcy of the tour operator and to leave in them such impressions from Bulgaria which will make them visit our country next year again.  I am happy that they had a trouble-free holiday, this is of extreme importance for the image of the country as an attractive destination for organized tourism”, commented the Bulgarian minister. She announced in front of her host the readiness of the government to help the business in attracting more tourists via advertising. “The important thing is our two governments to work together which will contribute for the encouragement of the visits in both countries”, commented Minister Angelkova. “Tourism is a national priority for the Government of Prime Minister Boyko Borisov thus a separate Ministry of Tourism has been established and its main aim is Bulgaria to win recognition as a year-round tourist destination.”The two interlocutors discussed the situation following the bankruptcy of the oldest tour operator and the possibilities of the respective legislation to decreases the damages of its partners. Minister Angelkova assured the State Secretary Nussbaum that Germany was among the Top 3 leading markets for inbound tourism in Bulgaria and that the attraction of the interest of the German tourists  was one of the main aims of the Ministry of Tourism. She also reminded that last year we had more than 9.2 million foreign tourist visits in our country and that tourism was a key sector for the development of economics as it formed 12% of the GDP.The minister pointed out that the German tourists mainly organized their trips via tour operators or international booking platforms. She added that Bulgaria and Germany had long-term and well-developed bilateral relations. “I would like to thank you and your colleagues for the good partnership over the last years which has helped us achieve this big success and already given the green light for joint work with the German health insurance companies“, said Minister Angelkova. “Thanks to these agreements, the health insurance companies will send to Bulgaria those German citizens who want to use the services of our health and SPA tourism and the rich natural resources of Bulgaria in terms of mineral springs. The private hotels can also offer those services of theirs which are certified and in compliance with the decrees of the Ministry of Health Care and the Ministry of Tourism.”
Minister Angelkova had a workshop with Kreshnik Bekteshi, Minister of Economics of the Republic of North Macedonia
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova had a working meeting with the Minister of Economics of the Republic of North Macedonia, Kreshnik Bekteshi. The two of them discussed possible initiatives which would contribute to the enhancement of the bilateral tourist flow. “We are discussing the possible signing of a memorandum in the sphere of tourism as well as the possibilities for the development of common routes for distant markets,” said Minister Angelkova. She added that thus more visitors from Asia and America would be attracted to our region and that  would have a positive impact on the strengthening of the interest toward the Balkans. “Traditionally the visitors from distant countries usually choose to visit 2 or 3 countries within a certain region”, particularized the Minister of Tourism.The Republic of North Macedonia is among the leading countries for inbound tourism for our country. For the period January – August 2019, our neighbouring country holds the 7th position among the top destinations for most numerous visitors to Bulgaria. More than 376 000 citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia have visited our country during the first 8 months of this year.Minister Kreshnik Bekteshi supported the idea for the signing of a memorandum and development of common routes for tourism. He also pointed out that over the last years there had been a considerable rise in the number of the foreign tourists to the Republic of North Macedonia, but that there was still unused potential for development in that sphere.The two ministers indicated their willingness to hold a business forum with the participation  not only of tour operators and tourist associations from both states but also with the participation of companies operating on the distant tourist markets as well as representatives of the local authorities of both countries. “The important thing is to present all the products which our countries can offer to the foreign tourists”, said Minister Angelkova. Further to that she also commented on the possibilities of Bulgaria with an emphasis on the summer and winter tourism, cultural and historical tourism, balneo, wine and culinary tourism.
Minister Angelkova at the conference in Sofia regarding the establishment of new Danube cultural routes: Culture and tourism have the potential to make us stronger and more united
Her Royal Highness Princess Dana Firas, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador and President of “Petra National Trust” , took part in the forum“Bulgaria is using all possibilities to strengthen the role of tourism and through it to help for the long-term development of the Danube region. Culture and tourism are essential for the success of the EC strategy for this part of the continent and have the potential to make us stronger and more united.” These were the words of the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova during the opening of the conference in Sofia on: Establishment of new cultural routes in the Danube region.Dana Firas, Princess of Jordan, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador and President of “Petra National Trust”, took part in the forum organized by the Ministry of Tourism and the Council of Europe. Her Royal Highness is in the country at the invitation of the Bulgarian Minister of Tourism. The Minister of Culture Boil Banov also took part in the discussions. Minister Angelkova emphasized the significant contribution of our country to the establishment of three different types of thematic destinations – cultural-historical, wine-culinary and balneo- and SPA which had considerably increased the interest of the tourists. “This is also a way to bring people together. The number of visits to these sites has increased significantly – for some destinations the rise exceeds 100%”, announced she. “As an European initiative the Danube cultural platform aims to expand the cultural routes. Despite the big international competition, our country is winning bigger and bigger recognition as a destination of strong tourism and the whole government supports the sector,” added the minister. “Almost 12% of the GDP is formed by tourism and last year it attracted for the first time over 9 million foreign tourists,“ pointed she. “Bulgaria is getting more and more attractive on the geographic map. Tsarevets, Panagyurishte, the bridge of Kolyo Ficheto, Veliki Preslav, Pliska, Nessebar and many others are among the most visited places of interest. The routes are our chance to obliterate the borders and prejudices,” said Minister Angelkova.The Princess of Jordan Dana Firas drew attention to the fact that the cultural heritage is our identity but it also connects us to all parts of the world. “The investments improve the possibilities of tourism and the quality of life. The Danube region is very important as it unites member states of the EU and states which are not part of it. Our discussion is happening at a time when we can clearly see the damages from the short-sighted thinking on development. When tourism is well organized, there is balance between its development and the preservation of the cultural heritage. Here I have seen exactly this. It is an honour to be in Bulgaria – a country rich in cultural and historical heritage,” said Her Royal Highness. “It is important to meet and discuss various initiatives. I am impressed with the vision of Minister Angelkova,” she summarized.After the end of the conference Minister Angelkova announced before the media that the ministry was ready to start a pilot initiative – preparation of memorandum for cooperation with “Petra National Trust” for training of the coming generation how to preserve the cultural heritage by using the experience of the organization. The establishment of public councils for the large cultural sites  which would help their preservation and promotion was also considered.“Culture and creative sectors play an important role for the development of the country and I am sure that our cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism will continue,” said Minister Banov. “Our joint work will contribute to the expansion of the collaboration of the countries in the region as well as for exchange of good practices. The government recognizes cultural tourism as a key topic. It is a main priority and we will continue to work on it and to upgrade the achieved”.“I am happy because this conference is held in Sofia – a city of millennial history where cultural tourism holds an important place,” these were the words of the deputy-mayor of the capital, ass. prof. Dr Todor Chobanov. “A huge part of the tourists visit Bulgaria precisely because of the cultural tourism in our country. I greet the efforts of both ministries as the number of the tourists who have chosen the cultural tourism is increasing every year. Our museums are very interesting for the foreigners,” said ass. prof. Chobanov. Constanze Metzger, Routes4u senior project officer of the Council of Europe, emphasized the importance of the Danube region which is rich not only in natural and cultural resources but also in great cultural variety. “We are talking about two new route projects – the Iron Age and Cyril and Methodius,” said she. “The cultural routes cross at least 3 countries and are trans-national, they preserve their heritage. Europe is not just a political and economic union but a union of cultures,” commented Metzger. “The two routes will turn out to be successful only if we collaborate and thus transfer the past into the future. They will be most efficient if the local communities are included and if we all benefit from our strengths,” summarized she.
Princess Dana Firas: My visit in Bulgaria is something special, the Bulgarian minister is dedicated to the cause of tourism
Her Royal Highness emphasized during her master class in Sofia that sustainable development without preservation of the cultural heritage is not possible”I am happy to be in Bulgaria because my visit here is special. There are a lot of similarities between our two countries but your tourism is developing much better.” These were the words of the Princess of Jordan Dana Firas who is on a visit in Bulgaria at the invitation of the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova. Her Royal Highness warmly thanked the Bulgarian minister and called her a friend and source of inspiration because of her devotion to the cause.Before the opening of her master class in Sofia, Dana Firas said that the essence of the cultural heritage was in what we were and it would help us learn more about the life of the people. “The past experience serves to show how economics developed, how the cultural traditions grew. Where there is beauty, the cultural heritage teaches us to value beauty. Sustainable development is not possible without preservation of the cultural heritage. The preservation of the balance is the way to sustainability,” pointed she. “According to UNESCO culture must be the measure of sustainable development. Nowadays there is a common consensus according to which the cultural development, the economic development and the environment are interdependent.”The princess reminded about the importance of the sustainable development aims adopted in 2015 in which culture was mentioned only partially, but the cultural development had begun to turn into a serious factor in economics, education and equality. “None of our specific aims can exist without a cultural element, many countries did not recognize culture as a priority in the beginning; they considered it a luxury. This position must be changed,” was her firm position.The Princess of Jordan emphasized on the role of tourism in these relations. “Why did the WTO indicate that 40 per cent of all tourist events have purely cultural motivation?” was her rhetorical question. “It is well regulated and holds an enormous potential. When we talk about tourism management, we actually talk about culture management. 1.3 billion people are travelling around the world and these are not simply figures. The developing countries are having the possibility to be equal with the developed one,” said she and gave examples from the tourism in the region of the ancient Jordan town of Petra. It became clear from her statement that the country was strongly dependent on tourism and that it formed more than 19% of the GDP.Dana Firas emphasized the importance of succession: she said that they had programmes for 7-8 year-old children who were learning from the earliest age to preserve culture by using a modern system of education.Minister Angelkova welcomed her guest and emphasized that tourism had become the center of economics and the second driving force of all spheres of development over the last 10 years. Bulgaria participates successfully in this ranking as over the last three years it achieved record results in its entire history. Last year, the country exceeded for the first time the limit of 9 million foreign tourists which is more than its population. The sector together with the similar industries encompasses 11% of the total employment in the country, thus we have to recognize its importance for the sustainable development of economics.The Bulgarian minister also drew the attention to the serious connection between tourism and culture. Minister Angelkova said that we could develop only if we encouraged these contacts as the preservation and management of culture depended on tourism. She also said that we were talking not simply of the development of the tourist sector but of something bigger – the preservation of the cultural heritage. Bulgaria is extremely rich in that respect with its 40 000 artifacts, thousands of churches and monasteries. The minister thanks for the shared experience which could be useful for us. “Together we can turn culture into an instrument for integration,” said she.The ambassadors from the missions in Sofia took part in the meeting and asked questions regarding the preservation of the cultural heritage of Jordan and Petra. Dana Firas is UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador and President of “Petra National Trust”. She announced that 80% of the tourism in Jordan was connected with Petra and the cultural heritage and that they did their best to preserve the natural landscape. Large areas were under protection in active partnership with the non-governmental sector. “The cultural heritage is the pillar of the tourism in Jordan. The country has more than 100 000 archeological sites. 50 000 of them are registered and developed but the rest are not. They are in the gardens and yards of the people,” said the Princess of Jordan.
Nikolina Angelkova, Minister of Tourism: Tourism is a cause, it brings better future for everyone, we can deal with the crises and challenges together
Today we celebrate 27 September – the World Tourism DayDear colleagues and partners,I would like to congratulate you on the World Tourism Day - 27 September which has been celebrated for more than 40 years under the  aegis of the World Tourism Organization (WTO) with the UN. On this date we express our gratitude to all people for whom tourism is a cause and who have accepted this difficult and responsible profession with both their head and their heart.  This profession is destiny of thousands of men and women in Bulgaria and is now hereditary for whole families. It requires a lot of effort, great working capacity, feeling of entrepreneurship, but also imagination as tourism is not simply a serious business, but also experience, emotion, even philosophy and attitude.I would like to congratulate the foreign tourists who have chosen our country as their destination – for many of them this is not the first or even the second time to be here. Bulgaria always has lots to tell and show them from its nature, history, culture, way of life, traditions, authentic folklore. Our country can guarantee to its guests a calm but interesting visit, and contact with a large number of artifacts, plentiful mineral waters, picturesque terrain, various accommodations and entertainments for every taste. And all this – during all four seasons. I congratulate those Bulgarian tourists who have voted for the Bulgarian resorts choosing to spend most of their vacation in Bulgaria.Bulgaria has huge potential to develop the sector which, together with the connected subbranches, generates almost 12% of the GDP and 11% of the total employment in Bulgaria.On behalf of the tourist sector I would like to thank Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and my colleagues from the government for their support of tourism which has become a priority for the national economics. Thus the efforts of many institutions and organizations were focused for the sustainable development of its horizontal structure.Throughout the years following the establishment of a separate Ministry of Tourism excellent results were achieves regarding the number of tourists, accommodation and the receipts from them for the whole history of the sector. In 2018 for the first time we exceeded the limit of 9 million foreign tourist visits. The income from the inbound tourism exceeded 7.3 billion BGN. More than 4 million people were accommodated in high-class hotels which comes to indicate that we offer a quality product at an attractive price.Now, despite the strong international competition, we continue to build on our achievements in a number of markets. From the beginning of 2019 till July inclusive, our country attracted more than 5.1 million visits of foreign tourists. In the period June-July 2019 the NSI recorded a 2% rise of the foreign tourists staying in hotels of 10 beds or more along our Black Sea coast. During that period the visitors from Ukraine were with 26% more in comparison with June-July 2018, from Moldova – with over 14%, from Great Britain and Greece – over 9 %, from Turkey – over 6%, from the Netherlands – over 9%, from Hungary – almost 35%, from Slovakia – around 17%, from Ireland – almost 45%, from China – over 13% etc. This was the strongest June-July period according to number of Bulgarians staying in hotels with 10 or more beds over the last years. The overall increase among our fellow countrymen is almost 13%.I believe that with joint efforts we can continue this positive trend in the tourist industry although today, at the end of season summer 2019, we are facing a critical situation of international scale which will inevitably affect Bulgaria as well. We are confronted by extremely difficult and complex challenges. We depend on collaboration with the responsible business so that together we can minimize the possible negative consequences for tourism and to overcome the case of the bankruptcy of one of the biggest world tour operators. I believe that we will act like real professionals and will protect the interests of all tourists in our country as well as of the Bulgarian tourist companies in order not to damage the image of our country as a destination for organized tourism which provides secure and comfortable stay.This year the topic of the world celebration of 27 September is “Tourism and Jobs: A better future for all”.   According to data of the WTO the sector generates 10% of the work positins in the world and participates actively in the aims for sustainable development because of its potential to offer worthy jobs and to  stimulate the local culture and the typically regional products. According to the International Labour Organization the accommodation and restaurant activities together with the services of the private sector will create most employment possibilities over the next five years. The micro-, small and average enterprises are the main driving forces in our professional sphere. The international researches indicate that about half of the teams work in companies of less than 10 people and about three quarters – in companies having personnel of less than 50 people. This sphere creates more employment possibilities for youths and women than any other sphere and opens more job positions in the rural and distant regions.In our country there are about 27 000 enterprises in the hotel and restaurant industries. In 2018 the total number of the people in Bulgaria engaged in tourism and  the connected economic activities are over 346 000, but more joint efforts are required to increase their number and skills in order to “secure” the business with enough qualified personnel. The aim of the competitive product is uncompromising quality. These and many other issues regarding the preparation and engagement of the employees are dealt with in the Inter-Agency Council for Personnel in Tourism which we established with the Ministry of Tourism. We apply good world practices and the experience of leading countries when taking decisions and for all legislative initiatives.The tourist industry is one of the most powerful levers to stimulate the economics of the planet. According to data of the World Tourism Organization, in 2018 the countries around the world have reported a total of 1.4 billion visits of foreign tourists and the rise in comparison with 2017 is more than 5%. According to World Travel & Tourism Council tourism and the connected subbranches  have created in 2018 a global GDP of 8.8  trillion dollars which is 10.4% of the world GDP and thus have accomplished a 3% increased in comparison to 2017. Tourism and its accompanying activities provide for about 10% of the work places on the Earth – last year 319 million people were occupied in this sphere.These achievements must be encouraged and developed in each country. New, dynamic ideas are required to increase the potential of tourism, to open more and better work positions via digital transformation and modern technologies.Life confronts us with new challenges and their successful solution guarantees good future of all people via tourism. We can and we will do it together!Congratulations! I wish you all health and excellence!
Minister Angelkova had a discussion with His Excellency Christoph Eichhorn, Ambassador of Germany to Bulgaria
She also had a meeting with a delegation from the German province Mecklenburg – Vorpommern, led by Stefan Rudolf - State Secretary of Tourism in the Ministry of Economics, Labour and Health CareThe Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova had a meeting with His Excellency Christoph Eichhorn, Ambassador of Germany to Bulgaria. The two of them discussed the termination of activity of tour operator “Thomas Cook” – Germany. Minister Angelkova informed the diplomat that teams from the Ministry of Tourism are on site in Sunny Beach and Golden Sands resorts and help for the trouble-free return of the tourists back to their homes. “Each tourist will be granted our cooperation, I hope that our guests will be assured one more time that Bulgaria is a very hospitable country,” emphasized she.Minister Angelkova pointed out that Germany was an extremely important tourist market for Bulgaria. She also said that her visit to the Federal Republic was forthcoming. She would be meeting the German authorities and representatives of other big tour operators which take German tourists to Bulgaria.“Your country is extremely welcoming and hospitable and this is the absolute truth and not just politeness from a diplomat,” said His Excellency Christoph Eichhorn. He added that Bulgaria was among the top destinations for the German tourists and that they wanted to come to Bulgaria again. The ambassador ensured that the insurer “Zurich Insurer” had announced that the tourists’ costs would be covered entirely. He also said that a hot telephone line was opened in the consulate for the German tourists and the good news was that only separate calls were received on it. “There is no panic, everything is managed professionally,” emphasized he. It became clear from the meeting that the German government had decided to support the German airline “Condor”.Minister Angelkova requested assistance from the German part for the steps which needed to be undertaken to protect the interests of the Bulgarian tourist branch in accordance with the requirements of the German legislation.“It is very important how the guests will go back to their homes, for us the feelings of every tourist are of extreme importance, this is the image of our tourism and work for its development in perspective,” said Minister Angelkova.Later today Minister Angelkova had a meeting in the presence of Ambassador Eichhorn with the economic delegation of the German province Mecklenburg – Vorpommern, led by Stefan Rudolf - State Secretary of Tourism in the Ministry of Economics, Labour and Health Care. He warmly thanked the team of Minister Angelkova for their help in overcoming the difficulties with the German tourists following the bankruptcy of “Thomas Cook”.Minister Angelkova greeted the guests and pointed out that market Germany was among the most important for the inbound tourism of Bulgaria and that she highly valued the partnership with the institutions and businesses from the Federal Republic. She informed them as well that there were experts from the ministry to help the tourists sent by “Thomas Cook” on site in the hotels and  expressed her hope that with mutual efforts the common interest of the tourists from both countries will continue to be high despite the crisis.
Minister Angelkova had a working meeting with His Excellency Maceij Szymanski, Ambassador of Poland to Bulgaria
Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova had a working meeting with H.E. Meceij Szymanski, Ambassador of Poland to Bulgaria, at her invitation. The main focus of the discussion was the termination of the activity of the tour operator “Thomas Cook” and its associated companies, one of which is “Neckermann Polska”, but they also discussed the possibilities for development of the tourism between the two countries.Poland is a very important market for inbound tourism in our country and we will fully cooperate for the overcoming of the situation following the bankruptcy of “Thomas Cook” as well as for the stimulation of the visits of tourists from Poland. During the meeting it became clear that there are 92 Polish tourists who are currently in Bulgaria via the services of “Thomas Cook”.Ambassador Meceij Szymanski commented that they had also learned the news for the bankruptcy of “Thomas Cook” with regret. He pointed that the companies had insurance and warranty fund thus not only the return of the Polish tourists could be organized if necessary, but also the continuation of the services for them through the fund. Ambassador Szymanski also pointed that so far no requests for assistance had been received in the embassy from Polish tourists in Bulgaria which meant that they hadn’t encountered problems.Minister Angelkova discussed with H. E. Szymanski the possibilities of our hotel keepers to address the warranty fund of Poland and their possible establishment as debtors if a common claim was prosecuted. “As a government we are doing our best to minimize the damages for the Bulgarian business and to ensure the successful return of all tourists following the termination of the activity of the big tour operator,” said the Bulgarian minister. “It is very important for the image of Bulgaria as a destination for organized tourism to work together and solve the situation in the best possible way. That’s why our teams are on site in the hotels and assist them and the tourist,” commented the minister.
Minister Angelkova: The contact point in the ministry maintains a 24-hour connection with all interested parties under “Thomas Cook” case
We have made a commitment to assist if a joint claim is required for the receivables of our hotel-keepers; together with the business we are discussing  insurance for the foreign tour operators as well“We had an urgent meeting with hotel-keepers and tour operators regarding the declared bankruptcy of “Thomas Cook”. For the next steps it will be very important to follow what is happening with the associated organizations of “Thomas Cook”. These were the words of the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Anglekova at an emergency briefing for the media regarding the case of the bankruptcy of the British tour operator. Earlier she had a working meeting with representatives of the tourist business – hotel-keepers, tour operators, tourist associations etc. The Ambassador of Great Britain to Bulgaria, H. E. Emma Hopkins also took part in the meeting.“The situation is extremely disturbing in international aspect and will affect not only the summer season which is almost at its end, but also season 2020 which is currently being negotiated. The British warranty fund shall pay for the tourists who are in Bulgaria after the declared bankrupcy of the British “Thomas Cook”,” said Minister Angelkova. She emphasized that the key issue at the moment was the return of the tourists of “Thomas Cook” who were in Bulgaria, keeping our image and strengthening the trust of the other tour operators who would send their tourist to our country the following year.“A contact point has been established in the Ministry of Tourism on the case with the British tour operator. We maintain a 24-hour connection with all interested parties. We have information that trustees have already been announced. It is also very important for us to know what is happening with the other markets of “Thomas Cook” and we are in constant connection with them as well. We have made a commitment to grant assistance both to the tourists who are in the country as well as to the Bulgarian tourist sector,” said the minister. “We are into discussions with the business whether to have a special fund for the hotel-keepers. It is also possible to initiate a change in the Law on Tourism between the first and second reading to request an additional insurance “Tour operator responsibility” for the foreign tour operators acting in Bulgaria as well.“The hotels working with “Thomas Cook” in out country are more than 50, and 25 of them have already contacted the ministry,” said Minister Angelkova. “These are private commercial relations and each hotel has a separate contract with the company. The problem is that out hotel-keepers risk no payment for a service which they have already given, and this exactly during the peak months of July and August. The losses for the hotel keepers are for millions of levs and will lead to serious difficulties in the sector.”“We shall have individual meetings.  We have made a commitment to assist if a joint claim is required for their receivables as the procedure is very complex. We are following the situation closely and hope not to have the effect of the domino on the rest of the markets of “Thomas Cook”, said the minister.H.E. Emma Hopkins informed the minister that all flights of “Thomas Cook” had been canceled. “The British government is doing its best to get all tourists back home. All will be returned as soon as possible. This is the biggest repatriation of people in peacetime and is a very complex operation,” explained she.“Britain is trying to secure air planes from the whole world but asks the passengers to get ready for serious delays. All details will be published on the site of “Thomas Cook”. The British Civil Aviation Agency is getting in touch with the hotels to ensure them that the costs for the stay of the tourists after the bankruptcy will be covered by the British government,” the Ambassador declared flatly. She also announced that 95% of the clients of the bankrupt company were already at their homes but 135 000 were yet to return.  “There are 2500 clients in Bulgaria and they must get back within the next 2 weeks. Representatives of the British Embassy have already been sent to the airports in Burgas and Varna. The British Embassy will continue to support the operation but we must be ready for delays.”“This is a sad day for “Thomas Cook” and its employees. Each year more than 350 000 British tourists visit Bulgaria. The people travelling with the company this year were about 13 000. The rest have come with other tour operators and some of them – individually. The British citizens love taking holidays in Bulgaria because of its warm climate, the views, the good food and the prices. The British tourists will continue to visit Bulgaria,’ summarized Ambassador Hopkins.Hristo Galbachev, Executive Director of “Astral Holidays”- official representative of “Thomas Cook Group” for Bulgaria, said that out of the 163 000 tourists of the company there were about 6000 in Bulgaria at the moment. “Less than 10% of them are British. Till the end of this week there are confirmed flights for the British guests”. He called to responsible actions of the business in order not to damage the image of Bulgaria as a destination for organized tourism. “There are no Bulgarians abroad who are travelling back with “Tomas Cook”, summarized he.
Minister Angelkova at the global conference in Sofia: The establishment and popularization of various tourism products in the regions is a stimulus for their development
170 Bulgarian municipalities with their history, culture, lifestyle and culinary art are presented in 27 destinations; the digitalization of this product presents them before the world.”Tourism is a branch policy and depends on all of us – business, state and local authorities. By presenting before the world the natural resources and riches of our country and the various tourim possibilities based on them – historic and cultural, balneo and spa, sport, cognitive, culinary etc, we create the conditions for the economic development of the local municipalities and means of livelihood for the people there.” These were the words of the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova  at a conference on “The Role of the Sustainable Innovative  Tourism  for the Stimulation of the Incorporating Growth, Commerce and Economic Co-operation”, organized by the embassies of the Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Korea and Republic of Turkey in Bulgaria as an initiative of MIKTA. The forum took place in the University of Sofia “S.Sv. Kliment Ohridski”.“The Ministry of Tourism has established 27 thematic destinations in total, including 8 cultural and historical, 12 wine and culinary and 7 balneo and SPA destinations for the purpose of supporting the local communities by stimulating the interest in the specialized forms of tourism,” said the minister. “About 170 Bulgarian municipalities are included in them. The popularization of various destinations,  every one of which reveals the specifics and culture of the region is of considerable importance to promote growth and economic development. The digitalization of the presented destinations popularizes the uniqueness of each region before the world. All these help for the sustainable development of tourism which the prime minister and the government turned into an economic priority”, said Minister Angelkova and reminded that the sector and its connected activities contributed for the formation of almost 12% of the gross domestic product of Bulgaria and for approximately 11% of the total employment.“This is the reason why the digitalization in tourism is among the main priorities in our activity as it will turn Bulgaria into a much more attractive destination not only for the foreign tourists but for investors as well. The fast internet connection in our country and our favorable geographic situation contribute for the image of Bulgaria as a sustainable and innovative tourist destination with the potential to stimulate the incorporating growth, commercial and economic cooperation. The policy aiming at the decrease of the administrative burdens in tourism is also in favour of the business and investors. 19 types of documents have already been abolished and all services of the tourist administration can be requested online 24/7 from all parts of the world”, said Minister Angelkova.She emphasized on the developed National Strategy for Sustainable Development of Tourism and the Action Plan which is part of it. “Our aim is to attract visitors from distant markets such ad China and India, but also to build on our achievements so far. My team and I are working not only to popularize Bulgaria as a destination but to establish a sustainable and high-quality product,” concluded the minister.………………………MIKTA – Association for cooperation in the sphere of economics, safety, environment preservation and sustainable development, founded during a meeting of the UN as a non-formal structure/platform for negotiations in 2015 from Mexico, the Republic of Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Turkey and Australia.
Minister Angelkova had meetings in three directorates general of the European Commission
In Brussels the Bulgarian minister had a discussion with Gert Jan Koopman, General Director of “Budget” Department, Carles Esteva Mosso, Deputy Director General of “Competition” Department and Normund Popens, Deputy Director General of “Regional and Urban Policy” DepartmentThe Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova had meetings with the directors of three directorates general of the European Commission during her working visit in Brussels.She had discussions with Gert Jan Koopman, General Director of “Budget” Department, Carles Esteva Mosso, Deputy Director General of “Competition” Department and Normund Popens, Deputy Director General of “Regional and Urban Policy” Department“We have the idea to develop 9 integrated tourist projects, which will be proposed for funding during the next programme period,” said Minister Angelkova during her meeting  with Normund Popens, Deputy Director General of “Regional and Urban Policy” Department. “The 2021-2027 EU funds budget includes the possibility to grant funds which will contribute for the development of the sector. The tourist attractions and the cultural tourism connect many countries,” declared the Bulgarian minister and stated that tourism was a horizontal policy and depended on many other segments.“Bulgaria is developing very well as a tourist destination. This sector is a main factor for the development of any country and it also influences the progress of the whole region,” commented the Deputy Director General of “Regional and Urban Policy” Department. “The development of the cultural tourism is of key importance for the progress of the sector and it is important to show who you manage it,” added Normund Popens. The two of them commented that good effect could be achieved with the development of various types of tourism. Minister Angelkova explained that Bulgaria offered a great variety of products with which we managed to attract visitors during all four seasons. “One of the projects, which we developed last year, is for 12 wine – cultural destinations which include food and wine traditional for each of the regions of the country , as well as visits to the local places of interest”, said the minister. “Thus we are popularizing the wealth of the regions and encourage visits into the interior of the country.”“A considerable part of our regions are developing precisely thanks to tourism,” said Minister Angelkova in front of Gert Jan Koopman, General Director of “Budget” Department and gave as an example the municipality of Velingrad which had been declared the “SPA capital on the Balkans”. Velingrad uses the great resources of mineral waters on its territory and the fact that it has won recognition as a tourist destination is the main factor for the development of strong local economics. The minister also indicated that with the projects we were working on we hoped to direct the focus of the European Community even more in the direction of tourism within the next programming period.Gert Jan Koopman congratulated Minister Angelkova for the efforts for the sustainable development of the sector. He commented that the economic progress of the regions had an indisputable effect on the progress of the Community.“The Ministry of Tourism is working on a mechanism of using direct advertising towards the different markets in order to stimulate the organized tourism”, said the minister in front of Carles Esteva Mosso, Deputy Director General of “Competition” Department. “The aim of the project is to attract more visitors in the months of May, June and September which are the border months of the seasons. The idea is this project to be first launched for the Black Sea coast”.
Minister Angelkova held a work meeting in Golden Sands with leading tour operators
The excellent results of the last years will be confirmed if, in the difficult 2019, together we convincing our partners in the potential of a Bulgaria destination   Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelova held a work meeting with representatives of leading tour operators in the Golden Sands Resort. In addition to taking an actuale picture of the situation on the different tourist markets and outlining measures to attract organized tourists in the late booking segment and the "last minute" for summer 2019, the meeting also discussed the preparation of the forthcoming summer 2020 season, which is usually done a year earlier.The purpose of the discussion is in an operational format to see what we have as bookings and reservations and what we have set for the next season. We will consolidate the excellent results of the last years if, in this difficult year, we can jointly convince our partners about the potential of a Bulgaria destination, the Minister said.  Forecasts show declines in some markets. That 2019 will be challenging and there will be a battle for every tourist in the region, we warned at the beginning of the year, Minister Angelkova noted. After three years of joint work, which saw very high growth rates in tourism, we are counting on concrete actions to justify the big expectations for the Bulgarian tourist product, Minister Angelkova said.  Participants in the conversation reaffirmed the picture with the strong competitive environment of countries in the region that lead a massive policy for returning tourists by direct subsidizing charter programs. As an EU member, Bulgaria can not afford subsidies, but ways to support organized tourism are being sought. The Minister reminded that the department has commissioned an analysis of the authoritative Ernst & Young company, and even the most conservative version of it shows an excellent effect for local economies and the state of attracting more tourists. The analysis will be presented for public discussion in a short timeframe and with the mechanisms adopted, we will give a clear signal to our partners. Minister Angelkova remarked that the focus should now be on promoting early registrations for 2020..In addition, in the Tourism Act, we have made changes to the status of the national resorts that will determine the activities and responsibilities on their territory. Despite the decline of youth tourism in some of our major resorts like Sunny Beach and Golden Sands from the last year, we have to develop the youth segment and attract young people as a trend.Minister Angelkova assured that good practices for expanding the wings of active seasons through higher employment during May, June and September will be promoted, which is essential for tourist services along the Black Sea coast. She pointed out that the proposals were made after analyzing the positive experience of other countries in this regard, including Greece, Croatia and others.                                                                    The business drew attention to the need to spend more on advertising the destination. She also noted that the funds should be targeted to promote the tour operator activity. Target-oriented advertising is also our focus, the Minister said, emphasizing the importance of identifying the exact targets in this activity. At the moment hotels and tour operators are pending. By the end of August the flight programs should be made, said Grigor Fidanov of "Hotel-Management Company" Ltd. He also focused on ways to show Bulgaria's potential to the dicision makers so that they could help the country's image.
Minister Angelkova spoke with Her Excellency Donika Hodzha, Ambassador of Albania to Bulgaria
The Minister of Tourism held a workmeeting with Her Excellency Donika Hodzha, Ambassador of Albania to the Republic of Bulgaria. Both united around the idea that offering the Balkans as a common tourist destination to attract tourists from the prospectous Asian markets has a strong potential for development and to increase tourists to both countries.Minister Angelkova pointed out that the Balkan Route project proposed by the Ministry of Tourism during our presidency of the Council of the EU has a strong support of other countries in the region.  The experts are working on selecting sites to be included in the general route. In the pilot version of the common route these will be sites under the auspices of UNESCO in the respective country, the Bulgarian Minister commented. The number of Albanian visits to Bulgaria has increased significantly in recent years. For the first 5 months of 2019, Bulgaria reports about 15 thousand visits from Albania, Minister Angelkova said, adding that last year their number was over 37 thousand, with growth of over 10%.She introduced her interlocutor to the results of the International Investment Forum in Sunny Beach, held at the end of May, attended by representatives of the world tourist, aviation and financial business. It is important for us through the development of congress and business tourism to expand the wings of the main winter and summer season, which will allow the rich material base in the Bulgarian national resorts to be used throughout the year for business forums, said Minister Angelkova. Tourism development is also a priority for Albania, said Her Excellency Donika Hodzha, efforts are focused on attracting high-class hotels to the country. We see a great potential for tourism cooperation with Bulgaria, said the ambassador.The meeting discussed the possibility of organizing a tourism forum in Tirana at the end of the year where tour operators from both countries could held B2B meetings, and the institutions of the two countries responsible for the development of the sector - the Ministry of Tourism of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Tourism and the Environment of Albania, to discuss initiatives to boost tourist flows between the two countries, and joint initiatives to boost the interest of the region to long-distance tourists.
In Beijing and Chengdu, two new tourist information centers were launched to promote the Bulgaria destination
7 offices of our country will be opened in the largest cities, the first one launched in 2017 in the Shanghai metropolis  Bulgaria has two new tourist information centers in China – in Beijing and Chengdu, Sichuan province.On June 20th, 2019, a tourist information center was set up in Beijing, whose task is to promote the opportunities for tourism in our country to Chinese citizens and to make contacts between Bulgarian and Chinese tour operators. The official opening ceremony was attended by prominent representatives of China's tourism business.  Greetings and wishes for the center's success were expressed by Secretary General of the World Tourism Alliance, Liu Shijun, Bulgaria's Ambassador to the Asian State, Grigor Porozhanov, and the director of the "Programs and Projects in Tourism" Directorate at the Ministry of Tourism - Milka Nanova. On June 21st, 2019, Bulgaria's Tourist Information Center was also opened in Chengdu, Sichuan Province.At the opening of the two centers, Mrs. Nanova stressed their importance for promoting a destination Bulgaria to the enormous Chinese market and pointed out that they are the result of the Ministry of Tourism's efforts to make our country even more recognizable in the distant market. She handed over to the Chinese partners the determination of Minister Nikolina Angelkova and her team to deepen cooperation with China as one of the important and extremely promising markets for Bulgarian tourism. The opening of the centers in China is the result of a public-private partnership after a signed Memorandum of Cooperation between the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Chinese Hiseas Tourism Development Group. The company works with tour operators and travel agents on the Chinese market, which book travels to their tourists in Europe. With the Memorandum, the Chinese partner has committed to jointly open with the Ministry of Tourism information centers for tourists in major cities of China, while at the same time helping to promote Bulgaria through various information channels in China. The agreement provides for the opening of 7 tourist information centers in China.The Ministry of Tourism is also taking part with its stand at the big international tourism exhibition, which opened on June 18 in Beijing. We presented films about Bulgaria, distributed Chinese language advertising materials, held many fruitful talks and meetings in which we established professional contacts, said the Director of Programs and Projects at the Ministry of Tourism, Milka Nana. An interview with the Bulgarian representative was broadcast on the Chinese TV travel channel.Since the establishment of the Ministry of Tourism as an independent institution, there has been a focused policy for Bulgaria's representation on the Asian markets, especially the Chinese. Back in September 2017, the first Bulgarian tourist information center was opened in the Shanghai metropolis. Then the top executives of China's tourism, aviation, finance and trading business were present in the financial capital of China.
Minister Angelkova held a work meeting with the new Ambassador of China to Bulgaria HE. Dong Xiaojun
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova accepted the newly appointed Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of China to Bulgaria HE. Dong Xiaojun and discussed with him the prospects for bilateral cooperation in the sector.China is an extremely important and promising market for us, which attracts the attention of other Balkan countries to create joint tourism products for the Asian country, said Minister Angelkova.  We intend to work with You and Chinese business representatives to create products that are attractive to Chinese tourists. I am convinced that Bulgaria also attracts interest as an investment destination for Chinese entrepreneurs, said Minister Angelkova.In the conversation, she highlighted the international investment forum held at the end of May this year in Sunny Beach, with representatives of the tourism sector from China.Minister Angelkova noted that our rich material and spiritual heritage and diverse folklore have attracted the interest of Chinese tourists and that is why we are striving to make our country more aware for them. In 2017, the Ministry of Tourism opened the first Bulgarian information center in Shanghai. Two years earlier, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Ministry of Tourism and the Chinese National Tourism Administration. It is implemented consistently and successfully, Minister Angelkova recalled. She said that the Ministry is preparing to open more Bulgarian information centers in China, which will facilitate the convergence of business and tourists on both sides.Bulgaria has many advantages - exceptional nature, beautiful cities and great hospitality, said Ambassador Dong Xiaojun and shared his impressions of the cities of Karlovo and Kazanlak, to which Chinese tourists are very interested.. H.E. expressed his strong desire and readiness for joint initiatives to further develop tourism between the two countries. He thanked for the wishes of Minister Angelkova for a successful term in Bulgaria.
Minister Angelkova held a work meeting with the Minister of Tourism and Crafts of Algeria
Minister Angelkova spoke with Algeria's Minister of Tourism and Crafts Abdelkader Benmessaoud. The two discussed future joint initiatives in the framework of the International Conference on Sustainable Investment in Tourism in Sunny Beach, as well as the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation in Tourism between the two countries..Minister Angelkova said that if Algerian investors wish to invest in Bulgaria, the Ministry of Tourism will cooperate fully.She added that investment in tourism contributes to the long-term and sustainable growth of the sector nationally, as well as to attracting more visitors from distant markets to Bulgaria and the Old Continent.Mr Benmessaoud, on his part, congratulated Minister Angelkova on the success of the International Forum in the largest Bulgarian resort and explained that he was impressed with Bulgaria's progress in the economy and tourism. He added that our country has positive development in the quality of tourist services and SPA tourism.The Minister of Tourism and Crafts of Algeria also said that his country has a large number of international airports, which undoubtedly allows Algerian tourists to get acquainted with the beauties of Bulgaria and vice versa.
Minister Angelkova talked with the Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sunny Beach
Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova held a work meeting in Sunny Beach with Mirko Sarovic, Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The talk took place within the International Conference on Sustainable Tourism Investment with the participation of representatives from more than 20 countries. Minister Sarovic congratulated his Bulgarian counterpart on the initiative, which gives new opportunities for partnership.Minister Angelkova thanked for the presence of the delegation from Bosnia and Herzegovina and emphasized that the forum aims to reveal the importance of the region's tourist map and to attract more investment in the sector. We need to work even harder to make this part of Europe more attractive for business projects. For tourists from third and distant markets such as China, Japan, India, USA, together we can be even more interesting and wanted as a destination. We know each other, but we need joint efforts to promote ourselves together, said Minister Angelkova.Minister Sarovic thanked for his hospitality and announced that he had been to Bulgaria several times, including during the EU Council Presidency. He welcomes the idea of promoting the Balkans more actively to Chinese tourists. Minister Angelkova was invited to visit Sarajevo. The two sides expressed the view that signing a memorandum between their countries in tourism will outline concrete steps both for promoting tourism opportunities between the two countries and with a common product for tourists from distant markets.
Minister Angelkova at the panel on investment opportunities in Bulgaria: 40% growth in tourism in the country is projected for the next 10 years
Top entrepreneurs from Bulgaria outlined the potential for investments in our tourism and proved with examples how this venture is successful According to international forecasts, 40% growth in the tourism sector of Bulgaria is expected over the next 10 years. This is a huge potential, the realization of which depends entirely on the joint efforts of all of us - institutions, business, local authorities. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova during the panel “Investment Opportunities in Bulgaria”, which is being held at the International Conference on Sustainable Tourism Investment in Sunny Beach. The discussion was moderated by BBC journalist Rajan Datar.Bulgaria has very good conditions for business and outsourcing, especially in tourism, said Minister Angelkova. She recalled that the most favorable tax regime in Europe was created in our country. The corporate tax rate is 10% - the lowest in the EU. Individual income tax is fixed at 10%. In the high-unemployment industry, the tax rate is 0% and legal incentives have been introduced for large investments, she said, pointing out Prime Minister Borisov's government's contribution of making the industry a national priority.Tourism, together with related industries, accounts for about 12% of our country's GDP and approximately 11 percent of total employment. It is important to have a good environment for businesses with 100% compliance with Bulgarian and European legislation, said the Minister. She drew attention to the consistent efforts of her team to reduce administrative burdens for businesses and citizens through a number of legislative initiatives.Representatives of leading tourism and construction companies, resorts, industry organizations participated in the discussions.In his speech, Konstantin Boyadzhiev, CEO of Galaxy Investment Group, noted that ever since the existence of an independent Ministry of Tourism, the burden on business has been relieved. We work very well with the Ministry. The Bulgarian InterContinental opened in Sofia only 2 years ago, and today it is second in results in the group for Europe and we are proud of it. It is worth investing in Bulgarian tourism, he was adamant.Minister Angelkova confirmed that the electronic services offered by the Office as a single portal from 2018 provide 24/7 administrative service from anywhere in the world within 3 minutes.The business representatives also confirmed the great potential for investment in balneo- and SPA resorts and in the utilization of mineral springs - not only in the most visited resort areas, but also in the smaller settlements, which besides these natural features have many cultural and historical landmarks.
Jordan Princess Dana Firas with a Special Video Address to the Investment Forum in Sunny Beach: I applaud Bulgaria for the successes achieved in tourism
The Investment Forum is the first ever platform in Southeastern Europe covering all aspects of the sector Her Royal Highness Princess Dana Firas of Jordan welcomeD the successes of Bulgarian tourism in recent years. She made a special video address, congratulating the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and the participants and guests of the International Conference on Sustainable Investment in Tourism in Sunny Beach.This forum is an important platform, the first of its kind in Bulgaria and Southeastern Europe, which deals with the social, economic, environmental, cultural and political aspects of tourism. It gives an opportunity to discuss the challenges and identify new opportunities for mutually beneficial cooperation and sustainable development of the sector, said Dana Firas, president of Petra National Trust, Jordan.Her Royal Highness congratulated Minister Angelkova on her efforts and dedication, thanks to which 2018 has been so successful for Bulgarian tourism, attracting for the first time over 9 million foreign tourists. She added that for the last 3 years in Bulgaria there has been an increase of 31% in the visits of foreign tourists and a 34% increase in the revenues from international tourism.The Jordanian princess also said that last year international tourist visits worldwide increased by 6% to 1.4 billion - the second strongest year since 2010. This is more than 3.7% - the strongest growth of the global economy. Tourism contributed a record 8.8 trillion dollars and 319 million jobs for the global economy in 2018. The sector must be managed carefully to turn those numbers into real benefits for communities around the world, she said.„We must all commit to working together to ensure that tourism contributes to the preservation of nature and the preservation of historical sites and cultural traditions. In this way, the communities connect and promote better understanding and peace”, concluded Princess Dana Firas.
Minister Angelkova at the Investment Forum in Sunny Beach: Through Business Tourism Bulgaria can attract investor interest in Southeastern Europe
The country is consistently facilitating the business, we are working to attract global tourism brands to the region It is important for all of us to show the prospects for investing in tourism in Central and Southeastern Europe and in the Mediterranean region, but also to provide a platform where business representatives, global hotel chains, investment funds, banks, social media, universities, local authorities to establish contacts, communicate with each other and thus to attract interest in Bulgaria and the region. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova at the opening of the International Conference on Sustainable Investment in Tourism in Sunny Beach with the participation of experts from more than 20 countries.The event was attended by the Minister of Tourism and Crafts of Algeria Abdelkader Benmessaoud, the Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mirko Sarovic, the Minister of Tourism of Egypt Dr. Rania Al-Mashat, the Secretary General of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Michael Christides, leading representatives of the tourism and related industries from different countries. Moderator of the ministry panel Tourism in Southeastern Europe and the Mediterranean was BBC journalist Rajan Datar.We launch the forum in the biggest Bulgarian resort complex in the year of its 60th anniversary to show its opportunities for business partnership. Today's conference will create not only good professional relationships, but also lasting friendships through which we will be able to realize specific initiatives, said Minister Angelkova.She stressed the efforts of the tourist administration to draw attention to other major Black Sea resorts in the country such as Golden Sands, Albena, Dunes, but also to our winter resorts with their potential for various conference events. All of them would successfully contribute to the achievement of our main goal - making Bulgaria a year-round tourist destination and expanding the wings of the seasons, stressed the Minister.Minister Angelkova noted that tourism was raised by Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and the government among the priority sectors of the national economy. The branch and its related industries contribute to the formation of nearly 12% of gross domestic product and about 11 percent of total employment. Revenues from international tourism in 2018 in Bulgaria amount to over 3.7 billion euros. Over the past three years, the industry has been delivering record-breaking results throughout its history. For 2018 over 9.2 million foreign tourist visits were registered and the border of 9 million such visits was crossed for the first time.Tourism in Southeastern Europe is also developing at a rapid pace, with the region welcoming over 120 million tourists in 2018, with tourism revenues amounting to over $ 100 billion, said Minister Angelkova. In essence, this represents 11.7% of total Gross Domestic Product for Southeast European countries. The huge potential of the tourism industry in this part of the world provides new opportunities for investment in business projects in tourism and travel, acting as an important driver of economic growth, development model and higher employment throughout the region.Bulgaria can offer many years of experience in the field of summer sea and winter mountain skiing. For us, they are a major source of revenue for the industry. In order to develop the potential of a year-round tourist destination, we have focused our efforts in promoting our cultural and historical heritage, combined with balne- and spa tourism. Through the development of common tourism products between the countries, we give an excellent example of how we can find the desired synergy in tourism regionally, explained Minister Angelkova, and presented the good base on which our country steps - the most favorable tax regime in Europe and legal incentives for big investments.The country is making efforts to facilitate business, there are incentives for the regions as well. We also want to attract the big brands and we already have the confidence of Marriott that they will expand their presence in Sofia, we hope this will happen on the Black Sea as well, it became clear from her words. Bulgaria is among the three countries in Europe together with Italy and Greece in the number of discovered artifacts from at least 7 epochs. Our country is also second in the Old Continent after Iceland in mineral water reserves and resources, suitable for the treatment and prevention of almost all medical complaints. The Ministry of Tourism has developed a total of 27 thematic destinations for the territory of the country - 8 cultural-historical, 12 wine-culinary and 7 balneo- and SPA facilities, said Minister Angelkova.Egyptian Minister Dr Rania Al-Mashat said from the tribune that tourism is an important sector that has an impact on the economy of all countries. We are working hard to invest more in developing its capacity and qualification of people working in the sector. We will discuss at the intergovernmental level the possibilities for initiatives in this direction, she said.Taleb Rifai, Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization to the United Nations in 2009-2017 addressed the conference live. He appreciated the idea of convening the forum and wished successful implementation of the ideas discussed and future projects investments.
Minister Angelkova and her Egyptian collleague sign a memorandum on tourism cooperation in Burgas
It is an honor for me to work with the Bulgarian Minister, together we will create new jobs both in Bulgaria and Egypt, said Dr Rania Al-Mashat, Minister of Tourism of the Arab RepublicEgypt has many good tourism practices related to mechanisms to attract more visitors, especially in the wings of the season, which may also be useful in our country. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova at the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Tourism of the Arab Republic of Egypt with her Egyptian colleague Dr Rania Al-Mashat. The two initialed the document today in Burgas in the presence of the mayor of the city Dimitar Nikolov.Minister Angelkova stated that the purpose of the document is to deepen friendly relations and cooperation between the two countries, as well as to create an opportunity for exchange of experience in promoting the advertisement and promotion of Bulgaria in Egypt and vice versa. The document provides the basis and outlines a concrete action plan, she further commented.We have an idea to initiate twinning of the Egyptian city of Alexandria and Burgas, informed Minister Angelkova. She added that this is a very good start of local cooperation.It is an honor for me to work with the Bulgarian Minister, together we will create new jobs both in Bulgaria and Egypt, said Dr Rania Al-Mashat. She also noted that given the importance of tourism in the economies of both countries, it is important to promote the development of this sector. Egypt launched a tourism program at the end of 2018 with many reforms that we are implementing and want to share with Bulgaria, said Minister Raniya Al-Mashat. She also said that European tourists in Egypt are very important and wants to see more Bulgarians there.Burgas Mayor Dimitar Nikolov said cooperation at the local level would be interesting and partnerships would be very useful. He added that the municipality is the center with the most developed summer tourism on the Southern Black Sea coast and will enjoy the good tourism practices of both countries to be applied in our countries.
Ministry of Tourism and the Organization of the Jews in Bulgaria “Shalom” with a common project for a thematic route
Developing a specialized route to promote major Jewish landmarks in the country would build on the Ministry of Tourism's efforts to promote Bulgaria's cultural and historical heritage.Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and President of the Organization of the Jews in Bulgaria “Shalom” Assoc. Prof. Alexander Oscar joined around this thesis.The promotion initiative will include key landmarks for the Jewish community in 13 municipalities across the country. It will be a strong sign of respect for the cultural and historical contribution of the Jewish community, as well as a consistent step in efforts to attract more and more tourists, not only from Israel, but also from the compact Jewish communities in Europe and the world that traditionally prefer specialized tourist products.Israel ranks 11th in terms of number of inbound tourists in Bulgaria in 2018 (245,000 tourists, or an increase of 17% over the previous year). Only for the first 3 months of this year nearly 45,000 Israel citizens have visited our country (also a 4% increase over the same period in 2018).Conversations with municipalities to consolidate information on specific sites to attract even more tourist interest to our country in this direction are forthcoming.
Minister Angelkova before Bulgarian-American Business Forum: USA is among the generating tourism markets of Bulgaria, we have achieved a lot, but the potential is huge
The USA is among the 20 leading inbound tourism markets in Bulgaria. Our country is a destination known to American consumers mainly for cultural, natural, eco and ornithological tourism. However, the opportunities we offer are far greater and there is huge potential and excellent prospects to increase tourists on both sides. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova at the opening of the first Bulgarian-American Tourism Forum in Sofia with the participation of the US Ambassador to Bulgaria HE. Eric Rubin and representatives of business and industry organizations from both countries.We have huge potential to strengthen the bilateral tourist flow and I am convinced that at today's forum we will outline initiatives that we will incorporate in the National Program for Tourism Advertising of Bulgaria, and together we will implement it, said Minister Angelkova. She recalled the successful advertising campaign for Bulgaria in 6 cities in the USA. Although modest in scale for the vast country, the campaign has achieved very good results, and in 2018, we reported nearly 97,000 visits of U.S. citizens with over 10 percent growth compared to 2017. I believe this is the right approach to consolidate key target markets, including the US. Business and local authorities need joint efforts to attract American tourists not only to our major resorts, but also to the interior of the country, she said.Minister Angelkova thanked Prime Minister Borisov and his colleagues from the government for their support for the sector, which was raised as a national priority in the economy. She also expressed her satisfaction with the active assistance of the US Embassy in their projects in the field of Bulgarian culture. One of the main emphases in our work is the promotion of cultural and historical tourism, because Bulgaria has a unique material and spiritual heritage, said Minister Angelkova, adding that almost 70 percent of tourists choose Europe because of its culture and history.The Bulgarian minister noted the record results in the sector, achieved jointly with business and municipalities in recent years after the establishment of the independent Ministry of Tourism. Foreign tourist visits exceeded the 9 million for the first time last year and were over 9.2 million. There were 27 million overnight stays with at least 10 beds in the country and it ranked among the top 5 in the community by growth in overnight stays, according to Eurostat. Revenues exceeded a total of BGN 8.4 billion. This shows how important tourism is to our economy and we are ready to exchange more good practices that will establish Bulgaria as a destination with high quality of services and hospitality, the Minister emphasized. According to her, this forum will help guide thematic initiatives and events and it is possible that such round tables be held two to three times a year. They can discuss the possibilities for expanding bilateral relations in different types of tourism - especially cultural, historical, balneo and SPA, gourmet, wine, etc., for which the Ministry has created specialized destinations for the territory of the country.Minister Angelkova paid special attention to the role of investments for the sustainable development of the sector and invited the attendees to join the International Conference on Sustainable Tourism Investment in Sunny Beach, organized by the Ministry at the end of this month. It will attract nearly 300 business representatives. Taleb Rifai, Former Secretary-General of the UN World Tourism Organization, will participate in the forum. Managers from major tour operators and investors, leading hedge funds, financial institutions, marketers, etc. will be present, including executives and experts from worldwide US chains such as Marriott, Orbis, Hayat, etc. The forum will focus on the opportunities of Bulgarian resorts for congress tourism, so that they can use their rich facilities for events throughout the year.Minister Angelkova and Ambassador Rubin express their conviction to work together for the development of cruise tourism in the Black Sea, which would be an impetus for increasing US tourists.The bilateral forum continued with presentations from Bulgaria and the US, experts discussed ideas and mechanisms to increase the interest of tourists from both countries. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Bulgarian-American Commission for Educational Exchange, Deputy Mayor of Sofia Dr. Todor Chobanov, mayors of the country, leaderships and representatives of the National Board of Tourism, the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce, BUCA (Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association), BUBSPA, the National Association for SPA and wellness tourism, ABTTA, Tourism Association, NBU and others.
Minister Angelkova held a work meeting with HE Doan Tuan Lin, Ambassador to Vietnam with us
Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova held a work meeting with HE. Doan Tuan Lin, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Vietnam to Bulgaria.The two discussed the idea of signing an agreement in the field of tourism to foster co-operation between the two countries, as well as increasing the number of tourists.Following the example of the open tourist information centers in China and Japan, the possibilities for opening such a information center in Vietnam were discussed, with the help of which the tourists' interest in the culture and the landmarks of Bulgaria would be enhanced.We need to create even better opportunities for promoting tourism. I believe that signing a cooperation agreement would be of great importance for both Bulgaria and Vietnam, said Minister Angelkova.She told the Ambassador of Vietnam that she is currently working on the creation of a Balkan tourist route, which is jointly implemented by 11 countries in the region and is intended for distant and promising markets.During the meeting the possibilities for joint organization of forums and conferences were discussed, as well as participation in exhibitions that would facilitate a good dialogue between business, tour agencies and organizations in both countries.H.E. Doan Tuan Lin congratulated the Bulgarian Minister on the successes in the field of tourism and praised the idea of an agreement to consolidate the foundations of a good partnership.
Minister Angelkova held a work meeting with the Ambassador of Portugal HE Helena Coutinho
Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova held a work meeting with the Ambassador of Portugal to Bulgaria HE Helena Margarida Rezende de Almeida Coutinho. The two discussed industry co-operation between their countries and agreed on the thesis that there are still many unused opportunities to increase tourist exchanges.  Minister Angelkova presented the excellent results achieved in the Bulgarian tourism industry in the years after the establishment of the independent department at the end of 2014. Bulgaria offers both opportunities for practicing mass winter and summer tourism, as well as a wide range of specialized services - balneo and SPA, cultural and historical, pilgrimage, congress, eco, rural, adventure and other types of tourism, she stressed.Last year, more than 16,000 tourist visits of Portuguese citizens were reported in Bulgaria, while Bulgarians made more than 20,000 tourist visits to Portugal.The two countries implement a tourism agreement signed in 2015 between the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Economy of the Portuguese Republic. They also cooperate in tourism training. Our partnership in cultural and historical tourism has very good prospects, said Minister Angelkova and reminded that the institution has developed 8 such popular destinations as soon as it was created. 12 wine and culinary and 7 balneo- and SPA destinations have also been developed to encourage the influx of specialized service users.HE. Helena Coutinho congratulated Minister Angelkova's team on the achievements in the sustainable growth of the industry and expressed the readiness of the country to promote bilateral relations even more actively.
Minister Angelkova held a work meeting with the Ambassador of Italy to Bulgaria HE. Stefano Baldi
Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova held a work meeting with the Ambassador of Italy to Bulgaria HE. Stefano Baldi. The two discussed the partnership between the two countries in tourism and their active presence in UN World Tourism Organization (WTO) initiatives at the UN.Italy is a very important market for Bulgarian tourism and our bilateral relations have long traditions, especially in promoting cultural and historical routes and landmarks, stressed Minister Angelkova. She reported that nearly 158,000 Italian citizens visited our country last year as tourists, which ranked 15th in our inbound tourism ranking, and assured the diplomat that the department was working consistently to increase their numbers.Minister Angelkova invited His Excellency and Italian Minister of Agriculture, Food, Forestry and Tourism Gian Marco Centinho to participate in the International Conference on Sustainable Tourism Investment, which the Ministry has organized at the end of May this year in Sunny Beach. A special guest of the forum will be Taleb Rifai, Secretary General of the WTO from 2009 to 2017. Our goal is to present Bulgaria not only as an interesting destination on the tourist map for four seasons, but also as a promising place for doing business and offering high quality tourist services, she said.Ambassador Baldi congratulated Minister Angelkova and her team on the results achieved and presented various initiatives of the embassy that could attract tourists. Among them is an exhibition about Leonardo da Vinci, which will be presented to the National Library St. St. Cyril and Methodius in Sofia and in Bulgarian schools where Italian is taught. The interlocutors also discussed the cooperation between Plovdiv and Matera as European Capitals of Culture in 2019.
Minister Angelkova meets in Seville with Thomas Cook Group CEO Peter Funkhauser
Cooperation with major international tour operators is extremely important for the sustainable development of Bulgaria and we as an institution will continue this policy actively. This was stated by Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova at a work meeting in Seville with Thomas Cook Group CEO Peter Fankhauser. The talk took place at the 19th Global Summit of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), which this year is titled Visionaries in the Tourism Sector.In the years after the establishment of an independent Ministry of Tourism, Bulgarian tourism achieved record results in the number of tourists and income from their visits, which upgraded steadily. In 2018, the total number of tourist visits of foreigners is nearly 9.3 million. However, in 2019, we are facing new challenges and in order to keep the trend, common efforts and initiatives are needed, the Minister said. Ministry of Tourism discusses specific opportunities for forming a mechanism in co-operation with municipalities and the tourism business to overcomes declines in early enrollments. The two discussed the successful completion of joint campaigns with Thomas Cook in 12 target European markets. The latest campaign has reached 437,000 users on social networks and over 700,000 customers via email and newsletters. Over 6.8 million were video views at Thomas Cook offices in the UK alone. In 2018, the number of tourists traveling to Bulgaria via Thomas Cook is close to 435 thousand, an increase of 10% compared to the previous year - mainly from the UK, Germany, Czech Republic and France.    Minister Angelkova added that in the last 3 years there has been an average growth of 20% in British tourists in Bulgaria, last year being a record for the last decade. In 2018 they were almost 390 thousand, which is an increase of over 15% compared to 2017. The United Kingdom is a prime tourist market for Bulgaria and we work not only to maintain current levels but also to increase them, regardless of the outcome on the Brexit case, she explained.Peter Fankhauser congratulated Minister Angelkova on the results achieved and assured her that the prospects for partnership were excellent. He received an invitation from her to participate in the International Conference on Sustainable Investment in Tourism, which will be held at the end of May in Sunny Beach.
Minister Angelkova at a meeting in Spain with the chairman of National Geographic Partners: We follow the trends to offer tourists interesting and quality products
We follow the latest trends and try to meet the expectations of tourists with quality, innovative and interesting tourist products.This was stated by Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova during a conversation with Gary Knell, chairman of National Geographic Partners at the 19th Global Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) Summit in Seville, Spain.She presented the rich cultural and historical heritage of our country. Bulgaria ranks third after Italy and Greece in terms of cultural monuments and artifacts - over 40,000. In this regard were discussed opportunities National Geographic Partners to support the promotion of the Bulgarian cultural heritage.The Minister said that at the end of 2019 a new wave of integrated communication campaigns is planned in the target markets of our country. They will use a variety of information channels to target specific focus groups directly.The Bulgarian Minister informed Mr Knell that in recent years our country has become more attractive among foreigners, with foreign visits exceeding 9.2 million last year alone. Their growth compared to 2015 is 30.6%, representing more than 2 million more foreign tourists. Revenues from them in 2018 were 34% higher than in 2015. Only in Sofia the overnight stays of foreign nationals in accommodation establishments with 10 or more beds in 2018 were over 767 thousand.Minister Angelkova also officially invited the chairman of National Geographic Partners to participate in the International Conference on Sustainable Investment in Tourism, to be held in Sunny Beach at the end of May.Mr Knell congratulated Minister Angelkova on the efforts she is making to develop the tourism sector and added that Bulgaria has huge potential to attract even more guests as a preferred destination.
Minister Angelkova talks in Seville with Huyong Ge, Chairman of the Board of UnionPei International
Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova talks to Huyong Ge, chairman of UnionPay International. They held a work meeting within the 19th Global Summit of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), held in Seville, Spain.The China market is among the 50 leading destinations for inbound tourism in Bulgaria, it has great potential and it is important for us to encourage travel from this country, said Minister Angelkova. She said that various initiatives are being actively developed to support the development of bilateral tourist visits. We are currently working on the creation of the so-called common Balkan tourist itinerary, realized jointly by 11 countries in the region, intended specifically for distant and promising markets.Last year, Chinese tourists to our country were ] more than 27,000, 3.7 percent growth from a year earlier. In the first two months of 2019, visits from China increased by 12.4% compared to the same months of the previous year.The Minister also added that the first Bulgarian tourist information center for China was opened in the Shanghai metropolis in September 2017. She recalled that an agreement was signed with one of the leading tour operators in China at the beginning of the year - Hi Seas International. The document is the basis for the development of a public-private partnership to open Bulgarian tourist information centers in China.We also have a very fruitful partnership with the Chinese city of Xian, said Minister Angelkova.The focus of our work this year is to encourage investment in tourism, the Minister informed. This will also be the focus of an international forum to be held in Bulgaria at the end of May, said the Bulgarian Minister and invited Mr. Huyong Ge to attend the event. The two also discussed the possibility of signing a partnership agreement in the sector to support bilateral travel.Bulgaria offers very good conditions for investment, Mr. Huyong Ge stressed. He added that the country is becoming more popular and recognizable in China.UnionPay International is a subsidiary of China UnionPay. In partnership with more than 2000 institutions worldwide. UnionPay International allows cards to be accepted in 174 countries and regions with issuance in 52 countries and regions.
Minister Angelkova held a workmeeting with the Greek Minister of Tourism in Spain
Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova held a work meeting with Elena Kountoura, Greek Tourism Minister. The two spoke at the 19th Global Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) Summit in Seville, Spain.Greece is a leading inbound tourism market for us, ranking second among the top destinations last year, said Minister Angelkova. She specified that the visits from our southern neighbor in 2018 are more than 1.116 million. Bulgarians who traveled to Greece last year were 1.4 million.The Ministry of Tourism works consistently to increase the number of tourists, the institution implements an integrated marketing campaign on the Greek market, in which Bulgaria is promoted with the opportunities for sea, winter, SPA and eco tourism.The Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism and Greece have joint initiatives to attract more tourists from the distant markets in the region, said Minister Angelkova. She explained that one of them was approved at the end of last year and refers to the project „Innovative instruments for the protection and promotion of cultural and natural heritage in the cross-border region – TOURISM-e". Greece is also among the 11 countries that have joined the initiative to create the so-called common Balkan tourist route. It is expected to be implemented by the end of 2019, the Minister added.An important focus of our work this year is attracting more investment in tourism, which is why on May 31st, 2019 in Sunny Beach the Ministry of Tourism organized an International Conference on Sustainable Tourism Investment, said Minister Angelkova. She invited her colleague Elena Kountoura to participate in the forum and specified that a special guest would be Taleb Rifai, Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization at the UN in 2009-2017.
Minister Angelkova met with Egyptian Tourism Minister Rania Al-Mashat in Seville
Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova talks in Seville with Egyptian Tourism Minister Raniya Al-Mashat. The meeting in the Spanish city took place at the 19th Global Summit of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), which this year is being held under the banner Visionaries in the Tourism Sector.Minister Angelkova presented the various opportunities of our country to offer in addition to the traditional sea and winter tourism also a rich palette of high quality specialized services at competitive prices - balneo and SPA, gourmet, eco, congress and other types of tourism. She stressed the good contacts between the tourism administration and the business on both sides to make more cultural and historical trips.Promoting the spiritual heritage of the past is one of our priorities to encourage the influx of more foreign guests, said Minister Angelkova. She assured her interlocutor that progress has been made on the tourism cooperation agreement between the two institutions and that the document is expected to be signed this year.Rania Al-Mashat stressed that Bulgaria is becoming an increasingly attractive tourist destination as it offers a diverse and quality product.Last year, around 3744 Egyptian citizens made tourist visits to Bulgaria and 1,172 Bulgarians traveled to the Arab country. However, the opportunities for enhancing this flow are much greater and we will work together to promote it, said the tourism leaders of the two countries.
Minister Angelkova before tourism leaders in Seville: Bulgaria has huge potential for tourism investments that we will promote
Bulgaria is among the countries with huge potential for investment in tourism, which is yet to be discovered by business, and we will encourage this interest. This was stated in Seville by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova before the participants in the dialogue of the leaders of the world tourism - one of the leading events at the 19th Global Summit of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC). The forum is being held from April 2-4, 2019 under the title Visionaries in the tourism sector (Changemakers).Leaders' dialogue focused on good practices to maximize investment in tourist destinations by improving the business environment so as to ensure long-term sustainable growth and competitiveness of the sector.In her speech, Minister Angelkova noted that in the last few years Bulgarian tourism has noticed a significant increase in tourist visits and their revenues. In 2018, almost 9.3 million visits of foreign tourists were reported in the country, with a 31% increase in such visits over the last 4 years, and their revenue increased by 34%.The Bulgarian tourist industry employs over 26,000 companies. The sector, together with its related industries, generates 11.7% of the country's GDP and was raised by the government in national priority, said Minister Angelkova. She stressed that since its establishment as an independent institution at the end of 2014, the Ministry of Tourism has encouraged the attraction of investments for the sustainable and balanced development of the sector at national, regional and local level.In this respect, Bulgaria has a number of competitive advantages - the most favorable tax regime in Europe. The corporate tax rate is 10% - the lowest in the EU. Individual income tax is fixed at 10%. For high-unemployment industries, the tax rate is 0% and legal incentives have been introduced for large investments. The workforce is well-educated, highly skilled, accounting for over 62 percent of the population, she said.Bulgaria has a strategic geographical position providing direct access to the main tourist markets of the Black and Mediterranean Sea, said Minister Angelkova and emphasized that the natural and climatic conditions together with the rich cultural and historical heritage of the country are a prerequisite for a great variety of tourist services through the four seasons of the year. She also emphasized that Bulgaria offers the best value for money, offering high quality tourism products at reasonable value to different target groups, and this is one of the strong competitive advantages of the destination.The most developed tourism sub-sectors in Bulgaria are the maritime, recreational and mountain tourism, generating 95% of the revenues from our tourism industry. The country also offers excellent opportunities for cultural and historical tourism with its over 40,000 discovered artifacts, announced Minister Angelkova. She added that SPA and balneo-tourism also have huge potential for development in the future. Bulgaria ranks second in Europe in natural mineral resources, with about 1600 mineral springs.The Ministry of Tourism is ready to assist in attracting more investors in these areas, as well as in the provision of wine / gourmet, congress tourism, etc. in order to increase the progress in the regions. Promoting this business interest is a top priority this year. We have taken the first steps to upgrade a specialized map of investment projects in tourism that we have created, explained Minister Angelkova. The initiative looks at a variety of business start-ups in one of the most profitable and sustainable sectors of our economy. We are preparing a second edition of the map and its digital version. The Ministry also plans investment tours in the country to provide more information about Bulgarian and foreign entrepreneurs, it became clear from the Minister's statement to the forum.She also noted that one of the events in this direction is the International Conference on Sustainable Attraction of Investments in Tourism, which will be held at the end of May 2019 in Sunny Beach. The purpose of the forum is to raise awareness of the investment potential in the country and region of Southeast Europe, as well as to discuss a common vision for addressing challenges in this area. Minister Angelkova invited the attendees to take part in the upcoming event and to get acquainted with the various possibilities of Bulgaria as a destination.
Minister Angelkova delivered a lecture at the Moscow State Institute for International Relations (MGIMO)
Tourism is an essential factor in the business relations between the two countries, Russia is among the generating markets for the destination Bulgaria, the Bulgarian Minister told students and professors Co-operation with universities is extremely important - science and young people are the future of our countries, and we value this partnership. These close contacts are an incentive for the development of bilateral relations, including in the field of tourism, which is an important economic sector for both Bulgaria and Russia. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova in a lecture before the leadership, teachers and students of the Moscow State Institute for International Relations (MGIMO), one of the most respected in the academic circles. The meeting took place during her work visit to the Russian capital at the Intourmarket International Tourism Exhibition.Minister Angelkova's statement to the scientific audience was dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and Russia, which is in 2019. She stressed the role of tourism as a significant factor in the development of traditionally good bilateral contacts, which have been stepping up in recent years. An example of the dialogue was the visit of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation to Sofia last week, Dmitry Medvedev. Our cooperation is constantly developing in many areas of common interest, and in the field of tourism has reached the level of strategic partnership and the Federation is among the leading generating markets for Bulgarian tourism. During the visit of the Russian PM to Bulgaria, a Bulgarian-Russian Tourism Business Forum was held and a two-year Tourism Cooperation Program (2019-2021) was signed between the Ministry of Tourism of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, said Minister Angelkova.She recalled that the government of Prime Minister Boyko Borisov created the Ministry of Tourism as an independent administration at the end of 2014, taking into account the priority of the national economy sector, accounting for about 12 percent of GDP and over 11 percent of employment in the country. According to BNB data, the total income from domestic and international tourism in Bulgaria in 2018 amounted to BGN 8.4 billion. Last year our country was visited for the first time by more than 9 million foreign tourists (about 9.3 million). Over the past four years, the growth of foreign tourists in Bulgaria has increased by 31% and the incomes from inbound tourism by 34%, said the Bulgarian Minister.She stressed the efforts of the Bulgarian state to introduce a number of visa facilitation procedures for Russian tourists. As of this year, applications for visas for Bulgaria can be submitted in 59 Russian cities. The National Tourism Office is working at the Bulgarian Embassy in Moscow, which is a member of the Russian Tour Operators Association (ATOR). However, our partnership is developing not only with the major Russian centers, but also with the regions, their universities, chambers of commerce and industry and etc., the Minister added, and announced that a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Tourist Association of the regions in Russia is planned to be signed this year..We are working on many joint programs and initiatives, including the announcement of 2020 and 2021 for the tourism years of Bulgaria in Russia and Russia in Bulgaria. In April, a Bulgarian-Russian tourist forum will be held with representatives of the Russian regions in Veliko Tarnovo. We are also planning concrete measures in conjunction with the industry and the municipalities to increase charter flights between our countries, she said.Minister Angelkova presented in detail to the teachers and students of MGIMO the potential of Bulgaria as a destination for four seasons with a huge variety of cultural and historical landmarks, mineral springs, renowned summer and winter tourism resorts, organized children's recreation and various types of specialized services. She recalled that last year about 512,000 Russian tourists visited our country, but the opportunities are much greater.Just before the lecture, Minister Angelkova also spoke with the Deputy Rector of MGIMO on General Affairs Artyom Malgin. He presented the scientific activity of the university and the programs for the preparation of students, among which there are Bulgarians. Minister Angelkova drew attention to the possibility of graduates of the Institute to conduct internships in Bulgaria in the field of tourism. We have various such practices and programs, as well as proposals from companies where young people from Russia can develop, she explained. The Minister informed the Deputy Rector of the idea to hold an international investment forum in tourism, which will take place at the end of May in Sunny Beach resort with almost 300 participants. The focus of the event will be investments in the Black Sea region.The meeting with the university leadership was also attended by the Bulgarian Ambassador in Russia Atanas Krustin, Egor Andreev, Head of International Management of MGIMO, etc.
Minister Angelkova held a work meeting in Moscow with the head of the Federal Tourism Agency Zarina Doguzova
Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova talks in the Russian capital with Zarina Doguzova, head of the Federal Tourism Agency. The meeting was held during the work visit of the Bulgarian Minister of the International Tourism Exchange Intourmarket 2019.The two met only a week ago in Sofia on the eve of the Bulgarian-Russian Tourism Forum, which was opened by the Prime Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria Boyko Borisov and of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. Zarina Doguzova congratulated Minister Angelkova on organizing the forum, which outlined important directions for future tourism cooperation between the two countries. „I am very pleased to welcome such dear guests as you. For me, good relations between Bulgaria and Russia are a priority”, said the head of Russian tourism.Minister Angelkova thanked for the warm welcome and declared readiness to implement the Program for Joint Actions in the Field of Tourism between the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation for the period 2019-2021. The document was signed at the Russian Prime Minister's visit Dmitry Medvedev here.The Bulgarian minister said that efforts will be made to promote cultural and historical routes to Russian guests in Bulgaria. The tourism administration intends to create pilgrimage routes together with business and local authorities.During the meeting the possibilities for recreation in the children's camps on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast were discussed. We have started discussing a Regulation for them, the expertise of your specialists will be useful, said Minister Angelkova. She discussed with Zarina Doguzova and the measures, prepared with the Bulgarian municipalities, for stimulating charter flights with Russian tourists to Bulgaria.Minister Angelkova officially invited Mrs. Doguzova to attend the Bulgarian-Russian Regional Tourism Forum, which will be held in April in Veliko Tarnovo. The fact that the event will be in the Old Throne City will allow the Russian tour operators and the representatives of the regions to reconsider the rich opportunities for cultural and historical tourism in Bulgaria.The head of Russian tourism stressed that the implementation of the Bourgas-Novorossiysk ferry will further increase the exchange of tourists between the two countries.
Minister Angelkova met with Svetlana Anufrienko, Director General of the Association of the Russia Regions
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova spoke with the Director General of the Association of the Russia Regions Svetlana Anufrienko. The meeting was part of the work visit of the Bulgarian Minister to Russia during the Intourmarket 2019 International Tourism Exchange.Last year, the visits of citizens from the Russian Federation amounted to nearly 512 thousand, which ranked the country sixth among the leading inbound tourism markets in Bulgaria, said Minister Angelkova. She pointed out that the Ministry of Tourism is working hard to promote Bulgaria as a destination offering excellent conditions for 4 seasons visits.In April, we plan to organize a Bulgarian-Russian Regional Tourism Forum, the Minister informed. The event will be held in Veliko Tarnovo, which is another reason for representatives of Russian business to touch the cultural and historical wealth of our country.The topic of the conversation was the possibility of signing a Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of tourism between the Ministry of Tourism and the Association of the Russia Regions. Minister Angelkova thanked Mrs. Anufrienko for the participation on the Bulgarian-Russian Business Forum in the field of tourism, which was opened in Sofia by the Prime Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria Boyko Borisov and the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. The Minister expressed hope that the cooperation will continue in the future, which helps the development of tourism in our country and in Russia.
Minister Angelkova: An agreement with the Altai region on cooperation in tourism is to be signed
In Russia, the Minister spoke with the Deputy Prime Minister of the Altai region and the Minister of Economic Development Pavel Dityatev An agreement on tourism cooperation with the Altai region is to be signed. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova during her conversation with Pavel Dityatev, Deputy Prime Minister of the Altai region Government and Minister of Economic Development, and with Evgeny Vitalievich Deshevich, Head of the Tourism and Resort Development Department.  They met during the work visit of the Bulgarian Minister to Russia during the Intourmarket 2019 international tourist exchange. Negotiations are currently underway and the details of the document are being specified.Work is also underway to organize a forum aimed at health tourism, Minister Angelkova informed. This is an area where we can very actively partner with the Altai region. Russian tourists most often visit Bulgaria in the summer and mainly at the sea, but our country is also known for cultural, historical and winter tourism. The Minister also said that joint cultural-historical routes could be developed to help increase travel.Representatives of the Altai region said they were interested in investing in tourism in Bulgaria. They stated that they are familiar with our rich culture and the many historical monuments that are under UNESCO protection.
Minister Angelkova held a work meeting in Moscow with Sergey Krivonosov, State Duma deputy chairman of the Committee on Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova held a work meeting with Sergey Krivonosov, State Duma deputy chairman of the Committee on Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism and Youth Affairs, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Tourism. The two met during a visit of the Bulgarian Minister to Russia during the Intourmarket 2019 international tourist exchange.Russia is one of the most important markets for Bulgarian tourism and we make consistent efforts to ensure the best conditions for Russian tourists and Russian tour operators, offering Bulgaria as a priority destination, said Minister Angelkova. She pointed out that during the visit of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev in Bulgaria a two-year Program for Joint Actions in the field of tourism was signed between the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. The Minister also explained that the two main products that are emphasized are cultural-historical tourism and the development of children's camps. We have over 1850 festivals - local, regional and national. Participation in festivals further encourages travel by citizens from the federation, she said. The implementation of a ferry project will increase the number of tourists between the two countries, said Sergey Krivonosov. The two agreed on the idea that cruise tourism is an important place among the products and therefore efforts should be made to promote it.Active work will be done to deepen the co-operation between the Bulgarian and Russian Black Sea organizations, said Minister Angelkova and added that this would have an additional positive effect for the development of tourism in both countries.
Minister Angelkova met with Maya Lomidze, Executive Director of the Russian ATOR Tour Operators Association, in Moscow
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova met with the Executive Director of the Association of Tour Operators in Russia - ATOR Maya Lomidze. They spoke during the work visit of the Bulgarian Minister to Russia during the Intourmarket 2019 international tourism exchange. The meeting also discussed the possibility of holding a joint conference between tour operators, ATOR members and representatives of Bulgarian business. This household will give additional opportunities for the representatives of the Russian tourist business to see on the spot the various opportunities offered by our country for vacations and trips, said Minister Angelkov. Maya Lomidze defined as very successful and fruitful the Bulgarian-Russian conference in the field of tourism in Sofia, which was opened by the Prime Ministers of Bulgaria Boyko Borisov and Russia Dmitry Medvedev.
Minister Angelkova opened the Bulgarian booth at Intourmarket 2019
Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova opened the Bulgarian booth at the Intourmarket 2019 International Tourism Exchange. The Forum takes place in Moscow from 9-11 March and is organized with the assistance of the Federal Tourism Agency, the Federal Aviation Agency, the Russian Hotel Association and other leading tourism structures.This year Bulgaria presents itself with a booth of 100 square meters. Together with the Ministry of Tourism, the municipalities of Sofia, Varna, Veliko Tarnovo, Stara Zagora, Primorsko and Kazanlak will take part in it. Exhibitors in this year's edition are expected to be over 1,400 companies from more than 130 countries and all Russian regions and national tourist agencies. It is estimated that the number of visitors will exceed 74 thousand people.Russia is among the most important generating markets for Bulgaria's incoming tourism, said Minister Angelkova. She pointed out that she is actively working to promote the travels of citizens from the Russian Federation to our country. We are conducting an active marketing campaign to promote the diverse tourist product among Russian tourists, the Minister also informed. She specified that innovative projects are being sought to meet the demand of visitors from the Federation. On the first day of the Tourism Exchange a special presentation was held on the theme “Bulgaria - more than the sea”. Russian tour operators, travel agencies, media and guests of the exhibition will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the national tourist advertising for this year.On the Bulgarian stand they will be able to get acquainted with the Bulgarian folklore and to see a number of attractive presentations. The guests will learn about the most interesting offers of Bulgaria, sea tourism, pilgrimage tourism, gourmet and wine destinations, youth packages, sports and adventure tourism, cultural and historical landmarks and many more.
Minister Angelkova participated in Berlin at the ninth ministerial meeting on the Silk Road project
Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova participated in the ninth ministerial meeting on the Silk Road project. The discussion is organized by the World Tourism Organization (WTO) and is being held in Berlin at the ITB International Tourism Fair.Since its inception, the Silk Road program has made a significant contribution to establishing it as an internationally recognized, cultural and tourist route, and interest has grown steadily in recent years, the Minister said. She added that for Bulgaria, as a country part of the Western Silk Road, it is extremely important to be actively involved in all phases of the initiative's development.We hosted the second international seminar “On the Western Silk Road” and made a national analysis of our heritage, which is part of the initiative, informed Minister Angelkova. Our participation in this pilot project sheds light on the tourism potential of the Silk Road project and the overall benefits of promoting it.The Bulgarian Minister of Tourism also stressed that a project could be considered for collecting and summarizing information about the initiative, which could be used as a common database on the tourism potential of the Silk Road project.
Berlin Mayor, Secretary-General of the WTO and Chairman of the World Travel and Tourism Council visited the ITB-Berlin 2019 Bulgarian booth
High-ranking guests visited the Bulgarian national booth minutes after it opened at the ITB-Berlin 2019 International Tourism Exhibition. They were hosted by Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova, who tour them to more than 40 Bulgarian participants - travel companies, municipalities, etc.Officials included Berlin Mayor Michael Müller, Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary-General of the UN World Tourism Organization, Gloria Guevara, Chairman and CEO of the World Travel and Tourism Council, and others.Your presence here is a great honor for us and a new opportunity to present Bulgaria's potential as a year-round destination, said Minister Angelkova. She stressed that in recent years national statistics and the Bulgarian National Bank report record results in the number of foreign tourists and income from their visits. We continue to actively promote our country as a route for high quality services at competitive prices, it became clear.The German market is a key market for Bulgaria, as in 2018 it occupies the third place in its ranking for inbound tourism, Minister Angelkova emphasized to the guests. The total number of German tourists in Bulgaria last year was over 850 thousand. During the June-September 2018 period, including the Federal Republic, it is the second largest tourist destination among foreigners in Bulgaria - nearly 670 thousand visits.ITB-Berlin International Tourism Exhibition continues until March 10th, with more than 10,000 exhibitors from around the world presenting at this year's edition.
Minister Angelkova opened the Bulgarian booth at the ITB-Berlin International Exhibition 2019
Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova opened Bulgaria's national booth at the ITB-Berlin 2019 International Tourism Fair.Our presence at the largest tourist exhibition in the world is of great importance for presenting Bulgaria as a year-round destination, the Minister said. She emphasized the importance of the German market among the inbound tourism generators in Bulgaria and emphasized the active dialogue of the Ministry with leading tour operators and investors in the Federal Republic.The exchange is intended for both professionals and the general public and has been organized since 1966. Bulgaria is among the longest-standing participants in it, said Minister Angelkova. Our country is represented in the exhibition under the National Tourism Advertising Program for this year. This year's edition will continue until March 10th.Bulgaria participates in the prestigious Berlin Exchange with a national stand of 413 square meters, with the number of participants not only from the Ministry of Tourism exceeding 40. A total of over 10,000 co-exhibitors, 110,000 professionals from over 180 countries will be represented in the most prestigious event for the tourism industry, and about 160,000 visitors and an audience are expected. The exhibition is the leading B2B platform for all international tourism exhibitions.Bulgaria's Ambassador to Germany Elena Shekerletova was also present at the opening of the stand.
Prime Ministers Borisov and Medvedev expressed readiness for active tourism partnership between Bulgaria and Russia
Minister Angelkova at the Bulgarian-Russian Business Forum: Thanks to the support from the government, the sector has seen significant growthBulgaria is pursuing a peaceful foreign policy to attract more tourists. This was stated by Prime Minister Boyko Borisov at the opening of the Bulgarian-Russian business forum in the field of tourism, organized by the Ministry of Tourism. The conference was also attended by the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, the Minister of Tourism of Bulgaria Nikolina Angelkova, Maxim Oreshkin, the Minister of Economic Development of Russia, MPs, representatives of local authorities and business from both countries. There were more than 200 participants in the bilateral forum.Prime Minister Borisov stressed that Bulgaria has very good conditions to offer in the field of historical, cultural and religious tourism. „Despite the difficult international relations, we have managed to keep the good tone that allows us to develop our relations to the maximum”, he said with regard to the partnership with the Russian side.According to Borisov, there are already visa centers in 59 cities in Russia since February 1st, which will make it easier for tourists. He added that with his colleague Medvedev they discussed the ferry connection between Burgas and Novorossiysk, which can be very useful for tourists as well as for Russian citizens with real estates in Bulgaria.„We are discussing with the Minister of Tourism and the Association of Municipalities to make an accurate account in order to respond to international competition and to support the industry. Russian athletes are constantly being trained in our facilities”, he added. The PM explained that Bulgaria will try to be even more flexible, as tourists pay attention to both price and service, quality of food and security. The country's balanced foreign policy also gives us a great deal of security of residence. During the meeting between the two Prime Ministers they discussed the possibilities for the development of children's tourism, which also has great potential, it became clear from his words.Dmitry Medvedev emphasizes that tourism between the two countries is at a very good level and about half a million tourists from Russia visit Bulgaria every year. „The good tourist infrastructure, the reasonable price, the climate, the safety are the most attractive for Russian tourists. In short, all the conditions for a good and complete holiday, including with children, have been created here”, the Russian Prime Minister said. He added that a large-scale project was implemented has been implementing in his country, which envisages visa facilitation for tourists from all countries.In the four years since the establishment of the independent Ministry of Tourism, and thanks to the government of Boyko Borisov, tourism has reported a 31% increase in international tourists and a 34% increase in revenues from international tourism, said the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova at the opening of the forum.She added that Bulgaria has always been one of the most preferred and safe countries for Russian tourists, and traditions and relations between the two countries in the industry are stable and have a rich perspective. The linguistic and historical proximity of the two peoples are a prerequisite for more Russian tourists, with the Bulgarian state making efforts to ensure the best conditions for them, she said.Maxim Oreshkin, Russian Minister for Economic Development, said bilateral cultural relations would focus on niche markets. Bulgaria can find a place in it and distinguish itself from its competitors, he added. The Russian Minister also expressed readiness for institutions and businesses to work together to overcome the lag in mutual tourist flow, which is directly linked to the quotations of the two national currencies.
Bulgaria and Russia sign a two-year joint action program in tourism
Bulgaria and Russia signed Joint Tourism Action Program between the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation for the period 2019-2021. The ceremony was part of the official visit to Bulgaria of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and a delegation led by him on March 4th and 5th. It is at the invitation of Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov.Bulgarian Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and Maxim Oreshkin, Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, signed the document. The Program is in implementation of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Russian Federation for Tourism Cooperation of 8th of May 2007.The program is another serious step to deepen the traditionally good relations between the two countries in a sector as important to their economies as tourism, said Minister Angelkova. She emphasized that Russia is one of the most important generating markets for the incoming tourism of Bulgaria and that the preferences of the tourists from the Federation are constantly in the focus of attention of the Bulgarian tourist administration and business in Bulgaria for conducting an active marketing policy and attracting more visitors.  With the new program, the two countries are keen to strengthen their ties, recognizing tourism's potential for their economic development. They will help increase the mutual tourist flow, it is also planned to establish direct contacts between the Bulgarian and Russian tourist organizations and exchange information on the legislation in the field of tourism.Bulgaria and Russia will contribute to the protection of the legal interests and rights of tourists, to ensure the safety of their stay, to improve the quality of service, as well as to take measures in extraordinary and emergency situations.The document will encourage the exchange of statistical information in tourism, including related to the development of tourism infrastructure. An exchange of information and experts will also take place between the organizations for the purpose of training and professional development of the professional staff for the tourism industry.It is envisaged that the two countries will also cooperate in the implementation of the state marketing strategy and projects in the tourism sphere, as well as in the implementation of innovations. The experience of tourism professionals and journalists will be shared. The program aims to organize a year of tourism in Bulgaria in Russia and Russia in Bulgaria. Relations between regional tourism organizations will also be encouraged.Bulgaria and Russia express their will to continue their cooperation in a number of international organizations, including the World Tourism Organization Commission for Europe (UNWTO), the Working Group for “Tourizm cooperatin” of the the Organization for Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), etc.
Minister Angelkova held a work meeting with HE Eric Rubin, US Ambassador to Bulgaria
Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova held a work meeting with HE. Eric Rubin, US Ambassador to Bulgaria. The main focus of the conversation was concrete initiatives to deepen cooperation between the two countries in the field of tourism.We are actively working to promote our country in the United States and to attract more tourists, the Minister said. Data show last year's 10.4% increase compared to 2017 of US tourists in the country, the Minister said.Minister Angelkova pointed out that in the last three years extremely high results have been achieved in the sector. For the first time in 2018, we crossed the border of 9 million foreign tourist visits and reported over 9.2 million such visits. Last year's foreign tourist visits to Bulgaria increased by 30.6% compared to 2015, she told the US Ambassador.She also formally invited HE. Eric Rubin for participation in the first edition of the Sustainable Investment in Tourism Forum, which will be held in Sunny Beach at the end of May. Minister Angelkova specified that the purpose of the event is to draw investors' attention to our country and build on what has been achieved.In turn, HE Rubin said Bulgaria has great opportunities to develop different types of tourism and congratulated Minister Angelkova on the good results achieved in the sector.
Bulgaria grows above the EU average in accommodation nights in 2018
Bulgaria ranks among the countries with growth higher than the EU average by nights in accommodation. This is evidenced by Eurostat's published preliminary data for 2018.According to statistics, the nights spent in accommodation establishments with 10 or more beds in our country exceeded 26.8 million last year, and the reported growth is 3 percent. The EU average increase is 2.2%. In terms of growth, our country is ahead of countries such as Denmark - 2.7%, France - 2.4%, Greece - 0.5% and Italy - 1.9%.Eurostat data proves that efforts to popularize the country as a destination for quality tourism with a variety of recreation opportunities are yielding results, said Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova. However, what has been achieved in the last 3 years must ambition us to fight for the confidence of every tourist, the Minister added.According to the other indicator, the nights spent by foreigners in accommodation establishments with 10 or more beds, the results for Bulgaria are over 17.7 million, an increase of 3.8 percent. The growth in Bulgaria again exceeds the average for the EU countries, which is 2%. The increase in the number of nights spent by foreign nationals in Bulgaria's competitors is as follows: Croatia 3.5%, Greece 2.5%, Cyprus 3.2%.The total amount of revenues from international tourism in Bulgaria for 2018 is over BGN 7.3 billion, which is an increase of 6.5 percent, shows the latest data of the Bulgarian National Bank.
Minister Angelkova at an international exhibition opening in Serbia: We must promote the Balkans as a tourist destination
Bulgaria is a partner country of the 41st Belgrade Tourism Fair. “Together we must popularize the Balkans as a tourist destination. Today we have signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the sphere of Tourism between the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Commerce, Tourism and Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia. I believe that this will further strengthen  our collaboration and will result in new joint projects and initiatives  as well as serve as a basis for joint business tourist networks.”These were the words of the minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova during the official opening of the 41st Belgrade Tourism Fair in Belgrade. She emphasized that this year Bulgaria is a partner country of the forum in which participated more that 12 000 workers in the sector. The minister reminded that in 2018 Serbia was an official partner country of the Bulgarian tourist exhibition “Holiday and SPA EXPO”.“I believe that these events are not only efficient platforms for discussing and generating offers for cooperation in the sphere of tourism between our countries, but a possibility to attract more tourist to the region,” said the minister. She added that our active cooperation in the sphere of tourism had contributed to the further deepening of the economic partnership between the two countries.Serbia is among the 8 biggest markets for inbound tourism for Bulgaria. In 2018 the visits by Serbian tourists were more than 421k which is a 7% increase as compared to 2017. The visits of Bulgarian citizens to Serbia also show a continuing rise. In 2018 these visits are almost 500k which is a 6.7% increase in comparison to the previous year.
Bulgaria and Serbia signed Memorandum of Cooperation in the sphere of tourism
Memorandum of Understanding in the sphere of Tourism between the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Commerce, Tourism and Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia was signed in Belgrade by the minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova and Rasim Lyaich, vice president in our west neighbour. The ceremony took place immediately before the official opening of the 41st Belgrade Tourism Fair IFT in Belgrade where special emphasis was placed on Bulgaria as a partner country.The document shall encourage the business contacts between the administrations and tourist organizations of both countries via  various measures for increasing the two-way tourist flow, as well as joint initiatives for attraction of third country markets, far country markets included.“Bulgaria and Serbia are strategic partners in the sphere of tourism and we should develop even more actively our good relations in the sector which is a national priority for our economics, “ emphasizes minister Angelkova.The memorandum also provides for partnership in the organization of joint specialized events, tours for professionals and medias, participation in international exhibitions, exchange of statistics, advertisements, analysis and other information regarding the tourist potential of both countries, as well as collaboration for  the purpose of attraction of more investments. The bilateral support for initiatives of the United Nations World Tourism  Organization, the Black Sea Economic Co-operation Organisation, the EU’s Danube Strategy etc will be also broadened.During her visit in Belgrade minister Angelkova paid attention to the importance of the specialized types of tourism and our country’s offer to create a common Balkan route which can attract more visitors from Europe and the world to the region due to the joint competitive product and services in the sector. 11 countries showed interest to the initiative, including Serbia. The leading topic of the project is the rich cultural and historical heritage under the aegis of UNESCO in the region.
Minister Angelkova met representatives of the Serbian tourist business in Belgrade
Serbia is an important market for inbound tourism in  Bulgaria. Last year the tourist visits by Serbian citizens in Bulgaria  were more than 421k which is a 7% increase as compared to the previous year. These were the words of the minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova during a workshop with representatives of the Serbian tourist business. Mariya Labovich – director of the National Tourist Organization of Serbia, Tiyana Malkova – secretary of the tourist company in the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the business representatives Marko Levayach, Igor Relich, Dragana Dimitrievich etc took part in the discussion.“We are working actively in order to popularize Bulgaria as a tourist destination during all 4 seasons, the market of Serbia is also in its focus,” said minister Angelkova. She also pointed out that 12 wine and culture destinations, covering 55 municipalities and more than 100 tourist attractions were developed together with the Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry. “I think that this project will be of interest to Serbia as well, “ commented the minister.She invited representative of the tourist business to participate in a forum for sustainable investments in tourism which is planned for the end of May 2019 in the biggest and most popular Bulgarian sea resort  Sunny Beach. Minister Angelkova pointed that the event had been planned for professionals and experts in the sector and that more than 300 participants were expected to take part in it. B2B workshops were also planned and discussions with Bulgarian tour operators, working on the Serbian market and vice versa could also be arranged. During the meeting another two meetings were negotiated in March and April respectively  between the Serbian and Bulgarian business representatives in order to strengthen the cooperation.Joint tourist products were discussed with the business for far markets such as China where Serbia has made a huge progress following the visa facilitation.“Bulgaria is a preferred tourist destination, we notice how well the sector has been developing in the last years and we observe with interest the popularization of yours, “said Tiyana Malkova. She added that the Bulgarian citizens also often prefer Serbia as a tourist destination. But it would be nice if they travelled all over the country and did not visit just Belgrade.The tourist business representatives pointed that most popular were the Bulgarian winter resorts; most often the Serbian tourists traveled to Borovets, Bansko and Pamporovo. They emphasized that they worked very well with their Bulgarian colleagues and that they hoped to keep their good collaboration.Minister Angelkova thanked for the fruitful dialogue and added that she really hoped that the partnership between the countries would continue in the future.
Minister Angelkova had a workshop in Moscow with the Fist Vice-President of the Russian State Duma – Ivan Melnikov
The minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova met in Moscow the Fist Vice-President of the Russian  State Duma  Ivan Melnikov. Representatives of the Bulgarian parliamentary delegation accompanying minister Angelkova during her official visit to the Russian capital also took part in the meeting.Minister Angelkova thanked the Fist Vice-President of the lower chamber of the Federal Assembly of Russia for the support of the Russian partners in the development of active bilateral relations with regards to tourism. She said that we would be happy if the two countries could increase with common efforts the interest of the Russian and Bulgarian tourists towards them.The Bulgarian minister assured her hosts that the safety and security of the Russian tourists were extremely important  in the policy for tourist flow encouragement. Minister Anglkova emphasized that meetings with the Council of the Federation and the Ministry of Economic Development were already held and that one of the main aims was cooperation with the Russian regions. Apart from popularizing the possibility of summer vacations, the advertising campaign of the ministry towards the Russian market is also focused on the cultural, historical, balneotherapeutic, SPA and recreational tourism.It became clear from her words that another important focus were the children’s recreation and the children’s holiday camps which we were familiar with from an early age. Minister Angelkova said that we were developing a decree in cooperation with the Ministry of Education of Russia in order to satisfy the requirements of the Russian market in that respect and declared that we would depend on their support  in the future as well in order to promote Bulgaria as a leading and competitive holiday place for the Russian tourists.She announced the achieved record results in the sector over the last three years after the creation of a separate Ministry of Tourism.  For the first eleven months of 2018 the receipts from international tourism in Bulgaria amounted to 7.2 billion BGN and the foreign tourist visits during the whole last year were over 9.2 million which is almost a 5% rise in comparison to 2017. In comparison to 2015 the increase of the number of the foreign tourists is more than 30%, and with respect to the receipts till November included this rise is more that 34% in comparison to the same years.“Our citizens love having their holidays in Bulgaria,”  assured Ivan Melnikov and emphasized that the Russian country was well disposed for the further development of the relations between the two countries in the future. According to him our two countries were close in spirit and had good traditions. “We want to jointly encourage the cruise tourism and to work in such a way as to have good transport connections,” underlined the Fist Vice-President of the Russian  State Duma.The  Vice-President of the National Assembly,  Yavor Notev, who was part of the Bulgarian delegation, said that the development of tourism was supported on parliamentary level as well.
Minister Angelkova before tour operators in Moscow: With your partnership we will realize the potential of the Bulgarian tourism
Quality, security and new products focused on the specific requirements of the Russian market are Bulgaria’s reply to the competition for tourists in the region “The Bulgarian tourism has huge potential which we can develop with joint efforts in order for Bulgaria to become the preferred destination of the Russian tourists and the Federation to get back its place as one of the leading markets for summer tourism in our country”. These were the words of the minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova during a meeting in Moscow with representatives of the tour operators working for  destination Bulgaria. She was in the Russian capital on an official visit with the Bulgarian parliamentary delegation.“I can assure you that the Ministry of Tourism as well as the whole government  evaluate the importance of the sector as horizontal  and depending on the efforts of many people from various fields. For us, it is of extreme importance to  guarantee the safety and security of the Russian tourists, “ ensured minister Angelkova. She pointed that not only the sea and summer holiday were important for the Russian customers, but the cultural, historic and sport tourism were also getting more and more important. “We continue our efforts for joint programmes for children’s holidays which are of great importance in our advertising and marketing policy. We also popularize the excellent possibilities of our country for health tourism. All this makes the tourist product we offer very good,” said minister Angelkova.She pointed that Russia was a key strategic partner for the Bulgarian business. “Our aim is to offer a quality product and new initiatives, focused toward the specific needs of the Russian market in order to fight the competition for tourist in the region,” said the minister. “Our country will continue to participate in all leading international exhibitions which are held on the territory of the Russian Federation.”“The connection with the regions is also of extreme importance for us,” emphasized minister Angelkova. “For sure the possibilities for transport access to Bulgaria are of extreme importance. I would like to thank the vice-president and minister of the interior of Bulgaria Ekaterina Zaharieva that the negotiations have been finalized and that from February there will be 59 outsourcing visa application centers in Russia where you can apply for documents for travelling to Bulgaria. I hope this will facilitate your efforts, “ said the minister to the tour operators. She also thanked the members of the parliament who were accompanying her during that visit as the support of the National Assembly also considerably encouraged the sustainable development of the sector.Minister Angelkova informed the tour operators that a joint Bulgarian-Russian investment forum was planned in April this year in Veliko Tarnovo and invited them to participate. She was also pleased with the excellent partnership with the executive director of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) Maya Lomidze and the members of the association. During the visit in Moscow an agreement was reached Bulgaria to be host of the annual  meeting of the Russian tour operators in the beginning of April this year. “This will grant additional possibilities as the representatives of the tourist business in Russia will personally see the diverse and various possibilities which our country can offer for holiday to the Russian tourists, as well as the contemporary accommodation and the quality of the services in the Bulgarian hotels,” said minister Angelkova.
Minister Angelkova held meetings with representatives of the Council of the Federation of Russia
Bulgarian and Russian deputies gave prominence to tourism as one of the engines for bilateral relations Minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova held in Moscow meetings with representatives of the Council of the Federation and the Bulgaria Cooperation Group. The minister is on an official visit in the Russian capital, accompanied by a Bulgarian parliamentary delegation.“For me as a minister and for the Bulgarian government it is important to ensure the safety and security of each tourist. These were also the highlights of the meeting of the prime minister Boiko Borisov and the president Vladimir Putin last year in Moscow,” said minister Angelkova. She emphasized the great importance of the Russian market for the sustainable development of the inbound tourism in Bulgaria and ensured the people present that the department had made constant efforts to stimulate the tourist flow from the Federation.“The commitments to work for the increase of the tourist flow will be met. One of the highlights was a two-year plan for the tourist sector which was accepted at a meeting of the Working Group in October 2018. At that meeting possibilities were discussed to declare a year of Bulgarian tourism in Russia and vice versa in order to stimulate the tourist flow to our country, we will work with the Russian regions,” said minister Angelkova.“During the exhibition Intourmarket we expect a memorandum with the Association of the Regions in Russia to be signed. We are negotiating and finalizing agreements with the Region Altai. We will welcome your cooperation for representative of all regions to visit Bulgaria, to get acquainted with the cultural and historical tourism and the children’s holidays. There are many towns in Bulgaria and Russia with friendship agreements and we plan a number of initiatives in that connection. The programme “Bulgaria – a Country of Health” is also under development. Last year we had more than 512k Russian tourists who visited Bulgaria. In 2018 the results in the sector are record – more than 9.27 million foreign visits for the year and 7.2 billion BGN of receipts for the first 11 months of last year.”“We are having negotiations and organizing regular meetings with the tour operators working on the Bulgarian market.” Minister Angelkova thanked for the support which the institutions in Russia render for popularizing the bilateral relations  and the tourism in particular. “This economic sector in extremely important for Bulgaria and there are long traditions of good business relations between Russia and Bulgaria. We work to build on the results achieved and to ensure high quality of the services offered in order to become a competitive and desirable destination,” generalized the Bulgarian minister of tourism.A discussion took place under the authority of minister Angelkova with the following participants from the Russian side: Vasiliy Ikonnikov, Head of the Cooperation Group between the Council of the Federation and the National Assembly, Igor Fomin, vice president of the Council of the Federation on social policy and member of the group, Veleriy Kulikov, member of the Committee of the Council of the Federation on defense and safety and member of the group, Elena Popova, member of the Committee of the Council of the Federation on social policy, Vasiliy Zhelnov, head of the Department for Bilateral Interparliamentary Cooperation of the International Relations Department of the Council of the Federation, Lidiya Nikitina, responsible secretary of the Cooperation Group between the Council of the Federation and the National Assembly.The participants in the workshop from the Bulgarian side were the Vice-President of the National Assembly Yavor Notev, Krasimir Velchev, co-chairman of the Bulgaria-Russian Friendship Parliamentary Group, the deputies Hristo Prodanov, Hairi Sadakov, Polina Tsankova-Hristova. The Bulgarian and Russian deputies agreed that the achieved results in the cooperation in the sphere of tourism between the two countries would serve as serious ground for better business relations  between the two countries. They expressed their desire for cooperation for the purpose of encouraging the bilateral relations in tourism.“We did a lot to attract the Russian tourists. The revenue growth is indicative. This is undoubtedly a success for Bulgaria,” commented Igor Fomin.Later the Bulgarian delegation and minister Angelkova had a discussion with the vice president of the Council of the Federation Ilyas Umahanov. Igor Chernishenko, member of the Committee of the Council of the Federation on federative development, regional policy, local self-government and North matters, also took part in the meeting. From Bulgarian side the meeting was under the authority of the Vice-President of the National Assembly Yavor Notev.Ilyas Umahanov welcomed the efforts of the Ministry of Tourism to popularize Bulgaria as a destination among the Russian tourists.Yavor Notev announced that in the delegation there were representative of all parliamentary groups in the Bulgarian parliament and that choice of members was not incidental. He thought that the important thing was that Bulgaria and Russia had economic topics on their agenda and  that quite a big part of the achieved in the sphere of tourism was due to the good management of the Ministry of Tourism and the personal contribution of minister Angelkova.
Minister Angelkova had a discussion with the vice-minister of the economic development of Russia Sergey Galkin in Moscow
“We will do our best for an even more beneficial cooperation with Bulgaria,” said the Russian vice-minister before the minister of tourism and the accompanying parliamentary delegation“Russia is among the most important markets for the Bulgarian tourism and the Ministry of Tourism works steadily to guarantee the best terms and conditions for the tourists and the tour operators from the Federation”. These were the words of the minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova during the meeting with the vice-minister of the economic development of the Russian Federation Sergey Galkin in Moscow. Minister Angelkova is on an official visit in the Russian capital, accompanied by a parliamentary delegation.“I am happy that tourism was one of the main topics of the meeting between the prime minister Boiko Borisov and the president Vladimir Putin last year in Moscow. I had the honour to be part of the delegation then and we raised specific questions for the development of the sector. I am very pleased that today we again have the chance to discuss and continue our good partnership with the Russian country.  Our bilateral relations are based on friendship,” said Nikolina Angelkova. She pointed out and emphasized the big support from the National Assembly for that policy. The Vice-President of the National Assembly Yavor Notev, Krasimir Velchev, co-chairman of the Bulgaria-Russian Friendship Parliamentary Group, the deputies Hristo Prodanov, Hairi Sadakov, Polina Tsankova-Hristova took part in the delegation in Moscow.The minister reminded that tourism was among the spheres of greatest importance for the bilateral relations. “It is one of the priority sectors of the Bulgarian economics and contributes, together with the related industries, approximately  12% of the GDP and forms almost 11% of the employment in our country.” Minister Angelkova thanked for the trust in Bulgaria as a destination. “Traditionally we enjoy the interest of the Russian tourists and we will count on your support in order to increase their number,” explained she.“2018 is the third record year in succession for the Bulgarian tourism in all its history. Bulgaria was visited by over 9.2 million foreign tourists which is the highest result since statistics on tourism has been kept in our country. The revenue from international tourism for the first 11 months of last year amounts to 7.2 billion BGN. The visits of Russian tourists are of considerable importance for this rise as they were almost 512k. The Federation was on 6th place in the classification of inbound tourism in Bulgaria.” emphasized minister Angelkova. She also underlined the excellent cooperation with the Federal Agency for Tourism and the Russian business.“Another important trend in our mutual cooperation is the introduction of a number of facilitations in the visa application procedures for Russian tourists,” became clear from the words of Mrs Angelkova. “The changes cover different categories of users – children, disabled people, property owners, people who had previously resided etc. In order to secure the activity of the consular offices on the territory of Russia, the Ministry of Tourism has helped for the opening of outsourced visa application centers. The Bulgarian consular office in Ekaterinburg is already working actively. Visas are issued in 21 outsourced centers in the Russian Federation and the procedures have been accelerated as much as possible. Since 1 February 2019 Bulgarian visa applications can be submitted in 59 towns on the territory of the whole of Russia. The fee is expected to be decreased and we hope that this will also help increase the interest of the Russian tourists toward Bulgaria, “ said minister Angelkova.She also underlined the importance of the modern technologies in the overall policy of the department for the provision of fast and high-quality services for the tourists. “This years we have focused on the digitalization in the sector and I would like to outline specific initiatives in that connection,” explained the minister. “The e-services which the ministry offers can be used 24 hours a days, 7 days a week. A special telephone, answered by an employee of the ministry, is also working for the Russian tourists. Traditionally the Russian tourists are interested in the Bulgarian summer resorts bit together we can develop the cultural and historic tourism, and the balneotherapeutic and SPA tourism, increase the number of children groups etc,” said minister Angelkova.“We will do our best for an even more beneficial cooperation with Bulgaria,” said the Russian vice-minister Galkin. He congratulated the ministerial team for the achieved record results and underlined that Bulgaria was an attractive destination for the Russian citizens. The vice-minister welcomed the efforts of the tourist administration for digital transformation in the sector. “The Russian Ministry of Economic Development also encourages the fast application of IT practices and innovations in tourism. It is preparing a new strategy for tourism development which will be ready in the second half of the year.”During the meeting it was announced that a bilateral economic forum on tourism is being planned together with the Trade Representation Office of the Russian Federation in Bulgaria to take place in April this year.  It will take place in Veliko Tarnovo within the International Cultural Tourism Exhibition. Minister Angelkova invited vice-minister Galkin to visit the business event.The Vice-President of the National Assembly Yavor Notev also confirmed his belief that the joint work between the institutions of both countries should continue.
The Ministry of Tourism was distinguished during the international tourist exhibition EMITT in Istanbul
The Ministry of Tourism got a prize for Bulgaria for long-term successful partnership during the 23rd edition of the exhibition  East Mediterranean International Tourism & Travel (EMITT), which is held annually in Istanbul, Turkey.“This prize is a great recognition of our work. I am convinced that with the common efforts of the state, the local authorities and the tourist business we are consolidating the position of our country as a four-season destination at an international level,” commented the minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova.The Ministry of Tourism participated at the international tourist event with an information stand of 108 sq.m. Besides the tourist administration of the forum, there were also 9 co-exhibitors from Bulgaria. The numerous visitors of the exhibition took a marked interest to the ski vacations and spa tourism in our country.Turkey is a generating market for Bulgaria. For 2018 it comes fourth among the top markets in our country and the total number of visits from our southern neighbour exceeds 625k.
The foreign tourist visas in Bulgaria for 2018 are over 9.273 million
Record number of visits has been reached and the sustainable rate of growth is preserved for a third year in successionThe foreign tourist visas in Bulgaria for 2018 are over 9.273 million. The reported growth is 4.4% as compared to the previous year. This is according to the data of the National Statistical Institute (NSI) published today.Market number one for the inbound tourism for the previous year is Romania. The visits from our northern neighbour are over 1.377 million and show an increase of 20.9% in comparison with 2017. Greece and Germany are respectively at second and third position among the top markets. The visits from Greece exceed 1.116 million, and from Germany are more than 850k.“For the first time the foreign tourist visits surpass 9 million and build on the record levels from the previous two years. The data acts as a stimulus and starting point for an even more active policy to popularize, together with the business,  the destination of Bulgaria,” commented the minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova.The foreign visits from Turkey are more than 625k and the country comes fourth among the leading markets for inbound tourism in Bulgaria. Macedonia is on 5th position with almost 560k visits and directly after it comes Russia with more than 511 k visits.In 2018 the visits from Poland surpassed 425k which is a 7.9% rise. The market of Serbia is on the 8th position, having reached 421k visits and a 7% increase. The visits from Great Britain are almost 390k which is a 15.2% rise in comparison to the previous year. Ukraine comes 10th last year with more than 379k visits and a rise of 24.4% compared to the previous year. The visits from many other countries also show an increase. The visits from Israel rise with 17.3%, from Moldova – with 11.3%, from the Check Republic – with 6% and from France with 3.3%.
Minister Angelkova had a discussion with Gloria Guevara, manager of WTTC, in Madrid
The minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova had a workshop in Madrid with Gloria Guevara, chairperson and senior executive director of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC). The meeting took place  within the 38th International Tourism Fair FITUR, one of the biggest in the world.Minister Angelkova described the importance and potential of the Bulgarian tourism for the sustainable development of the country as an all-year destination with an almost 12% contribution to the GDP. She emphasized the achieved record results with regards to the number of tourist visits and revenues from the sector for the years following the establishment of the institution in the end of 2014. “We consistently build on the achieved results and participate actively in initiatives of the international tourist organizations,” said minister Angelkova during the meeting.The Bulgarian minister drew attention to the role of the investments and activities for the popularization of the internal tourism which would be a leading trend in the advertising and marketing policy of the department for the current and following years. She emphasized that the ministry would depend on the support of the WTTC for the organization of the forum for sustainable investments in tourism, planned for the end of March 2019 in the biggest and most popular Bulgarian sea resort – Sunny Beach. It attracts not only many tourists of different age and preferences but also a big number of enterpreneurs.“Having in mind the first-ever forum of the European leaders of the WTTC which took place in Portugal last year, we have decided to organize a forum, devoted to unlocking the investment potential for tourism in South-East Europe with a special emphasis on sustainability,” said also minister Angelkova. “As WTTC is an international organization which represents the private sector, it will be our honour to have such a partner to stimulate the sustainable development of the sector,” emphasized the minister.She also advised that over the last few years there had been a considerable interest by foreign investment funds for potential projects in the region. “Regional key investors and representatives of countries with extensive knowledge and experience in attracting such investments in infrastructure and services will be invited for the event. The Ministry, with the assistance of the municipalities and business representatives, has already created a map of the investment tourist projects in the region as an initial stage of this process.”The chairperson of WTTC Gloria Guevara congratulated the team of minister Angelkova on the achieved excellent results. Such would undoubtedly be a prerequisite for sustainability. During the meeting it became clear that the World Council would continue to encourage similar policies as they encouraged economic growth, development of the regions and higher employment.According to data from the WTTC reports, the tourist sector in South-East Europe will grow considerably. The forecasts of the organization indicate that for Bulgaria the sector’s growth is expected to be over 50% for the next 10 years which will make it an essential part of the GDP of the country.
Minister Angelkova had a meeting in Madrid with the Minister of tourism and trade of the Principality of Andorra Francesc Camp
The minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova had a meeting in Madrid with Francesc Camp, Minister of tourism and trade of the Principality of Andorra. The two of them had a discussion during the International Tourism Fair FITUR. The tourism forum took place in the Spanish capital Madrid in the period from 23 to 27 January. This year the event was organized for the 38th time and the biggest Spanish tour operators and tourist agencies and business representatives from hundreds of states took part in it.“Bulgaria has serious traditions in the sustainable development of the summer and winter tourism and offers very competitive conditions for investments in the sector, “ said minister Angelkova.“The popularization of the Bulgarian cultural heritage is the way to get positioned successfully among the Andorran tourists, “ said the minister and added that the winter tourism, the SPA and balneotherapeutic  services, and the cultural and historic tours were also subject of great interest among the guests of Bulgaria.Minister Angelkova and minister Camp commented the forthcoming 2019 Ski World Cup. An important part of the competitions will start in Bansko and the Andorran resort  Soldeu. “This is a great acknowledgement for both countries and I hope that we will be able to attract a lot of winter sports fans, “ added minister Angelkova.Minister Camp congratulated Bulgaria on the achieved high results during the last years and expressed willingness for a closer cooperation between the administrations and business of both countries.
Minister Angelkova held a workshop in Madrid with the minister of tourism of Kenya
The minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova held a workshop in Madrid with Najib Balala, minister of tourism of Kenya, during the International Tourism Fair FITUR. The tourism forum took place in the Spanish capital Madrid in the period from 23 to 27 January. This year the event was organized for the 38th time and the biggest Spanish tour operators and tourist agencies and business representatives from hundreds of states took part in it.The two ministers discussed the role of tourism as a factor for the development of the relations between the countries as well as the future possibilities for cooperation between Bulgaria and Kenya for the purpose of attracting the interest of the Kenyan tour operators to our country and vice versa.Minister Angelkova emphasized that the purpose of all measures, applied by the Minister of Tourism, was Bulgaria to win recognition as an all-year tourist destination.The Bulgarian minister announced that the focus for 2019 would be investments in the sphere of tourism and invited her colleague to participate in the first edition of the forum for sustainable investments in tourism, planned for the end of May in our country.On his part minister Balala pointed out that Bulgaria was getting more and more attractive for visitors as it offered a diverse tourist product.
Minister Angelkova opened the Bulgarian stand at the International Tourism Fair FITUR
The minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova opened the Bulgarian stand at the International Tourism Fair FITUR. The tourism forum took place in the Spanish capital Madrid in the period from 23 to 27 January. This year the event was organized for the 38th time and the biggest Spanish tour operators and tourist agencies and business representatives from hundreds of states took part in it.“Similar forums give us the opportunity to present the potential of the Bulgarian tourism before professionals from the whole world and lovers of travelling,” commented minister Angelkova. She added that that event was a kind of platform for meetings of ministers, managers and representatives of the tourist administrations of dozens of countries, the United Nations World Tourism  Organization and many business experts who would get the chance to discuss long-term plans for sustainable development of the sector.Bulgaria traditionally participates on the tourist fair with an information stand. This year the exhibition area was 100 sq.m. – about 25% bigger in comparison to last year. Besides the Ministry of Tourism, there were 10 more exhibitors on the stand including the municipalities of Varna and Veliko Tarnovo. Business representatives and amateurs could get acquainted with the diverse and high-quality tourist product that Bulgaria could offer.The first 3 days the fair is opened only for professionals. During the weekend the forum will be opened for the general public as well. The tourists from Spain usually seek Bulgaria for visits connected with nature and culture. They are also interested in the urban visit and special attention is paid to Sofia, Plovdiv, Veliko Tarnovo, Koprivshtitsa and Bozhentsi.FITUR is one of the biggest tourism fairs in the world. Last year 9672 companies from 165 countries took part in the forum and the international participation had a 9% rise. The visitors, most of them professionals, increased with 6% reaching almost 245k. This year the participants and visitors are expected to be more in comparison to 2018.
Minister Algelkova at the 2018 Third Annual Awards ceremony: Bulgarian tourism serves as an example of sustainable development worldwide
There are 48 winners in 16 categories – municipalities, organizations and media, these are not just awards but honours for dedicated work.Tourism in Bulgaria is competitive, offers very good services and examples of world-class sustainable development. It has all the prerequisites for growth – good facilities and strong presence of our country on the main generating markets as well as excellent prospects for attracting new destinations. This is what the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova said at the Third Annual Tourism Awards ceremony. The awards were given during a sophisticated ceremony held in Sofia on Tuesday evening. The chairperson of the 44th National Assembly Tsveta Karayancheva, the deputy-prime minister Mariyana Nikolova, the minister of youth and sport Krasen Kralev and the minister of labour and social policy Biser Petkov were official guests of this event. About 300 guests, leaders and representatives of diplomatic missions, representatives of the tourist business, employers’ organizations and media attended the event. Niki Iliev and Dilyana Popova hosted the ceremony.We are giving not only awards but also honours for high quality and dedicated work in the sphere of tourism, said Minister Angelkova. She expressed her gratitude to the Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, the members of the council of ministers and the members of parliament for their support in everyday work, owing to which the industry has achieved these good results.Within the three-year period since the establishment of the Ministry of Tourism as an individual unit, the number of the foreign tourist visits rose by 31% and the revenue deriving from them increased by 38%, said Minister Angelkova. She added that these results can be achieved when all the institutions, the local authorities and the business are going in the same direction, pursuing the common goal to make Bulgaria a year-round tourist destination.The winners of the Annual Tourism Awards received a statuette depicting the symbol of Bulgaria’s beauty, which is also the registered mark of the competition – the Bulgarian rose, made by Dimitar Germanov especially for this ceremony. The winners – 48 in number, were elected by means of electronic voting, which lasted from 13th November to 5th December. 125 contestants were competing in the 16 categories of the competition as they had been selected as finalists out of 132 applications received at the Ministry of Tourism.Great interest was shown in the third edition of the awards ceremony by both the candidates and the voters who elected the winners, said Minister Angelkova. 122 624 votes in total were registered for all the categories – about 23 thousand votes more have been submitted for a tourism event, a destination, an attraction, municipalities for mountain, seaside, balneological and SPA tourism, journalists’ materials and so on compared to the previous year.The chairperson of the National Assembly Tsveta Karayancheva gave the special awards “The choice of the Bulgarians” to this year’s winner – the Belogradchik rocks and fortress. The award was received by the mayor of Belogradchik – Boris Nikolov. Pleven Epopee 1877 was second in this category and St. George Church in Kavarna ranked third.The winner in “The spirit of Bulgaria” category received an award from the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova. This year’s winner was Open Air Ethnographic Museum “Etar”, which ranked first. The statuette was given to Assoc. Prof. Svetla Dimitrova – the director of the museum. The Castle of Ravadinovo “In love with the wind”, located in the village of Ravadinovo, ranked second and the Tuida Fortress in Sliven was third.The Bulgarian Union of Balneology and SPA Tourism (BUBSPA) is this year’s winner in the “Specialized Tourism” category. The chairperson of the parliamentary commission of culture and media Vezhdi Rashidov gave the award to Siyka Katsarova, the chairperson of BUBSPA. The information cycle track Iron Curtain Trail ranked second.The Minister of Youth and Sport Krasen Kralev gave the awards in the category “2018 Seaside Tourism Municipality”. The municipality of Primorsko ranked first in this category and its mayor Dimitar Germanov received a statuette and a charter. The municipality of Varna was second and the municipality of Balchik was third in this category.The winner in the category “2018 Mountain Tourism Municipality” is the municipality of Bansko. The award was given by the chairperson of the parliamentary commission of economic policy and tourism Petar Kanev and to the deputy-mayor of Bansko Asen Kiritsov. The municipality of Petrich ranked second and the municipality of Samokov ranked third in this category.The deputy-prime minister Mariyana Nikolova awarded the winner in the “Tourist event” category. The award this year was given to the Lion Heart Ultra Cross Triathlon and was received by Filip Shavov – the chairperson of the Lion Heart Association. The second place was taken by “Let’s set a Guinness record together: The largest egg painting worldwide – Arte Hotel Velingrad and “The national tourist hiking In the footsteps of Botev’s detachment-Kozloduy-Okolchitsa”.The awards in the “Tourist destination” category was given to the municipality of Sandanski. The award was given by Vasil Velev – the chairperson of the managing board of the Industrial Capital Association in Bulgaria and was received by the mayor of the municipality Kiril Kotev. The Southern fairytale of Bulgaria – Ivaylovgrad and Plovdiv ranked second and third, respectively.The municipality of Dryanovo won the award for “2018 Cultural Tourism Municipality”. The rector of Sofia University Prof. Atanas Gerdzhiekov gave the award to the chairperson of the Municipal Council Georgi Kazakov. The municipality of Plovdiv ranked second in this category and the municipality of Veliki Preslav ranked third.The Minister of Labour and Social Policy Biser Petkov awarded the winner in the “2018 Balneological and SPA Tourism” category. This year, the municipality of Velingrad ranked first as the award was received by the mayor Kostadin Koev. The municipality of Sandanski ranked second and the municipality of Mineralni bani Haskovo ranked third.The winner in the “Tourist attraction/sight” category is the Castle “In love with the wind” in the village of Ravadinovo. Boryana Manolova, the deputy-chairperson, gave the CRIB award to the site owner Georgi Tumpalov. The Belogradchik fortress ranked second, followed by Sapareva banya water facilities complex (Rila Mega Tour Ltd).The winner in the “Innovation” category was 3D added reality of the Beglik Tash Thracian sanctuary. The award was given to Dimitar Germanov, mayor of the municipality of Primorsko, by the Member of Parliament Dimitar Boychev. The Castle “In love with the wind”, 3D panoramic tours ranked second. TravelLine – Innovative services and technological solutions in tourist industry ranked third in this category.The winner in the category “Journalist material on tourism in Bulgaria for the year 2018 broadcast on television” is Zhivko Konstantinov, Nova TV with the material “Growing up but not growing old: Who is the architect that built Sofia’s symbolic buildings?”. The award was given by Radosvet Radev, chairperson of the Bulgarian Industrial Association. The second place was taken by “Danube – the human face of the river” – Tourism Television – Georgi Krumov. The film “The clang through the centuries” – Channel 3 – Iva Miloradova.Fokus – Miroslava Angelova information agency and chain of radio stations is the winner in the category “2018 Journalist material on tourism in Bulgaria broadcast on the radio”. The award was given by the Member of Parliament Hristo Prodanov. The tourism programme Via Pontica – BNR-Burgas - Valentin Atanasov ranked second in this category.The winner in the category “2018 Journalist material on tourism in Bulgaria published in a printed media” is “The covered bridge is the symbol of Lovech” by Natalia Malcheva, Trud newspaper. The award was given by master chef Petar Bachvarov – Uti. The publication called “The magic of Zlatograd”- Agrozona magazine ranked second and the third place was taken by “An ancient fortress in the Rhodopes built as Troy and Mycenae, published in 24 chasa newspaper. The award for “2018 Journalist material on tourism in Bulgaria in an online media” was given to and the material entitled “Trayanovi Vrata Fortress” of Aleksandar Popkonstantinov. The statuette and the charter were given to the winner by the Member of Parliament Daniela Seveklieva. “Vila Ambra – the magic of the north has created unique amber on the sea coast” of Ruslan Yordanov ranked second. The third place was taken by Varna gold treasure – predecessor of the civilizations of Sumer and Egypt – brat-bg.The mayor of Vidin Eng. Ognyan Tsenkov gave the award to Marta Ros, who ranked first in the category “2018 Publication on tourism in Bulgaria on an Internet blog” with her material entitled “5 wonderful excursions you can have in Rila Mountain”. “Vidin, Bdin or a Danube treasure” of Dario Dionisi ranked second. “The monastery of Klisura or the place where the mountain, the river and spirituality have found its sanctuary” of Zhulieta Terzieva ranked third in this category.
Minister Angelkova had a working meeting with ambassador Makarov and tour operators working on the Russian market
The Russian Federation is one of the most important generating markets for Bulgarian tourism and has a major influence on the diversification of the services in this sector. Russia has ranked fifth on the inbound tourism chart in terms of number of visits since last year. In 2017, the number of visits was 558 thousand and during the first ten months of 2018 – over 496 thousand. This is what Minister Angelkova said at a working meeting with the ambassador of the Russian Federation to Bulgaria His Majesty Anatoly Makarov. Representatives of the Russian and Bulgarian business also attended this meeting. The participants in the discussion talked about various measures and initiatives for increasing the interest of the tourists from both countries.  Minister Angelkova thanked the diplomat and, through him, she also thanked the head of the Federal Tourist Agency of the Russian Federation Oleg Safonov for the excellent bilateral partnership which fosters the mutual tourist interest. We have a number of joint initiatives for both cultural-historic and pilgrims’ routes and also initiatives aimed at stimulating the organized children’s recreation, she said. The minister also reminded that ambassador Makarov and she also visited children’ s camps located along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast in order to inspect the quality of the services and the safety of the adolescents’ stay there. She also added that Russia has always stated that Bulgaria is also preferred as a destination by the Russians due to the fact that it is a safe and peaceful destination which offers a wide variety of winter, summer and specialized tourism.   We can cooperate even more actively in order to stimulate the interest of the Russian tourists in balneological, SPA and wellness packages and also in the festival and pilgrims’ tourism, said the minister. She stressed the importance of the international tourist fairs at which Bulgaria is presented as a four-season destination. At the same time, the contacts with the Russian regions will be developed even more effectively to be able to popularize our country as an attractive place on the tourism map. Bulgaria will continue to be an active partner with the Association of Tour Operators in Russia (ATOR) because the interest of its members in our country is substantial.Minister Angelkova also assured that the Ministry of Tourism and the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs have been working consistently in order to optimize the organization of our visa centres in the Federation by employing additional staff, so that the Russian citizens will be able to process their documents for travelling to Bulgaria more promptly. In addition, the telephone line for Russian tourists, which the ministry opened upon its establishment as an individual administration, will continue to exist. It provides support to the Russian guests not only by orientating them about the places to visit and stay but also in all cases when assistance is needed.Ambassador Makarov announced that the main focus within the scope of the bilateral relations in this sector will be placed on the safety of tourists. He highly appreciated the work of the ministry and the Bulgarian diplomats who have created a favourable environment for the stay of the Russian tourists. The diplomat also recognized the importance of advertising for tourism and the role of the media in the popularization the large resorts, the inland, the thermal sources and others.Minister Angelkova also said that she has launched an integrated communication campaign on the Russian market, which is expected to make our country even more recognizable as a destination for the Russian tourists. She stressed that we have been working effectively with global tour operators such as TUI and Thomas Cook, including on the Russian market.The Russian consul general Vladimir Klimanov also participated in the meeting and stated that the summer season has yielded very good results.The trade representative of the Federation in Bulgaria Konstantin Artyushin stated that the Russian tourists love visiting Bulgaria and expressed his hope that their number will continue to increase. In his opinion, Russia has turned its attention to the new directions in this industry such as fishing and historic tourism and he expressed his willingness to help Bulgarian tour operators find new partners, including in the regions. During the meeting of the joint committee, an agreement was reached to organize a Bulgarian-Russian tourist forum. Minister Angelkova supported the idea and suggested choosing a date in March or April next year.The administration of Albena resort complex confirmed that there was interest by Russian tourists and also stressed their capacity to accommodate more sports groups, participants in specialized sports camps and organized children’s recreation.Andrey Gromov, consul general of the Russian Federation in Ruse, talked about the unused capacity for extending the active seasons and organizing different types of tourism – balneological and SPA tourism, cultural-historic tourism, cruises along the Danube and others.
Minister Angelkova presented the achievements of Bulgarian tourism to the foreign ambassadors in Bulgaria
During the traditional working meeting with the diplomats she gave them charters for their fruitful cooperation in this sectorBulgaria has been developing steadily as a four-season tourist destination and over the last years record-breaking results have been achieved. This is what the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova said at her traditional meeting with the foreign diplomats in Bulgaria. She gave information about the statistics in our country and the number of visitors from the leading inbound markets.  The top five countries are Romania, Greece, Germany, Turkey and Russia. During the first ten months of the year 2018, Bulgaria was visited by over 8,4 million foreign tourists, which marks a 5% growth compared to the same period of the previous year. The revenues derived from international tourism are growing at an even greater rate, she said. They amount to 3,2 billion Euros for the period January-September 2018, which is a 7% increase compared to the same period of the previous year.Minister Angelkova also stressed that in summer, the foreign tourist visits to our country exceeded 5.4 million and this is the most successful season so far. We expect these record data to be further supplemented by the new winter season, which will be opened on 15th December and for which a 5% growth of the number of tourists has been prognosticated.These achievements are the result of the cooperation of the ministry with the business and the active support of the administration for facilitating the services offered to the citizens and the tourist industry, said Minister Angelkova. She also reminded that some of the changes that her team has initiated in the Tourism Act and the Act on the Black Sea coast spatial development have already been effected and others are about to be finally agreed on. They provide an updated framework of the activity in this sector and implement the priorities of the government for reducing the administrative burden. The European package travel directive has been transposed into Bulgarian legislation, which also contributed to the development of the business.Minister Angelkova pointed out that the Ministry of Tourism is the first state administration that will present a new generation of electronic services for all registration modes it offers under the Tourism Act on 1st December. They are already accessible for the users though a specially developed platform. The electronic signature on the documents is now possible via face recognition using a smartphone after making an initial registration. The services can be used 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in all corners of the world. This saves time and money to the citizens and the entrepreneurs, said the minister. By March 2019, the electronic services of the ministry will have encompassed about 80% of the countries worldwide. Minister Angelkova also informed that in January 2019, the institution will also demonstrate the demo version of the Unified tourist information system, which will make the tourists’ stay in Bulgaria even safer and will be very beneficial for the statistics, the movement of visitors in markets and the revenues in the sector. The data will be collected on the common information platform, which entirely complies with GDPR, and the personal data will be fully protected.The quality of the offered product is crucial for our administration in order to be able to establish our country’s reputation, which attracts more and more solvent tourists, said Minister Angelkova. An identification code will be introduced for each hotel and restaurant, which will personalize its activity. A key element of our work is also the determination of the statute of the national resorts which are the face of Bulgarian tourism, the minister pointed out.She also described in details another major challenge in the industry – the preparation and the qualification of a sufficient number of executive employees to work in this sector. One of the short-term measures taken this summer in order to overcome this shortage was the employment of 7700 seasonal workers in tourism – twice as many as the previous summer. Such employees will be appointed during the new winter season. The ministry keeps working on the long-term measures for resolving this problem. An agreement was signed with the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy for cooperation in this respect and work is currently being done on a pilot project with a Bulgarian-German vocational training centre. It will provide training to both unemployed and employed people who will acquire a qualification in the sphere of tourism, added the minister.Minister Angelkova made an overview of the work done by the ministry for the popularization of the tourist potential of our country before the Bulgarian and the foreign visitors. After the success of the initially established 8 cultural-historic destinations, the tourist administration, in cooperation with the business and the municipalities, has developed 12 wine-culinary and 7 balneological and SPA destinations, which were widely debated at round tables organized around the country. Next year we are planning to develop destinations that will promote pilgrims’ tourism, said the minister. We are currently working with 11 countries from the region to establish a common Balkan route which will attract tourists not only from Europe but also from more distant places.Bulgaria continues to participate actively in other international initiatives – under projects of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, the Danube Strategy and various projects of the World Tourism Organization. They will popularize even more actively our country as a destination offering a variety of services at an affordable price for the mass and specialized tourism as well, including culinary initiatives in the region.Minister Angelkova announced that a few investment rounds were being prepared in our country for leading companies in the sector. It is quite promising to work will all the countries showing interest in our country as a place for tourist visits and making business. Our marketing activities also contribute to this – the campaigns with leading global media, the presence in digital platforms, the popularization of our sights and services via the Internet platform I love Bulgaria, said the minister. She also stressed the significance of the dialogue with leading global tour operators and branch organizations from the partner countries, thanking them for the fruitful cooperation.When asked about the forthcoming year of Plovdiv as a European capital of culture, Minister Angelkova said that this extremely prestigious event will include over 500 performances presenting the region and the country as a cultural and historic destination.The minister said that efforts are constantly being made to satisfy the needs of the disabled tourists. We are doing our best, by means of urban planning, to ensure accessibility and comfort in the restaurants and hotels for the disabled people.  A number of beach concessioners have already installed the appropriate equipment providing access to such visitors where the terrain allows it. Over 300 hotels have been inspected to find out if they have special rooms and other equipment ensuring the comfort of these clients, said Minister Angelkova.The diplomats congratulated Minister Angelkova and her team for the achieved great results in tourism and supported Bulgaria’s efforts to become an attractive four-season destination, emphasizing the role of the international partnership and the initiative of the industry. They declared that they will continue to work together for the sustainable development of tourism.At the end of the meeting, Minister Angelkova gave each of the diplomats a charter for fruitful cooperation in the sphere of tourism. “You are not only ambassadors of your own countries, you are now ambassadors of Bulgaria to the world”, the minister stated explicitly.
Minister Angelkova had a working meeting with representatives of the Association of the Turkish Travel Agencies (TURSAB)
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova had a working meeting with Ali Bilir, a member of the executive office of the Association of the Turkish Travel Agencies (TURSAB). They met in Istanbul during the Bulgarian-Turkish business forum in the sphere of tourism. They both discussed the possibilities for promoting tourist visits in the two countries and promising investment projects in this sector.It is very important for us to attract more tourists and interest for investment in Bulgaria, commented Minister Angelkova. We are willing to discuss the signing of the cooperation agreement with TURSAB, which will serve as a basis for joint implementation of various initiatives for popularizing tourism, said the minister. We are also working to implement various information and investment rounds with Turkish tour operators.Mr. Ali Bilir thanked for Bulgaria’s preparation and hospitality during the first session of the Joint Bulgarian-Turkish working group in the sphere of tourism, which was held in Sofia in November. He also commented that such meetings between the neighbouring states need to be held on a regular basis.
Minister Angelkova at a bilateral tourism business forum in Istanbul: We are planning visits of investors showing interest for investments in Bulgaria
Turkey ranks fourth among the destinations for inbound tourism in Bulgaria for the year 2017 g.Bulgaria has enjoyed the stable interest of Turkish tourists over the last years, which serves as evidence of the trust they have in us. Our countries are located in one and the same region and we have great opportunities to develop joint initiatives and projects supporting the growth of tourism in Bulgaria and Turkey. This is what the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova said at the opening of the Bulgarian-Turkish business forum in the sphere of tourism in Istanbul. The Minister of Culture and Tourism of Turkey Nadir Alpaslan took part in this forum as well as representatives of the Bulgarian and Turkish business.Within the period January-October this year, the number of guests coming from our southern neighboring country was 540 thousand and in 2017, the Turkish market ranked fourth among the top destination for inbound visits to Bulgaria with over 636 thousand visits and a 12,5% growth, said the Bulgarian minister. The emphasized the significance of the Joint Bulgarian-Turkish working group in the sphere of tourism, which was established a few days ago in Sofia. Its first session was held in mid-November on the eve before the International congress of global civilizations and historic routes, organized by the World Tourism Organization, which was hosted by Bulgaria for the second time. The working group was the first platform for discussion of the possibilities for strengthening our cooperation in the sphere of tourism.I am convinced that we will continue to work as partners for the development of tourism, said Minister Angelkova. She also added that there are debates about the possibilities to organize days of Bulgaria in Turkey and vice versa. Work is also being done on a joint Balkan project and a joint product between Bulgaria and Turkey, which will popularize the rich and varied tourist product of the two countries before tourists coming from distant markets.We are also planning to organize tours for investors interested in investing in Bulgaria, said Minister Angelkova. They are expected to be implemented in February next year and will cover sights with a potential for development. I guarantee my personal engagement and the support of the Ministry of Tourism in order to ensure maximum institutional cooperation in the implementation of investments, said the minister. She thanked the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism for organizing the forum and also for the opportunity to present the potential for investments and initiatives for joint development of tourism.The whole world has realized the meaning of the tourist sector and the importance for investments in this industry, said the deputy-minister Nadir Alpaslan. He added that he expects such international meetings to be beneficial for both countries. The forum included presentations of representatives of the Bulgarian and Turkish tourist business.
Minister Angelkova before a conference of the World Tourism Organization and UNESCO in Istanbul: Together with the local communities we gave an impetus to the cultural-historic tourism in Bulgaria
The popularization of the cultural heritage led to a significant increase in the number of tourist visits to the sights, which stimulates the investments in the tourist infrastructureThe popularization of cultural-historic tourism and the interaction with the local communities for presenting the enormous heritage of Bulgaria over the last years has given a strong impetus to this type of tourism and has also proven its growing importance as a source of sustainable development. The increased interest of the tourists in the historic and cultural sights inevitably leads to investments in the tourist infrastructure. This was said by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova in Istanbul during the Third World Conference on Tourism and Culture organized by the World Tourism Organization and UNESCO.“The wide variety of activities in the sphere of cultural tourism and the changes in consumers’ demand caused the cultural tourism to play a major role in the development of the sector. Culture and tourism are interrelated. Tourism is a way of marketing our cultural treasure”, said Minister Angelkova.She reminded that over 40 000 artefacts have been found around the country. For that reason, we decided to establish different tourist routes such as cultural-historic, wine and SPA routes, in order to consolidate the local expert knowledge and resources so as to give a common identity to the local cultural heritage, said the minister. According to her, after the establishment of 8 cultural-historic destinations in Bulgaria, there has been a substantial growth in the number of tourist visits. Minister Angelkova presented to the participants the platform iLoveBulgaria, which includes a complete list of the 100 national tourist sites.The minister announced that the tourist sector provides significant prerequisites for the economic growth of the separate regions of the country. That was the reason for the establishment of a National concept for zoning of tourism, which will contribute to the development of regional tourist strategies that, in turn, will popularize the local products on the national and the international markets. Minister Angelkova also said that in order to ensure a positive effect, namely to contribute to the economic well-being of our country or the region, cultural tourism has to be well planned. She added that the Ministry of Tourism is actively promoting Bulgaria before foreign investors through the so called Map of investment projects. It unites representatives of different regions and interested parties for the purpose of ensuring an economic benefit for the business and the local communities as well.Bulgaria has a lot to show both foreign and Bulgarian tourists and entirely follows the trend for a growth of cultural tourism worldwide, concluded the Bulgarian minister.At the Third World Conference on Tourism and Culture, which was organized by the World Tourism Organization and UNESCO in Istanbul, I stated that the popularization of the cultural-historic tourism and the interaction with the local communities for presenting the enormous cultural heritage of Bulgaria over the last years has given a strong impetus to this type of tourism and has proven its growing significance as a source of sustainable development. In my opinion, the increased interest in the historic and cultural sites will inevitably lead to investments in the tourist infrastructure.
Minister Angelkova: All the services offered by the ministry are now accessible by clicking or showing the face through a smartphone
The access to qualified electronic signature for e-services of the institution will be free during the first yearAll the registration services that the Ministry of Tourism offers in accordance with the Tourism Act will be accessible with just one click and via a smartphone since Monday.  In addition to the usual method involving a personal identification number (PIN), the qualified electronic signature will also be placed by means of face recognition. This has become possible after the development of a special platform for electronic services for the ministry, said the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova during its presentation today. She clarified that in this way, the requests for the issue of all types of permits and services of the institution can be sent 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from all corners of the world. In order to use the platform, you need a preliminary registration which takes about a minute, after which the application will be submitted for about 15 seconds, explained the minister.We are the first state administration providing this type of electronic services in Bulgaria, we are also pioneers in the EU, where such a platform is to be introduced by the Ministry of Digitalization of Austria, said Minister Angelkova.The qualified electronic signature for the users of services in the institution is expected to be free during the first year following the launch of the platform. Then, the users will have the opportunity to have 5 free electronic signatures a year and after the cessation of this option, the monthly subscription will cost 2 levs, said Minister Angelkova. It can be terminated and extended at any time and the citizens and the business will not be obliged to maintain their subscription permanently. The minister also clarified that this platform had been developed in four months. All the requirements of the legislation and the norms of GDPR have been observed and the protection of all personal data is completely guaranteed.The platform has been developed in accordance with all the legislative requirements and is also very easy to use, said Prof. Georgi Dimitrov, a representative of the supplier of verification services Eurotrust, which is the author of the platform. He gave a detailed presentation of the method of registration and use of the services and also stated that after we specify the service we would like to use, we provide identification using our personal ID number, telephone number or e-mail address, all the necessary data are verified and automatically entered in the application. When registering via the telephone camera in case of face recognition, 84 facial points are analyzed in order to verify the identity.The new platform will significantly facilitate the access of the citizens and the business to the services of the ministry because they will not have to observe the working hours of the institution and this can be done in all corners of the world, said Prof. Dimitrov. He also added that the project significantly optimized the work of the administration and the applications will be processed after being submitted. This will save people thousands of working hours and, compared to the minimum hourly wage, the financial effect will be enormous. Prof. Dimitrov clarified that by the end of the month the electronic services of the Ministry of Tourism will be used by consumers in all EU Member-states.
Minister Angelkova had a bilateral meeting with the Secretary-General of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) Michael Christides
The development of cruise and culinary tourism is crucial for the diversification of tourism in the Black Sea region. It was one of the topics of the conversation between the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and the Secretary-General of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) Michael Christides. This bilateral meeting was held within the second International congress of world civilizations and historic routes, which has been held since yesterday in Sofia and has been organized by the World Tourism Organizations (WTO) of the UN.Minister Angelkova and Secretary-General Christides expressed their satisfaction that Bulgaria, Turkey and Russia will work together for the implementation of a project aimed at popularizing culinary tourism in the Black Sea region. The first stage of the project includes collecting statistical data which will present between 250 and 300 dishes typical of the countries in the Black Sea region. The second stage includes the organization of Culinary days in four European capitals of BSEC Member-states. Special events in the sphere of culinary tourism will be organized.Mr. Christides announced that in 2019, BSEC will participate is a large-scale initiative for popularizing cruise tourism in the Black Sea. The revival of cruise tourism in the Black Sea is one of the main priorities of BSEC.The two countries also discussed the implementation of a project in the sphere of film tourism. Greece is the project coordinator and Bulgarian will be one of the main partners. Our country has a lot of experience in this tourist sub-sector and is a preferred destination since it is famous for the implementation of large-scale film productions.Minister Angelkova discussed with Mr. Christides the innovations in the sphere of tourism. They also talked about the possibility to establish “Awards for the best “start up” companies in the sphere of tourism in the BSEC region”. The concept of this project will be developed jointly by the Permanent secretariat of BSEC and a network of universities from the Member-states of the organization, which will later be included in the awards selection committee. It has been planned to launch this initiative in 2019.
Minister Angelkova: Bulgaria and Greece work as partners on joint projects aimed at attracting tourists from the distant markets to the Balkans
The Bulgarian minister had a working meeting with George Tziallas, Secretary-General for Tourism Policy and Development of the Ministry of Tourism of GreeceThe partnership between Bulgaria and Greece in the sphere of tourism is developing and the two countries are working on joint initiatives to attract more visitors to the Balkan region. This was said by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova at a working meeting with George Tziallas, Secretary-General for Tourism Policy and Development of the Ministry of Tourism of Greece. This bilateral meeting was held during the second International congress on world civilizations and historic routes, which has been held in Sofia since yesterday and has been organized by the UN World Tourism Organization. Minister Angelkova said that the Greek tourists are among the most numerous groups of tourists coming to our country and added that Greece is one of the most preferred destinations for Bulgarians, as the exchange of guests is almost equal. Last year, the number of tourist visits from Greece to Bulgaria exceeded 1,1 million, which marks an increase of 8,5% compared to the year 2016 and the country ranked first on the chart of inbound tourism in Bulgaria. The number of visits of Greek tourists for the first nine months of this year exceeds 852 thousand.The initiative for establishing a Common Balkan tourist route, proposed by Bulgaria, is very promising and was supported by Greece at the meeting of 11 countries from the region held in Sofia in May 2018. The Ministry of Tourism will hold discussion meetings on this subject and will soon present the vision of the Bulgarian part of the route to the other members of the project working group, said Minister Angelkova. According to her, as two neighbouring countries on friendly terms, we will be able to popularize even more effectively the joint concept, which will make the Balkans a more attractive route.  The pointed out that the two countries cooperate with each other in the implementation of the initiative “Along the Western Silk road”, which is aimed at attracting visitors from markets that are far away from Europe. Bulgaria and Greece are members of the programme of the World Tourism Organization “Along the Silk Road”. In 2017, they hosted two working seminars under the new initiative “The Western Silk Road” and participated in the creation of a Road map under the project by means of national analyses. They were prepared by the Aristotle University is Thessaloniki and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The Bulgaria proposition envisages the creation of regional products related to silk, for example, by means of consolidating the tourist potential of Greek and Bulgarian cities with traditions like those in Soufli and Ivaylovgrad.Minister Angelkova suggested organizing a Bulgarian-Greek meeting on topical issues in the sphere of tourism before the ITB International tourism fair in Berlin, in order to discuss new possibilities for attracting more tourists from Greece to our winter resorts. This meeting is to be attended by representatives of the business and the local authorities of both countries.Secretary-General Tziallas expressed the confidence of his country in the usefulness of the cooperation and focused on the role of the joint work of the tourist administrations to mobilize the business and the experts for the implementation of these initiatives, whose host will be Bulgaria for the second time, as well as his satisfaction with the meetings held as part of the forum.
Minister Angelkova opened the tourism fair which is part of the International congress on world civilizations and historic routes
It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you to the opening of the tourism fair which will be held during the International congress on world civilizations and historic routes. This is how the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova launched the fair, which will be held within 15-16 November in Sofia. She pointed out that such events serve as a fine example of a good practice that can draw the attention to our country and this may happen owing to the presentation of the variety of tourist resources that Bulgaria has.The opening event was attended by the Deputy Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organizations Jaime Sanclemente as well as a number of delegates from the International congress on world civilizations and historic routes, managers in the sphere of tourism, representatives of the public and private sector in this industry and the related industries, mayors and experts.The tourism fair was located in the centre of the capital city – the Sofia Largo. On the territory of the Ancient Serdika complex, more than 15 municipalities presented the potential of its regions as tourist destinations. Our country has extremely rich culture, traditions and customs, said Minister Angelkova. She added that it is crucial to preserve them and present them to the world intact and also make efforts to popularize this treasure and Bulgaria as a year-round tourist destination.I assure you that the Ministry of Tourism will continue to support initiatives strengthening the reputation of our national products and our country as an international tourist destination, said the minister. She thanked all the participants in the forum and wished all the visitors to have a nice time at the fair.
Minister Angelkova: Bulgaria with a message for establishing a world destination “Ancient Civilizations”
The Bulgarian minister opened the congress on historic routes organized by the World Tourism Organization and quoted and increase of 31% in the number of foreign tourists coming to Bulgaria compared to the year 2015We will make a proposition to the World Tourism Organization to establish a world destination called “Ancient Civilizations”. This initiative would contribute to a better knowledge of the world cultural heritage. I hope that this initiative would be supported by the World Tourism Organization and it will be very important for Bulgaria to initiate it. This is what the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova said at the opening of the second International congress of world civilizations and historic routes. We will send a message to the regions with ancient culture to join the idea for establishing such a destination which will be open for a lot of participants. Minister Angelkova added that a good beginning of the implementation of this idea will be the inclusion of sites that are on the UNESCO world heritage list.Some of the official guests of the International congress on ancient civilizations and historic routes were the Deputy Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organizations Jaime Sanclemente, the chairperson of the parliamentary committee on culture and media Vezhdi Rashidov, the chairperson of the economic policy and tourism committee Petar Kanev, the deputy-minister of culture Amelia Gesheva, ministers and managers in the sphere of tourism, representatives of the public and private sector in this industry and its related industries, globally recognized experts in the sphere of culture and protection of cultural heritage. The forum was held on 15th and 16th November 2018 in Sofia as it was the second time Bulgaria had hosted such an event.The congress is aimed at exploring the way the link between culture and tourism creates opportunities for economic growth and social development, said Minister Angelkova. She added that tourism has proven its potential as one of the major generators of growth for the world economy and has been developing at a greater speed over the last decade. The sector has a share of 10,4% of the global GDP, providing employment to over 313 million people worldwide. In Bulgaria, it constitutes about 13% of the gross domestic product and is one of the leading economic sectors.We have been working hard to establish our country as a four-season destination with its winter and sea resorts and magnificent beaches popular worldwide, said the minister. According to her, our country is about to be discovered as a place that has a large number of mineral springs, SPA complexes and top-quality golf courses. More than 40 000 historic monuments and sites have been registered on the territory of our country, which makes Bulgaria one of the most attractive destinations for people interested in history and culture, added the minister.Of course, we have to continue to work hard in order to further develop our potential and this year we have promoted the initiatives for creating a Map of the 100 European tourist sites and a Common Balkan tourist product, said Minister Angelkova. The Ministry of Tourism has developed a new interactive web-based platform and a mobile application called iLoveBulgaria, which provides information about the major Bulgarian tourist sites. A Unified tourist information system is currently being developed.This measure as well as other similar measures have led to the achievement of record results for Bulgarian tourism, explained the minister. She clarified that in 2017, the total number of tourist visits of foreigners to Bulgaria was 8 882 747, which exceeds the number of the population of the country by 1,8 million.Based on the latest data for 2018, the number of visits of foreign tourists has risen by 31% compared to 2015, said the minister. She also added that Bulgaria has undoubtedly turned into a competitive and attractive year-round destination.The historic routes like “The Silk Road”, “Orient Express” and others have inspired numerous travelers and can play a major role for the popularization of the regions, said the Deputy Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organizations Jaime Sanclemente. He also added that we need to put joint efforts and exchange good practices and experience. One of the priorities of the World Tourism Organization is to generate a supplementary added value for all the countries, to guarantee the safety of travels, the digitalization and the innovations in the sector, said Sanclemente. He was certain that this congress will influence the development of tourism on a national and international level.This forum is very important and we have to be aware of the fact that the face of tourism in our country is its cultural heritage, said Vezhdi Rashidov, the chairperson of the parliamentary committee for culture and media. He also stressed the fact that Bulgaria has established its positions in world culture. He thanked Minister Angelkova for the organization of the forum and the subsequent initiatives for the popularization of the country and its historic heritage.
Minister Angelkova met the minister of tourism of Egypt Rania Al-Mashat in London
During the international tourism fair World Travel Market (WTM), which is held in London, the capital of Great Britain, the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova had a conversation with the minister of tourism of Egypt Rania Al-Mashat.Rania Al-Mashat pointed out that Bulgaria is becoming a more and more attractive destination as it offers a varied and high-quality tourist product.The ministers discussed the future agreement for cooperation in the sphere of tourism, which is expected to be signed between the two ministries in the beginning of 2019.The Bulgarian minister focused on Bulgaria’s policy to develop a sustainable tourism by popularizing its cultural heritage. It was our idea to create a common map of the European cultural-historic sites as well as a common Balkan route, whose main subject would be the UNESCO heritage.She also added that all these initiatives will contribute to the long-term and sustainable development of this sector on a national and European level and the attraction of more visitors from distant markets to Bulgaria and the Old Continent.
Minister Angelkova had a conversation with her Greek colleague Elena Kuntura
Bulgaria and Greece exchange almost the same number of tourists annuallyThe Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova had a working meeting in London with Elena Kuntura, the Greek minister of tourism, during the international tourism fair WTM. Despite working in a highly competitive environment, the two neighbouring countries have established very active relations in the sphere of tourism, said Minister Angelkova.The partnership with Greece and the respective ministry has long traditions and is developing steadily. A meeting of 11 Balkan countries was held in Sofia in May in order to prepare a common Balkan route with the participation of both countries. We are planning to include in this route UNESCO sites and other places of national and international importance, pointed out Minister Angelkova.  She announced that, after long and comprehensive discussions, our country will soon present its proposals for the Bulgarian section of the route.The two institutions and the business are considering other joint initiatives and exchange of information in order to attract distant and promising markets to this region. Bulgaria and Greece are members of the programme UNWTO Road Silk Road. The two countries participated in the creation of a road map under the project in cooperation with the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences-Sofia. Another purpose is to establish joint products under this project that will attract tourists from distant destinations to the Balkans, said Minister Angelkova.Minister Kuntiura was personally invited by Minister Angelkova to attend the second International congress on world civilizations and historic routes which will be held on 15th and 16th November 2018 in Sofia in cooperation with the World Tourism Organization. She stressed the major significance of the cultural-historic heritage of the two countries and emphasized the role of the timely exchange of information to support the tourists. Greece will participate in any promising joint initiative in this respect, said Mrs. Kuntura.At the meeting it was confirmed that the two countries exchange almost the same number of tourists annually. Based on the data provided by the National Statistical Institute, in 2017, Greece ranked first on the chart of inbound tourism with over 1,1 billion visits, which constitutes a 8,5% growth compares to the previous year. At the same time, Bulgarian tourists made over 1,3 million visits to Greece and it was the most preferred foreign destination for Bulgarian tourists.Traditionally, Greece is preferred by Bulgarians for summer holidays and the Greek citizens show a great interest in holidaying in our winter resorts.However, the data for the period June-September 2018 show that a substantial number of Greek guests visited Bulgaria in the summer as well. For the summer season of 2018, Greece has ranked third on the chart of international tourism in our country with over 464 thousand visits and the number of the visits of Bulgarian citizens to Greece was more than 628 thousand.
Minister Angelkova participated in the ministerial meeting entitled “Investment in tourist technologies” as part of the programme of WTM-London
We are introducing innovative products and technologies in order to support the work of the businessThe Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova participated in the traditional ministerial meeting as part of the programme of the international tourism fair WTM-London, which this year was called “Investment in tourist technologies”. The discussion between the leaders of tourism from the different countries focused on “investments in the future of tourism”. The event was hosted by the CNN journalist Richard Quest.The participants outlined the role of the government and the politicians as a tool ensuring a competitive tourist industry. The provision of up-to-date and easily accessible data is crucial for all the interested parties, said the Bulgarian Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova. She focused on the innovations which the institutions she is in charge of has introduced in order to facilitate the work of the business and the citizens as well. We are continually increasing the share of electronic services the administration offers. We have already removed 19 types of documents on paper and we are currently preparing the conditions for online applications for categorization and re-categorization of the places for accommodation, the specialized centres and others, she added. In the near future, after the respective initial registration, the entrepreneurs will be able to access our registers only by means of face recognition via their smartphones, she said.  Minister Angelkova announced that the Ministry of Tourism is developing, by means of public procurement, a Unified tourist information system that will satisfy the need of modern technologies. It will make the tourists’ stay safer and will encourage the business to work faster and more easily. The system serves as a portal for communication between the respective central and local authorities functioning as a counter for daily and periodic information along protected channels in real time. It is important for the safety of tourists and each of them would want to visit a destination that guarantees an undisturbed stay, said the minister.Another important aspect in the development of our country as a year-round competitive destination is the integration of innovative, digital and IT products for promoting Bulgaria as a destination that has magnificent nature and rich cultural-historic heritage, said Minister Angelkova. An Internet platform has been developed using the mobile application iLoveBulgaria, which offers a lot of useful information about the country’s sights and significantly facilitates the tourists in real time, providing them data about what routes and places of accommodation to choose via a GPS & QR scanner. The digitalization and the introduction of modern information technologies are among the major priorities of the marketing and advertising policy of the ministry for the future strategic development of tourism in Bulgaria, she said. In the beginning of the year, a thematic international conference called “Digital transformation in tourism” was held. It was organized by the ministry and registered substantial progress in our country’s recongnizability, using the innovative means of communication and impact. The modern approaches in the promotion and digital culture, the role of the online and social platforms are crucial factors for fostering the long-term economic growth in the sector.  Minister Angelkova announced that she is preparing a Permanent Council for digitalization in tourism, which will be a platform for dialogue and partnership. It envisages a broad representation of all stakeholders – businesses, state institutions and the executive, sectoral organizations, academia, IT industry, etc., to outline an action plan for real digitalization of services in the sector and facilitate travel in the country.
Minister Angelkova in an interview with the National Geographic: Bulgarian tourism is on the rise, more than 30% is the growth of foreign tourists in only 3 years
The global TV channel interested in studying our country’s treasuresThe Bulgarian tourism is on the rise, the growth of tourist visas for foreigners for the period January-September 2018  is 31% compared to the same period three years earlier.This was stated by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova in an interview for the National Geographic in London during the international tourism fair WTM – the largest one for professionals in the world. She expressed her satisfaction that the results marked a steady growth trend after the Ministry of Tourism was set up as an independent institution.Minister Angelkova also pointed out that the image of Bulgaria as a destination underwent a remarkable transformation, which was being developed in an innovative way and in active partnership with all the stakeholders - public, private, non-governmental ones. This sustainable progress should be understood as an investment for the growth of the destination as a year-round route and for the well-being of local communities.In addition to the investment map for tourism in Bulgaria, which we build on with a second stage for specific projects by regions, we also create conditions for the promotion of different types of tourism with a focus not only on the maritime and winter ones but also many specialized services for which we have prepared thematic destinations – thermal and spa tourism, cultural and historical tourism, wine tourism, gourmet tourism, etc. Urban tourism is also expanding because of the facilitated air links and the efforts to promote the vast material and spiritual heritage of Bulgaria from past epochs, commented the Bulgarian Minister of Tourism. The National Geographic team has expressed their interest in making a key study of the Bulgarian cultural and historic heritage with a focus on the treasures found on the Bulgarian lands.
Minister Angelkova at the World Travel & Tourism Council in London: We are focused on digitalization, innovations and the professional opportunities of young people in the country
Among the leading focus points in our work are the accelerated introduction of digitalization and innovations in tourism as well as the successful realization of young people in the country. Only in this way can we offer a competitive and high quality product. This was stated in London by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova who was a panelist at the World Travel & Tourism Council’s international forum dedicated to the challenges before the modern tourism. The conference took place at the WTM International Tourism Fair.     Minister Angelkova reminded that the results in the sector after the establishment of the Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism as an independent institution have been indicative: the growth of tourist visits of foreigners for the period January-September 2018  is 31% compared to the same period three years earlier. Besides the traditional summer and winter tourism, we also advertise many specialized services such as thermal and SPA, cultural and historical tours, gourmet, wine, golf, hunting, adventure, eco, rural, festival tourism, etc.It is very important to know what our guests want to see in our country and that determines the focus of our advertising and marketing policy. This is impossible without proper communication with people. Our position is public and we work for them, so any feedback is particularly important. Tourism has contacts with many sectors and so the efforts of the business need to be united in order to achieve good results on the horizontal chain. That is why we pay great attention to the training of the cadres who are the face of tourism to our foreign visitors, Minister Angelkova said.She reminded that the staffing issue was one of the most topical ones in the country, including in tourism. For this purpose, a specialized inter-departmental council was set up to look for solutions to the problem in partnership between the state, the business and the non-governmental sector. We work very hard with students and young people who choose this profession to make them feel good about it and keep them in their homeland.
Minister Angelkova spoke with Michael Ellis, Minister of Arts, Heritage and Tourism of Great Britain
Within the WTM International Tourism Fair in London, Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova held a working meeting with Michael Ellis, Minister of Arts, Heritage and Tourism of Great Britain. They discussed opportunities for exchange of experience in digital marketing, as well as joint initiatives to stimulate the influx of tourists.Minister Angelkova noted the steady record growth of foreign tourists and revenues from their visits to Bulgaria over the last three years, as well as the strong interest of the British in Bulgaria as a destination. For the first nine months of 2018 Bulgaria has been visited by nearly 8 million foreign tourists, which is about 6 per cent growth compared to a year earlier. Revenues from the international tourism industry in the period January-August 2018 exceed 2.8 billion euro – a growth of 7.2% compared tot he same period of the last year.For the first nine months of this year our country has been visited by more than 347 thousand citizens of the United Kingdom, which is almost 16 per cent growth compared to the same period of last year, and so the country ranks 8th in the ranking of incoming tourism in Bulgaria. We expect the interest of British tourists to remain so high in the upcoming winter season as well, said Minister Angelkova.She pointed out the priorities of the tourism administration policy to develop the country as a destination for year-round tourism with a focus on the summer, winter and many types of specialized tourism – thermal and SPA, cultural and historical, eco, rural, adventure, golf, gourmet, hunt tourism, etc. This diversity will be presented with an emphasis on the cultural heritage in Bulgaria at the Second International Congress of World Civilizations and the Historical Routes in Sofia organized by the Ministry and the World Tourism Organization (WTO). An important moment in our policy is also the creation of joint tourist routes with the neighboring countries, her words revealed.Minister Angelkova introduced her interlocutor to the excellent business opportunities in Bulgaria. In order to attract strategic investments to the sector, we have created the first map of investment projects in tourism and we are already planning to build on it with a second stage, which will include specific investment opportunities in different regions of the country. Another important element in our activity is the implementation of the innovative approach through the digitalization of the tourism sector, which will speed up the work of the business and will make the image of Bulgaria more complete with the help of IT technologies, Minister Angelkova explained.She presented the results of successfully completed marketing activities with the leading tour operators Thomas Cook and TUI Group during this and last year. In 2017, the number of tourists traveling to Bulgaria with Thomas Cook was more than 404 thousand and 18% more than in the previous year.Minister Ellis expressed his satisfaction with the serious work of Bulgaria and the results achieved in tourism. He suggested bilateral contacts be made more often so the two countries can exchange more tourists and ideas. The British Minister of Tourism said he was fascinated by the Bulgarian nature.
Minister Angelkova met in London with Mehmet Ersoy, Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey
Minister of Tourism Angelkova met in London with Mehmet Ersoy, Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey. They discussed the prospects of the tourism industry at the World Travel Market (WTM), the world's largest international professional tourism fair.Turkey is in the top 5 of inbound tourism markets for Bulgaria, Minister Angelkova emphasized. She added that over the period January-September of this year, more than 492 thousand Turkish citizens have visited the country, accounting for almost 2% growth compared to the same period in 2017. Last year, tourist visits from Turkey were more than 636 thousand and there has been an increase of 12.5%.Minister Angelkova explained that other than from a summer holiday, many Turkish citizens also come to Bulgaria in the winter. For the period December 2017 – March 2018, 213,477 Turkish guests came to Bulgaria, with the reported increase compared to December 2016 – March 2017 amounting to 14.4% Minister Ersoy confirmed that the interest of the Turkish citizens in our winter resorts is growing every year.The Ministers discussed the forthcoming working meeting between the two countries on November 14, where decisions to increase the tourist flow between Bulgaria and Turkey will be discussed. They agreed to hold a meeting in Turkey with the largest organization of tour operators.In turn, Minister Ersoy said he would rely on the two neighboring countries to continue their fruitful cooperation in tourism. He also added that he would support and assist in organizing any initiatives that would contribute to the successful development of the sector in the region.Regarding the development of a Balkan Route, the Ministers have agreed that this product will be of great benefit in attracting tourists from distant destinations to both countries. In their view, it is crucial to offer a good and quality product that will meet the needs of visitors from remote countries such as Japan and China. Minister Angelkova reminded that the establishment of a Balkan Route has been initiated and supported at the EU Tourism Ministers' High-level Ministerial Meeting on Tourism and Economic Growth organized within the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU.
Minister Angelkova met with Indonesian Minister of Tourism Arief Yahya
Minister Nikolina Angelkova greeted Indonesia's Minister of Tourism Arief Yahya at the Bulgarian stand at the WTM exhibition in London and discussed with him topical issues of bilateral co-operation.Bulgaria has serious traditions in the sustainable development of summer and winter tourism and offers very competitive conditions for investments in the sector, Minister Angelkova said. Our country forms one of the best values for a tourist product compared to most countries in its region. The Ministry of Tourism has launched a second edition of the Tourism Investment Card, which will include new projects for different regions of Bulgaria, she emphasized.Minister Angelkova assured her colleague that distant and promising markets are becoming an increasingly strong focus in our country's marketing and advertising policy. Bulgaria and Europe are becoming attractive destinations for travelers from the Far East, who want to visit several countries with one travel, Minister Angelkova explained. She spoke about the prospect of creating joint Balkan routes for such tours that will include UNESCO sites from 11 countries in the region.The Bulgarian Minister also pointed out that in 2017 tourist visits from Indonesia to Bulgaria were nearly 4 thousand, which was 30% growth compared to 2016. The possibilities are much larger and I am convinced that we can work together to make this growth sustainable, she emphasized.Minister Angelkova invited Arief Yahya to visit our country this month, when the second International Congress of World Civilizations and Historical Routes, organized by the Ministry of Tourism and the World Tourism Organization at the United Nations, will take place on the 15th and 16th. Bulgaria’s cultural heritage advertising is the way to popularize the Indonesian market and thus increase the influx of your tourists, she also said, adding that winter tourism, SPA and thermal services, cultural and historical tours are also of great interest to guests of Bulgaria.The Ministers united around the view that digitalization plays an extremely important role for the growth in the industry. The tourist administrations of Bulgaria and Indonesia are willing to exchange information on new technologies and advertising to promote each other's tourist products.Minister Yahya congratulated Bulgaria on the high results achieved after the establishment of the Ministry of Tourism as an independent institution and expressed his readiness for closer cooperation between the administrations and business of the two countries.
Minister Angelkova opened the Bulgarian stand at the largest international exhibition for tourism professionals WTM-London
In London, Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova opened the Bulgarian stand at the World Travel Market (WTM), the world's largest international tourism fair. The space in the ExCeL Exposition Center where our country is represented covers an area of nearly 296 sq. m. At the stand, besides the Ministry of Tourism, 23 tour operators, municipalities and organizations participated.I'm glad to welcome you to one of the most important events in the global tourism industry. I am convinced that you will successfully unveil the diverse opportunities of our country as a competitive destination for four seasons, offering a wide range of services for sea, winter and many kinds of specialized tourism, said Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and wished success to all participants.Our stand has modern technical tools that demonstrate this potential as a destination for high quality tourism at a reasonable price. Bulgaria is positioned in a prominent position on the list of exhibitors. It is present with digital advertising on the official portal and on digital screens in the hall. The site has features for placing banners for Bulgaria, sending an email to Bulgaria, posting a blog, etc. Visitors can get acquainted with the landmarks and tourist sites in Bulgaria through modern IT tools and presentations.Famous Bulgarian resorts for summer, mountain, thermal and SPA tourism, large municipalities, airports, hotel owners, tour operators, tourist furniture and maintenance companies, a cluster for festivals, SPA centers, etc. are taking part in the exhibition.Minister Angelkova emphasized that for the third consecutive year our country states record numbers of international tourists and revenues in the sector. For the first nine months of this year, Bulgaria has been visited by nearly 8 million foreign tourists, which is nearly 6 per cent growth compared to a year earlier. Revenues from the international tourism industry in the period January-August 2018 exceed 2.8 billion euro – a growth of 7.2% compared tot he same period of the last year.   World Travel Market in London is the world's largest exhibition for professional audience in the field of travel industry. More than 5,000 exhibitors from all over the world have attended the forum in London, more than 3,000 media have been accredited.  51,000 professionals took part in WTM-2017, this year the interest in the WTM is even higher.
Ministry of Tourism with an award for institutional partnership from the National Tourism Board
Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova received the award for institutional partnership in the tourism sector at a ceremony for giving out the First Annual awards of the National Tourism Board (NTB). They are awarded in 15 categories for achievements in the sector. The award for the Ministry of Tourism was given by Radosvet Radev – member of the Management Council of the National Tourism Board and chairperson of the Bulgarian Industrial Association.It is a great honor for me and my team to receive the award, Minister Angelkova said and expressed her satisfaction with the fruitful cooperation with the NTB over the years. I believe that it will continue in the future because the sustainable growth of the Bulgarian tourism industry can continue only with the joint efforts of the tourism administration, the responsible business and the local government.Minister Angelkova emphasized that the tourism administration is working in dialogue and constant interaction with the business. Since the establishment of the Ministry of Tourism, we have been discussing all the topics with you and with the people who contribute to the development of the sector with their work every day. In me you have a partner and an ally for all initiatives that promote Bulgaria as a holiday destination during the four seasons offering quality tourism, Minister Angelkova also said. The desire of the business has always been to have a separate Ministry of Tourism, and I am glad that this has become a fact. For 4 years now, the National Tourism Board has worked very actively with the Ministry of Tourism and this encourages growth in the sector, Mr. Radev said.
Minister Angelkova held a working meeting with the members of the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce
Germany is the third inbound market for our country, in the coming years we can meet more than 1 million German tourists per yearGermany is a key partner of Bulgarian tourism and the Ministry of Tourism actively promotes measures to attract more visitors from the Federal Republic. Germany is third in the top 10 of our targeted inbound markets this year with more than 640 thousand visits for the period January-August. This was announced by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova at a working meeting with members and partners of the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce. The Minister presented the results of the 2018 summer season, the Ministry’s legislative policy and the most important goals for the sector.The host of the working meeting was the Chief Executive of the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Dr. Mitko Vasilev, and Thorsten Geissler, Head of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation for Bulgaria, Hubertus Klink, Head of the Economic Department of the German Embassy in Bulgaria, as well as representatives of leading German companies working in Bulgaria took part in the talks.For the past three years, an upward trend has been formed in tourism with significant growth in number of tourists and revenues, Minister Angelkova said. A major contribution to this has been the fact that the government has put the sector as a priority and since the end of 2014, an independent Ministry has been set up. We expect to reach 9.5 million visitors from the inbound markets this year, while international tourism revenues for the period January-August 2018 alone amount to over 2.8 billion euros, which is over 7% growth compared to the same period of 2017, Minister Angelkova pointed out. She highlighted the good interaction between the Ministry and the big tour operators working in the German market.In 2018, an integrated campaign for target markets, including the Federal Republic of Germany, is held again and includes print, online and digital advertising, as well as social networks. Minister Angelkova stressed that Germany is a sustainable market with great growth potential. Quality analyzes among tourists show that 83% of German guests who visited our country in 2016 returned in both 2017 and 2018. Within 3 to 5 years, we can reach 1-1.5 million German tourists per year, Minister Angelkova predicted.She introduced the members of the Chamber to the efforts to improve the conditions for doing business in tourism through legislative initiatives. Amendments to the Tourism Act provide for advisory councils on tourism, in which the industry and civil society will participate in local tourism policies. Among the most important changes in the law is the clarification of the status of national resorts. This will regulate the activities related to advertising, staff training, green areas maintenance, product area establishment, as well as noise regulations in national resorts. Where there is a balance, resorts develop better, Minister Angelkova said categorically.Each place for accommodation, dining and entertainment will receive an ID code reflected in the National Tourism Register. We connect the registers of the NRA, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Finance through the Unified Tourism Information System and all this will increase the quality of the service. As early as November, the Ministry of Tourism will present a facial identification feature so that business documents can be processed not only by an electronic signature, but also by facial recognition, and this could be done by a smartphone, her words indicated. Businesses will thus be facilitated, and administrative service provision will be done in much shorter time.Regarding the amendments to the  Black Sea Coast Act, the Ministry is making serious efforts to provide managers for all beaches. This year, revenues from concessions and rents are expected to be BGN 19 million,unguarded strips have decreased by about 35% within 3 years. In the conditions of serious competition in the region, Bulgaria is obliged to provide a better-quality product, so we are uncompromising with regard to violations, Minister Angelkova said. Sanctions up to BGN 50,000 are introduced for rogue traders who work illegally on movable sites on unguarded beaches. There are also sanctions for sites and sunbathers located on dunes, which is in violation of the law because they are protected areas, she added.Bulgaria is a wonderful place to relax, but also to do business, Minister Angelkova was categorical. Two years ago, the Ministry created an investment map in which municipalities outline potential projects for implementation. Our country attracts investors with government incentives through laws, social security and tax relief, and offers low production costs, Minister Angelkova stated.Our efforts for a better staff policy are serious, Minister Angelkova noted. We signed a contract with the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and work together with the Bulgarian-German Vocational Training Centre. Through this project, people registered with the Employment Agency will receive the required or higher qualifications, the Minister said, and turned to the German businesses for feedback.Mr. Mitko Vasilev, Chief Executive of the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, welcomed the good partnership with the Ministry of Tourism and recalled the successful presentation of Bulgaria at the world’s largest international tourism fair ITB Berlin, as well as at other major specialized markets. A delegation from the federal province of Schleswig-Holstein visited Bulgaria this summer and is ready to provide practical assistance in the training of cadres in tourism. Of the 5 German professional centers in Bulgaria, two - in Tsarevo and Smolyan - work in the field of tourism, and we can provide them with additional support, he promised.On the occasion of a proposal by the Bulgarian Union of Balneology and SPA Tourism (BUBSPA), Dr. Vasilev explained that a health commission is functioning at the Chamber, and through the Bulgarian Ministries of Tourism and Health, it can assist in signing contracts with German health funds in order to give a chance to more German citizens to use the relevant medical and spa services in Bulgaria. He and Minister Angelkova united around the idea that a meeting with the Minister of Health Kiril Ananiev should be initiated next month to discuss these opportunities.BUBSPA will be presented again at the Berlin Exhibition as a thermal and spa destination offering a four-season product. This will extend the summer season in May, September and October, which the industry welcomes. To extend the season, entrepreneurs have also highlighted the excellent opportunities to promote golf tourism in Bulgaria. We work very well with the association, we also participate in the specialized golf exhibitions, Minister Angelkova commented in response and assured that golf visits were discussed in the optimization of flight programs.The businesses expressed hopes that additional lifts will be built in ski resorts. Minister Angelkova clarified that the Ministry supports the construction of new facilities to make the mountains more accessible, but this needs to be in line with the laws and regulations of the park management plans. She also focused on the accessibility of beaches for people with disabilities. Between us and the business, there is great communication. Annexes have been signed to beach management contracts regulating the movement of such visitors. I hope that next summer, this service will be greatly improved and expanded, Minister Angelkova said.
Bulgaria is now ahead of the Netherlands, Ireland, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Belgium and many other destinations by number of nights in hotels by foreigners for June-July 2018.
By the level of tourism development in the summer season, our country is before countries like Cyprus and MaltaIn terms of number of nights spent in hotels and similar accommodation places by foreigners, Bulgaria is ahead of the Netherlands, Ireland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Belgium, Finland, Denmark, Luxembourg and many other destinations in June-July 2018.In the two summer months, more than 7.407 million were night stays in hotels by foreigners in Bulgaria, while in the Netherlands, these were 5.4 million, in Ireland - 2.9 million, in the Czech Republic and Hungary they were respectively 4.5 million and 2.6 million. Nights spent by foreigners in hotels reported in Belgium - 2.2 million, in Poland - 2.9 million, in Slovakia - 900 thousand, in Luxembourg- 267 thousand for the same period this year.These data are proof of the sustainable progress of the sector and the establishment of the country as a preferred place for vacations and trips of foreign guests, the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova said. She also pointed out that during the summer months, the interest in sea-based destinations is greatest, but accompanying tourist products such as SPA, cultural and historical, urban and mountainous ones also have a contribution.Within the EU, for the period June-July 2018, Bulgaria ranks 10th in terms of nights spent by foreigners in hotels. According to the level of tourism development in the summer season, Bulgaria is ahead of destinations like Cyprus and Malta, and the number of nights spent by foreign tourists staying in hotels is not significantly smaller compared to Portugal.These statistics show that the consistent and intensive work of the tourism administration and the businesses to attract more foreign visitors to Bulgaria delivers good results, the Minister said. She also added that this motivates us to continue to actively and purposefully promote Bulgaria as a year-round destination in order to preserve the sustainable development trend.
Minister Angelkova: With a common Danube brand and joint projects of the countries, we will promote the Danube Region
At the 7th forum in Sofia, EU Commissioner Corina Creţu congratulated Bulgaria on highlighting the Danube strategy in Europe’s political agendaMinisters of tourism adopted a joint declaration to outline the areas of cooperation in the field of tourism and culture in the Danube region in the coming years. It highlights in general the importance of culture and tourism for the economic development and job creation in the region, the Bulgarian Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova said after the meeting of the Ministers participating in the EU Strategy for the Danube Region in Sofia.The ministerial meeting in Sofia launched the 7th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. With the event, Bulgaria handed over the presidency of the Danube Strategy to Romania. The EU Commissioner for Regional Policy, Corina Creţu, also attended.At the suggestion of the Ministry of Tourism, the creation of a common route in the Danube Region was also discussed. It is to be related to intangible cultural heritage and the preparation of joint strategic projects to promote intangible cultural heritage. The initiative can be related to cuisine, traditions, folklore, rituals, festivals, legends. Thus, every country in the region can present itself with its rich intangible cultural heritage in order to attract tourists, Minister Angelkova said. He also pointed out that we also find it appropriate to use the common Danube brand, through which all countries in the region and the strategy can promote their cultural values and tourist products.The Bulgarian Minister added that this declaration is evidence of high political will to develop joint projects and achieve concrete results.Minister Angelkova thanked EU Commissioner Corina Creţu for both her presence at the forum and her support for the finalization of the Danube Strategy and the emphasis placed on this region. The countries of the Danube Region are extremely important for the development of Bulgarian tourism, the Minister also commented. She specified that they make up about 41 per cent of foreign visits to Bulgaria. The total foreign tourist visits are more than 2.853 million for the 8 months of this year.The signing of the declaration and the forum itself are important for the development of the Danube Region, EU Commissioner Creţu said.  The Danube Strategy is a unique project, let us keep it and develop it; it is Bulgaria’s achievement, and during the Presidency of the Council of the EU, we have had the opportunity to elevate it to the level it deserves, Commissioner Creţu said. She added that tourism can bring many economic benefits to the Danube Region, while at the same time some shortcomings have been overcome in this sector in recent years, such as precarious jobs. It is good to have joint projects that build on the potential for cooperation, the EU Commissioner also said. She outlined the role of the Bulgarian side and of Minister Angelkova for bring forward these key topics for the region.The 7th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region was opened by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ekaterina Zaharieva, and Commissioner Creţu, the Minister of Regional Development Petya Avramova and the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova addressed the participants. The Forum was also attended by the Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, Tibor Navracsics.
Minister Angelkova: 125 million tourists visit the Danube region every year
EU Commissioner Corina Creţu: The region can become a motor of tourism, I would like to thank Minister Angelkova for the organization of the eventTourist visits to the Danube Region amount to 125 million each year, and a total of 600 million tourists visit Europe. This was announced by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova after the meeting of Ministers of Tourism participating in the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. The discussion took place within the 7th Annual Forum of the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region. The event was held in Sofia during the Bulgarian Presidency of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, which was taken over in October 2017.Led by the understanding that the countries of the Danube Region should make full use of their potential, the Bulgarian Presidency aims to increase the visibility of the Danube Region and set among its top priorities “A Sustainable and Integrated Approach for the Danube Region,” Minister Angelkova said. She added that each country in the region has its own characteristics that determine their development, and one of the ways to overcome them is strengthening the importance of tourism and closer cooperation within the Danube Strategy among all stakeholders.One of the reasons for the growing importance of tourism on the Danube River is the general diversification of the tourist offer, which includes, among other forms of tourism, river cruise tourism as one of the most important forms of tourism activities in the region. We believe that joint initiatives to promote river cruise tourism will support the sustainable development of the sector, Minister Angelkova said. She explained that taking into account the importance of this product in the overall progress of the sector, an international seminar was also organized to discuss the possibilities of creating an integrated approach to the development of cruise tourism along the Danube.If we want to make full use of the opportunities offered by the Danube and at the same time we want to ensure greater socio-economic cohesion in the Danube Basin, we must act together and work in close partnership to deal with the challenges that exist in the area, whether transport, environment, economy or culture, the Minister stated. She specified that we cannot consider the Danube Strategy without confirming our support and our interest in further developing interregional and transnational cooperation in key areas such as tourism.“Minister Nikolina Angelkova is the driving force of the meeting here today where we can discuss the Danube Strategy. I want to thank her for placing the focus on a topic I feel so close to me”, said Corina Creţu, EU Commissioner for Regional Policy. She added that the Danube Region is one of the greatest and can become a motor of tourism.Investments in tourism will be more sustainable if they are a part of an common plan for a region, Creţu pointed out. In her words, the development plan for the Danube Region can be included as a leading one in the EC’s local economic development goals as well. The Danube and its tributaries have great development potential and are an example of how coordination and cooperation have a strong positive impact on progress, the EU Commissioner said.
Minister Angelkova discussed with Saudi Arabian businessmen opportunities for investment in Bulgaria
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova met in Riyadh with Abdulmohsen Alhokair, CEO of Abdulmohsen Al-Hokair Holding Group, and discussed the opportunities for investment in Bulgaria with the management team of the corporation. The talks were a part of her working visit here at the invitation of His Royal Highness Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud - Prince of the Kingdom and chairman of the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage.Our country offers a very good partnership to businesses with its favorable tax system and economic incentives for big investors. The options for such projects in tourism are in different directions - hotel base and adjacent infrastructure for summer and winter vacations, thermal, spa and wellness centers, socialization of tourist sites, etc., Minister Angelkova announced. This potential is outlined in the Map of Investment Projects, which the Ministry of Tourism has created to encourage entrepreneurs.The Minister expressed her satisfaction with the interest shown by Saudi Arabia in the construction and modernization of high-class sites on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast and in tourist areas within the country. She emphasized the potential of our big winter resorts - Bansko, Borovets and Pamporovo - which attract the attention of not only a growing number of foreign tourists but also of organizers of prestigious international ski competitions.The hosts confirmed their appreciation of Bulgaria as a promising place for investment offering very good financial conditions. The management of the holding assured that this interest is intensifying in various economic spheres - tourism, food and beverage industry, drinking water and meat production, processing industries, etc.The two delegations agreed to promote a mutually beneficial partnership with current advertising and marketing information as well as in the two countries’ participations in international business forums.
Minister Angelkova: Bulgaria and Saudi Arabia are ready for active cooperation in tourism and the economy
There is still much untapped potential in bilateral contacts in tourism and many other industries between Bulgaria and Saudi Arabia. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova at a meeting in Riyadh with Saudi Arabia’s first Deputy Minister of Economy and Planning Khalid Al Shonaifi. The talks  took place during her working visit to the Arab country at the invitation of His Royal Highness Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud - Prince of the Kingdom and chairman of the State Commission for Tourism and National Heritage. Saudi Arabia is an important business partner for Bulgaria.Minister Angelkova said that the tourism sector in Bulgaria has been developing steadily and ascendantly over the last four years since there is an independent ministry. Thanks to the Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, the sector became a priority for the Bulgarian economy and as a result of this, the growth of international tourists significantly increased. Last year, they are over 8.8 million, said Nikolina Angelkova. There has been growth in a number of inbound markets, including from faraway countries such as India, the United States, the Philippines, Brazil.Tourism offers many opportunities for development - traditional winter and summer tourism, but also many kinds of specialized services - thermal and spa, medical, cultural and historical, gourmet, golf, mountain, etc. A large number of the significant artifacts in Bulgaria are located near mineral springs and attract many tourists for combined services, the Minister said and gave examples with the resorts Sapareva Banya, Sandanski, Hisarya and others. Bulgaria is well-known for its quality food, and therefore the Ministry has created culinary destinations encouraging not only domestic tourism but also the influx of many foreign guests. Each year, we conduct surveys and, on their basis, we implement various promotional campaigns to increase the number of tourists. IT technologies also help us for this in marketing and advertising - for example, through the online platform I Love Bulgaria which reaches a large number of users through the Viber application and not only attracts more visitors but also promotes our landmarks, Minister Angelkova commented.Two years ago, the two countries signed a memorandum on cooperation in tourism which provides opportunities for active partnership in offering diverse tourist services. In addition, Bulgaria is among the leading outsourcing destinations and I hope it will become an important and strategic partner for Saudi Arabia, Minister Angelkova assured. Attraction of more investments is a leading element in the tourism administration policy and therefore, legal changes have been initiated to facilitate and encourage business projects. Most of the documents needed by entrepreneurs are processed online. This is part of the strategy for sustainable development of the sector by 2030. Among the main priorities of the Bulgarian government in the field of tourism is the positioning of our country as a high-quality year-round tourist destination. The tourism sector in Bulgaria is expected to grow by over 40% in the next 10 years, which will be achieved by attracting more investments, the Bulgarian Minister explained.Khalid Al Shonaifi said that it is very important that the two economies deepen their cooperation. Tourism offers many opportunities for investment and I believe that this meeting is the beginning of benefiting from each other’s experience, he summed up.
Minister Angelkova presented the opportunities for investment on our Black Sea coast at the Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund
The opportunities for expanding cooperation with Saudi Arabia and attracting more investments to the Bulgarian Black Sea coast were discussed in Riyadh by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and Yasir Othman Al-Rumayyan, Executive Director of the Saudi Arabia’.s Public Investment Fund. The two agreed that there are many untapped opportunities between the countries to stimulate investment in various economic spheres, especially in tourism.Minister Angelkova reminded of the success of the Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov’s visit to Saudi Arabia as a leader of a large delegation in November 2017, pointing out that it is proof of the political will for fruitful cooperation between the two countries. After this first-ever large-scale visit, bilateral co-operation has intensified and it is very important for us to continue to develop it, she said.Tourism is a horizontal policy and we can attract investment in many sectors related to the provision of tourism services. Bulgaria has noted steady growth in tourism in recent years, which stimulates the realization of business projects from different countries, Minister Angelkova said and gave concrete examples with the hotel industry, the construction of thermal and spa complexes, the popularization of artifacts that Bulgaria is very rich in, the production of mineral water, etc.She presented our country’s huge tourist potential for mass and specialized tourism. A few years ago, Bulgaria had the image of a low-budget destination but it has already established itself as a preferred destination for high-quality services at a reasonable price, the statement clarified. During the meeting, a presentation was made of Bulgaria as a four-season route and an excellent place for investment, especially on the Black Sea coast.Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund Executive Director Yasir Othman Al-Rumayyan assured his guests that his country is interested in expanding its investment abroad and that Bulgaria’s tourism sector is promising in this respect.
Minister Angelkova talked in Riyadh with Prince Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud
The Bulgarian Minister is on a working visit to Saudi Arabia at his invitation, she presented the opportunities for investment in BulgariaThe Bulgarian Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova talked in Riyadh with His Royal Highness Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud - Prince of the Kingdom and chairman of the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage. She is on a working visit to the country at his invitation together with representatives of the Bulgarian tourism business. During the meeting, the Minister stressed that the Kingdom is among Bulgaria’s desired partners for cooperation in different spheres, and the opening of a Bulgarian Embassy in Riyadh is forthcoming.A major event in the history of bilateral relations is the official visit of Prime Minister Boyko Borisov to the Kingdom in November 2017, Minister Angelkova pointed out and thanked His Royal Highness for the organized visit to our delegation at the National Museum of Saudi Arabia. The Prince then acquainted guests with the exhibition “The Roads of Arabia”, part of the cultural institution’s fund, and discussed the possibilities for exchange of traveling museum exhibitions in the two capitals.During last year’s government visit, a political will was expressed to achieve rapid progress and decisive strengthening of the mutual dialogue between competent institutions of the two countries at different levels, Minister Angelkova emphasized. She pointed out that concrete steps are underway on the Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation in Tourism that was signed in Sofia personally by the Prince during his visit to the Bulgarian capital in October 2016. He then managed to see some of the natural and cultural landmark in the region. In addition to Riyadh, Minister Angelkova had fruitful meetings with him during the last two years in major economic and tourism forums in Madrid, Chengdu, Buenos Aires.Our country provides extremely favorable conditions for business partners and foreign investors, said Minister Angelkova. In her opinion, a future air link between Bulgaria and Saudi Arabia will contribute to bringing the two countries together and exploring their potential as economies and tourist assets.Minister Angelkova also attracted attention to Bulgaria’s policy to develop sustainable tourism through the promotion of cultural heritage. Our idea is to create a common map of Europe’s cultural and historical landmarks as well as a Balkans Itinerary, the main themes of which are the UNESCO heritage, she said.The Minister also addressed a personal invitation to His Royal Highness for participation in the forthcoming Second International Congress of World Civilizations and Historical Routes, which is being prepared jointly with the UN World Tourism Organization in November 2018. In fulfillment of the commitments under the Memorandum of Understanding, a visit to Bulgaria of representatives of the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage is forthcoming in 2019, during which the link between tourism, craftsmanship and arts will be discussed. A joint business forum is also foreseen. Bulgaria will also present itself as a competitive four-season destination at the Jeddah Intl. Travel & Tourism Exhibition and Riyadh Travel Fair next year, it was announced at the meeting.
Minister Angelkova met Dr. Hamad al-Bazai, Deputy Minister of Finance of Saudi Arabia, in Riyadh
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova had a talk with Saudi Arabian Deputy Minister of Finance Dr. Hamad Al-Bazai as part of her working visit to Riyadh. She is in the capital of the Arab country at the invitation of His Royal Highness Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud - Prince of the Kingdom and chairman of the State Commission for Tourism and National Heritage.During the meeting with Dr. Bazai, possibilities of expanding co-operation to attract more tourists and investments of bilateral interest were discussed. Very appropriate business climate has been established in Bulgaria to promote this process, Minister Angelkova said. She stressed that our country has the lowest cost of doing business within the European Union. Corporate tax of 10% is the smallest in the community, which competes with the indicators in a number of countries in the region and Central Europe - 15% in Serbia, 16% in Romania, 19% in Poland.Minister Angelkova stated that tourism accounts for about 12 per cent of the country’s gross domestic product and is a strategic sector. As a result of our intensive work with businesses, we have achieved record results for the last years since the establishment of the independent Ministry of Tourism. For the first eight months of 2018, around 7 million foreign tourists have chosen to visit Bulgaria, a growth of nearly 6 per cent over the same period last year. More than 2 billion euros are the revenues from international tourism from January to July inclusive - over 8% more than in the same months of 2017, she added.The Minister pointed out that last year, Prime Minister Borisov visited Saudi Arabia with a large delegation. I am sure we can cooperate on many topics. Tourism is a horizontal policy and depends on all sectors. Thanks to the efforts of the government, our country has established itself as an attractive tourist destination. The Bulgarian economy is on the rise and ranks second in the lowest debt in Europe. Large investors such as Hyatt and Marriott are interested in building sites for high-class tourists in Bulgaria, Minister Angelkova said, and explained that the tourist administration is actively cooperating with leading Bulgarian universities and many professional high schools in tourism.She also stressed that partnership with Bulgaria could provide access to key markets not only in the EU but also in strategic regions such as Russia, Turkey, the Middle East, etc. The Southeastern Europe market covers over 150 million consumers and the EU’s total market - over 500 million. Bulgaria offers investors government incentives, security of residence, tax breaks and good workforce, which makes it competitive not only for tourism but also as an outsourcing destination, Minister Angelkova said.Bilateral relations in the economy and finance have serious prospects, Deputy Minister Dr. Hamad Al-Bazai commented, and stressed that tourism is a structurally relevant and very important sector for each country and Bulgaria is doing very well in this sphere. It is a preferred destination for many foreign tourists. The financier congratulated Minister Angelkova on the good work and the achieved growth in tourism. In his opinion, joint partnership between the two countries will achieve very good results and this will help to conclude more memoranda of cooperation in different sectors, which would also trigger new investments.
Minister Angelkova met with investors and representatives of the tourism business in Saudi Arabia
The host of the talks in Riyadh was Dr. Saud Al-Mashari, Secretary General of the Council of Saudi ChambersTourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova met with investors from Saudi Arabia and representatives of the National Tourism Commission. The host of the discussion in Riyadh was Dr. Saud Al-Mashari, Secretary General of the Council of Saudi Chambers.The Bulgarian Minister is on a working visit in the country at the invitation of His Royal Highness Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud - Prince of the Kingdom and chairman of the State Commission for Tourism and National Heritage. The delegation also includes representatives of the Bulgarian tourism business.Bulgaria is a competitive place for foreign investment because it offers a favorable tax environment and promotes such projects through its legislation. We have government incentives, social security, we have highly educated experts and a skilled workforce, Minister Angelkova stated.She stressed that tourism is a priority sector for the Bulgarian government and is among the structurally determining branches of the economy. Thanks to the support of Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, an independent Ministry of Tourism was established, said Minister Angelkova, and added that the sector is developing steadily and has record results in its history over the past three years. Nearly 7 million foreign tourists chose Bulgaria as a destination for the first eight months of 2018, an increase of almost 6% compared to the same period of the previous year. Over 2 billion euros are the revenues from international tourism in Bulgaria for the first seven months of this year - over 8% more than in those months of 2017.The Minister also noted the growth of tourists between the two countries achieved during the last two years. In 2017, 1,143 tourists from Saudi Arabia visited Bulgaria. For the first 8 months of 2018, they were already 946, which is a growth of 13.4% compared to the same period last year. Also in 2017, 267 Bulgarians traveled to the Arab country as a final destination, and this is 13.1% more than in 2016.Minister Angelkova presented to Saudi businesses the Map of Investment Projects in Bulgaria, created by the Ministry of Tourism and including mostly municipal projects with the possibility of public-private partnerships. They have an investment range between $ 500,000 and $ 200 million and include ideas for building spa centers in different municipalities. Investments in the construction of luxury 4- and 5-star hotels to which Saudi Arabia has a marked interest are an important prerequisite for attracting high-class tourists. This makes the destination competitive and sought after by many foreign guests, the Minister stressed.She also noted that Bulgaria is among the richest countries in Europe by number of artifacts, and pointed out that since its establishment, the tourism administration has supported businesses in their efforts to make the country a year-round destination. The Ministry promotes the realization of employees in tourism through its partnership with leading universities such as Sofia University and UNWE, the Bulgarian Minister stressed. Among the main priorities of the government is the development of infrastructure, which also attracts a lot of investment. Another important focus in our work is the development of specialized tourism. We have established 8 cultural and historical destinations, and 12 culinary and 7 thermal and spa destinations are in the process of finalizing, covering the territory of the country and stimulating the year-round influx of tourists along these routes, Minister Angelkova explained. She also pointed out that more than 1,800 events enjoying a great interest among tourists are included in the Tourist Festivals and Events Registry maintained by the Ministry. Bulgaria is among the leading countries in Europe by mineral water sources. That is why there is a great potential for bilateral cooperation in the modernization of existing rehabilitation centers and the creation of new ones, including on the basis of mineral resources, her words indicated.The Secretary General of the Council of Saudi Chambers, Dr. Saud Al-Mashari, congratulated our country for its achievements in tourism and economic spheres, stressing that the interest in partnerships with Bulgarian entrepreneurs is increasing among Saudi Arabian business circles. The hosts pointed out that for them, Bulgaria is a country with dynamic economic development, in which they see potential for attracting many investments. Such projects are possible in hospitality, food industry, investments in rehabilitation and treatment centers for spa services, etc.
Minister Angelkova: Tourism is a strong growth stimulus for the less developed regions
The minister participated in the 14th Conference of the European Regions and Cities, which is part of the Salzburg Summit forumTourism is strong growth stimulus for the less developed regions. The Ministry of Tourism has been working purposefully for the popularization of the local natural resources and has organized a number of campaigns in order to attract more visitors in the interior of the country.  We have initiatives aimed at fostering the trips of Bulgarians, which stimulates internal tourism. This was said by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova when she participated in the 14th Conference on European Regions and Cities, which is part of the Salzburg Summit forum, city of Salzburg. She gave a speech before the participants in panel 5 of the forum on the subject of “Measures for preventing the depopulation of the rural areas in Europe”. This event is one of the major events included in the calendar of the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the EU.Tourism is an imporntat economic factor constituting about 12% of the GDP of Bulgaria and opening and providing about 11% of the jobs, said Minister Angelkova. She also added that the Ministry of Tourism has been working closely with the academic circles, schools and universities in order to attract young professionally prepared employees to work in the sector, which will contribute to the improvement of the quality of services in this industry.Considering the importance of this sector, the Ministry of Tourism has developed a National Concept for Zoning of Tourism. The territory of Bulgaria has been divided into nine homogeneous tourist regions. We think that the National Concept for Zoning of Tourism will contribute to the development of regional tourist strategies, which in turn will provide transparency and legitimacy of the local products on the national and local markets, said Minister Angelkova. She also stated that the zoning may help cope with the problem of unequal distribution of the economic benefits, thus eliminating the economic disparity between the developing and the developed regions.She gave an example with the 40 thousand artefacts scattered around the country, most of which still relatively unknown. For that reason, we decided to establish different thematic routes such as cultural and historical, wine, culinary and SPA, in order to unite the local expert knowledge and resources and ensure a common identity of the local cultural heritage, which used to be popularized individually, said Minister Angelkova. Therefore, a decision was taken to establish these destinations in close cooperation with the local communities, by conducting open public debates with the local residents who are most aware of the potential of their destinations. The decisions in the sphere of tourism must be taken jointly, said Minister Angelkova. She presented to the participants the main initiatives in tourism during the first Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU, emphasizing that one of the main events in the calendar of the presidency was the high-level meeting of the ministers of tourism, which was organized by this institution in February. The forum gathered more than 500 delegates from the Members-states of the EU and the Western Balkans. One of the most important results of this event is the decision to develop a booklet of the 100 European tourist sites, said Minister Angelkova. It has been planned to start working on this booklet by including places which are part of the UNESCO cultural heritage. The topic of this year’s Salzburg Summit forum was “The European Regions and Cities 1918-2018-2118”. This event was launched back in the 1918 and in 2018 it has been included in the official calendar of the Austrian presidency. The main subjects discussed at the forum were the future of Europe, digitalization, energy and the development of rural areas and the challenges facing the regions and the cities. The President of the European Committee of the Regions ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Karl-Heinz Lambertz, the European Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn, the President of the Austrian National Council Wolfgang Sobotka, members of the Austrian government, representatives of the local authorities, non-governmental organizations, the politics and the business from all over Europe participated in it.
Minister Angelkova had a meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Construction of Croatia Predrag Štromar in Salzburg
They met during the 14th Conference of the European regions and cities, which is part of the Austrian EU presidencyThe Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova talked to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Construction of Croatia Predrag Štromar in Salzburg. They met during the 14th Conference of the European regions and cities, which is part of the Salzburg Summit forum held during the Austrian presidency of the Council of the European Union.Minister Angelkova and Mr. Štromar stressed the role of the modern infrastructure for the development of tourism and the regions and they both supported the idea that tourism is a horizontal policy and in order to obtain excellent results, it is necessary to conduct teamwork with all the interested parties. The investments in infrastructure contribute to a higher added value and attracts more visitors, said Minister Angelkova. She outlined the joint efforts of the European countries to propose common routes for the tourists coming from distant markets.Croatia is in top 50 of the inbound markets for Bulgaria as solely in August 2018, the increase in the number of Croatian tourists was 17,9% compared to the same month of the previous year, said Minister Angelkova.She clarified that the Ministry of Tourism is working in cooperation with the Bulgarian Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works (MRDPW). In a few days, the two institutions will start a series of consultative round tables which will support the investments in the Bulgarian municipalities.
Minister Angelkova discussed the prospects in the sphere of tourism with the president of HOTREC Susanne Kraus-Winkler
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova met the president of the European Association of Hotels, Restaurants and Cafés HOTREC Susanne Kraus-Winkler in Vienna. The meeting was held during the 17th European Tourism Forum in the capital of Austria.They discussed current topics related to the development of modern tourism and the role of the hotels, catering and extertainment establishments for attracting more users of tourist services.Minister Angelkova presented the record-breaking results obtained by Bulgarian tourism over the last three years and emphasized that this proves its steady progress. She stressed the contribution of the hotel and restaurant managers and the café owners to the popularization of the destinations since tourism is a unique experience.The president of HOTREC expressed her satisfaction with the establishment of Bulgaria as a preferred and attractive destination not only for seaside and winter tourism but also for other types of specialized tourism.A number of opportunities for cooperation in the preparation of qualified staff to work in this sector were also discussed at the meeting.
Minister Angelkova met the Secretary General of the UN World Tourism Organization Zurab Pololikashvili in Vienna
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova had a working meeting with the Secretary General of the UN World Tourism Organization Zurab Pololikashvili in Vienna. The minister visited the capital of Austria in order to take part in the 17th European Tourism Forum, in which the head of the World Tourism Organization also participated.They discussed the preparation of the forthcoming second International Congress on World Civilizations and Historical Routes, which will be hosted by the capital of Bulgaria – Sofia from 15th to 17th November this year.Invitations have been sent to all the full members of the World Tourism Organization. Representatives of the local authorities and the business will also be invited and we expect about 600 Bulgarian and foreign guests, said Minister Angelkova. She also mentioned the success of the first edition of the forum which was held in Sofia in November 2016. The Ministry of Tourism is planning to organize a tourism fair during the congress which will present typical local and international products and customs related to history.Zurab Pololikashvili congratulated Bulgaria and the Ministry of Tourism on the achieved excellent results in the sector over the last years. Our country will again apply to become a member of the Executive Board of the World Tourism Organization and the voting will be held in Saint Petersburg the following year as part of the General Assembly of the organization. The possibilities for cooperation between Bulgaria and the World Tourism Organization on new joint initiatives were also discussed at the meeting.
Minister Angelkova participated in the 17th European Tourism Forum in Vienna
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova took part in the 17th European Tourism Forum in Vienna. This event is held for two days – 1st and 2nd October and is considered to be the biggest event in the sphere of tourism during the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the EU. Elżbieta Bieńkowska, European Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs and Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary General of the UN World Tourism Organization were among the official guests. The forum was hosted by Elisabeth Köstinger, the minister of sustainable development and tourism of the Republic of Austria.Austria is one of the leading markets for inbound tourism in Bulgaria as the number of visits of Austrian citizens in our country within the period January-August 2018 exceeds 93 thousand. In 2017, the EU Member-states continued to be the most important market generating foreign tourism for Bulgaria with a relative share of 61,4% and more than 5,450 tourist visits in total, which constitutes a rise of 8,2%.Minister Angelkova participated in this forum at the invitation of her colleague Elisabeth Köstinger. The European Tourism Forum is usually held in October in the country presiding the Council of the EU.
Minister Angelkova talked to the minister of sustainable development and tourism of Austria Elisabeth Köstinger in Vienna
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova talked to the minister of sustainable development and tourism of Austria Elisabeth Köstinger. They met during the 17th European Tourist Forum in Vienna, which is to be opened today. This is the main event in the sphere of tourism during the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.Minister Angelkova and Mrs. Köstinger stressed the inseparable connection between sustainability and tourism which contributes to the preservation of Europe’s status as a leading tourist destination worldwide and the popularization of the cultural and historical values of the European Union. They both shared the opinion that there is a great potential for developing the tourism between the two countries.Minister Angelkova presented to her Austrian colleague the results from the meeting of the ministers of tourism in Sofia, which was held under Bulgaria’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The forum, organized by the Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism in February 2018, gathered more than 500 delegates from the Member-states of the EU and the Western Balkans. The delegates attending the forum emphasized that in order to develop tourism, it is important to use various possibilities for funding the tourist projects under the operational programmes. Elżbieta Bieńkowska, European Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs and Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary General of the UN World Tourism Organization also joined the forum held in Sofia.Minister Angelkova officially invited Mrs. Köstinger to visit Bulgaria and wished the Austrian government successful presidency of the Council of the EU and achievement of all the goals set.
Minister Angelkova had a working meeting with Ambassador H.E. Krzysztof Krajewski before his final departure from Bulgaria
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova had a working meeting with the ambassador of Poland in Bulgaria H.E. Krzysztof Krajewski, who is leaving our country tomorrow.Minister Angelkova thanked His Excellency for their effective partnership in the sphere of tourism. She expressed her contentment that Bulgaria managed to regain the trust of the Polish tourists and they choose our country as an attractive destination.The minister pointed out that in 2017, over 394 thounsand Polish tourists resided in our country, which is an increase of 8% compared to the previous year. For the first eight months of 2018, these tourist visits made by Polish citizens exceed 334 thousand, which constitutes an increase of 6,5% compared to the same period of the previous year. Poland is the seventh largest market for inbound tourism for Bulgaria.Ambassador Krajewski expressed his satisfaction with the fruitful joint work in the sphere of tourism and also said that his compatriots are really satisfied with their holiday in Bulgaria. He also added that in 2003, the number of Polish tourists in our country was about 25 thousand and this number was quite satisfactory back then. Today, the results are much better, said Ambassador Krajewski. He promised that his family and he will regularly come to Bulgaria as tourists and will continue to work hard to extend the amicable relationship established between the two countries. The diplomat also added that today’s meeting with Minister Angelkova was his last official meeting in Bulgaria, which is a guarantee for success.
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova talked to Luis Alfonso de Alba, a special envoy of the UN to the Climate Summit in 2019
The Bulgarian minister participated in the second edition of the World Economic Forum in New YorkThe Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova had a working meeting with Luis Alfonso de Alba, a special envoy of the UN Secretary General to the Climate Summit in 2019. Their meeting was held during the second edition of the World Economic Forum in New York. It is held within 24-25 September. The main issues of this year’s edition are the opportunities and the factors affecting the sustainable development. Minister Angelkova attended the event at the invitation of Mr. Borge Brende, the president of the World Economic Forum. Minister Angelkova and Mr. De Alba emphasized the direct influence of the climatic changes on tourism and the great significance of the measures aimed at protecting the environment. We have been working with the Ministry of Environment and Water on various initiatives for protecting the environment in Bulgaria, said Minister Angelkova. She added that inspections are incessantly being conducted along the Bulgarian sea coast regarding the cleanliness of the water and the beaches in order to ensure the safety of tourists.  The minister also added that during the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, an informal meeting entitled “Tourism and Economic Growth” was held and a decision was taken for all EU countries to start working on reducing the risk of climate changes.During the World Economic Forum, Minister Angelkova also talked to Al Gore, the vice president of the USA within the period 1993-2001. He congratulated Bulgaria on the excellent results obtained in the sphere of tourism and added that this is an important sector for the economic growth of our country.
Minister Angelkova participated in the World Economic Forum in New York
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova participated in the second edition of the World Economic Forum in New York. It is held within the period 24-25 September. The main issues of this year’s edition are the opportunities and the factors affecting the sustainable development. The official guests attending this event were Prof. Klaus Schwab, the founder and the chairman of the World Economic Forum and Bill de Blasio, the mayor of New York. Minister Angelkova attended the event at the invitation of Mr. Borge Brende, the president of the forum. It is a great honour for me to be one of the participants in the World Economic Forum where the opportunities for sustainable development will be discussed, which is the main goal set before tourism in our country, said Minister Angelkova. She also added that the sector is a major economic factor, constituting about 13% of the GDP of Bulgaria.The forum will include a presentation of the results of the Bulgarian Presidency of the EU Strategy for the Danube region and the role of the Ministry of Tourism as a co-coordinator under Priority axis 3 “Culture and Tourism” of the Danube Strategy.The World Economic Forum is a basis for a dialogue on the utilization of the most modern scientific, business, technological and digital innovations for achieving the global objectives for sustainable development of the UN. The event gathers representatives of international institutions and governments. More than 700 representatives of the business, the non-govermental sector and the academic circles will attend the forum. Representatives of leading companies and investment funds in the sphere of tourism will also take part in it.
Minister Angelkova before Chinese investors: We are currently preparing a campaign for attracting tourists from China, there will be a Chinese version on the tourist portal of Bulgaria
China is extremely important for tourism in Europe and we have been working purposefully to popularize Bulgaria as a tourist destination on the Chinese market. We are currently preparing a marketing campaign in order to attract guests from China, which we are planning to implement the following year. The official tourist portal of Bulgaria will also be accessible in Chinese language after it is updated in 2019. This is what the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova said at a working meeting with Chinese businessmen and investors which has been held in Sofia today.Ping Liu, the president of Bright Food Group, Shaohua Pu, the chairperson of the board of directors of Bright Dairy and other company representatives participated in this talk. This company has been producing and distributing on the Chinese market yoghurt under the brand “Monchilovtsi” for 10 years and has participated in the organization of the festival of yoghurt in our country with the same name for 4 years. Mr. Ping Liu pointed out that “Momchilovtsi” is known to over 150 million Chinese people and is the most popular yoghurt in China.  This year, one of the major objectives in Europe is the initiative “2018 – The year of tourism EU – China”. The potential of the Chinese market is huge and it is expected that in the forthcoming years, the trips of the Chinese tourists will continually rise, said Minister Angelkova. She informed the other interlocutors that the Ministry of Tourism is developing a special product aimed at distant markets which will be used to popularize the possibilities for tourism in the region. This is the so called “Balkan route”, which is a joint project of 11 Balkan countries – Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, Turkey, Montenegro, Croatia, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia and the Republic of Macedonia.The first Bulgarian tourist information centre was opened in Shanghai last year, reminded Minister Angelkova. At present, activities are being conducted to prepare the opening of a centre in Beijing and research is being done to study the possibilities for establishing such sites in other Chinese provinces.Minister Angelkova and Mr. Ping Liu commented that the relations between Bulgaria and China have been developing dynamically over the last years and this fact can be supported by the high-level meetings of the Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and the chairperson of the State Council of China Li Keqiang held in Sofia in July as part of the “16+1” forum. The guest expressed his hopes that the good partnership will continue and this will have a positive effect on the growth of the number of tourists.Within the period January-July this year, the visits of Chinese tourists have reached 15,5 thousand, which ranks the Chinese market 32nd among the leading countries for inbound tourism in Bulgaria, said Minister Angelkova, pointing out that the possibilities are much greater. In 2017, the visits of Chinese tourists exceeded 26,2 thousand, which constituted an increase of 41,2% compared to the previous year. Mr. Ping Liu said that the country has the potential to double the visits of Chinese tourists every year. They both stated their willingness to support and organize joint initiatives that will contribute to the exchange of tourists between the two countries.
Minister Angelkova had a working meeting with H.E. Hasan Ulusoy, the ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in Bulgaria
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova had a working meeting with H.E. Hasan Ulusoy, the ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in Bulgaria. They both discussed the progress of the organization for establishing a working group involving experts from both countries, whose aim is to prepare a list of measures for stimulating the bilateral investments in the sphere of tourism and cooperation in the process of training people to be employed in tourism. The activity of the working group will also include joint popularization of the two neighbouring countries on distant markets. The establishment of the joint authority for cooperation was negotiated at the high-level meeting with the ministers of tourism which was held in Sofia in February under the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.Minister Angelkova and Ambassador Ulusoy also discussed the preparation of the second edition of the “International Congress on World Civilizations and Ancient Routes”, which will be held in mid-November in Sofia. This event is organized by the Ministry of Tourism and the World Tourism organization and will also involve the CNN. The Turkish diplomat expressed the gratitude of the Minister of Tourism Mehmet Ersoy for the invitation to participate in the international forum.Turkey is a leading market for inbound tourism for our country and I am glad that we have such fruitful cooperation, commented Minister Angelkova. They both talked about the possibilities to organize events at which the potential of cruise tourism will be discussed.Turkey is in the top ten of the markets for inbound tourism for Bulgaria. Within the period January-July 2018, it ranks fourth with almost 380 thousand Turkish citizens visiting our country, which constitutes an increase of 7% compared to the same period of 2017. Last year, the number of the visits from Turkey exceeded 636 thousand and we can observe a rise of 12,5% compared to the previous year.
Minister Angelkova acquainted European Commissioner Corina Crețu with the preparation of the final conference of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Danube Strategy
The European Commissioner congratulated Bulgaria on the success in tourism and praised the efforts of the ministry to achieve sustainable development in this sectorThe Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova acquainted the European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Crețu with the preparation of the final conference that will mark the end of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Danube Strategy. They talked in Brussels during the working visit of Minister Angelkova. The seventh annual forum of the Danube Strategy will be held in mid-October in Sofia, which will mark the ending of the year-long presidency of our country. The main subject to be discussed at the forum will be the importance of tourism for achieving economic growth within the Danube region. A meeting of the ministers of tourism of the countries in the Danube region will also be organized as part of the conference.  We think that culture and tourism are integrating factors for the territorial approximation and the emphasis of the importance of the Danube region, said Minister Angelkova.The digitalization of the cultural heritage sites within the Danube region is an added value for tourism.European Commissioner Crețu congratulated Bulgaria on the success achieved in the sphere of tourism and the work of Minister Angelkova for the sustainable development of this sector. The European Commissioner said that it would be a great pleasure for her to attend the conference and she expects that it will yield positive results that will have a practical impact and will contribute to the sustainable progress of the Danube region. European Commissioner Crețu noted that she appreciated the efforts and the persistent actions of Minister Angelkova for the prioritization of the region along the river Danube and the emphasis on its economic significance on a national and European level.
Minister Angelkova talked to Lowri Evans, Director General of DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs of the European Commission in Brussles
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova talked to Lowri Evans, Director General of DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs of the European Commission in Brussles. They commented on the results and the initiatives related to the development of tourism which had been discussed during the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. They also talked about the proposal for making a booklet with the 100 European tourist sites, which was presented by Minister Angelkova in February in Sofia at the conference entitled “Tourism and Economic Growth”.Minister Angelkova officially invited Mrs. Evans to participate in the International Congress on World Civilizations and Ancient Routes, which will be held in our country within the period 14-16 November 2018. This is the second time Bulgaria has hosted the international congress, which is organized in cooperation with the World Tourism Organization (WTO) of the United Nations and also with the participation of the CNN. Mrs. Evans supported the efforts of the tourist administration in Bulgaria for the purpose of attracting more tourists to our country and guaranteeing a high-quality product. At this meeting, Mrs. Evans congratulated the Bulgarian government on the good organization and the excellent performance of our country during the presidency of the Council of the EU. They both agreed that the Community states should work together for the development of tourism for the purpose of preserving the position of Europe as a leading tourist destination in the world and popularizing the cultural and historical values of the EU. They also unanimously shared the opinion that a strong stimulus for the development of European tourism will be its opening to the distant markets such as China, as well as the development of innovative online platforms and business models.The Bulgarian minister acquainted the host with the excellent results that our country has achieved in the sphere of tourism over the last three years as well as with the various possibilities for holidaying in Bulgaria. She also added that it is extremely important to foster tourism by means of European and national policies and extend the cooperation between all the interested parties on European, regional, national and local levels.
Minister Angelkova discussed the prospects of tourism with the Director General of DG Budget of the European Commission Gert Jan Koopman
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova had a working meeting with Gert Jan Koopman, Director General of DG Budget of the European Commission. They both talked during the minister’s visit to Brussels.Minister Angelkova presented to the director general the results from the meeting with the ministers of tourism held in Sofia under the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The forum organized by the Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism in February 2018 gathered more than 500 delegates from the EU Member-states and from the Western Balkans as well. The delegates emphasized that what is important for the development of tourism is to use possibilities for funding the tourist projects under the operational programmes.Minister Angelkova informed Mr. Koopman that possibilities for funding major integrated tourist projects were being discussed in Bulgaria. She also stated that there is an established working group that is already working on the preliminary preparation and analysis of the projects.At this meeting, the minister presented the extremely favourable results of tourism in Bulgaria, the possibilities for varied tourism that our country offers as well as the competitive advantages for investments here.Tourism in an important factor for the economic growth of the European Union, said Gert Jan Koopman and admired the joint initiatives contributing to its development.
Minister Angelkova had a working meeting in Brussels with the Director General of DG Energy at the European Commission Dominique Ristori
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova had a working meeting in Brussels with the the Director General of DG Energy at the European Commission Dominique Ristori. In Bulgaria, we are currently working on a concept for developing a strategy for energy efficiency in the sphere of tourism, which we think will increase the competitiveness and the effectiveness of the sector, by focusing optimally on the utilization of the natural resources. We believe that it will be another opportunity to support the sustainable development of tourism, said Minister Angelkova.All our efforts have been put into integrating enery-saving and ecological technologies in the buildings and also in the management of tourist sites, announced Minister Angelkova. She also added that it is important to encourage the application of eco-friendly technologies and systems and quality standards of the accommodation services.A major focus is the preservation of the purity of water and the maintenance of the high quality of water used for domestic purposes and also of the sea water, said the Minister. She also pointed out that seaside tourism is essential for Bulgaria and this directly affects the quality of the services and the country’s reputation as a tourist destination.The minister also said that the link between the two economic sectors was the main subject of the International Conference on Macro-regional Cooperation in the sphere of tourism and energy which was held under the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU and was organized by the two ministries. The Minister of Energy Temenuzhka Petkova, Prof. Samuele Furfari, an adviser at DG Energy in the European Commission and international experts took part in this event. This meeting was the first of its kind and it included a discussion of the possibilities and the challenges facing the tourist sector in relation to the introduction of energy efficiency at the places offering accommodation and food and how this will affect the economy and the resource that could be saved, added Minister Angelkova.Mr. Dominique Ristori noted that this event plays an important role for emphasizing the link between the two sectors not only or a regional level but also on a European level and admired the forum in Sofia.Mr. Ristori also stated that the investments in energy efficiency are crucial for the European Commission since they have a beneficial long-term effect on the economic development of the countries. He congratulated Minsiter Angelkova and her team on their enterprise for encouraging the business to integrate ecological technologies in the sector of tourism.
Minister Angelkova: We will make a proposal for funding integrated tourist projects during the next programme period
The wine and culinary destinations Sakar and the Rhodopes were discussed at a round table organized in the town of Kardzhali.We will make a proposal to fund large integrated tourist projects under the operational programmes during the next programme period. We are planning to start with nine projects, one in each tourist region for planning. This was said by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova during the fifth round table under the project “Share Bulgaria” in Kardzhali. She clarified that at present negotiations are being held and preliminary preparation and an analysis of the projects are being conducted. A working group has also been established in order to prepare the plan and in the next stage of the preparation, the local authorities and the business will also be included, said the Minister. The possibilities for providing funds are part of the future programme for regional development or development of the rural areas. Now is the right time to launch the initial activities because we have a long way to go before we finish a proposal and it often takes a long time.The “Share Bulgaria” initiative can also support the development of these projects, said Minister Angelkova. This initiative is being implemented jointly by the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry. It includes the establishment of 12 wine and culinary destinations encompassing more than 50 municipalities and over 100 tourist attractions.The main focus of the debate held in Kardzhali included the destinations Sakar and the Rhodopi. Sevda Kamburova, deputy regional governon of the district of Kardzhali and Eng. Krasimir Koev, executive director of the Executive agency on vine and wine took part in the forum. Sakar destination includes the municipalities of Harmanli, Lyubimets, Svilengrad, Topolovgrad. Some of the most emblematic tourist sites in the region, traditional dishes and typical wine are part of it. The Rhodopes destination includes the municipalities of Smolyan, Haskovo, Kardzhali and Ivailovgrad. Some of the most emblematic tourist attractions, not only for the region but in the country as well, are part of this destination. These sites include Perperikon, the Virgin Mary monument, the Stone Wedding, the Stone Mushrooms, the Devile’s Bridge and Tatul. The cuisine and wine typical for the region are also part of this destination.The concept of the debates is for all the interested parties, the business and the local authorities, to share their opinions and suggestions, which will help us develop a joint effective project, said Minister Angelkova. She also added that we expect to build on and finalize our concept. We think that this initiative will contribute to the enrichment and the extension of the summer and winter tourism – our main tourist products, said the Minister.  The destinations approved by the business and the local authorities will be presented in October, announced Minister Angelkova. We are planning to launch an active marketing campaign with which we will turn it into a discernible symbol of the project and the varied tourist product of our country. It is important for us to finish the project on time so that it will be included in the Annual Programme for National Tourist Advertising 2019, explained the Minister. She also added that it will contribute to the popularization and the development of regional tourism, which will affect the progress of the sector on a national level.
Minister Angelkova in Velingrad: We are launching the third annual awards in tourism
Today we have started the competition for the third annual awards in tourism. This is what the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova said in the town of Velingrad. She launched the process of applying for the 2018 awards on the day when the town of Velingrad was celebrating the 10th anniversary since it was declared the SPA capital on the Balkans, the 70th anniversary since its establishment and the 100th anniversary of organized tourism in the region. The Municipality of Velingrad won the first award for a balneological and SPA municipality in the first editition of the Annual awards in tourism organized by the Ministry of Tourism in 2016. The municipality ranked second last year.Winning one of these awards is regarded as a great recognition and a number of municipalities and managers of various attractions have already shown interest in them. This is also supported by the fact that the number of the participants in the competition is growing every year, said Minister Angelkova. Last yeat, more than 140 participants took part in the competition and the number of those who voted was 95 thousand.She encouraged all municipalities and the tourist industry in general to actively participate in the competition as it is a good way of presenting the results they achieved last year.“I would like to thank the representatives of the local authorities and, in particular, the mayor of Velingrad Dr. Kostadin Koev for his active position and his efforts to make Bulgaria a preferred and competitive tourist destination”, pointed out the minister.  This year, the applications for the Annual awards in tourism will be submitted in professional and journalistic categories and there will be a separate group for municipalities. The categories will be 16 in total, the applications will be submitted online on the platform This platform contains a detailed description of all the requirements that the participants have to meet.The applications will be submitted by mid-October. After that, the applicants meeting the criteria will be announced on the awards website and the process of voting will be launched. By means of online voting, the winners in each category will be selected. The prize winners will be announced at an official ceremony held in December.Everyone will be able to vote only once for a participant in one category (one vote from each IP address is registered) but you can support a candidate in each category. The experts will carefully monitor the process of voting in order to prevent any manipulation and unregulated generation of votes. Such attempts will have an adverse effect on the ranking of the respective candidate. This competition has already become a tradition and I expect a close race this year, at the end of which we will award the most significant achievements in the sector”, concluded the Minister. The categories for which you can apply are the following:1.         “Tourist attraction/site”;2.         “Tourist event”;3.         “The spirit of Bulgaria”;4.         “Specialized tourism”;5.         “Tourist destination”;6.         “Innovations”;7.         “Journalistic material on tourism in Bulgaria in a printed media”;8.         “Journalistic material on tourism in Bulgaria in an online media”;9.         “Journalistic material on tourism in Bulgaria in an Internet blog”;10.       “Journalistic material on tourism in Bulgaria on a radio station”;11.       “Journalistic material on tourism in Bulgaria on a television channel”;12.       “Municipality for mountain tourism”;13.       “Municipality for seaside tourism”;14.       “Municipality for balneological and SPA tourism”;15.       “Municipality for cultural and historical tourism”;16.      The winner of the big award – “The choice of Bulgarians” is chosen among all the sites included in the list of “The 100 national sites” and “The 50 less known sites”.
Minister Angelkova held a working meeting with Wenping Yao, vice president of FOSUN GROUP
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova held a working meeting with representatives of the Chinese conglomerate Fosun (FOSUN GROUP). The delegation was headed by Wenping Yao, vice president of FOSUN GROUP. The other company representatives hold senior managerial positions. At this meeting, the minister presented the opportunities for various types of tourism offered by Bulgaria as well as the competitive advantages of investing in our country.Tourism constitutes approximately 13% of the GDP of the country, which ranks it among the major economic sectors in Bulgaria, explained the Minister. She also stated that of every 100 euros spent in our country, 7,4 has been spent on tourism and based on this indicator, the sector takes one of the top positions and is expected to grow by 40% over the next 10 years. Since the establishment of a separate ministry over the last three years, the results have been very good and we can observe a steady rise on an annual basis, said the Minister. She also added that this year, we expect to have an increased number of tourists and the data for the period January-July prove it. During the first seven months of the year 2018, the total number of foreign tourist visits is more than 5,265 million and this number has risen by about 7%. China is one of the markets having the greatest potential for inbound tourism to Bulgaria and it currently ranks thirty-second, with over 15,4 thousand guests, said Minister Angelkova. She also explained that the growth potential of this market is substantial and the ministry is currently developing special marketing campaigns in accordance with the interests of Chinese tourists.The minister also said that Bulgaria is presently working with 11 Balkan countries on a joint project aimed at attracting visitors from distant countries such as China. She also specified that this was the idea of the Ministry of Tourism and it was proposed and supported at a meeting of the EU ministers entitled “Tourism and Economic Growth”.The guests commented that tourism is very important for them and Bulgaria is an interesting country for investments. They also said that it has a very rich culture and a compact territory with a lot of places of intetest, which needs to be popularized. Minister Nikolina Angelkova and representatives of the company agreed to cooperate in the future and expressed their willingness to provide each other support for implementing joint initiatives.The Chinese conglomerate FOSUN GROUP was established in 1992. The company is the second largest shareholder of Thomas Cook and the owner of the chain of hotels and resorts Club Med. It deals with industrial operations, investments, asset management and insurance. It has a lot of subsidiaries in all spheres of business. It has more than 30 global partners worldwide.
The number of foreign tourists for the period January-July 2018 is over 5,2 billion people, which marks an increase of 6,9%
5 265 367 foreign tourists visited our country within the period January-July 2018. Thus, for the first seven months of the year, there is growth of 6,9% compared to the same period of the year 2017, as can be seen from the data provided by the National Statistical Institute.During the previous month alone, the number of foreign tourist visits to Bulgaria was 1 620 576, which constitutes an increase of 2,7% compared to July 2017. During the sixth and the seventh months of the year, a total number of 2 828 973 foreign tourists chose Bulgaria for their holiday. During the first two summer months – June and July, the number of foreign tourists rose by 3,6% compared to the same period of the previous year.  These data can be used as evidence that tourism is steadily growing and Bulgaria is a preferred destination which offers a high-quality product at affordable prices. It is very important for us to ensure that the foreign tourists are satisfied with their stay and return to our country to spend their holidays, said the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova.The chart of inbound tourism for the first seven months of the year 2018 is topped by Romania with 769 811 visits and an increase of 27,7% compared to the same period of the previous year. Greece ranks second with 628 957 visits and Germany ranks third with 435 996 tourists visiting our country.Most of the markets included in the top 50 chart mark significant growth compared to the first seven months of 2017. The number of visitors from the United Kingdom has risen by 17,5%, Israel marks an increase of 26,5% and Ukraine – 24,3%. The growth of the USA is 13,6% and the number of foreign visits from Spain and Norway have risen by 21,8% and 47,4%, respectively.
Minister Angelkova: “We will foresee through the Law on the Structure of Bulgarian Black Sea Coast /LSBBSC/, to regulate the access of people with disabilities to the beaches and the sea
I undertake to add in the Black Sea Coast Act a change that defines the accessible beach environment for people with disabilities for which the responsibility of the beach owners. This will also be done by grouping beaches. We continue meeting with representatives of organizations of people with reduced mobility and I want to thank them for their cooperation. This was announced by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova, who participated in the accessibility check-up on the “Bourgas-sever” beach along with Greta Asparuhova and Hristina Nacheva who are fighting for an accessible environment.The Minister announced that last year, through annexes to the contracts it was requested from the concessionaires and strip tenants to provide favorable conditions for people with disabilities to be able to rest comfortably on the beach. At some of the beaches, the concessionaires have already provided trolleys, which are extremely important. So once on the beach, people with disabilities can bathe in the sea. Such are available on the “Slanchev bryag - yug” beach, it was became clear from the words of the Minister. This is one of the few stripes where a person with disabilities can best enjoy the beach, as far as absolutely all additional equipment and facilities are provided.Minister Angelkova reminded that there is no clear regulation now, and that a legal basis is really needed in order for the tourist administration to oblige concessionaires and tenants to ensure this accessibility. Certainly, this will be done with the change of the LSBBSC, whose project is publicly debated. At the beaches for which an annex are signed with us on the rent and concession contracts and must ensure accessibility, we will issue prescriptions the real situation to be checked in order to actually serve the people, she said.Minister Angelkova said that for the Central Beach in Burgas a prescription for the old path to be changed will be also issued. It is very important to provide a legal framework that is for the sea beaches only. You know that there is a requirement for the accessibility to be ensured also under the European regulations. The inspection with the participation of the Minister Angelkova continued later on at the Sunny Beach-South, where the concessionaire created the most favorable environment for persons with disabilities. A total of 82 beaches are currently constructed, 53 of which are in the Bourgas region, the Minister said.
9.7% is the growth of the revenues from international tourism in Bulgaria for the period January-June 2018.
Over EUR 1.3 billion are the revenues from international tourism in Bulgaria for the first six months of this year. They increased by 9.7% compared to the January-June period earlier, according to the data of the Bulgarian National Bank. In June alone, the revenues from international travel exceeded EUR 490 million, an increase by 8.1% compared to the corresponding month of the previous year.The results are extremely good and once again prove that tourism in Bulgaria is growing steadily and that with the joint efforts of the state and the tourism industry, Bulgaria is positioned as a destination offering a quality and diverse tourist product, said Minister Nikolina Angelkova.BNB data on the revenue growth were expected as at the end of July the NSI reported that 3 644 791 foreign tourists have chosen the destination Bulgaria for the first six months of 2018, an increase by 8.9% compared to the same period of 2017.
The Minister of Tourism Angelkova at a roundtable in Burgas: “In October, we will present the approved by the branch and the local government wine-culinary destinations”
We will use the trademark "Share Bulgaria" to promote the project on the international exchangesWe developed the wine-culinary destination project in order to establish Bulgaria as recognizable for year-round tourism. With their support, we will direct the attention of tourists to our main services - winter and summer tourism, as well as to the other types of tourism that the country can offer. We plan in October, together with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forest, to present the approved by the branch and the local authorities wine-culinary destinations. This was announced by the Minister Nikolina Angelkova at the fourth roundtable under the project, which was held in Burgas. She said that once finalized, they will be included in the Annual National Tourism Promotion Program for the next year. The wine-culinary destinations are envisaged to be added to the various brochures and leaflets that promote the country. They will be digitized and added to the iLoveBulgaria platform.The forum was attended by Dimitar Nikolov, Mayor of Bourgas, Krassimir Koev, Executive Director of the Executive Agency for Vine and Wine, representatives of the tourism and wine business and MPs. The event is part of the second stage of the project "Share Bulgaria", which envisages the creation of the destinations. The concept includes 12 wine-culinary destinations that pass through the territory of the whole country. They involve more than 50 municipalities and more than 100 tourist sites, said the Minister of Tourism Angelkova. She pointed out that through public discussions we want to help businesses and local communities to enrich and upgrade the concept of destinations in order to create a comprehensive and useful product that will assist the tourism and agribusiness, and thus the development of the region. We already have a trademark and a logo "Share Bulgaria", which will help promote the project and present the country as a place for a variety of tourist products, said the Minister Angelkova. She added that it could be provided to the municipalities to use it to promote their cultural and historical heritage and the food and drink typical for the regions.The Minister urged all interested parties to submit proposals for destinations to create a useful and working project which to support the activities of businesses, the municipalities and the ministry and to contribute fully to the tourism development.At the height of the summer, I want to say that the data for Burgas region are very positive, the Minister said. Between January and June 2018, the number of people staying in the accommodation with 10 or more beds was increased by 10% compared to the same period of the previous year, reaching nearly 480 000. The overnight stays were over 2.48 million, an increase by 10%. Revenues from the overnight stays were over BGN 112.6 million, recording an increase by 7.8% compared to January-June 2017. Almost every second tourist who stayed in the accommodation with 10 or more beds in the whole country for the period January - June 2018, has chosen a 4- and 5-star hotel.The total number of persons in the accommodation with 10 or more beds in the whole country was more than 3.165 million, of which in the 4 and 5 stars hotels were over 1.63 million. Both indicators show an increase by 6.8% and 8.5% over the same period last year. This proves that the country is increasingly recognized as a destination offering high quality tourism at a reasonable price, said Minister Angelkova. She also pointed out that this is thanks to the joint efforts and the teamwork between the state institutions, the local government and the business.This summer season we also expect about 5% increase of the foreign tourist visits compared to the last year, the Minister said. She expressed the hope that the rainy weather in July did not have a tangible effect, which will become clear from the statistics to be published at the end of the month.On the questions of journalists before the start of the event, the Minister commented that she will today file a lawsuit for defamation following the attempts to involve her name and the name of the institution in relation to possible criminal offenses on the occasion of the speech of the former Deputy Minister of Tourism Branimir Botev. It is quite ridiculous to make such absurd statements bordering on the sanity, Minister Angelkova said definitely. She added that it is absolutely unacceptable to undermine the prestige of the institutions and make suggestions. This is very damaging to the image of tourism, she said. I do not think that a person who has worked for Bulgarian tourism can have such attitude to its achievements in order to attract media attention, said the Minister on the occasion of the opinion expressed by the former deputy minister of tourism.
Cultural events give tourism an added value
Deputy Minister Lyuben Kanchev welcomed the participants and the guests of the second edition of the Summer Evenings of the Opera and Baba Vida BalletCultural events give tourism an added value. That is why the culture and tourism need to be developed together for the common progress and sustainable growth in the sector. This was said by the Deputy Tourism Minister Lyuben Kanchev at the opening of the second edition of the Summer Evenings of the Opera and Baba Vida Ballet. He congratulated the Mayor, the participants and the guests of the cultural event and wished success on behalf of the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova. We firmly believe that such initiatives have a serious positive effect on the overall development of tourism, said the Deputy Minister Kanchev. And he pointed out that for this reason the ministry has created 8th cultural historical destinations. Vidin is included in them with a number of sites, including Baba Vida, Osman Pazvantoglu Mosque, Exarch Antim I Mausoleum and Ethnographic Museum "The Cross Barracks". The Baba Vida Fortress became the winner of the Grand Prize "The Choice of the Bulgarians" in the second annual tourism awards that the ministry organized last year. The municipality is also involved in the project for 12 wine-culinary destinations, which is jointly developed between the Ministries of Tourism and Agriculture, Food and Forestry. These attractions are impressive and have a serious positive effect on the image of Vidin Municipality and the development of tourism in the region, the Deputy Minister said. The results for the January-May period are very positive, with revenues from the sleeping accommodation of 10 and more beds in the area being BGN 2.192 million in the first 5 months of 2018, an increase by 11.4% compared to the same period a year earlier. The total number of the tourist nights spent increased by 21.1%, reaching over 57 thousand. On a national scale, the foreign tourist visits to Bulgaria for the first six months of the year amounted to more than 3.6 million, an increased by 8.9% compared to the same period lat year. The excellent indicators in tourism are the result of the joint efforts of the state, the local government and the branch, said the Deputy Minister Kanchev and assured that the Ministry of Tourism will support all initiatives supporting the sustainable development of the sector. He wished success to the participants and many exciting experiences to the audience in the summer evenings of the Opera and Baba Vida Ballet.
By the wine-culinary destinations we promote the interior of the country and prolong the active seasons
The project was discussed with the local government and the business at a roundtable in Gabrovo By the project for 12 wine-culinary destinations, we promote the interior of the country before the tourists. It will also contribute to widening the wings of the season and attracting more visitors beyond the active months for trips. This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva at a roundtable held in Gabrovo today. In April and May 2018, the foreign tourist visits to Bulgaria amounted to more than 1.24 million, an increase by 11.5% compared to the same period of the last year. Data for the season wings illustrates that the consistent policy and initiatives of the ministry, among which is the project of the wine-culinary destinations, have the effect, said the Deputy Minister Georgieva. On behalf of the Minister Nikolina Angelkova, she said that it is important for the ministry to finalize the project, together with industry and local authorities, to help them promote the tourist and agricultural products in the regions.The District Governor of Gabrovo, Nevena Petkova, took part in the forum, which welcomed the idea of a roundtable in Gabrovo, the District Governor of Veliko Tarnovo, Prof. Dr. Lyubomira Popova, who invited the two ministries for the next forum, the Deputy Mayor of Gabrovo, Nella Rachevitch, Eng. Krassimir Koev, Executive Director of the Executive Agency for Vine and Wine, and Malin Bistrin, representative of the Ministry of Tourism. The main focus of the discussion was placed on two of the destinations - Eastern Thrace and Old Capitals. The initiative is part of the project "Share Bulgaria", which is being developed jointly by the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry.The 12 wine-culinary destinations are spread on the territory of the whole country. They include over 50 municipalities and over 100 tourist sites. The Eastern Thrace destination covers the municipalities of Stara Zagora, Sliven, Yambol and Karnobat and 8 emblematic tourist sites in the region, including the Neolithic dwellings - Stara Zagora, Karanovka Settlement Mound, Sinite Kamani Natural Park (The Blue Stones), Halkata Rock Phenomenon, Zheravna, Kotel, Skoka Waterfall - Medven and Markeli Fortress.The other destination on which the focus was placed today is one of the longest in the project, passing through seven municipalities. This is the Old Capitals, which includes Veliko Tarnovo, Gorna Oryahovitsa, Shumen, Targovishte, Pliska, Veliki Preslav, Gabrovo. It includes another 13 tourist sites - the historical hills of Tsarevets and Trapezitsa, Arbanassi, Hotnitsa Eco-Trail, Emenka Eco-Trail, Daskalolivnitsa - Elena, Slaveikovo School - Targovishte, Shumen Fortress, Madara Horseman, Osmarski Rock Monasteries, Hankrum Rock Monasteries, Pliska, Veliki Preslav and Nicopolis ad Istrum.We plan the final wine-culinary destinations to be announced in the autumn this year. They will then be digitized and uploaded to the web-sites of the two ministries, explained the Deputy Minister Georgieva.We foresee the 12 wine-culinary destinations to be recognized by the industry and the municipalities to be included in the iLoveBulgaria platform, which currently contains over 500 tourist sites and is used by more than 17 000 users. It is planned that the established business and local communities to be included in the Annual National Tourism Promotion Program next year.The ministry forecasts that the number of tourists will increase in the summer by about 5% compared to the last year, when the foreign guests in Bulgaria were 5.3 million, said the Deputy Minister Georgieva. The results for the six months of 2018 were also extremely positive. Over 3.6 million foreign tourists have chosen the destination Bulgaria, an increase by 8.9% compared to January-June 2017.The data shows that we are on the right track in the promotion of the country and its recognition as a four-season tourist destination. We need to look for more and more innovative products to complement the range of services offered, said the Deputy Minister Georgieva. She explained that the initiative for 12 wine-culinary destinations could also help in the development and popularization of the so-called slow tourism. Its concept is related to preserving traditions and culture, focusing on the local food and regional customs. They would help tourists to learn about typical wines and foods in the given region. In Bulgaria, this is still not widespread tourism, but in many European countries it is very widely developed.
Over 3.6 million were the foreign tourists in Bulgaria for the period January-June 2018, which is an increase by 8.9%
3 644 791 foreign tourists have chosen the destination Bulgaria for the first six months of 2018. Thus, for the period January - June, an increase by 8.9% was marked compared to the same period in 2017, according to data from the National Statistical Institute.Only in June 2018, the foreign visits to Bulgaria were increased by 4.7% compared to the same month of the last year. In June 2018, 1 208 397 foreign tourists have visited our country.The data confirms that the tourism growth is sustainable and Bulgaria is becoming a preferred destination, offering quality service at reasonable prices. It is very important for us that our guests, who saw the country for the first time, should come back again, said the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova.In the first place in the inbound tourism for the six months of 2018 was Romania with 575 609 visits, a 21.1% increase over the same period of the last year. Greece ranks second with 523 046 visits, and in third place was Turkey, from where 318 735 tourists came here.Significant growth rates were noted by the markets included in the top 50 compared to the first six months of 2017. The UK visitors were by 19.2% more, the Polish tourists - by 38.4%, and the Israeli tourists - by 27.6%. From Ukraine, the increase was 24%, and from France and Spain, the number of foreign visits increased by 20.8 % and by 22.7 %, respectively.
Minister Angelkova in Varna: The project for SPA destinations is a way of using the Black Sea resort during the four seasons
The project of the Ministry of Tourism to create 7 Balneo- and SPA destinations in the country, including the Black Sea, is part of the strategy for establishing Bulgaria as a year-round destination. The initiative is implemented jointly with the branch and the local government and is extremely important for the Black Sea region because it will help the hotel base here to be used during the four seasons. This was announced by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova in Varna at the third meeting of the series of discussions about the Balneo- and SPA destinations.She thanked the inter-departmental working group engaged for the project, which analyzed the related proposals received from the municipalities also for the support rendered to the Bulgarian Union of Balneology and SPA Tourism. The aim was to create a basis for discussions with the business to upgrade the existing and provide a comprehensive quality product, the Minister Angelkova said.The SPA destinations will be advertised at all major forums with the participation of the ministry and on the iLove Bulgaria Internet Platform. The ministry is also working on a project that examines the current attitudes in the demand for tourism products. For example, German tourists associate Bulgaria predominately with the beaches and seaside holidays, while the Balneo- and SPA services are ranked 5th in their preferences. That means we have to develop this type of tourism and strengthen its demand, Minister Angelkova said. And noted the information received by the tour operator Thomas Cook, that Bulgaria is increasingly preferred as a destination and its tourists growth is close to 30% compared to the last year.Minister Angelkova also drew attention to the link between the destination project and the health tourism. We cooperate with the Ministry of Health that works on the transposition of the Cross-Border Patient Care Directive. I hope that after we focused on the health tourism and these issues at the first international conference, held in Sofia last year, we will now discuss them again at its second edition in October, the Minister said. She recalled that Bulgaria is extremely rich in mineral springs and occupies the second place after Iceland by its reserves. Through the SPA destinations, the ministry supports the efforts of the municipalities and tour operators. The purpose is what has already been created as a product to be more intensively advertised in order to attract the attention of tourists, including the great potential of the Black Sea region.In order to expand the wings of the active seasons and make Bulgaria a year-round tourist destination, we chose three concepts, the Minister added. One project is related to the 8th operative cultural and historical destinations that have greatly increased the number of tourists. The other project with which the SPA destinations can be combined covers the 12th wine-culinary destinations.The meeting for the SPA destinations in Varna was attended by the regional Governors of Varna - Stoyan Pasev and of Dobrich - Krasimir Kirilov, the regional Deputy Governor of Burgas - Vladimir Krumov, Mayors from all Black Sea municipalities, entrepreneurs, tourist organizations and others. Minister Angelkova thanked the Varna Mayor - Ivan Portnih for his commitment to developing high quality tourism products and pointed out that the city and the region completely meet the concept of a 4-season destination.In response to the media questions, Minister Angelkova said that the inspections at the sea region are very intense. By two beaches, as average, are inspected for observance of the free / paid area ratio and are surveyed by surveyors. On receipt of a signal that the free zone does not meet the requirements, an additional inspection is carried out. The inspection of the Golden Sands showed that the free zone was 52%, i.e., more than the regulated one. The “Nesebar-yug” beach area has also been monitored and the requirements are met there. We will do another monitoring, said the Minister Angelkova and assured that they continue to inspect the hotels in order to establish how the requirements of the Tourism Act are complied with for the correspondence between their category and the quality and volume of the services offered.
The CEO of Thomas Cook, Peter Fankhauser, to Minister Angelkova: Bulgaria is attracting ever more tourists with diverse services
We are working jointly and actively with businesses to attract more solvent tourists to Bulgaria with diverse services. It is very important to us that the first-time guests in our country return again, we are helped in this regard by the successful partnership with global tour operators, such as Thomas Cook. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during a London meeting with the company’s CEO, Peter Fankhauser. This was the third business discussion between them over the last three years.As a year-round destination Bulgaria essentially offers any type of tourism, registering record-breaking stats in recent years. In 2017 our country was visited by nearly 8.9 mil. international tourists, a 7.6% growth compared to 2016. Last year, revenues from international tourism saw an even bigger growth – in absolute terms they are nearly BGN 6.9 bill., which is 9.3% more compared to 2016, emphasized Minister Angelkova. She noted that this interest has also resulted in more chartered flights to Bulgaria by low-cost and other airlines.The Bulgarian minister informed the head of Thomas Cook of the diverse opportunities at the most visited resorts in our country, such as Sunny Beach, Golden Sands, etc., which offer rest and active recreation to clients with various needs – family type vacations, entertainment, party events, sports, etc. This is why we plan to regulate product zoning at our national resorts, so that all customer preferences may be fulfilled – from children to seniors.Peter Fankhauser congratulated Minister Angelkova’s team on its achievements, pointing out that despite intensifying competition, Bulgaria is attracting ever more tourists and has great potential to sustainably develop any type of services in the sector. The CEO paid attention to the need for high quality of the products in order to keep user interest active.Opportunities to expand bilateral business contacts in tourism were also discussed during the meeting. The representatives of Thomas Cook showed interest in the potential for new tourism investments in Bulgaria as a developing strategic market for the company.Thomas Cook is one of the leading global tour operators with 12 mil. unique online users of its website on a monthly basis. Those visiting the company offices and its partner network number 40 mil. In 2017 the number of tourists traveling to Bulgaria via Thomas Cook was 404 698, an 18% growth compared to the previous year (over 61 000 persons more). During the January-April period of 2018 they exceeded 264 000, but summarized results for the strongest summer months are upcoming. In 2018 a 61% increase is expected in the capacity of the company’s airline passengers from the UK, Germany, Belgium, and Scandinavia.
H.E. Irith Lilian, ambassador of Israel, to Minister Angelkova: Thank you for developing cultural tourism and attracting ever more visitors from Israel
We are reporting an over 31% growth in Israeli tourists during the five months of 2018Bulgaria can offer a lot more than just sun, sea, and partying. I thank the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, for developing cultural tourism and making such places of interest more accessible both to Israeli tourists and to all visitors in your country. Thus said H.E., Irith Lilian, ambassador of the State of Israel to Republic of Bulgaria during a meeting with the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova. H.E. Irith Lilian further explained that the market is longing for cultural places of interest, with Bulgaria being selected increasingly often as a travel destination by families with children. She added that on the meeting’s day there were 14 flights from Israel to Bulgaria, a large part of the travellers being tourists, since our country is a preferred destination for Israelis.We are reporting a 31.8% increase of Israeli tourists during the period January-May 2018, compared to the same period of last year, with the visits totally exceeding 73 000. Over the past 10 years the number of Israeli tourists in Bulgaria has grown by almost 90% - from 97 000 tourists in 2008 to over 178 000 in 2016 and over 208 000 in 2017, Minister Angelkova stated during the meeting. She clarified that last year Israel ranked 12th among the top markets for inbound tourism to Bulgaria. The conversations were also attended by the CEO of Sunny Beach PLC, Zlatko Dimitrov, and representatives of Israeli tour operators.The Minister said further that a consistent policy is implemented to attract ever more Israeli visitors, with customized products being develop in alignment with their demand. This is one of the ways to enhance the quality of the tourism products we market, she commented. There is a tangible trend of the greater part of Israeli nationals coming to our country during the May-October period, meaning that the tourists come not only to the seaside but are looking for opportunities for a short vacation, recreation, and sight-seeing in our country, explained Minister Angelkova.Given the huge importance of the Israeli market for Bulgaria, the Ministry of Tourism regularly takes part in the IMTM tourism exhibition in Tel Aviv. Bulgaria took part in this year’s edition of the tourism exchange with an information stand of 49 sq. m., with the Ministry presenting the country as a year-round tourism destination, focusing on winter- and summer vacation, medical spa opportunities, cultural get-to-know tours, entertainment travel, etc. The Israel market is crucial for us, therefore, we will continue to take part in the Tel Aviv exhibition, the minister stated categorically.Minister Angelkova and H.E. Irith Lilian also discussed the opportunities for bilateral cooperation in tourism, as well as the development potential for tourism types other than the traditional summer and winter ones. They reached mutual agreement for cooperation between the two countries, stating their preparedness to support the implementation of future initiatives. We rely a lot on Israel’s expertise, this is why we hope to retain the successful partnership going forward, stated Minister Angelkova.The Ministry of Tourism is working hard to expand the season fringes, the Minister explained, adding that the institution has developed 7 medical spa & spa destinations, with 12 wine-culinary destinations having also been set up jointly with the Ministry of Agriculture, thus complementing our efforts to attract more visitors outside the active travel months.Prior to their meeting, Minister Angelkova, H.E. Irith Lilian, and the Pomorie mayor, Ivan Alexiev, visited the ancient tomb near Pomorie. It dates back to the 2nd – 3rd century AD, according to scholars, pagan religious rites and rituals were performed in its circular, rotund-type hall, which were dedicated to the sun cult. It is also the biggest cupola tomb discovered in Bulgarian lands, the only one of its kind in the Balkans.The Israeli ambassador was impressed by Bulgarian culture, nature, and customs, with the two sides agreeing to have the tomb included in the itineraries of Israeli tour operators.
Minister Angelkova talks to Mehmet Ersoy, Minister of Culture and Tourism of Republic of Turkey
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, held a phone conversation with the Minister of Culture and Tourism of Republic of Turkey, Mehmet Ersoy. Turkey is among the top 10 markets for inbound tourism to Bulgaria, emphasized Minister Angelkova, congratulating her counterpart on taking up his office. She added that during January-May of this year over 264 000 Turkish nationals visited our country, registering a 9.1% growth compared to the same period of 2017. Last year, tourism visits from Turkey were more than 636 000, registering 12.5% growth, while over the last 5 years Turkish tourists visiting Bulgaria grew twofold, announced the minister.Development of the so-called Balkan Route was one of the topics discussed by the two ministers. They shared the opinion that this product will be exceptionally useful in attracting tourists from remote destinations to both countries. Minister Angelkova emphasized that it is crucial to provide a personalized service, thus responding to the needs of visitors from remote countries, such as China and Japan. She added that this would build upon on the tourism products marketed in both Bulgaria and Turkey, recalling that its creation was proposed and supported during a summit meeting of the ministers of tourism of the EU member-states entitled Tourism & Economic Growth and organized during Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council.Minister Angelkova invited her Turkish counterpart to be a part of the second International Congress of World Civilizations and Ancient Routes. It is being organized under the aegis of the World Tourism Organization and will be held on November 14-16 in Sofia.Minister Mehmet Ersoy commented that he relies on the two neighbouring countries continuing their fruitful cooperation in tourism. He added further that he will support and assist the arrangement of any initiatives, which will contribute to the successful development of the sector.
Minister Angelkova at a business forum within the framework of the „16+1“ meeting: Chinese tourists will increase at 5% each year up to 2023
Chinese tourists will increase at 5.1% a year up to 2023. This demonstrates how significant that market’s potential is and how active we need to be in promoting our country’s tourism opportunities in China. Thus said the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, at the opening of a discussion panel on the opportunities for cooperation in tourism. The discussion forms part of the international business forum held in Sofia within the framework of the „16+1“ meeting. The event is under the aegis of Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and the Chair of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, Li Keqiang.Some 10 mil. visitors from China travelled in Europe during 2016. Last year, Chinese tourists in Bulgaria exceeded 26 000, registering a 41.2 per cent growth compared to a year before, said Minister Angelkova. During the period of January - May 2018 Chinese tourists in our country numbered 8 234, a 4.1% growth compared to the same period of the preceding year.Tourism is a leading driver in the development of the global economy and among the chief contributors to the GDP growth. Last year, some 500 mil. tourism visits were made in Europe, thus, tourism accounts for some 10% of the European GDP, said Minister Angelkova. Explaining that the sector provides 12% of the jobs in the country.Last year, proceeds from international tourism in our country were nearly BGN 6.9 bill., a growth of 9.3 per cent. International tourist visits were nearly 8.9 mil., registering a 7.3% growth, the Minister said further. There are more than 27 000 firms in tourism and its associated sectors. The sector creates 13% of Bulgaria’s GDP, ranking it among the top 5 economic sectors, said Minister Angelkova.Creation of specialized tourism products and a marketing campaign are parts of the Ministry of Tourism’s strategy to attract more Chinese tourists to Bulgaria. The Minister explained that work is being done on the creation of the so-called Balkan Route, which is specifically intended to promote the tourism opportunities in the region. It is a joint project among 11 Balkan countries, which are Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, Turkey, Montenegro, Croatia, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, and Republic of Macedonia. The Minister recalled that the idea for the Balkan Route was discussed and proposed during a meeting of the EU ministers responsible for tourism, which was held in February in Sofia.It is not the first Ministry intended specifically for the Chinese market. The institution has been consistent in its efforts to promote the travel opportunities in our country, with the first Bulgarian tourism information centre having been opened in Shanghai last year. Minister Angelkova added that work is now being done on the preparations to open a centre in Beijing, as well as in other areas, such as Henan, Sichuan, and Yunnan.The Ministry of Tourism is preparing a second International Congress of World Civilizations and Ancient Routes to be held in Sofia in November, with one of the main topics being the link between China and Europe, announced Minister Angelkova.
Minister Angelkova before a conference on Eurostandarts in tourism: We work with the biggest tour operators, our priority is product quality
Bulgaria achieved nearly 8.9 mil. Visits of international tourists last year, Germany being among the three leading markets for inbound tourism in our country. This is motivating us to work ever harder to offer a high-grade, competitive product. This is the principle we have set up in our partnership with leading global tour operators, including the biggest ones from Germany.This was stated by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, in Varna, before the participants in the European Standards for Tourism in Bulgaria conference, which was organized by the Ministry of Tourism and the Conrad Adenauer foundation. The official guests of the forum include Klaus Schlie, Landtag Chair of Schleswig-Holstein, and Thorsten Geissler, head of Conrad Adenauer foundation for Bulgaria.Minister Angelkova thanked the guests for the exceptionally high grade, which our country received for its presidency of the EU Council. We proved that with Prime Minister Borisov in the lead we are a strong team, which can be relied upon and is a good mediator in problem resolution. We can successfully tackle challenges and be a loyal partner, she said further.The minister emphasized that the Bulgarian tourism product is a very diverse one. Our country has huge potential not only in terms of sea- and winter tourism, but also for spa and medical spa services, and cultural-historical routes. We developed various theme-based destinations, which stimulate the operations of tour operators and expand the active seasons. During the first five months of 2018 an over 11% growth in international tourists was achieved, with growth of the German ones being 18.5% compared to the same period of 2017, announced Minister Angelkova.She commented further that the Ministry has undertaken, jointly with the industry and with the government’s support, a number of legislative initiatives to reduce the administrative burden, develop the infrastructure, better train the tourism staff, etc. The sector was upgraded to a national priority, last year alone, the number of employees in tourism and its related economic operations stood at nearly 336 000. The Ministry is also preparing the establishment of a Training and Retraining Centre under its aegis, in order to enhance the tourism product’s quality, Minister Angelkova said further, pointing out Bulgaria’s role in the cooperation within the Danube Strategy framework, with an annual forum in Sofia upcoming under that initiative.Klaus Schlie, a first-time visitor in our country, shared his exceptionally positive impressions from Bulgaria, congratulating it on its professionalism in its conduct of the EU Council presidency. She stated that cooperation with Bulgaria will continue and deepen, with many new opportunities for convergence to the Eurostandards in tourism to be discussed during the forum in Varna. We all see how positive are the signals coming from your country as regards the common European future, he said categorically.Thorsten Geissler also congratulated Bulgaria on the successful EU Council presidency and emphasized that the country has a European spirit and a great potential to elaborate concepts for the long-term, sustainable development of Europe. In this regard, tourism in Bulgaria provides some very good examples with double-figure growth values and a positive image not only as a sea destination. One can stay in your country at any time of the year. There are few countries in Europe, which have as many open doors to the Germans, which I thank you for. They feel comfortable and keep returning here, summarized the head of Conrad Adenauer foundation for Bulgaria.
The Ministry of Tourism welcomed the participants in the first Bulgarian-Chinese Seminar on management of the sector
I am happy today with the start of the first-of-its-kind joint initiative in tourism between the Ministry of Tourism and China’s Ministry of Trade. Thus said Deputy Minister of Tourism, Lyuben Kanchev, upon commencement of the first 2018 Bulgarian-Chinese Seminar on management of the tourism. 25 participants representing municipalities, tertiary institutions, the Ministry of Tourism, and businesses departed on a training seminar in China. The visit is taking place with the support of China’s Ministry of Trade and is fully funded by the Chinese party.One of our priorities is to attract tourists from remote markets, China being key among such markets. I am convinced that your involvement in that seminar will help you acquire priceless experience and impressions about China and the local tourism market, stated Deputy Minister Kanchev.The China market is among the top 50 countries for inbound tourism to our country. In the first 4 months of this year Chinese tourists in our country were nearly 4 500, registering an over 3 per cent growth, compared to the same period of last year. In 2017 visits from that distant country were over 26 000, growing by 41.2% compared to a year before.One initiative of the Ministry of Tourism is to set up a Balkan Tourism Route for remote markets. The idea was put forward during a meeting of EU ministers responsible for tourism, involving 11 countries from the Balkan region.Deputy Minister Kanchev thanked the Chinese embassy for the attention and help in the arrangement of the seminar and stated his belief that our fruitful partnership will continue going forward.
Minister Angelkova presented the priorities and strategy in tourism before representatives of the Christian Democratic Union in the Stuttgart area
Germany was a top market for international tourists in our country last summer, we are expecting a circa 5% growth in summer 2018The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, presented the priorities and strategy in tourism before representatives of the Christian Democratic Union in the Stuttgart region. The delegation was led by the Chair of the provincial CDU chapter, Dr. Joachim Pfeiffer, the participants also include a Union chair for the Stuttgart area, as well as former and current mayors.Germany was a top market for international tourists in our country last summer. During June-September 2017 over 700 000 German visitors came to our country. This summer we are expecting a circa 5% growth of German tourists, stated Minister Angelkova before the guests.During the first four months of this year travel of international tourists from Germany were over 18 000. Last year they exceeded 870 000, registering a 5.3% growth. Thus, our country ranks third in the top markets for inbound tourism to the country.The minister noted that Germany is a priority market for us and that we are working actively to develop it. We have fruitful cooperation with the large-scale tour operators, as well as a dedicated marketing campaign. She outlined to the guests Bulgaria’s ability to offer a rich tourism product, from sea and winter tourism, through cultural-historical and spa tourism, to golf and adventure tourism.Minister Angelkova also touched upon the share of Bulgarian tourism in the country’s GDP – circa 13%, noting that the sector is a top 5 industry. In 2017 revenues from international tourism travel to Bulgaria amounted to EUR 3.5 bill., registering a 9.3% growth compared to 2016. It is very important that our country is a secure destination, which gives us solid ground for sustainable development of the sector, the Minister noted further. One of the government’s priorities is to reduce the administrative burden; in pursuance of that policy the Ministry of Tourism introduced changes in the secondary legislation, thus considerably relieving the operation of businesses, explained Minister Angelkova. She clarified that amendments to the Tourism Act removed 19 types of documents, thus facilitating certification and the registration regimes.Jointly with 11 countries in the Balkan regions we are developing a tourism product to attract remote market tourists, Minister Angelkova informed further, explaining that through the Balkan Route project the region will promote its cultural-historical heritage. That initiative is one of the successes achieved during Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council, the Minister commented further.Responding to questions from the guests about the tourism strategy, Minister Angelkova said that there are plans to attract more guests to the country’s regions and interior. The institution’s purpose is to establish our country as a year-round destination. Both the Ministry and local governments have a number of activities conducive to the development of high-grade tourism product, Minister Angelkova said further. She cited as an example the multitude of sporting events on a global scale, which are hosted in our country, as well as the selection of Plovdiv as a European Capital of Culture next year. These help promote the opportunities for diverse tourism in Bulgaria, we have many initiatives to that end, added the minister.
Minister Angelkova at the season’s opening in Sunny Beach: We are expecting a successful summer and growth in tourists
We are expecting very solid growth in tourists in summer’2018, which we couldn’t hope to achieve without active partnership with businesses. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, at the opening of the new season in Sunny Beach. She predicted a 5% growth of international visits this summer compared to the record-breaking 2017 and predicts growth from markets such as Germany, Israel, Poland, Czech Republic, France, even USA, where a digital advertising campaign for our country took place last year for the first time ever.The Minister indicated that travel for summer vacation at the Black Sea coast is among the most preferred by tourists in our country. This makes sea tourism a fundamental and key product for the entire sector’s sustainable development. Over 70 per cent of all tourists come to Bulgaria for their summer vacation, she emphasized recalling that during the June-September period of 2017 visits of international tourists exceeded 5.3 mil. We also expect that Bulgarians traveling during that period will increase to 1.9 mil., compared to 1.6 mil. the year before.Minister Angelkova congratulated the local government and state enterprises’ administration for the efforts to develop our biggest resort complex as an even more hospitable and attractive one. More visitors are expected here as well this season. One of the indicators is the increased number of booked flights to Bourgas Airport. The current stats indicate 18% growth in flights, there are more booked flights from Germany, Poland, UK, Czech Republic, and Israel. Last summer, over 756 000 spent nights in accommodation, wits the overnight stays exceeding 5 mil. The growth in revenues from overnight stays is nearly 6%, almost reaching BGN 270 mil.Minister Angelkova wished successful operation to the businesses and promised assistance in the resolution of all issues relating to service quality and high-grade servicing. We are selling high-grade quality at affordable rates, becoming an increasingly preferred summer destination, despite facing huge competition in the region, she concluded. The opening ceremony was also attended by the CEO of Sunny Beach PLC, Zlatko Dimitrov, the MP’s Dimitar Boychev and Diana Savateva, the Deputy Governor of Bourgas region, Sevdalina Turmanova, etc.
Minister Angelkova: Bulgaria is a crucial factor for the sustainable development of tourism in the Black Sea and Danube regions
Bulgaria is an active participant in two very important multinational initiatives in the framework of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) and the Danube Strategy. As a coordinator of Priority Area 3, To Promote Culture, Tourism, and People-to-People Contacts, within the Danube Strategy, and of the Tourism Cooperation task group of OBSEC, the Ministry of Tourism is working towards intensification of regional cooperation and enhanced visibility of both regions, which was among the priorities of Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council in 2018. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism at the opening of the second day of the conference on the role and significance of the Black Sea region and its link to the Danube Strategy. The forum is being held in the Albena resort, with the participation of Michael Hristides, Secretary-General of OBSEC, and many other officials.We are lucky to be among the few countries where the Black Sea and the Danube regions cross each other. Over 330 mil. live around the Black Sea and over 115 mil. in the Danube region. We are making consistent efforts to encourage understanding and partnership among them, including in tourism, emphasized the Minister.She recalled that yesterday a meeting was held in Varna of the ministers responsible for tourism in the OBSEC member-stated, a class A event in the agenda of Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council. The participants expressed their preparedness to work towards creation of a common Black Sea tourism brand and development of intra-cruise tourism in the Black Sea. They signed a joint Varna declaration aiming to increase tourist flows between the destinations and turn sustainable tourism into one of the major drivers of social-economic development in the region.We will also be working together for the creation of a common product, bringing together wine, gourmet, cultural, spa & medical spa tourism, indicated Minister Angelkova, adding that Bulgaria has already initiated the setting up of a common Balkan Route, the first of its kind project of trans-border cooperation among the region’s countries. It would have a positive impact on the measures to attract more tourists from remote and promising markets to South-Eastern Europe, she predicted.Minister Angelkova pointed out that it would be difficult to implement all those initiatives without direct involvement of businesses. Since the very establishment of the Ministry as a standalone administration, communication with businesses is maintained permanently and openly as regards each key decision in the sector. Through the amendments to the Tourism Act and following the priorities of the government’s governance agenda, we reduced the administrative burden for businesses and citizens by removing 19 types of documents in the area of tourism, which up to now had to be submitted in hard cover. We are also working to enhance the quality of the tourism products marketed in order to attract higher end tourists. To support the businesses, we also created a Map of Tourism Investment Projects in Bulgaria jointly with the municipalities; it comprises over 30 promising locations that are important for tourism, announced Minister Angelkova. She cited the record-breaking stats in the sector in recent years as evidence that the path taken is the right one. Last year Bulgaria was visited by nearly 8.9 mil. international tourists, which is 7.6% more compared to 2016 – a record-breaking year for the entire history of tourism statistics in our country. The 2017 revenues from international tourism amount to nearly BGN 6.9 bill., which is also a record and amounts to over 9 per cent growth compared to 2016. Nearly 4.5 mil. of the tourists hail from member-states of OBSEC, a 6.5% growth compared to 2016. Nearly 3.5 mil. tourists from countries featured in the Danube Strategy visited Bulgaria in 2017, a 4.7% growth compared to 2016.  During the first 4 months of 2018 over 1 mil. of the tourists visiting the country hail from member-states of OBSEC and over 580 000 hail from countries featured in the Danube Strategy. Here too, we register an 11% growth compared to the first 4 months of 2017. Those results encourage us to work ever harder towards sustainable development of the tourism industry and to bring together the people from those regions, concluded Minister Angelkova. In 2016, the Ministry of Tourism took up coordination of OBSEC’s Tourism Cooperation task group. Yesterday’s Varna meeting essentially concluded Bulgaria term in office in that function. Our country will also be chair of the Danube Strategy until October 2018, with the holding of its annual forum due to take place in Sofia on October 18-19. The event’s main topic will be economic growth and territorial convergence via investment in tourism. On October 18 a meeting of the ministers responsible for tourism in the Danube region will be held in Sofia, they will make a common statement on the significance of culture and tourism as a driver of economic growth and creation of jobs.
Minister Angelkova in Varna: the Black Sea countries are creating a common tourism brand
The market in the region has 333 mil. users and a total GDP of USD 2.8 trillionWe will work jointly to create a common Black Sea tourism brand of the intra-cruise tourism in the Black Sea. Thus said the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, in Varna where a meeting was held of the ministers responsible for tourism in the member-states of the Organization for Black Sea Economic Cooperation (OBSEC). The event is in the highest, A class, which is included in the agenda of Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council.One of the initiatives on which we will be working is the creation of a common product bringing together wine, gourmet, cultural, spa & medical spa tourism, indicated Minister Angelkova. She announced that one result of the meeting is the signing of a Joint Varna Declaration of the Ministers Responsible for Tourism in the Member-States of the Organization for Black Sea Economic Cooperation (OBSEC), clarifying that the document provides the framework for joint activities going forward. Therein the OBSEC countries declare their intentions to work towards growth of tourist flows between the destinations and towards turning sustainable tourism into one of the major drivers of social-economic development in the region. The forum was attended by Michael Hristides, Secretary-General of OBSEC, Bratislav Djordjevic, executive manager of OBSEC, and Assaf Hadjiev, Secretary-General of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, as well as representatives of OBSEC member-states.Guided by the understanding that the Black Sea countries must make full use of their common potential, the Bulgarian presidency is attempting to increase the region’s visibility, the Minister commented further, indicating that tourism is undoubtedly one of the key sectors for a region with a populace of over 333 mil. users and a total GDP of USD 2.8 trillion, which accounts for 14% of the entire European economy, as well as 4% of the global one. The area of the OBSEC countries is 423 000 sq. km. In recent years the region has asserted itself as a leading tourism destination visited by 115 mil. people in 2016. This equates to 19 % of all tourism visits in Europe, noted Minister Angelkova.During the meeting she also reported on the presidency of the Organization’s Tourism Cooperation task group. Bulgaria took up coordination of its activities in July 2016, with its term in office expiring this July. In the course of those two years the Ministry of Tourism held, jointly with the Permanent Secretariat of OBSEC, three meetings of the task group, indicated Minister Angelkova. We put the focus on the tools to achieve competitiveness of the tourism sector in the region via a common approach to its development, introduction of innovations, and consolidation of the image of Black Sea as a tourism brand for visitors from both the nearby European market and from remote destinations, such as China, South Korea, Japan, USA, etc.During Bulgaria’s term, OBSEC and the World Tourism Organization (WTO) also joined efforts in WTO’s Along the Silk Route program.The way to develop tourism in the region is to make use of our shared cultural and natural resources by relying on the development of common tourism products, initiatives, and specific projects involving businesses from the OBSEC member-states, commented the Minister, citing as an example the initiative to set up the so-called Balkan Tourism Route, which aims to promote the region’s cultural-historical heritage to remote markets. This initiative is also linked to another priority of Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council, namely the Balkans, with 11 countries taking part in its inception this May, noted the Bulgarian, adding that there was complete consensus among participants that improving regional connectivity, exchanging information and best practices, and implementing joint marketing campaigns are indispensable prerequisites to the successful creation of the common Balkans brand.Responding to post-meeting media questions, Minister Angelkova explained that the Ministry of Tourism’s proposal is to set forth the status of national resorts and key operations therein in an ordinance to the Tourism Act. We have proposed that the mayors and the local industries determine which is best for their development. We want to take the path of decentralization, while local governments are best aware of the specifics of national resorts in their territory.  Thus, various types of tourism will continue to be developed in Bulgaria the way the industry wants them to, noted Minister Angelkova, adding that it was the only way to achieve the desired balance. We have received strong support from the global tour operators, from tourism organizations, and from mayors, noted the Minister. I was notified by over 30 tourism organizations that the subject matter needs broad public discussion. National resorts are an image for our country, the voice of the ministry and of tourists has to be heard, and we have expressed their opinion. The decision will be made by the MP’s, summarized Minister Angelkova.
The Ministry of Tourism receives an award as a government institution supporting the small and medium businesses
The Ministry of Tourism was bestowed an award in the Government Institutions Supporting the Small and Medium Businesses category at the competition of the Association to Support Small and Medium Businesses  - United Business Clubs. The ceremony was held within the framework of the 2nd Balkan Conference on Small and Medium Businesses.It is a recognition for the work done by our entire team and for the active communication with the businesses that we have been engaging in since our establishment as a standalone institution. Small and medium companies are prevalent in tourism and good care for them is a prerequisite for sustainable development of the sector and high quality of the tourism product, commented Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, on account of the event.She recalled that the number of businesses involved in lodging and dining in our country stands at circa 27 000, while those employed in tourism and its associated economic operations stood at 335 500 in 2017, i.e., nearly 11% of everyone employed in Bulgaria.To many of those people tourism is not just a profession but a destiny and we are grateful for their dedication and initiative, emphasized Minister Angelkova.
Minister Angelkova: Beds in the 4- and 5-star hotels in our country have increased by 24% during the 2014-2017 period
The Minister opened the third international Hotel&Tourism Investment ForumAn ever growing number of tourists in Bulgaria are opting for accommodation facilities offering high-grade services. In 2017 those spending nights in 4- and 5-star facilities exceeded 3.7 mil., 32 per cent more compared to 2014. Such growth also took place in the overnight stays during that period, with the 2017 revenues from them exceeding BGN 919 mil. – a nearly 49% growth compared to 2014. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during the opening of the third international Hotel&Tourism Investment Forum. She emphasized that it is especially important for the tourism administration to operate in direct communication with the industry organizations and the large-scale international tour operators, who are also among the leading investors in the sector – such as Hyatt, Marriot, Review Pro, Avvio, Choice Hotels, Louvre Hotels, IDeaS a SAS Company, STR, etc., who took part in the forum.Bulgaria is interesting not only for its nature and culture, but also for a place to do business, our legislation providing for a number of tax reliefs to such end and incentives for sizable investments, emphasized Minister Angelkova. She recalled the record-breaking results in the sector as evidence of sustainability. In 2017 Bulgaria was visited by nearly 8.9 mil. international tourists, which is a lot more than its own populace and an over 7% growth compared to the hitherto record-breaking 2016. We registered a very good start in 2018 and are expecting an at least 5% growth in tourists compared to the previous year’s records, she said further.Minister Angelkova announced that beds in 4- and 5-star accommodation facilities have increased during the 2014-2017 from almost 121 000 to some 150 000, a 24% growth. Deluxe hotels were 369 in 2014 and in 2017 their number already stood at 418. These are venues and beds, which run out fastest during bookings, while summer 2019 is already getting booked now. As a share in the total number, the 4- and 5-star hotels take up some 43 per cent of the beds in facilities with 10+ beds in our country, the trend being a sustainably upwards one, the minister added.Nikolina Angelkova provided specific examples of how Bulgaria is becoming an increasingly recognizable destination. During the meeting of the G20 ministers responsible for tourism in Argentina’s capital I had the honour of holding numerous conversations, where we discussed many options to promote investment. I welcome the interest of chains such as Marriot, Hyatt, etc. to invest in the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, she stated, reminding of the government’s policy to reduce the administrative burden.Amendments to the Tourism Act have removed 19 types of documents in the area of tourism, which up to now had to be submitted in hard cover. A unit was established at the Ministry of Tourism, which focuses on the measures intended to attract more investment, together with the Ministry of the Economy and its agencies.To facilitate entrepreneurial interest in tourism our ministry created, in partnership with municipalities, a Map of Tourism Investment Projects in Bulgaria. It comprises over 30 locations that we are presenting to international investors, at international expositions and tourism forums, clarified Minister Angelkova. The map is an open initiative and interest in it is significant. The Ministry is already preparing part two, with updates and more specifics regarding the investment intentions aimed at attracting entrepreneurs.
Minister Angelkova: Bulgaria is in the top 5 of preferred destinations for Russian tourists
We are preparing the announcement of 2019 as the year of tourism of Russia in Bulgaria and of Bulgaria in RussiaBulgaria is in the top 5 of the destinations preferred by Russian tourists with a significant growth potential for the number of visitors from the Russian Federation in our country. There were very important steps, which were supported on a top political level by the Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and the President Vladimir Putin in the context of the current geopolitical situation and competition from countries like Turkey and Egypt. This was stated before media in Moscow by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, following discussions during the visit of the Bulgarian government delegation headed by the Bulgarian prime minister. It was again pointed out during the meetings that our country offers a very high-grade tourism product, especially as regards family and child tourism. We are holding on to the top stop as regards demand in these aspect, according to the evaluation of National Geographic Traveler, she added.Minister Angelkova also met the Russian Federation’s Minister of Culture, Vladimir Medinskii, whose institute also covers the tourism sector. She also spoke to the head of the Federal Agency for Tourism (FAT) – Oleg Safonov. We have wonderful relations with Mr. Safonov and again confirmed the good mutual cooperation in the development of various type of tourism. Apart from the key seaside vacations, visitors from the Russian Federation also display great interest in the pilgrimage-, cultural-historical, spa and medical spa, festival-, and other specialized services. We should also not leave out the child camps, which have long-standing traditions in our relations, emphasized Minister Angelkova.She recalled that the recent years, 2016 in particular, were record-breaking in terms of visits of Russian tourists to Bulgaria. Back then there was growth of circa 20 percent, last year we maintained that sustainability. We are hopeful to solidify these results in 2018 and welcome some 550 000 Russian tourists, she said further.We undertook to arrange joint initiatives in both Bulgaria and Russia of the two ministries and FAT, but the most important thing is we received the exceptional support of both Prime Minister Borisov and President Putin in how important it is to develop tourism, commented Minister Angelkova. They supported our proposal to announce 2019 as the year of tourism of Russia in Bulgaria and of Bulgaria in Russia; based on this we are planning to sign a special agenda until the year’s end. It is the first time that this is happening in the relations between the two country and I am convinced that this will further stimulate the sector. We already have a confirmation of a visit of Oleg Safonov to Bulgaria this fall, during the International Congress of World Civilizations and Ancient Routes that we are now organizing, then we will formally announce the decision made, it was made clear by the Minister.Nikolina Angelkova further explained that it was pointed out during the meetings between the Prime Minister Borisov and President Putting what an important and safe destination Bulgaria is for Russian tourists. I am very thankful to both for their support because this will play a part in further promoting the flow of tourists. I advised our hosts that we are starting a special communication campaign as of June 1 for the Russian market on all media channels. We received a lot of positive feedback and support for our work with the Federation’s regions. We are focusing actively our bilateral relations with them because there is marked interest in Bulgaria not just from the bigger cities, the Bulgarian minister added.
Minister Angelkova discussed tourism partnership with leaders of Vladimir Oblast
Bulgaria is increasingly cooperating with Russian regions to attract growing numbers of tourists from the Federation. We are prepared to expand that partnership with the institutions and businesses from Vladimir Oblast. Thus stated the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during a work meeting with Alexei Konoshov, First Deputy Governor of the Oblast. The conversation took place during the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), with the participation of Rinat Chegaev - Deputy Governor, Andrey Shohin – administration manager, and Elena Pereskokova – chair of the Tourism Committee.Minister Angelkova recollected that Russian Federation tourists remain among the most numerous visitors of Bulgaria and that their interest in our country as a destination remains high. She emphasized that Bulgaria offers very good conditions for organized children’s camps and is known for its cultural-historical tourism. To promote that potential even more actively, we are starting a communication campaign on the Russia market at the beginning of this summer, she announced, adding that the ministry is ready to sign a cooperation agreement with Vladimir Oblast, as it did with another Russian administrative unit, the Altay Kray.Future activities envisage more showcasing of Bulgaria’s tourism capabilities, a photo exhibition entitled Bulgarian Customs and Traditions, industry level forums, short itineraries for the underage, under the initiative entitled „По болгарским дорогам памяти“ (On the Bulgarian Memory Paths) about the 140th anniversary of our country’s Liberation, etc. Another thing of interest is the foreign languages program during the organized vacation of Russian children and youths in our country.There is also perspective in the contacts between secondary and tertiary educational institutions in Bulgaria and Vladimir Oblast, which train future tourism staff, explained Minister Angelkova. Young Russians are increasingly interested in vacationing in our country, preferring seaside and mountain vacations, city tours, etc. Another focus of the bilateral partnership will be contacts in regional tourism – restoration of cultural ties, exchange of delegations, joint festivals, competitions, celebrations, etc.
The head of Russian tourism, Oleg Safonov, during a Minister Angelkova in Saint Petersburg: Interest of Russian tourists in Bulgaria is keeping its levels
Our country is preferred among our nationals, our relations have been and continue to be wonderful, said the Chair of Russia’s Federal Tourism AgencyThe interest of Russian tourists in Bulgaria is staying at levels similar to those of recent years. This was stated by Oleg Safonov, Chair of Russia’s Federal Tourism Agency, during a meeting with Minister Nikolina Angelkova in Saint Petersburg. The two conversed during the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), which was held during May 24 - 26.Bulgaria is sought as a very good price performance and as a secure destination, said Safonov, adding that the allegations about an expected reduction of the number of Russian tourists in Bulgaria are not realistic.He stated his gratitude to Prime Minister Borisov and to Minister Angelkova for the good conduct of summer 2017. The leader of Russian tourism cited as an example the swift and adequate reaction of Bulgaria’s government in resolving a problem with Russian children at a Black Sea camp. At that time, the vacation of the group of children in Obzor could have been foiled due to the sudden death of a camp owner but after the Bulgarian authorities intervened the vacation was not only not interrupted and was concluded successfully, but even the next batch of vacationers was accepted. Safonov emphasized that close cooperation with the Bulgarian Minister of Tourism continues.Minister Angelkova also confirmed that she is not expecting a reduction of the number of Russian tourists. Safonov confirmed that Bulgaria is a preferred destination for Russian nationals. They were both unanimous that more active work is required to advertise Bulgaria in Russia. As of June first we are starting a new communication campaign in the Federation, added Nikolina Angelkova. The Russian Federation remains one of the most important tourism-generating markets for Bulgaria, with stats from businesses indicated that interest in our country remains sustainable, it was made clear by her words. Last year Russia ranked 5th in terms of numbers of tourists visiting Bulgaria – 557 915, with over 450 000 Russian nationals now having a second home in our country. During the May holidays Bulgaria was in the top 5 of the destinations chosen by Russian tourists. Our country is established as one of the most demanded locations for family vacations. In 2016 Bulgaria received the award of National Geographic Traveller as the best family vacation destination for Russian tourists, and the country is maintaining those levels of attention, it was made clear by the minister’s words. Bulgaria is among the 10 destinations (including Russia), which are the most demanded for summer vacations by Russian tourists, according to April 2018 stats.Minister Angelkova thanked Mr. Safonov for accepting the invitation to participate in the 2nd edition of the International Congress on World Civilizations and Ancient Routes, which will be held in November 2018 in Sofia. She invited him to also attend the meeting of the Cooperation in Tourism task group of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (OBSEC) on June 13, 2018 in Bulgaria.
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, took part in a Tourism & Exports discussion, a part of the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, took part in a Tourism & Exports discussion, a part of the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum. Official guests of the event included, among others, Oleg Safonov, head of the Federal Tourism Agency (Rosturism), Petar Ivanov, Director General of the Federal Passenger Company; Ruslan Novikov, Director General of the Argumenti & Fakti company.Russia is key to Bulgaria in terms of tourism, so it is crucial for us to have not just partnership relations, but ones of close friends, in order to support bilateral development of the sector, indicated Minister Angelkova. The Russia market is among the key tourism-generating ones countries for our country. During the first three months of this year visits of Russian tourists to our country exceeded 27 000. Last year they were almost 558 000, with Russia ranking 5th in terms of tourism visits in Bulgaria.The minister added that a consistent policy is implemented to attract ever more Russian tourists, we are elaborating tailor-made products aligned to their demand. We are also working under a specific marketing campaign to promote the Bulgaria destination in Russia, she indicated further. There is also an active hotline at the Ministry of Tourism, where Russian guests in our country may obtain information or file a signal. All these efforts prove the significance of this market and I can assure you that we will keep working as intensively going forward, so that Bulgaria may become a magnetic destination for ever more trips of Russian nationals, stated Minister Angelkova.
Minister Angelkova and Anatolii Artamonov, governor of Kaluga oblast, discussed the opportunities for cooperation in tourism
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, and Anatolii Artamonov, governor of Kaluga Oblast, discussed the opportunities for cooperation in tourism. The two conversed during the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum.They commented on the opportunity to have visits of Bulgarian representatives of tourism businesses in Kaluga Oblast, sharing the opinion that this would support bilateral development of the sector. Other topics of discussion included the opportunities to present Bulgaria in the Kaluga Oblast, present the Oblast during exhibitions in Bulgaria, and intensify contacts between Oblast and Bulgarian tourism businesses.Minister Angelkova indicated that the Russia market is among the key tourism-generating ones for our country, ranking 5th last year in terms of international visits to Bulgaria. It is crucial for us to build on the good partnership and keep offering an ever improving and upgrading product to Russian tourists, stated the minister.Anatolii Artamonov said that he would support and assist the implementation of each initiative, which can help increase the two-way tourist flow, as well as to enhance the recognition of the Bulgaria destination in Kaluga Oblast. He also added that he is prepared to visit the country and get to know first-hand the tourism opportunities.
Minister Angelkova took part in the opening of the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, took part in the opening of the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum. The event was held during May 24-26 in Saint Petersburg. The minister attended at the personal invitation of the hitherto deputy prime minister and chair of the forum’s organizational committee, Sergey Prihodko. The forum was opened by the Saint Petersburg governor, Georgii Poltavchenko.The event has been held annually since 1997, having been under the aegis of the Russian Federation’s president since 2005. It involves over 10 000 participants from over 120 countries each year. The main forum audience are established Russian and international companies and business representatives, heads of state, prime ministers, ministers, and political leaders.The international event’s major objective is to be in support of businesses and help overcome the geographic and information barriers between Russia and the rest of the world. Key issues for the entrepreneurs are discussed and tailored decisions are sought.
Minister Angelkova to WTTC: Over the last two years, tourism in Bulgaria has reported an over 25% growth
Each tourism development project involved the locals, the municipalities, and the industryOver the last two years, tourism in Bulgaria has reported an over 25% growth. There were nearly 8.9 mil. international tourists in our country in 2017, 5.3 mil. of whom chose to visit the Black Sea coast. This was announced by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, before the delegates of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC). She took part as a panellist in a panel dedicated to the topic of the major role of local communities in the development of tourism. The minister stated further that work is presently going on to separate the country into nine distinct tourism areas. The Black Sea coast, for example, will be divided into two areas – Northern and Southern one. All local establishments will be involved in the creation process – municipalities, local organizations, and businesses, explained Minister Angelkova. We offer quality – not just a single tourism project, but an experience. Which goes hand in hand with the warmth and hospitality of the locals.The minister commented that travel helps people to communicate and getting to know each other. Tourism also has an educational component, due to which understanding among nations is being fostered, she added further.In most countries there are more tourists in the large settlements, while there aren’t as many in the smaller, countryside settlements. The same is also true for Bulgaria. Therefore, the ministry’s goal is to focus on attracting tourists countrywide. So, we have focused on our cultural-historical heritage. Bulgaria ranks third in Europe in terms of artefacts discovered. Bulgaria’s Ministry of Tourism elaborated 8 thematic routes comprising over 150 culture sites in more than 70 locations in Bulgaria, stated the minister, explaining that the cultural-historical destinations are accessible on the Ministry ‘s website. The creation and promotion of those destinations plays a major role in developing the local attractions, since owing to them some of the sites along the routes report a 90% growth in visits, Minister Angelkova indicated further. She highlighted that promotion of the destinations offers an opportunity for local communities to ensure employment in those areas and create social-economic stability. It is an important step towards increasing the competitiveness of the entire sector and the sustainable development of tourism, the minister added further.
Minister Angelkova conversed in Buenos Aires with the president of Emirates Airline, Gary Chapman
Tourism can contribute to the global economy’s growth because it is a leading sustainability factor. Traditionally, it has been one of the top drivers of welfare and prosperity, developing at accelerated rates in recent years. Thus said the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during a meeting with the president of Emirates Airline, Gary Chapman. The two conversed in Argentina’s capital, Buenos Aires, during the summit meeting of the World Travel and Tourism Council.The minister emphasized that Bulgaria is reporting a nearly 17% growth in international tourists during the December 2017 - January 2018 period. She pointed out that the growth in revenues from international tourism during the December 2017 - January 2018 period was over 11 percent. This, revenues during a large part of the winter season reach nearly BGN 796 mil.It was made during the meeting that the Emirates company may schedule flights between Dubai and Bulgaria in its new flights program. Minister Angelkova explained that the Fly Dubai company is already active on the Bulgarian market, while Mr. Chapman commented that his company is cooperating closely with Fly Dubai. In his opinion, there is room to increase the flights to the United Arab Emirates via Fly Dubai and other airlines. Nikolina Angelkova emphasized that the Ministry of Tourism is working in close cooperation with the Ministry of Transport, Information Technologies, and Communications, as good transport links and aviation in particular are crucial to the development of tourism and to attracting visitors from near and remote markets.Minister Angelkova introduced to her interlocutor the Ministry of Tourism’s initiatives to develop high-grade tourism product to establish Bulgaria as a four-season destination.
Minister Angelkova to her Mexican counterpart Enrique de la Madrid Cordero: Exchange of experience in summer tourism will be very beneficial for us
Exchange of experience in summer tourism between the two countries will be very beneficial for us, considering Mexico’s huge experience in this area. This was indicated by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, to Enrique de la Madrid Cordero, Mexico’s Tourism Minister. They met during the summit meeting of the World Travel and Tourism Council, which is held in Argentina’s capital, Buenos Aires.The minister presented to her interlocutor the Bulgarian potential for tourism development, mentioning that summer tourism is the major type, accounting for some 60-65 per cent out of the overall international tourist flow. According to her, our country was visited last year by nearly 8.9 mil. international guests, whose number may grow to 10 mil. this year, according to projections. Minister Angelkova explained some 62% of tourists arrive from our neighbouring countries, such as Serbia, Greece, Romania.Minister Angelkova invited her counterpart Enrique de la Madrid Cordero to attend the summit meeting during the 2nd edition of the International Congress on World Civilizations and Ancient Routes, which will be held in mid-November in Sofia. The forum is jointly organized by the Ministry of Tourism and the World Tourism Organization, with CNN’s anchor, Richard Quest, having been invited to moderate the forum.
Minister Nikolina Angelkova held a work meeting with Michael Frenzel, Honorary Chair of the Global Tourism & Economy Forum
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, held a work meeting with Michael Frenzel, Honorary Chair of the Global Tourism & Economy Forum (GТEF). They conversed during the summit meeting of the World Travel and Tourism Council, which is held in Buenos Aires. The two discussed the opportunities for joint initiatives in tourism to expand travel from China to Bulgaria.Minister Angelkova presented to Michael Frenzel the projects that the country is working on, one of them being the preparation of the 2nd edition of the International Congress on World Civilizations and Ancient Routes, which will be held in mid-November in Sofia. The forum is jointly organized by the Ministry of Tourism and UN’s World Tourism Organization. The Bulgarian government and the Ministry of Tourism are consistently implementing a policy to establish the country as a four-season destination, stated the minister, explaining further that hard work is going on to achieve sustainable, year-on-year growth in tourism.China is among the major markets for Europe, especially in the tourism sector. This year, the Old Continent’s focus is on the 2018 – EU-China Tourism Year initiative. Over 12.4 mil. tourism visits from China were reported in the European countries in 2017, a 17% growth compared to 2016. Over 180 mil. Chinese are traveling the worlds.Development of joint products and routes with Greece, Serbia, and Croatia was also discussed during the meeting, with the intention of attracting tourists from remote markets, such as China. Ways to encourage Chinese investments in Bulgaria were also discussed, which in turn be a premise for attracting even more tourists.
Minister Angelkova to Paul Griffith, CEO of Dubai Airport: This summer we are expecting significant growth of international tourists
This year we are expecting significant growth from all our top generating markets, it is an indicative fact that at the airports of Varna and Bourgas alone, the flights scheduled for the 2018 summer season are nearly 22 more than the flights carried out during summer 2017. Thus said the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during a meeting with Paul Griffith, CEO of Dubai Airport. The two conversed during the summit meeting of the World Travel and Tourism Council, which is held in Buenos Aires.The minister reported that revenues from international tourism in Bulgaria from January to August 2017 alone stood at nearly BGN 5.2 bil., a nearly 10% growth compared to the same period of last year. Angelkova stated that the proceeds from the summer months of June to August exceeded BGN 3.7 bil. which is 8 per cent more compared to the same period of last year.The Bulgarian minister said that the Ministry of Tourism is working with the large tour operators and that our country is present on the map of major international forums and exhibitions.The opportunities for promoting Bulgaria as a tourism destination were also discussed during the meeting.
Minister Angelkova met Peter Fankhauser, CEO of Thomas Cook Group, in Argentina
„Partnership with large tour operators, such as Thomas Cook, is very important to us and I am happy that it has been yielding such good results over a limited time“. Thus said the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during a work meeting with Peter Fankhauser, CEO of Thomas Cook Group. The two conversed in Buenos Aires, during the summit meeting of the World Travel and Tourism Council. The minister emphasized that during this season Bulgaria is establishing itself as one of the most preferred destinations in the region, with significant growth being reported in a number of markets, Germany being among the more considerable ones. It was made clear during the meetings that there is a 10% growth in the tourists choosing our country for their vacation via Thomas Cook.Peter Fankhauser emphasized that it is very important to keep up the work in Bulgaria to ensure the tourism product’s quality. The two discussed the investment opportunities at the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, as well as the development of combined types of tourism – medical spa with summer tourism or marine tourism with cultural-historical tourism, which will expand the summer season’s duration.The Bulgarian minister emphasized that 2017 was a record-breaking year for the entire history of the sector in our country and that she is hopeful that the growth in the number of tourists and in revenues would still be exceeded this year.Minister Angelkova emphasized that her institution’s marketing activities were yielding increasingly better results. Last year, revenues from international tourism in Bulgaria stood at nearly 6.9 bil., a 9.3 per cent growth compared to the hitherto record-breaking year 2016The Russian market is exceptionally important for incoming tourism to Bulgaria, indicated Angelkova, announcing that in 2017 Russia ranked 5th in terms of tourism visits in our country, with some 558 000 visits.Remote and new markets are also important to us because Bulgaria is still not very popular there as a 4-season route, said Minister Angelkova. She cited China as an example, as it generated over 26 000 tourism travels to Bulgaria in 2017, an over 41 per cent increase, compared to 2016. The potential, nonetheless, is much bigger, therefore we are prepared, together with other countries in the region, to offer joint tourism routes.
Minister Angelkova to the President and CEO of Marriott Group: Bulgaria is increasingly asserting its image as a country of high-grade tourism
The chain sees significant development potential in the country, assured Arne SorensonBulgaria is increasingly asserting its image as a country of high-grade tourism. It is not by chance that 4-star and especially 5-star hotels are the first ones to sell out, currently, the high-category hotels are almost full for summer 2018. Thus commented the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during a meeting with the President and CEO of Marriott Group, Arne Sorenson. The meeting took place during the summit meeting of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) in the Argentine capital Buenos Aires. The minister emphasized that 72% of the international tourists prefer 4- or 5-star hotels, adding that this is causing investment interest in our country.Minister Angelkova pointed out that promotion of domestic tourism is a Ministry priority, with the capacities for spa and medical spa tourism being upgraded for that purpose. The Ministry of Tourism elaborated 7 spa and medical spa destinations covering the entire country. The minister explained that the season fringes are expected to expand as a result of the initiative. Our country ranks 2nd in Europe in terms of mineral springs, whose number exceeds 600, emphasized Minister Angelkova, noting that the Ministry of Tourism continues its hard work to reduce the administrative burden in the sector.It is very important for me that the world’s biggest hotel chain - Маrrіоtt Іntеrnаtіоnаl, which started building a facility in Sofia, is planning to work on more projects in our country, indicated the minister. Mr. Arne Sorenson stated in turn that the Marriott hotel chains see a significant potential for their development in Bulgaria.Opportunities for investments in top winter resorts were also discussed during the meeting.
Minister Angelkova to Cathy Fallon: Bulgaria is an excellent place to invest in tourism
Bulgaria has a huge potential to develop various types of mass and niche tourism, offering excellent conditions to invest in the sector. This is evidenced by the 25%+ growth of international tourists reported over the last two years. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during a work meeting with Cathy Fallon, Senior Corporate Affairs Manager at Hilton. The meeting took place in the Argentine capital Buenos Aires, during the summit meeting of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC).The Bulgarian government upgraded tourism to a national priority, placing significant focus on the development of tourism infrastructure, she emphasized. Our country is becoming an increasingly attractive tourism investment location due to the country’s financial stability and legislation, which is supportive of large-scale investors. Bulgaria’s advantages also include a 10% corporate tax rate and a 10% income tax, political stability, GDP growth of 3.4% in 2016 (fifth highest in EU) and the second lowest government debt-to-GDP proportion within the Union. A trend of growing demand for high-category hotels is registered in the country, indicating a growing number of high-end tourists. 90 per cent of the 4- and 5-star hotels have already been booked for summer 2018.We are expecting Hilton to expand its investments in Bulgaria, which would have a beneficial effect on the overall development of tourism in our country, indicated Minister Angelkova.
Minister Angelkova converses with Kazuo Yana, Deputy Minister of Land Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism of Japan
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, held a work meeting with Kazuo Yana, Deputy Minister of Land Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism of Japan. The two conversed during the summit meeting of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) in Buenos Aires.Japan is in the top 50 generating markets for Bulgarian tourism, stated Minister Angelkova, explaining that this is due, among others, to the opening of Bulgaria’s tourism information centre in Tokyo. It was implemented by virtue of an agreement signed between the Ministry of Tourism and Japan South-Eastern Europe Business Association (JSEEBA). Last year the Japanese tourists in our country were nearly 14 000, growing by 6.7 per cent. The stats for the first two months of 2018 indicate that Japanese visitors have increased by over 70%.It is an important priority for us to transform Bulgaria into a year-round tourism destination, as well as attract tourists from remote markets, which is why we set up 8 cultural-historical destinations and are in the process of completing 12 wine-gourmet and 8 spa and medical spa destinations, stated Minister Angelkova, clarifying that our country is also working actively on the creation of the so-called Balkan Route proposed during the summit meeting of the EU member-states’ Ministers of Tourism, which was entitled Tourism and Economic Growth and was organized during Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council. Joint routes with countries such as Serbia, Greece, and Croatia aim to attract tourists from remote target markets, such as China, Japan, and some Latin American countries.The minister also informed her interlocutor about our country’s investment potential due to the favourable conditions and the tax policy.Kazuo Yana stated that the interest of Japanese tourists in Bulgaria has expanded considerably. The two agreed to sign a tourism cooperation agreement during the 2nd edition of the International Congress on World Civilizations and Ancient Routes. The event will be held in mid-November in Sofia and is jointly organized by the Ministry of Tourism and UN’s World Tourism Organization.
Minister Angelkova to the CEO of TUI Group: We are establishing Bulgaria as a year-round destination, Germany is one of our top 3 tourism generating markets
We are working towards establishing Bulgaria as a year-round destination, relying on digital marketing and internet communications. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during a work meeting with Friedrich Joussen, CEO of TUI Group. The two conversed during the G20 tourism ministers’ meeting in Buenos Aires. A crucial priority is to expand the fringes of the high season, we therefore set up 8 cultural-historical destinations and are in the process of completing 12 wine-gourmet and 8 spa and medical spa destinations, thus aiming to attract more visitors beyond the active travel months, emphasized Minister Angelkova. She announced that Germany is one of our top 3 tourism generating markets for Bulgaria. In 2017 German tourists in our country exceeded 870 000, their number growing by 5.3 per cent compared to 2016. The stats for the last winter seasons are very good as well. During the December 2017–February 2018 period the visits of German tourists in our country were 41 804, with the growth being 7% compared to December 2016–February 2017, added Minister Angelkova.“Bulgaria is a constantly expanding tourism destination”, emphasized Friedrich Joussen. The CEO of TUI Group assured that the company will continue to work jointly with the Ministry of Tourism in promoting Bulgaria as a vacation destination to its customers worldwide.The two also discussed the opportunities to arrange a joint workshop in Bulgaria, with topics relating to upgrading the tourism product’s quality and the opportunities for joint projects with the TUI group to be potentially discussed during such an event.
Minister Angelkova converses with Wei Hongtao, Deputy Chair of China’s National Tourism Administration
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, conversed with Wei Hongtao, Deputy Chair of the National Tourism Administration and member of the ruling party of People’s Republic of China. The two discussed the cooperation opportunities during the meeting of the G20 line ministers for tourism, which is held in Buenos Aires. China is among the top 50 markets for tourism generating for Bulgaria, announced Minister Angelkova, adding that the country ranked 32nd during this year’s first two months. Last year over 26 000 Chinese visited our country, registering an over 41 per cent growth, the minister said further.This year one of the major highlights is the 2018 – EU-China Tourism Year initiative, with the Chinese market’s potential being so huge, Minister Angelkova. According to 2017 stats, European countries reported over 12.4 mil. tourism visits of Chinese nationals, the growth being 18%, compared to 2016. Visits of Chinese tourists are expected to keep growing in the coming years, commented the minister, informing her interlocutor that a general meeting is planned for next month to discuss the so-called Balkan Route, whose establishment was proposed following the summit level meeting in Sofia of the line ministers of tourism of the EU member states, said Minister Angelkova. She explained that the event was of the highest A class in the agenda of Bulgaria’s EU Council presidency, which the country took over for the first time since its accession in 2007.Mr. Wei Hongtao congratulated Minister Angelkova on the goal-oriented policy to attract more Chinese visitors to the country and Europe, adding that a better way to promote the country is exactly through tourism products, which are tailor made for China.
Minister Angelkova held a work meeting with her Indian counterpart in Argentina
Minister Angelkova held a work meeting with Alphons Kanaanthanam, India’s Minister of Electronics, IT, Culture, and Tourism, during the summit meeting of the G20 line ministers, which is held in Buenos Aires.The two discussed the tourism cooperation opportunities between the two countries and shared the idea that development of digital technologies and modern-era marketing are hugely important for tourism.India is among the top 50 tourism markets for Bulgaria, with nearly 22% more Indian tourists have come to our country last year, compared to 2016. Indian guests take interest in cultural-historical and festival tourism, medical spa and spa programs, city tours, event tourism and other types of tourism. The opportunities, though, are even bigger because remote markets are among the prospective priorities in the ministry’s marketing policy, explained Minister Angelkova.She also noted our country’s record-breaking performance in tourism over the last two years, highlighting Bulgaria’s potential to attract growing investments in the sector as a four-season destination. Our country’s advantages include one of the lowest corporate tax rates, which encourages entrepreneurs to make business in our country. For the purpose we set up a map of investment projects in tourism, which we are now building on with a second stage and new proposals, said the Bulgarian Minister of Tourism.
Minister Angelkova took part in a meeting of the G20 ministers responsible for tourism in Buenos Aires
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, took part in the 8th meeting of the G20 ministers responsible for tourism in Argentina’s capital. The high-level guests of the forum include, inter alia, HRH Sultan bin Salman Abdulaziz Al Saud, a prince of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and India’s Minister of Tourism, Alphons Kanaanthanam. The major speakers are Argentina’s Minister of Tourism, Gustavo Santos, Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary-General of UN’s World Tourism Organization (WTO), Daniel Reymondi, Argentina’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, line ministers from all over the world, and delegates. One of the major forum topics is The Leading Role of Tourism in Sustainable Development: an Employment Driver“.Bulgaria supports UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and works in promotion of its ideas both in country and internationally, said the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during the G20 ministerial meeting. Bulgaria’s Ministry of Tourism created a concept for tourism zoning, thus enabling a more successful development of local communities, which is a sustainability fundament, said the Bulgarian minister, adding that the institution has also elaborated a strategy for sustainable development of tourism until 2030. She stated her certitude that the fact of Bulgaria taking over the EU Council presidency for the first time since its accession in 2007 will also contribute to tourism development in the region.
Minister Angelkova conversed with the Saudi Arabia prince during the summit G20 tourism ministers meeting in Buenos Aires
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, met His Royal Highness, Sultan bin Salman Abdulaziz Al Saud, a prince of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The two conversed during the G20 tourism ministers meeting, which is held in Buenos Aires. A highlight of their conversation were the opportunities to build on the exceptionally good cooperation in tourism between the two countries.Minister Angelkova focused on the country’s capability to develop various types of tourism - spa, cultural-historical, health, and marine. She noted that some of Bulgaria’s advantages as a destination include political and financial stability, and the legislation, which is supportive of large-scale investors. Minister Angelkova recollected that in recent years our country has registered sustainable growth in the sector. There were nearly 8.9 mil. international tourists in our country in 2017, a 7.6% growth compared to 2016. Revenues from the visits of international tourists were nearly BGN 6.9 bil., an over 9 per cent growth. During the first two months of this year the visits of international tourists were nearly 11% more compared to the January–February 2017 period.We are promoting Bulgaria as an attractive tourism destination, assured prince Sultan bin Salman Abdulaziz Al Saud.Bulgaria welcomes the interest of investors, including Saudi Arabian ones, in the development of 5-star hotels due to the rising interest of an increasing number of high-end tourists, Minister Angelkova said further. The preparedness of both countries to support various initiatives in promotion of the cultural and historical landmarks in their territory, as well as exchange experience in marketing and tourism, was reiterated during the conversation.
Minister Angelkova held a work meeting with Argentina’s Minister of Tourism, Gustavo Santos
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, held a work meeting with Argentina’s Minister of Tourism, Gustavo Santos. The two conversed during the G20 tourism ministers meeting, which is held in Buenos Aires.Minister Angelkova invited Gustavo Santos to participate in the 2nd edition of the International Congress on World Civilizations and Ancient Routes, which will be held in mid-November in Sofia. The event is jointly organized by the Ministry of Tourism and the World Tourism Organization. CNN’s anchor, Richard Quest, has been invited to moderate the event.Bulgaria’s Ministry of Tourism is working actively on the creation of the so-called Balkan Route proposed during the summit meeting of the EU member-states’ Ministers of Tourism, which was entitled Tourism and Economic Growth and was organized during Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council, said Minister Angelkova. Joint routes with countries such as Serbia, Greece, and Croatia aim to attract tourists from remote target markets, such as China, Japan, and some Latin American countries, such as Argentina.Minister Angelkova and и Minister Santos discussed the opportunity of presenting a Bulgarian tourism product before leading tour operators in Argentina.
Strong interest in Bulgaria as a partner country at the AITF international exhibition in Baku
Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev visited the info booth of our countryBulgaria presented itself as a year-round tourist destination with increased interest by professionals and guests during the AITF international tourism fair in Baku, which took place last week for the 17th time.This year Bulgaria was a partner country on the Azerbaijan international exchange. AITF is the leading international tourism fair in the Caucasus region. Bulgaria has demonstrated its cultural, historic, spa, wine, gourmet, summer and winter tourism opportunities with an info booth of 63 sq.m, organized by the Ministry of Tourism. The info booth was honored with an award at the show.At the opening of the AITF Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva congratulated the participants on behalf of Minister Nikolina Angelkova and noted that our country has many opportunities for mass and specialized tourism of high quality.The opening of the forum was also attended by Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization at the United Nations. The official guests of the ceremony were Bulgarian Members of Parliament - members of the Committee on Economic Policy and Tourism of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria.Personally, Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev and Vice President Mehriban Alieva visited the info booth of Bulgaria. They spoke with the Bulgarian representatives and welcomed efforts to promote bilateral relations in the field of tourism between the state institutions and the business. Mr. Aliyev stressed that the two countries have friendly relations and noted that it is extremely important that they develop in the future. He noted the results of the visit of the Bulgarian governmental delegation headed by Prime Minister Boyko Borisov in January this year. The President of Azerbaijan paid special attention to this year's direct airline Baku-Sofia and its role for developing bilateral relations and increasing tourists between the two countries.
Minister Angelkova: Priority is given to cultural and historical, wine-culinary and SPA tourism, so more visitors will be attracted to the interior of the country
We envisage to waive 19 types of documents related to the services that the Ministry of Tourism provides to the business. They will be supplied through official channels aimed at easing the work of the branch. These measures are in line with the government priorities to reduce administrative burdens. We are also preparing a change in the regulation on the categorization and re-categorization of the accommodation places, with which we will disburden the industry from unnecessary requirements. At the same time, we are looking for a way together with the business to identify mechanisms for motivating the tourism staff. This was announced by Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova at a discussion entitled "Prospects for the Development of Cultural and Historical Tourism in the Kardzhali and Eastern Rhodopes Region". She explained that the waiving of the 19 types of documents will be made with amendments to the Tourism Act, which are to be discussed at second reading. By changing the categorization regulation, the 4- and 5-star hotels will be relieved from requirements that do not affect the quality of the service. We adhere to the international requirements for accommodation places, but we will keep on the quality of the product, definitely stated Minister Angelkova.We plan together with the Ministry of Education and Science since 2019 to create a training and retraining center for tourism staff to the Ministry of Tourism which will be fully focused on the practice. It is foreseen to invite internationally recognized lectures in the sector, the Minister also specified. The center will be able to train staff regardless of their age as long as they meet the terms for graduation.The Ministry of Tourism has created 8 cultural-historical destinations. Online maps and brochures were created in 6 languages for them. As a result, a 90% increase in the number of tourists was registered to the sites included in the destinations, said Minister Angelkova. She pointed out that the cultural-historical, wine-culinary and spa tourism play an important role in expanding the wings of the season and attracting more visitors to the interior of the country. These are top priorities in the work and policy of the ministry.In 2017, the total overnights spent in categorized accommodation sites with 10 or more beds across the country were more than 26 million, an increase of 3.4% compared to a year earlier. The district of Kardzhali has also enjoyed a successful year in the sector. Over the last year, over 76,000 overnight stays in the categorized accommodation places with at least 10 beds were realized and their revenues amounted to nearly BGN 2,7 million, which is a 3.2% increase compared to 2016, said Minister Angelkova. She explained that the cultural and historical tourism in the region is the main contributor to this interest.According to latest data provided by the Regional Museum of History in Kardzhali, a 48% increase was registered in visitors to the Perperikon Archaeological Complex. In 2016, they were 43,651 while in 2017 they reached 64,586. The Minister congratulated the local community for actively promoting this heritage. The discussion was also attended by the district governor of Kardzhali - Nikola Chanev, the chairman of the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association - Atanas Dimitrov, Dr.Fahri Idris - Chairman of the AT Perperikon Management Board and representatives of the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists - Kardzhali.The interest in Perperikon is not only for Bulgarians, but also for guests from France, Japan and Russia. The sacred site also gathers foreign archaeologists from Spain, Israel, the United States, Germany, and Greece.The region was also involved in the new initiative for the establishment of 12 wine-culinary destinations, developed by the Ministry together with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry. Kardzhali participates in the Rhodopes destination together with Haskovo and Ivaylovgrad. The project, which is currently being discussed in a series of roundtables in the country, together with the business and the local authority, includes traditional wine and typical local food, specified Minister Angelkova.Before the community in Kardzhali, Minister Angelkova announced that a second stage of the investment map will be launched, which the ministry has developed based on the proposals from the municipalities. After the realization of its first stage, 32 sites were included. The investment card was presented by the Ministry of Tourism and representatives of the Qatar Investment Fund.
Minister Angelkova and the Chair of the Bulgarian Red Cross discussed texts for amendments to the Water Rescue Ordinance
It is proposed that the rescue posts are within 150 meters of each other on the beaches outside the national resortsTourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova held a working meeting with the President of the Bulgarian Red Cross, Acad. Hristo Grigorov on the occasion of the joint proposals of the two institutions for amendments to the Ordinance on Water Rescuing Activities and the Safety of Water Areas. Changes are in the process of preparation and the main aim is to update the texts according to the new realities. The current Water Rescue Ordinance was adopted in 1996.One of the experts' suggestions is that the distance between the rescue posts to be up to 150 meters, except for the beaches in the national resorts for which the requirement so far remains - the posts are up to 100 meters. Another change that has been discussed is that after the adoption of the Ordinance a possibility to be provided also for certified rescuers from other countries to practice their activity in our country.It is planned that the rescuers will start working from 8.30 am. The experts are definite that the requirements for the necessary mandatory equipment of the rescue stations will be updated to ensure greater opportunities for protection of the life and health of Bulgarian and foreign tourists.Perhaps there will be sanctions for beach keepers if the rescuers they employ perform activities other than their direct water rescue duties. The reason for this text was the received during the summer signals that rescue workers were engaged in collecting umbrella fees on the beach. These and other changes to the Water Rescue Ordinance will be prepared jointly by the Ministry of Tourism and the Bulgarian Red Cross. Because of the importance of the document on the life and health of tourists it should enter into force as early as this summer season, commented Minister Angelkova and Academician Grigorov.
Minister Angelkova discussed with Minister of Education Krasimir Valchev a pilot project for the establishment of a training center for the tourism staff
Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova held a working meeting with the Minister of Education and Science Krasimir Valchev. They discussed alternatives for launching a pilot project through which the desired direct link between the tourism business and the training of executives for the sector to be realized. Ministers Angelkova and Valchev and the legal teams of the two ministries will specify the mechanisms for setting up the first Center for Qualification and Re-qualification at the Ministry of Tourism.Securing the sector with qualified personnel is crucial for the even more successful development of the sector in the country, Minister Angelkova said and added that they are working hard to solve the problem permanently, and such practices for qualification centers exist in a number of countries with highly developed tourism such as Spain and Italy.Minister Valchev stated that he understands the importance of the implementation of this project and will contribute to its timely implementation.
Minister Angelkova: Each tourist site will have its own identification number
The first meeting of the Public Council with the Minister of Tourism was held with representatives of the branch and scientific circles  We plan to create an identification number for each tourist site - each accommodation, catering and entertainment place will have its own unique number by which a uniform classification of tourist sites will be made and will help to improve the functioning of the Unified Tourist Information System and eliminate duplication with the same names of sites. This was announced by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova at the opening of the first meeting of the Public Council with the Minister of Tourism. It includes representatives of the tourism industry, the scientific community and the tourism organizations. The first meeting of the Council was attended by nearly 60 people. The site identification number will be introduced through changes in the Law on Tourism, being currently prepared. The amendments to the Law on Tourism will include the important texts related to the status of the national resorts, said Minister Angelkova. The regulation will help solve the problems of financing, development and maintenance and management of the related tourist infrastructure, said Minister Angelkova.She definitely stated that the intensified checks on the work of tour operators and travel agents will continue. It is therefore important for the ministry to have more powers in the subsequent administrative control. This could be achieved by setting up an inspectorate at the ministry so that they can make timely inspections of the sites without waiting for alerts until the situation becomes intolerable, the Minister said. She gave an example with the Chiflika Hotel with falling ceilings and damp in the walls, where the tourists have been also accommodated in the basement. The control of observance of consumer rights in the future will continue to be performed by the Commission for Consumer Protection, the Minister said.We expect the amendments to the Law on Tourism to create a mechanism for uniting the tourist industry and developing sustainable and environmentally-friendly mountain and ski tourism. The new texts will include the decisions of the expert groups that have been working on the project for more than a year, Minister Angelkova said. She announced that the final proposal for the Amendment and Supplement Act (ASA) of the Law on Tourism will be uploaded on the official website of the Ministry within 2 weeks. It will then be subject to a one-month public consultation during which all interested parties will be able to send their comments and suggestions. The final ASA will be submitted for discussion to the Council of Ministers.Minister Angelkova presented to the Public Council the main changes that the experts prepare in the Ordinance on the requirements for the accommodation, catering and entertainment sites. In line with the government's priority to reduce the administrative burden on businesses, there will be substantial relief in some requirements. It is planned that there will be no special condition for the volume of the rooms in the four-star and five-star hotels, the rules for a certain size of the rooms remain, but as square area, it became clear during the Council’s meeting. Possibly, the obligation will be waived for having air conditioners in the rooms of mountain hotels, it is likely that high-class hotels will choose whether to have a currency exchange office or not, explained the experts from the Ministry of Tourism. However, the changes will be discussed with the branch. Its representatives will be able to indicate the texts that are not currently operative and need to be changed. For me, however, in the first place the quality of the tourist product is important. So, when re-evaluating the existing requirements will remain those that guarantee the good customer service, the minister definitely stated.She added that active work is being done for establishing a direct link between business and education, as the hiring of worker from third countries is only a temporary solution.The Public Council to the Minister of Tourism has a key function - it has to discuss the main policies in the sector, said Martin Zahariev, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the National Tourism Council.
Minister Angelkova: Bulgarians have spent 9 million overnights in hotels in Bulgaria in 2017
We expect 450,000 compatriots to travel on Easter and the quality control of tourism will be continuousMore and more Bulgarians choose to travel in Bulgaria. In the past year, our compatriots have spent about 9 million overnights in accommodation places with 10 or more beds. This was said by the Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova before the Darik Radio Weekly News. She stressed that one of the main policies of the Ministry of Tourism was the promotion of domestic tourism. Only in the summer in the period July-September nearly 2 million Bulgarian citizens aged 15 and older made tourist trips. Of them, over 1.6 million people have chosen to visit a place in the country and less than 300 thousand have traveled abroad. About 29% of Bulgarians traveling in the country choose where to stay on the basis of whether there are cultural and historical sites, the Minister explained. He added that the first campaign, which was implemented by the Ministry, was for cultural and historical tourism. During its implementation, 8 cultural and historical destinations were created for which are available online maps and brochures in 6 languages. This has led to an increase of between 10 and 90% in visits to tourist attractions, said Minister Angelkova. She added that the transformation of Bulgaria into a year-round destination is a major goal of the Ministry.We expect more than 450,000 Bulgarian citizens to travel around the upcoming Easter holidays, the Minister said, specifying that they include travels in the country and abroad. It is mainly planned that the trips will be directed from the big cities in the country to the small town and the villages. At the same time, we foresee that there will be many foreign visitors, who will travel mainly to the bigger cities, said Minister Angelkova and added that the opportunities for balneo- and SPA tourism are being improved. The building of 7 balneo- and spa destinations was started, covering the entire territory of the country. The second stage of the investment card is also being developed, which facilitates and encourages investments in tourism. Separately, the discussions were also initiated on the joint project with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry - "Share Bulgaria", which includes 12 wine-culinary destinations, Minister Angelkova informed. She explained that following all these initiatives they expect the season wings to expand and more and more tourists to travel after the active months. A Festival of Events Register was also established, which includes 1278 events and festivals, of which 99 are of international and 358 of national importance. It can be found on the Ministry’s official website, and we will also create a special QR code in order to further facilitate the tourists, the Minister said.Regarding the continuing winter season, the Minister announced that the visits of foreign tourists were nearly 895 thousand between December 2017 and January 2018, an increase of 17% compared to the same period a year earlier. We expect for the other months of the season to achieve an increase, she said.Asked about the Unified Tourism Information System, Minister Angelkova said that its introduction is a key priority for the government and the ministry and explained that the commission should choose a contractor within a month and a half. It is envisaged that by the end of the year the unified system to be launched if there is no delay in the appeal procedure.We consider that it is important and necessary to set up a tourist inspectorate at the ministry, Minister Angelkova said. It will be responsible for the subsequent administrative control and thus the quality control of tourism will be permanent. She gave an example with the Chiflika Palace Resort & SPA in the Troyan village of Chiflik, which should be closed, but in order to take action to remove the stars, the Consumer Protection Commission (CPC) should alarm the Ministry. The hotel was twice inspected by the CPC and these checks revealed that there is no hair salon and even a vase, but not the vase is so important for the tourists but the rooms located in the basement, the walls of which are damp and the ceilings are cracked. Such situation was established from the inspection of the Ministry of Tourism after the alerts. It was also clear from her words that she was awaiting a letter from the CPC proposing a procedure for removing the stars of the "horror hotel" because that is the requirement of the Law on Tourism. If the Ministry had the possibility of subsequent administrative control, it would not wait for alerts, but would carry out continuous inspections as it does at the sea beaches, the Minister added.A total of 328 inspections of sea beaches were performed by the Ministry of Tourism last year. The penalties imposed are BGN 93 thousand, all of them collected. In addition penal decrees were issued for BGN 70 thousand. In 2017, penalties from previous years amounting to BGN 131 thousand were collected. The total amount collected is BGN 224 thousand.For the injured Bulgarians in Egypt, the Minister said that the tour operator Abaksa reacted promptly and did the right thing, as the relatives of the victims were immediately informed. The tour operator has immediately alerted the insurer so that to be able to react as quickly as possible, she added. Minister Angelkova also said that everyone must check whether her/his chosen tour operator has insurance and whether the same is registered in the National Tourist Register.
Minister Angelkova to the Tourism Council: In partnership with the business and municipalities, we raise the quality of tourism and attract higher-class visitors
I welcome the efforts of all of you, of the business and the local authorities, which have helped to increase the quality of the Bulgarian tourist product, and so Bulgaria reported a higher class of visitors. This was announced by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelova at the next meeting of the National Tourism Council (NTC) in Pamporovo resort.She drew attention to the active work of the tourism administration to attract more investment in the sector - both of recognizable brands and investments to meet the increased needs of holidaymakers. Our analyses show that the 4- and 5-star hotels were mostly occupied in Bulgaria, and the same for the summer of 2018 were almost entirely booked yet at the end of the last active season, the Minister said. She pointed out that in the year 2017 the overnight guests in 4- and 5-star hotels in the country total more than 3.7 million, which is a 5.5% growth, and the revenues from the overnight stays total more than BGN 919 million (a 12% increase compared to that for 2016).We are working on an extremely important topic - the creation of a Unified Tourist Information System (UTIS), which will link online via protected channels and in real time hotel booking systems with the databases of the Ministry of Interior, the National Revenue Agency, the Ministry and this will not only increase the security of the tourists but will also enlighten the sector, Minister Angelkova said. We had almost a year and a half for appealing against the procurement procedure, but we have already overtaken this stage. Seven Tenderers have submitted their tenders and the following year we hope the system will be launched. With the amendments to the Law on Tourism (LT) we reduced the administrative burden and when it comes into force there will be a change in the regulations, especially for categorization and re-categorization of the places of accommodation, the Minister Angelkova said.She warned that also this summer the control on the part of the Ministry will be increased. You know that we deleted in the National Tourist Register and ceased the activity of 116 tour operators and tourist agents for violations. We will be zero-tolerant when implementing the Ordinance on categorization and re-categorization, in order to prevent instances of violated rights of users, the Minister was definite.As far as electronization is concerned, she expressed her confidence that by the end of the year electronic documents could be submitted to the department for categorization and re-categorization of the sites. A QR code will also be introduced which will inform users about a tour operator or hotel, referring to their details in the National Tourist Register. We place a great emphasis on the digitization of tourism, which is a leading component of the Bulgaria's marketing and advertising as a four-season destination. In this sense, it is important for each region to show its strong tourist destinations. Three tourist regions have already been set up, five more are to be established, she said.The Mayor of the municipality of Smolyan - Nikolay Melemov also welcomed the participants in the NTC and thanked Minister Angelkova and her team for the efforts to develop tourism in the Pamporovo area. He said that for the last year the number of foreign tourists in the resort is nearly 85 thousand, while the total income from the overnight stays of Bulgarians and foreigners amounts to over BGN 15.3 million, which is nearly a 25% growth. Tourism is a sphere in which, if the efforts are not united, there is no way forward. That's why the results here are so good because we work together with the state, he added.The meeting was attended by representatives of the tourism business, mayors, members of public and non-governmental organizations.
Minister Angelkova: The winter season is extended and the revenues for the first two months amounted to BGN 567 million.
We will have an extended winter season, perhaps by the end of April, and at the moment it goes very successfully. In total for the first two months of the winter - December and January, the revenues from the international tourism are close to BGN 567 million, an increase of over 15% compared to the same period last season. For the same months, the tourist visits by foreigners to Bulgaria amounted to almost 895,000, an increase of 17% compared to this period in 2016-2017. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova in the morning block of BTV.Asked whether the complicated international situation would affect the tourists from Russia, she was adamant that, in the words of the head of the Federal Tourism Agency of Russia - Oleg Safonov, during their meeting in Moscow this month, Bulgaria would be a preferred destination for the Russians. With regard to other markets, the Minister Angelkova added that our country is becoming an increasingly competitive destination and for example the number of exchanged tourists between Greece and Bulgaria is almost equal.The government is making a lot of effort for the attractiveness of the beaches and the cleanliness of seawater. Water treatment plans have been built or modernized in almost all resorts on the Black Sea coast, the Minister said. She announced that together with her colleague Nino Dimov they will again check how these facilities work and how the expansion and modernization of the treatment plant at the Golden Sands is going on.Minister Angelkova paid attention that the concern about the beach stripes is among the main accents in the work of the department. There are clear rules on how to conduct the concession or rental procedures. These are competitions conducted under all rules. Laws must be respected and anyone can go to any beach to which pedestrian access should be provided, said Nikolina Angelkova.We will continue with the inspections of possible irregularities on the beaches under the approved scheme and for the location of removable sites. We will continue to demand the removal of all irregularities, she said and reminded that at Sunny Beach-North such 190 sites have already been removed. This summer we will also work to have no stands in the streets of the resort located in front of pavilions in the private properties of hoteliers. Their commodities should not be placed on the street, but inside the pavilions, the Minister said.Setting up a Unified Tourist Information System, she also stressed, is a priority for the Ministry since the second Borisov Cabinet. One and a half years ago appeals were filed by companies which did not even apply for a public procurement contract, and we have to wait for the court to complete the procedure, it became clear from her words. The tender committee is currently working on this matter and within a month and a half it shall pronounce its decision. If there are no appeals, the deadline as per the technical specification is 6 months and I hope the system will work by the end of the year, Nikolina Angelova predicts.
Minister Angelkova: The growth of foreign tourists in Bulgaria is 25% compared to 2015
Visits by foreign tourists to Bulgaria in 2017 are 25% more than in 2015, which shows that our country is steadily improving the results achieved and becoming an increasingly desirable destination for four seasons. This was announced by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova at a meeting with representatives of the management of the Bulgarian Construction Chamber, headed by the Chairman of its Management Board, Mr. Iliyan Terziev.The Bulgarian builders, who make our resorts more attractive and comfortable for their guests, are also contributable for these successful results, the Minister said. She pointed out that the record highlights of the incoming tourism in Bulgaria lead immediately to the necessity of building new five-star hotels, as the high class of tourists is growing steadily. One of the leading accents in our policy is to attract solvent customers of tourism services that require excellent service, the minister said.Nikolina Angelova stressed the importance of high quality in the sector, which is directly related to the image of our country in front of the world. It predicts 5 to 10% growth in foreign tourists over the coming summer and highlights the importance of well-trained professional teams to make this growth possible.The staffing problem is among the main in our tourism industry and we are working actively with all interested institutions and business to cope with it, said the Minister. She recalled the timely legislative changes that have allowed since the last year to provide executives for the sector from third countries. This is however a short-term solution. This is why we have undertaken a joint initiative with the Ministry of Education and Science for establishing a Training and Retraining Center for the tourism staff, where the experience of other countries will be used, the Minister Angelkova explained.The Ministry of Tourism and the Chamber will continue to actively cooperate in the construction and maintenance of a high-quality material base in tourism, on which is largely dependent the safety and comfort of the consumers.
Minister Angelkova: A special QR code will inform the users of their chosen tour operator, hotel or mountain guide
The Minister received a prize from the Union of Veterans of Bulgarian Civil AviationA special QR code will forward users to the National Tourist Register in order to be informed of their chosen tour operator, hotel, catering and entertainment establishment or mountain guide. The code will be placed on the statutory certificates required by law to be obtained by all of them in order to perform activity. When scanned, it will forward the tourists to the data of the respective site in the registry. This way, anyone who travels will receive the information they need through their smartphones. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova at the Club - Museum of Aviation.Minister Angelkova explained that through the code the users will be able to verify if their chosen tour operator has the statutory insurance. They can currently do this but through the website of the Ministry of Tourism, by entering the National Tourist Register. In the month before the expiration of the insurance, the name of the tour operator "lights up" in orange, and after it expires - in red. This helps tourists to orient themselves when deciding to make holiday reservations, the minister said. She also said that the administration would also receive a signal when the tour operator's insurance limit was raised sharply. In this way, we will provide additional protection for tourists because the practice of recent years has shown that often after a sharp increase in the limit, tour operators declare insolvency.At the annual meeting of the Bulgarian Airlines Association (ABA), the Minister Angelkova received a prize from the Union of Veterans of Bulgarian Civil Aviation for contribution to the preservation of the historical heritage of Bulgarian Aviation and the honorary sign of ABA on the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of Bulgarian Civil Aviation. I cordially thank for the awards, they are a high recognition, which I accept not only as a personal evaluation of my work but also for the team of the Ministry of Tourism, the Minister added.Last year, the total number of visits by foreigners in Bulgaria was nearly 8.9 million, which is by more than 1.5 million over our population and we reported a growth of over 7% compared to 2016, said the Minister Angelkova. The results of the first month of 2018 are very good, with more than 437,000 foreign tourists visiting Bulgaria in January, 19% growth over the same month a year earlier. She added that only Sofia airport had served nearly 6.5 million passengers and reported a growth of 30%.Air transport is one of the safest and fastest transport links preferred by billions of tourists, Minister Angelkova said. We should not forget also the activity of the local authorities to open up more and more airlines, which will ensure more tourists and investors for the country, the Minister Angelkova said. She highlighted the successful work of the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications for the development of aviation and all modes of transport in the country. We all have a common interest that our country is a recognizable and preferred destination and we will unite our efforts in building its positive image", the Minister said.
Minister Angelkova: We support the Bulgarian children, who have chosen to become professionals in their country’s tourism
The staff training centre will start operation as a pilot project in Sofia with the efforts of the Ministry of Tourism and Ministry of EducationWe congratulate you and support you for choosing such important and demanding specialties for your vocational training. They are crucial to the sustainable development of Bulgarian tourism and the quality of the services marketed. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, in Velingrad during her meeting with pupils and teachers from the Aleko Konstantinov Vocational Secondary School of Economy and Tourism. She emphasized that the image of our country as a year-round destination largely depends on the highly skilled teams, which is particularly true for the town – the spa capital of the Balkans.The Minister pointed out that the lack of sufficient well-trained staff is tourism is one of the major issues but is a challenge that we need to tackle with joint efforts. The record-breaking growths reported by Bulgarian tourism over the two most recent years mean a lot more efforts in welcoming and servicing our guests, therefore, it is very important to make the link between businesses and education an effective one, said Nikolina Angelkova. She announced that using the example of Spain, Italy, and other countries, the institution is planning to set up a Tourism Staff Training and Retraining Centre jointly with the Ministry of Education and Science. We have support and expect to start the pilot project in Sofia next year. Should it progress successfully, we will also open up branches in the country, she added.We can also support the sector via the short-term option of recruiting seasonal workers from third countries, which we have been applying since last year, but it matters to us that Bulgarian can have a career in their own country. We set up the Interdepartmental Council for Tourism Staff in order to resolve these issues in a coordinated manner. We also have a scheduled meeting with the Association of Vocational Secondary Schools and we want to cooperate with it as well and achieve tangible results, the minister announced further.The Vocational Secondary School of Economy and Tourism in Velingrad is among the most up-to-date and preferred ones in the country to have such profile. Future staff are trained here after grades 7 and 8, following secondary education, and on part-time basis. Significant care is also paid to hands-on training – the school has three workshops for cooks and confectioners. There is a serving room, as well as workshops for snacks and confectionery, which are sold both in the school and outside. A state-of-the art workshop for cookery is set up with European standards, under the Bulgarian-Austrian TOUR-NET project. Apart from cooks, waiters, bakers, and confectioners, hoteliers, accountants, and managers for the catering establishments are also trained here. Classes with intensive teaching of English and German have been opened up under the Bulgarian-Austrian BAK-TOURMAN project. One of the three multimedia computer rooms is a training desk with embedded hotel management software.
Minister Angelkova: The categorization and recategorization documents will also be filed electronically
The Ministry of Tourism is working to make electronic the services, so that the categorization and recategorization documents may also be filed electronically. It is about the basic services at the Ministry of Tourism –categorization of accommodation locations and of catering facilities, of spa, medical spa and wellness centres, and the registration documents for tour operators and travel agents. This will further reduce the administrative burden for both businesses and citizens. Also set up was a Public Council under the Minister of Tourism, with changes in the categorization and recategorization legislation also scheduled for discussion. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, in Velingrad during a meeting with representatives of the local government and tourism businesses in the area.She emphasized that Velingrad’s award as the spa capital of the Balkans, which was bestowed in 2008 by the global industry organization of hoteliers and restaurateurs, IHRA, is very important to the municipality and the country. Minister Angelkova also congratulated attendees on the establishment of the Managing Organization of the Rhodope tourism region, which also includes Velingrad. This is the first such establishment in the country pursuant to the Tourism Act’s requirements, it will provide many new marketing opportunities for the region to showcase its tourism potential, addedMinister Angelkova.She recalled that her institution has already established 8 cultural-historical destinations and has now developed jointly with the Ministry of Agriculture 12 wine-culinary destinations, which are presently discussed at roundtables country-wide, Pazardzhik Region being in one of them – Western Thrace. Velingrad will also feature actively in the upcoming 7 spa & medical spa destinations currently being developed, announced the Minister.Velingrad Municipality is very active in the exhibitions where various parts of the country are promoting themselves with new visions. Digital marketing is an important focus in our policy and should be the next step in the operations of the managing organizations of tourism areas, it was made clear by Minister Angelkova. Special attention will be paid to municipalities identified as resort centres or national resorts, so that they may make use of priority funding.Nikolina Angelkova recalled Bulgaria’s successful performance at the prominent INTURMARKET tourism fair in Moscow this month, where an invitation was extended to the Bulgarian mayors to more actively promote our countryas atourism destination offering high-grade tourism services in all four seasons. During the fair in the Russian capital, Oleg Safonov, head of the Russian Federation’s Federal Agency for Tourism, pointed out that Bulgaria is a preferred destination for Russian tourists. For us Russia is one of the 5 most important markets for incoming tourism, highlighted Minister Angelkova.Upcoming amendments and additions to the Tourism Act will introduce a voluntary quality protocol in the sector, she said, adding that the institution was working on the public procurement to set up a Single Tourism Information System (STIS), which is to link real-time the hotel registers to the Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of the Interior, the National Revenue Agency, and the municipal administrations. I believe that within 6 months we will demonstrate the system’s demo version, commented the Minister.The Ministry of Tourism will support the celebrations of the 10th anniversary of Velingrad being declared as the spa capital of the Balkans on September 1 and 2.
Minister Angelkova holds work meeting with Albania’s ambassador in our country
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, met the extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of Albania in Bulgaria, H. E. Kiryako Kureta, and discussed with him the opportunities to expand mutual cooperation in the sector. In 2017 over 34 000 Albanian tourists visited Bulgaria, ranking that country 27th in terms of our international visitors. The two pointed out, however, that the opportunities are much bigger because our peoples and countries still do not know each other well in terms of history, culture, and tourism potential. Therefore, the upward trend in the two-way tourism flow is a fact.Minister Angelkova stressed that one of the priorities of Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council in the first half of 2018 are the Western Balkans integration and the economic prosperity of countries in that part of Europe. This may also be achieved with input from tourism, which is reporting promising results in trans-border partnership, she made clear.Nikolina Angelkova announced that the Ministry of Tourismis ready to initiate very soon a meeting of the tourism ministers from the region’s countries and the setting up of an international task group to create a common Balkan route. The initiative will focus on promoting the peninsula countries on common markets, including remote ones, she explained.Ambassador Kureta supported the idea, stating that his country would also joint such a meeting, which would promote tourism and economic contacts, the impetus having been provided already by the successful Sofia meeting of the ministers responsible for tourism, entitled „Tourismand Economic Growth“ within the framework of the Bulgarian presidency of the EU Council. He also stated readiness to also set up a bilateral joint committee to share experience in the sector.Minister Angelkova recalled that our country will host in November 2018 the 2ndInternational Congress on World Civilizations and Ancient Routes jointly with the UN’s World Tourism Organization. She extended an invitation, via the ambassador, to the Albanian Minister of Tourism and the Environment, Blendi Klosi, to become involved in the forum and expressed her hope that bilateral contacts in the sector will develop upwards and at sustainable pace.
Minister Angelkova: With the 12 wine-culinary destinations project we expect to draw more tourists to the country’s interior
Business and municipalities support the idea, the Struma Valley and the Mesta Valley were discussed at the first roundtable  We expect to draw more tourists to the country’s interior through the 12 wine-culinary destinations project. The Ministry is following a consistent policy, aiming to create interest in more Bulgarians to travel to various corners of the country. This was announced in Bansko by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during the first roundtable to discuss the wine, gourmet, and tourism project, which is a joint initiative between the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Forests. The forum was attended by the Minister of Agriculture, Rumen Porozhanov, by Georgi Ikonomov, mayor of Bansko, Eng. Krasimir Koev, executive director of the Executive Agency on Vine and Wine, and MP’s. The first and second destinations - the Struma Valley and the Mesta Valley – were the focus of discussion.We believe that the project will contribute to Bulgariabeing asserted as a 4-season destination, emphasized Minister Angelkova, adding that positive impact would thus be exerted on the development of a number of municipalities, not just tourism-wise but also as regards improving the quality of life of the locals.When we were developing the concept we chose to have 12 wine-culinary destinations – as many as the year’s months. They include traditional wine beverages and the cuisine typical for each region, covering some 50 municipalities and some 100 tourism sites in the country, announced the Minister, explaining that the first two destinations, which were primarily discussed today, cover 9 municipalities and over 15 tourist attractions.This roundtable sets off stage two of the project, which envisages a total of 6 regional roundtables country-wide. Thus we expect to obtain detailed feedback from businesses and supplement and build on the proposals we have developed, announced the Minister. She also made it clear that businesses now come to the fore in order to build on what was initiated by the Ministry. She will propose to the Regional Development Minister, Nikolay Nankov, to place indicative signboards directing and informing tourists about the destinations.There is ongoing work to establish a Share Bulgaria trademark. A procedure has already been initiated for the purpose at the Patent Office. We have also carried out the relevant checks to reserve the mark, said the Minister.I had the opportunity to showcase the wine-culinary destinations project to Oleg Safonov, head of the Russian Federation’s Federal Agency for Tourism, who responded very well to the idea and commented that it would have a generally positive effect on the development of tourism in Bulgaria, announced Minister Angelkova. The idea was also taken onboard with great interest in Berlin, during the ITB international exhibition.The finalized wine-culinary destinations are expected to be announced in the fall of this year. They will then be digitalized and uploaded on both Ministries’ websites. The 12 wine-culinary destinations, as acknowledged by the businesses and municipalities, are expected to also be incorporated into the iLoveBulgaria platform, which currently contains over 500 tourism sites and is used by over 17 000 users, explained the Minister.The 2017 results in tourism were exceptional, suggesting that we are on the right path, said Minister Angelkova.Stats about the winter season’s first two months are good, we are expecting the visits of international tourists to grow by some 10-15 percent meanwhile, announced Minister Angelkova, adding that during the December 2017 -  January 2018 period the visits of international tourists to Bulgaria totalled 895 000, a 17 percent growth, compared to the December 2016 -  January 2017. During those two months of the winter season, tourists in Bansko municipality were nearly 116 000, growing by 14.8 percent compared to the same period of the year before. The number of night-stays has, on the other hand, increased by 18.5%, reaching nearly 377 000.The first stats about this year are promising, we expect to achieve sustainable growth in 2018 as well, commented the minister, quoting the NSI stats, according to which in January the total number of visits of international tourists to Bulgaria was over 437 000, growing by nearly 19% compared to the same period of the year before.The first analysis of the project is taking place currently, said Minister Rumen Porozhanov, indicating that the project is open to building up and that many municipalities have tabled proposals to include sites in the destinations. Minister Porozhanov also added that it is important how the businesses conceptualize the destination and that it is their and the local government’s job to make the necessary arrangements. He called on the stakeholders to table their ideas so that the project may be built upon in due time.
Minister Angelkovareceives award for professional partnership at the Intourmarket international tourism fair
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, received an award at a ceremony held in Moscow during the 13th Intourmarket international tourism fair. The distinction is bestowed for “long-standing cooperation, large-scale participation and creative approach in organizing the exhibition’s operation”. The award is signed off by Oleg Safonov, head of the Russian Federation’s Federal Agency for Tourism, with whom Minister Angelkova held a fruitful meeting during the exhibition.Russia is a tourism-generating market for Bulgariaand is among the five countries sending the most tourists to our country. In 2017 nearly 558 000 Russians preferred our country for vacation and travel, with over 400 000 Federation nationals having a second home in Bulgaria, stated Minister Angelkova during her awarding.Bulgaria, on the other hand, is among the top 10 preferred destinations for Russian tourists, solidifying its image as a family destination among them. Tour operators from the Federation, who are active on the Bulgaria market, announced 15-20 percent stronger demand currently for summer 2018 compared to last year’s March.Intourmarket is one of the biggest international tourism fairs for trade professionals. This year over 1400 exhibitors from over 130 countries took part in it, as well as Russian regions and national tourism representative offices. According to interim data, the forum, which was held on March 10-12, will have been seen by over 74 000 visitors. Bulgaria presents on its national stand diverse opportunities for sea, cultural-historical, medical spa, and wellness tourism.
Minister Angelkova took part in the opening of the Day of the Altai Krai at the Intourmarket tourism fair
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, took part in the opening ceremony for the Day of the Altai Krai. The event was held within the framework of the Intourmarket-2018 tourism fair in Moscow.Russia is the 5th ranking market for incoming tourism to Bulgaria in 2017 with nearly 558 000 tourists, indicated Minister Angelkova. Our countryis a preferred vacation location due to its clean nature, numerous cultural and historical monuments, medicinal water and wonderful cuisine, she added.We are working on the approval of 12 wine-culinary and 7 spa and medical spa destinations for the territory of Bulgaria to attract Russian tourists. Digitalization in tourism is an important highlight in our work, said the Minister, noting that Bulgariaranks first in EU in terms of high-speed internet coverage. This makes tourist awareness and tourist access to tourism services easier.I believe that the Ministry of Tourismof Republic of Bulgariaand the administration of the Altai krai will continue working to activate the cooperation between our two countries and promote the natural and cultural landmarks, added Minister Angelkova.
Minister Angelkova: Over 19 000 Russian tourists have chosen Bulgaria for their winter vacation in two months
Over 19 000 Russian tourists visited Bulgaria in December and January of the current winter season, registering a 1,3% growth compared to the same period of last year. Thus saidthe Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova,during a meeting with Mikhail Maltsev, Executive Director of the Ural Tourism Association, adding that Russia is traditionally one of the main tourism partners of our country.During the meeting the two discussed the expansion of opportunities for the Russian users to make use health packages in our country or corporate vacations of Russian institutions and companies. One of the highlights were the way to promote on the Russian market typically Bulgarian medicinal and convalescence practices and unique methods and procedures not encountered elsewhere. A good starting point for this are the unique qualities of mineral water and medical clay in Bulgaria. Minister Angelkovastated that there are over 600 mineral springs with various characteristics in the country, which are suitable for treatment of many of the most common diseases.Presently, Ministry experts and representatives of businesses are developing spa destinations, which will help promote the opportunities for convalescence tourism in Bulgaria, said the Minister, explaining that the destinations are 7 and span the entire country. They provide information about the general characteristics and qualities of water in a given area, about the climate and tourism attractions. She invited her interlocutor to visit Bulgaria and the Bulgarian Black Sea coast during summer.Mikhail Maltsev indicated that he is welcoming the Ministry’s efforts to set up a specialized tourism product, which would be helpful to Russian guests, adding that the Association will support any good idea, which supports the development of tourism in both countries. „I am hopeful that going forward thecooperation between the Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism and the Ural Tourism Association will deepen and develop“, noted Mr. Maltsev.
The head of Russian tourism to Minister Angelkova: Russia is interested to see its tourists spend their vacations in Bulgaria
Russia is interested to see its tourists spend their vacations inBulgaria. This was stated by Oleg Safonov, head of the Russian Federation’s Federal Agency for Tourismat a meeting with the Tourism Minister, Nikolina Angelkova, adding that this year Russian tourists are expected to grow in number. The two conversed during Intourmarket, the international tourism fair in Moscow, where Bulgariawas presented with a national stand. MinisterAngelkova indicated that Russia is among the strategic tourism markets for Bulgaria, ranking 5th last year in terms of number of visits to our country, with nearly 558 000 visits. During this year’s January Russian tourists to our countrywere over 9 600.The Visit Russia national marketing centre is expected to be unveiled in Bulgaria this year, stated the Minister. The idea about the Centre, which will accelerate the development of tourism between the two countries, has come from the Bulgarian minister.Oleg Safonov commented further that ways are being sought to deepen cooperation in the sector. One of these opportunities is to have joint action in cruise tourism, which will be discussed by a joint task group. A promising idea is also to create and assert a Black Sea cuisine project, said Safonov. He and Minister Angelkova were united around the idea that such initiatives would be very beneficial in attracting more Russian tourists.The 2nd International Congress on World Civilizations and Ancient Routes will be held in Sofia in November this year, announced Minister Angelkova, inviting Mr. Safonov to take part.Bulgariaand the Russian Federation’s Federal Agency for Tourism have traditions in partnering in initiatives supporting tourism development.
Minister Angelkova opens the Bulgarian stand at the Intourmarket international fair
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, unveiled the Bulgarian stand at Intourmarket the international tourism fair for professionals. The forum was held on March 10-12 in Moscow, for the 13th year running.Bulgaria is presented at the international fair with its national stand of 100 sq. n. Along with the Ministry of Tourism, co-exhibitors include Bulgarian municipalities and representatives of businesses. A major focus in our country’s showcasing are the opportunities for sea, cultural-historical, spa, medical spa and wellness tourism. These are the most in-demand travels for Russian tourists in Bulgaria, noted Minister Angelkova, adding that presentation at the tourism fair is very important for our country because Russia is among the top markets for international visits.Visitors to the national stand will be able to taste traditional dishes and see typical crafts and elements of our folklore. Tasting of products typical for the Razlog area has been scheduled. The visitors will also be able to taste quality Bulgarian wines. An eye-catching group from Gorno Dragalishte village will be making Pushets, woollen thread balls, and will be re-enacting authentic Bulgarian customs. During the exhibitions there will be performance of Bulgarian folk songs and dances.Along with Bulgaria, over 1 400 exhibitorsfrom 130 countries and all Russian regions will be participating in this year’s Intourmarket. Over 74 000 visitors are expected.
Deputy Minister of Tourism, Irena Georgieva, opens a press-conference themed Four-Season Bulgaria in Berlin
Bulgaria has the potential to be a year-round destination, with globally renowned winter and sea resorts. This was stated in Berlin by the Deputy Minister of Tourism, Irena Georgieva, during the opening of a press-conference themed Four-Season Bulgaria in Berlin, which was organized by the Ministry of Tourism.At ITB Berlin, the most significant tourism forum worldwide, Bulgaria is presented via a national stand of 400 sq. m., which was arranged by the Ministry of Tourism, stated Deputy Minister Georgieva. The major products and services targeting both professionals and end users include, inter alia, summer/sea vacation offers, cultural and historical itineraries, wellness and spa services, eco and rural tourism, etc., added the Deputy Minister, indicating that during the exhibition the guests can expand their idea about Bulgaria and rediscover it as an ancient country with rich history and beautiful nature, a country offering various forms of tourism.During ITB-Berlin, the Ministry of Tourismalso took part in initiatives relating to EU Strategy for the Danube region, emphasized Deputy Minister Georgieva, adding that Bulgaria is presented via a national stand during the Danube Hall, which is traditionally held in the Federal Province of Baden Württemberg. That forum also includes a discussion relating to Bulgaria’s role as a Chair of the EU Strategy for the Danube region in 2018.Bulgaria is chairing the EU Council for the first six months of 2018. During the presidency we will be working actively to achieve important priority objectives, such as the future of Europe and its young people, the prosperity and economic growth of European countries, Deputy Minister Georgieva indicated further.In 2017 Bulgariawas visited by nearly 8.9 million international tourists, with growth exceeding 7% compared to 2016, stated Deputy Minister Georgieva. Last year over 870 000 German tourists visited Bulgaria, thus registering a 5.3% growth. The German market ranks 3rd in the national ranking of international tourist visits and we will continue to position Bulgariaon it as a preferred year-round destination, the Deputy Minister said further.
Minister Angelkova presents destinationBulgaria at the Berlin economic forum
As a representative of the country now chairing the EU Council, I’d like to emphasize that we live in challenging times for Europe and the entire world, which could, however, be transformed into great opportunities. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, before the highly esteemed Berlin economic forum, which is organized by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy. The event is concurrent with ITB,the largest-scale international tourism exhibition worldwide, in the German capital.Minister Angelkova emphasized that the most important priority of Bulgaria’s presidency is the European perspective and the connectivity of the Western Balkans. We have achieved prominent progress over the last two decades. Economies in the region grew by 2.6% in 2017, opening huge opportunities for trans-border cooperation. Integration is a fact in tourism and we keep developing joint product projects, she underscored.Bulgariahas a strategic position providing easy access to the market of over 150 mil. consumers in South-Eastern Europe. We have attracted over EUR 45 bil. in international investments over the last 20 years. The GDP growth in 2017 is nearly 4%, we are reporting the second lowest government debt level, compared to GDP in Europe, the Minister announced to the forum participants. She added that the country is among the leading investment destinations for IT, outsourcing of business processes, and manufacturing of car parts. Bulgaria is in the top 10 countries with the fastest internet and ranks first in Europe in terms of broadband network coverage, Nikolina Angelkova indicated further.The Minister pointed out the importance of tourism as a structurally crucial sector of Bulgaria’s economy, which was elevated to national priority by the government. The average statistical 6% growth of incoming tourists to our country during the 5 most recent years is above the EU and worldwide averages. We reported nearly 8.9 mil. international tourists in 2017, exceeding Bulgaria’s own populace. Revenues from international tourism in the country amount to BGN 6.9 billion, which is a 9% growth compared to 2016, indicatedMinister Angelkova. She explained that the development of subsectors such as cultural, business, conference, spa and wellness itineraries, of wine and gourmet tours are among the Ministry’s major targets in promoting Bulgaria as a competitive destination.Within the Berlin Economic Forum’s framework Minister Angelkova also held a meeting with Mark Donfried, Director General of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin. She presented the priorities of the Bulgarian presidency of the EU Council, as well as the newly created Map of Investment Projects, which the Ministry of Tourismis actively promoting to international entrepreneurs. My main goal is to transform our country into a year-round tourism destination offering a high-grade product, stated the Minister.Nikolina Angelkova drew attention to digitalization in the tourism sector, the challenges and opportunities, which it delivers. We are expecting the inclusion of digital technology to contribute to the sustainable development of tourism in the country, announced Minister Angelkova, adding that the Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism is the first one internationally to provide a service enabling direct sharing of tourism sites via Viber’s Chat Extension.
Minister Angelkovatook part in the 8th meeting of tourism ministers in the Along the Silk Road program in Berlin
The historical Silk Road connects the two biggest economic powers and ancient cultures – Europe and China. Nowadays we are working actively to develop new initiatives and projects in that framework, in close cooperationwith UN’s World Tourism Organization (WTO), institutions, private organizations and NGO’s, and the academia. This was stated bythe Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, at the 8thmeeting of tourism ministers in the Along the Silk Road program of UNWTO, which was held during the ITB international exhibition in Berlin.Minister Angelkova notes that Bulgaria is chairing the EU Council for the first 6 months of 2018. During the informal meeting of the EU tourism ministers in Sofia the idea was put forward to set up a Map of the 100 European Tourism Sites, making use of the Bulgarian experience with the Map of the 100 national tourism sites. The forum also had a special panel dedicated to the 2018 EU-China Tourism Year initiative, where forecasts and perspectives in the mutual relations were discussed.One of the priorities is to promote Bulgariaas a competitive year-round destinationnot only in Europe but also on remote markets, such as China, the Minister said further. As regards the Chinese market, Bulgaria registered a huge spike of over 41% in 2017. We are actively working to promoteour countryon the Chinese market, thus, in September 2017 Bulgaria’s first tourism informationcentre was opened in Shanghai, she added.Nikolina Angelkova commented further that our country will be hosting the 7th summit meeting of state- and government leaders of the Central and Eastern European countries and China during the second half of 2018. Therefore, arrangement of a summit Forum on Tourismis being planned during that meeting. The event is within the framework of the 2018 EU-China Tourism Year initiative and will be a new opportunity for dialogue among institutions, businesses, the research community, and NGO’s on tourism cooperation.She noted that active work is carried out with Greece to create joint tourism products and trans-national itineraries targeting potential visitors from remote markets. There are plans to develop such cooperation with Turkey, Serbia, Croatia, Romania, and Montenegro.Minister Angelkova noted that last year the Ministry was also heavily involved in the UNWTO’s initiative to develop the so-called Western Silk Road. In June 2017 the Ministry hosted jointly with UNWTO the Second international seminar entitled Along the Western Silk Road. Within the Improving the Understanding of European Tourism project, which was developed by UNWTO in cooperation with the European Commission, the event underlying the significance of setting up stand alone tourism routes along the Western Silk Road. Bulgaria will host the International Congress on World Civilizations and Ancient Routes in November this year, announced Minister Angelkova. It is being organized jointly by UNWTO the Ministry of Tourismand will focus on the significance of the concept of ancient routes as effective links among peoples, civilizations, and cultures. The Silk Road is another opportunity to revive the ancient routes as a concept, which is based on mutual knowledge and benefit, summarized the Bulgarian minister.
Minister Angelkova gives an interview to Euronews during the ITB – Berlin tourism exhibition
We are working towards information technologies being increasingly used in tourism, stated Minister Nikolina Angelkova in an interview for Euronews. The conversation with a journalist from the global media was held during the ITB – Berlin international tourism exhibition. Nikolina Angelkovanoted that the Ministry of Tourismis the first one, not only domestically but internationally as well, to launch a service enabling direct sharing of tourism sites via Viber’s Chat Extension. It is a joint project of the Ministry of Tourism and iLoveBulgaria.Digital transformation of Bulgariantourismas a means to ensure its long-term competitiveness was a major focus of the round table on digitalization, which the Ministry of Tourism organized less than a month ago. The international forum was part of the events on the agenda of Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council, which our countrytook over for the first time at the start of 2018, the Bulgarian minister said further.             Еuronews reaches over 430 homes in 166 countries. Its 12 versions cover global news in 11 languages. The team has 500 journalists from 30 nationalities.
Minister Angelkova to David Ruetz, Executive Director of ITB Berlin: Germanyis in the top 3 of the leading tourism-generating markets for Bulgaria
 Germanyis in the top 3 of the leadingincoming tourism markets forBulgaria. In 2017 German tourists in our countryexceeded 870 000, growing by 5.3 percent compared to a year before. Thus said the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova,during a work meeting with David Ruetz, executive director of ITB Berlin. She noted that in 2017 the international visitors to Bulgaria exceeded by a million the country’s populace, reaching 8.882 mil. It is a 7.6 percent compared to the previous record breaking year of 2016.Minister Angelkovaadded that results from the first month of 2018 were also promising. In Januarythe total number of international tourist visits toBulgariawas nearly 438 000, registering an 18.8% growth compared tothe same month of the year before. During the first month of 2018 visitors from Germany were nearly 12 000, increasing by 7.7% compared to January last year.Minister Angelkovapresented to her interlocutor the tourismopportunities inBulgaria. Sea tourism is traditional for the country and is the type most in-demand among German tourists. There are more than 40 000artefacts in our country, which is a basis to successfully develop cultural-historicaltourism. The Minister also highlighted the natural riches in our country - nearly 600 mineral springs and some 40 mountain ranges. These provide the premises for marketing a high-grade product in spa, medical spa, wellness, winter, ski, eco, and rural tourism.Mr. David Ruetz congratulated Bulgaria on the long-standing and consistent participation in ITB Berlinand indicated that it is a venue for Bulgaria to be promoted as a tourism destinationnot only to German professionals and amateurs, but also to representatives coming from countriesacross the globe.
Minister Angelkovaheld a work meeting with Jason Wong, executive director of theGlobal Tourism Economy Forum’sresearch centre
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, held a work meeting with Jason Wong, executive director of the research centre of the Global Tourism Economy Forum. The two converses during ITB Berlin –the most significant tourism forum worldwide – where Bulgariais presented with a national stand.Minister Angelkovapresented the Ministry events within the framework of the Bulgarian presidency of the EU Council. She informed Mr. Jason Wong about the outcomes from the council meeting of the ministers of tourism, which was held in Sofia in mid-February. The forum was attended by Elżbieta Bieńkowska, EU Commissioner for Single Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SME’s, Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary General of UN’s World Tourism Organization, and over 500 delegates and guests. Minister Angelkovaindicated that the major topics of discussion included the 2018 EU-China Tourism Year initiative. The Chinese market’s potential is huge, in 2017 12.4 million visits of Chinese nationals were registered in the European country, an 18% growth compared to 2016, said the Minister.She noted that Bulgaria will be hosting the 7th summit meeting of state- and government leaders of the Central and Eastern European countries and China during the second half of 2018. The Minister advised that during the event the Chinese-Bulgarian tourism forum will also be held and offered co-organization to Mr. Jason Wong.Also discussed at the meeting was the cooperation potential with the southern Guangdong province, which has the highest gross domestic product per capita.Minister Angelkovafamiliarized her interlocutor with the preparations for the 2nd edition of the International Congress on World Civilizations and Ancient Routes in November this year and invited Mr. Jason Wong to attend the forum. The Minister indicated that her institution and the government are implementing a consistent policy to establish Bulgaria as a 4-season tourism destinationand promote our cultural-historical riches.Mr. Jason Wong congratulated Minister Angelkovaon the hard work done to develop tourism in Bulgaria and indicated that the eventsscheduled for this year will have a positive effect in attracting more Chinese to Europe and Bulgaria.During ITB Berlin Minister Angelkovaalso held a work meeting with the Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Mauritius – Anil Gayan. Last yearthe total number of international visitors to Bulgaria was nearly 8.9 mil., which is 7.6 percent more than 2016. The 2017 revenues from international tourism in the country amount to BGN 6.895 billion, which is a 9.3% growth compared tothe hitherto record-breaking year 2016, said the Bulgarian minister.The two discussed options to expand cooperationin tourism, as well as the investment map, which contains 32 Bulgarian projects of potential interest to investors.
Minister Angelkovaunveiled the Bulgarian stand at the most significant tourism forum - ITB Berlin
Our country is being presented at the exhibition for the 50th time with a 400 sq. m. stand to visitors hailing from 180 countriesThe Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova,unveiled the Bulgarian standat ITB Berlin –the most significant tourism forum worldwide. The exhibition is held during March 7-11, with Bulgaria being presented there for the 50th time. Our country is among the longest-standingexhibitors, notedMinister Angelkova adding that Germany is a leading market for incoming tourismtoBulgaria. In 2017 German tourists traveling in our countrywere over 870 000, growing by 5.3 percentcompared toa year before. During the first month of 2018 visitors from Germany were nearly 12 000, growing by 7.7% compared tolast year’s January.Bulgaria takes part in this year’s edition in Berlin with an exhibition stand of 400 sq. m.Also presenting there, further to the Ministry of Tourism,are 40 co-exhibitors, Bulgarian municipalities and businesses being among them. Last yearthere were 10 000 exhibitors hailing from180 countries at ITB Berlin. There were 160 000 visitors, trade professionals out of them 100 000. This year’s forum is predicted to draw even greater interest.A major focus in the Bulgarian showcasing are the tourism opportunities at the Black Sea coast, as well as the cultural-historical and spa products offered by the country. These are the most in-demand types of tourism both for professionals and the general public. The Glagolitic script is a peculiar part of the promotion. Forum guests may receive a document with their name written in the Glagolitic script. During the weekend guests will also be able to see authentic folk dancing.
Opening of the bids for setting up the Single Tourism Information System (STIS)
It will connect the hotel registers to the National Revenue Agency and the Ministry of the Interior, shrinking the grey sector in tourism.The bids for the public procurement to set up the Single Tourism Information System (STIS) were opened at the Ministry of Tourism.There are seven bids. According to the procedure, upcoming is the document review in terms of admissibility and review of the technical proposals. The bidders will then be invited to the opening of the price offers, with a final ranking of the admitted bids due to be made then. The contractor will be selected among them and will have 6 months to set up and commission the single system.STIS will connect real-time the hotel registers to the Ministry of Tourism, the National Revenue Agency, the Ministry of the Interior, and the municipalities.The system will optimize the collection rate of proceeds from tourism operations. STIS is expected to contribute to higher security levels and limit the grey sector in tourism.
437 000 international tourists visited Bulgaria in January, a 19% growth compared to January 2017
Nearly 19% more international tourists visited our country this January. This is revealed by today’s stats of the National Statistical Institute. In 2018 the total international tourist visits to Bulgaria were over 437 000, whereas in January 2017 they stood at 368 000. Last year’s December results were also very favourable as the total international tourist visits to Bulgaria were 457 000, 15.2% more than December 2016.During the December 2017 - January 2018 period the total number of international tourist visits to Bulgaria was nearly 895 000, a 17 per cent increase, compared to the December 20176 - January 2017 period. Presently, the results are very good, we are expecting this winter season’s international tourist visits to grow by some 10%, commented the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, adding that owing to the accumulated snow in recent days, the season is expected to last until late April, providing further positive effect.Growth has been registered on a number of markets during the two winter season months. Tourists from Greece have increased by 13,3%, surpassing 198 000. Visitors from Romania were nearly 120 000, growing by 33 per cent. Guests from Turkey exceeded 117 000, registering a 21% growth. Growth is also registered on the Macedonia, Serbia, and Germany markets, by 8%, 17% and 12,8%, respectively. During December and January UK tourists were 19,8% more compared to the same period a year before. Visitors from Italy and the Ukraine grew by 18,8% and 15,4%, respectively, while the increase in Israeli guests is nearly 43%.The minister reminisced that the 2016/2017 winter season was the most successful for our tourism since Bulgaria’s EU accession. The total international tourist visits were 1.476 mil., achieving a 19,6% growth. This means that the visits are over 242 000 more compared to the previous winter season.
Minister Angelkova at the Carnegie Endowment, USA: Russia, China, and remote markets are very important for Bulgarian tourism
Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, visited the Carnegie Endowment in Washington D.C. as part of her work visit to USA. She talked with Paul Stronski, senior fellow in the Russia and Eurasia Program. His research focuses on the relationship between Russia and neighbouring countries in Central Asia and the South Caucasus. The program has projects in various areas – tourism, adventure travel, economy, culture, etc.The Russian market is extremely important for Bulgaria’s incoming tourism, indicated Minister Angelkova. She announced that in 2017 Russia ranked 5th in terms of tourist visits to our country, with some 558 000 visits. At the upcoming international exhibition Intertourmarket in Moscow, which is among the most important ones for our country’s promotion, Bulgaria will be presented with a large stand as an attractive destination for summer, sea, spa & medical spa, cultural-historical, pilgrimage, and other types of tourism. The Bulgarian minister emphasized that 2017 was a record-breaking year for the sector and shared her hopes that the growth in revenues and number of tourists would be surpassed this year as well.Bulgaria’s 6-month presidency of the EU Council, which started at the turn of the year, will undoubtedly be helpful to this end. It will not only enhance our country’s prestige as an active member state, but will also make it more recognizable as a tourism destination. Bulgaria also has a particularly important role as a middleman in the promotion of the Western Balkans’ integration into European projects and initiatives.Minister Angelkova emphasized that the institution’s marketing activities bear increasingly noticeable fruit. The 2017 revenues from international tourism in Bulgaria were almost BGN 6,9 bil., a 9.3% growth compared to the previous record-breaking year of 2016.  Conducive to such achievements is also the active communication with large-scale international tour operators, such as TUI, Neckermann, Thomas Cook, Der Turistik, etc. Significant growth was registered on a number of markets – inter alia, Germany with 870 000 tourists (third in the rankings) and over 5% growth, UK with 338 000 visits and 24% growth, Ireland – 31 000 and 22% growth, and many others.Remote and new markets also matter to us because Bulgaria is still not very popular there as a 4-season destination, said Minister Angelkova. She gave an example with China, which generated over 26 000 tourist visits in 2017, an over 41 per cent hike, compared to 2016. The potential, however, is much greater, therefore we are ready to offer the Asian markets, jointly with other countries in the region, common tourism products, summarized Minister Angelkova.
Minister Angelkova showcases destination Bulgaria to the WACA President, Bill Clifford
During her work visit to the US, the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, held talks with the President and CEO of the World Affairs Councils of America - WACA, Bill Clifford. Bulgaria is an attractive destination offering diverse and competitive services, both mass and niche, to millions of tourists, she said, pointing out our country’s role as a regional factor for the promotion of good quality and sustainable development of tourism in Europe.Nikolina Angelkova reminisced that only days ago Sofia hosted a large-scale meeting of the EU tourism ministers, entitled Tourism and Economic Growth, which involved participants and observers from over 30 countries. It was a class A event in Bulgaria’s rotational presidency of the EU Council, which will last until June 2018. One of the most significant messages of the forum was that countries must use joint efforts to promote durable economic growth and work on Europe’s image as a leading tourism destination worldwide, having generated over USD 440 bil. of revenues in the sector during 2016.According to latest stats, South-Eastern European countries have drawn in over 115 mil. international tourists, accounting for 9% of the global tourist flow, having generated revenues amounting to USD 57 bil., or 5% of the global proceeds from tourism. Bulgaria’s contribution in this regard is noticeable, it was proposed during the meeting to set up, based on Bulgaria’s experience, a Map of 100 European Tourism Sites, which will cause even more tourists to have interest in the continent, announced Minister Angelkova.She added that our country is registering two record-breaking years in a row for the sector ever since national statistics have been available. The upgrade is a fact, we have registered nearly 8.9 mil. international tourist visits for 2017, a 7.6% growth compared to 2016, while revenues from international tourism stand at circa BGN 6.9 bil., a 9,3% growth, added Minister Angelkova. It is pleasing that guests are now arriving from even more remote markets, which is a testament to the country’s increasing recognition as an attractive destination, stated Minister Angelkova, citing as an example our success on the US market. Last year almost 88 000 American tourists travelled to Bulgaria, which is some 10% more, compared to 2016.Thus, USA ranks 20th among the countries generating incoming tourism to our country. A successful campaign using billboards and digital screens was already held for Bulgaria as a destination in some of the biggest US cities, and it yielded very good results, it was made clear by the minister.Nikolina Angelkova also provided detailed information about the large diversity of tourism services, which make Bulgaria attractive to visitors – winter and summer vacations, spa and medical spa packages, cultural-historic tours, golf, gourmet, ecotourism, adventure tourism, etc. She also reminisced that in late 2016 Bulgaria’s capital successfully hosted the first International Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism jointly with the UN World Tourism Organization. It will have its second edition next November, again in Sofia, but now as an International Congress on World Civilizations and Ancient Routes, and will again be carried out in partnership with UNWTO. The CNN anchor, Richard Quest, has already been invited as a moderator.The World Affairs Councils of America is an independent, nonpartisan organization dedicated to engaging the public and leading global voices to better understand the world, America's international role, and the policy choices that impact our daily lives and our future.Bill Clifford has been President and CEO of WACA since 2013. He was previously a reported in international finance, economy, and politics in Asia and a correspondent in Tokyo. He has an MA from the John Hopkins University in International Studies, a BA in International Relations and French Literature from the Tufts University, as well as C.E.P. in Public Policy from the Science Po in Paris.
Minister Angelkova showcased Bulgaria’s potential before Paul Brown, assistant deputy secretary of state at the US Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs
Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, held talks with Paul Brown, assistant deputy secretary of state for transportation affairs at the US Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs - EB, showcasing to him our country’s potential as an attractive year-round destination. The meeting is part of the agenda during the minister’s work visit to USA.Minister Angelkova emphasized that Bulgaria is being promoted increasingly actively by state-of-the-art means such itinerary of the European tourism map. She drew attention to the fact that digitalization and the internet presence are among the main highlights in the ministry’s promotional and marketing campaign. The sector is one of the defining sectors of Bulgaria’s economy, having been upgrade to national priority by the government, she said.Intensive economic development of the country and the region is another key highlight in our work and also a focus for Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council since the start of 2018, added the minister.She advised the assistant deputy secretary of state of our country’s excellent performance in tourism. During the 2015–2017 period the average annual growth in tourist visits to our country was 12%, compared to circa 6-7 per cent EU-wide for the same period. Last year alone, Bulgaria registered nearly 8.9 mil. international tourism visits, a 7.6% growth compared to 2016, considerably exceeding the country’s populace. Our revenues from international tourism are also high – some BGN 6,9 bil. last year, a 9.3% growth compared to 2016, announced Minister Angelkova.Bulgaria is becoming increasingly recognizable as a 4-season travel and vacation itinerary. Apart from the traditional winter and sea tourism, we are offering diverse niche tourism services, which are increasingly in demand. The Ministry created eight cultural-historical destinations for the country’s territory, considerably enhancing the tourist flow to those locations. Presently, 12 wine-gourmet destinations are also being developed, in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Forests, businesses, and municipalities, the idea being to promote specific tourism products in the regions and encourage local marketing in tourism, explained Minister Angelkova.She further emphasized that Bulgaria is among the European countries richest in mineral water and medical resources, with the potential to become the continents spa hub. Medical spa tourism is among the leading highlights in our product policy. This is why we are preparing 7 specialized destinations for this tourism type as well.Nikolina Angelkova also commented specifically on Bulgaria’s potential as a country with rich heritage spanning at least 7 historical era. We have over 40 000 discovered artefacts, ranking us third in Europe in this type of heritage. It is a basis to deploy new projects and itineraries for cultural-historical tourism, which is becoming an ever stronger motivation for trips around Europe and worldwide, said Minister Angelkova.Paul Brown saluted Bulgaria’s achievements in tourism, recognizing our country as being very beautiful, with strong potential for tourism development, emphasizing that it is a key partner for USA, and congratulating it on the important role as rotational president of the EU Council. The host also appreciated highly Bulgaria’s priorities for cooperation and partnership in the economy and tourism both in the region and on a more global scale.EB is a unit of the US Department of State, which is charged with promoting economic security and prosperity at home and abroad. It reports to the Minister of the Economy, Energy, and Environment. The Bureau’s work lies at the nexus of economic prosperity and national security, addressing a range of economic issues including intellectual property rights, and helping in the promotion of a coherent economic policy across the US government.
Minister Angelkova holds talks in Washington with Paul McCarthy, Regional Deputy Director for Europe of the International Republican Institute
Bulgaria is playing an increasingly active role on the Balkans and could be a crucial factor for the region’s economic development, including via various tourism initiatives. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, before Paul B. McCarthy, Regional Deputy Director for Europe of the International Republican Institute - IRI. Their meeting was held in Washington D.C., within the framework of the minister’s work visit to USA.Minister Angelkova showcased the demanding mission now being performed by Bulgaria as president of the EU Council in regards to the security, prosperity, and modern-era development of the Community countries. The EU Presidency’s important focuses also include integration of the Western Balkans, which still have untapped economic, social, and cultural potential.Together with other countries in the region we are developing infrastructure projects, which are key to the development of tourism as well, said the minister, emphasizing that common products and itineraries were being set up, which will attract more tourists to that part of Europe, including tourists from remote markets, such as USA.Tourism contributes to the global economy’s growth because it’s a key factor of sustainability. Traditionally, it is among the more important drivers of wellbeing and advancement of countries, developing at accelerated pace in recent decades, added the minister, reminding that this month an informal meeting was held in Sofia of the EU tourism ministers entitled Tourism and Economic Growth. The forum was attended by some 520 delegates, discussing these matters and Europe’s role as a leading tourism destination globally.The minister reminisced that according to the European Travel Commission in 2017 international tourism travel on the continent exceeded 670 mil., growing by 8.4 per cent compared to the year before. Bulgaria is also registering excellent results in the sector. In 2017 the total number of international tourism visits to the country was nearly 8.9 mil., way over a million more than our populace. We are increasingly attracting investors to tourism, offering high-grade, competitive services, stressed Minister Angelkova.IRI is a non-partisan, non-governmental international organization for the development in democracy. Since 1983 it has been active in over 100 countries – in Africa, Asia, Eurasia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East and North Africa – it now has offices in over 30 countries. Its operations include support to political parties and their nominees for the development of their values and institutional setups, good governance practices, civil society, education, youth leaders, election reforms, election monitoring, etc.
Minister Angelkova met the National Endowment for Democracy leadership in Washington
Minister Nikolina Angelkova met the leadership of the National Endowment for Democracy - NED in Washington during her work visit to Washington. The presented our country’s potential as a tourism destination and outlined topical matters in its democratic development. „At the year’s start our country took over the presidency of the EU Council and is fulfilling the responsible mission of proposing important solutions for the future of the Union and millions of people. It is a big opportunity to draw attention to the region and the country as a year-round tourism destination“, stated Minister Angelkova.She explained that the one of the key highlights is the Western Balkans’ economic and political integration, which is a crucial shared priority for the member-states. In the past the region was a hotbed for conflicts, but it is now a place of increasingly active partnership and understanding. In tourism such integration is a fact by virtue of the planning of projects for common itineraries and services to shared markets, it was made clear by the minister.Bulgaria has very good economic relations with Turkey – our southern neighbour is a strategic tourism partner. Last year in ranked 4th in incoming tourism to Bulgaria, generating a nearly 13% growth in visits, compared to 2016.Minister Angelkova drew attention to the fact that Bulgaria is also very attractive to foreign investors as an outsourcing destination. We are also proud to have very fast internet. There is a growing number of large-scale hotel chains wishing to invest in high-category tourism facilities in the capital city Sofia and along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast.The Bulgarian minister also presented to the NED representatives the sustainable results in the sector, which Bulgaria has achieved in recent years. In 2017 international tourist visits to our country stood at nearly 8.9 mil., a historical record for the sector and way more than the country’s own populace. The 2017 revenues from international tourism were some BGN 6.9 bil. a 9,3 per cent growth, compared to 2016.We are working actively to promote Bulgaria as an attractive destination for summer-, winter-, and specialized tourism, including on remote markets, USA being among these. Last autumn we had a successful outdoor promotional campaign in some of the biggest US cities, with the visible outputs from the marketing activities being that US tourists coming to Bulgaria in 2017 were nearly 88 000, a circa 10% growth, compared to 2016, placing the US among the top 20 countries for our incoming tourism, added Minister Angelkova.NED is a non-profit foundation established in 1983 and dedicated to the growth and strengthening of democratic institutions around the world. Each year the foundation is giving away over 1 600 grants to overseas NGO”s working for democratic goals in over 90.
Minister Angelkova talks with the Club of Young Professionals and the Bulgarian community in Washington
Bulgaria’s popularity as a destination is growing all the time, each year it is increasingly visited by international tourists. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during a meeting with representatives of the Club of Young Professionals and the Bulgarian community in Washington, D.C. The minister added that the encouraging 2017 stats are indicative in that international tourist visits last year exceeded 8.882 mil., growing by 7.6%, compared to the year before. An even bigger growth of 9.3 per cent is registered in the revenues from international tourism. In 2017 the total revenues in the sector stood at BGN 6.895 bil. according to BNB (Bulgarian National Bank) data. Over the past 2 years the average annual growth in tourist visits to our country was 12%, compared to circa 7 per cent EU-wide for the same period, indicated Minister Angelkova.She stated that now there is work going on under two projects, which are expected to draw more tourists to the country’s interior and increase tourist visits during the windows between the active summer and winter seasons. The Ministry of Tourism is developing spa and medical spa destinations, with the concept project covering 7 directions, country-wide. For the purpose of engaging a broad range of stakeholders in the development of destinations, opinions were requested from 50 municipalities, which provided the basis for creating the destinations.Bulgaria’s Ministry of Tourism, in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Forests, is also setting up 12 wine-gourmet destinations, the minister announced further, explaining that these include both traditional wine beverages and cuisine typical of the respective region, as well as nearly 50 municipalities and some 100 tourism sites. The number is not accidental as well, it was chosen to match the number of months in a year.
Minister Angelkova before the leadership of the US Centre for European Policy Analysis: We are working actively to attract investments
Bulgaria’s government, partnering with the private sector, is taking active steps to promote the Bulgaria investment opportunities in the US, highlighting the country’s geographic location and economic benefits. This was stated by Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during a Washington work meeting with Peter Doran and Réka Szemerkényi, President and Vice President of the US Centre for European Policy Analysis (CEPA). The minister clarified that Bulgaria has a 10% corporate tax, which goes hand in hand with a skilled labour force and low operating costs. Furthermore, there are specific investment support measures and incentives, via the respective legislation.In line with promotion of investments in the sector, the Ministry of Tourism elaborated an investment map. It covers 32 projects countrywide, which aim to make it easy for the businesses and for investors to target promising endeavours.One crucial prerequisite for tourism to develop well is staff, we are therefore cooperating with the academia in staff training projects, commented Minister Angelkova, adding that the education of children is a priority for Bulgaria’s government. The Centre leaders, Peter Doran and Réka Szemerkényi, commented in turn that they know Bulgaria as a tourism destination, further indicating their awareness of the advertising to promote the country in the US and evaluating positively our promotion initiatives.
Minister Angelkova discussed the opportunities to expand bilateral relations with Dominic Restuccia, US senate representative
Minister Angelkova discussed with Dominic Restuccia, US senate representative, the opportunities to expand bilateral relations. The two held a work meeting during Minister Angelkova’s two-day visit to Washington. We will continue to develop purposefully the trade-economic cooperation and rely on the American side to encourage American investments in Bulgaria, including in tourism, the minister noted further.It is extremely important for us to elaborate an increasingly active campaign for the promotion of Bulgaria on remote markets, such as the USA, commented Minister Angelkova. In 2017 Bulgaria was promoted using billboards and digital screens in various locations in Boston, New York, Washington, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles.At the year’s start our country took over the presidency of the EU Council, which is a huge opportunity to showcase ourselves as a tourism destination. Minister Angelkova added that the presidency motto is: United We Stand Strong. Bulgaria is highlighting the importance of stability on the Balkans. We are actively with our neighbours, we have good partnership with Turkey, elaborating with them joint tourism products for remote markets, stated Minister Angelkova. Security in the region is important for tourism, while energy diversification will provide predictability for economic development in the region, it was noted during the meeting.
Minister Angelkova held a work meeting with Andrew Forbes, legislative director at the US Senate
US tourists increased by nearly 10 per cent last year, exceeding 87 000. The country is among the leading markets for incoming tourism to Bulgaria, ranking 20th in 2017. Thus said the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during a meeting with Andrew Forbes, legislative director at the US Senate. The two conversed in Washington, where Minister Angelkova is on a two day work visit. The minister pointed out that USA is a strategic partner for Bulgaria, that US tourists are very important for our country, and that we will continue to work actively on advertising in America. Our country was promoted there for the first time last year, in September and October, with billboards and digital screens in public locations.During the meeting Minister Angelkova presented to her interlocutor the latest tourism data in our country. She informed him that in 2017 international tourists in Bulgaria exceeded 8.882 mil., growing by 7.6%, with tourism revenues standing at nearly BGN 6.9 bil. a 9.3 per cent growth.The Ministry of Tourism is working actively to not only attract more visitors but also to encourage investments in the sector, stated Minister Angelkova, showcasing to her interlocutor the Ministry-developed investment map. The minister commented that the map contains specific proposal for promising projects, aiming to not only increase investments in tourism but make it easier for the businesses as well. The Bulgarian minister and Mr. Andrew Forbes commented that security is crucial both for investments and tourism. Minister Angelkova emphasized that Bulgaria is a symbol of stability in its region and is often chosen for family vacations precisely because of its security.
Minister Angelkova held a work meeting with Thorsten Geissler, head of the Bulgarian office of Konrad Adenauer Foundation
Germany is in top 3 of Bulgaria’s tourism markets   Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, held a work meeting with Thorsten Geissler, head of the Bulgarian office of Konrad Adenauer Foundation. Germany is in top 3 of Bulgaria’s tourism-generating markets. The German tourists visiting our country last year exceeded 870 000, growing by 5.3 per cent compared to the year before, said Minister Angelkova. This year we are expecting the results to be even better and also register another growth in the number of German tourists, indicated the minister, clarifying that such were the indications about the early summer vacation bookings of tour operators, as well booked flights. Preparation for the new active season takes place in communication with the large-scale international tour operators, such as TUI, Neckermann, Thomas Cook, Der Turistik, explained the minister. The meetings in preparation of summer 2018 started back in the heat of last season. Mr. Geissler added that Bulgaria is often a preferred destination for German tourists.Tourism development is an important priority for the government, emphasized Minister Angelkova. She presented to her interlocutor the tourism opportunities offered by Bulgaria. Sea tourism is traditional for the country, but in addition we are also developing the cultural-historical, spa, medical spa, wellness, gourmet, and eco ones, said the minister, adding that the country is in the position to offer to its visitors a broad range of products owing to its natural riches and millennial history.The minister stated that the Ministry is working actively to attract ever more German tourists to our country. We have on schedule the presentation of Bulgarian tourism products at the ITB Berlin exhibition, which will be held early next month, announced Minister Angelkova. The tourism forum is among the most significant ones globally and is intended both for professionals and the general public. Last year there were more than 10 000 exhibitors from 180 countries and regions, while the visitors’ number reached 160 000.
Minister Angelkova: Digitalization is a major priority in tourism, we are making a long-term concept for its development
EU Commissioner Maria Gabriel with a video address for the roundtable of the Ministry of Tourism- an event in Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council 70% of smartphone-using tourists make surveys for their journeys through their phones, international research suggests. Each second journey begins from a mobile device. Thus said the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, at the opening of the international roundtable entitled Digital Transformation in Tourism. The event was held within the framework of the Vacation & Spa Expo international tourism exchange, which is part of the Ministry’s initiatives in the calendar of Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council. The roundtable was attended by Renata Pindjo, Deputy Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications of Republic of Serbia. Maria Gabriel, EU Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, also participated via a video address.According to international analyses, internet users have increased globally by 7% last year, while people actively using social networks, have increased by 13 per cent in 2017 г. A 14% growth is also registered in the users of social networks via mobile devices, said Minister Angelkova.We are using the international roundtable as a platform for dialog among government institutions, NGO’s, and businesses. Tourism needs a long-term, sustainable digitalization concept, we are developing it, stated Minister Angelkova.Two major topics will be discussed during the roundtable. The first looks at New Economic Models and Digital Culture – Factors for the Future Development of Tourism“. It will discuss how digitalization and the emergence of new business models are affecting the tourism industry, announced Minister Angelkova. The second discussion will focus on Digitalization and New Opportunities to Preserve Cultural Heritage. Participants will discuss how innovative management may be used to stimulate the tourism sector’s development, explained the Minister.In her video address, EU Commissioner Maria Gabriel thanked Minister Angelkova for the active works and for transforming Bulgaria into a preferred tourism destination. She also added that online visits of tourists in Europe are leading ones and that European tourism goes hand in hand with digitalization.
Minister Angelkova opens the Vacation & Spa Expo international tourism exposition
Minister Angelkova opened the 35th edition of the largest tourism exposition in Bulgaria – the Vacation & Spa Expo international tourism exchange. The forum was held between February 14 – 16, 2018 in the Inter Expo Centre in Sofia, under the aegis of the Ministry of Tourism and in partnership with Sofia Municipality and the industry organizations. Each year the exposition attracts over 350 companies and more than 20 000 professionals and visitors, while last year it registered a 9% growth in visitors.The exchange is a part of the events organized by the Ministry of Tourism during Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council, which undoubtedly is notable recognition of its significance. A day before, the Tourism and Economic Growth informal meeting of the EU tourism ministers was held, being the first of its kind. Discussion led to the shared desire to jointly support the development of tourism, which is a crucial driver of sustainable economic growth in the EU. Its share in the Union’s GDP is nearly 10 per cent, while it has a 12% share of all European jobs. In Bulgaria the industry generates some 13% of the country’s GDP, emphasized the minister.She announced that the sector ranks among the three most important economic sectors in terms of these indicators. In 2017 international tourist travel in Europe exceeded 670 mil., with more than 8 per cent growth being registered, according to stats of the European Tourism Commission.Minister Angelkova stated her conviction that these up-to-date topics will also be discussed during the exchange. Bulgaria has a lot to show for during the 3-day forum because it is working hard to upgrade its image as an attractive European destination. This is also evidenced by stats. The total number of international tourism visits in our country in 2017 are nearly 8.9 mil., registering a 7 per cent growth compared to 2016, while over 61% of the visits are by EU nationals. International tourism revenues have grown by over 9% for the January-November period of 2017 compared to the same period of 2016, exceeding BGN 6.6 bil. in absolute terms.Positive results are not possible without application of innovations and state-of-the-art technology. Therefore, we planned as a special highlight in the exchange’s agenda tomorrow’s international roundtable entitled Digital Transformation in Tourism also here, at Inter Expo Centre, and it is also part of the calendar of Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council, Minister Angelkova said further. She emphasized in this context that for the first time ever the traditional annual awards of Vacation & Spa Expo envisage a recognition for the best innovative project implemented in tourism.The Minister invited the guests to visit the Ministry-organized Bulgarian stand, which spans an area of 150 sq. m. and reveals our country’s potential as an attractive year-round destination. Participating as co-exhibitors are over 20 municipalities, tourism chambers, culture centres, museums, regional associations, specialized clusters, and various associations.
Minister Angelkova: A task group involving several countries will draft Balkan routes for remote market tourists
Bulgaria will increasingly be attracting tourists from China and other remote markets with common Balkan routes involving several countries. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, in an interview for the morning talk show of bTV. She summarized as very successful the first of its kind Tourism and Economic Growth meeting of the tourism ministers in EU within Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council, adding that it was highly rated by Bieńkowska, EU Commissioner for Single Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SME’s, Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary General of UN’s World Tourism Organization. The forum gathered a record number of over 520 delegates.We discussed with EU member states the ways to attract more tourists from China and remote markets to the single destination Europe, with Turkey and the Western Balkans also to be integrated in the initiative. We are setting up a task group with representatives of ministries and municipalities to create routes, which will attract Chinese tourists. This will be considerably helped also by our idea to create a map of the top 100 European tourism sites, which will incorporate for a start landmarks from the UNESCO lists. Also discussed was the establishment of a European Tourism Fund, which would assist the implementation of such ideas via financial and other mechanisms, explained Minister Angelkova.Analyses indicate that Bulgarians increasingly prefer to spend their vacations in Bulgaria because quality of our tourism services is sustainably on the rise. This is evidence that tourists are pleased with the marketed product, the minister stressed. According to polls, half of the surveyed Bulgarians will, for example, opt for the Bulgarian Black Sea next summer, with half of our compatriots also staying in their motherland for the ski vacations.Minister Angelkova anticipated some upward movement in the prices of summer vacations because demand for high-category hotels offering better quality is expanding but this depends entirely on the industry because tourism in our country is 100% privately owned. The minister reminded, however, that according to data in the western media, Bulgaria is among the leading destinations in terms of price performance vacation.   She focused on the need to ensure the stewarding of sea beaches in order to provide trouble-free summer vacation to the visitors. Whether the procedures are under the Black Sea Spatial Planning Act or under the new Concessions Act, the beach concessions will be granted by the Ministry of Tourism, she explained adding that it is normal practice because the ministry is the responsible institution. I and the Deputy Prime Minister, Valeri Simeonov, are fighting to have order in the resorts. We are fully compliant with the law and monitor the transparent conduct of procedures. The problem with beaches in the gated resorts will be resolved via concessions because the highest price is not the criterion to determine the steward, unlike the case with letting, it is a set of criteria.Users demand that the beaches are granted under concessions and stood against the total removal of portable vending stands. 92% of those surveyed insist that the beaches be stewarded, while 60% request that there are portable vending stands at the beach itself, for the comfort of tourists. We are preparing documents to proceed with the concessions as fast as possible, in order to safeguard the government’s interest, Minister Angelkova said categorically.She also drew attention to winter tourism, which should develop at accelerated pace as well. Everything will be done according to the rulebook in the case of Pirin. There is no risk of overdevelopment in the mountain, there is no way for this to happen on 48 per cent of its territory. Only sports-technical facilities will be constructed. This holds not just for Bansko, but also for Borovets, Pamporovo, Vitosha, Stara Planina, Rhodope mountains, commented the minister.There should be quick and environmentally friendly access, such as lifts, to our mountain resorts, it became clear from her words. Change, however, doesn’t come quickly – there has to be investment intention, which would then undergo public discussion and environmental assessment. It is a fact that we are registering growths of winter tourists, with this season being expected to result in a growth of their number in the range of 5-10%, summarized Minister Angelkova.
Malta supports Bulgaria’s idea to create a map of the top 100 European tourism sites
Malta supports Bulgaria’s idea to create a map of the top 100 European tourism sites. The proposal was tabled by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during the Tourism and Economic Growth summit meeting of the ministers of tourism, a level A event in the calendar of Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council. The idea for the map of European tourism sites evolved following dialogue with the NGO sector. During a work meeting Minister Angelkova and Konrad Mizzi, Malta’s tourism minister, discussed the council proposals, as well as the opportunities for joint initiatives in the sector. Minister Mizzi indicated approval for the idea to set up a European Tourism Fund.Minister Angelkova showcased last year’s achievements of Bulgarian tourism. She announced that over 8.8 mil. tourists visited the country, a 7.6 per cent growth compared to a year before. There are growth forecasts for this year as well, added the minister.The two also discussed the opportunity to open a direct air service between Malta and Bulgaria. The ministers shared the opinion that the direct transport link would support tourism in both countries and would contribute to more travel both ways. Significant growth of Maltese tourists in Bulgaria of over 118% was registered in 2016, their number growing to nearly 5000. Malta ranks among the top 50 destinations for international travel of Bulgarians. Last year, their number grew by over 38 per cent, reaching almost 13 000.Minister Angelkova invited her counterpart Mizzi to participate in the second edition of the International Congress on World Civilizations and Ancient Routes. The event is jointly organized by the Ministry of Tourism and the UN World Tourism Organization and is due to be held in mid-November in Sofia.
Bulgaria and Turkey will attract remote destination tourists with joint promotion of their folklore and cuisine
Turkey is the 4th incoming market for Bulgarian tourism, announced Minister Angelkova during a meeting with Minister Kurtulmuş in Sofia.Turkish tourists travelling to our country last year were 12.5% more, exceeding 636 000. Thus, the Turkey market ranks 4th among the leading countries for incoming tourism to our country. This was said by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, to Numan Kurtulmuş, Turkey’s Minister of Culture and Tourism. The minister added further that our southern neighbour is among the preferred international travel destinations for Bulgarians, whose number grew by 7.6 per cent last year.Minister Angelkova presented to her guests the currently developed wine-gourmet and spa routes and the digital projects, such as cooperation with Viber ad the setting up of Chat Extension, which enables direct sharing of tourism sites.Tourism is a key sector for the strengthening of international cooperation as well, stated Minister Angelkova, adding that Bulgaria is working with its partners from South-Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans to create joint projects in the area of cultural, historical, sea, wellness, rural, environmental, and religious tourism. Turkey plays an important part in this context, we are working together within the tourism task group of OBSEC, the minister said further, explaining that a meeting of the ministers responsible for tourism in the OBSEC member-states is due to be held and invited her counterpart to the scheduled event.The task group established between Bulgaria and Turkey is an example of the good partnership the two countries have. Today’s meeting between ministers Angelkova and Kurtulmuş is precisely what symbolically inaugurates the commencement of the task group’s operations. Its purpose is to prepare joint projects to promote Turkish and Bulgarian folklore customs, kitchen, and others. With these the two countries will attract more tourists, the main focus being remote markets, such as China, India, and USA.Days of Bulgaria in Turkey and Days of Turkey in Bulgaria are in the pipeline of events. We are preparing a marketing promotional campaign for the Turkish market, stated Minister Angelkova, explaining that the special target groups will include not only tour operators and agencies, but end user as well, such as families with children. It is exceptionally important for use to attract more Turkish tourists to Bulgaria during winter, Minister Angelkova commented further.Minister Kurtulmuş congratulated Minister Angelkova for the consistent work and efforts for the advancement of tourism in Bulgaria, stating preparedness for cooperation in the future joint projects, which will contribute to the sector’s development both in the two countries and region-wide.
Minister Angelkova: A task group will prepare tourism cooperation measures between Bulgaria and Montenegro
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, met Pavle Radulovic, Montenegro’s Minister of Sustainable Development and Tourism. The two conversed on the eve of the summit level Tourism and Economic Growth ministerial meeting of tourism ministers of EU member states, which forms part of the calendar of Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council.Following on the bilateral agreement from June 2016 between Bulgaria and Montenegro, Minister Angelkova proposed the setting up of a task group between the two countries to outline development and cooperation measures in tourism. Actions for the better presentation of the cultural-historical traditions will be discussed, as well as facilitation of the procedures for exchange of tourists between Bulgaria and Montenegro.Tourism has an important contribution to the Bulgarian economy. Revenues in the sector stood at BGN 6.6 bil. in 2017, with the sector’s share in the GDP being nearly 13%, noted Minister Angelkova. She informed the guest about the recently created Map of Investment Projects, which is intensively promoted by the Ministry of Tourism to international investors. Our main goal is to transform the country into a year-round tourism destination, marketing a high-grade, competitive product, added Minister Angelkova.6 619 guests from Montenegro visited our country in 2017. Compared to 2016, the growth is over 16%. The two ministers agreed to exchange experience in tourism. Montenegro will share its practices for attracting international investment in the sector, while Bulgaria will in turn inform Montenegro about its success in developing winter tourism.Minister Angelkova showcased to her counterpart the opportunity to promote our country due to Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council. She explained that this is exceptionally important for tourism. We will demonstrate that Bulgaria is a secure destination offering a high-grade, diverse product, stated the Bulgarian minister.
Thirty EU and Balkan countries meet in Sofia to discuss the economic role of tourism
During a high-level meeting on tourism taking place in Sofia on 13 February 2018, representatives from 30 EU and Balkan countries will discuss the sustainable development of the tourism sector and its role as a driver for economic growth. The focus of three panel discussions will be the EU tourism regulations, security and the possibilities for boosting cooperation between Europe and China.Tourism has an important economic role, accounting for more than 13 % of Bulgaria's GDP and about 10 % of the EU's GDP. In 2016, the revenue from international tourism in the EU amounted to EUR 341 billion. Host of the event will be the Bulgarian Minister of Tourism Ms Nikolina Angelkova.Among the high-level delegates are Ms Elżbieta Bieńkowska, EU Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs and Mr Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary General of the World Tourism Organisation. Ministers of tourism from all EU Member States and from the Balkan region as well as business representatives will attend the forum.  Overall, delegations from around 30 countries are expected to take part. The informal meeting will consist of three main panels. The first panel will focus on the role of tourism as a driver for economic growth and regional integration and on the shared economy phenomenon and the implementation of related EU regulations. The second panel discussion will emphasise the role of security for the attractiveness of tourist destinations. During the last session, panellists will debate the importance of the 2018 EU-China Tourism Year initiative. The potential of the Chinese outbound market is enormous.According to preliminary data, in 2017 there were more than 12.4 million tourist visits of Chinese citizens to Europe, a growth of 18 % compared to 2016.
Croatia’s minister of tourism to Minister Angelkova: You are making Bulgarian tourism recognizable worldwide. I salute that
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, held a work meeting with Gari Capelli, Republic of Croatia’s tourism ministers. The two conversed during the Tourism and Economic Growth summit meeting of the ministers of tourism in the EU member-states in Sofia.Minister Capelli welcomed the Ministry of Tourism’s efforts to make Bulgarian tourism products recognizable on the global market. He expressed his satisfaction with the establishment of a standalone ministry of tourism in Bulgaria, which acknowledges the sector’s importance in the country, and also stated his preparedness for bilateral cooperation.Minister Angelkova presented to her Croatian counterpart the positive data about the sector’s development in Bulgaria. Visits of international tourists exceeded 8.8 mil. throughout 2017. The reported growth is 7.6% compared to the previous year. In total, over 630 700 international visitors came to Bulgaria last year. We have registered a growth of over 26% of tourists from Republic of Croatia, who visited Bulgaria in 2017. 23 000 Croatian tourists chose our country for their vacations. Thus, Croatia ranks 35st among the biggest incoming destinations in our country, noted Minister Angelkova.Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council is an opportunity, which gives us the chance to highlight the role of tourism as a sustainable factor for economic growth and as a bridge between people, countries, and cultures. The EU Council presidency is a wonderful opportunity to promote our country as a four-season tourism destination, stated the Bulgarian minister. Get-to-know tours are planned in all Western Balkan countries in the second half of 2018, she noted further, adding that we are planning to showcase in Croatia the opportunities for sea-, cultural-historical, medical spa and spa tourism in our country.The two ministers also discussed the development potential of our country for film tourism. Many Bollywood films have been shot in Bulgaria at an exceptionally good price performance. We are expecting the inclusion of digital technologies to contribute positively to the development of tourism in our country, stated Minister Angelkova, explaining that the Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism is the first one on an international level to provide a service enabling direct sharing of tourism sites via Viber’s Chat Extension.Also discussed was the opportunity to intensify flight service to remote destinations, which would contribute to the increase tourism exchange among countries. Angelkova and Capelli stated that tourism is a joint products and cooperation among government institutions, private organizations, and local communities is important for it.
Minister Angelkova: Bulgaria may play a leading role in the promotion of tourism in the Black Sea region
OBSEC nominated the Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism for a second term as coordinator of the Tourism Cooperation task group Bulgaria may play a leading role in the promotion of tourism in the Black Sea region. We have the idea to put the focus on the wine- and gourmet tourism, which are among the priority products for development for the Ministry of Tourism. The topic is due to be discussed at a meeting of the Tourism Cooperation task group of the Organization of Black Sea Economic Cooperation (OBSEC), which is now being chaired by Bulgaria. Thus said the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during a meeting with Michael Christides, Secretary-General of OBSEC. She noted further that focus on the sector’s development in the region would thus be strengthened further. Collaborative aid in tourism with the other OBSEC member-states is crucial for us, Minister Angelkova commented further.The Minister thanked Mr. Christides for his involvement in the Tourism and Economic Growth summit meeting of the ministers of tourism, a level A event in the calendar of Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council. This year we are paying special attention to the 2018 EU – China Tourism Year initiative, explained Minister Angelkova, clarifying that it was the reason why the topic is a major focus for the ministerial council, which is due for tomorrow. Bulgaria has an exceptionally beneficial cooperation with China and is actively involved with various projects on the famous Silk Road route, the Minister informed further.The two also discussed the progress in the setting up of a meeting of the ministers responsible for tourism in the OBSEC member-states. The event is also part of the calendar of our presidency of the EU Council and is also a highest category event. It is scheduled to be held in June in Varna. The Ministry of Tourism will report there on the work done during the period of its coordination of the tourism task group in OBSEC, which started in July 2016 and is due to conclude in June this year.The Secretary-General of OBSEC asked the Ministry of Tourism to consider the option of taking on a second term as coordinator of the Tourism Cooperation task group for a further two-year tenure. Christides stated further that he rates highly the institution’s good work in both leading the group and contributing to the progress of tourism in Bulgaria and the Black Sea region. He highlighted cruise tourism in the Black Sea region, explaining that action should be taken to develop it.Minister Angelkova invited Michael Christides to participate in the second edition of the International Congress on World Civilizations and Ancient Routes. It is jointly organized by the Ministry of Tourism and the UN World Tourism Organization and is due to be held in Sofia in November. The link between economy and tourism will be the event’s major highlight.
Minister Angelkova and her Israeli counterpart Yariv Levin discussed in Tel Aviv joint actions to increase tourists
A joint task group between Bulgaria and Israel will be set up. Its purpose will be to promote development of tourism and increase the number of travellers between the two countries. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during a work meeting with Yariv Levin, State of Israel’s minister of tourism. The two talked during the IMTM tourism exposition in Tel Aviv.208 141 Israeli tourists visited Bulgaria in 2017. We are registering a nearly 14% growth compared to the previous year, said Minister Angelkova. Israel is a key partner of Bulgaria, with great prospects. Minister Angelkova showcased to the Israeli minister of tourism the positive data about the sector’s development in Bulgaria. Visits of international tourists exceeded 8.8 mil. throughout 2017. The reported growth is 7.6% compared to the previous year. In total, over 630 700 international visitors came to Bulgaria last year, the Minister explained.Another point of discussion was tapping the country’s potential as a four-season tourism destination. Spa, wellness, and medical spa tourism are the major development drivers for the Bulgarian health and medical tourism, which is a priority for the Ministry, stated Minister Angelkova.She invited her Israeli counterpart to the second edition of the International Congress on World Civilizations and Ancient Routes“. The forum is scheduled to be held in Sofia in November. The event is jointly organized by the Ministry of Tourism and the UN World Tourism Organization.The Minister presented to Mr. Levin our priorities during Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council. She explained that this is exceptionally important for tourism since our country will be in the limelight of Europe’s attention. We will demonstrate that Bulgaria is a preferred tourism destination offering a high-grade, diverse product. Our objective is to showcase our country to the visitors as much as possible, we will use all potential directions – Sofia, Varna, Bourgas, among others, added Minister Angelkova.Yariv Levin rated positively Ministry of Tourism’s work during the presidency. He expressed his gratitude for the good relations between the two countries and stated his preparedness for cooperation and support in the implementation of initiatives going forwards. Minister Levin added that an increase in the flights to and from Bulgaria would boost tourism for both countries.IMTM is the biggest and oldest tourism exhibition in the East Mediterranean, being held for the 21st time this year. 384 exhibitors from 46 countries participate in the event.
Minister Angelkova opens the Bulgarian at the biggest tourism exhibition in Israel
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, opened the Bulgarian information stand at the IMTM international tourism exhibition – the biggest in the East Mediterranean and Israel. In terms of significance, the forum is among the leading international exchanges in the region, registering a consistent increase in the number of participants, professional visitors and end users. In the course of two days, February 6th and 7th, visitors will be able to look at the offers of dozens of countries. Last year, 1780 exhibitors from 58 countries participated, while the visitors exceeded 27 000, whereof 16 800 were professional audience. Bulgaria is presented by an information stand with an area of nearly 50 sq. m. The main focus is on winter and summer tourism, which are among the most demanded by tourists in the region. Another highlight is the medical spa opportunities, which are often selected as an extra service in recent years. Professionals and amateurs visiting the forum will also be able to become aware of the culture get-to-know tours and entertainment travel offered by Bulgaria.This year, municipalities and companies present themselves, along with the Ministry of Tourism, while interest is growing compared to a year before. Our exhibitors offer niche products – winter and summer vacations, medical spa, and cultural-historical routes. Israel is among the leading markets in international tourist visits to Bulgaria, ranking 12th last year. In 2017 over 200 000 Israeli tourists travelled to our country, registering a 13.7% compared to a year before.
Minister Angelkova meets Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Finance, Mohammed al-Jadaan
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, talked with Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Finance, Mohammed al-Jadaan, during the Global Economic Forum in Davos. They discussed the investment opportunities and confirmed the agreements reached during the Riyadh visit of the Bulgarian delegation led by the Prime Minister, Boyko Borisov. The progress made in the cooperation between the two countries was also discussed.Over 8,4 mil. international tourists visited Bulgaria during the January-November period of last year, said Minister Angelkova. She explained that a 7,3 percent growth was registered, compared to the same period of the year before. Revenues from international tourism amount to BGN 6,6 bil., growing by 9,1 per cent, compared to the January-November period of 2016.Bulgaria also registered one of the most significant GDP growths in Europe - 3,9% on an annual basis for Q3 of 2017, noted the Minister of Tourism, adding that the Ministry is working actively to promote the country as a year-round tourism destination. Another major objective is attraction of investors in tourism. For that reason, the institution created a Map of Investment Projects, which is intensively promoted by the Ministry of Tourism to international investors. The map includes over 30 sites.Opportunities to promote the cultural-historical heritage of Bulgaria and Saudi Arabia were discussed during the meeting. The two countries will exchange experience in regards to a number of marketing projects and advertising in tourism.In October 2016 a Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation in Tourism was signed between Republic of Bulgaria and Saudi Arabia. The document’s objective is for the countries to present their tourism potential, encourage mutual investments, support joint tourism and culture events, and actively cooperate on initiatives of international institutions, such as the UN World Tourism Organization.
Minister Angelkova: We are registering an 60% growth of Portuguese tourists
We are registering a 60% growth of tourists hailing from Portugal during the January-November period of 2017. This was announced by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during a work meeting with Manuel Caldeira Cabral, Portugal’s Minister of Economy, who is also responsible for tourism. The two Ministers conversed during the Global Economic Forum held in the Swiss town of Davos. Over 15 000 Portuguese tourists have visited Bulgaria during the first 11 months of last year, indicate NSI stats.The topics of the meeting between Minister Angelkova and the Portuguese Minister of Economy also included the tourism cooperation between Bulgaria and Portugal. They shared the idea that the two countries could build on the good interaction by encouraging participation in tourism fairs, exhibitions, seminars, and events held in the other country, as well as get-to-know visits of media representatives for the purpose of promoting the destinations. It would be useful for us to exchange experience in the area of education and training curricula, as well as information about tourism development programs, which would encourage investments in the sector, stated Minister Angelkova. The two Ministers also discussed the opportunities of Portuguese experts holding trainings in the Centre for Training and Retraining of Tourism Staff, which is currently being set up. Minister Caldeira is expected to visit Bulgaria soon.Single European tourism policies for sustainable economic growth were also discussed during the work meeting. Development of sustainable tourism is a major priority of the Ministry. The government of Bulgaria is creating conditions to attract more investments in the sector and is setting up partnerships, which accelerate tourism development in a safe environment, stated Minister Angelkova, adding that the objective of the Ministry of Tourism is not just to attract more investments in the sector but also to assert and build on Bulgaria’s image as a competitive destination offering a lot of entertainment and recreation year-round.
Minister Angelkova holds work meeting with Peter Lochbihler, director of Public Affairs of
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, held a work meeting with Peter Lochbihler, director of Public Affairs of, which took place during the Global Economic Forum held in the Swiss town of Davos. The main discussion topics included the investment opportunities in Bulgaria. Minister Angelkova showcased to her interlocutor the advantageous conditions for tourism investments available in our country. An important advantage of Bulgaria in this regard is the low corporate tax rate. Tourism also makes important contribution to the economy, commented the Minister, indicating that revenues in the sector for the first 11 months of 2017 amount to BGN 6,6 bil., the sector’s share in the GDP being nearly 13%.Minister Angelkova and Mr. Lochbihler also commented the opportunities for joint initiatives going forward. She emphasized that the Ministry is working consistently to promote the country as a year-round destination and establish it as a place to visit in all four seasons.We agreed to mutually provide information about unfair competition. Furthermore, the Ministry of Tourism will inspect whether all accommodation locations listed on Booking are registered under the Tourism Act, said Minister Angelkova.There are 10 000 Bulgaria accommodation locations in Booking’s network. The website helps on the one hand businesses market their products, while on the other it helps consumers easily search and select where to stay, always relying on genuine information, said the Minister, adding that this makes it easier for people to get to know the world, for businesses to improve their products, and for us to promote Bulgaria as a competitive and interesting destination.Mr. Lochbihler expressed hope that joint projects may be discussed going forward, to stimulate the development of the tourism sector and enhance the recognition of Bulgaria as a destination offering a high-grade tourism product.
Minister Angelkova: We are working jointly with Turkey on joint tourism products for remote markets
Nearly 600 000 visitors from our southern neighbour during the January-December period                                                                                                                                    We are working jointly with Turkey on joint tourism products for remote and prospective markets, as well as on the holding of information days of Turkey in Bulgaria and of Bulgaria in Turkey. Thus said the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, who held a work meeting with His Excellency Hasan Ulusoy, ambassador of Republic of Turkey in our country. The Minister indicated further that get-to-know tours are being planned in our country for Turkish media and tour operators. The purpose of those tours is to introduce the guests to the opportunities for medical and spa tourism, wine-gastronomy tourism, and culture tourism.We are working purposefully to transform Turkey into a year-round tourism market for us, stated the Minister. Turkey ranks 4th in terms of leading tourism markets for Bulgaria. During the January-November period of 2017 nearly 600 000 Turkish tourists came to our country, their number growing by 12,4 per cent, compared to the same period of last year.The Minister also presented to HE Ulusoy the events organized by the Ministry during the presidency of the EU Council. In mid-February there will be a meeting of the ministers responsible for tourism, which is themed Tourism and Economic Growth. HE Ulusoy indicated that the meeting will also be attended by the Turkish Minister of Culture and Tourism, Numan Kurtulmuş.The meeting’s topics also included the preparation of the 2nd edition of the International Congress on World Civilizations and Ancient Routes, which will be held in mid-November in Sofia. The event is jointly organized by the Ministry of Tourism and the World Tourism Organization. Minister Angelkova extended an invitation to her Turkish counterpart to attend the forum as well.HE Ulusoy emphasized that Bulgaria has wonderful opportunities to market a diverse tourism product, this enable attraction of investments by Turkish companies in Bulgarian summer and winter resorts. HE Ulusoy his preparedness for cooperation and support in the implementation of joint initiatives going forward and stated hope that partnership between the two countries would develop ever more successfully, which would support tourism in the two neighbouring countries.              
BGN 6,6 bill. revenues from international tourism in Bulgaria during the January-November period of 2017
The stats on the revenues from international tourism for the last year are very good, which proves the sector’s sustainable development. Thus commented the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, on the new BNB data that revenues from international visits to the country for the January-November period of 2017 exceed BGN 6,6 bill. a 9,1% growth compared to the same period of 2016.NSI already announced that from the start of 2017 up to November the country was visited by over 8,4 mil. international guests, which is 1 mil. more than its own populace. We are also registering an over 7% growth in the number of international tourists compared to the same period of 2016, which was a record-breaking one in the sector’s history.The achievements are encouraging. We expect 8,7 mil. international tourists for the entire 2017, predicted Minister Angelkova.EU countries remain the biggest international tourism generating market for Bulgaria, with a relative share of nearly 62 per cent and a total volume of some 5,2 mil. visits for the first 11 months of 2017. This amounts to almost 8 per cent growth, compared to the previous year’s same period. The most tourists – over 1 mil. each –visiting during that period have hailed from Greece and Romania. There is growth on most European and non-European markets – Germany - 5% growth, Turkey - 12%, Poland - 8%, Serbia - 5%, UK - 24%, the Ukraine - 15%, Moldova - 17%, Israel - 12%, France - 19%, Italy - 11%, the Netherlands - 23%, Belgium - 35%, USA - 10%, Spain - 37%, Sweden - 35%, Ireland - 19%, etc.
Minister Angelkova talks with the EU Commissioner for Internal Market and Entrepreneurship in Venice
All EU countries are among the top 50 tourists markets for our country Over 61% of international tourists in our country hail from EU countries, indicate stats for the January-November period of last year. In those months they reached 5,182 mil., registering a 7,7 per cent growth, compared to the first 11 months of the previous year. Thus said the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during a meeting with Elżbieta Bieńkowska, European Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SME’s. The Minister explained further that the EU member-states are part of the top 50 markets for Bulgaria, with 16 of them being among the top 20. From our perspective, EU countries are very important for tourism development. Apart from generating the major part of our international guests, they also have potential for development going forward, further commented the Minister.The Minister presented to Ms. Bieńkowska the priorities during Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council, explaining that the presidency is extremely important for tourism, since the country will be in the limelight of European attention. We will demonstrate that Bulgaria is a safe destination, offering a high-grade, diverse tourism product.Minister Angelkova also updated on the progress in the preparation of the 2nd edition of the International Congress on World Civilizations and Ancient Routes, which will be held in mid-November in Sofia. The event is jointly organized by the Ministry of Tourism and the UN World Tourism Organization.Minister Angelkova invited the EU European Commissioner to attend the high-level meeting dedicated to tourism and economic growth. It will be held in mid-February and is part of the calendar of events for Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council. An invitation to attend has also been extended to the Prime Minister, Boyko Borisov, and to Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary-General of the UN World Tourism Organization.The European Commission will use all mechanisms at its disposal to support the sustainable development of tourism both on European and on national level, indicated Commissioner Bieńkowska, adding that Bulgaria’s efforts to establish itself as a year-round tourism destination and contribution towards the sector’s sustainable development on supranational level are being greatly appreciated. The main activities of EC in tourism are diversification and improvement of the range of products and services, development of mobility and worker skills, and implementation of a broad scope of activities to enhance the recognition of Europe as a tourism destination.
Minister Angelkova at the opening of the 2018 EU-China initiative in Venice: Tourism is a driver of prosperity
Tourism may contribute to the global economy’s growth because it is a leading factor for sustainability. Traditionally, it has been among the main drivers of wellbeing and prosperity for Europe, having been developing at faster pace in recent decades. Thus said the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, at the formal opening of the 2018 EU – China Tourism Year initiative. The event’s official guests included Elżbieta Bieńkowska, European Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SME’s, and other ministers, politicians, and representatives of businesses and NGO’s from Europe and China.With over 500 million incoming tourists Europe has become one of the leading international tourism destinations. The sector has a 10% in EU’s GDP, with revenues in excess of EUR 340 bill., while it employs 12 per cent of Europe’s workforce, further announced Minister Angelkova, commenting that this initiative is yet another proof of tourism’s role as leader in relations among people.Over 10 mil. Chinese tourists visit Europe each year, with their number forecasted to grow by 5% a year up to 2023. I believe the initiative will put the focus on the abilities of Europe’s tourism market in the preparation of the strategic, long-term promotion of Europe as a destination, indicated Minister Angelkova, stating her belief that the 2018 EU – China Tourism Year initiative will provide a chance to strengthen beneficial cooperation.The Minister announced that Bulgaria will commit to the facilitation of the EU-China dialog in tourism and to the expansion of our joint initiatives in view of the further strengthening of tourism exchange and investments not just in Europe, but worldwide as well. Positive examples of beneficial cooperation are the projects forming part of the famous Silk Road. I believe that the 2018 EU – China Tourism Year initiative is most of all an opportunity to revive it, preserving the basis of peace and cooperation, openness and inclusion, mutual training and benefit. I strongly believe that this can be a major principle in our joint efforts to materialize the untapped potential of our cooperation, she added further.Just a few days before, Bulgaria took over the presidency of the EU Council for the first time. We will be working to promote Europe as a leading global destination, stated the Minister, adding that we will be contributing in this aspect to the improvement of the competitiveness and investments in the tourism industry, maintaining and strengthening the political dialog, seeking opportunities to create joint tourism products and projects, and focusing on the sector’s digital transformation. During the presidency, the Ministry of Tourism will arrange 6 events focusing on various aspects of the tourism industry. The first one of these is a meeting of ministers responsible for tourism, which will be dedicated to tourism and economic growth and will be held in less than a month, in mid-February.There are very positive data about Chinese tourists coming to Bulgaria. For the first 11 months of last year they have grown by 43%, exceeding 25 000. In total, the international tourists visiting Bulgaria exceed 8,4 mil., which is 1 mil. more than the country’s populace. The growth registered is 7,3 per cent compared to the January-November period of the year before.
Minister Angelkova before National Geographic: Bulgaria has the potential to be Europe’s spa capital, the EU council presidency is the chance to showcase this
Our Presidency of the EU Council is a genuine chance for us to present Bulgaria as a unique tourism destination, stated the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, in an interview for National Geographic. She said for the globally renowned publication that apart from being a huge responsibility for Bulgaria, the upcoming half year will also be an exceptionally good opportunity to display the country’s nature, culture, traditions, history, innovations, and unique features. Here one can break away from the modern world’s vanity, enjoy authentic millennial traditions, and replenish oneself by the unspoiled nature, but also make use of the comforts of state-of-the art digital opportunities, explained the Minister of Tourism.A number of Ministry of Tourism involvements in public events are scheduled for the coming 6 months. These occasions may bring a large number of tourists and investors to the country, stated Minister Angelkova. Some of the planned events we will take part in include the Vacation & SPA international exposition, an international round table themed Digital Transformation in Tourism“, as well as an international forum on tourism and energy, within the framework of Bulgaria’s presidency of the Danube Strategy.Bulgaria has the potential to become Europe’s spa capital owing to its abundance of mineral water, medicinal clay, and medicinal peat, said Minister Angelkova further, adding that our country ranks second in these natural resources, following Iceland. The hottest geyser on the continent is located in our mountain resort Sapareva Banya. The Ministry of Tourism is working on the setting up of spa and medical spa routes, over 30 municipalities have taken interest in the initiative thus far, added Minister Angelkova.Another topic of discussion was the development of high-end tourism in Bulgaria. To promote the sector, we created a Map of Investment Projects, which includes 30 sites. We are actively promoting the Map to international investors, the Minister explained for National Geographic.Our country is an exceptionally peaceful place to vacation in, the climate here is healthy, and the food is high-grade, natural, and delicious. Bulgaria may offer a huge diversity for all types of tourism, the Minister of Tourism said further.
Minister Angelkova holds work meeting with Jose Santos, Argentina’s tourism minister
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, held a work meeting with Jose Santos, Republic of Argentina’s Minister of Tourism. The two conversed during the international exposition FITUR in Madrid, wherein Bulgaria took part with an info stand. Minister Angelkova presented to her counterpart the sector results for the past year, as well as the institution’s upcoming initiatives during Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council, as well as the more significant events until the year’s end.Coming in slightly more than a month is the first large-scale event organized by the Ministry within the framework of Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council, said Minister Angelkova, detailing that it will be a meeting of tourism ministers, which is dedicated to tourism and digitalization. The Ministry of Tourism will be involved with a total of 6 events in the presidency calendar, two of these being at summit level. We are also preparing the second edition of the International Congress on World Civilizations and Ancient Routes, which will be held in mid-November in Sofia, the Minister explained further, adding that the event will be held jointly with the UN World Tourism Organization.During the meeting the two ministers discussed the opportunities for joint initiatives to support development of tourism in their countries. Republic of Bulgaria’s Ministry of Tourism and Republic of Argentina’s Minister of Tourism also signed a Memorandum of Understanding in tourism in 2016. The potential cooperation areas for the two countries are development of tourism products and exchange of information and best practices.Minister Santos stated his preparedness for cooperation, as well as support for the implementation of joint initiatives going forward, expressing hope that partnership between the two countries will be developing ever more successfully, which would help the sustainable development of tourism in Bulgaria and Argentina. It was made clear during the discussion that Minister Angelkova will take part in the tourism-related topics during the G20 meeting, which will be held in Argentina this year, in April.Argentinian tourists coming to Bulgaria during the January-November period 2017 are several thousand, growing by over 40 per cent compared to the previous year’s same period.
Minister Angelkova: Greek tourists in Bulgaria have exceeded 1 million
Bulgaria is an established tourism destination for Greek tourists. Between January and November of 2017 the number of visitors from our southern neighbour is over 1 mil. Compared to the previous year’s same period, this amounts to over 8% growth. Bulgarians visiting Greece during that period were over 1 250 000, according to NSI stats.This was announced by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during a work meeting with her Greek counterpart, Elena Kountoura. The conversation was held during FITUR, the biggest tourism exposition in Spain, in Madrid.The opportunity for joint tourism projects with Greece was discussed during the work meeting. Common products may be created for the sector in the area of cultural-historical, sea, wellness, festival, pilgrimage, and other types of tourism, added Minister Angelkova.Another topic during the conversation was the exchange of experience and best practices in advertising and marketing, which would stimulate tourism in both countries. The participation of Bulgaria and Greece in international fairs, seminars, expositions, and conferences was also discussed during the meeting.Minister Angelkova also put the stress on the implementation of more business initiatives in tourism. Bulgaria created a Map of Investment Projects, which is intensively promoted by the Ministry of Tourism to international investors in the sector. Our main goal is to transform the country into a year-round tourism destination, marketing a high-grade, competitive product.
Minister Angelkova opens the Bulgarian stand at the FITUR trade fair in Madrid
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, opened the Bulgarian stand at the biggest tourism exposition in Madrid - FITUR. The forum is primarily intended for professionals and is the second most important worldwide, following ITB in Berlin. It is held between 17 - 21 January, the first three days being allocated solely for sector players and meetings among business organizations from various countries. In its last two days it also offers access to individual visitors and tourists.Bulgaria participates with an information stand located at an area of over 80 sq. m., with the main highlight in our showcasing being the country’s natural and cultural landmarks. Visitors and professionals from Spain take interest in the opportunities to see churches and monasteries, as well as natural landmarks. Other in-demand products have to do with adventure tours – rafting, rock climbing, and mountain hiking. Apart from being able to become familiar with the various tourism opportunities in Bulgaria, forum visitors will also be able to try traditional Bulgarian wines during the event’s last two days.During the January-November period of 2017 international tourists coming from Spain to our country grew by over 37 per cent compared to the previous year’s same period to exceed 77 000, said Minister Angelkova during the stand opening. She clarified that the country is among the 30 leading generating markets for Bulgaria, ranking 11th among the EU countries only. Bulgarians traveling to Spain during the January-November period of 2017 were nearly 160 000, registering a 24% compared to the year before.Along with the Ministry of Tourism, 10 companies also feature at the Bulgarian stand, offering travel with mostly cultural-historical focus. This year the interest of businesses in the exposition is on the rise and the number of companies presented is growing. FITUR 2018 is the 38th time the event is held, with Bulgaria being a regular participant. Last year 9700 companies hailing from 165 countries took part in the forum, which was visited by over 240 000 tourism professionals and admirers. This year both participants and visitors are expected to be more.
Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, talks to Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary-General of the UN World Tourism Organization
 The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, held a work meeting with the Secretary-General of the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Zurab Pololikashvili, who took over leadership of the organization on January 1. The two conversed during one of the biggest tourism fairs, FITUR, which is held in Madrid. Cooperation opportunities between the Ministry of Tourism and UNWTO were discussed during the meeting, as well as future joint project, which will contribute to the sector’s sustainable development.Nearly 8,5 mil. international tourists visited Bulgaria during the January-November period of last year, explained Minister Angelkova, clarifying that a 7,3% growth was registered compared to the same period of the year before, with the number exceeding the country’s populace by 1 mil. Revenues in the tourism sector during the said period amounted to BGN 6,3 bil., growing by 9,2 per cent, compared to the January-November period of 2016.During the meeting the Minister presented Bulgaria’s priorities during the country’s presidency of the EU Council. She explained that this is exceptionally important for tourism because the country will be in the limelight of European attention. It is yet another opportunity to showcase Bulgaria as a safe tourism destination offering a high-grade, 4-season product. Minister Angelkova familiarized Zurab Pololikashvili with the progress in the preparation of the 2nd edition of the International Congress on World Civilizations and Ancient Routes, to be held in mid-November in Sofia. The event is jointly organized by the Ministry of Tourism and the World Tourism Organization. The name was suggested by the Bulgarian party and has already been approved by UNWTO. CNN’s star anchor, Richard Quest, has been invited as moderator of the event, which has the media support of CNN and National Geographic.Minister Angelkova invited Mr. Pololikashvili to take part in the meeting of the ministers responsible for tourism, which the institution is preparing within the framework of the EU Council Presidency, to be held in February.The Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism is the first one not only within the country but worldwide as well to launch a service enabling the direct sharing of tourism sites via Viber’s Chat Extension, Minister Angelkova explained further. She clarified that the service is a joint project of the Ministry of Tourism and iLoveBulgaria. Anyone using Viber on their cell phones in Bulgaria will now be able to obtain information about tourism sites in the country via the direct link between the app and the iLoveBulgaria platform.The Minister informed Zurab Pololikashvili that Bulgaria also opened a direct air service between its capital and Baku. The new flight between Bulgaria and Azerbaijan will enable even more successful development of tourism for both countries, commented the minister, adding that thousands of Azerbaijani tourists visit our country and the direct Sofia-Baku air service will be very beneficial for the growth of their numbers.UNWTO will support the countries both on a national and regional level in initiatives resulting in sustainable development of tourism, stated Mr. Pololikashvili, adding that the organization will continue to promote the principles and the application of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism towards achievement of the sector’s sustainable development goals. Zurab Pololikashvili was unanimously approved for the position of Secretary-General of the UN World Tourism Organization during the organization’s 22nd General Assembly. The organization’s new Secretary-General will be in office during 2018– 2021. FITUR is among the biggest tourism fairs worldwide, being held for the 38th time this year. While primarily intended for sector professionals, it is also open to the general public. Last year 9 700 from 165 countries took part in the forum, which was attended by over 240 000 tourism professionals and admirers.
Minister Angelkova: The direct Sofia-Baku air service will increase the number of tourists
The new direct air service between Bulgaria and Azerbaijan will enable even more successful development of tourism for both countries. Thousands of Azerbaijani tourists visit our country and the direct Sofia-Baku air service will undoubtedly increase their number. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, who attended the official opening of the new direct air service, which was agreed between the Prime Minister, Boyko Borisov, and the Azerbaijan president, Ilham Aliev, during the latter’s visit to Bulgaria in 2015.Through the direct travel opportunity for both our countries’ nationals we well be able to deepen our joint initiatives to develop the cultural-historical tourism, medical and spa tourism, wellness- and other types of tourism, added the Minister of Tourism, announcing that this year Bulgaria will be a partner country in the international tourism exposition AITF in Baku, to be held in April for the 17th year running.The Minister of Tourism added that the institution is working actively with its Azerbaijani partners on joint get-to-know tours for reporters and tour operators, which will be held in both countries. I believe the direct Sofia-Baku air service will support the efforts we are making to promote tourism, added Minister Angelkova. She stated her gratitude for the implementation of the project so outstandingly important for our country to the Prime Minister, Boyko Borisov, to the Azerbaijan president, Ilham Aliev, to Her Excellency, Nargiz Gurbanova, Azerbaijan’s ambassador in Bulgaria, to the Minister of Transport, Ivaylo Moskovski, and to all, who made efforts and worked for the opening of the new air service.
Minister Angelkova: Bulgaria reports a 7,3 % growth of international tourists during the January-November 2017 period
Bulgaria registered a 7,3% growth in the number of international tourists from January to November 2017 compared to the same period of last year, indicate NSI stats. During the year’s first 11 months our country welcomed 8 425 620 international visitors.We welcomed the most tourists from Greece, Romania, Germany, Turkey, Russia, and Macedonia. Over 1 060 000 visitors came from Greece, which is an over 8 per cent growth, compared to the same period of last year. There is an over 12 % increase of tourists from Turkey. On another note, the travelers from Romania were 1 054 170. We welcomed over 853 120 guests from Germany, an over 5% growth, stats indicate further. In November alone, the total number of visits of international tourists in Bulgaria stood at 399 517.„The stats are exceptionally good. If we maintain the pace, we have a genuine chance of exceeding the 9 mil. tourism mark on annual basis. It would be a record and we will be working hard to achieve it“, commented the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, adding that the Ministry of Tourism will remain proactive in transforming Bulgaria into a year-round destination.„The reported that offer an opportunity and create an ambition for us to try to achieve 10 mil. international tourists preferring our country for their vacation or travel in 2018 ", Minister Angelkova indicated further.Revenues from international tourism for the 10 months of 2017 exceed BGN 6.3 billion, according to data of Bulgarian National Bank. A 9.2% growth is registered for the January-October period, compared to the previous year’s same period. In October of this year proceeds from international tourism and travel amounted to nearly BGN 394 mil., a 6,6 per cent compared to October 2016.
Interactive video on Ministry of Tourism’s façade promotes Bulgarian places of interest
Starting this month, the Sofia locals and visitors may obtain various information about the national tourism sites via video materials, photos, and text owing to the innovative concept for integrating digital and outdoor advertising. The founders of the interactive tourism guide about Bulgaria – the ILoveBulgaria platform – have developed a turnkey creative concept to implement the branding project on the Ministry of Tourism’s display windows at 1, Saborna St. Video monitors rotate videos about various Bulgarian places of interest and municipalities. The platform has diverse information about the national tourism sites and promotes our country as a year-round tourism destination.The video materials will be changed regularly so that visitors in Bulgaria’s capital may become aware of the natural and historical landmarks, which are most suitable for visiting during the relevant season. That concept was elaborated under the guidance of Bulgarian sculptor, Prof. Dr. Plamen Bratanov, a leading expert in industrial design and member of the Union of Bulgarian Artists.
Minister Angelkova holds work meeting with HE Eric Rubin, US ambassador in our country
Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, held a work meeting with Eric Rubin, US ambassador in Bulgaria. The discussion focused mainly on the tools to promote travel between the two countries and on the investment opportunities in Bulgaria. The Minister presented to the guest the annual calendar of events being prepared by the institution for the coming year. One of the first Ministry initiatives is in February 2018, when a meeting of the tourism ministers will be held during Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council. The meeting is one of the highest ranked forums.The second International Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism will take place in November as well, announced Minister Angelkova. CNN’s star anchor, Richard Quest, has been invited as moderator of the event, negotiations with him being in advanced stage.We are actively working to promote in the USA the cultural-historical, spa, sea, winter, and other types of tourism one can practice in our country, the Minister added. She indicated that the ministry carried out an advertising campaign in the USA in recent months, with billboards promoting Bulgarian tourism. The boards were placed in New York, Boston, Washington, LA, and Las Vegas, there were online marketing activities as well. We have not had advertising activities in America thus far, while this year we had the opportunity to promote the Bulgarian product in some of the world’s most cosmopolitan cities in the space of two months, commented the Minister.When advertising Bulgaria, it is good to highlight its nature and the tourism opportunities that enable people to get to know the country, such as ornithology t tourism, recommended HE Eric Rubin. He further noted that it’s necessary to make American tourists aware that Bulgaria is a safe tourism destination.Minister Angelkova stressed her belief in the link between tourism and the film industry as a way to attract more international visitors. She and the diplomat were unanimous that attracting more international film productions would have a beneficial effect on tourism in our country. Minister Angelkova noted that Bulgaria already has a track record in creating blockbuster films starring superstars like Antonio Banderas, Silvestre Stallone, Morgan Freeman, and Jason StathamThe Minister and HE Rubin commented that the opportunity to open a direct flight between Bulgaria and USA would boost the development of tourism between the two countries.Visits of international tourists from the USA during January - October 2017 are nearly 80 000, registering a 10% growth compared to the same period of last year. It is the approximate number of visitors for the entire previous year. This puts the USA among the leading inbound tourism markets for Bulgaria.The data on Bulgarian travel to America also shows growth for the 10 months of 2017. Nearly 20 000 of our compatriots visited the country beyond the ocean, growing by 19,5 per cent compared to the same period of last year.
Minister Angelkova: We will work with India to enhance tourist inflow and attract investments
We will work to promote the opportunities offered by Bulgarian tourism in India in order to increase the number of Indian tourists in our country. This was stated by Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, who held a work meeting with HE, Pooja Kapur, ambassador of India in Bulgaria. The Minister indicated that the Bulgaria promotion activities need a boost. We want to present in India the opportunities for cultural-historical, medical and spa tourism in our country, explained Minister Angelkova. She and Ambassador Kapur also discussed the development potential of film-related tourism in our country. Many Bollywood films with excellent price performance have been shot in Bulgaria. It is a very beneficial undertaking, which positively affects the country’s image and promotion, it needs to continue developing, commented HE Ms. Pooja Kapur.Minister Angelkova also noted our country’s potential to attract investments. Low tax rates are one of Bulgaria’s advantages.HE Ms. Pooja Kapur stated that ways to promote travel of Bulgarians to India should be sought. She indicated that some 25 million of Indian tourists travel abroad annually, with nearly half going to European countries.The opportunity to hold Bulgaria days in India and India days in Bulgaria is being contemplated, it was made clear during the meeting. Arrangements are being made for a get-to-know tour of Indian journalists and business representatives.Minister Angelkova invited her Indian counterpart to participate in the second Congress on World Civilizations, which will be held in November 2018 in Sofia. The Minister also presented the ministry initiatives during Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council, the first major event being the ministry-level meeting scheduled for February 2018.India is among the leading 50 tourism markets for Bulgaria. During the January-October 2017 period 10 000 more Indians visited our country, a nearly 20 per cent growth compared to the same period of last year. In 2016 their visits stood at 9 900, thus growing by 28% compared to a year before.
Minister Angelkova: We are planning to set up a new tourism information centre in China
Setting up a new tourism information centre in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) was discussed during a work meeting held between the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, and a delegation from the Chinese province of Henan, which was led by Su Fugun, Chair of the province’s tourism association. The opening of the third information centre is planned for as early as next year, in the 9-million city of Zhengzhou. The meeting was also attended by Prof. Economy PhD Stati Statev, rector of the University of National and World Economy (UNWE).„We are working actively to also set up a centre in Beijing, which will be the second one, after the first was founded in the financial capital, Shanghai, announced the Minister of Tourism. She supported the need to boost bilateral relations in tourism with the latest stats on tourist flows between the two countries.„In the course of this year’s first 10 months we welcomed over 24 000 China tourists. We registered a 44,5% growth compared to the same period of 2016. The data on Bulgarian travel to China are positive as well. During the January-October 2017 period they grew by over 12%“, Minister Angelkova announced to her guests.Another discussion topic was the opportunity to open a flight between Sofia and the Chinese province of Henan. „Annually, we are sending over 3 mill. tourists from this province alone, who travel worldwide“, said Su Fugun.Also discussed was the arrangement of a high-level tourism forum between Bulgaria and China, which will be held in Beijing in spring 2018. The event will take place during  Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council. Thus, the EU-China 2018 European initiative dedicated on tourism will be emphasized. The delegation representatives welcomed the initiative and stated willingness to assist in its arrangement.„China is among the priority markets for us. Therefore, the Ministry of Tourism has taken on the initiative to create joint tourism products with Serbia and Greece for the PRC“, announced Minister Angelkova.
Minister Angelkova holds work meeting with the Saudi Arabia ambassador in our country
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, held a work meeting with HE Mesfer Abdulrahman Al Ghassib, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in our country. The Minister stated before the diplomat the Bulgarian country’s gratitude to His Royal Highness, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud and to the heir of Saudi Arabia, Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud for the arrangement of the historical visit of the Bulgarian government delegation headed by the Prime Minister, Boyko Borisov, to the kingdom at the end of last month. Those meetings were exceptionally useful and beneficial to us, stated Minister Angelkova.She and the Saudi Arabia ambassador agreed for their respective teams to work actively going forward as well, towards arrangement of the Minister of Tourism‘s visit to the Kingdom in March next year. She received an invitation to visit Riyadh during her meeting with Crown Prince Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, who is also the country’s Minister of Tourism. Plans are to earmark specific investment projects during that visit. The Ministry of Tourism is preparing a Saudi Arabia delegation for a visit to Bulgaria in order to become familiar with development opportunities for cultural-historical tourism.„Your visit was a very successful one, on a very high level. We will now work actively to materialize the agreed interactions for the development of tourism, economy, and investment”, commented Saudi Arabia’s ambassador.
Ministry of Tourism confers the second Annual Awards in Tourism in 2017
The Ministry of Tourism conferred the second Annual Awards in Tourism in 2017. This took place during a formal ceremony attended by the Parliament speaker, Tsveta Karayancheva, the Minister of Sport, Krassen Kralev, the Sofia Mayor, Yordanka Fandakova, MP’s, ambassadors, mayors, representatives of businesses, NGO’s, and media. The event was attended by over 300 guests, the hosts being Bulgarian National Television anchors Georgi Lyubenov and Adelina Radeva.The annual awards are a successful and very significant initiative, which recognizes the best and highest quality tourism product, said Minister Angelkova. She added that they are not just identifying the best tourism destination or event but also support the efforts of every region, municipality, or business to promote Bulgaria as a year-round destination.„Our country has capabilities not only for summer- and winter tourism or spa and cultural-historical, tourism but also has nature suitable for extreme and adventure tourism, ecotourism, we can quite simply develop all types. With joint efforts we can present our country as a jewel, as a treasure in four seasons, and expand our basic product. Thus, we will achieve not just annual growth but will transform this trend into sustainability, with tourism becoming one of the leading sectors of the economy“, the Minister indicated further. She announced that this year’s competition was hotly contested, with over 100 000 votes having been cast for the finalists.„I congratulate the winners and all participants. I would like to encourage those, who didn’t take part this year, to do so next year“, stated the Minister.The ceremony commenced with the special award being handed by the Parliament speaker, Tsveta Karayancheva, to the Baba Vida Museum-Fortress, the winner in the Bulgarians’ Choice category. As regards the awards, Karayancheva commented that it is a wonderful initiative of the Ministry of Tourism, which best presents Bulgaria. It is an honour for me to hand the Bulgarians’ Choice special award, the winner being selected from a multitude of other national tourism sites, added the Parliament speaker. Bulgaria is a wonderful country where tourism develops owing to the efforts of the ministry and the government, which identified tourism as a crucial sector, it was also made clear by Karayancheva’s statement. „I welcome the Ministry of Tourism’s initiatives to transform Bulgaria into a year-round destination because we have splendid mountains and sea, wonderful climate, rich cultural-historical heritage and a lot more worth seeing. The Council Presidency is another opportunity to showcase the country“, she stated.The winners in each of the 16 categories received statuettes, which are a stylistic image of the Bulgarian rose and were made by Dimitar Germanov specifically for the ceremony.The Danube Ultra bicycle route won the contest in the Innovation category. The Sofia Mayor, Yordanka Fandakova, handed the award to the company’s representative, Boris Begamov. The creditable second place was taken by Virtual Journey through the Time Tunnel, Bezisten Interactive Museum“ of the Tourism municipal enterprise, Yambol municipality. The appLighthouse application ranked third.The Specialized Tourism category was won by a 5-star chess match beneath the sky, Albena resort. The award has handed by Prof. Atanas Gerdjikov, rector of Sofia University, to Ruslan Yordanov, senior sports manager at Albena AD company. Second place in this category was taken by SENTIDO Marea hotel, Golden Sands resort, with the top three being complemented by the Bulgarian Union of Balneology and Spa Tourism.The Minister of Youth and Sports, Krassen Kralev, handed the award in the Tourism Event category. The winner is the Francofolies festival-Blagoevgrad, the statuette being received by Hristina Shopova, Deputy Mayor of Blagoevgrad. Second place in the category was taken by Prayer for Stara Zagora, with third place going to the Primorsko Pearl national folklore celebrations.Sandandski Municipality is the winner in the Tourism Destination category. The award was handed by Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, to the Sandandski mayor, Kiril Kotev. Second and third places went respectively to Veliko Tarnovo Municipality and Plovdiv Municipality.Iskren Vesselinov, head of the parliamentary committee on regional policy, public works, and local self-government, handed a statuette to the Strelcha Mayor, Stoyno Chanov. He received the prize on behalf of the Rose Festival, which won in the Spirit of Bulgaria category. The top three are also made up of the Dobrudja Dishes festival, Silistra Municipality, and the Ring Dancing to Grape Harvesting folklore festival, Mineralni Bani Municipality.Beglik Tash won in the Tourism Attraction category. The statuette was received by the Primorsko Mayor, Dimitar Germanov, from Petar Kanev, chair of the parliamentary committee on economic policy and tourism. The creditable second place went to Philipopolis Antiquity Theatre, followed by Srebarna Biosphere Park.Plovdiv is the 2017 municipality for cultural-historical tourism. Videlina Gandeva, director of the Tourism municipal enterprise, received the award on behalf of the municipality, the award was handed by the Deputy Minister of Tourism, Irena Georgieva. The Municipalities of Veliki Preslav and Kazanlak ranked second and third, respectively.Mineralni Bani Municipality won first place in the Municipality for Medical Spa and Spa Tourism category. The statuette was handed by Daniela Saveklieva, deputy chair of the parliamentary committee on economic policy and tourism, to the Mineralni Bani mayor, Myumyun Iskender. The top three are complemented by Velingrad and Strelcha.Sylvia Georgieva, the newly elected executive director of the National Association of Municipalities in Republic of Bulgaria, awarded the Pomorie Mayor, Ivan Alexiev. The statuette was handed to him for wining first place in the 2017 Municipality for Sea Tourism category. Second and third position were respectively taken by Primorsko Municipality and Tsarevo Municipality.Bansko is the 2017 Municipality for Mountain Tourism. The statuette was received by Assen Kiritsov, Deputy Mayor of Bansko, from Vassil Velev, chair of the Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association. Chepelare and Sapareva Banya ranked second and third in the category.The TV journalism award was received by Zhivko Konstantinov, NOVA TV, who was awarded by Violina Marinova CEO of DSK Bank. Viktor Dimchev, Travel TV, ranked second.Natalia Yordanova from won in the online media journalism award category, the statuette being handed by Stoyan Stavrev, head of the Management Board of the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria. Second place was taken by Vladimir Chugunov,, while Iliana Ivanova,, ranked third.The print media journalism award was received by Natalia Malcheva, Standard News, from the Yambol Mayor, Georgi Slavov. Rositsa Ilieva, Katya Krasteva from the Tourism  and Recreation magazine ranked second, while Magdalena Kovacheva from Monitor newspaper took third place.Mariela Russeva from Focus Radio won the statuette in the radio journalism award category. The award was handed by Hristo Dimitrov, director of the Balgare dance ensemble. Second place was taken by Petra Taleva, Bulgarian National Radio.The internet blog journalism award was won by Yulia Vukova,, and was handed by Vesselin Vassilev, executive director of iLoveBulgaria. Dario Dionissi,, and Marta Ross,, ranked second and third, respectively.
Ukraine ambassador to Minister Angelkova: Tourism in Bulgaria is developing great
We are witnessing a very positive change in Bulgaria’s tourism, which is undoubtedly due to the efforts of the Ministry of Tourism. This was stated by the Ukraine ambassador in Bulgaria, HE Mikola Baltazhi, during a work meeting with the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova. We are observing a steady growth of the number of tourists visiting Bulgaria and of Bulgarian visitors to the Ukraine, revenues from Ukrainian tourists in your country are also on the rise, added Baltazhi.His words were also confirmed by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova. She presented to her guest the reported growth of tourist inflow from Ukraine into our country. The total number of visits of Ukrainians in Bulgaria from year’s start to October is 285 697, NSI data indicate. We are registering a 15,4% growth, compared to the same period of last year, said Minister Angelkova. During the winter 2016/2017 season we registered a nearly 24% growth of guests from the Ukraine. „We are hopeful that this year we will not only solidify the results achieved, but also build on them“, added the Minister of Tourism. She also indicated that many Ukrainians are employed in Bulgaria owing to relaxed hiring procedures. Last year amendments to the Labour Migration and Labour Mobility Act were adopted, enabling issuance of work permits under relaxed terms. In June this year the requirements to the hiring of third-country workers were further relaxed via reduction of the set of required documents. The changes enabled employers in the tourism sector to hire workers in a timely manner. As at July, nearly 2 900 Ukrainians were working in our country. Over a 1 000 staff were employed at the Albena resort alone”, explained Minister Angelkova.She presented to the guest Ministry of Tourism’s plans going forward. Both countries are members of the Organization for Black Sea Economic Cooperation (OBSEC). Bulgaria is a coordinator of the Organization’s Task Group for Cooperation in Tourism from July 2016 to July 2018. „I thank you for the impeccable arrangements in this context“, stated Baltazhi.Apart from our active work associated with Bulgaria’s upcoming presidency of the EU Council in 2018, at the end of next year we will also host the second International Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism of UN’s World Tourism Organization (WTO). „I wish you success. I believe Bulgaria’s presidency will be very successful. Bulgaria has huge potential“, Baltazhi said further.
Minister Angelkova at a business breakfast with the diplomatic corps: 2018 will have key events for Bulgarian tourism
We are preparing an ambitious calendar of events for next year. Some of them will take place during Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council, we are also organizing a second edition of the Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism. This was said by Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during the 5th consecutive Ministry-organized business breakfast with ambassadors in our country. The event was attended by some 50 heads and representatives of diplomatic missions in our country. The Minister explained that the first key summit event will be in February. A meeting of EU member-states ministers focusing on tourism and economic growth will be held then. Apart from that event, the Ministry of Tourism is also working on 5 other events due to take place during the year’s first half, when Bulgaria will be presiding the EU Council.Together with the People’s Republic of China we are also preparing a tourism forum Beijing in April 2018, further announced the Minister, indicating that this is another way to highlight the EU-China 2018 European initiative, which is dedicated to tourism“ (2018 EU-China Tourism Year).Minister Angelkova presented to the heads of diplomatic missions in our country tourism outcomes for the 10 months of 2017. The total international visitors to Bulgaria during the January-October exceeded 8 million, registering a 7,6 per cent growth compared to the same period of last year, said the Minister, further explaining that revenues from international travel  during the January - September period amount to some BGN 6 billion. The growth in revenues is over 9 per cent compared to the same period of last year. During the summer season alone, our country was visited by over 5,3 million international tourists, this being 5,7% more compared to the same period of 2016. As regards the winter season, the Minister stated that it is forecasted to be a successful one as well. Expectations are that incoming visitors will increase by 5-10% compared to the 2016/2017 winter season, when Bulgaria welcomed over 1,42 million international guests.The Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism is the first one in the world to launch a servicing enabling direct sharing of tourism sites via Viber’s Chat Extension, Minister Angelkova further told the diplomats. The connection will enable that everything, which is linked or connected to any mobile app and website of iLoveBulgaria, will also be automatically displayed in Viber. Users will be able to find and forward in chat mode photos and info about our national sites. We, the Ministry of Tourism and iLoveBulgaria, are the first in Bulgaria and worldwide, who are able to provide content in Viber’s Chat Extension, Minister Angelkova explained to the ambassadors.HE Ahmed Al-Mabduh thanked Minister Angelkova for the traditional Ministry-organized meeting and commented that it is an amazing initiative, which should be kept going forward as well.„Bulgaria is a popular filmmaking destination. Bollywood films were shot here, making the country popular in India“, said HE Ms. Pooja Kapur, ambassador of India in Bulgaria. She added that it is a very beneficial undertaking positively affecting the country’s image and promotion and that it should keep developing.HE Ljerka Alajbeg, ambassador of Croatia in our country, commented that Croatia is also taking steps to hire third-country workers because her country, similarly to Bulgaria, experiences issues with qualified staff.We should pay more attention to nature preservation, because this is our biggest treasure, recommended HE Marian Gyorchev, ambassador of Republic of Macedonia.The ambassadors also welcomed the Ministry’s initiative to showcase less known tourism destinations to diplomatic corps representatives.Minister Angelkova thanked the heads and representatives of diplomatic missions in our country for their cooperation. You are not only ambassadors of your countries in our country, but also ambassadors of Bulgaria, stated the Minister, adding that she expects good interactions in tourism to continue and that they would always be greeted with open doors at the Ministry.
Minister Angelkova: For the first time in the world one can use a Viber app to quickly and easily share information about tourism sites in Bulgaria
The Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism is the first one worldwide to launch a service enabling direct sharing of tourism sites via Viber’s Chat Extension. The service is a joint project of the Ministry of Tourism and iLoveBulgaria. Anyone using Viber on their cell phones in Bulgaria will now be able to obtain information about Bulgarian tourism sites via the direct link between the app and the iLoveBulgaria platform, announced the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova. The event was attended by Vesselin Vassilev, CEO of iLoveBulgaria, and Atanas Raykov, Business Development Director of Viber for the Central and Eastern Europe countries and CIS countries, and Telecom Partnerships Director.The link will enable that anything connected or added to a mobile app and website of iLoveBulgaria will also automatically be shown in Viber, announced the Minister. She explained that users will be able to find and forward in chat mode photos and info about our national sites. We, the Ministry of Tourism and iLoveBulgaria, are the first in Bulgaria and worldwide, who are able to provide content in Viber’s Chat Extension, further indicated Minister Angelkova, commenting that digitalization is a major highlight in the 2018 Annual Agenda for National Tourism Advertising.At its launch, the iLoveBulgaria project incorporated the 100 national tourism sites and new places of interest from a number of municipalities, both along our Black Sea coastline and the country’s interior, recollected the Minister. After their QR code is scanned, visitors “end up” among unique tourism routes. Work is now being done on the videos for the sites. Once ready, these will also be available through the Viber chat, explained the Minister.Currently, the platform contains over 250 national tourism sites, with the total locations incorporated in it being over 5000, said Vesselin Vassilev, adding that members of iLoveBulgaria are over 500 organizations, with over 17 000 installations having been reported during the first 10 months following the project launch.Viber users in Bulgaria are over 2 million, while their number worldwide exceeds 900 million, announced Atanas Raykov, explaining that two clicks is all it takes to find a given tourism sites via the new service.Project implementation requires no funding, said Minister Angelkova, explaining that the contract between Viber and iLoveBulgaria is barter-based, whereas the platform provides information about locations, while Viber provides the dissemination channel.Global studies indicate that use and significance of internet are on the rise. 2/3 of tourists traveling for recreation purposes arrange their vacations via internet. Within one year – July 2016 to July 2017 – bookings via mobile device have increased by 37 per cent. Furthermore, 95% of vacationing travellers will read at least 7 recommendations before booking their vacation. Eight out of 10 tourists would prefer personalized routes by tracking their digital profile. In one year alone internet users have increased by 10%, the growth being 21 per cent in social networks.We expect that involvement of digital technology will contribute to the positive development of tourism in the country, the results for the year’s first 10 months being very encouraging, announced Minister Angelkova. She explained that according to NSI data over 8 million international tourists have visited Bulgaria until October, registering a 7,6 per cent growth. We expect the winter season to be successful as well, further commented the Minister. The forecasts predict a 5 to 10 per cent growth in international visitors to our country, their number exceeding 1,4 million last season, thus registering an over 19% increase.BNB data on international tourism revenues are also very good. During the January-September 2017 period proceeds from international tourism and travel amounted to nearly BGN 6 million, the growth being 9,4% compared to the same period of last year. In the summer months of June to September alone, international tourism revenues stood at some BGN 4,5 billion, registering a 7,6 per cent growth compared to the same period of last year.
Saudi Arabia interested in investing in 5-star hotels in Bulgaria
Minister Angelkova and Crown Prince Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud agreed specific steps in tourism in Riyadh  Saudi Arabia has interest in investing in 5-star hotels in Bulgaria and wants to take active part in investment in our country. You country has big investment potential not only in tourism but also in all sectors of the economy. This was said to the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, in Riyadh by His Royal Highness, Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Chair of the country’s Commission for Tourism and National Heritage. Minister Angelkova is on a visit to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with a highest level government delegation headed by the Prime Minister, Boyko Borisov.„We are promoting Bulgaria as an attractive tourism destination”, further stated Crown Prince Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud.The Bulgarian minister showcased to the Saudi Arabia Crown Prince a map of tourism investment projects in Bulgaria, focusing specifically on the huge development opportunities for various types of tourism – spa, cultural-historical, medical, and sea. Bulgaria’s advantages as a destination include financial and political stability, and legislation encouraging large-scale investors. Other benefits are the 10% corporate tax rate, 10% income tax rate, 3.4% GDP growth in 2016”, stated Minister Angelkova.„Last year the number of visits by Saudi Arabia nationals in Bulgaria registered a 78% growth compared to 2015. Significant growth in the travel of Bulgarians to the Arab country was also registered“, stated Minister Angelkova, appealing for a boost of bilateral contacts in tourism. The Saudi Arabia Crown Prince and Minister Angelkova shared the idea that both country would benefit significantly from exchange of expertise and information in the sector.Minister Angelkova also reported on the tourism-wise exceptionally successful year for Bulgaria. The number of international tourists in our country surpassed the 8 million boundary this year, as indicated by NSI data current to October 2017. „During the January–October 2017 period the number of visits of international tourists in our country stood at 8 026 103. This amounts to a 7,6% growth compared to the same period of 2016, which was a historically record-breaking one for the sector“, added Minister Angelkova. Our country is increasingly recognizable and preferred as a destination for high-end tourists, she announced.The two countries will encourage various initiatives towards mutual promotion of cultural and historical landmarks. Saudi Arabia and Bulgaria will exchange experience in regards to marketing projects and advertising in tourism. It was also agreed at the meeting to set up task groups for tourism. Representatives of the Arab country will be able to visit Bulgaria and become familiar with our country’s experience in developing the sector.Back in October 2016, a Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation in Tourism was signed between Republic of Bulgaria and Saudi Arabia, when Crown Prince Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud came to Bulgaria on a formal visit at the invitation of Minister Angelkova. The document’s purpose is for the countries to showcase the potential opportunities in tourism, encourage mutual investments, support joint tourism and cultural events, and actively cooperate in international institution initiatives, such as UN’s World Tourism Organization (WTO).Minister Angelkova invited Crown Prince Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud to be involved in the International Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism under WTO aegis. The forum will be held in Bulgaria in November 14-16 next year.
Minister Angelkova: A Bulgaria tourism forum in Beijing is being arranged for 2018
The Minister held a work meeting with the China ambassador in our country to coordinate the large-scale event with EU involvementA high-level tourism forum is being arranged between Bulgaria and the People’s Republic of China, which will be held in Beijing in spring 2018. For that reason, the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, held a work meeting today with HE Zhang Haizhou, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the People’s Republic of China. We are planning to hold the event during Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council, explained Minister Angelkova, indicating that this is another way to highlight the EU-China 2018 European initiative, which is dedicated to tourism („2018 EU-China Tourism Year“).The intention is for the forum in the Chinese capital to give a significant boost to the development of tourism between the two countries. Bulgaria will also invite to the event representatives of both the European Commission and neighbouring countries, announced Minister Angelkova to her guest. The forum was discussed in Budapest during the 6th meeting of heads of state and government of the Central and Eastern European countries and China („16+1“) last month, where the Prime Minister of Bulgaria, Boyko Borisov, met his China counterpart,  Li Keqiang.The Bulgarian delegation for next year’s forum in Beijing will include representatives of tourism businesses and of all sectors of the economy. The idea is for tour operators in both countries to start actual joint projects. Minister Angelkova and Ambassador Zhang Haizhou also discussed the opportunity for direct flights to be opened between the two countries.Also contemplated is the opening of a Bulgarian tourism information centre in Beijing, further announced Minister Angelkova, explaining that it would be the second one, after the first such centre was opened in September in the financial capital, Shanghai. HE Zhang Haizhou stated that it is a very good idea and recommended that Bulgarian centres cooperate with the local tourism organizations.The Chinese state bestow great significance to bilateral relations in tourism with Bulgaria, said HE Zhang Haizhou. He commented that PRC will take concrete steps to promote our country as a 4-season tourism destination, also noting that an exchange of visits of Bulgarian tour operators to China and of Chinese organizations and tourists в Bulgaria is planned as a part of of the Bulgaria forum preparation.HE Zhang Haizhou committed to assist in future joint initiatives and in the arrangement of joint events in our country and in China. During this year’s first 10 months visits of Chinese tourists to our country were over 24 000, thus registering a 44,5% growth compared to the same period of 2016. Also positive are data about travels of Bulgarians to China. During the January-October 2017 period they grew by 12,7 per cent.
Ministry of Tourism takes part in a political debate in Brussels on the sector’s future
Europe is a top tourism destination worldwide, if we wish to preserve that status, we need to tackle a number of challenges – infrastructure, accommodation capacity, qualified human resources, administrative burden, innovations, and digitalization. This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Tourism of Bulgaria, Irena Georgieva, during the political debate entitled The Future of Tourism in EU, which was held today in Brussels by the European Commission. The forum was dedicated to the European Tourism Day.Deputy Minister Georgieva emphasized that the tourism industry is a strategic sector and a source of economic growth and employment. This also holds true for Bulgaria, which welcomed over 8 million international tourists in 2016 – more than its own population.Our government is working actively to modernize infrastructure and have better connectivity with neighbouring countries because this is crucial to the development of tourism and to the promotion of transport on the Danube and in the Black Sea, she said further. The Bulgarian Deputy Minister also announced that in recent years the growing number of international tourists is surpassing the growth in the accommodation facilities’ capacity. Therefore, attraction of more investors from large hotel chains is being encourage for the construction of new facilities, higher-end ones – both for the mass scale winter and summer vacations, as well as for medical spa, medical, cultural-historical, and other types of specialized tourism. The Ministry also set up the interactive I love Bulgaria platform, which has in-depth information about tourism locations in our country and the various services offered by such locations.Irena Georgieva also announced that the Ministry of Tourism is implementing specific actions to overcome the discrepancy between the educational curricula and the actual needs of businesses for qualified tourism staff. The opening of a tourism staff qualification centre is an upcoming event. Amendments to the Tourism Act will also digitalize various administrative services, which will facilitate the activities of tourism businesses, investors, and users, she emphasized.Deputy Minister Georgieva paid specific attention to Bulgaria’s upcoming presidency of the EU Council as of the start of next year. The Ministry of Tourism will organize two summit events during that period – a ministerial meeting on February 13, 2018 - Tourism and Economic Growth – and an international forum dedicated to tourism and energy on May 23, 2018. Furthermore, next year Bulgaria will also preside EU’s Strategy for the Danube Region. On 18 October its annual forum will be held, which is dedicated to economic growth and territorial cohesion.
The Ministry of Tourism of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Tourism of Macedonia signed a cooperation protocol
The Ministry of Tourism of Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Tourism of Republic of Macedonia signed a cooperation protocol. The document was signed by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, and by Kire Naumov, Deputy Minister of Economy. The signing ceremony took place following the joint government session between Bulgaria and Macedonia.The two countries agreed to encourage the strengthening of cooperation in tourism and work towards boosting the tourist flows to each other. The agreement also envisages support of participation in tourism fairs and other tourism events. The parties will coordinate the dissemination of tourism publications and advertising materials. It is stipulated that Bulgaria and Macedonia are to support each other when participating in conferences, seminars, councils, exhibitions, and other events. It is planned, by virtue of the protocol, that the states promote development of joint tourism products competitive on third tourism markets and advertise and market these jointly. The document states that the parties will support the arrangement of travel tours for third-country experts and media representatives specializing in tourism, as well as cooperate within UN’s World Tourism Organization.Macedonia is among the leading tourism markets for Bulgaria. During the January-September 2017 period more than 413 000 Macedonia nationals travelled to our country, registering a 5,8% growth compared to the same period of 2016. Thus, Macedonia ranks 6th in terms of tourism-generating markets for Bulgaria. Last year over 527 000 visitors came to Bulgaria from the neighbouring country, this being an 11,4 per cent growth compared to a year earlier. Traditionally, Macedonian tourists come to our country to visit the Black Sea resorts but there is also solid interest in winter resorts, such as Bansko, Borovets, and Pamporovo.Bulgarians also travel actively to Macedonia. During the January-September 2017 period more than 319 000 Bulgarians visited the neighbouring country, a 10,7% growth. Throughout 2016 the travel exceeded 360 000, registering a 14 per cent growth. Thus, Macedonia ranks 5th in terms of overseas travel destinations preferred by Bulgarians.
The Ministry of Tourism encourages development of new products and destinations for medical and health tourism
The Ministry of Tourism will continue promoting the sustainable development of new products and destinations for medical and health tourism. Analyses indicate that these types of services are growing on the international market at a rate of 15-20% per year, with the World Tourism Organization identifying them as the most dynamic segment within the sector. This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Tourism, Irena Georgieva, at the opening of the first conference on Medical and Health Tourism in Bulgaria – State of Play and Development Opportunities, which was organized by the Ministry of Tourism and the Bulgarian Medical Union.Deputy Minister Georgieva emphasized that spa, wellness, and medical spa tourism are playing an increasingly important role in travel and are leaders in the development of Bulgarian health and medical tourism. Spa tourism ranks second in country, after the cultural one, among the specialized tourism types. Bulgaria offers high-quality service by very good professionals at competitive prices, being among the countries with the largest numbers of hospital beds in Europe. We rank second, after Iceland, in terms of mineral water reserves. Combined with liman mud, medicinal peat, numerous herbs, and favourable climate, they may play a part in the prevention and treatment of over 90% of the most common diseases paid for under clinical pathways by the European health insurance funds and covered by retirement funds, it was made clear by Irena Georgieva’s words.With its huge natural resources Bulgaria is staking a serious claim to transform itself into one of Europe’s health hubs, meeting the highest standards. Our attention is mostly focused on users hailing from the Balkans, Eastern and Western Europe, but also on customers from remote prospective markets, whom with attract with the very good price performance of services. According to the updated Strategy for Sustainable Development of Tourism in Bulgaria with a 2030 time horizon, 2/3 of those foreigners practicing spa and medical spa tourism in our country have already visited the country before, 84% consider Bulgaria an attractive destination for this type of tourism, while nearly 60% state complete satisfaction with their stay, further indicated Irena Georgieva. Health tourism is among the priority ones, with a development strategy due to be developed. We are working for the notable presence of Bulgarian health resorts at exhibitions and specialized catalogues of international tour operators, explained the Deputy Minister.She underlined that all these efforts are also attested by the first standalone Ordinance on the Terms and Procedure for the Certification of Medical Spa Centres, Spa Centres, Wellness Centres, and Thallasic Therapy Centres to the Tourism Act. That secondary legislation introduces for the first time the minimum mandatory requirements to such facilities.We are currently developing medical spa and spa destinations for the territory of Bulgaria, with over 30 Municipalities have stated their interest in the initiative. These will be combined and will build on the established 8 cultural-historical destinations and the proposed 12 wine-culinary destinations, she summarized.Involved in the conference were over 20 leaders in medicine and over 100 experts from the tourism and health services in Bulgaria, Austria, Serbia, and Israel. Galinka Pavlova, Deputy Chair of BMA< also took part. Petar Galev, health journalist from Credo Web, was the event moderator.
Bulgaria and Macedonia to work together on the creation of a common Balkan tourism routes
A task group between Republic of Bulgaria and Republic of Macedonia will create a common Balkan tourism route. This was announced during the meeting of the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, with Kocho Angushev, Deputy Prime Minister of Macedonia for economic issues. They conversed following the joint government meeting held today in Strumitsa.Minister Angelkova informed that the two-way tourist flow is very good and clarified that Macedonia s among the leading tourism markets for Bulgaria. During the January-September 2017 period more than 413 000 Macedonia nationals travelled to our country, registering a 5,8% growth compared to the same period of 2016. Thus, Macedonia ranks 6th in terms of tourism-generating markets for Bulgaria, explained the Minister. Traditionally, Macedonian tourists come to our country to visit the Black Sea resorts but there is also solid interest in winter resorts, such as Bansko, Borovets, and Pamporovo, it became clear from her statement. You have friends in Macedonia and Bulgaria does have enough to show to its visitors, commented Angushev in turn.As regards the upcoming winter season, Minister Angelkova indicated that we are expecting growth in tourist numbers, with Macedonia being among the major markets sending guests to our country. We have the desire to arrange a joint meeting of Bulgarian and Macedonian mayors of municipalities where our winter resorts are located, stated the Minister, further adding that it would also be good for bilateral discussions to be held between tour operators, who will help to the materialization of the Balkan tourism route. Minister Angelkova explained that innovations in the tourism sector are an important highlight in the Ministry’s work, with our country having been presented with a digital 3D printer during a professional exhibition in London. Bulgaria is also advertised by TV channels, such as CNN and Travel Channel, further stated the Minister.It is also planned to hold Bulgaria days in Macedonia and Macedonia days in Bulgaria. Arrangement of a get-to-know tour is planned for Macedonian journalists and tour operators.
Minister Angelkova holds a work meeting with Academic Assaf Hadjiev, Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC)
Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, held a work meeting with Academic Assaf Hadjiev, Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC). Discussed during the meeting were the tourism cooperation opportunities. Minister Angelkova presented to Acad. Hadjiev the strong results reported by our country in terms of visits of international tourists. Since the year’s start nearly 7,5 million international guests game to our country, registering a 7,7 per cent growth, explained the Minister. Also positive are the data about tourists from member-states of the Organization for Black Sea Economic Cooperation (OBSEC), with PABSEC being a body thereof. During the first nine months of 2017, a total of over 3,5 million visited our country from the Organization’s member-states – Greece, Romania, Azerbaijan, Albania, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, Serbia, Turkey, and the Ukraine. They have grown by nearly 6%, accounting for nearly half of the incoming tourist flow to our country. Bulgaria is also a PABSEC member.The Ministry of Tourism is a coordinator of the Organization’s Task Group for Cooperation in Tourism, said Minister Angelkova, adding that in that role the country will organize on June 14, 2018 a meeting of OBSEC ministers responsible for tourism. She clarified further that the event will part of the calendar of Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council.Acad. Hadjiev indicated that the Organization is attaching great importance to the tourism sector in the Black Sea region. He announced that in 2018 PABSEC will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of its establishment. In this context we are looking for a partner on the part of the Ministry of Tourism to arrange joint events in the sector, further said Acad. Hadjiev.Minister Angelkova and Acad. Hadjiev also discussed the development opportunities for cruise tourism in the Black Sea region.The Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC) was established as a result of the fundamental political changes in the late 1980’s when the Black Sea region countries reappeared on the global stage. The region countries’ search for ways to tackle the challenges associated with national development and European integration traced out the road to the joining of their efforts to transform the Black Sea region into a zone of stability and peace. Taking advantage of the geographic proximity and the shared cultural-historical heritage, the region countries accelerated the establishment of bilateral and multilateral relations.
Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism and Ural Tourism Association signed a memorandum of cooperation
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and the Executive Director of the Ural Tourism Association (UTA) Mihail Maltsev signed in Moscow a memorandum of cooperation in the field of tourism, hospitality and investments.The ceremony took place in the framework of the working meetings of Minister Angelkova with representatives of the Russian tourism industry.The ministry and the association will partner effectively in the preparation of events in the sector and will have mutual exchange of statistical, advertising and other promotional materials.UTA is one of the lead organizations in tourism in the Russian Federation. The association was founded  in 1996  in Ekaterinburg  and is one of the  most active partners  of the Ministry of Tourism, which  participates on a regular basis in the most significant  tourist exhibition in Ural Federal District  - “Leto” (“Summer”).  In April this year 250 exhibitors took part in the exchange and the visitors exceeded 8 thousand and Bulgaria was a partner country.In the past year our country was visited by over 580 thousand Russian tourists, marking a growth of some 20 per on 2015. Most active were the guests from the Ural region.
The Head of Russian tourism Oleg Safonov to Minister Angelkova: The season was good and safe for our tourists
“Thank you for the good summer season, and it was calm and safe for Russian tourists”, Oleg Safonov, the Head of the Russian Federal Agency for Tourism said during  a working meeting with  the Minister of Tourism Nikololina Angelkova. Safonov stated his belief that achievements in the bilateral relations with Bulgaria will develop further. “We reported an extremely good season. From January to September our country was visited by over 530 thousand Russian tourists”, Minister Angelkova announced the NSI data and thanked the Head of the Russian Tourism for the good partnership.Another major issue of their talks was the possibility for creating joint tourist cruise routes in the Black Sea. Bulgarian-Russian relations in tourism are successfully developing, our joint work yields positive results, Minister Angelkova said and added that a programme for cooperation 2018-2020 is due to be signed. She pointed out that Russia is one of the strategic tourist markets for Bulgaria.  At the Inturmarket exhibition, to be held in March 2018 in Moscow, a round table will be organized having as its main focus the different types of tourism in Bulgaria. We will present to the Russian audience the possibilities for spa and balneological, culinary, wine, child tourism and other options for vacation in Bulgaria.  Minister Angelkova and the Head of Russian Tourism Safonov also discussed the opportunity for organizing a round table to present the potential for exchange of experience in the field of education in the two countries.  Both of them agreed with the idea that the practice of exchanging students between Russia and Bulgaria to enhance the quality of education should be strengthened and further developed.Minister Angelkova invited Oleg Safonov and representatives of the tourist sector of Russia to the International Congress on World Civilizations and Ancient Routes to the World Tourism Organization, to be held in Sofia on 14-16 November next year.
Minister Nikolina Angelkova held a meeting with the Bulgarian EU Commissioner Mariya Gabriel
Minister Nikolina Angelkova held a working meeting with the Bulgarian EU Commissioner Mariya Gabriel.  During the talks Minister Angelkova presented the initiatives of the ministry relating to the digital advertising in the sector. She explained that the use of IT in our country’s marketing is one of the main priorities in the ministry’s work. One of the latest activities of the ministry was the WTM exhibition in London, which ended several days ago, and the main highlight in the Bulgarian stand was the 3D corner, she noted.  Visitors could see on the spot how a printer produces three-dimension miniatures of famous tourist landmarks of our country, the Minister explained.Our country already has a single platform and mobile application to it, I LoveBulgaria. The platform combines all elements of the tourist sector and was launched last year.  The idea is to enable users to make fast and easy acquaintance with the history of Bulgaria.  Initially the 100 National Tourist Sites were included in it, and the platform is developing and improving, Minister Angelkova said.In order to attract funds in the tourism sector the Ministry developed an investment map, the Minister added. She explained that this is set to facilitate businesses and should guide investors to more promising projects.EU Commissioner Mariya Gabriel welcomed the efforts of the Ministry for digitalizing marketing in tourism. She also noted that she supported the work of Minister Angelkova, making possible the use of digital technologies to attract more Bulgarian and foreign tourists.  The EU Commissioner also stated that tourism is one of the lead sectors in the economies of Bulgaria and the EU and therefore it should be developed in order to enjoy the full benefits of all modern technologies.Minister Angelkova and the EU Commissioner Gabriel agreed with the idea to cooperate in the work on future projects.
Minister Angelkova: Bulgaria is an excellent place for investments in tourism given its stability and low taxes
Bulgaria  has a huge potential  to develop  different  types of mass and specialised  tourism and offers  excellent conditions  for investments in the sector, the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova said  at an investment forum  before her  colleagues  from the participating countries in the international tourism show WTM in London.The Bulgarian government   turned tourism into a national priority and focused seriously on development of tourism infrastructure, she stated.  Our country is becoming a much more attractive place for investment in tourism due to its financial stability and legal framework, fostering large investors.  One of Bulgaria’s advantages is the 10% corporate tax rate and the 10% income tax rate , its political stability, GDP growth of 3.4% for 2016 (fifth place in EU) and second lowest GDP/debt ratio within the Union. Bulgaria is also famous for its fastest internet in Europe, she explained.  Minister Angelkova presented to her colleagues the map of Bulgarian investment projects in tourism, developed by the Ministry. It includes about 30 proposals to investors but their number could grow in the future.  Among the objects of investment are parks, swimming and spa complexes, exhibition centers, etc.Tourism growth in Bulgaria is higher than that in Turkey, Italy and France, according to the data of the World Tourism Barometer of the UN World Tourism Organization. Over the last 5 years  on average Bulgaria has  twice as high growth  in tourist travel  from abroad compared with the EU level  and 7 EUR out of 100 EUR invested in the country  were invested namely in tourism, Minister Angelkova stated.
Bulgaria and Turkey are discussing a joint tourist product for distant markets
Days of culture will be organized in different Bulgarian cities to present Turkish customs to Bulgarian audience. Similar exhibitions dedicated to Bulgaria and its culture will be organised in different Turkish cities. The joint initiative was discussed by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and Numan Kurtumluş, Minister of Culture and Tourism of Turkey, at the largest international show for professionals in tourism industry, the World Travel Market, in London.They both agreed with the idea that positive results for promoting the traditions of the two countries can be achieved through joint work. This will not only help increase the tourist flow between the two countries  but will  make it possible to discuss the creation of a joint tourist  product  between Bulgaria and Turkey, targeted at  so-called promising markets.  According to the World Tourism Organization, these are China, Japan, India, the Middle East, the USA, and Canada.  Turkey ranks fifth by the number of tourists who visited Bulgaria in the period January – September 2017. They exceed 485,000, marking a growth of over 12% on the same period of last year, Minister Angelkova said. Bulgarian citizens who visited Turkey in the same period number over 1 million, growing by over 6 per cent. Data indicates that the two countries could have good partnership and build further on their results, Bulgarian Minister of Tourism added. The Ministry of Tourism works actively for attracting more tourists from our neighbour country.  The initiatives include expedition tours for tour operators, launch of internet advertising in the Turkish media, and organizing visits of Turkish journalists to Bulgaria.
Minister Angelkova held a working meeting with Gloria Manzo, President of the World Travel & Tourism Council
Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova held a working meeting with Gloria Manzo, President of the World Travel & Tourism Council. The discussion was held at the Bulgarian stand of the largest international show for professionals in tourism industry, the World Travel Market, in London. Minister Angelkova acquainted Mrs. Manzo with Bulgaria’s positive figures in tourism. From the beginning of the year until September our country was visited by about 7.5 million foreign tourists, marking a growth of 7.7 per cent on the same period last year, the Minister said.  She also announced that revenues from foreigners’ travel to Bulgaria in the period January–August exceed 5.2 billion BGN.The Ministry of Tourism is working consistently in advertising this country so that it becomes an all-year-round destination and to this end we have an annual programme for national tourism advertising, Minister Angelkova said. She also commented that a number of advertising marketing campaigns on target and promising markets are planned for next year. Such projects are set to be implemented on 20 basic markets. Thus tourists will receive up-to-date information about the opportunities in tourism in all seasons.The World Travel &Tourism Council (WTTC) was found in 1991. Its members include hoteliers, airlines, tour operators and travel agents.  The chief executive officers of over 150 lead world travel companies are part of the Council.  WTTC  works towards raising awareness  of  trips and  tourism as one of the largest sectors in the  world,  which  creates 292 million jobs  and generates 10.2% of global GDP.
Minister Angelkova at a discussion organised by lead world media: We want Bulgaria to be associated with its rich cultural heritage
It is particularly important for Bulgaria to start being associated with its rich cultural heritage. Over 40 thousand artifacts have been found in our country and we rank third in Europe by this heritage.  The monuments of culture date back to the Thracian, Hellenic, Roman, Byzantine and other periods and have a serious impact on the Bulgarian culture and lifestyle, the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova stated at a discussion in London about cultural and historical tourism, organised by National Geographic jointly with TheTimes, The Sunday Times and The Wall Street Journal within the international tourism show WTM.Minister Angelkova drew attention to the single interactive platform with the mobile application I Love Bulgaria, developed by the Ministry, which combines all elements of the tourist sector – attractions, accommodation, food and drink establishments, accompanying services, etc. It includes the 100 national tourist sites, supplemented by new attractions in the regions.  By scanning the QR code of each national site information and visualization of its 3D image will be provided.We have developed 8 cultural and historical destinations. They are published on the website of the Ministry and from them tourists will be able to get information about all cultural and historic   sites in a given destination. This proved to be a good and workable practice and thanks to it the number of visitors to such places has significantly increased, Minister Angelkova clarified.She also noted that Bulgaria has a huge potential to develop not only  traditional and mass  types of tourism  in summer and winter, but many other specialized  services in the sector – cultural, balneological and spa,  wellness, eco and rural, mountain,  adventure, hunting, golf tourism, etc. Among the new forms are sport and culinary tourism which also attract many visitors.  In regard to sport tourism Minister Angelkova added that the country is actively preparing for the winter season.  High interest is expected in the competitions for the Snowboard World Cup in January 2018, which will be held for the second d time in Bansko – one of the lead destinations for mountain tourism. We have the potential and the necessary facilities to host other big sport fora, e.g.  rhythmic gymnastics, tennis, volley ball.The most recent project of the Ministry of Tourism is connected with culinary tourism, implemented jointly with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry.  It includes development of 12 wine and cultural destinations covering the entire territory of the country. They present traditional food and drinks for a given region and show nearby tourist attractions. At present they are being discussed with industry organizations and local authorities. We expect that by mid-2018 these destinations will be finalized and after that they will be digitalized, which is our pro-active policy on overall advertising of the country as a country of four seasons, Minister Angelkova stated at the discussion.
Bulgaria and Montenegro make a plan for exchange of expertise in tourism
Bulgaria and Montenegro will jointly prepare аn action plan for exchange of expertise in tourism.  The document will be drawn up and is set to be adopted by the two countries in March 2018. This became clear at the meeting between the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and Pavle Radulovic, Minister of Tourism of Montenegro. The two ministers discussed joint initiatives at the largest international show for professionals in tourism industry, the World Travel Market, in London.The action plan will be drawn up by a working group in which representatives of the two ministries will take part. The goals will be based on the Agreement on Cooperation in Tourism between Bulgaria and Montenegro, which was signed in June 2016.The document focuses on strengthening the contacts and development of bilateral tourist relations. Actions will be taken for better presentation of cultural and historic traditions and for facilitating the procedures for exchange of tourists between Bulgaria and Monte Negro. The two countries will promote  cooperation in various areas regarding tourist sector human resources training, will contribute to bilateral participation in international  exhibitions, fairs,  conferences,  and workshops,  other international advertising, information and  scientific tourist  events.The Minister of Tourism of Montenegro declared its country’s readiness to familiarize with good practices applied by Bulgaria in the field of investments.  The Ministry of Tourism created an investment map, including about 30 projects.  The aim is to promote it to foreign investors, to foster and facilitate investments in the sector.In addition, Radulovic was interested in the good practices our country applies in winter tourism. “The 2016/2017 Season was the most successful for tourism since the country’s accession to the European Union.  The total number of foreign tourists’ visits was 1.476 million, reaching a growth of 19.6%. Our expectations are that in the upcoming season these results will be preserved, further improved and we would be able to witness a sustainable development”, Minister Angelkova said.
Minister Angelkova: Greece is number one generating tourist market for Bulgaria
Greece is the top generating tourist market in Bulgaria from January to September this year.  Our country was visited by about 900 thousand Greeks, marking an increase by over 10%, Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova announced at her meeting with her Greek colleague Elena Kountoura at the Bulgarian stand during the international show WTM in London.  In 2016, Bulgaria was visited by 1 million Greek citizens, marking an increase of 9.7 % on the previous year. Thus our Southern neighbour ranks second by number of visits.  Greece is also a lead market for travel abroad of Bulgarians, Minister Angelkova said.  She explained that last year Greece was visited by over 1.2 million Bulgarians, up by 15.1 per cent.During the meeting ministers Angelkova and Kountoura discussed various joint initiatives.  Discussed were the possibilities for a joint tourist product or destination, to be used for promoting the region to distant and promising markets like China.As regards joint projects between Greece and Bulgaria in the field of tourism, a programme with horizon in 2018 has been adopted.  It includes exchange of information about exhibitions in the two countries, cooperation in winter, congress, religious, cultural and historic tourism and other types of tourism.  The document provides for support of the private sector and possibilities for investment and public-private partnership.  The responsible ministers agreed on setting up a working group of experts who will work for greater interaction between Sofia and Athens in tourism.
Minister Angelkova met with the Minister of Tourism of Indonesia at the Bulgarian stand of the largest show WTM in London
The Minister Angelkova talked with Arief Yahya, Minister of Tourism of Indonesia. The meeting was held at the Bulgarian stand of the largest show for professionals in tourism WTM in London.  A key focus of the discussion was the exchange of expertise in investment and summer tourism. For the first 9 months since the beginning of the year we report an increase of over 26% visitors from Indonesia to our country.  Also positive is the data on 2016 when there was a growth in tourists from the island country by 21.3 per cent, the Bulgarian minister announced.She added that our country offers opportunities for different types of tourism such as cultural and historic, winter, balneological and spa tourism based on over 600 types of mineral springs, gourmet, rural tourism which would meet the taste and demands of Indonesian tourists. In order to promote Asian culture in Bulgaria the first Asian festival was held in Bulgaria this summer.   It was organized by 13 diplomatic missions, including the Embassy of Indonesia, in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism.During the meeting in London the two ministers also discussed the opportunities for implementation of investment projects. Increasing investments in tourism is one of the key priorities in the ministry’s work, Minister Angelkova explained.  A Map of Investment Projects in Tourism has already been developed, which is available on the website of the ministry. The sector plays a growing role in Bulgaria’s economic development, as evident from the number of foreign tourists in Bulgaria and the steadily increasing revenues. For the first 9 months of the year foreign tourists in Bulgaria have increased by 7.7 % and account for some 7.5 million.  Revenues from international trips in the period January-August exceed BGN 5.2 billion, up by some 10%. In 2016, the sector and related economic activities in our country accounted for BGN 11.6 billion, contributing to about 13% of the country’s gross domestic product.
Minister Angelkova opened the Bulgarian stand at WTM show in London
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova opened the Bulgarian national stand at the international tourist show WTM in London – the biggest show in the world for professionals. At the exchange, which is held from 6 to 8 November 2017, over 70 ministers of tourism from different countries are expected to take part.  Bulgaria is presented in the UK capital with a national stand of nearly 300 sq.m. , including  16 travel companies and  municipalities  from the country. They reveal its potential as an all-year-round destination with a focus on cultural and historic, sea, balneological and spa, winter and ski tourism. Presented in the overall image of the country are also other forms of specialized services – eco and rural, wine and gourmet, congress and event tourism, golf, hunting, adventure tourism.The visitors are highly interested in the Bulgarian stand. Among the main attractions in it is the 3D digital corner, which is a joint initiative for promoting cultural tourism between students from the University of Ruse and the Ministry of Tourism.  The printer reproduces miniatures of famous tourist attractions in the country, which can be received on the spot.  They include well-known fortresses, monasteries and churches, monuments, natural phenomena. “The project  is already  effective  and  is a successful product of  our cooperation  with the academic community  and it illustrates  part of the huge  cultural heritage  of our country”,  Minister Angelkova stated.   Within the show is also presented the internet platform with mobile application I loveBulgaria, which is part of the plan for digitalization of the marketing and advertising policy of the ministry.  The development, which started last year, covers the 100 national tourist sites and new landmarks from many municipalities along the Black Sea coast and the country’s interior.  After scanning their QR code the visitor finds himself in unique tourist routes.Installed at the stand is also a touch screen with access to the official tourist portal in Bulgaria via which visitors can get visual information on the specific site or landmark.  They can use VR glasses to get real panoramic image of the sites and also receive a small souvenir.Among the curious attractions at the Bulgarian stand is an authentic loom used to weave the famous Chiprovtsi kilimi (carpets) – world cultural heritage under the auspices of UNESCO.  Every visitor may sit at a smaller loom and try to arrange the colours themselves.  Every day there are tastings of selected Bulgarian wines and culinary specialties and traditional Bulgarian folk dances will be played at the end of the show.
Minister Angelkova talked in London with Taleb Rifai, Secretary General of the UN World Tourism Organization
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova held a working meeting with Taleb Rifai, Secretary General of the UN World Tourism Organization (WTO).  They discussed topical issues for the sector at the biggest international show for professionals in tourist industry, the World Travel Market in London.The focus in the talks was the upcoming second joint event with the organization in Bulgaria – the WTO International Congress of World Civilisations and Ancient Routes. It will be held in Bulgaria in the period 14-16 November next year. “2018 is the European year of cultural heritage, which makes relevant the focus we want to place on cultural and historic tourism”, Minister Angelkova said. “We hope that all ministers of tourism of the countries which are members of WTO will be present and for moderator of the congress we invited the famous CNN anchor Richard Quest”, Minister Angelkova said to Taleb Rifai.In addition, she talked with the WTO Secretary General about the development of domestic tourism in Bulgaria. “For us it is extremely important to encourage and promote this type of tourism.  Our active work yields positive outcomes both in domestic tourism and in terms of guests from other countries”, Minister Angelkova said and supported her statements with official statistical data.  Until September this year the total number of visits by foreign tourists to Bulgaria is 7 492 630. This is an increase of some 8 per cent on the same period last year.  In high season summer months from June to September over 5.3 million foreign tourists visited our country. The increase is 5.7%, Minister Angelkova added and stated that the Ministry of Tourism has been already actively preparing the next summer season and 5-star hotels are already booked for summer 2018. “We are conducting negotiations with global tour operators including TUI, Thomas Cook, and DER Touristik to have a good basis for the next summer season”, Minister Angelkova added and noted that according to data of the Bulgarian National Bank, revenues from international tourism for the first 8 months amount to BGN 5.2 billion.
Minister Angelkova: Tourists from Japan have increased by over 11% since the beginning of the year
Japanese tourists who visited Bulgaria in the period January-September mark an increase of some 11% compared with the same period last year, the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova said during her meeting with H.E.  Masato Watanabe, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Bulgaria.  She clarified that this makes Japan one of the top 50 generating markets for Bulgarian tourism.  She also specified that the Rose Festival is one of the most demanded and visited events in our country by Japanese guests. In addition, about 3500 Bulgarians visited Japan in the first 9 months of the year, marking an increase of over 60 per cent compared with the same period a year ago.Minister Angelkova also stated that a special marketing campaign of the Japanese market is set to be prepared aimed at increasing the number of tourists between the two countries.  Journalist exploratory tours are planned, which should contribute to the promotion of Bulgaria among Japanese tourists.At the meeting, the Minister informed H.E.  Masato Watanabe of the initiatives of the ministry during the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU. She specified that 6 major events are planned and invited representatives of Japan to take part, where appropriate.  Minister Angelkova extended an invitation for participation in the second congress of civilisations. Active preparation is underway and it is set to be held at the end of 2018, the Minister explained.Opera tourism is a niche that could be developed by Bulgaria, H.E. Masato Watanabe said. He explained that Bulgarian performers of classical music often visit his country and are very popular and liked. In his view, Bulgaria could be advertised for these products and attract visitors travelling for opera events.H.E. Masato Watanabe took the commitment to work jointly with Minister Angelkova to increase tourist flow. He stated that for the accomplishment of these goal joint events and initiatives could be organised.
Bulgaria with innovative tourist advertising at the international show in London, which is developed by students
The Ministry of tourism and the University of Ruse signed an agreement on cooperation in digital technologies  Digitalisation and implementation of new technologies are among the main priorities of the Ministry of Tourism in its advertising and marketing policy. We will promote our country in an innovative way so as to make it more competitive and sought as an all-year-round destination, the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova stated during her visit to the University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev” where she congratulated students and faculty on the National Enlighteners’ Day.She signed with the rector of the higher school Prof.  Velizara Pencheva a framework agreement on cooperation, which focuses on development and use of modern technologies for visualization of advertisement in tourism.As a result of this partnership students from Ruse will take part in the first digital corner at the Bulgarian stand at the international travel show WTM in London this November.  Through the implementation of the joint project 3D souvenirs of Bulgarian tourist landmarks and attractions will be created on the spot and offered to visitors.  These include some Danube fortresses, the Rila Monastery, the Rock-hewn Churches of Ivanovo, etc.Introduction of more digital technologies is set out in the Annual Programme for National Tourist Advertising and we will actively work in that direction with the EU Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, as became clear from the Minister’s words. The initiative for the digital corner is aimed at promoting the cultural and historic richness of Bulgaria.  It will elaborate the single platform with mobile application I love Bulgaria, created by the Ministry in 2016, which combines all elements of the tourist sector – landmarks, accommodation, food and drinks establishments, accompanying services, etc., Minister Angelkova specified.  It includes the 100 national tourist sites.  By scanning the QR code of each national site information and visualization of its 3D image will be provided.At her meeting with the academic community of the University of Ruse Minister Angelkova pointed out that education is a priority in the governance programme of the government.  She noted that the sector relies very much on the quality training of personnel for tourism, as good services and Bulgaria’s image depend on them.Minister Angelkova also reminded that Ruse is part of the 12 wine and culinary destinations in Bulgaria, the new and joint initiative of the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry.  Destination Mizia includes not only tourist attractions in the region but also its typical wines and traditional meals.
Minister Angelkova talked with H.E. Nargiz Gurbanova, Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Bulgaria
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova held a working meeting with H.E.  Nargiz Gurbanova, Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Bulgaria. During the meeting joint information tours were discussed, to be held in the two countries.  Minister Angelkova explained that work for their preparation is underway and they are set to be implemented next year.  In support of the project will be the expected opening of a direct flight line between Sofia and Baku. H.E.  Gurbanova announced that the preparation of the line is at the final stage and it should be a fact as early as January next year.The Minister of Tourism announced that work is being done on the second congress on civilizations  which is to be held in Sofia  at the end of 2018 and Mr. Abulfaz Garaev, the Minister of Culture and  Tourism of Azerbaijan, is also invited.  She added that as moderator of the event is invited CNN anchor Richard Quest and negotiations are well advanced. Minister Angelkova presented to her guest the events to be organized by the Ministry during the Presidency of the Council of EU.  One of them will be held within the exhibition “Vacation and SPA” and non-EU ministries will be able to take part, Minister Angelkova clarified.   Opportunities for joint initiatives in qualification and re-qualification of staff were also discussed at the meeting.
Minister Angelkova: We present a project for 12 wine and culinary destinations to the tourist and agriculture industries
We present an idea for 12 wine and culinary destinations, part of the project “Share about Bulgaria”, which is developed jointly with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry. This was announced by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova who together with Minister Rumen Porozhanov officially presented the destinations to the tourist and agriculture industries.  The Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva and Krasimir Koev, Executive Director of the Vine and Wine Executive Agency also took part in the presentation. For the development of the project we chose to present 12 wine and culinary destinations and this is not by chance because they correspond to the months of the year, Minister Angelkova said. She specified that that they include both traditional wines and typical cuisine for the region in combination with about 50 municipalities and about 100 tourist sites.  She also commented that it is important to incorporate wine and cuisine in the country’s tourist product as they are part of the overall experience of the tourists.The 12 wine and culinary destinations we present today are not final and they are the basis on which to discuss until completion of the final project, the Minister said. The information will be published on the official website of the Ministry of Tourism so that everyone who wishes to familiarise with them could give an opinion or suggestion, within the period of their discussion.The next stage of the project will be to discuss the destinations with the tourist industry.  6 round tables in the country are being prepared to present the destinations in detail to the local businesses, organizations and municipalities. We expect to receive detailed opinions from businesses and to supplement and elaborate our proposals, Minister Angelkova stated. She also added that the final wine and culinary destinations are to be announced in mid-2018.  After that they will be digitalized and uploaded on the website of the Ministry.  We have an idea to include them in the future in the platform “I loveBulgaria”, which was created last year and advertises the 100 national tourist sites, the Minister said.The initiative “Share about Bulgaria” could help develop and promote so-called slow tourism, Minister Angelkova said.  She specified that its concept involves preservation of traditions and culture, focusing on local food and regional customs.  In her words, they could keep tourists informed about traditional food and wines in the regions.  By facilitating municipalities to promote the new wine and culinary destinations we expect more tourists to head for the interior of the country. This will contribute to reinforcing Bulgaria as a four-season destination and will have a positive impact on the development of many municipalities not only in terms of their tourism but also to impact the economy of the country, the Minister stated.We expect the initiative to foster the development of the season wings, Minister Angelkova informed.  In her words, figures on this year show that the excellent performance of the past year will be exceeded. For the first eight months  of 2017 the total  number of visits  of foreign tourists  to Bulgaria  is over 6.5 million  and  the growth on the period  January-August  2016  is  about 8%.In the high summer season the total number of visits of foreign tourists exceeds 4.3 million, marking an increase of 5.6% as compared with the same period a year ago.  The Ministry’s forecast is for the period June-September this year the total number of foreign tourists to reach about 5.3 million, up by 6 per cent on the same months of past year, Minister Angelkova announced.  She specified that the final data will be available at the end of the week, to be released by the National Statistical Institute (NSI).Receipts from international tourism are growing even faster, the BNB information shows, Minister Angelkova said.  In her view, in the period January–August revenues from international tourism amount to BGN 5.2 billion, marking a growth of some 10% on the same period last year.  Only in the summer months from June to August the revenues account for BGN 3.7 billion, marking an increase of 8 per cent compared with the same months of the last year.Wine and culinary destinations will be also very important for Bulgarian producers, Rumen Porozhanov, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry said. He commented that we have unique local wines which will reach more consumers, including foreigners.  He added that we have wine production traditions which are thousands of years old and wine production is developing as a modern industry and many wine houses and testing centers are built near tourist attractions.  This is a prerequisite for packing them in a common product. Minister Porozhanov announced that Bulgaria has registered 54 wines with protected indications on European level, which ranks it 8th in the EU by products with protected indications and this is consistent with its competitiveness and access to new markets.The event was attended by a delegation from the Chinese region of Shansi which came to Bulgaria to meet with Bulgarian travel companies.
The Head of Russian tourism to Minister Angelkova: Thank you for your cooperation
I would like to express my gratitude for our cooperation, reads an official letter from the Head of the Federal Agency for Tourism of Russia Oleg Safonov to Minister Nikolina Angelkova.  The occasion is the completion of the high summer season 2017.“Your involvement and active participation helped find the necessary operative solutions in the name of the tourists”, Safonov emphasized to the Bulgarian Minister of Tourism.  “As a result, the season has successfully ended”, he underscored.The Head of Russian tourism assures that his team appreciates the close and good relations between the sector institutions of the two countries. The Federal Agency “strives to preserve and develop our cooperation, as well as the new projects and initiatives in tourism, which will be in the interest of our citizens”, Oleg Safonov’s letter concluded.
Minister Nikolina Angelkova met with Benedetto Della Vedova, Deputy Minister of Italy’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Italy is among the major target tourism markets for Bulgaria. We are working consistently and purposefully to attract an ever increasing number of visitors. This was stated by Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova during her meeting with Benedetto Della Vedova, Deputy Minister of Italy’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and HE Stefano Baldi, Ambassador of Italy in Sofia. During the discussion Minister Angelkova presented the main event being prepared by the institution, which will be incorporated into the calendar of Bulgaria’s presidency of the Council of the European Union.We expect the Italian Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, Dario Franceschini, to be part of the Ministerial meeting, which will be held in February next year, Minister Angelkova stated. She also added that another interesting event wherein the country may become involved is on the theme of tourism and energy, it will be held within the framework of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region in May next year.Minister Angelkova further noted that the two countries have very good relations in tourism, with the country welcoming an ever growing number of guests from Italy. According to stats for the January-August period, Italian tourists in our country exceeded 114 000, a growth of over 20% compared to the same period of last year. In August alone the growth stood at 21 percent, meaning that over 22 000 Italians came to Bulgaria. They travel throughout the country, visiting both the seaside and the cultural-historical sites, Minister Angelkova explained in response to Mr. Vedova’s question about what places are being visited in Bulgaria by guests from Italy. Italians have been seeking new destinations and changing their travel itineraries in recent years, Benedetto Della Vedova commented.Joint activities between Plovdiv and the Italian city of Matera were also commented on during the meeting. The two cities have been declared Europe’s Capital of Culture for 2019.
We are making a roadmap to align our tourism events with Russia
We are working on a roadmap to align the main tourism events of Bulgaria and Russia, we are coordinating our programs so that tour operators and tourists from one country may be aware with the other country’s scheduled tourism events so as to direct tourists to those events. This idea was shared by the Deputy Minister of Tourism, Milko Teofilov, and Olga Yarilova – Director of the Department for Tourism and Regional Policy at Russia’s Ministry of Culture. The two are leading both countries’ delegations at the forum entitled Spiritual and Historical-Patriotic Routes in Russia and Bulgaria, which is being held at the “Sv. Konstantin I Elena” resort. Four-season tourism can be achieved through such actions, the Deputy Minister commented further.We will be glad to even rearrange our calendar so that it fits the Bulgarian one, Olga Yarilova said. In order for everyone in the tourism business in Russia to be informed about tourism opportunities in Bulgaria, we will use our tourism information centres, she stated further, clarifying that an appendix dedicated specifically to Bulgaria could be created. The Russian Federation has a program for the exchange of students and practices, which is one of the ways to handle the issue of staff shortages during the active summer season in Bulgaria, Yarilova stated. According to her, it is a unique opportunity for students to get practical experience at Bulgarian resorts, while Bulgarian businesses would get trained, Russian-speaking staff. We may table a staff exchange proposal to Bulgaria, Yarilova said, adding that there are Russian universities, which will gladly send their best trainees to our country.For the purpose of better cooperation and increased flow of tourists between Bulgaria and the Russian Federation thematic meetings with tourism businesses are being contemplated, as well as regional level discussions, in order to create very expanded connections. Later on, during the presentations of Russian and Bulgarian regions, Teofilov and Yarilova also discussed the opportunity of Bulgarian children being included in the Russian Federation’s program Get to Know Russia, within which child groups from Austria, Serbia, Slovenia, and Greece travel through Russia. Olga Yarilova shared that having seen Bulgaria’s beauty and wonderful sea, the first thing she would do upon her return home would be to recommend Bulgaria to her children and relatives. Pilgrimage itineraries and cultural-historical itineraries of Russia and Bulgaria were presented during the forum held near Varna, with the participation of representatives of the Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Church. One of the forum’s messages was that religious tourism is a way to expand the interest of Russians in the Bulgarian sea and skiing to year-round tours. An agreement was signed during the event at the “Sv. Konstantin I Elena” resort between the Bulgarian Association of Travel Agents and the Russia Union of Travel Industry, as well as a Cooperation Agreement between the Government Autonomous Authority of the Tumen area and the Bourgas Regional Tourism Association.
Taleb Rifai, WTO’s Secretary General: Congratulations, this was the best summer season for Bulgaria
Taleb Rifai, Secretary General of UN’s World Tourism Organization (WTO), congratulated in a letter the Tourism Minister, Nikolina Angelkova, on the achievements of Bulgarian tourism. „Given the 7,9% growth of international tourists visiting your country between January and August 2017, and especially the 8,1% increase in revenues generated from tourists, we are gladly registering Bulgaria’s best summer season during the last decade“, WTO’s Secretary General wrote to Minister Angelkova. Mr. Rifai indicated that such results build on the previous significant achievement of a 10% increase in the number of international tourists visiting Bulgaria in 2016, which has positioned the country as one of the most frequently visited destinations, with its growth exceeding nearly threefold the average growth for the region.In his letter WTO’s Secretary General has also stated his position that Bulgaria’s performance is a result of the commitment of Minister Angelkova and her team in the sector, transforming it into a pillar of socio-economic development. „We had the opportunity to witness that commitment last December, during the International Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism, which was held in Sofia“, Mr. Rifai adds, stating his gratitude to the Ministry of Tourism’s support to the WTO’s work.„We confirm our organization’s support to your work and to the sustainable development of tourism in Bulgaria“, Mr. Rifai writes further.
The Association of Tour Operators of Russia is grateful for the successful partnership with the Ministry of Tourism
On behalf of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) and her members, we hereby state sincere appreciation and gratitude for the productive and effective activities in the strengthening of ties in tourism between Bulgaria and Russia. This is communicated in a letter from ATOR to the Tourism Minister, Nikolina Angelkova, as signed by the Association’s CEO, Maya Lomidze.The letter further highlights that with the Ministry’s support Republic of Bulgaria’s national representative office for tourism has held in the Russian Federation a number of events aimed at developing the cooperation among Russian tour operators, Bulgarian businesses, and tourism authorities in the country. Bilateral meetings are held on a regular basis, discussing the current situation, exchanging opinions and proposals on how to strengthen mutual cooperation, ATOR’s CEO writes further.Maya Lomidze put the emphasis on the Ministry’s contribution and efficient information work, which was targeted not only on the end Russian users of Bulgarian tourism products, but also on the tour operators and travel agents in Russia. The Ministry’s activities help towards expanding the scope of proposals for the Russian players on the tourism market, for the Bulgaria direction, as well as for the significant expediency in resolving any issues arising during the season.We would particularly like to acknowledge the important role played by the Ministry in the solving of the issues caused by the cancellation of flights of the VIM-Avia airline in June this year. We appreciate your help and the efforts spent in resolving that situation. We are hopeful that this very fruitful cooperation of Russian tourism businesses and the Ministry of Tourism, under your leadership, will continue going forward as well, concludes the letter to Minister Angelkova.
Minister Angelkova spoke in the European Parliament about the future of tourism
The Tourism Minister, Nikolina Angelkova, was invited by the European Parliament’s President, Antonio Tajani, to share, during the summit conference held in Brussels, her vision for the future of European tourism.The Brussels forum convened for the celebration of the World Tourism Day 27th of September EC commissioners, members of the European Parliament, ministers, and representatives of leading companies in the sector, so that they may tell what directions European tourism is to develop to over the next 20 or 30 years, and how to create jobs through it.The conference was opened by the European Parliament’s very President, Tajani. The Bulgarian minister was one of the few to be invited to speak before Europe’s elite.In 2016 Bulgaria was visited by 8.2 mln. international tourists, a 17% growth, with revenues amounting to EUR 3.2 bln., Minister Angelkova said. Tourism is a priority for the Bulgarian government. The ministry’s objective is to now attract investors for the highest-grade hotels in the sector. We are creating investment incentives not only for the popular summer and winter resorts but also for the development of the cultural-historical, SPA and health tourism in Bulgaria. Our country is blessed with many diverse tourism opportunities, Minister Angelkova categorically stated before the participants from all over Europe.The Bulgarian minister noted that within the framework of our presidency of the EU Council in 2018 the country will organize two higher-level forums on tourism. Over 98 000 are employed in tourism in Bulgaria. Over 360 000 are employed in the tourism-connected sectors, the Minister said. That amounts to over 11.9 of all employed in the country.The conference in Brussels was also attended by the leaders of UN’s World Tourism Organization, UNESCO, and many others.
Minister Angelkova held talks in Brussels with Lowri Evans, head of a Directorate General of the European Commission
The Tourism Minister, Nikolina Angelkova, held talks in Brussels with Mrs. Lowri Evans, Director-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SME’s in the EC. The Bulgarian minister presented to her our tourism initiatives in an international perspective, highlighting the two high-level meetings on tourism to be held in February and May 2018, which have been scheduled for Bulgaria within the framework of the country’s presidency of the EU in 2018.Mrs. Evans stated her preparedness to arrive in Sofia for those events once their finalized dates are officially confirmed. She also communicated EC’s support for Sofia hosting for the second year running the International Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism, which will be held in late October or November 2018, with CNN’s star anchor Richard Quest having been invited as moderator.Minister Angelkova also familiarized the meeting’s host with the expected inter-state level meetings on development of tourism along the Danube river, as well as with the tourism opportunities at the Black Sea. The Bulgarian minister also received recognition for the created I Love Bulgaria portal, which develops culture tourism in Bulgarian municipalities and creates incentives for pupils to visit museums and become familiar with our history and culture. The EC representative also congratulated the Ministry of Tourism on the established annual awards in tourism, which promote competition in tourism among municipalities, media, websites, tourism attractions, etc.Angelkova and Evans were unanimous that one strong incentive for European tourism’s development will be its opening to remote markets, China in particular. Minister Angelkova is in Brussels at the invitation of the European Parliament’s President, Antonio Tajani, to state her position at a summit conference for the future of tourism.
Minister Angelkova: Tourism is among the most dynamically developing industries and constitutes nearly 13% of the GDP
Dear colleagues, partners and friends,Let me congratulate with the World Tourism Day - 27 September!I address all of you, who are professionally engaged in our sector, which is extremely important, and wish you to preserve the energy, efforts and purpose-oriented endeavors that you invest every day in the good image of Bulgaria.This year the motto of the World Tourism Day is “Sustainable tourism - a tool for development”. According to data of the UN World Tourism Organization from 2016, the international tourists amount to 1.2 billion people. This is the seventh successive year of global sustainable growth in the sector.Tourism is among the most dynamically developing industries of the Bulgarian economy as well. For the government administration it is a priority. According to data of the World Travel and Tourism Council from 2016, the gross domestic product formed in the sector and the related economic activities is above 11.6 billion BGN, which is nearly 13% of the country’s indicator.The World Tourism Day is a great occasion to render the deserved recognition to all of you, whose everyday efforts make Bulgarian tourism so successful. In 2016 the persons employed in tourism and related activities are 363 billion people, which is nearly 12% of all employed persons in Bulgaria. Tourism is not only a set of positive emotions, knowledge and experience, but also a field of responsible professional activity for entire families, who practise it as an ancestral occupation.I am proud that thanks to your proactive and targeted work Bulgaria gains ground on the international market as a competitive and distinguishable destination for four seasons, offering a high-quality tourist product. Thanks to your efforts, competence and energy, we are going in the right direction. The growth in the number of foreign tourists, who chose Bulgaria as a destination in the first seven months of this year, is over 7% compared to the same period of last year.Thank you once more for your contribution to the sustainable development of the sector.I wish to you and your families good health and inspiration for even higher professional achievements!NIKOLINA ANGELKOVAMinister of Tourism
Minister Angelkova and diplomats celebrated the World Tourism Day
Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova celebrated the World Tourism Day with representatives of the diplomatic corps. On the eve of 27 September, when all Member States of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) celebrate the date, trees were planted in Sofia South Park on behalf of the ambassadors of the countries that represent the largest markets for tourism in Bulgaria.The World Tourism Day has been celebrated since the eighties of the 20th century, when UNWTO was founded. Since that time tourism has become a very important part of the economy of the countries, not only a holiday activity. Another fact evidencing the importance of this sector is the fact that for three years we have had an independent Ministry of Tourism, Minister Angelkova further said. She underlined that the Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and the government seriously support the industry and it is among the priorities of the national administration.I want to personally thank each one of you for our cooperation throughout the years, which we will continue to develop, said Minister Angelkova in her address to the diplomats. She also thanked the Mayor of Sofia Municipality Yordanka Fandakova and the Deputy Mayor Dr. Todor Chobanov for the beautiful terrain in the South Park, where the trees will be planted as a symbol of the international partnership in tourism. She also expressed her gratitude to the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Rumen Porozhanov for the donated trees.Minister Angelkova pointed out that tourism is one of the engines for the development of the Bulgarian and world economy. Each country, regardless of its size, has its importance for the development of the sector on a global level, she said.Thank you and your compatriots, who come on holiday in Bulgaria and return in the next year with their families and friends. This is the best advertising for our country. We want to provide a high-quality product and hospitality. Nikolina Angelkova thanked for the support provided by foreign diplomats in the efforts and initiatives of the Bulgarian tourist administration to develop a sustainable sector. As a result of these fruitful relations the country becomes an increasingly recognizable destination for four seasons, the minister said.H.M. Stefano Baldi, ambassador of Italy in Sofia, expressed his satisfaction with the collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and stressed that much has been achieved so far in the course of this partnership. He thanked for the numerous meetings, where so many positive ideas have been shared. The diplomat said that the number of tourists between the two countries has increased as a result of this cooperation and potential for an even more intensive development exists. The ambassador of the USA in Bulgaria H.M. Eric Rubin welcomed the initiative and the efforts of the Ministry of Tourism to focus on the sustainable development of the industry. He congratulated our country for the success in the development of the summer and winter tourism and reassured the audience that the two countries will work even harder to attract more US tourists in Bulgaria.
A Bulgarian Tourist Information Center was opened in Shanghai
The first Bulgarian Tourist Information Center in China was opened in the megapolis Shanghai in a glamorous ceremony on Thursday evening. The opening of a tourist center in the financial capital of China became possible after the Ministry of Tourism via Minister Nikolina Angelkova supported the idea and the efforts of the company ACN Worldwide and its creator Nelson Yong to open an office in Shanghai by signing an agreement. The center will connect Bulgarian and Chinese tour operators and will advertise the opportunities for tourism in Bulgaria on the enormous Chinese market. This event was the reason for the visit to Shanghai of the executive director of the National Board of Tourism Martin Zahariev.The opening of the center is the first step and will be followed by many more efforts of the embassy in Beijing and of our Consulate General in Shanghai, said Grigor Porozhanov, Ambassador of Bulgaria in China, in the opening ceremony. He clearly stated the goal before the Bulgarian diplomats – the Chinese tourists in Bulgaria should reach the number of 100 thousand per year in the near future.The Deputy Minister Milko Teofilov arrived in Shanghai for the ceremony and demonstrated through a comparative analysis before over 200 guests that Bulgaria has a huge potential to develop its tourism by offering tourist packages for the vast Chinese market. Deputy Minister Teofilov referred to data evidencing the upward trend. From January to June 2017, around 16,000 Chinese tourists visited Bulgaria, which is by 50% more compared to the same period of 2016. The potential for growth however is enormous - at the moment 0.2 per cent of all visitors, who arrive from China to Europe, visit Bulgaria. “I firmly believe that this result will be upgraded with the efforts of the Ministry of Tourism and the businesses in both countries”, said Teofilov.A certificate for the opening of the center was handed by the host of the event Dimitar Pampulov, Consul General of Bulgaria in Shanghai. More than 200 guests came to congratulate Bulgaria for the tourist center. Among them were consuls and diplomatic representatives from Greece, Ukraine, Turkey, Kazakhstan, USA, owners of Chinese giant companies such ass Wang Chong Lin, chairman of the Maotai Distribution Group, Li Wi Hai, director of SASS Thank Foundation, as well as representatives of leading investment funds. The Bulgarian evening in the 25-million Shanghai was attended by the managers of China Airlines, Air China, Qatar Airways, Turkish Airlines, Aeroflot etc. Mrs. Shu Wayvon, Director General of the Tourism Administration of Shanghai, adressed her special congratulations for Bulgaria.
Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova talked with Zurab Pololikashvili, the new Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization
Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova had a working meeting with the new Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Zurab Pololikashvili from Georgia. They talked in the the 22nd General Assembly of UNWTO in China. His nomination for the responsible position was voted within the 105th Session of the Executive Council of the World Tourism Organization in Madrid in May 2017 and Bulgaria was among the countries that supported it.Bulgaria has supported the Georgian candidate for the position of Secretary General from the very beginning, Minister Angelkova noted. She added that our country gave a positive vote for Mr. Pololikashvili in both rounds of voting during the 105th Session of the Executive Council of the World Tourism Organization. I believe that with the new Secretary General of the organization, the cooperation between UNWTO and the Ministry of Tourism will be even more successful, she affirmed.They discussed the possibilities for partnership between the Ministry of Tourism and UNWTO, as well as future joint initiatives for the sustainable development of the industry. Minister Angelkova acquainted Zurab Pololikashvili with the upcoming organization of the 2nd edition of the “International Congress on World Civilizations and Ancient Routes”. She explained that the name was proposed by the Ministry of Tourism and has already been approved by the World Tourism Organization.UNWTO will take action to support the countries at both national and regional level, said Mr. Pololikashvili. He further said that the organization will continue to promote the principles and the implementation of the Global Code of Ethics in Tourism for the achievement of the objectives of sustainable development of the sector.Zurab Pololikashvili was approved unanimously for the position of new Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization in the 22nd General Assembly of the organization. The new Secretary General’s mandate will be from 2018 to 2021.
Minister Angelkova and the Secretary General of UNWTO discussed joint initiatives
Future joint initiatives between Bulgaria and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) were discussed at a meeting between the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and the Secretary General of the organization Taleb Rifay. The talks took place within the framework of the 22nd General Assembly of UNWTO, which was organized in the Chinese city of Chengtu.The focus of the talks between Minister Angelkova and the UNWTO Secretary General Rifay was the forthcoming second joint event with the organization in Bulgaria. At the end of 2018, the International Congress of the World Civilizations and Ancient Routes of the UNWTO will be organized in Bulgaria.  “Among the reasons to propose this name for the congress are several important projects and initiatives associated with the current regional and global projects in the economic and political sphere. The project “One Belt, One Road”, whose main focus is the ancient Silk Road, is standing out among the projects and thematically supplemented by the initiative “EU - China - 2018 year of Tourism”.The International Congress will be the result of the joint work of the Ministry of Tourism and the specialized organization at the UN. “All ministers of tourism of the member states of the UNWTO  will be invited to the event”. We invited the famous CNN anchor Richard Quest to be the moderator of the congress”, the Minister of Tourism added and explained that 2018 is the European year of the cultural heritage, which coincides with the emphasis that we want to put on the cultural-historical tourism.During the meeting the Minister of Tourism presented data of the positive growth of the tourists in Bulgaria. Nearly 5 million foreign tourists visited Bulgaria in the period January - July 2017, which is a growth of 7.2% compared with the same period last year. The total revenues from international tourism in Bulgaria from the beginning of the year until June 2017 amount to 2,4 billion BGN, which is by 12% more compared with the same same period in 2016, which was a record year for the tourism, stressed Minister Angelkova.Another topic of the conversation between Minister Angelkova and the Secretary General of the UNWTO Mr. Rifay was the problem with the insufficient personnel in the field of tourism, which Bulgaria is facing. “The employees in the sector of tourism form the major part of its product and we put efforts to improve their preparation and training”, said the Minister of Tourism and stressed that the lack of personnel is a problem, whose solving requires active work.
Minister Nikolina Angelkova has held a working meeting with Pansy Ho, the Vice President and Secretary General of the Global Forum for Tourism and Economy
Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova held a working meeting with Pansy Ho, Vice President and Secretary General of the Global Forum for Tourism and Economy. Mrs. Ho is also Vice President of the Chinese Chamber of Tourism, member of the management of the World Tourism and Travel Council, executive chairperson and managing director of the financial conglomerate Shun Tak Holdings Limited. They talked in the framework of the 22nd General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), which is held in the city of Chengtu, China. They discussed the prospects for the development of tourism in Bulgaria, as well as future mutual partnerships. Minister Angelkova acquainted Mrs. Ho with projects currently developed by the country. One of them is the preparations of the 2nd edition of the International Congress on World Civilizations and Ancient Routes, which will be held at the end of next year. The Minister pointed out that the ministry and the government lead a consistent policy for the promotion of the country as a tourist destination in the four seasons. She explained that hard work is being done for the achievement of annual growth in the tourist sector and this is expected to become a sustainable trend.Mrs. Ho congratulated Minister Angelkova for the choice to mark the initiative “2017 - International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development” with a postage stamp. She pointed out that this is an interesting and suitable way to emphasize the ideas of the international initiative.The Global Forum for Tourism and Economy” will hold an event in October in the region of Macau, People's Republic of China (PRC).  Bulgaria will also take part in the forum. The focus of the event will be the promotion of regional tourism in the framework of the initiative 16+1, which includes the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and China. The country will participate in the debate on the public-private partnership as well as with an information stand, which will display advertising materials of Bulgarian tourism.The Global Forum for Tourism and Economy is a leading international platform for the promotion of sustainable development of the world tourist industry. The event is organized by the government of the Special Administrative Region of Macau with the support of the government of the PRC, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), UNESCO, the World Tourism and Travel Council (WTTC), the European Tourist Commission (ETC), the World Tourist Cities Federation (WTCF) and China Federation of industry and Trade (CFIT).  From its formation in 2012 to now, more than 7,000 people from over 63 countries, among which 54 delegations from various Chinese provinces and over 300 international speakers have taken part in the forum.
Minister Angelkova presented the Bulgarian postage stamp, dedicated to the international year of tourism, before the participants in the 22nd General Assembly of UNWTO
I am proud to present to you the latest initiative of Bulgaria - a philatelic edition dedicated to the initiative “2017 - International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development”. The principles of the initiative inspired us to create the stamp and I think that this is a good way to preserve the values of the campaign, even after the end of this year. This was said by Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova in the presentation of the Bulgarian postage stamp during the 22nd General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in China. All participants in the event received as a gift brochure, including a postal envelope and a stamp block with a special message from Minister Angelkova.I would like to express our gratitude to Mr, Taleb Rifay. Secretary General of UNWTO for his support for our initiative, said the Minister. In her words, the common efforts of the ministry and UNWTO made this presentation of the stamp possible. The philatelic edition displays two of the most emblematic cultural artifacts dating back from different historical epochs - the Rila Monastery and the Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak. In addition they are also part of the list of immovable cultural heritage of UNESCO.  The elements are connected with circles, which are not only symbols of infinity, but are found in the images of both sites. They can also be the analogue of the endless wheel of life and the depth of the Bulgarian history.As you probably know, Bulgaria is among the few ancient countries that have preserved their Thracian, Roman and Byzantine cultural heritage, thus ranking third in Europe in terms of cultural artifacts, said Minister Angelkova. And she specified that this is a major factor for the country to achieve their long-term objective to become an all-year-round destination, known not only for summer and winter tourism, but also for the abundance of cultural-historical routes.Our priority is to create the proper conditions for the implementation of the principles laid down by the initiative “2017 - International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development”, the minister further said. In her words among her objectives are the promotion of the role of tourism in the preservation of the rich cultural heritage and the inherent values of our civilizations and cultures in the world.The minister encouraged the participants to visit these places in Bulgaria, stressing that this is the best way to feel the spirit of the country.
Minister Angelkova: The Bulgarian government has worked hard for the sustainable development of tourism
Tourism is an extremely important sector for the economy of Bulgaria and our government works hard for its sustainable development. The tourism industry forms around 13% of the gross domestic product of the country and in 2016 we welcomed over 8 million foreign tourists, which is nearly 17% more than the previous year. This was said by Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova in the plenary session of the 22nd General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), which is being held in the Chinese city of Chengtu.The sustainable tourism plays an exclusive role for the development of a sustainable economy and our main objective is to make Bulgaria an attractive all-year destination, she further said. She also underlined that the Bulgarian government creates very good conditions for attracting more investments to the sector and promotes partnerships that stimulate the development of the tourism industry in a protected environment.Our ambition is to facilitate the procedures, which attract more investment in the mass winter and summer tourism, but also in the specialized kinds of tourism such as the balneology and spa, cultural-historical tourism, golf etc., the minister explained. Bulgaria has a long history with plenty of inherited architectural monuments, which makes it an increasingly attractive route in the region, said Minister Angelkova.She thanked the Chinese hosts for the perfect organization of the forum and emphasizes the importance of cooperation with the international organizations in tourism, especially with UNWTO. The Minister thanked specifically to the Secretary General of the organization Taleb Rifay, who has an invaluable contribution to the bilateral relations and assured the participants that the Bulgarian government will continue to draw the attention to the tourism as an important item on its agenda. We will work even harder for the promotion of the country as an increasingly competitive destination, concluded it.
Minister Angelkova: The initiative “One Belt, One Road” may lead to a new level of the cooperation between Bulgaria and China
China’s initiative “One Belt, One Road” is in support of the implementation of the action plan for the sustainable development of tourism until the year 2030. Bulgaria supports this endeavor and the 2nd International Western Silk Road Workshop, hosted by our country in June this year. It is organized by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the Ministry of Tourism with the support of the European Commission. This was said by Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova during the panel “Building partnerships - strengthening of the cooperation in the field of tourism in the framework of the initiative “One Belt, One Road”, which is held in the framework of the 22nd General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization.The goal of the initiative is to facilitate the travel and to create long-term mechanisms for the exchange of information. It encourages the development of joint marketing strategies and the strengthening of the tourist education. In addition to this, it contributes for the development of joint strategies for risk management.“We believe that the “One Belt, One Road” initiative may lead to a new level of the cooperation between Bulgaria and China”, Minister Angelkova said. In her opinion the initiative may turn all difficulties and challenges into real opportunities for development.Inclusion in tourist routes such as The Western Silk Road is an opportunity for better relations between the countries, but also for investments, the Minister said. In her words these steps are important for the tourism, since this way people gain richer impressions about a country. She also pointed out that this enables the conduct of various advertising campaigns. “Another important thing is that being a part of an itinerary expands the tourist markets of the countries to one another”, Minister Angelkova said.In a high-level meeting, attended by ministers and delegates, the declaration “Chengtu Initiative - One Belt, One Road” for cooperation in tourism was adopted. The discussion among the ministers contributed for the presentation of the document. The purpose of the declaration is to promote the strengthening of the cooperation in the field of tourism between the countries in the initiative. This is intended to be implemented through exchange of information, creation of mutual marketing strategies for the development and promotion of the common brand “Silk Road”.
Minister Angelkova: Israel is an important and perspective foreign partner for our country
Israel is an important and promising partner for our country. We expect that all efforts will result in a deeper cooperation and increase in the number of tourists between the two countries.  This was said by Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova in the conversation with Yariv Levin, Minister of Tourism of Israel. Both ministers held a working meeting in the framework of the 22nd General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). We should note that the relationships between Bulgaria and Israel in the last years have significantly intensified and deepened and turned into a strategic partnership, the minister said. She added that the official high-level visits in the last years are an important factor for that.The trend in the mutual tourist visits to both countries is positive. In the period from January to July the tourist visits from Israel to Bulgaria have increased by 10% compared to the same months of last year, reaching up to 113 thousand. For the year 2016 the visits were more than 183 ths,  which is by 18.4% more than a year earlier. The main part of the Israeli tourists arrive in Bulgaria by plane, charter flights are carried out to our main airports in Sofia, Varna, Burgas and Plovdiv. They often choose cultural sites, which is why Plovdiv has been a very popular destination for them recently.The Embassy of Israel actively assists in the promotion of tourism and in the last two years it was among the motive forces of the initiatives “You think you know Bulgaria” and “The tastes of the world”, Minister Angelkova noted. She added that in view of the tremendous importance of the Israeli market for Bulgaria, the Ministry of Tourism regularly participates in the tourist exhibition IMTM in Tel Aviv, Israel. In addition to this, the ministry regularly organizes journalistic cognitive tours for the media of Israel. Currently a procedure is under way for the selection of organizer of these tours this year and after its termination we will have the opportunity to provide you with more information.At the moment Israel is developing the initiative “Jerusalem Garden” together with Sofia Municipality. It intends to build a playground in the South Park at Vitosha Blvd., which should be ready in 2018 and will become the property of Sofia Municipality.
Minister Angelkova: Bulgaria will host the second edition of the International Congress of the World Civilizations and Ancient Routes in 2018
In 2018 Bulgaria will host the International Congress of the World Civilizations and Ancient Routes under the initiative of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). This was announced by Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova in a working meeting with the president of the Chinese National Tourist Administration (CNTA) Li Dzindzao held within the framework of the 22nd General Assembly of UNWTO in the Chinese city of Chengtu. This will be the second edition of the International Congress of the World Civilizations and Modern Tourism. The first congress was again hosted by Bulgaria in 2016. The large-scale event will be held at the end of 2018 and will be organized by the Ministry of Tourism and the specialized organization of the UN. “Bulgaria attaches great importance to the development of the Bulgarian-Chinese relations in the field of tourism and will rely on active participation from your side in the forthcoming event”, added Minister Angelkova.“I am impressed that nearly 85 mln Chinese tourists were traveling throughout the world in 2016, and over 10 mln of them have chosen Europe for their vacation abroad”, the minister said. She stressed that the tourist product offered by our country may attract an even greater number of Chinese tourists.“We are working actively for the promotion of the tourist advertising on the Chinese market. Since we want to make our tourist product even more recognizable and present Bulgaria as an all-year tourist destination, an advertising campaign will be implemented on the Chinese market in 2018. Journalistic tours will be organized in order to attract more tourists and they will include representatives of the Chinese media”, said the minister. She recalled the upcoming opening of the Bulgarian tourist information center in Shanghai on the grounds of a signed agreement between the Ministry of Tourism and ACN Worldwide Ltd Shanghai.In the meeting Minister Angelkova talked with one of the most significant investors in tourism in China Chen Feng, chairman of the board of the HNA Group Co. Ltd, which unites hotel services and business organizations. He also expressed his interest in investment in Bulgaria and wanted to learn more about suitable opportunities and locations. The Bulgarian minister emphasized that our country has a strong potential for investment in tourism and underlined the possibility for investing in 5-star hotels.In the past 20 years HNA Group Co. Ltd has been recognized as one of the giant investors in China, which means it invests in dozens of industries. The company owns shares in some of the big airlines outside China. Among them are: Africa World Airlines, Aigle Azur, Azul Brazilian Airlines, Comair, MyCargo Airlines, TAP Portugal, and it operates over 13 airports and over 1200 airplanes on the territory of China. There are a number of investments in the tourism sector among which the Hilton hotel chain.
Minister Angelkova has a meeting with the prince of Saudi Arabia
Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova met His Royal Highness Sultan Bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, Prince of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. They talked during the 22nd General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), which is organized in the Chinese city of Chengtu. The emphasis in the talks of the Minister of Tourism and the prince of Saudi Arabia were the possibilities for the upgrading of the exceptionally good cooperation between the two countries in the sphere of tourism.“In October 2016, a Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation in the Field of Tourism was signed between the Republic of Bulgaria and Saudi Arabia. This opens new opportunities for the development of tourism and exchange of experience between the two countries”, said Minister Angelkova and further stressed that the Minister Angelkova works actively for the promotion of foreign investment in Bulgaria and for attracting more tourists in our country. During a visit to Bulgaria at the end of last year the prince of Saudi Arabia was introduced to the main advantages of Bulgaria as an investment destination - low taxes, financial stability, attracted billions of Euro of direct foreign investments in Bulgaria. The prince Sultan Bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud stressed that tourism has been a priority economic sector over the past years in Saudi Arabia.Bulgaria is becoming a more recognizable destination for higher class tourists, added Angelkova and explained that the increased interest of foreign tourists in our country are evidenced by the data of the BNB. The total revenues from international tourism in Bulgaria from the beginning of the year until June 2017 amount to 2,4 billion BGN, which is by 12% higher compared with the same period in 2016, which was a record year for the tourism for all times.The Bulgarian-Russian relations in tourism are developing very successfully and the results of this year are expected to exceed the record from last year. This was stated by Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova in a meeting with Oleg Safonov, head of the Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation. The conversation took place in the city of Chengtu within the 22nd General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).
Minister Angelkova: The Bulgarian-Russian relations in tourism are developing very successfully
Minister Angelkova pointed out that Russia is one of the strategic tourist markets for Bulgaria and announced that for the period January-July 2017, the tourists from the Russian Federation in Bulgaria were nearly 365 thousand, which is a 2% growth compared to the same period last year. Only in July Russia was second in the ranking for inbound tourism with a total of 155 thousand visits. In 2016, Bulgaria received the award of National Geographic Travel - Russia for the best destination for family vacations of the Russian tourists. Nikolina Angelkova emphasized that the ministry is working very successfully with the tourist administrations not only of Moscow, but also of a number of Russian regions, particularly the Ural region.   Oleg Safonov thanked the Bulgarian government and personally the Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and Minister Angelkova for the rapid reaction when force majeure occurred with Russian children in some children camps on the Black Sea Coast. The case is from July, when after the sudden death of the owner of “Chavdar” cmp in the village of Obzor, It turned out that his bank accounts were empty. Then with the assistance of the Prime Minister Borisov and the urgent visit and intervention of Minister Angelkova, the vacation of the children was continued according to plan, even other planned groups were accepted. The competent authorities worked effectively and the children spent their holiday very well and returned to their country without further problems, Safonov explained.Minister Angelkova affirmed that apart from the mass forms of tourism, both countries have great potential for successful development of the balneology, SPA and religious tourism. Jointly with the Russian partners we begin the development of pilgrimage tours. In October a conference will be held in Varna with the participation of Russian representatives, where the cooperation in the filed of pilgrimage and cultural-historical tourism will be discussed, as it became clear from the Minister’s words. Another joint conference will be held to discuss these matters at the exhibition “Intourmarket” in Moscow. Exhibitions will be made in Moscow and Sankt-Petersburg within the Days of Bulgaria event, she added.We will also expand our partnership for the development of the tourism for children and sanatorium-and-health-resort tourism, which is traditionally very popular in Russia and the country is a partner of the European SPA Association. The prospects for the attraction of more disabled people and athletes for treatment, rehabilitation and physical training in Bulgaria, are very good, explained Nikolina Angelkova. She stressed the importance of the growing Russian investments in Bulgaria and gave an example with the unique for the entire Black Sea coast ice rink in the village of Kranevo, which wonderfully combines summer and winter tourism with swimming sports.Oleg Safonov expressed satisfaction that the Bulgarian Black Sea is very clean and offers wonderful conditions for recreation. Unlike other countries, there is no rotavirus and the country is known among the Russians as a quiet and safe destination. This can be attributed to the efforts of the government for ensuring the calm stay of the tourists and water treatment plants, summarized Minister Angelkova. She invited her interlocutor to visit our country again and to get acquainted in more detail with the conditions for recreation and journeys.
Over 400 ths postcards will be sent to tourists on vacation in Bulgaria
On the initiative of Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova over 400 ths postcards will be sent to tourists, who are on holiday in Bulgaria. The special gesture aims to thank them for having chosen the country as a destination for their vacation. It is another step in the efforts of the Ministry to create an image of Bulgaria as a country offering a tourist product of the highest quality. The guests, who will receive the special card, will be selected at random and the cards will be allocated on a pro rata basis throughout the country. The sending of the cards will start in the following days and will continue until the end of the season.The postcards recreate the image of the postage stamp, dedicated to “2017 - International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development”. The philatelic edition will be the message of Bulgaria in the 22nd session of the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization in the city of Chengtu, China. The card will pursue this mission among the guests of the country. Mural paintings from the Rila Monastery and the Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak are depicted in the front part of the card. In addition to the beautiful fragments, there is a special message signed personally by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova. It reads: Thank you for choosing Bulgaria! English is the chosen language because it is the official language of the European Union and is among the most popular languages in the world.According to the latest statistics, nearly 5 mln foreign tourists have visited Bulgaria in the period January - July, which is a growth of 7.2% compared with the same period last year. This confirms the estimates of the Ministry of Tourism of 7 to 10 % increase in the sector. Furthermore, between May and October, the Bulgarians will realize over 5.7 mln of overnights. It is expected that their growth will be about 4,5-5 per cent compared to last year.
Minister Angelkova and H.M. Ambassador Zhang Haizhou discussed opportunities for advertising Bulgaria in China
We are working actively for the advertising of Bulgaria on the Chinese tourist market in order to promote Bulgaria as an all year round tourist destination. This is evidenced by the number of foreign tourists from China in our country, who for the period January – July 2017 were almost 17 ths., which is a 53% growth compared to the same period in 2016. In the last year the tourists from China were over 18 500 ths. This was reported by Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova in the working meeting with H.M. Zhang Haizhou, ambassador of the People's Republic of China in Bulgaria.“It is very important for us to continue the cooperation within the opportunities provided by multilateral international fora such as the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the UNWTO Silk Road Programme, the minister added. It became clear that the Ministry of Tourism will be actively involved in the forthcoming initiative “2018 - China Tourism Year”. The objective of the event is the promotion of European tourist attractions by illuminating them in red with golden stars to make an association with the Lantern Festival in the PRC, which will be held on 2 March 2018. “This is the next important step for the good cooperation between the two countries in the field of tourism”, the minister stressed.They discussed possibilities for common initiatives in the field of tourism, which will increase the tourist flow from China to our country, as laid down in the Annual program for the national tourist marketing and advertising for 2018 of Bulgaria.
Minister Angelkova: Bulgaria is an increasingly sought destination for the clients of the Thomas Cook Group
The number of tourists visiting Bulgaria with Thomas Cook, one of the leading global companies for tourist trips and holidays, is expected to reach 400,000 people by the end of this season, which is 16.5% growth compared to last year. This was said by Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova in a working meeting with Peter Fankhauser, CEO of Thomas Cook Group, mayors and representatives of the tourist industry. The data is from accomplished trips and bookings until September based on the market position and large market shares in recent years in the whole group of the leading global company for tourist recreation and holiday.“You know that since the beginning of its mandate the government has worked firmly to make our marketing and advertising policies future-oriented and more effective. Earlier today together with the Prime Minister Boyko Borisov we had a working meeting with Mr. Fankhauser. We are united around the idea that the Bulgarian government could match the intent of the Thomas Cook Group to invest in high-category hotels in temrs of attracting a higher-class tourists. This way we jointly give new incentives for the implementation of real corporate responsibility, which brings us to our common goal - Bulgaria should become a better and promising destination for business and investments," said Minister Angelkova. It became clear from her words that only through adequate cooperation and synchronous actions between the business and the government institutions in our country, we can become more competitive.The CEO of Thomas Cook Group presented the priorities ahead of our country. “In the season 2017 Thomas Cook carry out 13 weekly flights from the UK to Burgas, which will increase to 14 in 2018. Next year Varna will be a new destination for the UK tourists with 2 flights per week”, said Fankhauser. He also stated that Condor, the German airline company of Thomas Cook, had 5 flights a week from Germany to Burgas and 2 flights to Varna in the summer season of 2017. “Depending on the booked seats, Condor may increase the flights to 9 per week to each of the destinations of the various German airports”, he added.Peter Fankhauser has been the Chief Executive Officer of Thomas Cook Group since 2014. He was born in November 1960 in Switzerland. He graduated from the university in Saint Gallen and has a Ph.D. Since March 2001 he has worked for Thomas Cook and prior to take over the management of the concern, he managed a subsidiary in charge of Neckermann Reisen, Bucher Last minute and the air carrier Condor.
Minister Nikolina Angelkova: The postage stamp contributes for the recognition of Bulgaria as a sustainable destination for all year round tourism
Bulgaria is the only country that will validate a postage stamp with subject “2017 - International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development”. Our initiative was approved by the Secretary General of UN World Tourism Organization Taleb Rifay. The positive assessment was determined by our innovative approach and the fact that we have decided to put an accent on the cultural-historical heritage. This was said by Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova during the ceremony for the validation of a philatelic stamp dedicated to the international year for the sustainable development of tourism. The event was attended by Dimitar Genovski, Deputy Minister of Transport and Information Technologies and Communications and Tetyana Uzunova, the stamp painter.Minister Angelkova stated that the stamp depicts the country as a better tourist destination.  Our main focus is to make the country an all year round destination, which may be achieved with the cultural-historical and balneo- and SPA tourism, the minister added. In her words such initiatives contribute for the perception of Bulgaria as a sustainable all year round tourist destination.The stamp depicts the Rila Monastery and the Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak, both sites being part of the list of cultural heritage of UNESCO. The philatelic edition will be presented during the 22nd session of the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization in the city of Chengtu, China, which will be held in the period 11 - 16 September 2017. There I will have the opportunity to personally present the edition before officials from all over the world”, the minister stated.The topic of tourism has entered the Bulgarian stamp edition in the middle of the 20th century, Dimitar Genovski said. I am convinced that the edition will become part of the collections of the stamp collectors and will adorn the letters sent to friends and relatives abroad, the Deputy Minister said. He added that this would be a wonderful inspiration for many people to include Bulgaria in their travel schedules.It is a difficult task to show on a small area of 7/9 cm the potential of the Bulgarian tourism with its rich natural and historical landmarks, said the painter Tetyana Uzunova. She explained that she had decided to depict the history, the roots and the ancient civilizations, because they can impress a large number of tourists.
Minister Angelkova held a working meeting with the General Manager of the Turkish airlines for Bulgaria
Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova held a working meeting with Mehmed Gurkaynak, the General Manager of Turkish Airlines – Bulgaria. Both of them discussed the prospects for mutual cooperation, which will increase the exchange of tourists between the countries. The trend for the development of the tourist contacts between the two countries is positive. The data show that for the period January - June 2017 the visits to Bulgaria from Turkey were nearly 534 thousand, which is a growth of 6 % compared to the same period a year earlier. This ranks our south neighbour third among the foreign markets according to data of the National Statistical Institute.Over 293,5 thousand of the visits of Turkish citizens to Bulgaria were for the purpose of tourism. The growth in this category is 8%. Nearly 202 ths. Turkish citizens travelled to Bulgaria only for recreation and vacation. They are by over 10% more compared with the first 6 months of 2016. In the last year Turkish citizens made over 1.3 mln trips to Bulgaria, of them 565 ths were for tourism, which is a growth of 8.9%.At the same time for the first 6 months of 2017 the Bulgarians who travelled to Turkey were more than 643 ths., which is a 5.7% growth compared to the same period last year. For the entire 2016 the number of Bulgarians, who travelled to Turkey, were more than 1.2 mln.Mehmed Gurkaynak has occupied the post in Bulgaria since February 2017 and he is director of both the Sofia and Varna offices of the airline company. He has worked for the company since 2011. He is a mechanical engineer with a master's degree in the major “Finance” from the USA.
Senior managers of the TUI Group had a meeting with Minister Angelkova to negotiate Summer 2018
Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova held a working meeting with the members of the Executive Board of the TUI Group Sebastian Ebel and David Burling, as well as with other representatives of the world tour operator. During their meeting in Sveti Vlas at the end of the working week, opportunities were discussed for a strategic partnership in the field of tourism in Bulgaria for Summer 2018.In the meeting Minister Angelkova presented the priorities in the policy of the Ministry of Tourism, laid down in the annual program for national tourist advertising for 2018. “Bulgaria is becoming a recognizable tourist destination and we work consistently in this direction relying on the digital marketing and Internet communications. Our experience shows that the smaller countries must be more innovative and flexible in the marketing approaches, in order to be more efficient”, she stressed.The representatives of the TUI Group, among which managers of the hotel brand RIU of the tourist group, said that it is very important to work coherently in Bulgaria in order to ensure the quality of the tourist product and the increase of investments in the sector.David Burling, member of the executive board of the TUI and chief executive director of the Northern region of TUI, said: "We are proud that we are a part of the constantly evolving tourist community in Bulgaria. As a global, integrated tourist group possessing hundreds of hotels and airplanes around the world and having multiple solid and long-lasting partnerships with local hotel owners, we are in an excellent position to encourage even more investments in Bulgaria. This will create new jobs and opportunities for sustainable growth. We look forward to working jointly with the ministry for the promotion of Bulgaria as a worthwhile destination for recreation to our clients around the world.”
Minister Angelkova: Joint initiative with Komi for the development of the tourism for children and pilgrimage in Bulgaria
Bulgaria and the Republic of Komi will sign an agreement for cooperation in tourism, which will encourage the travels and exchange of information between the two countries. The focus in this document will be the tourism for children. This was agreed on in Varna between Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and the head of the Republic of Komi Sergey Gaplikov, who is on a visit to Bulgaria with the Deputy Chairman of the Government of Komi Grigoriy Sarashvili. The meeting was also attended by the District Governor of Varna Stoyan Pasev and the Consul General of the Russian Federation in Varna Sergey Lukyanchuk.Russia is a strategic partner of Bulgaria in tourism. For me as minister it is extremely important to ensure the comfort of the Russian tourists in Bulgaria, underlined Minister Angelkova. She recalled the notable number of Russian citizens, who visited Bulgaria in 2016. In the record year for the Bulgarian tourism, the guests from Russia ranked fourth among the foreign tourists. Their visits were over 580 ths., which is a growth of around 20% compared to the preceding year. The successful trend continues - from January to the end of May 2017. Their number is over 71 thousand – growth of 6.4% compared to the same period last year. At the moment in the midst of the summer, this growth is estimated to be around 15%. Minister Angelkova said to the guests that not only the cooperation with the central Russian authority is important for Bulgaria, but also with the Russian regions. There is a possibility for preparing joint advertising projects for various exhibitions or journalist tours. It is important for us to promote investments in tourism. We are preparing a special ordinance regulating the children’s camps. It is important to legally equalize the standards, because the places for children's recreation have a special status, added Minister Angelkova. She announced the idea to organize Days of the Bulgarian Culture in Russia and Days of the Russian Culture in Bulgaria, where the traditions of both countries will be presented. A strong incentive to increase the number of guests from Russia and the regions will be the creation of joint routes for religious tourism. I think that if we determine several routes and then offer them jointly, we will have more success, the minister said. Via the heads of state of the Republic of Komi she addressed the future investors in tourism stating that the main priority for the Bulgarian government is reducing the administrative burden for them. For each investment the administrative promptness is crucial and we are ready to help all potential investors in Bulgaria, the Minister of Tourism said.“Bulgaria is a peaceful country, which welcomes the Russian tourists excellently. We highly appreciate your attitude toward them and especially to our children. Therefore we will encourage the vacations in Bulgaria. More and more people from our country prefer your country and I hope this trend will be preserved”, said Sergey Gaplikov.
Nikolina Angelkova meets Mayors from Sofia region
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova held a meeting with the Godech mayor, which was also attended by mayors from Sofia region. "Tourism is a horizontal policy and we need to actively cooperate with local governments in order to promote its sustainable development", Minister Angelkova said. It was announced during the discussion that last year a total of nearly 285 000 tourists spent nights in categorized accommodation facilities with 10+ beds in Sofia, a circa 19% growth compared to 2015, according to NSI data. The overnight stays generated during the same period were over 712 000 (a circa 20% growth), with the revenues generated exceeding BGN 27 million, an over 24% growth.  Minister Angelkova highlighted the specifics and significance of local tourism and added that an announcement of the investment map in tourism was forthcoming, involving over 153 municipalities, and said she was hopeful that the next edition would cover all Bulgarian regions. She also reminded that many local governments state their desire to take part in various marketing activities in the sector and have already supported the initiative for the I Love Bulgaria mobile platform to promote tourism attractions in our country, which was initiated by the Ministry last year.We will continue to support these efforts of local governments jointly with the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works because they will be eligible to apply under Operational Programs Regions in Growth and other programs with socialization projects for tourism venues and attractions, Nikolina Angelkova added. According to her, this would make such attractions more accessible, visited and attractive.The Godech Mayor, Radoslav Assenov, emphasized that the municipality has a lot of potential for tourism development, which is yet to be fully developed. According to her, the city and its environs can be developed as a cultural-historical destination, attracting more tourists both from the country and from abroad.Setting up a folklore festival of culture and traditions of municipalities from Sofia region was also discussed during the dialogue. All attendees were unanimous that the idea would attract a lot of followers and would be transformed into a highlight of the local culture calendar.
Representatives of EDEN destinations in Bulgaria held a second, final meeting
The project to promote EDEN destinations in Bulgaria contributes exceptionally to both their promotion on the domestic and international market, and also to their sustainable development. This opinion was shared by the representatives of EDEN destinations in our country during their second and final work meeting. It was attended by experts from Belitsa, Kardzhali, Sapareva Banya, Lukovit, Kavarna, Sandanski, and Kyustendil. „EDEN is another opportunity to present Bulgaria at a high European level”, the project manager said, adding that sustainability of the destinations and good conditions for their development were created via the project.It was made clear during the discussion that the project videos presenting the 12 Bulgarian EDEN destinations were highly popular among the general public. A translation query was received even for Chinese, it was announced by the Ministry of Tourism. The project manager announced that EDEN destinations were consistently presented to representatives of diplomatic missions in our country and during international level meetings. 9 videos for the individual destinations and 1 aggregate one were made within the project’s framework. These were also disseminated via the Ministry of Tourism’s online channels.Three familiarization tours with bloggers from Romania, Germany, and Bulgaria were held during the project. Sofia-Kyustendil-Melnik-Sandanski-Belitsa-Sapareva Banya-Sofia was the itinerary for our neighboring-country guests and Bulgarian bloggers, while the German travel bloggers were captivated by the beauty of Vratsa, Belogradchik, and Lukovit. The representatives of EDEN destinations in Bulgaria and the experts of the Ministry of Tourism commented that all bloggers published their articles shortly after visiting and that they were active with posts and photos as early as their journeys. The meeting attendees concluded that such activities are the best way to feel the spirit and traditions of a given settlement.Monthly issuance and dissemination of a bulletin about the Bulgarian EDEN destinations, updating of an image flyer, banners, posters. Each destination was presented at national and international tourism exchanges, such as TTR, the biggest exhibition in Romania, ITB in Berlin, Vacation and Spa EXPO, and Green Days in Sofia, etc.The representatives of Bulgarian EDEN destinations shared their experiences with each other and exchanged ideas about the sustainable development of each destination. Dedicated questionnaires were filled in at the work meeting’s end, where all attendees reflected their recommendations and opinion about the benefits from the project and how it should be developed and built on going forward.There are 12 EDEN destinations in Bulgaria. They were selected in the course of 3 national excellent tourism destination competitions on the following themes: culture tourism, protected territories, and water tourism. These are: Belogradchik, Lukovit, Vratsa, Silistra, Kavarna, Strandzha natural park, Kardzhali, Kazanlak, Belitsa, Sandanski, Sapareva Banya, and Kyustendil.The awarded Ministry of Tourism project for Communication Campaign to the Bulgarian EDEN destinations – second edition“ is worth EUR 69 088 and is funded by European Commission’s COSME 2014-2020 program. The campaign framework includes the making of advertising-informational materials, presentation of preselected national and international tourism exhibitions and exchanges, arrangement of familiarization tours, etc.EDEN - European Destinations of Excellence is an initiative of the European Commission promoting models of sustainable development of tourism across the European Union. The initiative enhances the popularity of emerging European destinations, creates a platform for exchange of best practices Europe-wide, and encourages networking among awarded destinations.
Nikolina Angelkova meets her Serbian counterpart, Rasim Ljajic
Perspectives for bilateral cooperation in tourism were discussed in Belgrade between the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, her Serbian counterpart responsible for trade, tourism, and telecommunications, Rasim Ljajic, who is also a deputy prime minister. It is the first official meeting of Ljajic after he was reappointed to his position.Minister Angelkova pointed out that Serbian tourists are among the most numerous foreign nationals traditionally visiting our country. During 2016, the record-breaking year for Bulgarian tourism, they were nearly 375 000, an 8% growth compared to 2015. The growth trend in the two-way tourism flow is sustainable but there is still untapped potential, she emphasized.A cooperation agreement in tourism will be signed between Bulgaria’s Ministry of Tourism and Serbia’s Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications. Further, a tourism presentation of Bulgaria in Serbia and of Serbia in Bulgaria will be arranged in either September or October, it was announced during the discussion.Bulgaria and Serbia also pay a lot of attention to their promotion as a joint destination for remote markets, it was announced during the meeting. The process will be sped up by the creation of joint products, itineraries, and marketing for the users of tourism services from China, India, Japan, South Korea, and other countries, with the direct flight link between Sofia and Belgrade being a definite plus in this endeavor.
Minister Angelkova meets Hotrec’s CEO
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, met Kristian Baran, CEO of the European Association of Hotels, Restaurants, and Cafes (Hotrec), in Belgrade. The conversation took place during the Conference on Sustainable Development of Tourism in the Danube Region: New Perspectives.Nikolina Angelkova pointed out that the Ministry is making consistent efforts to promote Bulgaria as a year-round destination and attract higher-end tourists. Comprehensive measures are being put into place jointly with businesses for the sector’s sustainable development and for upgrading the quality of the tourism services marketed.We are convinced that the legislative amendments we initiated will reduce the administrative burden for the businesses – such as, the idea of removing the re-categorization of accommodation facilities and catering establishments, with some of their documents being collected ex-officio, the Bulgarian Minister commented. She further announced that discussions are ongoing about the option of categorizing accommodation facilities en masse, rather than categorize each facility.Minister Angelkova also informed that work is being done to set up a tourism inspectorate at the institution, which would enhance the quality control. Arrangements will be put in place to take away categorization stars if nonconformities are found, as well as mandatory in-situ inspection once every three years as to how the tourism operation statutes are complied with.It was announced during the meeting that the active summer season had gotten off to a good start, with strong results being anticipated – at this stage the projections are for 7-10% more international tourists compared to last year. During 2016, the record-breaking year for Bulgarian tourism, the country was visited by some 8, 2 million international tourists, an over 16% growth compared to 2015, Minister Angelkova stated.
Minister Angelkova talks with the new WTO Secretary-General-elect
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, held a work meeting in Belgrade with the nominated new Secretary-General of UN’s World Tourism Organization  (WTO), Zurab Pololikashvili, from Georgia.His application for the high position was voted on during the 105th session of WTO’s Executive Board in Madrid in May 2017, with Bulgaria being among the supporting countries.The two discussed the perspectives for cooperation between the Ministry of Tourism and WTO, as well as upcoming joint initiatives for the sector’s sustainable development.Nikolina Angelkova familiarized Zurab Pololikashvili with the steps taken by the tourism administration for tourism’s sustainable development and assured him that Bulgaria will remain one of WTO’s most active members.The term in office of the organizations new Secretary-General will be 2018– 2021. The appointment is expected to be announced during the 22nd session of WTO’s General Assembly, which will be held in the Chinese city of Chengdu next September.
Minister Angelkova meets WTO’s Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai, in Belgrade
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, met the Secretary-General of UN’s World Tourism Organization  (WTO), Taleb Rifai, in Belgrade, during the Conference on Sustainable Development of Tourism in the Danube Region: New Perspectives. The forum was jointly organized by WTO and Serbia’s Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications.The two discussed current topics in bilateral cooperation and the perspectives to Bulgaria’s participation in WTO events. There are projections to schedule in May 2018 an International Conference in Sofia themed in tourism and energy, where European Commission representatives and Taleb Rifai would be invited, Minister Angelkova announced. The conference will be held during Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU Council.Taleb Rifai praised Minister Angelkova for the good arrangement of the first International Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism under WTO’s aegis, which was held in late 2016. The two discussed the idea of turning the conference into a traditional one, with Bulgaria being the host every other year.Minister Angelkova emphasized that only days ago Sofia hosted another significant event in partnership with WTO – the second international seminar entitled Along the Western Silk Road. Representatives of the 33 member states of WTO’s Silk Road program were invited to attend, with over 120 diplomats, entrepreneurs, university and research center representatives being in attendance. The opportunities to activate transnational cooperation among the member states of WTO’s Silk Road program were successfully discussed, along with the setting up of trans-border products promoting tourism development, during 2017 – the International Year of Sustainable Tourism, Minister Angelkova emphasized.She also pointed out that our country has initiated the creation of a joint postmark with WTO dedicated to the large-scale initiative in 2017. The postmark is expected to be validated during the 22nd session of WTO’s General Assembly, which will be held in the Chinese city of Chengdu next September.Bulgaria has also filed its nominations for chair and deputy chair of WTO’s Europe Regional Committee, WTO having notified to such effect the other member states. The decision is likely to be during the China session. WTO’s Convention on Ethics in Tourism is also expected to be presented for approval by the other member states during that session. The Ministry of Tourism took part in the task group to create the document, which will adhere to the principles stipulated in WTO’s Global Code of Ethics in Tourism.
Minister Angelkova takes part in the Conference on Sustainable Development of Tourism in the Danube Region: New Perspectives
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, took part in the Conference on Sustainable Development of Tourism in the Danube Region: New Perspectives, in Belgrade. „Bulgaria ranks first EU-wide in terms of growth of tourist numbers“, Minister Angelkova said during the high-level panel and highlighted the fact that „the year 2016 was record-breaking one for development of tourism in Bulgaria, with over 8,2 million international tourists visiting our country, a 16% growth compared to 2015“. The event was hosted by Serbia’s Minister of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications, Rasim Ljajic and was jointly organized with the World Tourism Organization. The conference is held in Belgrade today and tomorrow and is attended by ministers and heads of Danube region development organizations.„At the end of the day, tourism is a major factor in maintaining and preserving cultural traditions, such as festivals, customs, crafts, exhibitions, concerts, etc.“, the Bulgarian Minister of Tourism summarized. She stated that the Danube region countries, Bulgaria included, have wonderful opportunities to protect and conserve their natural resources by setting up parks and reserves.It was also made clear that as coordinator under priority axis 3 of the Danube Strategy, in the area of culture and tourism, Bulgaria implements joint projects with Romania, Serbia, Austria, and Germany. „A project was applied for under the transnational Danube Program to set up tourist observatories along the Danube, the goal being to implement uniform tourism stats for the Danube region“, Nikolina Angelkova stated. According to her, creation of joint tourism products by countries within the Danube region should be prioritized because this is crucial in attracting visitors from China, Japan, South Korea and others.In her opinion, the tourism-generated revenues in some Bulgarian municipalities are sufficiently high so that those municipalities opt for that path of development, instead of other industries. Minister Angelkova added in that context that steering organizations are in the process of being set up in the tourism regions, where local governments, the central government, businesses, and NGO’s will cooperate.The Bulgarian Minister of Tourism emphasized that it is particularly important for the development of tourism to unite the efforts of the central government, local governments, representatives of tourism businesses and NGO’s.
100 000th visa was issued by the Embassy of Bulgaria in the Russian Federation
The Consular Section at the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Russian Federation issued the 100 000th visa for 2017. The recipient is a lady who lives in the town of Himki.The Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Russian Federation and the National Tourist Representative Office continue the traditional practice for a consecutive year to present a gift voucher to the recipient of the jubilee visa as part of the campaign for promoting Bulgaria as a popular tourist destination on the Russian market.The Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria to Russia Boyko Kotsev presented the gift to the recipient of the 100 000th visa in the presence of the executive director of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia Maya Lomidze and managers and representatives of top Russian tour operators working in the field of “Bulgaria” during the traditional working meeting in the beginning of the summer tourist season.
Bulgaria will implement joint tourist packages with Western Silk Road countries
“For a second time Sofia hosts an international event from the calendar of the World Tourism Organization. This ranks Bulgaria very high in the organization”, the minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova stated before media representatives at the opening of the Second International Workshop “The Western Silk Road” this morning.  Minister Angelkova pointed out that the Western Silk Road was instrumental in promoting our cultural and historical heritage. In her words, this initiative enables Bulgaria to present joint products with the countries participating in the initiative.“There are many countries with which we could implement joint tourist packages and that is the idea of the cooperation in the framework of the World Tourism Organization (WTO), and the focus is on promoting the cultural and historical sites along the road”, Minister Angelkova added. She specified that the Register of Tourist attractions created by the Ministry of Tourism and the online platform “I love Bulgaria”, which  started with the 100 national tourist sites, covered some of the initiatives to be followed along the Western Silk Road.Also, it became clear that the project for the promotion of cultural and historical tourism is being implemented by WTO and this will help further reinforce Bulgaria as a cultural and historical destination. During the workshop, analyses will be made to outline the most visited sites in individual countries on the basis of which priority cultural and historical landmarks will be designated.In response to journalist questions about the dunes on “Nessebar-Yug” sea beach Minister Nikolina Angelkova stated that any human intervention breached the integrity of the dunes. Angelkova also commented that the concessionaire of the sea beach has placed signs of the dunes location to ensure their protection. She specified that the Ministry of Tourism had applied to the Agency for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre and together with Minister Nankov would update the specialized map to designate the locations of the dunes so that they were protected in accordance with law.
Ministers Angelkova, Nankov and Dimov held working meetings with European commissioners in Brussels
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova, the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works Nikolay Nankov and the Minister of Environment and Water  Neno Dimov had meetings with the European commissioners for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries  and for the Regional Policy Karmenu Vella and Korina Krețu.“Together with Minister Nankov and Minister Dimov we had meetings with the commissioners for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella and for the Regional Policy Korina Krețu. The main topic of the talks was the construction of Struma highway”, the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova stated during a special press conference in Brussels today. “This project is essential for our country both in terms of tourism and in terms of regional development, particularly in the environmental field, in view of the fact that the route passes through Kresna Gorge”, Minister Angelkova added.During the talk, the Bulgarian ministers acquainted the European commissioners Vella and Krețu with the progress of the project, stating that the transparency approach will be preserved. All participants in the project and all stakeholders and NGOs in the fields of environment and the tourist sector were presented in the framework of the talks. It also became clear that before the physical implementation of the project all relevant comments and remarks both by local authorities and all citizens will be taken into account. The requirements of European and national legislation will be strictly complied with in the construction of Struma highway.The European commissioners Vella and Kretu welcomed the efforts of the Bulgarian government for the construction of Struma highway and expressed their support for the development of this highly important project not only for the Bulgarian road network but for the European one too. They congratulated the three ministers on their joint and aligned work, noting that this was the first visit of such a kind since the new government of Bulgaria took office.
Minister Angelkova opened Summer 2017 season in Sunny Beach
The largest sea resort complex in Bulgaria offers an extraordinary wide range of tourist and support services, Minister Nikolina Angelkova stated at the ceremony for the official opening of Summer 2017 in Sunny Beach.She recalled that in 2016 as a whole overnight stays at accommodations with over 10 beds in the complex numbered over 789 thousand, marking an over 20% increase on the previous year. There were over 5 million overnights (22% increase), and revenues from them exceeded BGN 266 million, also up 22%.   A very intensive preparatory period for the high season came to a close and the administration, the business, the local administration and controlling authorities and all interested partners were engaged in it, Angelkova said and added that the implementation of a successful summer depended on all these participants, which gave positive signals. At the beginning of the season the total number of planned flights at Varna and Burgas airports for the period June-September 2017 already exceeds by 8% the number of implemented flights in the same period of 2016. We again expect a strong presence of tourists from Germany, Poland, Great Britain, Ukraine, Czech Republic, France, the Scandinavian countries, Russia, etc., the minister pointed out.She recalled that summer tourism accounted for a major share in the sector and the next several months would determine whether we would have a successful year with estimated growth of 7 to 10% versus the record 2016. In her words, the quality of services and the safety of tourists are above everything because Bulgaria will lose its competitiveness and image. I want to emphasize once again that you can rely on our full support. We are doing our best to update the legislative framework, reduce the administrative burden and consistently address the shortage of staff.Finding a permanent solution to the problem with deficient staff is key for us. With common efforts we managed to adopt the Labour Mobility and Labour Migration Act. Its regulations have also been adopted and hiring of personnel from third countries began, she added. However, in her view, this would provide only a short-term boost to the sector and therefore joint steps with the education ministry are being taken to ensure a direct link between education and business needs. To this end, work is being done on the establishment of a Center for Qualification and Re-qualification of Working Staff. At the same time, the average pay in the sector must be discussed as well in order to keep quality workers, Angelkova commented.      She stressed again that control was a factor considered seriously by the administration. Mobile teams of the ministry will carry out checks throughout the season and will act uncompromisingly in case of established violation. The teams include health experts, food quality experts, representatives of NRA, CPC, etc. In operation is the hotline for sending signals about irregularities to the ministry, which can be sent also to a special e-mail address, and the contact details are available on the institutional website.Particular care is provided jointly with the law enforcement authorities for the security of the tourists in most visited areas as is Sunny Beach. About 980 policemen will be transferred to the Black Sea coast and their number has increased from last summer. Most of them will be concentrated namely in Sunny Beach, the minister stated.  We will be uncompromising toward anyone who breaks the law, irrespective of whether movable objects, unfulfilled contracts or other violations are involved. The laws of the country must be abided by all – Bulgarians and foreigners, hosts and guests, Nikolina Angelkova specified.
Minister Angelkova took part in a forum of Bulgarian and Russian twinned towns in Golden Sands
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova took part in a forum of Bulgarian and Russian twinned towns in Golden Sands, which was organized on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the resort.This event is a good opportunity to discuss the prospects for mutually beneficial contacts in tourism, the minister stated and added that the resort and the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast in general were preferred for vacation and recreation by many Russian tourists.Nikolina Angelkova emphasized that Russia was a very important generating market for the Bulgarian tourism industry. In 2016, which was record-high for the sector with over 8.2 million visits of foreign tourists, based on NSI statistics, the Federation ranked fourth with 580 thousand visits and about a 20% rise versus 2015, and in the summer months the rise reached 30% in terms of persons coming for vacation and recreation.However, there are even greater opportunities and we continuously work to attract more tourists from Russia. Our country’s potential as a year-round destination is much higher, with various offers for specialised services, which successfully combine with mass recreation. This includes offers for excursions across Bulgaria, balnelogical and spa services, visits of golf compounds along the Black Sea Coast, cultural and historical tours, festival programmes, gourmet and wine tastings, information routes, ethnographic events, etc., Minister Angelkova specified.She expressed confidence that this season would also exhibit good indicators, which could even exceed the last year’s record. The expectations are for a 7-10% rise for the year and we have been pro-actively working for it, jointly with businesses and our foreign partners, Angelkova added and announced that booked early flights and charter lines were a fact. In the words of the minister, our country welcomes the option for a charter line between Samara and Varna and the ministry will continue participating actively in every forum for promotion of Bulgarian and Russian relations.In her view, a high share of Russian tourists come for summer tourism but thanks to the routes to the fortresses on the Black Sea Coast their number is rising. These projects help boost cultural and historical tourism which in practice promotes Bulgaria as a year-round destination, she added and recalled that in order to facilitate our Russian guests from 1 February 2016 the ministry opened a special telephone line for them: +359 700 20 991. It provides current information on the opportunities for tourism in Bulgaria or assistance, where necessary.The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to Bulgaria Anatolii Makarov also took part in the meeting. He defined Bulgarian and Russian relations as an example of cooperation. He projected an increase of the Russian tourist flow.In addition, representatives of 14 Russian towns and 12 Bulgarian municipalities, the regional governor of Varna Stoyan Pasev, the executive director of the National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria Assoc. Prof. Ginka Chavdarova also took part in the forum.
Minister Nikolina Angelkova had a working breakfast with the ambassadors in Bulgaria
Our country has an extraordinary potential to develop cultural and historical tourism. The trends show that more and more tourists not only choose Bulgaria for their vacation, but also want to get information about it, to explore its authenticity and its history. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova during the working breakfast with the ambassadors in the country, organised by the MT. Present at the event were 50 heads and representatives of diplomatic missions in Bulgaria.Minister Angelkova again emphasized before the heads of diplomatic missions that the main goal of the Ministry of Tourism was to make the country a year-round sustainable tourist destination - a four-season Bulgaria, and the efforts were focused on reaching a position in the top 5 countries in South Eastern Europe.Minister Nikolina Angelkova pointed out that the efforts of all institutions were coordinated and focused to ensure the safety and comfort of tourists not only in the summer season but during the whole year. “In order to ensure the comfort and security of the tourists, we demanded from concessionaires and lessees to provide maximum lighting on the beaches”, the Minister of Tourism added. She announced that present forecasts were for a 10% rise in tourists this summer in Bulgaria.From the words of the minister it became clear that Bulgaria offers an ever better environment for business development. In this regard, Nikolina Angelkova informed them that she would work on elimination of the re-classification of hotels and catering establishments every five years. This aims to remove the excessively high administrative burden on businesses, and quality could be guaranteed by enhancing the product competitiveness and ongoing control.
Minister Angelkova held a working meeting with George Kremlis, head of Integration and Environmental Impact Assessments unit in the EC
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova met with George Kremlis, head of Integration and Environmental Impact Assessments unit in DG Environment of the European Commission. They discussed the development of Bulgarian tourism.The main goal of the Ministry of Tourism is to make our country a year-round sustainable tourist destination and to be among the top 5 countries in the sector in South Eastern Europe, Minister Angelkova emphasized during the talks.In her words, the Ministry of Tourism has focused its efforts on attracting investments in the tourism industry, which are key for the development of this structurally important sector of our economy.Bulgaria has many and diverse natural and cultural and historical resources which make it a competitive participant on the market not only in the region, the Minister of Tourism stated. The country is popular as an attractive place for sea and ski vacations and for active rest in the mountain.Nikolina Angelkova made it clear that this potential could not be developed without preserving nature. She added that green mountain tourism combined ever more successfully with balneological, spa and wellness services as part of general or profiled packages. It became clear at the meeting that Bulgaria was second in Europe by richness and diversity of mineral springs and offered such services at very attractive prices.Nikolina Angelkova and George Kremlis were unanimous that the progress of modern tourism and its future are not possible without caring for the environment and without making efficient use of the natural sources. Minister Angelkova highlighted the importance of eco and rural tourism as contemporary specialized forms of the sector in the country. They cannot develop successfully if not in harmony with nature and the natural setup of tourist sites. In this regard, Bulgaria is strictly observing the European legislation and international norms.George Kremlis welcomed the measures taken by the Bulgarian tourism administration for making Bulgaria a year-round destination and assured Minister Angelkova that European structures would continue promoting the commitments undertaken for a sustainable development of the sector.
Bulgaria presented itself at the IMEX exhibition in Frankfurt
Bulgaria is taking part with a promotional stand in the biggest tourism event in the world for congress and business trips IMEX in Frankfurt, Germany. Presented at the Bulgarian stand are three companies and Varna Municipality. The event is intended for professionals in the tourism industry. Over 3 500 exhibitors, 4 900 professionals in the industry and over 3 900 hostedbuyers are set to be presented. The forum is held in the period 16-18 May 2017.The exhibitors include congress centres, cruise companies, national and regional tourist organizations and boards, hotel chains, spa centres, golf destinations, exhibition centres, leading aviation managers, rent-a-car companies.In the past year Bulgaria was visited by 826 939 German tourists, marking a 32.8 % growth on 2015.
Minister Angelkova and Ambassador Makarov discussed Bulgarian-Russian cooperation in tourism
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Bulgaria Anatolii Makarov discussed bilateral cooperation in the sector. The Russian market is one of the major generating markets for the Bulgarian tourism industry and we are working pro-actively to attract steadily an increasing number of tourists from the Federation, Nikolina Angelkova said. She reminded that Russian citizens ranked 4th by the number of foreign tourists having visited our country in 2016 with over 580 000 visits.Minister Angelkova added that the expectations for this year were for these indicators to improve, especially in summer, and this is confirmed by the first statistics for the year.  For the period January-March 2017 about 28 700 Russian tourists visited Bulgaria, i.e. up some 12% on the same period in 2016, specified Angelkova.Nikolina Angelkova assured Ambassador Makarov that the Bulgarian government was making serious efforts to develop infrastructure in the resort areas and national tourist complexes.Ambassador Makarov underscored that bilateral relations in tourism would continue developing pro-actively. His Excellency invited Minister Angelkova to take part in the programme of the Week of the Russian Spiritual Culture and the Day of Russia in Bulgaria on 9 June, and some of the events were to take place in the area of Varna.
Minister Angelkova met with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova held a working meeting with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Chief Negotiator with the EU  Mr. Mahmud Guliev. Present at the meeting was the Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Bulgaria H. E. PhD Nargiz Gurbanova.Among the issues discussed were the measures for enhancing the bilateral tourist flow and options for facilitating the visa regime. It became clear that the two countries will work for development of a programme for using the opportunities of Bulgarian spa and balneological products by citizens of Azerbaijan.Minister Angelkova informed Mahmud Guliev that during the 105th session of WTO in Madrid she had had talks with her counterpart Abulfaz Garaev, Minister of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan, and invited him to visit Bulgaria.Deputy Minister Guliev pointed out the fact that this year Bulgaria and Azerbaijan celebrated the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Opportunities for holding joint events on this occasion are to be discussed.
Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova met with the Prince of Saudi Arabia Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova met with the Prince of Saudi Arabia Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.  The meeting was held in the framework of the 105th session of the Executive Council of the UN World Tourism Organization, which is held in Madrid, Spain.  The two discussed plans for promoting cultural and historical heritage in Bulgaria and Saudi Arabia. A focus of their discussion concerned the opportunities for foreign investment in the tourism sector in Bulgaria. Minister Angelkova stated that over EUR 44 billion of foreign direct investment poured in for a period of 20 years and 27 projects in tourism were awarded investment-class certificates.  In October 2016, when H.M. Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud was on a visit to Bulgaria, a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in tourism between the two countries was signed. The document provides a basis for development of traditionally good bilateral relations not only in this sector but in other sectors of the economy.During last year’s visit to our country Minister Angelkova familiarized Prince Al Saud with the advantages of Bulgaria as a sustainable and year-round tourist destination and as a good environment for investment with financial stability and low taxes.The Prince is the eldest son of the Arab country’s current king Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, as well as President and Chair of the Board of Directors of that country’s Commission for Tourism and National Heritage.
Bulgaria is a well-known destination on the Italian market
Bulgaria is a well-known destination on the Italian market. This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Cultural Heritage and Tourism of Italy Dorina Bianki at a meeting with the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova. The meeting was held in the framework of the 105th session of the Executive Council of the World Tourism Organization.Promoting the tourist flow between the two countries and exchanging good practices in staff training were among the main focuses in the talks. “Combined routes are one of the ways of promoting the exchange of tourists and creating products with a cultural and historical focus”, explained Nikolina Angelkova. In her words, the Ministry of Tourism focused its efforts on promoting investments in the sector, which are key to tourism development. Minister Angelkova underscored that our country was making consistent efforts to improve staffing in the sector.
Nikolina Angelkova told WTO: In 2016 Bulgaria attracted a record number of foreign tourists
In the past year a great deal of work was done, which helped achieve the record high results. Over 8.2 million of foreign tourists visited Bulgaria, the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova stated at the 105th session of the World Tourism Organization, which is held today in Madrid, Spain.Minister Angelkova said she was personally committed to furthering these results and making them a sustainable trend. She underscored this summer Bulgaria expected a 10% growth of foreign tourists.  Nikolina Angelkova was explicit that she would continue the activities on reinforcing the rebranded image of the country as a preferred year-round destination, offering a high quality tourist product and attracting a greater number of tourists. She stated that our country would continue pro-actively working on the initiatives associated with the World Tourism Organization.Minister Angelkova congratulated the current Secretary-General of WTO Taleb Rifai on his good work and called on the next secretary general to continue it.
Minister Angelkova: A meeting about amendments to the legal framework and the coming summer season is to be held with business
One of the main tasks in the beginning of next week is to hold a meeting with the business in the tourism industry. We will discuss the Tourism Act, the coming summer season, and improvements to be introduced in the Black Sea Coast Development and Grouping of Beaches Act. It is important to discuss together with representatives of ministries, the local administration and businesses the priorities that need be set, which would require amending the Tourism Act so as to make it workable. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova on her taking office. She took over the office from Stela Baltova at a ceremony held in the ministry.In her words, the caretaker team of the Ministry of Tourism has pursued a consistent policy with regard to the national programme for tourism advertising.Minister Angelkova stated that one of the key priorities in her work pertained to the summer season, conducting inspections of the condition of beaches, the completed legal procedures for sea beaches and identification of whether more beaches could be leased. This is one of the steps to ensure a problem-free summer season, to have life guards, cleaning and medical services on as many number of sea beaches as possible, the Minister of Tourism added.The EU Chairmanship provides a unique opportunity to present Bulgaria in the best possible way. Besides being a centre of all European policies, we will present our country as an attractive tourist destination, the minister commented and added that we would have the chance to present our culture, history, traditions, all that makes our country unique.The Caretaker Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova presented two of the key priorities pursued in the last three months – proper implementation of the regulations policy and the policy on presenting a quality Bulgarian product in marketing and international activities. She also highlighted that a major focus was put on promoting different year-round-sought products in order to extend the seasons and make Bulgaria a year-round tourist destination.Assoc. Professor Stela Baltova confirmed a record high winter season in Bulgaria, which marked a 20% growth in the period December 2016 – March 2017 compared to the 2015-2016 period. She stated that this was mainly due to the consistent policy pursued by the government, the efforts of the tourist business, regional administrations, local authorities and all stakeholders.
Work on procurement of the operation of sea beaches continues
Work on procurement of the operation of sea beaches for the upcoming summer season 2017 continues. Signed were new contracts for concession of four beaches – “Sveti Vlas - Nov plazh”, “Obzor-Yug”, “Kamping Oasis” and “Dyuni -Yug”.As regards the other concession procedures announced in 2016 but not completed, the competent institutions have ruled so far to the benefit of the Ministry of Tourism.For the concessions of “Kamping Nestinarka”, “Burgas – Sever” and “Pomorie-Central” appeals have been lodged to the Commission for Protection of Competition. It ruled that the appeals were groundless. For “Kamping Nestinarka” a contract is to be concluded. For “Burgas – Sever” a meeting of the concession commission is to be held and the procedure should continue from where it stopped.  For “Pomorie-Central” the decision is pending to take effect or be appealed. The competent authorities are expected to rule only on the appeal for the concession of “Sveti Vlas – Iztok”.  For the “Slanchev bryag – Sever” beach a decision of the Supreme Administrative Court and the Supreme Court of Cassation is pending.As regards tenders for lease of beaches, companies for “Kamping Veselie”, “Estuary of Veleka River”, and “Tsarevo – Vasiliko” have already been selected. All procedures for “Nesebar – Yug” have been completed and it was delivered to the lessee. By the end of March there will be a second tender for the beaches “Ofitserski-Zapad”, “Popski Plazh Sever 5” and “Nesebar-Iztok”. The reason for the second tender is the lack of applicants or incorrectly prepared documents. The tender for “Nov plazh Balchik” was terminated due to procedural breaches and is announced again.In order to ensure a successful summer season in 2017 and given the need of procuring sea beaches with mandatory activities to ensure safe terms of their use according to intended purpose, 5 more tender procedures are to be launched for lease of the following beaches: “Kranevo – Central”, “Kamping – Yug”, “Sveti Vlas – Bolnitsata”, “Rosenets – Sever”, and “Varna – Central”. For sea beaches “Panorama” and “Malak plazh Lozenets”, whose lease contracts expire in 2017, tenders are being prepared too. The contracts for lease of “Atanasovska Kosa” and “Kabakum – Central” beaches are considered terminated due to non-payment of the lease price and tenders are to be initiated for them.
The Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova in an interview for "24 Hours" daily newspaper: Berlin and Moscow are interested in Bulgarian wellbeing tourism
Assoc. Prof. Stela Baltova, Minister of Tourism: Berlin and Moscow are interested in Bulgarian wellbeing tourismInterview of Minister Stela Baltova for "24 Hours" daily newspaper - 16.03.2017Expected 10% growth in Russian tourists for 2017, cruises to Bulgarian ports and Crimea on offer  - Assoc. Prof. Baltova, you got very good news at the international travel fairs in Berlin and Moscow. What summer season can we expect?- An active summer season is ahead of us. It will be successful, and the next one could be even more successful when the quality of our tourism is good. The data received from my meetings with tour operators on the German market are very positive. Some of them share that a 35% growth can be achieved. So far the official data of DER Touristik (the tour operator brought 130,000 tourists from Germany alone in 2016) shows a 26% growth in 2017 compared with 2016.- The two-digit growth is serious for tourism?- Yes, the exhibition in Berlin was very successful. At the stand of Bulgaria there were 7 municipalities – the Association of Danube River Municipalities, we presented the EDEN destinations. We showed Bulgaria as building partnerships. This has to be formulated as a national policy. At the meetings with the tour operator Thomas Cook it became clear the complaints from our country were less than 2%, we agreed with TUI to train here our hotel specialists, there will be regular flights with French tourists soon.- What do Europeans search in Bulgaria, only the sea?- Our sea tourism is the top product for the German market. However, they are also strongly interested in health and rehabilitation vacations or so-called well-being, which helps improve the body and the spirit.- Were there talks that this could be funded from German health insurance funds?- That’s right. German tour operators are ready to work together in order to attract German health insurance funds to send their nationals for rehabilitation to Bulgaria. The talks are set to begin at state level and public-private partnerships with business could be gradually established in order to be present together on the German market. And on the Scandinavian market, too. The businesses that took part in the exhibition in Germany were extremely active in meetings and partnerships. The stand of Bulgaria was absolutely modern. At a meeting with the director of the travel fair ITB – Berlin I requested our stand to be extended to 500 sq.m. next year and the location of Bulgaria to be changed because 2 years ago the organizers changed the location of Bulgaria for economic reasons. Next year we mark the 50th anniversary of our country’s participation in this exhibition – we are among its founders.  These were the arguments for requesting a better location at the exhibition.In Berlin I had a very fruitful meeting with the Secretary-General of the UN World Tourism Organization Taleb Rifai. I posed a single and acute problem – that of the labour force, and we agreed to address it together. We do not have bus drivers, waiters, and chefs. The tourism business is feeling the strain. We have wonderful infrastructure but who will take care of the tourist.- The business is hiring foreign workers for internships...- Yes, but 3 months are not enough, our season is at least 5 months. After Berlin I gave clear instructions for action. The discussions went extremely well, but to me it is important to develop what has been negotiated.- With your Berlin luggage you go directly to the other important fair – in Moscow. What is the news from there?- We have this market and we will have it. Russian tourists are not very likely to return to Turkey at present. Bulgaria expects a 10% growth from this market.In Moscow I spoke to Oleg Safonov, the head of the Federal Agency for Tourism. He confirmed again his meeting with Bulgaria, but had to change his schedule for that reason. I expected to see an extremely solemn man and he was very friendly. We did not discuss politics at all. I said that the Russian tourist was significant for Bulgaria because he sought quality and high-category hotels.In Moscow all say that the Russian tourist expects cultural-patriotic tourism from Bulgaria.They focus on child vacations with foreign language study. Kamchia is thought of as Eden by Russians. To be honest, I wanted to announce something, after it is discussed at high level, but Safonov himself stated the intention of a cruise through the Bulgarian ports, and in Russia it could pass through Crimea and Turkey could be included as well. They expect our operative decision. Safonov paved the way for my meeting with Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Mr Vitalii Mutko. He sees a serious potential in their relations for tourism in Bulgaria.This week I will announce a new call for conceptual design for the stands of our exhibitions – we should be innovative. This is remembered, more digitalization, place for business at the exhibitions. After 2007 extraordinary things happened in tourism.Let’s show them!With the heads of tourism of Ural and Altay regions we negotiated exchange of trainees. From Kaliningrad region were interested in gourmet tourism in Bulgaria. Altay even proposed exchange of technologies for production of yellow cheese. And of course, wellness vacations.- What happens with the beaches – there are appeals of concessions. Appealed is also the Single Tourism Information System which was to connect the registers of the hotels to NRA, MoI.- This procedure had been suspended before my taking office but my ambition is to restart it in the caretaker cabinet’s term of office. The STIS is my first priority. It should go live in September or October 2017.The tasks for the beaches are serious. A call for public procurement for the monitoring of beaches will be launched. The teams are ready for inspections.At present there are 53 effective concessions. Until 1 March I signed 4 contracts for concession of “Sveti Vlas - Nov plazh”, “Obzor-Yug”, “Kamping Oasis” and “Dyuni-Yug”.  The leased beaches are 65, and in few days contracts will be concluded for “Kamping Veselie”, “Estuary of Veleka River”, and “Tsarevo – Vasiliko”. By the end of March there will be a second tender for the beaches “Ofitserski-Zapad”, “Popski Plazh Sever” and “Nesebar Sever” and “Nesebar Iztok”.  I terminated the tender for “Nov plazh – Balchik” because of procedural breaches.I am glad to say that in order to improve tender documentation we set up an intergovernmental group which gave proposals. So far the tenderer had declared it would not change the proposed prices per umbrella and deckchair for the period of the lease. The new tender documentation states that “the lessee shall offer umbrellas and deckchairs at prices not higher than those proposed thereby in the offer and they may not be increased in the contract”.- In other words, the prices can only decrease?- That’s right. We increase the members of the commission – they will be 5 now, including experts of the Council of Ministers.- And what about concessions?- I will not authorize any more concessions, the time for completing the procedure is not sufficient. This is a sensitive topic. The most important thing now is to prevent concern among businesses and tourists.We have urgently initiated the water rescue ordinance – to recognize training of lifeguards from other institutions, not only from the Bulgarian Red Cross, an option is created to hire foreign lifeguards, their working hours can be changed depending on the intensity of the beach.- How long did you consider whether to accept the position of minister of tourism, Ms Baltova? – Very little- How were you invited?- They asked me whether I agree to give my telephone number to the president’ team because he wanted to invite me to a meeting with him. I have had interesting moments in my life but never have been invited by the president. To be honest, I thought that they would task me with making analysis and a study on tourism. At the meeting I had a catalogue of the university at which I work. President Radev, he had not taken office yet, was interested in my opinion on the country’ economic development, on the beaches, there was no discussion of politics at all. And the proposal came. He expected an answer...- Immediately?- Well, he gave me a certain margin of tolerance till next day.- How did you sleep then?- I have a sound sleep, but I am also an emotional person. I discussed the matter with my employer and my family. I took it very seriously.And I accepted.***CV• Born in 1961, graduated from the French Secondary Language School in Sliven with gold medal• 1988 – graduated from the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy in Sofia; continued her education at the University of North Alsace, France; a master of digital marketing• 2002-2005 was on diplomatic mission as economic advisor, head of commercial and economic section in Copenhagen, Denmark• 2007-2009 was Deputy Chairperson of the State Agency for Tourism• Assoc. Prof. in economics of business services. Teacher at the International Higher Business School of Botevgrad• Fluent in French, English, Danish and Russian, uses Portuguese
Bulgaria is presented at МITT 2017 Exhibition in Russia
Bulgaria is presented at МITT 2017 Exhibition in Russia with a national stand of 356.5 sq.m. Besides the Ministry of Tourism, present are 28 co-exhibitors, including four sea municipalities – Varna, Primorsko, Nessebar and Sozopol, as well as companies. Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva took part in the event. MITT 2017 is held in the period from 13 to 16 March 2017.The leading slogan of the destination for 2017 is “Bulgaria – Discover and Share”. The highlights in the presentation of our country are in accordance with the most demanded products: cultural tourism, balneological, spa and wellness tourism. Bulgaria is promoted as an all-year-round tourist destination  with ancient culture, rich in historical and archeological monuments, mineral springs, beautiful and preserved nature and tasty food, and the main goal is to attract a higher number of Russian tourists.During the exhibition, the visitors of the Bulgarian stand will be able to familiarize themselves with the Bulgarian traditional embroidery. Organised is also a tasting of Bulgarian jams, a professional confectioner will demonstrate live how to cook them and how to use them as decoration of cakes and how to make sugar figures. For the audience there is a tasting of wines with a Russian speaking sommelier, a tasting of traditional food specialties – banitsa, cheese, lukanka, honey, etc. Martenitsi are woven at the stand, to be presented as a gift to every visitor.Based on data from Russian tour operators, Bulgaria remains a leader in the sea vacations among European destinations, sought by the Russian tourists during the campaigns for early bookings at tour operators. Statistics on enquiries by Russians in general and specialized search engines confirmed their increased interest in our country. For example, enquiries about trips to Bulgaria made in January this year in the search engine (Слетать.ру) mark a rise by 180.4% compared with December 2016. This is the highest monthly rise in the volume of enquiries by countries participating in the internet statistics of According to data of the search engine Yandex in January 2017, Bulgaria shows a rise in enquiries by users by 130.7% compared with December 2016 and is one of the Top 3 countries with highest upward dynamics in search of tours by Russian clients.Over 1,600 companies from 182 countries and regions take part in the MITT exhibition in Russia, and the number of visitors exceeds 28,000 persons. The event is targeted at the mass audience and professionals and all kinds of tourist services are offered there. Meetings are held and contacts are made with existing business partners, new destinations and types of services are offered, new proposals and competitive methods of work are studied, and the scope of target audience is extended, and all this is offered at a single point. МIТТ enables participants and visitors of the exhibition to take part in the  extensive business programme and meet with the best performers in the industry.
The Ministry of Tourism launched the project “Cultural and Tourist EDEN destinations in Bulgaria”
The Ministry of Tourism launched the implementation of the project “Cultural and Tourist EDEN destinations in Bulgaria”. EDEN is a network of the best European destinations promoting sustainable tourism development models across the European Union. The project was approved for funding under the call for proposals “Best EDEN Destinations – Selection 2016” under the Programme for the Competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (2014-2020) – COSME. A contracting authority is the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises to the European Commission. The total value of the project proposal is EUR 46,890.00 (BGN 91,709.00) and the funds are equally split between the European Commission and the Ministry of Tourism – EUR 23,445.00 (BGN 45,854.00) each. The duration of the project is 10 months – by the end of 2017.It aims to draw the attention and promote rarely visited/newly emerging Bulgarian tourist destinations on the subject of “cultural tourism”. This involves destinations offering a specific form of tourism based on their local tangible cultural assets (i.e. cultural and historical heritage or contemporary culture such as traditional historical or archeological monuments/sites, industrial sites, museums, theatres,  galleries, modern archeological sites, modern city districts, “ethnic pockets” of cities).  In pursuance of the project in 2017 new, rarely visited five EDEN destinations in the field of cultural tourism in Bulgaria will be selected. To this end, a package of documents for applying will be developed, including requirements and criteria to potential candidates for selection of best rarely visited EDEN destinations in the country for cultural tourism, a guidebook to complete the set of documents, an application form and other required documents for participation in the competition.Further information about the procedure will be published in the period April-May 2017 on the website of the Ministry of Tourism and on the website of EDEN network in Bulgaria - on assessment of the submitted proposals the five new EDEN destinations in the field of cultural tourism will be determined – one winner and four sub-winner destinations. Professional pictures of the five selected destinations will be taken and they will be promoted in special brochures.At the end of 2017 an official ceremony will be held for presentation of awards to the selected destinations. They will be included in the national EDEN network in Bulgaria and will become part of the European network. Further information about EDEN initiative is available on the website of the network in Bulgaria -, as well as on the website of DG Internal Market, Industry and Entrepreneurship of the EC:
The 15th of March is the World Consumer Rights Day
On 15 March we mark the World Consumer Rights Day, announced by the UN General Assembly. The initiative focuses on the importance of consumer rights in the choice of goods and services and on civic intolerance to market abuses and unfair competition.  On this day 54 years ago, in an emotional speech President John Kennedy for the first time formulated the fundamental rights of consumers – the rights to safety, to be informed, to choose, and the right to be heard. Later on other rights were added – the right to satisfaction of basic needs of consumers; the right to redress; the right to education; and the right to a healthy environment. Namely these eight postulates are laid down in the Guidelines for Consumer Protection adopted by UN.  With dynamic developments in globalization, digitalization and free movement of people and goods all over the world the importance of consumer rights protection has been drawing greater attention. Consumers in the European Union also receive more and more powers: for education in the issues of their protection, absence of misleading advertising, repair and replacement of defective goods, contracts without unfair clauses, return of goods, free help, etc., and the right to more IT services to the benefit of clients.The tourism sector is instrumental to global development and is one of the sectors with the greatest number of consumers who are getting ever more demanding and active. The tourist industry has been growing faster over the last decades and was one of the leading global socio-economic sectors that survived in the general crises. According to the forecasts of the UN World Tourism Organization, the number of international tourists will continue rising at an annual rate of 3.3% until 2030 while in 2015 tourists numbered about 1.24 billion persons.Bulgaria is also one of the countries with most dynamic tourism development and growing number of users of that type of services. The country reported an increasing number of Bulgarian and foreign tourists. Based on information from the Commission for Consumer Protection, their rights are respected more responsibly by business and the number of administrative breaches in the sector has steadily declined. The National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria announced that in 2016 about 7.2 million persons used accommodation facilities with minimum 10 beds, up by 14% compared with 2015, and revenues from such overnights have risen by some 19% compared with last year. According to NSI, in 2016 about 3,331 accommodation facilities with minimum 10 beds operated in the country. The year 2016 marked records in the history of Bulgarian tourism industry. Based on data of the National Statistical Institute, the total number of foreign tourists’ trips to Bulgaria in the past year was 8,251,995, marking over a 16% growth compared with 2015 (an increase by over 1.1 million trips), and almost all generating markets reported growth. Revenue data on 2016 is very good. Revenues from international tourism in the balance of payments current account, based on BNB data, amount to some EUR 3.3 billion, about 16% higher than in 2015.These facts confirm that more and more tourists choose Bulgaria as a place for their vacation and journey as they can find here wonderful natural and cultural-historical sites as well as safety and loyal services. Early bookings and the higher number of planned flights to Bulgaria outline even higher indicators for this year, which was announced by the UN World Tourism Organization as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development.
Minister Baltova met with the Ambassador of Romania to Bulgaria
The Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova had a working meeting with the Ambassador of Romania to Bulgaria H. E. Ion Galea. The two discussed the significant growth in tourists between the two countries. They agreed that active contacts at state level and between businesses should continue.Minister Stela Baltova underscored that the security of Romanian tourists coming to Bulgaria was a major priority. She also acquainted the Ambassador with the discussion held with her colleague from the newly established Ministry of Tourism in Romania Mircha Dobre, whom she met at the travel exhibition ITB in Berlin. Minister Baltova and Ambassador Galea discussed future projects and campaigns in tourism between the two countries.A bilateral business forum in the field of tourism is to be held in Bucharest on 30 March 2017. The ministers of tourism of the two countries, representatives of the business, the academia, Bulgarian and Romanian municipal authorities are to participate in it.Romania is a major target market for Bulgaria. Last year it ranked first by the number of foreign tourists coming to Bulgaria with over 986,000 trips and a 4% growth. The main demand from the Romanian market is for sea and ski tourism but also there is interest in cultural routes, city tours, balneological and spa services.
The Ministry of Tourism was awarded at the fair in Moscow
The Ministry of Tourism was presented with a special certificate for active participation and presentation during the International Travel Fair INTOURMARKET-2017 in Moscow, Russia. Bulgaria is present with a national stand at one of the biggest international travel fairs.INTOURMARKET-2017 is organized with the collaboration of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture, the Federal Agency for Tourism, the Russian Union of Travel Industry, the Association of the Tour Operators in Russia and other leading structures in the field of tourism.This year our country is presented at the INTOUMARKET fair with a national stand of 128 sq.m. Presented in the framework of the national participation are traditional and new tourist products, offered on the Russian market to strengthen and extend the positions of Bulgaria as a tourist destination. Presented at the stand are the municipalities of Varna, Burgas, Nessebar, and Bulgarian tour operators working on the Russian market.The Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova was a formal guest and took part in the opening ceremony of the fair. She had talks with V. Mutko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation in charge of sports and tourism. The two sides stated their willingness to further cooperation in the field of tourism and the deputy prime minister underscored the strong performance of Bulgaria at the travel fair and its popularity among Russian tourists as an attractive and calm place for vacation.Minister Baltova had a meeting with Oleg Safonov, Director of the Federal Agency for Tourism. She thanked him for the good partnership with the Federal Agency for Tourism, for the personal support by Oleg Safonov to the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria in the conduct of events in Russia and expressed willingness for a more active cooperation with the tourist administration and with all regional structures in the sector, the tourist business and the Russian media. She underscored that Russia was one of the main tourist partners of Bulgaria and our country ranked among the top ten destinations in 2016 preferred by Russian tourists who chose their vacation themselves.Minister Baltova stressed the fact that Bulgaria treated with respect and care its guests from Russia, the Russian tourists and the Bulgarian administrations and tour operators ensured safety, competitive prices, best value for money, high professionalism in the services provided to Russian tourists.Oleg Safonov underscored the desire of the Russian side to continue cooperation with our country and increase the exchange of tourists between the two countries. He noted the interest of Russians in the tourist opportunities offered by Bulgaria, and that besides the traditional sea and ski vacations Russian tourists were already seeking cultural and information, historical and patriotic, and balneological programmes. In the first months of 2017 there is a higher interest in the organized vacations in Bulgarian child camps. Also discussed were opportunities for joint projects in the field of tourism.The two parties considered serious options for intensive exchange of tourists, rapid development of Bulgarian tourist products and expanding their penetration on the Russian market. Minister Baltova highlighted the serious plans of the ministry to promote Bulgaria in the Russian regions. Oleg Safonov offered cooperation from the Federal Agency with the participation of Bulgaria for the regional tourist forums, conferences, presentations, seminars.Minister Baltova invited all interested Russian regions to take part in the travel fairs and forums in Bulgaria, and explained that this could provide good opportunities for establishing new business contacts between Bulgarian and Russian companies in the field of tourism.Olga Yarilova, Director of Tourism directorate at the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, informed Minister Baltova  at the meeting during the fair that the Russian side planned to conduct  large-scale “Days of the Russian  Culture in Bulgaria”, which are to start in June 2017 with a large Bulgarian-Russian tourist forum in Sofia.Also fruitful was the meeting of Minister Baltova with the Deputy Director of FAT Roman Skorii, which rendered a positive assessment of the joint work on the started cultural, information, historical and patriotic programmes targeted at youth audiences in Bulgaria and Russia and it was decided that a relevant work programme was to be developed.Meetings with the Governor of Altay Region А. Karlin, the Minister of Tourism of Kaliningrad Region А. Ermak, the Executive Director of the Ural Tourism Association M. Maltsev, the heads of  tourist  administrations of Samarska and Tambovska regions, Altay Region, revealed great potential for strengthening the work for attracting tourists from the Russian regions.  A key event in the framework of the Bulgarian participation in INTOURMARKET-2017 was the Bulgarian-Russian round table with subject “Health and recreation – modern trends in the development of tourist services”, organized by the  Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation. Discussed were topics of mutual interest in the field of bilateral relations – opportunities for development of balneological rehabilitation tourism in Bulgarian resorts, offering even more attractive tourist packages to Russian and Bulgaria tourists with the active collaboration of our tour operator associations and travel companies. In addition, discussed were the issues of strengthening cooperation in the field of child vacations in the Bulgarian Black Sea and balneological resorts, development of cooperation in the field of cultural and historical tourism by creating joint projects, offering tourist packages for pilgrimage tours and development of religious tourism.  ​Participants in the round table were the Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova, the Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria to the Russian Federation Boyko Kotsev, the Deputy Director of FAT Roman Skorii,  the Executive Director of the Association of the Tour Operators of Russia M. Lomidze, the Executive Director of the Ural Tourism Association M. Maltsev, the rectors of leading Russian higher schools educating specialists in tourism.​From Bulgarian side presentations were made by the municipalities of Plovdiv, Varna,  representatives of the Bulgarian Association of Balneology and Spa Tourism, SOK Kamchia, and Medica-Albena.The round table became a ground for active exchange of information, presenting many new opportunities in the field of tourism, offered by Bulgaria to its Russian guests.
Bulgaria places great value on “health and recreation” at the tourist fair in Moscow
For a twelfth year in a row Bulgaria takes part in the International Travel Fair INTOURMARKET, which is held from 11 to 13 March 2017 in Moscow, Russia. Our country participates with a national stand of 128 sq.m., organized by the Ministry of Tourism. The leading slogan of the destination is “Bulgaria – Discover and Share”, and the focus is on mass and specialised products such as summer and cultural tourism, balneological, spa and wellness tourism, organized child and youth tourism, etc. Five non-governmental organizations, municipalities, tour operators and travel agencies took part in it.As part of the fair, on 11 March, a Bulgarian-Russian round table will be held with subject “Health and recreation – modern trends in the development of tourist services” with the participation of the Minister of Tourism Assoc. Prof.  Stela Baltova. Invited are representatives of Bulgarian and Russian travel organizations, diplomats, mayors and experts from municipal administrations, as well as representatives of the Federal Agency for Tourism of Russia, the Association of the Tour Operators of Russia, the Russian Union of Travel Industry and Russian higher schools. Discussed at the forum will be current issues relating to development of balneological and rehabilitation tourism, cooperation in promoting child vacations in the Bulgarian Black Sea and spa resorts, etc.During the fair, other bilateral meetings will be held in Moscow, setting out specific measures for promotion of partnership in the fields of cultural and pilgrimage tourism, regional cooperation, etc.
Bulgaria provided wine tasting at the Danube Salon in Berlin
Bulgaria presented its tourist products at the Danube Salon within the ITB Berlin exhibition, organized by the German province Baden-Wuerttemberg.  The Ministry of Tourism provided tasting of Bulgarian wines at the event. A special wine consultant explained our grape varieties.In the framework of the salon a forum on the subject “Sustainable Danube Region Development” was held with the participation of the Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova. A partner of the event this year was Slovenia. Traditional participants in the salon are all Danube countries – Germany, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova and Ukraine.
TUI starts bringing back tourists from France to the sea
The big tour operator TUI Group starts bringing back tourists from France to the Bulgarian Black Sea coast after a nine-year break. This became clear at the meeting of the Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova with Astrid Eilert, product manager at TUI France, in the framework of the international ITB exhibition in Berlin. The company launches direct flights in mid-May from French airports to Burgas. This season we mainly offer Sunny Beach, Astrid Eilert said.Minister Baltova welcomed TUI for bringing back French tourists to the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. She explained that the ministry had already started work on marketing Bulgaria for 2018 and believed that the concept would be adopted by the end of April.In general, TUI Group reports rises on all markets for the country in the present bookings, said Detlef Höhne, country manager for Bulgaria at the company. Increases from Germany, Austria and Switzerland account for 35%, 30% from Poland, 40% from the Netherlands, 20% from Russia, 15% for the Scandinavian countries and 15% from Belgium.In the past year, the concern sent to Bulgaria over 230,000 tourists from all markets. TUI Group works with 1,600 agencies across Europe, serves over 20 million tourists per year. The turnover of the tour operator exceeds EUR 17.2 billion per year.
Bulgaria drew great interest from German journalists
The presentation of Bulgaria under the motto “Get together” in the framework of the ITB exhibition in Berlin drew great interest from over 30 German journalists. Participants in the event were the Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova and Georgi Palahutev, the author of a tour guide on Bulgaria, published in Germany by the popular publishing house Dumont. They both presented Bulgarian traditional and new tourist products.The focus is on the country as an all-year-round tourist destination, Minister Baltova said. The guests from Germany could extend their idea of Bulgaria as a predominantly sea summer destination and rediscover it as an ancient country with rich history, beautiful nature, offering a wide range of alternative forms of tourism. Information routes are growing in popularity among German tourists, she added.Georgi Palahutev explained that information tours added a fresh view of the country in which the oldest processed gold in the world was found in Varna Necropolis. On Bulgarian territory are found archeological finds from at least seven historical eras and from the life of many ethnicities.  By number of immovable cultural monuments and artifacts – over 40,000, Bulgaria ranks third in Europe after Italy and Greece. There are over 7 million movable cultural values in the country. In the list of UNESCO’s tangible and intangible cultural and natural heritage are included 14 Bulgarian objects. This ranks Bulgaria among the top 20 countries in the world by cultural resources.In recognition of this heritage the second largest city in Bulgaria – Plovdiv, was selected as European capital of culture in 2019.  The unique golden and silver treasures of the Thracians in the Bulgarian lands cause an unbridled furor when exhibited in international galleries and museums. They show the intransient intangible and tangible culture, of which the presentation of our country at the Berlin exchange tells.    Palahutev also presented the production of rose oil, yoghourt, wine, bio products etc.Minister Baltova pointed out to the German journalists that Germany was among the most important generating markets for Bulgarian tourism. In 2016 Germany was third in the ranking of the National Statistical Institute of visits of foreign tourists in Bulgaria with about 827,000 Germans, marking some 33% growth compared with 2015. Bulgaria had an extremely successful 2016 year for tourism, hitting an all-time record. According to data of the national statistics, the country was visited by over 8.2 million foreign tourists, which is about 13% growth on the most successful 2014 year so far, and compared with 2015 the growth exceeds 16%. The difference, compared with 2015 in absolute terms, is an increase by over 1.1 million foreign tourists. These results reflect on the revenues in the sector. In 2016 revenues from international tourism amounted to over BGN 6.4 billion (about EUR 3.3 billion) and the growth on 2015 was about 16%.Preliminary data at present outline a rise in German tourists in Bulgaria in Summer 2017. Based on information from leading German tour operators, early bookings move within 22-45% growth compared with 2016.
DER Touristik reports 26% growth for Bulgaria
The top German tour operator DER Touristik at present reports 26% growth of bookings for Bulgariafor the whole of 2017. This became clear at a meeting between the Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova with representatives of the company during the international ITB exhibition in Berlin. The expectations are for a growth of 10% of the seats in flights to our country.Last year the tour operator sent to Bulgaria about 130, 000 tourists, mainly from Germany. The other markets are Austria and Switzerland. The tour operator is a leader on the German market in the offers for Bulgaria.They discussed the quality of the Bulgarian product and on taking joint steps in this field.  DER Touristik also reports less than 2% complaints for the country. The company has its own catalogue for Bulgaria. It has 2,800 own travel offices, operates 14 destinations and 7.1 million tourists and its annual turnover exceeds EUR 5.43 billion.
Minister Baltova met with the Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization
Minister Baltova met with the Secretary-General of the UN World Tourism Organization (WTO)Taleb Rifai during the International ITB Exhibition in Berlin. They discussed the place of Bulgaria as a tourist destination in national, regional and global terms.They defined human resources as one of the main challenges in tourism.Minister Baltova focused on the need of efficient measures to ensure human resources for the successful and high-quality development of tourism in Bulgaria. Taleb Rifai added that this was emerging as a global problem for the sector. They agreed on cooperation and joint actions in the field.The World Tourism Organization expects a global growth in tourists by 3-4% compared with the last year’s 1.24 billion tourists.
The tour operator Thomas Cook reports 25% growth in bookings for Bulgaria
The top tour operator Thomas Cook Group at present reports 25% growth in bookings for Bulgaria for the whole of 2017. This became clear at a meeting between the Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova and Steward Adamson, Partnership Director at the company, during the international ITB exhibition in Berlin. The tour operator sent over 200,000 tourists to Bulgaria last year. The greatest number of tourists is from Germany – over 125,000 persons, followed by United Kingdom, Belgium, the Scandinavian countries.They agreed to continue their efforts for promoting the high-quality tourist product at state and business levels. Steward Adamson stated that the tourists of the company were satisfied with the quality of the Bulgarian product and had only 2% complaints last year.Thomas Cook Group works with over 20 million clients and the annual turnover of the group exceeds EUR 9.6 billion. This makes it one of the leading tour operators in the world, doing business in 16 countries. The largest markets are United Kingdom and Germany.
Bulgaria is presented in Berlin with the “Roman Thermal Spas in Europe” project
Bulgaria is presented at the ITB international exhibition in Berlin as part of the EU project “Culture and Spa. The Roman Thermal Spas in Europe”.The event was opened by the Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova, the project manager Tobias Bielenstein and Siika Katsarova, Deputy Chairperson of the Bulgarian Union of Balneology and Spa Tourism and Vice President of the European Spa Association.Building a network of destinations in Europe based on the experience of ancient Romans using healing thermal mineral springs is the main goal of the “Culture and Spa. The Roman Thermal Spas in Europe” project, Tobias Bielenstein said. Bulgaria belongs to this project as it is rich in mineral springs and cultural and historical sites, Minister Baltova stated.The concept is developed by 3 organizations – the European Spa Association, the German tour operator FIT Reisen and the company Europespa. Work started in 2014 with national partners from Spain, Greece, France, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria. The official partner from Bulgaria is the Bulgarian Union of Balneology and Spa Tourism. The European Union participates in the funding. The main idea is based on the fact that there are long-term traditions in spa and balneological tourism in many European countries, these countries have something in common and this is the Roman history. It is a major part of the European cultural heritage. The idea is to use that common part of history in marketing, as it shapes the specifics of some destinations. In fact, we combine spa tourism and culture. “Roman thermal spa destinations” is also a brand on the market. Each destination is a brand that makes it unique, Tobias Bielenstein explained.Over 260 sites in Bulgaria are developing spa tourism, noted Siika Katsarova. One of the ideas of the project is to build a network of destinations. It is good for a town like Kyustendil for example to cooperate with colleagues from Portugal, France and Germany and learn from each. Within this project the towns do not compete but they are part of the common heritage. If one year the tourist stays in Bulgaria and likes it, next year he goes to Germany, that is the idea.The project has two big target groups. One of them covers European tourists. Certainly, the Germans are among the most attractive tourists as they are a big market. There is interest from Spain, Austria, Switzerland, the Scandinavian countries. The second group includes tourists from Japan, China and the USA.
The inspection of the beach in Varna did not find any violations
The inspection of “Ofitserski-Iztok” sea beach in Varna, ordered urgently by Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova in relation to alerts of ongoing construction works on its territory, ended with no findings of violations. The inspection was conducted jointly by representatives of the regional administration in Varna, Varna Municipality and the Ministry of Tourism in the presence of the lessee of the beach the company Temenuga 2014 EOOD and the media.It was found that there were construction works on the beach but they were carried out in accordance with the legal requirements and the plan for movable objects, reconciled with the Ministry of Tourism and approved by the municipality. The concrete elements found there are movable and they serve as a foundation of a movable object, not a solid one.A statement of ascertainment was drawn up after the inspection, stating the lack of violation of the laws or the contract and excluding the need for drawing up a penal act.We would like to remind that pursuant to the contract the lessee may install movable objects and facilities, including  extra commercial space around the  fast-food restaurants, subject to approval by the chief architect of the municipality, based on a specialized plan for the movables objects and facilities, including extra commercial space, approved by the minister of tourism.For “Ofitserski-Iztok” sea beach there is a plan for the movables objects and facilities, including extra commercial space, approved by the minister of tourism on 22.07.2016, and compliant with all legal requirements.The permit for the installation on the area of the sea beach is granted by the chief architect one-off for the term of the lease (art. 13, para. 7 of the Black Sea Coast Development Act) and is valid until expiry of the term of the lease or until modification of the plan and its approval under art. 13, para. 3 of BSCDA.Pursuant to art. 56 and art. 57а of the Spatial Development Act  regulating  the installation of movable objects and facilities and their removal, the mayor of the municipality is entrusted with such powers. As regards the permits for installation of movable objects, competent is the chief architect of the municipality.
Bulgaria offers four-season tourism at the exhibition in Berlin
Bulgaria will be present at the most significant tourist exhibition in the world ITB Berlin, which starts today and continues till 12 March 2017, with a national stand of 400 sq.m., organized  by the Ministry of Tourism. Among the main products and services offered by Bulgaria to professionals and end users are summer/sea holidays, cultural, historical and information routes, balneological and spa procedures, eco, rural, mountain routes, etc.The Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova visited the large and spacious stand of the country, occupying almost half the house, featuring huge illuminating photos, including the sides of the hall. The Minister visited and talked with all participants from the presented companies and municipalities. Bulgarian tour operators, hoteliers and municipalities expect a strong exhibition. Some of them predict 30% to 40% growth in German tourists to our country compared with last year.Bulgaria is one of the oldest participants in ITB Berlin and is presented for the 49th time. This year the co-exhibitors at the stand number 43 together with the Ministry of Tourism. The total number of presented municipalities is 7: Varna, Burgas Municipal Enterprise of Tourism, Primorsko, Russe, Lyubimets, Elena and Sofia Municipal Enterprise of Tourism. The number of tourist companies and hotels is 37, including the Association of Danube River Municipalities.Bulgaria shows its traditional and new tourist products. The focus is on the potential of the country as an all-year-round tourist destination. The guests from Germany could extend their idea of Bulgaria as a predominantly sea summer destination and rediscover it as an ancient country with rich history, beautiful nature, offering a wide range of alternative forms of tourism. Information routes are growing in popularity among German tourists.At the Bulgarian stand wines are tasted, martenitsi are woven, presented as gifts to visitors. A novelty is Bulgaria’s presentation with virtual reality glasses, showing tourist attractions.In addition, the Ministry of Tourism demonstrated Bulgarian EDEN destinations (European Destinations of ExcelleNce). The initiative is of the European Commission and promotes sustainable development of tourism in the European Union. In Bulgaria there are 12 EDEN destinations, selected at three national competitions on the subjects of cultural tourism, protected territories and aquatic tourism, including Belogradchik, Lukovit, Vratsa, Silistra, Kavarna, Strandzha Natural Park, Kardzhali, Kazanlak, Belitsa, Sandanski, Sapareva Banya and Kyustendil.  The presence of the EDEN destinations at the exhibition provides an extra opportunity for showing them to potential tourists and professionals engaged in tourism (tour operators, organizations of sustainable tourism, etc.). Participation of the project in the exhibition is part of the overall campaign for promotion of EDEN destinations and contributes to generation of further tourist interest in these geographical regions.
Happy 8th of March to the women in tourism!
The motto of the International Women’s Day this year is “Be Bold for Change”. Every year the social, economic and political achievements of women across the world are celebrated on the 8th of March.
Minister Baltova ordered an immediate inspection of the beach in Varna
The Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova ordered an immediate inspection in regard to alerts of construction works being carried out at “Ofitserski-Iztok” beach in Varna. Employees from Management of Sea Beaches directorate will check the alerts and in case of violations legal actions will be taken.The documentary inspection conducted so far shows that a lease contract was concluded for the beach on 13.06.2016 with lessee the company Temenuga 2014 EOOD, represented by Alexander Alexandrov. According to this contract, the lessee may install movable objects and facilities, including extra commercial space around the fast-food restaurants, subject to approval by the chief architect of the municipality, based on a specialized plan for the movable objects and facilities, including extra commercial space, approved by the minister of tourism.For “Ofitserski-Iztok” sea beach there is a plan for the movable objects and facilities, including extra commercial space, approved on 22.07.2016 by the minister of tourism and compliant to all legal requirements.The permit for the installation on the area of the sea beach is granted by the chief architect one-off for the term of the lease (art. 13, para. 7 of the Black Sea Coast Development Act) and is valid until expiry of the term of the lease or until modification of the plan and its approval under art. 13, para. 3 of BSCDA.Pursuant to art. 56 and art. 57а of the Spatial Development Act  regulating  the installation of movable objects and facilities and their removal, the mayor of the municipality is entrusted with such powers. As regards the permits for installation of such movable objects, competent is the chief architect of the municipality.
Bulgaria is present at the most significant tourist exhibition in Berlin
Bulgaria will be present at the most significant tourist exhibition in the world ITB Berlin with a national stand of 400 sq.m., organized by the Ministry of Tourism. The exchange is held from 8 to12 March 2017 and the Minister of Tourism Assoc. Prof. Stela Baltova will take part in it. She will participate in the 7th meeting of the sector ministers “On the Silk Road” of the UN World Tourism Organization in a discussion on 9 March on the potential of Bulgaria of being an all-year-round destination and in other business events in the programme.   Among the main products and services offered by Bulgaria to professionals and end users are offers for summer/sea holidays, cultural, historical and information routes, balneological and spa procedures, eco, rural, mountain routes, etc.Our country is one of the oldest participants in the exhibition and is presented in Berlin for the 49th time. This year the co-exhibitors at the stand number 43 together with the Ministry of Tourism, including 7 municipalities and the Association of Danube River Municipalities. Presented in the German capital will also be the Bulgarian EDEN (EuropeanDestinationsofExcelleNce) destinations. The national stand will attract visitors with daily tastings of wines and products, production of traditional symbols such as martenitsi and other attractions.
Happy 3rd of March!
The year 2017 marks the 139th anniversary of Bulgaria’s Liberation. It will be celebrated with various events across the country.On this historic date in 1878 the Peace Treaty of San Stefano was signed between Russia and the Ottoman Empire, which ended the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878. The document marks the beginning of the Third Bulgarian State. The peace treaty was signed in the small town of San Stefano (today’s Yeshilkioy) by Count Nikolay Ignatiev and Al. Nelyudov on behalf of Russia and Savfet Pasha and Sadoullah Bey on behalf of the Ottoman Empire. The treaty was preliminary and was subject to approval by the other Great Powers. The decrees concerning Bulgaria included articles 6 through 11 and article 19.According to them, Bulgaria is established as an autonomous, but tributary state with borders covering with small exceptions almost all territories in the European part of Turkey inhabited by Bulgarians. Its total area exceeded 170,000 was vested with a number of rights, including to demand recognition from other countries beyond those signing the Peace Treaty of San Stefano, as well as the right to international commercial relations and trade representations; to enter into commercial, financial and administrative-legal contracts with the consent and approval of the suzerain Turkey or the custodian Russia in the transitional period, and to have its own army and police.For the first time the 3rd of March was celebrated in 1880, two years after the Liberation, as the Accession Day of Emperor Alexander II. Two years later, in 1882, the State Council adopted a “List of non-working days in the Principality of Bulgaria”. It states for the first time that the day of 19th February is celebrated as the “Closing of the Peace Treaty of San Stefano”.Not mentioning Emperor Alexander II is consistent with the fact that in 1881 he was assassinated and inherited by his son Alexander Alexandrovich. Pursuant to Decree 78 of 31 December 1887 a list of non-working days in Bulgaria was approved. In it, the 19th of February was marked as the day of “The Liberation of Bulgaria”. In 1911 a new Law on Holidays and Sunday Rest was adopted and it also marked the 19th of February as the day of “The Liberation of Bulgaria”. This law remained in force until October 1951 when it was formally repealed by the Labour Code.With the introduction of the Gregorian calendar in 1916 the events from the 19th and 20th centuries were restated, adding 12 days to the date of 19th of February for the 19th century and 13 days for the 20th century, respectively. The day of 19th of February 1878 in old style became the 3rd of March in new style. For the first time the 3rd of March in the new style was celebrated in 1917.The 3rd of March was celebrated as a holiday until 1949. In 1950, pursuant to a decree of the Council of Ministers defining the non-working days in 1950 calendar year, the 3rd of March for the first time was excluded from the list of non-working days.One-off, as a formal holiday, the day was celebrated in 1978 on the occasion of the centenary of the Liberation. Ten years later, by a decision of the July Plenum (1987) of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party and of the Council of Ministers the 3rd of March was restored as official holiday. By a decision of the State Council of 27 February 1990 and of the National Assembly since 5 March the same year the date was announced as national holiday.
The tourist sector will make the South Black Sea Coast an all-year-round destination
The tourist business, public institutions and local authorities will work together to make the South Black Sea Coast an all-year-round destination. They agreed to combine their efforts in preventing seasonality in the region during the meeting of the Minister of Tourism Assoc. Prof. Stela Baltova in Burgas, organized by the Regional Governor Valcho Cholakov.Seasonality is still a major problem for tourism in the region, being concentrated in the summer. Traffic at Burgas Airport in the high season is 93%, Minister Baltova said. She welcomed the establishment of the Regional Fund for Air Route Development, which is intended as an association between Fraport Twin Star Airport Management AD and the four largest municipalities in the region – Burgas, Nessebar, Pomorie and Sozopol. The fund aims to boost traffic in the low season for flights (October – May) and attract more low-cost airlines, thus attracting tourists for short-stay trips. The top 5 destinations of Burgas Airport are Moscow (Russia), Tel Aviv (Israel), London (UK), Prague (Czech Republic), Saint Petersburg (Russia). In the past season 13 new airlines operated flights from and to Burgas Airport. Included in the summer schedule were 19 new destinations in Russia, Poland, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Greece and Italy. For the time being, only one low-cost airline operates flights between Burgas and London three times a week.In regard to the security of tourists in the upcoming summer season Minister Baltova referred to Burgas Municipality as an example of enhanced video surveillance. 400 CCTVs have already been installed and by the end of the year their number will reach 600. The business demanded from the State to speed up expansion of Pomorie-Aheloy road.  Malko Tarnovo Municipality insisted on the reconstruction of the section to Tsarevo in order to enhance the flow of tourists from inland.
Minister Baltova met with the mayor of Burgas
Minister of Tourism Assoc. Prof. Stela Baltova met with the mayor of Burgas Municipality Dimitar Nikolov. The two discussed the opportunities of the city for becoming an all-year-round destination.“I hope we would be able to expand the possibility for short-stay trips by foreigners to Burgas”, Minister Baltova said. In her view, options should be sought for the penetration of low-cost airlines at Burgas Airport. At present they fly to Varna but not to Burgas. Minister Baltova held a meeting on this issue with the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Aleksiev.The mayor Dimitar Nikolov explained that the municipality supported the initiative. In his view, Burgas Airport is extremely loaded in the summer season compared with Varna Airport. In the rest of the year there could be more flights of low-cost airlines to Burgas. The city has good hotel facilities in all categories and has a potential for development. The same applies to smaller settlements in Burgas region, which can receive tourists all year round, noted Minister Baltova.In addition, they discussed the security of tourists for the upcoming summer season. Dimitar Nikolov announced that they would install CCTVs everywhere. At present there are 400 cameras in service and by the end of the year they would become 600.
The Salt Museum in Pomorie was visited by over 16,000 tourists
The Salt Museum in Pomorie was visited by over 16,000 tourists last year. This became clear during the visit of the Minister of Tourism Assoc. Prof. Stela Baltova in the museum. The number of tourists increases every year. By comparison, in 2015 it was visited by over 15,000 persons. Half of the tourists were Bulgarians.The director of the Museum of History in the town Anton Karabashev informed the minister that there was an enormous interest in the site by Russians, Germans, British nationals, Czechs, Poles, etc. The visiting groups of students increase.The Salt Museum in Pomorie is one of the one hundred national tourist sites in Bulgaria. It was opened on 7 September 2002 with the financial support of the European Union through the PHARE Programme. This is the only specialised Salt Museum in Eastern Europe. It consists of an exhibition hall and 20 dca of outdoor salt-pans, where salt is still being produced. It is located in the town of Pomorie itself, on the shores of Pomoriisko lake.
Pomorie expects a strong summer season
Minister of Tourism Assoc. Prof. Stela Baltova visited Pomorie and held a meeting with the mayor Ivan Aleksiev. They discussed readiness for the upcoming summer season. Bookings of foreign markets are very good and we expect a strong season, said Ivan Aleksiev. Tourists are mainly from Russia, Ukraine, Germany, and many Bulgarians, etc. He assured Minister Baltova that ongoing construction and repair works in the resort would end by mid-May. After that they will be prohibited.The mayor announced that a project is being prepared for building bikeways from Burgas to Pomorie. This will attract more tourists for bike and eco tourism. The two of them and the members of the National Tourist Council visited the ancient dome-like tomb in Pomorie, which is a monument of culture of national importance. It attracts the attention of many tourists. It will be open for visitors from April for the first groups coming to the big resorts. The tomb is located in the western necropolis of the ancient town, now in the area of arboriculture and viticulture station north west of Pomorie – Burgas road. It is a remarkable monument of Thracian architectural construction from the Roman era in the Bulgarian lands. The tomb is arched under a burial tomb, with a west corridor 22m long and a round chamber 11.60 m in diameter and 5.50 m in height. The facility is built from stone and bricks, with an original dome-like ceiling of the central premises. The tomb was a kind of mausoleum of a rich Anhialo Thracian family.Minister Baltova, the mayor Ivan Aleksiev and the members of the National Tourist Council visited also the Salt Museum in Pomorie. The advisor of the Prime Minister on tourism Georgi Nikolchev also took part in the events.
Most Black Sea resorts already have waste water treatment plants
Almost all settlements along the Black Sea coast already have waste water treatment plants, as became clear from a meeting between the Minister of Tourism Assoc. Prof. Stela Baltova and the Minister of Environment and Water Assoc. Prof. Eng. Irina Kostova.In the first programming period of Operational Programme “Environment” over BGN 350 million were invested in a clean Black Sea. Modernized were 8 waste water treatment plants and over 230 km sewage network was built. “The facilities are under constant control so as to ensure normal upcoming summer season”, assured Minister KostovaFor the time being, only Ahtopol and Sinemorets do not have waste water treatment plants but opportunities are sought to fund such projects. European funds are being used in the reconstruction of Zlatni pyasatsi WWTP, the contractor company was selected and construction works are to begin.  Primorsko-Kiten WWTP will be expanded and modernized and Aytos WWTP will be built. It will treat the waste water of the town which is polluting Aytoska river now and hence the Black Sea.For St. St. Konstantin and Elena resort a sewage pump plant is to be built, combined with reconstruction of the sewage network. The new waste water treatment facility of Nessebar, whose capacity is 221,944 residents, is set to take all waste water from all settlements in the agglomeration – from Aheloy to Elenite. The load of Sozopol WWTP will increase, as it will treat the waste water of Ravadinovo as well.Minister Baltova posed the issue of beaches in response to received alerts of dune destruction in some resorts. There is no violation in respect of Irakli. These are bungalows on an urbanized area in which there are no dunes, explained Minister Kostova.Tourist businesses insist on building and marking more eco paths in the country and the Ministry of Tourism supports the idea, pointed out Minister Baltova. The MEW also welcomes the initiative. To this end, projects may be funded by the Enterprise for Environment Management and Preservation Activities (EEMPA).The two ministers agreed on working jointly to resolve the problem with the ban on building septic tanks in huts on protected territories. The reason is that the ban enters into force with a new EU directive. The Bulgarian Tourist Union, which possesses most huts in Bulgaria, is worried about the lack of other infrastructure to meet the needs of the huts.  Present at the meeting was Georgi Nikolchev, advisor to the Prime Minister on tourism.
The interest of Serbian tourists in short trips to Bulgaria increases
There is a strong interest of Serbs in short trips to Bulgaria. This shows the Bulgarian stand during the international exhibition Belgrade Tourism Fair (IFT), which is held in Belgrade, Serbia from 23 to 26 February 2017. There is a higher demand for SPA tourism, cultural and historical tours and ski tourism during weekends and holidays. Bansko and Borovets are most preferred in the winter.Serbs usually come with their own transport or in organised groups by buses. Traditionally they are interested in the Black Sea resorts in the summer. They prefer the South Black Sea – Sozopol, Kiten, Nessebar, Primorsko, Ahtopol, etc.In 2016 there was an 8% growth of Serbian tourists in Bulgaria compared with the previous year and their number exceeds 370,000. Serbia ranks seventh as a target market for Bulgarian tourism.   Our country was presented in the exhibition with a stand of 100 sq.m. and the following participants: the Ministry of Tourism, municipalities – Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Ruse, and four companies. IFT Belgrade is the biggest tourist event in Serbia, which is organized for the 39th time. It hosts 1,100 exhibitors, including over 300 foreign ones from 55 countries.
Bulgaria presents itself at exhibition in Munich
Bulgaria participates in the International Travel Exhibition in Munich, Germany, which opens today and will continue until 26 February 2017. It expects visitors from the provinces of Bavaria, Hessen, Baden-Wuerttemberg in Germany and from the area of Salzburg, Austria. This is the biggest exhibition in the province of Bavaria, characterized by some of the highest average per capita incomes. Our country will be presented by the Ministry of Tourism, with information stand of 24 sq.m., and the following participants: Varna Municipality and the companies Albena AD, Palahutev Travel EOOD, Odysseia In OOD and Sunny Travel EOOD.  Over 1,200 exhibitors from 60 countries and regions take part in the event and visitors exceed 120,000 persons.At the beginning of this month Bulgaria took part in another exhibition in Germany - REISEN Hamburg 2017 – Die Messe für Urlaub, Caravaning, Outdorr & Rad in Hamburg (8-12.02.2017). The visitors were greatly interested in cultural and historical sites under the auspices of UNESCO, our natural riches near the Bulgarian Black Sea and inland, in so-called information tours.  Many enquiries were made of the opportunities for camping, horse, bicycle, mountain, and adventure and golf tourism.In this year’s edition of REISEN Hamburg 2017 – Die Messe für Urlaub, Caravaning, Outdorr & Rad 850 exhibitors, tour operators, travel offices, associations and unions from 67 countries and 368 regions took part. The number of visitors is over 71,000. The Ministry of Tourism, Varna Municipality and three companies made presentations at the Bulgarian stand.
Over 1,200 are registered tourist guides in Bulgaria
There are over 1,200 registered tourist guides in Bulgaria, Ministry of Tourism data reveals. Today is the International Day of the Tourist Guide. The Minister of Tourism Assoc. Prof. Stela Baltova congratulates all colleagues and wishes them “health, good spirits, many satisfied tourists and still being the best ambassadors of our country before the world“.The Tourist Guide profession may be exercised only by a person who meets the requirements for education, practical training and professional qualification set out in an ordinance to the Tourism Act. The person should be licensed to practice as tourist guide and be registered on the list of authorized tourist guides, part of the National Tourist Register.The profession is curious, desired, and modern and is a good investment. It develops general culture and creates new skills. It enables continuous learning as there is always room for improvement in this activity.A tourist guide cannot be anyone who simply knows a foreign language. The tourist guide is erudite and open-minded. It takes good training, language skills for organizing and communicating with people. Tourist guides should know well the history and geography of the country. They have closest contact with tourists. The quality of their work is directly associated with creating sustained interest in Bulgaria.
The Inter-governmental Council demanded tourism to become a priority specialty in education
The professional major in Tourism at universities should be included in the list of priority specialties. This is the opinion of the Inter-governmental Council stated today. “We will prepare a reasoned proposal for inclusion of the professional major in Tourism in the list of priority specialties”, said the Minister of Tourism Assoc. Prof. Stela Baltova at the opening of the fourth session of the Council.She commented that the Inter-governmental Council has worked proactively and its work is of primary importance for the whole sector. The areas on which it acts are: increasing the number of students in the specialty of Tourism, development of up-to-date situation analysis of labour resources, creating a model of partnership between businesses and educational institutions, and adequate practical training of pupils at the secondary education level.A focus was placed on received proposals for amending and supplementing the positions in the National Classification of Professions and Positions in Bulgaria. Presented were opportunities for funding projects for qualification and employment in the sector through Operational programme “Human Resources Development” 2014 – 2020.During the fourth session there was a discussion of the problems relating to the need for enhancing the level of education for certain professions in tourism, setting forth minimum requirements in educational programmes, and delivering courses to senior management level. The participants in the Inter-governmental Council for the Staff in Tourism agreed that the sessions should be held more frequently so as to address operational issues and concrete cases.Members of the Council include representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Economy, the Commission  for Protection of Consumers, the Employment Agency, the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria,  the Bulgarian Industrial Association, the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Bulgaria, the Confederation of Labour Podkrepa, the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training, representatives of  higher  schools and secondary  vocational schools where students and pupils are trained in the field of tourism, representatives of the tourist business, etc.
Czech tourists show great interest in camping sites in Bulgaria
Czech tourists already show great interest in the camping sites in Bulgaria. This shows the participation of our country in the International Tourist Exhibition Holiday World 2017, held in the period 16-19 February 2017 in Prague, Czech Republic. The Ministry of Tourism presented Bulgaria at an information stand of 42 sq.m. Most Czech tourists come to Bulgaria by their own cars and stay mainly in small hotels. They have a new fashion of buying caravans and they are seeking camping sites.Traditionally Czech tourists focus on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. They also show interest in spa and cultural and historical tourism in the country. The Czech Republic is a target market for Bulgaria and the number of tourists in 2016 was 209,773, 37.9% up on the previous year. The participation in the exhibition Holiday World 2017 in Prague is aimed to boost the image of our country. It promotes acquisition of new clients, enhancing the knowledge of visitors of the various forms of tourism, expanding market positions and establishing contacts with tour operators and agencies. The Ministry of Tourism and four companies made presentations at the Bulgarian stand.
Bulgaria is presented with a modern stand at an exhibition in Bucharest
Bulgaria is presented with an extremely modern and big stand at the international tourist exhibition in Bucharest TTR - I – 2017, which is held in Bucharest, Romania in the period 16-19 February 2017. It is located on a space of 225 sq.m. and 20 Bulgarian companies and municipalities took part in it. The participants include the municipalities of Ruse, Varna, Gabrovo, Kavarna and Elena. The organizer of the Bulgarian presentation is the Ministry of Tourism.Romanians are mainly interested in summer vacations in Bulgaria, religious, sport and cultural and historical tourism with a focus on the old capitals. Tour operators expect retention of existing levels or growth in Romanian tourists in 2017. They and municipalities place their focus on the joint efforts with Romania in designing common tourist products for the Danube region. The Danube River is a key condition for opening new opportunities and challenges in tourism and development of business relations between the two countries.Our northern neighbor is a key market for Bulgarian tourism. In 2016 our country was visited by 1,096,874 Romanian tourists, which puts them at the first place in the ranking of visits. This is an 11.2% growth compared with the previous year. The Romanian market is also a major market in regard to short-stay trips to Bulgaria. Tourists from our northern neighbouring country come for 3-4 days for ski, SPA and cultural tourism. In addition, they come for holidays such as Easter, 1 May, Christmas, and New Year.
Minister Baltova: Short-stay trips as precondition for all-year-round tourism
“Short-stay trips are a real opportunity for our country to work for achieving its long-term goal – to become an all-year-round visited destination.” With these words the Minister of Tourism Assoc. Prof. Stela Baltova addressed the participants in the discussion “Short-stay trips – a precondition for all-year-round tourism”, organized by the Ministry of Tourism in the framework of the International Tourist Fair HOLIDAY/SPA EXPO. The deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva also took part in it.Minister Baltova emphasized that there were many and diverse opportunities to be offered by our country as all-year-round destination – alternative forms of tourism outside high seasons such as cultural, spa and eco/adventure tourism, student vacations, pre-holiday campaigns, etc.She noted that the target groups which the Bulgarian tourism industry should focus on are mainly two – foreigners from close distance markets – such as traditional ones (Romania, Greece, Turkey, Serbia, and Macedonia), and markets with untapped potential (Albania, Hungary, Slovakia, Italy and Belorussia).The second and not less significant development should be oriented towards Bulgarians travelling in their own country. “Bulgaria should respond to the tendencies in order to continue the upward trend in foreign visits and the trips of Bulgarians in the country”, said minister Baltova. She called on the representatives of business and regions to focus on a more efficient application of smart packages – short, meaningful vacations at advantageous prices, booked online for 100 seconds.The Minister of Tourism presented data from the European Traveler Insights report. It outlines three tendencies in the travel of Europeans in 2016, which will impact demand in 2017 and in following years. First and foremost is the fact that Europeans prefer more, but shorter trips. In 2016 booked flights for short trips rose by 17% compared with 2015. The second trend shows that travellers book outbound and return flights of different airlines in order to save money. The people who did that in 2016 are by 21% more than those in 2015. From the combining of airlines the average flight price for short breaks drops by 7%: from EUR 177 to EUR 167 in 2016. According to the third trend, technologies are taking over the tourist market – at present over 7 billion flight price calculations are made per hour, and the time for booking a direct flight takes about 100 seconds. Online booking of trips is the biggest sector in e-commerce, which is 3 times bigger than the second sector – that of the clothing industry. This became clear from the words of the Minister of Tourism.  According to data of the World Tourism Organization, there were about 1.2 billion international visits in total in 2015, 50% were generated from European citizens, 76% were in the area of origin of travellers. According to NSI, the average stay of foreigners in Bulgaria from 7.1 overnights in 2001 dropped to 4.7 overnights in 2015. 84% of all trips of Bulgarians are in the country and 53% of them are short – one to three overnights, and 31% are long (over four overnights). Also according to the national statistics and other surveys, the average stay in Bulgaria for the period 2001-2015 is 2.4 overnights and the longest stay is on the Black Sea coast, Rila, Pirin, the Rhodopes, and the Valley of Roses.   Representatives of the tourist industry, tour operators and hotel operators took part in the panel discussion as well. “In Plovdiv we decided to develop the tourist product by organizing events. Work needs to be done so that every town in the country becomes an all-year-round destination”, noted Lyubozar Fratev, chairman of the tourist association “Trakia Tourist Region” and of Plovdiv Tourism Council.Daniela Stoeva, member of the Management Board of ABTTA (Tourism), placed a focus on the specialized services in the sector. “So far Sofia has not been known as a destination for opera and concerts, but the successful performance of Wagner’s tetralogy “Ring of the Nibelung” by Sofia Opera and Ballet establishes our capital successfully as such destination”, she said. In her words, an important motive for choosing a short trip is whether its date coincides with a cultural event. Other reasons for choosing short trips are when people need a break to change their environment as compensation of the missed main vacation, availing of seasonal discounts, convenient form of gift trip, etc.“City business hotels depend on the sustainability of the market environment”, said Zhulieta Serafimova, general manager of Grand Hotel Sofia and director of business development of Sofia Hotels Management. “We are interested our guests to learn more about the culture and history of the city. We all, the business and authorities, are ambassadors of the destination and should work together for its development”, she added. In her view, Sofia hotels should increase their revenues from ancillary services, not only from accommodation and food. To this end, large congress events should be attracted. Serafimova added that it was high time Sofia had a congress bureau. The group she manages opts for training revenue managers, not sales managers.Assoc. Prof. Sonya Aleksieva moderated the discussion.
Minister Baltova: Low-cost airlines change tourist supply and demand
There is an undeniable connection between tourism and transport. The more well-developed access to a country is, the more popular it becomes. That is why low-cost airlines are a decisive factor in the selection of a tourist destination. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism Assoc. Prof. Stela Baltova during the discussion “How low-cost airlines change tourist supply and demand”, organized by the Ministry of Tourism in the second day of the 34th International Tourist Fair HOLIDAY/SPA EXPO. Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva also took part in the event.Data from the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) shows that in 2016 over 1 billion persons were carried by low-cost companies. Their flights are essential for the development of Bulgarian tourism, because most of the trips of international tourists in Bulgaria in 2016 – 4,620,168, or 56% of all trips – are from countries which are not neighbours of Bulgaria. Tourists from those countries arrive mainly with air transport, in the words of Stela Baltova. She emphasized that generally the effect of penetration of low-cost airlines allows more tourists to make at least one trip. Moreover, higher satisfaction with the tour is achieved as the saved money on a flight ticket can be used for a higher class tourist services. The attraction of the destination should meet the actual needs of the market and the natural needs of tourists – vacation, sport, health, etc. This is in line with the aspiration of all Bulgarians to make the country a competitive destination and an example of sustainable tourism, summarized minister Baltova.In her statement Mariana Kirilova, marketing manager of Sofia Airport EAD, pointed out that the effect of the low-cost airlines market promoted higher accessibility and connectivity of destinations. Consumers are presented with more options to choose an airline, airport, airport, ticket prices. Data from the airport shows that in the first month of 2017 the record 468,968 passengers passed through it, 43% up on January 2016. Passengers going through Terminal 1 increased by 69%, reaching 216,000 persons and those passing through Terminal 2 increased by 28% as a result of the transfer of some flights from the old to the new terminal in mid-January this year. In January passengers travelling by charter flights increased by 27% compared with the same month of 2016 and their number in domestic routes marked a 13% growth YoY. The total number of taking off and landing aircrafts at Sofia Airport reached 4,529 in January 2017, marking an increase of 25%. The share of flights on regular international and domestic routes is 87%, and charter flights, cargo and business aircrafts split 3% each.Mariana Kirilova forecast that more than half of the traffic via the airport in 2017 will be used by low-cost airlines for trips. According to a survey of the airport, 80% of the tourists passing through Terminal 1 in winter 2016 opted for direct regular routes of low-cost carriers and only 20% used charter flights. Bulgarians residing permanently abroad accounted for 20% of all tourists who came in the winter in the country, the other 80% are foreigners from Great Britain – 68%, Israel – 9%, Italy – 5%, the remaining are from Germany, France, the Netherlands, and Denmark.In the summer of 2016 via Terminal 1 87% of the total tourist flow used low-cost carriers and only 3% travelled with charter flights, the remaining 10% used other means of transport. 94% of Bulgarian tourists who flew in the summer of 2016 via Terminal 1 visited Italy (29%), Spain (22%), Great Britain (13%) etc.Dimitar Popov, member of the Management Board of the Association of Bulgarian Tour operators and Tourist Agents (ABTTA) commented that in the conditions of a wider penetration of low-cost-companies in Bulgaria it was necessary to re-consider the opportunities for weekend tourism, city breaks and a new term that emerged this winter season – ski weekend.Denitsa Milosavlievich, marketing expert in business development in Fraport Twin Star Airport Management AD announced that in summer 2016 there was an unprecedented rise in flights to the two sea airports Varna and Burgas. She emphasized that for development and creation of a common tourist product the common efforts of municipalities, tourist associations, airports and airlines are needed. In 2016 Varna Airport served over 1.l6 million passengers, a 21% rise on the previous year. The visitors are mainly from Germany, Russia, Poland, Great Britain, Israel, etc. Burgas Airport welcomed over 2.8 million tourists in 2016, a 22% rise on annual basis, and there are many foreigners from Russia, Germany and Great Britain.After the discussion minister Baltova took part in the ceremony for presenting the traditional awards  of Tourism and Leisure magazine, held  in the context of the fair, and presented a certificate  to the director of the Palace in Balchik Zheni Mihaylova in the category “Innovation in Cultural Tourism“.
The Prime Minister Prof. Gerdzhikov and Minister Baltova opened the international exhibition HOLIDAY/SPA EXPO
The Prime Minister Prof. Ognyan Gerdzhikov and the Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova opened the 34th edition of the largest tourist exhibition in Bulgaria – the international tourist exchange “HOLIDAY/SPA EXPO”. It takes place from 15 to 17 February in the Inter Expo Centre in the capital under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism. At the ceremony were present the Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva and the Prime Minister’s Advisor in Tourism Georgi Nikolchev.“It is a great honour and privilege for me to open the biggest tourist exhibition in Bulgaria, which gathers over 350 foreign and Bulgarian tourist firms, as well as representatives of 40 municipalities”, the Prime Minister Prof. Ognyan Gerdzhikov said at the opening of the exchange. He emphasized that tourism is a unique business, which is aimed at the people and which provides an opportunity for the different nations to get to know each other. According to him, in 2016 our country was visited by more than 8 million foreign tourists and that generated revenues of over BGN 6 billion. “The amazing results are due to our beautiful nature and favourable climate, and to the fact that we get better and better in using them”, said also Prof. Gerdzhikov. The Prime Minister commented on the exceptional richness of mineral springs in Bulgaria as a remarkable fact and noted that tourism is developing at robust rates.  The Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova welcomed the participants with the words that “tourism is an industry that brings emotions, experiences and new knowledge. It has to become a national cause because it affects the other sectors of the economy and has the potential to generate a higher growth in the gross domestic product.” She also added that in today’s dynamics, when young people are using more and more digital technology to acquire knowledge, tourism has to respond to the challenge. In response to questions of the media Minister Baltova said that a favourable summer season was expected and that the forecasts were for a 7-10% growth compared to 2016. She also added that the early bookings from Russian and German markets were positive.The Minister of Tourism announced that winter tourism was developing successfully, as this year it was accompanied by internationally significant sports events. After the opening ceremony of the exhibition the Prime Minister Prof. Gerdzhikov and Minister Baltova visited the stands and familiarized themselves with the offered products and services. Please note that within the exhibition the Ministry of Tourism organizes two discussions, which will take place tomorrow – 16 February 2017 (Thursday) with the participation of Minister Baltova and Deputy Minister Georgieva. The topic of the first one is “How low-cost airlines change the tourist supply and demand” and will take place at 12:30 in Inter Expo Centre, “Musala” hall, 2nd floor. Mariana Kirilova, marketing manager of Sofia Airport EAD, Dimitar Popov, member of the Management Board of the Association of Bulgarian Tour Operators and Travel Agents (ABTTA), Tourism line, Denitsa Milosavlievich, marketing expert in business development in Fraport Twin Star Airport Management AD, will also take part in it.   On the same day at 15:00 at “Vitosha” hall, 1st floor, the second discussion panel will take place with the participation of Minister Baltova and Deputy Minister Georgieva. Its topic is “Short-term travelling – a prerequisite for all-year-round tourism”. Lyubozar Fratev, chairman of the tourist association “Trakia Tourist Region” and Plovdiv Municipal Council of Tourism, Daniela Stoeva, member of the Management Board of ABTTA, Toursm line, Zhulieta Serafimova, Director General of Grand Hotel Sofia and director for business development at Sofia Hotels Management, etc. will also take part.Moderator of both discussions is Assoc. Prof. Sonya Aleksieva from New Bulgarian University. HOLIDAY/SPA EXPO is organized by PRIM EXPO in partnership with Sofia Municipality, the Bulgarian Tourist Chamber, the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association, the Bulgarian Association of Travel Agents, the Association of Bulgarian  Tour Operators and Travel Agents, Tourism Association and the Sofia Tourist Region. Over 350 tourist companies from 20 countries participate and they will present current offers for travel and vacation.The Ministry of Tourism presents Bulgaria’s opportunities as an attractive tourist destination with a national stand of 150 sq.m. Co-exhibitors are 20 municipalities and tourist associations. The Ministry demonstrates the second stage of the project EDEN (Best European Destinations) and how the application IloveBulgaria works. For the first time tour operators from Georgia, the Maldives, Albania participate in the event. The profile of the exhibitors includes tour operator firms and agencies, hotels, balneological resorts and SPA centres, national tourist organizations and associations, software companies and firms for hotel equipment. More than 40 Bulgarian municipalities have their own stands.
Tourism needs to become a national cause
Tourism needs to become a national cause; this is a sector with potential to contribute most to the gross domestic product, said the Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova in the programme “The Week” on Darik radio. In her words, this cause is possible only through work with operational objectives, with a clearly defined strategic vision for tourism development in Bulgaria. In the short term this involves normal winter and summer seasons, as well as continuation of the policies and building preconditions for new policies in order to provide a high-quality tourist service. She stated she would work with her team to achieve that.At this stage the winter season is developing successfully. There is a 19% growth of international tourists in December 2016 on December 2015.  In December there is a 58% growth of tourists from Poland, 46% more from Germany, 10.6% from Russia, 33% from Great Britain, 27% from Greece and 15% from Turkey.We expect a good summer season. The early bookings and reservations have started well. Bulgaria will participate in over 45 exhibitions with unified vision focused on cultural and historical tourism and will also promote Plovdiv as cultural capital of Europe in 2019.Stela Baltova commented on the worldwide trends of growth in short-term trips as they are developing in our country.We have to be ready to meet such a tourist in the best possible way, because he will stay in Bulgaria for a short time. Tourism in four seasons can be achieved if we successfully encourage this tourist to return. Such visitors are interested in another kind of tourism. They do not necessarily come on a vacation at the seaside or to ski. They want to see cultural and historical sites, to visit opera, ballet and sports events. We should have suitable products for these visitors, she added. In this context, the Ministry of Tourism organizes two forums during the International Tourist Exchange “HOLIDAY SPA/EXPO”, which opens on 15 February 2017 in Sofia: “Short-term trips – a precondition for all-year-round tourism” and “How do low-cost companies change supply and demand?”The provision of a smooth summer season entails good management of the beaches and providing health care services. The unguarded beaches are 97, by 31 March it will become clear which ones will remain unguarded, the acting Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova stated in the program “The Week” on Darik radio. According to Baltova, the goal is to reduce the burden of the state and to provide well-cleaned and well-maintained beaches. At the moment there are 49 effective contracts for concessions.  For five of the beaches contracts are due to be signed and on three of them claims were lodged, said Stela Baltova. The Ministry of Tourism will exercise control in compliance with its powers over the implementation of concession and rental contracts.
Ministers Stela Baltova and Plamen Uzunov discuss joint measures for the upcoming summer tourism season
The ministers of tourism and interior, Stela Baltova and Plamen Uzunov, discussed during a working meeting today joint measures to ensure the safety and normal course of the upcoming summer tourism season.The useful practices – such as secondment of police officers from the country’s interior to the tourism resorts in the Bourgas, Varna and Dobrich regions – will be continued, along with the work done by joint patrol teams with police officers from countries for which Bulgaria is a popular tourism destination. The Minister of Interior assured his peer that enough MoI police officers proficient in foreign languages will be allocated.The two ministers also discussed the work arrangements towards achievement of enhanced communication among police, tour operators, and hoteliers. They agreed to work in close cooperation for the normal welcoming of all Bulgarian and international tourists across the entire country.
Minister Baltova demands consensus on the Tourism Act issues
The acting Minister of Tourism, Stela Baltova, demands shared consensus among businesses for the resolution of the issue with customer protection regulation via a guarantee fund or a customer account, as stipulated in the Tourism Act bill of amendment. Today she met members of the Management Board of the Association of Bulgarian Tour Operators and Travel Agents (ABTTA). Minister Baltova indicated that it is necessary for the businesses to remedy the issues and propose a shared vision to the next parliament. „I am hopeful that we will have finalized solutions by March“, she said further.ABTTA identified as an issue the tourism marketing carried out by the Ministry. According to them, it is chaotic and does not target the European market, to name one, where we register growth due to the increased number of low-cost airline flights. The organization’s chair, Bayko Baykov, explained that the government site,, is obsolete and that shutting it down would be better. He recommended that a brand new product be set up instead. ABTTA proposed that market analyses are carried out, instead of just taking stats on the number of tourists. This would mean that there is a vision what tourist are coming, how solvent they are, and whether they return to Bulgaria.Minister Baltova emphasized that the quality of tourism servicing and tourist services are precisely her priority.
Minister Stela Baltova: We are working for a normal course of the 2017 summer season
Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova held a first working meeting with the tourism industry and presented the priorities in her work. The discussion was joined by representatives of nearly 30 organizations and companies in the sector.The establishment of a standalone Ministry of Tourism is an important political recognition of the importance of this sector, the interim cabinet will work towards its development and institutionalization, Minister Baltova emphasized at the very beginning.She stated that her team will make maximum effort to ensure normal operation of the business by assisting the implementation of the interim government’s priorities.„Geographically the world hasn’t changed but it has become smaller for the various types of businesses and nowadays we are noting the ever growing penetration of digital technologies, which multiply the tourism services. We need to “grab“ all opportunities to achieve a higher quality of the tourism services and be responsible to ourselves, to the business, and to our customers“, the minister said further.She drew attention to the preparation of Summer 2017 and listed the key factors that her team will pay attention to – political stability, safety of tourists, combatting corruption and red tape. Among the crucial economic prerequisites the minister also identified the need for economic growth, people’s welfare, higher standard of living – factors, which boost the number of tourists worldwide. Other leading factors for dynamic development, which affect tourism, are the fuel prices, inflation, and exchange rates. Stela Baltova identified as one of the biggest problems in the sector the deficit of staff and the need for proper staff training.Joint efforts are needed to work actively on the updating of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development of Tourism 2035, it was made clear by the minister. She expressed hope that discussion of the 2018 National Tourism Advertising Agenda, as well as of the options for funding tourism activities with non-budgetary under specific programs and projects, would commence as soon as possible. The representatives of businesses stated various opinions on the topics discussed and made a number of proposals.The Chair of the Bulgarian Tourism Chamber, Stoyan Lazarov, requested that a task group be set up to elaborate a concept for a brand new Tourism Act, he was supported by other attendees. He also raised the issue of establishment of a standalone unit for implementation of the Single Tourism Information System (STIS), making use of the experience of some municipalities and tourism organizations.
Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova meets the tourism industry
Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova held a first working meeting with the tourism industry and presented the priorities in her work. The discussion was joined by representatives of nearly 30 organizations and companies in the sector.The establishment of a standalone Ministry of Tourism is an important political recognition of the importance of this sector, the interim cabinet will work towards its development and institutionalization, Minister Baltova emphasized at the very beginning.She stated that her team will make maximum effort to ensure normal operation of the business by assisting the implementation of the interim government’s priorities.„Geographically the world hasn’t changed but it has become smaller for the various types of businesses and nowadays we are noting the ever growing penetration of digital technologies, which multiply the tourism services. We need to “grab“ all opportunities to achieve a higher quality of the tourism services and be responsible to ourselves, to the business, and to our customers“, the minister said further.She drew attention to the preparation of Summer 2017 and listed the key factors that her team will pay attention to – political stability, safety of tourists, combatting corruption and red tape. Among the crucial economic prerequisites the minister also identified the need for economic growth, people’s welfare, higher standard of living – factors, which boost the number of tourists worldwide. Other leading factors for dynamic development, which affect tourism, are the fuel prices, inflation, and exchange rates. Stela Baltova identified as one of the biggest problems in the sector the deficit of staff and the need for proper staff training.Joint efforts are needed to work actively on the updating of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development of Tourism 2035, it was made clear by the minister. She expressed hope that discussion of the 2018 National Tourism Advertising Agenda, as well as of the options for funding tourism activities with non-budgetary under specific programs and projects, would commence as soon as possible. The representatives of businesses stated various opinions on the topics discussed and made a number of proposals.The Chair of the Bulgarian Tourism Chamber, Stoyan Lazarov, requested that a task group be set up to elaborate a concept for a brand new Tourism Act, he was supported by other attendees. He also raised the issue of establishment of a standalone unit for implementation of the Single Tourism Information System (STIS), making use of the experience of some municipalities and tourism organizations.
Minister Baltova attends the opening of the Snowboard World Cup competition in Bansko
Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova attended the official opening of competitions for the Snowboard World Cup in Bansko, which is held in Bulgaria for the first time. She welcomed participants in the prestigious winter competition and the numerous tourists arriving to watch the games, and paid special tribute to Bansko’s efforts to win the right to host the event.Originally, Bulgaria was only given the right to organize the parallel giant slalom for men and women but the superb conditions here convinced the International Ski Federation experts to hold two more starts within the framework of the 3-day winter sports festival, it was revealed by the Minister of Tourism.She further emphasized that the competition for the esteemed trophy are an excellent occasion for us to display to the numerous event participants and guests what the region and our country have to offer not only in terms of sports facilities, but also as nature and diversity of high-grade tourism services. Hosting an event of such scale is yet another international recognition for the resort and for the efforts of business and the municipality towards its solid image, as well as for our country’s reputation as a winter destination.Stela Baltova also congratulated the winners in the parallel giant slalom for men and women, which was held on the first event day.Earlier that day Minister Baltova met the Bansko mayor Georgi Ikonomov, with the two paying a visit to the Visitor’s Center of Pirin National Park. Its director Rossen Banenski informed the minister that the region is transforming into an increasingly visited year-round destination and that 200 people a day would visit during last year’s summer. Later on Minister Baltova and Mayor Ikonomov looked at the Holy Trinity church in Bansko – the second biggest in Bulgaria.Minister Baltova also visited Bansko’s Tourist Information Center. During her visit she discussed with local government representatives current topics relating to tourism development in the municipality and the region.    Following the competition opening ceremony and the awards ceremony for the winners in the first discipline, Minister Baltova was also guest of a gourmet exhibition organized by Bansko Municipality, during which she congratulated the winner in the men’s competition – Radoslav Yankov.The competition opening ceremony was also attended by the Minister of Youth and Sports, Prof. Daniela Dasheva, the Bansko mayor, Georgi Ikonomov, representatives of tourism businesses, many tourists, etc.
Acting Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova takes office
It will be among the top priorities in our work to ensure the normal course of the summer season via the regulation, categorization, and control procedures, as well as effective marketing of the national tourism. This was stated by the new, acting Minister of Tourism, Assoc. Prof. PhD Stela Baltova, upon her assumption of office. She took over the post from Nikolina Angelkova during an inauguration ceremony at the institution.The acting Minister of Tourism Stela Baltova stressed that she will continue dialogue with businesses and with all on whom transformation of each element in the sector into a crucial growth factor for Bulgaria’s economy depends. She commented that the summer season must be provided for in an efficient, complete, and high-grade manner.Stela Baltova thanked the Ministry team for its contribution to the institution’s establishment and gave assurances that she will work to continue the institutional development in the forthcoming term of office. She added that she would pay attention not so much to the number of international tourists but to the quality of tourism services marketed in Bulgaria.The hitherto Ministry leader, Nikolina Angelkova, thanked each of her team members for positioning the tourism as a national priority and a driver for the economy via joint efforts – a place that this sector is truly deserving of. According to her, an evidence of the said contribution were the results achieved in 2016, which were record-breaking throughout the history of tourism in our country – over 8,2 mil. International tourists, according to data of the National Statistical Institute, which is an over 16% growth compared to 2015. According to information of Bulgarian National Bank, revenues from international tourism during the January-November 2016 period also boast excellent rates by exceeding BGN 6,164 bil. (EUR 3,151 bil.), the growth being over 15% vis-à-vis the same period of last year, with the December data expected to confirm the upward trend.Angelkova wished the new minister to work so well as to exceed these achievements, which would confirm our country’s positive image as an increasingly attractive and recognizable destination. She emphasized that Stela Baltova has huge teaching experience in the sector, which will enable he to build on the achievements in the sector.
The voting for Sozopol in the prestigious contest “European Destination for 2017” has started
The Bulgarian Black Sea town Sozopol with its rich history is among the nominees for “European destination for 2017”. The winners will be determined after online voting, which is already in progress.Each user of the tourist services or just sympathizer has the opportunity to vote on the Internet Platform of European Best Destinations from 20 January to 10 February 2017 for their preferred nominated destination. The online voting will continue for three weeks and the friends of the Bulgarian candidate from around the world will be able to provide their support, too. The official address of the page for voting is: total of 20 towns compete for the “European Destination for 2017” award. Sozopol is among such famous competitors as Milan, Brussels, San Sebastian, Wrocław, Rome, Paris, Barcelona, Berlin, Vienna, Porto, Athens, Novi Sad, Zagreb etc.The prestigious competition was launched in 2009 and the ranking is based on the principle “by the tourist for the tourist”. It includes settlements, which impressed the travellers with the quality of services, attractive recreation facilities and remarkable historical, cultural and natural sites. The voting is organized by European Best Destinations - an organization based in Brussels and encouraging the development of culture and tourism around the continent.Nearly 40 million people voted last year in the competition for a choice among 20 destinations. Among the promoters of the initiative were European tourism offices, professionals from the tourist industry, specialized forums and events - tourist exchanges, congresses, exhibitions, presentations etc., in which the candidates get actively involved.  Tourists and users from all over the world having good impressions of the competing destinations, may also take part in the vote.European Best Destinations (EBD) is a European organization with headquarters in Brussels, which is focused on the development and promotion of culture and tourism in Europe. It works in partnership with the EDEN network and with all leading European tourist offices and covers over 355 destinations in Europe. From 2009 EBD has been in partnership with tourist representations in the whole of Europe and focuses on some of the leading destinations in the old continent on their website and in social networks. The visitors of the official website of the organization exceed 3 million people from all points of the world. The site contains pictures, videos, panoramic walks, guides and tips. The followers in the social networks Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest are nearly 100 thousand people. The destinations awarded by European Best Destination have an average growth of visitors of 15%.
The start of the year 2017 as “International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development” was announced in an official ceremony in the Royal Palace of El Prado
Minister Angelkova has been among the official guests of the king of Spain Felipe VI in the Royal Palace of El PradoMinister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova took part in the ceremony on the announcement of the year 2017 as “International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development” under the aegis of the UN World Tourism Organization. The event was hosted by the king of Spain Felipe VI in the El Prado Palace.During the reception, King Felipe VI and Minister Angelkova spoke on the challenges facing global tourism and the importance of the UN initiative for 2017. The Bulgarian minister emphasized that 2016 is a record year for the Bulgarian tourism as we have received over 8 million foreign tourists - more than the country population. She emphasized that Spain is among the best examples for the sustainable development of the tourism sector and the exchange of good practices and mutual initiatives between both countries is of great importance for Bulgaria. “A strong sign of the importance of the tourism sector for Spain is the commitment of the royal family with the sector and its problems”, added Nikolina Angelkova. In her words, the relationships between Bulgaria and Spain are good, which should be used for the deepening of the partnership, especially in the tourism sector.The General Assembly of the UN announced the year 2017 “Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development”. The focus of the year is the change of policies, business practices and consumer habits, which can lead to more sustainable tourism. The promotion of the role of tourism in 2017 will be in 6 major fields: 1. Inclusive and sustainable economic growth; 2. Social inclusion, employment and reduction of poverty; 3. Efficient use of resources and protection of the environment and fight against climate change; 4. Cultural values, diversity and cultural heritage; 5. Mutual understanding, peace and security. The World Tourism Organization (WTO) is authorized to facilitate the organization and conduct of the International year in collaboration with governments, the relevant organizations of the UN system, international and regional organizations and other interested parties.Bulgaria is among the most active participants in the WTO and last year it was awarded with the right to organize the largest event for 2016 of the organization - the Congress of the World Civilizations and Modern Tourism. The forum took place in the period 29 - 30 November in Sofia and over 40 state delegations participated in it together with 20 ministers, deputy ministers and heads of tourism from around the world. The purpose of the Ministry of Tourism is to build on these results by actively participating in the initiatives of celebration of the 2017 as the year of sustainable tourism for development, including by hosting forums, expert meetings, workshops etc. Bulgaria is planning to conduct the Annual Tourism Awards for 2017 under the auspices of sustainable tourism for development and a special award will be presented for this subject. Steps should be undertaken for the creation of a Committee of Sector Representatives and Ministry Experts, who will communicate directly with the WTO for the implementation of joint initiatives and promotion of the objectives of the year.Minister Angelkova is on a visit in Spain for participation in the opening of the 37th International Tourist Exhibition FITUR in Madrid - one of the largest worldwide. The official event for the launching of the exchange was this morning as it was attended by the European Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs Elżbieta Bieńkowska, more than 60 ministers and deputy ministers from around the world.Bulgaria will be presented in the Madrid exchange with an information stand of 80 sq.m. in the Europe Zone (Pavilion 4). It is organized by the Ministry of Tourism and 8 tourism companies will take part in it as co-exhibitors. The focus of this year presentation is the cultural, balneo-, SPA and wellness tourism and promotion of Bulgaria as all year round tourist destination with ancient culture and thousands of archaeological monuments, beautiful nature and tasty food. In front of the Bulgarian stand, youths in folk costumes will give away advertising materials during the exchange and a folklore dance group will have several performances daily alternating with tasting of Bulgarian wines and food products.FITUR will be conducted from 18th to 22nd January. The exhibition is opened in the first three days only for professionals of the tourist industry and in the rest of the period - for the general public. The largest tour operators and tourist agencies take part in it. In 2016 it was attended by 9,600 exhibitors and co-exhibitors from 165 countries and the visitors were around 232 thousand, which puts the exchange among the leading exchanges in the world. It is expected that this year the international exhibitors will be by 9 % more. The exhibition area is also increased and spreads on 62,5 thousand sq.m.
Ten advertising videos will promote the Bulgarian EDEN destinations
 Ten videos will promote the Bulgarian EDEN destinations. They were made with European funding under the project “Communication campaign to promote the EDEN destinations in Bulgaria - second edition” implemented by the Ministry of Tourism as a beneficiary under Programme COSME 2014-2020. EDEN is an acronym for European Destinations of ExcelleNce (best European destinations) and is an initiative that promotes the models of sustainable development of tourism on the territory of the entire European Union.The short promotional videos are of duration of up to one minute and a half and there is one video for each EDEN destination: Lukovit, Vratsa, Kavarna, Kazanlak, Kurdzhali, Kyustendil, Sapareva banya, Strandzha Natural Park and Sandanski. A joint image video of around 3-minute duration has also been made to present all 12 destinations included in the project. The videos are created in a way to present the destinations for both Bulgarian and foreign tourists. They include some of the most interesting events and tourist sites on their territory.The videos will be shown in the forthcoming international tourist exhibitions, in which Bulgaria will participate in 2017. The online space will also be used, so the videos may be used in future advertising campaigns and also by the destinations for the purposes of the regional marketing. The materials are issued on 2,000 DVDs in Bulgarian and English language version. They will be disseminated at tourist exchanges, forums and events, in which Bulgaria takes place.The videos are prepared by Studio Blend OOD after a procedure conducted according to the Public Procurement Act in the period June - July 2016. The value of each video in a Bulgarian-English version is 3,300 BGN without VAT, which amount includes the manufacture and supply of the DVD media. All rights belong to the Ministry of Tourism.Project “Communication campaign to promote Bulgarian EDEN destinations - Second Edition” is in the value of nearly 70 thousand Euro and is financed under COSME Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of the European Commission running from 2014 - 2020. Its duration is 18 months, the overall objective is to promote Bulgarian EDEN destinations to national and selected foreign tourist markets and to increase the awareness and understanding of the EDEN initiative and of the principles of sustainable development. Among them are Silistra, Lukovit, Sandanski, Kyustendil, Belogradchik, Belitsa, Sapareva Banya, Kavarna, Vratsa, Strandzha, Kazanlak and Kardzhali. The project aims to build on and further develop a project on the same subject implemented in the period 2011 - 2012.
Bulgaria is presented as an all year round destination of the biggest tourist exhibition in Austria
Bulgaria is presented as an all year round destination at the largest tourist exhibition in Austria - Ferien Messe Wien.The international specialized exchange in Vienna is held from 12 to 15 January 2017 and Bulgaria participates with an information stand of 40 sq.m. organized by the Ministry of Tourism. Varna Municipality and four tourist companies are co-exhibitors.Bulgaria is a popular destination among the Austrian tourists mainly with its mass tourism. It is a favorite place for summer vacations at the Black Sea coast, for mountain and winter recreation as well as for balneotherapy at attractive prices and high quality. The tourist demand suggests potential for development and other specialised services such as different opportunities for tours around Bulgaria with motorcycles, caravans, campers, proposals for city breaks tours, wellness programs, combined journeys, cultural, seaside, religious tourism (visits of monasteries) etc.For the first 11 months of 2016 our country was visited by about 160 thousand Austrian tourists, which is an 18% growth compared to the same period of the preceding year. In the summer (June-September) their number was nearly 114 thousand (an increase of around 22%). The expo in Vienna is of a general purpose and offers different forms of holiday, travel and free time organization. It is intended for the mass audience and for professionals in the industry. This year edition reports the presence of representatives of 80 countries - near 860 exhibitors, 500 of which foreign. The last year exhibition reported around 150 thousand visitors.
Bulgaria and Russia will work to increase the number of tourists in summer 2017
Bulgaria and Russia will work together for the growth of the Russian tourists in Bulgaria in summer 2017. This was agreed by the Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria Nikolina Angelkova and the Head of the Federal Agency on Tourism Oleg Safonov. In the past summer our country reported 40% growth of the Russian tourists. Around 28% of them stay in accommodation facilities with over 10 beds and around 12% is the growth of tourists staying in their own properties. Taking this data as a basis, it was agreed to work toward achieving the same levels for summer 2017.In late February or early March a round table will be organized for discussing the issues of tourism between Bulgaria and Russia. It will be attended by representatives of the industry and local authorities of the two countries. Safonov added that in order to keep the pace of work, he hopes to find continuity on the Bulgarian side. Among the most important measures, which must be continued, are the promotion of children’s tourism and camps, cultural-historical tourism, balneology and SPA tourism, development of specific routes for Russian tourists etc.Oleg Safonov stressed that it was his first meeting with a foreign minister for 2017, because he is aware of the good and consistent work in the field of tourism over the past years. “Russian tourists are among the main markets for the Bulgarian tourism and the results reported for the year 2016 are felt by the entire sector”, said Minister Angelkova. She stressed that the recognition of Bulgaria as best destination for a family vacation by the Russian tourists, which was presented by the National Geographic Traveler, is a high assessment for the entire sector, which should be defended during the new year.They both discussed the travelling conditions between both countries. According to the head of the Federal Agency on Tourism of Russia, the relief in the visa issuing procedures for Russian tourists should be kept and the endeavors for their expansion should be continued. Oleg Safonov underlined the efforts of the Bulgarian government in respect of guaranteeing the security of the Russian tourists in Bulgaria. “I would like to confirm that the government of Bulgaria has taken all measures to ensure the safety of our citizens when traveling across your country. For us Bulgaria is a friendly and safe destination and we greet you for the increased flow of tourists”, he said. Minister Angelkova underlined that this was the main priority for both the previous summer season and the current winter season.Russia is among the most important generating markets for our tourist industry. For the past two years since the creation of the Ministry of Tourism as an independent administration, Bulgaria has participated in over 44 fairs, exhibitions and international meetings in Russia, where it presented itself as a tourism destination with stands, press conferences, presentations, expositions etc. Bulgaria was also presented to the Russian market with participation in 32 national exhibitions and Days of Bulgaria in Moscow and the regions of the Russian Federation, in which events over 200 Bulgarian companies took part. At the invitation of the Federal Agency on Tourism our country was presented in four regional tourist forums - in Saint Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Samara and Kazan, where over 3,000 Russian regional tour operators and tour agents got acquainted with the tourist opportunities of the country. As a result of all these efforts a serious growth of Russian tourists was reported for the period January - November 2016. The federation holds 4th place in the ranking of the NSI for the number of foreign tourists visiting Bulgaria - over 570 thousand people.
Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Tourism held meetings with mayors of the municipalities with expected large number of visitors
In connection with the upcoming New Year holidays and the beginning of the winter tourist season, representatives of the professional management of the Ministry of Interior and experts from the Ministry of Tourism conducted a series of meetings on the territory of those municipalities, in which a large number of visitors is expected.Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and the Secretary General of the Ministry of Interior Chief Commissioner Georgi Kostov attended the meeting with representatives of the tourist sector in Bansko. The Deputy Minister of Tourism, Chief Commissioner Georgi Arabadzhiev will conduct a meeting covering the same topics in Sofia. The Director of the General Directorate of National Police Senior Commissioner Hristo Terziyski presented the specific measures that will be applied on the territory of the resort. The meeting in Smolyan and Chepelare was directed by the Deputy Director of General Directorate “Fight against Organized Crime” - Senior Commissioner Stoyan Temelakiev.The meetings with mayors of municipalities and representatives of the tourism sector aim to explain the security measures that will be undertaken in the winter resorts by the Ministry of Interior, which were announced at a press briefing today by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Rumyana Bachvarova.
The Ministry of Tourism presented the first annual awards in tourism
Ministers, mayors, heads of state enterprises and agencies, MPs, representatives of the business, the non-government sector and the media participated in the award ceremony for the first annual awards in tourism. The initiative was organized by the Ministry of Tourism and the goal was to highlight and encourage all participants in the tourism sector, which endeavor to its sustainable development. In the official evening ceremony on 19 December, in the Central Military Club in Sofia, the winners in the 16 categories received their awards. The event was attended by more than 300 guests and the presenters were Georgi Lyubenov and Adelina Radeva from the Bulgarian National Television.“This year the revenue from international tourism is expected to exceed 6 billion and 300 million BGN, which will be a growth of over 13% compared to last year. From now on we all should have one main objective – the revenue growth should exceed the growth in the number of tourists”, said Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova at the official opening of the ceremony. In her words, more than 8 million foreign tourists will come to Bulgaria by the end of the year.During the ceremony it became clear that the internet platform had more than 100 thousand registered votes for the 16 categories. The winners were evaluated in two stages. A special methodology was developed, consistent with the relevant set of quantitative and qualitative indicators and measures, in accordance with the criteria of the World Tourism Organization. In the first stage everyone wishing to submit an application may do this in compliance with the Rules published on the internet platform (the only exception was the category “The choice of Bulgarians”, in which the nominees were predefined). For more than one month over 200 applications were submitted in the 15 announced categories. The vote was limited for IP addresses with only one vote permitted per device. All re-submitted votes from the same device were registered as void.Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova presented the special award in the category “The choice of Bulgarians” to the mayor of Yambol Municipality Georgi Slavov. People chose the National Archaeological Reserve “Antique Thracian Town of Kabile” as the symbol of the Bulgarian tourism for 2016. In this category the users had a choice among the 100 national sites and 50 less known places of interest in Bulgaria.The Minister of Labor and Social Policy Zornitsa Rusinova presented the award to the winner in the category “Tourist destination” - Shumen - Roots of Bulgaria - Shumen Municipality, Kaspichan Municipality, Veliki Preslav Municipality to the mayor of Shumen Municipality Lyubomir Hristov. The second and third awards in this category were presented to Ruse and Plovdiv.The Deputy Mayor of Velingrad Municipality Dr. Kostadin Koev received the award for “2016 Municipality and SPA Tourism” from the Minister of Environment and Waters Ivelina Vasileva. The second and third awards in the category went to Pomorie and Sapareva Banya.Minister of Youth and Sport Krasen Kralev presented the award to the winner in the category “Tourist event” - the Festival of the Rose. The statuette was personally received by the mayor of Kazanlak Municipality Galina Stoyanova. The Rozhen Folk Art and Animal Husbandry Fair and the Young Wine Parade were the tourist events that ranked second and third.The mayor of Plovdiv Municipality Eng. Ivan Totev was presented with the award in the category “Specialized Tourism” for the winner Archeological Reserve “Ancient Town of Philippopolis and Old Plovdiv” from the Deputy Chairman of the parliamentary commission on economy and tourism in the 43th National Assembly Daniela Saveklieva. The Bulgarian Association of Balneology and SPA tourism and “Path of Silence” – an eco-path to the Thracian megalith in Kazanlak municipality, received the second and third awards.The film “Bulgaria the Heritage of the Thracians” was the winner in the category “2016 Journalistic Material on Tourism on Television”. The award was handed by the president of the National Statistical Institute Sergey Tsvetarski to the authors Georgi Krumov and Stoyan Radulov. TV Cherno More was presented with second award and Travel TV with third award for “This is Bulgaria”.The mayor of Bansko Municipality Georgi Ikonomov was handed the first place award in the category “2016 Municipality for Mountain Tourism” from Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova. The second award was highly contested and went to Smolyan Municipality, the third went to Laki municipality.The Late Antiquity and Medieval Fortress Tuida is the winner in the category “Tourist attraction/site”. The award was presented by the Chairman of the Commission for the Protection of Consumers Dimitar Margaritov to the Deputy Mayor of Sliven Municipality Stoyan Markov. The second award went to the Yard of the Cyrillic Alphabet - a museum of the Bulgarian alphabet, Pliska, and the third place was awarded to the Museum of the Rose, town of Kazanlak.Ruse municipality was the unconditional winner in the category “2016 Municipality for Cultural and Historical Tourism”. The Deputy Mayor Dimitar Nakov received again the award from the Minister of Tourism. Stara Zagora Municipality was second and Plovdiv Municipality - third.Nikolay Valkanov, member of the Management Board of the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria and Chairman of the Board of Directors of “Minstroy Holding” presented the award to the winner in the category ‘2016 Municipality for Seaside Tourism” - Varna municipality. The award was accepted by the Deputy Mayor of Varna Municipality, Kosta Bazitov. Primorsko and Kavarna ranked second and third.The winner in the category “2016 Journalistic Material on Tourism on Radio” is Albena Ivanova from  Radio Focus with the broadcast “Panagyurishte - the Panagyurishte gold treasure, Krasen fortress, routes, Panagyurski Koloni area”. The award was presented by the Chairman of the Association of Industrial Capital, Vasil Velev. The second place was awarded to Petra Taleva from “Hristo Botev” radio programme of the Bulgarian National Radio for her broadcast “Yogurt from Momchilovtsi, water from Satovcha, mysteries and secrets from Strandzha". The third place was conferred to Mila Mladenova and Rositsa Kavaldzhieva from “Horizont” radio programme of the BNR for “Bulgaria is becoming a more and more popular destination for opera tours”.The Deputy Mayor of Sofia Municipality Doncho Barbalov presented the award to Stefan Kolev, the winner in the category “2016 Publication of a Material on Tourism in an Internet Blog” for “How to grow without aging (the secrets of a capital)”. In this category, Nina Alexander ranked second with “Ogosta Dam: Sinister beauty and “drowned stories”, Marta Ros ranked third with Pobitite Kamani: The Stone Forest”.Irena Georgieva, Deputy Minister of Tourism, presented the award to the winner in the category “2016 Journalistic Material on Tourism in an Online Media”. This is Desislava Madanska with “Mishkova niva - the Bulgarian Stonehenge”, The second place was awarded to Ventseslav Ilchev from Focus Information Agency for “Kyustendil: 260 sites offering balneo-, SPA and wellness services”, and the third award went to Teodora Georgieva from for the material “The Devil’s Eco-path”.The award in the category of “Innovations” was presented by Karel Kral, the CEZ regional manager, to Ivo Nikolov and Martin Stoykov from Travel Books Publishing House for a mobile application with Augmented Reality experience. The second place in the category was taken by the complex "UVA Nestum Wine&SPA", and the third by the Instagram platform “My Bulgaria”.The Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva presented the award to Nataliya Malcheva - winner with the article “Brussels honours the castle in Ravadinovo” in the category “2016 Journalistic Material on Tourism in Bulgaria in a Print Media”. The second award was for Nikoleta Tsvetkova from Monitor Newspaper  for the article “We track online the beach shadow price” and the third - for Polina Petrova from  The Black Sea newspaper for “Siyka Katsarova: We can attract a higher class of tourists with SPA and balneology”.The founder of the National Folklore Ensemble “Balgare”, Hristo Dimitrov, presented the award to the Mayor of Vratsa Municipality Kalina Kamenov for first place in the category “The Spirit of Bulgaria” for Ledenik National Folklore Fair. The picnic attraction “Balgarana”, Kazanlak, ranked second and the Autumn Museum of Crafts, Regional Craft Chamber - Plovdiv, ranked third.The statuettes, which were given to the winners, reproduced a typical Bulgarian rose. During the event, the guests had the opportunity to listen to violoncello, violin and piano performed by the talented students of “Lyubomir Pipkov” National Music School, and the ceremony was closed with a performance of the custom “Koleduvane”by the National Folklore Ensemble “Bulgare”. The media partners of the initiative were the Bulgarian National Television, TV Bulgaria on Air, the 24 Hours newspaper, Darik Radio, Radio Focus, IA “Focus”, the websites and statuettes received by the winners in the 16 categories are produced by Dimitar Germanov especially for the ceremony and they will be used in subsequent editions of the contest.
For the start of the winter season, the Ministry of Tourism launched a special module on its website providing information on the condition of the ski runs
Now every winter sports lover may easily get informed about the opportunities for practicing them on the territory of the country from the interactive module on the internet site of the Ministry of Tourism. This was announced by the Minister of Tourism at the opening of the winter season in  Borovets resort. The event was attended by the Minister of Youth and Sport Krasen Kralev, the governor of Sofia region Rositsa Ivanova, the mayor of Samokov Vladimir Georgiev etc.The module includes the ski runs of three of the largest ski resorts - Pamporovo, Bansko and Borovets. They are displayed on real maps with the option for several types of display. The module contains information only about the runs, which have already been categorized by the commission in accordance with the rules of the newly adopted Ordinance on the Safety and Information Security of the Ski Runs in the Republic of Bulgaria. They are displayed as green, blue, red and black ski runs depending on the degree of complexity. Each of the ski runs has been checked by the experts of the ministry and foreign specialists, attracted especially for this purpose.For the convenience of the tourists, links have been provided to the official internet pages of each resort with quick buttons to cameras showing the situation in the most visited resorts in real time. “The module is still in process of development and information about smaller resorts will be added”, said Minister Angelkova. In her words, the site will also have an English version for the foreign tourists.“The year 2016 is special for all of us, because the oldest mountain resort not only in Bulgaria, but on the Balkans – Borovets, celebrates 120 years from its creation”, said Minister Angelkova. She announced that for the first ten months of the year, over 120 thousand tourists have chosen the resort for their holiday and vacation. The revenue from the overnights exceed 13.7 million BGN. “I am convinced that these indicators will be overpassed in the new winter season”, emphasized Nikolina Angelkova and added that a growth from a number of markets is expected in the resort. The bookings for the Christmas holidays in the resort are by nearly 36% higher compared to the same period of the preceding year, and for New Year’s Eve they are at the same level, but there is an increased interest due to the opening of the ski area earlier this year and the favourable snow conditions, it became clear during the event.
The Ministry of Tourism presented a single interactive platform and a mobile application “I love Bulgaria”
Our country already has a single platform and “I love Bulgaria” mobile application, which integrates all elements of the tourism sector. The innovative product was presented today by Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and representatives of the English technology company Horizon Software Solution that has developed the platform.“As you know, the digital marketing is the focus of our national advertising programme and the platform that we present today offers some of its most innovative components”, said Minister Angelkova. The platform can be downloaded as a mobile application on any smart phone. “This platform integrates all elements of the tourism sector in one place - tourist sites, accommodation facilities, catering establishments and any accompanying services”, said Minister Angelkova. In her words it includes the 100 national tourist sites according to the  commitment to the Ministry of Tourism. The project product was first launched in two regional versions for Dobrich and Varna. Today they are a part of the national platform and many other municipalities will be included. It is agreed that the application will be free of charge for the municipalities.“Today we start placing special boards at each site, which can be scanned through the mobile phones of the tourists and thus they will be able to learn more information about them,” explained Nikolina Angelkova. Each plate has a unique hologram - the so called QR code, which can be scanned with a mobile device. This way the tourist receives information about the site he has visited, but also gains bonus points and may receive an incentive award. The world experience showed that this motivates people to travel more and evokes greater interest according to the platform developer.“It is very important to point out that both the platform and the information about each of the sites is currently available in 12 languages and that it has the potential to present the information in unlimited number of languages in the long term”, underlined the Minister of Tourism. For better planning of the marketing activities of the ministry, it is very important for each user, who downloads the application, to be registered in the system. “This way we will gather very accurate information about the tourists who visit Bulgaria - which important markets they come from, what they look for and which sites they visit, which will allow us to plan marketing campaigns targeted by nationality, gender, age etc.”, she further explained.The developer has already received orders for the development of similar platforms for other countries, but Bulgaria is the first country, whose platform includes so many components, it was pointed out in the event. At the moment Horizon Software Solutions develop I Love France, I Love Monaco and I Love Australia and according to plans the number of countries that will join the platform in the next year is expected to reach 50. The agreement between the developer and the Ministry of Tourism includes launching the platform at a national level and its marketing servicing, as well as the opportunity to include the municipalities free of charge for them.
The Ministry of Tourism has initiated a joint inspection of all institutions engaged on the beach of Camping “Oasis”
The Ministry of Tourism of Bulgaria, following an order issued by Minister Nikolina Angelkova, initiated a joint inspection of all institutions concerned in connection with an alert for the levelling of the dunes on the beach at Camping “Oasis”. It will include representatives of the Burgas Regional Inspectorate of the Environment and Water, Burgas Regional Administration and Tsarevo Municipality.In accordance with the provisions of the Law on the Black Sea Coast Spatial Development (art. 8), the Minister of Tourism is authorized to carry out preparatory actions for the award of concessions for the sea beaches under the conditions and in accordance with the procedures of the law; to submit proposals in the Council of Ministers for the award of concessions for sea beaches; to organize the procedures for the selection of a concessionaire; to conclude contracts for concession award; to conduct the procedures for renting out of sea beaches and conclude rental contracts; to organize the supervision of the implementation of the concession and rental contracts; to represent the state in proceedings on disputes arising from concession contracts, respectively rental contracts. The need of rapid and coordinated actions requires a joint verification.In accordance with a decision of the Council of Ministers, a competition will be organized for the concession award for the beach at Camping “Oasis”. At the moment documents and offers are being submitted for the award procedure.Minister Angelkova also ordered that the special telephone: +359 2 90 46 833 and e-mail: for signals of irregularities spotted on the sea beaches, which were operating in the active summer season, should be used all year round. “Our main goal is to protect the sea beaches and to ensure their sustainable development and to offer the best conditions to the tourists", said Minister Angelkova. In her words, there have been signals of irregularities in the winter season, when ill-wishers abused with the sea beaches for their own needs – taking amounts of sand, expanding or reducing the active area etc. “We will give the opportunity to every citizen to contact us and even if the calls are not within our competence, we will refer them to the competent authorities in order to prevent attempts of abuse”, added Nikolina Angelkova.
The International Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism has adopted a draft declaration in Sofia
The Ministry of Tourism and the leaders of the delegations of the member countries of the World Tourism Organization, representatives of the cultural and tourist institutions of the private sector and non-governmental organizations that took part in the first International Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism in the Bulgarian capital adopted a common declaration. It will be made available to all participants in the forum and after their additions within two weeks, it will be approved as the Declaration of Sofia.The document emphasizes that tourism is one of the leading global socio-economic sectors, creating opportunities for growth, for the protection of cultural heritage and efficient use of natural resources. It also states that the industry is among the priority areas for the sustainable development of the world with a horizon 2030.The world civilizations and specifically their history, folklore, myths, architecture and arts are a major factor for the promotion of international cooperation in tourism. The declaration also emphasized that the UN General Assembly approves the year 2017 as International year for the sustainable development of tourism.The document is not legally binding, but outlines the main priorities and tasks of the tourist industry in the short and medium term.In her final words before the Congress, Minister Angelkova thanked the participants and especially the WTO for the high level of trust in Bulgaria for organizing such a large-scale event. She pointed out that this trust has been appreciated by our government, especially in the year 2016, which is a record year in the history of the Bulgarian tourism and a 40-year anniversary since the country became a member of the WTO.Every country according to Nikolina Angelkova, regardless of its size, is of enormous importance for the development of the international tourism. In this respect Bulgaria has a great potential to shine with its own light. The future of Bulgaria as a destination is related to the cultural and historical tourism, because the good stories make the contents of the tourist product and only if we know our history, we can build our present, she said. This process is invariably connected with the new technologies, because they are a factor for the future and their underestimating will make the competitiveness impossible.The Bulgarian Minister of Tourism summarized the work of the congress as very constructive and successful and proposed that it becomes a permanent event in the calendar of the WTO. Political will is crucial, she said and added that Bulgaria has such political will, which made tourism a priority sector in our economy.In an emotional address to the audience Dr. Taleb Rifai outlined several important factors for the successful development of the global tourism - good management, creating a good story and respect to one’s own people. He compared the tourism industry with a stadium, which must be filled with enthusiastic visitors, caring for their own achievements. This can only be achieved with joint efforts and is our common responsibility, concluded the Secretary General of the WTO.The first Congress of World Civilization and Creative Tourism organized by the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria and the World Tourism Organization was attended by over 40 government delegations, over 20 ministers, deputy ministers and high-rank officials in the field of tourism from around the world.
Building partnerships between tourism and modern industries has been discussed in the framework of the third panel of the International Congress of the WTO and the Ministry of Tourism
Building partnerships between tourism and modern industries was discussed in the framework of the third panel of the International Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism. The forum was organized jointly by the World Tourism Organization and the Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism and our country is the host of the event.Creative tourism is the cooperation between the cultural tourism and the creative industries. It also launches a change in the management of this industry. To achieve sustainability of the creative tourism, particular attention should be paid to local communities, because they are the bearers of knowledge. The local people are not only the guardians of the heritage, they are the heritage. This was said by Caroline Kuret, creator of the network for creative tourism in Spain, in her presentation.It emphasized on the fact that there is a new situation in the tourist industry, which should be taken into consideration by all parties involved - the creative tourist does not perceive himself as a tourist, but rather as a traveler, who wants to be included in the emotional experience of the local culture. This is why a new product is needed, combining the tourist activity with the authenticity. This could be achieved by specialized culinary training courses, musical performances etc. Another thing to take into consideration is the option for the tourists to choose the destination according to their ability to practice a certain activity or hobby there, she said.The Ambassador of Georgia in Spain and Permanent Representative in the World Tourism Organization Zurab Polikashvili presented a project about his country “Check in Georgia”, where one of his major objectives was to restart the popularization of the traditional Georgian folklore. He pointed out that through the concerts, festivals, performances, showing the authentic traditional customs and lifestyle, they managed to achieve cooperation between the creative industries and tourism. This is one of the most important conditions for the conservation of the cultural and historical heritage, he stated. Polikashvili also commented that the extension of the tourist season is another major task of Georgia. In this connection he emphasized that thousands of people visit different organized events outside the season and this is one of the ways to achieve that goal.Large groups of foreign tourists are brought by small tourist companies to observe ceremonies and rituals in the Thracian sacred sites, said Prof. Valeria Fol while revealing the secrets of the Thracian heritage. She added that many of these sites have not yet been adapted for practicing creative tourism.Dr. Diana Gergova from the Institute for Balkan Studies with a Center of Thracian Studies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences recalled that the successful conservation of the national heritage should involve several components - continuation of the archaeological studies, development of the types of tourism - cultural-historical and creative, extension of the tourist season and most of all – dissemination of the new knowledge about the Thracian and Balkan culture. She announced that in 2007 two more tombs will be uncovered on the territory of the Municipality of Kazanlak.
The participants in the International Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism have discussed the need for strategies for sustainable development of the industry
In the second day of the International Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism held in Sofia, the participants discussed the need of strategies for sustainability in the tourist industry. Among those attending the congress was the Secretary General of the WTO Taleb Rifai.The Head of the Tourism Management Plan in Angkor (Cambodia) Sok Sangvar presented the history of the Code of Conduct for the Visitors of the Tourist Sites in this region of his country. It includes different requirements such as prohibition of smoking, requirement for appropriate clothes, compliance with the signs etc. This procedure dates back to the 12th century and provides for strict penalties depending on the offender’s position in the social hierarchy.Sok Sangvar also emphasized that the plan relies on tourism to create more benefits for the local communities, on the effect of the visitors’ experiences and the development of the local infrastructure. Tourism is one of the elements for the conservation of the cultural heritage and he compared the tourism to a book. The tourist sector is the publisher of this book, which must not remain in the drawers, he summarized.The doctor of anthropology from the University of Chicago in Ethiopia Prof. Zeray Alemseged presented his country as an attractive tourist destination, which has given the world not only the coffee, but also the earliest discovered human skeletons in the history of Earth. We all come from Africa despite our huge external differences now, he summarized and stressed that the culture does not belong to one nation. According to him successful tourism must rely on several crucial principles - inspiration, involvement, education, management and perseverance. This is the only way to preserve the cultural values of the human civilization for a better common future.Prof. Petar Delev, an expert on ancient history from Sofia University, presented to the participants and guests of the congress some basic information about the Thracian civilization. He outlined specific facts, which demonstrate the connection between the cultural and historical heritage of contemporary Bulgaria and the ancient Thracian culture. The presentation was richly illustrated with images of the Thracian treasures, artifacts, drawings and other unique monuments discovered in Bulgaria.A direct skype connection was implemented with the expert of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru Richard Bazan, who presented the concept of the institution for the development of the industry. The concept is oriented toward local communities and especially to the rural population in the country, which is the main destination. The local communities are the beneficiaries of the funds for the development of tourism, but they must ensure a real process of management of the tourist services. The good management and the high quality of the tourist activity ensure the industry competitiveness, underlined Richard Bazan.The discussions continued with lectures by Zurab Polikashvili, ambassador of Georgia in Spain and Permanent Representative of the state in WTO; Caroline Kuret, creator of the network for creative tourism in Spain and Bulgarian representatives from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Valeria Fol and Diana Gergova. At the end of the plenary day the participants will adopt a Common Declaration of the Congress.
Twelve ministers and deputy ministers have participated in the high-level meeting in the framework of the Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism
Twelve ministers and deputy ministers of tourism and culture of Spain, Iraq, Greece, Moldova, Serbia, Malta, Kenya, Romania, Turkey, Azerbaijan discussed the important role modern tourism in the preservation and protection of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage. This happened in a high-level meeting held on the first day of the Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism today in Sofia. The discussion was attended by the Secretary General of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Michael Christides, the Jordanian princess H.D. Dana Firas, and the moderator was the CNN TV presenter Max Foster.The Bulgarian Minister Nikolina Angelkova commented that one of the main challenges in the revival of the world civilizations is how to preserve the sites while at the same time attract a larger number of tourists. “We discuss and search for alternatives both with Bulgarian and international institutions to find the best way to preserve what we have, because it has to remain in time, after us, for the future generations”, she also said.Minister Angelkova focused on the joint activities with the neighbouring countries and the opportunity to develop joint tourist products. “This especially applies to long-distance journeys and tourists from China and the USA, so we work on various ideas”, added Nikolina Angelkova. In her words, common advertising and marketing of touristic products should be prepared on a local level.All participants in the high-level meeting shared the opinion that tourism is a common product based on the cooperation between government institutions, private organizations and local communities. Tourism was also identified as a peace promoting instrument. Participants in the meeting commented that world civilizations should cooperate and events of this type prove this.“We have a new level of communication, so we have to achieve a more in-depth knowledge of one another”, said the Jordanian princess H.M. Dana Firas and she added that the legacy must be transformed in a way that is understandable and beneficial for everybody.The Bulgarian Prime Minister from the period 2001 - 2005 Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, who was also invited by the World Tourism Organization to take part in the meeting, described the communications and their modern aspect as a challenge for the tourism, which should be used to improve the results in the sector.According to the Minister of Tourism of Kenya Najib Balala, today the tourists have new interests, they are not only interested in beaches, but want to learn more about the history of the country they visit. He also said that when undertaking a journey, people want to visit at least two countries, which obliges the neighbouring countries to develop mutual tourist products.The Minister of Tourism of Malta Edward Lewis commented that the countries should not consider themselves as competitors in the tourist industry, rather the opposite, because when people visit a certain destination, they want to discover more cooperation and continuity. Lewis also commented that the coordination between the state authorities and the private sector is essential for the development of tourism. He also said that the countries of the Black Sea region should develop integrated offers. Edward Lewis drew the attention to Minister Nikolina Angelkova’s words that efforts are made on EU level, namely for the implementation of common concepts and products. The development of a digital tourist platform in the EU has also been considered.The Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism of Turkey Hussein Yaayman said that “no state has managed to survive on its own, it is the result of inherited culture and history”. He announced that the Turkish state has designated four guidelines for the development of the modern tourism - drawing up a list of tourist sites, integration of this type of tourism with other creative sectors, advertising and international partnership. He reiterated that Turkey is open for any kind of cooperation and commented that this is the way to revive the legacy of the world civilizations.The Minister of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities of Iraq Faryad Raundozi emphasized that categorical actions should be undertaken to stop the illegal trade with antiquities, because it is a major problem not only for Iraq but for all countries in the world.The establishment of a common facade of the tourism by means of cooperation between the state and the private sector is the key for the development of the modern tourism as an opportunity to experience the legacy of world civilizations. This opinion was advocated by Mihaela Vrabete, State Secretary of The Ministry of Tourism of Romania. She added that targeted actions should be taken so that small local organizations be involved in the development of the tourist product.The Director General of the Agency on Tourism of Moldova Stanislav Rusu commented that the authenticity should be preserved everywhere. This is particularly important for the modern tourism as a means for the revival of the world civilizations.Michael Christides, the Secretary General of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation underlined that tourism is the main pillar of the social economy and promotes better understanding of the cultural and historical heritage of the peoples.11% of the gross domestic product of Spain is formed by tourism. This was announced by Jose Manuel Soria, former Minister of the Energy, Industry and Tourism of Spain. He added that nowadays culture is the most important element for the promotion of mutual understanding and for the promotion of tourism. The emphasis in his comment was that tourism, in order to be successful, should be identified as a government priority.Nazim Samadov, Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan, said that today's tourists prefer to know as much as possible about the country they visit,  its history and culture. He also commented that synergy between the state and the private sector is essential for the successful development of the industry.The representative of the National Tourist Organization of Serbia Maria Labovic commented that the improvement of the tourist product depends on attracting the local communities, because they know a lot, but sometimes are not aware of their role.The Secretary General for tourism policy and development of Greece George Tziallas said that the common understanding in our neighboring country with regard to tourism is that it unites people. In this connection he said that it is necessary to develop alternative types of tourism and that it is necessary to make the diversification of tourist products because different people need different aspects of tourism.The high-level meeting was closed with the speech of Dr. Taleb Rifai, Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization. In his opinion, the states must be particularly careful in preserving the cultural heritage. The emphasis in his speech was that a mandatory condition for successful tourism is the existence of political will, because if the state authorities do not believe in this sector, nothing can be achieved.
Minister Angelkova and the Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization opened the First International Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism in Sofia.
We feel at home in Sofia and we are here to collect the legacy of the past and to look into the future through the new horizons of creative tourism and to do this, we need political will. With these words the Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization (WTO) Taleb Rifai opened the ceremony, which launched the First International Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism in the Bulgarian capital.The large-scale event is organized by the Ministry of Tourism and the specialized UN Organization. Over 40 state delegations and over 20 ministers and high-rang officials in the field of tourism from all over the world take part in it. Before its start, the Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov had a meeting with the heads of the delegations.“The political will to create a separate Ministry of Tourism and the national priority status given to the industry are the factors that made it possible to organize the largest event in 2016”, said Minister Angelkova. In her words, the same reasons are the grounds for the success reported this year.“Bulgaria is a small country, but we also have a lot to share. Being a country of thousands of years of history and a rich heritage from ancient civilizations, the disclosure of the potential of our cultural wealth is a top priority. We are among the top three countries of Europe according to the number of discovered artifacts and immovable historical monuments”, added Minister Angelkova.She stressed that this is precisely why the cultural and historical tourism has a leading focus in the advertising and marketing policy of Bulgaria as an all-year-round destination since the creation of the Ministry of Tourism. “At the same time we are aware that we live in times of unprecedented technical discoveries and innovations. Many of them may and must be used in the tourism industry”, she also said.“In 2016 Bulgaria celebrates 40 years since it became a member of the WTO. The congress is not only a very good way to show the world our potential as a cultural and historical destination, but also to celebrate this anniversary”, said Minister Angelkova and personally thanked Doctor Taleb Rifai for the opportunity provided to Bulgaria to organize this forum.The scale of the forum indicates the important role of Bulgaria in the international dialog in the field of tourism, stressed Dr. Rifai. He outlined three major challenges that world tourism is facing - how to contribute for the preservation of the cultural heritage, how to establish sustainable strategies and how to cooperate with the creative industries. The Head of the WTO emphasized that the sector has great potential to make the world a better place for living and communication between people. In 2015 over 1.2 billion foreign tourists travelled around the planet. 7% of the commercial activity and 30% of the services in the world are the result of the tourist services. “Tourism is an enormous transforming force and we need to make it a part of our unique cultural experiences, the Secretary General said. This is the reason why the creative industries and the technical innovations play a major role in the modern society.The deputy mayor of the Bulgarian capital Doncho Barbalov also welcomed the participants in the congress and underlined that a city with an ancient history such as Sofia may propose an interesting walk back into the past. He reported that 6.7 million BGN have been invested in the last years in the restoration of tourist sites and UNESCO declared Sofia a UNESCO City of Film. It is among the top 10 cities in Europe with the highest growth of tourists - 7% per annum, which in 2016 will be exceeded.The congress was attended in absentia by Karmenu Vella, EU Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, who addressed the delegates and guests in a video address. He pointed out that the innovations will entail even more opportunities for the development of modern tourism.The International Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism will continue tomorrow, 30 November, at 9:30 in Sofia Tech Park.
Nikolina Angelkova: For the first ten months of 2016 we exceeded the results for the entire 2014
The Minister of Tourism and the Secretary General of the WTO Taleb Rifai announced the opening of the First Congress of World Civilizations and Creative Tourism tomorrow in Sofia.We are at the end of a very successful year with no analogue in the history of Bulgarian tourism. The number of foreign tourists, who visited Bulgaria in the first ten months of the year, are almost 7.5 million. These figures exceed the figures for the entire 2014, and for the first ten months of 2016, the number of foreign tourists is by over 1 million higher that the number for the same period last year. If we keep this rate by the end of the year, we will overpass the limit of 8 million foreign tourists, which is more than the population of our country. This was said by Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova in a joint meeting with the Secretary General of the United Nations World Tourism Organization Dr. Taleb Rifai and representatives of the Bulgarian tourist industry.After the end of the discussion, a joint press conference took place, which was attended by the Jordan princess H.M. Dana Firas, the Minister of Tourism of Kenya Najib Balala, the Minister of Tourism of Malta Edward Lewis, representatives of CNN, diplomats and other officials. Most of them have visited our country for the first time and have expressed their wish to develop active cooperation with Bulgaria in the protection and promotion of the cultural heritage, including through tourist services.    The participants in the press conference announced the First Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism initiated and organized by the Ministry of Tourism in Sofia jointly with the WTO. The event is listed along with the most significant events in the calendar of the organization for this year.Nikolina Angelkova emphasized that significant progress has been made towards a sustainable development of the industry in the last two years and many regulatory changes that had been postponed for years, which impeded the normal tourist activity, have been accelerated now. For the first time the government has recognised the tourism as a national priority, has put it at the same level with other fundamental industries and has allowed the creation of a separate ministry, it became clear from the words of the minister. “The presence of Dr. Rifai is honour and recognition for us, it shows the high appreciation of the Organization for the development and the contribution of Bulgarian tourism”, she said and added that more than 500 delegates from 40 countries have arrived for the large-scale event.“Tourism has been growing steadily in the last decades and has become the third largest industry in the world after the wholesale trading in fuels and chemical products”, announced Taleb Rifai. He emphasized that in 2015, 1.2 billion transborder tourists were registered on the planet, which is a growth of 4.2% and it is the sixth year now that the growth continues by more than 4%.  42% of these tourists have declared that their aim is the cultural tourism. Meanwhile the direct revenue from the global tourism exceeds 1.5 trillion US dollars and if we add the indirect revenue, this indicator will exceed 5 trillion”, the Secretary General added.“This is why the congress opening tomorrow, which will connect the culture, civilizations and history, is so important. If there is a deficit today, it is a deficit of tolerance and understanding between people, and tourism is a way to improve this communication”, further underlined the head of WTO. He greeted the existing political will at high level in Bulgaria and expressed his hope that tourism will continue its sustainable development and the ministry will continue its existence as an institution. “In this congress we have the unique opportunity to demonstrate the merits of our country as an all-year-round destination that has inherited from over 7 epochs more than 40 thousand movable and over 7 million immovable artifacts and monuments, 7 of which are in the list of UNESCO world heritage sites”, the minister said. She pointed out that the cultural and historical tourism is among the highlights in the policy of the ministry since its establishment as a separate institution.The Jordanian princess H.M. Dana Firas explicitly said that the presence of so many high-ranking officials in the forum is a sign of their readiness to preserve the world cultural heritage and to oppose intolerance. Jordan can learn from the experience and successes of Bulgaria in tourism, she said.The Minister of Tourism of Kenya Najib Balala acknowledged that his coming to Bulgaria is a dream that had come true. Kenya has a unique heritage from the Kiswahili epoch and findings of fossils dating 3 million years back, but it needs to learn from the experience of other countries as to how these can be transformed into modern tourist products.According to the Minister of Tourism of Malta Edward Lewis, his country and Bulgaria are similar in a way, since they are not large in territory, but they place the sector among the most important economic sectors. One third of the GDP of Malta depends on tourism and therefore the island fully supports the efforts of Bulgaria to develop the industry as a priority.
The most popular Egyptologist of the world today Dr. Zahi Hawass will read a lecture in the framework of the International Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism
The most popular Egyptologist in the world today Dr. Zahi Hawass will read a lecture in the framework of the International Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism. Movies and broadcasts with his participation may often be seen on popular world channels such as Discovery, History Channel and National Geographic. His TV career started in 1988 with the documentary ‘The Mystery of the Pyramids’ starring the legendary Omar Sharif. Ten years later Zahi Hawass is famous all over the world. Many other documentary series follow. Outside the media image, in professional terms Zahi Hawass is believed to be the discoverer of the graves of the builders of the pyramids in Giza and the Valley of the Golden Mummies in the Bahariya Oasis. In addition to this, he is the head of the team that studied the Tutankhamen’s mummy.Dr. Hawass will speak before the Bulgarian audience tomorrow at 15:00 h. in ‘John Atanasoff’ Hall at Sofia Tech Park, where in the next two days the International Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism will take place. The entrance is free, but prior reservation is required through the website of the Ministry of Tourism - here.Guests in the panel, where DR. Hawass will speak, will be the Princess of Jordan H.M. Dana Firas, the President of Petra National Trust, which is the oldest Jordan non-governmental organization for the preservation and protection of cultural heritage, as well as the former Minister of Economy, Industry and Tourism of Spain José Manuel Soria and the Greek Professor Pavlos Geroulanos.The International Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism takes place on 29 and 30 November. It will be attended by representatives of the public administrations of Jordan, Turkey, Malta, China, Greece, Romania, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Kenya, Moldova, Serbia, Zambia, Ghana, Zimbabwe etc. Among the Bulgarian participants are representatives of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and of some of the most famous museums in the country. The detailed program of the event may be found here.
More than 100 foreign delegates arrive in Bulgaria to participate in the Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism
More than 100 foreign delegates arrive in Bulgaria to participate in the Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism organized by the Ministry of Tourism in a joint initiative with the World Tourism Organization in Sofia. Among them are twelve ministers and deputy ministers of tourism and culture from around the world, a number of managers of tourist administrations, the Secretary General of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Michael Christides and the princess of Jordan H.M. Dana Firas.The event will consider and discuss the essential role of Creative tourism in the preservation and protection of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage and its role as a source of generation of socio-economic indicators. One of the objectives of the international conference is to open discussions on the possibilities to resurrect the world civilizations through cooperation between the various industries such as architecture, design, art, technologies and science and to increase the interest in them. According to data of the World Tourism Organization, 1.2 billion tourist travelled round the world last year and 40% of them were mainly interested in cultural tourism.The event is given a priority in the calendar of the World Tourism Organization for this year and our country was awarded the privilege to host and organize the event. It will be held in the period 29 November - 1 December 2016 in Sofia Tech Park, ‘John Atanasoff’ Hall. The official opening will be on Tuesday (29 November) at 10:00 h followed by a high-level meeting after the ceremony, which will be moderated by the world famous CNN journalist Max Foster.The registration of the candidates to attend the congress is on the way, so anyone can fill in the internet form in the official website of the Ministry of Tourism - here.A separate accreditation is required for the media, so the journalists willing to cover the event should send an e-mail to providing: full name, the name of the medium, e-mail and a telephone. Each journalist will be issued a badge with his/her name, which will serve as a pass to enter the building in the two days of the Congress. The badges may be obtained at the time of registration for the event.
Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva takes part in the opening of the Young Wine Exhibition in Plovdiv
The Young Wine Exhibition has turned into a good tradition for Plovdiv, attracting not only leading winemakers but also many visitors from the country and abroad. Cultural-historical tourism and festivals feature among the preferred forms of niche specialized tourism in the region, being enjoyed by growing numbers of users. This was announced by the Deputy Minister of Tourism, Irena Georgieva, in Plovdiv during the opening of the forum’s 8th edition.The 3-day event offers various trials and culture events in 12 landmark sites in the Old City. 20% more tourists are expected this year. According to NSI stats, the number of guests staying at accommodation facilities in the region during the period of January-September 2016 totally amount to 366 000, which is an 11% increase compared to the same period of 2015. The increase in Bulgarian tourists is 13% and 7% in international ones, with revenues generated from night-stays of international tourists registering an 18% growth, it was announced by the Deputy Minister during the ceremony.„Plovdiv is an example of sustainable development in tourism, owing to the cultural-historical and other types of niche tourism. This is the place where the first wine map in the country was created“, Deputy Minister Georgieva said further. The tours are an initiative of the Municipality, local wine cellars, hoteliers, and tour operators, covering the areas around Parvenets, Hrabrino, Krichim, Brestovitsa, Ognyanovo, etc. A notable recognition of these preserved tradition was given when Plovdiv hosted the esteemed wine competition Concours Mondial de Brussels in the spring of this year, with 50 countries and 9 000 products having participated. Bulgarian winemakers won 40% of the rewards, which happened for the second year running in this competition.The Ministry of Tourism will keep supporting active development of the diverse forms of niche tourism. Interest in the destinations offering authentic food and beverages in our country has been registered by both traditional generating markets such as Russia, the Ukraine, Italy, Czech Republic, Serbia, the UK, as well as from more remote areas in the world – China, Japan, and the USA. Bulgaria already has partnership experience from the creation of joint tourism routes with countries involved in the Danube Strategy – Along the Way of Roman Emperors and Along the Way of Wine.The exhibition’s opening was attended by the chair of the Council on Tourism-Plovdiv, Eng. Lyubozar Fratev, organizer of the event, jointly with the Municipality, the mayor Ivan Totev, the Chair of the Parliamentary Budget and Finance Committee, Menda Stoyanova, the Regional Governor, Zdravko Dimitrov, and others.
The concessions contracts for the Slanchev Bryag – Sever and Nessebar – Yug beaches to be terminated
The concessions contracts for the Slanchev Bryag – Sever and Nessebar – Yug beaches will be terminated. This was announced during Bulgarian National Television’s morning news show by the resigned Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova. Numerous infringements were found at both beach strips over the years. In August this year another inspection by the Ministry of Tourism found that the authorized schemes for placement of portable facilities and extra retail area have not been complied with.Two geodetic measurements were also carried out during the summer season, which accurately and in detail ascertained failure to perform the contracts. Back at the time Minister Angelkova commented that anyone failing to comply with the contractual requirements will be penalized.All ascertained infringements were looked at by the Control Committee for the overall performance of concession contracts for sea beaches, which includes representatives of the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of the Environment and Waters. The concession contracts are to be terminated pursuant to Council of Ministers’ decisions for 2015 (CoM Decision No 1015/22.12.2015 and CoM Decision No 1016/22.12.2105).„Throughout summer control was more intensive and we imposed penalties worth BGN 341 000 for infringements found at the beaches“, Minister Angelkova said. She added that more penalty notification letters have been sent, with extreme steps to be potentially proceeded with in the event of no response from the concessionaires. „Regardless of the political situation, we continue working at full tilt, no one should believe that they can benefit from the situation and be imperfect under the contracts“, Nikolina Angelkova emphasized.Preparation for the coming winter season was also discussed during the interview. „We are working at the double to be ready for the coming winter and turn into reality the positive forecasts”, the Minister of Tourism said. According to her, growth is expected from a number of markets such as the UK, Russia, Germany, Israel, etc. Orders for new flights have also been placed from advanced winter destinations such as Italy and Austria. In her opinion, we are expecting an increase of some 100 000 international tourists for the entire winter season. „The official stats for the recent months are yet to be published but we nevertheless expect to welcome a further 800 000 international tourists until the end of December 2016 and report on annual a total of 8 mil. tourists, who have chosen Bulgaria“, Nikolina Angelkova added.
Minister Angelkova meets with local government and control authorities in preparation of the winter season in Bansko
We are expecting circa 5% growth for the forthcoming winter tourism season. Regardless of the political situation, we continue working at full tilt to ensure that the positive forecasts come true and be as prepared as possible for the coming winter. Thus said the resigned Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, at a meeting with representatives of the local government, control authorities, and the tourism industry in Bansko. The meeting was hosted by the Municipality Mayor, Georgi Ikonomov.„We hold such meetings annually and they have proven themselves effective, especially in terms of coordination of institutional efforts“, Minister Angelkova said. She also presented expectations by markets and data about the number of scheduled flights to Bulgarian airports. At Sofia Airport the number of expected regular and chartered flights during the 2016/2017 winter season is 7 574, which is an over 35% growth compared to last winter. Growth is registered in a number of source markets – UK 51%, Germany 44%, Greece 45%, Romania 25%, Israel 58%, the Netherlands 34%, Sweden 103%, Switzerland 22%, Belgium 40%, Spain 79%, Italy 67%, Poland 7%, etc. The scheduled flights from the Ukraine and Denmark register a several-fold increase, with flight from Ireland and Georgia resuming this year, after a several years’ break.Plovdiv Airport is also expecting growth in the number of flights during the 2016/2017 winter season. The Israel growth is over 20%, Ireland - over 67%, Russia – over 24%, etc. There is also increased interest from the UK.„These stats are very positive but they also unequivocally require that we are as prepared as possible for to respond to the expectations of these tourists“, Nikolina Angelkova emphasized. She drew attention to the fact that this will be the third consecutive year of solid growth. During the period December 2015– March 2016 Bulgaria was visited by more than 1,2 mil. foreign nationals, with their growth compared to the previous winter season being circa 5%. The number of visits for the purpose of recreation and vacation was nearly 661 000, a growth of some 19%.Later that day Minister Angelkova also took part in the meeting of the Committee on Economy, Tourism, and Energy of the National Association of Municipalities.
Minister Angelkova takes part in the Annual Meeting of the National Tourism Council
The establishment of a standalone Ministry of Tourism was a crucial political recognition of the sector’s significance for Bulgaria’s economy. This opinion was shared by participants in the Annual Meeting of the National Tourism Council. The resigned Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, was invited as an official guest at the event’s opening. The organization contains some of the biggest investors in the tourism sector.„I am glad to see you united because the fractured nature and sheer number of tourism organizations is one of the industry’s biggest issues. This stands in the way of both beneficial dialogue between the government and businesses, as well as in the way of effective public-private partnership“, Minister Angelkova emphasized. She added that it is now crucial to kept the Ministry of Tourism as a standalone institution and build on the results achieved. Participants in the National Tourism Council stated their unequivocal support to such effect and emphasized that henceforth all thinking should only be towards expansion of the Ministry’s powers and provision of more funds to provide for the Ministry’s activities. Personal support was stated for Nikolina Angelkova as the first Minister of Tourism for all results achieved in the sector.A part of the tourist tax to be collected and spent specifically for tourism on a national level, was another proposal tabled by business representatives. They also stated their support for the introduction of the Single Tourism Information System as a main tool for bringing the sector out of the shadow economy and boosting the tax collection rates.The National Tourism Council has set a task to be partner for the government in all policies implemented. Tourism is a horizontal sector and has relevance for all other sectors. Therefore, in accordance with their competences, the Board members will monitor such policies and provide feedback in regard to their efficiency, it was further announced at the meeting.The National Tourism Council’s management board includes: Krasimir Gergov, Martin Zahariev, Radosvet Radev, Tsolo Vutev, Mario Zahariev, Kalin Peshov, Georgi Gergov, Marin Mitev, Polina Karastoyanova, Lachezar Todorov, Tihomir Trendafilov, Kancho Stoychev, Georgi Velchev, Georgi Krumov, Radka Mineva, Tsvetelina Borislavova, Vetko Arabadjiev, Lyudmil Stoykov, Lachezar Tsotsorkov, Georgi Chopev, Spas Rusev, Georgi Chuhlev, and Nikolay Pehlivanov.
Minister Angelkova opens the annual awards ceremony of the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association
Bulgarian hoteliers and everyone involved in the tourism sector deserve commendation on the record-breaking year we are reporting. For the first nine months of the year hotels with 10+ beds have achieved over 22 mil. night-stays, with revenues exceeding BGN 1,1 bln. Thus said the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during the 2016 annual awards ceremony of the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association."The BHRA awards symbolize high professionalism in the tourism sector and are particularly valuable because they are bestowed by peers to peers", Minister Angelkova said. She stated gratitude to the representatives from the industry for the joint work over time and the common efforts to develop the sector. "This summer we welcomed over 5 mil. international tourists, if the pace is sustained, next year will be at least as successful", Nikolina Angelkova added.The event was attended by the Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Zornitsa Rusinova, the Deputy the Minister of the Environment and Waters, Atanaska Nikolova, the chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Economic Policy and Tourism, Petar Kanev, the European Parliament MP Andrey Novakov, the mayors of Varna and Velingrad Ivan Portnih and Kostadin Koev, and others.
Bulgaria’s Ministry of Tourism obtains an international tourism award
The Ministry of Tourism received the Golden Interstas 2016 international tourism award for significant contribution to the development of Bulgaria’s tourism and culture. This took place during the Golden Interstas 2016 international tourism event held in the town of Solin, Croatia.The Bulgarian institution was nominated by the event organizers – the committee composed of tourism-covering journalists, the event’s management team and the European Federation of Travel Journalists and Writers, based in Rome, Italy. Our country’s nomination was bestowed on account of professionalism and creativity displayed while promoting our country on the international market. Via contribution to the development of Bulgaria’s tourism and culture international tourism exchange is strengthened and contribution is made to the better understanding among people and nations.The award was bestowed by the European Federation of Journalists in Tourism (FEST) and by the World Federation of Journalists in Tourism (FIJET). The distinctions are awarded to individuals, local, regional, and national associations and tourism boards for significant contribution to the development of tourism. This year’s closing ceremony coincided with the finale of three events – this year’s 23rd INTERSTAS International Festival on tourism, cinema and landscape (international club of those rewarded in the area of tourism), the 19th International Festival on Tourism Films, and the 14th КЕА-CRO – a competition among Croatian cities and villages for the Golden Flower international award.The Ministry of Tourism takes part in the Golden Interstas 2016 international tourism event with a country stand. The numerous visitors showed interest mostly in the Bulgaria’s enotourism and groumet tourism, as well as ecotourism  and rural tourism. The analyses made indicate that the Croatia market has a development potential provided the niche forms of tourism are promoted in combination with shopping tours, the target audience being Croatian nationals, youths, and families with median and above-median incomes.The Golden Interstas 2016 international tourism event in the town of Solin is held under the patronage of the Republic of Croatia’s President, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovich.
Bulgaria is presented at one of the biggest tourism exhibitions in Romania
Bulgaria is presented as an attractive tourism destination at the 36th International Tourism Exhibition, TTR /autumn/ in Bucharest, which is held during 17 - 20 November, 2016. Our country takes part at the Romexpo exhibition centre in Romania’s capital city with an information stand of 80 sq. m., which was organized by the Ministry of Tourism. It features offers and tourism products of 13 sector companies and Municipalities.The Bulgarian stand triggered interest among not only Romanian, but also Macedonian, Moldavian, French, and other tourists. The in-demand services are seaside vacations, cultural-historical tours, religious tourism, trips to Danubian cities, mountain tourism and others. Out of all Bulgarian cities, the previous capital city, Veliko Tarnovo, is the one enjoying the most interest. The attending trials of Bulgarian wine also attract lots of visitors.TTR /autumn/ is among the most significant tourism forums in Romania. The exchange is open to both professionals and the general public, gathering 226 from Romania and other countries in 2015 and attracting over 15 000 visitors. The exhibition also has a spring edition, which is even livelier, with Bulgaria being a traditionally strong participant there as well.Romania is a major target market for Bulgaria, last year it top the chart in terms of number of international tourists in our country, with over 986 000 visits and a 4% growth. During the period of January-September 2016, our northern neighbour again ranked first in this chart with over 872 000 visits and an almost 12% increase of tourists. Most in-demand on the Romania is the seaside and ski tourism, followed by culture routes, city tours, balneo & spa services, which are bundled with the mass-use recreation and vacation packages.
The application deadline for participation in the Annual Awards in Tourism is extended
The major categories for which organization and businesses will be able to file application forms are: Tourist Attraction/Tourism Site, Tourism Event, Spirit of Bulgaria, Specialized Tourism, „Tourism Destination, Innovations.Media representatives can apply in the following categories: 2016 Journalism Report on Tourism in Bulgaria in a print media; 2016 Journalism Report on Tourism in Bulgaria on radio; 2016 Journalism Report on Tourism in Bulgaria on TV; 2016 Journalism Report on Tourism in Bulgaria in an online media; 2016 Publication on Tourism in Bulgaria in an online blog.Municipalities will be eligible to apply in the following categories: Top 2016 Municipality for Mountain Tourism, Top 2016 Municipality for Maritime Tourism, Top 2016 Municipality for balneo & spa tourism, Top 2016 Municipality for Cultural-Historical Tourism.The applicants in the main categories will be evaluated as per an elaborated methodology and scorecards, in accordance with the World Tourism Organization criteria. Once the evaluation process is finished, the expert committee will nominate 10 finalists in each of the following categories Tourist Attraction/Tourism Site, Tourism Event, Spirit of Bulgaria, and Specialized Tourism. 6 finalists each will be nominated for the categories Tourism Destination and Innovations. As many municipalities will qualify for the competition’s last stage in the relevant categories. All finalists will be announced on the site, with everyone being able to vote for their favourite.Winners in the artistic categories – publication in a media, internet publication and blog - will be selected solely via online voting on, with all eligible materials supplied to be admitted for participation.The special award will The Choice of Bulgarians. People will be able to vote in that category online for their favourite location out of the 100 National Tourism Sites and the 50 Less Known Tourism Sites in Bulgaria. If the preferred site falls in neither category of tourism sites, users will be able to vote via elective text for a randomly selected site. Each site that receives at least 10 votes will automatically be included as being listed on the platform and will compete on equal footing with all other sites. The winner in this category will be selected solely based on online voting, with no other evaluation to be performed.Wining participants will be announced during a dedicated ceremony in December. The initiative’s official media partners are 24 Chasa, Bulgaria on Air, Darik Radio, Focus Radio, Focus Information Agency, the websites and competition’s purpose is to encourage development of Bulgarian tourism via promotion of tourism sites and destinations and enhance the tourism service’s competitiveness and quality. The competition will also promote implementation of innovative practices in the industry for the purpose of achieving higher efficiency in the offering of tourism services. The idea is for the competition to enable participants in the industry to participate actively year in, year out, and thus get deserved recognition for their efforts in presenting and improving the Bulgarian tourism product.
Bulgaria receives an award as best family vacation destination for Russian tourists
Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism’s national representative office in Russia received the award as best family vacation destination for Russian tourists at a special ceremony held in Moscow. The distinction was bestowed by the Russian edition of the National Geographic Traveller magazine, following inquire among their readers.The publication’s purpose is to expose the best tourism destinations marketed in Russia. The voting was held online on the site of the Russian editions of the National Geographic and National Geographic Traveller magazines between 8 September - 6 November 2016. During that period visitors to the website voted in 23 categories: Beach Recreation, Family Vacation, Ski Vacation, Excursion Vacation, Agrotourism, Rehabilitative Tourism“, Bes Gastro Tour, Eco Vacation, Adventure Recreation, Revelation of the Year“, Exotic Vacation, etc.Bulgaria ranks first among the most preferred family vacation destinations for Russians, being ahead of Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, and Russia itself, with more than 60 countries taking part in the competition.The 2016 National Geographic Traveller Awards competition was held for the 6th time rewarding the best tourism destinations among the vacation types most popular in Russia for 2016.
The TAJ hotel chain explores the tourism market in Bulgaria
Digvijay Singh, the general manager of the TAJ hotel chain, is in our country at the invitation of the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, to explore the Bulgarian tourism market. The two held a meeting today where they discussed tourism’s promising subsectors and its importance for Bulgaria’s economy.Minister Angelkova introduced the guest with our country’s natural givens and presented several potential projects, which could be of interest to the company. The capital city, along with the Black Sea coastline, were discussed as attractive destinations for the development of a high-category hotel facility. „In this summer season alone we welcomed over 5 mil. international tourists“, Nikolina Angelkova indicated. She added that Bulgaria has excellent development perspectives for the winter season and highlighted that reported over 1.2 mil. international tourists. During the meeting the Bulgarian spa tourism development perspectives were also discussed.The two commented on the political situation in the country. „Despite latest events, Bulgaria is a stable country, with investment in the tourism sector being a government priority“, Minister Angelkova emphasized. She added that the Ministry is prepared to assist with all administrative procedures should the hotel chain register real investment interest.Digvijay Singh highlighted the cinema-tourism connection, which also has a part to play when selecting a destination, especially for Indian tourists. Presently, a program entitled In the Steps of Shivaay is under way – eponymous with one of Bollywood’s 2016 films, which was shot in Bulgaria. The program brings together landmarks from the film’s shooting locations, so the film’s fans would be able to visit and view them.The TAJ hotel chain is among the biggest and most esteemed worldwide, having nearly 100 hotels in 62 countries. It is part of the India-based transnational concern TATA. It unites over 100 companies in diverse sectors – car manufacturing, steel manufacturing, electronics, IT, tourism, energy, and others. These provide employment to over 600 000 people worldwide, having a total market share worth in excess of USD 100 bln.
CNN’s world-famous reporter Max Foster to moderate the Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism, which is organized by Bulgaria’s Ministry of Tourism
One of the most recognizable face of the global media CNN Max Foster is coming to Bulgaria to moderate the Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism. The event is among the most notable ones on this year’s agenda of the World Tourism Organization, with our country getting the right to host and organize it. In the course of two days Sofia will gather in one place representatives of the academia, government, and businesses from all over the world to debate on ways to sustainable develop cultural tourism in a an attractive in creative manner.The event will be held during the period of 29 November – 1 December, 2016 at Sofia Tech Park, John Atanasov Hall. Registration of would-be participants in the Congress is still ongoing, with anyone being eligible to complete the online form on Ministry of Tourism’s official website here.There is separate accreditation for the media, with those wishing to attend the event needing to send an e-letter to containing: full name, the represented media, an e-mail address and contact number. Each journalist will be issued a named badge to access the building during the two Congress days.
Ministry of Tourism takes part in the Manager for a Day initiative
Ministry of Tourism has for the second year running become involved in the Manager for a Day initiative, as organized by Junior Achievement – Bulgaria.Georgi Zlatev from the Tomas Jefferson 2nd English Language Secondary School took the position of general secretary at the government institutions, while Teodora Tsatsova, Entrepreneurship and Business profile, Vela Blagoeva Secondary School, city of Veliko Tarnovo headed the Tourism Marketing, Advertising, and Information directorate.The young managers were familiarized with the Ministry’s setup and functions. Their commitments included attendance of meetings with businesses and representatives of other administrations. The students commented that work at Ministry was full of responsibility but very interesting nonetheless. At the day’s end, they spoke to Deputy Minister of Tourism, Irena Georgieva, and stated that they can see a career in the sector for themselves.The Manager for a Day initiative was held for the 15th time in a row. The purpose is to strengthen ties between businesses and institutions with young people, who would receive support when deciding on their professional career. Pupils and students experience a real-life business day at companies, central and local government administrations. The event is a global initiative, with over 100 countries participating every year.
Minister Angelkova discusses the development potential of the tourism sector in Stara Zagora with local businesses
The National Program for Support to the Municipalities for the Effective Management of Mineral Water Sources can provide a fresh development boost in the tourism sector for municipalities such as Stara Zagora. Thus said the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, at a meeting with tourism businesses in the region.The region is starting to regain its reputation as a balneo- and spa centre. This is also confirmed by the data for the period of January-September 2016 – nearly 100 000 visitors have made night-stays in the region, a 6% growth compared to last year, Minister Angelkova announced. The night-stays for the same period of 2016 totalled 278 000 – a circa 7% growth (Bulgarians being some 235 000 – a 9% growth). Total revenues from night-stays in the region exceed BGN 10,5 mil.Stara Zagora Municipality has good facilities in the hotel complexes in the city, at the Stara Zagora Mineral Baths, and at the village, with the average annual occupancy rate being 16% for the village hotels and 40% for the rest. In recent years a trend has been observed in the reorganization and modernization of former sanatoria and prophylactic treatment establishments of the Stara Zagora Mineral Baths, which transform into state-of-the-art spa hotels, it was announced during the meeting. „We will support the Municipality’s efforts to align the СПА tourism with the cultural-historical one – this will keep tourists longer in the region and is the basis for attracting more international tourists“, Nikolina Angelkova added.
Minister Angelkova: The tourism advertising funding in 2017 to be increased by 30%
The draft national budget envisages an increase of some 30% for the advertising funding, reaching nearly BGN 11 mil. This was announced by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, in an interview for Bulgarian National Radio.„Tourism is presently identified as a national priority, which is why we are reporting the record numbers in the sector“, Minister Angelkova indicated. She emphasized that the main objective of the Ministry of Tourism is to spend the advertising funds with maximum efficiency. „The results are visible, I believe – with several times less funding we succeeded in being competitive in terms of growth reported“, the Minister of Tourism said.She commented that meetings in the sector to prepare for Summer‘2017 are already underway. „This is something standard for the businesses – negotiations between hoteliers and tour operators usually commence as early as October. In years past, however, the government would become involved at a much later stage, when all is agreed and allocated. We want to reverse this approach and become involved in the process from start to finish, attempting to support Bulgarian businesses in each and every way“, Nikolina Angelkova added. According to her, meetings have already been held with large-scale tour operators, such as TUI Group and Thomas Cook, which have forecasted a 30% growth in their programs for the next summer season.In the eve of the winter season growth is observed in the early bookings, but the picture can be commented on more in-depth in December and January, Nikolina Angelkova noted. She confirmed the advance forecasts of 4.5 – 5% growth for the entire winter season. Growth has thus far being registered from markets such as Russia, UK, Ireland, Romania, Greece, Serbia, Macedonia, and Israel.
Minister Angelkova congratulates Fraport on 10 years of doing business in Bulgaria
Annual traffic of the Varna and Bourgas airports has increased by over 1 mil. passengers – from 3,4 mil. in 2007 to 4,5 mil. in 2016. A month ago both airports celebrated the welcoming of their 35 millionth passenger since the concession commenced. This was announced during the ceremony marking 10 years of Fraport Twin Star Airport Management PLC doing business in Bulgaria. Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, made a welcoming address to the guests, while official participants included the Varna and Bourgas Regional Governors – Stoyan Pasev and Valcho Cholakov, the CEO of Fraport Twin Star Airport Management PLC, Ulrich Heppe, etc.During the first 9 months of 2016 the total number of passengers at the Varna and Bourgas airports registered a growth of 22.5% compared to the same period of last year, reaching 4.4 mil. passengers. These results were exceptionally good during the peak months from June to August 2016, when the two airports welcomed over 3,3 mil. passengers - 21% compared to the same period of 2015, it was announced during the ceremony. Stats indicate that during 2015 the two airports processed over 30 000 flights of 100 Bulgarian and international airlines under chartered and regular lines, to more than 140 destinations in Europe, Asia, and Africa.Minister Angelkova emphasized that these achievements are in line with the results reported by the Ministry in terms of successful development of Bulgarian tourism and are largely due to partnerships with large-scale tour operators and airliners. This year we registered records on the Bulgarian tourism market and achieved growth unprecedented in the sector’s history in our country, she said further.According to her, the strong data suggest that more and more users prefer our country as a vacation location and also that a growing number of investors discover good conditions to implement their business projects. Fraport provides at both airports employment to a total of 650 fulltime and 1 000 seasonal employees, and has thus far invested over BGN 350 mil. in infrastructure expansion and upgrades, improvement of technical facilities and equipment, staff qualifications, achieving a total of over 30% growth in traffic during the period.
Bulgaria takes part in one of the biggest tourism exhibitions in the world - WTM in London
Bulgaria took part in this year’s edition of the international tourism exhibition World Travel Market (WTM) in London, UK. It was held during the period of 7-9 November, 2016. Our country was represented by a stand of nearly 300 sq. m., featuring 20 companies and municipalities.Apart from information about our ancient history and the traditionally well-known summer- and seaside tourism, visitors could obtain information at the stand about the opportunities to practice niche forms of tourism in our country, such as cultural-historical; medical spa, spa % wellness; eco tourism and rural tourism; enotourism and gourmet tourism; congress and event tourism; golf and adventure tourism, etc.The Deputy Minister of Tourism, Irena Georgieva, took part in the official opening of the Bulgarian stand. She was also a guest to the Ministerial Meeting arranged by the World Tourism Organization during the exhibition. Ministries from across the world discussed the topic of safety in tourism, deliberating of the significant challenges associated with safety in the sector and the importance of dialogue between institutions and businesses.The international tourism exhibition World Travel Market (WTM) in London, UK is one of the leading global exchanges for professionals in the tourism industry. Participants in WTM hail from over 180 countries and regions. The global event for professionals in the tourism industry attracts some 45 000 participants year in, year out.During the period of January-September 2016, Bulgaria was visited by 241 135 British tourists, which is a nearly 10% increase compared to the same period of last year.
Nearly 30% growth registered in night-stays in accommodations in Bulgaria in September
Dobrich Region has welcomed nearly 400 000 visitors from the year’s start up to September. The strong results are mostly due to the large scale summer resorts in the region, but there is increasing demand for the cultural-historical sites in the region’s interior. Thus commented today the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, at a meeting with tourism businesses in the Dobrich Region. The meeting was attended by the Dobrich Regional Governor, Detelina Nikolova, the Municipality Mayor, Yordan Todorov, MP’s Rumen Ivanov and Zhivko Martino, mayors of settlements in the region, and others.„The increase of tourists is also reflected in the revenues from night-stays, which exceed BGN 90 mil. for the first nine months of the year, the growth being around 15%“, Nikolina Angelkova said. She also commented on the September data concerning accommodation facilities on a national level, as published by the NSI today. The stats reveal that a growth of over 23% is registered in persons spending nights country-wide, exceeding 783 000. They have spent in total over 3 mil. night-stays, with the September revenues along achieving a nearly 30% growth to reach BGN 146 mil.Later that day, Minister Angelkova also met students majoring in Tourism at the Varna University of Economics. She laid out before them the development perspectives for young people in the sector and the need for more trained specialists experienced by the businesses. „I have initiated a series of such discussion because the connect between educational establishments and real-life businesses is often lost, while it is vitally important for the sector’s competitive development that you choose Bulgaria and pursue a career here, Minister Angelkova said.The meeting at the Varna University of Economics was attended by the Varna Regional Governor, Stoyan Pasev, while the discussion was hosted by the university’s rector prof. ScD Plamen Iliev, and prof. ScD Stoyan Marinov.
Bulgaria presented at 100 international tourism exhibitions over the past 2 years
Over the past 2 years Bulgaria has been presented at 100 international tourism exhibitions. This was announced by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, in the morning news show of Focus Radio, citing her Ministry’s Report on Operations for the period of 7 November 2014 – 7 November 2016. A summary of the report is published on the institution’s website and is available to anyone interested.„As soon as we established the standalone Ministry of Tourism, one of the major priorities was to change the way of advertising Bulgaria as a tourism destination“, Minister Angelkova stressed. As a result of the government institution’s purposeful actions, the country’s marketing strategy was planned and discussed with businesses in the industry half a year prior to implementation. „Owing to this, our summer tourism product is advertised during winter, with the winter product being advertised during summer, as is the case in all advanced countries“, Nikolina Angelkova added. A new, uniform vision was established for all advertising stands used to present Bulgaria at international tourism forums.„Bulgaria’s advertising in 2015 was targeted and pinpointed. The main activities were the direct forms of advertising – partnership with tour operators, online marketing, and participation in forums and exchanges. The results are there to see in 2016 – Bulgaria is now seeing off its best ever summer season and we expect to exceed the number of 8 mil. international tourists until the year’s end“, the Minister of Tourism said further. The report also publishes data from the National Statistical Institute, which reveal that during the period of April–September the country welcomed over 5 mil. international tourists and nearly 7 mil. for the entire period up to September.The document states further that a large scale advertising campaign was carried out on Eurosport, Euronews, Discovery Channel, and National Geographic, with Bulgaria having been presented on CNN as an attractive tourism destination. It is also reported that the country is being positioned as a destination for higher-end tourists. One of the world’s biggest hotel chains, Hyatt, is entering Bulgaria with a high-category hotel in Sofia’s central area. Interest has also been registered by other large-scale chains, such as Four Seasons, Jumeira, and others. Less than a month ago the Saudi Arabia prince Sultan al Saud visited our country to explore the investment opportunities.Apart from the increased number of international and Bulgarian tourists, efforts to attract more investments in the sector are also recognized. The Ministry of Tourism has elaborated an investment map for tourism. The purpose is to put together all crucial projects in the sector in order to present them to would-be investors..In the course of less than 24 months steps were taken to promote public-private partnership in the tourism sector. An advertising video was created featuring some of Hollywood’s biggest stars sharing their personal impressions from Bulgaria. The document also announces that agreements have been signed with international companies based on which information centres for the country are now operating in Japan and Saudi Arabia, at no cost to the national budget.The report offers a reminder that our country was selected to be Vice President of WTO’s 21st General Assembly and that the holding of the International Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism in Sofia is being jointly prepared with WTO, with tourism ministers and leading scientists from across the globe having been invited.One result from the Ministry’s policy is that Russe became a coordination centre for tourism projects for all 14 countries in the Danube region. A Bulgarian-Romanian Technical Secretariat was established in the Danubian city under Priority Axis 3 of the Danube Strategy, which covers tourism and culture. The unit supports and coordinates activities in this sphere for the entire region. The Ministry also keeps up its work on the development of cross-border cooperation and creation of joint tourism products. A bilateral Bulgaria - Romania task group was set up and joint projects with Croatia, Serbia, Turkey, and Greece are in the pipeline, the report states.Ministry of Tourism managed to accomplish one of the strategic objectives it had set in advance – elaborate a statutory framework for the sector’s operation. When the Ministry of Tourism was established none of the ordinances to the Tourism Act was put to paper. It is highlighted that all of the secondary legislation has either been adopted or is undergoing coordination. It includes, inter alia, exceptionally important documents such the ordinance on the categorization of accommodation facilities and dining locations; the ordinance on the spa centre (introducing for the first time a regulation in this sub-sector); the ordinance on ski track safety, etc.„Steps were taken to deal with the shadow economy in the sector via introduction of an effective control system. Already in place are the amendments to the Tourism Act, which regulate the operation of the Single Tourism Information System (STIS), which will enable the real-time exchange of data via protected channels among the Ministry of Tourism, NRA (the National Revenue Agency), MoI (Ministry of Interior), Municipalities, and hotel reception desks. The sector will thus be brought into the open without violating personal privacy“, the Ministry of Tourism reports further.
Minister Angelkova meets local tourism businesses in Lovech
When we established the standalone Ministry of Tourism, we put the focus on cultural-historical tourism when advertising the country. The results currently reported by Municipalities such as Lovech reveal that we had taken the right path and that this is the thing to distinguish us on the international market and help us overcome seasonality in the sector. Thus said the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during a meeting with tourism businesses in Lovech.„Lovech Municipality has welcomed some 100 000 tourists for the first 8 months of 2016, which is an 8% compared to the same period of last year“, Minister Angelkova announced. According to her, tourists choose this destination primarily for cultural-historical and knowledge. She stressed that many of the landmark sites in the region are part of the online Registry of Tourist Attractions, which was developed by the Ministry of Tourism and is attracting increasing attention. This is attested by stats from local tourism facilities. For the first 6 months of this year the sites featured in the Regional Museum of History have been visited by over 30 000 visitors. The top location is the Lovech Fortress with 11 651 visitors, followed by the Kakrina Inn (8 734 visitors) and the Vassil Levski museum (7 474 visitors).„This part of Bulgaria can really develop as a 4-season tourism destination and attract growing numbers of tourists and investors“, the Minister of Tourism added. Significant boost to tourism is also given by the Krushun waterfalls – a large natural attraction the access to which is now restored and improved. The region also contains the Devetashka cave, which is among the largest caves in Bulgaria. „These sites attract hundreds, even thousands of tourists during weekends, while businesses, along with the local government, have to offer them more services to keep them longer in the area“, Minister Angelkova added. She highlighted the fact that the region also contains natural climate resorts such as Ribaritsa, Oreshak, Cherni Osam, Apriltsi, and Beklemeto, which offer an excellent basis to develop medical spa tourism and ecotourism and are capable of providing the accommodation required.The meeting was also attended by the Lovech Municipality Mayor Cornelia Marinova, the Deputy Mayor Ventsislav Hristov, the Municipal Council chair, Petar Tsolov, the Lovech Regional Governor, Irina Miteva, mayors of settlements in the region and others.
Bulgaria has been presented at 100 international tourism exhibitions over 2 years, says the report on the institution’s operations
REPORT OF THE MINISTRY OF TOURISM ON THE IMPLEMENTATION PLAN OF THE GOVERNMENT’S 2014-2018 PROGRAM FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF REPUBLIC OF BULGARIACOVERING THE PERIOD OF 07.11.2014 – 07.11.2016SUMMARY OF THE RESULTS ACHIEVEDClear priorities were formulated in the tourism sector on central government levelFor the first time ever the tourism sector has been identified as a government priority. Even if the sector is crucial to the Bulgarian economy – generating some 13% of the GDP and providing employment to over 300 000, it is the first time ever that there is a standalone Ministry with clear objectives, vision, and strategic plan.Due to coordination actions, 2016 is a record-breaking year in the history of Bulgarian tourism. Data covering the year’s first nine months indicate that Bulgaria has welcomed nearly 7 mil. international tourists. The psychological boundary of 8 mil. international tourists is expected to be passed until the year’s end.For the first nine months of this year, the Bulgarians opting to spend their vacation in Bulgaria have been nearly 2,9 mil. (2 874 441).The total number of both Bulgarian and international tourists is expected to exceed 11 mil. until the year’s end.According to Eurostat data, for the first 6 months of 2016 the total number of night-stays achieved (foreigners + Bulgarians) in our country was 8 mil., an over 18% growth on 2015. This ranks our country first in terms of growth in night-stays among the 27 European countries for which Eurostat has received and published data.Revenues from international tourism to the payment balance’s current account amount to BGN 4.7 bln. for the first eight months of 2016, meaning that during the period of January-August 2016 revenues from international tourism were BGN 621 mil. higher compared to the same period of last year, which is a 15% growth.The manner of advertising Bulgaria as a tourism destination was completely changed.For the first time ever the country’s marketing strategy was planned and discussed with businesses in the industry half a year prior to implementation. Owing to this, our summer tourism product is advertised during winter, with the winter product being advertised during summer, as is the case in all advanced countries. A new, uniform vision was established for all advertising stands used to present Bulgaria at nearly 100 international tourism exchanges in 2 years.Bulgaria’s advertising in 2015 was targeted and pinpointed. The main activities were the direct forms of advertising – partnership with tour operators, online marketing, and participation in forums and exchanges. The results are there to see in 2016 – Bulgaria is now seeing off its best ever summer season. During the period of April–September the country welcomed over 5 mil. international tourists.Bulgaria was presented as an attractive tourism destination on CNN, an advertising campaign was carried out on Eurosport, Euronews, Discovery Channel, National Geographic.Bulgaria is positioned as a destination for higher-end tourists. The Saudi Arabia prince Sultan al Saud visited our country to explore the investment opportunities. One of the world’s biggest hotel chains, Hyatt, is entering Bulgaria with a high-category hotel in Sofia’s central area. Interest has also been registered by other large-scale chains, such as Four Seasons, Jumeira, and others.We succeeded in returning the Russian tourists to Bulgaria. A number of initiatives were implemented with Russia – the head of the Federal Tourism Agency came to Bulgaria for the first time in over 5 years, business forums were organized in both countries.For the first time in over 27 years a Bulgarian Minister, being the Minister of Tourism, had the opportunity to address the Russian Duma.Owing to such active dialogue, a circa 40% growth in Russian tourists was achieved, against the backdrop of declining Russian travel overseas – according to stats of the Russian Tourism Industry Council, their number during H1 of 2016 declined by 28% compared to 2015.A number of crucial statutory and strategic documents were elaboratedThe statutory framework for the sector’s operation was elaborated. When the Ministry of Tourism was established none of the ordinances to the Tourism Act was put to paper. Presently, all of the secondary legislation has either been adopted or is undergoing coordination. It includes, inter alia, exceptionally important documents such the ordinance on the categorization of accommodation facilities and dining locations; the ordinance on the spa centre (introducing for the first time a regulation in this sub-sector); the ordinance on ski track safety, etc.Steps were taken to deal with the shadow economy in the sector via introduction of an effective control system. Already in place are the amendments to the Tourism Act, which regulate the operation of the Single Tourism Information System (STIS), which will enable the real-time exchange of data via protected channels among the Ministry of Tourism, NRA (the National Revenue Agency), MoI (Ministry of Interior), Municipalities, and hotel reception desks. The sector will thus be brought into the open without violating personal privacy.A strategic map for the sustainable development of tourism in Bulgaria was developed. The expertise of JASPERS consultants was used to update the National Strategy for Sustainable Development of Tourism in Bulgaria. Work is going on in close cooperation with a team, which used to partner with Robert Kaplan.Work began on a number of key issues, which have stayed out of institutional attention over the years:A task group was set up to identify legislative measures in promotion of mountain tourism. It involves representatives from all stakeholders– Municipalities, environmentalists, resorts, and businesses.A task group was set up to elaborate rules on camping in a way ensuring the sustainable development of ecotourism in Bulgaria.An Interdepartmental Council on Tourism Staff was set up.Bulgarian producers signed an agreement with hoteliers and restaurateurs for the latter to offer in their facilities food certified under the Bulgarian National Standard. It is also the first step towards elaboration of a Voluntary Quality Etiquette in catering and accommodation facilities.The amendments to the Tourism Act, which are currently undergoing public discussion, are finished and will be introduced as a bill in the Parliament until the year’s end. The main highlights are:Regulation on national-scale resorts;Establishment of a tourism inspectorate;Further guarantees for user rights in organized trips via tour operators;Targeted funding of Municipal tourism development programs;Regulation on camping;Measures to promote mountain tourism, etc.Order and effective control were introduced in the sectorCategorized tourism facilities with issued category certificates for accommodation facilities and catering & entertainment locations, tourist huts, and appertaining catering locations – 1326.On-site inspections performed by expert task groups under the Categorization Ordinance during the period of November 2014 - November 2016 – 1243.certification of tourism facilities – medical spa, spa & wellness centres:accepted certification applications for tourism facilities – 111;on-site inspections performed by expert task groups at a total of 36 locations;registrations of tour operators and travel agents during the period of November 2014 – November 2016 – 295.tourism associations registered during the period of November 2014 – November 2016 – 23 associations/, total associations presently registered in the NTR - 167;Recognition of legal capacity of guides:Applications filed – 1196 persons;registered in the NTR - 866 persons.Recognition of legal capacity of mountain guides - applications filed by 310 persons, presently being processed.Ski tracks categorized by the Committee for determination of the ski track type and safety – 52 at 3 different resort complexes;The mode of management of sea beaches was changedAt the start of 2016 management of sea beaches passed over to the Ministry of Tourism.Prior to commencement of the active summer season, a number of procedures to let beach strips were held. Owing to this, much higher revenue levels were reported for 2016 from the sea beaches lease contracts. In 2016 they exceeded the 2015 revenues by BGN 1,6 mil., with their overall amount being over BGN 5 mil.Over BGN 3.8 mil. have also been already collected from beach concessions. A second payment under those contracts is forthcoming in November, with the total amount of proceeds expected to exceed BGN 11 mil.Control was the major priority during Summer‘2016, with a special hotline and e-mail having been set up for people to report any irregularities at the beaches, which a mobile control group was at the Black Sea coast throughout the summer season. As a result, over 300 signals were received and over 450 on-site inspections were performed. Over BGN 240 000 in penalties were imposed, with new sanction notification letters being sent even now.A base price for 1 umbrella and 1 deck chair is now set forth for the new concessions of sea beaches, ranging between BGN 2 – 4, depending on the beach strip specifics. These requirements were introduced via an amendment to the Methodology for Determining the Concession Payment’s Minimum Amount, as adopted by the CoM.The first 8 concession procedures for sea beaches under the new rules are already in process. 60 more beach strips are currently in the analysis stage for the opening of concession procedures.Amendments to the Black Sea Cost Spatial Planning Act were prepared. These envisage definition of four major groups of sea beaches:Group I - Sea beaches located in urbanized territories;Group II - Sea beaches located in non-urbanized territories in proximity to a tourism destination, including urbanized territories and/or campsites;Group III - Sea beaches located in non-urbanized territories, remote from a tourism destination, including urbanized territories and/or campsites;Group IV - Sea beaches of limited use or purposed for the development of niche type of tourism.The separation of sea beaches into groups will be performed based on a minimum set of impartial criteria. These include the sea beach’s geographic position; extent of urbanization in the territories adjacent to the sea beach, nature, weather, and environment characteristics, proximity to tourism destinations. For the first groups establishment of relevant subgroups is also suggested in order to make the separation even more in-depth. All of the above will result in the beaches being managed more effectively and in the end customer’s service being improved. Work is carried out to further elaborate and fine-tune the differentiation in a separate ordinance to the Act.An internet module was developed, enabling any tourist to check online the price of umbrellas and deck chairs at Bulgarian beaches.Bulgaria is actively presented as a tourism investment locationAn investment map for tourism was elaborated. The purpose is to put together all crucial projects in the sector in order to present them to would-be investors.Steps were taken to promote public-private partnership in the tourism sector. An advertising video with no national budget funding was created featuring some of Hollywood’s biggest stars sharing their personal impressions from Bulgaria. Agreements were signed with international companies based on which information centres for the country are now operating in Japan and Saudi Arabia, at no cost to the national budget.Ministry’s policy has turned to Bulgarians as the most important tourist market8 cultural-historical destinations were created, covering the entire country’s territory. The destinations bring together over 150 sites in over 70 settlements. Thus, tourists will be kept longer in the regions to generate economic growth and open new jobs. Interactive maps have been published online.The Concept for Tourism Zoning of the country was elaborated jointly with Municipalities.An online Registry of Tourist Attractions was created, bringing together 3 300 sites and registering over 5 mil. visits in 1 year.A number of campaigns were carried out to promote domestic tourism, a billboard campaign was carried out jointly with Municipalities. As a result, a nearly 10% growth was registered in domestic tourism during the period of January-August 2016, compared to 2015.Attention has turned to small and medium businessesIn less than two years over 100 meetings were organized and held with representatives of businesses in the various regions. Issues and challenges facing the sector were discussed, with some of the proposals being incorporated into the Ministry’s statutory documents.Bulgaria is positioning itself as one of the most active members of the World Tourism Organization (WTO) and leading country in the tourism sector within the Danube regionOur country was selected to be Vice President of WTO’s 21st General Assembly. The holding of the International Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism in Sofia is being jointly prepared with WTO, with over 150 ministers and leading scientists from across the globe having been invited.Russe became a coordination centre for tourism projects for all 14 countries in the Danube region. A Bulgarian-Romanian Technical Secretariat was established in the Danubian city under Priority Axis 3 of the Danube Strategy, which covers tourism and culture. The unit supports and coordinates activities in this sphere for the entire region.Active work is carried out to develop cross-border cooperation and create joint tourism products. A bilateral Bulgaria - Romania task group was set up. Joint projects with Croatia, Serbia, Turkey, and Greece are being prepared.Cooperation agreements were signed with China, Romania, Greece, Azerbaijan, Russia, Portugal, Argentina, Cyprus, and Saudi Arabia.Work on EU programs and projects was accelerated3 projects with EU funding totally worth BGN 17 mil. were implemented in 2015, a significant share of the funds being invested to advertise the country – the campaign to promote domestic tourism and to advertise Bulgaria on Discovery, Eurosport, Euronews, and National Geographic.In 2016 the Ministry elaborated and applied with projects totally worth in excess of BGN 16mil. in various EU level programs.
Minister Angelkova speaks to students in Blagoevgrad: The tourism sector needs young and trained people like you
For the first eight months of 2016 we have registered an over BGN 620 mil. Growth in tourism revenues. These are tangible results from the establishment of a standalone Ministry of Tourism and the efforts of everyone employed in the sector, the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, announced to students and professors from the Neofit Rilski South-Western University in Blagoevgrad. Daniela Saveklieva, Deputy Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Economic Policy and Tourism was a guest of honour of the public discourse.„It is a very positive trend that the revenue growth exceeds that of the number of international tourists. This indicates that we have achieved tangible results in our efforts to attract more solvent customers and guests“, Nikolina Angelkova emphasized. She pointed out that the huge growth in the sector accentuates the need for more trained staff. „Tourism is among the sectors with palpable demand for staff, and if we have stability and keep up the pace, our upward development will continue“, the Minister of Tourism added. For the first 9 months of 2016 Bulgaria has welcomed some 7 mil., while the number was 7,1 mil. for the entire 2015. „If we keep building up positive results at this rate until the end of 2016, we will have an unprecedented year in terms of stats, which obliges us all to work together with adequate mobilization for the sustainable development of the sector, Minister Angelkova summarized.Responding to a question of what such results are attributable to, she announced that large scale overseas tour operators are interested in several key factors before they decide to work with a given destination. These include political stability and security in the country, availability of good infrastructure, facilities, and trained staff. „We are presently able to offer all of that and thus register huge growths, while our direct competitors experience decline“, Nikolina Angelkova said. She identified the shortage of staff in the sector as a major priority and presented the long-term and short-term measures implemented by the Ministry to resolve the issue.The potential of Blagoevgrad region to attract more tourists was also referenced during the discussion. Stats indicate that the region is increasingly better positioned on the tourism map. During the period of January-August 2016, a total of over 371 000 were registered in accommodation locations of 10+ beds, which is an over 10% growth compared to the same months of last year. The night-stays achieved total 966 000, with revenues therefrom exceeding BGN 44 mil., a 14% increase. „Significant for these results is the region’s better transport connectivity, with a steady growth in the tourist flow being registered since the completion of Struma Highway in the Sofia-Blagoevgrad section“, Minister Angelkova added.
Министрите Николина Ангелкова и Ивелина Василева представиха на туристическия бранш програмата за подпомагане на общините за минералните извори Ministers Nikolina Angelkova and Ivelina Vasileva present to the tourism industry the program for support to m
34 specialized centres offering spa and balneo procedures are in the process of being certified under the new ordinance regulating their business. This was announced by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during a joint meeting, with the Minister of the Environment and Waters, Ivelina Vassileva and tourism business for the presentation of the National Program for Support to the Municipalities for the Effective Management of Mineral Water Sources in their territory.„Introduction of rules and procedures for the operation of the spa sector and the promotion of its development is a major priority for us, as it offers a tangible opportunity to extend the season and attract more solvent tourists“, Nikolina Angelkova said. A crucial step in this direction was the adoption of an Ordinance to the Tourism Act on the terms and procedure for certification of balneo (Medical Spa) centres, Spa centres, wellness centres, and thalassic therapy centres. It is the first such secondary legislation, which introduces minimum mandatory legislative requirements to be met by such specialized centres. "The certification process for balneo and spa centres in the country under the new rules is underway and we have already received 111 applications from specialized facilities wishing to undergo the procedure ", Nikolina Angelkova added. Certification is voluntary but only physically audited facilities will be entitled to carry the SPA abbreviation and be registered in the National Tourism Register.„Bulgaria has unique natural predispositions to develop spa tourism but we are yet to maximize the use of this resource in the tourism sector“, the Minister of Tourism indicated. Presently, the spa sector ranks 5th in Bulgaria as motivation for tourists to travel, having a share of some 11% in the overall tourism offer. „We have 1 600 mineral springs, which ranks us 2nd in Europe, with over 60 climatological and 40 balneo centres“, Minister Angelkova added and emphasized that the MEW initiative and the national program’s launch are crucial for the development of this potential. „It is an actual step towards extending the season, which may yield tangible results within a very short run“, Nikolina Angelkova stressed.Minister Vassileva explained that MEW has already opened the program as a pilot scheme with a budget of over BGN 3,5 mil. The source of funding are the early greenhouse emission auctions. The program will be administered by the National Trust Eco-Fund, which will accept from 1 November to 16 December of this year the project proposals of local authorities and will then make a preview of those. The program is a financial instrument in nature and will be implemented in 2017. The funds will be used to support on grant basis up to 50% of the projects of Municipalities, which would need to use own or borrowed funds for the remainder of the cost. The scheme was elaborated following an analysis conducted among 111 Municipalities, which provided information on the status of their infrastructure facilities and the needs for their improvement.„Results suggest that the physical network is badly worn out. There are 102 mineral water sources in our country, which are exclusive government property. Since 2011 an opportunity has been provided, via amendments to the Waters Act, to make these available free of charge to Municipalities for 25-year periods. Thus far, 42 Municipalities have made use of this, they now manage 63 sources, along with 37 sources, which are municipal property. Data indicates that thus far less than 20% of the resource are utilized, the potential being 3800 litres per second“, Minister Vassileva added, welcoming the idea of government institutions, local governments, and businesses joining forces to overcome the disproportion.
Minister Angelkova: I hope more municipalities and organizations will apply for the Annual Awards in Tourism
I hope more Municipalities and organizations will apply for the Annual Awards in Tourism. It is a way to distinguish those, who are putting in efforts to develop the sector. Thus said in Slivnitsa the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, at a meeting with local tourism businesses, which was arranged by the Municipality mayor, Vasko Stoilkov. The initiative was officially kick-started today, with representatives of businesses, Municipalities and media now being apply to apply until 20 November 2016 in the various categories, on the dedicated internet platform set up for the purpose –„We will support Slivnitsa Municipality for the reinstatement of the First Soldiers’ Monument located in its territory into the list of 100 national tourism sites“, Nikolina Angelkova said during the discussion. The monument used to be part of those 100 tourism sites but was then removed. The Municipality has now put into place all the conditions necessary for tourists and has taken up an initiative to have the monument to the list of attractions.„Slivnitsa is very near to Sofia and such attractions are necessary so that more people may opt to go to the municipality for their vacation or one-day trip“, Nikolina Angelkova commented. Many guest houses have been opened here in recent years, while the Municipality arranges a number of festivals and events, which also attract hundreds of visitors. „To support these efforts of yours, we are also elaborating an online registry of festivals in order to promote local initiatives“, the Minister of Tourism added.Slivnitsa’s proximity to Sofia, the findings from the so-called Via Diagonalis between Europe and Asia Minor, and the memorable events following the Liberation all make the area very lively and accessible to tourists. Slivnitsa is among the Municipalities contributing to the development of tourism in the Sofia region. Its favourable crossroads location boosts that process. According to NSI data, during the period of January-August 2016 a total of 189 000 tourists have spent nights in accommodation facilities with 10+ beds, which is a 13% growth vis-à-vis the same period of 2015. During the said period, a total of over 526 000 night-stays were achieved, being a 15% growth. Revenues from those night-stays total BGN 19,7 mil. – 21% up.The region is mostly associated with the dramatic battles of the then-nascent Bulgarian army near Slivnitsa and Aldomirovtsi in November 1885, during the Serbian-Bulgarian War. The name Slivnitsa became famous not only Bulgaria-wide, but globally, via the foreign war correspondents. Many monuments in the area honour the memory of those fallen for Bulgaria in subsequent wars as well. Most of the local tourism routes pass through these notable locations, along with the culture institutions preserving the rich archaeological heritage covering numerous eras – Neolithic Age and Chalcolithic Age, Thracians, Slavs, Protobulgarians, Romans, Byzantines. The earliest human traces were left here some five-six thousand years ago. The beautiful nature and proximity to Sofia make this place very suitable for construction of guest houses and development of small and medium tourism businesses.
Application for the Annual Awards in Tourism is underway
As of today (04.11.2016) the Ministry of Tourism is accepting application for the Annual Awards in Tourism. Application will take place via the online platform, describing all eligibility conditions for would-be participants.The major categories for which organization and businesses will be able to file application forms are: Tourist Attraction/Tourism Site, Tourism Event, Spirit of Bulgaria, Specialized Tourism, „Tourism Destination, Innovations.Media representatives will be eligible to apply in the following categories: 2016 Journalism Report on Tourism in Bulgaria in a print media; 2016 Journalism Report on Tourism in Bulgaria on radio; 2016 Journalism Report on Tourism in Bulgaria on TV; 2016 Journalism Report on Tourism in Bulgaria in an online media; 2016 Publication on Tourism in Bulgaria in an online blog.Municipalities will be eligible to apply in the following categories: Top 2016 Municipality for Mountain Tourism, Top 2016 Municipality for Maritime Tourism, Top 2016 Municipality for balneo & spa tourism, Top 2016 Municipality for Cultural-Historical Tourism.The deadline to file all application is 20 November. Applicants in the main categories will be evaluated as per an elaborated methodology and scorecards, in accordance with the World Tourism Organization criteria. Once the evaluation process is finished, the expert committee will nominate 10 finalists in each of the following categories Tourist Attraction/Tourism Site, Tourism Event, Spirit of Bulgaria, and Specialized Tourism. 6 finalists each will be nominated for the categories Tourism Destination and Innovations. As many municipalities will qualify for the competition’s last stage in the relevant categories. All finalists will be announced on the site, with everyone being able to vote for their favourite over the course of 1 month.Winners in the artistic categories – publication in a media, internet publication and blog will be selected solely via online voting on, with all eligible materials supplied to be admitted for participation.The special award will The Choice of Bulgarians. People will be able to vote in that category online for their favourite location out of the 100 National Tourism Sites and the 50 Less Known Tourism Sites in Bulgaria. If the preferred site falls in neither category of tourism sites, users will be able to vote via elective text for a randomly selected site. Each site that receives at least 10 votes will automatically be included as being listed on the platform and will compete on equal footing with all other sites. The winner in this category will be selected solely based on online voting, with no other evaluation to be performed.Wining participants will be announced during a dedicated ceremony in December. The initiative’s official media partners are 24 Chasa, Bulgaria on Air, Darik Radio, Focus Radio, Focus Information Agency, the websites and competition’s purpose is to encourage development of Bulgarian tourism via promotion of tourism sites and destinations and enhance the tourism service’s competitiveness and quality. The competition will also promote implementation of innovative practices in the industry for the purpose of achieving higher efficiency in the offering of tourism services. The idea is for the competition to enable participants in the industry to participate actively year in, year out, and thus get deserved recognition for their efforts in presenting and improving the Bulgarian tourism product.
Eight concession procedures for sea beaches are underway
Council of Ministers (CoM) passed a decision to open concession procedures for sea beaches. These include: Dyuni – Yug, Sozopol Municipality; Bourgas-Sever, Bourgas Municipality; Obzor – Yug, Nessebar Municipality; Pomorie-Centralen, Pomorie Municipality; Camping Oasis, Tsarevo Municipality; Camping Nestinarka, Tsarevo Municipality; Nov Plaj Sveti Vlas and Sveti Vlas - Iztok, Nessebar Municipality.The procedures were prepared in accordance with the amendments to the Methodology for Determining the Concession Payment’s Minimum Amount and the Minimum Criteria for Evaluation of the Bids in the Competition to Select a Sea Beach Concessionaire. The amendments are expected to result in a lowering of the beach accessories prices at those beaches during the following summer season. The eight sea beaches will be let under concession for a period of 20 years, with the prices of umbrellas and deck chairs not changeable during the concession’s period.A quick reminder that at the start of this year sea beaches passed over to the management of the Ministry of Tourism. Prior to commencement of the active summer season a number of procedures to let beach strips were held. Owing to this, much higher revenue levels were reported for 2016 from the sea beaches lease contracts. In 2016 they exceeded by BGN 1,6 mil. the 2015 revenues, with their overall amount being over BGN 5 mil. Over BGN 3.8 mil. have also been already collected from beach concessions. A second payment under those contracts is forthcoming in November, with the total amount of proceeds expected to exceed BGN 11 mil.Control was the major priority during Summer‘2016, with a special hotline and e-mail having been set up for people to report any irregularities at the beaches, which a mobile control group was at the Black Sea coast throughout the summer season. As a result, over 300 signals were received and over 450 on-site inspections were performed. Over BGN 240 000 in penalties were imposed, with new sanction notification letters being sent even now.
Minister Angelkova: We expect a rate of 11 million tourists by the end of this year
Tourism is one of the sectors with the greatest demand for trained specialists and the rates of this year together with the bookings for the next year confirm that the upward trend will continue. Therefore the schools and universities play a key role and are a determinant for the competitive development of the branch. This was said by Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova during the celebrations of the Day of the Leaders of the Bulgarian National Revival in the University of Ruse. The celebration coincides with the Rector Prof. Velizara Pencheva’s 60th birthday anniversary and was attended by the Mayor of Ruse Municipality Plamen Stoilov, the members of parliament Plamen Nunev and Svetlana Angelova, the Chairman of the Municipal Council Prof. Hristo Beloev, the Governor Stefko Burdzhiev etc.In response to a question posed by a journalist, Minister Angelkova said that by the end of the year, the number of Bulgarian and foreign tourists is expected to exceed 11 million. “The results are felt all over the country and especially in tourism-oriented municipalities such as Ruse”, she stressed. According to her words, in the first eight months of 2016, the tourists (foreigners and Bulgarians), who stayed overnight in the Ruse region, amount to nearly 61 thousand people. This is a growth of 7.6% compared to the same period last year. From January to August the number of overnights in the region is almost 100 thousand, which is a growth of 10%. The revenue is almost reaching 5 million BGN.“It is no coincidence that we have selected Ruse to become the coordination centre for the tourism projects of all 14 countries of the Danube region”, added the minister of tourism. She explained that a Bulgarian-Romanian Technical Secretariat was created on Priority Axis 3 of the Danube strategy. Bulgaria and Romania are joint coordinators in the field of tourism and culture, and the unit providing assistance to tourism and culture activities for the entire Danube region is situated in Ruse.“We have prepared three projects in the total amount of over 3 million Euro for tourism initiatives under the “Danube” Programme. We have also applied with a project for the development of common tourist projects for distant markets under INTERREG V”, announced Nikolina Angelkova. Later on the same day these and other proposals will be discussed at a working meeting with representatives of “Ruse Art” Municipal Enterprise (“Tourism” department), the joint secretariat under Priority Axis 3 of the EU Strategy for the Danube region and the Association of the Danubian Municipalities “Danube”, in which the Minister of Tourism will take part.
Minister Angelkova: We expect nearly 800 thousand foreign tourists to visit Bulgaria in the first winter months
We expect nearly 800 thousand foreign tourists to visit Bulgaria in November and December. Preliminary data show an increased interest for the winter season by a number of important markets and the expected growth for the season is between 4,5 and 5%. This was announced by the Minister of Tourism at a meeting of the National Council on Tourism held in Plovdiv, which discussed the results of the summer season and the preparations for the forthcoming winter season. It was attended by the Mayor of the municipality Ivan Totev, the Chairman of the Commission for Consumer Protection Dimitar Margaritov, representatives of the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency, the National Revenue Agency, the Ministry of Interior, ministries and municipalities, the tourist industry, national resorts etc.“Taking into account the booked flights, we can say that there is a 24% growth from the Russian market, 20% from Israel; 74% from Ireland,” said Nikolina Angelkova. According to her, there is an increased interest from the United Kingdom as well. Romania, Greece, Turkey and Macedonia also traditionally prefer Bulgaria for the winter vacation, she pointed out.In the framework of the meeting of the National Council on Tourism, the inspections planned for the next season were also discussed. Each of the representatives of CCP, NRA, MoI and BFSA presented a report of the summer activities of the relevant institution and a plan for the winter inspections. “It is crucial for all of us that the users of touristic services receive a high-quality product, so we will be uncompromising in the inspections”, underlined Minister Angelkova.She announced that the inspections of the accommodation facilities and food establishments will continue. From the beginning of the year the Ministry of Tourism has made around 1,000 inspections. “As an administration, we will not tolerate any infringements. We are ready to start a procedure of taking away a start from any hotel that regularly breaks the rules. We already have one such case in Veliko Tarnovo and most probably it will not remain isolated,” said the Minister of Tourism.Particular attention was paid to the Ordinance on the safety and information security of the ski runs in the Republic of Bulgaria. It entered into force on 1 October 2015, but this season will be the first of its full implementation. 52 ski slopes have been categorised under the ordinance and joint teams of the MT and CCP will monitor the information security and the observance of the safety requirements on the slopes in the new season.During the official opening, Minister Angelkova presented the mayor of Plovdiv Ivan Totev with a honorary placard on the occasion of the 10th year since the opening of the Tourist Information Centre in the town and for the efforts of the municipality to develop the tourism in the region. “By the end of the year we will surpass half a million of overnights on the territory of the municipality. If we compare these numbers with the levels from 5 years ago, we will see that they have doubled”, said the mayor and thanked the ministry of tourism for the good work.The CCP reported a general drop in the infringements in the field of tourism and presented a report of their activity in 2016. There have been over 5,000 inspections since the beginning of the year to this moment and offices will be opened in the big winter resorts for the busy season, pointed out Dimitar Margaritov.
Minister Angelkova: We welcomed 5 million foreign tourists for summer 2016, which is an absolute record
The aggregated data show that in the active summer season (June - September), Bulgaria has welcomed over 5 million foreign citizens. Their number is by over 18% greater compared to the same period in 2015. This was announced by Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova during the press conference on the reporting of the summer season 2016, held today. The figures are based on data published by the National Statistical Institute and they confirm the trend that this has been the best summer season for the tourist sector.Minister Angelkova informed that significant growth has been reported for this period in many markets: Germany - growth of 33%; Romania - 15%, Russia - 22%, Poland - 38%, Ukraine - 10%, Great Britain - 10%, Czech Republic - 38%, France - 19%, Israel - 16%, Austria - 20%, Netherlands - 34%, Belgium - 15% etc.If we add the data from the periods immediately preceding and following the active season, we will see that for the period April - September, Bulgaria was visited by a total of 6 million foreigners, which is a 17% growth compared to the previous year. If the pace be preserved, not only summer 2016 will be a record, but also the entire year, she explained.She pointed out that only for the first 9 months, Bulgaria was visited by nearly 7 million foreign nationals. Comparing with the entire 2015, our country was visited by nearly 7.1 million foreign tourists, i.e. the results for only the first three quarters approach the last year base. In her words, all this has favorably affected the revenues. According to the data of the BNB, revenues from international tourism in the current account of balance of payments for the first eight months of 2016 amount to over 4.7 billion BGN. This means that for the period January - August 2016, the revenues from international tourism are by 621 million BGN more compared to the same period of the preceding year, which is a 15% growth.“For the first nine months of this year, the Bulgarians, who chose Bulgaria for their summer vacation, are nearly 2.9 million”, added Minister Angelkova. Compared to the same period of 2015, there is a growth of 8%, but only for the summer, in the period April - September 2016, the Bulgarian tourists in Bulgaria rose by more than 7 % (in 2015 they were 1,992,815 and in 2016 they were 2,136,676, which is a difference of 143,861).If we sum up the figures of the foreign and Bulgarian tourist flow, we can see that the Bulgarian tourist sector has welcomed and serviced a total of about 10 million tourists for the first 9 months of the year, summarized Nikolina Angelkova.The minister emphasized, that the ministry is working for the next summer season 2017. “I have had meetings with some of the biggest tour operators such as Thomas Cook and TUI, which forecast an increase of around 30% for the next year according to their programmes”, announced the Minister of Tourism. This is an unprecedented volume and record since the beginning of the companies’ operations on the Bulgarian market, which means that Bulgaria becomes more and more competitive and a preferred destination for many countries worldwide.In response to a journalist’s question, Minister Angelkova said that from the beginning of the year the ministry experts have carried out nearly 1,000 inspections of categorized accommodation and catering facilities, and only for the active summer season the inspections were 550. As a result of these inspections, a procedure has been started for the taking away of one star from hotels that do not comply with the requirements of the Ordinance on the requirements to accommodation, catering and entertainment facilities and the procedure for establishing the category, refusal, lowering the category, suspension or termination of the category. She further emphasized that the purpose of the inspections is to guarantee the quality of the tourist product.
Bulgaria and Japan to organize a bilateral business forum during the Rose Festival in 2017
Bulgaria and Japan will organize a bilateral business forum to promote the mutual tourist flow, which will be attended by representatives of the government administration and businesses from both countries. Plans are to hold it during the 2017 Rose Festival. This was agreed between the Minister of Tourism of Republic of Bulgaria, Nikolina Angelkova, and Hisayuki Fujii, Deputy Minister of Japan’s Ministry of Earth, Infrastructure, and Tourism.Bulgaria is popular among Japanese tourists mainly with the rose and yoghurt and this must be utilized to present other forms of tourism as well, Hisayuki Fujii pointed out. According to Minister Angelkova organizing a business event during the Rose Festival will be an opportunity to both showcase this unique event to more Japanese tour operators, as well as present our country’s cultural-historical heritage. „Concentrated in the Rose Valley are some of the most symbolic and impressive sites of the Thracian culture, which should also be displayed to Japanese tourists“, she added. Deputy Minister Fujii supported the initiative and committed to assist in its implementation.The two shared the opinion that the Bulgarian tourism information centre, which was unveiled in Tokyo days ago, is an important step to activate the mutual flow of tourists. Our country is traditionally presented also at the biggest Japanese tourism exposition - Expo JATA, which makes it well known on their tourism market. The Bulgarian Kaloyan Mahlyanov-Kotooshu has also contributed a lot for the promotion of Bulgaria in the country of the rising sun, it was made clear during the meeting.Japan is in the top 50 generating markets for Bulgarian tourism. In 2015 our country was visited by a total of 12 362 Japanese nationals. During the period January-August 2016 we welcomed 9 263 Japanese tourists, which is a 16.5 % growth compared to the same period of 2015.
The Bulgarian Orthodox Church and the Russian Orthodox Church, along with the Ministry of Tourism, outlined steps for activating pilgrimage tourism
Pilgrimage tourism routes within Bulgaria will be elaborated and promoted among Russian tourists. This was agreed today by the Deputy Minister of Tourism, Irena Georgieva, and the Bogorod bishop Antonius, vicar of the Russian Patriarch, head of the Administration of Overseas Establishments at the Moscow Patriarchate and the Pilgrimage Centre thereto, and the Nevrokop bishop Seraphim. This is the first such meeting in this format and a clear sign of both parties to activate such contacts with each other.„Bulgaria is a pilgrimage tourism destination that’s very interesting for Russians and we can increase the flow of tourists and their stay if we join efforts to promote these opportunities“, Deputy Minister Georgieva said. According to her, stats reveal that 71% of Russian nationals come to our country for a seaside vacation, with the Ministry’s key objective being to promote the other tourism we can offer as well. In her words, work can also be done in the longer term to create combined routes with neighbouring Balkan countries, which also welcome large numbers of Russian tourists for pilgrimage tourism, such as Greece and Serbia. It would also be of interest to combine this type of tourism with a seaside or winter vacation, it was made clear during the meeting.Our purpose is to take specific steps towards activating pilgrimage tourism between Bulgaria and Russia, bishop Antonius stated. According to him, Bulgaria is an interesting tourism destination not just for the populace residing within the Russian Federation, but also for its expatriate nationals. We have more than 900 parishes worldwide and is important to pay attention to them as well. Bulgaria is not sufficiently known and with this meeting we are making the first step to promote the country, he added.
Minister Angelkova met the Professor of Economy Klaus Schwaab, Founder and President of the World Economic Forum in Davos
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, met the Professor of Economy Klaus Schwaab, Founder and President of the World Economic Forum in Davos. The two discussed trends in global tourism and the opportunities to deepen cooperation between Bulgaria and the global NGO. Opportunities for joint initiatives will also be explored, it became clear during the meeting. Minister Angelkova familiarized Prof. Schwaab with the development of Bulgaria’s tourism sector. According to her,  the current year is shaping out as record-breaking one for Bulgarian tourism, while the institution headed by her is already working on the coming active season in 2017. „The most important thing is to achieve sustainability of these results and for the purpose any expertise we may receive for you would be very valuable“, Nikolina Angelkova emphasized.The meeting was held within the framework of the Global Annual Meeting of young world leaders, which was organized by the World Economic Forum in Tokyo, Japan. In March 2014 Nikolina Angelkova was selected as one of the young world leaders. This distinction is awarded by the World Economic Forum and is a recognition for achievements in management and leadership on both professional and social levels.
A Bulgarian tourism information centre opens doors in Tokyo
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova took part in the unveiling of Bulgaria’s tourism information centre in Tokyo. This took place by virtue of an agreement signed between the Ministry of Tourism and the Japan-Southeast Europe Business Association (JSEEBA). Our government will not pay anything towards the centre’s support. The expenses for all scheduled activities will be covered by JSEEBA, with the Ministry of Tourism having committed to provide up-to-date promotional materials, to be disseminated at the tourism centre in the Japanese capital.„It is very important that Bulgaria is now physically present on Japan’s tourism market, with all Tokyo residents and visitors now being able to obtain up-to-date information about tourism opportunities in our country“, Minister Angelkova said. She emphasized that Bulgaria was famous among Asian tourists with its rose oil and yoghurt, but that they would now be able to discover many other attractive forms of tourism.Japan is in the top 50 of generating markets for Bulgarian tourism and ranks 41st during the period January-August 2016 with over 9 000  tourists, which is a 16.5 % increase compared to the same period of 2015. According to the national statistics institutes, in 2015 our country was visited by a total of 12 362 Japanese nationals. „These numbers indicate that there is growing interest and we can deepen our traditionally good relations in tourism. I am positive that the opening of the information centre is an important step in this direction“, Nikolina Angelkova added.   Kihachiro Nishiura, President and Managing Director of JSEEBA, introduced the attendees to the operations and services, which the Bulgarian tourism information centre will provide to Japanese nationals. He highlighted the still untapped potential to increase the mutual tourist flow and indicated that his organization will continue work in this direction. He was thankful for the good communication with the Bulgarian government and the support for this initiative’s implementation. A welcoming address was also read by Yassuto Kavarabayashi, Deputy Commissioner of the Tourism Agency at Japan’s Ministry of Earth, Infrastructure, and Tourism.The tourism centre is located in the Japanese capital’s downtown area, and its official unveiling ceremony was attended by more than 90 people, among them MP’s from the Japanese Parliament’s Lower Chamber, representatives of ministries, businesses, the tourism industry, ambassadors, etc.
Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva takes part in the third edition of the Go2Balkans International travel and exhibition forum
During this year’s first 8 months international tourists in our country were over 6 mil. Compared to 2010, their number has grown by over 60%. Thus said the Deputy Minister of Tourism, Irena Georgieva, during the opening ceremony of the 3rd Go2Balkans International travel and exhibition forum, which was held today in Sofia’s InterExpo Centre.Deputy Minister Georgieva emphasized that today’s forum will open further opportunities to deepen cooperation among the Balkan countries and business representatives towards development of joint tourism products. „Joining together the efforts will make the regional tourism market an attractive one and will enhance the opportunities for its successful promotion on both the traditional generating markets and the remote ones“, she emphasized further.The exhibition’s third edition passed under the motto The Balkans – Nature, History, and Culture, and is being held during October 17-18, 2016 at the InterExpo Centre. The event’s first day (October 17) is strictly professional, with diverse opportunities to make direct business meetings. The second day (October 18) is open to visitors and end customers, who will have the opportunity to see first-hand the tourism resources presented and the vacations and travel marketed for Winter 2016/2017, Spring and Summer‘2017 by the exhibiting tour operators, and will also be able to buy tourist packages at large discounts. Participating in this year’s edition are over 70 exhibitors from over 15 countries.
More than a million tourist have chosen Varna for their vacation
More than a million tourist have chosen Varna and its area for their vacation since the yea’s beginning until the active summer season’s end. Revenues from their night-stays during the first 7 months of the year exceed BGN 235 mil. which is a 23% growth compared to the same period of last year. Thus said the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during the opening of the ninth Black Sea Tourism Forum. The event was also attended by the Varna mayor, Ivan Portnih, the regional governor Stoyan Pasev, representatives of tourism companies and municipalities, etc.Numbers indicate that since the year’s start and until August we have welcomed more than 6 mil. international tourists, meaning some 16% growth. "Naturally, as the number of tourists grows, so do revenues - in the first 7 months of 2016 they have grown by nearly a billion leva and now exceed BGN 3,4 bln., which a 15% growth compared to the same period of 2015", Minister Angelkova emphasized. This summer we are witnessing a return of tourists from traditional markets for our country, such as Russia, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Ukraine, Scandinavia. There is also growth of tourists hailing from France, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Austria, etc. "As early as this last spring, experts and media in Germany predicted that Bulgaria would be among the most sought-after summer destinations, and this came true. Varna and the ambient area at the most preferred destination", Nikolina Angelkova added.She announced that work is already in progress for the Summer'2017 season, the indications being that it would be even more successful than this one. Meetings have already been held with the management of large scale tour operators, such as Thomas Cook and TUI, which are predicting a growth of some 30% for the coming year, it was made clear by the Minister of Tourism.The Black Sea Tourism Forum is intended for professionals in tourism and this year’s edition is held under the motto Bulgaria – a Four-Season Tourism Destination. It is attended by representatives of the embassies of Republic of South Africa, Republic of Argentina, USA, and France in Bulgaria, 18 Municipalities, more than 10 universities from the country and abroad, tour operators, travel agencies, hoteliers, etc.
Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva takes part in the opening of the 13th Mountains of Bulgaria – a Four-Season Hospitality tourism exposition
Data about this year’s first eight months indicate a 9% growth of persons spending nights in Smolyan region, compared to the same period of 2015. Thus said Deputy Minister of Tourism, Irena Georgieva, during today’s opening of the 13th Mountains of Bulgaria – a Four-Season Hospitality tourism exposition. The event was held in the Pamporovo resort, during the period October 13-15, 2016.„The forum established itself not only as an important national exchange but also as a place for constructive dialogue about alpine tourism’s sustainable development“, Deputy Minister Georgieva emphasized. She also focused on the fact that the event is included in the 2016 National Tourism Advertising Agenda of the Ministry of Tourism.Irena Georgieva added that 2016 was very strong for Bulgarian tourism, with the main challenge facing the tourism industry now being to build on the fine results. According to her, Smolyan region is providing some very good examples. The Deputy Minister pointed out as opportunities the summer and winter tourism routes in the region and the conditions for not just ski vacations, but also pedestrian, extreme, cave, bike, adventure tourism and many other types of tourism.During a discussion within the exposition the Deputy Minister of Tourism spoke about the already adopted amendment to the Tourism Act, in the USTI part – Uniform System for Tourist Information. Georgieva announced that USTI now enables the tourism industry to operate under clear rules and most of all – under fair competition. Introduction of the system will restrict the opportunity not to register night-stays in order to avoid taxation, Deputy Minister Georgieva added further.Presented at the exposition via dedicated stands are the municipalities of Veliko Tarnovo, Devin, Smolyan, Chepelare, Asenovgrad, Lyubimets, Kaspichan, Varna, Samokov, the Ministry of Tourism, Pamporovo AD, the Bulgarian Association of Hoteliers and Restaurateurs, the Bulgarian Association for Alternative Tourism, the Association of Bulgarian Tour Operators and Travel Agents, the Bulgarian Balneology and Spa Association.The opening was attended by the Smolyan regional governor Nedyalko Slavov, the mayor of Chepelare Municipality Slavka Chakarova, the Deputy Mayor of Smolyan Marin Zahariev, and others.
Minister Angelkova: Over 100 000 tourists visited the Rila lakes this summer
Over 100 000 tourists visited the Rila lakes during the active summer season, the growth being 12%. This was announced by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, in Sapareva Banya. She held a meeting with representatives of the local tourism industry and visited some of the major places of interest in the municipality. The discussion was also attended by the Sapareva Banya mayor Kalin Gelev, the District Governor of Kyustendil, Viktor Yanev, and others.„Sapareva Banya has big potential to also develop spa, alpine and cultural tourism, with the town’s proximity to the capital city being an important premise for increasing the tourist flow“, Minister Angelkova indicated. The pulling power of the Rila lakes and other natural landmarks in the region should also be used, she made clear. „A positive trend is that an over 17% growth is reported in terms of night-stays in the region and municipalities, but single-day travel still predominates. Thus, we must make joint efforts to keep tourists longer in the area by offering them more attractions and experiences“, Nikolina Angelkova indicated further.According to her, a key priority in her institution’s work was to introduce rules and procedures on the operation of the spa sector. An important step in that direction was the adoption of the Ordinance on the terms and procedure for certification of medical spa centre, spa centre, wellness centre, thalassic therapy centre, under the Tourism Act. It is the first such secondary legislation introducing the minimum mandatory statutory criteria to be met by such centres. This will cut the unsavoury practice of each hotel with a pool or sauna being able to decide whether to call itself a spa centre and thus fail to live up to tourist expectations."The certification process is under way for all medical spa and spa centres in the country according to the new rules, we have already received 107 applications from specialized facilities wishing to undergo the procedure Nikolina Angelkova added. Certification is voluntary but only facilities audited on location will be eligible to add “spa” to their name and be entered in the National Tourism Register.Sapareva Banya is also part of the project promoting the Bulgarian EDEN destinations, with promotional materials being prepared for each of these destinations. These include videos, which are due to be finished within days and be presented at international forums and tourism exchanges, the Minister of Tourism said further.During the same day Minister Angelkova visited the St. Nicholas medieval church, the Nativity of Holy Theotokos church in Saparevo village, and the Resilovo monastery, and held a briefing for the media in front of the hottest geyser on the Balkans, which is located in the town centre of Sapareva Banya.Sapareva Banya municipality offers rich opportunities and choices in terms of recreation and tourism, medical tourism, alpine, cultural tourism, ecotourism, and winter sports The transport connection and geographical location are also very favourable for their development. The municipality centre is located 60 km away from the regional centre Kyustendil and 90 km away from the capital city. The ambient environment offers many hiking routes. The territory of the forestry complex Sapareva Banya features part of the Rila national park where the Skakavitsa reserve, the Seven Rila Lakes, the Panichishte resort locality, and many other natural landmarks are located.
Minister Angelkova held a meeting with representatives of concessionaires and hoteliers about the forthcoming amendments to the Black Sea Coast Spatial Planning Act
No infringements were found at around half of the sea beaches let under concession during Summer‘2016. This was announced by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during the meeting with representatives of concessionaires and hoteliers where forthcoming amendments to the Black Sea Coast Spatial Planning Act were discussed. According to her, recurring infringements were found at some 20 beaches let under concession.„By organizing today’s meeting, we are fulfilling the commitment we took towards you to discuss the suggestions received and the latest comments on the amendments to the Black Sea Coast Spatial Planning Act. Our goal is to have the bill in the National Assembly before the year’s end“, Nikolina Angelkova said further. She informed participants in the meeting about the suggestions received regarding the draft bill and committed that work on its adoption would be accelerated. The Minister emphasized that 2016 will be a record-breaking year for Bulgarian tourism and invited the participants to continue efforts to improve the tourism product and market quality services because that is the only way to sustain the positive trend and the achieved results.
Minister Angelkova meets UAE’s Minister of the Economy
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, met today the Minister of the Economy of the United Arab Emirates, Sultan bin Saed Al Mansouri. He is on a visit in our country, heading a delegation, which includes representatives of businesses and the government sector.Minister Angelkova presented Bulgaria’s potential as a tourism destination, highlighting the record-breaking results reported by the sector in 2016. „There is exceptionally good occupancy rate of 4-star and 5-star hotels“, she emphasized, adding that our country can offer very attractive circumstances for developing spa-, cultural, gourmet-, and ecotourism. „Bulgaria regularly participates in the largest Near East international tourism exposition - ATM, which is held annually in Dubai, we are striving to promote this diversity to the Arab tourists“,Nikolina Angelkova added. According to Minister Mansouri, some of the biggest hotel chains, such as Rotana and Jumeirah, might show interest in Bulgaria. He added that our country has been known as an attractive destination among Arab tourists from the Persian Gulf and Middle East area going back to the 1970s and 1980s. According to him, there is big potential in family tourism and child travel offers, which Bulgaria can propose. Transport connectivity is crucial in order to promote mutual tourist flow, Minister Mansouri said. He believes it is important that there are two regular flights a week between the two countries and that it is a base on which to grow the number of tourists.
Minister Angelkova: We expect the number of tourists in Bulgaria between April and September, 2016, to exceed 8 million
The official NSI data for September are awaited but predictions are that for the active summer season alone the number of international tourists will exceed 6 million. Adding Bulgarians to their number would make the total number of tourists exceed 8 mln. Thus said the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during a debate on tourism staff entitled Career Growth in the Tourism Industry – Challenges and Opportunities, which was organized by the 24 Hours Daily. According to her, these are tentative data based on a worst-case prediction, which is perfectly possible to be exceeded."It is a very positive sign that we extended the summer season, with April and May growths exceeding 20%", Minister Angelkova emphasized. Revenues are on the rise as well – during the first 7 months of 2016 they have grown by nearly half a billion leva, thus exceeding BGN 3,4 bln., which is a 15% growth compared to the same period of 2015.According to the Minister of Tourism, the biggest challenge now is to build on the achievements by promoting investments in facilities and staff. "Tourism requires high-grade staff in order to sustain growth but this demands effective measures across the industry’s entire horizontal structure", Nikolina Angelkova emphasized. She also reminded that according to 2015 data of the World Travel and Tourism Council, the number of people directly employed in tourism is over 92 000, but the absence of year-round employment remains a major issue.The issues also include the fact that in the course of 20 years investments worth some EUR 18 bln. were made in Bulgaria, while just 12 000  specialists were trained at universities with the Tourism major. There is a stark deficit in the line positions – bellboys, chambermaids, waiters, receptionists, bartenders, cleaners, etc. On the other hand, tangible deficit is also registered in regards to specialized staff, new staff and the so-called “rare” staff (for golf, gourmet, spa services, etc.)"An important step towards overcoming these issues was the establishment of the Interdepartmental Council on Tourism Staff, in whose framework all stakeholder institutions are seeking long-term solutions to the problems", Nikolina Angelkova emphasized. Four thematic task groups are already active within the Council: training programs; internship and qualification opportunities; labour migration; career growth and social aspects.Another significant step towards staff recruitment was the adoption of the Implementing Regulations for the Labour Migration and Labour Mobility Act. It enables hiring of staff from third countries for tourism needs under a fast-track procedure. Owing to the changes, it will be possible for the first time to hire seasonal workers with work permits for up to 90 days, it was made clear during the forum.The discussion was also attended by the Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Zornitsa Rusinova, the Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Denitsa Nikolova, the Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Dian Stamatov, hoteliers, restaurateurs,  and other representatives from the tourism industry, industry organizations, educational establishments, etc.
Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva takes part in the 15th European Tourism Forum
The main challenges facing the tourism sector, both in Europe and in Bulgaria, are maintaining security and stability, economic competitiveness, development of IT technologies, and increasing the demand for new products. Thus said Deputy Minister of Tourism, Irena Georgieva, during her participation in a High-Level Debate within the framework of the 15th European Tourism Forum. The event is held in Bratislava, Slovakia, during the period October 10-12, 2016.The forum was opened by Slovakia’s Minister of Transport and Regional Development, Arpad Ershek, with the official ceremony also attended by the EC commissioner for Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Elżbieta Bieńkowska.Two major topics are discussed during the debate – Challenges facing the European Tourism Sector and Cooperation to Promote Destination Europe in the Context of 2018 – announcement of China’s year in Europe and the European year of cultural heritage.In regards to the development of the tourism industry in Bulgaria, Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva commented that as a result of the purposeful actions of the Ministry of Tourism record growth is registered in the number of international tourists in our country. She highlighted in her statement that in the course of the first eight months of 2016 alone, Bulgaria was visited by slightly over 6 mil. international tourists, registering a 15,7% growth compared to the same period of 2015.The increasing number of tourists also boosts significantly tourism revenues – a growth of 15% being registered for the first seven months of 2016, compared to the same period of 2015, Irena Georgieva announced further.In the aspect of the traditionally good dialogue with PRC, Deputy Minister Georgieva informed that there is a signed Memorandum for cooperation between the Ministry of Tourism of Republic of Bulgaria and the National Tourism Administration of the People’s Republic of China and further added that based on that document development of active partnership between both countries’ tourism administrations is being promoted.Also participating in the High-Level Debate within the framework of the 15th European Tourism Forum were Lithuania’s Deputy Minister of the Economy, Rasa Noreikiene, the State Secretary for Tourism at Portugal’s Ministry of the Economy, Ana Mendes Godinho, the Deputy State Secretary at Poland’s Ministry of Sport and Tourism, David Lacek, the Secretary General for Tourism Policy and Development of Greece’s Ministry of the Economy, Development, and Tourism, George Tsalas, etc.
Minister Angelkova took part in a discussion themed Transparency and Efficiency of Concessions in Bulgaria
During the past summer season we received some 400 signals about our sea beaches on our dedicated hotline and email we had set up, and we carried out over 200 on-the-spot inspections. This was announced by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during a discussion themed Transparency and Efficiency of Concessions in Bulgaria. According to her, oversight is an important factor in the tourism product meeting tourist expectations, with the oversight’s efficient exercise having been a key priority for the Ministry of Tourism. For that reason, a mobile control group located at the Black Seaside was active this last summer.Nikolina Angelkova also informed that this year a module was developed on the Ministry of Tourism’s website enabling each tourist to check online the cost of umbrellas and deck chairs at Bulgarian sea beaches. In 2017 the module will be upgraded, with a mobile app due to be developed for Bulgarian and international tourists. „This will both increase tourist awareness and enhance competitiveness in the business ", the Minister emphasized.Her statement also made it clear that in the Methodology for determining the minimum concession remuneration, as already adopted by the Council of Ministers, a weight of 40% is stipulated for the tendered cost of beach accessories when one tenders to lease a beach under concession. Minister Angelkova explained that in all formulas a base price for 1 umbrella and 1 deck-chair is determined, with the price to vary according to the beach specifics and proximity to the available accommodation in the settlement where they are located. For beaches located near settlements with less than 10 000 population, the cost will be up to BGN 2 , for those near settlements with over 10 000 population – BGN 3, and at national-scale resorts – BGN 4.„Concessionaires of sea beaches must align to the stipulated base price of beach accessories as early as tendering stage“, Nikolina Angelkova explained. According to her, once the concessionaire has committed to the base price, it will be unable to change it unilaterally, with such offense meriting termination of the concession agreement."Within a few weeks the analyses will conclude and the number of sea beaches, for which concession procedures under the new rules will be open, is due to be determined. Priority will be given to beaches with expiring concessions," Minister Angelkova added. She also informed that the final discussion of amendments to the Black Sea Coast Spatial Planning Act is forthcoming, such amendments stipulating categorization of beaches according to their specifics. According to her, the purpose is to thus create the premises for letting the larger part of them under concession and improve the service for the tourists.The event was attended by the Deputy Prime Minister for EU funds and economic policy, Tomislav Donchev, the Minister of Energy, Temenuzhka Petkova, the Minister of the Environment and Waters, Ivelina Vasileva, the chairs of the parliamentary committees for economic policy and tourism & energy, Petar Kanev and Delyan Dobrev, the Chair of CEIB, Kiril Domuschiev, representatives of local governments and businesses, etc.The discussion themed Transparency and Efficiency of Concessions in Bulgaria is held within the framework of the Business in the Open and is organized by the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria (CEIB) and the Economy magazine.
Bulgaria ranks first in growth of night-stays EU-wide
According to Eurostat data, during the first 6 months of 2016, the total number of night-stays in our country (by both foreigners and Bulgarians) was over 8 mil., with the growth vis-à-vis 2015 exceeding 18%. This ranks our country first in growth of night-stays among the EU countries, for which Eurostat has received and published data. This was announced in an interview for Focus Radio by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova.„The increasing number of tourists considerably increases revenues in tourism as well – for the first seven months of 2016 they have grown by nearly half a billion leva or 15% up compared to the same period of 2015“, Minister Angelkova said. According to her, during this year’s first seven months overall revenues from international tourism into the balance of payment’s current account, according to BNB data, amount to BGN 3,4 bln.She also commented on the concluded visit of the Saudi Arabian Prince Sultan Al Saud to our country. He was interested in Bulgaria’s potential to develop alpine tourism, having seen the ski tracks of Borovets and Vitosha, it was made clear by the Minister.Another topic of discussion was a visit organized by the Ministry of Tourism for diplomatic corps representatives in our country. At the end of last week they visited the Strandzha area, their host was the Sredets mayor, Ivan Zhabov. „Immediately following that visit, within a single day, there were over 150 visitors to one of the most magnetic locations in the region – Markov Kamak, which is an absolute record, Nikolina Angelkova emphasized. She took on a commitment that her ministry will continue the good cooperation with representatives of diplomatic missions as an opportunity to promote our country’s tourism potential.
Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva attended the celebration of the 1335th anniversary of the Bulgarian state’s establishment and the 35th anniversary of Pliska’s town status
Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva attended the celebration of the 1335th anniversary of the Bulgarian state’s establishment and the 35th anniversary of Pliska’s town status. She read a welcoming address on behalf of Minister Angelkova."Medieval Pliska was among Europe’s biggest and richest cities of its time, nowadays this heritage draws thousands of tourists. The registered visitors to the Pliska National Historical-Archaeological Reserve alone exceeded 55 000 in 2015 and their number is rising”, Deputy Minister Georgieva indicated. The most preferred places of interest are the Large Basilica, the Cyrillic Alphabet’s Home, the Inner City, the Early Medieval City, the Large Palace, temples, shrines, and other monuments."Pliska is part of one of the 8 cultural-historical destinations developed by the Ministry - „The Capitals and Cities of Bulgarian Kings and Patriarchs“. In order to be of maximum benefit to tourists we also elaborated interactive maps of these sites with photos and a lot of extra information ", Irena Georgieva announced. They are published on the Ministry of Tourism’s website and attract more and more visitors.Kaspichan municipality is also included in another Ministry initiative – the online Registry of Tourist Attractions. It features with nearly 110 places of interest."The Ministry of Tourism welcomes your efforts to restore and preserve this priceless cultural wealth and will continue supporting them in order to establish the municipality as an attractive and competitive tourism destination ", the Deputy Minister emphasized.The event was attended by the Pliska mayor Tonka Nacheva, the Kaspichan mayor, Milena Nedeva, the Shumen regional governor, Donka Ivanova, MP’s Ralitsa Todorova, Prof. Stefan Zhelev, Dimitar Delchev, etc. At the beginning the Varna and Veliki Preslav bishop held a thanksgiving service, following the formal part, a celebratory concert commenced, featuring the Veselyache ensemble from Shumen, with the special participation of Valya Balkanska and Petar Yanev.
The Prince of Saudi Arabia, Al Saud, viewed cultural-historical places of interest in Sofia and learned about opportunities to invest in alpine and spa tourism
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, presented to the Saudi Arabia Prince, Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the opportunities to invest in Bulgarian tourism. He came on an official visit to our country, at the Bulgarian Minister’s invitation, arriving with a significant delegation of businessmen and government sector representatives. The Prince is a son of the Arab country’s current king, as well as President and Chair of the Board of Directors of that country’s Commission for Tourism and National Heritage.During his visit he saw some of our capital city’s most notable landmarks – the Atrium, the Sofia Museum, Ivan Vazov National Theatre, and others. At the National Historical Museum Prince Sultan Al Saud was impressed by our country’s Thracian heritage and the artefacts found on Bulgarian soil. He also received an invitation to attend the Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism, which the Ministry of Tourism will organize jointly with the World Tourism Organization in the end of November.Minister Angelkova also presented opportunities for investment in alpine and spa tourism, with the Borovets resort development project being presented in detail. She underscored that the current year is shaping out as record-breaking one for Bulgarian tourism and that the sector needs high-end hotels. The stats presented show that this year the 4-star and 5-star hotel have very good occupancy rates and that the Black Seaside season is extending.The Prince was also familiarized with our major advantages as an investment destination – low taxes, financial stability, more than EUR 44 bln. of foreign direct investments in our country over 20 years, 27 projects in tourism, which are recognized by the government via investment class certificates, etc.During his visit, Prince Sultan al Saud also held meetings with President Rossen Plevneliev, Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, Sofia mayor Yordanka Fandakova, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Valentin Poryazov. He also extended an invitation for a Bulgarian delegation to visit Saudi Arabia in order to continue work on the highlighted subject matter.
At Minister Angelkova’s initiative, representatives of diplomatic missions in Bulgaria visited the Strandzha region
Representatives of twelve diplomatic missions in Bulgaria, who were accompanied by the Deputy Minister of Tourism, Irena Georgieva, viewed landmarks in the Strandzha mountain, the Sredets municipality area. The visit was arranged by the Ministry of Tourism and Sredets Municipality, at Minister Angelkova’s initiative. The purpose is for the diplomats to get first-hand impression of the region’s unique heritage and contribute to its broader promotion.The visit was joined by the ambassadors of Palestine, Venezuela, South Africa, Kosovo, Albania, and Pakistan, the First Ladies from Denmark, Austria, Czech Republic and Kosovo, the husband of South Africa’s ambassador in Bulgaria, the first secretary of Venezuela’s embassy, representatives of Belgium’s and Brazil’s missions.During the tour of Strandzha mountain, diplomats looked at the open-air ethnographic museum in the Bozhura locality and took part in the Medjia custom unique to Strandzha. Traditional crafts for the region, such as pottery, basket weaving, wood carving, hook-knitting, etc. were also demonstrated.Diplomats got first-hand impression from the magic of the 2 500-year old ancient Thracian shrine at Markov Kamak and also witnessed  the re-enacted folklore performance of the Annual Cycle rites and customs in the region – „Enyova Bulya“, „Gherman“, „Carol-Singers“. During their visit they also saw the Sredets Youth Hal and the Deultum-Debelt National Archaeological Reserve.Sredets Municipality’s mayor, Ivan Zhabov, hosted the diplomats.You can see photos from the event here.
Bulgaria took part in the EXPOTRAVEL exposition in Ekaterinburg as partner country
Bulgaria took part in the international EXPOTRAVEL exposition in Ekaterinburg as partner country. The exchange is the biggest dedicated autumn forum for tourism in the Ural Federal District and was held for the 18th time.Bulgaria displayed at the forum its capabilities as a year-round destination with a 30 sq. m. information stand, which was arranged by the Ministry of Tourism. Our country’s presentation enjoyed sizable visitor interest by both professionals and end users. The diverse opportunities for summer and winter vacations in our country and retail offers for balneo-, wellness- and spa procedures, cultural-learning trips, organizer child recreation, etc. were all demonstrated.The host paid special attention to Bulgaria’s tourism potential. Space for a banner/flag of our country was allocated on the exposition complex’s façade. Information, an image textbox, welcoming addresses, and interviews presenting Bulgaria as a four-season destination preferred by Russians were published in the exposition’s official catalogue.Over 250 presenters from more than 100 countries took part in the exposition, with the professional audience being represented by some 8000 specialists, mostly tour operators and travel agents from various cities in the region.Russia is an important generating market for Bulgarian tourism, whereas mutual contacts with tourism businesses from the Ural area have been evolving notably in the last two years. The Bulgarian consular office’s operation in Ekaterinburg was restored at the year’s start, which considerably increased the number of tourist visas issued for Bulgaria.Owing to the active dialogue in this sector between Russia and our country, during the period April-August 2016 the number of tourism visits from the Federation increased by nearly 18% compared to the same period of 2015, against the background of declining overseas travels by Russians. During January-August 2016 Bulgaria was visited by nearly 497 000 Russian tourists, which is some 16% growth and fourth in the National Statistical Institute’s ranking of international tourists in our country.
A Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation in Tourism was signed between Republic of Bulgaria and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding opens for both countries new development opportunities for the tourism sector, exchange of experience in the sector, and promotion of investments. Thus said the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during the official ceremony for the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation in Tourism between the two countries, which took place today, at Council of Minister’s Granite Hall."Republic of Bulgaria and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia both have an extremely rich culture and history ", Minister Angelkova said further and highlighted that a large number of UNESCO cultural monuments are located within both countries’ territory. With our joint actions we will make tourism even more attractive, she commented further, adding that the two countries will work towards enhancement of the tourism potential.Minister Angelkova announced that prior to the Memorandum signing, opportunities for the various types of cooperation in regards to culture tourism, investments in tourism, and exchange of experience were discussed with His Royal Highness, Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. During the discussion, presentation was also made regarding the capabilities of our winter and summer resorts, the opportunities for alpine tourism, city break tours, and their combination with other types of tourism such as spa, vinitourism, gourmet tourism, etc., in the vicinity of the visited cities.I am certain that by signing the Memorandum of Understanding we will achieve a lot towards expanding our hitherto cooperation with our Bulgarian friends, Prince Sultan al Saud. He commented that there are many untapped opportunities to develop tourism between the two countries and that purposeful actions to stimulate the sector will continue.During their visit in Bulgaria Prince Sultan al Saud, along with his delegation, will get to know Sofia and its cultural-historical landmarks and will visit Vitosha and the Borovets resort complex.
The Belarussian-Bulgarian task group for tourism cooperation held its first meeting in Minsk
The first meeting of the Belarussian-Bulgarian task group for tourism cooperation, which is set up to the bilateral Intergovernmental Commission for Commercial-Economic and Scientific-Technical Cooperation, was held in Minsk. The Bulgarian delegation was led by the Deputy Minister of Tourism, Irena Georgieva, while the Belorussian one – by the Deputy Minister of Sport and Tourism, Mikhail Portnoy.„Belarus is a very important market for Bulgarian tourism and our bilateral relations in the sector have very good traditions. Our aspiration is to jointly build on the levels achieved with even better results and at faster pace”, Deputy Minister Georgieva stated during the meeting.Bulgaria and Belarus confirmed their readiness to develop their partnership in this key economic area, being guided by the tourism cooperation agreement between the two governments, as effective since 2009. The two parties agreed to exchange information about the legislative regulation in the area of rural tourism and ecotourism, as well as in regards to the operation of tourist information centres, the method for collecting stats, etc.Bulgaria and Belarus will also exchange information in regards to the methodology for reporting the number of tourists and night-stays, as well as participation in international tourism expositions in 2017 and 2018. A commitment was undertaken to notify in due time tour operators and travel agents about arrangements relating to child recreation in Bulgaria, once the dedicated ordinance on this type of recreation in our country is passed. The opportunities for increasing the number of organized children groups coming for recreation purposes to Bulgaria were also discussed. The agreements reached also include elaboration of a 2017 - 2018 roadmap, which will serve as schedule of specific event promoting the two-way tourist flow.Minutes of the meeting were signed and a decision was made to hold the task group’s next meeting in Bulgaria during 2017. Following the meeting’s business part, a bilateral roundtable was held for discussion of current issues and steps towards activation of bilateral b2b cooperation. Leading tour operators from both countries took part in the discussions.
Minister Angelkova takes part in the opening of the Green Days exposition
Events like the Green Days festival help Bulgaria assert itself as a sustainable tourism destination by promoting all types of alternative tourism, which one can practice in our country. Thus said the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during today’s opening of Green Days.Minister Angelkova stressed that biodiversity, extreme sports, climbing, adventure tourism, etc., contribute added value to the Bulgarian tourism product. According to her, over 5 mil. international tourists have visited our country from April to August this year. Stats indicate that tourists increasingly combine their seaside vacation with visits to cultural-historic monuments, tourist attractions, national parks, etc., she added. She commented further that our country is capable of offering virtually everything to tourists and that it is thus import to present its diversity via such forums.The opening was also attended by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Foods, Georgi Kostov, the Deputy Mayor of Sofia Municipality, Todor Chobanov, etc.This year the Ministry of Tourism participates in the Green Days exposition with two stalls. Also presented are the EDEN destinations in Bulgaria. The festival will take place starting today and until October 2, 2016 in the park in the front of the Ivan Vazov National Theatre.
Minister Angelkova: We have welcomed over 5.1 mil. international tourists during April-August 2016
During the first 8 months of 2016 (January to August), Bulgaria was visited by over 6 mil. international tourists, which marks a 15,7% growth compared to last year’s same period. Bulgarian tourism has registered huge growth, with the increase vis-à-vis the last 10 years being 60%. This was announced by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during her visit to the morning news segment of Nova TV, Hello, Bulgaria.„Even though we do not yet have formal September stats, we can still say that this has been the most successful summer season“, Nikolina Angelkova said. According to her, during the April-August period we have welcomed over 5.1 mil. international tourists. This is an absolute record, since up to now the numbers fluctuated around the 4 mil. mark of international tourists for the same period. Big growth is registered in tourists from Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, etc. „It is now important to achieve sustainability of these results. In all our discussion with them, the large-scale tour operators are reporting that they are now negotiating bigger numbers for next season, therefore the industry must also take the required steps in terms of investments in infrastructure and staff“, Minister Angelkova emphasized.More than 2,1 mil. Bulgarians have had night-stays in accommodation facilities of more than 10 beds during the first seven months, registering an 11% growth. Increased interest is observed in regards to cultural-historical tourism, with positive results being reported by the cities of Plovdiv, Veliko Tarnovo, Gabrovo, etc., it was made clear by the Minister.
Minister Nikolina Angelkova has taken part in the opening of the first meeting of the mayors of the capitals of Central and Eastern Europe countries and China (16+1)
According to the data of the World Tourist Barometer, a total of 141 mln visits of foreign tourists in the countries of the Initiative 16+1 were registered last year. The revenue from these visits amounts to around 161 billion dollars. This was announced by Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova in the opening of the first meeting of the mayors of the capitals of Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) and China (16+1), titled “Sofia - intersection of new opportunities”.Minister Nikolina Angelkova greeted the participants in the forum with the World Tourism Day - 27 September. According to her words, more that 1.2 billion tourists per year travel around the world. She added that tourism is one of the sectors, which needs joint efforts and a deeper partnership. “This goal can be achieved through participation in initiatives such as “16+1” and an active dialogue between the countries,” emphasized Minister Angelkova. In the field of tourism, several documents have already been signed between Bulgaria and the People's Republic of China, which are the basis for a more enhanced cooperation not only between Sofia and Beijing, but also among all countries of the CEECs Initiative and China, it became clear from her statement.“The role of our capital cities, which to a great extent form the image of the national tourism, is indisputable,” said Nikolina Angelkova. She also commented the results achieved by Sofia. In the last year our capital was visited by nearly 916 thousand tourists and the incomes from overnights only amount to 116 mln BGN. This year has begun at an even better pace for Sofia and only in the first seven months the capital welcomed nearly 553 thousand tourists, which is a growth of 8.6% compared to the same period last year. Angelkova pointed out that the countries of the Initiative must develop common tourist routes and products at regional and national level, because the Chinese tourists prefer to visit at least three countries when coming to Europe. “It is necessary to expand our cooperation in this direction, because this will increase the interest in our countries as sustainable and year-round tourist destinations,” she added.Minister Angelkova emphasized that a common goal of the Ministry of Tourism and Sofia Municipality is to keep these tourists longer in the region. That is why the team of the Ministry has developed 8 cultural-historical destinations, which cover the territory of the whole country. One of them - Sofia Sveta Gora, is located around the capital. In order to facilitate the tourists to find the landmarks in each region, we have published interactive maps of the 8 cultural-historical destinations on the website of the institution, which are available on the following link: event was attended by the mayor of Sofia Municipality Yordanka Fandakova, the  Chairman of the Beijing People's Congress Du Deyin, the ambassador of the People’s Republic of China Zhang Haijoe, the Head of the Permanent Representation of the European Commission in Bulgaria Boyan Zlatev, representatives of the local authorities and business from all 16 Central and eastern Europe countries and China etc.16+1 is an initiative of the government of China, aiming to promote cooperation between China and the sixteen countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE): Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and the Republic of Macedonia.
Opening speech by Minister Nikolina Angelkova on the occasion of the World Tourism Day - 27 September
Dear colleagues and partners,Ladies and gentlemen,Allow me to congratulate you on the occasion of the World Tourism Day - 27 September!This is the UN's date of calendar, which symbolically unites the people of the world involved in this difficult and exciting profession, together with institutions, entrepreneurs and millions of users of the tourist services.The 2016 tourism holiday is titled “Tourism for all” and the aim of the UN is to focus the attention on the universal accessibility of the services in this sector. In the last 50 years we have seen a genuine revolution of global tourism, as the World Tourism Organization has noted. In 1950 there were only 25 million foreign tourists in the world and today they are about 1.2 billion. But the numbers are not the most important aspect. Journeys have become an essential part of our lives. When we travel, we meet new people and come into contact with natural phenomena, ideas, spiritual values and many other aspects of life. This motivates us to continuously increase our criteria, to build on the achieved results and to make the best of the human right of movement and travel.Tourism is an important fundamental sector of the economy of our country. Today it is facing new challenges. I am convinced that thanks to the high professionalism of all of you, they will not withhold us from helping people travel more often and more easily. Our professional obligation is to create equal conditions for all who want to experience the benefits of tourism.I would like to use the opportunity and address the thousands of people employed in the sector. Dear colleagues, stay healthy and tireless, because the image of Bulgaria as a year-round tourist destination depends on our joint work! I would like to congratulate those of you, whose efforts have a contribution to the development of tourism in our country and to thank them for the cooperation!Enjoy your holiday!Nikolina AngelkovaMinister of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria
Bulgaria has presented a variety of tourist services at the Отдых/Leisure exhibition in Moscow
The Ministry of Tourism participated with an information counter of 100 sq.m. in the 22nd International Tourism Exhibition 2016 in Moscow. The exhibition also presented four Bulgarian tourist companies with a leading role for the Russian market. They also took part in the presentation ”Welcome to Bulgaria”, which featured the capabilities of our country to offer attractive vacations for the winter season 2016/2017, as well as various offers for children's recreation, wellness, balneo- and spa holidays, which are of great interest for the Russian citizens. One of the leading motives in the choice of a tourist destination is the fact that Bulgaria is a peaceful and secure destination with competitive prices.The exhibition is the biggest specialized event in the second half of the year in Russia and it is also an official event of the Federal Tourism Agency. Bulgaria has participated in the exhibition for a 12th consecutive year. This year edition of Отдых/Leisure has had over 700 participants from 70 countries, as well as from many regions in Russia. According to estimates, the exhibitions have been attended by 70 ths people – both experts and end-users.Russia is an important generating market for the Bulgarian tourism. In the period January - July 2016, the federation was fourth in the ranking of the National Statistical Institute of foreign tourists by almost 360 ths visitors, which is by 14% more compared to the same period of the preceding year. The results from the first month of this summer are very good. In July Russia occupied second place with over 157 thousand visits (growth of approximately 18%). For the period June - July 2016, the visits from this country were nearly 293 ths (third place), which is an increase of 18% compared to the same months of 2015.According to data of the Ministry of Interior of Bulgaria, the number of visas issued to Russian citizens for Bulgaria exceeds 264 ths - 25% increase compared to the same period in 2015.The long average stay in our country is typical for the Russian tourists, which is also determinant of the great importance of the Russian market for the development of the Bulgarian tourism. The data for the period June - July 2016 show that the average stay of a Russian tourist in Bulgaria is 8 overnights (or 9 days). This places the Russian tourists in the first place according to the indicator of average length of stay among 37 countries, of which Bulgaria keeps statistics.
Minister Angelkova has attended the celebrations on the occasion of 108 years since the proclamation of the Independence of Bulgaria in Veliko Tarnovo
Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova took part in the celebrations on the occasion of 108 years since the proclamation of the Independence of Bulgaria. She attended the morning liturgy in the  “St. Forty Martyrs” church and put flowers on the grave of Tsar Kaloyan. The celebrations continued with a walking procession through the center of Veliko Tarnovo and laying of wreaths at the pyramid of the Independence on Tsarevets.Minister Angelkova attended the opening to visitors of the specialized fortress and exhibition in the Trapezitsa Architectural and Museum Reserve. The site was officially opened by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria Boyko Borisov and the first lady of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva – President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, which allocated funds for the restoration of the fortress. During the event a new special postage stamp, dedicated to Trapezitsa, was validated, which was in a joint initiative of the Ministry of Tourism and the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Bulgaria.At a formal ceremony in the building of the Constituent Assembly, the mayor of the town Daniel Panov awarded Mehriban Aliyeva with the status of an honorary citizen of the town of Veliko Tarnovo and the University of Ruse granted the title Doctor Honoris Causa to the first lady.Among the official guests of the celebrations today were the Vice President of the National Assembly Dimitar Glavchev, the Minister of Defence Nikolay Nenchev, the Chairman of GERB Parliamentary Group Tsvetan Tsvetanov, the Governor of Veliko Tarnovo Prof. Pencho Penchev, members of the parliament, municipal councillors etc.The western fortress wall of nearly 200 m, together with three medieval churches with original frescoes from the period 13th - 14th centuries, were built thanks to the donation of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation.  A central tourist alley linking the upper station of the existing panoramic elevator with the southern tower of the fortress was implemented.Artistic lighting was fitted, the street and sidewalks at the foot of the fortress underwent major renovation and a car park area was made. A Center for Cultural Heritage Interpretation shows the grandeur of Tarnovgrad and the Second Bulgarian Kingdom via interactive screens, visualization with multimedia and other spectacular methods of modern museology. One of the most valuable exhibits that can be seen is the Medallion with Lions of the Shishmans, unearthed in 1990 during the first excavations of George Seure on the hill, which is entwined in the coat of arms of Veliko Tarnovo.
Minister Angelkova has had a meeting with Peter Fankhauser, CEO of the Thomas Cook Group, and Björn Samström, Chief Commercial Manager of the tour operator company
It is expected that the total number of tourists in Bulgaria from all markets of the Thomas Cook Group will exceed 200 ths this summer, which is an increase by 34% compared to 2015. This growth should be maintained in the next summer season and the total number of tourists is expected to reach 250 ths, which will be an absolute record for the tour operator since the start of its operations in the Bulgarian market. This became clear in a meeting of Minister Angelkova with Peter Fankhauser, CEO of the Thomas Cook Group, and Björn Samström,  Chief Commercial Manager of the company.”Our partnership with big tour operators like Thomas Cook is of great importance and I am pleased that such good results have been achieved for a short time, said Minister Angelkova. She emphasized that during this season Bulgaria has strengthened its position as one of the most preferred destinations in the region with serious increases from a number of markets. Germany is one of the largest markets and around 125 thousand German tourists are expected this summer from the Thomas Cook Group programmes, as it became clear during the meeting.Peter Fankhauser underlined that it is crucial for Bulgaria to further guarantee the quality of the tourist product and increase the investments for improvement of the facilities. Various opportunities were discussed for trainings of the personnel in the tourism sector by representatives of the Thomas Cook company.Peter Fankhauser is at the highest managerial level in the Thomas Cook Group and manages a company with over 22,000 employees worldwide. In 2015, Thomas Cook had more than 20 mln customers and their annual turnover exceeds 7.8 bln Euro. This makes them one of the leading tour operators globally with business activity in 15 countries.
Minister Nikolina Angelkova: We will welcome some 5 mil. international tourists during summer 2016
Half a million Bulgarians are expected to travel country-wide during the holidays around September 22 Forecasts suggest that we will have welcomed between 4,8 and 5 mil. international tourists during Summer 2016, which will be a record. This was made clear during today’s visit of the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, in The Week news show of Darik Radio.„During the first seven months of 2016 (January to July), Bulgaria was visited by 4,5 mil. international tourists, which is a nearly 17% growth vis-à-vis the same period of 2015, Minister Angelkova announced. During the first seven months, all tourists (Bulgarian and international) have made a total of some 14 mil. night-stays, which constitutes an over 18% growth, with the revenues earned amounting to some BGN 665 mil. „These stats demonstrate that the efforts we are making to achieve our major goal – to turn our country into an year-round tourism destination – are yielding results“, she commented, adding that if these rates are sustained until the year’s end, 2016 will turn out to be the most successful one for Bulgarian tourists.What is observed this year is a return of tourists from France, Poland, Czech Republic, and Hungary, while maintaining interest from traditionally big markets for Bulgarian tourism, such as Romania, Germany, UK, Israel, etc., it was made clear by the Minister. „We are achieving very good results on the Russia market“, she emphasized. According to stats of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Russian visas issued at Bulgarian consular services during the April-August period exceed 260 000, with growth being in the 20 - 30% range, vis-à-vis the previous year. These stats come against the backdrop of general decline in Russian travel on a global scale – according to the Union of Russian Tourism Industry’s stats, as disseminated in the media, the number of Russian tourists traveling abroad during H1 of  2016 has declined by some 28%, compared to the previous year.Half a million Bulgarians are expected to travel country-wide during the holidays around September 22. The seaside resorts are the most preferred but there are also trips to Bulgaria’s interior, it was made clear by the Minister. She commented further that rates at the Black Sea coast are now 30% lower than the summer offers. Our mountain and spa resorts are also preparing special offers for the holidays.„Tourist flow between Bulgaria and Greece is comparable, with some 630 000 Bulgarians having visited our southern neighbour during the first seven months, while 600 000 Greeks have visited our country“, Minister Angelkova said, responding to a query about our southern neighbour’s advantages. She commented that sustainable growth of travel both ways is observed. „During the first two summer months – June and July – more Greek tourists came to Bulgaria than Bulgarians going to Greece. These are official stats, which suggest that we are also an attractive destination for our neighbours“, Minister Angelkova commented. In absolute terms, over 286 000 Greeks came to Bulgaria during June and July, while 216 000 Bulgarians went to Greece during the same period, which stats about the Greek tourist flow being formulated based on the night-stays made. „It is very important for us that Bulgarians remain interested in travelling within their country. Stats reveal a growth of some 11% in domestic tourism during the first 7 months of the year“, the Minister of Tourism said. She added that during the high vacation period, June and July, over 800 000 stayed at categorized accommodation facilities of 10+ beds in Bulgaria (another growth of some 10%).
Minister Angelkova meets the European Commissioner for Regional Policy, Corina Cretu
As 2018 is expected to be announced the European Year of Cultural Heritage, this can be used to also promote tourism. This was discussed by Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, and the European Commissioner for Regional Policy, Corina Cretu, during a meeting held in Strassbourg.They both commented that this is another opportunity to deepen cooperation and promote tourism opportunities both among the EU countries, as well as within the Danube Strategy framework. Minister Angelkova informed Commissioner Cretu that Bulgaria is already developing joint tourism products with a number of countries included in the Strategy. „We have already taken specific steps and are partnering with a number of countries, with our collaboration with Romania being at a very advanced stage“, Minister Angelkova indicated. There are plans for the two countries to hold joint events to promote Bulgarian and Romanian traditions on distant markets and encourage mutual flow of tourists. Positive results are registered in this context, with nearly 680 000 Romanian tourists having visited Bulgaria during the first 7 months of 2016, which is a growth of nearly 18%. „Romania sustainably ranks first in terms of number of international tourists in Bulgaria, with a number of other Danube Strategy countries, such as Germany, Serbia, and Austria, also being of notable significance“, Nikolina Angelkova highlighted.Corina Cretu emphasized that joint actions in the area of tourism and culture are very important for the entire Danube area and are essential to deepening the partnership. She added that the conference held in Russe during June this year is a good example of successful cooperation within the Strategy framework and has contributed towards outlining specific steps for development of tourism in the entire region. „The holding of such initiatives not only strengthens the Danube Strategy’s importance to the European Union but also helps improve coordination between individual countries Corina Cretu added.
Minister Angelkova holds talks with Romania’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Regional Development and Public Administration
Bulgaria and Romania may obtain EU funding of up to EUR 300 000 as co-coordinators under Priority Axis 3 of the Danube Strategy, which covers the tourism & culture sectors. The two countries are commencing preparation of a joint project wherewith they will apply under the Danube Transnational Programme. This was agreed between Bulgaria’s Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, and Romania’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Regional Development and Public Administration, Vasile Dincu, who held talks today in Bucharest.The plans are for the funding to also benefit the Bulgarian-Romanian Joint Technical Secretariat under Danube Strategy’s Priority Axis 3, which Secretariat is based in Russe and coordinates cooperation in the tourism sector of all Danube Strategy countries. The objective is for the project to be prepared and filed by mid-October, it will cover a 3-year period (2017 to the end of 2019).„Bulgaria and Romania have very good relations in many areas, with tourism being one sector where a number of joint initiatives are implemented“, Minister Angelkova noted. She added that the Joint Technical Secretariat under Danube Strategy’s Priority Axis 3 is one good example in this context.Deputy Prime Minister Dincu noted that over the past year our country has been among the most active ones in the Strategy’s tourism sector. He added that the conference entitled Sustainability of Tourism Development and Security in the Danube Region, which was held in June, is among the very good examples and has contributed to the discussion of a number of important issues, identifying measures to deepen the partnership. „The forthcoming international conference on world civilizations and modern-day tourism is also among the good initiatives and an opportunity to draw attention to the entire region“, Vasile Dincu said further.
Japanese and Chinese journalists make get-to-know tours around Bulgaria
The Ministry of Tourism arranged two get-to-know tours around Bulgaria for journalists and tour operators from Japan and China. These were attended by representatives of some of the biggest tour operators in these Asian countries, as well as by popular bloggers. The purpose of these trips was to reveal Bulgaria’s advantages as a tourism destination via its lifestyle, culture, and traditions.The Asian guests visited some of Bulgaria’s most beautiful areas – Sofia, Plovdiv, Kazanlak, Karlovo, Hissar, Starosel, Rila Monastery, Melnik, Bansko, and Sandanski. They had the opportunity to become familiar with culture monuments, taste typical Bulgarian cuisine, learn more about the customs and traditions in our lands, and also got to see the opportunities for wellness and spa tourism.China is a target market for Bulgaria, with the 2015 number of tourists from that country being over 15 000 – a 7% growth on 2014. Chinese tourists visiting Bulgaria for recreation and vacation purposes were nearly 8 900, an over 41% growth. For the first 7 months of 2016 Chinese tourists in our country have been nearly 10 900, thus registering a nearly 25% growth vis-à-vis the same period of last year.Japan is also an important market for Bulgarian tourism. In 2015 Japanese tourists in Bulgaria exceeded 11 300. During the January-July period of 2016 their number in our country was over 8 000, thus registering a nearly 22% growth vis-à-vis the same period of 2015.Chinese and Japanese guests mainly take interest in traditions of production of Bulgarian rose products and Bulgarian yoghurt. They are among the most active international tourists visiting the Rose Valley during the rose-picking season and the traditional rose festivals in Kazanlak and Karlovo. Their most preferred tourists products include visits to cultural-historical sites, balneo- and spa services, folklore- and themed festivals, city tours, etc.
Minister Angelkova attends the ceremony of the awarding of the Golden Apple prize to Plovdiv
Plovdiv received today one of the highest esteemed awards in tourism – the Golden Apple. This took place during a ceremony attended by Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, the Mayor of Plovdiv Municipality, Ivan Totev, the Chair of the Bulgarian Association of Journalists and Travel Writers (ABUJET) and BTA Director General, Maxim Minchev, the ABUJET Secretary, Plamen Starev, the FIJET President, Tijani Hadad, etc.„Over the years the city and the Municipality alike put in huge effort and fully deserve this award“, Minister Angelkova said. She reminded that several months ago one of the most esteemed events in winemaking – the global wine championship, Concours Mondial de Bruxelles – was held in this particular city. The Bulgarian city won the hosting competing with over 58 countries, including the biggest winemakers such as France, Spain, Australia, Chile, and Argentina.Minister Angelkova commented that just days ago one of the leading, global-impact British dailies – The Guardian – ranked Plovdiv in the top 10 must-see European cities. At the end of last month the esteemed publication Financial Times also published a large article about Plovdiv.„One must not overlook the fact that Plovdiv also won third place in the esteemed ranking Best 2016 European Destination, competing with leading tourism destinations such as Paris, Milan, Prague, Rome, Vienna, and Madrid“, Minister Angelkova added. She emphasized that now all efforts are focused on preparing the city to be the 2019 European Capital of Culture.The solid results are also confirmed by official stats. During H1 of 2016 some quarter of a million tourists spent at least one night in Plovdiv. This constitutes an over 13% year-on-year growth. "If we add all the day trips and stays at small family hotels, guest houses, and apartment complexes, Plovdiv will turn out to be one of the most visited tourism destinations in Bulgaria", Minister Angelkova added further.The World Federation of Travel Journalists and Writers, FIJET, nominated and awarded Plovdiv due to its excellent achievements. Journalists from France, UK, Romania, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon, Tunis, and Bulgaria will be writing about Plovdiv and publishing their articles worldwide.The Golden Apple award has had more than 50 recipients since 1970. The Golden Apple award of the World Federation of Travel Journalists and Writers (FIJET) is for excellent achievements. It is awarded each year to an organization, country, city, or person as recognition for excellent efforts in promotion and enhancing the level of tourism.
Ministry of Tourism gives awards to participants in the My EDEN Destination in Bulgaria competition
The Ministry of Tourism gave awards to participants in the My EDEN Destination in Bulgaria child painting competition, which was held as part of the implementation of the project entitled Communication Campaign to Promote Bulgarian EDEN Destinations – Second Edition, as funded by the COSME 2014 -2020 program of the European Commission.The best paintings were ranked using two parallel, separate methods – online voting in Facebook and evaluation by an expanded jury comprising representatives of the project implementation team, representatives of EDEN destinations in Bulgaria, and 1 representative of the National Association for Child- and Youth Tourism.The authors of the 6 winning paintings in the competition are:First place: Jury-ranked – Painting 14 - Alexandra Hristova Atanasova, 13, destination - Belogradchik;​Facebook voting – Painting 15 - Ivayla Georgieva Petrova, 12, destination - Kardzhali;Second place:Jury-ranked – Painting 6 - Kaloyan Ilkov Hadzhistoychev, 8, destination - Kyustendil;Facebook voting – Painting 26 - Stanimira Nikolova Mertekchiiska, 14, destination Sapareva Banya;Third place:Jury-ranked – Painting 19 - Vyara IVaylova Stoyanova, 7, destination – Silistra;Facebook voting – Painting 30 - Alexander Yanev Kamenarov, 11, destination – SandanskiMore than 40 paintings of children aged 7 - 14 from across the country took part in the competition, with the initiative’s aim being to draw attention to “child” perceptions of the landmarks and attractions located within the EDEN destinations in Bulgaria (Silistra, Lukovit, Sandanski, Kyustendil, Belogradchik, Belitsa, Sapareva Banya, Kavarna, Vratsa, Strandzha, Kazanlak, and Kardzhali). The rewarded paintings will be incorporated in the advertising souvenirs (cards and magnets) envisaged under the project, which will be disseminated in the country and abroad.
Ministers Nikolina Angelkova and Krasen Kralev, together with the Real Madrid legend Emilio Butragueno, unveil the Royal Club’s first social school in Bulgaria
Some 100 disadvantaged children will receive training in the football school of the Real Madrid Foundation in Vidin. They will not simply be practicing football – the objective is for them to find their new family, which would from now on stand beside them and help them find their way in life. Thus said the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during the formal ceremony for the unveiling of the eponymous club’s sports school for social integration in the city. She is a former chair of the Friends of Sport foundation – the local partner of the Real Madrid Foundation for Bulgaria.The Real Madrid legend Emilio Butragueno arrived for the unveiling of the school in Bulgaria, the event also being attended by the Minister of Youth and Sports, Krasen Kralev, the Vidin mayor, Ognyan Tsenkov, the ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain in Bulgaria, Jose Luis Tapia, and others. The official sponsor of the project in Bulgaria is Minstroy Holding AD, whose Management Board chair, Nikolay Valkanov, also took part in the ceremony.„The school does not aim to discover Bulgaria’s next football stars, but to prepare these children for their encounter with life and help them become successful instead“, explained Minister Angelkova, who was identified by Emilio Butragueno as one of the prime drivers for the initiative taking place. She emphasized that North-Western Bulgaria has a number of economic problems and it is crucial to implement the first such project of Real Madrid in our country in that particular region. „I am hopeful that we are laying the foundations today of a long-term cooperation, which will be expanded and built upon“, Nikolina Angelkova added.„What brought us to Bulgaria for the most part is a clear desire to support these children via the foundation. It is because we know that football is a very powerful instruments, which will not only make them happy but can also help them in life ", Emilio Butragueno explained. According to him, the organization’s main objective will be to stay close to those in need, the most encouraging thing being that there already are some 400 such schools worldwide.„Today is an extremely important day for Vidin and Bulgaria - 100 Bulgarian children are becoming part of the Real Madrid family in Bulgaria“, said Minister Kralev. He emphasized that what makes Real Madrid such a massive club is its drive to enable sports to everyone, regardless of their social status.The initiative’s sponsor in Bulgaria, the chair of Minstroy Holding AD’s Management Board, Nikolay Valkanov, emphasized that they will continue their support for the initiative because its significant social effect is visible.The project, whose official start was given today, is part of the Real Madrid Foundation’s initiative to open sports schools and social focus schools for disadvantaged children. The goal is successful integration and development of useful and healthy habits via sports for the groups of children at risk in the given region.Real Madrid Foundation sets up these schools with the aid of local partners and organizations, which in this case is the Friends of Sport foundation. Real Madrid Foundation provides training to the local trainers to work with children, as well as training materials.The plans are to have some 180 children be trained at the Bulgarian school, the focus being on children deprived of parental care, children from institutions, children with minor mental or physical disabilities, etc. Some 90 children are currently being trained at the school, the final number due to e reached gradually over time. The project will last 3 years, with an evaluation of the benefit for and progress of the children due to be made thereafter.
Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva takes part in the Security and Sustainability in Tourism roundtable in Slovenia
Deputy Minister of Tourism, Irena Georgieva took part in the Security and Sustainability in Tourism roundtable. The discussion forms part of the 11th Strategic Forum, Safeguarding Our Future, which is being held in the town of Bled, Slovenia, on September 5 – 6, 2016. The tourism panel was opened by Taleb Rifai, Secretary General of the UNWTO.„The tourism business faces numerous challenges. Therefore, the countries need to spend more effort to develop the tourism products they market“, noted Deputy Minister of Tourism, Irena Georgieva, in her speech. She commented that the global economic crisis, the enhanced competitiveness of both near and remote destinations, the effects of climate change, and the seasonal nature, are the topics that need to be resolved in order to develop the tourism business in a positive direction. Demographic changes in Europe, diversification of the tourist services offers, and the growing influence of information & communication technologies all exert influence on tourism and its related industries. „It is imperative to explore these opportunities jointly with the local and regional authorities“, she added further.„When new tourism services are developed or existing ones are upgraded, it is necessary to carefully analyse what the consumer requirements at that particular point in time are“, Irena Georgieva indicated. She explained that a trend towards self-organized and so-called budget travels is observed, with demand for alternative types of tourism being on the rise. „In this context, today’s situation imposes on as determinants, such as high quality of the tourism service marketed, product sustainability, innovations, staff training, etc.,“ Deputy Minister Georgieva added.According to her, despite global challenges, Bulgaria has started the summer season very well. At present data indicates that the high level achieved will also be kept in September. High-category facilities are full, with available beds hard to find in the other recreation facilities as well. During the first 7 months of 2016 alone, our country was visited by over 4.5 mil. international tourists, which is nearly 17 % more (over 650 000 visits more) vis-à-vis the first 7 months of 2015, Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva announced.
Minister Nikolina Angelkova welcomes participants in the Tsarevo Fish Festival
The Minister of Tourism advisor, Zhivko Tabakov, took part in the official ceremony to unveil the 6th edition of the Fish Festival in Tsarevo. The event took place on September 4 at Michurin port, continuing until nightfall. He read a welcoming address on behalf of the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, expressing hopes that the celebration of this festival will again gather hundreds of tourists region-wide with its rich and diverse agenda.The festival was first held six years ago. The idea is to make the culinary competition into a traditional one at each summer’s end, with locals and visitors to the town taking part in a competition to prepare fish delicacies.According to Municipality data, this year’s visitors to the event were 6 000. The event commenced with an under-water fishing regatta and a music fiesta. The newly established traditional meeting of locals and tourists for the first time featured a bicycle tour.The event’s agenda was joined by Emo Cholakov and other celebrities, with Uti Bachvarov preparing, in line with the tradition, Tsarevo-style mussels with rice for the thousands of guests. Musicians from Bulgaria Has Talent, Vivo Montana, the rock legends BTR, Raffy and Rewind provided good mood for everyone.
Minister Angelkova finds out the progress of archaeological explorations of the Rusokastro fortress
The Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, visited the Rusokastro fortress to see first-hand the archaeological explorations of the site and the conservation work performed on the unearthed structures. She was greeted by the Kameno mayor, Zhelyo Vardunski, and the Municipal Council chair, Radoslav Boyadjiev, who shared with her the Municipality’s plans to develop the site as a tourist attraction. According to scholars, this was one of the biggest-scale defence facilities, with a well preserved 14th century flooring having been discovered there just days ago.„It is a site of big potential, not just because of its scale, but also due to its location. Some of the most frequented Black Sea resorts are in the vicinity, with proactive advertising this site can welcome tens, even hundreds of thousands of tourists a year“, Minister Angelkova said. She emphasized that it was very important for work to continue on the exploration of the site and creation of further services for the tourists. „On our part, we are ready to support promotion of the fortress on a national level, but it is important to have something to show to the tourists when we focus attention on it“, Nikolina Angelkova added.Mayor Vardunski and the head of the archaeological explorations, Milen Nikolov, displayed to the Minister the work performed thus far. For the first time funding for the archaeological explorations is provided in a targeted manner from the budget of Kameno Municipality, which has set for itself the objective of turning the site into an attractive tourism destination. For 2016 it has made available to Burgas History Museum BGN 33 000, with a further BGN 5 000 of government subsidy added by the Ministry of Culture. The plans are to proceed to conservation-restoration works on the unearthed structures once the archaeological season is over.Owing to Kameno Municipality, the road to the fortress has also been gentrified, with all required amenities having been provided to the archaeologists. The mayors gave assurances that residents of Rusokastro village and Zhelyazovo village are also providing contribution to the experts’ work.The Rusokastro fortress is located in Burgas region, on an elevated hill, flanked by the Rusokastro river. It is also known as the Red Fortress due to the red colour of ambient rocks (from the Latin rosso – red, purple, and kastron – castle). Since 2006 the Burgas Regional Museum of History has consistently been exploring the site. The outcome is the uncovering of the largest fortress in today’s South-Eastern Bulgaria, with an area of 5 hectares, fortified by double walls and a citadel. It is mentioned numerous times in historical 12th-14th century sources, with scholars believing that it was constructed atop an ancient Thracian shrine.
Minister Angelkova gives the start to the 36th edition of Sliven Rally
Some 10 to 15 000 are expected to attend the 36th edition of Sliven Rally during the three days of its conduct. The event’s official start was given today by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova. The ceremony was attended by the Deputy Mayor of Sliven, Stefan Konduzov, the Municipal Council chair Dimitar Matev, Maria Belova, MP, the Regional Governor, Tatyana Petkova and her Deputy, Kamen Kostov, etc."Seeing so many people here today convinces me yet again of the sports tourism prospects. Its potential can be used for the balanced development of the regions, because when people travel to see a sports event, they also visit many of the tourist attractions in that area", Minister Angelkova said. Sliven is part of one of the 8 cultural-historical destinations developed by the Ministry of Tourism, with more than 20 sites in the area having been included in the online Registry of Tourist Attractions.Responding to reporter queries, Minister Angelkova announced that during H1 of 2016 over 23 000 tourists have stayed in accommodation facilities with 10+ beds within Sliven region. The night-stays achieved exceed 38 000 and the revenues generated therefrom amount to nearly BGN 1.5 mil. "These numbers indicate that there is a good foundation for us to build up with joint efforts ", she added.37 crews are taking part in Rally Sliven, the fourth round of the national championship, which is also a round of the European rally trophy, Balkans region. The tournament starts today (September 2) with an official opening and a rally stage on the city streets, followed by 12 high-speed sections on September 3 and 4. This year’s participants include the leader in our national championship, Yordan Atanasov (navigator Angel Bashkehayov, Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX), the winner of Rally Bulgaria, Rasheed Al Ketbi (navigator Carina Heperle), as well as the pilot, who won two of the Bulgarian championship’s first three rounds – Plamen Staykov (navigator David Kvaratshelya, Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX).
Minister Nikolina Angelkova and Mayor Ivan Alexies discuss opportunities to promote the Ancient Beehive Tomb in Pomorie
The Ancient Beehive Tomb in Pomorie was visited by over 8 000 tourists in 2015. This year further growth is expected, with visitors exceeding 7 200 in just the first 7 months. This was announced during a meeting between the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, and the Pomorie Mayor, Ivan Alexiev.„The site has huge potential, which was the reason why it was one of the symbols of the campaign to promote domestic tourism, which we carried out last year“, Nikolina Angelkova emphasized. Mayor Alexiev also briefed her on the Municipality’s plans to develop the site and improve its socialization. Preliminary communication has already taken place, work is being done to improve its road, water, and sewer infrastructure and create extra tourist attraction. "My wish is that this monument becomes as accessible as possible for more guests and tourists. The tomb is exclusive state property, a national-significance site. I am optimistic that when government, municipality, and businesses stand shoulder to shoulder we can achieve great results in this ", Mayor Alexiev shared.„You have Ministry of Tourism’s full support and my personal commitment for us to turn this site into one of the symbols of cultural-historical tourism at the Black Sea coast“, Minister Angelkova said. She highlighted that during the first 6 months of this year Burgas Region has welcomed over 286 000 international tourism and that had promotion of and services at the site been more diverse, even better results could have been achieved.The Ancient Beehive Tomb is a genuine masterpiece of ancient architecture. The unique archaeological monument is located 4 km from Pomorie and is one of the most visited cultural-historical sites in the municipality.
Annual Tourism Awards established
The Ministry of Tourism is establishing Annual Tourism Awards. The competition’s objective is to promote development of Bulgarian tourism via promotion of tourism sites and destinations, enhancement of the tourism service’s competitiveness and quality. The competition will also encourage implementation of innovative practices in the industry for the purpose of achieving higher efficiency in the tourism services supplied. The idea is for the competition to provide an opportunity for players in the industry to take active part each year and thus receive a deserved appreciation of their efforts in presenting and improving the Bulgarian tourism product. The plans are to evaluate winners in the Annual Tourism Awards under several basic criteria. A special methodology is being elaborated, the main objective being to put forth clear evaluation criteria with an appropriate set of quantified and qualified criteria and indicators to select the best ones in each category.„As soon as the Ministry of Tourism was set up, it was very important for us to give deserved recognition to all players in the tourism industry, to all tourism-related organizations, which put efforts into the development of successful tourism in Bulgaria. I believe the Annual Tourism Awards are precisely the form that will acknowledge the best ones, will create the required competition in the sector, and that we will thus manage to provide to the Bulgarian and international tourists an even better, higher-grade tourism product. It is our ambition to turn these awards into a tradition ”, Minister Angelkova said.The Annual Tourism Awards will feature a special category, which will reward the best tourist attraction. All types of tourist attractions will be eligible to apply for reward. Applications will be evaluated by factoring in revenues from the underlying tourism service, the number of visitors during the active season, promotion for the attraction, physical accessibility thereto, etc. The best tourism event will also be rewarded, this category being for the organizers of tourism events held with a given period of time – such as carnivals, festivals, celebrations, holidays, including business- and science events under other tourism-related forums. Here again, applications will be evaluated under certain indicators, among which number of visitors, sales revenues, the marketing & advertising approach selected, etc. A reward is also being established for tourism organizations producing or preparing high-grade products or offering experiences, which preserve customs and/or folklore. The prerequisite is to use local traditions and resources, thus contributing to the respective region’s long-term sustainable development.Tour operators, tour agents, guides, transport companies, tourism complexes will be eligible to apply for reward in the Specialized Tourism category. The types of tourism covered will be: cultural-historical; balneal, spa & wellness; eco and rural tourism; enotourism and gourmet tourism; congress- and event tourism; golf, adventure, etc. Economic indicators, quality of service, use of marketing & advertising to promote the particular tourism type, etc. will be graded. Various representatives from the tourism industry will also be eligible to apply for reward under the Innovation category, which will focus on innovative approaches, services, products, technology solutions and concepts. Grading will be based on concept, innovation effect, etc.The best tourism destination will also receive an annual tourism award. Applications will be reviewed and evaluated vis-à-vis availability of an elaborated and implemented sustainable development strategy, how the destination is managed, access to facilities for people with disabilities and special needs, as well as based on economic criteria. The special award will be “Bulgarians’ Choice”, with voters being able to pick online their favourite location from the existing tourism sites in Bulgaria.An award will also be established for the best tourism blog and tourism-related website. The criteria will address vision, purpose, content, number of visitors, average number of publications per month, etc. All amateur bloggers will be eligible to file applications. Technical evaluation criteria will be taken into consideration when selecting the best website - number of unique visitors, number of comments on and shares of publications, etc. The best journalistic text on the subject matter of tourism will also be rewarded. This category is intended for journalist publications in print and/or electronic media on the subject matter of tourism and/or tourism development in Bulgaria. Articles will be graded on creative approach, knowledge of and analysis on the subject matter, etc.Representatives of local government will also be nominated in the Annual Tourism Awards in the following category: municipality best/most successfully absorbing EU funds intended for the development of tourism and tourism sites; municipality best/most successfully investing funds in the development of tourism and tourism sites;  municipality with the biggest contribution to the development of alpine, marine, cultural-historical, spa, specialized, pilgrimage tourism, etc.; municipality with the biggest number of events and initiatives in tourism, including participation in international events; municipality with the biggest tourism tax collection rates.The plans are for all categories, along with a dedicated module for enrolment applications, to be published on the website of the Ministry of Tourism. There are also plans to establish a Public Board to the Annual Tourism Awards, which will feature prominent experts from the media, the tourism businesses, the academia, etc.
TUI – Bulgaria to welcome over 220 000 international tourists during Summer‘2016
Calculations of TUI – Bulgaria indicate that over 220 000 international tourists will be welcomed during Summer‘2016. This was made clear during a meeting between the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, and the company’s country director, Plamen Katsarov.„Data from all sub-sectors indicate growth this year, we are hopeful of an extended summer season as well“, Minister Angelkova said. Both shared the opinion that partnership between the Ministry of Tourism and the large-scale international tour operators has borne fruit over a limited period of time. „We are planning to continue with these activities as a crucial part of Bulgaria’s promotion as a tourism destination“, Nikolina Angelkova added.TUI – Bulgaria registers a 2016 growth from most large markets for Bulgarian tourism services: Germany +20%; Poland+100%; UK +28%; the Netherlands +13%; Belgium +53%; Russia +15%. „For Summer’2017 we are expecting tourists from France, as well as expansion of the Nordic and Netherlands programme in the Varna region“, Plamen Katsarov explained. He added that negotiation over the forthcoming winter season was also going at very good rates. In his opinion, there is every change of Summer’2017 being even better than the record results reported for 2016 but work towards better quality in all aspects of the tourism product must continue.
Minister Angelkova: We found illegal activities at the Fichoza beach
A hotel operator of the Varna beach Fichoza will have to pay between BGN 10 000 and 50 000 for placing umbrellas and folding chairs at the beach without being so entitled. This was announced today by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, and the Varna Regional Governor, Stoyan Pasev. They attended an unannounced inspection of the beach strip by experts from both institutions, acting on a filed signal.„The regional administration has provided a rescue service at the beach, the Municipality provides the cleaning, while a private entity makes use of all of this without paying any fees to the government“, Minister Angelkova found. It was ascertained that an entire sector of the beach was appropriated by the hotel operator, with special signage warning that apart from the hotel guests no one is entitled to use that sector. „According to documents this is an unguarded beach and the entire area has to be absolutely free to tourists“, Nikolina Angelkova emphasized. She added that while beach concessionaires and lessees are required to provide a number of services and are subject to control at all times, such entrepreneurs derive only benefits. „We will continue our inspections of both this beach and the entire Black Sea cost start“, the Minister stated categorically.Operation of two catering establishments at the beach strip was also ascertained during the inspection. Minister Angelkova ordered that geodetic photos be shot to verify whether these conform to the cadastre scheme. „No one is entitled to any retail operation at the beach strip of an unguarded beach“, Nikolina Angelkova explained. According to her, during early season more than 100 beaches were inspected, while during the past week some 65 beach strips underwent follow-up inspections by the Ministry teams.Experts of the Ministry of Tourism and Varna Regional Administration composed a statement of infractions of the offender, ESI BULGARIA Ltd., an act ascertaining the administrative offense is due to be issued.
Minister Angelkova presents the forthcoming changes in beach strip management to beach concessionaires and lessees from the northern Black Sea coast
Our purpose is to give under concession at least 15 beaches under the new rules for the next summer season. We have commenced preliminary steps for 60 beaches and are analysing which ones to lease and which ones to give under concession. Thus said today Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, in Varna, at a meeting with beach concessionaires and lessees from the northern Black Sea coast, and representatives of tourism businesses. The Regional Governors of Varna and Bourgas, Stoyan Pasev and Detelina Nikolova, respectively, also took part in the discussion.„We propose grouping of the beaches wherein we will take into account the maximum possible details“, Minister Angelkova announced. This is envisaged in the draft bill for amendments and additions to the Black Sea Coast Spatial Development Act, which has been published for public discussions on the Ministry of Tourism’s website. „We are also elaborating an ordinance to the Act, which will state what group each beach would go to in order to achieve balanced distribution of revenues and expenses“, Nikolina Angelkova explained. Responding to reporters’ questions, she explained that the northern Black Sea coast is experiencing a strong summer season. During this year’s H1 alone, Varna welcomed over 310 000 tourists, while Dobrich region – nearly 100 000 tourists. Total revenues from their night-stays exceed BGN 81 mil.The amendments to the Black Sea Coast Spatial Development Act are published for public discussions on the Ministry of Tourism’s website. These envisage definition of four major groups of sea beaches:o    Group I – Sea beaches located in urbanized territories;o   Group II - Sea beaches located in non-urbanized territories, in proximity to a tourism destination, inclusive of urbanized territories or camp sites;o   Group III - Sea beaches located in non-urbanized territories, remote from a tourism destination, inclusive of urbanized territories or camp sites;o   Group IV - Sea beaches of restricted use or designated for development of specialized types of tourism.Division of sea beaches into groups will be carried out based on a minimum set of fair criteria. These include the sea beach’s geographic location; degree of urbanization of territories appertaining to the sea beach, natural-climatic and environmental characteristics, proximity to tourism destinations. For the first three groups development of sub-groups is also proposed to contribute to those groups’ further detailed breakdown. Work is also done on the further sophistication and detailing of such differentiation in a dedicated ordinance under the Act.
Minister Nikolina Angelkova and the Varna Regional Governor, Stoyan Pasev, inspect the Kabakum beaches
Inspections of beach strips by the Ministry of Tourism are ongoing. Today’s inspection of the Kabakum beaches was joined by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, and the Varna Regional Governor, Stoyan Pasev.The experts found Kabakum – Biser and Kabakum – Rusalka to be in perfect order. Nonconformities were found at Kabakum – Sever and Kabakum – Yug, Chast 1, and Kabakum – Tsentralen, where the number of rescuers is inadequate. There are only documentary nonconformities at Kabakum – Sever, Chast 1.In parallel with the beach inspections, updating of the dedicated module on the Ministry of Tourism’s website showing the prices of beach accessories is going on. Follow-up inspections reveal that prices at the Bulgarian Black Sea cost start at BGN 2, which was the case with the beach strip inspected today. At the Chernomorets camp site, the lessee provides umbrellas and folding chairs to tourists free of charge. This is also the case at the central beach of Bourgas, which is operated by the Municipality.
Minister Angelkova initiates a meeting with tourist businesses in Slanchev bryag to change the resort’s image
We are elaborating an ordinance on the status of national resorts where we will set out specific texts to change the image of Slanchev bryag. Thus said today the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, at a meeting about the resort complex’s future, which was held at her initiative. The mayor of Nessebar Municipality, Nikolay Dimitrov, Dimitar Boychev, MP, hoteliers, restaurateurs, beach concessionaires, etc. took part in the discussion as well.„Slanchev bryag is one of our biggest resorts, creating much of our summer tourism product’s image. We must all join forces to find working solutions in order to change the way it looks“, Minister Angelkova said. She explained that amendments to the Tourism Act envisage creation of a dedicated ordinance for the national resorts, which will contain texts about each such resort. „This is the reason why I initiated this first consultative meeting with all stakeholders so we can earmark measures, which would yield results as early as the next summer season“, Nikolina Angelkova explained.Participants in the meeting proposed to ban placement of moveable stalls in certain locations in the resorts and allocated dedicated plots for them. This will free the central alleys from the eye-soring stalls and will introduce clear rules where they can be placed. Slanchev bryag AD will meet these requirements but they also need to be implemented in private properties, otherwise we will not achieve any visible effect. It is therefore important to outline the requirements together and apply them in actual practice“, Minister Angelkova emphasized.Ministry of Tourism’s experts will propose specific texts to be discussed at a follow-up meeting with all stakeholders at the summer season’s end. They are expected to be incorporated in the legislative amendments and be in effect for the 2017 season.
Minister Angelkova initiates a meeting with concessionaires and lessees of sea beaches to discuss forthcoming changes in how beach strips are managed
With the amendments we are proposing to the Black Sea Coast Spatial Development Act we aim to make our beach strips much more attractive and improve the product’s quality for the tourist. Thus said the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, at a meeting with representatives of concessionaires and lessees of sea beaches, tourism businesses, etc. The discussion was hosted by the Bourgas regional governor, Valcho Cholakov.„The new rules will result in changes towards both optimization of costs for investors and reduction of the charges for beach accessories. We already have a step in this direction – the Council of Ministers adopted changes to the Methodology for determining the minimum concession remuneration, introducing base charges for beach accessories“, Minister Angelkova explained. The requirement will be incorporated in all procedures for granting concessions over sea beaches, which for which calls for proposals will be announced and will become effective as of the next summer season.The proposed charge for beach accessories will have a 40% weight in the bidding for beach concessions, whereas all formulas will define a base price for one sun umbrella and one beach chair. The price will vary according to the beach specifics and the proximity to and availability of accommodation beds in their nearby settlement. For beaches located near settlements with < 10 000 residents, the price will be up to BGN 2, for those near settlements with > 10 000 residents – BGN 3, while at national resorts – BGN – 4. Would-be concessionaires will also be required to have experience in and plan for managing the sea beach.Minister Angelkova emphasized that meetings are now being arranged in locations along the Black Sea with all stakeholders to discuss the forthcoming amendments to the BSCSDA, the purpose being to have the new rules in effect for the next season.
Minister Angelkova inspects the condition of beaches at Slanchev bryag
We have initiated the setting up of a task group for the image of Slanchev bryag in order to resolve the issue with the moveable stalls. This was announced by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during an inspection of the resort’s beaches."Overall, Slanchev bryag - tsentralen and Slanchev bryag - yug meet the requirements but there are still issues with Slanchev bryag - sever", Minister Angelkova said. The inspection of the latter found dozens of infringements, and the contract penalties may reach BGN 360 000. "The beaches are maintained and cleaned but the approved retail space has been exceeded several times over in Slanchev bryag - sever and the 50% free area requirement has not been met", Minister Angelkova explained. The infringements will be reviewed by the Interdepartmental Commission, which involved representatives of the Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of the Environment and Waters, and of the Council of Ministers, in order to make a decision on the concession contract’s future at the end of the season.Today’s inspection is part of the large-scale inspections of the Ministry of Tourism, which are underway at all sea beaches. 40 beach strips have been inspected thus far. The most common infringements have to do with retail space and the free area. "Overall, the infringements are minimal and are remedied in due time. Inspections will continue throughout the season", Minister Angelkova commented. The Ministry’s mobile group is still operating and responds in due time to any filed signals of wrongdoing.
Ministry of Tourism to have its own information stand at the Sofia Breathes festival
This is the first year that the Ministry of Tourism is taking part with its own information stand in the multi-genre, urban-type Sofia Breathes festival. The event is held on each August Sunday in the city of Sofia, today being held at Knyaz Alexander I St. The Sofia Breathes festival is part of Sofia’s Culture Agenda and from 2010 to 2014 it worked to support the bid of Sofia and the South-West Region for 2019 European Capital of Culture. The event’s agenda fuses visual and stage arts, literature, ecology, sports, and social-educational initiatives. What the festival offers to the public is an unconventional and intriguing way to get to know the abundance of cultural life in Sofia, where the hundreds of independent Bulgarian authors, various organizations and initiatives get the opportunity to present themselves. Sofia Breathes strives to bring Sofia’s vast potential to fruition in cultural, social, and economic terms. The event organizers are the Sofia Breathes Foundation and Sofia Municipality. During the first two weeks of August the event was held in Ivan Denkoglu St. (August 7) and Moskovska St. (August 14), while it is scheduled to be held on Alexander Stamboliiski Blvd. on August 28.
Minister Nikolina Angelkova and Tsarevo’s mayor, Georgi Lapchev, inspect the Lozenets beach
Lozenets’ central beach is clean and well maintained. It was inspected today by the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, and Tsarevo Municipality’s mayor, Georgi Lapchev. The beach strip was also inspected at the end of last week by experts of the Ministry of Tourism and representatives of the Regional Health Inspectorate and the Maritime Administration agency.Later that day, the two inspected the operation of the newly constructed wastewater catchment reservoir. This facility prevents untreated water from getting into the sea. Mayor Lapchev familiarized Minister Angelkova with how the season was unfolding in the municipality, emphasizing that the sea was clean.
Minister Angelkova was guest of the final re-enactment of Beglik Tash for the 2016 summer season
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and the Primorsko Municipality’s mayor, Dimitar Germanov, were guests of the final re-enactment of Beglik Tash locality for this year’s summer season."Due to the Municipality’s consistent efforts, this locality ranks among the best examples of sustainable development in the area ", Minister Angelkova emphasized. Last year it welcomed some 60 000 tourists. This year yielded even better results, with the visitors exceeding last year’s number in August alone. The local government has put in place some extra attractions for the tourists, demonstrating ancient Thracian rituals and legends. The locality was also included in the information campaign of the Ministry of Tourism to promote domestic tourism and was labelled as one of the 50 little known national tourism sites.The imposing megalith sanctuary Beglik Tash is a sacred space, featuring Thracian mounds, dolmens, and rock altars that have no parallel in Bulgaria. It is a natural rock ensemble of syenite boulders of various dimensions and forms, which formed as a result of rock weathering at the Rossen pluton.The sanctuary, which is known as the Bulgarian Stonehenge, covers an area of 6 decares and is located 5 km north of Primorsko – in the middle of a thick deciduous forest within the area of the Pearl hunting residence, which once used to be off-limits to “mere mortals”. This precisely the reason why one of the biggest discoveries relevant to Thracian history along the Black Sea coast and Strandja area remained unknown to scholars and tourists until 2003. Surveys of the site only began in 2001 and were led by Bulgarian archaeologists Tsonya Drazheva and Dimitar Nedev. The cult to the Grand Mother Goddess and her son – the Sun –is believed to have been serviced here. Apart from its temple function, this place was also a calendar and a watch, which is attested by specific “steps” carved into the rocks and a stone grouping dividing the day into parts.
Minister Angelkova takes part in the opening of the Festival of Folklore Costume in Zheravna
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova took part in the official opening of the ninth edition of the Festival of Folklore Costume in Zheravna. Other official guests of the event included the Minister of Agriculture and Food, Desislava Taneva, the chairman of GERB’s parliamentary group, Tsvetan Tsvetanov, the mayors of Zheravna village, Galya Nedeva, and of town of Kotel, Kosta Karanashev, MP’s, local government representatives, many well-known artists, performers, etc. The three-day forum was organized with the assistance of the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Culture.Minister Angelkova emphasized that the festival has a very important role to play in tourism’s sustainable development in the region. In the course of the last eight editions performers and guests at the festival have increased nearly 20-fold. This year a total of 700 groups, orchestras, and individual artists present themselves. According to local museum experts, some 50-60% of those gathering for the event have already attended it before. Last year the sites of the Kotel Historical Museum registered nearly 45 000 visitors and some BGN 80 000 in revenues. The data pertaining to H1 of 2016 suggest even better results this year.Minister Angelkova offered a reminder that in the online Registry of Tourist Attractions Kotel Municipality features with 25 sites and attractions, which also enjoy great interest. In the local museums one can see personal belongings and works of many notable Bulgarians, who were born here – Sofronii Vratchanski, Neofit Bozveli, Dr. Petar Beron, Georgi Mamarchev, Georgi Rakovski, Sava Filaretov, Raino Popovich, Todor Ikonomov, Vasil Stoyanov. Kotel and Zheravna are an important part of the eight cultural-historical destinations set up by the Ministry – Bulgarian Architecture and Craftsmanship.The international Festival of Folklore Costume is held during August 19 - 21 in the Dobromeritsa locality in Zheravna. It was set up in 2008 at the idea of Hristo Dimitrov – a producers, choreographer, and director of the Bulgare National Folklore Ensemble.
Organized child trips to be conducted under contract between tour operators and headmasters of educational institutions, requirements to child camps are introduced
Tourism trips organized within the systems of preschool- and school education will be conducted based on contract executed between a tour operator and a headmaster of a kindergarten, a school, or a personal development support centre, within the meaning of the Preschool- and School Education Act. The objective is for each such trip to be organized professionally and check all of its related components. This is envisaged by the Draft Ordinance on the common-price child- and student tourism trips, as initiated by kindergartens, schools, or personal development support centres, which is published for public discussion purposes. The document was jointly elaborated by the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Education and Science.The Ordinance sets out in detail the responsibilities and duties of headmasters and tour operators. Accommodation of children and students will only take place in categorized facilities, and their feeding will only be provided by locations registered under the Foods Act. To ensure the quality and origin of the food in such trips the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency will be advised of the arrangements concerning food for the children and students. The requirements to make organized child trips by bus and during the light part of the day is kept.It is envisaged that the number of staff servicing the trip is to be determined by the trip’s format, the number, age composition and specific needs of children and students – one adult per 5-7 children from kindergartens, one adult per 10-15 students from grades 1 to 12. Participants in trips outside the country must be insured by the tour operator pursuant to the Tourism Act’s requirements, and the conduct of such trips must also involve an insurer’s representative.For the first time particular requirements to child camps are set out and they are due to be worked out in detail via the forthcoming amendments to the Tourism Act, which are now in progress. The Ordinance envisages that child camps in the country are organized in tourism facilities located in fenced plots, with at least two entrance points, with 24-07 and controlled admission, with CCTV, a restaurant, and other mandatory characteristics due to be in place.Where the recreation facility is near water, the operator must comply with the relevant specialized instructions. To ensure the safety and security of children and students while visiting a beach (open water areas), the Ordinance on Water Rescue Activities and Making Safe the Water Areas and the Ordinance on the Quality Management of Swimming Waters must be complied with. Secured access from the facility to the beach must be provided for camps near the sea coast. Use of open water areas by adolescents is only allowed in the presence of rescuer/s provided by the owner/lessee/concessionaire.Requirements to the practicing of winter sports are also being introduced. The Ordinance requires that winter sports training for children and students is carried out by qualified ski teachers, while tourism, march guidance, and excursion camping activities in the mountains are provided by qualified mountain guides.The Ordinance is adopted based on the Tourism Act. Control over compliance with the Ordinance is entrusted to the Commission for Consumer Protection, the Ministry of Education and Science, and Regional Health Inspectorate, and other competent authorities. The amount of sanctions envisaged in the Tourism Act, the Foods Act, and the Health Act will be kept and imposed for Ordinance infractions.
Sozopol nominated as best European destination for 2017
Sozopol was nominated best European destination for 2017 by the European Best Destinations organization. This was announced during the award ceremony for the In Love with the Wind castle, which this year was ranked fourth among Europe’s most beautiful castles by the same organization. The event was attended by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova, the Sozopol mayor, Panayot Reizi, etc.„Attractions such as the Ravadinovo castle help us extend the season and offer more experience to tourists at the Bulgarian Black Sea coast“, Minister Angelkova said. She emphasized that the season was going very well and that everything seems to suggest that this will be one of the strongest seasons the country has ever enjoyed. „In June alone, our southern Black Sea coast welcomed more than a quarter of a million tourists, which is a 20% growth compared to last year“, Nikolina Angelkova announced. Revenues from night-stays in the Bourgas region in June exceeded BGN 73 mil., which is an over 35% increase compared to June 2015.The In Love with the Wind castle in Ravadinovo village, Sozopol municipality, is ranked 4th in EBD’s prestigious ranking. The top three spots are taken by the Pena castle in Portugal (first), the Alcazar palace in Spain (second) and the Neuschwanstein castle in Germany (third). Selection took place in two stages: selection by a jury of 9 tourism professionals (travel agencies, tour operators, reporters, heads of tourist offices), followed by online voting of more than 10 000 people from 109 countries.European Best Destinations (EBD) is an organization headquartered in Brussels, which focuses on the development and promotion of culture and tourism in Europe. It operates in partnership with the EDEN network and all leading European tourism offices, covering over 355 in Europe. Since 2009 EBD has partnered with tourism representatives Europe-wide, focusing on some of the Old Continent’s leading destinations on its website and in the social networks. The number of visitors to the organization’s website exceeds 3 million globally. It publishes pictures, videos, panoramic walks, guides, and tips about all 355 locations. The number of followers in the social networks Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest is nearly 100 000. Destinations acknowledged by European Best Destination register visitor growth of 15% on average.
Ministry of Tourism experts inspect the condition of child bases along the Black Sea coast
In the midst of the summer season the Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, ordered the Ministry experts to hold in situ meetings and inspect the conditions at recreation bases for children along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. This is done to ensure proper conditions for this type of rest and earmark measures for asserting our country as one of the most preferred tourism destinations for child recreation in the region.The recreation conditions at over 20 large-scale bases visited are good and meet the requirements, the Ministry of Tourism representatives found. These take up large areas enabling diverse sporting and creative activities. The zones are properly separated and guarded by skilled individuals, who, apart from their security commitments, also have control-admission functions. There is one nominated steward per 10-15 children. All bases visited feature medical centres/points, with a full-time physician, while some have their own emergency aid vehicles. The beach strip is used as per contract with the relevant beach concessionaire, with dedicated rescuers being provided for the children.In situ meetings are part of the Ministry of Tourism’s work in elaborating details of the criteria to be met by child recreation facilities according to national and international standards. One of the issues in this segment is that more and more hotels are starting to accommodate organized groups of adolescents but some of them have not made sufficient investments in order for their service to be fully compliant with the new requirements. The Ministry of Tourism will therefore initiate discussion among representatives of all child recreation bases and the stakeholder institutions and organizations. During the debates there will be discussion about the proposed legislative provisions regulating a framework of the minimum requirements to the conduct of such business and control thereon. Based on such requirements, a list of bases compliant with the terms will be prepared.Development of organized child tourism is an important segment of the country’s national tourism product. Bulgaria has for decades been constructing and developing child recreation bases and is known internationally as a very serene and hospitable place for adolescent recreation, particularly for children from Russia, ex-USSR countries, and Central Europe. This product, however, requires more active promotion in order to establish Bulgaria’s image as a preferred destination for this age category of tourists, representatives of tourism businesses indicated during the meetings. Their opinion will be factored in when the next steps towards development of organized child recreation in our country are taken.
Bulgaria and Greece have signed a Joint Action Programme for the period 2016 - 2018 in the field of tourism
The Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria Nikolina Angelkova and the Minister of Economy, Development and Tourism of the Republic of Greece Giorgos Stathakis signed a Joint Action Programme for the period 2016 - 2018 for action in the field of tourism. This happened within the intergovernmental meeting that was held today in Sofia. Earlier both ministers met in a bilateral meeting.“Traditionally Bulgaria is visited by many Greek tourists and many Bulgarians choose Greece as their holiday destination. Therefore, it is of mutual interest to further enhance our cooperation and to undertake even more joint initiatives”, Minister Angelkova said.She acquainted her Greek colleague with the event organized by Bulgaria and the World Tourism Organization in Sofia in the period 29 November - 1 December. Minister Stathakis promised to personally attend the event, if possible, otherwise the forum will be attended by the responsible Deputy Minister. Both ministers discussed the opportunities for exchange of experience in the tourism sector and more specifically in the improvement of the regulatory framework and staff training in the branch of tourism.Greek tourists mainly come to Bulgaria for winter tourism, while the Bulgarian tourists prefer to go to Greece in the summer. For the past year, 972,971 Greeks visited Bulgaria (for tourism purposes) and 1,043,078 Bulgarians visited Greece. The positive data were preserved in the first 6 months of 2016, when over 520 thousand Greeks were in Bulgaria and around 515 thousand Bulgarians visited our southern neighbour.Both ministers agreed to resume the talks in September at expert level and to prepare a Memorandum with specific topics and commitments for enhancing the cooperation. These include exchange of experience for the diversification of the touristic product and development of a mutual touristic product for remote markets with an emphasis on the cultural and religious tourism.
Minister Angelkova has opened the First Folklore Festival “St. Constantine - 2016”
“Such events add value to the Bulgarian touristic product and create an opportunity for further promotion of the region and its attractions.” This was said by Minister of Tourism Angelkova during the opening ceremony of the First Folklore Festival “St. Constantine - 2016”. The launching ceremony was attended by the Mayor of Peshtera Nikolay Zaychev, the deputy Desislava Kostadinova etc.Minister Angelkova highlighted the positive fact that the festival gathered more than 90 folklore ensembles from Bulgaria and the programme went on throughout the entire weekend. “The Ministry of Tourism will continue to support such events, which help us preserve our traditions and customs while at the same time they promote the domestic tourism”, she added.Earlier in the day Nikolina Angelkova visited the village of Dorkovo (Rakitovo municipality) to greet the participants and guests of the XVIII International Festival for Authentic Folklore taking place in the village. She acclaimed the idea of the mayors to unify the two festivals, so that the participants may perform on the stages of both municipalities - Peshtera and Rakitovo.The first folklore festival “St. Constantine - 2016” is held under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism, and the two-day holiday of folk arts and crafts will have more than 750 participants from this and other regions of the country. According to the expectations of the local authorities, the forum will attract more than 5,000 spectators and tourists.
Minister Angelkova: This is the strongest half-year period for the Bulgarian touristic sector
This has been the strongest half-year period for the Bulgarian tourism in the last 10 years in view of the number of tourists, who visited the country. For the period January - June 2016 we welcomed over 100 thousand foreign citizens. The rate compared to the same period in the last decade varies from 18% (in 2014) to more than 60% (in 2007). This was announced by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova in the “Hello, Bulgaria” TV broadcast on Nova TV.“The summer season started very well and for the month of June we have an increase of 28% and serious growth in many tourist generating markets”, said Minister Angelkova. Among them are Romania (44%), Germany (62%), Russia (18%), Ukraine (22%), Great Britain (18%), Poland  (177%), Czech Republic (92%), Israel (41%), France (38%), Hungary (49%), Austria (76%) etc. „We hope that this trend will continue and the summer will confirm the first half-year rate”, she further said.The new module, which is already available on the website of the Ministry of Tourism, was also promoted in the TV studio. In it every tourist can check the prices of the beach accessories on the Bulgarian beaches.  “At the moment, the concession holders and the tenants are not obliged to submit information about the prices of the beach accessories, so some discrepancies may occur on spot. With the amendments of the law and the new methods of determining the minimum concession remuneration, however, we introduce a requirement for basic prices of the beach accessories at the initial stage of applying and their observance will be controlled”, said Minister Angelkova. According to her words, this will significantly reduce the price of sunbeds and parasols on the beach.At the moment the module contains information about more than 90 beaches either rented out or granted under a concession agreement and the user can see the beach name and the price for 1 pc. parasol and 1 pc. sunbed. The work on the module is in progress and all remaining beaches will be reflected on the map. The ambition of the Ministry of Tourism is to upgrade the module by adding pictures of the beach strips, additional information of the services offered on them etc. Forthcoming is also the development of the Englis version, so that the foreigners may get an idea of the beaches and make a choice.  A real map was used for the application, which makes it a useful tool not only for giving information about prices, but also as an illustration of the beaches located in the proximity.Next to the beach map there is a box, which provides guidance to the tourists as to where and how to report if they spot irregularities on the beach. This can be made by dialing 02/ 904 68 33 or to the e-mail: Minister Angelkova announced that there have been over 200 received signals so far and the ministry has promptly responded to them. A lot of the signals are not directly related to the beach management or are within the competence of other institutions and were promptly forwarded to them. The Ministry of Tourism also has a mobile inspection group operating along the Black sea coast.
Minister Angelkova attends the Todorka’s Sun Ancient Cultures Festival in Vratsa
Overnight stays in Vratsa have registered a 13% growth for the first five months of 2016, their total number being 34 000 for the entire region’s territory. The region has a lot to show to tourists and event tourism can give a fresh boost to the sector’s development. Thus said the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova during the opening of the Todorka’s Sun Ancient Cultures Festival, which is was held between 22 - 24 July in the Vologa locality near the village of Ohoden. The event was attended by the Vratsa mayor Kalin Kamenov, the Municipal Council’s chair Rumen Antov, the Regional Governor Malina Nikolova, MP’s, town councillors, etc.Earlier that day Minister Angelkova visited the Gradishte locality and God’s Bridge. She announced to reporters that the Ministry of Tourism is continuing the bill board campaign to promote domestic tourism, with Vratsa being one of the new cities included in campaign. The bill board campaign was started at the beginning of the year by the Ministry, with 12 large Bulgarian municipalities taking part in it. Local government provided free areas, while the Ministry of Tourism elaborated the visions. Thus, more than 50 tourism sites were advertised country-wide at minimum cost.According to her, tourism can drive the region’s development. „Unique natural sites are and numerous cultural-historical sites are concentrated here, we need to join efforts to make them more recognizable to both Bulgarian and foreign tourists ”, she emphasized.The Todorka’s Sun Ancient Cultures Festival aims to preserve North-West’s cultural-historical heritage and promote the Bulgaria-Romani cross-border region as a place of long-standing history and rich traditions. The event is carried out under a project entitled “Danube – I can hear you and will ever forget you, I can see you and will remember you, I can replicate you and understand you” and is funded under the Romania Bulgaria Interreg V-A Program. Art groups, archeologists, and historians from Bulgaria, Russia, Romania, Serbia, Macedonia, and Albania will take part in the festival’s third edition.
Minister Angelkova: The new sea beach concessions provision a sun umbrella and a sun lounger at the price of BGN 2 and 4.
A base price of sun umbrellas and sun loungers at the Bulgarian beaches is introduced – BGN 2, 3, and 4. The requirement will be embedded in all sea beach concession procedures, which are due to be announced and will become effective as soon as the next summer season. This was announced today by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova, following the Council of Ministers’ session. The changes are made in the amendments and additions to the Methodology for determining the minimum amount of the concession payment for sea beaches and in the minimum criteria for comprehensive assessment of bids placed in competitions held to select sea beach concessionaires, which were adopted by the cabinet at today’s meeting.„Optimization of the Methodology will factor in the specifics of the beaches, reducing the prices of beach accessories and encouraging the offering of extra services“, Minister Angelkova said. According to her, a 40% weight is set for the offered price of 1 sun umbrella and 1 sun lounger in beach concession competitions, with all formulas determining a base price for 1 sun umbrella and 1 sun lounger. The price will vary depending on the beach specifics and the proximity and availability of accommodation beds in the settlement near the beaches. For beaches located near settlements with < 10 000 residents, the price will be up to BGN 2, for those near settlements with > 10 000 residents – BGN 3, while at national resorts – BGN – 4. „These changes result from the government’s work and will change quality-wise the Bulgarian sea tourism product“, Nikolina Angelkova emphasized.She explained that all expiring concessions will be granted under the new methodology. These include 15 large, highly visited beaches (Nessebar – old town, Dyuni, the three parts of the St. Vlas beach, etc.). Case-by-case discussions will be held for the existing contracts to implement the new rules. Responding to a reporter’s question, Minister Angelkova announced that more than 200 signals have already been placed alleging irregularities at the sea beaches. Some 160 of these were placed by telephone, and some 40 – by e-mail. The Ministry was alerted mostly about failure on the part of concessionaires/lessees to comply with the free area, as well as isolated cases relating to the cleanness of seas beaches. „Starting this week, we also have a mobile field group at the Black Sea to investigate incoming signals about the sea beaches“, Nikolina Angelkova added.
The Ministry of Tourism initiates a meeting to discuss the current situation with tourist travel to Turkey
The Ministry of Tourism initiated a meeting to discuss the current situation with tourist travel to Turkey. It was attended by Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva and representatives of 11 tourism companies operating on the Turkish market.Deputy Minister Georgieva expressed gratitude for the swift actions taken by tour operators in the first several hours after the events in Turkey. Due to these actions as soon as Sunday (17 July) flight and bus transportation was provided for Bulgarian tourists. According to information of the tour operators, there still are Bulgarians in the big resorts, who have refused to cut short their vacations.During the meeting a proposal was put forward to create a registry of tour operators and travel agencies in our country, focusing on the market distribution of their offered services. According to the industry, this would facilitate the effective and purposeful communication between the Ministry of Tourism and providers of tourism services. The opening of a hot line for placement of signals by tourism companies was also discussed.The meeting was attended by Svetlana Atanasova, Chair of the Management Board of the Bulgarian Association of Travel Agents (BATA), Stela Filipova, member of the MB of the Association of Bulgarian Tour Operators and Travel Agents (ABTOTA), as well as representatives of the tourism companies Albena Holidays, Astral Holidays, Karaci Tours, Orient 99, Go2Holiday, Aqua Tour, Apollo 2000, Doris Ltd. Partner Travel, Tez Tour, and Solvex.
Deputy Minister Georgieva: For the second year running the Ministry of Tourism is supporting British embassy’s TakeYourPic responsible tourism initiative
Deputy Minister Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva attended the opening of the first-of-its-kind Universe Sexual Assault Referral Centre in the city of Bourgas. Its establishment was initiated by the UK embassy in our country, with the financial support of the Bourgas and Sozopol Municipalities. The official opening was also attended by the Bourgas mayor, Dimitar Nikolov, Her Excellency Emma Hopkins, UK ambassador, Sotir Tsatsarov, Prosecutor General, Georgi Kostov, Chief Secretary of the Ministry of Interior, and others.„Establishment of the centre is evidence of the successful partnership among the institution and a way to increase tourist security“, Deputy Minister Georgieva said. She reminisced that the Ministry of Tourism is also backing for a second straight year the British embassy’s TakeYourPic initiative for responsible tourism by English visitors to our country. The campaign is carries out in the social networks Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr and is an innovative way to inform British visitors in real-time, by sharing both satisfying and unpleasant experiences, of what could improve or jeopardize their vacation in our country. According to her, the initiative has become recognizable among the most vulnerable group – those aged 14 – 35, and has been adopted as a successful practice by tour operators and travel agencies. "Official stats about the campaign are also positive – incidents involving British tourists in our country have declined by 25%", Irena Georgieva stated further.Later that same day Deputy Minister Georgieva and Zhivko Tabakov, advisor to the Minister of Tourism, offered a floral tribute at the commemoration ceremony to honour the memory of the victims of the terrorist act at Sarafovo Airport in 2012.
Minister Angelkova: Over 100 000 visited the Rozhen Fair on a single night
Over 100 000 visited the Rozhen Fair on the peak night between Saturday and Sunday. This was announced before reporters by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova. She visited the Fair on its last day, looking at the craftsmen workshop and welcoming participants in the event.„After a nine-year hiatus, it is the second year running that the organizers have managed to reinstate this unique event of Bulgarian traditions and folklore“, Minister Angelkova said. She committed that the Ministry of Tourism will continue its support for organizing the event and shared hopes that next year the meadows of Rozhen will again welcome hundreds of thousands of guests from all over the country. „In order to support the holding of such events, we are elaborating a dedicated module in the online registry of tourist attractions“, Nikolina Angelkova added.Responding to a reporter’s question on the situation in Republic of Turkey, the Minister commented that as soon as yesterday the Ministry made contact, together with the Association of Bulgarian Tour Operators and Travel Agents (ABTOTA), with the large-scale tour operators active on the Turkish market. Yesterday, a chartered flight took home 258 Bulgarian tourists from Antalya, with other groups returning by bus from our southern neighbour today. The Rozhen Fair is held during the period 15-17 July, 2016 on the Rozhen meadows in the Rhodope mountain. The event is one of the most symbolic festivals gathering in one place all lovers of the Rhodope folklore. During the Fair’s three days, participants had the opportunity to become familiar not only with the authenticity of the Rhodope lifestyle and folklore, but also with the folk customs, crafts, and the beauty of the Rozhen area.
Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva attends the opening of the Rozhen Fair
Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva attended the opening ceremony of the Rozhen Folk Art and Animal Husbandry Fair. The event was attended by Tsetska Tsacheva, Chair of the National Assembly, Desislava Taneva, Minister of Agriculture and Food, Nikolay Melemov, Mayor of Smolyan Municipality, Nedyalko Slavov, Regional Governor of Smolyan Region, MP’s, mayors from the region, and others.The Rozhen Fair is held during the period of 15-17 July, 2016. After a 9-year hiatus, the event is now held for the second time. At this year’s edition of Rozhen Fair more than 340 groups from various parts of the country will exhibit their skills on the stages of the Rozhen National Folklore Competition. Dozens of Bulgarian craftsmen and animal farmers will exhibit their crafts, while mobile exposition will tell the stories of the municipalities of Smolyan, Chepelare, Devin, and Banite. Hundreds of thousands of visitors are expected at Rozhen Fair this year.
Minister Nikolina Angelkova bestows a “Mayor of the Month“ award to Kazanlak’s mayor Galina Stoyanova
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova bestowed the „Mayor of the Month“ recognition, on the subject matter of Holidays and Festivals, in the “>50 000 Municipalities” category, to Kazanlak’s mayor Galina Stoyanova. The ceremony, which is part of the monthly campaign of the кмета.bg website, was held today (12 July) in the Peroto literary club at NPC (National Palace of Culture). Holidays and festivals are exceptionally important to us not only as heritage we need to preserve, but as a way to develop year-round tourism“, Minister Angelkova noted. She emphasized Kazanlak proved this year again that it is one of the country’s festival centres, with traditions in event tourism, having attracted thousands of tourists during the Rose Festival. „To stimulate this type of tourism, the Ministry will set up a registry of festivals, which will be part of the online registry of tourist attractions“, she noted further. Minister Angelkova advised that the in some 10 months the Ministry-created Registry of Online Attractions has registered nearly 4 mil. visits. A peak in the visits was registered during the Easter holidays - 300 000 and around 24 May – 350 000. Once the summer season began, visit incidence also increased substantially, registering a circa 40% growth of visitors during the past two months 40%.Two other mayors were rewarded during the media’s June campaign. The Byala Slatina mayor Ivo Tsvetkov, who won in the “Municipalities with 20 000 – 50 000 residents" category and the Tutrakan mayor Dimitar Stefanov, winner in the „Municipalities with 20 000 residents.“ The awards were handed by the Deputy Minister of Culture, Boni Petrunova, and Lyudmil Veselinov, member of NPC’s Board of Directors.
Minister Angelkova orders immediate inspection of the beach of Chernomorets campsite
As of today, access to the beach of Chernomorets (Chernomorets – iztok) campsite is free and unobstructed for tourists. This was established by the inspection ordered by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova. It involved representatives of Bourgas Regional Administration and the Ministry of Tourism.The inspection revealed that there is a legal dispute between the beach lessee and the owner of the adjacent land. The two parties have committed to resolve the dispute judicially without creating hindrances for tourists’ free passage to the seacoast. The Ministry of Tourism is ready to respond to any signals alleging irregularities at the sea beaches, having set up a telephone hotline at +359 2 90 46 833 and e-mail:, where citizens can place alarm signals in case of offenses.The Ministry of Tourism’s regular inspections are also underway already, 96 beaches having been inspected as of today. The most common offenses established are insufficient number of rescuers, absence of indication signboards; as well as isolated cases of extra retail area being taken up beyond the authorized schemes. The appertaining water area of all inspected beaches is made secure; sanitation-hygiene maintenance is provided; there is free and unobstructed pedestrian access to the beaches. Statements of findings are composed by the task groups during the inspections. This is followed up by a letter stating deadlines (according to the various contracts) to remedy the deficiencies. Penalties will be imposed should the same deficiencies be found during a follow-up inspection.
Minister Angelkova organizes a meeting to coordinate the efforts for promoting tourism opportunities in the Rose Valley
According to marketing surveys for our leading tourism markets, the rose is one of the symbols that foreigners most often associate Bulgaria with. We need to unite the efforts of all stakeholders in this process in order to make this region even more popular and assert it as one of the most visited tourist destinations. Thus said Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova during a meeting with representatives of the tourism trade, rose producers, and mayors from the Rose Valley area dedicated to coordinating efforts for promotion of tourism in the region.„We now have the natural hub – the new Rose Museum”, Minister Angelkova indicated. The government disbursed BGN            1 mil. for its construction, and since its opening, the growth in visits to the venue has been 47%. „We have the basis to build on – each year the Rose Festival welcomes hundreds of thousands of tourist and attracts the attention of both remote markets (Japan, China, etc.), and the European ones as well“, Nikolina Angelkova added. According to her, Kazanlak Municipality alone has welcomed over 220 000 tourists, with accurate data for the region not available, as during the Rose Festival tourists find accommodation in hotels within a 100 km. radius.„As an administration, we want to support the region and establish it as one of Bulgarian tourism’s symbols. This is precisely the reason why one of the eight cultural-historical destinations developed by the Ministry – The Valley of Roses and Thracian Kings – is entirely concentrated in the region the Minister of Tourism announced.According to the Bulgaria Tourism Regionalization Concept, one of the nine marketing tourism zones also covers the Rose Valley and bears that name. The region is also known as The Valley of Thracian Kings. There are more than 200 tourist attractions here as well, which are included in the Ministry of Tourism’s online registry.Responding to a question, Minister Angelkova announced that since the year’s start our country has been visited by some 2 mil. foreign tourists, the growth being nearly 14% compared to last year’s same period. Over 4.6 mil. overnight stays in the country have been registered, generating nearly BGN 190 mil. revenues (13.5% growth).Today’s discussion was hosted by Galina Stoyanova, mayor of Kazanlak Municipality, who emphasized that it was the first time for a meeting in such format to be initiated. „Rose production can be the basis for development of tourism in the region. It is probably the first time that these people have met and had the opportunity to discuss how we can develop the region", she indicated.The meeting was attended by the mayors of Sopot Municipality and Nikolaevo Municipality – Deyan Doynov and Kosyo Krastev, the deputy mayor of Pavel Banya Municipality – Yordana Eneva, and others.
The National Tourism Council has discussed the Programme for National Advertising for 2016
Velingrad will host the international tourist exhibition for spa, wellness and health tourism in 2018. The decision of the Municipal Council for its organization and conduct has been handed today to the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova by the Mayor of Velingrad Dr. Kostadin Koev in a meeting of the National Tourism Council taking place in the town. The forum also discussed the Annual Programme for National Advertising for 2017 and the work of the Interinstitutional Council for Personnel in Tourism."This is the second year, in which we discuss the programme for national advertising about 6 months prior to the period of performance. This allows us to schedule more effectively our marketing activities”, said Minister Angelkova. She announced that the results are now a fact and for the first five months of the year 2016 the country was visited by over 1,9 mln. of foreign tourists, which is nearly 9% more than for the same period in 2015. The rise in the visits for holiday and vacation is 20%, and the income from international tourism for the period from January to April amounts to 453 mln. Euro, which marks an increase of 8%."In 2017 Bulgaria will participate in 45 international exchange markets in some of the greatest tourism-generating markets – Germany, Russia, Spain, The UK, Austria etc.", said Minister Angelkova. According to her the draft programme includes 13 new offers for participation in oversea exhibitions, but the Bulgarian attendance will depend on the activity of the sector. Among them are exchange markets in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, India, China etc.“We will further develop the initiatives that were started in 2016 - better online activity, direct forms of advertising, such as organizing journalist and expedient tours, partnerships with large tour operators etc.”, the minister said.The meeting of the National Tourism Council was attended by the Deputy Minister of the Regional Development and Public Works Denitsa Nikolova, the Deputy Minister of Defense Desislava Yosifova, representatives of other ministries, the chairman of Velingrad Municipal Council, the Chairman of the Commission for Consumer Protection Dimitar Margaritov, the Executive Director of the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency Dr. Damyan Iliev, the National Revenue Agency, tourism associations, branch organizations, resorts and tourist complexes, consumer and business organizations, schools etc.
Minister Angelkova met with representatives of the tourism business in Batak and Rakitovo
Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova has visited touristic sites in the municipalities of Batak and Rakitovo, among which the Church Ossuary “Sveta Nedelya”, the Early Christian Basilica in Nikolitsa, the Pliocene Park and the Medieval Fortress in Tsepina.During her tour, Minister Angelkova had meetings with representatives of the local tourism business, which were also attended by the Governor of Pazardzhik region Ginche Karaminova, the Mayor of Batak Municipality Petar Paunov, the Mayor of Rakitovo Kostadin Holyanov and the Mayor of Peshtera Municipality Nikolay Zaychev.“The small municipalities will be included in the journalist tours that will be organized by the Ministry of Tourism”, announced Minister Angelkova. She also commented that Pazardzhik region has lots of cultural and historical monuments that need to be better popularized.Another advantage of the region is its location not far from the capital, which gives further perspectives for both pushing upward the domestic tourism and attracting foreign tourists thanks to Trakia Motorway, which is on the road from Asia to Europe. According to Minister Angelkova, Tsigov Chark can also offer accommodation facilities.
Minister Angelkova and Sofia Mayor Yordanka Fandakova opened an international conference on tourism development in the capitals of the South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) states
The member-states of the South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) registered а total of 95 mln. visits by foreign tourists last year and the revenue from their visits amounts to around 63 bln. dollars according to data of the World Tourism Barometer. “We still have many non-utilized opportunities for partnership in tourism and we are convinced that this potential can be developed by joint initiatives, which will further develop the current achievements”, said Minister of Tourism Angelkova during the opening of the international conference “The Capital – sustainable tourism destination. Role and contribution of the media for the sustainable development of destinations”, held in Sofia. The event was attended by the Mayor of Sofia Municipality Yordanka Fandakova, Krasimir Tulechki, director of “Eastern Europe” Directorate in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, representatives of the SEECP member-states, the European Tourism Commission, tourist associations, media etc.„It is important to offer to those tourists, who visit our capitals, a variety of tourist attractions, so that they wish to stay longer”, said Minister Angelkova. In her opinion that is the reason why one of the 8 cultural and historical destinations developed by the ministry is completely focused in Sofia region. The symbiosis between historical heritage and modern services is focal for attracting more tourists. This is more than evident in Sofia – in the last year the city accommodated nearly 916 thousand visitors and the income only from overnight accommodation were 116 mln. BGN.Sofia Mayor Yordanka Fandakova announced that in 2015 the rate of registered overnight accommodations rose by 8%, and for the first five months of this year the increase is 7%. “The ancient archeological heritage of Sofia can be compared to that of Rome and Athens and we are actively involved in showing this heritage to our guests”, the mayor said.   
The Ministry of Tourism has started a public procurement award procedure for 60 informative tours for the foreign media
More than 420 foreign tourists will visit Bulgaria within the journalist tours, initiated by the Ministry of Tourism. The public procurement procedure has been opened today and is titled „Organizing and conducting thematic tours for representatives of the print and electronic media and bloggers with specialized columns and broadcasts on tourism”. The procedure is divided into 12 lots, where each lot will be applied for by different tenderers, who will commit to provide representatives of the media of various reputable editions from the countries specified in the public procurement scope.There will be 60 tours for representatives of leading media from over 50 markets that are important for our country. Among them are the UK, Ireland, France, the Scandinavian countries, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Turkey, Greece, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Serbia, China, Japan, India, Israel etc. The official statistics data show that in the last year over 6,5 mln. tourists from the above countries visited Bulgaria.Each tour will take into account the specifics of the respective market and will be aimed at showing the diversity of our country. Leading accent in the tours will be the given to eight cultural and historical destinations developed by the Ministry of Tourism. These thematic trips will allow the media to get acquainted with the numerous historical and cultural monuments in Bulgaria, the Bulgarian architecture, crafts and customs. The journalists will visit our large seaside and mountain resorts, as well as small settlements with well-developed environmental and rural tourism.The experience acquired by many countries shows that the organizing of journalist and expedient tours is among the most efficient forms of advertising. Thanks to such tours the journalists get directly acquainted with the tourism opportunities offered by certain destinations and later they share their experiences though the media. In this way the potential tourists learn new and interesting facts from the first-hand source, which provokes the willingness to travel. The journalist tours are an extremely suitable and economically beneficial form of advertising tourism as they supplement the effect of the traditional communication channels. This is why the organizing of these tours is laid down as one of the major activities in the Annual Programme for National Advertising, which was reviewed in a meeting of the National Tourism Council in July 2015.According to the provisions of the public procurement contracts, the selected contractors will bear all costs for the organizing of the tours, including airline tickets, hotel accommodation, transport, tour guides etc.
Minister Angelkova has taken part in the inspection of the beach strip in Sunny Beach resort
Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova has participated today in an inspection of the beach strip of Sunny Beach resort. An inspection of the sea beaches by a team from the Ministry of Tourism started on 21 June and 28 beaches have been inspected so far.The team has not found any irregularities on the beaches of Sunny Beach – South and Sunny Beach - Central. Both beaches comply with the approved schemes and sufficient free zones are provided to tourists. The south part has 6 lifeguard posts with a total of 12 lifeguards. Additional safety measures have been undertaken on the central beach, where instead of the required 6 posts, there are now 22 posts with 38 lifeguards in accordance with the approved programme for water life saving for the month of June. At the moment the inspection of Sunny Beach – North is under way.Some of the most common violations established on the inspected 28 beaches are: insufficient number of lifeguards, absence of sign-plates; incomplete equipment of the lifeguard posts; incomplete equipment of the medical posts; occupation of additional commercial area outside the approved schemes etc. The adjacent water area is secured on all inspected beaches; sanitary and hygienic maintenance is ensured; free pedestrian access to the beaches is also ensured. During the inspections, the working teams drew up records of findings. Letters will be sent with deadlines (depending on the different contracts) for correcting the violations. If the same violations are established in a subsequent inspection, the offenders will be sanctioned.In order to guarantee the tourists’ rights, Minister Angelkova has issued an order for all beaches to be equipped with information boards, on which in both Bulgarian and English the concession holders’ obligations and the tourists’ rights will be described. A special telephone line +359 2 90 46 833 has been launched for tourists to signal of any irregularities, the following e-mail can also be used for this purpose: control@tourism.government.bgThe beach inspection today was also attended by the Deputy Minister Aleksandar Manolov.
More than 1,500 people have visited the National Archeological Reserve Deultum – Debelt
More than 1,500 people have visited the National Archeological Reserve Deultum in Debelt since its opening two months ago. This became clear during the visit of the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova in Sredets municipality. She went sightseeing to some of the main touristic attractions in the region and conducted a working meeting for the development of tourism, attended by the members of parliament Diana Yordanova, Rumen Zhelev, the Governor of Burgas region Valcho Cholakov, the Mayor of Sredets Ivan Zhabov, the Mayor of Kameno Zhelyo Vardunski etc.„Sredets is located very close to our large Black Sea resorts and at the same time it can offer many attractions to tourists”, said Minister Angelkova. She recalled that over 2,7 mln. BGN were invested in the museum in Debelt, which keeps unique Thracian artefacts. „We will include the municipality within the range of foreign journalist tours that we are preparing with the hope that this will be a first major step for the popularization of the region“, reported Minister Angelkova. According to her, the forecasts are for around 20 thousand tourists visiting the municipality per year with peak tourist flow in the active summer months.Earlier today Minister Angelkova was a guest of the patronal feast All Saints’ Day in Sredets and gave an icon to the local church as a present. Together with the Mayor Ivan Zhabov and the Deputy Mayor Angel Tashev she visited the village of Fakia, where she was welcomed with 27 authentic Strandzha dishes. After that, they visited the Thracian Megalithic Sanctuary “Markov Kamak”, which is located near the Bulgarian-Turkish border. It is more than 2,000 years old and is a complex of stones of the worshipers of the sun. They also visited the church in the village of Dolno Yabalkovo, built at the end of the 19th century.
Minister Angelkova has showed AEK "Etar" and Gabrovo to representatives of the Diplomatic Corps in Bulgaria
Representatives of the Diplomatic Corps in Bulgaria have attended the annual meeting in Gabrovo municipality and had the opportunity to visit some of the main touristic attractions in the region. The visit was organized jointly with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Tourism.„For the second consecutive year, thanks to the good partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we managed to show to all of you, the representatives of the Diplomatic Corps, some of the emblematic places in Bulgaria”, said Minister Angelkova in her address to the diplomats today in the “Etar” complex. She emphasized that these meetings strengthen the connections and contacts with the representatives of the foreign missions in Bulgaria. „This is of great importance, not only because you are ambassadors of your own countries, but in a way you are also ambassadors of Bulgaria to your compatriots. Thus, you may play a major role for making our country popular, including as an attractive touristic destination”, said Minister Angelkova.More than 24 ambassadors and heads of foreign missions in Bulgaria took part in the visit. Their hosts were the Mayor of Gabrovo Tanya Hristova and the Governor Nikolay Sirakov, who managed to show within two days some of the main touristic sites in the region, such as the House of Humour and Satire, the House-Museum “Dechkova kashta”, the Interactive Museum of Industry in Gabrovo, etc. The programme also involved a visit to the village of Bozhentsi, and today the guests have visited the unique for the Balkans outdoor architectural and ethnographic complex “Etar”. This is the second year, in which the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have organized such a visit. Last year the representatives of the Diplomatic Corps visited Haskovo and Kardzhali.
Bulgaria has been proposed to become a coordinator of the tourism group within the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation /BSEC/
Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova has been proposed to become the coordinator of the tourism group within the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC). The proposal was made by the General Secretary of the Organization Michael Christides in a conference of the ministers of the BSEC countries, who are in charge of culture and tourism, held in Sochi, Russia.The forum was organised under the aegis of the Russian presidency of the Organization and the proposal was supported by the host country and the other participants.“Thank you for the honour granted to Bulgaria. We are among the founders of the Organization and over the years we have been working for the enhancement of mutual cooperation in all fields”, said Minister Angelkova. She pointed out that over 53% of the foreign tourists visiting Bulgaria come from countries of the BSEC. “This is a total of over 3.7 million people per year. If we look at the region as a whole, it turns out that it is among the most important and largest tourist-generating markets for the Bulgarian tourism”, further stated Nikolina Angelkova. In her opinion the member-states of BSEC should facilitate and foster the trips within the Organization by developing common products, which could attract more tourists from distant markets. “We must utilize the past experience gathered from the cooperation in the Danube region to further improve the achieved results” she said.The topics discussed during the forum also included the cinematic tourism and the opportunity for popularization of the touristic destinations through movies. Minister Angelkova introduced the Bulgarian experience in making an advertising video featuring some of the most popular Hollywood actors. She emphasized that this is a real marketing instrument for promoting tourism. Specific examples were given of the substantial increase of the number of tourists as a result of film productions, e.g. after the world première of “Harry Potter”, a 50% growth of tourists was registered in the locations shown in the film. In the year 2000, after the première of “The Beach” starring Leonardo DiCaprio, over 22% more young people visited Thailand etc.The following officials participated in the forum: the General Secretary of BSEC Michael Christides, the Executive Director of the World Tourism Organization Zoltán Somogyi, the Deputy Director of the Federal Tourism Agency Sergey Korneev, representatives of ministries and national institutions from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Russia and Serbia.
Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva participated in a discussion on the promotion of the Bulgarian regional development
A key factor for the development of the tourism sector is the employment of well-trained personnel. This is what Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva said in the "Yes! To the Bulgarian regions!” discussion, which is a part of the national campaign “Yes! To the Bulgarian economy” of “Standart” Newspaper and of the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria."The problem with the personnel cannot be resolved within one or two years, but it is important to lay the foundation and to identify measures, which will bring the expected results in the long run. That is why we created the Interinstitutional Council for Personnel in Tourism chaired by the Minister of Tourism. It has already started its operation and I hope it will soon introduce some specific proposals”, said Irena Georgieva, who chairs the council. She recalled that according to data of the World Travel and Tourism Council, in 2015 the total number of jobs in the country, directly or indirectly related to tourism, were 338,000. The employment in the sector and associated industries is 11% of all jobs in Bulgaria, which is a confirmation that the issue concerns a large number of people and is important for the economy as a whole.Solving the problems of tourism is very important not only for the economic development, but also for the sustainable growth in the regions, as became clear from the words of Deputy Minister Georgieva. Tourism increasingly becomes a driving force for overcoming the imbalance between them and for providing employment in the less developed parts of the country. She highlighted the expectation for an extremely active summer season. The selection of Burgas as the centre of the discussion is symbolic, because it is not only a symbol of the Bulgarian summer tourism, but also an example of sustainable development of an entire region. In 2015 Burgas provided accommodation to over 1.3 million tourists, which is a 3% growth compared to 2014, and the increase of Bulgarian tourists is over 15%. For the first four months of 2016 Burgas region provided overnight accommodation to 20% more tourists. "It is even more pleasing that the region attracts foreign tourists not only in the summer months, for the same period of 2016 the growth is about 45%”, summarized Irena Georgieva.The debates were also attended by the Minister of Economy Bozhidar Lukarski, the Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Policy Denitsa Sacheva, the Mayor of Burgas Dimitar Nikolov, the Governor Valcho Cholakov, the Executive Director of the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria in Burgas Stoyan Karanenov etc.
Minister Nikolina Angelkova and the European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Crețu opened a conference on tourism development and security
Tourism is an essential pillar in the economies of the countries of the Danube region. In the last year over 132 mln. foreign tourists visited the countries of the region. This inevitably brings the issue for a better cooperation in all fields, so that we can ensure the sustainability of these results and their improvement. This was said by Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova in her opening speech in the conference “Sustainability of Tourism Development and Security in the Danube Region” today in Ruse.„For a second consecutive year Bulgaria is hub for generating ideas and discussing topics related to the development of the Danube region", pointed out Minister Angelkova and reminded that in the preceding year Bulgaria organized a large-scale event entitled “Sustainable Tourism through Cooperation with European Funds and Investments”, which was opened by the General Secretary of the World Tourism Organization Taleb Rifai. “This year the European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Crețu has personally attended the conference, which is a high appraisal of both the importance of the Danube strategy for the European Union and the Bulgarian role in it", added Nikolina Angelkova.“Our country has a huge potential to stimulate the sector development in the Danube region”, she said. Seven large regions fall within the Bulgarian part of the Danube region – Vidin, Vratsa, Montana, Pleven, Veliko Tarnovo, Ruse and Silistra. Nearly half a million of tourists were accommodated within their territory in 2015 and the revenue is over 8 mln. BGN. The Minister further said that the cruise visits are also of great importance for the region and this year Bulgaria expects 340 visits of cruise ships in Ruse.The European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Crețu commented that the issue of safety is crucial for the Danube region and for visiting tourists. She was emphatic that the sense of lack of safety should be eradicated, because safety and security are essential when it comes to choosing a tourist destination.Mrs. Crețu stressed the fact that each 5th European citizen lives and works in the Danube region, which is inhabited by more than 112 mln. of inhabitants and added that 1 Euro out of 10 Euros in the domestic products of the EU comes from tourism. The Danube region has always been a safe destination and we must keep working in this direction, especially taking into account the international situation, the European Commissioner added.Vasile Danku, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Regional Development and Public Administration of Romania, pointed out the importance for the countries of the Danube region to adopt common decisions for expanding the contacts in order to create a regional identity and a common Danube brand, which could turn the region into a recognizable tourist destination.After the opening of the conference, Minister Angelkova, Commissioner Crețu and Deputy Prime Minister Danku visited “Baba Tonka” High School of Mathematics in Ruse to get acquainted with the results of the project entitled “ICT – a force for change in education” co-funded by the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Romania – Bulgaria 2007 – 2013. Various specialized classrooms were equipped and modernized under the project.Various officials took part in the conference: Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva, Plamen Stoilov - Mayor of Ruse Municipality, the Governor of Ruse Regional Administration Stefko Burdzhiev, Denitsa Nikolova, Deputy Minister of the Regional Development and Public Works and National Coordinator of the Danube Strategy, Andrey Novakov, Deputy in the European Parliament, Nikolae Barbu, Mayor of Gyurgiu Municipality, Romania, Christopher Imbsen, Deputy Regional Director for Europe at UNWTO World Tourism Organization and over 100 representatives of almost all countries of the Danube region, ambassadors, regional and local directors, enterprisers, representatives of the academic community, of the non-government sector etc.
Minister Angelkova receives an award by the Balkan Alliance of Hotel Organizations for contribution to the development of tourism
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova has received the award "Person of Tourism in the Balkans for the year 2015 and a Minister with Special Contribution to the Sector Development” of the Balkan Alliance of Hotel Organizations. This happened in a ceremony in Montenegro within the Conference of Interregional Cooperation „Destination as a Brand“. The award was handed by the Minister of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro  Branimir Gvozdenović."The Balkans have all natural and cultural resources to become one of the most visited tourist destinations and this depends on the mutual efforts of the government and business representatives", said Minister Angelkova during the opening of the conference. In her opinion, in a globalized environment it is important to enhance the cooperation between the Balkan countries in order to be competitive on the global tourist market. "Such events are of vital importance, because they strengthen the connections and launch new partnerships", she said. In her speech, Minister Angelkova thanked for the honour and underlined that the award is a recognition for the work of the executive authority, the efficient partnership with the municipalities and most of all for the efforts of the tourist sector in Bulgaria.Earlier, both ministers signed an agreement for cooperation between Bulgaria and Montenegro in the field of tourism. One of the objectives laid down in the document is the improvement of the contacts and tourism connections between both countries. Actions will be undertaken for better presentation of the cultural and historical traditions, as well as facilitation of the tourist exchange procedures between Bulgaria and Montenegro.According to data of the National Statistical Institute in the first 4 months of 2016 some 2,000 Montenegrin tourists visited Bulgaria, while more than 1,200 Bulgarians travelled to Montenegro through the same period. It is highly prospective to develop common products for the remote markets between both countries.The „Destination as a Brand“ conference was attended by representatives of the tourism sector from Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania, the Balkan Alliance of the Hospitality Associations, the Association of Hotel Owners, managers and representatives of the summit in the field of tourism in Eastern Europe etc. The conference was focused on the opportunities for cooperation between the countries in the region for attracting more tourists and on the steps for turning Eastern Europe into one of the most attractive international tourism destinations.
Minister Angelkova ordered inspection of the Irakli Beach
A site inspection showed that there are no beach facilities available and there are no fees collected from touristsThe Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova ordered an inspection to be carried out on the Irakli Beach. Today, representatives of the Ministry of Tourism, carried out site inspection of the beach, which showed that there are no beach facilities available and no fees are collected from tourists. The reason for the inspection was the announced information over the Internet that at the Irakli Beach fees are collected from tourists for the use of sunbeds and parasols.The report by the employees of the Ministry from the site inspection showed that the posed photos with labels with prices are not located at the Irakli Beach, but at the Vaya Beach which is located nearby. The beach coast there is rented and has an approved scheme for placing beach facilities. According to the collected information, parasol and a sunbed are provided to tourists for 6 BGN each and the price with included food and drinks is 36 BGN. It is planned to have the beach strip mapped and measured in order to determine its compliance with the approved scheme for placing of beach facilities and whether there is a 50 % free zone, but on site there are no more than 25 parasols.We are reminding that according to the adopted amendments to the Law of Organization of the Black Sea Coast, the Irakli Beach is separated as a place for environmentally friendly tourism and it prohibits any commercial activity therein, and this beach strip shall not be provided under concession and/or rent. The state has already provided water and life guards on the beach in order to ensure the safety of tourists.
The adviser to the Minister of Tourism Zhivko Tabakov took part in a conference on the development of Russian tourism in Bulgaria
Russia is a very important market for Bulgaria and the Ministry of Tourism is making consistent efforts to promote trips of Russian tourists to our country. This was stated by the advisor to the Minister of Tourism Zhivko Tabakov, who took part in the conference on the Prospects of development of Russian tourism in Bulgaria, held today in the Albena Resort.According to NSI (National Statistical Institute) data in 2015 Bulgaria was visited by over 484 thousand Russian tourists, which puts it in fifth place among the leading markets. At the same time more than 300 thousand Russians own real estate in Bulgaria. At the beginning of the tourist season, the number of scheduled flights to the Varna airport in the summer of 2016 were exceeded by 25% the ones realized last summer, and the growth for the Burgas airport was about 26%. "We expect additional growth in the "last minute" bookings, said Zhivko Tabakov.During the meeting the issues about the quality of Bulgarian tourist products, the management of beaches, security, visas for Russian tourists and transport access were discussed.The discussion was attended by the Consul General of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lukyyanchuk in Varna, the Director General of VASSY TRAVELL, Rositsa Dimitrova, the director of Sales and Marketing of Albena AD, Margarita Todorova, representatives of tourism organizations and others.
Kranevo celebrates the first unique Sprat Festival
From 10 to 12 June in Kranevo the first Sprat Festival will take place. The initiative aims to become a traditional sea festival of the North Black Sea Coast, targeting mainly Bulgarian tourists, active people who want to have fun with their friends, families and children.At the official opening today the adviser to the Minister of Tourism Zhivko Tabakov was present. He congratulated the organizers on behalf of Minister Angelkova and emphasized that they can always rely on the support of the Ministry of Tourism for the development of the tourist industry and promoting the unique nature of the region.The festival coincides with the traditional annual gathering of Kranevo. The guests include popular Bulgarian artists and bands that will perform on the main stage for three days. In the centre, there is a separate and special festival area, where guests can taste a variety of seafood delicacies. The festival tents will host some of the best chefs in Kranevo who will prepare food for the guests. Tomorrow (11th June) the festival will be visited by the presenter Uti Bachvarov who will demonstrate his culinary skills and cook together with the Kranevo mayor Rumen Nikolov. There is an area for fun and games provided for the youngest visitors and it will be open throughout the weekend. A special bus will ensure transportation between Kranevo, Golden Sands, Albena and Balchik during the days of the festival.Among the official guests of the event today were the regional governor of Dobrich Detelina Nikolova, the mayor of Kranevo Rumen Nikolov, MP from the region of Dobrich, Zhivko Martynov and others.
Minister Angelkova: a world hotel chain is entering the Bulgarian market
One of the largest hotel chains in the world - Hayat enters Bulgaria with a high-class hotel in the Sofia city centre. This was announced today at a meeting between the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and Mr. Takuya Aoyama, vice president for development for Hyatt for Europe, Africa and the Middle East and Mr. Lachezar Todorov, CEO of Terra Tour Service, the Bulgarian partner."The hotel chain is of a very high class and will give a new impetus to the development of the tourism sector," commented earlier today Minister Angelkova in front of the reporters. She announced that the Ministry of Tourism is having discussions with several large chains, which are also considering to enter the country. "At the very establishment of a separate ministry, the main goal for us was to attract large investors and established brands that will bring in more and wealthier tourists," emphasized Nikolina Angelkova."We are working for the realization of this investment plan over 7 years, but we believe that now is the right time for it," said Lachezar Todorov. He stressed that it is very important that there is already a separate Ministry of Tourism, which coordinates the work in the sector, while there is also a strong ambition and commitment of the Hayat management with this project. "Bulgaria welcomes many tourists and we want them to stay longer here, which is why we will offer them the best services and facilities," pointed out Takuya Aoyama.The first Hyatt Regency Hotel in Bulgaria will be built in the city of Sofia at the site of the former Serdika cinema and is expected to open in 2018. The construction works will be carried out in partnership with a Bulgarian company. The Hyatt Hotels Corporation is a leading world hotel company with a portfolio of 12 brands and 652 properties in 53 countries. Forecasts indicate that the site will attract the interest of more foreign visitors, including long-time guests of the chain, for event and congress tourism, as well as for cultural and historical city tours in the capital.
Minister Nikolina Angelkova opened the first hotel and touristic investment forum
Today Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova opened the first international tourism investment forum. In the very beginning of her opening words, she stressed that investments in tourism and attraction of serious capital providers in the sector are a priority not only for the Ministry of Tourism, but also for the government policy."Only during the last 10 years the number of foreign tourists in Bulgaria has increased by nearly 40% and in 2015 it has reached 7.1 million people," she said. The words of Minister Angelkova showed clearly that due to the significantly improved infrastructure in the country, including the modernizing of the road network and the opening of the new water treatment plants, Bulgaria has become even more attractive for both tourists and potential investors. "We are in the process of development also of investment tourist map so we can better present at national level what are the investment opportunities in the tourism sector," she explained.The Minister informed that to date over 300 proposals from Bulgarian municipalities have been received and these are focused on the development of hotel complexes, cultural and historical sites, SPA centres, eco-trails, parks, ski slopes, etc. According to her the potential of Bulgaria for the development of mass and specialized tourism and the transformation of our country into a year-round tourist destination is undisputed. Meanwhile the emphasis on services of the highest class would ensure sustainable development of the industry. "For this active season most of our high category hotels on the Black Sea are already booked, and during the last summer 4 and 5 stars hotels across the country reported a 10 per cent growth in tourists and an increase in revenue of 12%," she added. From her words it became clear that the voluntary quality label launch by the Ministry in order to distinguish the hotel complexes and restaurants of the highest class will also encourage more and better services.The forum, organized by the Agency for Investment Information for Southeast Europe and Russia, Property Express, brings together Bulgarian and foreign investors, representatives of the tourism industry, the banking sector, embassies, municipalities and others. Among those attending more than 50 participants were representatives of some of the world's largest hotel chains: Hayatt International, Wyndham Hotel Group, Marriott International, Accor, InterContinental Hotels Group, Best Western and others.The best hotels in the country having achieved a high level of service and satisfaction of guests were honoured during the conference. The evaluation and the final selection are based on opinions posted in established international platforms and booking sites like TripAdvisor, Expedia,
Golden Sands hosts the international forum "MTS Get Together Bulgaria 2016"
Within two days – June 7-8, 2016, the Golden Sands resort hosted the prestigious international forum "MTS Get Together Bulgaria 2016". It was the 14th edition of the event which brought together airlines, tour operators, hotel chains, social networks, media, foreign investors in tourism and IT companies such as the giant Google. The forum was officially opened in hotel "Melia Grand Hermitage" today by the adviser to the Minister of Tourism Mr. Zhivko Tabakov. He read a congratulatory letter on behalf of the Minister and underlined that this meeting should allow those working in the tourism industry to exchange ideas and experience and promote our country as a year-round tourist destination.Traditionally, the forum was held once a year and each of the 16 countries represented in the organization "MTS Globe" hosted on a rotating basis.There were numerous meetings between the senior managers of the major European tour operators. 80% of participants visited Bulgaria for the first time and their advantage was that they could personally acquaint with the tourist potential of the region and our country, including the hotel chains. During the forum, Varna municipality also presented its tourist services, including Varna Initiative - Youth Capital of Europe 2017Among the officials at the ceremony were the Deputy Mayor of Varna Mr. Kosta Bazitov, Mr. Ivan Groshev, a representative of "MTS Globe", Mr. Rembert Euling, a president of "MTS Globe", Mr. Tim Bachmann, a president of "Hotelplan" Switzerland, Mr. Lars Ludwig, a president of "LMX", Mr. Linas Aldonis, a CEO of "Novaturs Group" Baltic States, Mr. Achim Schneider, CEO of "Vtours", Mr. Heinz Bauermeister, CEO of "Ferien Touristik", representatives of "TUI", "Thomas Cook", "Coral" Russia, "Vizier" Poland, "Fisher" Czech Republic, and many others.
Deputy Minister Manolev awarded the participants in the campaign "Bulgaria Welcomes the Tastes of the World"
The Deputy Tourism Minister Alexander Manolev awarded honory diplomas to the participants in the International Culinary Festival "Bulgaria Welcomes the Tastes of the World." The awards were presented to the representatives of diplomatic missions in the country and to the municipalities hosting the festival which joined the initiative.The campaign to promote domestic tourism, which was under the patronage of the Ministry of Tourism, attracted as partners many diplomats from 18 foreign missions in the country - Hungary, India, Azerbaijan, Romania, Denmark, Poland, Great Britain, Israel, USA, Mexico, Indonesia, Netherlands, Italy, Belgium, Egypt, Venezuela, Vietnam, Croatia, Japan, Syria, Cyprus."Bulgaria Welcomes the Tastes of the World" is a continuation of the initiative "You think you know Bulgaria" which was promoting our country last year as a preferred tourist destination with a focus on domestic tourism and was also supported by the Ministry of Tourism. "Bulgaria Welcomes the Tastes of the World" was launched on May 12, 2016 in Stara Zagora and passed through the cities of Burgas, Plovdiv, Veliko Tarnovo, Ruse, Varna and Sofia. The festival was organized by the company GTC and for its period of duration, the official website of the initiative has been visited by more than 2.6 million users. Its Facebook fans grew to over 40 thousand people. More than 15 000 BGN were collected in support of the medical centers and disadvantaged children.
Minister Angelkova took part in the Rose Festival in Kazanlak
The Rose Valley has been visited by more than 220 000 tourists in 2015, and we hope this year the number will be even bigger. These were the words of the Minister of Tourism Mrs. Nikolina Angelkova at the traditional rose-picking organized during the Rose Festival in Kazanlak. She attended the opening of the new Rose Museum for visitors and the museum was officially launched by the Prime Minister Mr. Boyko Borisov. Among the officials attending the ceremony were the Minister of the Regional Development and Public Works Mrs. Lilyana Pavlova, the Minister of Agriculture and Food Mrs. Desislava Taneva, the chairman of the parliamentary group of GERB Mr. Tsvetan Tsvetanov, the mayor of Kazanlak Mrs. Galina Stoyanova, many diplomats and other guests."According to the market research provided by our greatest generating markets, the rose is the actual symbol most often associated with Bulgaria" Minister Angelkova communicated. That is why the Ministry of Tourism seeks to promote the Rose Festival and the attractions offered by the region to the foreign tourists even more. One of the eight cultural and historical routes that the ministry has developed is fully concentrated in this region and there is an ongoing development of interactive maps and brochures to promote the wide range of tourist sites located there, the Minister highlighted. She added that the festival was not only attracting more tourists from the Far East markets such as Japan, China and Korea but also focused the attention of the Europeans.The Rose Festival has a history of more than a hundred years and nowadays rose-picking and its related celebrations annually attract thousands of Bulgarian and foreign visitors. Revenues from overnight accommodations booked in 2015 amount to over 2 million which is an increase of 18% compared to 2014. Today's celebrations continued with the traditional carnival parade in the city.The new Rose Museum is multifunctional. The main exhibition is located in two arcs. There are a special room for flavor tasting, an internal yard for demonstration of rose oil production, conference rooms, a multimedia room, storage areas, a playground and a panoramic cafeteria. The guests of the museum can see and feel the oil-producing rose, observe the production of rose oil and rose water. The visitors are able to see the tools for work at the rose gardens and the containers for storage and export of rose products. The unique exhibition of traditional crafts related to rose production in the Rose Valley is an area of 1200 square meters. Until now the Rose Museum has been located on the ground floor of the Institute of Rose and Essential Oil Cultures in Kazanlak, where a significant part of the unique exhibits has not been shown due to a lack of space.
Minister Angelkova made a surprise inspection of Sunny Beach
The Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova toured the alleys of Sunny Beach, accompanied by representatives of the tourism industry in the resort. The surprise inspection happened just a few days after the Board of Directors of the Union of owners and representatives of the ministry and the municipality decided to analyze the infrastructure to specify the number of the illegal commercial sites and identify the concrete measures to improve the image of the resort.The tourism business is private and I expect that your initiative will bring more concrete proposals for a positive change in the condition of the alleys and the vision of the resort, the Minister of Tourism told the attending hoteliers, concessionaires and owners of facilities. She stressed that it had been unacceptable that unsightly kiosks, stalls and caravans continued to disfigure our biggest seaside resort and hinder the free movement of tourists along the promenade.Minister Angelkova also added that during the summer season the inspections of the beaches and the resorts would go on with a strict observance of the concession and the lease agreements.
Minister Angelkova took part in the opening of the new summer season in Sozopol
The Tourism Minister Mrs. Nikolina Angelkova and the mayor of Sozopol, Mr. Panayot Reyzi, launched the new summer season in the region. The ceremony which took place in “Apollo” amphitheater was also attended by the Deputy Governor of Burgas Mr. Vladimir Krumov, diplomats, mayors of other seaside municipalities, industry representatives, etc."Last year we had more than 500 000 overnight accommodations booked in Sozopol and this summer we are execting to report 30% growth in tourists," Minister Angelkova stated. According to her, all controlling bodies were ready and shall ensure compliance and quality of the tourist product in the season. Mayor Reyzi noted that everything was ready for the new summer season and the data showed that most of the hotels were already full.The event also generated the sixth edition of the International Francophone Festival "Soleil". A part of the concert was Christiana Loizou - the winner in one of the most popular reality show formats in Bulgaria. The Cypriot girl sang some of the most iconic French songs and the event ended with festive fireworks.
The Ministry of Tourism launched a contest for child painting “My EDEN destination in Bulgaria”
On the occasion of the Day of the Child, 1 June, the Ministry of Tourism announces a contest for child painting entitled “My EDEN destination in Bulgaria”. The event is organised within the project “Communication Campaign to Promote Bulgarian EDEN Destinations – Second Edition”, financed under the EU COSME 2014 – 2020 Programme.The paintings should feature the child view of the landmarks and attractions located in the territory of the EDEN destination presented – natural, cultural, historical sites, customs, events, festivals, etc.The contest for child painting entitled “My EDEN destination in Bulgaria” begins on 2 June 2016 and will continue till 22 July 2016 inclusive. Children aged 7 to 14 years may take part in it.  The paintings received will be examined by a jury and the best paintings may be placed on the advertising souvenirs to be created under the project (postcards and magnets), which will be distributed across the country and abroad. Everyone who wants to participate in the contest may send his/her painting  by mail or courier at address: Sofia, 1 Saborna street, for the Ministry of Tourism.The personal viewpoint of the small participants in the contest should reveal places we do not notice in our everyday life and which can be recreated through the prism of the child perception. This will also help promote further less known tourist destinations and untraditional forms of tourism that could impress visitors.  There are twelve EDEN destinations in Bulgaria (Silistra, Lukovit, Sandanski, Kyustendil, Belogradchik,  Belitsa, Sapareva Bania, Kavarna, Vratsa,  Strandzha, Kazanlak, and Kardjali) which promote alternative and ecological forms of tourism. They are related to the subjects of water tourism, protected territories and cultural heritage.  Here you can find the general conditions for participation in the child contest “My EDEN destination in Bulgaria” and the declaration, which should be completed and sent together with the painting.
The Ministry of Tourism will organize information days on the possibilities for EU financing of tourist projects in Shumen region
The Ministry of Tourism will organize information days on the possibilities for financing of projects in the field of tourism with EU funds in Shumen region with representatives of the local administration and businesses. This is the commitment the minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova undertook today (31 May) during her visit to the region.  “For the entire 2015 a growth of 9% in realized overnights in Shumen region is reported, as compared with the previous 2014. Revenues from tourism rose by 2%, which amounts to 2.5 million BGN in 2015“, stated minister Angelkova. Although the difference is positive, the local administration and businesses should continue their pro-active steps jointly with the State to increase the tourist flow to the region, the minister underlined.She explained that Shumen and Kaspichan municipalities will also be included in the joint billboard campaign of the Ministry of Tourism and municipalities for promotion of internal tourism, which was launched in the beginning of 2016 with the aim to promote cultural-historical tourism in the country. The region is also included in the online Register of Tourist Attractions created by the ministry and Shumen municipality is recorded with 12 tourist sites in total and Kaspichan municipality has 109 sites. “At the end of this year, jointly with the World Tourism Organisation, the Ministry of Tourism will organize the first international Congress of modern tourism and ancient civilizations which will focus on the impressive cultural-historical heritage of the region”, minister Angelkova added. She pointed out that work is being done on another important issue for the sector – development of personnel in tourism. From her words it became clear that during the first meeting of the newly established Council for Personnel in Tourism the opinions of all stakeholders have already been taken into account, discussed were subjects relating to the opportunities for hiring employees from other countries for tourist sites and introduction of the dual secondary school system of education.During her visit to Shumen region minister Angelkova met with representatives of the local administration and the tourism sector and visited several seminal tourist landmarks, including  the Pliska National Historical and Architectural Reserve, the Shumen Fortress, the Biserna cave, and the Astronomical Observatory.
Bulgaria is presented at the International Festival Belgrade Manifest 2016 in Serbia
Bulgaria is among the countries participating in the second edition of the international festival Belgrade Manifest in the Serbian capital. The festival is held from 27 to 29 May in the territory of the picturesque fortress Kalemegdan, situated in the north part of Belgrade, on the bank of the Danube river.The Ministry of Tourism organized the presentation of our country at an exhibition area of 100 sq.m. with four tents. Together with the ministry, four Bulgarian municipalities – Tsarevo, Bansko, Troyan, Karlovo, advertised options for all-year-round tourism in Bulgaria, and the uniqueness of their regions. Folklore performances by the ensemble from Bansko, ceramic dishes from Troyan, and rose jam from Karlovo won many fans among the visitors of the exhibition. Also offered in the Bulgarian tents were traditional culinary specialties and high-quality wines.The participants in the second edition of  Belgrade Manifest  are over 2 000, including Monte Negro,  Hungary,  Romania, Macedonia, Slovenia, Greece, Turkey, Tunisia, the Netherlands, etc.  It is excepted that the number of visitors will exceed 25 thousand.Belgrade Manifest is a platform which provides opportunities for promoting some of the best events and tourist destinations in the Balkan region and the world. The organization of the event presents to the visitors the authentic spirit and cultural-historical heritage of every participant country. The accompanying programme of the festival includes activities such as riding, theatre performances, concerts, workshops, etc.In the past year, over 346 thousand tourists from Serbia visited our country (11% growth on 2014), which ranks it 7th from among all foreign markets.
The Culinary Festival "Bulgaria welcomes the tastes of the world” was visited by over 100 thousand persons
The Culinary Festival "Bulgaria welcomes the tastes of the world” was visited by over 100 thousand persons, Bulgarians and foreigners, the minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova announced during the opening of its latest edition in Sofia. Present at the event were also diplomats from Hungary, India, Azerbaijan, Romania, Denmark, Poland, Great Britain, Israel and the USA.“I would like to thank the Sofia Municipality for the support. This is yet another step in making Sofia an even more desired tourist destination”, Nikolina Angelkova said. In her words the capital offers excellent opportunities for both city tours and cultural-historical, festival, eco, sport, gourmet and wine tourism. “The total number of realized overnights for the whole 2015 is over 1.6 million, a rise by 5.3% compared with the previous year“, she added. It became clear from the words of the minister that the revenues for this period are over 115 million BGN, marking a positive difference of 5.5% in comparison with the previous 2014.“Bulgaria welcomes the tastes of the world” began on 12 May 2016 in Stara Zagora and passed through the cities of Burgas, Plovdiv, Veliko Tarnovo, Ruse and Varna. The festival is organized by the company GTC with the support of the Ministry of Tourism and 17 embassies in our country.  For the period of the campaign its website reached to over 2.6 million persons and its fans in Facebook are nearly 40 thousand persons. Every city in which the event was held had a charity cause for which funds were raised. In Sofia the raised donations will be spent for treatment of children with cancer diseases. The final stage of the event today is divided in two parts and everybody can taste the culinary dishes in Sofia Mall at Al. Stamboliiski blvd. and Bulgaria Mall at Bulgaria blvd.
Minister Angelkova: We are introducing a voluntary label for quality in tourism
We are developing a system of criteria to promote the provision of more services at the hotels and restaurants and we intend to introduce a voluntary label of quality. An element of awarding it will be the offering of traditional Bulgarian products produced in accordance with the Bulgarian National Standard (BDS) and with the industry quality standards, minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova said at the signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association (BHRA) and two industry organizations of Bulgarian producers of food and beverages. Present at the ceremony was also the minister of agriculture and food Desislava Taneva.“Observing the Memorandum will be one of the requirements for awarding the label for quality in tourism“, minister Angelkova explained.  In her words, the purpose is by the end of the year to develop and present all the details for its award and implementation, which should be embedded in the amendments to the Tourism Act.  She underlined that the aim is to encourage those members of the sector which offer greater number and more diverse services apart from those set out in the act and in the regulations. “Quality in tourism means not only good facilities but also the services offered on the spot. Through the voluntary label of quality members of the sector which offer more services to their guests will become more visible and this will promote competitiveness in the sector”, the minister of tourism added. She underlined that in the preparation of the quality label good practices of leading tourism countries and the Code of Quality and Ethics of the World Tourism Organisation have been taken into account. The changes will not incur further burdens on the business but will relieve its work.Minister Angelkova recalled that in terms of high-quality services in the sector very good results were achieved in 2015. In the four- and five-star places of accommodation over 11 million overnights were realized, or 4% growth versus 2014, i.e. more than half of all overnights in the country.  Over 3 million persons stayed here, i.e. 7% more than in 2014, and proceeds from overnight marked some 10% rise.The following food and accommodation establishments took part in the event: pastry shops “Nedelya”, “Club б35“; Pizza chain “XXL“; “Club Cuba Libre”; “Raffy - Bar & Gelato“; “Trops houses”, “Olives”, “Yamas”;  “Dobro” restaurants; “Krivoto” restaurants; “Bodega” restaurants;  “Vetrilo” restaurants; “Tsvetiata” hotel; hotel complex  "Jasmine” -Sofia;  sp[a hotel “RICH” – Velingrad; hotel “Downtown” – Sofia.  They authorized the chairman of the BHRA Blagoy Ragin to sign the document and the Association expects more hotels and restaurants to join it in the near future. On behalf of the producers the memorandum was signed by the Association of Meat Processors in Bulgaria,  the Association of Milk  Processors in Bulgaria, the National Association of  Milk  Processors, the Association of Bulgarian Soft Drinks, the National Union of Bread Producers and Confectioners, the Union of the Processors of Fruit and Vegetables in Bulgaria, the Association of  the Producers of Vegetable Oils and Oil Products in Bulgaria, the Association “Traditional Raw- Smoked  Meat Products”, the Product Board for Eggs, Poultry and Rabbit Meat.
The summer season 2016 was opened in St. St. Konstantin and Elena resort complex
The advisor of the minister of tourism Zhivko Tabakov together with the regional governor of Varna Stoyan Pasev and the deputy mayor of Varna municipality Kosta Bazitov gave an official start of the season in St. St. Konstantin and Elena resort complex. Among the official guests were also Blagoy Ragin, chairperson of the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association, and Prof., PhD., D. Sc. Anna Nedyalkova, president of Varna Free University “Chernorizets Hrabar”. The event was part of the celebrations on the occasion of the holiday of the oldest Black Sea resort, which will run for three consecutive days.In the period June-September 2015, according to NSI data, about 73 thousand tourists stayed in the complex, and the growth in overnights of Bulgarians is 8%. The total figure of realized overnights exceeds 471 thousand and revenues from them exceed 22.6 million BGN, Zhivko Tabakov said during the ceremony. He added that he hoped the results from the operation of the complex to be even higher in the new season and in order for this to happen everybody should use their best efforts. "This is the only way to guarantee the quality of the tourist product and meet the expectations of the thousands of tourists who will visit Bulgaria in the next months", Zhivko Tabakov pointed out.On her part the executive director of St. St. Konstantin and Elena resort complex Elena Koseva thanked all partners participating in the creation of the quality tourist product and expressed her best wishes for a successful season.In the framework of the opening an exhibition of sketches of a workshop “St. St. Konstantin and Elena – history, development, architecture” was held. A special programme will mark 21 May – the day of the Equals to the Apostles Konstantin and Elena and the holiday of the resort complex named after them. The celebrations will start with a liturgy in the St. St. Konstantin and Elena monastery, a procession with the miracle icon of the Equals to the Apostles and a qurban dedication. The programme will continue with a concert of the brass orchestra of the Bulgarian Navy with conductor captain III rank Miroslav Todorov, of Academic Dance Theatre at Varna Free University “Chernorizets Hrabar” and with Bulgarian folk dances and many other children and adolescent musical and dance groups.Part of the celebration programme on 21 May is the workshop of students in fashion at VFU with the subject  “My small colour dress”, held in the framework of the May Festival of Flowers. The students will provoke both themselves and the visitors of the resort and together with them will design a classical small colour dress using fabrics in the summer colours.  On 22 May a children’s holiday will be held with a music and artistic programme and the traditional contest for painting on the asphalt. The subject is in line with the overall campaign of events in May: “Getting in touch with nature and arts”.
Bulgaria was invited as observer at the meeting of the ministers of tourism in G20 format
Over the past ten years Bulgaria has marked about 40% growth in foreign tourists and our main priority is to ensure the sustainability of these results, said minister Nikolina Angelkova at the meeting of the ministers of tourism in G20 format, which was held in Beijing. She was invited to make a statement during the official opening of the discussion and to take part in a capacity of observer country. The forum was opened by the vice prime minister of the People’s Republic of China Wan Yang.“Political will is key to ensuring sustainable development in the sector at national and international levels. Tourism has demonstrated that it is one of the most resilient economic sectors, even in crisis conditions, and due attention should be paid to it“, minister Angelkova pointed out. In her words, with the establishment of a separate Ministry of Tourism in Bulgaria the government underscored the importance and commitment to its problems and priorities. According to data of the World Travel and Tourism Council, the total input of tourism and related economic activities to global GDP  in 2015 is over 7 trillion USD or 9.8% of GDP. For Europe, this indicator is over 1.7 trillion EUR  or 9.6% of GDP. In terms of Bulgaria, tourism is one of the leading structurally relevant sectors in the economy. Again based on WTTC data, the total input of tourism and related industries to the country’s GDP in 2015 is over 10.5 billion BGN or about 13% of GDP.In addition, minister Angelkova took part as a lecturer in the First World Conference on Tourism for Development, which was held in the Chinese capital. The event was opened by the prime minister of the People’s Republic of China Li Keqiang and the UN World Tourism Organisation Secretary General Taleb Rifai.  In her address minister Angelkova highlighted the importance of local administrations and regional marketing for the sustainable development of tourist destinations. “We have designated nine marketing regions in the territory of Bulgaria in order to present better the uniqueness of each region and the specialized forms of tourism it can offer”, Nikolina Angelkova said. She noted that in practice the country can offer everything to tourists and it is essential to put the focus on competitive segments in order to foster demand and make it more visible on international tourism market. The forum was moderated by CNN International anchor Richard Quest, who is a long-standing partner of the World Tourism Organisation. Among the invited panelists were HRH Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz, chairperson of the Tourism Committee and the National Board of Saudi Arabia, the minister of tourism and antiquities of Jordan Nayef Al-Fayez, the minister of tourism of Kenya Najib Balala, the minister of tourism of South Africa Derek Andre Hanekom, etc.During her visit to China minister Angelkova and the minister of tourism of the Republic of Argentina Jose Gustavo Santos signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the field of tourism. She also had meetings with the chairman of the China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) Jindzao Li, with the Secretary of State of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport of Great Britain John Whittingdale, with the minister of tourism and antiquities of Jordan Nayef Al-Fayez, HRH Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz, chairperson of the Tourism Committee and the National Board of Saudi Arabia, with the president of the Secretariat  of Tourism of Mexico Enrique de la Madrid  Cordero, with the minister of tourism of Indonesia Arief Yahya, with the minister of tourism of Venezuela  Marleny Contreras  and with the minister of tourism of South Africa  Derek Andre Hanekom.
Minister Angelkova opened the first meeting of the Interinstitutional Council for Personnel in Tourism
“Personnel are the face of Bulgarian tourism as they form the main part of its product and the improvement of their preparation and qualifications depends on our joint efforts. The quality of tourist services and the sector’s competitiveness respectively can increase only through well-trained personnel,” said Minister Nikolina Angelkova, speaking at the opening of the first meeting of the Interinstitutional Council for Personnel in Tourism.Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva chairs the council and  took part in the working meeting. The council is comprised of 43 representatives of four ministries, institutions  of education, employment and human resources development, controlling authorities, higher schools, colleges and occupational high schools from Sofia and the country, employers’ and industry  organizations, trade union organizations, non-government associations,  national resorts, etc. According to World Travel and Tourism Council data, in 2015 the total number of jobs directly and indirectly related to tourism is 338 thousand, down by 6.5% on 2014. The total share of employees in tourism and tourism related industries is 11% of all jobs in Bulgaria.  The number of directly employed persons in tourism exceeds 92 thousand, down by 10% on 2014.  Bulgarian education experts announce that university graduates in tourism have hit the lowest level of employment in the last five years. “We initiated the establishment of the council namely due to this so that we could begin to seek a solution to one of the biggest problems in the sector“, minister Angelkova said.“For a year and a half we have held many meetings with the tourism industry and the main problem raised at each of them was the lack of sufficient trained personnel in the sector.  The data indicates there is no stability in the hiring of teams and the turnover of staff is constantly increasing because of the seasonal nature of the sector“, Nikolina Angelkova emphasized. She added the establishment of the council as a consultative body comprised of representatives of all institutions and organisations, which was to become a common platform for long-term solutions, had been initiated namely because of this.In the words of the minister, the state can form policies and exert control on regulations but cannot do the business’ work.“We are, however, ready to cooperate in any useful way. All of us should together seek a balance as regards personnel on the basis of objective analyses,”  she pointed out. The council will outline operational measures, discuss problems, gather and analyse information about the free movement of workers and employees, the employment rate, and income levels.The establishment of the council aims to ensure the required coordination for the successful implementation of programmes and policies to encourage the employment, training, qualification, and requalification of people employed in the sector of tourism.The Ministry of Tourism has studied the good practices in countries like Spain, France, Italy, and Portugal, but prior to applying their experience in professional training in tourism, the needs at a national level should be clear, it transpired at the event. Therefore, a more active partnership with business and employers’ organisations is also needed.The minister proposed the council holds a sitting once. Its members will present their views on the draft regulations on its functioning by June 10. They will also make proposals for the formation of thematic groups that will work on the most pressing problems.
Minister Angelkova: For the first quarter we have a 13% rise in overnights in the country
For the first quarter of the year about 2.5 million overnights are reported, which is a 13% rise on the same period of last year. 1.4 million of the overnights are realized by Bulgarians, which indicates that the upward trend in the development of our tourism persists, the minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova said at the official  launch of the campaign “We Love Bulgaria”  in support of the 100 tourist sites. Present at the event were also the minister of agriculture and food Desislava Taneva and the deputy minister of culture Ass. Prof. Boni Petrunova.  Minister Angelkova pointed out that public-private partnership is one of the proven and good forms of cooperation. She stated that the ministry had already implemented several similar successful projects. One of them is the commercial clip with the participation of seven Hollywood stars, the present International Culinary Festival “Bulgaria Welcomes the Tastes of the World”, as well as the campaign “You Think You Know Bulgaria” which was supported by many famous public figures. “What is valuable in the campaign we launch today is that it will invest in some of our most significant cultural and historical sites and will recall our countrymen how important they are for the national consciousness”, minister Angelkova underlined. She explained that in support of the 100 national sites included in the Online Register of Tourist Attractions created by the Ministry of Tourism there are links to Tripadviser, Google Maps and Wikipedia. This will enable the persons wishing to visit them to receive fast and detailed information.The campaign is held at the initiative of Billa company and aims to raise funds for the  restoration of the Shipka monument through the sale of T-shirts with images of the 100 national sites and a  gala-concert “Stars Sing for Bulgaria” in Armmeets Hall on 31 May. From 2 to 29 June 1% of the dairy products certified under BDS and sold in the retail chain will also be donated for the campaign.
Minister Angelkova opened summer season 2016 in Varna
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova, together with the mayor Ivan Portnih, the minister of youth and sports Krasen Kralev and the regional governor Stoyan Pasev launched Summer season 2016 in Varna. In the framework of the event an international sports marathon was held and the new visitor centre of the Roman Baths in the city was opened.“We are launching a season which, based on preliminary estimates, will be very strong and we should make joint efforts to ensure the quality of the tourist product”, minister Angelkova emphasized. In her words, namely the sports events along with the specialized forms of tourism may provide value added to the vacation of tourists and contribute to extending the wings of the season. She congratulated Varna municipality for the efforts made in addressing the seasonality in the region and noted that data confirmed they were on the right track. In the past year, Varna region reported a rise in the number of tourist overnights, reaching some 915 thousand, or 6% higher than in 2014. Varna began 2016 with the same steady pace and in the first three months of the year it marked a 10% rise in overnights as compared to the same period last year.   At the opening of the new visitor centre in the Roman Baths the mayor Ivan Portnih highlighted the benefits of the so-called pedestrian ring, which takes the guests of the city to a tour of its cultural landmarks. The visitor centre will have a bookstore, a ticket office, a buffet, modern service premises, places for disabled persons, etc.  As an experiment, this summer the working hours of the renovated Roman Baths will be extended till 10 p.m. The idea is to have groups and performances throughout the season almost every day and the municipality should start building a small scene in the baths.The ceremony for the opening of the new season was accompanied by reconstruction of the ancient Odesos, including Roman legionnaires, and a performance by the military brass orchestra. Present at the event were also the commander of the Bulgarian Navy rear admiral Mitko Petev, representatives of the municipality and the municipal council, tourism industry, many guests and citizens of the city, etc.
Bulgaria received world prize for advertising in tourism at the 17th WorldMediaFestival
At an official ceremony in Hamburg, Germany, at the 17th WorldMediaFestival/Tourism, Bulgaria was awarded a silver prize in the Film category for the two image TV clips of the campaign “Hidden Before Your Eyes”. The campaign aimed to promote domestic tourist trips in the country and was held between January and August 2015. The campaign was commissioned by the Ministry of Tourism. On the day of the ceremony, a screening of all finalists was organized in Savoy Filmtheater in Hamburg and the prize was presented at а glamorous evening ceremony.WorldMediaFestival – TOURISM is one of the  biggest and most prestigious festivals  for tourism advertising in the world and countries from all over the world take part in it. The distinction for Bulgaria brings high prestige because it is won in competition with 50 countries in the world – all leaders in tourism marketing – such as the USA, France,  Germany, Malaysia, Great Britain, Australia, Spain, Turkey and many others. In addition, over 700 projects from all over the world were sold this year at the competition. In the last year’s festival the tourism commercials of Switzerland, Malaysia and Canada were awarded.  This year Bulgaria took part in the WorldMediaFestival/Tourism for the first time.The awarded commercials in the Film category are produced by the most talented and awarded Bulgarian film and TV artists. The campaign is the work of reforma agency. The clips were shot by cameramen Alexander Stanishev and Dimitar Nedelchev and directors are Edi Schwarz and Zoran Petrovski. The creative idea belongs to Yordan Petkov.The campaign “Hidden Before Your Eyes” was held in the period January – August 2015 and aimed to promote trips inside the country. The project promoted the 50 least popular sites  in Bulgaria  and was financed under Operational Programme  “Regional Development  2007 – 2013”. This is one of the most impressive outcomes of the tourism advertising in the country for the last decade.The WorldMediaFestival was established in 2000 and is one of the biggest fora in this field in the world and the only one of that kind in Europe. The WorldMediaFestival | TOURISM is a competition which aims to award quality and modern approach in tourism advertising in different commercial categories (films, TV, web, print).  The prizes were presented at an official ceremony on 11 May 2016 in Hamburg, Germany.
Minister Angelkova: The online register of the tourist attractions recorded over 2.8 million visits for 9 months
From the creation of the online register of the tourist attractions 9 months ago over 2.8 million visits were recorded in it. There is a higher interest in it in the days preceding holidays such as Easter holidays when there were over 300 thousand visits. This was stated by the minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova at the opening of the International Culinary Festival "Bulgaria welcomes the tastes of the world” in Burgas. The event continued the “You think you know Bulgaria” campaign, which promoted our country last year as a preferred tourist destination and which was supported by the Ministry of Tourism.  Participants in the event were the mayor of Burgas Dimitar Nikolov, the ambassador of Poland H. E. Krzysztof Krajewski, the ambassador of Venezuela H.E.  Orietta Caponi, the ambassador of India H. E. Mr. Rajesh Kumar Sachdeva , the ambassador of the State of Israel Shaul Kamisa-Raz,  the president of the Bilateral Chamber of Commerce Bulgaria-Romania  Dragomir  Doru, representatives of the Ministry of Tourism of Romania, etc."The readiness demonstrated by foreign diplomats to support  the campaign is a proof of the fruitful relations we were able to build  for a short period of time”, Nikolina Angelkova said.  She congratulated Burgas municipality for the efforts used to promote tourism. "I am sure that such events will attract an even greater attention to the city as a very attractive tourist destination outside the high summer season as well", added Nikolina Angelkova.The festival is organized in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism, GTC Bulgaria, Culinary Academy HRC, International Women’s Club and 20 foreign embassies in the country.  The main idea is that culinary traditions, customs and cultural diversity in the world could be a bridge for partnership and development and the event will visit 7 Bulgarian cities. In each of them the festival will have a different charity cause. In Burgas, the charity funds raised will be provided to support couples with reproduction problems.
Deputy minister Irena Georgieva took part in the opening of the “Golden Bulgarian Hands” festival
Vratsa region was visited by about 37 thousand tourists in 2015, accounting for some 9% rise on 2014. In terms of Bulgarians, the rise is 8%, and events like this one are certainly one of the main reasons for such results. This was stated by the deputy minister Irena Georgieva in Chelopek village in the region of Vratsa at the opening of the third edition of the exhibition- gathering  “Golden Bulgarian Hands”  – one of the most  spectacular performances of authentic  folk traditions in North West Bulgaria.The festival has been held since 2011 and thanks to the efforts of an initiative committee, the local authority of Chelopek and the community centre “Ognishte” this tradition is preserved and enriched. The area around the village provides excellent conditions for tourism not only because of the proximity of Vratsa mountain and Okolchitsa peak, but also because of its rich cultural-historical heritage, deputy minister Georgieva pointed out. Coming here to enjoy the beautiful nature, people are able to honour the memory of Botev’s fellow revolutionaries and the deeds of many other heroes from our past.It is not by chance that Vratsa is included in one of the eight cultural-historical destinations created by the Ministry of Tourism to attract greater attention to the regions in the country. It is called the “The Riches of the North West” and provides a range of opportunities for tourists to stay longer in the region, to see not only the main tourist attractions but also smaller settlements, as it became clear from the words of Irena Georgieva.  Also, the festival enables the guests to enjoy the ethnographic traditions of the Vratsa region. The festival includes an exhibition of handcrafted items from 13 villages around Chelopek, from Vratsa and Novi Iskar, folklore performances and a culinary competition with meals from local recipes.Vratsa municipality has 20 sites in the online Register of the Tourist Attractions developed by the ministry in partnership with the local authority, the deputy minister added. Among them are sites of national importance such as the Rogozen Treasure, for instance, which is a source of pride and attract many tourists. Usually over 500 additional visitors come to the festival and stay at the guest houses and special tours are organized for them. Among the most frequently visited sites are the museum house of Baba Iliitsa, who was born in Chelopek, the tourist path to the place of death of Pero Hertsegovinetsa Voivoda, the shelter “Pogledets”, the Mogilanska mound, ancient and medieval settlements and fortresses, churches and monasteries, etc.The folk holiday was attended by the deputies from GERB Petya Avramova and Krasen Krastev, the regional governor of Vratsa Malina Nikolova, the deputy mayor of Vratsa Maria Popova, the mayor of Chelopek  Tihomir Toshev, etc.
Bulgaria hosts the international wine competition Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2016
The advisor to the minister of tourism Zhivko Tabakov took part in the official ceremony for the opening of the twenty-third edition of the most prestigious international wine competition Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2016. The event was held today in Pavilion 6 of the International Fair in Plovdiv and will continue for a period of three days. He read a welcome address on behalf of the minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova, expressing hope that  the hosting of such a competition  will  contribute to Bulgaria and the region becoming even more desired tourist destinations.The competition is held for the first time in Bulgaria with 8750 samples of wines from 51 countries.  A record number of Bulgarian wines will participate in the contest.  The international jury will taste over 260 wines of native producers. Based on the last year organizers’ data, the Bulgarian samples numbered 80 and 42 % of them won gold and silver prizes, marking a kind of a record for the Bulgarian wine industry.320 leading journalists, sommeliers, wine merchants and oenologists from 52 countries are included in the tasting commissions of the world competition. 40 of these were Bulgarian  tasters.  All they will also be able to see the tourist attractions in the region and meet the ancient history of the most alive city in Europe – Plovdiv.The 23rd edition of the world famous wine competition was organized by Probegex in cooperation with Plovdiv Municipality, the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the National Vine and Wine Chamber.
Minister Angelkova inspected the level of readiness for the new summer season
Bulgaria is in the top 5 most desired destinations by the Russian tourists, according to a survey among local tour operators. This was announced today in Burgas by the minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova. She had a meeting with the regional governor of Burgas Valcho Cholakov, the representatives of supervision authorities, the local administration and the tourism industry on the measures taken for the new summer season."In the past several days I personally visited all Black Sea municipalities to inspect their readiness for the summer season. Everywhere there are optimistic expectations, and now it is important for the state and the industry to take the necessary measures to meet the expectations of tourists", Nikolina Angelkova stressed. She stated that it was agreed with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Interior to temporarily relocate their employees to take part in mixed inspection teams to exercise 24-hour control on noise. The initiative was launched in Golden Sands where the sector provided the necessary facilities. "I talked to the mayor of Obzor  Hristo Yanev  where  a similar team will be situated.  Given the importance of Sunny Beach and the great number of tourists in it, we will use best efforts to also have such on-the-spot supervision here", minister Angelkova said.  She emphasized that this could be done in other settlements as well, in cooperation with the industry and local authorities."15 procedures are already underway for renting out unguarded beaches and every week we announce new ones. We have talked to the regional governors and mayors so as to avoid having beaches without lifeguard, medical and cleaning services”, Nikolina Angelkova added. This year about 90 beaches are announced to be unguarded and the Ministry of Tourism plans to conduct a procedure for renting out 40 of them. Simultaneously, regional governors have already started actions to ensure lifeguards and prepare the necessary plans.In the framework of the meeting, the representatives of supervisory authorities presented the measures taken. The Commission for Consumer Protection plans to open reception rooms on the spot in the resorts. The Ministry of Interior will provide 580 supervision employees in the region for the high summer season. This year the number of relocated policemen from inland will be increased by 180 and the bulk of police resources will be concentrated in Nessebar municipality.  Work is being done to set up mixed patrols along the South Black Sea coast with Romanian and Czech policemen. The Regional Health Inspectorate emphasized that hoteliers were required to place information boards to inform tourists where they can get nearest medical care. The Bulgarian Food Safety Agency reported that they had carried out 3730 inspections in the last summer season and had drawn up 69 penalty acts. Based on their information, the data reveals that violations have declined, which confirms the enhanced quality of the tourist product. In the upcoming season special attention is paid again to the all-inclusive service and the quality of food in it.  The National Revenue Agency, the Customs Agency and the Automobile Administration envisage tighter supervision measures. The Border Police and Maritime Administration are ready to handle the expected cruise ships, as it became clear during the meeting.In the last two days minister Angelkova had meetings on the spot in Pomorie, Sozopol,  Primorsko,  Tsarevo,  Nessebar,  and Burgas to inspect the readiness for the new summer season on the South Black Sea coast. The previous week similar discussions were held in Golden Sands,  Albena, Kavarna,  Shabla and Varna.
Deputy minister Georgieva: Bulgaria’s competitiveness in tourism is directly related to its highly qualified personnel
Bulgaria’s competitiveness on the tourist market and its establishment as all year-round destination are invariably related to the quality of the services we offer. The services received by the end-user can add extra value to the Bulgaria brand. This was stated by the deputy minister of tourism Irena Georgieva at a working meeting on the issues of education in tourism, initiated by the vice prime minister and minister of education and science Meglena Kuneva, who also took part in the discussion.“The Ministry of Tourism is in ongoing dialogue with the tourism industry and at the regular meetings with representatives of this sector one of the most discussed topics is the sustainable procurement of sufficient and highly qualified professional personnel. Our goal is to provide professional services in tourism, which meet international standards“, deputy minister Georgieva said. Based on World Travel and Tourism Council data, in 2015 the number of directly employed in this sector in Bulgaria is little over 92 thousand, or 10% less than in 2014. Also in the last year, the total number of jobs directly or indirectly related to tourism is about 340 thousand, down by 6.5% compared with 2014.“One of the major problems is the lack of guaranteed, all year-round employment of professionals in the sector“, deputy minister Georgieva added. She emphasized that the ministry was working actively with all stakeholders and experts of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy to find a long-term solution. In pursuance of this policy, a Council on the Problems with Personnel in Tourism was set up at the initiative of the minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova, recalled Irena Georgieva. The Council includes representative of other ministries, higher schools and high occupational schools, experts and representative of the tourism industry. The Council will seek efficient common opinions and solutions and the Ministry of Tourism is ready to table relevant legislative amendments, where necessary.In addition, deputy minister Georgieva emphasized the importance of internships and practice in tourism. In this regard good international practices of Germany, Switzerland and other countries with experience in dual education are being studied. The system relies on recruiting personnel from occupational high schools that will practice and specialize in accordance with their curriculum.Present at the meeting were also 30 representatives of the tourism industry who expressed their readiness to work for improving the practical training of young personnel in tourism and for enhancing the image of the professions in the sector.
Supervisory authorities will monitor non-stop the noise level in Golden Sands in the high season
Minister Angelkova inspected the readiness for the new summer season of the North Black Sea area.An inspection team will be situated in Golden Sands to monitor non-stop the noise level in the resort in the high summer season.  It will include representatives of the Ministry of Interior, the Regional Health Inspectorate, the municipality and the regional administration. The establishment of such team was requested by local hoteliers who will provide a suitable office. This was announced today in Varna by the minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova at a joint briefing with the regional governor Stoyan Pasev. Since yesterday she has been on a working visit to Varna and Dobrich regions to inspect the readiness for a problem-free Summer 2016.Today a discussion was held in Varna with all supervisory bodies who declared that all the necessary measures had been taken for a problem-free season.  During the discussion it became clear that the Commission for Consumer Protection will open reception rooms in the big resort zones. The Ministry of Interior is working on the setting up of patrols of policemen from major tourist markets.  All measures have been taken by the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency and other supervisory authorities.Nikolina Angelkova pointed out that the most important thing was to ensure the quality of  tourist services and called on the industry to work even more precisely in order to prevent  dissatisfied  guests. “High-category hotels along the Black Sea coast are already full and we  expect to have  a successful summer season", minister Angelkova said  and expressed her belief  that the season could be extended with joint efforts, given the great interest expressed by a number of important  tourist markets for the country.For Easter about 100 thousand Romanian tourists are expected to visit Bulgaria, it became clear from the statement of the minister. The Ministry of Tourism works in close coordination with Varna Regional Administration to inform the people about the overhaul of the Asparuhov Bridge and detours. The local and regional administrations have designed information leaflets with maps to be circulated among Romanian citizens.  "We have informed the Romanian  tour operators about the situation and will continue to monitor it during the holidays", minister Angelkova said.In response to a journalist question minister Angelkova stated that the first procedures for award on lease of seaside beaches which do not have managers had started. Regional governors have yet one month to organize lifeguard and medical services for the strips which will not have a concessioner or a lessee. "The procedures are going according to schedule  and measures are taken that no beach should remain unguarded", minister Angelkova emphasized.Present at today’s meeting were also the mayor of Varna Ivan Portnih, mayors from the region, representatives of supervisory authorities, the tourism industry, concessioners, etc.
Minister Angelkova presented a prize to Albena AD for a socially responsible partner of the local authority
Last summer resort complex Albena welcomed about 200 thousand tourists and income from overnights in the resort complex exceeded 64 million leva.  The company is the largest employer in the region and one of the symbols of Bulgarian tourism which has always been committed to social problems and projects.  This was announced by the minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova, who presented today a prize for a socially responsible partner to the local authority to Albena AD, which prize is awarded by the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria.“I also congratulate Albena for the consistent efforts in extending the season with specialized services“, minister Angelkova said. In her words, more and more sports events, business and congress fora, discussion events, cultural and vacation festivals, balneological and spa procedures, trips to representative golf courses in this part of the country, etc.  are held here. “All these opportunities promote higher revenues in the industry combined with  more steady employment  in the region not only in the high summer season, thus encouraging them not to leave  the region and the country“, she added.In her statement, minister Angelkova also focused on the good partnership between the Ministry of Tourism, CEIB, trade unions and the local authority for development of a sustainable and efficient tourism.The Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria (CEIB), jointly with  the mayors of the municipalities of Dobrich,  General Toshevo,  Kavarna and Shabla  for the first time  presented officially the prize “Socially responsible partner company to a municipality for 2015.“  The prizes were determined by committees including mayors, who based on criteria set out by CEIB, designated the business companies with the highest social contribution to the development of municipalities in the region in 2015.Official guests to the event were the regional governor of Dobrich Detelina Nikolova, the deputy president of CEIB Dimitar Dimitrov, representatives of the Bulgarian Investment Agency and the Executive Agency for Promotion of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, mayors of municipalities and chairpersons of municipal councils, heads of regional municipal structures, etc.
The Ministry of Tourism received a plaque of distinction for promoting winter tourism in the country
During the official closing of the 2015/2016 winter season, organized by the Bulgarian Ski Federation, deputy minister Irena Georgieva received a prize of distinction, awarded to the Ministry of Tourism for the support provided for development of ski tourism in the county and for Bulgaria becoming a preferable winter destination.The prize was presented by the chairperson of the Bulgarian Ski Federation Tseko Minev.  During the ceremony, prizes were also presented to the big champion in the season the holder of the World Cup in snowboard parallel disciplines Radoslav Yankov, the bronze snowboard medalist from the second Winter Youth Olympic Games Valentin Miladinov and to our leading snowboarder Alexandra Jekova. Prizes received the youngest talents in winter sports, too.  Present at the event were also the deputy ministers of youth and sports Nina Naydenova and Asen Markov.In the period December 2015 – February 2016, an almost 4% growth in foreign visitors to Bulgaria was reported, as compared to the 2014/ 2015 season. Income from overnight stays is about 3% higher than in the same period of the previous year and exceeds 223 million leva.  Holiday and vacation visits have also increased, by 21%.
Minister Angelkova talks with representatives of the tourism industry and mayors from Kardzhali region on development of tourism in the region
The World Congress of Ancient Civilizations and Modern Tourism which is scheduled for the end of the year in Bulgaria is an opportunity which should be used to show that here is the cradle of Thracian civilisation. This was said by minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova at a meeting with representatives of the tourism industry and the local authority of Kardzhali region. Participants in the discussion were the deputy Tsveta Karayancheva, the regional governor Ilia Iliev, etc.“Kardzhali and the sites which are concentrated here are among the symbols of cultural-historical tourism in the country”, pointed out Nikolina Angelkova. She added that the Ministry of Tourism will continue to support the region to make even more popular the attractions which are concentrated here. “Kardzhali participates with over 30 sites in the online Register of the Tourist Attractions, the region is also included in the billboard campaign we launched jointly with the municipalities. All this promotes domestic tourism but we should be more pro-active on the international tourist market“, Nikolina Angelkova emphasized.One of the topics discussed at the meeting was the sustainable development of Glavatartsi village. The village attracts an ever growing interest at national and international levels but further support is needed to improve its infrastructure to meet the expectations of tourists.It became clear during the meeting that Kardzhali along with Haskovo and Smolyan regions were developing a project for marketing the tourism region under the Greece-Bulgaria Cross-Border Partnership Programme. Minister Angelkova stressed the importance of consistency with the National Concept for Tourism Zoning, for better promotion of the region and closer interaction with Smolyan as a centre of the Rodope region where Kardzhali  belongs.
Minister Angelkova: We are creating an online register of festivals in Bulgaria
The Ministry of Tourism is working on the development of an online register which is to gather information about all festivals and other similar events that generate tourist interest. The platform is intended to be accessed online via the website of the ministry, the minister of tourism said. This was announced by the minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova at a meeting with the tourism industry and the local administration of Haskovo region. In the discussion participated the deputy Evgenia Angelova, the mayor of Haskovo municipality Dobri Belivanov, the mayor of Dimitrovgrad municipality Ivo Dimov, the regional governor Stanislav Dechev, etc.“The results indicate that there is an ever increasing interest in the online register of the attractions which we developed last year. This motivates us to upgrade it by developing a register of all festivals and other events that prompt tourist interest”, said Nikolina Angelkova.  In her words, the aim is to support municipalities in promoting nationally and internationally the events organized by them while ensuring better planning of their implementation. “At present this information is available but is scattered among several institutions and it is important to consolidate it and make it accessible to everyone”, minister Angelkova stressed.Haskovo region can develop many and diverse forms of tourism, the participants in the discussion pointed out. Among the main attractions in the region are the statue of St. Virgin Mary with the Infant in Haskovo, which is the largest in the world and is entered in the Guinness records, the church in Uzundjovo village, the Aleksandrovo tomb etc. “In order to support the promotion of all that wealth, one of the cultural-historical destinations we developed – “The Magic of East Rodopes” – is concentrated here“, Nikolina Angelkova stressed. At present interactive maps are being developed and one of them will cover the region which will help better present the sites to the tourists.  During the discussions it also became clear that there is an ever higher growth of sport and congress tourism in Haskovo municipality. The number of overnight stays in the region over the recent years has doubled and in 2015 they numbered over 92 thousand. The persons staying overnight are about 57 thousand and income from overnight stays alone is over 3.5 million leva.
Minister Angelkova: We expect over 10 thousand people to visit Veliko Tarnovo in the four days of the Cultural Toursim exhibition
 “In the past year, over 10 thousand people visited Veliko Tarnovo during the four days of the Cultural Tourism International Tourist Exhibition. We hope this year to perform even better”, minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova said at the official opening of the exchange. Among the official attendees were the mayor of the city Daniel Panov, the regional governor prof. Pencho Penchev, other mayors from across the country, the chairperson of the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association Blagoy Ragin, the archeologist prof. Nikolay Ovcharov, etc.“Bulgaria ranks at the forefront in almost any European ranking with its cultural activities “, pointed out Nikolina Angelkova. In her words, according to a specialized marketing research, many tourists from our leading markets have visited Bulgaria namely because of the opportunities for practising cultural-historical tourism”, the minister said. In 2015, Veliko Tarnovo region was visited by over 182 thousand tourists, posting yet another annual growth of 5%. The generated income from those visits is over 11 million leva, marking a 12% rise compared with 2014.Nikolina Angelkova added that the Ministry of Tourism continued proactively its work for promoting domestic tourism. Thanks to the joint efforts between the local authority, the businesses and the academia the old capital city is an example of tourism growth sustainability. “We see that cultural tourism in Veliko Tarnovo plays a leading role for Bulgaria to be an all year-round and popular destination because more and more tourists choose culture and history as a reason to visit Bulgaria and its old capital”, said Nikolina Angelkova.She recalled that cultural-historical tourism is a key priority in the advertising and marketing policy of the ministry and successfully combines with the mass summer and winter product.  Veliko Tarnovo will be included in the interactive tourist maps which are being developed by the ministry for each of the identified cultural destinations and the online Register of the Tourist Attractions has been further extended to become national with the amendments to the Law on Tourism, announced the minister. It covers over 3300 sites, including 40 from the area of the old capital city. This year a new initiative will be launched – the development of a platform that will consolidate information about all festivals and other similar events which generate tourist interest. The platform will be accessible online from a single site, i.e. the website of the ministry.The Cultural Tourism exhibition in Veliko Tarnovo is the biggest and most important dedicated event with international presence in the country. The participants in its 13th edition are representatives of over 40 Bulgarian municipalities, and of the embassies of SAR, Indonesia, Vietnam, Hungary, Azerbaijan, and France. Among the support events this year are the traditional International Tourism Film Festival “On the East Coast of Europe”, ethnographic exhibitions and round tables for discussing the prospects for development of cultural tourism and conservation of cultural heritage, etc.  In the first day of the forum the annual meeting of the minister of tourism with the mayors of Bulgarian municipalities is held, at which over 70 mayors and local tourism experts are to be present.
The President of the National Assembly, Tsetska Tsacheva, and Minister Nikolina Angelkova launched the campaign Wonders of Bulgaria 2016
The European Commission allocates EUR 500 000 for projects for raising the quality of the staff in tourism in the EU. The Ministry of Tourism is already preparing a project to apply with and I hope that more organisations from the tourist sector will do this, the Minister for Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, said during the public discussion in the Regional Historical Museum in Vratsa, organised within the sixth ‘Wonders of Bulgaria’ campaign of the Standart newspaper. The meeting, entitled ‘The Wonders of Vratsa and the North-West – New Opportunities for Development of Cultural and Historical Tourism and the Economy in the Region’, was also joined by the President of the National Assembly, Tsetska Tsacheva, the Regional Governor of Vratsa, Malina Nikolova, the adviser to the Minister for Culture, Prof. Nikolay Ovcharov, the Mayor of the Town, Kalin Kamenov, mayors of other populated places in the region, experts, etc.‘The North-Western Region has great potential for tourism and the proximity of the Danube River makes it an even more attractive destination’, Nikolina Angelkova emphasised. According to data of the National Statistical Institute, in 2015 this part of the country was visited by over 280 thousand tourists, of whom 240 thousand were Bulgarians. ‘A lot of tourists visit the region on cruise ships on the Danube and we should do our best to keep them longer here’, Minister Angelkova pointed out. According to her, last year we welcomed the arrival of 183 cruise ships with over 24 000 guests and forecasts for 2016 are promising, too. ‘It is very important to offer the tourists more experiences. To be able to reach national-level unanimity on which the main attractions are we have developed eight cultural-historical destinations, one of which comprises the region and bears the name ‘The Wealth of the North-West’, Nikolina Angelkova added. The destination includes the towns of Vratsa, Vidin, Belogradchik, Chiprovtsi, Berkovitsa, Varshets, Mezdra, Pleven, as well as some of the most emblematic sites here.‘Speaking about the Danube, I would like to note the great opportunities we can benefit from in the framework of the Danube Strategy’, the Minister for Tourism said. Bulgaria, together with Romania, is a co-coordinator under Priority Axis 3 of the Strategy – tourism and culture – and the Ministry works actively to turn our country into a generator of initiatives within its framework. The coordination centre for projects in tourism for all the 14 states in the Danube Region will start operating soon in Ruse.Minister Angelkova pointed out that in regard to the European funding in the sector, the Ministry is a beneficiary only under the Operational Programme Innovation and Competitiveness and makes efforts to seek additional possibilities to apply for investment on a competitive basis with the other EU member-states. ‘We have won a project under the COSME Programme to promote Bulgarian EDEN destinations, Vratsa being one of them’, she announced. The funding amounts to EUR 70 thousand and in the coming months a professional tour is to be organised in the region and promotional videos about the destinations are to be made. The project implementation will contribute to the more complete presentation of Bulgaria as a destination for ecological, cultural, spa and other kinds of specialised tourism, but also to the overcoming of the territorial and seasonal concentration of tourist flows, as well as to the increase of employment in the region.This year, the emphasis of the Wonders of Bulgaria campaign is on the role of museums as an instrument of popularising Bulgaria beyond its borders. The Standart newspaper has proposed that the Rogozen Treasure, discovered in this part of the country, become an ambassador of Bulgaria to the world. This initiative includes the organisation of an exhibition entitled ‘The Wonders of the North-West’ in a European Commission hall in Brussels in 2016, dedicated to the Unification Day, 6th September. Preliminary discussions have already been conducted with the Vice-President of the European Commission, Kristalina Georgieva, with Minister Rashidov, with the Mayor of Vratsa and historians. The wonders will promote Bulgaria’s cultural and historical heritage to Europe, as well as its enormous possibilities as a year-round tourist destination.
Bulgaria was a partner country at the International Tourism Exhibition in Ekaterinburg
Bulgaria was a partner country at the most important specialised exhibition in the sector in the Ural Federal District of the Russian Federation, ‘Leto 2016’, which was held in the city of Ekaterinburg. The business representatives and the visitors took a great interest in the Bulgarian stand and the exposition was organised with the official support of the Federal Agency for Tourism of Russia (FAT), the Russian Tour Industry Union and leading institutions from the Ural region. The work of the forum was joined by the head of the FAT, Oleg Safonov, the Managing Director of the Ural Tourism Association (UTA) and others.The Bulgarian information stand, organised by the Ministry of Tourism, was located on 24 sq. m in the most central part of the Ekaterinburg-Expo International Exhibition Centre. The participants were two tourist companies and the municipality of Velingrad, which presented Bulgaria’s potential for specialised balneo-therapeutic, spa and wellness services to the main tourism packages. On the first day of the exhibition there was a two-hour presentation of Bulgaria as a year-round destination, which was accepted with great interest by the visitors and the media.The tour operators’ and end users’ attention to offers for travel and holidays in Bulgaria was mostly oriented to summer and sea, health and cultural and historical tourism. According to the tour operators in the region, working actively with our market, a 30-35% growth in the demand for holidays in Bulgaria has been reported and these preferences have already found expression in the increased bookings. The Fraport Representation in Bulgaria confirmed that charter flights from Ekaterinburg to the Bulgarian seaside airports are up 30% over last year, which is yet another indicator of the growing number of tourists. Participants in the exhibition emphasised that the increased demand was a result of the active contacts between the Ministry of Tourism of Bulgaria and the Federal Agency for Tourism of Russia and the Ural Tourism Association, as well as the measures for increasing the number of Russian tourists in Bulgaria, taken by both sides. The renewed activity of the Bulgarian Consulate General in Ekaterinburg, which was officially opened on 7th April 2016, but started offering services as early as February this year, has contributed seriously along this line.The exhibition in Ekaterinburg, which has already been present on the international market for 18 years, was held during the period of 7th – 8th April 2016. It welcomes about 10 thousand visitors from about 20 countries annually, at an average. Among the exhibitors are leading Russian and foreign tour operators, airlines and hotels, insurance companies, banks and tourist media. This year, the exhibition is covered by five central and regional televisions. One of the major topics is wellness. The traditional International Real Estate Exhibition REAL ESTATE EXPO is organised within Leto 2016.
Minister Angelkova: Over 100 thousand tourists visited Karlovo last year
Last year Karlovo welcomed over 100 thousand tourists, which is nearly twice more than the population of the municipality. This became clear during the meeting of the Minister for Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, with the Mayor of the town, Emil Kabaivanov, representatives of the tourist business and the local authorities from other populated places in the region.’The region has all the prerequisites necessary for development of sustainable tourism. A lot of Bulgarians visit Karlovo to see Vasil Levski’s birthplace but the town can attract an ever increasing foreign interest with the roses, with its Thracian heritage and the possibilities for cultural and historical tourism’, Minister Angelkova said. She stated that the Ministry would support the greater visibility of the possibilities for tourism in the region at a national level. Karlovo will be a part of the journalist tours prepared by the Ministry and at the end of the year Bulgaria will host a major international conference on ancient civilisations, which is organised together with the UN World Tourism Organisation. It will focus on the Thracian civilisation and at the same time a programme accompanying the event is being planned for the delegates, which is to include the Valley of the Thracian Rulers, where Karlovo is located.During the meeting it became clear that an important site with serious prospects for attracting more tourists was the excavation site near the village of Vasil Levski. A settlement from the 6th – 5th century B. C. has been discovered in the region, which is considered by scientists as one of the oldest Thracian cities known so far. The municipality of Karlovo is planning to develop a project about the Thracian city centre and the Tsar’s residence to it and seek European funding for completing the archaeological discoveries as a historical and tourist site.Minister Angelkova also emphasised the importance of the facilities and equipment necessary for development of sustainable tourism, since the municipality does not have 4- and 5-star accommodation facilities and, according to evaluations of the municipality, they are short of 200 beds to meet the needs of the growing tourist flow. A few investor intentions have been discussed, as well as the development of Banya as a more competitive spa destination. The town, which is included in the list of national resorts, has 10 mineral springs and a peat bog. The water and the mineral mud are suitable for prevention and treatment of wide range of health problems.The municipality is already working on the organisation of the Rose Festival and the celebration of Karlovo as a centre of rose-picking at the end of May. Thousands of tourists are expected to come for this celebration and over the recent years, countries like Japan, the Netherlands and France have been taking a growing interest in it. There were guests from the USA and China last year and many more Japanese visitors are expected this year.Later that day, Minister Angelkova and the Mayor, Mr Kabaivanov, visited the Ancient Karlovo Complex and saw the attractions in it. The abovementioned site is the result of a project under the Operational Programme Regional Development 2007 – 2013, co-funded by the EU through the European Regional Development Fund.Its total amount exceeds BGN 2.4 million, of which over BGN 374 thousand has been provided by the municipality of Karlovo. The project implementation has helped restore, rehabilitate and socialise immovable cultural values which are emblematic for the region. These are five houses from the National Revival period: the house of Raino Popovich and its development into an ‘Ancient Literary School’; the Owl Inn and its transformation into a Centre for Crafts and Cultural Traditions; the Patev’s Maaza and its functioning as a cultural-information and tourist centre; the Patev’s house and its new appearance as an ‘Elf House’; the House with the White Courtyard and the creation of an Art and Icon-Painting School.The complex offers a number of tourist attractions – everybody can make paper by an old method, compose and print a text, make a herbal decoction or homemade cosmetics, learn how to carve wood, make lace, a knife, a copper pot, an engraving or an icon. The interest in the tourist attractions continues to grow and from August 2014 to the end of March 2016 it was visited by more than 16 thousand visitors.
Bulgaria participates in the LEISURE /OTDYKH/ 2016 International Fair for Tourism in Minsk
Bulgaria participates with an information stand of 110 sq. m at the LEISURE – 2016 International Fair for Tourism in Minsk. The event has been held for the nineteenth time in the capital of Belarus and is open for the general public and professionals from 6th to 9th April at the Belexpo National Exhibition Centre.Together with the Ministry of Tourism, 11 tourist companies promote possibilities for a year-round holiday in Bulgaria at the country’s stand. The main demand for Bulgaria on the Belarusian market is for sea and health tourism, as well as youth tourism and children’s holidays. The number of end users’ enquiries about eco and spa tourist services has increased considerably, too.The LEISURE International Fair for Tourism is the greatest event in the sector in Belarus. More than 200 exhibitors from 13 countries participate in the tourism fair this year. The fair is expected to attract over 62 thousand visitors. The main emphasis in the spring fair for tourism is on the excursion programmes, transport services, insurance in tourism and sports and health tourism.Belarus is a target market for Bulgaria; in 2015 our country was visited by about 96 thousand Belarusian tourists.
Minister Angelkova was among the lecturers at the high-level conference on ‘Attracting Investment in Tourism’ of the European Commission
Tourism is among the leading economic sectors in Europe and the continent continues being the most visited one in the world. To be able to defend this, we should undertake common actions at the level of the European Union and start perceiving ourselves more as partners than as competitors. This is what the Minister for tourism of Bulgaria, Nikolina Angelkova, said during the high-level conference of the European Commission ‘Attracting Investment in Tourism’. The forum was opened by the European Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Elzbieta Bienkovska, and was attended by the Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, Marianne Thyssen, the Commissioner for Regional Policy, Corina Cretu, members of the European Parliament, ministers from a number of EU member-states, representatives of the academic community, the tourist business etc.‘The share of tourism in the GDP of Bulgaria is about 13%, which is 3% above the average for the EU. It is for this reason, namely, that the sector has been designated as a clear priority of the government and our goals are to attract more investment and achieve greater competitiveness’, Minister Angelkova noted. In her words, the sea and winter mass tourism still accounts for the main share in the country, but work is being done to popularise other specialised forms as well. Spa and eco tourism are very attractive for investors and we are eager to offer a number for administrative reliefs if strong interest has been shown’, she added.‘More than 26 thousand companies work in the tourist sector in Bulgaria, but most of them are small or medium-sized enterprises. At the same time, there are great prospects as we welcome more than 7 million foreign tourists, which is as many as the country’s population’ Nikolina Angelkova said. She drew attention to the operational programmes and other EU sources of financing for supporting the sector. The Ministry of Tourism is a beneficiary under Operational Programme Innovation and Competitiveness; it also works actively under the COSME Programme, the INTERREG Programme, etc. The Danube Strategy, where we can deepen the partnership with countries outside the EU, is very important, too,’ the Bulgarian Minister added.In conclusion, she drew attention to the need for greater integration of sector tourism at the level of the EU. ‘Recent events have shown how much tourism depends on security and this is another topic which needs joint coordinated action’, Minister Angelkova emphasised.
Nikolina Angelkova delivered a lecture to the students of tourism at the New York University
The Bulgarian Minister was also a guest at one of the highest-rating CNN showsThe Bulgarian Minister for Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, was a guest-lecturer to the students from the Department of Tourism at the New York University. She presented the possibilities for tourism and the importance of the sector for the economy of the country. Nikolina Angelkova pointed out that, according to data of the World Travel and Tourism Council, in 2015 the direct contribution of tourism to Bulgaria’s GDP was over 2.8 billion Bulgarian levs. In her words, tourism, together with the economic activities related to it, accounts for about 13 % of the GDP. It is precisely because of the great economic importance of the sector that Bulgaria has had an independent Ministry of Tourism for the first time and our long-term goals are: sustainable growth and greater recognizability of our tourist product’, the Bulgarian Minister said.The American students were impressed by the fact that some of the biggest Hollywood stars knew and spoke about Bulgaria. They watched the advertising spot with Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Salma Hayek, Antonio Banderas and Adrien Brody and commented their attitude to our country. Their major questions were related to the tourism opportunities for young people in Bulgaria. Minister Angelkova presented some of the attractive forms the country can offer, such as eco- and adventure tourism. Great interest caused the fact that the Bulgarian wines were among the best in the world; and our traditions in wine-making date back to the Thracians.In New York, the Bulgarian Minister also gave an interview for one of the most prestigious TV shows on CNN, Quest Means Business; with the world-known journalist Richard Quest as host (here is a link to the video). Among the topics of discussion were the challenges to the global security and their reflection on tourism, as well as the migrant flow to Europe. ‘Bulgaria is a leading destination in terms of price – quality’, emphasised the Bulgarian Minister, ‘We have everything: sea, mountains, mineral springs and an impressive number of cultural and historical monuments’, she said to the world media. Minister Angelkova did not fail to note that we, the Bulgarians, are extremely hospitable.Richard Quest is CNN’s well-known business correspondent and anchor of the popular show ‘Quest Means Business’, which is broadcast directly from the New-York studio of the world media. He is one of CNN’s most recognizable faces. Guests of his show have been world leaders like David Cameron, some of the best-known world bankers, including Jamie Dimon, Chief Executive Officer of JP Morgan Chase, and Robert Zoellick, former president of the World Bank, as well as leading European politicians, among them Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Jose-Manuel Barroso, former president of the European Commission, Dominique Strauss Kahn, former managing director of the IMF. Some of the most influential persons of corporative America have sat in the hot seat, too, such as the Chief Executive Officer and Director of DreamWorks, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and the former Chief Executive Officer of Ford, Alan Mullaly.Richard Quest received a special gift from the Bulgarian Minister – a wood carved piece with a cowbell, which will adorn his famous New York studio.During her visit, Nikolina Angelkova also had a talk with Makiko Healy, Senior Vice President of Global Tourism Development, NYC & Company. NYC is New York City’s official marketing, tourism and partnership organisation. The possibilities for using the organisation’s expertise and experience in urban tourism marketing and the New York Brand were discussed with a view to developing this kind of tourism in Bulgaria. Meetings with representatives of leading American investment funds like Global Financial Network, Balkan Capital and Hunter Peak Investments Karsch Capital were organised. The Bulgarian minister presented the possibilities for investment in sector tourism in Bulgaria to them and pointed out that our country could offer a very good investment climate.
The Ministry of Tourism held a national meeting with representatives of the EDEN network in Bulgaria
The first national meeting with representatives of the best EDEN destinations in Bulgaria was held. The event was organised by the Ministry of Tourism within the project ‘Communication Campaign to Promote Bulgarian EDEN Destinations – Second Edition’, financed under the COSME 2014 – 2020 Programme. On the part of the EDEN destinations, the event was joined by representatives of the municipalities of Belogradchik, Kardzhali, Kazanlak, Sapareva Banya, Kavarna, Vratsa, Belitsa, Kyustendil and Lukovit.‘The idea of the meeting is to present the objectives and the forthcoming activities at the beginning of the project implementation, as well as to identify expectations and ideas of good iperformance on the part of the EDEN destinations. What matters to us is to work in partnership in order to achieve a result that is of high quality and sustainable in time’, emphasised Milka Nanova, Director of Programmes and Projects in Tourism Directorate at the Ministry of Tourism.During the meeting, the participants discussed Ideas, variants and possibilities for organising and conducting cognitive tours around interesting tourist sites in the territory of the Bulgarian EDEN destinations, which would arouse greatest foreign interest. Subjects of discussion were also events and festivals of tourist interest, which are carried out annually or have been planned for 2016 and 2017 in the destinations that are planned to be popularised through the project, too.During the meeting it became clear that it was also planned to shoot videos and make printed materials about the EDEN destinations. A part of the project will be also a facebook game on the topic ‘My EDEN Destination’, which will give chance to children all over the country to take part with drawings and the best ones will be put on postcards or magnets which are to be made under the project and which are expected to additionally popularise the destinations.As a result of the meeting, the representatives of the EDEN destinations declared their readiness to participate actively in the entire process of the project implementation and shared good practices from their work on popularising tourism in the territory of their regions.EDEN is an acronym for European Destinations of ExcelleNce (the best European destinations) and it is an initiative popularising the models of sustainable development of tourism throughout the European Union.The project ‘Communication Campaign to Popularise the Bulgarian EDEN Destinations – Second Edition’ amounts to nearly 70 thousand Euros and it is financed under the COSME Programme (the Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises) 2014 – 2020 of the European Commission. Its duration is 18 months and the common goal is to promote the best Bulgarian destinations (EDEN Bulgaria) at national and selected tourist markets, as well as to raise the awareness and understanding of the EDEN initiative and the principles of sustainable development. The project aims at upgrading and developing further a project on the same topic, implemented during the period of 2011 – 2012. Its main goal is to promote the Bulgarian EDEN destinations at national and foreign tourist markets.  Some of these destinations are: Silistra, Lukovit, Sandanski, Kyustendil, Belogradchik, Belitsa, Sapareva Banya, Kavarna, Vratsa, Strandzha, Kazanlak and Kardzhali.
The American largest association of travel agents and tourism industry ASTA is planning to hold a congress in Bulgaria
The American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) is planning to hold one of its traditional events in Bulgaria. This became clear at a meeting of the Minister for Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, and the Chief Executive Officer of the organisation, Zane Kerby, in Washington. ASTA is the most influential association of the American travel industry (with 10 thousand members from 140 countries) and annual events like ‘ASTA Destination Expo’ and ‘Showcase Destination’ are extremely visited and popular.Bulgaria can host one of the editions of ‘Showcase Destination’ in 2017. For this reason about 200 representatives of leading American tour operators will arrive in the country, said Zane Kerby. The aim of the event, which is traditional for the association, is to advertise the possibilities for tourism in America outside of the U. S., laying emphasis on the tourist advantages of the host country and the region. The event will also become an occasion for establishing business contacts and exchange of know-how between leading Bulgarian and Amerian tour operators.Earlier in the day, Minister Angelkova discussed the possibilities for exchange of experience and good practices between the two states with the Deputy Undersecretary for International Trade at the U.S. Department of Commerce, Kenneth Hyatt, in the capital Washington. The main topic of conversation was the Brand USA and the US concept of promoting a country as a tourist destination through public-private partnership with the tourist business.Minister Angelkova emphasised that our country could draw experience and after a subsequent analysis, apply a part of the practices in Bulgaria as well. Her American counterpart undertook to provide detailed information and the USA to assist us with expertise for development of working models. Both of them shared the opinion that to be able to apply successfully the model of public-private partnership, the industry needs to be consolidated so that the state can have a clear partner. ‘We work hard to unite the industry, which will help create a sustainable platform for a similar type of partnerships’, Minister Angelkova explained. She familiarised her American counterpart with other important projects in the field of tourism, such as the development of the Unified System of Tourist Information that will connect via secure channels in real time the hotel booking systems and the competent institutions, which is to be also a step in the fight against the shadow economy.
B2B Tourism Forum was held in Moscow between representatives of Bulgaria and the Northwestern Federal District of Russia
The b2b tourism forum between representatives of Bulgaria and the Northwestern District of the Russian Federation was held in Moscow. Travel companies and municipalities participating in the Moscow International Travel & Tourism Exhibition MITT got involved on the Bulgarian side and on the Russian side, experts from the administration and the specialised business from the Republic of Komi, the Republic of Karelia, the Leningrad Province, the Nenets Autonomous District and other parts of the Russian Federation. Representatives of Komiaviatrans took part in the discussion of the possibilities for organising holidays for children from this Russion region, too.The meeting was held at the initiative of the Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism and with the assistance of the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Komi with the President of the Russian Federation. During the discussion there was a video link bwteen the Bulgarian participants and representatives of the government of the Republic of Komi, of their Ministry of Culture, Tourism and the archives of the tourist industry from that Russian region, etc.Our tour operators presented the country’s possibilities for various forms of holidays – summer, children’s, family, cultural and historical routes, balneal, spa, gourmet, etc. The hosts showed marked interest in summer recreation and beach holidays in Bulgaria. The rich history of the business relationships between our country and the Republic of Komi was recalled; especially the relations in the field of timber industry where a large number of Bulgarians have worked. It was found at the meeting that it was time for these contacts to be restored and their potential and perspectives, used. All the participants agreed that the forum was an important step toward activating this partnership and setting the beginning of new useful cooperation in the field of tourism.It was negotiated to organise exchange of information and contacts between the Bulgarian and the Russian tour operators from the region and popularise Bulgaria as a tourist destination in the Northern Federal District, regularly disseminating information about tourist supply in our country. The Bulgarian participants invited their Russian partners to a promotional tour in Bulgaria in order to familiarise them with the possibilities to organise children’s holiday and family recreation.Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva participated in the opening of one of the biggest exhibitions on the Russian market – MITT in MoscowDeputy Minister of Tourism, Irena Georgieva, participated in the ceremony on opening the 22nd edition of the International Travel & Tourism Exhibition MITT in Miscow. She greeted the participants at the Bulgarian stand organised by the Ministry of Tourism and wished them successful work. Our exposition is located in a cetral place in pavilion 2 (hall 1), next to Greece, Israel and Cyprus, and it arouses great interest.This year our country is present with a stand of 345 sq. m, which is used by 31 co-exhibitors: 27 tourist and transport companies, and four municipalities – Devin, Varna, Primorsko and Sozopol. They reveal our country’s potential as a destination with various offers for summer, children’s, cultutal and historical, balneal, spa, gourmet and other specialised tourist services. The accompanying programme includes folk performances, workshops in drawing and handwork embroidery, as well as tasting of traditional Bulgarian dishes and wines. МIТТ is held from 23rd to 26th March 2016 in the Central Exhibition Complex ‘Expocentre’. The travel market is one of the largest Russian expositions for both general public and professionals. Last year the exposition was visited by over 74 thousand people.
Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva participated in the opening of one of the biggest exhibitions on the Russian market – MITT in Moscow
Deputy Minister of Tourism, Irena Georgieva, participated in the ceremony on opening the 22nd edition of the International Travel & Tourism Exhibition MITT in Moscow on the 23rd March 2016. She greeted the participants at the Bulgarian stand organized by the Ministry of Tourism and wished them successful work. Our exposition is located in a central place in pavilion 2 (hall 1), next to Greece, Israel and Cyprus, and it arouses great interest.This year our country is present with a stand of 345 sq. m, which is used by 31 co-exhibitors: 27 tourist and transport companies, and four municipalities – Devin, Varna, Primorsko and Sozopol. They reveal our country’s potential as a destination with various offers for summer, children’s, cultutal and historical, balneal, spa, gourmet and other specialized tourist services. The accompanying programme includes folk performances, workshops in drawing and handwork embroidery, as well as tasting of traditional Bulgarian dishes and wines.МIТТ is held from 23rd to 26th March 2016 in the Central Exhibition Complex ‘Expocentre’. The travel market is one of the largest Russian expositions for both general public and professionals. Last year the exposition was visited by over 74 thousand people.
Nikolina Angelkova and Oleg Safonov opened the Bulgarian stand at one of the biggest exhibitions on the Russian market – Inturmarket in Moscow
A 30% growth in the bookings for Bulgaria has been noted, according to data of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia,  Bulgaria is located in one of the most central places at one of the biggest travel exhibitions on the Russian market – Inturmarket, which is held from 19th to 22nd March. Our stand was the first one visited by the head of the Federal Agency for Tourism of Russia, Oleg Safonov. He held a meeting with Bulgaria’s Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, and both of them greeted together the participants at the Bulgarian stand. The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Bulgaria to the Russian Federation, Boiko Kotsev, took part in the talks, too.‘The Bulgarian business reports an ever increasing interest on the part of Russia and the intensive meetings and common initiatives we have undertaken during the last year have already produced results’, Minister Angelkova said. The two of them discussed the possibilities for more ambitious presentation of the Bulgarian products and the results so far have shown an increased interest in some segments, reaching up to 30%. Oleg Safonov pointed out that all this was due to the joint efforts and the dynamic actions of our country, as well as to the good cooperation with the Bulgarian Minister for Tourism. Ambassador Kotsev declared that a very good organisation of work was created at the Bulgarian embassy and that visas for Russian citizens were obtained as soon as possible.A tourist fair for presentation of Bulgaria will be organised in the centre of Moscow in June. This was agreed at a meeting of Minister Angelkova, Oleg Safonov and Vladimir Chernikov, Head of the Department of National Policy, Inter-Regional Relations and Tourism of the city of Moscow. The Russian part will assist in providing a central location in the capital, where we will be able to present outdoors the tourist opportunities offered by the country.Data of growing demand of Bulgaria on the Russian tourist market were confirmed by Maia Lomidze, president of the Association of Russian Tour Operators, who had a talk with Minister Angelkova, too. According to her, as of now a 30% increase in early bookings for our country has been observed and many tour operators who have worked on other markets so far have started redirecting themselves to it. As of now, 30 new tour operators have applied for accreditation for work with Bulgaria.Minister Angelkova informed that there was also a growing interest in the specialised telephone that was opened at the beginning of February for the Russian market. So far, inquiries on it have been oriented mostly to details of routes, prices of services, offers for cultural-cognitive tourism, etc. Russian customers show a growing interest not only in the traditional forms of mass tourism, summer and winter, but also in specialised offers – balneal, spa, festival, pedestrian, golf, gourmet, eco-, rural tourism, etc.Minister Angelkova also participated in the opening of the travel market and during the exhibition a special forum was organised for presenting the possibilities for tourism in our country. Efforts in this direction are actively supported by the exhibition organisers, where monitors in all the halls of the expo centre show pictures of Bulgaria. Information about our ountry is also broadcast through the travel market audio system. Our stand is the first thing a visitor can see on entering the expo centre. That is why boys and girls in authentic Bulgarian costumes meet the guests at the forum with bread and salt.Our animation programme includes also Bulgarian wine tasting and folk performances, as well as demonstration of techniques in icon-painting, carpet-weaving and traditional embroidery. The municipalities of Nesebar and Kavarna, as well as the Sanatorium and Health Complex ‘Kamchia’ participate in our national stand, which covers an area of 104 sq. m, organised by the Ministry of Tourism.Inturmarket is organised with the assistance of the Federal Agency for Air Transport, the Russian Hotel Association and other lead structures in the sector. In 2015, 1450 companies from 138 countries and all Russian regions participated and the visitors were more than 80 000. Bulgaria is presented at the exhibition for the 11th consecutive year.
Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva launched the “Bulgaria welcomes the tastes of the world” initiative
Deputy Minister of Tourism, Irena Georgieva, together with representatives of nearly 20 foreign diplomatic missions in this country, launched the International Culinary Festival “Bulgaria welcomes the tastes of the world”. The initiative, which is held in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism, is a continuation of last year’s online campaign “You think you know Bulgaria?”, behind which the embassies of Israel, Poland and Croatia stood.“The willingness of foreign diplomats in this country to support the campaign is evidential of the beneficial relationships that we have established with the diplomatic missions”, said Deputy Minister Georgieva. She emphasised that the representatives of the foreign diplomatic corps in Bulgaria were ambassadors not only of their own countries but also of Bulgaria across the world. From her words it became clear that this initiative was yet another step in the efforts of the Ministry to promote domestic tourism and the Ministry’s desire to draw the attention to the country’s traditions and cultural heritage.The Deputy Minister also noted that the good results of the measures taken to foster domestic tourism were confirmed by statistics. “According to Eurostat data, last year the number of overnight stays of Bulgarian citizens in accommodation establishments with more than 10 beds in the country increased by 6% compared to 2014, which exceeds significantly the average growth of only 3 % in the European Union, and Bulgaria ranks 10th in the European Union”, she pointed out. Irena Georgieva also quoted NSI data, according to which overnights of Bulgarians within the country were over 3.4 million and revenues totalled more than BGN 305 M, an increase of 6.6%.The first phase of the Bulgaria welcomes the tastes of the world campaign starts today, 1 March 2016, and will run on the website of the project All participants will be able to share recipes of the traditional Bulgarian cuisine and photos of dishes prepared by them in 4 categories. Special jury of chefs and experts from the HRC Culinary Academy will evaluate and select the 100 best dishes by the end of April. The winners will represent Bulgaria and Bulgarian traditional cuisine at the International Culinary Festival. It will be held in May (12-28), and plans to cover several major Bulgarian cities – Stara Zagora, Plovdiv, Burgas, Varna, Ruse, Blagoevgrad, Veliko Tarnovo and Sofia. At specific locations in each of the said cities Bulgarian food will meet with traditional dishes and drinks from over 20 other countries.The event dedicated to launching the campaign was attended by the ambassadors of Israel, Egypt, Poland, Croatia, Azerbaijan, The Czech Republic, Morocco, Ireland and India, and representatives of the embassies of Mexico, Venezuela, Italy, USA, UK, as well as municipalities, etc.
Minister Angelkova presented the amendments to the Law on Tourism to the National Tourism Council
Regulation on national resorts, establishment of a tourism inspectorate, further guaranteeing the rights of consumers in organised trips with a tour operator, etc. are some of the proposals set out in the draft Law amending the Law on Tourism, which has been presented today at a meeting of the National Tourism Council (NTC), chaired by Minister Nikolina Angelkova. The draft law has already been published for public consultation on the website of the Ministry.A new chapter has been inserted in the Law, which implements a regulation and determines the method of declaring a settlement formation a national resort. This will be decided by the Council of Ministers upon a proposal of the Minister of Tourism. It is also provided to issue an Ordinance on management and organisation of tourism activities in the territory of the national resorts that will include representatives of the owners of tourist facilities.To improve the quality and security of services, additional requirements to tour operators and travel agents have been introduced. Special attention is paid to the tour operators’ insurance, providing for “accommodation” insurance. Thus, tourists will be protected if on site it turns out that there is no hotel reservation or for some reason it has been cancelled. All such costs will be covered by the insurance and the consumer will be further protected. Each tour operator will be obliged to show the number and date of the insurance certificate, which will be entered in the National Tourism Register; consumers will be able to check it online through the website of the Ministry. The practice for a long delay in case of occurrence of an insured event will be ended by establishing a three-month period for a ruling to be issued by the insurer on any case and for paying the claim on the insurance. It is also envisaged that it is up to the consumer choice to use the European Health Insurance Card instead of medical insurance, which will reduce the cost of the tourist package.Hoteliers will have to keep records of accommodated tourists which will be mandatorily maintained in electronic form at accommodation facilities of class “A”. The businesses will be obliged to provide automated data exchange between the information system of the register kept by them and the Integrated Tourist Information System (ITIS) concerning the number of tourists accommodated and dates of registration and departure. For accommodation facilities of class “B” (chalets, training centres, mountain hostels, etc.), it is provided that the register may be kept on paper, the data being entered into the Integrated Tourist Information System on a daily basis through publicly accessible web or another interface and secure communication connectivity. This is an important step to lighten the sector and a source of increased state revenue from tourism.The amendments to the Law on Tourism envisage increasing the sources of revenues for the municipalities and using the revenues for targeted funding of municipal programmes for tourism development. It is planned to earmark the fees for categorisation of tourist facilities and other fees and fines for programme development funding in the sector. Thus, municipalities will be directly involved in the development of the tourism sector and investment in the sector will increase, which will guarantee the provision of better services to consumers. Minister Angelkova emphasised the great importance of partnership with the local authorities and that the amendments will specify the obligations of regional governors and the functions of municipal councils, mayors and municipal advisory councils on tourism aimed at developing the sector.The control functions of the Minister of Tourism will be expanded, and by 2017 it is expected that a specialised control unit – Tourist Inspectorate will become operative. It will make checks and in case of violations will impose fines, financial sanctions and coercive administrative measures – terminating and lowering the category of tourist facilities, temporary closing or prohibiting the access to tourist facilities, deleting the registration of tour operators and travel agents. The powers of the Commission for Consumer Protection will be determined and clearly distinguished from those of the Tourism Inspectorate. Control powers of mayors, including applying the coercive administrative measure – temporary closure of the tourist facility, will be expanded. The powers of the Chairman of the State Agency for Metrology and Technical Surveillance will be further specified.A new chapter in the Law will regulate the publicly available National Register of Tourist Attractions, maintained by the Ministry of Tourism. Tourist attractions are designated as national and local, and the criteria which define them as such are also provided for. Unified standards for signposting of attractions, the information to be shown on the signs, and their graphic design will be implemented, the detailed requirements being set out in a separate ordinance.The law will also include new rules for ski schools, through which ski teachers can practice their profession. Ski school will be entered in the National Tourism Register. The data to be declared about them will also be regulated by the Law. The draft law also determines the type of ski trails for alpine skiing and cross-country skiing. The Commission to determine the type of ski trails will include inter alia a representative of the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The Commission will carry out initial and ongoing checks for safety and information security of trails in the period of operation. The provisions restricting access to the ski trails will be further specified.Following the agenda of the Council, a report on the implementation of the 2015 Annual Programme for National Tourism Advertisement, information on the secondary legislation under the Law on Tourism prepared by the Ministry, as well as data on tourist trips last year, and for the winter season 2015/16 and Summer 2016 have been discussed.
More than 100 tourism companies and industry organisations from Bulgaria and Russia discussed measures to increase the tourist flow in 2016
The round table organized by the Ministry of Tourism in Moscow attracted a very high interest. More than 100 tourism companies and industry organisations from Bulgaria and Russia took part in it and discussed measures to increase the tourist flow in 2016. The meeting was attended by the Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria, Nikolina Angelkova, and the Head of the Federal Tourism Agency of Russia, Oleg Safonov.The Bulgarian delegation included also the Deputy President of the National Assembly Krasimir Karakachanov, the Chairman of the Parliamentary Friendship Group Bulgaria – Russia, Krasimir Velchev, the Chairperson of the Economic Policy and Tourism Parliamentary Committee, Petar Kanev, and his deputy Daniela Saveklieva, the mayors of Kavarna and Velingrad, Nina Stavreva and Kostadin Koev, the Deputy Mayor of Sofia, Todor Chobanov, the Deputy Mayor of Burgas, Yordanka Ananieva, representatives of other Bulgarian municipalities and resorts, of Varna and Burgas airports, tourism associations, etc. From the Russian side, the round table was attended by the Executive Director of the Association of Tour Operators in Russia, Maya Lomidze, representatives of federal sectoral administrations, organisations for economic cooperation, tourism associations and companies, chambers of commerce and industry, trade unionists, educational institutions, etc.“Today’s hearing of Bulgaria in the Russian Duma is appreciation of what the Government and the businesses are doing for the Russian market”, said Minister Angelkova. According to her, the most important from now on is that the industry can offer attractive services so as to report a substantial growth in the Russian market in 2016. For its part, the Ministry will continue to actively present our country at the forthcoming largest tourism fairs in Moscow – Moscow International Travel & Tourism Exhibition (MITT) and Inturmarket. It is planned to conduct in parallel with them specialised forums for children’s tourism and to promote links between the regions of Russia and the local authorities in Bulgaria. The Head of the Federal Tourism Agency Oleg Safonov pointed out that Bulgaria offered high quality products and that it was very important to develop not only the mass summer tourism but specialist services as well – balneo and spa, religious and cultural tourism, etc.“Bulgaria has an enormous chance to attract more Russian tourists”, said the Executive Director of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia, Maya Lomidze. She stressed that in the upcoming summer the price would be a major factor when choosing a destination and therefore it would be important for the Bulgarian business to offer attractive packages. According to her, our country is easily accessible and visas are issued quickly and without further formalities.The representatives of the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association emphasised that they had already started working in this direction by preparing a list of concrete proposals to Russian tourists, which will be presented to Minister Angelkova. Among them is the possibility for organised Russian groups to use the free transfer from the airport to their hotel, additional specialised services at preferential or zero rates, etc.“The Bulgarian Parliament and the Bulgarian Government have been working to create the best travel conditions for Russian tourists, our goal being to assist the tourist business as much as possible”, pointed out the Vice-President of the National Assembly, Krasimir Karakachanov. He paid attention to the fact that Bulgaria and Russia are two close nations connected by a rich history.The Deputy Mayor of Sofia, Todor Chobanov, said that Sofia Municipality was ready to organise ice-breaking tours for Russian journalists and tour operators. He pointed out that Sofia was a leading destination for cultural and historical tourism, as here are concentrated a number of sites that attract interest in religious tourism. Attractive for Russian tourists are the sites of common cultural value – the Cathedral Temple “St. Alexander Nevski”, a number of monuments, etc. concentrated in the capital city.During the meeting it was stressed that Bulgaria had a lot to offer to Russian tourists all the year round, and that children’s tourism was a major trend in the tourist flow from Russia to our country. In this connection, it was appreciated that this season persons below 16 years of age will receive a free visa on arriving for organised children’s recreation in Bulgaria.
Bulgaria is represented at the International Tourism Exchange “The Romanian Tourism Fair” in Bucharest
The Ministry of Tourism is represented by an information stand with an area of 200 m2 at the Romanian Tourism Fair” (TTR) in Bucharest. The Exchange in Romania is the most significant event in the field of tourism in our northern neighbour Romania and this year it is organised for the 35th time in the period 25-28 February 2016.This year the TTR is joined by 280 exhibitors from 23 countries, and it is expected that the exchange will be visited by over 30,000 people for a period of four days. On the Bulgarian stand, together with the Ministry of Tourism, the municipalities of Burgas, Varna, Dupnitsa, Elena, Blagoevgrad and Kavarna, and eighteen tourism companies are represented.Romania is one of the major target markets for Bulgaria and in the period January-August 2015 the number of Romanian tourists was over 1 million, which is an increase of approximately 5% compared to the same period in 2014. The main demand in the Romania market is for sea and ski tourism. This year, however, there is a growing interest in balneo and spa, eco and summer mountain tourism, and the so-called “Citybreaks”.
In the Russian Duma: Bulgaria is the best place to accept Russian tourists in 2016
For the first time in 27 years, a Bulgarian Minister has spoken before the Russian ParliamentBulgaria ranks first among destinations suitable to accept the Russian tourist flow in 2016, said Oleg Safonov, Head of the Federal Tourism Agency of Russia when presenting our country in the hearings in the State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the presence of its First Deputy Chairman Ivan Melnikov.The Bulgarian Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova was the only representative of a country in the region that had the opportunity to present our country as an attractive tourist destination. She was accompanied by the Chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy and Tourism in the National Assembly Petar Kanev and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Bulgaria in Moscow Boyko Kotsev.Safonov and Melnikov emphasised that the measures taken by the Bulgarian Government to promote the tourist flow from Russia were visible and gave increasingly better results. The Head of Tourism in the Russian Federation paid great attention to this issue during his meeting with the Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov in Sofia, which was assessed as a clear declaration of the importance of Russian tourists for Bulgaria. The advantage of our country as a safe and peaceful destination was also taken into account. As a result of the intensive dialogue in the field of tourism between the two countries Nikolina Angelkova was invited to speak before the State Duma of Russia; such a hearing of a Bulgarian minister has not occurred for more than 27 years.“The Russians are among the most numerous foreign tourists in the Bulgarian summer resorts and for us as an administration it is very important to create the best conditions and to stimulate more of their trips to our country”, said Minister Angelkova. She stressed that the Ministry of Tourism had consistently worked to promote the tourist flow between the two countries for more than a year. In this period, a number of travel incentives for the Russian tourists were introduced. “Russian citizens under 16 years of age who come for children’s and organised tourism to Bulgaria will receive free visas, various incentives are provided to property owners in Bulgaria and individuals who have resided in the country in the previous years.”, said Nikolina Angelkova. She added that working in this direction will continue together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “Every effort has been made to issue visas at very short notice in order to respond to the interest in the so-called “Lastminute” holidays. Visas are issued in 21 dedicated visa application centres in the Russian Federation, procedures being accelerated as much as possible”, added the Bulgarian minister.In her speech she stressed that Bulgaria was best known in Russia with the opportunities for summer vacations, but the country has much more to offer – mountain, SPA, religious and ecotourism, etc. “What makes us truly unique is the huge historical heritage located on our territory”, said Minister Angelkova while discussing some of the major sites and artefacts found in our country. She pointed out that “we are becoming an extremely attractive destination for Russian tourists because the history of our two nations is interconnected and in Bulgaria they can find many new, yet close to their culture, historical sites and artefacts”.It was pointed out that as a special measure, entirely targeted at the Russian market, a telephone line providing information about tourism opportunities in our country became operative as of 1 February this year and can be used by Russian tourists – 0700 20 991. In the past year the presentation of our country in Russia was very active and the Ministry of Tourism participated in over 30 fairs, exhibitions and international meetings. Cooperation in tourism with administrations and businesses from the Russian regions was expanded.This year an increased interest in Bulgaria has been observed – to date interest has been expressed by more than ten new companies requiring accreditation in our consular offices. For the upcoming season, an increased number of charter flights from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Perm, Chelyabinsk, Volgograd, Samara, and Ufa have been planned. The expectations of the business are that all this will lead to an increase in Russian tourists of about 20 to 30 percent during the upcoming summer season.Hearings in the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation are conducted with the assistance of the Federal Tourism Agency and with the participation of MPs, representatives of ministries and sectoral organisations that are directly related to the tourism industry. The aim is to identify measures to increase the number of Russian tourists going to prospective and new tourist destinations such as Bulgaria, Morocco, Cuba, China, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, and the Dominican Republic. In the hearings all stakeholders are involved.
Bulgaria and Cyprus signed a protocol on cooperation in the field of tourism
Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria Nikolina Angelkova and Minister of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism of the Republic of Cyprus Giorgos Lakkotrypis signed a Protocol on cooperation in the field of tourism. This happened in the presence of the Presidents of the two countries, Rosen Plevneliev and Nicos Anastasiades.The Protocol provides that Bulgaria and Cyprus will implement measures on a reciprocal basis to promote the tourist flow between the two countries and cooperation in different types of tourism – cultural, pilgrim, yacht, cruise, sports, etc. Other areas of joint activities that are written down in the document are participations in international exhibitions, fairs, conferences and seminars, exchange of experience and information, including in the field of promotion of tourism, planning and marketing of tourism activities. The Contracting Parties will prepare combined tourism packages for customers from distant locations.Bulgaria and Cyprus will exchange information on national legislation relating to incentives for foreign capital investment and joint ventures in tourism, as well as guarantees for protection of foreign capital imported as investment.Later in the day, the ministers had a working meeting. During the discussion they analysed the experience of Cyprus in promoting tourist flows and the implementation of visa facilitation for a number of markets. They shared the view that both countries have many topics on which they can exchange information and their closeness can be used to develop joint products targeting distant markets. The two ministers shared the opinion that the protocol they had signed set a good foundation and that cooperation should be strengthened by making concrete steps.
Bulgaria with information stand at the International Tourism Fair “Belgrade Tourism Fair” in Serbia
The Ministry of Tourism is taking part in the International Tourism Fair “Belgrade Tourism Fair” in Serbia with an information stand. The municipalities of Sofia, Varna, Primorsko and two travel agencies are also presented at the Bulgarian stand in the Serbian capital, which occupies an area of 100 square meters.This year 880 exhibitors have joined the fair, including 250 foreign participants from 43 countries. The 38th edition of the forum is held from February 18 to February 21, 2016. The total number of visitors to the exhibition is expected to exceed 58 thousand.Bulgaria is one of the destinations most preferred for tourism by our western neighbor, most sought after by Serbian tourists being sea, winter, balneo and spa, cultural tourism and city breaks. The number of Serbs who have visited Bulgaria as tourists in 2015 is close to 347 thousand which represents more than 11% of growth as compared to 2014.
Bulgaria takes part in the 25th edition of the International Tourism Fair “Holiday World” in Prague
The Ministry of Tourism is represented at the International Tourism Fair “Holiday World” in the Czech Republic with an information stand stretching on some 42 square meters. The fair in Prague, which is one of the most important tourist events in the field of mass tourism in Central Europe, is held from February 18 to February 21, 2016.This year’s jubilee edition of the “Holiday World” Fair in the Czech Republic is expected to attract over 30 thousand visitors during the four days of exhibition. 650 exhibitors from 42 countries are taking part in the fair, presented on an exhibition area of 18,800 square meters. Apart from the Ministry of Tourism, the Bulgarian stand features the municipalities of Varna and Burgas and a travel agency.The Czech Republic is a target market for Bulgaria and the number of Czech tourists who have visited the country in the period January-December 2014 has reached 182,948 which represents an increase of 6.8 percent as compared to the same period of the previous year.Bulgaria's participation in the tourism fairs in Prague aims to attract new tourists from the Czech Republic, to raise visitors’ awareness about the wide variety of opportunities for tourism we offer, as well as to expand the market positions of our country.
Bulgaria presented as a year-round destination at BIT International Tourism Fair in Milano
Bulgaria is presented as a year-round destination with endless opportunities for mass summer and winter tourism and specialized services at the International Tourism Fair BIT (Borsa Internazionale del Turismo) taking place from 11 to 13 February 2016 in the Italian city of Milano.Five tourist companies along with the Municipalities of Dupnitsa and Elena occupy the Bulgarian information stand organized by the Ministry of Tourism on some 48 square meters. They all focus visitors' attention on specific offers for cultural itineraries, eco, rural and adventure tourism as well as gourmet and wine tours. Customers display serious interest to a number of topical products such as healthy lifestyle programs, spa and balneology, new types of shelter facilities, and especially to family houses.These offers are targeted at young people aged 24-35 years and at married 35-45 year olds with average or close to average incomes, as well as travel agencies and tour operators. At the Milano Fair Bulgaria is positioned primarily as a country with rich cultural and historical heritage, well preserved nature and a network of protected areas suitable for ecotourism, sports activities, wellness services etc.BIT is held annually in the exhibition complex Fiera Milano. 2300 exhibitors participated in the 2015 edition of the fair and the total number of visitors came close to 60 thousand from 130 countries. This year, the exhibition occupies an area of 86 thousand sq. m. and the expectations for the number of visitors are even higher. During its first two days the fair is open only for professionals, while the final day is aimed at mainstream users. Various seminars, workshops and numerous presentations are organized in the framework of the exhibition.
Minister Angelkova takes part in the awarding ceremony of the European Ski Cup first runs in Borovets
Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova took part in the ceremony of awarding the contestants ranked first to fifth in the giant slalom runs held on the first day of the European Alpine Skiing Cup for women in Borovets.In greeting both contestants and guests, Minister Angelkova stressed that today's event is a proof that the oldest winter resort in Bulgaria offers excellent conditions for high level ski racing and has the capacity of attracting more tourists. She presented the award to Simone Wild of Switzerland who occupied the honorary second place. Stephanie Brunner of Austria won the first place in the giant slalom and her compatriot Ricarda Haazer finished third.The ceremony was attended by Krasen Kralev, Minister of Youth and Sports, Rositsa Ivanova, Regional Governor of Sofia Region, Vladimir Georgiev, Mayor of Samokov, Marc Girardelli, five-time world champion in alpine skiing, Tseko Minev, President of the Bulgarian Ski Federation and others.During the week Bulgaria is hosting four starts for the prestigious trophy, something happening for the first time. This is the 12th European Cup in Borovets, however the first one for women.
Opportunities for summer vacationing, camping holidays and tours of Bulgaria most sought after by visitors at International Fair in Munich
Nearly 400 people are visiting daily the information stand of Bulgaria at the International Tourism Fair in Munich (10-14 February). At the tourism fair, which is aimed at the general public and professionals in the sector, our country is represented at a stand of some 24 sq. meters by the Municipalities of Varna and Dupnitsa, Albena resort and three tourist companies along with the Ministry of Tourism.As usual, the interest to Bulgaria is exceptionally high, in particular to the Bulgarian Riviera and summer offers for 2016. Guests of are captivated by the opportunities offered by our country as an attractive year-round tourist destination with a rich heritage and inspiring scenery. Highly impressive is the interest many visitors display to the cultural, historical and natural resources of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast and in the hinterland. There is a huge demand for sightseeing tours in the country combined with horseback riding and biking, adventure tourism, caravanning, etc. Reacting promptly to the market situation, an increasing number of Bulgarian tour operators offer a variety of cultural-historical and natural-historical tours.Tourists willing to visit Bulgaria are predominantly amidst the ranks of the 35-55 age group, families with children, average-income and middle-aged people.The Tourism Fair, held annually in Munich in the second half of February, is one of the strongest regional exhibitions of international scope. It traditionally attracts the attention of visitors from the state provinces of Bavaria, Hessen, Baden-Württemberg and the region of Salzburg (Austria). Leading themes of this year’s edition are caravanning & mobile leisure, biking, water sports, health & wellness. Also important is the fact that the exhibition takes place in the economically strong province of Bavaria, where according to the official statistics of the organizers 67% of the visitors have bought or booked a travel, and 92% plan to do so.
Minister Angelkova opens a meeting to discuss the development of mountain tourism
Ministry of Tourism supports the idea for development of mountain tourism in a balanced and consistent with EU standards fashion. This is what Minister Angelkova said earlier today (February 11) at a working meeting on the development of mountain tourism initiated by the Ministry. All sector stakeholders as well as NGOs representatives were invited to the meeting-discussion. Despite the desire for open dialogue, representatives of environmental organizations chose to make a protest demonstration and leave the room.“We all claim that tourism is a major economic sector of huge potential, but apparently far from all want to develop this potential and instead prefer to take extreme positions”, said Minister Angelkova. She highlighted the fact that the industry and government agencies are unanimous in their understanding that Bulgaria should develop mountain tourism and that ski facilities construction is a necessity that will ensure competitiveness of our country. “All studies show that lifts are the greenest mode of transport, which provides year-round access to the mountain and not just for skiers and snowboarders, but for all willing to visit there”, she said.“I am a lobbyist for Bulgarian children who have nowhere to go skiing. My job is to take care of the development of sport, including winter sports”, said during the discussion Minister of Sports Krasen Kralev. In his turn, Deputy Minister of Environment and Water Boyko Malinov also stressed that open dialogue is key to the realization of major investment plans and to addressing some of the pressing social issues. In his words, environmental protection does not come into conflict with economic development and the two should be considered as components of sustainable development.“Ministry of Economy fully supports the development of all kinds of tourism in Bulgaria for a very simple reason. Bulgaria has a comparative advantage in tourism. All you have to do is follow the best international practices”, said during the meeting Vladimir Karolev, adviser to the Minister of Economy.The five-time world champion in alpine skiing Marc Girardelli also took a stance on the topic by explaining that for the last ten years Bansko has developed at an exceptional pace. “I am here not just to promote winter sports in Bulgaria. I want to advertise Bulgaria to the world”, he said.During the meeting, the renowned international expert in winter and mountain tourism Laurent Vanat made a presentation entitled “An overview of winter / ski tourism at global level and Bulgaria's place in it”. The manager of the world-famous Austrian ski resort Ischgl/Tyrol talked on the principles of successful winter and ski resorts management.The workshop is organized in the framework of the largest tourism fair in Bulgaria, the HOLIDAY & SPA EXPO (February 11 to 13), which is held under the patronage of the Ministry of Tourism. Among the official guests and participants in the discussion were the Minister of Sports Krasen Kralev, the Executive Director of the Forestry Agency Tony Krastev, the Deputy Minister of Environment and Water Boyko Malinov, the Director of “Rila National Park” Miroslav Kalugerov, the Advisor to the Minister of Economy Vladimir Karolev, the Adviser on mountain tourism to the Minister of Tourism Marc Girardelli, the famous international expert in winter and mountain tourism Laurent Vanat, Andreas Steibl, Manager of the Austrian ski resort of Ischgl/Tyrol, Mayors of mountain municipalities, representatives of ski resorts, environmental and other NGOs, tourism industry, etc. Presentation of Laurant VanatPresentation of Andreas Steibl
Minister Angelkova opens the International Tourism Fair Holiday & Spa Expo
For the first time in the history of tourism we have surpassed the psychological barrier with revenues from overnight stays for 2015 reaching over 1 billion BGN. This is what Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova stated at the official opening ceremony of the 33rd International Tourism Fair Holiday & Spa Expo in Sofia.“The past year was indeed difficult for Bulgarian tourism, yet the country welcomed over 7 million foreign nationals and reported over 21 million overnight stays”, said Minister Angelkova. The Minister went on to stress that more than 8 million of the reported overnights are on the account of Bulgarian citizens. “It is not by accident that according to Eurostat Bulgaria ranks 10th in the European Union in terms of growth of overnight stays from domestic tourism”, added Nikolina Angelkova. In her words, the Ministry of Tourism works with no stint to promote domestic tourism and the interest to its billboard campaign, launched just a month ago with some Bulgarian municipalities, is indeed enormous. “During all my visits around the country I kept receiving a growing number of requests from mayors who want their municipalities to join the campaign. It is very important that with this particular initiative we have demonstrated that when there is a will, advertising can be implemented with minimal resources”, the Minister of Tourism said.In her remarks the Minister also noted that preliminary estimates indicate growth of Bulgarian tourism in 2016. A number of major markets, including UK, Poland and Germany are sending positive signals. Optimistic news are coming from Russia breeding hope for some 20-30% of growth in Summer2016. Good preliminary data for the upcoming summer season is also fed by the big tour operators. TUI has already announced a 40% increase in bookings for market Bulgaria, while Thomas Cook reports a 50% increase. The two large tour operators indicate the country as one of the most desirable destinations for their clients. “It is too early to talk with exact figures, but if these predictions come true we will indeed see a very good summer season”, added Nikolina Angelkova.The 33rd edition of the International Tourist Fair Holiday & Spa Expo brings to the same place all stakeholders involved in the sector and many important foreign partners of Bulgaria. With exhibitors growing every year, this year’s edition has attracted nearly 400 participants from 18 countries. Ministry of Tourism is closely involved with the national stand which occupies an area of 150 square meters and will feature 25 interbranch tourist organizations and municipalities. The forum is held from 11 to 13 February in Sofia Inter Expo Center at 147, “Tsarigradsko Chaussee” Blvd.
Bulgaria takes part in IMTM International Tourism Fair for professionals in Israel
The information stand of Bulgaria was among the first the Israeli Minister of Tourism Yariv Levin visited during the opening of what is one of the oldest international tourism fairs for professionals in the Eastern Mediterranean region of Israel, the IMTM 2016 (February 9 and 10). The official ceremony was attended by the Honorary Consul of Bulgaria in Israel Moni Bar who highlighted the enormous potential of Bulgaria as a destination for year-round recreation.Over the next two days at the information stand of Bulgaria, which occupies an area of 49 square meters, the Ministry of Tourism together with the municipality of Bansko and three travel agencies will promote opportunities for winter and summer vacation, spa and balneo-recreation and for cultural-historical and city tours.During the first day of IMTM 2016, Israeli tour operators stated a serious interest to our spa and mountain resorts, to ecotourism and summer tourist packages, as well as to opportunities for family holidays in places with well-preserved history, culture and customs such as Koprivshtitsa and Arbanasi. There is a great demand for family vacations in Bulgaria for at least two weeks in typical multi-family homes.Israel is a target market for Bulgaria with number of Israeli tourists who have visited the country in 2015 reaching 154 thousand which represents a 20% increase as compared to the previous year. The participation in the fair aims at promoting the country’s image, raising visitors’ awareness of the diverse tourism opportunities we offer and establishing contacts with foreign tour operators and agencies in order to include Bulgaria in their 2016/2017 programs or upgrade them.
First regulation on Bulgarian spa centers coming into force
The Ordinance on the terms and conditions for certification of balneotherapy, spa, wellness and thalassotherapy centers was promulgated in the State Gazette.This secondary piece of legislation introduces for the first time a minimum of statutory requirements that these specialized centers have to meet. From now on only entities certified in accordance with the ordinance will have the right to use the abbreviation "spa". The detailed requirements to the centers are arranged in several groups: building; equipment and furniture; service; tourist services offered; staff qualifications and experience.The regulation’s entry into force will put an end to the vicious practice of hotels with minimum equipment defining themselves as spas. This will protect consumers who will now know what to expect when paying for a service and where they can receive it. For this purpose a register of certified centers will be established as part of the National Tourism Register, which will be accessible online.Adoption of the Ordinance was among the top priorities of the Ministry of Tourism and was something awaited for by the industry in the course of decades. Our country ranks second in Europe in terms of mineral water resources and what is needed to become even more competitive in the international tourist market is to have clear rules in place. Combining balneo, spa and wellness services with other forms of tourism such as sea, winter, mountain, rural, golf etc. is becoming increasingly important as it stimulates growth of additional services and is a prerequisite for season extension, creating new jobs and attracting well-to-do tourists.
Bulgaria ranking 10th in the European Union in terms of overnight stays growth from domestic tourism
Bulgaria ranks 10th in the European Union in terms of growth of overnight stays from domestic tourism. In 2015, the number of overnight stays of Bulgarian citizens in the country (in accommodation establishments with more than 10 beds) has grown by 6.2% against 2014 which exceeds significantly the EU average of only 3%. This Eurostat data was discussed at a meeting of the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova with local government and tourism industry representatives of Velingrad Municipality.“While the region is a favorite place of Bulgarians for year-round recreation and travel, the Ministry is working to promote domestic tourism”, said Nikolina Angelkova. “This year we continue with the billboard campaign jointly implemented with municipalities”, she went on to say. So far the campaign has involved 11 municipalities and it has emerged earlier today that Velingrad will also join in.According to data provided by Velingrad municipality, a total of about 165 thousand tourists have registered in 2015 in local hotel facilities. Only 55 thousand of these are foreigners. Last year the number of overnight stays has reached a total of about 355 thousand. Over 12 thousand people have visited the Historical Museum in Velingrad and the Tourist Information Center has served more than 4 thousand visitors.“I am truly delighted that it is namely in Velingrad, labeled as the “Spa Capital of the Balkans”, where I can announce that the ordinance we have drafted on spa and thalassotherapy centers is already an actual fact and within a matter of days we’ll see it published in the State Gazette”, Minister Angelkova said. She added that a pilot project to turn Velingrad a center for vocational training of tourism staff is soon to be launched.
Minister Angelkova takes part in the opening of the European Ski Cup race in Pamporovo
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova took part in the official opening of the race for the European Alpine Ski Cup for women in Pamporovo.Minister Angelkova greeted the participants and guests of the event and stressed that this is an extremely important event for promoting Bulgaria not only as sports but also as tourist destination.The ceremony was attended by the Minister of Youth and Sports Krasen Kralev, the Governor of Smolyan Region Nedyalko Slavov and his two deputies Todor Bozukov and Andriyan Petrov, the Mayor of Chepelare Slavka Chakarova and the Deputy Mayor of Smolyan Marin Zahariev.Two slalom races will take place on “The Wall” ski run of Pamporovo on February 9 and 10. 75 elite competitors from 17 nations will participate in the slaloms. It is for the third time that Pamporovo is hosting competitions of the European Alpine Ski Cup, which attracts an extra interest by winter sports fans and tourists.
Ministry of Tourism awarded a project for promotion of Bulgarian EDEN destinations
The Ministry of Tourism has won European funding for implementation of the project “Communication campaign to promote Bulgarian EDEN destinations - Second Edition”. EDEN is an acronym for European Destinations of ExcelleNce (best European destinations) and is an initiative that promotes sustainable patterns of tourism throughout the European Union. The project worth nearly 70 thousand Euros is financed under the COSME* 2014-2020 Programme of the European Commission and has a duration of 18 months.Bulgaria is among the countries in Europe that have been given the opportunity by the European Commission to implement a project for the promotion of EDEN destinations. Our country has won the competition for funding along with countries such as Belgium, Poland, Croatia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Cyprus, Estonia, Italy, France, Ireland and Malta.The project aims to build on and further develop a project on the same topic, implemented in the period 2011 – 2012. Its main objective is to promote Bulgarian EDEN destinations in national and international tourist markets. Among these destinations are the municipalities of Silistra, Lukovit, Sandanski, Kyustendil, Belogradchik, Belitsa, Sapareva Banya, Kavarna, Vratsa, Strandzha, Kazanluk and Kardzhali.In the course of project implementation it is foreseen to establish contacts with key tourism marketing figures (national and international) and get them on board in order to contribute for broader promotion of Bulgarian EDEN destinations. Shooting thematic videos for EDEN destinations and production of printed materials, postcards etc. is also planned under the project. A Facebook game will also become part of the project enabling children from across the country to participate with their paintings. The works of the winners will be placed on postcards and magnets that will further promote the destinations.Another project activity is the use of online and web-based communication and promotional tools, including development of a regular online newsletter, integration of information about Bulgarian EDEN destinations in official communication channels of the Ministry of Tourism, etc. Two working meetings will be held of the network of Bulgarian EDEN destinations. The implementation team will organize and conduct familiarization tours for key marketing figures selected under the project and will present the initiative at selected foreign and domestic tourism fairs.Among the project objectives is raising awareness and understanding of the EDEN initiative and the principles of sustainable development. The project implementation is expected to contribute to Bulgaria’s presentation as a destination for alternative tourism and promote its capabilities to offer new tourist products, primarily in the field of ecological, cultural and spa tourism. The project will further contribute to addressing the territorial and seasonal concentration of tourist flows.A major outcome of the project implementation is achieving lasting recognition and strengthening the image of EDEN destinations in Bulgaria as an alternative, non-traditional and environmentally friendly mode of tourism.* The Programme for Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) 2014-2020, adopted by Regulation (EC) No1287 / 2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on 11 December 2013, or better known as COSME Programme,  is targeted at the specific needs of SMEs.
Bulgaria, Republic of Macedonia to set up working groups for promoting mutual tourist flow
Republic of Bulgaria and Republic of Macedonia will work actively towards expanding bilateral cooperation in tourism and strengthening mutual tourist flow. This was agreed in Skopje by the Bulgarian Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, and the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Macedonia, Bekim Neziri, during a working visit. The working meeting was also attended by the Mayors of the Bulgarian municipalities of Smolyan, Blagoevgrad, Chepelare and Bansko and the Mayors of the Macedonian municipalities of Skopje, Ohrid, Tetovo, etc. The discussion was joined by business representatives from both countries. „Thank you for this meeting that has further consolidated our good relations in tourism. Albeit more than 470 thousand Macedonians have visited Bulgaria last year, there is room for much more”, Minister Angelkova said after the discussion. She explained that during the talks they had agreed with Minister Neziri on concrete measures to stimulate the exchange of tourists from both neighboring countries. “Within two weeks we are going to designate members of joint working groups that will focus on measures to promote the tourist flow as well as on the positioning of Republic of Bulgaria and Republic of Macedonia as a common tourist destination for distant markets”, Nikolina Angelkova said. Furthermore, the working groups will channel their efforts towards creating a single “Balkans” destination, encouraging partnerships with other countries in the region, the Bulgarian Minister went on to explain.Bekim Neziri confirmed that tourism is a key priority for his country and expressed hope for the number of Bulgarian tourists to the Republic of Macedonia increase as a result of the future cooperation. In the words of Minister Angelkova the format of the working meeting is very effective as it provides for an intensive dialogue between state administration, municipalities and business. Active part in the talks was taken by the Mayors of Bulgarian and Macedonian cities who supported the proposed steps for expanding bilateral partnership. The Mayor of Bansko, Georgi Ikonomov, pointed out that the Republic of Macedonia is the second largest market in the region and that so far feedbacks from Macedonian tourists are extremely positive. Measures have been undertaken to turn Bansko into a year-round destination whereas the Balkan Summer Festival "La Boheme", first launched in Bansko last year, represents yet another attraction expected to induce more tourists from Bulgaria’s western neighbor off the high season.The proximity to Republic of Macedonia is a prerequisite for increasing the number of tourists from this market. This became clear from the words of Blagoevgrad Mayor Atanas Kambitov. “We have almost 12 thousand Macedonians living here. The city is university center, which also makes it an attractive destination for the Balkan countries”, he went on to inform. According to the Mayor, the "Francopholie" festival which is held every May 19 and 20 attracts numerous admirers of French culture, including Macedonian tourists. The municipality works actively to the development of sports tourism as well.The Mayors of Smolyan and Chepelare, Nikolay Melemov and Slavka Chakarova, presented the opportunities for ski tourism in the region and the prospects for development of year-round and rural tourism. They shared the idea of connecting the ski runs of the two popular winter resort. “To us it is important to work in cooperation with Bulgarian cities, because relations between the Balkan countries are strong - we share common traditions and customs,” said the Mayor of Skopje, Kotze Trajanoski. His colleague from Ohrid, Nikola Bakracheski, stressed that Bulgarians are familiar with the city as a tourist destination, but the last five years have seen a decline in the domestic market. He welcomed the idea the two countries to present a joint product at the tourist fairs which in order to attract visitors from distant markets and Scandinavia. The Mayor of Tetovo, Teuta Arifi, added that the city, located only 40 km from Skopje, boasts of over 20 thousand university students and is a well-known winter destination.Industry representatives from both countries presented concrete ideas for collaboration. According to the Director of the Macedonian Tourism Promotion Agency, Lela Krstevska, tour operators in her country are urging for more active contacts with their Bulgarian colleagues. The Agency is a traditional participant in the International Tourism Fair VACATION/SPA EXPO, held under the patronage of the Ministry of Tourism. Mrs. Krstevska invited Bulgarian businesses to tap into local specialized forums, closest in time being the conference on prospects of tourism in Ohrid from 10 to 12 May.In her turn, BATA Deputy Chairperson Donka Sokolova noted that Bulgarian tour operators have been working successfully for years with the Macedonian business and are currently ready to float concrete ideas for creating a single “Balkans” destination to be offered to third markets.
Minister Angelkova holds meeting with Regional Governors, Mayors of Black Sea municipalities and settlements on upcoming changes in the Black Sea Coast Spatial Planning Act (BSCSPA)
Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova discussed with Regional Governors and Mayors of Black Sea municipalities and settlements the upcoming changes in the Black Sea Coast Spatial Planning Act along with measures for smooth running of the summer season. The meeting, which took place in Sofia, was attended by representatives of the municipalities of Burgas, Varna, Nesebar, Pomorie, Avren, Kavarna, Shabla, Obzor, Ravda, Sinemorets, and Kranevo, and representatives of the regional administrations of Burgas, Varna and Dobrich.“We have initiated this meeting to discuss the future changes in the law, our main goal being to jointly define the steps towards improving sector performance and ensuring smooth running of 2016 Summer Season”, Minister Angelkova said. The participants in the meeting all shared the view that maintaining operational dialogue is of crucial importance for only thus the concept of changing the model of beach governance and management could be implemented. Minister Angelkova requested that all opinions and proposals be submitted to the Ministry of Tourism in writing and assured that they will be taken into account.The first proposals for amendments to the Black Sea Coast Spatial Planning Act are ready, providing for the transfer of beach concessions management from the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works to the Ministry of Tourism. The drafts have been submitted for discussion to the National Assembly and have already garnered approval from the Committee on Regional Policy, Public Works and Local Government and the Economic Policy and Tourism Committee. In the coming days the draft law is expected to be moved to plenary for first reading and vote by the National Assembly, after which further changes are to be drafted if such a need is indicated. Parallel to that, efforts are focused on finalizing the new beach management concept, which requires the entire extant documentation to be transferred to the Ministry of Tourism. Only then factual amendments to the law will be proposed to ensure a comprehensive change in the beach management model.
Deputy Minister of Tourism Alexander Manolev opens Bulgarian stand at the International Tourism Exhibition EMITT 2016 in Turkey
Deputy Minister of Tourism Alexander Manolev opened the information stand of Bulgaria at one of the largest international fairs for professionals, EMITT 2016, held from January 28 to January 31 in Istanbul.“Turkey is among the major generating markets for Bulgarian tourism and our Ministry pays particular attention to measures aimed at attracting more Turkish tourists”, said Deputy Minister Manolev in his official address to the hundreds of exhibitors and visitors gathered at the Bulgarian stand on the opening day of EMITT. He underscored that Ministry’s efforts to increase the number of Turkish guests is giving visible results with nearly half a million Turkish tourists having visited Bulgaria in 2015, which represents an increase of almost 14% as compared to 2014.The Bulgarian stand was the first attended by the Turkish Minister of Culture and Tourism, Mahir Unal, during the official opening of the 20th jubilee edition of EMITT. Minister Unal tasted traditional Bulgarian round bread and talked about the possibilities for year-round vacationing in Bulgaria with the participants in the Bulgarian stand - representatives of the business and six Bulgarian municipalities (Mirkovo, Burgas, Varna, Plovdiv, Lyubimets and Devin).Multimedia presentations of the winter resorts Pamporovo, Bansko and Borovets caught the attention of many international participants in EMITT 2016. The guests showed particular interest in the competitive advantages of our country as one of the six most desirable European destinations for winter tourism, as well as to the promotional offers that our resorts offer to winter tourists.During the four-day international fair in Istanbul the Ministry of Tourism and the 18 participants in the Bulgarian stand will promote the potential of our country for year-round tourism. Along with the attractive winter packages for Turkish tourists, they will present the opportunities our country offers for practicing cultural and historical, spa, eco and rural tourism. Tasting of Bulgarian wines and authentic specialties of the Bulgarian cuisine and demonstration of old Bulgarian crafts are also provided for the guests of EMITT 2016. Bulgaria is a traditional participant in EMITT. This year's 20th jubilee edition of the fair brings together more than 4,000 industry representatives from 70 countries and the number of visitors is expected to exceed 128 thousand.One of our three major winter resorts, Pamporovo, is taking part in the exhibition with its own stand where a snow cannon installation is attracting an ever growing interest among the visitors.
Minister Angelkova: Single telephone number for servicing Russian tourists in Bulgaria to be launched as of February 1
A special telephone number will start operating as of February 1, 2016 enabling Russian tourists to receive updated information about tourism opportunities in Bulgaria at the price of a local call. The telephone number is 0700 20 991 and the first week after its launching will be a test period aimed at further streamlining of the system. This was announced by Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova at a joint briefing with Oleg Safonov, Head of the Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation.The two of them described as very successful the sittings of the working groups on tourism and culture held in the framework of the session of the Bulgarian-Russian Intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation. The protocol signed after the sittings contains a set of specific measures for approximation of the two countries and promotion of the mutual tourist flow. “Children under 16 who visiting the country for children’s and organized tourism will get free visas,” said Nikolina Angelkova. She went on to explain that there are a number of children's camps along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast and for them many of the formal procedures will drop out. Children traveling to our country for organized events also will be able to benefit from the exemption. “I hope these measures will encourage children’s travel. In parallel to that, we continue working with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on broadening the incentives towards other social groups as well,” added Minister Angelkova.It became clear during the briefing that security is of primary importance for Russian tourists. “Our country continues to work both in this direction and on the protection of tourists’ consumer rights,” the Bulgarian Minister said. These and other topical issues will be discussed at the forthcoming Bulgarian-Russian roundtable on cooperation in tourism, which will be held in Moscow on February 25, 2016. To take part in the meeting are industry representatives, MPs, Mayors, etc. They will discuss the possibilities of offering Russian customers more specialized forms of recreation in our country, beyond the traditional ski and sea tourism. Such forms are balneo, spa and wellness tourism; cultural, historical and religious tourism; hiking, military-cognitive and many other types of tourism which Russians have shown serious interest in.We maintain a very active dialogue in tourism and I am confident that together we can unleash the full potential of tourist flow between our two countries, said Oleg Safonov. He declared support on behalf of both his team and Russian business for all initiatives promoting Bulgaria as a year-round tourist destination. Bulgaria will be specially presented at four major tourist fora next month - in St. Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Kazan and Samara. A joint meeting between lead representatives of Russian regions and the Bulgarian tourist sector will be held in March in the framework of the largest tourism fair, "Inturmarket". Bulgaria ranks 8th among the destinations most sought after by Russian tourists, said Oleg Safonov assuring that Russian interest remains high. He described as realistic Bulgaria’s endeavor to increase its share on the Russian market in 2016.This is the first visit of Oleg Safonov to Bulgaria following a period of over five years without a visit of such a rank. In the framework of his stay he had a number of meetings with Bulgarian mayors, visited some of the main tourist attractions in the cities of Sofia and Plovdiv and payed a visit to Bachkovo Monastery. Russia remains one of the most important markets for the Bulgarian tourist industry with over 480 thousand Russian citizens having visited Bulgaria last year only and income generated from them in the summer season exceeding BGN 400 million.         
Bulgaria, Russia sign a Protocol on cooperation in tourism
Bulgaria and Russia will pool their efforts together to increase tourist flow between the two countries. This is set out in the protocol on cooperation signed earlier today by the Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria, Nikolina Angelkova and the Head of the Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation, Oleg Safonov. The latter is on a visit at the invitation of his Bulgarian counterpart and will take part in the work of the Bulgarian-Russian Intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation. The visit is at the highest governmental level in the tourism sector of the Russian Federation following a period of more than 5 years with no such high-ranking visit having taken place to Bulgaria. “I am delighted with the fact that this is the second consecutive meeting between us within just one month and that we have the opportunity to discuss concrete measures to promote the tourist flow,” said Minister Angelkova. She pointed out that, according to data provided by the industry, Russian citizens are interested in opportunities for tourism in our country and the active bilateral dialogue maintained is an additional positive signal for travels promotion. Oleg Safonov stressed that both government and industry are ready to provide assistance so that the proposals of Bulgarian business could effectively reach the end customer. In his words, Bulgaria has the capacity to develop all types of tourism but it needs to make consistent efforts to become recognizable in the Russian market beyond its mass summer and winter tourism.The two of them also took part in the sitting of the working group on tourism in the framework of the Intergovernmental Commission where a presentation was made on the opportunities for seaside tourism, spa and health programs, organized children's recreation, etc. that Bulgaria can offer to Russian tourists. Oleg Safonov stressed that our country continues to be among the most sought after tourist destinations and expressed hope that more Russian citizens will opt for Bulgaria as a destination of their holidays. The most important aspects taken into account when choosing a tourist destination are visa issuance procedures, security and transport links.The schedule of the visit also included a meeting of Oleg Safonov and Minister Angelkova with Mayors of Black Sea municipalities who presented the preparation for the Summer Season 2016 along with the special offers local businesses are ready to extend to Russian tourists. All participants in the meeting agreed that although smaller than expected, last year’s decrease in the number of Russian tourists did have an impact, however this year has seen a strong ambition to reverse this trend.Opportunities for promoting Sofia as a cultural and tourist destination on market Russia were discussed at the meeting between Oleg Safonov and Sofia Mayor Yordanka Fandakova. Together with Minister Angelkova, she showed the Russian guest around downtown Sofia and some of its main attractions. The Head of the Federal Tourism Agency also visited the necropolis of “St. Sofia” church.Oleg Safonov’s visit is taking place at an important moment for Bulgaria. Russia is among the lead countries in the Bulgarian tourism market with 485 thousand Russian tourists having visited our country only last year.
Bulgaria, Spain to sign a Memorandum of Cooperation in Tourism
Bulgaria and Spain will sign a Memorandum of Cooperation in Tourism during the ITB International Tourism Fair in Berlin in March this year. This was agreed in Madrid by the Bulgarian Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova and the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism of Spain, Jose Manuel Soria Lopez. The two discussed opportunities for deepening of cooperation and exchange of experience in the sector during the International Tourism Fair FITUR in Madrid.In Spain, training of people working in tourism is covered well by the higher education with a specialized organization, "Sahetur", being in charge of these activities. The two ministers agreed that Sahetur’s representatives visit Bulgaria and assist our country in the development of specialized training programs. “Services in the sector form 90% of tourist product quality, hence the importance of having a healthy relationship between education and business,” said Minister Nikolina Angelkova. With her colleague they expressed shared opinion that while future of marketing lies in digitization, celebrities also exert strong influence on advertising. The active role Antonio Banderas played in the promotion of our country was discussed as an example in this regard.Opportunities to attract more tourists from Spain and work more actively with tour operators were among the topics discussed at the meeting of Minister Angelkova with Rafael Gallego, President of the Conference of Tour Operators in Spain. This is the largest stakeholder organization in the country, involving over 2,500 agencies, realizing more than 6 million sales per annum. At the meeting it was agreed that representatives of the Spanish organization take part in promotional tours around Bulgaria organized by the Ministry of Tourism for foreign experts and media. In the course of the meeting it emerged that Spanish tourists visiting Bulgaria are interested mainly in cultural and historical landmarks, cognitive tours around the country, balneo and spa treatment, etc.Bulgaria is visible in the French tourist market and various news about tourism opportunities in the country are often publicized. This was noted by Michel Durio, Head of Tourism Department and Policy Adviser in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France, during his meeting in Madrid with Minister Angelkova. He also stressed he was familiar with the strategy of Bulgaria to put the stakes on the personal attitude and perception in advertising the country as a tourist destination and expressed readiness to assist in attracting celebrity French actors to promote Bulgaria in France. The two countries have already begun preparation to coordinate efforts in the Chinese market. For France, attracting tourists from Asia is subject to long-term strategy with some 5 million Chinese tourists expected to be received every year up until 2020. “For us it is important to learn from your experience and if possible to use your developed network of outsourced visa centers in China. Bulgaria has much to offer for the development of a joint tourist product with France that will have a positive effect on both countries”, said Minister Angelkova. She stressed that Bulgaria has a very good starting position in this respect and that we have recently signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with China.Within the framework of FITUR Minister Angelkova held talks with the Minister of Culture and Tourism of Turkey Mahir Unal. “I am glad we were able to ease the visa issuing procedures for Turkish citizens. This gave a very good result last year as we registered a 30% growth in the number of Turkish tourists who have visited our winter resorts and over 20% growth for the entire 2015”, said Minister Nikolina Angelkova. She informed her Turkish counterpart that the same measures will apply this year and that an ever growing number of Turkish citizens are visiting Bulgarian winter resorts. The two ministers agreed to speed up work on the development of a joint tourist product aimed for distant markets and to organize on reciprocal basis “Days of Bulgaria” in Istanbul and “Days of Turkey” in Sofia. Minister Angelkova invited her Turkish colleague to take part in the First World Congress of Modern Tourism and Ancient Civilizations, which will be held in Sofia at the end of this year.The impact of security on tourism was discussed at a meeting of Minister Angelkova with the Minister of Culture and Tourism of Egypt, Hisham Zazu. The latter renewed the invitation to his Bulgarian counterpart to pay a visit to Egypt and sign a Cooperation Agreement between the two countries in the field of tourism. It emerged in the course of the meeting that while Egyptian visitors are interested mainly in shopping tourism, Bulgaria could be also competitive with the opportunities it offers for spa and wellness tourism.
Meeting of WTO Regional Commission for Europe planned to take place in Bulgaria in 2017
The 61st Meeting of the Regional Commission for Europe of the World Tourism Organization (WTO) is planned to be held in Bulgaria in 2017. This was discussed at a meeting in Madrid between WTO’s Secretary General Taleb Rifai and the Bulgarian Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova that took place in the framework of FITUR, one of the largest tourism fairs worldide. The Bulgarian delegation included the Chairperson of the Budget and Finance Committee of the National Assembly, Menda Stoyanova, the Deputy Chairperson of the Economic Policy and Tourism Committee, Daniela Saveklieva and the Deputy Chairperson of the Budget and Finance Committee, Diana Yordanova.“The participation of MPs from our National Assembly, who are members of some of the most important parliamentary standing committees, proves the commitment of the Bulgarian state to tourism”, said Nikolina Angelkova. She added that by establishing an independent Ministry of Tourism, the government has clearly demonstrated its strong commitment to the sector and that the department works in close coordination with other institutions. According to Taleb Rifai, some countries still fail to pay sufficient attention to tourism as an important economic sector, which highlights the need for consistent work in this direction. He congratulated Bulgaria for its active role in the framework of WTO and stressed that our country boasts of a very good image among the other members of the organization.Another topic discussed at the meeting was the preparation of the First World Congress of Modern Tourism and Ancient Civilizations, which our country is co-organizing with WTO at the end of this year. Several hundred participants from all over the world are expected to take part in the forum. Taleb Rifai stressed that it is very important to have a discussion that would be relevant and useful for all participants, but at the same time the event should be also taken as an opportunity to present Bulgaria as an attractive tourist destination.During her visit to Madrid Minister Angelkova took part in a high level meeting on “Tourism and Security” organized by WTO. Together with 45 Ministers and over 100 representatives of government agencies and NGOs from around the world she discussed the global issues facing tourism and measures to address them.
Minister Angelkova, Taleb Rifai open the Bulgarian stand at FITUR
The Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization, Taleb Rifai, was among the first to visit the Bulgarian stand at one of the largest tourism fairs in the world - FITUR, taking place in Madrid. He responded to the invitation by the Bulgarian Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova and altered his schedule in order to join personally the event and congratulate the Bulgarian participants.This year Bulgaria is taking part with an information stand of 79 sq. m., where 9 tourist representatives and organizations along with the Ministry of Tourism are promoting opportunities for year-round tourism in our country.The Bulgarian delegation to Madrid includes the Chairperson of the Budget and Finance Committee of the National Assembly, Menda Stoyanova, the Deputy Chairperson of the Economic Policy and Tourism Committee, Daniela Saveklieva and the Deputy Chairperson of the Budget and Finance Committee, Diana Yordanova. Together with Minister Angelkova they all took part in the opening ceremony of the fair and held a brief meeting with WTO’s Secretary General Taleb Rifai, which will continue tomorrow.The 2015 FITUR edition registered 9 thousand exhibitors from 165 countries and regions, with number of visitors exceeding 97 thousand. Last year's edition of the fair stirred huge media interest and attracted over 7,300 journalists from 60 different countries.
20 thousand visiting daily the Bulgarian information stand at Ferien-Messe Wien, the largest Austrian tourism fair held in Vienna
Bulgaria is promoting the opportunities the country offers for year-round recreation and leisure at the largest Austrian tourism fair Ferien-Messe Wien, taking place from January 14 through January 17, 2016 in Vienna. The Bulgarian information stand features an area of ​​32 square meters, with a simple and functional design and a central location on the waterfront in Hall A, in-between two of the main entrances to the exhibition. Apart from the Ministry of Tourism, four travel companies and Varna Municipality are presented here. The stand attracts daily about 20 thousand visitors while the appealing visuals of iconic country landmarks such as the Old town of Plovdiv and the Thracian treasures arouse considerable amount of interest in the cultural heritage of Bulgaria.Austria is among our generating markets with over 136 thousand Austrian tourists having visited our country from January to November 2015. Bulgaria remains a traditional destination for sea, golf or cultural tourism. Most of the guests at Ferien-Messe Wien 2016 are also interested in opportunities for family summer vacation or camping holidays, while cycling tourism is among the most sought after by young people.According to the latest data released by leading tour operators in the country the interest of Austrians to our winter tourist packages is growing. In Pamporovo this fact was also noted by the Bulgarian Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova at the start of checks on the condition of ski runs in the winter resorts. “The fact that Bulgaria is focusing the attention of Austrians for winter tourism comes to show that we are competitive enough”, said Minister Angelkova.Besides promotional materials for cultural, eco, religious, winter and summer tourism and image advertising for the country, the stand offers Bulgarian wine tasting. Ferien attracts annually over 150 thousand visitors and brings together more than 750 exhibitors from over 70 countries.
Minister Angelkova: Pamporovo meets the requirements of ski runs safety and information security regulation
The ski runs in Pamporovo meet the requirements of the Ordinance on safety and information security of ski runs in Bulgaria, which has been put into implementation for the first time this season. In terms of degree of complexity, 2 of the ski runs in the resort have been categorized as green, 2 – as blue, 4 – as red and 2 – as black. Another 5 ski runs remain to be checked at a later stage when more snow is expected. These factual results were announced by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova who also informed that over the coming weeks inspections will be extended to Bansko and Borovets as well as to smaller ski resorts. The event was attended by the Chairman of the Consumer Protection Commission (CPC), Mr. Dimitar Margaritov. The ski areas examining commission is comprised of inspectors from the Ministry of Tourism and the CPC, as well as external experts from the Bulgarian Ski Federation, the Bulgarian Ski School etc. “Our main goal is to ensure the safety of tourists, but I want to call on everyone practicing winter sports to be responsible for their own health and that of others”, said Minister Angelkova. She went on to inform that winter resorts as a whole qualify, however they have not been scored so far as no uniform safety standards were in place. Ever since the 1980s the industry has been insisting on the introduction of a state regulation in the field of winter tourism and recreational exercise of snow sports. After nearly 40 years of waiting, the first step has finally been taken by adopting a ski ordinance with factual checks having already been launched under its provisions. Yet another regulation is underway, the Ordinance on ski instructors’ activity, which is currently under public discussion. “Our goal is to introduce common standards and in cooperation with the industry to map out efficient and effective measures”, said Nikolina Angelkova.Later on the same day inspection was carried out in one of the resort’s hotels to verify its compliance with the requirements of the Tourism Act. Inspectors checked whether the hotel has a certificate of site classification and a tag with category symbols; they also demanded for scrutiny the hotel’s price list for accommodation and other additional services offered, as well as the register of accommodated tourists. The check, which was jointly held by the Ministry of Tourism and the Consumer Protection Commission, established no violations. Minister Angelkova recalled that one of the most important regulatory documents in the sector, the new Ordinance on classification and re-classification of accommodation and catering facilities, will enter into force at the end of February. “Currently the procedures carried out under this regulation allow only to issue precepts without imposing any sanctions. About 600 sites have undergone the procedure so far, the results proving the industry being ready to meet the requirements”, she said.Another news that came from the visit to the region is that the towns of Smolyan and Chepelare will join the billboard campaign of the Ministry of Tourism to promote domestic tourism. Until now the campaign has covered over 10 municipalities, the initial results and interest displayed in it being more than good. “I extend my gratitude to the mayors for their cooperation. Together we have demonstrated that such campaigns can be conducted with minimum funds, if approached with professionalism and coordination”, Nikolina Angelkova said. She held a meeting with the mayors from the region to discuss measures to promote regional tourism and investment opportunities in the sector.
Ministry of Tourism to introduce a regulation on the activities of ski instructors
Bulgaria will introduce for the first time a regulation stipulating the rules on practicing the profession of ski instructor. The requirements are set out in the draft Regulation on the education, practical training and qualification needed for obtaining a license to practice the profession of "ski instructor" published earlier today on the website of the Ministry of Tourism for public discussion. Albeit the introduction of such a by-law is provided for in the currently effective Tourism Act as well as in its previous editions, no such regulation has been drafted or adopted so far.The document defines the criteria that have to be met by those willing to take exams for obtaining a license to practice as ski instructors in Bulgaria. Ski instructors are required to have specialized in alpine skiing, cross country skiing and snowboarding for which they will receive a certificate awarding  A, B or C  level of competency (upward gradation).  The training of persons  willing  to acquire qualification for practicing the profession of ski instructor will be conducted in the framework of training courses. They will be organized by professional tourism associations, members of reciprocal international organizations, and other legal entities authorized, under special laws, to carry out such training.Training will be conducted under the terms of a curriculum and a plan developed by professional tourism associations, in their capacity of training organizations, in accordance with the standards, norms and recommendations  of  the International  Association of Professional Ski Instructors (ІSІA) and approved thereby. Training will be also performed in accordance with the plans and programs developed by other training organizations approved jointly by the Minister of Youth and Sports and the Minister of Education and Science. Exams in theory and practice will be taken before the training organizations to acquire competency by specialty and level. Candidates who have passed both exams will receive a certificate of competency issued by the training organization.It is further provided for a list of qualified ski instructors to be kept as part of the National Tourism Register that will be available online. Thus everyone will be able to check the qualification of their ski instructor and be sure of his/her  competency and skills. The register will contain the names and contact details of ski instructors (address, telephone, e-mail adderss);  changes in the registered circumstances; the number of identity card; the order on data entry or deletion respectively. After inclusion in the register, the Minister of Tourism shall issue to the registered person an identification card. In exercising their profession, ski instructors shall be required to wear their ID cards prominently. Ski instructors who have acquired competency shall offer their services through the ski schools that have employed them.The team of the Ministry of Tourism has already launched a series of meetings and discussions and is currently in the process of discussing the regulation with non-governmental stakeholder organizations in this field. Today's publication of the text aims to attract attention to the regulation and get a greater number of feedback posts from the NGO sector.
In cooperation with Bulgarian municipalities, Ministry of Tourism launches a billboard campaign to promote domestic tourism
The Ministry of Tourism has launched, in cooperation with Bulgarian municipalities, a billboard campaign to promote domestic  tourism. The campaign will cover all major municipalities and will promote tourism opportunities by regions. Advertising visuals will be displayed in central locations on the territory of a given municipality to advertise tourism opportunities offered by another municipality. Thus iconic historical sights of a region will be presented in another. The visuals are with a strong cultural and historical focus and reflect a number of iconic landmarks such as the medieval castle Baba Vida, the archaeological complex Perperikon, the ancient fortress Hisarlaka, the Besarbovski rock monastery, the Alexandrovo tomb, to mention but a few.The Ministry of Tourism is committed to the development of more than 40 billboards, whereas the municipalities will provide free advertising space in key locations where advertising visuals will be displayed for a period of about six months. With campaign already launched, billboards will be progressively installed in 11 major municipalities, namely Razgrad, Ruse, Silistra, Haskovo, Vidin, Veliko Tarnovo, Burgas, Kardzhali, Gabrovo, Montana and Pernik. Other municipalities will be also included at a later stage.The initiative is the first of its kind and is a natural continuation of the efforts of the Ministry of Tourism to promote domestic tourism and opportunities for year-round recreation in the country. The campaign aims to raise the awareness of Bulgarians for their country and to diversify the national tourism product. It builds on the results achieved under the completed project "Communication campaign to promote domestic tourism", which managed to reach about 2 million people.Within the period January-October 2015 the number of overnights spent by Bulgarian citizens in the country exceeds 7 million which represents an increase of 6.2% as compared to the same period of 2014. The number of accommodated Bulgarians was over 2.8 million which is 8.9% more than in 2014, while revenues from their overnight stays amounted to over BGN 260 million, an increase of 6.9% as compared to the same period of the previous year.
Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva presents "Spa Destination" award at the annual ceremony of the "Wonders of Bulgaria" campaign
Deputy Tourism Minister Irena Georgieva and Deputy Minister of Environment and Water Atanaska Nikolova presented the award in the category "Spa Destination" at the annual ceremony of the "Wonders of Bulgaria" campaign. The award, given for the first time, went to "Pirin" Park Hotel - Sandanski. The event was held for the fifth consecutive year and was broadcast live on the Bulgarian National Television."The Ministry of Tourism supports this campaign not only because it is aimed at promoting domestic tourism, but also because it helps promote cultural tourism", said Deputy Minister Georgieva. She went on to say that the Ministry of Tourism works consistently for the promotion of cultural tourism, stressing that with its 40,000 registered artifacts and objects, dating from seven eras, our country is among the richest on the continent and has much to offer to its visitors.The event was attended by Tsetska Tsacheva, Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria, Margarita Popova, Vice-President of the Republic of Bulgaria, Yordanka Fandakova, Mayor of Sofia, Ivan Portnih, Mayor of Varna, Todor Tanev, Minister of Education and Science, Boni Petrunova, Deputy Minister of Culture, etc.
Minister Angelkova participated in the opening ceremony of the 2015/2016 winter season in Bansko
Ministers Nikolina Angelkova and Krassen Kralev were awarded the sign of Bansko for their consistent efforts to develop the winter resortDuring the last winter season Bansko was visited by nearly half a million tourists. “I am sure that with joint efforts we can improve these figures in the 2015/2016 season”. These were the words of the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova at the opening ceremony of the new winter season in Bansko. The event was also attended by Minister of Youth and Sports, Krassen Kralev, the Mayor of Bansko, Georgi Ikonomov, the ski legends Marc Girardelli, a five-time World Cup Champion, Marcus Vasmayer, the double Olympic Champion, and the multiple Champion of Bulgaria and FIS, Peter Popangelov, and representatives of the local tourist industry, awarded for their activities, etc.“The last season was very successful for all ski resorts in Bulgaria – tourism revenues were nearly 1 billion BGN for the period December 2014 – March 2015, and over 1.2 million foreign tourists visited Bulgaria. We as administration, and the business, hope that in the new season these results will be exceeded”, said Nikolina Angelkova. The same data has been provided by the tour operators regarding early bookings for the season, as well as by Bulgarian airports regarding flight bookings.During the ceremony, Mayor Georgi Ikonomov awarded Ministers Nikolina Angelkova and Krassen Kralev the sign of Bansko for their consistent efforts to develop the winter resort. The double Olympic champion Marcus Vasmayer was also awarded the sign of the Mayor. The official opening ceremony ended with fireworks and a festive programme, which lasted until late evening.
Minister Angelkova: We expect more than 1.2 million tourists during the 2015/2016 winter season
During the last winter season our country was visited by 1.2 million tourists, and we expect this winter to have an increase and to make this figure even higher. This is what Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova said in an interview for Nova TV this morning.The reason for her visit to the television was the opening of the 2015/16 winter season in Bansko, which will be attended by Minister Angelkova. The official ceremony will be held tomorrow (12 December) at 18.00 on the N. Vaptsarov square in the town. The celebration ceremony will be attended by the ski legends Marc Girardelli, a five-time World Cup Champion, Marcus Vasmayer, the double Olympic Champion, and the multiple Champion of Bulgaria and FIS, Peter Popangelov.“The outlook for a strong winter season has been confirmed by the data provided by the Bulgarian airports”, said Nikolina Angelkova. According to the data presented by her, Sofia airport alone has over 80% increase in flight bookings and their total number reached 178. There is a considerable growth in one of our most important markets for winter tourism – the United Kingdom; flights from London have increased from 24 of 69. Nearly seven times more seasonal flights from Kiev have been requested and Copenhagen has been included as a new destination. Optimistic is also data from Plovdiv airport where they expect a greater number of flights and passengers from Israel (14 new flights), the Netherlands (13 new flights), Great Britain (5 new flights), as well as from Russia. The two seaside airports have also reported growth – planned scheduled and charter flights during the winter months show an increase of 25% of the flights to Varna Airport and an increase of over 40% of those to Burgas Airport.“This shows that Bulgaria has become not only a recognizable tourist destination for winter tourism, but also a popular one”, said Minister Angelkova. This is confirmed by a study of the consulting company to the European Travel Commission, which ranks Bulgaria among the top 6 of the most popular European destinations for winter tourism.According to the outlooks of the Ministry of Tourism for the 2015/2016 winter season, an increase in tourist numbers can be expected from near and adjacent markets such as Greece, Turkey, Macedonia and Serbia. Bulgaria will be attractive for tourists from the United Kingdom, for whom the country has traditionally been an advantageous ski destination. An increase in the tourist flow from Israel, Moldova, the Netherlands, Finland, Norway and Switzerland is also expected. The domestic market is also expected to achieve growth, continuing the trend of the last winter season, when all three major ski resorts registered an increase in overnight stays of Bulgarian citizens.
Head of the Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation Oleg Safonov sees Bulgaria as a good tourist destination for Russians
Russia remains one the important markets for Bulgaria and the Ministry of Tourism of Bulgaria will continue with efforts to stimulate the incoming tourist flow. This became clear during the meeting of Minister Angelkova with the head of the Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation Oleg Safonov in Moscow on 9 December 2015. The two officials met in the Russian capital to discuss possibilities for strengthening bilateral cooperation in tourism.“We are highly motivated to offer the best conditions for our tourists. We continue to probe all possibilities for facilitating visa issuing procedures for citizens of the Russian Federation as well as for opening outsourced visa centers”, said the Bulgarian Minister during the meeting. She also noted that visas are being currently issued at 21 such outsourced centers. Mr. Safonov stressed that he would be glad if more Russians chose Bulgaria for their vacation as the country offers plenty of opportunities for tourism and is a traditional vocational spot for Russians.Both Mr. Safonov and Minister Angelkova agreed that the Bulgarian-Russian round table discussion held in November in Sofia has proved to be quite fruitful. It has also proved that the tourist industries of the two countries are willing to cooperate and spur tourist flow. The head of the Federal Agency of Tourism also stated that a follow-up round-table in Moscow will be scheduled for February of next year. “The Bulgarian tourist business is fully prepared to participate in such an event”, stressed Minister Angelkova. A b2b forum will also be organized during the international travel exhibit in Moscow in March which will be a yet another possibility for strengthening the business partnerships between the two countries.At the end of January Bulgaria is expected to host a sitting of the intergovernmental commission for economic, scientific and technical cooperation which will be attended by Mr. Safonov. It has been agreed that one of the sessions of the Commission will be dedicated to discussing cooperation in tourism and to boosting the tourist flow. During her Moscow visit the Bulgarian minister met with Vladimir Chernekov, the Head of Department of National Policy and inter-regional relations and tourism of Moscow as well as with his first deputy Sergey Shpilko who is also chairman of the Moscow Committee for Tourism and Hotel Industry. She also held meetings with representative of the Association of Tour Operators in Russia (ATOR).  A number of issues have been discussed and concrete measures for furthering bilateral cooperation in the tourism sector have been outlined.
Pan-European Channel Advertising of Bulgaria with a total of 442 million views
Bulgaria launched a massive Pan-European Channel promotional campaign on Eurosport, Discovery Channel, Euronews and National Geographic Channel which has had an outreach of 442 million views from March till October 2015. This became clear from the campaign’s conclusive report which was presented in December.Bulgaria’s TV promotion on all four Pan European channels was EU funded under Operational Programme “Regional Development” 2007-2013. Apart from the wide-range prime time broadcasting of the two video spots for Bulgaria - an image video and a video spot on cultural and heritage tourism in German, French, English, Russian, Spanish and Bulgarian. Crews have also visited the country to shoot additional footage. Euronews featured the annual Art Fest Apollonia in the ancient town of Sozopol in their popular LeMag culture programme.The Eursport crew shot five live reports on the variety of sports that could be practiced in the country while National Geographic channel produced a video spot which focused on the natural assets and sites of Bulgaria. Image-making static and pre-roll banners were also published on the official websites of the Pan European channels.These four TV channels actually cover almost all of Europe which remains a major market for Bulgaria as well as countries from the Near East, Africa and Asia.Presentation of the Ministry of TourismPresentation of Lawrence Pavely of Discovery ChannelPresentation of Aurelli Quns of EuronewsPresentation of Melody Sany of EurosportPresentation of Matt Morgan of National Geographic
Ministry’s Campaign for Boosting Home Tourism Has Met Set Target of 2 Million Outreach
The campaign for boosting home tourism has met the set target by reaching the expected 2 million people. The campaign which was funded by Operational Programme Regional Development 2007-2013 was independently evaluated by the ESTAT agency. The campaign’s conclusive report indicates that 300 000 people have visited at least one of the sites featured in the campaign while the number of Bulgarians who have vacationed in the country in the past 12 months has reached up to 3 million people.The 50 little known tourist attractions in Bulgaria which the Ministry has also actively promoted, have gained popularity by attracting 14% more tourist visits. The share of Bulgarians interested in particular tourist destinations within the country has also reached 62% which is a 4% increase compared to 2014.Year-round home tourism has also been strengthened following the campaign’s promotional activities. The number of overnight stays by Bulgarians has steeped and many Bulgarians have come to see their country as a preferred vocational spot. The total cost of the EU-funded campaign amounts to over 1,5 mn euro. Bulgaria’s first-ever stand-alone Ministry of Tourism has managed to make up for the delays in the execution of some of the activities and has brought the campaign to a successful end.Activities have been all encompassing including TV spots on channels with national coverage, video clips, media publications, external and Internet advertising.
Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva took part in the opening of the conference on Climate Change – Challenges to the Bulgarian Nature and Tourism
Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva took part in the conference on Climate Change – Challenges to the Bulgarian Nature and Tourism, part of the Challenge Days Festival. The main focus of the Festival was aimed at presenting the importance of the topic of climate change on the occasion of the 21st United Nations Climate Change Conference, held in Paris.“Tourism is among the most important economic sectors, both at national and global level. This is why it is important to pay attention to working consistently for its sustainable development”, said Deputy Minister Georgieva. According to her, one of the winning steps for Bulgaria is the development of alternative forms of tourism. “Our country has great potential for rural tourism and ecotourism”, she stressed. Bulgaria ranks second in Europe in preserved biodiversity – we have 3 national and 11 natural parks and 89 reserves, 17 of which have been declared biospheric under a UNESCO Programme. “We have preserved our traditions and customs alive and we have very good materials and resources”, added Irena Georgieva.The event was also attended by Ivelina Vasileva, Minister of Environment and Water, H.E. Xavier Lapeyre de Cabanes, Ambassador of the Republic of France to Bulgaria, Georgi Kostov, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food, Boyan Petrov, mountaineer and biologist, Georgi Stefanov, policy and climate change coordinator of the WWF – Bulgaria, Lyubomir Popyordanov, Chairman of the Managing Board of the Bulgarian Association for Alternative Tourism, and others.
Minister Nikolina Angelkova awarded best 2015 five-star hotels in winter and summer resorts
The Bulgarian Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova awarded the winners in two of the major categories of the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association’s annual awards for excellence on 1 December in Sofia.  The Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association is a non-profit organization and a member of the International Hotel and Restaurant Association. It is also the biggest such organization in the country with a membership that covers 80% of all hotels and restaurants in Bulgaria.  Minister Angelkova presented the prizes for best five-star mountain hotel to aparthotel Lucky Bansko (located in one of Bulgaria’s leading winter tourism resorts) and for best five-star sea hotel to Marina Grand Beach Hotel (at the Golden Sands resort on the northern seacoast).Despite the existing geopolitical hurdles and a somewhat difficult summer tourist season, overnights stays by foreign tourists in the country’s high-class hotels amount to 1,2 million people. “This goes to prove that tourists demand a high-quality product and are willing to spend their money on it. Hence we should continue to focus on excellence and on offering an even bigger and better tourist portfolio”, stated the Ministry during the official ceremony. She also noted that the Association’s annual awards are a benchmark for quality and an objective and trustworthy assessment of the work of the country’s leading hotels and restaurants.
Leading Indian Tour Operators: Significant boost in tourist flows to Bulgaria expected after release of Bollywood blockbuster Dilwale
The upcoming December premiere of Dilwale (The Big Hearted), a Bollywood romantic action comedy film that was shot in Bulgaria starring Shahrukh Khan and Kajol, is expected to boost the interest of Indian tourists to Bulgaria. This is what representatives of leading Indian tour operators shared at a meeting with the Bulgarian Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova, which took place in Mumbai. The meeting, organized by the Honorary Consul of Bulgaria in Mumbai Vinay Patil, was attended by over 80 tour operators and members of the Travel Association of Tour Operators of India.“In 2016, the Ministry of Tourism will organize expedient tours for journalists for the Indian market, as well as a joint roundtable to promote tourist flows from and to both countries. There are real opportunities to significantly increase the number of Indian tourists to Bulgaria, especially since Bollywood has chosen us as one of their leading film-making locations”, said Minister Angelkova. She recalled that in 2016 another 10 Bollywood productions will be shot in Bulgaria.Indian tour operators welcomed the idea of opening tourist information centers of Bulgaria in Delhi and Mumbai, which in their view will raise the awareness of Indian tourists and will make our country even more recognizable at the Indian domestic market. They expressed willingness to deepen the cooperation with their Bulgarian colleagues, arguing that of particular benefit would be the exchange of experience and information on the opportunities for year-round tourism that Bulgaria offers.The main tourism issues discussed at the meetings in Delhi and Mumbai were related to travel arrangements and visa issuance to Indian citizens. Minister Angelkova presented the so far achievements in this regard – she specified that active work is ongoing to set up outsourced visa centers for issuing tourist visas to Indian citizens, thus substantially easing the current procedures. Minister Angelkova noted that the focus of future cooperation between the two countries could be the opening of a direct airline connecting Sofia with Delhi, Mumbai, Calcutta and Amritsar.Qatar Airways India expressed willingness to partner with the Ministry of Tourism in organizing familiarization trips to Bulgaria for Indian media and tour operators. This was stated at the meeting of Minister Angelkova with the management of the major international air carrier of India.
Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva opened the second edition of the Go2Balkans Forum
Today, Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva opened the second edition of the Go2Balkans Tourism Forum, which this year is held under the motto “The Balkans, Nature, History and Culture”.“Go2Balkans” is held for the second consecutive year and is on the way to establish itself as a forum that enables participants to make direct business contacts with each other and deepen the established links”, said Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva during the official ceremony. According to her, it enables municipalities and regions to present their products and cultural and historical sites to tour operators. She stressed that we needed to offer authentic and meaningful experiences to tourists to make the most of the natural and cultural resources and to work for the deployment of joint tourist products and routes with the neighbouring Balkan countries. “This will position us better in the international tourism market and will allow us to attract more tourists from Europe and the world”, she pointed out.This year’s “Go2Balkans” is held on 24 – 25 November, and more than ten countries, using over eighty stands, will exhibit their products. The format of the event is strictly professional, providing diverse opportunities for conducting direct business meetings in three separate zones: zone for presentations, zone for exhibitors and zone for presentations-conversations. The forum is aimed at promoting the cultural and historic heritage and the natural resources of the Balkan countries as a common, shared resource. All this serves as the basis for creating and offering new Balkan combination tours and travel packages.
Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva discussed the preparedness for the winter season at a working meeting in Borovets
Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva participated in a meeting in Borovets with representatives of the local authorities, the supervisory bodies and the tourism industry to discuss the preparedness of the resort for the upcoming winter season. The regional plan for protection against disasters and incidents to ensure the safety of tourists and their smooth vacation was also discussed.“We start checking for compliance with the new ordinances on information security and the safeguarding of ski slopes and tourist huts, which are already in force”, said Irena Georgieva. She added that the Ministry had already briefed the municipalities on the actual changes in the marketing strategy of the Ministry for the new season. The Deputy Minister noted that the previous winter season was successful with about 8% growth in the number of foreign tourists and expressed her readiness to fully cooperate with the business to achieve even better results.The next meeting of the regional headquarters will be held in November, when progress in solving the problems already identified in the sector will be verified.Borovets is one of the most popular winter destinations both for Bulgarians and foreigners. In the period December 2014 – March 2015, in the resort, about 86 thousand overnight stays were realised by Bulgarians, which is an increase of over 11% compared to the previous year. In the last season, Borovets was the second best of our three major ski resorts in terms of the total number of overnight stays – over 241 thousand overnight stays. In Borovets ski area, there are 24 ski slopes with a length of over 58 km, cross-country skiing trails, biathlon facilities, facilities for night skiing, and a winter children’s park.
Deputy Minister Georgieva opened a conference-debate on the future of rural areas and the role of tourism for sustainable development, organized by the French Embassy
On Monday (23 November), the Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva opened a forum on “What is the future of rural areas in terms of climate change? Tourism and valorisation of local products as solutions for sustainable development.”, initiated by the French Embassy. “Tourism is an important sector of the national economy”, said Deputy Minister Georgieva. She added that globally the sector was of structural significance and according to the World Council for Tourism and Travel it formed nearly 10% of the global gross product. She said that the number of people employed in tourism was above 270 million, or one in every 11 jobs worldwide in the field of tourism products and services. “The total contribution of the tourism industry and its related activities in the GDP of Bulgaria for 2014 was just over 13%, and the revenues amounted to over 6 billion BGN”, informed Deputy Minister Georgieva.She noted that our country was rich in opportunities for the development of all forms of tourism and that the major challenge facing the sector was to combine competitiveness with sustainable development, long-term planning and smart solutions. “It is therefore necessary for the destinations to adapt to the changing market and the demand for new, specialized forms of tourism”, pointed out the Deputy Minister and added that the development of alternative forms of tourism would be a winning move for Bulgaria. She said that investment in rural and ecotourism in the country was fully justified because of our remarkable sights – Bulgaria ranks second in Europe in preserving its biodiversity – we have 3 national and 11 natural parks and 89 reserves, 17 of which have been declared biospheric under a UNESCO Programme.“We need to offer tourists authentic and meaningful experiences, to make the most of our natural and cultural resources, but we should not think of our “today”, we should think of the future – of our and our children’s future”, concluded the Deputy Minister.The French Ambassador to Bulgaria H.E. Xavier Lapeyre de Cabanes thanked the Bulgarian Deputy Minister for the readiness of the Ministry of Tourism to work for the sustainable development of the sector and said that France would be useful to our country with its positive experience in this field and its know-how.The conference was organized within the 21st United Nations Climate Change Conference, held in Paris from 30 November to 11 December 2015.
Minister Angelkova: Joint roundtable on tourist flow promotion to be organized with participation of representatives of India’s largest tourist industry companies
One of the most respected Indian cinema chains, Grand Cinemas, to show a promotional video clip of BulgariaIn 2016 Bulgaria will host a roundtable to identify measures for promoting the tourist flow with India with the participation of representatives of some of the largest Indian companies in the field of tourism. This was agreed at a meeting between the Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria Nikolina Angelkova and the State Minister of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation of India Mahesh Sharma, held earlier today in New Delhi. Minister Angelkova is the first minister of tourism with whom her Indian counterpart meets after his inauguration in May this year. During the conversation, Minister Sharma expressed his desire to personally attend the upcoming business forum. Both ministers supported the idea of organizing Days of Bulgaria in India and Days of India in our country, which is also a good way of bringing the two peoples closer and to promote the opportunities for bilateral tourism.The two ministers discussed the need for a new agreement for bilateral cooperation with concrete steps to boost tourism. “Undoubtedly, India is one of the most promising distant markets for us and we are keen to deepen the ties between our two countries”, Nikolina Angelkova stressed. Minister Sharma noted that the focus of future cooperation between the two countries could be the opening of a direct airline to connect Sofia with Delhi, Mumbai, Calcutta and Amritsar and become a prerequisite for a major breakthrough in the Indian tourist market. Thus, Bulgaria can become an aviation hub from which tourists can easily reach other destinations in Western Europe or the United States, for example. Minister Angelkova pointed out that Bulgaria is in the process of examining the experience of other countries in the field of outsourcing visa centers to issue tourist visas to Indian citizens. “Thus our country will become more easily accessible to Indian tourists and the number of trips will significantly increase”, said Minister Angelkova.Later the same day, the Bulgarian minister participated in a forum to promote tourist flows between the two countries and investment in tourism, organized by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce (FICCI), which brings together the largest representatives of Indian business. Over 100 companies participated in the forum organized in cooperation with the Embassy of Bulgaria in India and our commercial representation in Delhi. Minister Angelkova presented before the FICCI leadership and the Federation President Jyotsna Suri the idea to organize a joint roundtable in Bulgaria. The proposal was accepted with interest and many representatives of the Indian tourism industry expressed their willingness to participate in the upcoming discussion.The Bulgarian minister said that the Ministry of Tourism is in the process of developing an investment map of Bulgaria and that the newly established governmental department aims to become a one-stop-shop for large investors to ensure maximum ease of administrative procedures related to the implementation of large investment projects. Jyotsna Suri noted that the opening of Bulgaria’s tourist information centers in Delhi and Mumbai, the implementation of which is underway, will increase the interest of Indian tourists to our country.During the roundtable in 2016, a guided tour to some of the biggest tourist attractions in the country will be organized for the official guests and the invited Indian media. “We plan to organize such events for all important markets and the first roundtable with Russia is already a fact. For us it is very important to show the Indian business what Bulgaria has to offer and I am sure that if we deepen our cooperation serious results will be soon to follow”, said Nikolina Angelkova. She made a presentation on the opportunities for tourism that our country offers and invited all participants in the forum to visit Bulgaria as tourists.The promotional video of Bulgaria, featuring personal impressions of five Hollywood actors from their stay in our country, was shown at the forum in Delhi. The top Bollywood producer, Ramji Natarajan, who appeared in film productions together with three of the biggest names of Indian cinema - Shahrukh Khan, Ajay Devgan and Kajol, noted that another 10 Bollywood movies will be shot in Bulgaria. The trailer for the latest film of Bollywood legend Shahrukh Khan, Dilwale, which was filmed in Bulgaria this summer, has generated 30 million views in Facebook. The image clip for Bulgaria will be shown during the film premiere in the theaters of Grand Cinemas, scheduled for December. This is what the Bulgarian minister stated after her meeting with the executive director of one of the world's largest cinema chains, Amitabh Verde. The promotional video of our country will be projected in all other Grand Cinemas theaters around the world, including the USA, China, Canada and Romania. Thus the film industry and Bollywood in particular will become an effective tool for promotion of Bulgaria as a world tourist destination, Minister Angelkova said.Bulgarian Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova is on a working visit to India. The program of the visit includes meetings in the cities of Delhi and Mumbai. During her stay in Delhi, Minister Angelkova will meet with the presidents of Indian tourism associations such as IATO, OTOAI, TAFI, TAAI, to present the opportunities for tourism in Bulgaria. She will also hold talks with the leadership of Dusit Dewarana City Resort, one of the prestigious high category hotels in the Indian capital city, and will meet with representatives of the BIRD Group, India, one of the biggest corporations in the field of hospitality and aviation services.In Mumbai Minister Angelkova will meet with the leadership of the global company Tata Sons Ltd. She will hold talks with representatives of one of the most powerful Indian corporations, Mahindra, which operates in more than 20 key industries, has a presence in over 100 countries worldwide and has a turnover of US 16.9 billion. The program of the visit includes also a “This is Bulgaria” presentation in the premises of the honorary consulate of our country. Meetings are planned to take place with representatives of the State government, the tourism and the film industry with whom to discuss ideas for promoting destinations via film tourism. The interest to the visit of the Bulgarian Minister in India is enormous, with interviews already requested by some of the most popular Indian media, including CNN IBN Live.India is a market with a population of 1.2 billion people and our country has a real chance to expand its positions there. Last year some of the biggest Indian film stars - Ajay Devgan, Shahrukh Khan and Kajol, were in Bulgaria to shoot their movies, which has boosted the interest in our country. Statistics also proves increased interest - the number of Indian tourists who visited Bulgaria in 2014 is over 8,400 which is nearly 60% more as compared to the previous year. This suggests an interest to Bulgaria and perspective for further upgrade. Indian tourists are primarily interested in our historic sites, spa services, shopping and city tours.
Alexander Manolev is appointed for Deputy Minister of Tourism
Alexander Manolev is the new Deputy Minister of Tourism.  He has got a university degree in economics from Great Britain; he has specialized in Budapest and London in the field of investments and European project management. He has extensive professional experience in  marketing.He speaks English, Spanish, Greek and Russian.
Nikolina Angelkova: Russia remains among top five markets for Bulgarian tourism
Russia is steadily among the 5 leading markets for Bulgarian tourism. Last year Bulgaria was visited by over 650,000 Russian tourists, which represents 9% of the total inbound tourist flow. Over 300,000 Russians already possess real estates in Bulgaria. All this is a precondition for increasing the tourist flow and for maximum utilization of the potential of our bilateral relations. This is what Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova stated at the opening of the roundtable “Prospects for the development of Bulgarian-Russian relations in the field of tourism. Specific opportunities to enhance the interest of Russian tourists to Bulgaria”.Minister Angelkova announced that the conference sets the beginning of a series of discussions on leading markets for Bulgarian tourism. The fact that this series opens with a meeting with our Russian partners underscores the importance of the Russian market for the sector. “Summer'2015 was a complicated season for our mutual tourist flow, but despite all difficulties, the results proved much better than the initial forecasts and in some places local businesses even recorded gains. This is especially true for 4 and 5 star hotels. For the period June to September 2015 the number of foreigners who have stayed in our high category hotels is over 1.2 million, which is almost 10% increase, while the revenues from their stay has seen 12% growth against the same period of 2014”, stressed the Minister.In this context, she added, in terms of number of tourists this year Russia ranks fourth among our generating foreign markets. This summer Russian tourists in Bulgaria amounted to around 400,000 which represents 10% of the total tourist flow.Minister Angelkova drew attention to the partner contacts with Russian regions. “We want to reveal to them the diversity of our country and to strengthen the mutual contacts through competitive bids for other types of tourism beyond the traditional sea and winter holidays”, she said, adding that since the beginning of the year an independent representation of Bulgaria with a tourist portfolio has opened in Moscow. It was awarded the status of an associate member of the Association of Tour Operators in Russia (ATOR), which is a high attestation of its work. This has placed on an entirely different basis the relations between our two countries in the field of tourism.Thanks to the joint efforts of the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bulgaria has eased the procedures for issuing visas to Russian citizens, the Ministry of Tourism having allocated over BGN 330 thousand from its budget to provide for the processing and issuance of documents prior to and during the summer season, Minister Angelkova explained in the remarks.She recommended to encourage bilateral business efforts to enhance tourist flows in the wings of the seasons and to expand the charter program. “At present we are actively preparing ourselves for Winter’2015 and in parallel are launching massive advertising activities for Summer’2016. Fortunately, Bulgaria continues to be among the destinations sought by Russian tourists”, said Minister Angelkova. Historical and cultural tourism and strategic partnership with major international tour operators and low cost airlines are among the highlights in the promotional and marketing activities of the Ministry for 2016. Promoting Bulgaria among Russian tourists as a year-round destination is aimed at Russian children's camps programs in the country, intensification of pilgrimage, development of contacts between high schools and universities.The meeting was attended by Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva, who made a detailed presentation on the Bulgarian-Russian relations in tourism and the profile of the Russian tourist. The Consul General of the Russian Federation in Varna Sergey Lukanchuk focuses on the need to continue onerous tourist visa issuance policy and expressed hope that as of next season charter flights to Bulgaria will be opened from Kaliningrad too. The Executive Director of the Ural Tourism Association Mikhail Maltsev expressed satisfaction with the restoration of the Bulgarian Consulate General in Yekaterinburg. Through its activities, increase in flights to Bulgaria and development of perennial joint products, the tourist flow from the Ural region to Bulgaria can be increased by 25-30%, he predicted.The forum involved representatives from nearly 100 governments, organizations and companies specialized in tourism from both countries. Statements were also made by the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policy Zornitsa Rusinova, by Natalia Larionova, member of the leadership of the Russian Union of Tourist Industry, by Nina Lesina from the Union of Journalists in Russia, by representatives of the Bulgarian ministries of foreign affairs and transport, tour operators, hoteliers, etc.
Bulgaria participates in one of the most important exhibitions for business and congress tourism, held in Barcelona, Spain
The Ministry of Tourism opened today Bulgaria’s information stand at the international tourism exhibition IBTM ‘2015 in Barcelona, Spain.The Global Incentive and Business Travel and Meetings Exhibition with Conferences Exchange is one of the most significant events in the field of congress tourism; it takes place from 17 November to 19 November 2015. It is specialized for professionals in business travel and congress tourism, as well as organizers of conferences and other public forums.On an area of 55 m2, Bulgaria presents itself as a destination for business events and business travel. This year two specialized travel companies participate in the Bulgarian stand and currently requests for meetings with our exhibitors have been received from more than 100 participants in the exchange, and media representatives.IBTM provides an excellent chance for the presentation of different cities and areas offering opportunities for event tourism. The programme includes many B2B meetings between managers of travel companies, and a variety of thematic workshops and presentations. The exhibition has been held since 1988, and this year it includes nearly 16 thousand participants.Spain is a promising tourism market for Bulgaria. In the period January-September 2015 our country was visited by over 47 thousand Spanish tourists. Of these, nearly 20 thousand stayed in the country for holidays and vacations, which is nearly a 27% increase compared to the same period of 2014. The Spanish guests are mainly interested in the cultural and historical sites.
Bulgaria participates in the largest Asian exhibition CITM
Bulgaria participates with a stand of over 40 square meters in the largest international tourist exhibition for professionals in Asia – China International Travel Mart (CITM) 2015, held in the city of Kunming, China, from 13 to 15 November. At the Bulgarian stand, the Ministry of Tourism presents both the opportunities for mass tourism and its specialized forms that have been developed by our country.Eco, SPA, gourmet and cultural tourism and the organized tours to the Valley of Roses are of particular interest to Chinese tourists. This year, within the CITM, Bulgaria participates in parallel in the general stand of the Tourist Coordination Centre, which is part of the medium-term programme for cooperation between China and the CEE countries (16+1). On November 14 (Saturday) Bulgaria will be among the countries that will be promoted as a preferred tourist destination at the Coordination Centre stand. Special focus will be put on the cities of Sofia and Plovdiv (elected Cultural Capital of Europe for 2019), as well as on traditional Bulgarian products such as yogurt and rose oil.China is an important rapid-growth market, and in 2014 the number of tourists from that country was almost 14,000 which is an increase of 31% compared to 2013. In the first eight months of 2015, Chinese tourists in Bulgaria were nearly 13% more than in the same period last year, or over 10 500 people.Our country has already signed a Memorandum of Understanding with China in the field of tourism. In April this year, Bulgaria signed a Protocol of Intentions with Romania on cooperation in the tourism sector by virtue of which a Bulgarian-Romanian Information Centre is due to open in Shanghai. In the newly opened tourist office, joint routes and tourism products in the Balkans, which represent a growing interest to Chinese users, will be promoted.The 17th edition of the CITM is held at the new exhibition centre Dianchi International Convention & Exhibition Centre. On an area of nearly 60 thousand square meters over 2400 stands from more than 100 countries are located.
Bulgaria exhibited at the Philoxenia International Tourism Exhibition in Thessaloniki
Our country participated with its own information stand at the Philoxenia International Tourism Exhibition, held in Thessaloniki, Greece, from 12 to 15 November.The Ministry of Tourism and another 8 co-exhibitors, including travel companies, municipal administrations and industry associations exhibited on an area of nearly 50 square meters opportunities for mass and specialized tourism in Bulgaria.Last year it was Greece that occupied the top position in number of foreign tourists in Bulgaria. Over 1 million were the guests from our southern neighbour in 2014, more than 10% was the growth compared to 2013.Philoxenia is organised for the 31st time and is addressed both to the general public and to the professionals in the sector. Last year the number of exhibitors exceeded 230, and the visitors were more than 15 000, an increase of 15% compared to 2013.
Deputy Minister Georgieva participated in the opening of the Bulgarian stand at one of the biggest Romanian exhibitions – the Tourism Fair of Romania
Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva participated in the opening of one of the most important exhibitions in Romania, the Romanian Tourism Fair (TTR), held in Bucharest from 12 to 15 November.Bulgaria participated in the 34th autumn edition of the TTR with an information stand of over 80 square meters, where together with the Ministry of Tourism another 16 exhibitors – travel agencies, municipal administrations and industry associations presented their products.Romania is one of our main target markets and in 2014 ranked second after Greece in number of foreign tourists who preferred Bulgaria for their holidays – nearly 1 million Romanians visited Bulgaria during this period, which was an increase of 6% compared to 2013.The TTR-Bucharest is addressed both to the general public and to professionals in the sector, and in 2014 the number of exhibitors was over 240.
Past year accomplishments in tourist sector and priorities for 2016 presented by Minister Angelkova before 30 Ambassadors and a total of 50 Diplomatic Corps members
Secondary legislative framework for sector functioning in place with 12 regulations drafted, 5 already in force; amendments to Tourism Act and Black Sea Coast Spatial Development Act finalized; approach to country promotion completely changed; first online tourist attractions registry introduced; eight new cultural and historical destinations developed, encompassing the entire country; tourist regions established to improve marketing activities; participation in 35 international and 5 national tourism fairs; work on three projects with European funding totaling some BGN 17 million. These are but a few of the activities the Ministry of Tourism has completed during its first year of existence. The institution's performance was presented earlier today by Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova at a working breakfast attended by more than 30 ambassadors and a total of over 50 representatives of the Diplomatic Corps in Bulgaria.“That has been a difficult first year, because to establish a new institution and endeavor to meet everyone’s expectations for us is more than a challenge”, said Minister Angelkova. She stressed the importance of the fact that for the first time the Government has placed development of tourism high on its priorities by deciding to set up a dedicated ministry in charge of the sector. “That has motivated us to quickly show results, though some of the problems in the sector have been accumulated in the course of decades”, she underlined. When the Ministry of Tourism was established none of the 12 regulations provided for by the Tourism Act and needed for the sector functioning had been adopted or prеpared. “This has entailed serious problems and gaps in the work of both sector and institutions. Our top priority was the entry into force of the Regulation on categorization of places for accommodation and catering, as it sets out most of the rules for sector operation”, said Nikolina Angelkova. The regulations on the safety of ski runs and ski patrols, on the activities of huts, on the single tourist information system and on the activities of tourist information centers are also a fact. The rest are either in process of finalization or at various stages of interdepartmental coordination. Amendments to the Tourism Act have been drafted in parallel, aimed to provide for strengthening of Ministry’s control functions by setting up a tourism inspectorate to it, by consolidating branch associations in several national representative organizations, etc.“The first phase in reforming beach management, renting and concessioning is coming to a close. Draft amendments have been prepared to the Black Sea Coast Spatial Development Act, providing for transfer of beach management to the Ministry of Tourism at the end of current year. In parallel to that we are working on the second phase of reform that will enable us to change as of next year the mode of management of Black Sea beaches, our aim being to encourage the lease of more beach services that will improve the quality of tourist service and reduce its cost. Our plan is to divide beaches by functionality into four groups and four subgroups thereunder”, said Minister Angelkova.“Over the past year we have completely changed the way of promoting out country in the world. For the first time the National Promotion Program was adopted almost six months prior to the onset of its implementation and we have focused on our target markets undertaking strategic steps in this regard”, said Nikolina Angelkova. As a result of the talks held with the Chairman of the Association of French Tour Operators, next summer Thomas Cook France will open a charter line to Burgas. Preliminary talks have been held with the management of TUI, based on which for the summer of 2016 we expect a 35% increase in charter flights from countries where TUI-Central Europe operates (Germany, Austria, Poland and Switzerland), as well as from UK, Netherlands, Belgium and Scandinavian markets. Soon to be launched is a series of roundtables on all major generating markets, the first being with Russia. “Over the past year we have not only managed to ensure continuity of Bulgaria's participation in all major tourism fairs, despite limited resources and lack of prior preparation, but have also succeeded in imposing a single vision of our shelves”, said Minister Angelkova.“Each country has something to show, but in order to stand out in such a diverse world one must be innovative. Hence, in our promotional strategy we have put all the stakes on personal touch. One of our new marketing products is a trailer featuring some of the biggest Hollywood stars sharing their experience of Bulgaria”, the Minister added. In her words, the very fact that within only a few days the trailer reached over 2.5 million people on the Internet and that the Bulgarian spot was the only one shown before more than 50 ministers and deputy ministers from around the world at the largest tourism fair - WTM London, is indicative of being on the right track. “Future lies with digital marketing and in 2016 we are planning to heavily stake on it by organizing expedient tours for journalists and unfolding strategic partnership with low cost airlines and major tour operators”, summed up Minister Angelkova.“A major problem in the sector and one we have been tackling from day one, is the status of national resorts. We have set up a working group with representatives of the sector and I believe we have found a compromise and workable solutions for their operation”, Minister of Tourism explained. One of the problems requiring long-term measures is the adequate staffing of the sector. With a view of addressing this issue a Council of Ministers Decree is being prepared to provide for the establishment of a Tourism Personnel Board, which will be composed of representatives of various stakeholder institutions and organizations. “Another challenge is the share of shadow economy in the tourist sector, which hinders the sector development. We have joined CEIBG & CITUB’s “Business at a daylight for a better future” campaign and have stepped up work on the establishment of a single tourist information system. Our goal is to be able in real-time to exchange on secure channels information between the institutions involved and hotel reservation systems”, the Minister went on to explain.“We are actively pursuing a roadmap elaboration for the sector development; we have stepped up work on joint tourist products with neighboring countries – thus for example, Bulgaria has hosted an international forum on development of tourism in the Danube region, with the participation of the World Tourism Organization and the European Commission; we have prepared an investment map of the country; we have finalized the regionalization of Bulgaria… to mention just a few of our activities“, reported Nikolina Angelkova.
35% increase of TUI-Central Europe charter flights and a double increase of incoming tourists from that market are expected
Charter flights from countries where TUI-Central Europe operates including Germany, Austria, Poland, Switzerland are expected to increase in the summer of 2016. The announcement was made during a meetings of the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova with the management of one of the world’s biggest tour operators. The Minister held talks with Oliver  Doerschuck, CEO of TUI-Germany, Florian Fleischer director “Production and sales”, Elke Janssen,  referent “Quality support management” and Seam Harteneck „Hotel concepts“ referent.Statistical data by the tour operator indicates that tourists from these markets will double in the upcoming summer season – an increase from 80 000 to 130 000 is expected. Preliminary talks are also held with the TUI Group Great Britain, the Netherlands, Belgium and the Scandinavian countries where an increase of flights is also expected. „It is crucial for us to be in constant contact with the big tour operators. I have held a number of meetings with the tourist branch industry and they are all preparing for the 2016 summer season and will be offering special packages at competitive prices”, said Minister Angelkova. She stressed that the state administration is also actively engaged in the preparations for the 2016 season – a key factor in the country’s marketing strategy for next year will be working in partnership with the big tour operators.The TUI management noted that it expects the Bulgarian business to focus on increasing the quality of the tourist product mostly in the food and public services sectors.  They also said that Bulgaria boasts very good tourist facilities, which gives it a competitive edge on the world tourist market. Minister Angelkova  informed that actions have already been taken to overcome one of the major issues in the sector related to improving personnel qualifications; an interministerial council will also be created  which will offer concrete solutions in that respect. The Ministry of Tourism is in constant contact with the Consumer Protection Commission and will push for legislative changes which will increase the Ministry’s control functions and thus help increase the quality of the tourist product. „The general trend is for a drop in the malpractices in the tourist industry which shows an overriding desire to offer quality tourist services”, stressed Nikolina Angelkova.
Minister Angelkova takes part in the opening of Eighth Black Sea Tourism Forum in Varna
Bulgaria ranks 21st in the world in competitiveness of cultural resources, according to the international charts. This is what Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova said in Varna at the opening of the Eighth Black Sea Tourism Forum-Exhibition, held this year under the motto “Regional cultural-historical products of Bulgaria - united in diversity”. The event coincides with the 50th anniversary of “Economics and Organization of Tourism” Department of the University of Economics - Varna.We are third in Europe by number of archaeological sites and artefacts, totaling over 40 thousand. Building on this premise we can definitely improve our ranking as a year-round tourist destination, said Nikolina Angelkova. She also added that the country has a plentiful material and spiritual heritage dating from 7 different epochs with 11 sites inscribed on the UNESCO lists. Cultural tourism in Bulgaria accounts for 11% of all tourist products. Surveys have shown that 80% of all travelers to the country tend to visit our cultural attractions. Over 6 million people visit annually our museums, more than half being foreign nationals, Minister Angelkova said.She stressed that cultural and historical tourism is quite rightly a leading focus in the marketing and promotion policy of the country, both for the current and next year. Similar are the international trends: according to World Tourism Organization forecasts, by 2020 cultural tourism will be the sole leading form of tourism worldwide. Nearly 60% of foreign tourists indicate cultural heritage as a reason to travel, Europe being a key destination for them.Further Minister Angelkova highlighted the importance of Black Sea region for the sustainable tourism development in Bulgaria and its firm establishment as a recognizable four-season tourist destination. According to her, this year’s summer season has been all but easy, yet the gloomiest preliminary estimates have not been confirmed. “Having drawn the bottom-line, we have immediately launched active work for the summer of 2016 in parallel to preparation for the approaching winter vacation. We strongly rely on the Bulgarian Black Sea region for development of competitive tourism that combines summer recreation and opportunities to explore country’s cultural and historical wealth”,  the Minister went on to say.The opening of the forum was also attended by the reelected Mayor of Varna Ivan Portnih, the Acting Mayor Peycho Peychev, the Chairman of Varna Tourism Chamber Zhelyu Dushev, by Prof. Dr. Plamen Iliev, Rector of the University of Economics - Varna, Prof. Dr. Tanya Filipova, Head of “Economics and Organization of Tourism” Department at UEV, etc.
CNN’s Richard Quest presents at WTM-London the clip of Bulgaria that showcases Ministry’s new approach to promoting the country
The 30-second spot with Hollywood stars was the only one shown and discussed in the framework of the Ministerial Meeting.The promotional clip of Bulgaria, featuring such Hollywood stars as Sylvester Stallone, Salma Hayek, Antonio Banderas and Adrien Brody, was the only one screened during the ministerial meeting organized by the World Tourism Organization (WTO) in the framework of the largest tourism fair in the world, the World Travel Market (WTM) in London. The 30-second video was presented to over 50 ministers and world leaders in the tourism sector who participated in a discussion moderated by one of the biggest names in world journalism – CNN’s anchor Richard Quest. Among the main topics of the Ministerial were the development and imposition of a tourist brand, the relationship between regional and national brands, the role of social media and creative industries in marketing, the crisis and reputation management, etc.The Bulgarian video was the only spot shown and discussed in the framework of the event. “This video reveals an entirely new approach to the promotion of our country that enables us to stand out. We present not only the beauty of Bulgaria, but also the personal attitudes of international celebrities to our country. By becoming our ambassadors, all their fans will be motivated to visit Bulgaria, the country Hollywood stars are talking about, and will discover us as a tourist destination”, said Minister Angelkova, who was among the first to take the floor in the discussion.To the question of Richard Quest whether it is valuable to have world celebrities promote you if you have to pay them for that, Nikolina Angelkova replied that “the most valuable is to have prominent figures share their experiences of Bulgaria at no cost for our country”. She explained that the video was produced in partnership with a leading film studio and the broadcasting rights were granted to the Bulgarian state free of charge. According to her, it is namely the personal impressions of the Hollywood actors that is most attractive to the audience. “The results we have in the social media indicate that we are on the right track - only within the first few days of its distribution the video has reached more than 2.5 million people through Facebook”, Minister Angelkova said.The Ministerial was opened by WTO Secretary General Taleb Rifai. He congratulated the participants in the discussion and emphasized that this is the fifth consecutive year of growth in the tourism sector. It is expected that in 2015 it will reach 5%, with around 4 million people crossing daily national borders for the purpose of tourism.Bulgaria is featured at WTM - London that will continue until November 5 with a national booth deployed on some 300 sq. meters, where 26 tourist companies and municipal administrations are presented. The by-program includes demonstrations of traditional crafts, national folk performances and tasting of Bulgarian wines. This is the biggest tourist exchange for professionals and the second most prestigious tourism fair in the world after ITB - Berlin.
Minister Angelkova takes part in the opening of the Eighth Conference of Danube Cities and Regions
The Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria Nikolina Angelkova joined the work of the Fourth Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. In the framework of the forum, she participated in the opening of the Eighth Conference of the Danube Cities and Regions and met with European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Kretsu.“The Council of Danube Cities and Regions has established itself as a successful platform for cooperation, with areas of interaction on the increase. It contributes to the development of a strong, economically and culturally connected Danube Region”, Minister Angelkova said at the opening of the conference. In her words, an enormous potential for cooperation exists in the areas of tourism and culture, which are closely interrelated. According to analyzes conducted by the World Tourism Organization, in 2020 cultural tourism will be leading internationally. “I am confident that cooperation between local, regional and national authorities can contribute significantly to improving the competitiveness of the entire region”, she added."Tourism is the main pillar of the Danube region economies. Statistics shows that last year they were visited by more than 120 million tourists and revenues from this activity amounted to over 70 billion euro”, Minister Angelkova stressed. While tourist flows change, Europe is becoming a major destination for tourists from Asia. They are looking for opportunities to travel and stay on the continent within weeks and even months. “In this context, the countries of the region can be more competitive if we join efforts and offer joint tourism products. Therefore it is very important to work for the establishment and enforcement of a common brand Danube”, Nikolina Angelkova said.The conference was organized at the initiative of the European Commission and the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg and is held on 29 and 30 October 2015 in Ulm, Germany. Among the participants are representatives of European institutions, ministers, MPs, experts from the Danube countries, etc.
Bulgaria among top 6 of the most popular ski destinations in Europe
According to a survey, conducted by a consultancy with the European Travel Commission, Bulgaria is among the top 6 of the most popular European destinations for winter tourism. This is what Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova said at a sitting of the Committee on Economic Policy and Tourism of the National Assembly. The discussion was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Commission for Consumer Protection, professional tourist associations, etc.“We have held meetings on the ground in our three major ski resorts - Bansko, Pamporovo and Borovets, that have confirmed the preparedness of business and supervising authorities for the new season”, said Nikolina Angelkova. In her words, the findings in the reports on the previous season evidence that distortions of business are on the decrease, which is a proof of enhanced efforts to offer quality tourist product.The Minister also informed that the ski resorts have expressed readiness to meet the requirements of the new Regulation on information security and safeguarding of ski runs and ski areas and on organization of work of ski patrols. Figures provided during the discussion show that revenues from last year's winter season amount to nearly BGN 1 billion and that the country was visited by over 1.2 million tourists. “I hope that the coming winter season will be even more successful”, Nikolina Angelkova said.On their behalf, representatives of the winter resorts reported a strong interest, specifying that Borovets alone has so far marked a 20% increase from the UK market. Nikolina Angelkova highlighted the ongoing work for strengthening the country’s promotion and presence on the international tourist market. Strategic partnership is under preparation with some of the biggest tour operators and low cost airlines.
Minister Angelkova takes part in open discussion with students from the American University
Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova was a special guest of the open discussion “Challenges and opportunities for women in governance” held at the American University in Blagoevgrad on Monday, 19 October 2015. The initiative is part of the “Women2Women” series of discussions organized by the Women & Gender Resources Center of the American University and aims to encourage the graduates of the prestigious university to be active participants in the positive change of public attitudes and governance practices.During the event, Minister Angelkova shared her personal experience as a woman occupying a leading position in the political governance of the country. She spoke of the good examples of women whose personal story is a turnaround from the traditional notions of women's ability to shape innovative and effective policies.The open discussion was attended by more than 50 American University students in political science, ecology and marketing in tourism.
Minister Angelkova: Rules on the activity of mountain guides introduced
Uniform qualification requirements and procedures for exercising the activity of mountain guides are introduced for the first time in Bulgaria. These rules are governed by a regulation published earlier today on the website of the Ministry of Tourism for public discussion, Minister Nikolina Angelkova informed at “The Mountains of Bulgaria: Four-Season Hospitality” tourism fair in Pamporovo.“Most likely uninteresting to the public at large, the topic of mountain guides is substantial in view of the growing number of mountain accidents evidencing how important is for everyone practicing sports or tourism in the mountains to take a responsible attitude”, said Minister Angelkova. In recent years there have been many situations where people have suffered serious accidents in the mountains because of overestimating their own abilities. ”Therefore, setting out the basic rules for practicing this activity is of particular importance and I hope that a growing number of people will seek the services of mountain guides”, added Nikolina Angelkova.The new ordinance provides for arrangements and uniform requirements that everyone practicing this activity has to comply with. All certified mountain guides will be entered in the National Tourism Register; thus the information will be publicly accessible on the website of the Ministry of Tourism. A number of meetings have been held with the industry to discuss the text of the new regulation and many of the tabled ideas have been taken into account.Minister Angelkova highlighted the positive results of the last winter season. “We have recorded more than 8% increase of foreign tourists in Bulgaria and almost 5% higher revenues from international tourism”, she said. Nikolina Angelkova recalled that thanks to simplified visa procedures the arrivals of Turkish tourists have soared by nearly 30% during the 2014/2015 winter season. Increase has been recorded from other markets as well - UK 15%, Germany 11%, Israel 26%, Macedonia and Serbia 9% each, Greece 6%, etc.Furthermore, Eurobarometer data cited by the Minister indicates serious interest by Bulgarian nationals to active recreation in domestic mountain resorts. 33% of Bulgarians state “visit to the mountains” or “outdoor walk in nature” as a main purpose of their vacation and most of them organize it within three nights on average. In terms of winter tourists, a positive indication is the fact that 75% of Bulgarians have opted for spending their holidays in their native country.Minister of Tourism announced that preparations for the new winter season have already begun and the first meeting with supervisory authorities, the industry and local authorities will be held today to verify the level of their preparedness. The expectations for the season are to be at least as good as the previous one. “It is too early to make any specific statistical forecasts, but the initial expectations are that there will be interest from the Balkan countries, mainly Turkey, Greece, Macedonia and Serbia as well as from Israel, Moldova and the Netherlands. We also hope to maintain the good level of British travelers”, the Minister said. For the upcoming season the Ministry will rely on digital marketing; the industry in turn has discussed incentives to encourage domestic winter tourism such as student discounts, free training, etc. Effective in the 2015/2016 winter season will be the regulations on information security and safeguarding of ski runs and ski patrols and on the requirements for mountain huts.Minister of Tourism also drew attention to the consistent policy of the Smolyan region for development of year-round tourism. As per data of “Pamporovo” AD, for the last winter season the resort has had a leading position in the domestic market with 68% share of Bulgarians and 9% increase in total visits. “A positive indication is the fact that for many Bulgarians the area has been a favorite place for recreation also during the summer months and that in July this year the tourists registered in places of accommodation in Smolyan region are 54% more as compared to the same period of last year”, Minister Angelkova said.The organizers of the fair handed to Minister Nikolina Angelkova their official position on the new video promotion of the country granted to the Ministry of Tourism by Nu Boyana Film Studios. The opinion note says that the promotional clip of Bulgaria featuring world cinema stars like Sylvester Stallone, Salma Hayek, Adrien Brody and Antonio Banderas is a very good opportunity to promote Bulgaria and requests the video to be provided for show at various promotional initiatives and through appropriate channels.“The Mountains of Bulgaria: Four-Season Hospitality” fair in Pamporovo (14-17 October) is among the important national tourist exchanges. Participants in its 12th edition are Bulgarian municipalities, districts and tourist associations along with representatives of other Balkan countries. During the four-day fair they will discuss topical issues of mountain tourism, as well as cooperation opportunities for year-round delivery of tourist services in the region.
Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva discussed the preparedness for the winter season at a working meeting in Borovets
Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva participated in a meeting in Borovets with representatives of the local authorities, the supervisory bodies and the tourism industry to discuss the preparedness of the resort for the upcoming winter season. The regional plan for protection against disasters and incidents to ensure the safety of tourists and their smooth vacation was also discussed.“We start checking for compliance with the new ordinances on information security and the safeguarding of ski slopes and tourist huts, which are already in force”, said Irena Georgieva. She added that the Ministry had already briefed the municipalities on the actual changes in the marketing strategy of the Ministry for the new season. The Deputy Minister noted that the previous winter season was successful with about 8% growth in the number of foreign tourists and expressed her readiness to fully cooperate with the business to achieve even better results.The next meeting of the regional headquarters will be held in November, when progress in solving the problems already identified in the sector will be verified.Borovets is one of the most popular winter destinations both for Bulgarians and foreigners. In the period December 2014 – March 2015, in the resort, about 86 thousand overnight stays were realised by Bulgarians, which is an increase of over 11% compared to the previous year. In the last season, Borovets was the second best of our three major ski resorts in terms of the total number of overnight stays – over 241 thousand overnight stays. In Borovets ski area, there are 24 ski slopes with a length of over 58 km, cross-country skiing trails, biathlon facilities, facilities for night skiing, and a winter children’s park.
Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Antonio Banderas and Adrien Brody are headliners in the new promotional clip for Bulgaria
“Bulgaria is the place to be!“, says Sylvester Stallone in the country’s new promotional video.  He and five other world celebrities are the headliners in the clip who do not only promote our country but also showcase their own personal attitude to Bulgaria as a must-see and experience place. These celebrities willingly use their popularity to tell the world about their experience of Bulgaria and to invite fans to come and visit. The video premiered on Sunday (11th October) and was officially presented by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova. The video has two versions - the 2-minute one promotes the cinema industry and the ample available possibilities for film producers while the 30-second clip is targeted at the wider public and promotes the country in general.The actors Salma Hayek, Antonio Banderas, Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Adrien Brody, Shohreh Aghdashloo as well as director Tom Kirk and producers Alan Seigel  and Les Weldon are all featured in the short promotional film.“We’ve been working on this video for about 10 months and I can safely say that this is one of the best examples of a public-private partnership. The video has been produced by Nu Boyana Film Studios which provided the footage for the promotional clip. No state funds have been invested in it. “This clip showcases a change in the way we want our country to be perceived and promoted abroad”, stressed Minister Angelkova.. The Minister and the CEO of the film studios Yariv Lerner signed a partnership agreement which arranges the transference of the full copyrights for the video to the Ministry of Tourism so that it could be used pro bono for the promotion of the country as a tourist destination.“The video also highlights the close connection between the tourism and the cinema industries which would hopefully attract an even greater interest in Bulgaria”, noted Nikolina Angelkova. She explained that facts are quite telling – tourists in England have swelled by 50% after the screening of the Harry Potter sequence. Thailand has experienced an increase of youth tourists by about 22% after the release of The Beach with Leonardo DiCaprio while Croatia has turned into a cinema destination after the shooting of six consecutive seasons of Game of Thrones. “The cinema industry can help us overcome the seasonality of tourism”, added the Minister of Tourism.Yariv Lerner highlighted the importance of capitalizing on the fact that so many world film celebs choose Bulgaria for the location for their movies.  He explained that this puts the country in the center of the world’s attention and increases its popularity as a tourist destination.  He also noted that the cinema industry brings a great deal of indirect benefits to the state, including an increased number of hotel and restaurant guests, new job openings etc.“This is one of the reasons to set up a work group together with the Ministry of Economy which will create and develop stimuli for the development of the cinema industry”, added Minister Angelkova. She explained that together with all communication channels such as the Internet, TV, international tourist exhibits and others, the new video will also be broadcast during the special screenings in Los Angeles, USA of the Bulgarian Oscar nomination for a foreign language film “The Judgement” (“Sadilishteto”) . This will not only help further promote the Bulgarian Oscar nominee but it will also present to the world film elite the great opportunities for the cinema industry that Bulgaria has to offer.
Irena Georgieva attended the signing of the tripartite agreement for the settlement of music rights in the tourist and commercial sites in the country
Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva attended the signing of a tripartite agreement between the Musicautor, Prophon and the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association (BHRA) on the settlement of the rights on the music, which sounds in the tourist and commercial sites. “Today’s event reproduces the best practices in the EU. The agreement between the business and the BHRA is a critical step for making the sector step out of the shadow and a way to ensure compliance with the Law on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights”, said Deputy Minister Georgieva.According to the Chairman of the BHRA, Blagoy Ragin, the tripartite agreement offers better conditions for the business and builds on the results of a pilot project which has been carried out in the past five years in this direction. “By introducing lower tariffs for the use of musical products on the territory of tourist and commercial sites, compliance with the law will be promoted and higher fee collection will be ensured”, he explained.With the signing of the new tripartite agreement, in the next five years the owners of restaurants and shops will pay up to 25% less for using music. The new tariff will come into force on 1 January 2016, after being approved by the Ministry of Culture. According to the Executive Director of Musicautor, Ivan Dimitrov, the agreement which offers very favourable conditions for the businesses, aims to reduce the shadow sector, which covers nearly 85% of the market in Bulgaria. “Only 10-15% of the restaurants and outlets in the country pay for music, and last year’s revenues from copyrights are the lowest in Europe and in the Balkans as well”, said Dimitrov.For a higher degree of user convenience, Musicautor and Prophon will provide services based on the principle of one-stop-shop. The Associations are building a web platform for submitting online applications, thus enabling users to send only one application for the signing of the contracts.
Minister Angelkova and Commissioner Kretsu agree to organize a joint conference on tourism development in the Danube region
Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova met in Brussels with the European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Kretsu. The two agreed to organize the next year a joint conference of the Danube countries to discuss the opportunities for tourism development in the region and the sector partnership under the Danube Strategy.“Tourism is the main pillar of Danube region economies, which last year were visited by over 120 million tourists generating an income of over 70 billion Euros. This is the fundament upon which we could develop cooperation and encourage interaction under the Danube Strategy”, said Minister Angelkova. She recalled that earlier this year the Ministry of Tourism has hosted a meeting of the Danube countries under the motto “Sustainable tourism through cooperation with European funds and investments”, which has shown great prospects and identified concrete steps for the development of joint products and other forms of coordination. “The organization and conduct of a conference with the European Commission will carry on in 2016 the results achieved and ensure sustainability of commitments”, underscored the Bulgarian minister.Within her two-day visit to the European capital Minister Angelkova held talks with the President of the European Travel Commission (ETC) Peter De Wilde, the Director General of DG “Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs” Lowry Evans, the Director-General of DG “Environment” Daniel Kaye  and others. Discussed at the meetings were the opportunities for deepening the dialogue and for even more effective communication within the European Union in the field of tourism. The European Travel Commission stressed that the establishment of Ministry of Tourism is a clear indication of the important role the sector plays in the development of Bulgarian economy and expressed their desire for closer cooperation between the organization and our country.
Bulgaria is featured with variety of tourist products at the "International French Travel Market Top Resa 2015"
Bulgaria is featured with a stand at the international tourist exhibition "International French Travel Market Top Resa 2015 " (IFTM). The stand is organized by the Ministry of Tourism and its area is 60 m2. Bulgaria has thus ticked off its 11th participation at the exhibit. The fair will take place from 29th September till 2nd October in Paris. The opening of the expo was attended by His Excellency the Bulgarian Ambassador in France Angel Cholakov.Along with promotional materials for cultural, eco-, religious, winter and summer tourism and overall image advertising, Bulgaria’s stand also offers daily animation and tasting of traditional Bulgarian wines. This year’s participants include the municipalities of Nessebar, Byala and Dolni Chiflik.  These municipalities showcase a joint project for an innovative marketing approach in the development of regional tourist products under the Operational Program "Regional Development". Tour perators and hoteliers are aslo featured at the Bulgarian stand.France is one of the Bulgaria’s generating markets. For the 2015 summer season alone over 81 000 French tourists have visited the country  At the Top Resa 2015 package services for tourists aged 55+ have attracted the most interest as well as in possibilities for cultural, spa and adventure tourism in Bulgaria. Many French Tour operators see Bulgaria as a good place for summer tourism and as a suitable alternative to some traditional French tourist destinations.Top Resa  is one of the most significant events for the tourism industry in Paris and is among the largest exhibitions for professionals in Europe. The topic of the 37th edition of IFTM is the use of innovation and new business approaches in the tourism sector. The participants this year exceed 1500 with more than 40 different activities scheduled during the fair including conferences, round tables , workshops and training sessions . Top Resa last year’s edition was attended by over 30 000 visitors.
Bulgaria’s promotional clips hit nearly 190 million views on four pan-European TV channels
In the period between March and May 2015, the promotional clips of Bulgaria were broadcast 673 times by the four pan-European TV channels (Eurosport, Discovery Channel, Euronews and National Geographic Channel), reaching nearly 190 million views. This is said in the interim report of the implementation team of the project funded under Operational Program “Regional Development” 2007-2013, unveiled earlier today.The campaign is carried out in three waves of promotional clips broadcast, each wave lasting about eight weeks with an average of three daily broadcasts. Two waves have already been completed and the third is to be run by the end of November. The videos broadcast on the four television channels last 30 seconds and have two versions each - an image-spot and a video focused on cultural tourism. They are in German, French, English, Russian, Spanish and Bulgarian language. The videos are broadcast in prime time and in the evening and morning broadcasts. “One of the outcomes of the promotion campaign is that our country was ranked first among the most popular destinations for tourism in Europe by the viewers of Discovery Channel”, stressed Ani Haralambieva, Project Manager at the Ministry of Tourism.TV crew visits were agreed as a bonus under the signed contracts for filming, production and broadcast of televised reports as part of the year-round campaign conducted by the Ministry. A team of Euronews visited our country at the end of August to shoot a reportage on Apolonia Art Festival in Sozopol. The Eurosport team filmed five stories (Sport Trips) on the opportunities to practice different sports in the country. As a bonus aimed to diversify the marketing mix, static and pre-roll banners were agreed on the official portals of the TV channels. National Geographic are working on the production of a clip with thematic focus on the natural attractions of our country, to be broadcast within the framework of the campaign.The broadcasting of image spots for Bulgaria is financed under the project “Conducting a year-round promotion campaign of Bulgaria on leading pan-European TV channels”. The total project value is about 3 million Euros funded under “Regional Development” OP. The project implementation has been delayed over the years, however at the beginning of this calendar year the team of the Ministry of Tourism expedited all necessary procedures in order to complete the project and prevent loss of European funding. In practical terms, the four pan-European media cover almost the entire territory of Europe, along with countries of the Middle East, Africa and Asia.The coverage of Eurosport is 15 million viewers per day in 54 countries. Euronews is broadcast in 156 countries and reaches 419 million households through cable and digital platforms. Discovery Channel covers up to 97 million households in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. National Geographic Channel has an audience of 458 million households in 173 countries worldwide. According to studies and analyzes, it is namely the European countries that are among the main target and generating markets for Bulgarian tourism.
Minister Angelkova opened an exhibition at the World Tourism Day
More than a million tourists are expected to see the exhibition “Bulgaria: An Attractive Tourist Destination”. The exposition was opened by Minister Angelkova at Sofia Airport at the World Tourism Day.“This year the exhibit’s motto is ‘Billion tourists, billion opportunities’. And the statement is based on real-life facts. Over a billion tourists travel around the world and 52% of them choose Europe as their final destination. Bulgaria can and should take advantage of this tourist flow”, said Minister Angelkova. According to her we should have an active and continuous position in synch with that of WTO. “The fact that at this year’s General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization in Colombia Bulgaria was elected vice-president is a yet another opportunity to make our voice heard. Also, during the Assembly we received support from Russia and China to organize the first International conference on ancient civilizations” Tourism Minister said. She also stressed that tourism is an important industry which has remained a driver for economic growth even in a difficult international and economic situation. World Travel and Tourism Council’s data shows that in 2014 the total contribution to the global GDP of the tourism industry and its related sectors was nearly 10 % . The number of people employed in the sector exceeds 270 million people which makes for one in every 11 people worldwide are engaged in the tourism industry.Minister Angelkova congratulated all involved in the tourism sector for the hard work on advertising Bulgaria as a tourist destination.The World Tourism Day has been celebrated since 1980 and the exhibit “Bulgaria:  An Attractive Tourist Destination” was initiated in order to celebrate it. The exhibition features 30 photos by 23 different photographers from all around Bulgaria. The best five of them were awarded special prizes. The exhibit will also be showcased at the Burgas and Varna airports. Over 1 million people saw last year’s edition of the exhibit. Expectation are that this year the number of visitors will be the same.
Minister Angelkova opened the first Festival of the Bulgarian Yoghurt in Momchilovtsi
Minister Nikolina Angelkova opened the first Festival of the Bulgarian Yoghurt “Traditions of the Rodopi Region”. The ceremony was attended by the mayor of Smolyan Nikolai Melemov, the mayor of Momchilovtsi Mariya Nikova, the municipal governor Nedyalko Slavov and a delegation of thirty-seven members of the organizer of the even, the Chinese company "Bright Dairy", headed by the company’s CEO Dong Qin.“This festival is a great opportunity to showcase our assets to the world. And yoghurt is one of the unique Bulgarian products that we pride ourselves on”, said Minister Angelkova. “Our goal is to foster the development of tourist products that we promote through the newly adopted concept for the country’s regional division” she added. She noted that Smolyan is the heart of the Rodopi tourist region and a regional representative of the Ministry of Tourism will be appointed to monitor on location the relevant issues and the priorities for the development in the sector.The Chinese product impressed all the participants and the guests at the festival. Minister Angelkova noted that she plans to meet with the chair of the China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) and she will surely inform him about the successful Bulgarian-Chinese relationship in Momchilovtsi. “We already have signed an agreement for cooperation with China and similar initiatives can help increase the tourist flow in the future”, said Minister Angelkova. The Momchilovtsi municipality has created eco routes with signs in Chinese. This has proved to be a success as during the summer more than 350 Chinese tourist visited the region which is twice the number compared to last year.The Chinese company Bright Dairy has reported revenues of 200 million Chinese Yuan per year from the production of yoghurt named after the Bulgarian village of Momchilovtsi. The company is actively engaged in the promotion of our country as a tourist destination and is highly interested in any opportunities for investment in Bulgaria
Minister Angelkova: 3300 sites are featured in the first ever online Register of the Tourist Attractions
The first ever Online Register for Tourist Attractions in Bulgaria has been created and it highlights 3300 sites throughout the country, announced the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova. She stressed that all the information included in the Register has been submitted by separate municipalities and is subject to change as the data will be constantly updated.“Only 14 out of 265 municipalities have failed to provide information”, added the Minister. Another 15 have declared that there are no registered attractions on their territory. “This shows that more efforts must be made so that the municipalities come to recognize the tourist attractions as a resource for the development of tourism and become more active in their promotion and management”, said Minister Angelkova.The Register includes tourist attractions from all over the country, 1800 of them are state or public property and 930 have unspecified ownership. „There is still plenty to do in that respect and especially when it come to the unspecified ownership status of some of the sites”, Minister Angelkova added. This will be a stimulus for the municipalities to apply for EU funding under various operational programmes for the development of tourism infrastructure. Under priority Axis number 6 of Operational Programme “Regions for Growth” 2014-2020 municipalities can benefit of 100 million euro for tourist sites and cultural and natural heritage."During the trial period the Register will connect four municipalities and the 100 National Tourist Sites with Google, TripAdvisor and Wikipedia so that the users can quickly find any additional information about the attractions," said Minister Angelkova. There is also a link to the Register of Accommodation Places so that people could easily obtain information on the possibilities for accommodation within the municipality where the tourist attraction of their interest is located. The register will have several versions in foreign languages, though the headline foreign version will be the English one.The new online platform is based on cloud technology which is already used by a number of ministries and 230 municipalities. All data is included in the National Register of Tourist Attractions and will be updated regularly. Municipality members will attend a training seminar for working with the Register so that they could learn how to operate and upgrade it themselves.The cost for the creation of the Register amounts to 5000 leva and the contractor is “Orak Engineering” Ltd. The Online Register is available on: as well as on the Ministry’s website-
Minister Nikolina Angelkova opened the biggest Bulgarian-Indian Golf Tournament "Meeting of the Champions with Shiv Kapur"
Minister Nikolina Angelkova took part in the opening of the biggest Bulgarian-Indian Golf Tournament "Meeting of the Champions with Shiv Kapur".  The official opening was attended by H.E. the Ambassador of India in Bulgaria Rajesh Kumar Sachdeva, the governor of Dobrich Margarita Novoselska , the Vice President of the Bulgarian Golf Association Georgi Chuklev and others."Such initiatives attract international attention to Bulgaria. They bring together business representatives, tour operators, airline representatives and are a great opportunity for the promotion and recognition of our country as a golf destination" said Minister Angelkova during the official opening. She stated that golf tourism as well as other specialized types of tourism such as cultural and historical, wine, gourmet, etc. can promote our country as a year-round tourist destination, and today's event will strengthen the cooperation between Bulgaria and India.Nikolina Angelkova also added that India is a very large and promising market and is part of the Ministry’s long-term marketing strategy. "I hope that in five years’ time we will be able to establish ourselves on the Indian market. The fact that that in recent months some of the biggest movie stars of Bollywood came to Bulgaria and today we find ourselves among some of the best Indian professional golfers is indicative of the Indian interest in our country," said Minister Angelkova. She also stated that Bollywood celebrities Shahrukh Khan, Kajol and Ajay Devgan have not only appreciated the assets of our country, but have also become Bulgaria’s friends and informal ambassadors. "We are trying to increase the tourist flow from India. Right now we are focused on the development of golf tourism. I hope that Indian golfers will continue to come to Bulgaria and that by the end of this year their number will further increase, "said Minister Angelkova.The tournament’s guest of honour Shiv Kapur, dubbed also one of India’s best professional golfers, said he was pleased to visit the country and would love to promote Bulgaria to his compatriots. "Your country has a lot of potential. Bulgarian golf courses are world-class. I'll some back to train here for other big tournaments," he added."Each year 20 million Indians travel abroad and estimates are that by 2020 this number will reach 50 million people. In fact, we are one of the fastest growing tourist markets, and Bulgaria has real chances to increase significantly the number of Indian tourists, "said Ambassador Sachdeva. According to him the visit of some of the greatest Bollywood stars in Bulgaria is a good way to promote Bulgaria in the Indian market.He also mentioned that the premiere of the Bollywood production filmed in Bansko set a record of 50 million US dollars revenue in just 10 days. "I want to thank Minister Angelkova for her support and cooperation”, said ambassador Sachdeva.The Golf Tournament "Meeting of the Champions with Shiv Kapur" will continue until 2nd September and about 40 golfers from Europe and Asia will compete for the first prize.
The Regulation on the requirements for places offering accommodation, food and entertainment and the rules for their categorization, denial of categorization, downscaling, closure and termination of their categorization is in force
Today (25th August 2015) in issue 65 of the Official Gazette the Regulation on the requirements for places offering accommodation, food and entertainment and the rules for their categorization, denial of categorization, downscaling, closure and termination of categorization was published. The legal framework for drafting and adopting the Regulation is article 121, paragraph 5 of the Law on Tourism.Thus the Ministry of Tourism will introduce clear rules and regulations for the categorization of tourist sites. Tourist places fall into two main categories – class A which includes hotels, motels, tourist apartment complexes, vacation villa areas, tourist villages and villas; class B – family hotels, hostels, boarding houses, holiday houses, guest houses, guest rooms, guest apartments, bungalows and camping areas; restaurants, fast-food establishments, refreshment places, cafés, pastries and bars. All outdated requirements have been discarded and new ones that take into account the actual condition of the accommodation places and the trends in demand have been drafted.Special rules for the construction, equipment and furnishing of hotel rooms and apartments, including equipment for people with limited mobility are also introduced. For the first time ever requirements for the breakfast menu of all-inclusive services and the room-service are also drafted.The Regulation also stipulates the mandatory introduction of the telephone number 9 at the reception desks of hotels. Thus tourists will have quick access to emergency help.The Hotel Stars European categorization has been adopted – up to 15% of the rooms are allowed to be of a smaller size than the one required for the given category as long as tourist services consumers have been informed about it in advance. This alleviation is geared towards older and urban area hotels that cannot make the necessary technical improvements but offer additional services to their guests.The Regulation also focuses on the camping areas and the zones where caravans/ campers can be parked or tents and bungalows are located. Minimal requirements for this type of tourist service have been introduced such as securing an electrical installation and electricity for all camping units. Tents will be marked  while the required area for one tent is 50 sq.m. (three-star camping category), 40 sq.m. (two-star camping category) and 32 sq.m. (one-star category).  Places for caravans must also be marked and equipped and have access to water and electricity.Once the Regulation is in force all accommodation and food places will have a 6-month grace period to meet the new requirements. All new tourist sites will be categorized in accordance with the newly adopted regulation.
Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova held a meeting with Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan – Kentaro Sonoura
The creation of a Bulgarian tourist information center in Tokyo is an impetus for furthering the cooperation between the two countries and for boosting the tourist flow. This is what the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova said during her meeting with the Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan Kentaro Sonoura which took place today in Sofia. The tourist center is to be opened soon in the very heart of Tokyo as part of a Memorandum which was signed between the Ministry of Tourism and the Japan-Southeast Europe Business Association (JSEEBA) as its funding will be provided entirely by the Association.The Japanese Deputy Minister extended an invitation to Bulgaria to take part in the international ASEM summit which will be held in September of this year in Tokyo. He noted that the Japanese find Bulgaria a very appealing tourist destination and the country's more active presence on the Japanese market can lead to a significant growth in the coming years. “One of our main approaches in the advertising strategy of our country for 2016 is digital marketing. In relation to this we plan to be featured in some of the most popular Japanese websites”, the Bulgarian minister says. She also stressed the fact that there are many people in Bulgaria who speak Japanese in comparison to other countries in South East Europe, which is a prerequisite for more effective relations between the two countries.“Japan is a key market for us andin the long term we plan a number of activities in order to boost the tourist flow”, said Minister Angelkova.  She stressed that n a mutual working strategy for the development of joint tourist products with Romania has already been drafted and Serbia is expected to join too. “The three countries are members of the Danube Strategy so we can develop a common Danube product geared towards distant markets”, added Nikolina Angelkova.She noted that such products are currently offered by tour operators but was quick to note that this is a state policy aimed at putting the country in the spotlight. Moreover,  the launch of a joint product with Greece and Turkey is still at its iniitial stage and it will be mainly focused on cultural tourism.“Although Bulgaria and Japan are geographically distant, they share a common background which will help expand the bilateral cooperation in all areas”, pointed out Kentaro Sonoura. Last year our country was visited by more than 12 thousand Japanese tourists. This makes for a 7% increase compared to 2013. Despite the small rates, the interest shown can be enhanced with consistent actions in the next 3 to 5 years.The meeting was attended by H.E. Takashi Koizumi, Japanese Ambassador for the Republic of Bulgaria; Daisuke Tsubaki, Secretary of the Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan; Takeshi Ogino, First Secretary at the Embassy of Japan;  Aya Otaki, cultural attaché at the Embassy of Japan;  H.E. Georgi Vasilev, Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria in Japan;  Peter Nikolaev, consular in the ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria in Japan; and experts from the Ministry of Tourism.
Minister Nikolina Angelkova meets Portuguese Minister of Economy Antonio Pires de Lima
Bulgaria will use Portugal’s experience in planning the advertising strategy of the country. This was agreed between the Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria Nikolina Angelkova and Portuguese Minister of Economy, Antonio Pires de Lima. The meeting was also attended by the Secretary of State for Tourism Adolfo Mesquita Nunes.During the meeting the parties agreed on a Protocol concerning the cooperation between the two countries. It will be signed this September when the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization is held. Cooperation in the field of marketing was also discussed throughout the meeting. “We have managed to adjust the way our county is being promoted and now we advertise winter tourism in the summer and vice versa” said Minister Angelkova.  She also noted that for the new advertising programme great focus is put on digital marketing.Minister Pires de Lima mentioned that Portugal has chosen a similar way of advertising. The marketing strategy of the country  includes mainly interrnet channels and journalistic tours while press and TV advertising are scarce. Around 500 media tours were organized last year and the result is 60 million tourists annually.“Experience shows that such approaches are very effective for smaller countries and this is why we are heading towards such an initiative”, said the Bulgarian Minister . In this regard Minister de Lima expressed readiness to provide our country with Portugal’s marketing strategy. He emphasized the importance of having a focus– hence they have concentrated their efforts in 13 foreign markets and take part in a limited number of travel exhibits.Both Ministers agreed to reinforce the bilateral cooperation  and to further explore possibilities of developing and promoting a joint tourist product.
Minister Nikolina Angelkova and Minister Dario Franceschini initiated new tourist forum
Bulgarian Minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova together with Italian Minister of Cultural Heritage Dario Franceschini opened new Bulgarian-Italian tourist forum today in Sofia. The event was organized by the Ministry of tourism, Italian Embassy in Sofia, association Confindustry Bulgaria and the Italian Commerce Chamber in Bulgaria. The opening was also attended by the Mayor of Sofia, Yordanka Fandakova.“Minister Franceschini and I have agreed to work on the creation of collective tourist routes and products. Both our countries have great national assets we should take advantage of- along with Greece, we are ranked the three richest European countries in terms of number of artifacts” Minister Angelkova said. She stated that Italy is one of our main commerce-historical partners and the development of mutual tourist products would increase the tourist flow for both countries.For the first 5 months of the joint partnership there has been 14% increase of Italian tourists. And for the last year only, Bulgarian tourist in Italy numbered 126 000, while in Bulgaria there has been 129 000 Italian tourist. “In reality there has been an increase of Italians coming to Bulgaria, but the number of tourist visiting both of the countries can be even greater” Italian Minister added. “We are more than ready to fully cooperate with the newly created Bulgarian Ministry of tourism and Minister Angelkova who is well knowledgeable of Italian language and culture. These combined routes that we intend to develop and of which plan we will propose on our second meeting in Italy this December is to launch more European form of tourism” added Minister Franceschini. He also reminded that Bulgaria has a great advantage – our capital is located in the heart of a mountain region. “You can actually develop winter tourism, here. However, for this to happen you will need to have an adequate infrastructure- and here comes Italy, whose experience you may find very useful” also said Minister Franceschini.Sofiya Mayor, Yordanka Fandakova stated that Sofia Municipality continuously works on the development of tourism in the capital and will depend on the Italian support and expert opinion in the future.The forum was attended by Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva, Deputy Mayor of Plovdiv Stefan Stoyanov,  Italian Ambassador in Bulgaria Konticheli Marco, President of the Italian Commerce Chamber in Bulgaria Marco Montecchi, director of “Confindustria Bulgaria”  Roberto Masksali, Chairman of the Restaurant Association Blagoy Ragin, President of "Confindustria Albergen" (Italian hotel association) Giorgio Palmuchi, Deputy Chairman of the Bulgarian Union of balneology and spa tourism Siyka Katsarova and others.
Bollywood star Shahrukh Khan is ready to provide footage to advertise our country in India
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova met Bollywood star Shahrukh Khan on set his new film in Nu Boyana Film Studio. "I would love to provide footage from  the film I'm shooting here in Bulgaria so that your could advertise Bulgaria in India," said the Bollywood actor. He noted that he is impressed \ with the beauty and natural resources of the country, as well as the Bulgarian folklore traditions.Minister Angelkova explained that India is a very perspective market for Bulgaria and the Ministry has focused on a more ingertated approach inIndian tourists. “We work diligently to alleviate the travel conditions” adds Nikolina Angelkova. She also mentioned that at the end of January, the ministry of tourism will take part in one of the largest tourist fairs on the South Asian market - South Asia’s Travel & Tourism (SATTE), which wil take place in Delhi.Khan’s new film making in Bulgaria will last till the end of July. Besides from the capital, the crew will be filming in Bansko, Veliko Tarnovo, Etara and Cape Kaliakra. Khan’s fans show great interest in the movie, but the plot is still confidentiality and the access to the filming set is very limited.Shahrukh Khan is a living legend of Bollywood and is considered to be the third richest actor in the world. He owns two production companies, one of which - Red Chillies Entertainment, is currently filming in Bulgaria. Apart from the filming industry, Khan is devoted to numerous humanitarian and charitable projects funded on his own.India has a population of 1.2 billion people which makes it a huge market and our country faces a real chance to expand its positions there. The number of Indian tourists who visited Bulgaria in 2014 exceeds 8400 people. This is a 60% increase in comparison to the previous year and gives an actual perspective to enhance the significance of our county. Indian tourists are primarily interested in our historic sites, spa services, shopping and city tours. For the last few years, it has become common for countries appearing in Bollywood productions to mark some significant growth of Indian tourists.
UNWTO:Danube region to host Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories
In a joint effort to advance sustainable tourism development in the Danube region, UNWTO and the countries in the Danube have agreed to establish a Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories in the region, under the auspices of UNWTO. The formal agreement was signed during an official visit of UNWTO’s Secretary-General to Bulgaria (Sofia, Bulgaria, 8 June 2015).On the occasion of the visit, UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai, met with the President of Bulgaria, Rosen Plevneliev, to discuss the cooperation between UNWTO and the country and how to strengthen Bulgaria’s tourism sector. During the meeting, Mr. Rifai commended the Bulgarian Government for setting up a Ministry dedicated to tourism.“High-level political support has been key to the outstanding progress of the Bulgarian tourism sector in recent years. In 2014, more than 7 million international tourists visited Bulgaria, a new record, and a clear result of the political will to place tourism as a priority in the socio-economic development strategies of Bulgaria“ said Mr. Rifai.The visit also included the signing of a Letter of Commitment between UNWTO and the Priority Area 3 on “promoting culture, tourism, people-to-people contacts” of the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR), representing 14 Member States, to establish a Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories under the auspices of UNWTO.The Observatories will measure tourism’s social, economic and environmental impact along the Danube River and help define adequate sustainable tourism policies in the region. The Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories in the Danube will join the eight Observatories currently operating in China (seven) and the Aegean Islands of Greece. The agreement was signed by Nikolina Angelkova, Minister of Tourism of Bulgaria, joint coordinator country of EUSDR Priority Area 3, and Mr. Rifai, on the sidelines of the Meeting of the Danube Region - Sustainable tourism through cooperation with European funds and investments.“The unique cultural and natural assets of the Danube region offer excellent opportunities for sustainable tourism development. I highly commend the Danube countries for taking a leadership role in launching this initiative with UNWTO”, said Mr.Rifai. ”With this network of observatories, the Danube Region is setting an example in Europe and beyond on how regional cooperation can advance sustainable development through tourism”, he added. “Tourism is a main pillar in the economies of the countries from the Danube region. In the past year the Danube countries have been visited by over 120 million tourists, which generated revenues of over 70 billion euro. It is very important to focus our efforts on establishing the Danube brand as such and on becoming more recognizable worldwide, reaching distant markets in particular. I hope that together with our neighboring countries we will manage to efficiently use the available cross-border funding. Romania and Bulgaria can avail of 260 million euro; also, we have a joint project with Serbia which amounts to 34 million euro. A great part of these funds are targeted at tourism”, said Ms. Angelkova.Mr. Rifai also met with the Mayor of Sofia, Yordanka Fandakova, and prominent members of the Bulgarian private sector.Note to editors:The International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO), formerly known as Global Observatories on Sustainable Tourism (GOST), supports policy makers to implement evidence-based tourism policies by systematically monitoring tourism’s environmental, social and economic impacts. Set up collectively with local stakeholders, the Observatories aim to ensure sustainable and resilient tourism growth while disseminating good practices and supporting capacity building in sustainability among tourism stakeholders.The Priority Area 3 of the EUSDR brings together 14 countries "To promote culture and tourism, people to people contacts". Coordinated by Bulgaria and Romania, the other Member States are: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine.UNWTO has been supporting the Danube countries’ joint tourism development since 2011. UNWTO is an Observer of the EUSDR Steering Committee of the Priority Area 3, a regional initiative aiming to increase tourism competitiveness of Danube destinations and strengthen regional cohesion through sustainable tourism.The Danube countries receive over 125 million visitors each year, or 11% of the world´s total. The information is from the official site of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). Link:
Minister Nikolina Angelkova: Danube region is visited by 120 million tourists, income is more than 70billion euro
An international network of tourist observatories is initiated in Bulgaria. “Tourism is without doubt the main economic pillar of the Danube region. For last year alone, more than 120 million tourists have chosen it as their destination and revenues exceed 70 billion euro” said the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova at the opening of the Danube countries’ meeting “Sustainable Tourism through cooperation in the field of European funds and investments”.  The meeting is organized by the Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism and it was attended by Taleb Rifai – Secretary General of the World Tourism Organisation (WTO), the Deputy Prime Minister for EU funds and Economic Policy Tomislav Donchev, the Minister of Economy Bozidar Lukarski, the Mayor of Sofia Yordanka Fandakova, the Directors General of the European Commission, Walter Defa and Daniel Calleja, central government representatives from the  Danube region, local authorities, academics,  tourism industry representatives and others.  “It is highly important for us to work on the development and establishment of a Danube brand, so that we become more recognizable worldwide” Minister Angelkova added. She explained that the EU general budget breaks down into three categories – 33% or over 325 billion euro is allocated to cohesion policy, 4% (40 billion euro) is invested in Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) projects, and 63% which is about 650 billion euro is intended for other policies. “The tourism sector is the only one that can benifit directly or indirectly from these funds” stated Minister Agelkova. “I hope that together with our neighboring countries we will start to effectively use the funding for cross-border cooperation. Bulgaria and Romania can rely on almost 260 million euro while Bulgaria and Serbia will be funding projects worth about 34 million euro. A great amount of these funds is allocated for tourism projects” announced the Bulgarian Minister of Tourism. The Secretary General of the World Tourism Organisation Taleb Rifai praised Bulgaria's and the Ministry of Tourism’s contribution for boosting the country's image on the international market. “Your country is praiseworthy hence we need to make it more recognizable to the world”, noted the Secretary General. He also mentioned that for the last 10 years Bulgaria has shown a 50% increase of tourists and a 7% income growth, which testifies to a rapid and steady progress. Bulgaria has a great potential and can help foster the development of the Danube region which boasts exceptional natural assets. “52% of world’s tourists come to Europe and tourism is a key factor for Europe’s readjustment after the crisis, but we need to become more unified and increase competitiveness” added Rifai. Director-General DG “Regional and urban policy” of the European Commission, Walter Defa, greeted us on behalf of the Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu, and outlined the importance of "the most international river" for the development of the region. He outlined that the Danube Delta is the third largest biodiversity in the world. Defa pointed the opportunity of Bulgaria being actively involved in joint efforts for development of hiking and biking tourism as well as improving the navigability of the Danube River. The Director-General specifically thanked Bulgaria and Romania for the development of new cultural and historical routes and for the attempts to reconcile international statistics. “Tourism is the third largest economic sector involving 12 million people, who make 9% of Europe’s GDP” said Director General DG “Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SME’s” Daniel Calleja. He focused on the main priorities of the sector including the need to increase flights to Europe, encourage competition, anhance the tourist product diversification, overcome seasonality, simplify the administrative procedures, digitalize the sector, provide continuous staff training and others. The Danube River Region has great potential for tourism development. Bulgaria alone has about 4000 tourist attractions and more than 670 of them are located within the region. The mineral water sources  exceed 600 and boast a rich water variety.  Indeed, any form of tourism can be dveleoped in Bulgaria – mass summer and winter tourism or specialized tourism including spa, eco, golf , gourmet, wine and many more.  The Ministry of Tourism aims to make the country more recognizable worldwide through focusing on cultural tourism.  Moreover, Bulgaria ranks third in Europe, following Italy and Greece, in the number of uncovered artifacts with about 40 000 cultural monuments scattered throughout the country. The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and the UNWTO Secretary General Taleb Rifai signed an agreement of intent for the establishment of an international network of tourist observatories. These facilities will consist of academic and research center as students and faculty members will work on the monitoring of a set of indicators following the WTO methodology. The data obtained will be used to study trends and identify ways of improving the tourism product and services of a particular country. Plans are to launch the network in several places in the middle and lower course of the river. The launch will also be used to foster the development of the Danube brand. The Forum was attended by: Denitsa Nikolova, Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Public Works; Clara Dostalova, Deputy Minister of Regional Development of Czech Republic; Frantisek Palko, Deputy Minister of Tourism of Slovakia; Eva Starus Podlogar, Director-General of "Tourism and International Relations” Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, Slovenia; Daniel Panov, Mayor of Veliko Tarnovo; Julian Naydenov, Mayor of the Municipality of Silistra.
Nikolina Angelkova and Marc Girardelli visited Perperikon and the Alexander Tomb
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and her winter tourism advisor Marc Girardelli – five-time world alpine ski champion visited today the Perperikon archeological complex. Earlier that day they made a tour of the Regional Museum of History in Kardzhali where over 40 000 cultural treasures featuring the history and the natural landscape of the Eastern Rhodope are housed.  “My country has no such ancient artifacts and it was very important for me to see the unique heritage that Bulgaria boasts”, said Mrc Girardelli. After his tour of the city he promised to come back and visit Kardzhali with his family. “We can become more recognizable in the world through our culture and history. Hence the focus of the country’s tourism promotional campaign for next year is cultural and historical heritage”, noted Minister Angelkova.“We’ve developed cultural and historical routes that we can promote abroad. The goal is to promote the less known tourist sites and when tourists come, for example, in the Eastern Rhodope region to visit Perperikon they would be informed about other attractions as well”, said Minister Angelkova. She said that historical sites in the region are included in the “Down the Memory Lane of Thracians” tourist route which is uploaded on the site of the Ministry of Tourism.The Minister thinks that special attention should be paid to Bulgarian tourists who want to travel and to get to know their country. “Together with the local authorities we’ll be launching a campaign for encouraging interior tourism”, she announced. The goal is to promote tourist sites in Bulgaria in succession and through open-space advertising  (billboards etc.). “Municipalities will provide free promotional spaces and we will design the image and the slogan of the campaign. Thus, Kardzhali, for example will be advertised in Varna and the vice versa and the realization of this project will be very cost effective”, explained Minister Angelkova. This, according to the Minister, will contribute to stimulating interior tourism because every consumer will be able with just one click to get information on the location, the accessibility and the general condition of the specific tourist attraction.Later that day Minister Angelkova and the five-time world champion Marc Girardelli visited Haskovo where they met with Dimitar Dimitrov – the father of Bulgaria’s best tennis player Grigor Dimitrov. “It is an honour for me to be introduced to the father of one of the best Bulgarian sportsman”, said Marc Girardelli. He added that the kids he sees playing tennis on the courts in Haskovo are the country’s biggest hope and that he hopes that soon one of these kids will surpass the achievements of the Bulgarian tennis player.  “The world fame of Grigor Dimitrov is a chance to make Bulgaria known to an ever greater number of people and to make them learn about our country’s unique nature and history”, said Minister Angelkova.The officials also visited the Alexander Tomb in the Haskovo municipality. This unique tourist attractions has been visited by about 12 000 people in 2014 and as the Museum center “Thracian Art in the Eastern Rhodope” which was launched in 2009 is located in close proximity to it.
Minister Angelkova: We have had a successful winter season
About 1.2 million foreign tourists have visited our winter resorts in the past winter season which makes for a growth of  8.2% compared to the same period of last year. This is what the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova said during a press conference. The Minister’s winter tourism advisor and five-time world alpine ski champion Marc Girardelli also attended the media brief. A work meeting with the concessionaires of the winter resorts, the lift operators and representative of the local authorities was held earlier that day to discuss relevant issues and statistics.  Minister Angelkova stressed that according to data by the Bulgarian National bank, revenues from international tourism for the period December 2014-February 2015 amount to 640 million leva which is approximately a 6% growth compared to the previous winter season. “We’ve been pleasantly surprised by the inflow of Turkish tourists for which a growth of 30% has been registered.  No doubt this is partly due to the fast-tracking of the visa-issuing procedures for Turkish citizens that we introduced together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs before the beginning of the season”, said Nikolina Angelkova. She added that a growth of tourists from Italy, Germany and Austria which are traditional markets for Bulgaria has also been registered – 20%, 10% and 8% respectively.“At the end of the winter season, we can safely say that despite the apocalyptic forecasts the drop of Russian and Ukrainian tourists has been fully compensated for. Moreover, the EU member states continue to be the most important generating market for international tourism for Bulgaria with an approximate share of 50% and a total number of 600 000 tourists”, concluded Minister Angelkova.She noted that the Ministry is actively working with Marc Girardelli on the strategy for the development of winter tourism in Bulgaria and that during the meeting with the concessionaires the priorities for all winter resorts, both big and smaller ones with high potential such as Berkovitsa, Kom, Uzana, Dobrinishte and others, were discussed.  Mac Girardelli commented that our winter resorts are faced with similar problems that are primarily linked to the development of the infrastructure and the hurdles for building new facilities. He explained that Bulgaria has a value-for-money competitiveness, especially when it comes to children and youth and that the country should take full advantage of this.
Minister Nikolina Angelkova: We are introducing a unified dial number for all hotel receptions
A unified dial number for hotel reception desks will be introduced. The changes will be part of the new resolution for the categorization of food, accommodation and entertainment establishments which the Ministry of Tourism is preparing and which should be introduced by the end of May. This was announced during a meeting of Minister Nikolina Angelkova with the Chair of the Union of Bulgarian Actors Hristo Mutafchiev and the digital champion of Bulgaria Gergana Pasi.  “We will initiate a discussion with the branch industry to determine the best such dial number that all hotel reception desks will then be obliged to introduce”, said Minister Angelkova. She also explained that hotels will be given some extra time to meet this requirement. According to experts this measure will increase the quality of the product without any additional costs for the business.The extra token of quality that the Ministry is working upon was also discussed during the meeting. “We will discuss whether free Internet access in hotels should not be one of the elements for selection,” noted Nikolina Angelkova.
The Ministers of Tourism of Bulgaria and Romania signed a cooperation agreement in Craiova
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Tourism of Romania Mihai Tudose signed a protocol of intent for bilateral cooperation in Craiova. The ceremony was held in the city art museum and was attended by the Prime Ministers of Bulgaria and Romania Boyko Borisov and Victor Ponta following a joint meeting of the two governments.  We will develop and strengthen bilateral relations, said Minister Angelkova. She noted that Bulgaria and Romania will focus on the introduction of joint tourist products for distant markets and particularly for China where a Bulgarian-Romanian tourist info center will be established. This center will offer and promote the joint tourist products, added Angelkova. In the last years the Romanian tourists in Bulgaria reach 1 million people per year while the Bulgarians who have visited our northern neighbor amount to about 300 000.  She also noted that the signing of the protocol aims to maintain the current upward trend and introduce Bulgaria and Romania as a common tourist destination for third parties.During her visit to Craiova Minister Angelkova met with the Deputy Minister of Economy, Trade and Tourism of Romania Marcel Bogdan Pandelică. The two agreed that Bulgaria and Romania will work on a common project which would be eligible for funding under the EU Cross-Border Cooperation Programme.  A working group which is to prepare the project is to be appointed at the beginning of next week. The idea is to outline a common strategy for the creation of regional tourist products and to map out thematic routes on both sides of the river Danube which in turn would stimulate the economic development and attract more tourists from third countries as well.  The planned value of the project which is to be concluded by the end of June will be approximately 1.5 million euro.“China has expressed keen interest in the joint projects that we are developing”, said Minister Angelkova. The Minsiter also said that she plans a visit to the National Republic of China in June and it would be good to have some concrete proposals by then. “At this stage we can focus on the cultural-historical heritage in the Danube region and research the possibilities for inclusion of other countries”, added Angelkova.According to Deputy Minister Pandelică the two countries should also focus on the Black Sea region because Bulgaria and Romania are the only EU member states that have an outlet on the Black Sea. The two parties also agreed that the know-how of the World Tourism Organization could be applied so that the quality of the tourist product could be further increased.
Bulgaria is the most preferred tourist destination for the viewers of Discovery Channel
The viewers of Discovery Channel have ranked Bulgaria most preferred destination in Europe.  This is what the TV channels’ representative Gerard de Frouville said at the Sixth International Meeting of Tour Operators in Plovdiv. The Forum was opened by the Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva and was attended by the mayors of Plovdiv and Thessaloniki Ivan Totev and Yiannis Boutaris.These are the results of a Discovery Channel poll among 30 000 of their viewers. They have indicated Bulgaria as a place that they want to visit now explained de Froville. He added that the country’s popularity has been boosted as a result of the Ministry of Tourism’s promotional campaign on the Pan-EuropeanTV Channels – Discovery Channel, Eurosport, Euronews, National Geographic Channel.We will be focusing on cultural and historical tourism during the next two years stressed Deputy Minister Georgieva. She also said that thematic routes have also been mapped out, including the Sofia Holy Forest, Following the Tracks of the Thracians, Capitals and Cities of the Bulgarian Tsars and Patriarchs, the Sea Fortresses of Bulgaria. The procedure for the establishment of organizations for tourist region management will also be initiated – thus information and relevant services for the local tourist sites will be made available.Over 110 tourist organization from 16 countries took part in the forum.
A financial mechanism for encouraging investments in tourism is to be developed
A special financial mechanism for encouraging investments in tourism will be developed after research of existing good practices has carried out. This announcement was made by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova during a meeting of the Council for Regional Development and National Infrastructure under the Head of Sate held in the town of Smolyan.  The topic of the meeting was “State policy for stimulating economic activities in the underdeveloped and less privileged regions in Bulgaria. Alternatives to traditional production”. The event was hosted by the President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rosen Plevneliev and was attended by the Deputy Prime Minister for EU Funds and Economic Policies Tomislav Donchev, the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works Lilyana Pavlova, the Minister of Economy Bozhidar Lukarski, MPs, representatives of the local authorities, of the employers’ organizations, the academic circles, non-government and branch organizations, etc.“No doubt tourism is one of the most perspective alternatives to traditional production which can transform entire regions”, said Minister Angelkova. She made note of the renovated Tsari Mali Grad fortress in the village of Belchin which attracts approximately half a million tourists a year. “17 construction permits have been issued since the restored fortress has been opened to the public and 145 new accommodation places have been created”, added Nikolina Angelkova.. One other similar example, according to the Minister, are the Palaentological field and the Tsepina fortress nearby the village of Dorkovo which have been visited by 40 000 tourists in about a year and generated revenues of 121 000 leva. “The renovated ancient Armira villa nearby the town of Ivailovgrad has also established itself as a preferred tourist destination and has been visited by 10 000 tourists in about a year”, said Minister Angelkova.“In the municipality of Smolyan alone 22 million leva from tourism have been generated while those working in the sector in the Southern central region are more than 22 000.  Mountain tourism has the biggest potential for the region and we support its development”, noted the Minister of Tourism. She explained that focus should be placed on stimulating winter sports as well as the alternative forms of mountain tourism – hiking, recreational and adventure tourism and eco tourism.The Ministry of Tourism is currently drafting amendments to the Law on Tourism which should increase the control over the quality of the tourist product, secure enough workforce in sector and diminish the administrative burden for the business. “We have also developed the cultural and historical routes which should place the focus on interior tourism and foster the partnership between the separate regions as well as the regions’ individual perforamace”, explained Minister Angelkova. She noted that Bulgaria’s image to the world is one major thing. “We are all ‘brand Bulgaria’ and the impression we make abroad depends on all of us”, added Nikolina Angelkova.  She announced that a series of discussions on that topic in Bulgaria and abroad will be launched which would hopefully attract more people who want to help their country.
Minister Angelkova: We are discussing a quality certificate for hotels and restaurants
We are discussing the introduction of a voluntary “quality certificate” which will be granted to hotels and food establishments that exceed the normative requirements. This will be a stimulus for the owners who have made an extra effort to increase the quality of their services and will give more information to customers. This is what the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova said at a meeting with representatives of the local authorities and the tourist branch in the municipality of Kavarna.The potential for developing sea, golf and alternative tourism in the region as well as the expectations for the upcoming summer season were also discussed. Minister Angelkova noted that the municipality is known for its successful marketing and tourist policy and is a good example of how sea holidays can easily be combined with golf tourism or some other alternative forms of tourism. The Kavarna municipality also launched a promotional campaign of the Kavarna Rock Fest on of Romania’s most popular radio stations.Later that day Minister Angelkova also took part in the opening of a round table discussion on “Golf Tourism in Bulgaria – development, goals, strategies” which took place in Balchik. Tonight the first charter flight with golf tourists from the Scandinavian countries to Varna will be performed which will mark the symbolic opening of the golf season.Golf does not only attract higher-class tourists but it also doubles the length of the summer season (9-11 months). "Bulgaria is very competitive in terms of prices and the conditions for tourism”,  noted Nikolina Angelkova. One priority for the Ministry of Tourism is to convey a policy for encouraging and promoting the development of golf tourism as well as for creating good investment conditions for the construction of golf courses.  Bulgaria has 7 functioning golf courses and the country is a preferred golf destination for golfers from Great Britain, Ireland, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Macedonia. The Scandinavian countries, Germany and France are also potential markets for us and we expect a growth of tourists from these places for the upcoming season.The Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva, the Minister of Youth and Sports Krasen Kralev, the Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communication Anton Ginev, the MP Desislava Atanasova, the chair of the Bulgarian Golf Association Krasimir Gergov and others were also present at the round-table discussion.
Bulgaria will organize a tourist fair in Paris
We are preparing a tourist fair in Paris during the exhibit of our Thracian treasures in the Louvre. This announcement was made by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova. Earlier the same day she held a meeting with representatives of the local authorities and the tourist branch. The event is planned for a few days for the last week of May and will be held in the open at a location nearby the Louvre. The animated programme will present the culture of our country, its traditional drinks and foods as well as the various possibilities for year-round tourism, including cultural and historical routes. The Ministry of Tourism will provide promotional materials featuring Bulgaria as an attractive tourist destination. The fair is organizaed by the Bulgarian government with the support of the Sofia Municipality, the Ministry of Tourism, our embassy in Paris, the local authorities in the French capital and others.
Minister Nikolina Angelkova opened the International Exhbit “Cultural Tourism 2015” in Veliko Tarnovo
60% of world travelers are interested in culture and cultural heritage while data by the World Tourism Organization indicates that in 2020 cultural tourism will be one of the leading forms of tourism. This is what Minister Angelkova said during the opening of the XII International Tourist Exhibit "Cultural Tourism 2015" in Veliko Tarnovo. This is why possibilities for cultural and historical tourism are a focus in the country’s promotional campaign for 2015.Data for 2014 show that about 40% of Bulgarians have traveled abroad for cultural tourism purposes while those who have traveled in the country on cultural tourism amount to 30%. “Our ambition is to turn this tendency around”, stressed Nikolina Angelkova.  Bulgaria is a leading country in the number of historical sites and artifacts discovered on its territory. “We need to make consistent efforts to promote this treasure. Bulgaria has plenty to offer both Bulgarian and foreign tourists. I’m convinced that the Veliko Tarnovo exhibit will help us achieve these goals,” added Angelkova. According to the Minister the country will thus respond to the tendency for cultural tourism growth on a world scale, also the approaching Easter and school holidays are a good occasion for encouraging traveling within the country.  Early bookings for this period indicate greater interest in our Northern Black Sea by Romanian citizens. Meanwhile the heavy snowfalls prolonged the winter season and our mountain resorts have registered a great demand for the upcoming holidays, primarily by Bulgarians and by citizens from the neighboring countries. "This is a good chance for us to introduce them  to the Bulgarian culture and history. I am sure that the theVeliko Tarnovo trade fair will showcase many such ideas”, added the Minister of Tourism. The International Tourist Exhibit "Cultural Tourism 2015" is held in the Rafael Mihaylov exhibit halls in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism. This is the biggest international exhibit in Bulgaria for specialized tourism which lasts until 4 April and has an extensive accompanying program. The organizers include the Veliko Tarnovo municipality and the Tsarevgrad Tarnov municipal agency in partnership with the Bulgarian Hotel & Restaurant Association and the Association of the Bulgarian Tour Operators and Tourist Agencies. 78 Bulgarian and foreign representatives took part in the exhibit. The Ministry of Tourism showcased a national promotional stand of 40 sq.m. featuring 5 exhibitors from tourist regions, cultural institutions, municipalities etc. Some of the other participants included the United Arab Emirates, Croatia, Indonesia, Vietnam, India, China, Greece, Russia, Romania, Macedonia, Morocco and Korea. Discussions, a film festival entitled “On the Eastern Coast of Europe”, a national “Read and Travel” competition, concerts and various attractions are also part of the exhibit’s program.
The Ministry of Tourism will be Cooperating with the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova met with the Chair of the Board of Directors of the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria (CEIBG), Kiril Domuschiev and with the executive director of the organization Evgenii Ivanov to discuss possibilities for cooperation.As the biggest employers’ organization in Bulgaria, CEIBG is ready to cooperate with the Ministry of Tourism in introducing concrete measures for increasing the quality of the tourist product and the inflow of tourists.  CEIBG has registered the Union of the Bulgarian Tourist Industry as a non-government organization as early as 2009 in order to foster the unification of the business sector, explained Kiril Domuschiev during the meeting and added that the organization welcomes the initiative of the Ministry of Tourism to consolidate the tourist branch industry. CEIBG also supports Minister Angelkova’s idea to initiate amendments to the Law of Tourism as well as changes pertaining to the status of the country’s national resorts. The representatives of the Confederation expressed readiness to help stimulate interior tourism. Domuschiev and Ivanov suggested that Bulgaria introduces one good practice that many European countries have already implemented – namely providing holiday vouchers for the employees in the various enterprises and companies. Minister Angelkova approved of the idea and said a similar measure for stimulating interior tourism could be introduced after it has been discussed with the Minister of Finance.
The Student Svetoslava Tsekova became Minister of Tourism for a Day
The 11th grade student from Sofia’s 23rd Frederick Jolio Curie High School Svetoslava Tsekova took over the Ministry of Tourism today as part of the initiative Manager for a Day, organized by Junior Achievement – Bulgaria. She was welcomed by her actual counterpart Minister Nikolina Angelkova and took part in the work meeting of the political cabinet where the ministry’s daily agenda was discussed. Svetoslava was accompanied by her schoolmates, Radostina Zlatinova who took over the post of deputy Minister Irena Georgieva, Lia Krasteva who replaced Deputy Minister Nadya Marinova and Christian Omayski who became Secretary General. Minister Angelkova introduced the young managers to the structures and functions of the establishment. The schoolmates also took part in meetings with representatives of the business sector and other administrations. The students noted that work at the Ministry is both responsible and interesting. Svetoslava has a business and entrepreneurship profile and is a human resources organizer in a Junior Achievement study company. Radostina studies macro- and micro-economy and has participated in the students’ camp “An alternative to the Kara Dere problem – a proposition for an innovative investment project”. Lia has basic skills in economics, accounting and company management. Christian specializes in market economy, accounting and entrepreneurship. This is the 14th consecutive edition of the Manager for a Day initiative which this year attracted 2000 students and 3000 institutions and companies from all around country. The goal is to strengthen the link between the institutions, the business sector and young people. High school and university students experience one actual work day companies, state and municipal structures. The initiative happens worldwide with over 100 country-participants.
Minister Nikolina Angelkova met with Oleg Safonov, the acting head of the Russian Federal Tourism Agency
Bulgaria and Russia will initiate the signing of a cooperation agreement in the cruise tourism sector.  This was negotiated between the Bulgarian Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and the acting head of the Russian Federal Tourism Agency Oleg Safonov during the Moscow International Travel Fair Intourmaket.  The two of them were unanimous that cruise tourism has very high potential and a protocol of the kind could be used as a common reference document for the member states of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation.“The acceptance of the National Representation of the Ministry of Tourism as an associated member to the Association of the Russian Tour Operators indicates that economic cooperation in the tourism sector between Bulgaria and Russia will be strengthened”, said Nikolina Angelkova. She noted that Russia is one of the most strategic markets for our country and Russian tourists are among the biggest consumers of our tourist product.  “We’ll strive to enhance the tourist exchange not only for summer tourism which makes for the greatest tourist share but also for children camps, family vacations, cultural and historical, mountain, balneo and SPA programmes and others”, added the Minister.  The Minister also stated that pilgrim tourism also has very high potential as Bulgaria has over 4 200 monasteries and churches that attract Russian tourists. She addressed an invitation to her Russian colleague to visit our country and take part in the international conference on river and sea tourism which will take place in Sofia on 8-9 June and will be under the patronage of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). Oleg Safonov expressed his interest in both initiatives and said that the Association will try to participate. The existing Agreement for Cooperation between the Ministry of Tourism and the Altai Region will serve as a basis for strengthening future relations. Concrete steps remain to be outlined, including exchange of tours for tour operators, student groups, professional experience etc. This was negotiated at a meeting between Minister Nikolina Angelkova and Alexander Bogdanovich Karlin, governor of the Altai region. Partnership between the Shumen and the Altai regions and the upcoming town-twining of the Kyustendil and Belokuriha cities are examples for good partnership which included cooperation in tourism as well. “We can work towards the creation of a programme for exchanging experience in the field of balneo and SPA procedures”, added the Bulgarian Minister. She addressed an invitation to Alexander Karlin to take part in the next edition of the Holiday&SPA Expo which is held in Sofia each year.During the Intourmarket International Travel Exhibit, Minister Angelkova also met with Sergey Shilko, the Head of Moscow Tourism and Hospitality Committee and President of the Russian Union of Travel Industry, with the governor of the Republic of Komi Vyacheslav Gaizer, with the Minister of Culture of the Tula region Tatyana Rybkina, with the Chair of the Culture Committee of the Tverskaya region Elena Shevchenko and others.
Bulgaria’s cultural institutes will promote tourism abroad
The Bulgarian cultural institutes abroad will promote possibilities for tourism in the country. This is stipulated by the Agreement for Cooperation and Exchange of Information for the Promotion of Bulgarian Tourism Abroad that the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and the Minister of Culure Vezhdi Rashidov signed.  Bulgaria has 11 cultural institutes in Berlin, Bratislava, Budapest, Warsaw, Vienna, London, Moscow, Paris, Rome, Skopje and Prague. The agreement stipulates that the Ministry of Culture will assign the Bulgarian cultural institutes abroad the presentation of the country as an attractive tourist destination;  they will be promoting its rich cultural heritage and the possibilities for cultural tourism in Bulgaria. Its potential for the development of seaside, balneo and SPA, eco, rural, sport, adventure, hunting, golf, wine and gourmet tourism will also be highlighted.  “Culture and tourism should go hand in hand. This is the only way for us to attract an even greater number of tourists and to show the beauty of our unique heritage”, noted the Minister of Culture Vezhdi Rashidov.“This cooperation with our colleagues is extremely important for us and will allow our country to use more effectively the possibilities offered by the Bulgarian cultural institutes”, stated Minister Angelkova after the signing of the agreement. She noted that these establishments have central locations in countries that are key markets for us and are therefore very convenient venues for various promotional and other campaigns that will feature Bulgaria as a tourist route. “We all have a vowed interest to make our country a recognizable and preferred destination and we must unite our efforts to create a positive image for Bulgaria”, stressed Minister Angelkova.The ministries will also organize joint events to promote the country as a year-round tourist destination. The Ministry of Tourism will also contribute with promotional and information materials about Bulgaria as an attractive place for travel and recreation. The two ministries will exchange regular information that will help update the national cultural calendar which is currently maintained by the Ministry of Culture.
Minister Nikolina Angelkova met with the chairman of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences academician Stefan Vodenicharov
The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) will cooperate for the creation of a long-term Strategy for the Sustainable Development of Tourism in Bulgaria. This is what the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and the chairman of BAS acad. Stefan Vodenicharov agreed upon. Prof. Mitko Dimitrov, director of the Institute for Economic Research of BAS and the corresponding member Dimitar Dimitrov, advisor to the chair of BAS also attended the meeting. A Center for the Research of the Problems in Tourism has been set up especially for the purpose.“It is important for the Ministry of Tourism to use the scientific capacity of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences”, said Minister Angelkova. According to her due to the cooperation between the two institutions a document will be drafted that will reflect the public and professional expectations regarding tourism.The possibility to create “tourist observatories” as part of the Danube strategy was also discussed. BAS will include the Regional Academic Center in Russe in the project as the center has a signed contract for cooperation with the Giurgiu municipality in Romania.The parameters of the cooperation as well as the forms and the ways for the successful realization the planned activities were also discussed at the meeting.
Minister Angelkova met with the Minister for Europe and International Affairs for the state of Baden-Württemberg Peter Friedrich and with the Parliamentary State Secretary Iris Gleicke
During one of the world’s biggest international travel exhibits ITB Berlin (4-8 March), the Bulgarian Minister received high-level state support for the upcoming meeting of the Ministers of Tourism which is to be held in Sofia on 8-9th June.  Peter Friedrich, Minister for the Bundesrat, Europe and International Affairs and the Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy Iris Gleicke expressed their commitment to the initiative. Developing transnational tourist products, finding new funding possibilities and ways for investing in tourism as well as creating a network of observatories for the development of sustainable tourism in Bulgaria will be some of the major topics at the meeting of the Ministers of Tourism in Sofia on 8th-9th June.  The observatories are created in cooperation with academic and scientific centers. Students and professors are involved in the monitoring of a certain range of indicators, observing the methodology of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) which is also the control body for the project. The received data is then used to research the trends and the outlined measures for improving the tourist product of a given country.  The network will also be used in the development of the Danube brand – the creation and digitalization of transnational tourist products will help countries from the Danube region to reach distant Asian and overseas markets.During ITB Berlin, Minister Angelkova also took part in the steering group for the priority regions in the Danube strategy where cooperation between Bulgaria, the countries from the Danube region and the UNWTO was once again a main topic of discussion.  Bulgaria was also presented at the traditional Danube Salon exhibit organized by the state of Baden-Württemberg.At an informal meeting between Minister Angelkova, the Minister for Europe and International Affairs for the state of Baden-Württemberg Peter Friedrich, the Minister of Trade, Telecommunications and Tourism of Serbia Rasim Ljajić and the ambassadors of the Danube countries to Germany was discussed the IV Annual Forum for the EU Strategy for the Danube Region which will be held in October in Ulm, Germany.ITB Berlin is the biggest tourist exhibit in Europe and over the past decades it has become a key event for the world tourist branch industry. Each year the exhibit is visited by over 170 000 people and about 113 000 of them are professionals from the tourist business sector.
Minister Angelkova: About 1 million Germans have visited Bulgaria in 2014
About 1 million Germans have visited our country and over 700 000 of them have done so for tourism purposes. This statement was made by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova at a press conference during one of the biggest international tourist exhibits, ITB Berlin 2015.  The Deputy Minister Nadya Marinova and Bulgaria’s ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany Radi Naidenov also attended the event.“Bulgaria ranks second in Europe in biodiversity and is among the three countries on the Old Continent with the greatest number of discovered archeological artifacts”, said Minister Angelkova. According to the Minister this offers great possibilities for tourism – cultural, eco, seaside, SPA, winter, etc. Bulgaria is a well-known destination for German tourists and most of them associate the country with summer and the sunny seaside. The Ministry of Tourism is therefore working towards presenting other possibilities for tourism, with a special focus on cultural and historical tourism. A massive advertising campaign on the German market was also realized. It included 39 tourist website, 9 TV channels with 406 broadcasts (including RTL 2, SKY, TELE 5, Sport 1 and others), 36 promotional materials in the Berlin metro and 11 print editions  (including Reise & Preise; Freizeit Spass and others.). The campaign is under Operational Programme “Regional Development“ 2007-2013. “In January 2015 we’ve registered a growth of about  45% of German citizens in our country compared to the same period from the previous year which indicates that Germans are becoming more familiar with the possibilities for tourism in Bulgaria outside the summer season”, noted Nikolina Angelkova. During ITB Berlin Minister Angelkova initiated a meeting with representatives of Thomas Cook – Karl Schattmaier, executive manager; Andre Müllmann, commercial director and Alex Werde, official authorized agent for Bulgaria. Possibilities for extending the cooperation and attracting more tourists to Bulgaria through the developed network of Thomas Cook.  The tour operator covers the whole of Europe and Great Britain where most of Bulgaria’s target markets are located. According to the representatives of Thomas Cook, the quality of the tourist product is a major precondition for increasing the tourist flow.“We’re working for the creation of a fund or some other financial mechanism through which we could invest part of the revenues from tourism into improving the infrastructure and the tourist attractions”, said Minister Angelkova. She said that different options will be probed for increasing the qualification in those involved in the tourism sector – university courses and other additional trainings. Minister Angelkova invited the representatives of Thomas Cook to take part in the b2b forum which the Ministry of Tourism will organize this spring in Sofia. .Minister Nikolina Angelkova also held a talk with the BBC account manager for Central and South Eastern Europe Daniel Moravanszky to discuss the planned signing of the contract with the media. “I’m glad that we’ve reached the final stage of the negotiations and shortly we’ll be able to launch the promotion of Bulgaria on BBC”, said the Bulgarian Minister. The two parties agreed that work has been speeded up within very short notice and that some formalities remain before the contract is signed.Minister Angelkova also took part in the fifth meeting of the Ministers of the member countries in the Silk Road Programme of the World Tourism Organization. During the forum, the Bulgarian Minister held meetings with Darko Lorencin, Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Croatia and Abdulaziz Kamilov, the Foreign Minister of Uzbekistan. The three of them discussed possibilities for extending their cooperation in the tourism sector and undertaking coordinated efforts for increasing the tourist exchange.  Minister Angelkova was invited as a lecturer during the meeting “Europe as a Tourist Destination“, organized by the European Commission and the European Travel Commission. The Bulgarian Minister held an individual meeting with Pedro Ortún, director general of the Enterprise and Industry Directorate to discuss possibilities for extending cooperation on EU level in tourism as well as for investments in the sector.  Minister Angelkova met with the Secretary General of the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ) Hans-Joachim Fuchtel to discuss possibilities for extending cooperation and for exchanging experience in marketing that could be applied in the setting up of the regional centers in each tourist region of Bulgaria. The idea for the regional division of the country into 9 regions is to be approved shortly and the creation of organizations for their management will be launched. The mayors of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg also attended the meeting. This is the 48th edition of the international tourism exhibition ITB Berlin which is taking place 4th-8th March is one of the most prestigious events for the tourist industry with over 11 000 exhibitors, 113 000 professionals of 180 countries. Bulgaria is participating with a national stand of  456 sq.m. where over 50 tourist companies and organizations are featured together with the Ministry of Tourism.
It is best to promote Bulgaria abroad through its cultural and historical tourism
The campaign of the Ministry of Tourism in Germany, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Sweden has reached an audience that is a third bigger than planned.The promotion of cultural sites is one of the main things that attracted the attention of people in Germany, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Sweden during the advertorial campaign for our national tourist product. Hence, it is advisable to promote Bulgaria abroad mainly through its culture. This is the major conclusion of the evaluation of the performance of the project of the Ministry of Tourism: “Integrated Communication Campaigns for Bulgaria in Integrated Markets”. It is financed by the Operational Programme “Regional Development” of the European Regional Development Fund and the total amount of the signed contracts for promotion in the six target countries is 5.4 million leva, VAT exluded.The project for the promotion of the national tourist product abroad was launched in 2013; it has been undergoing for 36 months and will be concluded at the beginning of April of this year. It includs various media activities which aim to better inform foreign tourists about Bulgaria as a year-round destination and to create a positive image for the country. It is part of the third programme period of the Operational Programme “Regional Development” and is a follow-up of the project “Integrated Advertising Campaigns of the Bulgarian Tourist Product in Germany, Great Britain and Russia” which was concluded in 2010.The evaluation of the effectiveness of the undertaken campaigns in 2014 the countries that are historically related to Bulgaria, such as Romania, Russia, Ukraine and Poland have a positive attitude towards Bulgaria; while Germany and Sweden have a moreover neutral attitude.The report on the performance of the project: “Integrated Communication Campaigns for Bulgaria in Integrated Markets” indicated that the advertising by the Ministry of Tourism in Germany, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Sweden has reached one-third more people than initially planned. The promotional publications and the TV reports in the six countries have reached 59 million viewers and readers, instead of the planned 40 million.There has been substantial increase in the number of unique visits (measured by single clicks) to the online publications about Bulgaria in the electronic sites – the planned number was 195 thousand while the realized visits are 2.7 million. The broadcast TV reports after the journalistic tours are 2.5 times more than planned; the video clips broadcast on the national TV channels exceed the planned number by 1.7 while the positive publications spurred by PR activities are 483 instead of the predicted 225, indicates the report of the Ministry of Tourism on the fulfillment of the campaign according to the different indicators of the project.The selected TV channels cover to the greatest extent the target groups and have a positive impact on them; the selection has also been informed by the specific market demand and by what Bulgaria is best known abroad, said Aneliya Genova, state expert at the Ministry of Transport and manager of the project. She noted that the evaluation of the national marketing and the undertaken campaigns in Germany, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Sweden should be finalized during this and the following year.
Thomas Cook is looking for possibilities to increase its market share in Bulgaria as tourist flow to the country is set to reach between 160 000 and 180 000 people
Thomas Cook and Neckermann are looking for possibilities to increase their market share in view of a predicted flow of 160-180 000 tourists. This became clear during a meeting between the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova, Thomas Cook’s contracting manager for Bulgaria Alexander Wrede and Hristo Galbachev, the chief executive officer and chair of the board of directors of Astral Holidays – the official authorized agent for Thomas Cook and Neckermann in Bulgaria.  The representatives of the tour operator said that they expect a difficult summer season but will continue working on all of their traditional markets. At the moment an increase in the number of additional flights of Neckermann Polska to Varna is observed. About 60 to 65 000 tourists from the Scandinavian countries are also expected to visit the country.“I initiated this meeting because I wanted us to get in contact and to assure you that you can rely on my cooperation”, said Nikolina Angelkova. The representatives of Thomas Cook said that they appreciated the fact that Bulgaria already has its Ministry of Tourism with which they could cooperate or address any issues to.  “Traditionally we have about 2 million overnight stays at the Black Sea during the summer season which makes Thomas Cook one of the biggest tour operators in Bulgaria”, said Alexander Wrede. He noted that some publications in the media about Thomas Cook terminating its flights to Bulgaria were quite an unpleasant surprise.  “Indeed, this year, we tried to restore our charter program from Great Britain to Varna which has been out of service for six years now but the demand was low and we gave up the launch of the two planned flights”, explained Alexander Wrede. According to him there isn’t much demand in Great Britain for our northern Black Sea coast destinations and the other types of tourism that are developed there.“Varna and the region offer wonderful conditions for golf tourism that we must present to the English market”, said Minister Angelkova. She mentioned that a tourist attaché is to be appointed in Great Britain. “Hopefully this will boost our growth on this market”, said Nikolina Angelkova.  The participants in the meeting agreed to coordinate their efforts in making Bulgaria more recognizable.Possibilities for other forms of cooperation and the realization of other initiatives that would improve the tourist product were also discussed at the meeting. “Thomas Cook is an important partner for us because it covers most of our target markets – the whole of Europe, including Great Britain”, said Minister Angelkova. She noted that the data which the tour operator can provide could also be quite valuable in terms of the planning of our promotional campaign on these markets. 50% of the tourists in Great Britain plan their vacation online while in the Scandinavian countries this share reaches up to 70%.  In Germany, on the other hand, a scarce 10-15% book their holidays online, was explained at the meeting.According to the representatives of the tour operator, internationally, there’s beeb great demand for tours that include major tourist attractions. Minister Angelkova informed them that cultural and historical routes have already been created and they will be promoted through the so called “celeb tours”. “Our main goal is to present Bulgaria as a year-round destination, focusing on cultural and historical tourism”, explained Nikolina Angelkova.Next week Minister Angelkova is expected to hold a meeting with the management of Thomas Cook and Neckermann during the International Tourist Exhibit ITB Berlin.
Ruse will have its own regional center for tourism management
A regional center that will coordinate the work of the Ministry of Tourism, the local authorities and the tourist branch industry is to be established in Ruse, said Minister Nikolina Angelkova during her official visit to Ruse. She met with the city mayor Plamen Stoilov, the MP Plamen Nunev, representatives of the tourist branch industry and others. The opening of the center is part of the concept of the Ministry of Tourism for Bulgaria’s regional development which is to be approved shortly. 9 regions will be established and Ruse will be the center for the Danube region.Minister Angelkova presented possibilities for EU funding for the tourist sector. 700 million euro is the funding for tourism under the Operational Program “Regions in Growth” 2014-2020. Bulgaria-Romania Cross-border Cooperation Program 2014-2020 which has a budget of 258 million euro also offers opportunities for funding. These are some of the future funding possibilities for the tourism sector. The Ministry of Tourism is currently researching all funding possibilities of the operational programs and of the other funds intended for tourism; information will also be made available to all interested parties.  "An observatory for tourism will be established in Ruse", said Minister Angelkova.  The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is prepared to support the establishment of a network of observatories for sustainable tourism in Bulgaria and the Danube Region. The observatories will be created together with academic and scientific centers – students and professors will select a range of indicators following the methodology of the UNWTO which will also be their control body. Minister Angelkova also undertook the responsibility to support the International Tourist Exhibit “Weekend Tourism in Ruse” which will be held in May.Later that day Minister Angelkova met with representatives of the local authorities and the tourism branch industry of the Ivanovo municipality. She also visited the medieval Cherven Fortress which is part of the campaign for encouraging internal tourism.
Minister Angelkova: Each region will have its own promotional materials
Promotional materials that will feature the diversity and specific characteristics of each region will be provided. This was said during a meeting between Minister Nikolina Angelkova and representatives of the Veliko Tarnovo local authorities, the branch organizations, MPs and others.“The focus of this year’s national promotional campaign is cultural and historical tourism and Veliko Tarnovo is surely one of its symbols”, said Minister Angelkova. She noted that the Ministry of Tourism will support the municipality’s initiatives to stimulate the tourist flow and promote the city’s historical heritage. This year is the 830th anniversary of the Uprising of Asen and Peter (a revolt against the Roman Empire 1185-1186) and it will be marked with a number of festivities under the patronage of Prime-Minister Boyko Borisov.  Another important event in the region is the Veliko Tarnovo International Cultural Tourism Exhibition which will be held 1-4 April. Last year there were 85 participants from 11 countries and it is expected that this year interest from foreign exhibitors will be even greater. Minister Angelkova undertook the responsibility to invite her colleague ministers of the other participating countries and thus further promote the trade fair.   The participants in the meeting also agreed that good infrastructure is vital for the tourist industry. A main priority for the Ministry is the construction of the Hemus Highway which will be only 15 km away from Veliko Tarnovo. This will give an additional boost to the region and the tourist sector in particular as it will improve the road infrastructure between the country’s ancient capital and Sofia and provide better transportation to the big summer resorts. This will allow tourists to travel to the millennial city within hours, noted Minister Angelkova.She also stated that improved infrastructure of the Trapezitsa historical mountain top will make the country’s ancient capital an even better recognizable and attractive destination.  Under the Operational Program “Regional Development” 2007-2013 over 4 million leva were invested in the project during past years.According to data by the municipality there has been a 5% growth in foreign tourists for 2014. The Ministry’s campaign for stimulating interior tourism is expected to increase the number of Bulgarian tourists in the region where 5 out of the 50 lesser known sites that are the focus of the campaign are located. These are the St .Nikolsko School, The Emen Canyon, the Ancient Roman City of Novae, the Zarapovo Geo Gomplex and the Kapinovski Monastery of St. Nicholas.Minister Angelkova and the mayor of Veliko Tarnovo visited the Kapinovski Monastery. The site is socialized but is still not sufficiently recognizable outside the region. Hence, further promotion of both little known sites and popular tourist destinations such as the Church of the Forty Martyrs (Sveti Chetirdeset Muchenitsi) and the Architectural and Museum Reserve Tsarevets in Veliko Tarnovo could attract an even greater number of local tourists.
Minister Nikolina Angelkova: Over 166 000 Czech tourists have visited Bulgaria in 2014
Bulgaria’s possibilities for tourism development were a main topic during the opening of the Holiday World Tourism Fair in Prague. Bulgaria’s Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova took part in the official ceremony. The 24th edition of the fair started on the 19th February and will last till 22nd February.  Bulgaria will be promoting golf tourism which is a serious niche for our country on the Czech market. This was one main topic of discussion between the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and the Czech Minister of Regional Development Karla Šlechtová. Traditionally, there has been great interest by Czech tourists in our summer resorts and for last year only Bulgaria has been visited by 166 000 Czechs. “Our country offers good opportunities for health tourism and there’s been a growth in this kind of tourist visits”, said Nikolina Angelkova. 2 000 people have traveled to Bulgaria for health services in 2013 while in 2014 their number has peaked to 28 000. “Hopefully, we would be able to cooperate with the Czech Republic as well to increase this trend as well as exchange good practices in the SPA and wellness tourism”, added the Bulgarian Minister.  The two countries will also be exchanging know-how on the promotion of cultural and historical routes which could bring to life whole regions.The two Ministers agreed to cooperate for the introduction of joint tourist products. Minister Angelkova invited her Czech colleague to spend her holiday in Bulgaria and gain first-hand impressions of our country’s tourism opportunities. Mrs Šlechtová is also expected to take part in the meeting of the Ministers of Tourism of the Danube Region countries and the Balkans which is organized in Sofia and is initiated by Minister Angelkova. A meeting will be organized between the Ministers of Tourism and representatives of the charter airlines. This was negotiated during a meeting between Minister Angelkova and representatives of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) – Ms. Isabel Garaña, Director Regional Program for Europe and Mr. Carlos Vogeler, Executive Secretary for Members Relations at UNWTO. Efforts will be made to increase interest in the direct airline Prague-Sofia which will ultimately increase the frequency of flights as wellDuring the day, Minister Angelkova also met with the CEO of the CzechTourism Agency, Monika Palatková. The Ministry of Tourism is presenting Bulgaria with a stall of 42 sq.m. where 3 tourist companies and 5 municipalities are displayed. There are 768 exhibitors from 46 countries at this year’s tourism fair in Prague.
Minister Angelkova: Through stimulating interior tourism we’ll boost regional development
The Ministry’s campaign for stimulating interior tourism is a possibility for regional development that municipalities should take full advantage of. This is what Minister Nikolina Angelkova said during her visit to the Montana municipality. The regional governor of Montana Ivailo Petrov and the MP Desislava Atanasova were among the participants in the daily discussions. Minister Angelkova visited the Kastra ad Montanezium Fortress which is part of the 50 little known tourist sites which the Ministry is currently promoting under the Operational Programme “Regional Development”.   “The Fortress in Montana is an example of how these 50 sites are socialized but need more promotion in order to achieve better development”, noted Nikolina Angelkova. Three of the sites enlisted in the 50 little known attractions are located in the Montana region: these are Sluncheva Gradina (The Sunny Garden), the Kastra ad Montanezium Fortress and the Chiprovtsi destination. The Montana Fortress has been funded by the Project for the Integrated Development of the Cultural and Historical Tourism in the Montana Municipality as part of the Operational Programme “Regional Development” and the investment amounts to 1.3 million leva. A parking area, walking alleys and a visitors’ center among other things have been created. The gradual conservation, renovation, exhibition and socialization of the archeological structures have also been carried out as part of the project. A main goal of the project for the renovation of the Kastra ad Montanezium Fortress is to develop and integrated tourist product in the Montana municipality which will increase the share of tourism in the local economy and will increase public interest in the cultural and historical heritage of Northwestern Bulgaria. The key geographic location of the town of Montana is a precondition for attracting tourists from the country, Romania and Serbia. “You have all that is needed to develop active tourism and this will liven up the region”, noted Minister Angelkova. She announced that during the past weekend she had visited the Tsari Mali Grad Fortress in the Samokov region which had welcomed 500 000 visitors in 2014 while in 2015 the number of visitors is expected to rise to 700-800 000 people. “This could also happen in Monatana“, stressed the Minister.“With Marc Girardelli who is my advisor in the winter tourism sector we’ll visit the area in the vicinity of Kom to see what the preconditions are for the development of winter tourism in Stara planina”, added Angelkova. She noted that one of the Ministry’s priorities is to develop mountain tourism not only in the popular Bansko, Pamporovo and Borovets resorts but also in places all over the country.Minister Angelkova met with the mayors of all the municipalities within the region. She presented what the Ministry has achieved so far in terms of creating an online register of the tourist sites and attractions. “Without your assistance and updated information about each municipality we could not possibly develop local tourism”, explained Minister Angelkova.  She appealed to the local authorities to be more active in providing additional information for the register. Minister Angelkova met with representatives of the tourist branch in Berkovitsa to discuss possibilities for developing mountain tourism. Talks with the branch industry were held in Vurshets where Mnister Angelkova examined the condition of Sluncheva Gradina after the hurricane winds at the end of January.
Nikolina Angelkova: We are creating the first ever register of the tourist sites and attractions in Bulgaria
The most important thing is that in the past 100 days we managed to set the structure for the Ministry of Tourism and to get the administration working at a pace that meets the needs of both the government and the business sector.  We managed to resolve issues that have been pending for years. This is what the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova announced during the press conference on the 100 days of the Ministry’s governance. She also introduced her two deputies, Deputy Minister Irena Georgieva and Deputy Minister Nadya Marinova.  “We are working on creating a unified register for the tourist sites and attractions and its integration into ESTI (Unified System of Tourist Information)”,  said Nikolina Angelkova.  She added that the basis for this has already been secured as 165 municipalities out of an overall number of 264 have submitted information on the sites, their ownership and existing infrastructure. “I would like to urge the remaining mayors and municipalities to submit their information so that we could complete the register”, said Minister Angelkova. She explained that the ownership of these sites is being currently identified. According to the Ministry of Tourism an entrance fee for the tourist sites and attractions will be gradually introduced so that their conditions and accessibility can be improved. The initial list will be sent to the branch industry so that more comprehensive information is gathered. „Two regulations for the tourism sector have already been drafted and adopted and the amendments to the Law on Tourism are about to be concluded”, noted Nikolina Angelkova. A regulation for the unification of the rules for the functioning of the ski zones and a Regulation on the work of ESTI have already been adopted. The Minister noted that a number of regulatory acts have been delayed which has hindered the work dynamics in the sector. “ESTI is to be updated so that information about the number of actual overnight stays of foreign and Bulgaria tourists can be submitted in real time ”, said Angelkova. The goal is for ESTI to start functioning as a Unified Platform for Information transmitted via secure channels between the participants in the tourist register, the local authorities, the authorities of the Ministry of Interior and others. The changes are expected to expose the grey sector and increase revenues from tourism. “Within a few days the Concept for the country’s regional division will be approved”, added Nikolina Angelkova. Organizations for their management will also be established so that the presentation of specific forms of tourism within certain regions could be improved and these regions could apply to various EU Programmes in the future. „An interdepartamental work group has also been created which should resolve one of the biggest issues for the sector – regulating the legal status and the management of our national resorts”, Nikolina Angelkova. The Ministry has held a number of meetings with representatives of the Ministry of Finance in an attempt to find the legal and financial possibilities for the establishment of a fund or some other financial mechanism for investments in the tourist infrastructure and sites.  Minister Angelkova outlined the measures for counteracting the drop in the early bookings of Russian and Ukrainian tourists. She informed that as a result of the Ministry’s cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the visa-issuing procedures for citizens of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Georgia have been facilitated.   At the same time a massive campaign for the promotion of Bulgaria on the Pan-European TV channels  (Eurosport, Euronews, Discovery, National Geographic) will also be launched and a contract will be signed with BBC for the promotion of the country. The goal is to attract an additional tourist flow from Europe which will compensate for the drop in the number of Russian and Ukrainian tourists.The countries where Bulgaria will have its tourist attachés have also been defined. These are Spain, Germany, Russia, Turkey and Romania. According to Minister Angelkova Bulgaria should actively cooperate with the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). Hence, the country will have a permanent representative in Spain as the headquarters of the organization are located there.  Plans are also made for Bulgaria to have its tourist attaché in the Scandinavian countries and a representative that will be responsible for the Visegrad Group. Yet, their exact location remains to be defined.
The Ministry of Tourism has a new address
In relation to the establishment of the Ministry of Tourism as a separate administration, we would like to inform you that as of 16th February 2015 the address of the Ministry is 1 Saborna Str, SofiaYou can contact us via the following;
The Minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova met with the Bulgarian patriarch Neophyte
The Holy Synod will have its representative in the National Council of Tourism.  A partnership agreement between the Bulgarian Orthodox Church and the Ministry of Tourism will be prepared and signed at the shortest possible time. This was negotiated at a meeting between the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and His Holiness Neophyte. Other participants in the meeting were the Lovchanksi Metropolitan Gavriil, the Varna and the Veliko Turnovo metropolitan Joan, the Nevrokopski metropolitan Seraphim, the Secretary General of the Holy Synod archimandrite Gerasim and the head of the Public Relations department of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church Alexandra Karamihaleva. At this stage the representative of the Holy Synod in the National Council of Tourism will not have the right to vote but can take part and intervene during the meetings. Other interested parties can also take part in the activities of the Council according to its regulations.The two parties discussed possibilities for promoting the holy places – churches and monasteries, miraculous icons, holy relics and their inclusion in the tourist packages. The mapping out of routes for orthodox worshippers who will be able to attend the yearly and daily sermons was also a topic for discussion.  According to the Holy Synod religious tourism is not sufficiently developed. “We are relying on your assistance to identify the important orthodox monuments and to develop cultural and historical tourism that includes religious tourism as well”, said Angelkova.According to the representatives of the Holy Synod Russian tourists make for the biggest share of religious tourists. This prompted a discussion about the drop in the number of tourists from the Russian Federation and the measures that the Ministry of Tourism intends to undertake in order to counteract this trend. Minister Angelkova said that together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the visa-issuing procedures for Russian citizens will be facilitated and she promised to push for a fast-track procedure for religious tourists as well.The two sides agreed that a mechanism should be identified to secure that revenues from the fees for the tourist sites are invested in the maintenance and socialization of these same sites so that better tourist conditions are created and information materials are made available. Efforts will be made to establish orthodox churches as tourist sites without disturbing the church’s regular practices and to offer tourists adequate information related to the orthodox traditions. „At the moment everyone can be appointed tourist guide as there are no concrete requirements. That’s why we’re working towards creating the needed regulation for this activity and I rely on your help for the establishment of sightseeing rules for the cultural and religious monuments”, said Minister Angelkova.It was agreed that the Holy Synod will present a list with the significant orthodox monuments and artifacts that will be the focus of future promotional films and materials.
Minister Angelkova opened the International Tourist Fair Vacation & Spa 2015
Preliminary data shows that in 2014 there’ve been 22 000 realized overnight hotel stays in the country which has generated revenue of 1 billion leva. This is what the Minister of tourism Nikolina Angelkova said during the International Tourist Fair Vacation & Spa 2015. According to data by the National Statistical Institute, only for the month of December the number of accommodation places in Bulgaria has increased by 7% and has generated revenue of 35 million leva.„About 300 million leva from the revenues for overnight stays for 2014 have been realized by Bulgarian citizens”, stated Minister Angelkova. According to the Minister this testifies yet again to the fact that Bulgarian tourists are a rather important revenue source and need to be better catered to. Encouraging internal tourism and increasing the number of Bulgarian tourists in the country is one main focus of the exhibit.  Minister Angelkova responded to journalists that the visa-issuing procedure for Russian and Ukranian citizens has already been facilitated. “Bulgaria will be actively presented at the future big exhibits in the Russian federation”, she added. This year the International Tourist Fair Vacation&Spa will take place from February 12th till February 14th at the Inter Expo Center. Among this year’s participants are over 200 representatives of the Bulgarian tourism business sector and municipalities as well as about 130 foreign exhibitors.
Nikolina Angelkova and Ivailo Kalfin will cooperate to facilitate the employment conditions in the tourism sector for the youngest candidates
Coordinated steps will be undertaken to facilitate the employment conditions in the tourist sector for individuals over 16 years old. It is expected that such a measure will benefit the business sector as the season job vacancies in the tourism sector will give young people the opportunity to work without interfering with their studies. This was negotiated at a meeting between the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labour and Social Policy Ivailo Kalfin.   Minister Angelkova discussed one other issue that was raised by the branch industry during her visit in Burgas and Varna last month – namely, the conditions under which foreign students can do an internship in the tourist sector. The Deputy Prime Minister assured her that there are no administrative difficulties for students from the EU countries and that they can be easily hired.The two ministers will cooperate to create conditions for improving the professional training of those who work in the tourist sector. Possibilities for cooperation under the Clio Programme were also discussed during the meeting. Nikolina Angelkova suggested that the tourist branch be more active in the entire process and that those who have undertaken the training be hired by specific companies. The Clio Program aims to secure employment and social integration to unemployed individuals without creating new job places. In 2015 it will be geared toward the tourist sector as well and potential candidates will be able to gain professional qualification for tour guides and tourist entertainers.
The tourist visa-issuing procedures for citizens of the Russian Federation and Ukraine will be facilitated
The visa-issuing procedures for citizens of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Georgia will be facilitated. This agreement was reached today by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and the Minister of Internal Affairs Daniel Mitov at a meeting in the Ministry of Tourism.The decision comes in response to the approaching summer tourist season and reflects the Ministry’s desire to encourage the tourist flow from Russia and Ukraine.  This is one measure to counteract the negative trend of a drop in the number of early bookings for 2015 by tourists from these countries. Data shows that compared to the January-November 2014 period there has been a drop in Russian tourists of 3% and the number of Ukranians has decreased by 8%.The visa fast-tracking procedures include the issuing of short-term two-time or multiple entry visas with a one-year expiry date for organized tourism for citizens that have used Bulgarian visas before. The visa facilitations are also valid for real-estate owners from the cited countries. Those of them who have not visited our country before can use short-term one-year two-time or multiple entry visas for private visits while those who have been previously in Bulgaria will be issued two-time or multiple visas for three years.Minors and juvenile citizens of the cited countries are also eligible for a visa fast-tracking procedure. Those who wish to visit the country on tourism or as part of an organized youth camp (education, sports, cultural exchange) will be issued short-term multiple visas for 5 years. The expiry date of these visas will not exceed the legal age for which these citizens are eligible for free visas. Handicapped people can use one-year two-time or multiple entry visas.The validity of all issued visas will match the validity of all travel documents.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already sent instructions on the visa-issuing facilitation procedures to all our diplomatic missions and consulates.
Minister Nikolina Angelkova met with the President of Slovakia Andrej Kiska
The Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria Nikolina Angelkova met with the President of Slovakia Andrej Kiska in Bratislava. The meeting was held during the Minister’s one-day visit for the opening of the International Tourist Fair SLOVAKIATOUR - Incheba 2015. The event is under the patronage of the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic and this is its twenty-first edition.President Andrej Kiska visited the Bulgarian stall where 4 tour agencies were presented and held talks with Minister Angelkova for bilateral cooperation. Prospects for mutual initiatives promoting tourism in both Bulgaria and Slovakia were discussed. It was agreed to strengthen the administrative cooperation between the two parties in the sector. President Kiska is set to visit Bulgaria this coming autumn and has expressed interest in organizing a bilateral forum on the development of tourism.Bulgaria and Slovakia will work towards the establishment of the ‘Danube’ brand and for a greater focus on the Danube strategy. This was agreed by Minister Nikolina Angelkova and Frantisek Palko, State Secretary of the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development. The two parties will also look at possibilities to jointly promote their countries on the distant markets. The State Secretary Palko supported the initiative of Minister Angelkova to push for a greater focus on tourism within the Juncker Plan. The possibility to launch a direct airline Bratislava-Sofia which will reinforce the tourist exchange between the two countries was also discussed.This year’s participation of Bulgaria in Incheba was met with great interest from the Slovak tour agencies and tour operators. The fact that the head of state of the Slovak Republic personally visited the Bulgarian stall testifies to this interest as well as to the possibilities to further develop relations between the two countries.ITF SLOVAKIATOUR - Incheba 2015 is located on an area of 17 500 sq m where 387 stalls of over 20 countries are hosted and is visited by over 75 000 people. This is the biggest exhibit for tourism, wellness, fitness and gourmet within the territory of Slovakia.
Minister Angelkova: Bulgaria is not tapping its full potential for mountain tourism growth
Despite its huge potential Bulgaria ranks in one of the last places in Europe when it comes to mountain tourism equipment. This is what the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova said during a discussion meeting on mountain tourism. Other participants in the round-table discussion were the Minister of Youth and Sports Krasen Kralev, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Georgi Kostov, the Deputy Minister of Economy Daniela Vezieva and others.“Our country is lagging behind in the development of mountain tourism”, said Minister Angelkova. In Austria per every 10 sq m there is 1 km of ski tracks, in Germany – per every 300 sq m there is a 1-kilometer ski piste, in Bulgaria per every 579 sq m there is a 1-kilometer ski track. “There are 32 ski zones in Bulgaria and 110 ski lifts,” noted Nikolina Angelkova.   Just for comparison the Czech Republic has 176 ski zones and 816 ski lifts, in Austria – 254 ski zones with 3028 ski lifts and in France – 325 ski zones and 3595 ski lifts. “We can hardly be competitive on the tourism market with such indicators”, added the Minister of Tourism.  According to the Minister, Bulgaria has the potential to construct new ski tracks and facilities without causing damage to the environment, the parks, the flora and the fauna.Minister Angelkova urged for a balanced approach to solving these issues and cited Spain as an example for how tourism can be used to create new jobs and increase revenues, thus becoming a major factor for overcoming the economic crisis. She suggested that all interested parties join efforts in finding the right decisions for fostering the development of the winter and mountain tourism the way Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Switzerland, Andorra and other countries have managed to do.The mountain should not be seen solely as a place where one can practice winter sports – it is suitable for hiking, recreation and adventure tourism and the state should secure the right conditions for that. “Our country ranks second in Europe in biodiversity and the mountain lifts are the greenest possible means of transportation”, reminded Nikolina Angelkova. She added that the country has plenty of opportunities for the creation of new eco-friendly ski zones and lifts. “Together with golf tourism, winter tourism attracts high class tourists who spend four times more than the overall summer tourists”, added Minister Angelkova.Bulgaria stands a real chance of becoming a leading European winter tourism destination. “We are already an established ski destination with a serious market share and we are part of the calendar of the International Ski Federation which makes us quite competitive and we should build on that”, Nikolina Angelkova stated.“Only through joint efforts can we establish Bulgaria as an easily recognizable all-year tourist destination”, added the Minister. “We should direct our actions towards changes in the legislation, the modernization of existing facilities and long-term planning and do so in full compliance with the national and European legislations. The existing ski facilities should guarantee safety, especially those that have become obsolete. We should find a compromise solution on how to upgrade the mountain infrastructure so that it meets the needs of the locals and responds to tourists’ expectations”, concluded Angelkova.
Minister Nikolina Angelkova met with the Prime Minister of Spain Mariano Rajoy and took part in a round-table discussion entitled “Tourism as an Economic Factor”
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelokova participated today in a round-table discussion in Madrid entitled “Tourism as an Economic Factor”. The event was opened by the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Spain Mariano Rajoy, the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism José Manuel Soria, the mayor of Madrid Ana Botella, the President of the autonomous community of Madrid Ignacio González, the Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs Elżbieta Bieńkowska and the Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization Taleb Rifai.Minister Nikolina Angelkova participated in the second panel of the event “The Impact of Tourism on the Development of a Country’s Infrastructure” together with the Minister of Tourism for the Kingdom of Morocco Lahcen Haddad, the Minister of the Economy of Portugal Antonio Pires, the Spanish Minister for Public Works Ana Pastor, the chairman of the organizing committee of the International Tourism Fair FITUR, Luis Gallego and the Spanish airline company IBERIA. „The infrastructure serves many sectors of the economy but when we invest in infrastructure for tourism we create greater value added” , said Minister Angelkova. According to the Minister, the tourism sector is a major generator of new jobs and employment; it includes mainly small and medium enterprises and is primarily export-oriented. Hence these investments bring even greater, indirect benefits. The participants in the panel supported her view and agreed that priority should be given to investments in the infrastructure which improve the conditions for tourism.      .According to Minister Nikolina Angelkova better conditions should be created for regional cooperation in the tourism sector within the European Union, which in turn will improve the compatibility of the European tourist services and their access to perspective distant markets.During the forum it became clear that in the last year, according to data of the World Tourism Organization, there has been a 14,8% growth in returns in the tourism sector worldwide. Spain registers the greatest growth of 7% which ranks her in 3rd place in terms of tourist visits and 2nd in revenues.Minister Angelkova is currently on a visit in Spain for the opening of one of the biggest international tourism trade fairs FITUR`2015. The fair will be held from 28th January till 1st February 2015 at the Juan Carlos I Exhibition Center in Madrid.
Minister Angelkova: 61% of Bulgarians are prepared to travel and take holidays in the country but they lack sufficient information
Sociological research shows that 61% of the Bulgarians are prepared to travel and take holidays in the country but have no idea where to go and how to invest their spare time.  The statement was made by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova. Today she launched a campaign for encouraging interior tourism in Bulgaria. Funds are provided by the Operational Programme “Regional Development” 2007-2013 which will focus on 50 little known tourist sites."When I took over the Ministry I inherited a signed contract with outlined parameters for its implementation. The only thing we could do was to speed up work and shorten the deadlines so that we could effectively assimilate the EU funds”, explained Minister Angelkova. The campaign is expected to better inform Bulgarians about the year-round tourism possibilities of Bulgaria and increase the share of interior travels. This may compensate for the drop of foreign tourists from some of our traditional markets."Bulgarians have a positive attitude towards Bulgaria as a place for tourism – 85% consider it a good place for their vacation. The problem is that only 16% take active interest in tourism in Bulgaria”, said Nikolina Angelkova. She noted that 78% of the participants in the poll have declared that nothing has spurred their interest recently  regarding tourism in Bulgaria and they have not seen any relevant advertising.Data by the National Statistical Institute shows that in the past 11 months of 2014 the Bulgarians who have vacationed in Bulgaria amount to 2.6 million which makes for a 5% growth compared to the period of January-November 2013. However, for the same period of 2014, the Bulgarians who have been on vacation abroad are almost 1.1 million which is a 27% growth compared to 201З. "Generally, Bulgarians are used to planning their trips alone but prefer to travel abroad on organized trips”, added the Minister of Tourism.  Hence the campaign aims to increase interest in the year-round destinations in Bulgaria which are suitable for one-day or weekend vacations.The campaign will be launched next week with a video promoting the Stone Mushrooms (Kamenni Gabi), the Neutzikon Fortress and the Dragoman Plateau. A special site has also been created - which will be launched at the start of the campaign.The overall budget for the activity “Integrated communication campaign for encouraging interior tourism in Bulgaria” is 1.9 million leva. In addition to this activity and as part of the project “Communication campaign for encouraging interior tourism in Bulgaria” an analysis has been prepared to date of the main motivation of Bulgarians for travelling in and outside the country. Four journalistic tours have been organized as part of the national exhibits in Varna, Burgas, Ruse and Smolyan as well as 6 thematic journalistic tours concerning the different kinds of tourism. All information materials have been made available. A program has been drafted for encouraging travels by Bulgarian citizens throughout the country in 2015. The promotional messages have been tested with target groups. Future activities of the campaign are set to include a target group of 2 million people. A 30-minute TV spot will aslo be shot and broadcast on national television. There will be print, internet and internal advertising as well.
Minister Nikolina Angelkova: Ski patrols to ensure safety on the ski slopes
An ordinance was adopted for the regulation and harmonization of the ski slope safety and the  information security in Bulgaria, announced the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova after today's meeting of the Council of Ministers which approved the regulation. The industry has been pushing for this change for nearly 2 years and the regulations will be effective next season."All lift operators will be responsible for setting up a ski patrol which will ensure slope-safety and provide first aid when accidents occur ", said Minister Angelkova. This will increase the safety level and will make us competitive to the progressive ski resorts in the world. Individuals with good skiing skills who have also attended first aid courses are eligible to enrol in the patrols. They will wear distinctive uniforms and will be supervising both  skiers and the markings on the ski slopes. They will be authorized to issue a warning to those who do not respect safety rules and withdraw or deactivate their lift cards. When necessary the ski patrol can report to the authorities of the Ministry of Interior.The ordinance includes no categorization or a new regulatory regime, but outlines the general rules for the use of the ski area, the ski slopes and the ski facilities. It will increase the security and safety of the ski areas by introducing minimum requirements for skiers and the work of  the ski patrols. "We are introducing minimum requirements, yet the lift operators can introduce additional specific rules for the practice of other winter sports," said Nikolina Angelkova. This will be informed by the peculiarities and the size of the area, the terrain and by how busy the peculiar ski area is.A classification based on the profile of the given terrain will determine the degree of a slope’s difficulty  - green (mild slope for beginners), blue (easy slope), red (medium difficult track) and black (difficult track). Information boards and warning signs will also be provided. “The tracks are marked and there are boards and signs now too, but we’ll make them identical everywhere. This will be of assistance to tourists and will help them choose the track that best corresponds to their skills ", said Minister Angelkova.The mayor or mayors of the municipalities where the ski resort is located will be responsible for monitoring the implementation of the ordinance and will appoint individuals who will be authorized to issue fines. A Committee appointed by the Minister of Tourism, will determine the different types of ski slopes according to their degree of difficulty and will monitor if safety is ensured in compliance with the regulation.The document will also stipulate the requirements for the maintenance of the ski slopes in the winter and summer seasons; the safety measures on the slopes, how to warn against avalanche danger, etc. The ordinance on the safety and information security of the ski slopes in Bulgaria and for determining the ski-slope and ski-area safety rules as well as the work of the ski patrols, as the full name of the legal act states, is binding on the Tourism Act and will come into force on 1st October, 2015.  The full text of the ordinance is available on the website of the Ministry of Tourism in the Legislation section.
Nikolina Angelkova: Bulgaria will be promoted to the world through its cultural and historical routes
The status of infrastructure in winter resorts and the facilitated access to them were among the topics, which we discussed with business and local government. This was announced by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova after a consecutive   meeting held in Pamporovo with representatives of the tourism industry and supervisory authorities in the sector. Angelkova stressed that easing visa regime for tourists from key markets such as Turkey, Russia, etc. was also among the important topics being discussed as they were raised by the industry, and noted that activities regarding unifying the administrative procedures in the consular posts and exported visa centers have been initiated. The possibilities for providing more charter flights to the country were also concerned. Further  establishment of Tourism Infrastructure and Tourist  Attractions National Fund will assist in resolving the issue, as it will provide funds for projects of public infrastructure, water treatment plants, sign-plates, and etc., which could not be funded thorough other sources.Change in the concept of advertising Bulgaria as a year-round destination is one of the main aims of the Ministry; it became clear from the words of Angelkova. She reported that the positioning of our country in 2015 will focus on the cultural and historical routes, and on the specifics of winter and summer tourism, whose differences have never been emphasized.The Minister announced that there will be also a change and the vision of national stands presenting Bulgaria to the international tourism exhibitions, as the focus will be placed on the specific cultural and historical routes that Bulgaria can offer to tourists.Angelkova draw attention to the idea of the so-called "celebrity tours", in which famous persons will visit our country and promote our tourist attractions to the world. These ideas and opportunities will be discussed at the upcoming National Tourism Council, which is scheduled to take place in two weeks. The branch and all concerned  institutions will discuss the presentation of which specific routes and attractions  will be used to launch the plan for the new positioning of Bulgaria as a tourist destination.Angelkova Minister expressed satisfaction from the busy winter resorts and small number of the administrative violations in the categorization of the tourist sites concluded by the control authorities.
Possibility for beach concessions and ski slopes to move on to the Ministry of Tourism is considered
The possibility to move on the  beaches concessions and ski slopes under  the  management  of the Ministry of Tourism is under consideration, announced the Minister in charge Nikolina Angelkova responding to a  MP’s question  during Blitz Control within the meeting of the Parliamentary Committee on Economic Policy and Tourism. The question is being discussed with the Deputy Minister in charge and the ministers of the cabinet, announced Angelkova. This is a process that could be implemented at the earliest in late 2015 or the beginning of 2016, it became clear from her words.Angelkova told the Members of Parliament that her team is working to clarify the legal status of national resorts as to target optimization of their management without making an impression that these are "feeders" of any governments. This will explain where the tourist tax collected by the municipalities would be allocated to ensure funds spending for tourist infrastructure. Regarding the clarification of the legal status of national resorts, Minister Angelkova said that the issue will be also discussed by the group of experts set up for that purpose to the National Tourism Council.She recalled the idea of establishing a National Fund  for Tourist Infrastructure and Tourist Attractions  to finance  projects for infrastructure, water treatment plants, sign-plates,  which could not be funded thorough other sources.The Minister said that talks with the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Foreign Affair have been already held in order to find out the best option for facilitating  the procedures for issuing  tourist visas, which meets  both the national and European legislation,  and  the national security as well. Angelkova said multiple-entry visas for Turkish citizens wishing to visit Bulgaria in the winter season have been already issued and the procedure takes three days if no additional information regarding the particular person is needed.
Nikolina Angelkova presents Marc Girardelli as an advisor for winter tourism
The Minister of Tourism outlines her work priorities The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova presented Marc Girardelli, a five-time World Cup overall champion in all five alpine disciplines, as her advisor for winter tourism. She also announced to the media the priorities of the separated ministry.The first focus of our activities will be drawing up a sustainable national strategy on tourism. The purpose of this document is to stimulate sustainable tourism development and to reduce regional disparities by creating strong regional brands. Increasing the specialized types of tourism through advertising in target markets will be also aimed, said Angelkova. Improving the tourism infrastructure will be another important element of the strategy.The Minister said that the status and structure of the future Tourism Infrastructure and TouristAttractions National Fund is currently being discussed together with the industry and the Ministry of Finance. The funds will be allocated for financing the important projects of public infrastructure, which could not be funded thorough other sources - resorts roads, water treatment plants, ecological facilities, sign-plates, and etc. The fund will be launched in 2016.We are also working on the legal status of national resorts as we have defined measures for equal development of all types of tourism, for which Bulgaria has the potential, added Angelkova. She drew an attention to the best use of European funds and said that  a separate Directorate for programmes and projects will be established in the Ministry for that purpose. The Minister said that due to the cooperation with the Managing Authority in the MRD and the good pace of work, the implementation period of the delayed contracts under OP "Regional Development" has been extended, as the risk of loss of BGN 8 million has been already overcome. For the next programming period, the tourism can count on nearly EUR 1 billion provided by the EU operational programmes or other European programmes. The applications will be submitted on a competitive basis, so the municipalities and businesses should be maximum proactive, recommended the Minister. A manual of EC funding opportunities in the field of tourism will be published on the website of the Ministry: http://www.tourism.government.bgOur main goal is positioning Bulgaria as recognizable and year-round tourist destination and its transformation into one of the best European tourist destinations, stressed Angelkova. It will be achieved by speeding up the work on the changes in the regulations, whose adoption was also delayed. The Minister said that first two ordinances to the Tourism Act -  an Ordinance on safety and information security on the ski slopes and the regulation for establishing a single system for tourist information (Estia) have been already  submitted to the business for coordination. The national tourist register to the Minister of Tourism is considered as of crucial importance to function as a unified platform for information and to collect the required data base for the sector, including information about the tourist attractions of the country.A particular analytic unit within the Ministry will be focusing on more detailed analysis of the statistics to target a meaningful planning of marketing and promotional activities, it became clear from the words of Angelkova. She also announced the forthcoming set up of regional tourism departments of the Ministry in the country, including national representatives abroad for target markets, as in Beijing it will be together with Romania and will focus on distant markets.Marc Girardelli, a five-time World Cup overall champion in all five alpine disciplines and the new  advisor  of Minister Angelkova, recommend a detailed analysis of the current state of  tourist infrastructure and the identification of Bulgaria in terms of domestic and foreign tourists. He highlighted the importance of excellent service to attract well-off clients as well as the activities to improve the security of tourists. The ski legend has been a great friend of Bulgaria for 10 years and will continue to promote worldwide its unique potential not only in mountain tourism, but also as a four season destination.
Bulgaria to Advertise as Tourist Destination at Madrid Airport
Opportunities to increase cooperation in tourism between Bulgaria and Spain were discussed at meetings held in Madrid between Minister Nikolina Angelkova and the Secretary of State for Tourism Isabel Borrego and the Minister of Development Ana Pastor. Minister Angelkova was on a one-day visit to Madrid on December 10, 2014.Minister Ana Pastor has proposed options for promotion of Bulgaria in Spain as an opportunity to attract more tourists in the country, it became clear from the words of Minister Angelkova after her meeting with the Minister of Development of Spain. One of these options is to use Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport as a platform for the promotion of our country as a tourist destination. Bulgaria may be advertised by placing the image-visions on railway and bus stations in Spain, as well as on high-speed trains in Spain. The Spanish experience in the development of the package "tourist train", by which tourists are able to make trips intermittently to various tourist sites and cities in Spain within a month only with one ticket for train, was shared during the meeting.Details of future advertising of Bulgaria as a tourist destination in Spain will be discussed at the meeting of the joint working group on cooperation in tourism, established under the signed in 2010 Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministries of Tourism of both countries, which will be held next year. Technical meetings between experts from both countries will be held to exchange information and best practices between institutions and leading tour operators from Bulgaria and Spain, as it was agreed by Minister Angelkova and Secretary of State for Tourism in Spain, Isabel Borrego.Details of the implementation of strategic tourism practices by Spain and Spain's experience in the use of various mechanisms to encourage small and medium-sized enterprises in the sector were also discussed at the meetings.Minister Angelkova invited   Secretary Borrego and Minister Pastor to participate in the upcoming forum of European Ministers of Tourism, for whose organization Bulgaria has already put a request to the European Commission. The meeting will be the first of its kind and is planned for mid-2015. Secretary Borrego and Minister Pastor accepted the invitation with satisfaction and appreciated the potential of Bulgaria as a year-round destination. Details of the forthcoming participation of our country in the forum "Tourism as an Economic Factor", which will be held on January 27, 2015 in Spain, were also reviewed.
Minister Angelkova checks up the readiness of Bansko for 2014-2015 winter season
The Minister Tourism Nikolina Angelkova held another meeting prior to the opening of 2014-2015winter season. In Bansko, Angelkova talked with business representatives, concessionaries and institutions, responsible for the smooth running of the season. They assured the Minister that the resort is ready to host numerous Bulgarian and foreign tourists.Data obtained upon the inspections, which the control authorities have made so far, were announced at the meeting. According to the Commission for Consumer Protection, over 90% of the tourist sites being checked up in Bankso have been categorized and met the relevant legal requirements. The Commission has issued only 56 acts for administrative violations ordering a temporary sites closure. The resort’s readiness is supported by the conclusions of Security Police and other institutions as the National Revenue Agency, the National Customs Agency, Construction Supervision, Automobile Administration, Fire Safety, and etc. The Bulgarian Food Safety Agency has inspected 201 sites and has issued 40 prescriptions, and only 9 acts for administrative violations, of which only 3 are related temporary closures. For the safety and health of tourists in Bansko, 2 teams of Food Agency and 15 ski patrols, as well as a permanent rescue team of Security Police will take care. Concessionaires assured that they are available to tourists and skiers will be provided with an emergency helicopter.Angelkova told the audiences that on the new Ministry of Tourism home page a detailed information to help tourist has been already provided in the section "How do I ...“, where all hotlines and Internet addresses of control institutions, in case of need during the winter season, are listed. These data are incessantly available.The industry representatives in their turn reiterated the need for timely changes in the regulations governing their activities in order to be able to work effectively. Angelkova clarified that two pressing ordinances for safety and information security of the ski slopes and the regulation on establishing a unified system for tourist information have already been under discussion.Minister Angelkova assured the  businesses and institutions concerned by  the winter season, that their  regular meetings will be upcoming next months to ensure the smooth running of the season. A similar meeting in Pamporovo is subject to be held.
New web sites for the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Energy and Ministry of Tourism
With regard to the forthcoming adoption of the Rules of procedures of the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Energy and Ministry of Tourism, the separate websites of the three departments will be effective calculated from today.The old version of the website of the Ministry of Economy and Energy will be archived and available.The new websites of the three ministries are under current construction, and the appropriate information to the relevant departments is to be updated. Website of the Ministry of Economy:http://www.mi.government.bgWebsite of the Ministry of Energy: of the Ministry of Tourism:
Commissioner Corina Creţu welcomed the establishment of the new Ministry of Tourism
The European Commission, represented by the Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Creţu, supports the creation of a strategic vision for the development of our tourism industry with horizon to 2020, as through the development of such a European document will be able to specify the priorities and needs of the sector and maximum use of the possibilities of EU funding. This was announced by Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova after meeting Commissioner Corina Creţu, which took place today in Brussels. Commissioner Creţu welcomed the establishment of the new ministry and promised support for its activities from the European structures.“It is important to have a clear vision and a particular roadmap for the future development of our tourist industry, as it is one of our main priorities” Angelkova highlighted. The strategic document should be ready by the end of 2015 to enable the Ministry to be included as a beneficiary in the allocation of EU funds over the next years.The meeting also discussed the possibilities of creating special financial instruments for the tourism industry. According to Angelkova, it is necessary to identify all the possibilities to support the initiatives of the business and not just rely on direct EU funding.I invited Commissioner Creţu in Bulgaria at a roundtable organized to discuss in details these opportunities, said Minister Angelkova. EU Commissioner Corina Creţu supported the idea next year Sofia to host the first meeting of European ministers of tourism. Representatives of the World Tourism Organization to the United Nations, as well as ministers of other countries will be invited to participate in the forum.Earlier today, Minister Angelkova met in Brussels the Vice-President of the European Commission Kristalina Georgieva. They discussed the specifics of financing in the field of tourism and how Bulgaria to be maximum promoted as a year-round tourist destination with a unique nature and specific features - spa and spa services, and other bioproducts. Kristalina Georgieva also warmly welcomed the establishment of the independent Ministry of Tourism to promote sustainable development of the sector.
Minister Angelkova held a meeting with 70 diplomatic missions in Bulgaria
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova held a business breakfast with 55 ambassadors and 15 representatives of diplomatic missions in Sofia being aware of the Bulgarian potential as a year-round tourist destination as well as the main features of the newly established Ministry of Tourism.The latest data provided by the NSI indicated that nearly 7 million foreign tourists visited Bulgaria last year or it was a growth of 5.6% within the period January-October 2014, which is above the European average. Minister Angelkova has set out for diplomats the structure of the new ministry and the key focuses in its policy in respect of feasibility of more visits and revenue rise in the sector, which forms nearly 15% of GDP of the country.The new ministry plans to open representatives in various countries in order to promote there the advantages of Bulgaria as a tourist destination. "You are friends of Bulgaria and the fact that you are a kind of ambassadors of our country in your countries, helps us to turn Bulgaria into a  better known destination for four seasons," Angelkova said expressing hope the meetings between the diplomats to become a regular event.The Minister stressed the importance of a set of factors that affect the Bulgarian image - convenient transport and infrastructure links, more flexible visa regime, more active legislative initiative to promote business and investment, accelerating the development of infrastructure projects through financing funds, the best use of EU funds under the operational programs, and etc. These are all topics that we have been actively working, and talks on establishing a fund for infrastructure projects in tourism have already been made.  Angelkova also said that the ministry will register the tourist sites and attractions and will coordinate with business the status of national resorts so that to be able to plan their attendance objectively and to raise revenues. Meetings regarding the readiness of our resorts for the 2014/15 winter season are scheduled for this week.She pointed out the importance of the Danube Strategy for sustainable tourism development in the Balkans and Bulgaria's readiness to develop and offer joint products with its neighboring countries, which will attract visitors from distant markets. In turn, diplomats raised the issue of facilitating the procedures for issuing visas and the need for more direct flights to the country. They stressed that joint efforts are needed to make Bulgaria a popular destination abroad. It has been highlighted the huge natural, cultural and historical richness and abundance of mineral springs, which Bulgaria has, but unfortunately this potential has not been well known abroad yet.
Nikolina Angelkova: The visa- issuing procedure for Turkish citizens is being facilitated for the winter season
The business requested an analysis of the competitive advantages of Bulgarian tourismAt the initiative of the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and in view of the successful completion of the talks held with the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Foreign Affairs to take steps to facilitate the procedures for issuing visas to  Bulgarian neighboring countries and to promote tourist travel from Turkey to Bulgaria during the winter season,  Bulgarian consulates in Turkey have been instructed to issue dual-entry and  multiple-entry visas with a term of validity of three months for Turkish citizens wishing to visit Bulgarian resorts. The measure will be effective for the period of the winter season. According to the provisional data, about 4-5% growth of the winter season in the country is expected, and the significant numbers of tourists will arrive from the neighboring countries as Turkey (growth of 10%), Serbia and Greece (5% growth), the Republic of Macedonia and Romania. This was announced by Minister Angelkova at a consecutive   meeting with the industry, which aimed to discuss the upcoming marketing initiatives to promote Bulgaria as a tourist destination over the next year.The main activities to realize this intention were presented to the messing as  the leading exchanges and exhibitions, in which Bulgaria will take part, the integrated communication campaigns on targeted and strategic markets, the  business forums in the country and abroad, the additional activities that will be arranged  within accompanying events - as Bulgarian exhibition in the Louvre, the World Ski Cup in Bansko in February-March,  the initiatives relating to the choice of Sofia for European capital of Sport, and other important for the image of our country events.For its part, the business requested for analyzing the competitive advantages of Bulgaria as it will enable a clear and adequate advertising strategy of our country, which is currently now missing. The industry also asked for transparency whilst accounting expenses needed for advertising our country as well as a report on the effectiveness of future activities. Angelkova invited representatives of the industry to present their particular suggestions in addition to the market activities already discussed by the middle of next week in order to submit to the National Council of Tourism a draft of the national advertising of Bulgaria for 2015.Minister Angelkova also assured the representatives of the tourism sector that she will continue to work with them closely, and offered the business to designate representatives with whom to start an active work on the preparation of the upcoming changes in regulations and a discussion on other topics related to the resolution of current issues in the industry.
Minister Angelkova: More tourists will be attracted through a register of tourist sites
The prospective register of tourist sites, attractions and sights is aimed to attract more tourists in Bulgaria and to plan precisely the sustainable development of the industry, the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova announced in Plodviv.Angelkova and Ivan Totev, the Mayor of Plovdiv, opened the traditional annual meeting of tour operators with international participation. 90 tourist companies from 16 countries and over 25 Bulgarian companies took part in the fifth edition of the three-day business forum, organized by the local municipality under the patronage of the Ministry of Tourism and the Association of Bulgarian Tour Operators and Travel Agents.The event was also attended by representatives of tour operators from distant destinations such as Morocco, China, India, etc., for which Bulgaria has the potential to develop joint tourist packages with neighboring countries. This is a niche market that could turn Bulgaria into a more popular and more competitive destination in this part of Europe; it became clear from the statements of Minister Angelkova.The Minister advised of the inspection that should be carried out next week regarding the readiness of our resorts Borovets, Bansko and Pamporovo for the winter season. About 4-5% growth of the winter season in the country is expected, as  the significant numbers of tourists will arrive from the Balkan  countries as Greece (5% growth), Romania (1-2%), Macedonia (5%), Turkey (10% ), Serbia (3%) and etc., as for the Great Britain the sustaining of the last winter season levels is expected, as the planned  increase  of German tourists is of  2%, as  for Austria - about 5% more guests are expected,   and for  Israel - over 10%.According to data submitted by Sofia Airport, 11% increase in arriving foreign passengers is expected during the winter months.  Sofia Airport plans 9 charter chains and Plovdiv Airport - 43 charter flights to and from various countries (Russia, Great Britain, Turkey, Ireland), and  charter flights from Turkey will be operated for the first time.Also, for the first time tourists from countries such as India, China and Japan are interested in our winter resorts, which shows our enormous potential to provide services for Asian tourist markets, added Minister Angelkova.
Bulgaria and Romania will establish a joint tourist information center
Minister Angelkova opened a business forum “Food and drinks from sunny Bulgaria”Bulgaria and Romania will establish a joint information center to promote their joint tourist products. This became apparent after the meetings held today in Bucharest between the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and the Romanian Deputy Prime Minister Liviu Dragnea and the Minister for European Funds in Romania Eugen Teodorovich.Romania is a key Bulgarian tourism market and a partner with strong traditions in the industry resulting from our bilateral relations, said Minister Angelkova. Both parties have agreed on a joint working meeting to be held in Rousse in the second half of December, at which the industry should be also invited to discuss the specific details concerning the establishment of the information center as well as and the opportunities for promoting the joint tourist products, including those under the projects for the   EU's Danube Strategy. Thus, visitors from distant markets, for example from China, Japan, India and etc., would be attracted to the Balkans, stressed Angelkova. Prior to the meeting in Rousse, the representatives of Bulgarian tourism industry will be informed about the idea by the expert team of Minister Angelkova and will present their proposals for joint products.Minister Angelkova opened a Business Forum "Food and drinks from sunny Bulgaria" in Bucharest, which was attended by over 25 Bulgarian companies - producers and distributors of food industry. Angelkova pointed out that the promotion of bilateral business relations in this area are directly related to the tourism. The promotion of the food industry will give more Romanians the possibility of gaining an idea of the wonderful Bulgarian cuisine and our exceptional wines, said Minister Angelkova.Together with Minister Angelkova the  business forum was attended by Alexander Filipov, Bulgarian Ambassador to Romania, Dr. Sorin Oprescu, the  Mayor of Bucharest  and  Yordanka Fandakova the Mayor of Sofia.Bulgaria possesses enormous potential to develop a gourmet and wine tourism, said the Bulgarian Minister. She thanked the Romanian tourists for visiting Bulgaria and invited them to come again during the winter season.The forum was attended by 200 guests - ambassadors, representatives of ministries, mayors, the Romanian tourism industry, manufacturing companies, food chains, chambers and etc.
Nikolina Angelkova: The Balkans has enormous potential to offer joint tourist products
The Minister of Tourism opened the first tourist forum Go2BalkansI support the idea of tourist business to actively work for the establishment of joint tourism products of the Balkan countries to attract a significant attention of tour operators from all over the world towards the region. We have common roots and customs with neighboring countries, which comes to serve as a basis for joint cooperation to attract more tourists and to become a competitive year-round destination. That was stated by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova at the opening of the first Tourism Forum Go2Balkans. More than 100 firms from 10 countries take part in b2b exhibition under the motto "The Balkans - nature, history and culture" and it is held under the patronage of the Ministry of Tourism at the initiative of the Association of Bulgarian Tour Operators and Travel Agents.Minister Angelkova said further that the joint efforts of the tourist industry will turn the region into an attractive tourism market and will increase the opportunities to be successfully promoted to the distant destinations such as China, India and Japan. Angelkova announced that she has already held several meetings with diplomats, who have reaffirmed this interest in Bulgaria and the Balkans."We are all aware that tourism is not only one of the most dynamic forms of economic development but something more. The tourism has always been something more than an economy, as it develops communication between people at many levels – intercultural, personal, explores the customs and  traditions, memory of historic events and the common roots".  Thus, communications in tourism take a basic role in the future, and their perspective is only one – to be extended even further, the Minister added. The potential to facilitate the tourist visa regime has been discussed in order to intensify the tourist flows. Meetings with ministries in charge of Interior and Foreign Affairs will be also held to consider the conditions in details, as the  compliance with the requirements of the Bulgarian and European legislation, in view that Bulgaria is the EU external border, is highly essential,  Minister Angelkova pointed out.Angelkova outlined the optimistic data for the upcoming winter season - about 4-5% growth of tourists, especially from neighboring countries.9% of the global GDP is generated by tourism that stands at some 15% in Bulgaria.  The World Tourism Organization envisages an average growth of world tourism of between 3.2% to 3.4% per year in the near future, while the prognoses for our country point to a growth of between 4.5% and 5%", Angelkova commented. According to the Minister, the creation of joint tourist products is essential to attract tourists from distant countries and to enter on new markets. We have a huge potential in the Balkans for offering such joint services, especially for regions such as along the Danube and the Mediterranean.You should understand, analyze and manage the tourism as an industry that generates income and is a major factor for employment, social development and quality of life. Meanwhile, the development of the sector is based on a good balance between environmental, economic and social interests that the Ministry of Tourism will seek to achieve in line with European policy, Nikolina Angelkova summarized.
Minister Angelkova discussed with the European partners opportunities to promote Bulgarian Tourism
Opportunities to promote Bulgarian tourism products were discussed in Brussels by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and the President of the European Travel Commission (ETC) Peter De Wilde. The talk was a part of the program for Angelkova’s one-day visit to the capital of the EU and her first meeting at the European Commission as a Bulgarian Minister of Tourism.Angelkova and De Wilde also discussed the potential to promote joint projects of our country with other countries under the initiatives of the Danube Strategy. They also exchanged views on the problems facing the European and Bulgarian tourism as well as the opportunities for expansion of mutual cooperation. Among the important topics in the sector, as set out by the Commission, are the visa policy of the community with regard to the distant markets, and the promotion of tourism not only at national but also at European level.Minister Angelkova extended an invitation to the next Board of Directors of the ETC meeting scheduled in October 2015 to be held in Bulgaria. Angelkova also confirmed her attendance at   the celebrations for the Day of European Tourism on 1 December 2014, which will take place in Brussels.The European Travel Commission  was established in 1948 as non-profit organisation based in Brussels. Its members are the 33 National Tourism Organisations (NTOs) of Europe, whose role is to market and promote tourism to Europe in general, and to their individual countries in particular. It assists its members in their  partnership  and in the process of the information exchange, as well as provides up-to-date information on the EU strategic destinations.Bulgaria is a member of the organization since 1993. Bulgaria's non-permanent member of the Board of Directors of the ETC with a two-year term (2014 and 2015), which requires active participation at the board meetings being held to discuss the problems in the sector and the management of the organization.
Minister Angelkova submitted to the tourism industry a presentation on the draft Rules of procedure of the Ministry of Tourism
The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova  presented the draft Rules of procedure of the Ministry of Tourism during the second  workshop meeting held with the tourism industry.  She met the promise made during the first discussion with business and  tourism organizations held last week that the draft version of the document should be drawn up as soon as possible and should be discussed with them.The Rules of procedure will govern the duties and structure of the Ministry of Tourism, which will be configured in a Directorate General, 6 Directorates, an Inspectorate, an Internal Audit Unit and a Financial Controller, Minister Angelkova announced. The specialized administration will include four directorates. The Minister highlighted the transformation of the Travel Policy Directorate into a Directorate General, which will deal with a developing a policy in the area of tourism as a new element in the activities within the Ministry. Directorate for Marketing, Advertising and Tourism Information will be kept effective, and two new Directorates for International Cooperation and Investment in Tourism and Programmes and Projects in Tourism respectively will be created.Minister Angelkova stated clearly that no additional financial resources will be incurred under the new structure of the Ministry of Tourism and will be carried out within the existing size of the administration. It has been accomplished through an internal reorganization and optimization of the mega-ministry, she added.Listening to Angelkova, it was clear that the new Directorate for International Cooperation and Investment in Tourism will assist the Minister in the representation of Bulgaria to the international tourism organizations. It will also coordinate the establishment of Bulgarian tourist representative offices abroad and manage the travel advisors in the offices for trade and economic issues to our foreign representations.The other new Directorate for Programmes and Projects in Tourism will assist the Minister in the implementation of projects for development of tourism at national, regional and local levels, including the development of infrastructure. It will coordinate and manage the implementation of programmes and projects funded by the EU and will keep rerecords and monitor the   contracts signed under the OP "Regional Development".All issues related to the legislative changes in the tourism as well as the cooperation of the new ministry with other institutions, will be updated and further reflected in the Rules of procedure of the Ministry of Tourism, as it was announced at the meeting.A draft Rules of procedure is subject be published for a public consultation on the website of the Ministry of Economy and Energy.
Minister Angelkova awarded a prize for a city hotel of 2014
Nikolina Angelkova was a special guest at the ceremony of the traditional annual awards on the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association (BHRA). The Minister of Tourism presented the award in the category for four-star city hotel of 2014 to the team of Hotel Ezeretz, Blagoevgrad.Angelkova congratulated the managers  and the team of the tourist site on  the  well done  work, which is   also  known as one of the most elegant places for relax, business meetings, sport and spa treatments in the region of Southwestern Bulgaria.I congratulate you on the high quality of your work, which   proofs that a successful tourism could be developed in city areas as well, said the Minister of Tourism.The BHRA has been awarding prizes in the areas of management, hotels and restaurants since 1996.
Minister Angelkova held the first workshop meeting with representatives of the industry to discuss the open issues in tourism industry
The newly assigned Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova  discussed the open concerns in the sector and the future structure of the separate department during the first workshop meeting held with the business.Minister Angelkova assured the bussiens that she taken up the post with the seriousness and responsibility of a person who  jointly with the  team will make all efforts to turn  the new deparment into  operating structure as to achieve the target to change Bulgaria into  a year-round tourist destination,which could be achieved through the common efforts on behalf of the  state and the business. That’s way Minister Angelkova highlighted that she will rely on  the active dialogue with the industry.The representatives of tourism associations and companies acquainted Minister Angelkova  with the issues that  have risen concerns for years  as  the development of the legal framework in the sector, the status of national resorts, the  concession of beaches and ski slopes,  the construction of connecting infrastructure to tourist sites, the security and  rights of services consumers  and many others. The prompt resolution of all issues will turn our country into a preferred tourist destination, the participants in the discussion declared.Minister  Angelkova asked the industry to nominate a consolidated figure, which will assigned as a deputy minister,   but participants in the meeting came to the conclusion that Angelkova should select her own team. A new meeting of that kind will be held with the industry next week, on which the Minister of Tourism  will present a scheme  regarding the  structure of the Ministry.Nikolina Angelkova proposed  such discussions to  be fixed every two weeks   in order to quickly and promptly resolve the pending issues.  She pointed out that the Ministry should become really active structure and shared  that it is planned to provide a separate directorate to focus on opportunities to attract additional financial resources through European and other programmes.My work will be also focused on the future of the tourist attractions, whose form of ownership has to be refined, underlined Angelkova. She emphasized the upcoming efforts to develop all types of tourism, for which Bulgaria has a great potential and stressed that relies on transparency in spending the funds envisaged for national advertising of the country. A discussion with the industry on the delayed regulations is subject to be held as well as the concept for tourism zoning of Bulgaria proposed for a public discussion.The new Minister of Tourism also announced that will work actively to ease visas to important for our country markets and emphasized on  the need for  development of common tourist products with  other countries in the Balkans and along the Danube. This will fully  reveal the potential of the country as a destination and will improve its image on  the international markets.
The Ministers of Economy, Energy and Tourism took up their posts
Minister Bozhidar Lukarski: Development of small and medium business is the major priority of the economy. The team of the Energy Minister Temenuzhka  Petkova will commence  an audit the sector. The Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova counts on a considerable dialogue linked to the industryThe main priority of our work will be the development of small and medium business, which in leading European countries such as Germany and the Great Britain is the backbone of the economy. We will make strong efforts to reduce the administrative burden on SMEs. That was stated by the new Minister of Economy Bozhidar Lukarski upon taking up the post during a ceremony at the Ministry of Economy and Energy, which is divided into three separate departments in charge for Economy, Energy and Tourism. He stressed that the companies will be supported throughout stimulation of innovative technologies as their products to be able to reach more markets, and people to increase their income.This ambitious aim will be implemented through the mechanisms of OP "Competitiveness and Innovation", which was early commended by Brussels. The comments will be clarified in a very short term in order to quickly and fully launch the programme, Lukarski highlighted. He announced that a detailed programme regarding the management of the sector will be prepared within a month.The new Minister of Energy Temenuzhka Petkova emphasized the crucial importance of the sector to the national economy. According to her, it should be managed in a way to stop the accumulated negatives. The good European practices and standards should be established, said Minister Petkova. She said the sector should be so stabilized that a long-term vision to be achieved, which will be fulfilled through reforms and urgent actions. The Energy Minister said further that her team will rely on the analysis of the caretaker government made for the sector, to identify the main risks in it and to take prompt and adequate measures to get out of the critical situation. For the beginning, she referred to launching an energy audit that will find out its actual condition.A great challenge and responsibility is taking over the Minister of Tourism, it became clear from the words of his new holder Nikolina Angelkova. She recalled that the set-up of a separate ministry in the sector was a key election commitment to the industry. The tourism sector accounts for about 15% of the GDP of the country. Bulgaria has a huge tourism potential to be deployed with the joint efforts of the state, business, academia, local authorities and all stakeholders, said Angelkova. She stressed that it would rely on dialogue with them, which will help to implement the Strategy for sustainable development of Bulgarian tourism, including by attracting more funds from EU programmes and projects to turn Bulgaria into a year-round tourist destination. The Strategy and regulations in the sector will be re-discussed with all stakeholders.The Interim Minister Vassil Shtonov wished a success to his colleagues despite then excessive challenges they are going to face with. In his words,  the main problems in the energy  are the current deficit of the public supplier, the preparation for  winter preparation and the potential gas crisis. He expressed  continuity with the new team at the cource of the activities regarding the diversification of gas supplies, the acceleration of   the gas interconnectors with neighboring countries, the operation extension of  units  5 &6  of the  NPP, and etc. Regarding the economic field, Shtonov drew an attention to the rapid recovery of EU funds and the approval of the OP "Competitiveness and Innovation" to stimulate the sector quickly and efficiently.
The face of CNN Richard Quest highly appreciated the Bulgarian stand in London
The face of CNN and the World Economic Forum in Davos spokesperson Richard Quest and the heads of the international media had a special visit and talks with the Deputy Minister of Economy and Energy, in charge for Tourism Branimir Botev. Their visit to the Bulgarian stand at the International Tourism Fair World Travel Market in London was at the invitation of the Deputy Minister Botev. The world famous journalist was accompanied by the Vice President of CNN Antonio Canto and the Director for Europe Sylvain Roger. Richard Quest s visit raised an unprecedented interest to our national stand.Richard Quest, who had been selected for an ambassador of tourism by the World Tourism Organization, showed thorough interest towards the possibilities of Bulgaria during a long amicable conversation held with the Deputy Minister Botev. His interest was resulted from the excellent potential of our country not only for seasonal tourism as sea and ski, but mostly from Bulgaria's potential for a year-round use of the cultural and historic tourism, spa and wellness as well. Richard Quest has advised the country to be more actively promoted, especially on the newly-established markets such as China and the Far East, with a special emphasis being placed on the possibility of a year-round visit to Bulgaria.Branimir Botev and Richard Quest drew a particular attention to the efforts having been made by our country regarding the construction of motorways and expanding the capacity of airports. Showing the map of Bulgaria, Deputy Minister Botev told and explained Richard Quest the route where the constructed Trakia motorway is passing by, as well as the upcoming motorways as Maritsa, Hemus and Struma. The CNN journalist was well awared of the situation in the Balkans and encouraged the Bulgarian government to continue in this vein, having particularly taken into account the fact that after the launching of Maritsa motorway, the inhabitants of the twenty million Istanbul should be able to arrive in Pamporovo just for few hours for skiing or to go to spa treatments in Hissar and Rose Valley.Richard Quest confirmed his willingness to visit Bulgaria and said that he had heard wonderful things about our country by Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization Taleb Rifai. Branimir Botev and Richard Quest have agreed that the foremost journalist will visit Bulgaria in the nearest future after the economic forum in Davos  or during the Rose Festival at the end of the spring.