The Historical Museum in Belogardchick was founded at 1970. It takes place in "Pantovat's House" with state decision 31/28.10.1959. The exposition is devoted to the Ottoman period as well as resurgence. It’s also reflected to the progress of goldsmith’s trade, wood-carver trade, and manufacturing of homespun, pottery-making, honey-making etc. The general fund includes more than 8 000 exponents.
Events as a liberation of Belogradchik of Ottoman Slavery, Serbian –Bulgarian war from 1885 are marked too. Its worth to mention that the Museum has a valuable collection of hard cashes and sacred images. The home culture, national clothing and some antics occur too. Women ornaments as ear-ring, lady's whorl, rings and ear-things which are decorated with colored glass, mother-of-pearl and pendant. When you came out in the yard you can find antics gravestones.
Availability for visits: yes, all year round
Transport accessibility: in Belogradchik, road
Tourist infrastructure: Tourist Information Centre
In addition, you could visit Magurata cave.