Shumen Fortress

Shumen Fortress is one of the most famous landmarks in Bulgaria and the Shumen region. The remains of the fortress are 3 kilometres away from the centre of modern-day Shumen. The fortress is situated in the Shumen Plateau.

Shumen Fortress was probably first built by Thracians and was later completed and reconstructed by Romans, Byzantines, and Bulgarians. It is believed that the first fortification built in this place is 3200 years old, which makes it one of the oldest fortifications in Bulgaria. Conquered and demolished many times, Shumen Fortress rose to new life and existed until 1444.

The remains of the fortress are perhaps some of the most thoroughly studied ancient remains on the territory of Bulgaria. Research provided important information about the way of life and the military customs of Bulgarians during the Middle Ages. The remains of 12 churches, as well as an ancient Roman bath, pottery, vessels, adornments and coins were found.

Perhaps tourists are most attracted by the rebuilt tower of the fortress that offers a beautiful view of the town of Shumen and the Shumen Plateau Nature Park.

Availability for visits: Paid, all year round, available guides in Bulgarian, Russion and English.

Transport accessibility: Road from Tombul Mosque - another famous site. There are informational signs along the road.

Tourist infrastructure: Yes, the Fortress is easy to be reached, there are alleys and informational signs, shop with informational materials, books and brochures.

There is Tourist Information Centre, Shumen.


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