Popina Laka - Sandanski

A wonderful place where harmony reigns among coniferous trees. There is also the Popina Laka Waterfall.

The waterfall in Popina Laka region is located in South Pirin along the Bashliytsa river, which together with Sarchaliytsa river form the beginning of the passing through the town of Sandanski Sandanska Bistritsa river. The height of the waterfall is 11 meters and its waterflow doesn’t stop. It has two falls of the water between which there is a water space with a rock suitable for diving. On 11 October 1965 Popina Laka Waterfall was declared a natural landmark.


Availability for visits: Free, all year round.

Transport accessibility: Road, Public Transport from Sandanski town during summer season.

Tourist infrastructure: huts, private villas and bungalows near the waterfall, restaurants, shops and Tourist Information Centre.


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